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Bs5400 Design

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Clause 6.

Problem: How do you work out the HA loading and bending moment for a bridge deck ? Example: Carriageway = 7.3m wide Deck span = 34m (centre to centre of bearings for a simply supported single span) Design for a metre width of deck :

Number of notional lanes = 2 Notional lane width = 7.3/2 = 3.65m

Cl. 6.2.1.

Loaded length = 34m W = 336(1/L)0.67 kN/m (per notional lane) W = 31.6 kN/m (per notional lane)
Cl. 6.2.2.

Knife Edge Load = 120 kN (per notional lane)


2 = 0.0137[bL(40-L)+3.65(L-20)] 2 = 0.0137[3.65(40-34.0)+3.65(34.0-20)] = 1.0 Note: For loaded lengths less than 20m the load is proportioned to a standard lane width of 3.65m, i.e. 0.274bL = bL/3.65. For a metre width of deck : W = (31.6 x 1.0)/3.65 = 8.66 kN/m KEL = (120 x 1.0)/3.65 = 32.88 kN
Cl. 6.2.7.

fL = 1.50 (Ultimate limit state - combination 1) Design HA loading for a metre width of deck : W = 1.5 x 8.66 = 12.99 kN/m KEL = 1.5 x 32.88 = 49.32 kN Maximum mid span Bending Moment with KEL at mid span = Mult Mult = (12.99 x 342)/8 + (49.32 x 34)/4 Mult = 1877 + 419 = 2300 kNm Note: Use of f3 BS 5400 Pt.3 & Pt.5 - f3 is used with the design strength so Mult = 2300 kNm. BS 5400 Pt.4 - f3 is used with the load effect so Mult = 1.1 x 2300 = 2530 kNm.

Preliminary Design
In selecting the correct bridge type it is necessary to find a structure that will perform its required function and present an acceptable appearance at the least cost. Decisions taken at preliminary design stage will influence the extent to which the actual structure approximates to the ideal, but so will decisions taken at detailed design stage. Consideration of each of the ideal characteristics in turn will give some indication of the importance of preliminary bridge design. a. Safety. The ideal structure must not collapse in use. It must be capable of carrying the loading required of it with the appropriate factor of safety. This is more significant at detailed design stage as generally any sort of preliminary design can be made safe. Serviceability. The ideal structure must not suffer from local deterioration/failure, from excessive deflection or vibration, and it must not interfere with sight lines on roads above or below it. Detailed design cannot correct faults induced by bad preliminary design. Economy. The structure must make minimal demands on labour and capital; it must cost as little as possible to build and maintain. At preliminary design stage it means choosing the right types of material for the major elements of the structure, and arranging these in the right form. Appearance. The structure must be pleasing to look at. Decisions about form and materials are made at




preliminary design stage; the sizes of individual members are finalised at detailed design stage. The preliminary design usually settles the appearance of the bridge. Constraints The construction depth available should be evaluated. The economic implications of raising or lowering any approach embankments should then be considered. By lowering the embankments the cost of the earthworks may be reduced, but the resulting reduction in the construction depth may cause the deck to be more expensive. Headroom requirements have to be maintained below the deck; the minimum standards for UK Highway bridges are given in TD 27 of the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. The Eurocode Standard (EN 19911-7 clause 4.3.2(1) quotes clearances from roadway surfacing to the underside of the deck to avoid impact damage. If the bridge is to cross a road that is on a curve, then the width of the opening may have to be increased to provide an adequate site line for vehicles on the curved road. It is important to determine the condition of the bridge site by carrying out a comprehensive site investigation. EN 1997-2: 'Ground investigation and testing' covers the requirements for the Soil Survey. Other topics which need to be considered are: i. ii. iii. iv. Existing services (Gas, Electricity, Water, etc) Rivers and streams (liability to flood) Existing property and rights of way Access to site for construction traffic

Selection of Bridge Type The following table is intended to be a rough guide to the useful span ranges of various types of deck. Span Deck Type Up to 20m Insitu reinforced concrete. Insitu prestressed post-tensioned concrete. Prestressed pre-tensioned inverted T beams with insitu fill. 16m to 30m

Insitu reinforced concrete voided slab. Insitu prestressed post-tensioned concrete voided slab. Prestressed pre-tensioned Y and U beams with insitu slab. Prestressed pre-tensioned box beams with insitu topping. Prestressed post-tensioned beams with insitu slab. Steel beams with insitu slab. 30m to 40m Prestressed pre-tensioned SY beams with insitu slab. Prestressed pre-tensioned box beams with insitu topping. Prestressed post-tensioned beams with insitu slab. Steel beams with insitu slab. 30m to 250m Box girder bridges - As the span increases the construction tends to go from 'all concrete' to 'steel box / concrete deck' to 'all steel'. Truss bridges - for spans up to 50m they are generally less economic than plate girders. 150m to 350m

Cable stayed bridges. Suspension bridges. Preliminary Design Considerations 1. 2. A span to depth ratio of 20 will give a starting point for estimating construction depths. Continuity over supports i. Reduces number of expansion joints. ii. Reduces maximum bending moments and hence construction depth or the material used. iii. Increases sensitivity to differential settlement. Factory made units i. Reduces the need for soffit shuttering or scaffolding; useful when headroom is restricted or access is difficult. ii. Reduces site work which is weather dependent. iii. Dependent on delivery dates by specialist manufactures. iv. Specials tend to be expensive. v. Special permission needed to transport units of more than 29m long on the highway. Length of structure i. The shortest structure is not always the cheapest. By increasing the length of the structure the embankment, retaining wall and abutment costs may be reduced, but the deck costs will increase. Substructure i. The structure should be considered as a whole, including appraisal of piers, abutments and foundations. Alternative designs for piled foundations should be investigated; piling can increase the cost of a structure by up to 20%. 350m to ?




Costing and Final Selection The preliminary design process will produce several apparently viable schemes. The procedure from this point is to: i. ii. iii. Estimate the major quantities. Apply unit price rates - they need not be up to date but should reflect any differential variations. Obtain prices for the schemes.

The final selection will be based on cost and aesthetics. This method of costing assumes that the scheme with the minimum volume will be the cheapest, and will be true if the structure is not particularly unusual

Reinforced Concrete Decks

The three most common types of reinforced concrete bridge decks are :

Solid Slab

Voided Slab

Beam and Slab Solid slab bridge decks are most useful for small, single or multi-span bridges and are easily adaptable for high skew. Voided slab and beam and slab bridges are used for larger, single or multi-span bridges. In circular voided

decks the ratio of [depth of void] / [depth of slab] should be less than 0.79; and the maximum area of void should be less than 49% of the deck sectional area. Analysis of Deck For decks with skew less than 25 a simple unit strip method of analysis is generally satisfactory. For skews greater than 25 then a grillage or finite element method of analysis will be required. Skew decks develop twisting moments in the slab which become more significant with higher skew angles. Computer analysis will produce values for Mx, My and Mxy where Mxy represents the twisting moment in the slab. Due to the influence of this twisting moment, the most economical way of reinforcing the slab would be to place the reinforcing steel in the direction of the principal moments. However these directions vary over the slab and two directions have to be chosen in which the reinforcing bars should lie. Wood and Armer have developed equations for the moment of resistance to be provided in two predetermined directions in order to resist the applied moments Mx, My and Mxy. Extensive tests on various steel arrangements have shown the best positions as follows

Choice of Foundation
Foundation types depend primarily on the depth and safe bearing pressures of the bearing stratum, also restrictions placed on differential settlement due to the type of bridge deck. Generally in the case of simply supported bridge decks differential settlements of about 20 to 25 mm can be tolerated, whereas multi-span continuous decks 10 mm is usually considered as a maximum. Bridge foundations generally fall into two categories: i. ii. Strip footings, one for each pier and abutment. However, it is sometimes convenient to split the deck into two halves longitudinally along the centre line, this is then continued to the footing. Piled foundations.

It is possible to have a combination of both (i.e. piers being piled with abutments on strip footings).

Design Considerations The design of foundations comprise of the following stages : i. From the site investigation report decide upon which stratum to impose the structure load and its safe bearing pressure.

ii. iii.

Select the type of foundation, possibly comparing the suitability of several types. Design the foundation to transfer and distribute the loads from the structure to the ground. Ensure that the factor of safety against shear failure in the soil is not reached and settlement is within the allowable limits.

Strip Footings The overall size of strip footings is determined by considering the effects of vertical and rotational loads. The combination of these two must neither exceed the safe bearing capacity of the stratum or produce uplift. The thickness of the footings is generally about 0.8 to 1.0 m but must be capable of withstanding moments and shears produced by piers or abutments. The critical shearing stress may be assumed to occur on a plane at a distance equal to the effective depth of the base from the face of the column. Cover to reinforcement should never be less than values given in BS 5400: Part 4: Table 13, and crack control calculation must be carried out to ensure the crack width is less than 0.25mm (Table 1). Cover to reinforcement will need to be increased to comply with BS 8500 requirements.

Piled Foundations The type of piles generally used for bridge foundations are : a. b. c. d. Driven Piles; preformed piles of concrete or steel driven by blows of a power hammer or jacked into the ground. Preformed Driven Cast In-Situ Piles; formed by driving a hollow steel tube with a closed end and filling the tube with concrete. Driven Cast In-Situ Piles; formed by driving a hollow steel tube with a closed end and filling the tube with concrete, simultaneously withdrawing the tube. Bored and Cast In-Situ Piles; formed by boring a hole and filling it with concrete.

a. to c. are known as displacement piles, and the problems of calculating the load carrying capacity and settlement require a different approach to that for bored piles. Driven type piles can, depending on the strata, be either end bearing or friction piles; sometimes a combination of both. Bored piles are generally end bearing and are often of large diameter. To increase their bearing capacity the bottom can be under-reamed to produce a greater bearing area. However, additional safety precautions are required with larger diameter piles. A specialist form of pile consisting of stone aggregate consolidated by water or air using the 'Vibroflotation' technique is suitable in some granular soils. Choice of pile type depends largely on the strata which they pass through, none of them however give the most economic and satisfactory solution under all conditions. The art of selecting the right sort of pile lies in rejecting all those types which are obviously unsuited to the particular set of circumstances and then choosing from those which remain, the one which produces the most economical solution. Concurrently with the choice of pile type must go the choice of the strata which will carry the main loads from the structure, because this very often influences the choice. In most all cases the rejection of conventional pad or strip foundations arises because the computed settlement is more than the structure can safely withstand and hence the main purpose of the piled foundation will be to reduce this settlement. It follows, therefore, that if more compressible strata exists within reasonable distance of the surface, it is very desirable that a high proportion of the foundation load should be carried by this more stable strata; the ideal solution is where piles support the load wholly in end bearing on hard rock where the settlement will be negligible. It follows that piles wholly embedded in the same soil that would under-lie a conventional foundation has very little effect in reducing settlement. With soft normally consolidated alluvial clays, the remoulding effect of driven piles may well increase the settlement of the soil under its own dead weight and thus increase the settlement of the foundation itself.

Aspects of design of piled foundations which influence choice of pile type All foundations must satisfy two criteria, no shear failure in the soil and no excessive settlement; piled foundations also have to meet this criteria. There are well established methods for ensuring that the first criteria is met, but the second presents more of a problem. The working load of an individual pile is based on providing an adequate factor of safety against the soil under the toe failing in shear and the adhesion

between the shaft and the soil surrounding it passing its ultimate value and the whole pile sinking further into the ground. There are basically four methods for assessing this effect : i. ii. iii. iv. Through soil parameters i.e. summing shaft friction and bearing capacity. The ultimate bearing capacity is usually modified to compensate for the driving effect of the pile. By means of test piles. By means of dynamic formulae i.e. Hiley formulae which equates the energy required to drive the pile with its ultimate bearing capacity. Piling contractors 'know how'.

Choice of Pier
Wherever possible slender piers should be used so that there is sufficient flexibility to allow temperature, shrinkage and creep effects to be transmitted to the abutments without the need for bearings at the piers, or intermediate joints in the deck. A slender bridge deck will usually look best when supported by slender piers without the need for a downstand crosshead beam. It is the proportions and form of the bridge as a whole which are vitally important rather than the size of an individual element viewed in isolation.

Different Pier Shapes Design Considerations Loads transmitted by the bridge deck onto the pier are : i. ii. iii. iv. Vertical loads from self weight of deck Vertical loads from live loading conditions Horizontal loads from temperature, creep movements etc and wind Rotations due to deflection of the bridge deck.

The overall configuration of the bridge will determine the combination of loads and movements that have to be designed for. For example if the pier has a bearing at its top, corresponding to a structural pin joint, then the horizontal movements will impose moments at the base, their magnitude will depend on the pier flexibility. Sometimes special requirements are imposed by rail or river authorities if piers are positioned within their jurisdiction. In the case of river authorities a 'cut water' may be required to assist the river flow, or independent fenders to protect the pier from impact from boats or floating debris. A similar arrangement is often required by the rail authorities to prevent minor derailments striking the pier. Whereas the pier has to be designed to resist major derailments. Also if the pier should be completely demolished by a train derailment then the deck should not collapse.

Choice of Abutment
Current practice is to make decks integral with the abutments. The objective is to avoid the use of joints over abutments and piers. Expansion joints are prone to leak and allow the ingress of de-icing salts into the bridge deck and substructure. In general all bridges are made continuous over intermediate supports and decks under 60 metres long with skews not exceeding 30 are made integral with their abutments.

Open Side Span with Bank Seats

Solid Side Span with Full Height Abutments Usually the narrow bridge is cheaper in the open abutment form and the wide bridge is cheaper in the solid abutment form. The exact transition point between the two types depends very much on the geometry and the site of the particular bridge. In most cases the open abutment solution has a better appearance and is less intrusive on the general flow of the ground contours and for these reasons is to be preferred. It is the cost of the wing walls when related to the deck costs which swings the balance of cost in favour of the solid abutment solution for wider bridges. However the wider bridges with solid abutments produce a tunnelling effect and costs have to be considered in conjunction with the proper functioning of the structure where fast traffic is passing beneath. Solid abutments for narrow bridges should only be adopted where the open abutment solution is not possible. In the case of wide bridges the open abutment solution is to be preferred, but there are many cases where economy must be the overriding consideration.

Design Considerations Loads transmitted by the bridge deck onto the abutment are : i. ii. iii. iv. Vertical loads from self weight of deck Vertical loads from live loading conditions Horizontal loads from temperature, creep movements etc and wind Horizontal loads from braking and skidding effects of vehicles.

These loads are carried by the bearings which are seated on the abutment bearing platform. The horizontal loads may be reduced by depending on the coefficient of friction of the bearings at the movement joint in the structure. However, the full braking effect is to be taken, in either direction, on top of the abutment at carriageway level. In addition to the structure loads, horizontal pressures exerted by the fill material against the abutment walls is to be considered. Also a vertical loading from the weight of the fill acts on the footing. Vehicle loads at the rear of the abutments are considered by applying a surcharge load on the rear of the wall. For certain short single span structures it is possible to use the bridge deck to prop the two abutments apart. This entails the abutment wall being designed as a propped cantilever.

Choice of Bearings
Bridge bearings are devices for transferring loads and movements from the deck to the substructure and foundations. In highway bridge bearings movements are accommodated by the basic mechanisms of internal deformation (elastomeric), sliding (PTFE), or rolling. A large variety of bearings have evolved using various combinations of these mechanisms.

Elastomeric Bearing

Plane Sliding Bearing

Multiple Roller Bearing Design Considerations The functions of each bearing type are : a. Elastomeric The elastomeric bearing allows the deck to translate and rotate, but also resists loads in the longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions. Loads are developed, and movement is accommodated by distorting the elastomeric pad. Plane Sliding Sliding bearings usually consist of a low friction polymer, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), sliding against a metal plate. This bearing does not accommodate rotational movement in the longitudinal or transverse directions and only resists loads in the vertical direction. Longitudinal or transverse loads can be accommodated by providing mechanical keys. The keys resist movement, and loads in a direction perpendicular to the keyway. Roller Large longitudinal movements can be accommodated by these bearings, but vertical loads only can generally be resisted.



The designer has to assess the maximum and minimum loads that the deck will exert on the bearing together with the anticipated movements (translation and rotation). Bearing manufacturers will supply a suitable bearing to meet the designers requirements. Bearings are arranged to allow the deck to expand and contract, but retain the deck in its correct position on the substructure. A 'Fixed' Bearing does not allow translational movement. 'Sliding Guided' Bearings are provided to restrain the deck in all translational directions except in a radial direction from the fixed bearing. This allows the deck to expand and contract freely. ' Sliding' Bearings are provided for vertical support to the deck only.

Choice of Deck Joint

Current practice is to make decks integral with the abutments. The objective is to avoid the use of joints over abutments and piers. Expansion joints are prone to leak and allow the ingress of de-icing salts into the bridge deck and substructure. In general all bridges are made continuous over intermediate supports and decks under 60 metres long with skews not exceeding 30 are made integral with their abutments. Where it is intended not to use road salts, or the deck and substructure have been designed to incorporate deck joints then the following guidance is given in BD 33/94 for the range of movements that can be accommodated by the various joint types:




5 20 1.3

2. Asphaltic Plug joint.

3. Nosing joint with poured sealant.

5 40 3 5 12 3

4. Nosing with preformed compression seal.

5 40 3

5. Reinforced Elastomeric. 5 * 3 5 * 3 7. Cantilever comb or tooth joint.

6. Elastomeric in metal runners.

25 * 3

The minimum of the range is given to indicate when the type of joint may not be economical. * Maximum value varies according to manufacturer or type.

Thermal Movements BS 5400 Part 2 Chapter 5.4 specifies maximum and minimum effective bridge temperatures which have to be accommodated in the bridge structure. The width of joint between the end of the deck and the abutment is set during construction of the bridge; usually when the concrete curtain wall is cast. The maximum expansion of the deck is therefore determined from the minimum effective temperature at which the curtain wall is allowed to to be cast; usually 2C. Hence if a maximum effective temperature of 40C is calculated from BS 5400 Part 2 then a joint width will have to be provided at the end of the deck to allow for an expansion caused by a temperature increase of (40-2)=38C. The maximum contraction of the deck is determined in a similar manner, but using a nominal effective temperature at which the joint is set. Having determined the range of movement at the joint then the type of joint can be specified. The nominal effective temperature used in the calculations will also have to be specified to enable the correct adjustments to be made on site when the joints are set. Joint Manufacturers An overview of the various types of bridge joints, together with a list of suppliers can be obtained from theBridge Joint Association

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