Recess Promotion

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Occupational Therapys Role in Mental Health Promotion, Prevention, & Intervention With Children & Youth

Recess Promotion
OccupatiOnal therapy practitiOners (OTs) role in the school setting is to promote student academic achievement and social participation. They support students occupational performance in the following areas: education, play, leisure, social participation, activities of daily living (e.g., eating, dressing, hygiene), sleep and rest, and work. Task analysis is used to identify factors (e.g., sensory, motor, socialemotional, cognitive) that may limit successful participation. Practitioners promote a students strengths and abilities throughout all school routines and environments, including recess and playground time. recess defined: active, free play with peers.
Recess is an important part of each school day and an opportune time for OTs to implement innovative programs to address a variety of issues related to school performance. Although many areas of function can be addressed during recess, play and social participation are the most natural areas for OTs to target. Recess is an important time for students to develop important performance skills in the areas of emotional regulation and communication and social skills.

Why shOuld Ots care aBOut recess?

doctors Only 36% of children meet physical recommendations for daily activity. the Recess represents about halfdedicate available time for children to to physical activity. be removed Recess mayproblems. OTsbecause of behavior can help prevent this by helping recess staff learn how to structure recess to promote positive behavior and reduce problem behaviors.

the problem: School districts are cutting the amount of time devoted to recess in order to
increase the amount of instruction time. A study by the Center on Education Policy found that 20% of districts recently reduced recess by 50 minutes per week in order to dedicate more time to academics (Ramstetter, Murray, & Garner, 2010).

Funding for structured play often goes to after-school programs and physical
education. Recess is an untapped resource and OTs have both the skills to develop new programs and the responsibility to advocate for the importance of play (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2007).

Benefits of recess

Increased opportunity for engagement in social participation, improved physical and

emotional health, development of leisure and play to counteract the imbalance between sedentary and physical activity, and preparation of the body and mind for attentiveness and engagement in the classroom. Recess is a time to recharge [students] bodies and minds (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2010, p. 4). Play in any form is a stress reliever from the world of more and more academic instruction and benchmark testing (Miller & Almon, 2009). Better classroom behaviors are found in classrooms receiving at least one 15-minute recess break each day (Barros, Silver, & Stein, 2009). Attention to classroom tasks is improved after recess time (Holmes, Pellegrini, & Schmidt, 2006).

unsafe conditions; disorganization; discipline problems; bullying; lack of awareness of play benefits.

the challenges of Keeping recess: limited equipment or supplies;

professional recommendations

schools and schools with 75% of students receiving free lunch have LESS recess time than rural & suburban schools. (Ramstetter et al., 2010)

a 2010 study showed that urban

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2000) recommend that elementary school

children participate in recess at regularly scheduled periods during the school day. Recess should be supervised by trained adults who can encourage physical activity, enforce rules, and prevent bullying. Appealing equipment and materials should be provided. The National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE; 2004) recommends elementary school children have unstructured play time in order to increase physical activity and encourage enjoyment of movement. Recess should not replace physical education and should not be withheld as punishment. NASPE also suggests recess be supervised by qualified adults to facilitate conflict resolution and enforce safety rules. The National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments (2002) of Education recognizes recess as an essential component of education and recognizes the restorative effect of recess for students with attention disorders (Ramstetter et al., 2010). continued This information was prepared by AOTAs School Mental Health Work Group (2012).
This information sheet is part of a School Mental Health Toolkit at

Occupational Therapys Role in Addressing Recess Time

BelOW are examples of intervention strategies at varying levels of intensity that could be implemented by occupational therapy practitioners: tier 1universal (whole-school efforts emphasizing promotion and prevention)

checK this Out!

international play association:

Advocates for childrens right to play, connecting disciplines and collecting resources to promote the importance of play

Promote physical health through meaningful activities. For example, OTs could implement a

Recess Activities of the Week (e.g., Frisbee golf, dancing, obstacle course) program to increase motivation to participate and be active (Sinclair, 2008). Advocate for recess in your local school districts by sharing evidence demonstrating the benefits of recess and collecting data demonstrating positive behavior or increased academic achievement when recess and physical activity is included throughout the school day. Ensure recess is supervised by trained adults who can encourage physical activity, enforce rules, and prevent bullying. Adults can model appropriate behavior, provide reinforcement, and facilitate cooperation In-service recess supervisors on strategies for promoting positive behavior and ideas for age-appropriate play activities Help teachers understand that throughout the school day, there needs to be balance between child-initiated and teacher-led activities, active and passive activities, and indoor and outdoor activities to maximize young childrens ability to attend to learning activities (Holmes, Pellegrini, & Schmidt, 2006). Ensure appropriate and safe equipment on school playgrounds. Pair AOTA Backpack Awareness campaign with a school-walking program.

international play association usa affiliate:

Provides advocacy and resources for the promotion of play, produces quarterly newsletter and information about annual conferences

aOta resources on play play.aspx

aOta Official document on Obesity

official/position/41262.aspx? ft=.pdf

tier 2targeted (prevention and early intervention for students at risk of developing
mental health challenges)

Collaborate with the physical education teacher and playground staff to identify students who

school mental health resources:

for mental health in schools center ucla:

struggle with social participation or physical activity during recess time. Target play activities for this at-risk group by reducing barriers, modifying a playground apparatus, or by offering a range of challenges to this select group. Facilitate inclusion for children who may be at risk for social exclusion such as those living in poverty, those with differing sexual orientation, those in marginalized ethnic groups, and those who are overweight. Partner with physical therapists to provide obesity prevention programs. Offer staff trainings on bullying prevention and monitoring for signs of concussion. Work collaboratively with school nurses, social workers, and psychologists

center for school mental health:

tier 3intensive individualized interventions (for students identified with mental health challenges or illness)

Modify activities and environments for greater inclusion for students with disabilities or mental health challenges Promote social participation for children with emotional disorders by teaching peer models to provide pivotal response training (Harper, 2008). Form a motor skills play groups during recess time for students with identified coordination issues.
American Occupational Therapy Association. (2011).

Building play skills for healthy children and families.

Retrieved February 13, 2012, from org/Practitioners/PracticeAreas/Pediatrics/Browse/ Play/Play-Skills.aspx?FT=.pdf Barros, R., Silver, E., & Stein, R. (2009). School recess and group classroom behavior. Pediatrics, 123 (2), 431436. doi: 10.1542/peds.2007-2825 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2000).

Development and Care, 176 (7), 735743. doi: 10.1080/03004430500207179 Miller, E., & Almon, J. (2009). Crisis in the kindergarten: Why children need to play in school. Retrieved February 16, 2012, from National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education. (2002). Recess and the importance of play: A positions Statement on young children and Recess. Retrieved from detailmini.jsp?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_Se archValue_0=ED463047&ERICExtSearch_ SearchType_0=no&accno=ED463047 National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2004). Physical activity for children: A statement of guidelines for children ages 512. Reston, VA: Author. National Association for Sport and Physical Education. (2006). Recess for elementary school students [Position paper]. Reston, VA: Author.

National Association of Early Childhood Specialists in State Departments of Education. (2002). Recess and

the importance of play: a position statement on young children and recess. Retrieved November 9,
2007, from at: pdf. Ramstetter, C.L., Murray, R., & Garner, A.S. (2010). The crucial role of recess in Schools. Journal of School Health, 80(11), 517526. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (2007). Recess rules:

Promoting better health for young people through physical activity and sports. Retrieved March 27,
2008, from Youth/physicalactivity/promoting health/pdfs/ppar.pdf. Accessed March 27, 2008. Harper, C. B. (2008). Recess is time-in: Using peers to improve social skills of children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38, 815826. Holmes, R., Pellegrini, A., & Schmidt, S. (2006). The effects of different recess timing regimens on preschoolers classroom attention. Early Child

Why the undervalued playtime may be the best investment for healthy kids and healthy schools.
Retrieved from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, (2010). State of play: Gallup survey of principals on school recess. Retrieved on February 14, 2012 from org/files/research/stateofplayrecessreportgallup.pdf Sinclair, C. S. (2008). Recess activities of the week (RAW): Promoting free time physical activity to combat childhood obesity. Strategies, 21(5), 2124.

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