Notes ON: (An E-Initiative by KCL)

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(Affiliated to CCS University, Meerut & Approved by Bar council of India, New Delhi


(An e-initiative by KCL)


Code : 303
Subject : Civil Procedure Code &
Limitation Act
Course : III
Class : LL.B. III Yr

Note : Only KCL students are authorized to download the notes

(Affiliated to CCS University, Meerut & Approved by Bar council of India, New Delhi


Important Questions
Q.1 Explain the doctrine of Res-judicata. Does Res-judicata apply to writ petition?
ii l,in | ii |l| i ii i l,in l- ili -i- - in rini
r `
Q.2 Define summon. What are the modes of service of summon on the defendant?
-- | liiii |l| lni| -- | ni-| i n r `
Q.3 State the provisions of CPC which are applied in determination of forum for filling a suit.
ll li lrni ii | li |l i i i l i-i liii
- i n - ii ini r|
Q.4 Explain the various modes of execution of decree as provided under CPC.
|i| li lrni - li n l| li lli ni i -ni;|
Q.5 Define decree-What are its essentials? Explain the difference between preliminary decree
and final decree.
iniln | lik"kk nhft,A blds vko;d rRo D;k gS ` il-i ln- inln - n |l|
Q.6 Under what circumstances can a defendants property be attached before judgement?
What will be the procedure for such attachment?
izfroknh dh laifk fdu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa li r| | i n| r ` | | l li
nn n | in|`
Q.7 Define pleading. Explain in details the fundamental rules of pleading.
li | liiii |l| li iiii n l-i i l-ni i |l|
Q.8 What is plaint? What are the necessary particulars to be given in a plaint? On what
grounds a plaint can be rejected?
i l rn r ` os dkSu&ls vko;d rRo gSa ftUgsa okn&i= esa fn;k tkuk pkfg,` l iiii
i iil li i ni r `
Q.9 Can sale of immovable property in execution of a decree be set aside? If so, at whose
D;k fMh ds fu"iknu esa vpy la ifk dks cspus ls jks dk tk ldrk gS ` l i r ni l ,ii`
What properties are liable to attachment and sale in execution of a decree? Which of the
properties are not liable to attachment in execution of a decree according to the provision
(Affiliated to CCS University, Meerut & Approved by Bar council of India, New Delhi


of C.P.C?
i| -l-ni r l| inln li - | l li i ni r ` ll
li lrni izko/kku ds vUrxZ r os dkSU&lh lEifk;k gSa ftudks vkKfIr ds fu"iknu esa dwdZ ugh
li i ni r `
Q.10 What do you understand by ex-party decree? What remedies are provided in C.P.C to a
person against whom an ex-party decree has been passed?
i| l| i i -nn r ` |i| li lrni - l| i l, i| l|
iln ri i l, ii i i l n r `
Q.11 What do you understand by set-off and counter-claim? What are the differences
between them?
- i i lnii i i -nn r ` - i n r `
Q.12 What is difference between Appeal, Revision and Review?
|, |ii - ii - i n r `
Q.13 What is pauper suit? Describe the procedure for filing a pauper suit.
l i i r` l i i | li i ~i |l|
Q.14 What do you understand by inherent jurisdiction of civil court? Do you agree with the view
that the inherent power has been conferred on the court. It is power inherent in the court
by virtue of its duty to do justice between the parties before it? Discuss fully.
ll ii | nl lrn iln i - i i in r ` i i ; -n r-n r l
ii i nl lrn iln r| i | n; r| r iln ii - ;l dkZ O; ds vk/kkj ij
nl lrn r i ii ; i- r i i | i li |l|
Q.15 Are the foreign judgements conclusive? Are they binding on the parties in India?
D;k fonskh fu.kZ; fupk;d gks rs gSa ` i iin| iii ii| r `
Q.16 Give illustration to explain what is and what is not sufficient cause for the purpose of the
extention of the period of limitation.
l-i i l ii ii in -i in r i ii r|` iri lrn -n |l|
Q.17 What is the effect of acknowledgement of liability on the period of limitation?
il- | li-| ln i illi i ii ni r `
Q.18 What is order and what are the differences in order and Decree and when a Interim order
can be passed by Court.
(Affiliated to CCS University, Meerut & Approved by Bar council of India, New Delhi


vknsk ls vki D;k le>rs gSa` vknsk o fMh es a D;k vUrj gSA
Q.19 What provisions are given in C.P.C. relating to second appeal? Discuss.
l,n| | -i - |i| li lrni nn n i iii l n r ` i i |l|
Q.20 What are the provisions for transfer of suits?
ii -iiini i i r `
Q.21 What is the procedure in a suit to be filed against government?
i i lii i i | i li r `

Q.23 What do you mean by Interpleader suit? How is it filed ? Explain with suitable examples.
nili| i i i -nn r ` r i li ini r` n irii |
ri ni -ni;|
Q.24 Write short notes on:-
(a) Mesne profit- n i| ii
(b) Judgement debtor- li| n ~i|
(c) Legal Representative- lli lnlli
(d) Written Statement- llin i
(e) Res-sub judice- liii| i
(f) Receiver- i
(g) Rateable Distribution- i iln lni
(h) Decree and order
(i) Interim relief

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