1938 Yearbook of Jehovahs Witnesses
1938 Yearbook of Jehovahs Witnesses
1938 Yearbook of Jehovahs Witnesses
containing report
for the fiscal year of 1937
Also daily texts
and comments
Corporate PubltShers
Watch Tower Bible &. Tract Society
Peoples Pulpit Association
International Bible Students Association
124 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, N. Y., U. S. A.
Branch offices appear on last page
Copyright, 1937, by
Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society
Made in the United States of Amenca
Secretary and Treasurer
Vlce- President
Secretary and Treasurer
Ass't Secretary and Treasurer
of Jehovah's witnesses
EHOVAH'S WITNESSES are the most favored
people that have lived on the earth since the days
of the apostles of Christ Jesus. This annual report
is submitted that they -and their companions, the
Jonadabs, may have a vision of the progress of Jeho-
vah's kingdom in the earth and that, having that
vision, the joy of the Lord may give them greater
strength in this time of stress. Understanding, within
the Scriptural meaning of that word, is, at the present
time, of vital importance to them, and for that reason
the Lord G o ~ says to them now: "With all thy get-
ting get understanding." Information and knowledge
are prerequisites to understanding. It is hoped that
the information contained in this report will aid both
the anointed remnant and their companions, the J o n a ~
dabs, to get a better understanding, which means their
increased appreciation of their own proper relation-
ship to the Creator and to Christ Jesus their Redeemer,
Lord and King. That understanding dIspels selfishness
and causes the understanding one to think soberly and
not to think of himself more highly than he ought to
think. In order that one may think properly he must
lmow that all he is and all that he ever hopes to be
is given to him as a gracious gift and provision made
for him by the Lord. With such definite conclusion
in mind, then, he can worship God in spirit and in
Year Book
truth. It is such earnest and sincere ones that J eho-
vah seeks and with whom he is well pleased.
To God's people now on earth this is the worst of
tOOes and the best of tOOes: worst, because now dark-
ness covers the earth, and gross darkness the people,
and all the forces of darkness are arrayed in a bitter
conflict with light and righteousness. The gross igno-
rance of the masses of humankind concerning the Word
of God is appalling. Only a cpmparatively few persons
have a desire to know the truth and do therefore seek
the truth. This condltion Jehovah foretold through his
prophet Isaiah and at the same time commanded his
own people: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and
the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee " (Isa. 60 : 1, 2)
It is the best of tOOes because the children of light are
permitted to see and to understand that Jehovah is
now revealing to them his purpose to within a short
tOOe destroy wickedness and put in fuller operatlOn
his kingdom under Christ, which will dispel all dark-
ness and cause the healing beams of light to shine
upon all who devote themselves to the Most High.
The faithful witnesses of Jehovah are therefore chil-
dren of the light and the children of the day, and
are not of the night, nor of darkness. (1 Thess. 5: 5)
God has therefore put his faithful people in a class
alone, separate and distinct from all other crea-
tion. He affords these the opportunity to have a part
in the vindication of his name, and guarantees to all
faithful, obedient ones that they shall have life ever-
lasting and for ever enjoy his blessings. He discloses
to them that his tOOe is at hand when Jehovah will
tause his name to have the proper place in the mind
of every creature that lives. God's people are now per-
mitted to announce to the world these great truths.
John the Baptist was the announcer of Jesus, who
Year Book 5
carne in his Father's name to do the work assigned
to him. John the Baptist foreshadowed Jehovah's wit-
nesses who are now permitted to announce to the world
that the King of glory, Christ the Lord, and mi3'hty
Governor, has come and that he will vindIcate Jeho-
vah's name and bring to the people who obey him
boundless blessings.
The faithful witnesses of Jehovah are the children
of Zion, and of them it is now truly said: "Happy
Zion! What a favored lot is thine!" The anointed
remnant are the children of Jehovah and his holy or-
ganization. All of them are taught by the Lord, and
great is their peace and joy. (Isa. 54: 13) Jehovah
caused his prophet long ago to foretell this day and
to put into the :mouth of his faithful witnesses these
words: "The Lord hath done great things for us;
whereof Wi) are glad." All who are truly devoted to
the Lord today continually give utterance to those
words of thankfulness and praise to the Most High.
At the same time, because of the cruel persecution
heaped upon God's faithful people by the religious
agents of the Devil, many tears of bitterness have been
shed and are now shed by the faithful followers of
Christ Jesus, while at the same time they greatly re-
joice that they are privileged to :fill up some of the
sufferings of Christ left behind for their benefit. (Col.
1: 24) The day of "ingathering" is now here, and
the faithful anointed remnant joyfully bear the mes-
sage of good news to those people on earth who are
of good will toward God that those of good will may
learn of God's gracious provision and :flee to the place
of safety and join in the witness work. Addressing
his "faithful servant" class, by and through his
prophet the Lord says: "They that sow in tears shall
reap in joy." (Psalm 126: 5) All of these faithful
Year Book
ones know that the joy of the Lord is their strength,
and in the strength of the Lord they go forward in
their work. The faIthful children of God now on earth
know that the day of the vindication of Jehovah's
name, and the time of their own deliverance, is at
hand, and for that reason their joy is very great.
They love to take a retrospective view of the progres-
sive steps leading to the consummation of their hopes.
Only a few persons now on the earth appreciate the
importance of the present-day events that are coming
to pass, because only they have a vision of the greatest
thing that has ever come or ever will come to the earth.
The kingdom of Jehovah God, with Christ Jesus as
the Head and Chief thereof, is that which is of all
importance and the greatest of all things that has
come to earth, because it is by and through that king-
dom that the name of Jehovah will be fully vindicated,
and by and through Christ the King God will admin-
ister life everlasting to all who render themselves in
full obedience to the law of the Kingdom. The more
fully we can now appreciate the Kingdom, the greater
will be our zeal for the Lord and the more certain
will be our eternal blessings. A consideration of some
of the progressive steps toward the development and
setting up of the Kingdom will be helpful just now
to those who are striving to maintain their integrity
toward God. All religionists, and many of those who
think of themselves as walking in the narrow way and
who are selfish, have considered and do now regard
their own individual salvation as the most important
thing. Salvation of men is only of secondary consid-
eration. It is the vindication of Jehovah's name by
and through his kingdom that is of paramoun" impor-
tance. Therefore the Kingdom, that is, God's govern-
ment of righteousness, is of the greatest importance,
Year Book 7
and it is only those who see and appreciate this fact
that now enjoy peace of mind and joy of heart.
Shortly following the expulsion from Eden there
was born to Adam and his wife their son Abel. His
occupation was and is a criterion by which the faith-
ful children of God may be identified. Abel was a shep-
herd boy, attending to and feeding the sheep. Those
who are fed and who in turn minister unto others
are designated by the Lord under the symbol of sheep.
Throughout the Scriptures the obedient ones are called
sheep. It is the sheep flock of the, Lord that are taken
into the Kingdom and receive the blessings thereof.
Out under the stars, guardmg the flocks while they
rested, the mind and heart of that shepherd boy Abel
was turned to the Almighty God. He had faith in God.
Steadfastly resisting the assaults of the Devil, Abel
remained true and faithful and worshiped the Al-
mighty God in spirit and in truth. That shepherd
boy was the first one of a small company of faithful
witnesses of Jehovah, who centered their hopes in
God's kingdom, and, resisting the enemy and remain-
ing true to Jehovah, those faithful men sealed their
testimony with their own blood. Abel was the first.
martyr to the cause of righteousness. Since the time
of Abel to now everyone who has faithfully obeyed
Jehovah has been the object of the wicked assault by
Satan the enemy.
Applying his deceptive and wicked methods in his
effort to make good his challenge, the Devil has turned
away from God the great majority of humankind;
but from Abel unto this very day there have been,
and are, a small minority of human creatures that
have remained true and steadfast to the Most High,
having their heart set upon and their hopes centered
in the kingdom of God. Let the Kingdom now be mag-
nified in the heart of everyone who loves righteous-
ness. Referring again to that little company of faith-
ful men from Abel to John the announcer of Jesus:
God revealed to them his purpose to set up a govern-
Year Book
ment that would rule all the world in righteousness
and minister boundless blessings to all men who put
themselves under and who continue obedient to the
laws of that government. By faith those men of old
visualized the Kingdom, and with great yearning they
desired it. Separating themselves entirely from those
men who yielded to Satan's blandishments, that little
company of faithful men were blind to everything
save the righteous government of the Most High. Their
faith and devotion to God is set before all who follow
after as a true and correct example. Concerning those
faithful servants of the Most High, God caused to be
written in his Word the following: "These all died
in faIth, not having received the promises, but having
seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and
embraced them, and confessed that they were stran-
gers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such
things declare plainly that they seek a country. And
truly if they had been mindful of that country from
whence they came out, they might have had oppor-
tunity to have returned: but now they desire a better
country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not
ashamed to be called their God; for he hath prepared
for them a city. "-Heb. 11: 13-16.
Those faithful men left "the world", or Devil's
organization, and, says the Scripture, had they desired
they could have returned; but their real desire was
a better government, a government controlled from
heaven by Christ Jesus under Jehovah God, and be-
cause of their unswerving devotion to God and his
kingdom Jehovah God is not ashamed to be called
their God, and they were Jehovah's witnesses. He has
prepared a place for them in that righteous govern-
ment, and by his grace they shall soon receive it and
occupy that condition of blessedness.
Every one of the faithful men there named, the
Devil sought to destroy. Such cruel assaults, how-
ever, did not shake their faith in God or deter them
from performing their duty. The cruel trials to which
Year Book
they were subjected, and the great persecution heaped
upon them, and their faithful devotion to Jehovah
under such adverse conditions, serve to comfort and
encourage the witnesses of Jehovah who today are
striving to maintain their integrity toward the Most
High. Those faithful men of old had opportunity to
accept temporary deliverance by becoming unfaithful
to God, but such deliverance they refused. They chose
to suffer affliction for righteousness rather than to
enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season. They were
determined that nothing should separate them from
the love of God and their hope and prospects of the
glorious government that should some day rule the
world. Therefore of them it is written: "And others
had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings, yea, more-
over, of bonds and imprISonment: they were stoned,
they were sawn asunder, were tempted, were slain
with the sword: they wandered about in sheepskins
and goatskins; being destitute, afflicted, tormented;
(of whom the world was not worthy:) they wandered
in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves
of the earth. And these all, having obtained a good
report through faith, received not the promise: God
having provided some better thing for us, that they
without us should not be made perfect." - Heb.
H: 36-40.
The faithful remnant on the earth today, because
of their faithfulness in giving the testimony of Jesus
Christ concerning God and his kingdom, are likewise
ill-treated and abused, persecuted and imprisoned, and,
while undergoing such cruelty, they rejoice to call to
mind the experiences of the faithful men of old, and
thus they are encouraged to press on with their work,
singing the praises of the Most High as they go. God
has provided for the faithful remnant better things
than will be enjoyed by A.bel and his companions
mentioned in the Scriptures, and that "better thing"
includes the great privilege of being now on the earth
at the commg of the Lord Jesus, the King, and of
10 Year Book
being his servants and announcing the King and his
kingdom, and the prospect of being a part of the royal
house. Faithfully performing their present-day duties,
the remnant will participate in the first resurrection,
to be for ever associated with the King. Seeing the
glorious prospects set before them, the present-day
witnesses of Jehovah give heed to this admonition:
"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with
so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every
weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us,
and let us run with patience the race that is set be-
fore us."-Heb. 12: 1.
Having full faith in God and in his kingdom and
appreciating their privilege of serving the King, the
vision of the remnant enlarges and they cast away
every weight that retards their service to the King,
refusing to permit any earthly thing or relationship
to hinder them in their onward march to the Kingdom.
The Lord has invited them to enter into his joy of
vindicating his Father's name, and the faithful ones
put themselves wholly on the side of the King and
are blind to everything else. Only the Kingdom is worth
while, and only Jehovah and his King will they serve.
They lay aside every weight, and they spurn religion,
which has been the besetting sin of all who have started
to follow Christ Jesus. These witnesses of Jehovah are
truly Christians, because they are walking in the way
that the Lord God has marked out for them.
If the faithful prophets of old endured all manner
of opposition and persecution and still continued joy-
fully and steadfastly to maintain their integrity to-
ward God, with stronger reasoning should the rem-
nant now endure all manner of persecution and in
spite thereof remain true and steadfast to the King
and his kingdom. To them more has been committed
than was committed to the prophets, and of them the
Lord now demands much more. Their enlarged vision
increases their responsibility. God's provision for the
remnant is better than that for the prophets, but each
Year Book 11
one has his own part to perform, and each one who
remains faithful to the end shall in due time fill his
place to perfection and to the glory of the Lord.
For 4,000 years following the rebellion in Eden
the Devil pursued his wicked course of turning men
and angels away from God and heaping great hard-
ship upon every man who served God. Then came
to the earth Jehovah's beloved Son, the Savior of
men, and the Vindicator of God's name. Recognizing
Jesus as the heir-apparent to the throne of Jehovah's
righteous government, Satan employed every possIble
means to bring about the destruction of Jesus. The
great temptation placed before Jesus in the mountain
had ended with victory for him, because he had suc-
cessfully rejected every attempt of Satan to turn
him away from the path of righteousness. Then Jesus
immediately began his earthly ministry: "From that
time Jesus began to preach, and to say: Repent: for
the kingdom of heaven is at hand." (Matt. 4: 17)
Thus it is seen that he placed the kingdom of Jeho-
vah above everything else. He drew to himself plain
and honest men who also had a desire for that better
government. Recognizing Jesus as the one sent of God
to rule, those faithful disciples thereafter joined Jesus
in proclaiming to the people the truth of and concern-
ing God's government. During the entire three and
one-half years of his earthly ministry Jesus stressed
the paramount importance of the Kmgdom. Because
he did so, Jesus drew upon himself the hatred and
the murderous assaults made by religionists, the agents
of Satan. That persecution against Jesus was carried
on constantly, because Satan well knew (and yet
knows) that the kingdom of God under Christ will
completely vindicate Jehovah's name and prove Satan
a liar and will open for men the way to life. There
is nothing that can be compared with the Kingdom.
His earthly ministry was drawing to a close, and
Jesus gathered his disciples about him and instructed
them and told them that he must go away to receive
Year Book
the kingdom and that in due time he would return
and set up that righteous government. When Jesus
was arrested and brought before the Roman ruler for
sentence, the one thing that he emphasized was the
kingdom of God. Responding to the questIOn put to
him by Pilate, Jesus replied: "I am a king. To this
end was I born, and for this cause came I into the
world, that I should bear witness unto the truth.
Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice."
(John 18: 37) These words plainly show that every
person who really loves and serves the truth will fol-
low the lead of Jesus by putting the Kingdom forward
as of the greatest value and importance.
God permitted Satan and his religious agents to put
Jesus to death in the most ignominious manner, and
then Jehovah showed his supreme power by raising
Jesus out of death, exalting him to the highest place
in his great organizatIOn, and bestowing upon him
a "name which is above every name", and commanded
that every living creature shall confess that Jesus is
the Christ and King to the glory and vindication of
Jehovah's name. Directing the attention of the people
to his beloved Son, Christ Jesus the King, Jehovah
says: 'He shall show to the nations righteousness, and
in his name shall the nations hope.' Thus Jehovah
makes known that the government under Christ is the
one and only hope of the peoples of earth. Everyone
today who worships God in spirit and in truth now
recognizes that the kingdom of God under Christ can-
not be compared with anything else, but that it stands
at the head of all things of importance.
Following the resurrection of Jesus, and during the
entire period of their faithful journey in the earth,
with great emphasis the apostles held before the people
the overshadowing importance of the Kingdom, which
Christ Jesus will establish at his second coming. They
were fully aware of the prophecy regarding that king-
dom, which prophecy says: 'Upon the shoulder of
Christ Jesus shall rest that righteous government,
Year Book 13
which will bring the desire of every honest creature,
and which will completely vindicate Jehovah's name.'
Those faithful apostles never at any time attempted
to draw attention to themselves or to seek the praise
of men, but, putting self entirely in the rear, they
were blind to everything save the kingdom of God
under Christ. They urged the followers of Christ
Jesus to keep in mind his second coming and his
kingdom and frequently reminded them that all faith-
ful ones would suffer persecution at the hands of reli-
gionists, the agents of the Devil; and they admon-
ished such followers to endure persecution and afflic-
tion and to remain true and steadfast to the King
and Kingdom to the very end. Those faithful apostles
refused to compromise with and bow down to the
elements of creation that dishonored God's name and
ruled the earth as the representatives of Satan. Like
the faithful prophets who had preceded them, the
apostles of Jesus set their affections and their hopes
wholly on the government of Christ Jesus and devoted
their lives exclusively to making known the name of
the King and the Kingdom.
Within a brief space of time the apostles died, and
then the Devil saw that it was his opportunity to se-
duce and to debauch the professed followers of Christ
Jesus, and, to accomplish his wicked purpose, Satan
influenced selfish men to organize religion and, for
the purpose of deceiving the people, caused that or-
ganized thing to be designated as "the Christian reli-
gion". From that time forward the religious leaders
taught and constantly held before men the false doc-
trines that the chief purpose of God and of Christ
is to save men from "purgatory" and "hell" and
to get the saved ones into heaven. By reason thereof
the people have been turned to selfishness and have
been kept in complete ignorance of the kingdom of
God under Christ. Religion and religious leaders, there-
fore, are the things on earth most responsible for the
gross darkness that now covers the earth.
Year Book
That religious organization misnamed lithe ChrIs-
tian religion" in time evolved the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy organization or system, which is a devilish,
political or.ganization using the name of Christ as a
blind behind which that wicked organization, en-
trenched in a mass of lies, has nidden itself. They
continue to practice fraud, and carryon a racket by
which the people have been. and are deceived and
robbed and the name of Jehovah God and Christ
Jesus grossly reproached. Honest men, seeing the
wickedness of the Roman Catholic organization, in
time organized what is called "Protestantism" and
called it the "Protestant Christian religion", and
those men made some attempt to teach the Scrip-
tures; but their doctrines have always stressed indi-
vidual salvation of men from "hell ", and they en-
tirely ignored and obscured from the view of the peo-
ple Jehovah's great government under Christ Jesus,
which is the only hope of mankind. Religion was
thereafter the means by which the people were and
have been led into and held in gross ignorance. Reli-
gion has been a great curse upon mankind and is the _
close-besetting sin of those who have attempted to
follow Christ Jesus and of which the apostle gives
warning. After years the net result is that all reli-
gion, so-called "Catholic", "Protestant," and all
others, are at unity in the work in behalf of the
Devil and against God and his kingdom under Christ.
Darkness, therefore, has settled down upon the world,
and gross darkness enshrouds the people, blinding
them to the only government that can ever bring
relief and blessings to mankind.
About the year 1875 a few sincere men who served
God began to gain some knowledge of the second com-
ing of Christ and his kingdom, and those men began
to preach the truth as they learned it. They were in
the midst of religionists, however, and they held on
to many things pertaining to relIgion, and hence they
came out of Babylon wearing 'soiled garments'. Many
Year Book, 15
of them continued faithful unto the coming of the
Lord. It was in the year 1914 that Jehovah set his
beloved Son, his King, upon the throne and directed
him to begin his reign and the exercise of his power.
It w,as three and one-half years thereafter, to wit,
1918, that Christ Jesus appeared at the temple of
Jehovah and assembled before him for judgment all
those who then were III a covenant to do the will of
God. Jehovah, by his prophet, had foretold the com-
ing of his Servant, the King, in these words: "Bchold,
I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the
way before me: and the Lord, whom ye seek, shall
suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of
the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall
come, saith the Lord of hosts." (Mal. 3 : 1) Thus J eho-
vah fixed the time with certainty as to the coming of
his Servant, Judge and King. First he declared that
his Messenger, Christ J eSl1S, would do a preparatory
work, and, that fimshed, he would then straightway
come to his temple, which temple is made up of those
persons wholly devoted to Jehovah. (1 Cor. 3: 16;
2 Cor. 6: 16) The purpose of the coming of Christ
Jesus, the Messenger and Servant of Jehovah, to the
temple is first to apply the test and to render judg-
ment concerning those who had professed or made a
covenant to do the will of God; and this is made cer-
tain by the words of Jehovah, to wit: "But who may
abIde the day of his c o m i n g ~ and who shall stand
when he appeareth ~ for he is like a refiner's fire, and
like fullers' soap; and he shall sit as a refiner and
purifier of silver; and he shall purify the sons of Levi,
and purge them as gold and silver, that they may
offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness."
(]\fal. 3: 2, 3) The approved ones now offer unto the
Lord an acceptable offering, and that offering is full
and complete devotion and service unto God by per-
forming their duties in obedience to his command-
ments, acting as witnesses for Jehovah.-Heb. 13: 13-15.
Year Book
It was in 1918 that the Lord Jesus came to the
temple of God and there bcgan his judgment. All the
physIcal facts agree with the Scriptures fixing that
time. There the judgment of the Lord made manifest
those who were and are unreservedly devoted to Jeho-
vah God and his kingdom. That test being applied,
many were unable to withstand the test, and they fell
away and went back to the world over which Satan
is the god and invisible ruler, while the faithful stood
firm and true to Jehovah. Those who were then faith-
ful and continued to be entirely devoted to Jehovah
God received the approval of Christ, the great Judge,
and thereafter they offered unto Jehovah a pleasing
and acceptable sacrifice: "Then shall the offering of
Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as
in the days of old, and as in former years." (Mal. 3: 4)
"Judah," as used in this text, means those who are
devoted to the praise and service of Jehovah God, and
"Jerusalem" symbolically stands for or represents
God's organization or temple company.
Christ Jesus having received full power and author-
ity particularly with reference to the Kingdom and the
things of interest concerning the same, he designates
all such interests of the Kingdom as "his goods" or
"possessions". Those persons who at the temple judg-
ment received the approval of the Lord became the
bondservants of the Lord and are entirely committed
to the doing of his will. Such persons collectively con-
stitute that body whom the Lord designates as his
"faithful and wise servant". These are called "faith-
ful" because of their devotion to the Lord and being
dependable; "wise" because they are diligent to obey
the will of the Lord, always following his instructions.
At the temple judgment the Lord commits to his
"faithful and wise servant" all his "goods", that is
to say, all his earthly Kingdom interests, which inter-
ests they must carefully safeguard, look after, pro-
Year Book 17
teet and serve. Concerning these things Jesus says:
"V/ho then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his
lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them
meat in due season? Blessed is that servant, whom
his lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing. Verily
I say unto you, that he shall make him ruler over all
his goods. "-Matt. 24: 45-47.
That company of persons is joined by others who
from and after 1918 consecrated themselves and are
fully devoted to doing the will of God and who prove
their loyalty and faithfulness and whom he begets
and makes a part of the temple company. This latter
company also becomes a part of the "faithful serv-
ant". The temple company or servant class is com-
missioned to serve Jehovah and his Ring, and the
duty and obligation of such is to show forth the praises
of the Most High. "In his temple doth every one speak
of his glory." (Ps. 29: 9) Such are a chosen race of
people. that is, a people for God's purpose. (1 Pet.
2: 9, 10) All the Lord's earthly Kingdom interests
being committed to their keeping, they must fully
and completely perform their assigned duties and obli-
gations, as Jesus has said: 'Of him to whom much is
committed, much more is demanded. '-Luke 12: 48,
The challenge flung into the face of Jehovah by Satan
involves the great and holy name of the Most High.
Instead of destroying Satan at the time the challenge
was made, God said to Satan: "But for this cause
have I allowed thee to remain, in order to show thee
my power; and in order that they may proclaim my
name throughout all the earth." (Ex. 9: 16, Leeser)
It is therefore plainly stated that Jehovah God will
have his name declared in all the earth immediately
preceding the exhibition of his supreme power in the
destructi{)n of Satan. The "faithful and wise servant"
constitutes a people for the name of Jehovah; as it
Year Book
is written: "God ... did visit the [nations], to take
out of them a people for his name." (Acts 15: 14)
Such are the ones whom the Lord has commissioned
to represent him and to bear witness of his name and
his kingdom, and which witness must be given im-
mediately preceding the battle of the great day of
God Almighty, in which Satan shall be completely
shorn of all his power. This "faithful and wise serv-
ant" is made up of a class of men and women who
are therefore entirely separate from the world or gov-
ernments amongst men, and whose time, energy, money,
everything, must be and are wholly devoted to God
and his kingdom under Christ. They have absolutely
nothing to do with and no interest in the political
affairs of this world. They are for the righteous gov-
ernment of Christ Jesus.
It was after 1918 that the Lord revealed to his peo-
ple an understanding of his V/ord concerning them
and their duty and obligation to him and to his King.
To that class of faithful persons Jehovah says: "Thou
shalt be called by a new name, which the mouth of
Jehovah shall name." (Isa. 62: 2, A.R.V.) The Lord
makes known to them that they must bear the new
name which he gives them, and which new name is
"Jehovah's witnesses"; as it is written: "Ye are my
witnesses, saith [Jehovah], and my servant whom I
have chosen; that ye may know and believe me, and
understand that I am he; before me there was no God
formed, neither shall there be after me. I, even I, am
the LORD, and beside me there is no saviour. I have
declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when
there was no strange god among you; therefore ye
are my witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am God."
-Isa. 43: 10-12.
It is the approved temple company of the Lord that
constitutes his witnesses selected and sent forth for
a specific purpose. Such are anointed or commissioned
to do a specific work, and their commission is stated
in these words: "The spirit of the Lord God is upon
Year Book 19
me; because the LORD hath anointed me to preach good
tidings unto the meek; he hath sent me to bind up
the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives,
and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the
day of vengeance of our God to comfort all that
mourn. "-Isa. 61: 1, 2.
Such commission lays upon them an obligation that
they are compelled to faithfully perform. Christ Jesus
is the Head and Chief One of the temple and is "the
faithful and true Witness" of Jehovah, and every
one who is of the temple must be a witness to the
name of Jehovah. (John 18:37) Everyone of the
temple company, therefore, is properly designated
"Jehovah's witness ", because they are wholly for
Jehovah and his government of righteousness.
The faithful servant must likewise be obedient to
his Master, and he is the servant of him whom he does
obey. (Rom. 6: 16) Peoples of the earth are organized
into nations, and the visible rulers of such nations are
a :few men who occupy and fill public offices and who
together with their associates control the people of
the nations. The invisible ruler or god of such nations
is Satan the Devil. (2 Cor. 4: 4; John 12:31; 14:30)
Under the wily and seductive influence of the Devil
religious and political rulers of the world have seized
upon a scripture concerning Uthe higher powers" and
wrongfully applied it, and have assumed and have
taught the people that these earthly politicians who
fill the offices constitute the "higher powers". This is
not only wholly false, but a defamation of God's name.
Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are "the higher pow-
ers", particularly to those who have covenanted to
do God's will. (Rom. 13: 1) .All such covenant people
must obey God rather than man. (Acts 5: 29) It fol-
lows, therefore, that Jehovah's witnesses must be obe-
dient to the Lord and his commandments and that
Year Book
no man or earthly government can rightfully grant
a permit to preach or can properly interfere with
Jehovah's witnesses in giving testimony and doing
what the Almighty God has commanded that they
shall do. When governments of earth attempt to over-
ride God's commandments, they are presumptuous and
grossly wicked. Those who have made a covenant to
do the will of God are under the immediate command
of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is Jehovah's great
Prophet, Priest and King; and concerning them it is
written: "And it shall come to pass, that every soul,
which will not hear that prophet, shall be destroyed
from among the people. "-Acts 3: 23.
The full and complete allegiance of Jehovah's wit-
nesses and all his people is to the Almighty God, the
Most High. His witnesses must do right toward all
persons, but they must always obey God's law; and
when the law of some earthly government is contrary
to the law of God, the consecrated children of God
have no choice or alternative. They must obey the
commandments of the Lord God and his King. A fail-
ure or refusal to do so means their destruction. Every
proper law of earthly governments that is in harmony
with God's law true Christians will obey and gladly
obey, but any law of any earthly government that
contravenes or is directly opposed to God's law is
wrong, and God's children will obey His law, and
not that of man. An example of this: Jehovah God
commands that all creation shall obey and worship
him and shall not bow down to or attribute salvation
to any creature or thing, because Jehovah God is the
source of life and protection and blessings for all crea-
tures. It is the Devil that induces men to violate God's
commandment, and he does so to sustain his wicked
challenge and to thereby bring about the destruction
of men. For the protection and salvation of obedient
men God commands: "Thou shalt have no other gods
Year Book
before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven
image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven
above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in
the water under the earth: thou shalt not bow down
thyself to them, nor serve them." (Ex. 20: 3-5) Con-
trary to this unchangeable command of God, worldly
governments enact laws compelling men to salute flags
and to pay homage to men, thereby attributing pro-
tection and salvatIOn to earthly things. It is the privi-
lege of every person who desires to do so to conform
himself to such unrighteous laws, but one who is in
a covenant with God to do his will must obey God's
law; and to salute any flag or to hail any man or any
creature and thereby attribute to such protection and
salvation is to compromise with the Devil contrary to
God's law, to reproach the name of the Most High,
and thereby to bring upon such person complete de-
struction. For this reason all true and faithful fol-
lowers of Christ Jesus are designated in the Scrip-
tures as strangers and pilgrims in the earth, looking
for and awaiting the complete establishment of God's
righteous government that shall rule the world in per-
fection. There could be but one purpose in attempting
to compel Christians to salute flags, and hail and bow
down to men, and that one purpose of Satan is to
cause such Christians to violate God's commandment
and bring upon them destruction; and this would be
carrying out his side of the controversy and therefore
would be a further reproach of God's name. This mat-
ter is here stresseQ in order that it may be seen that
true Christians cannot and will not obey any law of
any men that openly repudiates and violates the law
of the Most High, Jehovah God.
Furthermore, all persons who worship God in spirit
and in truth delight to do his will; they love God
and his law, and therefore delight to conform them-
selves to his law. The Christian does not seek the ap-
proval of men, but desires the approval of God. Know-
ing that every good thing proceeds from Jehovah God,
Year Book
the child of the Lord has no desire to aet contrary
to God's law, but always to be obedient thereto. In
so doing he can never go wrong; and hence to refuse
to salute flags or bow down to images or men could
never work injury to anyone. For more than 150 years
the American government has recognized the inalIen-
able right of men to worship God as their own con-
science directs; but now, in these latter days, when
the Devil knows his time is short, he induces the reli-
gionists, and particularly the Roman Catholic Hier-
archy, to attempt to compel the doing of deeds or
things that will result in the destmction of true and
faithful followers of Christ Jesus. The saluting of
flags and bowing down to men never made any per-
son honest, law-abiding, faithful and righteous. For
any Christian to indulge in such practice, because con-
trary to God's Word, renders him wholly unrighteous.
Therefore Jehovah's witnesses say to the nations of
the earth and to its rulers: "Take whatever course
men desire; we will serve GoG., and to him only will
we bow down and worship."
For more than six thousand years men who be-
lieved, obeyed and served God have with eagerness
hoped for, looked for, and prayed for the coming of
God's government of righteousness. The prayer which
Jesus taught his followers to pray is this: 'Thy king-
dom come; thy WIll be done on earth as it is done in
heaven.' In this present tIme that prophetic prayer
is being answered, because Ohrist Jesus has come, God
has enthroned him as King, and his reign has begun.
The tme child of God therefore recognizes the king-
dom of God under Christ as the greatest thing that
has ever come to pass or ever will come to pass, and
for that reason he is determined to give his entire de-
votion to God and his righteous government.
Jehovah's witnesses forming a part of the temple
are instructed by the Lord and are sent forth to do
his service. To them Jesus Christ commits his testi-
mony, and they must obey his commandments. Jesus
Year Book 23
does not command them to go about and make an effort
to convert the world, as religionists claim that they
are doing. Their work is to announce the kingdom of
God. Now the Lord has brought about the physical
facts in fulfillment of his prophecy, showing that the
King and Kingdom are here and all persons who would
live must gIve heed to the King and obey his laws.
It is that kingdom that brings about peace, prosperity,
life and happiness to obedient men, and it will solve
all the problems that perplex men, and, above all,
the Kingdom will vindicate the name of Jehovah God.
These great truths constitute good news to honest and
God-fearing men. "Good news" means the gospel of
the Kingdom. Because of the paramount importance
of the Kingdom, Jesus gives positive commandment
to all Christians, which commandment they must now
obey, and which commandment is in these words:
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached
in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and
then shall the end come." (Matt. 24: 14) That mes-
sage of good news must be declared to the people by
God's witnesses and must be done and completed im-
medIately preceding the destruction of Satan's rule
and power; and when the work of giving testimony
is done, then will immediately follow the battle of
the great day of God Almighty, which is Armaged-
don, and which will completely wreck every part of
Satan's organization. Again the Kingdom of the Lord
God under Christ Jesus is emphasized as that which
is of greatest importance to all creatures.
To be sure, Satan is violently opposed to the king-
dom of God because the full operation of that king-
dom means the finish of Satan and his power. Satan
therefore assaults Jehovah's witnesses and attempts
to destroy them. In every part of the earth the events
that are daily coming to pass show that Satan is doing
his very best to destroy those who announce the King-
dom. In this wicked assault made by Satan he uses
religion and religious organizations, led by the Roman
Year Book
Catholic Hierarchy, and that explains why the Cath-
olic Hierarchy in every part of the earth violently
and wickedly oppose the proclamation of Jehovah's
kingdom under Christ. Looking to thi!i very time, the
Lord Jesus speaks of the Devil, that old Dragon, and
his instruments operating against Jehovah's witnesses,
in these words: "And the dragon was wroth with the
woman, and went to make war with the remnant of
her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and
have the testimony of Jesus Christ. "-Rev. 12: 17.
Everyone therefore who is true and loyal to Jeho-
vah God and his kingdom, and who faithfully obeys
the commandments of the Lord, is the object of Satan's
assault. Jesus informed the apostle of what would
come to pass in these latter days, and therefore Paul,
under inspiration, wrote: 'Through much tribulation
shall ye enter the kingdom.' Jehovah's witnesses know
that they must expect persecution from religionists,
because religionists are Satan's tools or agents. Trib-
ulation or persecution, therefore, does not at all deter
them from doing their work, but, as the apostle de-
clares, they rejoice in tribulation, such being evidence
that they have God's favor and his approval.
Satan attempts to lull to complete silence everything
that would expose him and his wicked operations. For
that reason the religionists, Catholics, Protestants, Jews
and others, all agree to say nothing that might pro-
voke a controversy. They have induced the public
press and the radIO to refuse the publication of any
truth concerning God's kingdom, on the ground that
it is controversial. They invoke every unrighteous rule
against Jehovah's witnesses in their desperate attempt
to keep the people in ignorance of everything pertain-
ing to the kingdom of God, and this they do for the
reason that they know the truth when told exposes
the duplicity and crookedness of Satan and his reli-
gious agents. Upon the false pretext of having peace
Year Book 25
those religionists insist that Jehovah's witnesses shall
not be permitted to inform the people of God's king-
dom, declaring that the Kingdom message is subversive
and seditious; the very thing that religionists charged
against Jesus when he was on the earth. The earthly
ruling powers make laws which declare that the testi-
mony given by Jehovah's witnesses concerning God
and his kingdom is seditious and liable to cause a
breach of the peace and therefore should be suppressed.
All these things constitute corroborative evidence that
the kingdom of the Lord is here and that the great
issue is about to be finally and completely settled.
False doctrines are likewise in direct opposition to
God's truth. Therefore the proclamation of the truth
is always controversial, for the reason that it exposes
the lies of Satan's agents. By reason of the great
number of lies religionists tell the people, the masses
are kept blind to the truth. Now the Lord sends forth
his witnesses to declare the truth, and that truth when
declared provokes a great storm of protest by the reli-
gionists for the very purpose of beclouding the issue.
It is the kingdom of God and the proclamation of his
truth in conflict with Satan's wicked organization that
provokes controversy. The proclamation of his truth
must continue, however, and will continue until God's
due time to destroy Satan's organization. Those who
appreciate the great importance of God's kingdom
under Christ, and those only, will engage in making
proclamation of the Kingdom message. Everyone who
is informed of and concerning the Kingdom and who
then fails or refuses to have a part in delivering the
testimony of the Kingdom as commanded, thereby
shows himself to be against God's kingdom, because
Jesus says: "He that is not with me is against me."
Only those who take a positive stand on the side of
God and his kingdom from this day forth will ever
have a part in the blessings which God bestows upon
his creatures. How many persons really appreciate
what the Kingdom means? Apparently not many;
26 Year Book
but those who do appreciate the meaning thereof are
fully determined to serve the King and his kingdom
by joyfully obeying his commandment, and are also
fully determined that they will permit nothing what-
soever to interrupt their faithful service to the King.
The foregoing are some of the reasons why Jeho-
vah's witnesses joyfully engage in the Kingdom serv-
ice, and that amidst the most cruel and brutal opposi-
tion that has ever been practiced against true Chris-
tians. If the Kingdom was important in the day of
Abel and the prophets that followed, all of whom
looked forward with great anxiety and joy to its
coming, now, when the King has come and has begun
his reign, that kingdom is of far greater importance
to those who have made a cova'lant to do the will of
God. Jehovah's witnesses in these days see the fulfill-
ment of the prophecies, and they know that the day
of deliverance is at hand.
The most important work of Christians is to an-
nounce the King and his kingdom, which righteous
government rests upon the shoulder of Christ Jesus,
because that government will vindicate Jehovah's
name. The secondary purpose of declaring the mes-
sage is that all classes of persons may be warned of
the impending disaster about to fall upon the world
that is ruled by Satan, and that the only possible way
of escape from such disaster is to flee to God's king-
dom and there find refuge and safety. By this means
the Lord informs the people of good will toward him
as to the means of protection and safety. Such persons
of good will he declares are his "other sheep", which
"other sheep" he now gathers unto himself and who
shall in due time become a part of God's fold. Those
people of good will are otherwise designated in the
Scriptures as 'Jonadabs', or those who will form the
"great multitude". (Rev. 7: 9) The hope of such is
not heavenly, but their hope is in the heavenly king-
Year Book 27
dom, that kingdom being ruled by the heavenly One,
Christ Jesus. That kingdom through Christ will ad-
minister to the great multItude lIfe everlasting on the
earth. Such persons are now hearing the Kmgdom
message, and hearing it they joyfully (flee to the
mountains', that is to say, to God and to Christ. They
take their stand firmly and openly on the side of God
and his King, put themselves under God's organiza-
tion, and joyfully participate in delivering the King-
dom message. Therefore the J onadabs have a part in
the witness work, and with great zeal do they partici-
pate in that work, and so full is their devotion that
the Scriptures descrIbe them in these words, to wit:
"After this I beheld, and, 10, a great multitude, which
no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds,
and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and
before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms
in their hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying,
Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne,
and unto the Lamb. Therefore are they before the
throne of God, and serve him day and night in his
temple; and he, that sitteth on the throne shall dwell
among them. They shall hunger no more, neither
thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them,
nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is in the midst
of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them
unto living fountains of waters; and God shall wipe
away all tears from their eyes."-Rev. 7: 9, 10, 15-17.
The Lord in his Word designates the anointed rem-
nant and the great multitude as "companions", be-
cause both companies are devoted to Jehovah and his
King and therefore are entirely separate and distinct
from the world ruled by Satan. The citizenship of the
remnant is in heaven, while the everlasting abiding
place of the great multitude will be on the earth. Both
companies are and will be for ever wholly for the
Lord. They praise Jehovah and worship him in spirit
Year Book
and in truth. The anomted remnant is charged with
the responsibility of carrying the message of the Kmg-
dom to the people, and the great multitude or J ona-
dabs are their helpers and join with the renmant in
advertising the King and the Kingdom. Both compa-
nies must at all times prove faithful to Jehovah and
his kingdom if they would receive God's ultimate ap-
proval. The Devil and his representatives, both invis-
ible and visible, are bitter enemies of all who are on
the side of God and his kingdom. Such is the reason
for the persecution that is constantly heaped upon
God's people now on the earth.
With the proper understanding God's people have
during the fiscal year of 1937 put forth their efforts
in obedience to God's commandment to advertise his
kingdom. To them Jehovah has given this command-
ment: "Go through, go throueh the gates; prepare
ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the high-
way; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for
the people. "-Isa. 62: 10.
In obedience to that commandment their faces are
turned toward the Kingdom, and their efforts are em-
ployed to make known the King and the. Kingdom.
It is now God's time for the witness work to be done,
and his people delight to have a part in such work.
Looking to this very day, Jehovah caused his prophet
to write: "Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto
the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion,
Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is
with him, and his work before him. And they shall
call them, The holy people, The redeemed of the Lord;
and thou shalt be called, Sought out, A city not for-
saken. "-Isa. 62: 11, 12.
The word "city", used in this text, is God's temple
organization, of which Christ Jesus is the Head, and
which is not an organization forsaken, but which is
held as dear to God as the apple of his eye. The faith-
ful delight to serve him, and for that reason they
have been doing it during the fiscal year just closed.
Year Book 29
The Scriptures abundantly support the conclusion
that Jehovah God has an organization and that he
does everything orderly. His work on the earth is car-
ried on in an orderly manner, and the earthly part
of his organization represents his interests and that
of his kingdom and is made up of all persons who are
at full unity in Christ Jesus and who are for his king-
dom. That organization on earth is designated under
the term "the Society", meaning the society or peo-
ple engaged in his service. To comply with the proper
laws of the land "the Society" formed corporations,
which corporate bodies hold title to property and le-
gally carry forward the work and affairs of the Society.
parent corporation of said Society and is organized
under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania. The
PEOPLES PULPIT ASSOCIATION is an associated corpora-
and is organized under the membership corporation
law of the State of New York. The INTERNATIONAL
BmLE STUDENTS ASSOCIATION is also an associated cor-
poration of the first one named and is organized under
the laws of Great Britain and also of Canada. Such
corporations hold title to the propert:, of and carry
forward the work of the Lord's people otherwise des-
ignated "the Society". Such corporations are not reli-
gious, or religious organizations, but are Christian
organizations, and are charitable and benevolent cor-
porations. Because men have not recognized the clear
distinction between religion and Christianity, the law-
makers of the land put religious, Christian, charitable
and benevolent organizations all in the same class.
From the legal viewpoint, therefore, they are the same
and entitled to the same privileges. Organized under
the laws of the land the WATCH TOWER BmLE & TRACT
titled to all the privileges granted by the laws under
30 Year Book
which they are organized. The WATCH TOWER BmLE
& TRACT SOCIETY and its kindred corporations above
named are charitable and benevolent corporations.
They are charitable organizations because such organ-
izations are properly defined as "exhibiting Christian
love", that is to say, the love of Christ, which love is
entirely for God and his kingdom and for humankind.
A benevolent corporation is properly defined as one
"having the disposition to do good; possessing and
manifesting love for mankind and a desire to pro-
mote men's prosperity and happiness". The afore-
mentioned corporations, to wit, the WATCH TOWER
come clearly within the proper meaning and pur-
view of the law and are therefore fully entitled to
the benefits of the law which provides that all such
corporations are exempt from taxation. Such corpora-
tions are not employed or used for the selfish interest
or benefit of any individual, but are wholly devoted
to the work of doing good to men in general by in-
forming them and teaching them of God's gracious
provision to give life, prosperity and complete happi-
ness to the human race. All the money, property and
assets had and held by such corporations above named
are devoted exclusively to the work of the Lord in
doing good to men. Those corporations are instruments
of God's people, used exclusively and unselfishly for
the benefit of mankind and to the glory of God. They
are not used for pecuniary profit. Small contributions
are received for some portions of the literature printed
and distributed by the Society oro corporations above
named, while a great amount of such literature and
books is given freely to the poor. Employment, food
and raiment are freely furnished to many persons,
and therefore the corporations named are strictly and
wholly within the purview of the law regarding chari-
table and benevolent societies. Such corporations are
therefore entitled to tax exemption upon property
Year Book 31
held for corporate purposes, although the opponents
of the Lord's work have attempted, and still attempt,
to treat such corporations as organizations for pecu-
niary profit. The correct theory and purpose of the
law of the land is that such corporatIOns should not
be taxed on their property used for the work, such
as is carrIed on by the W A'l'CH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT
reason these corporations make application to have the
benefit of such tax exemption laws. The facts are that
the foregoing corporations are probably the only ones
doing a work in the name of God and Ohrist Jesus
that devote all of their assets and contributions to a
charitable and benevolent work. The Society by its
corporations has extended its charitable and benev-
olent work to all parts of the earth, and the people
have freely contributed their money to carry on such
work and continue to do so.
Opponents of God's kingdom wrongfully attempt
to show that the aforementioned corporations and the
Society are devoted to work against earthly govern-
ments. This claim is entirely wrong. The Society and
the afore-mentioned corporations are devoted wholly
to God's kingdom under Ohrist, which is the only hope
for the people and which holds out unlimited benefits
for humankind.
A few persons on the earth are the devoted followers
of Ohrist Jesus the King and are thererore Ohristians.
They have their eyes fixed upon the Kingdom, and
all their hopes and joys are centered there. Like Abel
and the other faithful servants of Jehovah who fol-
lowed after him to the coming of Jesus, all Ohristians
'desire a heavenly government', that is, a government
ruled by the King of righteousness, Ohrist Jesus. (Reb.
11 : 16) All persons of good will likewise desire that
government of righteousness and are lending their en-
tire support to that kingdom. All such persons are
fully determined that by God's grace no amount of
32 Year Book
persecution shall deter them in their unstinted devo-
tion and service to the Kingdom. Their eternal eXIst-
ence is centered in the Kingdom, and they are serv-
ants and supporters of that government of righteous-
ness, and theIr eyes are blind to everything else. Let
Satan and all his earthly agents, particUlarly the reli-
gionists, take notice now that their wicked oppositIOn
to the kingdom of Chnst and to his faithful publishers
and supporters on the earth <will avail them nothing.
These Christians rely upon Jehovah God and Christ
Jesus, and therefore they will go on in their work of
publishing the Kingdom message. This explains why
during the past year the publishing work of Jehovah's
witnesses and the Jonadabs has gone forward amidst
the most wicked persecution ever launched against any
company of sincere persons. They see Jesus, the Falth-
ful and True Witness of Jehovah God, who bore the
taunts, jeers and wicked persecution of the religious
agents of the Devil, and did so joyfully that he might
be Jehovah's Vindicator; they have marked his vic-
tory over death and his great exaltation because of
his faithfulness. They now hear and obey the clarion
voice of the faithful apostle of Jesus Christ who, by
divine authority and under inspiration of the holy
spirit, addresses his fellow Christians in chese words:
"Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp,
bearing his reproach. For here have we no continuing
city, but we seek one to come. By him therefore let
us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that
is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to his name."
-Heb. 13: 13-15.
While suffering indignities and bodily pain inflicted
upon them by religionists these faithful Christians re-
joice to be faithful publishers of the Kingdom, and
thus they go among the people bearing the testimony
of good news, and as they go they are singing the new
song, which only those who are devoted to God and
his kingdom can know or sing: "And they sing the
song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the
Year Book 33
Lamb, saying, Great and marvellous are thy works,
Lord God Almighty; just and true are thy ways, thou
King of saints. Who shall not fear thee, 0 Lord, and
glorify thy name 1 for thou only art holy; for all na-
tions shall come and worship before thee; for thy judg-
ments are made manifest." (Rev. 15: 3, 4) Christ Je-
sus is leading them, and they are absolutely certain
to participate in his complete victory. They are there-
fore the only joyful people now on the earth.
From here follows a brief resume of the activities
of the Kingdom publishers as their work has been car-
ried on in different sections of the earth during the
fiscal year closing September 1937.
The Society carries on its work by the use of the
aforementioned corporations, of which the WATCH
TOWER BIBLE & TRACT SOCIETY is the principal cor-
poration. The executive offices are located at 124 Co-
lumbia Heights, and the general operating office is at
117 Adams Street, Brooklyn, New York, U. S. A.
Among the means employed to preach the gospel of
the Kingdom are the following, to wit: the printing
and manufacturing of books, magazines and other
papers; the manufacturing and use of sound equip-
ment, and the use of electrical recordings for the re-
production of the human speech; and by calling upon
the people at their homes and ofTIces and exhIbiting
to them the message of the Kingdom.
The Adams Street factory being inadequate to ac-
commodate the production work, an addItion thereto
was built during the year at a cost of $48,000. Also
additional equipment was necessary to be used in the
factory, and this was purchased during the year. The
number of persons engaged in the work in the Adams
Street factory and ofTIce during the year averaged 141.
They worked a total of 274 days at the factory, and
34 Year Book
the other days during the year they were in the field
preaching "this gospel of the kmgdom".
The factory production during the year was as fol-
Bound books 1,350,897 Placards 5,700
1300klLts 24,098,630 SIlk screen SIgns 3,511
The Watchtower 1,568,540 Rwhes signs 334
The Golden 4ge 3,320,100 Phonographs 9,459
Calendars 27,053 TranscnptIon machines 44
:Misc. job printmg 4,078,387 Spund car equipments 73
RadIO and transcnptlOn folders 21,444,000
From this factory publications were issued in 38
different languages, the names and publications being
set out below, to wit:
The Hmp of God: English.
DeZwerance: AfrIkaans.
CreatMn: English, Spanish.
Reconctliatton: Enghsh, Spanish.
lAght, Book 1: EnglIsh.
Vl,ndwatton, Book 1: French.
Vtndwatton, Book 2: French.
Vtndtcatton, Book 3: Greek.
Preservatton: Bohemian.
Preparatton: AfrIkaans.
Jehovah: AfrIkaans, Hungarian, Spanish.
Etches: English, Arabic, Chinese, Finmsh, Italian, .... a pan ese,
Malay, Norwegian, Polish, RussIan, Slovak, Sparush,
UkraInian, Xosa, Y oruba..
Enemtes: EnglIsh.
Year Boole: EnglIsh.
Song Boole' English.
Model Study: EnglIsh.
Loyalty: English, Norwegian.
Protectton: English, AfrIkaans, Albanian, Arabic, Greek, Ital-
ian, Llthuaman, Portuguese, Spamsh.
Uncovered: EnglIsh, AflIkaans, ArabIC, Greek, Italian, Portu-
guese, Spanish.
Government (Booklet): EnglIsh, Bohemian, Cinyanja, Ilocano,
Itahan, Japanese, Llthuaruan, Sesuto, Spanish, Tagalog,
Who Shall Eule the WOl'ld? English, Afrikaans, Arabic, Cin-
yanja, Malay, Portuguese, Sesuto, Spamsh, YIddish.
Armageddon: English, Arabic, Spanish.
Safety: EnglIsh.
Choostng: EnglIsh, Afrikaans, Albanian, Annenian, Bohemian,
Year Book
French, Hungarian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Swed-
ish, Xosa, Y oruba.
Universal War Near: English, Italian, Spanish, Tagalog, YId-
dish, Y oruba.
FavoreiJ, People: English.
HUI Vengeance: EnglIsh.
Supremacy: EnglIsh.
Angels: English, Cinyanja, Sesuto, Xosa.
Rtghteous R ~ b l e r : EnglIsh, Cmyanja, Sesuto, Twi.
Beyond the Grave: English, German.
Ht8 Works: EnglIsh.
World Recovery: EnglIsh, PolIsh, Portuguese.
Intolerance: Tagalog.
Dtvtdtng the People: English, Arabic, Cinyanja, Scsuto. .
Escape to the Ktngd.om: EnglIsh, Hollandlsh, Sesuto, Visayan,
The Gnats: Armenian, Portuguese, Tagalog, Xosa.
The KtngiJ,om: Yoruba, Zulu.
Who Is God? EnglIsh, Afnkaans, French, Hollanc1ish, Spanish.
What Is Truth! English, Afrikaans, French, Hollandlsll, Hun-
garian, Spanish.
Goose of Death: Afrikaans, Hungarian.
Hereafter: EnglIsh, Afrikaans, Bohemian, French, llocano,
Good News: English, FIjian, Hollandish, llocano.
lAberty: English, Aflikaans.
The Ftnal War: English.
What You Need: English, Bohemian, Hungarian.
Health and Ltfe: English.
Home and Happiness: English, Boheman, Slovak, Spanish.
Keys of Heaven: EnglIsh, Tagalog.
Where Are the Dead? English, Afrikaans, Cinyanja, lbo, Portu-
guese, Tongan.
JuiJ,gment: Portuguese.
The Last Days: Portuguese.
Standai'd for the People: Sesuto.
Prospenty Sure: Portuguese.
Hell: Portuguese.
In o.rder to. pro.duce the abo.ve bo.o.ks and booklets
it required the use o.f 1,883 to.ns o.f paper, 71 tons o.f
chip bo.ard, and mo.re than 109,000 yards o.f clo.th. Ad-
ditio.nally there were required tremendo.us quantities
o.f go.ld leaf, paste, thread and o.ther material. The fac-
tory, in its own ink department, manufactured 24,624
pOlmds o.f ink, 475 gallo.ns o.f paint, 200 po.unds o.f
putty, and 7,674 pounds o.f glue.
Year Boole
..A number of new machines were required during
the year, and these were purchased and installed and
include the following: Dust arrester in carpenter shop;
vacuum cleaner for the air; a new stitcher for book-
lets; new casting-plate equipment, and other machines.
Durmg the year the Society imported from Germany
a printing press, which is one of the most modern and
up-to-date in use in any country. On this press can
be printed magazines, books, papers or booklets. The
machinery installed at the factory and in use is capa-,
ble of producing daily a total of 40,000 bound books
of 384 pages each, or 250,000 books of 64 pages each.
This factory is a marvel in the eyes of worldly people
because they cannot understand how men will so thor-
oughly devote themselves to the work in producing
literature, and never complain about the time, and
whose allowance, for instance, is only a nominal thing.
Only the spirit of the Lord would prompt men to per-
form the work that is done in this factory. They delight
to do it, and the Lord blesses their efforts.
The shipment of bound books during the year ex-
ceeded that of production, but the production of book-
lets was about 1,300,000 more than the shipments dur-
ing the past twelve months. A total of 1,521,516 bound
books were shipped out from 117 Adams Street and
its depots in the United States, as well as 22,850,966
booklets. Bibles were shipped to the number of 27,402,
bringing the grand total of books and booklets shipped
out to 24,399,884. This literature containing the King-
dom message was sent to all parts of the world, in 50
diI-"ferent languages. The shipment of Riches exceeded
by far that of all other bound books, reaching a grand
total of 826,108. Riches is already published and in
stock in 27 languages. In the shipments of booklets,
the booklet Uncove?"ed went over the 5,600,000 mark.
Of the total amount of literature shipped out, 2,644,806
Year Book
books and booldets were in foreign languages, the bal-
ance in the English language. To dispatch the books,
booldets and magazines it cost the Society $102,989.77.
During the past year 44 transcription machines were
completed and shipped out, and 71 sound cars No.3.
At the Oolumbus convention two of the new Model
No.4, with a ten-watt output, were placed. This new
model, which has just been developed by the Society,
has a dual-speed turntable. The speaker can be mounted
on the top of the car with vacuum cups. This equip-
ment will give the finest reproduction of voice and
music. If desired, it can be removed from the car and
set up in a hall. It is operated from a six-volt battery.
The entire equipment is very compact. A contribution
of $140 covers the cost of its manufacture and shipping.
The Society has equipped publishers with electrical
transcription discs on which is recorded the human
voice proclaiming "this gospel of the kingdom". The
president of the Society prepares the manuscript and
records these speeches. Some of them are filteen min-
utes in length, and these are used for the sound cars.
Up to the present time there have been produced and
used 185 of such transcription records. The speeches
are recorded also on discs of four and one-half minutes
in duration of time, and these are used on phono-
graphs. During the fiscal year 42 new recordings were
made and have been in use, and in addition thereto
22 recordings were made in September of the fiscal
year, and these are now ready for shipment and use.
This brings the total number of phonograph record-
ings up to 124. Many of these recorded speeches have
been translated and recorded in other languages, to
wit: Mrikaans, Arabic, Italian, Polish, Portuguese,
and Spanish. During the year there has been a tre-
mendous increase in the use of the phonograph rec-
38 Year Book
ords. In 1936 there were only 52,752 discs in use;
whereas in 1937 there were four times that number
that have been manufactured, bringing the total up
to 214,877 discs. Each disc contains two lectures.
Therefore these phonograph recordings of four and
one-half minutes total 429,754 recorded lectures or
speeches. This, however, does not include the 22 re-
cordmgs above mentioned, more than 65,OOQ of which
recordings have already been ordered and will be
shipped out immediately. Assuming that the 214,877
records were used 20 times each during the year,
that would amount to 4,297,540 lectures or speeches
proclaiming the message of God's kingdom. The recent
recordings of the 22 above mentioned include the pub-
lic address on "Safety", delivered at the Columbus
convention; the public address on "Worshiping God",
broadcast on September 26; and one recording describ-
ing the new book Enemies._ The demand for phono-
graphs and records is rapidly increasing, and at the
end of this fiscal year the Society was unable to fi1I
all the orders.
Each person who is devoted to Jehovah God and
his kingdom is a publisher of the Kingdom message,
and as opportumty is afforded these persons engage
in the distribution of the literature and employ other
means of publication hereinbefore mentioned. In addi-
tion to all the states in the United States of America
where publishers are at work, there are 22 other terri-
tories where publishers are at work who report reg-
ularly to the Brooklyn office. Those countries are,
to wit:
British Honduras
Canal Zone
Costa fuca
Dutch Guiana
Dutch West Indies
Puerto Rico
St. Kitts
Year Book
In the United States alone there were engaged 21,451
pioneers and other publishers during the year. The
hours in which they were engaged in the publishing
work totaled 5,036,255. The literature placed by these
amongst the people, including bound books and se1-
covered booklets, totaled 12,466,043.
The tabulated report shows a decrease when com-
pared with that for the previous year, as far as figures
are concerned, but the magnitude of the work accom-
plished has been felt by the religionists more than in
any previous year. It is not the purpose here to make
excuses for totals of placements, hours and sound at-
tendance not being equal to or more than last year's,
but it is good to consider why there is a decrease in
hours, which naturally affects placements of literature
and sound attendance. In the United States there were
two conventions, one in October, which began the fiscal
year, the other at Columbus, which ended the year.
The time spent by the brethren in preparation for
these conventions and in going to and from them is
taken out of the field service hours. Also during the
past twelve months the rearranging of the millions
of petition names for proper back call required con-
siderable time in hours not reported. Then the "Ex-
posed" meetings consumed considerable time. These
were not reported in the hours, yet they constituted
an effective witness throughout the country. In the
territory selected for these special "Exposed" meet-
ings intensive witnessing was done, and many inter-
ested persons have now become good publishers.
Wherever there is disturbance amongst the company
publishers this reduces the amount of distribution, and
many of the brethren have been much disturbed and
interfered with during the year. This disturbance has
been due in some instances to the "elective elder"
spirit being manifested by some who think themselves
in the truth but who have retarded the progress of
the work. The Lord has cleared out some of these,
and it may be expected that he will soon clear them
Year Book
all out. Furthermore, the arrest and persecution of
many of the publishers has reduced their hours in the
field. Taking the matter as a whole, the real good ac-
complished and number of persons who have become
interested in the Kingdom message during the year
are gratifying, and the net result is an increase over
the previous year.
Adding to the total distribution of books and book-
lets in the United States the distribution in the asso-
ciated countries that report to the Brooklyn office, the
total distribution during the year is, to wit, 12,744,629.
The newly interested who obtained hterature from
these publishers during the year total 6,819,744. Per-
sons who attended and gave attention to the sound
lectures reproduced by electrical transcription and the
phonograph during the year total 10,506,848.
During the year the Adams Street office received
letters totaling 287,592. Many of these, having heard
the message by radio or sound equipment, ordered
literature, to the total number of 137,574 books and
booklets. The letters dispatched from the office during
the year totaled 283,478. From the report filed by the
Adams Street office servant with the president the
following is extracted:
.All the new features that were brought forth throughout the
year were taken hold of enthusiastically by the brethren. One
of these new featUles was the calling on petition slgners, wmch
unquestionably had the effect of intensifying the witness through-
out the area covered. This petition back-call work was followed
by the "Exposed" campaign. This brought much fire frqm the
HIerarchy and religIonists. The Bound cars co-operated by intro-
ducing the WItnesses in regular :field work and making announce-
ments of these "Exposed" meetmgs. Some of them were
mobbed. These "Exposed" meetings were very well attended.
As time went on, it was found that the personal VIsit to the
home does the most good. Your letter of June 23 sets out the
importance of the personal back call, whIch is now bemg stressed
through the Inf01mant and has proved very effective.
Now that many thousands of phonographs are in the field,
a systematic coverage of the tern tory mth records has really
begun, using partICularly the "Exposed" series and "Rebgion
and ChrIstianity' '. The publishers hal'e taken hold of trus phono-
Year Book 41
graph work with enthusiasm, and the reports are splendid. ThIs
has proved more effectIve than hiring halls and trying to get
people to come. Even though often fifteen or twenty minutes
are spent by a publisher at one place in running phonograph
records, it means in many mstances a larger combinatlOn of
books or booklets IS placed, but not as many calls are made.
Many of those using the phonograph have reported that they
are now able to put ill more time in the field without getting
so tired, because the phonograph gets the brethren into the
homes and they can sit down and rest whlle you do the talking.
It is interesting at this pomt to consider the amount of sound
equipment in the field. Thus far the Society has manufactured
13,571 portable phonoglaphs. Of this number, approximately
3,000 have been slupped to branches, leaving over 10,000 phono-
graphs of the Society's models in use in the United States.
Many of the publIshers have obtamed phonographs locally, of
which we have no report. Additionally, portable transcnption
machines and sound-car equipments have been manufactured
by the Society and put in use throughout the country to the
following extent:
Portable transcription machines, all electric 104
Portable transcription machines, dry battery 250
Portable transcnption machmes,
6-volt, wet-ceIl-battery model 290
Total portable transcription machines 644
Sound car equipment No. 1 36
Sound car eqUlpment No.2 67
Sound car equipment No.3, Brooklyn
model, including P.T.M. 's 269
Sound car eqUlpment No.4,
Jlew Brooklyn model 2
Total sound cars in use 374
This makes a grand total of 1,028 pieces of large sound equip-
ment that can be used outdoors and in halls.
Situate at 124 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, is tIle
Bethel home. The name means "house of Jehovah
God ", and in that house are domiciled nearly 200 per-
sons, who are wholly devoted to Jehovah God and his
kingdom. They come from many parts of the country,
and regardless of official position or other place occu-
pied by them when in the world, they are now all on
a common level, engaged in the common cause of the
42 Year Book
kingdom under Christ. Every one in the home is de-
voted to the work of preaching this gospel of the king-
dom of God. No person is taken into the home save
those who are fully consecrated to do the will of God.
At the Bethel home are located the executive offices
from which the executive work of the Society is direct-
ed. This includes the office of the president, the secre-
tary and treasurer, and the Bethel home servant, who
looks after the home and other associated works of the
Society. At the office of the president is prepared the
manuscript for The 1V atchtower, much of the manu-
script for The Golden Age (Consolation), also the
manuscript of the books and booklets and other publi-
cations. The correspondence relating to the general
management of the Society is conducted from this
place. At the treasurer's office are kept the books of
account showmg all donations and contributlOns",re-
ceived by the Society and all bills paid by the Society.
In addition to the foregoing tbe home houses those
persons who work at the home and at the radio station
studios, and also those who are engaged in the work
at the Adams Street office and factory. One general
dining room is employed, where food is served to all.
The home maintains a laundry, shoe-mending shop,
pressing shop, all of which are operated solely for
the use of the members of the family.
The preaching of this gospel of the Kingdom meallS
the publication of the Kingdom good news. Every per-
son at the Bethel home is a preacher of the gospel,
and is ordained and commissioned by Jehovah God to
preach this gospel of the Kingdom. (Isa. 61 : 1, 2) Each
and everyone who occupies the Bethel home has a clear
visioll of the righteous government of Jehovah God,
which He is now bringing in, and is delighted to serve
that kingdom. All members of the family are served
meals in one main dining room, and during each meal
Bible questions pertaining to the Kingdom are dis-
cussed and considered. At stated hours in the evening
Bible classes are conducted in the main assembly room
Year Book 43
of the home, which class studies are attended by those
who occupy rooms at the home. Each study is led by
some competent person, and all take a part in the study
for the purpose of equipping them to preach this gos-
pel of the Kmgdom to the people. Each and every bed-
room or living room in the house is devoted to Bible
study. Generally, two persons occupy each bedroom,
and together or singly they study the Scriptures and
prepare themselves and their work for preaching or
publIshing the gospel or Kingdom message. Having
prepared himself, each one goes from house to house
and preaches the gospel by the means provided by
the Lord .
.All menial work of the home is done and performed
by those consecrated men and women who occupy the
premises . .A. part of the time during each week is de-
voted to the work of publishing the Kingdom message
by the members of the family going from house to
house and calling upon the people and witnessing to
them, after the manner adopted and followed by the
early disciples of Jesus Christ. They publish the King-
dom message to all persons who have an ear to hear.
During the fiscal year just closed the members of the
Bethel family employed a total of 23,697 hours in
going from house to house or door to door, bringing
to the people and witnessing to them "this gospel of
the kingdom". In addition thereto the family served
every day during the Newark and Columbus convt3n-
tions, which service required many hours and much
strenuous work to the end that others might go into
the field service.
The members of the Bethel family, during the fis-
cal year, employed and used more than 125 phono-
graphs and sound machines reproducing and preach-
ing the Kingdom message. In doing this work they vis-
ited many persons in the Greater New York area and
gave testimony to thousands of persons, proclaiming
to them the Kingdom message. Their efforts are summed
up as follows: Hours engaged in this service, 23,697;
44 Year Book
persons attending and hearing the message by sound
equipment, 44,405; persons obtaining literature, 44,-
629; total number of books and booklets placed with
such persons, 97,593. The number of persons of the
Bethel family engaged in the publishing of the mes-
sage averaged 157 persons per lVeek. Thus it is seen
that the members of the Bethel iamily, in addition to
their other duties performed at the Bethel home,
preached the Kingdom gospel to many persons and
brought comfort and consolation to many who were
seeking after righteousness and truth.
The studios of radio station WBBR are situate at
the Bethel home, and every program broadcast from
these studios includes the Kingdom message proclaimed
either by persons who speak or by transcription or
phonograph records that are reproduced and broad-
cast by radio. This radio station is devoted wholly to
the publishing of the Lord's kingdom message and .....
to other things of public interest, convenience and'
necessity. No pecuniary profit whatsoever is derived
from such broadcasting, no revenue is received, and
all the expense of maintaining and operating such
radio studios is met by voluntary contributions. The
Bethel home, therefore, is entirely devoted to the proc-
lamation of this gospel of the Kingdom as commanded
by the Lord, and thus the entire work at said home
is benevolent and charitable. Each and every member
of the Bethel home renders service freely, and the
only compensation therefor is housing and meals fur-
nished by the Society, and laundry provided, as well
as repairing, and a small allowance of $10 per month
to each person, which money is used for incidental
expenses, such as clothing and the like. No person of
the Bethel family has or receives any pecuniary profit
from the operation of the home, factory or office.
The Society owns certain real estate situate on Staten
Island, Greater New York, and for convenience this
Year Book 45
place is called Watchtower. At that point is situated
the transmitter of radio station WBBR, which radIO
station is devoted exclusively to broadcasting that
which is of the greatest public interest, convenience
and necessity, and all programs are broadcast freely
and without any compensation received from any per-
son whatsoever. No program for hIre is ever broadcast,
and all the expense of maintaining and operating such
radio station is borne by the afore-mentioned corpora-
tions, and the money received for that purpose is de-
rived from voluntary contributions.
In addition to the radio station, a portion of the
land at Watchtower is used for gardens, whereon are
produced vegetables used to provide food for the fam-
ily at Watchtower and at the Bethel home, Brooklyn.
There are 17 persons employed or engaged at Watch-
tower, Staten Island, in the work of operating the
radio station, cultivating the gardens and attendrng
the poultry, the proceeds of which are used entirely
for those who are engaged in the Lord's service. This
is carried on for the purpose of enabling the Bethel
family to be maintained at the least possible cost or
expense. Those laboring at the Staten Island home re-
ceive no profit whatsoever, and their allowance for
incidental expense is the same as to the members of
the Bethel home, and, in fact, all are of one family.
In addition to the foregoing the Society maintains
at Watchtower buildings in which are housed aged
and indigent persons who are unable to care for them-
selves, but which persons have spent much time and
effort in the publication of the Kingdom message. These
persons receive their food, raiment and shelter free of
charge, and which is furnished at the expense of the
ber of the family at Watchtower, Staten Island, is de-
voted to the Lord, consecrated to do his will, and com-
missioned to preach this gospel of the Kingdom. The
rooms of the buildings at Watchtower are used for
the housing of persons engaged in preaching the gos-
Year Book
pel, and at stated times Bible studies are held therein.
Each and every person at the Watchtower home at
Staten Island at stated intervals engages in the work
of going from house to house to preach this gospel of
the Kingdom by word of mouth and by use of the
phonograph and transcription records. The property
at Staten Island is devoted entirely to the Society's
work of proclaiming the Kingdom message or adver-
tising God's kingdom.
During the past year the radio has been employed
to advertise the Kmg and the Kingdom, and many
radio stations have participated in that work. For
these programs the commercial rate has been paid,
and the money used to pay for same has been contrib-
uted by the men and women throughout the land who
love God and his King.
The programs broadcast have been both by electrical
transcription and by speakers personally using the
radio to address audiences. Programs by electrical
transcription in the English language to the number
of 18,213 were broadcast during the year. Radio Sta-
tion WBBR, owned and maintained by the WATCH
PIT ASSOCIATION, broadcast all programs without any
remuneration from anyone. This ,radio station never
at any time has received one penny for broadcasting
programs. All expense of maintaining that station is
paid by the Society. In addition to this, time for broad-
casting has been purchased from other stations in the
United States and other countries, and below we give
a list of radio stations employed and used during the
year 1937, the total number being 339, as follows,
to wit:
America (including
Alaska and Hawaii) 287
Argentina 3
Year Book 47
5 IndIa 1
2 Paraguay 1
1 Spam 1
Uruguay 1
5 Total 339
During the year the president of the Society ad-
dressed the country a number of times by a network
of radIO stations. Some of these programs were trans-
mitted practIcally all over the earth. Saturday, Sep-
tember 18, 1937, the president's address before the
Columbus (Ohio) convention, to an audience of 25,000
people, was broadcast throughout the United States,
practically all of North America, England, Conti-
nental Europe, and Australia Sunday, September 19,
1937, 135 radio stations in the United States broad-
cast an address delivered by the president of the So-
ciety on the subject "Safety". Sunday, September 26,
1937, the president broadcast a lecture, "Worshiping
God, " over a nation-wide network of 125 radio stations.
With the conclusion of the last above-described net-
work of radio stations broadcasting the program it
was announced by the president of the Society that
on the 31st of October, 1937, all contracts for the
broadcasting of programs of the Society for hire would
be canceled and that thereafter only such radio sta-
tions as would broadcast the Kingdom message with-
out charge would be used. In his address on "w or-
shiping God" the preSIdent set forth the reasons why
this action was being taken. Amongst other things
were these: That during the past ten years radio
stations throughout the land had l>roadcast the ';V A ~ ' C H
TOWER programs proclaimmg the kingdom of God
under Christ, and it had spent upwa,rd of two million
dollars in payment for such programs, all of which
money had been contributed by those who love God
and his kingdom; that during all that time the reli-
gionists put forth their most vigorous and vicious
ende:1Vors to prevent radio stations from broadcast-
Year Book
ing such programs; that threats and coercive methods
and boycott were used, partlcularly by the Roman
CatholIc Hierarchy and other religionists, to induce
radio stations to cancel such programs; that because
of such wrongful methods used petitions were filed
by millions of American citizens with Congress and
with the Federal Radio Commission, demanding that
action be taken to prohibit interference with WATCH
TOWER programs; that nothing whatsoever had been
done to cause such persecution and interference to
stop, but, on the contrary, the public officials of the
United States government, owners of radio stations,
and others had conspired and acted together to hinder
and prevent the broadcasting of the Kingdom mes-
sage; that for this reason the radio has up to this time
served as a test to owners and operators and to the
officials of the government of the United States, and
particulal'ly to the clergy, all of whom have shown
their opposition to God's kingdom under Christ; that
by this test all of those opponents have identified them.!'
selves as the enemies of God and his kingdom, and
therefore the radio appears to have fully served God's
purpose in giving warning to the peoples of the na-
tion and in serving to divide the people and force the
opponents to declare themselves against God's king-
dom and thus identify themselves as members of the
Devil's organization, even as the religionists did in
the time of Jehu. (2 Ki. 10: 18-28) The Lord Jesus
declared that at the time of his appearing at the tem-
ple he would have all the nations before him, and he
would separate them as a shepherd divides his sheep
from the goats; and the Tadio has furnished much
evidence of the fulfillment of this pl'ophecy and has
shown clearly that those who have opposed the broad-
casting of the Kingdom message are in the "goat"
class as opponents of the Lord God and his King.
(Matt. 25: 31-46) The radio having served God's pur-
pose, there seems to be no further reason why conse-
crated money should be used to pay radio stations to
Year Book
make known the Kingdom. Although the law of the
land requires that radIO stations broadcast that which
is of public interest, convenience and necessity, almost
all the programs put over the air are commercial, hav-
ing to do with an effort to sell to the people goods,
wares and merchandise, much of which is of no value;
that the religious programs broadcast are purely com-
mercial, because the purpose is to induce the people
to stand by the churches as against God's kingdom,
and to support the churches by their money. The pro-
grams generally broadcast today do not comply with
the law, for the reason that they are not of public
interest, they are not of public necessity, and they are
not of public convenience, because they have no ten-
dency to inform the people of the things that they
really need or to build them up and give them strength,
moral courage and faith in God. For this reason the
poor get no benefit from commercial radio stations.
A better method of carrying on the witness work than
by hired radio stations will henceforth be used.
.Tesus and his apostles went from house to house,
there meeting the people personally, and preached to
them the gospel of the kingdom of God; and thus the
precedent was established and has the approval of
.T ehovah God and shows that such a manner is more
pleasing to the Lord in proclaiming the gospel to the
people. It is the delivering of the testimony to the
people that is important, and this can be done better
by personal visits than otherwise. Everyone who will
be of the kingdom of God now has an opportunity
of having a part in bringing the testimony person-
ally before the people, and the .Tonadabs or "great
multitude" likewise have an opportunity to partici-
pate in this work and will do so. The ruling element
of the nation having been warned, particularly by
means of the radio programs broadcast concerning
the Kingdom, and the poor people having few facili-
50 Year Book
ties for hearing radIO programs, and the poor being
the ones that are most lIkely to hear the Kingdom
message, a concerted and organized effort will now
be put forth to carry the Kmgdom gospel to all such
as have a hearing ear.
As an aid to such personal witness work the Lord
has brought into action thousands of sound machines
with the necessary equipment, which machines are
known as transcription machines, sound cars and
phonographs. Speech relating to the Kingdom mes-
sage is made and recorded by means of electricity
and other necessary equipment, and such speech is
reproduced on discs or records for the benefit of those
who desire to hear. These sound machines are pro-
duced and made available for Jehovah's witnesses and
the Jonadabs, all of whom are now privileged to use
them and by this means have a part in preaching this
gospel of the Kingdom. During the fiscal year approx-
imately 15,000 sound machines have been employed
in this part of the witness work, and more machines
and records are being produced as rapidly as the
Society's factories can turn them out. The field work-
ers are providing themselves with phonographs and
the necessary records, and they go from house to house
and introduce the Kingdom message in this manner.
Up to the present time the transcription and phono-
g r ~ p h records have been made and the speech trans-
lated and recorded in the English, German, French,
Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Ukrainian, and Arabic,
and other languages. These sound machines are manu-
factured and placed in the hands of the field workers
at a nnancialloss to the Society, the deficit being made
up by voluntary contributions.
Recordings are made for the transcription machines
on discs that require fifteen minutes to reproduce the
speech, and on the phonograph four and one-half min-
Year Book 51
utes to :five minutes to reproduce the speech. The pio-
neers and company workers and others use this sound
equipment and the discs in their daily witness work
in the field. All the workers are realizing the great
aid of such equipment in preaching the gospel, and
the company workers and others throughout the earth
are increasing their equipment as rapIdly as possible
to do this work. By this means they are enabled to
personally meet the people in their homes, particularly
those who are too poor to have radio receiving sets,
and to interest such hearers by giving them an oppor-
tunity to hear of some of the provisions that God has
made for those that love and serve him.
At the conclusion of the fiscal year the Society or-
ganized a company of "special pioneers", equipping
these for field service and sending them forth to do
special work. Each one of such pioneers is equipped
with a phonograph and records, which will be daily
used in the witness work. These special pioneers will
receive necessary aid from the Society and will de-
vote their entire time to calling on the people and
personally presenting to them the Kingdom message,
both by phonograph and through the printed publi-
cations. It confidently appears that this method of
preaching the gospel will be more effective than the
broadcasting by radio stations, and money that would
otherwise have been used to pay commercial rates for
programs on the radio will now be employed to in-
crease the means of giving testimony by phonograph.
Those who have made a covenant to do the will of
God will find now no excuse for their failure or re-
fusal to have a part in the witness work. This gospel
of the Kingdom must be preached in obedience to the
Lord '-8 commandment, and the Lord is providing the
necessary means to do the work. For this reason the
use of sound machines and phonographs and the per-
Year Book
sonal visits to the homes of the people will put a test
upon the witnesses of the Lord. This test will afford
each one the opportunity to show whether he will main-
tain his integrity toward God or not. All who have
a proper understanding of the paramount importance
of the Kingdom will meet this test and stand it suc-
cessfully and go joyfully on to victory. They will
realize and appreciate that this is a great campaign
in the interest of the Righteous Government. They will
not be so much impressed with their own salvation
as with the privilege and responsibility of proving
their unbreakable love for God and his kingdom. They
will see and appreciate not only that the Kingdom is
a means of salvation of honest and obedient persons,
but, above all, that through it Jehovah God's name
will be fully vindicated. So seeing that before them
is set the greatest privilege ever given to creatures,
the faithful will permit nothing to stand in their way
or interfere with their full devotion to the Lord in
performing this part of the service to his honor and
The special pioneers will furnish a very effective
way of reaching the people, and as the Lord provides
the financial means the number of these special ones
will be increased. Both the remnant and the J onadabs
are'learning that it is their great privilege to use what-
soever money they can in furthering the Kingdom
interests and by this means to prove their love and
devotion to God and his kingdom. It is therefore con-
fidently expected that the Lord will put it in the minds
of such persons of good will to come forward with
all the money that is necessary to carryon his work
according to his will. Those who are fully devoted to
God's kingdom now appreciate the fact that money
is of no value whatsoever unless it can be used to fur-
ther the Kingdom interests, and the Kingdom interests
can be furthered by advertising to the people that
God's kingdom is the only means of relief and sal-
Year Book
The Society maintains at Brooklyn a printing and
bookbinding establishment, as well as in other places
of the earth equipment for manufacturing the books.
All these books contam the message concerning the
Kingdom. They are not manufactured for pecuniary
gain, of course, because no profit is made. At the end
of the year we find, each time, that the small
butions that have been received for the books do not
meet the expenditures for the manufacture and publi-
cation of the same. The deficit must be made up and
is made up by money voluntarily contributed out of
the meager means of those who are interested in God's
kingdom. One means of advertising the Kmgdom, and
which means has been greatly blessed by the Lord, is
that of exhibiting to the people the books containing
the Kingdom message. The phonograph furnishes an
introduction which claims the attention of those who
are seeking truth and righteousness, and the books that
are placed in the hands of the people enable them to
take their Bible and carefully examine the books; by
which, together with the explanation contained in the
books, they are able to ascertain God's purpose toward
the human race. It is true that the Society receives
contributions for the books from all who WIll, but these
contributions are often less than the books cost to
manufacture and publish. In addition thereto a great
number are given away freely to people who have no
money. Jehovah's witnesses realize that their mission
is to preach the Kingdom, that God has laid that
sponsibility upon them, and they cannot shirk this
responsibility; and if they find persons who desire
to know about the Kingdom, and who have no money
to contribute toward the publication of books, such
books are freely given to them. Persons who hunger
and thirst for righteousness seek the way of finding
the same, and thus their attention is drawn to the
Lord's provision for such. The publications of the
Society explain the Bible and enable a person to find
Year Book
in the Bible exactly the things that bear upon the
present-day events and make clear the reason for the
destruction now on the earth and the only hope that is
set before mankind. Jehovah God has pointed the peo-
ple to his beloved Son, the Kmg, and his kingdom as
their only hope, but in order for the people to learn
this great truth it must be called to their attention.
For this reason the message of and concerning the
kingdom of God under Christ is of greatest public
need, convenience and interest. Only those who love
Jehovah and who are therefore Jehovah's servants are
bearing this message of truth to the people, and, true
to his course of wickedness, the Devil and all his agents
oppose such message. Jehovah's witnesses, therefore,
know that they must carryon the witness work against
great opposition, and they are not at all deterred in
their work by opposition. Religious leaders call upon
their parishioners to gather together these books and
burn them, for no other reason than the fact that they
contain the truth exposing wickedness and showing
God's only remedy for the human race; and those who
do burn them have and manifest the spirit of God's
great enemy, Satan the Devil. By means of comparing
the Scriptures with religion the people now can readIly
see that religion is of the Devil and has been an in-
strument of the Devil used for centuries to blind the
people, whereas Christianity, that is, full obedience
to God's Word, leads people into the way of safety
and everlasting blessings.
During the year the Lord has caused to be brought
forth the booklets Armageddon, Protection, Uncovered,
and Safety, and a booklet entitled ModeZ Study; also
a bound book of 384 pages, entitled Enemies. These
books make the clear distinction between religion and
Christianity and enable the people to see who consti-
tute their real enemies and who are their real friends.
The proclamation of this kingdom message carried on
by this and other means of publication provokes a con-
troversy on behalf of the enemy, and thus there is a
Year Boole 55
constant warfare between those who are for God and
his kingdom and those who are opposed. This IS the
time that this warfare must be carried on, and there-
fore, in harmony with the text for the year, this war-
fare is being carried on. Therefore to his people J eha-
vah says: "Arise ye, and let us rise up against her
in battle." Jehovah's witnesses and their companions
throughout the earth have been diligent during the
year in carrying on the battle as commanded. Their
part in such warfare is not performed by carnal weap-
ons, but by the use of God's Word and its explana-
tion. Their part is to sound the warning and to deliver
the message of comfort, and thus they are magnify-
ing the name of the Lord and the importance of his
During the :fiscal year a number of local conventions
were held in the area of the United States. The two
outstanding important conventions were the ones held
at Newark, New Jersey, October 16-18, 1936, and at
Columbus, Ohio, September 15-20, 1937. At the New-
ark convention 4,247 publishers were at the battle
front; and amidst a drenching rain and great opposi-
tion from the clergy and the police, and other oppo-
nents, those faithful persons witnessed for Jehovah's
kingdom, and placed in the hands of the people in
and about Newark 96,386 books and booklets. The
numerous sound cars present and that operated in
different parts of the vicinity within that period of
time had a total of 137,301 listeners. On the third day
of that convention the president addressed an audi-
ence in the Armory, with a seating capacity of 12,000.
Every seat was occupied, and all available standing
space, and hundreds on the outside heard by means
of voice amplifiers.
It was at the Newark convention that the Lord dis-
closed to his people in general assembly for the first
time his provision as foreshadowed by the drama re-
Year Book
corded in Genesis known as "Joseph and his breth-
ren". That convention was a great uplift to Jehovah's
witnesses and a splendid witness to the people of New
Jersey, where there had been so much wicked persecu-
tion carried on against the Lord's people because of
their faithfulness to his Word.
The religionists showed their enmity against God
and his kingdom during the Newark convention by
causing the arrest of a great number of men and
women, who were thrown into prison, not for commit-
ting some crime, but because they were going from
door to door bearing testimony to the people. Many
of these cases were tried in the courts; and the courts,
yielding to the influence of the commercial religion-
ists, imposed fines and jail sentences upon Jehovah's
witnesses. These faithful publishers suffered such in-
dignities joyfully, because they knew that the Lord
had permitted such as a means of causing the wicked
ones to identify themselves as against God's kingdom
and a means for the witnesses of the Lord to prove
their integrity under adverse conditions.
September 15-20, 1937, the Columbus, Ohio, conven-
tion was held. More than 20,000 of God '8 people as-
sembled there daily to hear instructions to better equip
themselves for the field battle. On Sunday, at the time
of the delivery of the public address, 30,000 or more
persons were on the ground, all of whom were en-
abled to hear clearly every word spoken by means of
a splendid public-address system. This public-address
system was installed by one of Jehovah's witnesses
connected with the Lord's organization and upon whom
the Lord put his spirit and blessing in making such
arrangement. Officers of the Fair Grounds freely stat-
ed that they had never known the Fair Grounds and
the auditorium to be so well equipped with a public-
address system.
That convention was, witheut doubt, the greatest
assembly of God's people held on earth, the greatest
in number, and its enthusiasm, no doubt, the greatest.
Year Book
Of course, it does not compare with the meetings that
the Lord Jesus held, but since the days of the apostles
there has been nothing like it. It was clearly mani-
fested that t110se who attended that convention were
fully devoted to the Lord and his kingdom, and noth-
ing was heard from anyone except that which would
advance the Kingdom interest.
Up to this time a number of companies in different
parts of the land had been affiicted by the manifesta-
tion of the "elective elder" spirit, and hence there
were contentions within the company. At the Colum-
bus convention all got a better view of the Kingdom
and its importance and of the necessity of unity in
action, and at the conclusion thereof the entire num-
ber attending the convention signified, by standing,
their determination to go back home, lay aside all per-
sonalities and contentions and all selfishness, and each
and everyone bend his efforts fully to the advertising
of the King and the Kingdom. It clearly appeared that
this convention had served to unify God's people as
never before and to show them the necessity of pre-
senting a solid front against the enemy in the warfare.
Not only the visible audience heard the addresses and
participated in the enthusiasm of the convention, but
a much larger invisiblB audience heard. Assemblies
were had throughout the United States and Great
Britain, Continental Europe and Australia, and these
assemblies, being connected by wire and wireless equip-
ment, were enabled to hear the most important ad-
dress delivered to the convention. They all partici-
pated in the spirit of enthusiasm and loving devotion
that moved those at the Ohio convention to proclaim
the name of Jehovah and his King.
At the Columbus convention the territory for the
workers was limited, of course, and not sufficient to
give each and every one an opportunity to devote much
time to field service. There was an average daily of
approximately 8,000 persons in the field service. These
publishers placed in the hands of the people during
Year Book
the convention the aggregate number of 117,468 books
and booklets. The persons receiving such literature
munbered 80,934. Those attending the sound car and
phonograph meetings were approximately 140,000
From every part of the country came those who are
devoted to God and his kingdom. They came by every
means of transportation. The pioneers journeyed in
their trailers, and some of them on foot. There on the
Fair Grounds they pitched their tents and built their
own city. Nearly one-fourth of the Fair Grounds space
was used for this purpose. They laid out their city
in an orderly manner, erecting their tents and park-
ing their house-cars along the streets provided by
thetp. for that purpose. On these house-cars, trailers
and tents were posted the names and addresses of
those who were domiciled there, that they might be
readily found. Approximately 2,000 lived in this
quickly constructed city. To show the facility with
which these faithful witnesses act, their equipment
was brought in and their city built quickly, and within
twenty-four hours after the convention ended every-
thing was removed and this little division of the army
was again marching to their territory to further en-
gage in battle. The Lord surely loves these pioneers
very dearly because of their zeal for him and his king-
dom. They endure really the brunt of the battle, and
they rejoice in undergoing hardships and suffering
reproach for the name of Jehovah and his King.
The feeding of that great multit:ude in Columbus
was an important item, and the Society set about to
provide the food at the least possible cost. A cafeteria
was constructed and operated chiefly by members of
the Bethel family and other brethren who assisted.
Ten thousand persons were fed per hour during the
rush periods, and practically all those attending the
convention obtained their three meals a day at this
cafeteria. To give some idea of the m.1gnitude of the
preparations necessary a statement is here made of
Year Book 59
the food consumed, as follows: MIlk, 52,730 quarts;
8,000 gallons of fruit JUIces; 12,434 pounds of bread;
2,079 pounds of butter; 14,000 pounds of meat and
:fish; two tons of cheese; many tons of vegetables;
70,000 pies; 57,000 portions of ice cream, and much
other food. The cafeteria and kitchens were equipped
with voice amplifiers so that those who Jid the work
could, while working, lIsten to the programs and other
proceedings of the convention.
Every member of the Bethel family was assigned
to a post of duty, and each and everyone performed
his or her duty faithfully. The convention was with-
out doubt the most orderly and well conducted that
the present generation has known.
Other provisions of the convention included this:
A. gas station was installed for the purpose of furnish-
ing gasoline and oil to the cars of those attending the
convention, and the Society furnished the necessary
gas and oil at aotual cost, thus saving those attending
considerable money. The Society furnished its own
traffic ofTIcers and police to police the Fair Grounds.
The Society made arrangements with the Ohio State
Journal, that daily issued more than 30,000 extra
copies of its paper carrying a full-page report of the
convention. There are many details that might be re.-
corded here, but it seems not best to use this space
to further elaborate on this convention. More complete
details thereof have been published in the Ohio State
Journal and the magazine Oonsolation.
A.t the beginning of each year a schedule is made
up for the campaign work in the :field during the year.
It is not always possible to follow out this campaign
closely and accurately, because of other things that
arise which must be done. There is but one purpose,
and that is to give the most effective witness possible
in behalf of the Kingdom, and the Society bends its
efforts to that end. As to this further means 01 adver-
tising the Kingdom, and the efforts put forth, the fol-
Year Book
lowing is quoted from the report of the Society's serv-
ant at 117 Adams Street, to wit:
There were two campaigns scheduled for the year. On ac
count of the conventIOn, only one was held, May 29, 30. The
brethren are always ready for action when called upon; but
a more effectIve means of meetmg opposltlon has been found,
wInch IS, covermg the troubled area wlth just a phonograph
and makmg arrangements for back calls, at which subsequent
calls hterature IS mtroduced for the first time. This has proved
very effe<Jhve, and the enemy has not been able to successfully
oppose it. It has proved an excellent means of meeting emer-
gencies that have arisen, and a divIsional campaIgn has not been
necessary. All the detaIls of the dIviSIon arrangement are still
held intact for any action necessary. Report for the one diVI-
sional campaign of the year IS as follows:
DIvisions participating 69
Cars 2,610
Publishers 12,789
Books 10,987
Total literature
Sound attendance
There was a total of 4,1,126 different publishers in the field
durmg these two international periods. It is a remarkable tlnng,
when one stops to consider it, that 2,500,987 pieces of htera-
ture are plnced in the hands of the people m only 18 days' time.
If the brethren could average as much tnne throughout the year
as they average during these testimony periods, more than 50
llllllion pieces of hterature would be placed in 12 months; so it
goes to show that these mternational campaigns are a real bless-
ing and that the brethren do put forth an extraordInary effort.
A report for the two periods follows:
1936 1937
Oct. 3-11 Mar. 27-Apr. 4 Total
Countries reporting 76 81 84
PIoneers 2,844 2,831 2,844
Auxiliaries 1,224 1,156 1,224
Company publishers 34,162 37,058 37,058
Total publishers 38,230 41,045 41,126
Hours 419,791 454,344 874,135
Obtainers 568,882 841,413 1,410,295
Books 132,142 44,991 177,133
Booklets 813,642 1,510,212 2,323,854
Total literature 945,784 1,555,203 2,500,987
Sound attendance 411,870 539,577 951,447
Year BoDie 61
As was announced In the begi=g of the year, SlX special
periods were set aside for specIal wItness. The names of these
perIods denote the fight and have been stlIDulatmg to the breth-
ren to put forth extraordmary effort in the field. In the Umted
States these six periods brought forth good results. Nearly
three nulhon pIeces of lIterature were placed, and over two
million persons enjoyed the lectures brought to them through
the sound eqUlpment. The total work accomplIshed in these SlX
pen ods, to compare wath the six penods of 1936, is set out
Total literature
Sound attendance
The mileage of the regIOnal servants is not as great this year
as last. They traveled nearly 50,000 miles less, and their ex-
penses for servmg the companies also decreased proportion-
ately. Many of the smaller umts received attentIOn during the
year. A su=ary of theIr actiVIty shows more companies called
upon this year than last.
Companies served Mues Expense
Banks, T. E. 164 19,846 $410.82
Barber, R. II. 42 3,449 66.96
Booth, J. C. 180 20,495 324.53
Draper, G. II. 530 6.65
Fowler, W. B. 51 7,292 326.19
IIerr, M. L. 238 14,832 409.52
Hoffman, A. M. 1 500 5.65
Macmillan, A. II. 116 11,285 344.90
McConnicl[, G. Y. 186 15,632 378.56
Swras, J.
67 11,369 182.95
Toutjian, S. H. 181 24,951 269.11
Watt, J. C. 15.83
Wnght, A. S. 176 11,453 414.54
Total 1937 1,402 141,634 $3,156.21
Total 1936 1,041 190,589 $4,122.17
During the past year 318 companies were served by members
01 the Bethel family. The work they did was the same as that
62 Year Book
carried on by the regional servants. Their territory is held
withm 200 mIles of New York City. The brethren wlthm this
dIstance of the Brooklyn office are better organized than at any
time heretofore. The expense of tlus servlce, in addItlOn to 42
funerals served, amounts to $1,639.89.
The Society from its Brooklyn headquarters sends
out certain numbers of men who regularly represent
the Kingdom interest by serving companies at varIOUS
places. A.ll of these are ordained ministers of the gos-
pel. Their ordination consists first of that conferred
upon them by the Lord, as set forth in Isaiah 61: 1, 2,
and the further authority granted to them by appoint-
ment from the Society. Below we give a list of those
who are ordained ministers and the representatives of
the Society from the Brooklyn office, to wit:
Akashi, J. L
Allen, J.
Alspach, B D.
Alspach, R W
Avi, A W.
Baeuerlem, J. A.
Ball, A L
Ballard, E E.
Banks, T. E
Barber, C W.
Barber, R H
Bausch, L R
Baxter, W H.
Becker, E W.
Belekon, N.
Betry, L T.
Bodnar, J. :M
Bogard, J.
Booth, J. C.
Broadwater, L.
Brown, R l\f
Brown, W. R.
Bucyek, L.
Buenger, P. M L.
Burczyk, 0 B.
Burtch, L. B
Burton, R. G.
Calos, J
Casola, P. A.
Chapman, P.
Chen, F.
Clemons, P. R.
Coble, W. G.
ComuntzIs, T P.
Cooper, D. L
Copsey, D W.
CorrentI, J.
Cox, D. M.
Croxford, N. H
Cumming, A E
Cutrone, F. S
Daily, Wm
DavIdson, P H.
DavIs, R E
Dawson, J. L.
De Cecca, G
De Fehr, J F.
Derderian, D P.
Dey, Wm.
Dockey, E L
DreIsbach, D O.
Dunham, A. F.
Dwenger, H.
Edwardes, J. C.
EIcher, C.
Elrod, W. A.
Eneroth, T H.
Eshleman, A. D.
Evandole, G.
Feke}, C. J.
Ferguson, D. J
Franske, F J.
Franz, F W.
Freschel, M.
Frost, C E.
Fulgentls, G
Fulton, G P.
Gabler, H F.
Gangas, G D.
Geyer, B P.
Gllmer, C. M.
GlIckman, G J.
Gomgs, C.
Goux, A R.
Greenlees, L. K
Hackenberg, C F.
Hrugh, J H.
Hammer, P.
Haney, A.
Haney, H.
Hannan, G E.
Hannan, W. T
Harbeck, M. C.
Harteva, K.
Haslett, D.
Hatzfeld, R H
Heath, Jr, Wm P.
Hemery, J
Henschel, M G
Hessler, C R
HIbbard, 0 T
HOJnackl, R. V.
Homer, D.
HomIak, R. J.
Hoppe, K
Howlett, M A
Huff, W. D.
Hussock, C.
IIett, A. E.
Insberg, A
Jackson, W. K
James, H W
Jensen, H W
Jensen, K. M
JewulskI, T. G.
Jones, C. J.
Jones, G.
.Tones, R.
Kalle, R.
Karanassios, A.
KelJaris, A. N.
KeJler. E F.
Klem. l{
Knecht. C
Knorr, N H.
Kosel, A. D.
Kurzen, J
l{urzen, R
KusIak, M.
LaurIx, J
Leffler, R H.
LendmI, J.
Lester, G
LIndsay. L 111.
Lundgren, H B
Lunstrum, D A T
Lyon, C H.
MacAulay, D. F.
MacAulay, J. Y
MacGIllIvray, A
Macmillan, A. H.
MagyarosI, M.
Malun, G I.
Markus, J. F
Martyn, Jr, H
McClure, M A.
McCormlCk, G. Y
McGowan, G.
Messner, G
Montero, R
Moore, A E D.
MorrIS, W. O.
Moyle,O R.
Moyle, P. O.
Mumz, J.
Ness, W
Norder, H. T.
Ochala, S
Oertel, H C
Oertel, W R.
Oman, E
Pame, R E.
Palo, W. J.
Year Bo07.
Papageorge, D.
Papargyropoulos, A.
Parsons, F H.
Peach, A F.
Penhollow, I.
Perry, J A
Peterson, W.
Petros, H.
Petry, R
PhIllIps, F E.
PhillIps, G R.
Photmos, P.
Pmnocl" H E
Pnce, W }<'
Prosser, C S
Quackenbush, C D
Quackenbush, M
Qumley, C A.
Rann, G A
Reusch. L E
RlCe, E J.
RIemer, H H.
Roberts, C.
Rohner. C.
Roth. J J.
Ruth, W B
Rutherford, J F.
Santos, J
Scheider, W
SchmIdt. W.
Schroeder, A D.
Secord, A H.
Severino, F
Short, C.
Shuter, S.
Bioras, J
SIsson. E W.
SkaudvIJa, L.
Skinner, F E.
SmIth, T E.
Stewart, H L.
Sherle, W. R
StratIgos, P.
SUIter, G
SullIvan, T J.
Suvalc, A
Swmgle. L A
Symondson, E W.
Szabo, L
Talma, G L.
Tedesco. A.
TheophIhdes, A G.
'I'outJlan, S H.
Treder, W. E
Ulnch, C
Umlauf, J.
Van Amburgh, W E
Van SIpma, S M
VOIght, W.
Wagner, A l{.
Wagner, C E.
Waicelcons, J
WainwrIght, F. C.
Walter, E M.
Watt, J. C.
Werner, A.
WIberg, C. E.
WIlda, C de
WIlliams, J A.
'WIlson, E R
\'7Ise, C. A
Woodworth, C J.
Worsley. A A.
Wright, A. S.
Young, Geo.
Yuchniewlcz, S
YUIlle, N. A.
ZakIan, A S.
Zarysky. E.
ZelI, R. S.
Zoolc, A B.
Attention is here called to some of the evidence of
the opposition manifested by religionists against God's
kingdom under Christ. True to what the Lord fore-
told, those religionists, and particularly the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy, put forth every possible endeavor
to hinder the progressive march of the KIDgdom mes-
sage, and this they do by causing the arrest and perse-
cution of Jehovah's witnesses and the enactment and
enforcement wrongfully of laws to further retard the
witness work. It has become necessary for the Society
to maintain a legal department, employing one gen-
64 Year Book
eral counsel during the entire year, and many assistant
attorneys in different parts of the country. From the
legal department's report to this office, at the end of
the fiscal year, the following is quoted:
Total arrests
Total convIctions
Cases won
Arrests and
befole magistrates 59
Cases won on appeal
Cases lost on appeal
Number of appeals taken
Released without trial 325
New .Jersey 267
DIinois 127
Alabama 56
GeorgIa 36
Pennsylvania 34
New York 22
Arrests by States
Iowa 9
LOUlsiana 4
Oluo 3
VIrginia 3
Maryland 2
Total 16 States 569 Arrests
This report shows a decrease of over fifty percent, compared
with the previous year's arrests totalmg 1,149. There has been
a steady dechne in number of arrests smce the first of the year.
Here is the tally by quarters:
FIrst quarter 363
Second quarter 104
Third quarter
Fourth quarter
During the first quarter we had the Newark-convention total
of 114, and a haul of the same number at Peoria, DIinois. The
average number of arrests per month for the year is 47. Tak-
ing out the first month, with its unusual conilitlOns, the average
is reduced to 30 per month. For the past six months the average
is 17.
There are several reasons for this improved condition of
affairs. One is that the publishers are using more WIsdom and
discretlOn in their work. They avoid arrest mstead of walking
right into it. They evade officers instead of challenging them
to arrest them. Another reason is the WIder use of the phono-
gUlph. In a number of the tough areas phonographs only are
used, WIth good effect. A third reason IS that some of the munici-
palities got tIred of the .battle and qUlt their opposition. They
groan occaslOnally, but most of the time look the other way.
New Jersey
The witness work is progressing steadily and with very few
arrests. A large number of municipahties "improved" their
Year Book 65
ordinances during the past year. The newspapers announced
proDllnently at the time that they were bemg mlproved to get
Jehovah '8 witnesses They made their ordmances so tIght, how-
ever, that businessmen and labor unions and newspapers have
strenuously obJected. One of them, at Edgewater, was chal-
lenged by a labor organizatIon, and in a test case the New
Jersey Supreme Court handed down a that a murucl-
paMy could not prohIbit the handing out of a document of
publIc interest on the streets It stIlI appears to be consIdered
an mvasion of the personal rIghts of people to hand such docu-
ment to a householder at his home.
It appears as though we mIght see the labor organizations
nghtmg the same battle we have fought, and the Edgewater
case, at least, is benenClal to us.
The mining areas around Pittsburgh have subsided in their
oPPosItIon greatly. TIlls IS largely due to the determmed reSIst-
ance put up and the winning of a number of cases in ihe Com-
mon Pleas courts.
It looks as though the area around Atlanta is going to be
the principal battle ground for a while. The munHllpahtles have
put rIgid ordInances on their books. We have been defeated in
the GeorgIa Supreme Court, and the opposition has therefore
been much encouraged. The publishers are meeting the issue
WIth increased use of the phonographs, and, ill Atlanta, with
the use of "no :fixed contributIon" testImony cards.
New Yorl<
The central part of Long Island, and North Pelham, in West-
chester county, offer some resistance. We secured reversals of
three convictions from North Pelham, wmch will have a salutary
effect on that burg.
Flag Salute
New Jersey, Georgia and :Massachusetts upper courts have
upheld the compulsory flag-salute regulatIOns The New Jersey
and Georgla cases are beIng appealed to the Uruted States
Supreme Court. The papers are beIng cll.lefully prepared, and
we should have a deCIsion on the ments before the year is over.
Lawmaking bodies do not readily pass bills presented by us,
but It is apparent that our presentations have had a good effect
in preventing oppressIve legIslatIOn from beIng passed. In Penn-
sylvania several gag laws were introduced. We presented coun-
ter measures and asked for an investigatIon. Our bills were de-
Year Boole
feated, and also the gag laws faIled of passage. We presented
a protest to the New YOlk LegIslature agaInst the NaZI gag
law. It failed of passage. Same result in ConnectIcut. In DlInols
a :flag-salute law was Introduced. We protested, and that failed
of passage.
Kingdom Schools
There are two in Massachusetts, three in Pennsylvania, one
in New .Jersey, and one in Malyland. A large number of qual-
ified teachCls have regIstered theIr names for serVICe when need-
ed in such schools. An additlOnal school is beIng establIshed in
.Atlanta, Geol gla.
The enemy always concerns itself about the money
used to carryon the work for the Lord's kingdom.
They constantly put forth an effort to show that the
work of the Society is a commercial enterprise. This
shows theIr complete ignorance of what God's king-
dom and its work means. All the money and all the
wealth in the earth belong to Jehovah, and he could
have it all for his own purpose, if that should be his
will. God furnishes his people the Of port unity to show
their love and devotion to him and his kingdom by
permitting them to deny themselves and to make a
sacrifice of their little earthly belongings to carryon
his kingdom work. For this reason opportunity is given
to the people of good will to contribute for the lItera-
ture a small amount of money. There 'would be no
object or purpose in the Society's trying to make
money for the benefit of indIviduals. Those who are
engaged in this work are anXlOUS to use and do use
everything within their power to further the Kingdom
interests. It is found at the end of the fiscal year that
there is a difference between the amount of contribu-
tions received for all of the Society's publications and
the amount expended in manufacturing and distrib-
uting such pUblications, and that this difference is,
to wit, $141,665.95. This deficit must be made up in
some way. It is made up by the voluntary contribu-
tions of men and women interested in the Kingdom
work, which contributions are known as "good hopes"
Year Book
and which contributions are sent in regularly as the
men and women interested can spare the money. The
Roman Catholic organization that constantly solicits
money from the people is not asked to pay taxes on
its property. The WATCH TOWER BIBLE & TRACT S O ~
entitled to the benefit of tax exemption on the p r o p ~
erty held by said corporations for the Society, and yet
a constant effort is made on behalf of officers to com-
pel the payment of taxes on the Society's property.
Of course, if any taxes are paid, that money must
come out of the voluntary contribution of poor people
throughout the land who send in their little mite to
help carryon the Lord's work and to make up the
deficiency such as above mentioned. There is no class
of people under the sun who do so much work and
who get on with so little money as those who are en-
gaged in the Society's work. They put in their time
and effort in doing the work assigned to them in preach-
ing the gospel of the kingdom of God, and receive in
consideration only their food and lodging, and the
small pittance of $10 per month by which they must
provide their own clothing and other temporary neces-
sities. The PEOPLES PULPIT AsSOCIATION holdmg title
to property in the State of New York once had its case
heard by the courts of the State, which decided that
it is clearly entitled to tax exemption under the law.
Conditions have not changed in any manner whats(}-
ever, and yet the tax officers continue to place the
property of the PEOPLES PULPIT AsSOCIATION on the
tax list. In all these years the property held by the
PEOPLES PULPIT ASSOCIATION has not yielded one penny
of revenue. The contributions reeelVed for its litera-
ture and for the products of its gardens, and so forth,
each year have been used to carry on its benevolent
work, and each year there has been a deficit, and for
the fiscal year ending 1937 the Jeficit is more than
$140,000, as above stated. Thus it is seen that, if ul-
timately the Society is compelled to pay taxes on its
Year Boole
property, these taxes must be raised and paid by the
voluntary donations of Christian people who are scat-
tered throughout the United States. Mention is made
here to show how there is much blindness concerning
the work of the Society, and therefore no doubt much
opposition is induced by reason of the religious influ-
ence exercised against the Society. It was clearly the
purpose and intention of the lawmakers that such char-
itable and benevolent institutions as the PEOPLES PUL-
PIT .AsSOCIATION should be clearly exempt from taxes
for the reason that the presumption is that such insti-
tutions do not operate for pecuniary profit. .All the
facts show that the PEOPLES PULPIT .AssOCIATION oper-
ates without one cent of pecuniary profit to any per-
son, but, on the contrary, operates at a financial sacri-
fice to many persons who contribute their money to
carryon its work.
The Watchtower magazine is the official publication
twice each month for the benefit of all those who are
deeply interested in the study of the Bible. It carries
no advertisements, but every part of its space is used
for the publication of the IDngdom message. The small
SUbscription of one dollar :per year that is received is
used to help defray the expenses of the Society, includ-
ing the publication of the magazine. Many subscrip-
tions are furnished to the poor people for which no
contribution or SUbscription is received whatsoever.
There is therefore no pecuniary profit derived to any
person by reason of the publication of the Watchtower
For the past eighteen years the Society has pub-
lished a magazine under the title The Golden Age.
Recently the name of this magazine has been changed
to Oonsolation, the first issue of Oonsolation being pub-
lished September 19, 1937. The Golden Age magazine,
Year Book 69
now Consolation, is devoted exclusively to the publica-
tion of that w h ~ h is of interest, convenience and ne-
cessity for the people in general. The small subscriptIon
price received for it is paid into the funds of the So-
ciety and used for the purpose of defraying the expense
of the publication of the magazine and for other parts
of the Kingdom work. No one receives any pecuniary
profit by reason of the publication of this magazine.
It is one of the means of carrying on the work of the
Society. It carries no advertisements and receives no
revenue whatsoever save the sUbscription paid by thm:e
who are able to pay, whereas many subscriptions for
this magazine are furnished free to the poor. The pur-
pose of the magazine Oonsolation is that it may fur-
nish real consolation and help to the people by keep-
ing them informed of things that they need to know.
Every one of God's people on earth who supports
the Lord Jesus Christ and his kingdom is a publisher
of the Kingdom message. They appreciate the obliga-
tion which the Lord has laid upon them to make known
his kingdom. In keeping with their commission and
their work in fulfillment of that God-given commission
the assembly at the Columbus (Ohio) convention unan-
imously adopted and sent forth to the world the fol-
lowing Declaration, to wit:
Tms COUPANY of Chnstian people assembled at Columbus,
Ohio, declare
THAT we are wholly devoted to God and Ins kingdom under
THAT in obedIence to .Jehovah's co=andment we proclaim
to the world his warning that the day of his vengeance 18 at
THAT all religion origmated with the Devil, and auch the
Devil employs to deceIve the people and turn them away from
God and his kingdom;
THAT religion is the means of carrymg on the most tremen-
dous and devastating racket that has ever afflicted the people;
THAT .Jehovah reveals by his prophecy that Boon, at the battle
70 Year Book
of Armageddon, he will destroy the religious and an other parts
of the Devil '8 orgaruzatIOn, and that such will be the greatest
tnbulatIOn the world will ever have known;
THAT the only place of safety IS the kmgdom of God under
Chnst, and that those persons who deSIre to lIve must for ever
abandon rehglon and every part of Satan 's and
take theIr stand on the sIde of God and ills kingdom under
Chnst and obey the commandments of the Lord.
We bId you choose and serve God and lils kingdom and thus
find the place of complete safety and hfe everlastmg.
[UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED September 19, 1937.]
By the Lord's grace the remnant and their com-
panions who bear testimony to his kingdom through-
out the United States have endeavored during the year
to be faithful in the performance of their commission.
The foregoing facts are set out in this report in order
that it may be seen what they have been doing. The
Lord, of course, is their Judge, and to him they are
responsible; but each and every one who has had part
in the witness work during the year will rejoice to
know that so much has been accomplished in making
known the name of Jehovah, his King and his kingdom
throughout this land.
AFRICA (South, Central and East)
The witness work in South Africa has progressed
during the year, and that in the face of the most bitter
opposition against the kingdom of God prosecuted by
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and their allied reli-
gionists. The publishers, fired with the zeal peculiar
to the Lord's house, and their activity sharpened by
such opposition, have pushed forward. The result is
a wider distribution of the publications containing the
Kingdom message than during the previous year, such
increase exceeding the previous year by 30,000 and
Following his age-old political trick, the Devil has
made vigorous attacks on the outlying districts and
colonies of the natives and, having worked up public
sentiment against the Lord's work, has then moved his
forces toward the central governmental power. Using
Year Book
the clergy as his chief instrument, the Devil has in-
duced the politIcal religionists to enact laws prohibit-
ing the publication of the Kingdom message in different
parts of Africa. In the face of this opposition the faith-
ful witnesses of Jehovah continue to put forth Bven
greater efforts to give warning and to inform the hun-
gry ones of God's gracious provision for them.
The witnesses in Africa, operatlllg with and under
the direction of the Society's office at Cape Town, have
shown great courage and much joy in doing the work
committed to them, and the result is gratifying. Says
the local report of the Society's representative:
At the close of another year of KIngdom actiVIty it gives
pleasure to report that steady progress has been made through-
out this part of the neld. The pubhshers in each country un.der
the jurisdlction of the Cape Town office have shown much zeal
in their efforts to make Jehovah's name and kIngdom better
known. Keen OpposItIOn has agam been encountered ill several
countries, but such has only served to stimulate the brethren
to press the battle to the gate. The Lord '8 blessing and guid-
ance have been very mamfest, and he has given the increase.
The total distribution of literature amounted to 70,714 bound
volumes and 363,447 booklets, or a total of 434,161 books and
booklets. 'l'here has, therefore, been an increase of 1,107 bound
volumes and 19,208 booklets over last year's <iIstributIOn. The
literature has been spread ill 26 different languages, as follows:
English, Afnkaans, Ambic, ChInese, CIuwemba, Cinyanja, Croa-
tian, French, German, Greek, Gujerati, HmdI, Hollandish, Ital-
ian, Malay, Polish, Portuguese, Sesuto, Spanish, Tamil, Telegu,
Urdu, Xosa, YIddish, Yoruba, and Zulu. About 80 percent of
it has gone out in the two official European languages of South
Africa, namely, English and Afrikaans.
Union of South Africa
From reports in The Golden Age and the uaily press of con-
dItIOns in other lands we are of the opinion that South Africa
IS one of the most favored countries in the earth A democratic
government IS in control, composed mostly of men to whom the
precious heritage of hberty still means something. It is possible,
therefore, for us to worship God accordmg to the dIctates of
Ins Word, our consciences and our steadfast belief. Climatic
condItions are reasonably good, and there is little in the way
of unemployment. The WItnesS in the Union has gone forward.
with a swing. There has been an increase in every part of the
72 Year Book
The total number of books distributed during the
year is 359,507, and the attendance at meetings con-
ducted by the sound equipment totals 267,204. The
total increase of books and booklets distributed during
the year is 37,710, and the increase in the attendance
at sound meetings is 46,759.
The pioneers have averaged 117.5 hours per month; the aux-
iliaries, 51 hours; and the company publIshers, 12.5. Regular
reports are received from 70 d1fferent centers in the UIDon.
Our quota of 75,000 hours was exceeded by over 8,500 hqurs,
due in part to the increase in the number of pubhshers and
also in part to the sterhng effort put forth by a number of the
pioneer brethren who worked many hours over the required
The outstanding feature of the work during the past twelve
months has undoubtedly been the co=encement of the phono-
graph work in real earnest. Some work was done previously,
but, as inmcated in last year's report, not all had appreciated
the importance of this equipment. There was an i=ediate and
enthus1astic response to your letter of January 16. There are
now 220 phonographs, 4,112 discs (8,194 recorda) of the 41-
minute speech records and 442 Song mscs in the hands of the
publishers. The records are in Enghsh, Afrikaans, German and
Hollandlsh. Additional phonographs are now on order, and we
hope that every publisher in the field will shortly be supplied
with one and a supply of records. The playing of the phono-
graph record in the homes has enabled us to establish much
closer contact with the people. Reports from every part of the
field indicate that the records are breakmg down prejudice,
uncovering Satan's hes and helping the people of good Wlll
to appreciate the great issue. :Riohes studies have been formed
at every center, and the increase in the number of publishers
is due largely to the effect1ve w1tness now being given by means
of the phonograph coupled with thorough and effiCIent organi-
zatlOn of the back-call work. The Lord, of course, is the One
who 1S gathering the people of good will to his organizatlOn,
but 1t is a great privilege for us to do our part in putting forth
the necessary effort to contact such ones and then ill carmg
for the interest after it has been aroused.
Sound Cars and Transcription Machines
There are five sound cars in constant use. Two pioneer breth-
ren travel ill each van. Thousands of miles have been covered
dunng the past twelve months and plOneers report that, when
v1siting terntory previously covered by Sound Equipment No.3,
the earlier viS1t of the sound car and all that it stands for is
Year Book
still green in the memory of the people. In addItion to the five
V8.ns, Sound EqUlpment No. 3 IS attached to seven company
C8.rs, and these perform good service in the terrItory allocated
to the comparues who operate them. Supplementing the witness
given by the sound cars, we have 12 transcription machmes in
action m various parts of the country. Eleven of these are
owned and operated by companies, and two pIOneer sIsters have
made good use of the twelfth.
Special Campaigns
The special campaign periods were seasons of great joy and
blessIng to all who participated therein. A very considerable
number of the brethren lIve on farms and m small dorps, and
they do not have a sufficiency of territory to keep them busy
week by week. By careful planning of their affaIrS practically
all the publishers can manage to have some share in these special
efforts, and forty-three percent of the total lIterature distrIb-
uted in the Union was placed during those campaIgns The fol-
lOWIng extract from a letter received at the office is typical of
many and gives some indication of the extraordinary effort made
by publIshers to enable them to enjoy some part in the cam-
paIgn: "We left for Nylstr<fom at 5: 00 a.m. and assembled
together for servIce instructions and to supply the brethren WIih
campaIgn literature. After askIng the Lord's blessing, we got
off just before 9: 00 a.m. into the field service. We were three
cars carrymg six brethren, and one horse buggy wiih two other
brethren. We combed the surroundIng precincts for a radius of
approximately 20 mIles, travelmg jointly 648 miles, of which
312 miles were traveled to and from Nylstroom, while the rest
was covered in the house-to-house work. What an encouragmg
time we spent in Jehovah's service these two days I On the
evening of the first day we met again to relate field experiences
and to hear a few records by Brother Rutherford. In the two
days we visited approXImately 140 homes, and, as you Will see
from the figures, we were prIvileged to leave literature in 80
homes. The gramophones gave us excellent results, and Jeho-
vah's rich blessing is most mamfest on this Inighty weapon in
the remnant's hands at thIs day. The farmers were simply de-
hghted With the 'KonInkryk' message, and we know they will
receive much light from their study of the book Ey7cdom."
The report for the two days is as follows:
Publishers 8 Books 62
Hours 103 Booklets 179
Obtamers 80 Sound Attend 'ce 125
Service conventions were arranged at Cape Town, Johannes-
burg and Durban, and divisional campaigns at Pretoria and
74 Year Book
Potgietersrust. A determined effort to gIve a good witness to
the honor of the Lord's name was made on each occasion, and
we wele greatly refreshed and encouraged by partaklllg of the
food provided by the Lord through his orgaruzation. One of
the most successful transcnption meetlllgs yet had in this coun-
try was that at the Johannesburg conventIOn. No press adver-
tIsements were used, and the adverbslllg was done by
window cards, posters, banners, etc. There were several car
parades through the heart of the city, and the SIgns and banners
served to focus considerable attentIOn on the Kingdom message.
Three transcnption machmes were wired together to ensure
good reception m all parts of the hall, and the 500 persons who
assembled lIstened attentively to the lecture on I, Separatmg
the NatIOns"_ They showed theIr appreciation by joming heart-
ily in the applause which follows the moving of the Resolution;
availing themselves of the opportunity presented at the close
of the meetmg to obtain literatute; and signing the cards re-
questmg someone to call with the phonograph recorda.
SolId progress has again been .made in Nyasaland. The veil
of darkness is gradually being lIfted from "darkest Africa",
and the KIngdom message continues to bring enlIghtenment,
comfort and hope to many in that land. During the past twelve
months the work has been carned forward by approximately
1,319 brethren, divided into 48 company units In several dIS-
tricts there is not enough territory to keep the publishers busy,
and the brethren work in relays. There has been a monthly
average of 974 publIshers, who have served 149,757 hours and
placed 1,514 bound volumes and 19,146 booklets, with 20,514
obtainers. The total sound attendance was 7,548. The number
of publIshers and time spent in the field show a bIg mcrease
over last year's figures. Book distribution may appear low in
comparison with tIme worked, but it should be borne in mind
that the publIshers have to cover long distances on foot. There
are no "streets" or "blocks" such as we have In European
citIes. The huts and kraals are widely scattered, and the eco-
nOllllC conditions amongst the native populatIOn are poor. A re-
cent press report indicates that approximately 100,000 natives
(heads of families) whose homes are in Nyasaland are at pres-
ent In the Rhodesias and the Union earning the whereWIthal
to support their WIves and fallllhes. The brother in the depot
at Zomba, who is the only European witness in Nyasaland, re-
ports on condItIOns ill part as follows:
"Much dIfficulty has been experienced up in those parts
(Northern Province) in getting the work runnmg in an organ-
ized manner, but from the appearance of things today there
is a change for the better. Ignorance has played a large part
Yea1' Book
in retarding progress, but the reglonal work being done in those
parts now IS beanng frmt and It lS hoped that condItlons wIll
Improve. Tbat is with specIal reference to the most northern
part. Farther down along the shores of Lake Nyasa conditions
are very faIr and the truth fairly WIdely known, although there
is much yet to be done ill the way of educating the pubIlc. The
ProVInce covers about two-thIrds of the Protectolate,
Illld operatmg in thlS area are the 33 remallllllg companIes of
brethren. In the larger portIon of the province good progress
has been nmde and a good WItness gIven. The lllterest among
the populace is steadIly increaslllg, and the study meetmgs are
provmg of real benefit to many seekers. As a result many breth-
ren are bemg encouraged to press the battle to the gate, settmg
a good example to thelr compamons. The qUlet behavior of .Teho-
vah's witnesses IS provmg the power of the Truth and the peace
it brmgs, whIch fact even the authoritles must recognlze. On
behalf of all brethren and well-wlshers of the Society and its
work, let me assure you of thelr sincere appreCIation of all that
is bemg done m this land that they may learn of .Tehovah and
of Jus boundless blessings stored up in hlS treasure-honse for
all who seek his praIse and honor. The call to 'AdvertlSe, adver-
tlse the Kingdom, ye sons of the Most HIgh God' rlllgs out
still and Wlth greater llltenslty than ever before, assuring us
that at the head of .Tehovah's glOrIOUS organIZation lS his
anointed KIng and Leader of the battle now being waged."
Northern RhodesIa
The opening of a depot in Northern Rhodesia has resulted
in much good It has made posslble a closer supervision of the
work and provided the necessary opportunity to carry forward
a real educational work amongst those who desire to serve .Teho-
vah with clean hands and pure hearts. The peak number of
publIshers durmg the year was 1,081, and the monthly aver-
age 756. The total time spent in the witlless work was 175,718
hours, and 914 bound volumes and 17,187 booklets were placed,
in the hands of 16,487 persons. The sound attendance was 3,200.
Wlth your permission some six or seven of the unprohiblted
booldets were translated into Cmyunja and several into ChI-
wemba during the year, and we are now eagerly awaiting sup-
plIes from he::Ld office. In the absence of any word to the con-
trary during the past twelve months we assume that the appeal
in connection with the prohibited literature is stIll dnfting m
the direction of the Privy Counell The brother in the depot
at Lusaka. reports as follows:
"The past twelve months have marked a steady progress
which, due to its very nature, 18 not entirely reflected in the
report of the WltllesS work done. Before ihe depot was estab-
lIshed many natives whose knowledge was hmited or assumed,
and whose actions were not prompted by a humble desire to
Year Book
honor Jehovah's name, shared with the sincere ones in all their
actIvItIes. Some of these selfish ones liked to adopt the ecclesi-
astIcal attItude of learned and Important teachers, whereas
others used theIr supposed knowledge for selfish purposes.
, 'The year under review, therefore, has been one of witness-
ing, separatmg and educating. The separatIOn has been a dif-
:ficult work, particularly m the isolated VIllages sItuated as far
as 1,000 mlies from the railway hne, but very good progress
has been made. In the villages, particularly, oilly a small pro-
portIon of the natives can read, and even then mdIfferently,
generally speaking, and their languages vary considerably m
different areas. There is therefore a real need for simple litera-
ture explammg the purpose of .Tehovah to vindicate His name;
the missions, as we might expect, have left the proselytes abso-
lutely ignorant concerning the Kingdom and Its estabhshment,
and have warned them not to read the Society's pubhcatlons.
Their efforts have been unavaihng, however, and some of our
most active and understanding native pioneers have left Baby-
lon for ZIOn. There is eVIdence to indICate that some of the mIS-
510118, run by the Roman Catholic Church, have induced theIr
boys to molest and beat .Tehovah's WItnesses when they call
on them at their homes. The placements amongst Africans have
been small, due ahnost entirely to the fact that the Northern
Rhodesia government has banned all but two of the Society's
available native pubhcations; but we rejoice in the consIstent
effort put forth by many native witnesses in spite of the many
difficulties under wIDch they do then work, meeting opposition
and walking hundreds of IDlles in rough, dry and dangerous
country. The sincere ones are now becoming properly organized
through correspondence from the depot and VIsits to it, as well
the sending of pIOneers who act as regIonal servants mto the
different provmces. Regular study and wOlkers' meetIngs are
being held each week; these are particularly necessary, as few
boys can, by themselves, fully grasp the contents of a pubhea-
tion or even a long letter. We look forward, therefore, to the
coming year's actIvity with much greater confidence and as-
surance, as many of those -who lacked the 'love of the truth'
have gone from us and those who remain really desire to 'know,
and beheve, and understand' the ruvme purpose and share in
tellmg it to others. The Devil has done much to misrepresent
the SOCIety and Its work, particularly as a result of the Report
of the Commission of Enqmry into the Copperbelt Disturbances
and the mfiuence of the religionists, but smce last .Tuly a large
number of responSIble government officials, including the gov-
ernor, have had the truth concerning this matter brought plainly
to their attention. Some, as a result, have manifested kIndness
and consideration to .Tehovah's witnesses and dealt severely
with those who have uruawfully h;ndered them."
Year Book
Southern Rhodesia
Contrary to the pohcy followed by the governments in sur-
rounding terrltones, the government of Southern Rhodesia con-
tmues to obstruct the legitimate desire of the Society to estab-
hsh a depot in that country. RepresentatIOns were again made
dUrIng the course of the year, to willch the following reply was
receIved from the Secretary, Department of Internal Affans:
l'I am desired by the MInister of Internal Affairs to acknowl-
edge the rece1pt of your letter of the 8th instant, applymg on
behalf of your Society to send European representatIves to
open a depot in tills colony. In reply I am drrected to inform
you that the Government has consIdered your request that your
SOCIety be allowed to establish European control m this colony
over the adherents of this SOCiety. It is regretted, however, that
the Government is not prepared, at the present time, to accede
to your request."
The SedItion Bill was promulgated on July 3, 1936, and a
government notice under date of December 18, 1936, prohIbIted
the importatlOn of seven volumes and seven booklets published
by the Society, on the grounds that they were "deemed to be
seditious' '. As far as we know, such publications are the only
books banned under the SedItion Bill, which, of course, is cor-
roborative proof that the Act was introduced by the religIOnists
only to suppress the literature containing the message of God's
kingdom. The schedule of prohibited pubhcations was submitted
to Parliament for approval on March 24, 1937, by the Minister
of Justice (the Ron. R. C. Tredgold) and his motion was
agreed to WIthout discussion. We should be much interested
to know if all the members of the Legislative Assembly who
agreed to the motion, without a single voice being in
protest, had read the fourteen pUbhcations before agreeing to
their bemg banned II
On March 10, 1937, fourteen days before this action was
taken by parliament, a letter of protest was sent to each mem-
ber of the Legrslative Assembly together WIth copies of Pro-
and Uncovered. Then action, therefore, would appear
to have been delIberate and not WIthout knowledge; and the
more knowledge, the greater the responsIbility I At the same
tune copIes of the letter of protest and one or other of these
two booklets (15,000 copIes of Protectwn and 6,000 of Uncov-
ered) were posted to the 21,000 EUlOpeans livmg in Southern
Rhodesia whose names are published m the 1937 directory. As
the total European population in the colony is 50,000, it will
be seen that a very thorough and WIde-spread witness was given.
This work, and the expense entailed, was earned by European
brethren livmg throughout the Union of South Africa. The Act
makes provision for one who has hterature seized under the
Act to make application to the High Court for an order releasing
78 Year Boole
such publications from arrest on the grounds that they are not
seditIOus. A test case was duly arranged, and the hearIng took
place at the HIgh Court, Bulawayo, on .July 27-29, contInuIng
for 2t days. The SocIety's sIde was handled ably by counsel
replesentIng us. Both the semor and junior barristers had made
a dIlIgent study of the 14 publIcatIOns and, m addItion to the
legal aspect of the case, WhICh was argued at some length, the
contents of the lIterature and the nature and purpose of the
Somety's work were fully outlIned In a very convmcmg manner.
At the conclUSIOn of the hearIng the judge Intimated that his
judgment would be reserved as he desIred filst to read the 14
publIcatrons. If a just judgment is grven, there can only be
one outcome, but, whatever the result, one IS happy in the
knowledge that by the Lord's grace a good WItness was grven
in the Court and also by means of the public press. The Bula-
wayo Chro,(1!wle had a report on the case of 21- columns on the
28th, It columns on the 29th, and 1 column on the 30th, and
the full report was reproduced m the week-end Issue of .July 31.
As that editIOn CIrculates throughout Southern Rhodesia and
Northern Rhodesia, the matter would be brought to the atten-
tion of the majority o.E Europeans in both countnes.
Since posting the data contained in this report a
cablegram has been received from South Africa read-
ing as follows:
This means that the court has evidently seen that the
act of prohibiting the distribution of the Society's lit-
erature in Rhodesia has been without warrant. This
will furnish a further opportlmity for hearing the
case on appeal, and, if it is the Lord's will, the litera-
ture may be released and have even greater distrIbu-
tion than ever before.
There are approXlIllately 230 European and African WItnesses
at 24 dliIerent centers m Southern Rhodesia. Durmg the past
year they have served 31,388 hours In the witness work. That
represents a consIderably greater effort than what was accom-
plIshed the preVIOUS year. The introduction of the Sedition Act
and the banmng of certain publIcatIOns has therefore mcreased
the zeal of the brethren, who ale more determined than ever
to be true and faithful witnesses and to give all in that land
the opporturuty of knOWIng about the righteous government
Year Book
of Jehovah God under ChrIst Jesus, soon to be fully estabhshed,
and which wlli be adnlllllstered Justly in the mterests of all
mankmd who love and obey the commands of the Supreme Ruler
of the universe. (Psalm 2) There were 5,007 obtainers of ht-
erature, who received 494 bound volumes and 4,873 booklets.
The sound attendance was 2,354.
Portuguese East Africa
There has been a monthly average of 12 publishers, who llave
placed 90 volumes and 924 booklets, with 847 obtamers. Sound
attendance totaled 302. Total t11l1e spent in the :tield service
amounted to 5,709 hours. The Catholic religion is the state reh-
gion, and during the past year representatIves of the HIerarchy
have tried to suppress tlle Kmgdom message. A European broth-
er, formerly of South Africa, but who has been resident in
P.E.A. for the past nme years, has been threatened wIth imme-
diate deportation and the con:tiscation of his hteratUle if he
does not cease distnbutmg the message. This threat was con-
veyed to him by the croef commIssioner of police, and the rea-
son advanced was that "the books are against the Catholic
religion". A petItIon has been submItted to ihe governorgeneral,
callmg upon him to veto the police threat. The governor granted
a personal interVIew, and the deciBlOn IS now aWaIted Wlth in-
terest. The brother, although he has family obligations, IS deter-
mmed to stand:firm and is ready to face deportation and possIble
loss of employment rather than to comprollllse.
St. Helena
There are now 13 publishers on the small island of St. Helena,
in the South Atlaniic. They have encountered strong OpposItlOn
from the religionists. The majority of the islanders are poverty-
stricken, but a good wimess has been gIven by means of two
phonographs. Listeners numbered 1,534. There were 432 obtain-
ers of literature, who received 500 books and booklets.
The activity of the small office at Cape Town was
shown in the further fact that the office has received
during the year 7,413 leiters and dispatched 8,401
letters and, in addItion thereto, 7,490 circular letters.
The subscriptions for The Watchtower- and for The
GoZden Age magazine (now OonsoZation) have had a
healthy increase. During the year more printing equip-
ment was placed in the office, so that much of the prmt-
ing is done locally, for the advertising of meetings.
In addition to the work in the office the office force
has averaged. 20 hours a month in the field service,
80 Year Book
making a total of 1,243 hours, an increase over last
year's activities.
Jehovah's gracious provision of all thIngs needful IS greatly
apprecIated. The food placed on the Lord's table IS completely
satIsfying and enel glzes us for the work on hand. Our hearts
lejOlce when we read of the shrrmg events at the bIgger cen-
ters III AmerIca and Europe, and we especially apprecIate the
fidelIty of those brethren who are standmg for their lIves and
for the honor of Jehovah's name where the confuct is the
fiercest, in Central Europe, and elsewhere. The brethren in this
part of the earth contmue to stand "shoulder to shoulder".
They appreciate their relatlOnslup to the Most High and to one
another. Whether of the anointed or of the great multItude,
all realIze that absolute obedIence, loyalty and faithfulness are
required of all. We continue dally to uphold you before the
Lord, and wish to assure you that we are wholeheartedly with
you in the great" Perazlm" fight now being waged. We appre-
ciate your bold lead and all your labors for hIS name's sake,
and look forward to that day, which is drawing ever nearer,
when Jehovah will perform his "strange act" and completely
vindicate his name before all creation.
The witness work to the kingdom of Jehovah God
is done in West Africa chiefly amongst the poorer
classes. The high and lofty, yielding to the cruel in-
fluence of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, not only
refuse to hear the truth but put themselves in opposi-
tion to the truth concerning God's kingdom. The Devil
has used his instruments there during the fiscal year
and has retarded to some degree the work of witness-
ing, but, in the face of all of this, a greater witness
has been given than the year previous. From the So-
ciety's local servant at that place, who makes report
to this office, the following is quoted:
We remarked in last year's report to you that we had deter-
mined to put in more hours this year and, if pOSSIble, to tnple
last year's output of books and booklets. We therefore planned
to make a record drive on the Gold Coast with the sbund car,
beginning WIth the "Battle Shout" penod, October 3-11, 1936.
An order was Bent to Brooklyn for 20,000 Who Shall Rule
the World? booklets and 20,000 Government booklets, to be
landed on the Gold Coast. On the first of October we left Lagos
by boat Wlth sound car and 40 cartons of books and booklets
Year Book 81
to arrive in ACCla a day before the period. On the steamer's
arnval at Accra the sound car and 40 cartons went ashore
before the i=grailOn officer arrived on board. When saId officer
arnved, all foreign passengers appeared before hIm wIth theIr
passports. I handed m mme, was told to wait untIl he was
through wIth the passengers, after wInch I was called and :m-
formed that I would not be permitted to land on the Gold Coast.
When the brethren ashore, who were expectmg me, heard of It,
they called on the =igratIon officer wIth SIXty pounds cash
as a deposIt against my landmg, but that was refus".} On the
following day I was placed aboard an<-ther boat wIth car and
baggage back to Lagos, and was compelled to pay the return
Later on we were informed that the so-called "Christian
Council" there had decided that the Society's representatIve
be debarred from further actIVIties on the Gold Coast, because
of the response given to him a year ago by the people and the
daily papers, when Judge Rutherford's lectures were delivered
to a crowded house of approXlIDately 2,000 souls.
A month later we shIpped 19 cartons of books and booklets
to Accra. The customs authOrItIes banned them. A few weeks
later 50 cartons of the booklets ordered for arrIved, and they
too were banned.
A petItion was forwarded to the governor for the release of
the hterature, but we were informed that he could not reverse
the order of the customs authonties. Later the 69 cartons were
burnt to ashes. But you will see that did not deter the deter-
mination of the publIshers to press the battle wlth the enemy.
I know you will be glad to hear that up to date we have suc-
ceeded in getting in over 100 cartons of books and booklets.
A few of the pioneers encountered much hardshIp m getting
in the hterature through the dIfferent avenues on the French
border into the Gold Coast. But after they got in they were
more than compensated by the ready response of the people
to receive the literature banned by the authOlitIes. Brother
Adediji, our eompany servant, was sent by this office to aSSIst
in getting in the books, and also in the seTVlce work. He is
still there and, from reports, doing well.
The phonograph campaign IS domg well; same is much appre-
ciated by the people who can understand the English language.
If the records were in Yoruba and a few other dIalects much
would be accomphshed. The publishers do enjoy the house-to-
house witnessmg with the phonographs.
Sound Car
For getting the literature into the hands of the people, ef:pe-
cially the booklets, the sound car has no equal m 'Vest Afnca.
82 Year Book
Dunng a six-week tour after the "Faithful Warrior" testi-
mony penod covenng 2,345 mlles, we delIvered 308 sound-car
lectures, got out 200 bound books, and over 16,900 booklets.
We had two conventions this year, one in Umuahia, a dlstance
of over 530 mlles from Lagos, and the other at IJebu Ode, 100
mlles off. At the conventions a goodly number of Jonadabs came
forward and symbolized their consecratlon, swellmg the fold
of the 1I other sheep".
The booklets Uncoverea and Protectwn have no equal; they
put to silence all who have read them. They are having a steady
flow. When the Yoruba and other translatIOns arnve, the hiding
place WIll be overflowed.
The pioneers are trekking the country parts far mto the
woods WIth speaking trumpets, and it is surpnsmg to note on
their report cards the hundreds of booklets especially they are
gettmg out by means of the trumpets.
In spIte of the OPPosItIOn from all quarters of the DevIl's
anny we exceeded last year's output of books and booklets by
97,074. The pIOneer rank is on the increase, the auxiliary too,
and also the company workers. We give prmse to Jehovah
for the mestimable pnVIleges that are ours at thls juncture.
-Obadiah 1.
Summary Report for the Year Ending September 1937
PIoneers in the field number 49; auxiliaries, 38; company
workers, 238; totaling 325 publIshers.
Total hours reported on the monthly report cards, 49,995.
Sound car, transcription and phonograph lectures, 12,144;
attendance, 199,384.
Company meetmgs, 1,072; attendance, 31,680.
Letters receIVed, 1,041; letters dIspatched, 1,031.
English books (from The Harp of Goa to Riches), 14,342;
booklets, 84,557.
Yoruba books, 6,457; booklets, 100,848.
French books, 1,123; booklets, 1,788.
Arabic books, 246; booklets, 2,804.
Other books, 276. Ibo booklets, 27,502.
Total books, 22,444. Total booklets, 217,499.
Grand total of books and booklets, 239,943.
Handbills distnbuted, 25,000.
The Society's work for the Argentine Republic is
directed from Buenos Aires. In that country the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy has been exceedingly active during
Year Book 83
the past year and has gained great power. That means
that the Fascists now have the upper hand in the gov-
ernment, because the Catholics and the Fascists are
one and the same. It is reported that the political
powers that rule go to mass in the early morning,
and then go to their offices and manipulate their
schemes which have become very oppressive to the
people. The conditions are such that the peoplc are
browbeaten and depressed. Amidst opposition, how-
ever, the Lord's faIthful witnesses, small in number
but strong in faith and the power of the Lord, have
pushed forward in the work. Up to the present time
the radio has been used with good results. The work
from this branch includes Argentllla, Chile, Paraguay,
and Uruguay, and the summary of the work there is
appended hereto:
General Report for ArgentIna
In this report is represented Argentma only.
Average number of pIOueers
Average number of aUXIlIaries
Average number at Bethel
Average number of company publishers
Average total of publishers in Argentma
Total number of hours in the seTVlce
Total number of persons obtaining lIterature
Total number of books placed
Total number of booklets placed
Total pIeces of lIterature placed
Total number of sound meetmgs with phonographs
Total number of attendants
Total number of radio lectures in Argentma
General Report for Chile
Average number of pIOneers
Average number of auxiliaries
Average number of company workers
Average total of publIshers
Total number of hours in service
Total number of persons obtainmg lIterature
Total number of books placed
Total number of booklets placed
Total pIeces of lIterature placed
Total number of attendants at sound meetings
Total number of raillo lectures broadcast
84 Year Book
General Report for Paraguay
Average number of workers in all 3
Total number of hours in service 1,499
Total number of pelsons obtaining literature 2,059
Total number of books placed 201
Total number of booklets placed 3,563
Total pieces of literature placed 3,764
Total number of radio lectUles broadcast 50
No other work is done there at present.
General Report for Uruguay
Average number of pioneers
Average number of company publishers
Average total number of publishers
Total number of hours III servIce
Total number of persons obtalmng literature
Total number of books placed
Total number of booklets
Total pIeces of literature placed
Total number of attendants at sound-machine
meetings-none reported.
Total number of radio lectures broadcast 52
This re1>ort shows that in the foregoing territory
the servants in the field have worked 56,433 hours
and placed in the hands of 92,788 persons literature
t6 the total number of 145,625 pieces. Phonographs
in use, 18; the attendance at such phonograph meet-
ings, 5,063. In addition thereto broadcasts by radio
stations total 275 lectures. The subscriptions for The
Watchtower and the Golden Age magazine have in-
creased, and in addition thereto free copies have been
distributed to the number of 37,840. Letters received
during the year, 2,485. Letters dispatched, 2,798. These
zealous workers are pressing on, doing with their
might what they are able to do, by the Lord's grace.
The remnant and the Jonadabs everywhere, reading
the report of the work in Australia and associated ter-
ritory, the work of which is directed from Sydney,
will be greatly encouraged and will rejoice with our
companions in that part of the earth. All of the faith-
ful will have a deeper appreciation of the apostle's
Year Book
inspired words: "",Ve must through much tribulation
enter into the kingdom of God." Fully appreciating
the fact that they are witnesses for and marching to-
ward that righteous government, all of Jehovah's faith-
ful ones together will joyfully sing, "We glory in
tribulations, " because such are evidence from the Lord
that the favor of the Most High is with them. The
hope of all such faithful ones is centered in the King-
dom, and that hope 'maketh not ashamed, because the
love of God is in their hearts'.
The earnest devotion of Jehovah's witnesses and
companions in Australia who carry the Kingdom mes-
sage to the people has greatly aroused the wicked
Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the Devil's chief agents.
The Kingdom message exposes the devilish racket of
that cruel instrument of Satan, and the result is the
united effort on the part of religionists in the coun-
tries here embraced to prohibit the publication of the
message of the kingdom of God under Christ. God's
people know no national lines, but in every part of
the earth they are truly companions engaged in the
common and righteous cause. The net result of the
work directed from Sydney, Australia, shows a healthy
increase. The literature containing the Kingdom mes-
sage, to the number of 1,407,382 volumes, has been
placed in the hands of the people during the fiscal
year, and this is an increase of 100,000 over that of
the previous year. The enemy's opposition has served
to increase the zeal and activity of God's faithful wit-
nesses. Note the extracts from the representative of
the Society's office at Sydney:
.Jehovah's blessmg on the WItness work in Australasia during
the nscal year 1936-37 is aptly described by the prophet Malachi
in quoting the Lord's pronuse to open the windows of heaven
and pour out a blessmg that there be not room enough to re-
ceive it. From every corner of the vast neld under the super-
vision of this branch reports have come, indIcating the prog-
ress of the work and Its effect on both the "sheep" and the
" goat" classes. WIth the increase in intensity of the witness
has come the increase in bItter oppOSItion by the enemy, but,
86 Year Book
contrary to thelr expectations, this glves us even greater en-
couragement to "nse up agamst her m battle" wlth all of
our eqmpment. The Watchtower has suggested that the Roman
Hlerarchy would attack BritaIn through her colomes, and dur-
Ing the year we have watched with interest the tentacles of
tIllS beastly orgamzahon entwimng themselves around tills coun-
try. Honest people, however, are not decelved, and every day
more and more are inqmring the way to ZlOn and expressmg
thelr dlsgust at the attempts by these racketeers to stop the
spread of the KIngdom message.
Watchtower articles of late have helped the publIshers to
realize more than ever their responsibilltles in connection with
the locatmg of the" other sheep", and, marufestIng zeal and
determinatlon peculIar to the Lord's house, they have exceeded
by 10,000 hours the time spent ill the field last year. Correspond-
ingly, the amount of literature has Increased by 100,000, mak-
ing the total for the year 1,407,382.
The illghest number of pioneers enrolled for anyone month
was durmg October, when 194 were engaged In tills branch of
the service; and although the average per month (175) is some-
what below that, the blggest percentage of the work has been
done by this noble lIttle band. In thelr caravans, cars, trucks
and other nondescnpt velucles they have covered hundreds of
thousands of nules throughout AustralIa, New Zealand and the
hundreds of islands In tills section, contendmg the while with
rough roads, adverse weather conditions, and often short of
food and shelter. Their lot, however, lS a happy and -pnVIleged
one, and seldom does a pioneer leave the service unless com-
pelled by circumstances so to do. During the year the pioneers
averaged 100.5 hours m the field monthly, wInch of Itself speaks
volumes for those engaged in tills branch of the Lord's service.
Begimung their long Journey in March, 1936, two pioneers
Bet out ill a truck to travel around AustralIa Witnessing partlC-
ularly to the people ill the central, northwestern and western
areas of this vast continent. The dlstance travcled was 12,250
nulcs, and it took Just one year and five days to complete the
round trIp. En route from Strathfield thcy passed through
Broken HIll, AlIce SpnngB, Darwin, Wyndham, Broome, Perth,
Adelaide, and returned to Strathfield bnght and happy and
havmg given a good witness to people in these otherwIse in
accesslble parts.
As a result of their visit there is now a regular pubhsher
working at Katharme, in the very heart of the continent, and
many other persons of good will were contacted. In these parts
the homes are often over a hundred mlles apart, and on one
occaslon the truck In which they were travehng broke down
Year Book
70 miles from the nearest rnhab1tant and 50 miles from the
nearest water-hole. WJule one of the boys rode on ills b1ke
to the allport, where he walted for a part from Sydney, the
other brother stayed with the truck for three weeks on very
short ranons. On a tnp such as tills other travelers take hun-
dreds of pounds' worth of eqUlpment, whereas these two boys
just took the bare necess1t1es w1th them, and it 18 qUlte ap
parent that were 1t not for the Lord's blessmg upon them
they would never have got through.
The maximum number of aUXlliaries enrolled was 110 during
March, and throughout the year the average has been 104. These
brethren, unable to devote all of theu time to the service, have
averaged for the twelve months 46 hours per month in the field,
and being 2 hours each per month better than last year is a com-
mendable effort. We hope to see more company pubhshers join
the auxiliary ranks this year.
CompanIes and Isolated Servants
As is to be expected, the number of company publishers ac-
tively engaged in pubhshing the name of Jehovah has also ill-
creased, the hlghest number reportmg for one month being 1,516,
and the average over twelve months, 1,127. Average hours per
month for each of these pubhshers 1S 12.4, and, while it is below
the quota of 15 hours per month, it must be remembered that
many of these brethren are so isolated that there is no town
within IDlles of them, and thus their work is limited.
Many people of good Wlli have participated in the field work
thls year ill each of the branches of service mentioned above,
and have greatly appreciated, as did the anomted also, the
articles" UnderstandIng" and" Companions" in recent Watch-
towers. The relationsillp of these two classes to each other and
to Almlghty God is now clearly seen, and this revelation makes
for one grand harmonious orgamzatlOn intent on pubhshmg
Jehovah's name throughout the earth.
Sound Machines
It would be dlfficult to imagine our work today without the
use of sound machmes. Both the No.3 sound-car equipment
and the transcnptlOn machmes have been used to advantage in
street work, factones, beaches, parks, etc., and as the machines
have such long range it 1S d1fficult to accurately report on the
results of the programs given. In many country towns VlC10US
oppos1tion by the local priests and clergy has been shown to
the sound work, probably due to the fact that willIe they can
88 Year Book
induce a proportion of their :flocks to close the door when a wit-
ness calls, the lectures from the sound machInes penetrate every
corner of the territory. Their action has served only to connrm
any doubts in the minds of honest people regardIng the sincerity
OI these parasltes, and in the meantime said parasltes get mad-
der than ever.
During the year 15 sound cars and 115 portable transcrip-
tion machines have been operating very effectively in nearly
every country of our territory. Comparing this with last year,
we :find that there are now 40 more of these machines in the
:field than previously. The total number of listeners to both
sound machine and phonograph lectures amounts to 582,334,
which is 28,603 in excess of last year.
Perhaps the most outstanding incident of the year relative
to sound work was at Tamworth in October, 1936. The local
radio station had been broadcasting Watch Tower programs
for some time, and many people were enjoying the refreshing
Bible talks over the air each week. It was not long, however,
before the religionists sent deputations to the management de-
manding the discontinuance of the lectures, whereupon the sta-
tion decided tq censor the lectures before playing them. This,
of course, we did not tolerate for one moment, and advised
them to broadcast the lectures in their proper sequence or not
at all. The result was that the contract was broken and no
further lectures have been broadcast from that statlOn.
A divisional campaign was arranged at Tamworth shortly
thereafter, and pubhshers from all over the countryside, some
from as far as 500 miles away, journeyed by night to Tamworth
to participate in declaring the truth now denied the citizens
of the town by radio. Literature to the amount of 1,018 pieces
was distributed by 103 publlshers, and a petition demandmg
that the station continue broadcastmg Judge Rutherford's talks
was signed by 1,163 persons. The petltion has been ignored.
On the Sunday evening four sound cars and a number of
PTM's were posted on private property at strategic positlOns
on the outskuts of the town with the intention of presenting
at the same time as it was being given in the Town Hall the
lecture "Separating the N atlOns ". The lectures had been play-
ing for some tlille when the local inspector of pollce named
Seery came tearing around to :find the machines. lIe succeeded
in locating two of them, but, as they were on private property,
he could only try to intimldate the owners into cancehng per-
mission, and in tills he was unsuccessful. In his uncontrollable
rage he rut two of the boys and threw them out of a gate. The
language he used was plobably learnt in a parochial school!
All present had a wonderful time, and since then a zealous
little company of J onadabs has been organized ill the town,
and so the work goes on.
Year Book 89
Phonograph VVork
During the last twelve months, and particularly since Brother
Rutherford's letter of January 16, the phonograph work has
increased beyond expectations. There are 825 of these machines
being used In the neld, the new hghtwelght job being particu-
larly popular. Even the elderly pubhshers are able to carry them,
and some have two, so that they can loan one to newly inter-
ested persons. We are con:fident that in the year ahead every
publIsher will be eqUIpped with a phonograph.
The "Exposed" and "Religion and ChrIstianity" series on
the 12-inch discs have been a wonderful blessing, and in the
short time we have had them many new ones have joined the
ever mcreasmg ranks of J onadabs. The recent letter from
Brother Rutherford instructmg all publishers to use them in
the homes of the people rather than in halls was gladly ac-
cepted, as it was found that for some reason we could not get
a good attendance at these meetings. The people seem to feel
more free to discuss these matters ill their own homes than at
a hall.
Back calls with the phonograph and Riches studies have re-
ceIved special attention this year, and many of the publishers
:find that they have few spare evenings now, they having been
taken up WIth back calls on interested ones. Forms have been
prmted to aid in the organization of this work. Recently ar-
rangements were made to press the recordings in Sydney, and
tills has proved to be most benencial, as they are cheaper, there
being no customs duty Involved, and we can obtain supplies
at short notice.
During the year the increase in opposition to the Kingdom
work has been most apparent, the partIcular means used being
that of mob action; and in several towns throughout the coun-
try priests, infuriated by the message exposing them to honest
people, have organized these mobs for the purpose of intIm-
idatmg and chasmg out of town the witnesses. Following in-
structions in the Informant, the pIOneers, when such action is
taken, leave the town for a whIle, returnmg there later to call
at the people's homes with the message. Tills method of opposi-
tIon seems to apply more particularly to the sound cars and
transcnptIon maclunes m the streets, and we have had no record
as yet of the brethren's being attacked by mobs when going
from door to door.
Another method used to hinder our work has been that of
cancelIng hall engagements. ThIS, too, has been worked overtime
by the priests, but although they frequently succeed in intimidat-
ing hall owners to cancel the engagement just before the lecture,
a great WItness IS given agamst them, and many people have
noted the devilIsh spirit manifested by these men. The "Com-
90 Year Book
mumst" bogey is also used here as In other countries to veu
the actions of the HIerarchy.
As has been the case in America, during the year several radio
stations ceased broadcastmg the proglams, mostly due to threats
of boycott, and lack of backbone on the part of thelI' owners.
The actual number refusing to longer take these lectures is 21
stations, leaving only 13 statIons on the list. The number of
these acceptmg the ofTer to broadcast the "Exposed" series
to date is only 4. The HIerarchy controls ramo in AustralIa as
elsewhere. For the first time lR many years a station in New
Zealand now sends out over the alI' the Kmgdom message, and
from the number of letters reCe1Ved it 18 qUlte apparent that
many people appreciate It. Four years ago the Government or-
dered statIOn 5KA Adelaide to cease broadcastmg the lectures
of Judge Rutherford, but now we are happy to say that they
have adviscd us that they may contmue. They realize that we
WIll not compromise with them and, perhaps more lillportant,
that they are maklUg themselves mighty unpopular by attempt-
ing to throttle free speech.
We quote from a booklet issued by a Catholic Society in
Sydney as follows: ' 'If the recorded VOIce of the Russellite
prophet is heard from any ramo station in Austraha, letters
of protest should at once be sent to that station. Some action
will have to be taken sooner or later; and it IS better taken
now, before the damage is greater than It alIeady is." Thus
it is seen that wrole the author of the above afunits that our
work is having a tremendous effect upon the people, he is ex-
hortIng all Cathohcs to bItterly oppose it; but, as someone has
said, one might as well take a broom and attempt to sweep
back the Atlantic ocean.
The Islands
From the table at the end of this report it will be noticed
that a valiant effort has been put forth by a handful of pub-
lishers to magnify Jehovah's name amongst the teeming mil-
lions In the Far East. Small companies are sprInging up every-
where, and countnes not heretofore WItnessed to have been
viSIted. The base of operatIons for Malaya, Slam, Indo-Chma,
Borneo, Celebes, Java, SumatI-a, Hong Kong and other places
in the sectIon IS at Smgapore, where an office is maintained.
There is now an average of 30 publishers reporting each month
in these countnes, and of these 15 are pioneers. Wimessmg
ill these parts is somewhat mfTerent from that on the mamland,
as frequently one has to carry books in SIX or more languages
and it is considered advantageous to be able to speak that many.
The hours of work are mfl'erent also and no work is done be-
tween noon and three o'clock. Europeans all retIre at IDldday
Year Book 91
to avoid the terri:fic heat. TIme IS redeemed, however, by work-
mg later m the everungs.
The five pIoneers on the SOcIety's ketch "Lightbearer" have
had many wonderful and vaned expenences on their tnp around
Bomeo, Celebes and nmghbormg countries, and report on their
travels as follows:
, 'The Hierarchy makes itself felt here too, but instead of
domg the work halm, theIr 'wlllte-frocked woe-men' have been
the means of greatly adverbsmg the KIngdom gospel. They
rIde around theIr flocks on ladles' bIcycles, tellmg the people
to look out for the shIp and to have notlllng to do with the
books. Often they wire the town ahell-d of us to beware, wIth
the result that many people out of sheer cunoslty go out of
theIr way to see and speak to these 'fanatIcs' who have come
so far in such a small amp and t-o read the books which have
made the pnests so very angry. Thus we often find the people
ready, eIther to take the literature at once or to turn us away.
, , Another scheme is to use the Merchant-Shlppmg Act in try-
ing to prevent our books from coming mto a port closed to
tradmg. At Semarinda, Borneo, we were told that, as It was a
closed port, we could land on condItIon that we took no books
wIth us. After acquainting the harbormaster wiih the nature
of our work he agreed to wire his head office on the matter.
Some time later he advised that Semarinda was now an open
port and that we could get on WIth our work. He was interested
and took a set of books.
"The postmaster, who is also the independent minister here,
told us that the wires had certainly been runnmg hot and that
as a result we had given the town a place on the map after all.
He told us that the dominie from Balak Papan had been there
and warned hinl against our message, saying that we were the
'Anti-Christ'. After Bome discussion he lllvlted us to deliver
lectures in hIS church on the Sunday and said that he wanted
all the people in Semarinda to have the books. 'I will tell my
people,' he said, 'that these books are :fine and that the dominie
IS a liar.' A number of lectUles were presented in the church
on the Sunday, and many showed real interest in the work.
"The captain of the Dutch shlp 'Taradja' took a full set
of books in Enghsh because, he saId, 'if the power behmd your
work IS strong enough to move the Dutch Government to open
a closed port, then there must be sometlllllg in it.'
"We have had many evidences of the Lord's blessing on our
efforts to serve him, and WISh to thank Brother Rutherford for
hIS minIstry and the comfortmg truths as they come to us from
The Watchtower; to express our gratltude for the admmistra
tion through the various branch offices, thus making it possible
for us as a urut in this vast organizatIon to be more efficient
in our service to the Most High God."
92 Year Book
From the report of the brethren working in Siam we quote
as follows:
"Smce July, 1936, when the first pioneer arrived here, the
work III Siam has been steachly earned on, and for the last
four months of the year two brethren have been wItnessing
here. Only a very few of the SIamese are nominal Christians,
the great majonty bemg followers of the Buddhist relIgIon,
which is very effectIvely employed to keep the people in the
dark so far as a knowledge of Jehovah IS concemed. Though
many thousands of them were wItnessed to during the year, not
one SIamese has manifested more than casual interest in the
"There are, however, a great many Chmese in the country,
filling practIcally every important polItical and co=ercial posi-
tIon, and a consIderable amount of lllterest has been displayed
by these people. Roughly speaking, about half the total output
of lIterature was in the Chinese language. In considering the
figures for thIS country it must be kept in mind that these PIO-
neers wOlked entnely without literature in the language of the
country, and that they were without any practical knowledge
of either SIamese or Chinese languages. With those aids It is
quite probable that interested persons among the natives of
the country would be found to take some part III the work."
French Indo-China
Two pioneers working in French Indo-China report as follows:
"Several years ago an attempt was made to open up the
work here, but Customs authoritIes refused to allow the lItera-
ture into the country. Toward the end of 1936 another attempt
was made, however, and since that time the Lord's blessing
has been manifested on our efforts to take the KIngdom mes-
sage to the inhabItants of this land.
"French Indo-China COnsIsts of the French colony Co chin-
Chma and the protectorates of CambodIa, Annam, Laos and
Tongkin. During the year most of our work was done in Cochin-
China, but an attempt was also made to begm in CambodIa.
After about a week's work in the capital, we were informed
by the polIce that as the country was a Buddhist kmgdom no
relIgIOUS work was perlIlltted exeept by special authority of the
kmg. Referring the matter to him, the king and his eounselors
deCIded agamst grantmg us this permissIon. As it was, most
of the Europeans in the eapital were witnessed to before we
were stopped. The Roman Catholie church has pennission to
operate its fraud upon the people of CambodIa, and it is more
than likely that they were responsible for the refusal.
"In the near future an attempt will be made to extend the
work into Annam, Laos and Tongkin, and whIle It is pOSSIble
Year Book 93
that simibr dIfficultIes WIll be encountered in these protec-
torates, we are sure that .Jehovah WIll cause them to be overcome
in His own good tIme and way."
The people of java have had good opportunity to hear the
lie-grvmg message of truth, and durmg the year the lIttle army
over there has had qUIte a few new recrUIts. Due to the clmrahc
COndItIOnS and hIgh percentage of humIdity Europeans find the
wOlk rather strenuous, but with the joy of the Lord as theIr
strength our brethren there are having a truly wonderful time.
l1ile this report is being written we have to hand adnce that
one pIoneer placed over 3,200 books and booklets for the month
of August.
In Malaya small companies have been organized III dIfferent
parts of the land and the work has shown a substantial Illcrease.
The CatholIc paper pubhshed at Smgapore frequently prmts
lying articles about us, llOping thereby to dIscredit our work
in the eyes of the" CatholIc population ". DespIte these viCIOUS
attacks the wimess work goes grandly on and the stool pigeons
of Mr. Ratti lll1ght just as well get used to it that way.
In last year's report mentIon was made of a cmema in
Singapore used once each week to present the lecturcs during
interIDlssion. The owner, a man of good WIll, now perlUlts the
local company to use the theater equipment twice each week
for this purpose and also to have a book display at the entrance.
No charge is made for the serVIce, and a good WItness is bemg
given to hundreds of people by this means.
About the beginnmg of the year 1936-37 the colonial govern-
ment of I'iji imposed a ban on the lIterature and prohibited
its entry into the colony. There is abundant evidence of the
Hierarchy's infi\lence behmd thlS move, but, as usual, it would
be dIfficult to obtain proof. It is sIgruficant, however, that at
the same time and in slUlilar circUlllstances a ban was imposed
on the lIterature III the British West IndIes. The governors were
being changed, the one from FIJi takmg over the office III
Trinidad. There is a Convent of St. .Joseph de Cluny m each
place, and shortly after the governor was mstalled at Tnnidad
the Fijian newspaper carried a lengthy letter from him eulogiz-
ing the convent and Roman system in FIji. The actmg governor
in each place had been induced to impose the ban on the litera-
ture. ThIs was done m FIjI on the adVIce of the governor that
vacated the office.
The priests, many of whom are foreigners, are loud in their
denunCIatIOn of Jehovah's witnesses as Co=unists, and, con-
94 Year Book
scious of their power, they contInue to oppose the entry of the
Dunng the year a sound car was taken to FIjl and operated
for about SlX months on the island of VIti Levu, the largest
island of the group. The message was greatly appreciated by
the FIjlans, who are a noble race and who would gladly em-
brace the truth were they free to do so. As a result of the work
done a goodly number have taken an actlve interest in the truth
and will continue to proclaim tros gospel of the KIngdom. A
pioneer brother has been on the lsland of, Vanua Levu, next
in size to Vlti Levu, and has, Wlth the aid of a boat, managed
to VlSlt ~ o s t of the Villages there.
House-to-house work cannot be done In FiJl as In other places,
but 1,751 pleces of lIterature were distllbuted.
New Zealand
In this land the faithful anomted and their companions, who
are mcreasmg m number, have been busily engaged durmg the
year in makmg known the judgments of .Jehovah, and have
played thelr part in sendmg forth the hail wIDch is e:ll .. posmg
the enemy and breakmg down ros refuge.
Much oppositlon has been encountered, and there is a deter-
mined effort on the part of the HIerarchy to induce the authori-
ties to lmpose a ban on the literature. II Cathohc ActlOn" was
responslble for a mob seeking to cause trouble in one of the
country towns in AustralIa, and, although the mob ilid not num-
ber more than 150, the CatholIc papers in New Zealand reported
it as four or five hundred and endeavored to lay the blame for
the dlsturbance of the pcace on .Jehovah's wltnesses. They urge
upon the government to take action lest such dlsturbances occur
ill New Zealand. Thus they stir up stnfe and then use it as a
lever to overthrow the witness work.
The faithful lIttle band of pioneers m New Zealand contin-
ues actively to press on and 18 responslble for the message's
being taken to the people in ilie back country as well as domg
their share to asSlst theIr brethren. in the more thickly popu-
lated areas.
The light phonographs are proving a wonderful help m the
work, and, as the brethren are becoming more accustomed to
the use of this means of bl eakmg down oppositlOn, they are
gettmg on fnendly terms Wlth the people.
One radio statlOn has been bloadcasting for a part of the
year, but the Hlerarchy has brought such pressure to bear
against it that It is doubtful If it will be able to continue.
The work in the kIngdom of Tonga is gomg ahead, and we
hope that much will be accomplished there in the next year.
Year Book 95
One br()ther who is able to do the translatIng for us has been
very actIve and reports much interest in the publicatIons.
The Tongan people have a great regard for the Scriptures
-and only reqUlre to have the truth brought to their attention
for them to give it consIderation.
The HIerarchy, by a subtle move, has gained a footing in
this group of islands and is workIng hard to take the lead
there as In other places under the control of BntaIn.
Hong Kong
DurIng the year two pioneers vISIted tlus island and did very
good work, leavmg mtlJ. the people over four thousf).nd pieces
of lIterature. Now that the war IS ragmg in Chma, it may be
necessary for these pIOneers to return to the more peaceful
South and contmue the work.
Bethel Family
The members of the Bethel family at Strathfield appreciate
the pnvilege wluch is theirs, and although there is a great de-
mand on their tIme m order to eope with the inerease in the
work at the office and home, they manage to devote some tIme
to the :field service. DurIng the speeial periods brethren have
visited the eomparues mtIun a reasonable dIstance of Bethel,
and tlus has resulted in a closer unity between the brethren
in the country dIStncts and those at Bethel. The :family desire
to thank you, Brother Rutherford, for makIng it possIble for
them to thus engage in the servIce and also for the meanS to
hand for makIng known the message of the Kingdom. They
are detennined to stand shoulder t() shoulder with you as you
"rise up against her in battle", and will do all in their power
to proclaim the judgments written and the certainty of victory
for Jehovah's orgaruzation.
During the year the witne&'les in that land have re-
sponded earnestly and put forth united and faithful
effort at the special testimony periods,' more than 1,400
persons engaging in the witness work at these testi-
mony periods, and have devoted a total of 126,288
hours to the work, placing literature in the hands of
171,431 persons. It is a real joy to report the result
of the work in that land, upon which the Lord has
manifestly put his approval and blessing.
The heart of every earnest child of God is thrilled
when learning of the zeal of the witnesses who work
96 Year Book
in that part of the earth where there is much opposi-
tion and where there is great handicap to the work.
Some of these faithful publishers, like the early Chris-
tians, sleep on the ground, in the open, with their books
for a pillow, and refresh their bodies with the plain-
est kind of food, and then rise up early to go forward
to proclaim this gospel of the Kingdom. They trudge
about the country, bearing the fruits of the righteous
government before the people and greatly rejoice that
they are in the favor of God and the King, whose right-
eous rule will bring peace and prosperity to suffering
humanity. They praise and serve the Most High. Praise
God that the day of deliverance is at hand, and the
time near for the vindication of his holy name! This
Year Book attempts to serve as a medium of communi-
cation between the Lord's children in different parts
of the earth who otherwise cannot communicate with
each other directly. The extracts from the annual
report of the Society's representative at Sao Paulo,
Brazil, will be read with keenest interest, as follows:
.Tehovah has multiplied his blessmgs upon his faithful peo
pIe m this great land, and it is with thanksglving to him that
the following resume of the year's work is subillltted.
OFFICE. Dnected by the presldent of the Society from the
headquarters In Brooklyn, the brethren in the office in Sao Paulo
transmlt mstructIOns to the field, receive and dlspatch the lit-
erature, prepare the Portuguese translatIOns, pubhsh the Portu-
guese Watchtower, print the A Luz da Yerdade and Informante
each month, in addltion to testimony cards and radio programs,
and all the members of the household, now 6 in number, take
thelr part In the field witness, wlth the sound car, and from
house to house wlth phonographs and hterature.
FIELD PUBLISHERS. The publishers of the Kingdom message
in Brazll are still very few in number, although they have in-
creased from an average of 53, in 1936, to an average of 95,
this year. Some who show the .Tonadab Splrit have taken their
stand wlth the anointed and are carrying forward the witness
work, whlle some who have long clalIDed to serve .Tehovah have
withdrawn. In vanous parts of Brazll, especially in the intenor
of tills state, are study groups of from 10 to 30; not many of
these yet see their privilege of participatmg in the field service.
Year Book
At the close of the last fiscal year there were 4 active groups.
At the close of thIS year there are 5 organized comparues, two
smaller groups reportmg regularly, and about 10 isolated breth-
ren witnessing the best they can.
PIONEERS. The pioneers have averaged 16 per month, and the
year closes wIth 16 m the :field. These fmthful brethren are
bearing the brunt of Satan's blows and, wIille feeling, pel haps
more than others, the force of the enemy's thrusts, are report-
mg great JOY in the serVIce of the VIndICatIon of Jehovah's
name. Some of the most earnest and dihgent of the pIOneers
wOlk under the handicap of not being able to speak Portuguese,
but tIllS does not at all deter them. Armed WIth tesLllllony card,
phonoglaph, hterature and radio programs, they go forth, and,
true to his promise, Jehovah abundantly blesses theIr efforts,
and they are placmg considerable literature in the hands of
the people. In the mtenor where, out from the small towns,
there are many colorues, each of a different nationality, the
pIOneers sometimes find it necessary to stay over night, and,
after a day's work m the cause of the I.!faster, they sleep on
the ground with theIr books for a pIllow, and rIse the next
morning to proceed WIth the work of telling the life-gIVIng
message to those who will hear.
AUXILIARIES. In addItion to the pioneers, 6 brethren who can-
not devote all their tIme, but who witness more than 50 hours
each month, are enrolled as au.'Uharies. FIve of these are in
the CIty of Rio de JaneIro.
Portuguese Literature
The Lord has mcreased our supply of literature in Portuguese.
WIth the faithful co-operatIon of the brethren in Brooklyn, the
book Rwhes and 4 new booklets were added durmg the year and
6 booklets were reprinted, The Crwts being prmted for the first
tlllle in Brooklyn.
Publications In Brazil
THE WATCHTOWER. In March, 1937, was resumed publicatIOn
of The Watchtower in Portuguese. Issued monthly, It contains
the leading article of the English Wat()htower translated mto
A Luz DA VERDADE, also monthly, has from one to three of
the 5-minute recorded lectures of Brother Rutherford and runs,
as a series, such artIcles from The Golden L1.ge as II The HIer-
archy's War in Spam", "The JeSUIt-FascIst Revolt," also
short articles on health, II Aluminum," II VaccinatIOn," WIth
matters of local interest. Each month extra copIes of L1. Luz da
Verdade are furnished to the pioneers to use for free literature
for those who cannot contribute. There were on hand some thou-
sands of copies of older Wat()htowers. These have been stamped
98 Year Book
with the Society's present address and dlstrIbuted gratIS to
the people. Some have read them and write or call for more
hterature. One man read one of these old Watchtowers and lID-
medlately came In to the office from a near-by town, said he
recognized this as the truth and asked for a study in his home
for ms famlly and frIends. The Sao Paulo company is arrangmg
for a study for them.
THE INFORMANTE, publlShed monthly, carries the leadmg
points of the Engbsh Informcvnt and local instructIons.
RADIO PROGRAMS to the number of 60,900 have been printed
and dlstrIbuted. These httle up-to-date folders WIth theIr inter-
estmg questIOns and descriptIOn of Rwhes have placed many
a copy of Riches as well as other lIterature.
Field Service
OUTPUT. The total amount of literature sent out shows an
increase of 23.7 percent
FIELD REPORT is as follows:
Av. Total Sound
No. Hours Books Bklts. Lit. Obt. Attend.
PIOneers 16 21,306 4,863 47,656 52,519 33,359 4,529
AUXlharies 2 1,161 142 1,804 1,946 1,752
Co. Pub'rs 77 9,432 1,363 10,957 12,320 9,755 111,730
Total 95 31,899 6,368 60,417 66,785 44,866 116,259
HEADQUARTERS FIELD SERVICE, 'included in the above report
with company pubhshers, was the folloWIng:
No. Hours Books Bklts.
4_5 1,019 593 1,295
Obt. Attend.
1,249 109,662
SOUND CAR_ Our one sound car was put into operation early
in March and, except for three days of witnessing in RIO de
J aneno and three days in Cuntiba, has been used every week
in the parks, reSIdence mstncts and factones in and around
the city of Sao Paulo. A regular announced program is given
at the leper colony of Puapitingui, 60 miles northwest of Sao
Pau1o. These monthly VIsits of the sound car have stimu1ated
the brethren there to greater activity. They report that the
attendance at their studies which they conduct every night in
the week has Increased from 8 to 20. They have now prOVIded
themselves with a phonograph and records with which they visit
the hospitals, where Ulany Interested ones are bedridden and
bhnd. TheIr latest letter expresses "a thousand thanks for the
phonograph. We are not able to find-words to express our joy
Year Book
and the happiness which now reigns among us". Perhaps only
.Jehovah knows what a great blessing it IS to these, formerly
isolated WIth a hvmg death, now to be provided with the latest
means not only of drmking the water of life themselves, but
of havmg a share m offering the same to others. These brethren
are arranging for a baptIsm next month when the sound car
visits the colony, and the car will aSSIst by givmg a program
SUItable to the occaSIOn.
PHONOGRAPHS. Of the 35 phonographs in Brazil, 20 are al-
ready in the hands of the publishers. Those usmg them are
reportmg most enthusiastically that the phonographs help them
to get a more respectful hearing and to place more literature
with less effort than formerly; that whIle the territory IS not
covered so fast, the WItness IS more thorough. Some have hesi-
tated to make use of the Spamsh records, tlrinking that the
Brazlhans would object to Spanish, and so are waIting for
Portnguese dIscs. Others, ovel00mtng thetr own and
proceedmg WIth the work with the means the Lord llas prOVIded,
not Hleamng to their own understanding", are delighted to
:find that the Brazilian people do not object to the Spanish rec-
ords but express appreciatIOn of them and say tlIat they can
understand them. One German pIOneer, not able to speak Portu-
guese, working m strictly Brazilian territory, writes: "My only
regret is that I did not get a phonograph sooner. I have played
it ill every home and store in this town. At first the people say,
'I have no money'; but after hearIng one or two records, they
take at least a booklet. I do not covel' the terl'ltory so fast
as formerly, but place more literature, and I am not so tired
at the end of the day." Recently this pioneer visited a group
of about thirty .Jonadabs who were studying but not witnessing.
lie placed Ins phonograph and records with them and ordered
another for lnmself. Result, they have decided to have a part
ill the witness work. We have a good supply of records on hand
in Enghsh, Spanish and German, some in Itahan, lIoliandish,
Polish and French, the new series ill Enghsh and Spanish, and,
as this report goes forward, we are receiving the new series
of "Exposed" ill Itahan.
Three conventions were held, one at Sao Paulo during the
Memonal season the first week-end of the "FaIthful Warrior"
period, one at Rio de .Janeiro the second week-end of the same
penod, and one at CUl'ltIba during the first week in May. The
brethren in Brazil are widely scattered, the means of travel by
no means the best, and for the most part they are very poor,
so the numbers attendIng were not large, but enthUSIasm for
the Kingdom serVIce was manifested by those who did attend.
The sound ear assisted the house-to-house wItnessmg in the
100 Year Book
forenoons, and in the afternoons and evenings there were given
transcnptIOn lectures and up-to-date Watchtower arilcles trans-
lated mto the various languages, Portuguese, German and Hun-
garIan; also there was conducted a study of the Organization
Informant and the brethren were shown the proper use of all
eqUIpment, transcription machine, phonograph, hterature, testi-
mony cards, radIO programs, etc. A source of strength and com-
fort to the brethren at the headquarters is a full realization
that we are part of the orgamzatIOn of Jehovah, backed by hlS
illinlltable power, duected by Chnst Jesus through the Society,
and not an Isolated group dependmg on our own wisdom to
dIrect anythmg. In these conventIOns, as well as in the Infor-
mante and specml letters sent out from time to bme, an effort
was made to help others of the Lord's people to see tills proper
relationship to the organization of Jehovah and to one another
in the orgaruzatIOn, and, by the Lord's grace, the brethren in
Brazil generally are realizmg thlS more and more, thus being
better enabled to present a sohd front to the enemy in tills
day of battle. At each conventIOn some showed theIr stand on
the Lord's SIde by being inlmersed. An additional Witness was
given on the occasion of each inlmersion, the sound car broad-
castmg a program consisting of the "Bapbsm" record m
English followed by a translation of the same in Portuguese
spoken through the microphone. The inlmersIOn m each case
took place in a river where people were accustomed to congre-
gate; thus many more heard the message than merely the breth-
ren who were present. No words were spoken by the brother
inlmersing; the sound car put on the recorded songs 101 and
299 1ll Pohsh and the brethlen Joined in singing them in various
languages. It remmded one of how at Pentecost each one under-
stood m his own language. Following is the report of the three
Total Sound
Att. Pubs. Hrs. Bks. Bkts. Lit. Obt. Att.
Sao Paulo 91 46 231 32 241 273 191 6,500
RIO de Janeiro 65 33 161 24 181 205 179 9,000
Cuntiba 31 13 87 31 86 117 73 2,500
Total 187 92 479 87 508 595 443 18,000
In Sao Paulo, one of the most powerful stations of Brazil
Slgned a contract to broadcast the 5-minute lectures three times
a week In Engiish, German and Spanish. Considerable mterest
was manifested; too much for the Hierarchy. The station was
beSIeged with complaints, most of them from women, until the
dIrectors of the station, themselves Catholic, at the end of three
months refused to broadcast further programs. Before the Devil
Year Book 101
could stop the broadcastmg over Diffusora, however, a. total of
45 programs were given over a period of 15 weeks, from Jan-
uary 7 to Apnl 20, 14 in EnglIsh, 15 in German, and 16 in
Spanish. Another small station m the intenor broadcast a few
lectures, but stopped them when the Catholic priest of the town
Enemy Activity
As is to be expected, there were attempts on the part of the
adversary to interfere with the progress of the work. From
witlun the ranks, the Society's former manager in Brazil, pre-
tendmg for some months to work in harmony mth the Society
as a pIOneer, was usmg his mfluence to try to disrupt the work,
ruscourage the brethren and shake their con:fidence in the Society
as the Lord's orgamzation. When he resigned from the pioneer
service and went to publishing tracts "of his own ", his posi-
tIOn of oppositIOn was made manifest, so that he is no longer
able to deceive those who are faIthfully serving Jehovah. Many
lundrances are encountered in our contact with officials in every
effort made to advance the work.
A year of glorious prIvilege of service has closed, openmg
a new year of IDcreased opportunities, increased knowledge, and
correspondingly increased responsibIlIty. The few besetments
and dJ.fficuItIes encountered are not to be compared with our
blessmgs as, united more :firmly than ever before, with a better
understanding of Jehovah's organization and our relatIOn there-
to, we in Brazil are joyfully facing the enemy, happy to realize
that Jehovah, who 'teaches our hands to war, and our fingers
to :fight', has provided for our equipment the same marvelous
weapons of warfare as our brethren elsewhere are using.
Be assured, dear Brother Rutherford, that the brethren here
appreciate your tireless efforts and those of OUT brethren in
Brooklyn to advance the Kmgdom interests in Brazil, and it
is with much pleasure that I here transmit to you the many
messages of love and appreciation that are commg in to this
office from time to time from all parts of Brazil. We love you
dearly for your faIthful service in the cause of viurucating
Jehovah's honorable name, and we hope that some day not too
far distant your many duties elsewhere may spare you long
enough for you to make a "speaking acquaintance" With your
South Amencan brethren.
The Kingdom witness work in the British Isles is
directed from the Society's office at London. For many
years that land has been affected by religion, and many
persons who forsook the denominations and turned
102 Year Bock
their faces toward the Kingdom continued for a time
to hold on to some religious pr:..ctices; but in these
latter days, when Jehovah has revealed so clearly his
purpose, the remnant of his people in that land have
broken away from religion and are now servmg God
in spirit and in truth. The Lord is gathering his' 'other
sheep" out from amongst the British people as well
as other nations, and these who make up the great
multitude are showing their zeal and enthusiasm by
participating in the witness work.
During the fiscal year the publishers of Jehovah's
kingdom message residing in the British Isles have
placed in the hands of the people books to the num-
ber of 2,399,296, which is a decrease over the previous
year. Generally, the British people are a reading peo-
ple, and it is to be expected that most of those who
have supplied themselves with these books explaining
the Bible will read the same and thus gain a knowledge
of and concerning God's kingdom under Christ. The
peoples of that nation, before the Lord, are being di-
vided even as they are in other nations, and it is quite
manifest that the "sheep" class are hurrying to the
side of Jehovah's kingdom.
In the southern part of Ireland, which is populated
almost entirely by Roman Catholics, there has been
during the year and there continues to be much op-
position to the publishers of the Kingdom message.
Mobs have assaulted Jehovah's witnesses at the in-
stance of a Roman Catholic priest, and the public
officials, being avowed religionists, have used their
influence and power agamst those who bear the mes-
sage of God's kingdom to the people. In the face of
this opposition and persecution some of Jehovah's
witnesses continue to go about and bear testimony to
the truth in that part of the territory; but aside from
southern Ireland there has not been a great amount
of persecution in the British Isles. That there is a
growing opposition to the kingdom of Christ in that
land, there is not the slightest doubt, but that opposi-
Year Book
tion has not yet reached its peak. In the colonies of
the British Empire most of the officials are religion-
ists, and particularly Roman Catholic men occupy the
offices; and in such colonies there is a constant opposi-
tion to the Kingdom message, and persecution of Jeho-
vah's witnesses. Here again the subtle political method
of Satan is observed: The outlying territory is first
attacked and organized against the kingdom of God,
and then there is a movement toward the main part
of the empire to crush everything that is in favor of
God and his kingdom. Fascism is growing rapidly in
the British Isles, and it seems more than reasonable
to expect that Fascism will gain control of the nation
before the final end. When Fascism does get the upper
hand, then the persecution of the publishers of Jeho-
vah's kingdom will be far greater, and doubtless then
there will be a still wider and more marked division
amongst the people.
Amidst the gradual increase of opposition in the
British Isles to God's kingdom the zeal of Jehovah's
witnesses is made more manifest. The result of the
witness work in that land during the fiscal year is
proof of this fact. During the year it was the privi-
lege of the president of the Society to visit England
and meet with many of Jehovah's witnesses, and it
was observed that those children of the "King of
glory" are greatly enthused and are doing all within
their power to make known to others the kingdom of
God and to publish the name of Jehovah.
A convention of Jehovah's witnesses was arranged
for Paris, and, although God's people in England, as
in other places, have only a small amount of this
world's goods, or money, twelve hundred of the BrIt-
ish witnesses to the Lord's kingdom went at their own
expense to the Paris convention, and most of them
there participated in the house-to-house witness work.
That convention greatly enthused and encouraged the
witnesses of the Lord in the land of Britain. Two spe-
cial trains and a special boat were used to carry those
104 Year Book
witnesses to Paris. Although that was an unusually
large number of persons to go from England to any
kind of convention, not one word concerning this ex-
odus was published in the English press. This is men-
tioned merely to show the studied policy of religion-
ists to ignore Jehovah's witnesses until such time as
they are forced to recognize them.
The same method for carrying on the Kingdom work
in other parts of the earth is used in the British Isles.
Motor vans fitted with sound equipment and many
phonographs were used during the year to preach this
gospel of the Kingdom. This hat proved one of the
most effective ways of publishing the message concern-
ing Jehovah's purpose. During the year the London
office supplied to the publishers 1,706 phonographs,
which brings the total number of phonographs sup-
plied by that office to the witnesses up to 2,800. Many
others are now ordering phonographs, and the number
in use is constantly on the increase. In addition to the
phonographs, 4 sound cars are employed in the field
service, all of which show good results. The following
excerpts from the Society's local servant are taken
from his report to this office:
Service Assemblies
The policy of arrangmg on an average not less than two
assemblies for service per month during the year has been con-
tinued . .All who are privileged to attend one of these gatherings
are agreed that a great blessing is bestowed upon them. It as-
Slsts in increasing uroty of thought and actlon, and provldes
our companions with an occasion of happy fellowship. There
were arranged 27 assembhes, mostly at week-ends, extending
over two days. These were attended by 11,375 brethren, and
tills is an inclease of 2,823 over last year. Of these 9,304 took
part m the witness service from house to house. Thelr serVICe
resulted in the placing of 58,435 pieces of literature, in 18,116
hours. No less than 37,601 obtainers took hterature.
In almost every company of publishers the Bame faithful
band have been going steadlly on over the same territory reg-
ularly for at least ien years, and in many cases much longer.
To these in particular the phonograph has come as a blessing
Year Book
from heaven; the Kingdom message given to the people without
money and without prIce; all terrItory made new, and every
record played a tribute of praise to Jehovah's name. No wonder
the joy of the Lord has entered into our hearts and renewed
energy into our mortal bodIes I
Compared with last year, the service urnts have increased
by 5, to 369. The total number of publIshers in these units is
5,590, and thIS shows an increase of 126. Of this total, 74 per-
cent are regularly in the field week by week. The hours in the
service, 489,131, is an increase of 67,930 hours, compared WIth
last year. Durmg the service hours, 4,082 publishers placed
1,547,321 pIeces of lIterature.
Pioneer Service
British pioneers are workmg in several European countries.
At the present another party of 12 is leaving to take up the
work in France. This nngrating has reduced the pioneer ranks
dUrIng the year from 201 to 184. The monthly average is 174.
The hours total 204,418, which is a decrease of 12,435 hours,
compared with 1936. There is a decrease in the placements also,
the total literature placed bemg 618,693 pieces, wIDch is 120,677
less than last year. The obtamers were 533,967.
The auxiliaries number 118, of whIch 111 are engaged in the
serVIce, on a monthly average. They returned 66,912 hours, or
a monthly average per auxiliary of 50.6, which is slightly better
than 49.7 last year. Again there is a decrease in placements:
198,793 pieces of literature, to compare with 252,635, or 53,842
:Most of the companies are now operatmg at least one tran-
scriptIon machine regularly in the :field. One or two small com-
parnes, where the "elective elder" spirit controls, do not see
the need or the priVIlege, neither do they regard organization
instructIOns. The number of machines has increased by 7, to
292. The 16-mch lecture records on loan to the companies in-
creased by 163, to 11,169. It IS difficult to obtain an accurate
number who hear the lectures, but an estimated total is 1,002,077,
and many of these took literature away with them.
There are now in regular service 2,800 phonographs supplied
by the Society, and, of these, 1,706 were added this year. There
ale also a large number in use which have been obtained from
other sources. Durmg the year the phonograph publishers have
purchased 29,897 twelve-inch lecture records, making a grand
total of 36,552 in the hands of the publishers.
106 Year Book
Sound Cars
The four sound cars opelated by the Society contInue to give
an effectlve Wltness. The London company bear the runnmg
cost of one of these. One of these has been working in North
Ireland wIth excellent results as far as placements =e con-
cerned. One lS In Scotland, and two are in England; one in tho
North, the other ill tho South.
Combined, they have traveled 23,128 miles. They have gIven
11,220 lectures, to an estimated attendance of 95,128 persons.
The operators have also spent 9,499 hours wItnessing and placed
12,017 bound books, 22,340 booklets, and 132 BIbles; a grand
total of 34,489 pleces of hterature.
RegIonal Sound Servants
In place of the regional servants visiting the companies as
heretofore, two regional sound servants have been appointed
who VISlt the publishers and help and mstruct them In oper-
atIng transcription machmes or phonographs. Dunng the SlX
months they have been commissIOned they have vislted 292 com-
panies. At these -visits they have led 222 phonograph WItness
groups and conducted 295 evening instruction meetIngs, WIth
an attendance of 4,570 publishers. They have exalnined and
repaired or adjusted 333 transcnptIOn machInes and 305 phono-
graphs In this service they have traveled 10,441 lniles.
"The Watchtower" and "The Golden Age"
The Watohtower contInues to be eagerly expected and care-
fully and prayerfully dlgested Readers have Increased during
the year.
The informatIon received by broadcast from you at the ColUlll-
bus convention that the Golden Age magazIne will In the future
be renamed Consolatwn brIngs satisfaction and joy to all who
recogmze the reason for the change.
Bethel Family
The arrangement by willch you have made It possible for the
Bethel fannly to engage In the field service is greatly appre-
CIated. Amongst other reasons, the Improved weather conditions
tIllS year have enabled us to put more hours In the door-to-door
WItness. Every member has a phonograph.
The average of twenty-three publIshers in the field monthly
is 100 percent. The total of hours, 5,576, IS an Increase of 2,108.
As a result the placements show an increase of 1,012 pieces of
lIterature, the total placed beIng 1,678 bound books and 13,332
booklets; a grand total of 15,010.
In addltlon to tills field se!Vlce, members of the falnily have
the pnvilege of serving the companies within a radius of ap-
proximately 100 miles from London. Fourteen brothers share
Year Book
in this work, and have VISited 201 companies, mimBtenng to
3,825 brethren. On each occaSIOn they have led the brethren in
the service work in the morning. EIght brothers III addltion enjoy
the pnvilege of leadmg Rwhes studles and "Exposed" series
meetings weekly.
The number of letters receIved IS 37,393. The outward mail
also, naturally, IS reduced: 40,323, to compare with 46,188 j
a decrease of 5,865. We have also reduected 8,359 pioneer let-
ters. The small packets dlspatched numbered 25,630; a reductIon
of 4,210, which IS the result of the pioneers and others' order-
ing III larger quantIties, thus reduclllg labor and freight charges.
A very limited number of workers who distribute
the Kingdom message reside in British Guiana. These,
although small in number, have put forth their en-
deavors during the year to publish the Kingdom mes-
sage. The "West Bank brethren" mentioned in the
following report have not yet reported to this office
upon going to press. From the Society's local servant
at Georgetown, Demerara, Britlsh Guiana, the follow-
ing is quoted:
We are pleased to report an increase III the number of weekly
workers as well as in the hours spent III servIce, and we hope
to make further progress along this line next year.
There 18 also an Illcrease in the number of gramophones III
regular use, and we expect to soon receive a further supply of
these valuable Iuds in WItnessing.
A service conventIOn was held on the West Bank of the
Demerara nver on 19th iustant, cOllciding WIth the Columbus
conventIOn I and tills proved a real blesslllg to the brethren
who attended from Georgetown and the near-by rural districts.
Not many pIeces of hterature were placed, but this was due
to the actiVIty of our West Bank brethren, who are now organ-
Ized for servIce, and who cover that terntory regularly.
We give below a summary of our figures for the period under
Companies organized for service 2
Company pubhshers registered 24
Company publishers in weekly serVIce 17
Rours in servICe 6,000
Bound books distributed 1,416
Booklets dIstributed 5,857
Gramophones in regular use 9
Attendance at Bound meetings 2,000
Year Book
Twice weeKly, on Sunday and Wednesday, the message of
truth goes forth flOm one of our local broadcastmg statIOns,
namely, VP3BG, operating on a frequency of 6.130 kilocyeles.
Jehovah's people in Canada have a vision of the
kingdom under Christ Jesus, and by their efforts they
have shown a determination to serve that kingdom
faithfully regardless of all opposition. They have
the joy of the Lord and recognize that such is their
strength. They have, during the year, pressed for-
ward with the zeal peculiar to the Lord's house. Com-
pared to the number of witnesses regularly in activIty,
the field is a vast one to cover. During the year the
"other sheep", or Jonadabs, have joined the remnant
and increased the number of witnesses, and, in the
face of opposition, they have pushed on with the work.
They have been met with opposition in every place,
and, instead of this dampening their zeal, it has in-
creased their joy and earnest determination to con-
tinue on with the work.
During the year Satan has employed those who are
of the Judas class to make every possible attempt to
hinder the witness work, but that effort has fallen
completely flat. The Judas element has printed and
circulated false, vile and malicious statements con-
cerning the Society and its servants. They have sent
these publications throughout Canada and also to other
parts of the earth. Not satisfied with publishing mali-
cious falsehoods, they have resorted to fraud and de-
ceit by mailing the same in envelopes on which they
have printed the name of the WATCH TovffiR BIBLE
& TRACT SOCIETY, thus attempting to deceive those
who receive them, and have tried to make it appear
that such scurrilous literature is sent out by members
of the Society. This was such a blundering manner
of attempting to deceive the faithful witnesses of the
Lord that it is laughable. Not one person has been de-
'ceived by this fraud. Those who are really devoted to
Jehovah give no heed to the lying methods employed
Year Book 109
by the Devil and his agents to hinder the witness work
concerning Jehovah's kingdom.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy has been unusually
active during the year, and in its nefarious work has
been assisted by the afore-mentioned Judas class. The
Hierarchy in portions of Canada, particularly in Que-
bec, as in other parts of the world, have organized
and carried forward the Fascist movement and their
cry is against "Communism", using that as a camou-
flage to deceive the people and to induce the credu-
lous ones to join in the persecution of Jehovah's wit-
nesses. The Hierarchy's Fascist combine has caused
laws to be enacted in Quebec leveled specifically against
Communism, but, in fact, for the purpose of ptmish-
jng those faithful men and women who bear testimony
to the kingdom of God. The books and other literature
explaining God's kingdom have been seized by police
officers in that land, who act under the direction of
the aforementioned religionists, and they have abused
and ill-treated Jehovah's witnesses, arrested them and
thrown them into prison, where they have been held
on excessive bail and punished with fines and impris-
onment wrongfully leveled against them. Some ask,
"Why does God permit his faithful people to be thus
maliciously and cruelly treated?" The Scriptural an-
swer is that God permits the enemy to afflict his wit-
nesses even as Jesus was afflicted, in order that such
consecrated ones may have opportunity to prove their
integrity to God under adverse conditions. Without
persecution the opportunity could not be afforded for
those faithful men and women 00 prove their integrity
toward God and to prove that Satan is a liar. By hav-
ing such opportunity and faithfully standing by the
Lord, these loyal and faithful ones have a part in the
vindication of Jehovah's name. Those devoted to the
Lord clearly see and that every man, from
Abel to this very day, who has given his allegiance and
devotion to God and his kingdom has suffered perse-
cution at the hands of the Devil and his religious
Year Book
.agents. This fact encourages the people of God, be-
cause they now see the Kingdom at hand and are
fully acquainted with the Devil's methods, and they
take this as further evidence that God's favor is upon
them, and therefore they courageously press forward
with a greater determination than ever to serve the
King and his kingdom.
The result of the work in Canada during the fiscal
year has received the great blessing of Jehovah, and
his people rejoice who have had part therein. These
witnesses, the remnant and Jonadabs, have placed in
the hands of the people during the :fiscal year books
to the number of 917,590. Their companions in every
part of the earth will read the report of the work in
Canada with a keen interest and much joy. The So-
ciety's local servant has well covered the matter,' and
from his report the following is taken, to wit;
The work of Jehovah in Canada has been engaged in with
joy and gratitude by the anointed and their compamons during
the past year . .Jehovah has truly blessed our efforts, and increase
has been made. The windows of heaven have been opened so
that we have been unable to contain all that He has given.
The richness of the food given by .Jehovah through the pages
of The Watchtower has been meat and drmk, strengthening us
contmually for the work m hand, and gIving an ever-mcreasing
vision of the work immedlately before us.
The year text, "Arise ye, and let us nse up against her in
battle, " has been ever before us. These tldings from the heav-
enly ambassador helped us to recognize the need for activity,
and we have responded to the call. The end of the year sees us
more ill line as an army m solId phalanx, umted and at peace,
eager and attentive to the fUlther co=ands of .Jehovah by
rus anointed Son, through the Soclety.
The enemies of .Jehovah have attacked from both without and
witllln. Contmued attempts have been made to throw a scotch
block before the wheels. We have pressed forward vigorously
in the battle, and more oPPosltion has been encountered. The
most antagolllstic part of Satan's army has been "organized
relIgion", with the Roman CatholIc Hierarchy in the lead.
From wlthin, the "eVIl servant" has endeavored to hurt the
interests of the Kingdom, taking up an axe in a feeble attempt
to tear down the work of the Lord. The poisonous lIterature
circulated amongst the brethren has not dlsturbed them, but
enabled all to appreciate the activities of Satan, and has shown
Year Book
up the wickedness of those who forsake "the law of [their]
mother". Sueh vile expresslons whlch have been circulated
have manifested the corrupt condition of a mmd and heart at
enmlty with the Lord, for "out of the abundance of the heart
the mouth speaketh", and" an eVll man, out of the evil treasure,
brmgeth forth eVll thmgs".
Your presence wlth us in June, and the assembly of the breth-
ren to Toronto to welcome you and let you know of our warmth
and love for you, was clearly seen by the fact that one of the
largest theaters ill ihe Clty was packed to lts full capacIty as
eaI1y as ten 0 'clock on Sunday mormng. The UllIDlstakable
pleasure and joy all had ill meeting you was an open rebuke
to the slanderous assault of the "eVil servant". In fact, such
experrences have jomed the brethren even closer to the organi-
zation. We were all blessed and strengthened through your fel-
lowsrup, and thank the Lord for the Vlsit. We praise and mag-
mfy the Lord for the discernment gIven. He warned us that
such men would arise. He has graciously fed us and granted
armor so that the wilcs of the Devil would not seduce those
who put their trust III RIm. Ris promise has been fulfilled.
He Wlll never see the nghteous forsaken. The food supphed by
our Teachers has been more than satisi-ying; it has nOUrIshed
and made us all healthy in the spirit so that we can lift up our
voices m thanksgiving to Jehovah. One or two, snuffing at the
table, saying, "It IS contemptible," have gone Into complete
darkness. They know not where they are going. Only one thing
they know-to oppose the truth. They have become insane, and
all understanding haa left them
.A greater appreciation of our position as Jehovah's covenant
people has come through one of the greatest revelations yet
gIven, VlZ., the truth concermng religIOn. Jehovah has done more
than throw a searchlIght into Satan's darkness. He has switched
on the floodlights, and now the Mdeous, corrupt organization
is seen. We see that rehgion is the greatest racket on earth.
The warfare lS on; and to have further share in tills great war-
fare, sound eqUlpment and records have been supplied. This lS
one of the greatest thmgs yet done m these days to enable us
to leach the homes of the people with the pure message of truth.
Jehovah's message is placed before the people ill a clear, con
cise, and yet a very gracIOus way, much better m every way
than the sta=ermg hps and hesItant tones of pre-phonograph
days. The voice is one, all are um:fied, ShOUtlllg the pralSes of
our God.
The w{)rk wlth the phonograph and records has changed the
whole aspect of our activity. Jehovah desires the message to
reach the people, and It must be declared. Without money or
plice they can hear. Trus proVlsion, made possible by the records,
has brought joy and thanks for such a means of doing the Lord's
Year Book
work. The people are beginning to appreciate their greatest
Friend, Jehovah, and also lus people as their fnends. Invita-
tlOns mto the homes are now numerous, and letters recelved
m this office from brethren expressing their pleasure would fill
Sound Machines
Some phonograph work was being done twelve months ago,
but after the instructions were recelved here at the eno of Jan-
uary, to prepare for the work of exposure, tIns phase of servIce
went forward by leaps and bounds. The pubhshers responded
wholeheartedly, and tlus was clearly shown by the enormous
number of phonographs and special sets of 21 dlscs which were
ordered. On April 18 the brethren in Canada went forward as
one man, engagmg night and day in this great campalgn. Thou-
sands of invltatIon folders were dlstnbuted, and much time
was spent m tlus new phase of service which cannot be shown
in figures.
Durmg the year nearly 1,400 phonographs have been supplied
to the brethren, and 19,231 records, of which 14,707 were the
special" Exposed" and "RelIgion and Christianity" senes.
Forty large transcription machines have been made in our
factory and Bupphed to the brethren, and these have been act-
tively engaged in the proclamatlOn of the truth. The sound
machines, large and small, have increased from 664, at the be-
gmnmg of the year, to a total now of 2,100. The total attendance
for the year does not show the real increase. The InfoT1nant
instructed over twelve months ago that the counting of those
hearing the lectures should be more exact. Instead of countmg
those who merely heald a few sentences, in future only those
who heard three or four minutes of the lecture should be counted
as lIsteners. TIns reduced the numbers, but the count was
It is very gratifying to note that, in addition to all this
sound service, the Canadian bIethren have been able to main-
tam the same distnbutlOn of literature as the year previous.
Output of Literature
The output of literature from the Toronto office and sub-
depots has totaled over a mIllion books and booklets. The field
work shows splendId mcrease in many ways. There has been
an increase of 251 publishers monthly, brmgmg the total to
2,543 engaged monthly in the service. This has meant an m-
crease m hours of nearly 20,000. The total hours for the whole
year were 508,478. The books and booklets totaled 917,590. In
the year endmg 1936 the output of literature included a great
number of booklets dIstributed free. There was no such free
dIstnbutIon durlllg the past year.
Year Book
Special Witness Periods
The six campaigns for the year have been engaged in with
real zest by the brethren. In every case the tItles are studred
and kept before the mInd of all during the period. Without
questlOn, these pen ods are a means of quickening the brethren
to greater possIbilities in the neld serVIce.
These brethren have gone forward enthusiastically in their
work. Although the hindrances have been many, by the Lord'8
glace they have been surmounted and mcrease has been made.
The number of pioneers has mcreased. There are now enrolled
220. Some are compelled to leave the serVIce during the severe
WInter weather, and a few others go mto the southern parts
of the States, yet an average of 176 has been maintamed, as
against 152 the year previous. Their activity in the sound work
is splendId, showing an increase m attendance of 78,000 over
that of 1936.
In the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta
there has been a terrible drought. Saskatchewan has been labeled
the "Dust Bowl". The farmers here have practically no money
nor harvest, nor any feed even for cattle. They cry out for
rehef. In spIte of these distressmg conditions there has been
more interest mamfest by the people of Saskatchewan than in
any other province in Canada. The pioneers have labored long
hours in these provinces to reach the people. Many roads are
in poor condition, and in some parts gas costs 40c a gallon.
The SOCiety has assisted some plOneels financially; others have
had their cars repaired. This has enabled them to contInue in
the pioneer service.
Durmg the coming WInter some pioneers are contemplating
contmumg their work In the rurals WIth the use of horses. A
team of horses and a bennett wagon, or one horse and a tobog-
gan, will enable these brethren to reach the drstant parts and
keep the witness going durIng the wmter. In some parts of the
West horses are preferled to automobiles. The fa=ers can pro-
vide feed for the horses, but cannot supply gas.
In the province of Quebec there is nerce opPosItion, yet pio-
neers volunteered to work thIs priest-ndden drstrict. They have
gone forward and trusted entIrely In Jehovah. Durmg the past
three months, m the province of Quebec, literature has been
placed to the total of 888 books and 4,877 booklets. The sound
machme attendance has numbered over 6,000.
There is 100 percent increase in this service, the enrollment
having increased to 87. Some were forced back to the company
ranks OWIng to the severe winter, but the monthly average has
114 Year Book
been 60, whereas in 1936 It was 30. The hours have practically
doubled, and attendance at sound machine meetings have m-
creased from 5,000 to 49,000. Tills is evidence of Jehovah's
blessing upon this phase of serVIce. Now other brethren are
considenng JOIning these ranks. ThIS servlce enables many in
the comparues who cannot leave all and Join the pIOneer seTVlce,
to curtaIl their domestic and business dutles and devote at least
fifty hours per month to the KIngdom service. There is a defimte
obJectlve, and It IS antIclpated that during the commg year
the number will again double itsel.E.
Company Publishers
The number of publIShers in the compames, including the iso-
lated servants, has Increased by a monthly average of 200, mak-
ing the total now 2,307. The hours have increased by 50,000,
makmg a total of 272,860_
We had on record at this office 1,500 names of people who
received the Informant monthly. Over 50 percent never took
aIlJ' share ill the serVlce. During the year the company pub-
lIshers called on hundreds of these people, and as a result the
lISt has been SIfted. Some have been brought into assocIatIon
with the local company, whlle other names have been deleted.
The hst at this office now stands at 200. DurIng the year, hun-
dreds of Watchtower and Golden Age subscnbers not yet asso-
cIated with any company orgamzation were vislted by the com-
pany publIshers, and many of these are now actively eI\gaged
in the Kmgdom service.
Bethel FamIly
The Bethel family at Toronto have gone forward enthusi-
astIcally. There is no increase in the staff, but the average
publIshers monthly is 15.1, as against 13.7 the previous year.
The hours have mCl'eased from 2,234 to 2,685 as a result, and
every member of the family possesses a phonograph, and the
sound attendance has Increased from 2,513 to 4,778. Every one
is grateful to Jehovah for the pnvileges of serVICe. There is
peace and unity, and an earnest effort made contInually to serve
Jehovah. and the brethren.
RegIonal Servants
Four brethren engaged full time in this service, vislting 345
companIes, travelIng 58,699 miles. Each one has a car equipped
wlth a sound machine, and the attendance was 50,448. The hours
reported in the service have been 2,794, and the books and book-
lets placed 7,711. These brethren not ollly have served well In
the actual door-to-door serVice, but have orgamzed the work In
the field and have taken service, study and publie meetings.
Theu visits to the companies ale always looked forward to with
Year Book 115
keen anticipation, the brethren knowing well they WIll be fur-
ther asslsted and strengthened to contmue servmg the Lord.
Four'radlo stations have been broadcastmg the message of the
KIngdom durmg the year, and the total of programs broadcast
has been 275. The only statIOn now used IS CROC at Hanulton,
Ontano, for one hour every Sunday. The shps advertIsmg these
radio statIOns distnbuted throughout Canada durmg the year
were 1,130,000.
The Canadian Broadcasting CorporatIon dUlmg the year
placed the following ban on "religIOus wars" over the air:
"Sermons and talks about rehgion wlll have to be confined in
future to posltIve pleadmgs for the cause bemg promoted by
the speaker, and attacks on other falths or creeds or parsons
or sects will not be permitted."
During the year, the truth contained in the book Ri<;hes, and
booklets mcludmg Protection and Uncovered, has been given
over the radio stations. The Canadian Bloadcastmg Corpora-
tIOn has now threatened to cancel the hcense of any station
broadcasting such lectures as .Jehovah's WItnesses put forward,
which m any way comes inSIde the ban. We are, therefore, re-
stncted from attackIng any religion or creed over the radio.
This is the DevlI's tachcs to hmder the co=and of the Lord
bemg put into operation, "Arise ye, and let us nse up against
her in battle." The CanadIan Broadcasting Corporation will
not pernut thIs work to be done over the air, but we are mighty
glad the Lord has prOVIded us WIth other lnstruments whereby
the work can and will go forward m obedlence to his co=and.
The Soclety mamtains its own printing plant at Toronto,
whIch cares for local work. Durmg the year, m addltion to the
1,130,000 radlO shps, there were 85,460 Informants and other
Items printed, such as special letters and lnBtruCtlOns, wIDch
make a grand total of practically two million pIeces in all.
"Watchtower" and "Golden Age" Subscriptions
Watchtower subscnptIOns have mcreased from 4,657 to 5,541,
and subscnptions for The Golden .Age Increased from 4,341 to
5,002. The number of dIstnbutors' coples of The Golden .Age
increased from 24,778 to 27,716. In addltion, thele were sent
to the pIOnems 4,481 copIes of The Watchtower, as against
4,022 last year, and 14,692 copies of The Golden Age, as agamst
8,363 the previous year. We look forward to greater Increase In
the magazine Consolatwn during the commg year. The title will
appeal more, and as the brethren advertIse it, it will truly be
a consolation and comfort.
Year Book
Divisional Work
During the year, 14 dlVIsIOns were formed throughout Canada.
The whole of Canada is not yet completed for rovisIOnal work,
but is well under way. These roVISlOns assIst in urufying the
companies and Isolated, and are now orgamzed to concentrate
In anyone district when required.
Divisional Servants
Capable and dependable brethren have been chosen to attend
to the service in the divisions. In the majonty of cases they
are pioneers and free to move at the Society's dIrection in any
part of the dlvlsion. They advise, reco=end and encourage the
brethren in the companies to falthfulness, and help the inter-
ested in the field. They take "Exposed" meetings and help the
brethren in their local studies. TheIr service has been appreclated
by the companies and the Isolated. The length of time a rovi-
sIOnal servant stays in a company is determmed chiefly by the
need for assistance, the company's hospItahty, and their con-
tributing toward the gas expense while the brother is in their
locahty. These brethren serve as pioneers during the day, and
there is no e:xpense to the Society. Interest has been blOUght
together, studies formed and companies established as a result
of the work of these brethren.
Divisional Pioneers
These serve in the :field during the day, and in the evenings
and week-ends SE\rve as assistants to the dIVIsional servant, glV-
ing help where required in the division. The diVIsional servants
and pioneers have worked hard to contact all in their area, no
matter what the distance, and as a result many who have httle
opportunity of meeting in companies have been contacted.
In the Eastern Ontano DiVIsion opposition was encountered
at Hawkesbury, a town on the border of Quebec. The mayor
and chief of pollee labeled the witnesses as "foreign labor agi-
tators", and stated through the press that if they came agam
they would be removed, If necessary by VIolence. A divisional
assembly was arranged at Ottawa and a visit made to Hawkes-
bury, which is 67 llllies away. The publishers worked through
the town without hindrance until on their last calls, when the
police interfered. The reason for the non-interference was be-
cause the chief of police had to take a prisoner to another town
and had taken with hml the officer responsIble for answering
the telephone. The police station was closed. The telephone was
ringing, but no one to answer It. The work was about completed
when the pohce arrIved back. The mayor and chief of polIce
weI e interv16wed and informed that .T ehovah 's witnesses would
continue to proc1ann the message whether protection was afford-
ed or otherwise. The mayor and chlef of polIce are Roman
Year Book
Opposition In Quebec
TJlis continues in Quebec province. During the year, three
blethren were 'found guilty' on the charge of sedItion and
sentenced to thirty days' imprIsonment. Two SIsters were gIven
suspended sentence on a bond of $200 to keep the peace.
Nine brethren were arrested in Montreal ill July, charged
with sellmg without a license. The magistrate, who has always
been faIr toward Jehovah's WItnesses, ihsmissed all but two,
and these were gIven suspended sentence. At Valleyiield eIght
were arrested and charged WIth the same offense. These were
'found guilty' by a Roman CatholIc judge, and sentenced to a
month's imprisonment, and a further charge laid agamst them
of 'blasphemous lIbel'. The brethren served the month in prison
and now awalt the sprmg term to meet the further charge.
Archbishop Forbes, Ottawa diocese, issued a pastoral letter
on February 1, 1937, to all the churches m his diocese, whIch
letter got into the hands of the press and was publIshed in the
newspapers. The letter referred particularly to "the works of
Jehovah's witnesses" and stated:
"We, by VIrtue of canon 1398 of the Canon Law of the
church, declare prohIbited, and by these presents we prohIbit
in our diocese these writings, booklets, pamphlets, circulars.
They are not allowed to be published, read, kept, bought or
sold, nor to be translated into other languages nor to be passed
out m any way. They are to be destroyed."
ThIs was a wrong statement. Even though the Catholics in
Quebec were against our message, there had been no banning
of the message in the Ottawa diocese. A letter was written to
, , All Smcere CatholIcs" in the dIocese, prmted, an.d over 50,000
delIvered. 27,000 were mailed, and the remainder distributed
by hand. Everything was timed for the people to have theIr
letters on the same day, so preventing the priests from balking
the message. The brethren co=enced distributmg at 7 a.m. and
worked until the distribution was completed. At the same time,
the mailing of the letters began in the early morning and con-
tinued all day. The police in the ihstrIct endeavored to interfere
with the work. In the strong Catholic sectlOns the children were
orgamzed to follow the wOlkers and, where possible, take the
envelopes and destroy them, but on the work went until it was
accomphshed. This letter has been translated into the French
language, and thonsands of copies have reached other parts of
Quebec province. A new French tract was also published, settmg
out pertment questions. All this, together with the work of the
Bound machines, phonographs, raised the ire of the strong Cath-
olic priesthood.
The Quebec form of government is clearly Fascist and makes
a loud noise about fighting Co=unism. During the year, a law
was passed making it necessary for pennission to be obtained
118 Year Book
to rent a hall or meeting place, and if Communistic, or tinged
with the Co=urust brush, or made to appear so, the landlord
can be proceeded against. An informer may lay mformatlOn
against such a person, and the local magistrate, if he is so
moved, can proceed under the bill to purush such landlord pre
sllmed to have harbored Co=unists. WInle the bill is aImed
agamst Co=urusts, yet Communism is not defined in It. This
is called the "Padlock Law". It IS supposedly to protect the
proVInce agaInst Communist propaganda, but, as one journalIst
has stated (.T. E. KeIth, in Maclean's for August 1,
"Mr. Duplessis (the premier) stated openly in the legislature
that the idea of the Padlock Act was suggested by Cardinal
VIlleneuve. While ostensibly antico=urust, the law can also
be used against antlclericals, who are growmg stronger every
day m the province. It IS sigruficant that the only sefution
charges laid in the Quebec courts in the past five years have
not been agamst Co=unists, who attack the econoilllc system,
but against Jehovah's Witnesses who attack the pnesthood."
Following the dIstribution of the letter addressed to
Sincere Catholics" (French translatIon), the pollee m Montreal
proceeded to the home of the brother whose local address was
used, and WIth a warrant to search they seIzed his books, papers,
records, etc. The parents were not at home at the time; only
the children were m. The parents returned as the police were
leavmg, and they stated that the regular meetmg place would
be next.
Two brothers arrested at St . .Terome, Quebec, in September,
on the charge of fustributing tracts without a lIcense, were
not even permitted to telephone. The Judge, a Roman CatholIc,
demanded a very heavy ball of $500 cash, or $1,000 bond. The
bond was produced and refused, stating it must be cash.
In spite of all tllis, the work continues to penetrate in this
province. Many French Catholics desire the truth and to be
free from the superstition, ignorance and oppression by the
priesthood. Durmg the last few years there has been a definite
breaking away in the province of Quebec from the CatholIc
church, and we trust the tlme is not far distant when thou
sands WIll see her wickedness and gIve themselves entIrely to
Jehovah and obtain his blessings.
MarItime Provinces
The work continues to make increase here, although the Roman
Catholic Bierarchy are getting a tenaCIOUS hold on big jobs.
Opposltion to the Kingdom service is here. One plOneer m a
Roman CatholIc distnct had ills recorda and phonograph stolen,
and when complaint was made to the authOrIties, nothing was
done, but the nro..-t day he was arrested on a charge of vagrancy
Year Book 119
and made to pay $5, and told to leave the town. His phonograph
and records were never recovered.
In practIcally every place where Catholics are in control op'
pOSItion to the Kingdom message IS In eVIdence. Letters are
sent In contmually reportIng theIr tactics. The follOWIng is one
from Chetlcamp, Cape Breton Island, reported by a regional
"Have worked in many tough and tIght spots, but Cheticamp
and distnct holds the tItle for devilment and opposItion to the
truth. EIghteen of us engaged in the service work. When first
calls were made there was a war-whoop by women and children,
and the whole settlement took up the yell. All received abuse.
One had water thrown on her, another pushed out of a small
store and kIcked as she was leaving. One was manhandled and
kIcked. At another place two went together, expectIng trouble.
No one answered the door, and as they were leaving the door
opened and a bucket of water was thrown over them. Proceeding
to the gate the husband met them and said, 'What are you
doing here" Reply, 'Preachmg the gospel of the Kingdom.'
He raced at them, kicked them, punched them and threw one of
the brothers (a cripple) on the ground. No resistance was given.
One woman threatened me with a hoe. I dared her to use it,
statmg it would be a nde to the police station for her If she
dId. She put down the hoe and used her tongue; and such VIle
language! it was worse than the hoe. Children and grown-ups
gather at the corners and heap all kinds of abuse, using horns,
tin cans and anythmg that WIll make a noise.
, 'On tIre last occaSIOn in the district a pail of buttermilk
was thrown over one, others got hot water, one chased with a
horse-hide whip, and another chased with an axe. A charge of
assault was made against one man, but the brethren failed In
court to obtaIn a conviction."
The priest had told his people to hit Jehovah's witnesses,
luck them and drive them off theIr place. When viSIted by the
regIOnal servant and challenged, he would not admrt it, but the
follOWIng Sunday at mass he told ills congregation they had
done the nght thmg.
The hypocnsy of these pllests IS everywhere in evidence, and
we know that the tIme IS here for Jehovah to search out the
hIdden thmgs of Edom and make her bare, brmg her into dIS-
grace and make ller the despised of all natIons. All these ex-
penences have enabled the brethren in Canada to appreciate
more fully the Year Text, "Arise ye, and let us nse up agamst
her in battle."
As a grand conclusIOn to a full year of actIvity, Jehovah
arranged for his people to assemble in convention at Columbus,
OhIO. There were brethren there from practically all parts of
Canada, from the east up to Cape Breton Island, so far west
120 Year Book
as Vancouver island; also they came from northern Saskatche-
wan. n was the greatest representation from Canada at any
The pioneers, regional servants and Bethel family were very
grateful to you for tIle arrangements you were pleased to make
to assist them to get to the convention. There were 168 plOneers
present. Some traveled 3,000 mIles, and one brother who had
been workmg in .Alaska came 4,500 nuIes.
The spultual food was so abundant, and service instructions
so clear, that It can well be said that this convention was the
greatest and most blessed ever held. It will surely mark a date
from which hme onward unity and peace will prevail in all
companies, and even a more definite forward movement to carry
on Jehovah's work in the intenslve warfare against every part
of the Devil's organization. Jehovah spoke peace to his people
(Psalm 122), and we all truly appreciated the fact that Jeho-
vah is usmg his anointed to sound a warmng to the natlOns
and to show the only place of safety.
The inauguration of the" speclal pioneers", the new method
for studying The Watohtower, the publication of the Model
Study booklet, the lecture" Safety" in booklet form, the advent
of the magazine Consolation, and, greatest of all, the releasing
of the book E n e m ~ e s , showed us why Jehovah had called his peo-
ple together. The richness, the blessedness and the strength
obtained dunng those six days have given to us that which is
so necessary to press the battle to the gate, and our hearts burn
Wlth a desire to serve Jehovah faithfully and to maintain our
It is difficult to :find words that can adequately express our
appreciation of the new book, Enemies. Wlthout a doubt tros
new instrument enables us to put into the hands of the people
a message that Wlll cause them to decide their course of actlon
and quickly take a stand for the Lord. We express, in closmg,
the word of the psalmist, "Thou crownest the year with thy
goodness. ' ,
Summary Report of Field Service
Year Ending September SO, 1937
and Servants
Total literature
Publishers (average)
PIOneers Au..'ci.hal ies
56,538 5,207
295,197 50,734
Year Book 121
Average hours per month 42,373
Average books per month 8,640
Average booklets per month 67,825
The Society's work in Canada is in a far better con-
dition at the end of this season than it had been in
previous years. This is due to the fact that the breth-
ren there are really devoted to the Lord now and the
Lord adds his blessing. The donations during the year
are practically double what they were in the preceding
year. The expenditures have been kept within the re-
ceipts as near as possible. The Jonadabs are seeing
their privilege of having part in this work and are
coming to the front and showing their love and devo-
tion to God and his kingdom by helping to bear the
burden of publishing the same. The brethren are realiz-
ing that it is a great prIvilege to have any part in
bearing the burden of advertising the King and his
During the fiscal year it was the privilege of the
president of the Society to visit Berne, Switzerland,
where is located the office of the Central European
Branch. The organization of the work at that place
was found to be in a good, healthy condition, with aU
the workers joyfully and enthusiastically engaged in
the service. In order to reduce the cost of caring for
the Bethel family and the office force employed at
Berne, Switzerland, a small farm has been acquired
upon which vegetables, some live stock, and other food
are produced. The publishers in this part of the earth
work always under a handicap and many dIfficulties.
Freedom of speech and freedom of worship in the
Republic of Switzerland was a thing to which the peo-
ple pointed with pride, but such freedom is now rap-
idly disappearing. Each year greater restrictions are
put upon the people. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy,
which years ago controlled Switzerland, but lost con-
trol with the fall of the House of Hapsburg, now
again is rapidly gaining influence and control in Swit-
122 Year Book
zerland. The people seem to be put in fear and are
yielding without resistance. This Catholic movement
is in fact a Fascist movement backed by both Ger-
many and Italy. In Switzerland an attempt has been
made to suppress the publications of the Society be-
cause they make known the truth of and concerning
the racketeers who prey upon the people.
While in Berne, Switzerland, a public meeting was
addressed by the president of the Society, at which
much interest was shown, and because the facts con-
cerning the Hierarchy, the Catholics, and the League
of Nations were pointed out clearly and without put-
ting on the soft pedal, the religionists were greatly
enraged. It appears it will be only a question of time
when a desperate effort will be made to suppress the
truth entirely in this part of the earth, but we well
know it cannot be done without the permission of the
Lord; and when it is done, that will mean the witness
work is completed and the time for Jehovah's" strange
act" to take place.
The countries under the immediate direction of the
Central European Office at Berne are as follows:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Danzig,
France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Poland,
Rumania, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Yugoslavia.
The Society's representative in charge of the Central
European Office, in his report, gives a general sum-
mary of the work in that part of the earth, and from
his report the following is quoted:
While the activity in each of these countries is described
separately under the respective headmg, w ~ give hele a general
picture of the work m Central Europe and subnut also a sta-
tIstical chart on whIch the results of the actIvIty of ;r ehovah's
WItnesses are recorded.
When we realize that this witness was given in the presence
of our enemies, under most cruel persecutIon and in the face
of ever-mcreasmg OPPOSItIOn, we must acknowledge that the
work could go on only by the Lord's grace, protection and
Resting safely in the hands of the Lord, while the world is
a seething caldron in which the scum of gangster politics is
Year Book 123
coming to the top, God's faithful children continue to hold up
the torch of God's truth.
Satan's power and conspiracy, often camouflaged as "Real
pohtlk" or "NatlOnahsm ", which favors always the own race
or nation and flaunts the nghts of God or man, is partIcularly
marufest m Europe.
ConstitutlOns and governments whICh formerly guaranteed
equal rights to all and valued the hberty of the inruvidual in
matters of faIth and conscience are crumbhng under the ruth
less charlOts of autocratIc dIctators or are succumbing to the
Roman HIerarchy's crusade to save the world for the pope and
The famishing mIllions look vamIy for hope and salvation
unto their tm gods, who promise honor and glory on the battle
fields and lead them hke brute beasts mto the dark valley of
There IS eVIdence upon evidence of the Hierarchy's blood-
guilt, not only in the World War, but also in the Abyssinian
conquest, in the Sparush rebellion, and In the persecution of
true saints.
Jehovah's witnesses in Europe are awake to the issue and
see clearly that Jehovah and Christ have risen to engage the
enemy in battle, that soon the hypocrisy of the HlCrmchy and
her alhes will be fully recogruzed by the people of good WIll,
and that the strange act of Jehovah is imminent.
, A summary of the work done in the fiiteen coun-
tries above mentioned is as follows:
Company publishers 6,425
Pioneers 310
Auxiliaries 115
The total placements of books and booklets during
the year is, to wit, 2,041,773; sound equipment em-
ployed in preaching the gospel, 691; sound meetings
held, 33,946; attendance, 188,635. In addition to this
the magazine The Golden Age was distributed to the
number of 821,922.
The total distnbutlOn is a httle less than last year, but con-
sidermg the violent opposition, particularly in Germany, Hun-
gary, DanZIg, Rumania and Austria, It is a remarkable demon-
stration of Jehovah's power WIth his people.
Moreover, the phonograph work has taken more time in the
begmning, but is preparmg the way for a greater result In re-
gard to the great multitude.
In every land of Europe the J onadabs, our companions, are
coming to jom the orgaruzatlOn of the Lord.
124 Year Book
Outstanding Events
Last December a special petihon and protest regarding the
persecution of our brethren in Danzig was submitted to the
League of Nations and to each delegate of the many nations
assembled at Geneva, Switzerland.
Then on June 20 a large dlstnbution of an "Open Letter"
in Germany, wInch caused the enemy to tremble and wonder
at the courage of Jehovah's witnesses
.Another joyful event was Brother Rutherford's viSIt to
Europe, the pubhc meetmg at Berne on August 10, and the
conventions at Paris and at Prague.
A newspaper salhng under the flag of religion warned the
people against the American judge, who had compared Teligion
to a harlot, but 1,500 people at Berne listened attentively to
Brother Rutherford's lecture on "Intolerance ", and, at the
close, half of those present obtained hterature.
The NaZIS lodged a complaint with the Swiss authorities re-
garding the truthful words saId about their attempting to gef
Switzerland and about the persecutions of our brethren ill
The report of the conventions at Paris and Prague is given
under the headmgs of France and Czechoslovakia respectIvely.
It may suffice to say here that 3,500 persons attended the Paris
convention, and 1,500 the Prague convention, and, in addition
to the pubhc-meetmg witnesses at both citIes, about 3,000 pub-
hshers distributed approximately 60,000 books and booklets. The
Prague radio station for the first time broadcast several short
talks in Enghsh and CzechIsh on the convention proceedmgs,
which were also a good WItness to the people of good will.
Nearly 200 .Tonadabs used the opportunity of these assemblies
to symbohze theIr consecration by baptism.
The hIgh points of the Paris conventIOn were: (1) Brother
Rutherford's talk to the anointed and theIr companions on
"Kingdom Interests ", showing the necessity of diligent and
faithful performance of one's duty and the constant guarding
of and caring for the Kingdom interests entrusted to us; (2) the
pubhc lecture attended by 4,500 people, who, at the close of the
meeting rose from theIr seats and unanimously adopted the reso-
lution to take their stand on Jehovah's side; (3) Brother Ruth-
erford's :final words regarding God's organizatIOn, tllat each
one must recognize his place therein and obediently fulfill his
assigned task. Only those who are faithful and work for the
peace and prosperity of ZIOn are eqmpped and prepared to
stand in the battle and may apply to themselves Jehovah's
proInise of protection and deliverance.
After the closing prayer Brother Rutherford asked for song
No. 67, which expressed beautifully the unity which binds QUT
hearts together in love. The faces of all were radiant with the
Year Book 125
joy of the Lord, as the refrain of the song :filled the great
auditorium: II God be wIth you till we meet again J " No doubt
the heavenly Father looked down with pleasure upon his faith-
ful people, and the invisIble host rejoiced with us here upon
the earth.
Many letters receIved at this office since the conventions ex-
press the glahtude and joy of the brethren who attended, and
partlcularly the pIOneers (200 were at Paris, and 150 at Prague)
thanked Brother Rutherford and the Society for the specIal
provisIon whIch had been made for them.
The purpose of the Lord is being accomphshed, which is also
shown by the fact that a number of new pIOneers are enlIsting
for the work in France and that in a number of the European
countnes, as elsewhere, J onadabs are gettmg into the chariot.
How glorious It will be, when" Jehu ", the great Executor for
.Jehovah, vindicates HIS holy name and avenges the blood of
the Innocent, which is found upon the skirts of the old harlot.
It was a very happy occasion when the brethren ill many
places throughout Europe heard Brother Rutherford's lecture
from Columbus, September 18. Even though not all understood
the language, they rejoiced to know that a great battle was
being fought and that they were thus united with their brethren
in America, and many of us Joined them in smging the battle
song 283: "Then up, up, my soul, linger not; today must a
battle be fought. Let us compass the foe, and shout as we go,
'The sword of the LORD, and of GIdeon!' "
We were glad to learn from Columbus that the phonograph
army is to be increased, and we can report that we now have
12 sound cars, 41 transcription machines and 683 phonographs
in the service, and our own factory is producing more equip-
ment for thIs actIvity.
A number of prmting machines formerly used at the Magde-
burg factory are now set up in Berne to take care of the in-
creasing demand for literature.
The crownmg blessing of the year, however, is the new book
Enemws, a mighty weapon for the fight and wherewith we will
pursue our enemies and not turn back until they are run off
the earth and chased mto hell, by the Lord's grace and power
and to his glory.
A brief statement relative to the witness work in the
separate countries embraced in the list of the Central
European Office is here set out in the order named,
to wit:
For two years the Society's publications in Austria
have been forbidden. The Lord's faithful witnesses
126 Year Book
there, realizing their obligation to obey God rather
than man, have gone ahead regardless of the prohibi-
tion and done what work they could to publish the
Kingdom message. In that time 549 have been in the
field, working 29,701 hours and placing with the peo-
ple 3,622 books and 48,137 booklets and 43,280 copies
of the magazine The Golden Age, and 554 Bibles. The
J onadabs, or "other sheep" of the Lord, are coming
together and joining with the remnant in giving testi-
mony to the truth as opportunity appears. In Vienna,
Austria, there are about 50 groups of J onadabs. Re-
cently 100 of these Jonadabs symbolized their conse-
cration by water immersion. About 60 phonographs
were used by the publishers in the service. Some of
these phonographs have been seized by the police, but
after listening to the records they have released them.
A large number of the brethren there have been ar-
rested, charged with disturbing religion and with blas-
phemy, "blasphemy" meaning against the clergy, of
course. The clear distinction made between religion
and Christianity has greatly encouraged and helped
the workers in Austria. It is quite manifest there is a
conspiracy between the Catholic priest representing
the Hierarchy and the political judges of courts. The
Hierarchy gets the evidence to the courts, and they
act upon the bidding of the Hierarchy in punishing
Jehovah's witnesses. The Hierarchy has gone so far
in Austria as to have the children of non-Catholic
parents declared to be Catholic, and these children
are forced to take part in religious exercises in the
schools. Quite a number of persons who have hereto-
fore been classed as "good Catholics" have turned
away from that organization and found refuge in the
Lord's organization.
The work has made some progress in Belgium dur-
ing the year, and there has been a comparatively small
amount of persecution. The police officials show con-
Year Book 127
sideration for Jehovah's witnesses and often say to
them: "You are in order; go on with your work."
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy is back of all the per-
secution, and there would be more, but the Catholic
party is not in the majorIty in Belgium at the present
time. More literature has been placed in the hands of
the people of Belgium during the year than in the pre-
vious year. This consists of 3,000 books and 147,715
booklets, all of which are embraced in the general sum-
mary set forth by the Central European Office. It is
reported that the working people are easily approached
and often gladly hear the truth. Few of them oppose.
The phonograph has been a great help to reach more
people of good will. Many of the poor, ignorant people,
when approached, answer that the Catholic priest has
forbidden them to have or to read any books, and there-
fore they are kept in ignorance. The remnant and the
Jonadabs work together as companions and go joyfully
on doing what they can. There are 16 companies or-
ganized, the largest one being at Brussels. The follow-
ing is quoted from the local representative's report:
Nearly 100 BelgIan brethren and .Tonadabs attended the con-
ventIon at Paris. These were unforgettable days. On our home-
ward journey we were :filled with joy remembering what we
heard at Pans, particularly Brother Rutherford's words about
putting a :fire under the skirts of the old harlot; then we re-
JOIced greatly to lIsten in to Brother Rutherford's dIscourse
from Columbus on Saturday, the 18th of September. We reo
joiced over the unfoldmg of JeremIah's prophecy, over the
llew name of our compaIllons, and over the fact that the anti-
quated title of The Golden Age is to be replaced by the new
llame Consola.twn. Jehovah is patIent with Ius people, but grad-
ually everythmg dlsappears wIueh IS not m harmony with Ius
Word. Most of the brethren did llOt understand the EnglIsh
discourse, but they joined Wlth our brethren at Columbus in
the same SOllg at the close of the meeting.
Bulgaria belongs to the Balkan peninsula and sup-
ports a population of more than six million inhabitants,
80 percent of whom are agricultural workers. This
country is extremely snperstitious, and therefore ex-
128 Year Book
tremely religious. The literature of the Society has
been forbidden in Bulgaria, but, notwithstanding that
prohibition, more than thirteen thousand pieces have
been placed in the hands of the people during the
fiscal year.
This country is situated immediately adjoining G e r ~
many and has furnished a place of temporary refuge
for a number of German brethren. The work has pro-
gressed in Czechoslovakia, where there are now 134
organized companies. In the field service there were
1,166 publishers during the year. The distribution
of the Society's literature containing the Kingdom
message totaled, bound books, 19,034; booklets, 390,799.
In addition thereto 165,631 copies of The Golden Age
were put in the hands of the people.
Preaching the gospel by means of sound machines
has progressed in this country. Seven transcription
machines and fifty phonographs were used. 2,946 lec-
tures, with an attendance of 31,279, were had. This
method of preaching the gospel has aroused the inter-
est of many persons, and the gospel is being received
by many with gladness. These sound machines are
used at restaurants and other public places. The breth-
ren have little difficulty in the Czech section, but in
the ,Slovak the Roman Catholic Hierarchy exercises a
greater influence and caused the witnesses of Jehovah
much trouble. The Czechs, remembering what their
forefathers in Bohemia experienced by reason of the
intolerance of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and par-
ticularly having in mind Johann Huss, who was burned
at the stake because of his preaching the gospel, show
more consideration for the followers of Christ at the
present time. In the German section of Czechoslovakia
Nazism and Fascism are growing rapidly because the
Catholics are there in control. In the Hungarian sec-
tion the population are more sympathetic toward the
truth. In that section a year and a half ago there
Year Book 129
were scarcely any publishers, whereas today there are
60 publishing the truth and they are manifesting real
zeal for the Kingdom message. In the eastern part of
Czechoslovakia, inhabited chiefly by Russians and Hun-
garians, many receive the message of the Kingdom
gladly. In one Hungarian village, Serne, there are 50
witnesses amongst the population of 2,000 and their
influence in that village is so marked that the people
do not longer attend the religious organizations. That
being true, the clergyman left the village because he
had nothing to do. The mayor refused to have another
clergyman come to take his place, because he did not
want to go to church himself, and he said if he wanted
to know anything about the Bible he would go to Jeho-
vah's witnesses. A number of Jonadabs are joining
themselves to the organization and are participating
in the work.
The convention held at Prague in the latter part of
August, attended by 1,500, greatly encouraged t h ~
workers in that land. At the office in Prague fourteen
brethren are employed. In addition to doing the office
work, they participate in the field service with other
workers. A number of presses and bookbinding ma-
chines have been installed in Prague, which now pro-
duces the literature in the Czech, Slovak, German,
Hungarian, and Russian languages. Recently arrange-
ments have been made to purchase and enlarge the
quarters for the carrying on of the work in that -land.
Amidst great opposition the work in Danzig has
made some progress during the year. At the instance
of the religionists the activities of Jehovah's witnesses
have been forbidden for the past two years, but the
faithful, relying upon the guidance and strength of
the Lord, continue to carry on the work. By reason
thereof several arrests have been made and the courts
have pronounced severe sentences against those ar-
rested. The judge of one court said that this was done
130 Year Book
to frighten the workers and to prevent their activity.
It was dllficult to get a full report from this country,
but that which has been- receiv"Eld shows that the total
distribution was a little less than it was last year.
Nmety-seven publIShers have reported; they have been
in the field service 6,485 hours. Nazi spies are through-
out the country, who constantly spy upon the people
of the Lord. These always look for phonographs and
records when they are searching the houses of the wit-
nesses. !;;3ome of these have been confiscated, but there
are five phonographs stIll in use. A report from Danzig
from some of the faithful brethren contains the fol-
The Devil was enraged because the witness work contrnued
in the Danzig rustIict, and therefore at the beginning of the
year, Ruhnau, the representative of the Society at Danzig, was
arrested, imprisoned and then was baused to rusappear entIrely.
Soon thereafter a faIthful pIOneer III DanzIg, who had been
inlpnsoned, also dIsappeared. Today, after a year, the families
of the two brothers haye had no co=unication from eIther one,
except that a letter written by Brother Ruhnau wIthout giving
his whereabouts was received by ills wife. The letter was maIled
in New York and was used to deceive the family as to Brother
Ruhnau's whereabouts and to cover the tracks of the DeVll '8
representatIves. The DeVlI always uses fraud and deception.
The same thing happened, to a political man of the opposition
party III DanZIg. The famIly also receIved a letter willch had
been mailed III Sparn. In both cases the polIce appeared soon
thereafter and con:fiscated the letters to use them as proof that
they had had nothmg to do WIth the fate of the above. How-
ever, the letter was copied, and we have full proof that the
Danzig Nazi police has violated all law and has carned Brother
Ruhnau off to Germany secretly. Recently a report from the
German consulate in Danzig in answer to a request from
England stated tnat Ruhnau IS supposed to be III a concen-
tratIon camp near BerlIn. Tills case and other cases of persecu-
tion of ChrIstians was also sublll1tted to the League of Nations
and to a number of gove=ents havrng to do WIth the Danzig
affairs. Several government officials, hearmg of this case, stated
that they were sorry about it, but that they could not do any-
tillng for fear that Europe and the world might be plunged
into war on this issue. Altogether fifty-four brethren and .Tona-
dabs served prison sentences during the year.
However, these experiences have not deterred the faithful
from continuing the work. Recently eighty-three anointed and
Year Book
.Tonadabs declared their willingness to further carry on the wit-
ness work as commanded by the Lord through the Society, re-
gardless of the resulting dtfficnIties. Two cases in this connectIOn
demonstrated how the heavenly Father takes care of the faIthful
and that he does not forsake those who serve him. In one :fanuly
the father was arrested by the PQlIce and the next day the
mother was also taken away, and four children, ranging from
four to thIrteen years of age, were left to themselves. The breth-
ren trusted in the Lord, and, to theIr joy, they heard that their
chlldren were taken to an orphanage, where they were taken
care of by a nurse, who was herself a friend of the truth and
who notIced the children because they refused the Hitler greet-
ing, and even the lIttle ones gave a courageous WItness of the
In another case a brother had :finished serving a threemonth
prison sentence and was again arrested and sentenced to a term
of a year and a half. At iirst the other brethren felt sorry for
the brother, but soon they were encouraged on account of the
joy which the brother m the prison experienced. The prison offi-
CIal who had known the brother :from his iirst stay, and thought
well of hIm, now appointed the brother to a position of con:fi-
dence, similar to Joseph in prison. The brother had charge of
the clothes and came in contact WIth every newcomer and thus
could give a word of comfort to many a prisoner.
As reported last year, a petition regarding the ill-treatment
of our brethren in DanZIg was submitted to the HIgh 00=-
SlOner of the League of Nations, who, contrary to ills promise,
did nothIng about It. The disappearance of two brethren then
gave occasion to submit a. petition and protest dIrectly to the
League of Nations. While the League had the Danzig minority
question on the program, and while the League l1ad a wonderful
opportumty to recognize and deal with the petItIon, it did noth-
ing, although it had solemnly declared to guarantee the Danzig
Constitution and to protect the rights of Danzlg citizens. It was
another evidence that the League of Nations, paradmg under
false colors, really is a part of the Devil's organization; whIch
is becoming more and more manifest to all honest people. How-
ever, the petition was prmted In three languages and copies were
transmitted to every representatIve of the League of Nations
at Geneva. Copies were also given to all the prominent journal-
ists, but only a few papers had the courage to publish a short
notIce concerning the matter. Nearly a thousand copies of a
special G.A. issue, carrying this report, were dlstnbuted in
Danzig itself, and the result was that the brethren mentioned
in the report were then arrested and purushed because they had
dared to appeal to the High Commissioner and to the League
of Nations.
132 Year Book
Since the Lord has shown us the meaning of 'the great mul-
titude', we can testify that the multitude is commg forward.
Even though the activity is forbidden m DanzIg, .Tonadabs are
coming to Jom us. Ten of them were recently baptIzed, and they
are taking an active part in the house-to-house service, and some
show remarkable courage. Here is an example. One sister, going
from house to house, heard that the owner of a restaurant had
telephoned to the police for the patrol wagon to arrest her.
Other guests in the place had informed her, and she ran to the
next house and told the man there what was about to happen
to her if she was caught. This man was friendly to the Lord's
people, and he hid the sister in hIS house and told her that he
had heard lectures in the past and was glad to do something
for Jehovah's witnesses. The sister then could escape through
the garden into another street, but the woman who had ordered
the patrol wagon had to pay the cost. Another case: One sister
in the serVIce happened to call at the door of a Nazi leader,
who took the SIster at once to police headquarters. The officer
there asked the sister whether she had &ny of the forbidden
literature WIth her; but the slSter answered, "1 have but a
Bible' '; the few booklets she had had, she had dropped .secretly
on the way to the police station. The officer then said to the
NaZI leader, "Let this woman go in peace. Fortunately we are
not that far, that it is forbidden to recommend the Bible to our
fellowmen' '; and then he bid the /lister farewell. In the mean-
time the comparuon of the sister in the service had come to the
same door, where the wife of the Nazi leader said that her hus-
band had just taken a woman hke her to the pohce station.
Then the sister took the same street towards the police head-
quarters and gathered up the booklpts which the SIster before
her had dropped.
While we realize that the difficulties are increasing, we also
appreciate that the strength and the encouragement from the
Lord is also greater, and the faithful are becommg more coura-
geous. Most of the brethren, having passed through ill-treatment
and prison terms, are more determined than ever, and they lead
others in the service. We know that all thlngs work together
for good, to those who love God, and that all these dIfficulties
glve us an opportunity to prove our fidelity to the Lord. Thus
trusting upon the Lord, we shall contmue to joyfully do the
small part which the Lord has entrusted to us, being certain
that he will bless all of our efforts.
The Lord has revealed that those who serve him
shall be of many nations, kindreds, peoples, and
tongues; and further proof of this was made mani-
Year Book
fest at Paris, France, in the convention held there
in August, 1937. The work in France is conducted
chiefly in French, Polish, and German. At the con-
vention many other languages were spoken by those
who attended, some coming from Holland, Belgilun,
Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, Italy, and other places.
Prior to the coming of the Lord Jesus to the temple
of God there was small interest and a very small num-
ber of French people that had any disposition to serve
the Lord. At the convention about 3,500 persons at-
tended, and at the public meeting upward of a thou-
sand additional came. The main auditorium and the
adjoining halls were filled. A novel thing at this con-
vention was this: While the speaker a d d r ~ s s e d the
audience in the main auditorium in English, that audi-
torium was connected with various other halls by wire,
with an interpreter in each hall, who immediately in-
terpreted the speech in whatsoever language he rep-
resented, and thus the entire convention heard the
same speech at the same time. Paris had the most ex-
tensive witness to the Kingdom it has hitherto had,
and it is believed that much good has resulted there-
from. The witness work has progressed in France dur-
ing the past year, the distribution of books and booklets
reaching a total of 528,566. The sound equipment that
proclaims the message by means of electrical transcrip-
tion numbers 114 pieces. These figures are included
in the main report from the Central European Office.
The Golden Age magazine has grown in popularity,
and the subscriptions have largely increased. Quoted
further from the local representative's report is the
Taking advantage of the International Exhibition at Paris
this year, we obtained a stand in one of the most frequented
sections of the grounds and which remains open daily until mid
night. By this means .Jehovah's visible organizatIOn is brought
more prominently to the attention of the people . .As people pass
our stand and point it out to one another, one can observe that
"La Tour de Garde" and "Lea Temoins de .Jehova,.h" have
become household words in France.
Year Book
The one outstanding event in France this year for us was
Brother Rutherford's VISIt, coupled with the general convention,
August 21-23 at the Maison de la Mutuahte, which contains
!!Ome of the largest and certainly the most convement halls
that could have been obtamed for the purpose. The French
brethren were on thIs occasion specially favored m the arrange-
ment of the program, and their joy and gratitude at havmg
heard Brother Rutherford personally at different times was be-
tokened by their enthusiasm and theIr radIant faces. Their deter-
minatIOn, and particularly also that of the .Jonadabs, to take
their stand :firmly on the BIde of .Jehovah and boldly proclaim
his message to the people is becoming daily more evident. It is
indeed a great joy to Bee so many people of good WIll coming
to the truth and so rapidly graspmg the vital truths which The
Watchtower is brmgmg to our attentIOn.
The radio work in France has stopped durmg this year, and
that because of the underhand activitIes of the clergy of the
DeVIl who managed to mtimIdate the owners of the stations
into refusmg to broadcast our message unless it were first sub-
mitted to a kind of censorship. His witnesses do not submit
.Jehovah's message to the censorship of the DeVIll But His
arm is not shortened, and the transcription and phonograph
work have taken its plaae. At the moment of wnting these lines,
a faint echo of the Columbus convention has reached us con-
cerning some greater activities in this :field, and we are aWaIting
fuller d e t ~ I 1 s with joyful anticipation. It is inspiring to know
that .Jehovah's orgamzatIon IS moving forward as one man and
that He is permitting us all to be domg the same thIng at the
same time.
France is really Fascist, in spite of its I' Popular Front"
government; otherwise, how explam Its attItude toward the Span-
Ish question T Of course, thIs applIes only to the very small
minority who really run the country, regardless of the wishes
and interests of the people. The SItuatIOn may be lIkened to
that of "sitting on the safety valve". The bust-up may come
at any tIme. And so we have been WItnessing lately a series of
acts of provocation exactly SImIlar to those which occurred in
Spain Just prior to the Hierarchy's war there, and on the model
of the Reichstag fire.
Because of the wicked conditions prevailing in the
Cathohc Hitler government of Germany it is impos-
SIble to give any report that would adequately describe
the conditions there. When it was learned that a con-
vention of Jehovah's witnesses would be held at Paris,
though other Germans were permitted to go to Paris
:Year Book
to visit the exposition or do whatsoever they pleased,
the passports of all of Jehovah's witnesses were taken
away from them and they were not permitted to leave
the country. Only five did get out of the country, and
as soon as they returned they were all incarcerated in
prison, and now almost all of Jehovah's witnesses are
held in prison or concentration camps in Germany.
Many of them are in places unknown to their friends
and relatives. This is not because they have done any
evil to any person or to the government, but because
they have dared take their stand on the side of Jeho-
vah God and his kingdom. These faithful men and
women for some years now have been undergoing
experiences similar to those described in the eleventh
chapter of Hebrews, and without doubt God will re-
member them with kindness in due time and see that
their martyrdom is rewarded by his boundless bless-
ings. It is welllmown, however, that a large number
of books and booklets have been distributed in Ger-
many during the year, but to get a report as to the
exact number is an impossibility, and therefore no at-
tempt here is made to give the number. It is impossible
to conceive of such cruelty and wickedness as now ex-
ists in that land, and all who love righteousness anx-
iously await the day of complete deliverance.
For several years the Watch Tower Bible and Tract
Society has maintained a branch office at Budapest,
the capital of Hungary. The efforts put forth to give
testimony concerning the Kingdom have been attended
with much cruel treatment on the part of religionists.
Hungary claims to be a constitutional state with lib-
erty laws, but since the Roman Catholic Jesuits inter-
pret the laws, these are never used in the interest of
liberty or righteousness. The right of worship is guar-
anteed by the Trianon Treaty and also by the laws
of the land, yet such right is never permitted. If com-
plaints against such ill-treatment ever get into the
Year Book
courts, the decision is always adverse. The magistrate
of the court usually remarks, "This law concerns only
the confession recognized by the State." The right of
freedom of assembly does not exist. The press is muz-
zled. Laws are being made and applied as if the whole
country had remained in a state of war, even though
the war ended nearly twenty years ago. The country
is ruled in an arbitrary manner under the cruel dic-
tates of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. God's people
have suffered a long and cruel persecution in that land,
but in the face of all opposition they have boldly kept
on doing the best they could. During the year books
and booklets to the number of 102,690 were placed in
the hands of the people, and when the circumstances
under which this was done are considered, the result
seems nothing short of miraculous. There is only a
small body of true Christians in that land, 310 of
whom are workers in the field, and many of these
spend much 6f their time in prison. From the local
representative's report that comes to this office the
following is taken:
My brethren in the faith were never allowed to assemble
peaceably for the purpose of mutual eihficatlOn in God's Word.
The vainest excuses were brought forth in order to support
orders of suppression. It was claimed that: "You have no
superintendents i your hall is unhealthy; there is a church in
town where everybody can attend; your assembhes appear to
be political meetings, etc." Due to such CIrcumstances we could
meet but secretly, and in most places a widespread spying sys-
tem and force of arms prevented us from gathering together,
even to make private VIsits. This work is done by a military
pohce who, in most cases, do not distinguish themselves by in-
telligence or fine manners. The most brutal, narrow-minded class
of men is being chosen for this service. Now Jehovah's witnesses
are being suppressed WIth ever-increasing fury. Who else could
be interested in the destruction of honest-minded, God-fearing
men than the light-shunning racketeers in priestly robest
In March, 1937, a young Cathohc priest, manifestly sent by
some higher-ups, appeared at the office of the Society, proceed-
ing hke a clerical detective and trying to obtain as much infor-
mation and material as possible. A slanderous press-campaign
was then launched. From the pulpit and by sermons which were
broadcast, the people were warned. The attack started at Porc-
Year Book 137
saIma, in the northeastern part of Hungary. Five witnesses of
Jehovah were ill-treated there in such a way that they were in-
capable of doing work for many days. In all the northern section
of Hungary the campaIgn then continued methodically and in
rapId succession. All lodgmg quarters, where the inhabitants
could perchance be brought into connection with the mentioned
BIble Society, were rummaged, and all the publications found,
even BIbles, were con:fiscated. Everywhere scenes of beatings and
thrashings were repeated . .And many persons were hurt m such
a way that the marks of ill-treatment will remain for ever. They
were beaten with bludgeons in order to get theIr promIse of
reJoinmg the church and of regularly attending it, or to make
them betray their brethren in givmg the respective addresses.
The trustees of the Hierarchy for such actions were the
detectives Balazs and Sarkozi. On March 24 they also arrested
the representative of the Watch Tower Society in Budapest and
brought him, under the pretext of wanting a confrontation, and
even though he was ill, to Kisvarda, a place about 300 kilo-
meters from Budapest. The purpose of taking 1nm so far was
that they might be wholly undisturbed.
It was the Easter season. Jehovah's witnesses had been
brought by the dozen from that dIstrict to the town hall of
Kiavarda. The Budapest Watch Tower representative, having
been together WIth some of these brethren for two days in the
same room (with five men and one woman), had occasion enough
to see how his friends in the faith came back from numerous
hearings. They had been ternbly beaten and lay on the bare
stone :floor groanmg. After such a thrashIng, one of them had
to stand erect for hours in a corner WIth his face towards the
wall, untIl a compassionate town polIceman, upon his own au-
thority, gave hIm a chair to SIt down. Each was heard indi-
vidually, each mishandled without any outsider present, m fact,
true JeSUItIcal inquisition proceedmgs. The foreign representa-
tive of the Watch Tower had hIS share also m such experiences.
From March 25 to 28 one trial followed the other, day and
nIght. Although he remained polite, the detective Balazs al-
lowed himself to be carned away by anger, and dragged the
brother along through the room by the hair, tearing out whole
tufts of hair. This was repeated several tImes. Fmally, at a
hearmg that began before midnight and continued untIl four
o 'clock in the morning, regular inqUISItIOn methods were em-
ployed. The hands of the brother were bound together to hIs
back and then drawn above his head until the feet (toes) barely
touched the ground. After that the wrist joint was twisted and
wrenched, and then he was thrown to the floor with his face
to the ground, wllOreupon a robust man stood on hIm, whIch
for a man suffermg from kIdney trouble is not a very agreeable
feeling. Two other men drew his feet toward the head, and,
Year Book
the hands still bound to his back, these "heroes" continued
theIr work of twistmg the jomts untIl they were perspinng,
even though theIr victIm was a man of small stature. All tills
was done with devuish prudence behind carefully veIled win-
dows m order to aVOId bemg (later on) called to account for
such "unlawful acts".
The whole drama was enacted during the Easter season. It
was a tragedy: "Good Fnday," memories of the day when
.Tesus Chnst, the Chief WItness for Jehovah's truth, had been
tortured and put to death; and now here, just on this memonal
day, seemg supposed ChnstIan people at work torturing true fol-
lowers of .Tesus Christ on account of the same work I "Easter,"
the Sunday of the great procession. What dId they celebrate on
this resurrectIOn day' The resurrection of the Roman InquisI-
tion' Is it, therefore, any wonder when God speaks of the
"dung of [their] solemn feasts" 7 It may be that these re-
pugnant scenes meant nothlng strange to the members of this
strong-arm squad, used officially by the State and unofficially
by the "Church", who count such scenes as belongmg to theIr
daily-bread routine. But It means more to a person who stIll
believes in human rights and human dignity. When the Watch
Tower representative at Budapest defended his brethren in the
faith, one detective said to him: "Does that hurt YO'U, if we
give a good beatmg to some of these stupid simpletons'" Once
this detectIve cynically remarked to hIs colleague: ' , Strange
as it may seem, not long ago I had my thick walking stick newly
pamted, and now again all the color is gone." For weeks he
had beaten .Tehovah's WItnesses therewith.
When the Watch Tower representatIve at Budapest was ar-
rested, many Hungarian and also quite a few foreIgn journals
in a subtle way launched false reports WIth regard to the arrest
of a "Co=unistIc agItator", and the Cathohc press rejOIced
over the fact that :finally this man had been put behlnd prison
bars. The truth, however, is that the one referred to had never
had ILnything to do with Co=unistic or ILny other politIcal
ideas, that he never in his life had attended a politIcal meetmg,
that he hasn't a Communist as friend, and has gone so far in
ills unpolitical Vlews that he does not even take part In electIOns.
After three months' detentIon on remand in a filthy, badly
ventilated, stinkmg cell full of vermin, sometImes together WIth
14 men, ILnd mostly under the care of rude guards, the main
tnal took place and ended WIth a sentence of three months'
impnso=ent, whIch had ILlready been served by the detentIOn
on remand. Furthermore, expulsIOn from Hungary was decreed,
ILnd after IL few days' stay In the Co=unity's prison, where
one hILd to sleep on the bare stone floor, the order of expulsion
was carried out. The court trial was IL mere form. They ILvolded
and absolutely forbade speaking of the contents of the publi-
Year Book
cations objected to. The examining magistrate, the judges, and
the attorney general gave the impression that they wanted to
be nd of this case. One of these men said privately: "Some
Btatements ill these pubhcations are too sharp, but In a Bense
it is just what the people need for theIr educatIon with regard
to true Chnstianity." A pnson keeper at Budapest told the
brother, when accompanying him to the examInIng magIStrate:
"I am acquainted Wlth your case as well as with the literature
of your Society. EverythIng said thereIn IS but truth. You say
today what .Tesus told the people in HIS day, and that IS the
reason why you encounter the same persecution as He did."
Thls IS what the people tlunk. Of course, In most countnes,
the people are not allowed to say much, and in many countnes,
for lllBtance in Hungary, they have no VOIce at all and must
but look on at their persecutors and the Instigators of such.
We mformed the Hungarian presIdent of the Council [pnme
Ininister of the Government) of these persecutions of Chnstian
people, and advised the former preSIdent, Count Stephan Bethlen,
as well, by dispatching to them as regIstered mall a detailed
statement of these things, but we are stIll waitmg for an answer.
Has Hungary forgotten that in the course of history she has
had to protect her own country, even by force of arms, agaInst
the claImS of sovereIgnty raISed by popes, who Imagined that
the country belonged to them because they had instItuted the
HungarIan crown' Poor, oppressed, beautiful Hungary! Demon
powers plunge you into the Fascistic-Hierarchrcal mght. There
remains one hope, however, that this night will not last long.
The publishers In Hungary will need some time to find theIr
way m thrs present storm. But notWlthstandmg the fact that
in the Hungarian rural dlstricts a sharp control of indIVIduals
is carried on, the Lord will give wisdom and courage to HIS
people to faIthfully carry on HIS work.
The Devil's cruel and devastating hand is rapidly
laying hold upon the continent of Europe. His chief
agent, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, is pursuing its
long practice of the malicious and wicked inquisition.
Happy will be the day when Jehovah rises up, as He
did at Gibeon, and clears the earth of this infamous
crowd that has persecuted for years honest and sin-
cere followers of Christ and, above it all, has defamed
and blasphemed the name of Jehovah God.
.As is well known by all today, Italy has a Fascist
government, operated now in conjunction with the
140 Year Book
Vatican, there being an alliance between the Vatican
and the visible government. Nothing can be said in
favor of righteousness' being in that government or
in any part of it. In that land there are a ~ u m b e r of
books and booklets published by the Society, and many
of these are circulated amongst the interested, but it
is impossible to get a report out of that land, because
the brethren are not permitted to meet together to
combine their reports. At the Paris convention only
one sister was able to attend. For fifteen years she has
been faithfully performing the service to the Kingdom
in Italy and has suffered many indignities, but she has
gone bravely on. Mingling amongst brethren of like
precious faith at Paris, her countenance shone brightly
and she gave evidence of a great joy in being at liberty
to worship God without hindrance from anyone else.
From information obtained from Italy, amongst other
things is the following:
A brother was summoned by the law authority and
brought into court. The official bringing him in said
to him privately: "A liberal government would, of
course, be better for you. I have read your books.
They are good. Unfortunately we are forced to forbid
their distribution; but take courage, perhaps the time
will come when you are able to work again. Do you
know if there are any of your people imprisoned in
Italy because of their faith?" The brother answered
this in the affirmative, describing the places of the im-
prisonment of Jehovah's witnesses, and shortly there-
after they were released. In that land houses are
searched and literature is taken, and all who love the
Lord are kept in restraint. The information is also
given that many Italians are quite ready to receive
the message of the truth, as they are sorely dissatis-
fied with the harsh rule under which they must live,
and have a keen desire for the kingdom of God under
Year Book
The work in Luxemburg: There is a small number
of Jehovah's witnesses doing the best they can to dis-
tribute the literature. Over ten thousand books and
booklets have been put in the hands of the people dur-
ing the year there, and that under most adverse con-
ditions. More than thirteen thousand copies of the
Golden Age magazine have been distributed, and there
are several hundred subscribers for it.
The ruling authorities endeavor to suppress the ac-
tivities by every method possible, and this action they
take at the instigation of the Roman Catholic Hier-
archy. This "Catholic Action ", which now is carry-
ing into operation the cruel methods of the Inquisi-
tion, resorts to all manner of means to hinder the
people from receiving the truth. When the Society's
European representative, an American citizen, visited
Luxemburg in June last, he was immediately expelled
and taken to the frontier by the police, and he was
refused the right to address a public meeting which
had been advertised. The religionists, discovering some
literature, notify the police, and the literature is seized
and confiscated. Some of the police freely admit that
they are serving the Black International rather than
the State, which has a constitution and guarantees
religious liberty, but which acts at the dictates of the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy. The public press joins with
the rest of the foes of the Lord's kingdom to persecute
Jehovah's witnesses. While most of the population are
Catholic, they are not deceived by the rackets of the
racketeers, and many of them gladly hear the message
of the Kingdom and would be pleased to read the lit-
erature of the Society, but they are fearful and yield
to the threats of the clergy. Many of the brethren are
haled before the courts and there have an opportunity
to give a witness to the truth, and thus there has'been
some advertisement of the King and the Kingdom.
Of course, almost all the expense of carrying on the
work there must be borne by those who live outside
Year Book
of Luxemburg. Amidst all the trying circumstances
and conditions a few witnesses of Jehovah in that land
stand firmly and are joyful in the service, and "other
sheep", the Jonadabs, are joining themselves unto the
brethren, and thus members of the great multitude
are coming from that land also. There is one electrical
transcription machine in that vicinity, and ten phono-
graphs. A few meetings have been held, in which up-
ward of eight hundred persons have heard the mes-
sage in this way. The phonograph proves the most effi-
cient method of giving the witness there. Those who
have them get into the homes and personally meet
those who. reside there, and are able to reproduce the
message by electrical transcription on the phonograph
and open the way for the hearers to get and study
the literature.
The fiscal year ending was marked by increased ac-
tivity in the service of J ehovab.'s King and for his
kingdom. During the year twenty additional compa-
nies were organized in that land and more than 200
publishers were in the field. Forty-four pioneers ac-
tively engage in the work, 10 auxiliaries following up.
The amount of literature distributed is embraced in
the general report of the Central European Office here-
inbefore set out. The opposition to the truth is increas-
ing in Holland, for the reason that religionists are now
in complete control, there being an alliance between
the Catholic, Protestant and Calvinistic wings of Sa-
tan's organization.
The sound service is better organized, and during the year
one sound car, two Brooklyn transcription machines, and 40
phonographs were used to gIve a WItness. 6,571 meetings were
held, and attended by 22,714 persons. As the pioneers report
the hterature they dIstrIbute while out WIth the phonograph,
on theIr regular report, we can merely quote how much litera'
ture was distributed, at 1,150 meetmgs, whIch were attended
by 7,117 persons, namely: 88 books, 1,954 booklets, 642 copies
of The Golden Age, 2 subscriptions, 4 Bibles and 1,246 leaflets.
Year Book
As is to be seen by this yearly report, the continuous procla-
matIOn of the message 18 not without success_ Many suddenly
take thell' stand on the Lord's sIde, and It is quite remarkable
that Jonadabs, who jom up, desll'e to =ediately take part in
the vindIcatIon of Jehovah's name_ Many are so eager, and so
fully convmced by the message, that they are WJ.lhng to suffer
for the truth's sake, to gIve up theIr posItions and endure per-
secutIOns. They are also glad to put theIr homes at the disposi-
tion of the friends who wish to assemble and study the truth.
Tlley inVlte pIOneers to their homes. This SPIrIt of unselfishness
encowages us and makes us rejoice.
As a result of the last electIon Holland now has an exclu-
sively rehgIOus government, made up of Cathohc, Protestant
and Calvirustic mimsters. What thls means to the continuatIOn
of the proclamation of the Kingdom message is not hard to
guess. We are therefore begiruling thls new fiscal year WIth dIf-
ferent lawsuits, whlch we hope to fight out, by the Lord's grace.
It will surely be hard to further proclaim the day of vengeance
here. In the course of the year we were accused m court of hav-
ing hurt the feehngs of a certain class of people, that is, the
Roman Catholic population, by an article pubhshed in The
Golden Age, "The Roman Church Blesses Murder." The State
attorney, backed by the Ca'.hohc Inlillster of justIce, raged
agamst the methods used by Jehovah's witnesses to proclalDl.
the truth and demanded that the one prmclpally accused, the
representatIve of the Society, be eentenced to one month in jail.
The representatIve of the SOCIety then was grven the oppor-
tunity to defend himself, and thereby a testimony for the truth
was gIven. After two weeks all the accused were acquitted.
There were no other really important tnals in the course of
the year, and we actually do not have much trouble WIth the
authoritIes, in spite of the fact that we have many foreIgners
helpmg us to do the work here.
Four regional service meetmgs were held. The :first in Apel-
doorn, where 100 ass18ted, the second m Utrecht, where 250
were present, the third m Groningen, 50 assisting, and the fourth
in Eerbeek, with an asSIstance of 90. There were, further, 8
presentatIons of the "Drama of Creation", which were attended
by 1,320 persons.
The Bethel family was mostly occupied in office work, trans-
latmg, etc., but as far as the ever-mcreasing work in the office
permItted, they also took part in the serVlce out in the field.
No special report of thls actIvity was made, as the Bethel famIly
works together WIth the Haarlem company tLnd theIr reports
are included m the report of that company.
As proof of the increased appleCIatlon of Jehovah's work
and his kmgdom, it can be stated that there are always more
wishing to attend the large conventIons. Ninety-three Holland
144 Year Book
ish brethren and .Tonadabs attended the last convention in
Lucerne, whereas 108 Hollandish friends attended the conven-
tIon in Pans.
Wlth fresh courage and with full confidence in the Lord, we
step mto the next fiscal year and, by his grace and strength,
hope to take part in the vmdicatlOn of .Tehovah's name dunng
the year.
For a number of years the message of God's king-
dom has been proclaimed in Poland. The Society has
maintained a branch office there, and much money
and effort have been put forth to bear witness before
the people of and concerning God's kingdom. During
the fiscal year just closed the Devil and his religious
agents, and particularly the Hierarchy, have been more
active than ever in launching vicious attacks against
Jehovah's witnesses in an effort to keep the people in
ignorance of the truth. In the face of all this a few
faithful witnesses continue to boldly proclaim the mes-
sage of God's kingdom under Christ.
The Society purchased property and established an
office there, where eight persons do the work. Over
two hundred thousand books and booklets have been
placed in the hands of the people during the year,
and that in the face of much cruel persecution. The
exact figures appear in the preceding general report.
These publications that were distributed were in the
languages, to wit, Polish, German, Ukrainian, Russian,
Yiddish. The following quotation is from the Society's
local representative's report:
At the beginning of the year, instigated by the administra-
tive authoritles, the Pohsh Golden .Age was forbidden by order
of the court, and soon thereafter the German issue of The Golden
.Age was not allowed the use of the mail. Then the Minister
of Interior, by three special decrees, forbade all literature, even
The Watchtower in the Pohsh language. A good portlOn of the
hterature was first put under seal and later earned away. We
were cut off from the outside, and hterature we had prmted
in Poland was confiscated. Nevertheless we were able to have
two of six booklets printed. WhIle the Constitution remains the
same outwardly, many smcere Polish citizens are realizing that
the Roman Hlerarchy is causing the Canonical law of the church
Year Book 145
to replace cOIllltitutional rights and thlll! a Hierarchical dicta-
torship is being established.
The enemy thmks that he will triumph and that he will soon
have reached the point of saymg "Peace and safety", but the
Lord's people, strengthened by "meat in due season", are
prepared for anything. The witness work could not be stopped.
RealIzing these things, we are grateful to the Lord that the
number of organized compames has increased from 115 to 121,
and the number of pioneers from 40 to 49. It is true that the
number partalung of the Memorial supper has decreased from
1,751 to 1,527, but thIS is due to a better understanding of their
responsibilIty In thIs connectIOn. In addItion to those partIci-
patIng, 1,096 were present at the Memorial celebration.
There IS a monthly average of BOO publishers in the :field,
and the highest number in the active service was during the
sprIng season, at the time of the Memorial, when 1,040 pub-
lishers called upon the people of good will with the Kingdom
While the hatred and madness of the Catholic clergy increased
constantly, and while Catholic Action has begun to commit Cath-
olIc acts of cruelty, we :find a large number of people of good
will, who receive the message WIth gladness, and whIch encour-
ages the publlBhers to go on with the witness work. During the
year two cases are reported where the Devil's crowd caused the
death of two witnesses, and there are 75 cases where the pub-
lishers were ill-treated by the Catholic Action. In lOB cases the
police had a protocol made, and 263 cases were taken into court,
whereby brethren were acquitted 99 times, and in 71 cases they
were sentenced; the other cases are still pending. This meaIlll
a total of eleven years, two months, one week and six days in
prison, and :fines amounting to 6,629 zloty and 2B3.BO costs.
In 129 cases literature was con:fiscated, but returned again in
99 cases. The branch servant was also charged with haVIng dis-
patched "forbIdden lIterature", but he was acquitted, and then
he was charged with blasphemy for dIstributing the Kingdom
booklets. He was sentenced to six months in prlBon, but the sen-
tence was not executed. This month there are two more trIals
because of printing and distributing "forbidden literature".
Although the situation is much more dIfficult than a year ago,
we are gOIng courageously forward, and all the Lord's people
in thIs land are determined to carry on the witness work regard-
less of whether it pleases men or not, remembering the words
of our Lord that 'we must obey God rather than man'.
.Amidst much cruel persecution and opposition to
witnesses a large amount of literature hag
Year Book
been placed in Rumania during the year, the number
of which books and booklets is included in the general
report of the Central European Office. Rumama has
been one of the chief places of the Devil's operation
for some years. The Society had a well-established
office and printing plant there, and the one in charge
of it defrauded the Society and caused the property
all to be taken away or destroyed. The "evil servant"
class is still working in that land, and these, together
with the clergy which rule the land, carryon their
wicked and malicious opposition to Jehovah's King
and kingdom; another evidence that the Lord is sep-
arating the people and causing the" goat" dass to don
their garments, that they may be identified for de-
struction. From the local representative's report the
following is taken:
JehGvah's witnesses in Rumania have suffered great persecu-
tion durmg the past year. The clergy rules the land. Recently
they held a conference, and at a banquet they resolved to de-
stroy Jehovah's witnesses. In the offiCIal paper of the govern-
ment, dated Apnl 21, 1937, the Illllllster of educatIon publIshed
the decree, wmch was then copied by all the newspapers, that
"the activity of Jehovah's witnesses is strictly forbIdden
tllroughout the land. Whoever distnbutes theIr lIterature or
reads it shall be punished and the lIterature shall be conns-
cated". There is also evidence that the H eVIl servant" class
has a part III the conspiracy WIth the clergy and that they
together seek to destroy the Lord's work.
A brother who happened to overhear a conversation between
false brethr.en stated that these false brethren were mad be-
cause Brother Rutherford had not heard their complaint against
the branch servant and, because of that, they wanted to destroy
the work, hoping that they WIll then be heard. The "evil serv-
ant" class also reported to the government officia1s that the
books of the Society are not m order, but the official auditmg
of the books proved that everything was in order. Then the
Society was charged with bemg Co=unistic, and the suits re-
sulting are still pendmg in the martml courts Durmg the past
year we had 56 laWSUIts and 43 acquittals, 198 arrests, and
36,000 lei worth of lIterature was connscated.
While writing tIns report, a letter was received telling of the
experiences in a VIllage where there is a company of 41 brethren.
A whole squad of polIcemen was ordered to search the homes
of these brethren and, in domg this, several houses were prac-
Year Book 147
Heally wrecked. They destroyed the roof, pnlled down the hay
and the straw, and searched every corner for Bibles and litera-
ture explaining the Bible. All BIbles, all literature, Watchtower
and Golden Age copIes, phonographs and phonograph records
were con:fiscated, and all the brethren were arrested and were
led about from one village to another, and were mocked and
beaten exactly as in the days of the Inquisition.
The priests go WIth the gendarmes from house to house look-
ing for the hterature IDstributed by .Tehovah's Wltnesses. They
ask the httle chIldren whether the parents have taken thls lit-
erature, and when t1tey :find any in a home, they threaten the
people with beatlllg and pnson if they take any more of such
literature. The people of good will tell the publIshers that they
hke our hterature and they would like to take it but then the
priest comes wIth the polIce and they are beaten for having
bought the literature. One .Tonadab told that he hides the litera-
ture and his BIble under the sauerkraut barrel and reads it
Despite this great opposition and persecution, the faithful
brethren have gone forward during the past year, and even
though the total amount of hours and distnbuted hterature is
less than last year, we are thankful to our dear heavenly Father
that he gIves us an opportumty, not only to believe and to work,
but also to suffer with our forerunner, .Tesus Christ.
There are 75 organized companies. 2,609 attended the Mc-
monaI. 2,079 partook of the symbols. The hlghest nUlllber of
company pubhshers was 842. The average was 344. The hIghest
nUlllber of pioneers, 14; the average, 7. The highest nUlllber of
auxiliary plOneers, 30; the average, 8. Eighty-nine were baptized.
The work with the gramophone has merely begun, and there-
:fore many have not reported as yet. The eomparues are working
Wlth 70 phonographs.
It seems quite evident that the Lord is permitting
the Devil to go his very limit in suppressing all free-
dom upon the. European continent in particular. Swit-
zerland has for many centuries been known as a land
of freedom of speech and freedom of worship, but those
days of lIberty are gone . .Any class of people on earth,
except Jehovah's witnesses, would be discouraged to
proceed amidst so much opposition and persecution.
Instead of being discouraged, Jehovah's witnesses
know that all this cruelty heaped upon them pro-
ceeds from the Devil and his religious agents and
148 Year Book
is clearly in liarmony with the prophecies God caused
to be written centuries ago; and, therefore, having
full faith and confidence in Jehovah and looking for-
ward with great eagerness to his kingdom's establish-
ing a righteous government on earth, these faithful
witnesses press on, counting not their life dear unto
them, but determined by God's grace to boldly de-
clare the message of his kingdom in this day of judg-
ment. The Society's representative in Switzerland
makes report of the activity of the work in that land,
and the following quotations are taken therefrom:
Jesus prophesied: "Ye shall be hated of all nations for my
name's sake." For centuries Switzerland has claimed, rIght-
fully, the honor of being a nation where tolerance, hberty, and
freedom of speech rule. For a long perIOd of time Switzerland
kept from dishonorable pohtical machInations, but now she also
is Yleldmg to the increasmg inftuence of that sinister institu-
tion, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Heretofore Switzerland
was considered a model democratic state; but the fact that the
Roman Hierarchy wants also Switzerland is another proof that
the HIerarchy has stooped to conquer the world, and the tIme
prophesied by John the revelator has come, when the voice of
the bridegroom shall be heard no more in Babylon, or "ChrIS-
tendom' " whIch includes Switzerland.
In the past eleven years the VOIce of the truth has been heard
loudly in this httle country. 350,698 books, 2,859,507 booklets
and 4,000,000 magazines declaring the message that God's tIme
to act has come, have found theIr way to the Swiss people. Thou-
sands of people of good wIll have taken a great interest in the
work of Jehovah's WItnesses and have given their support. But
here, as in all other lands of "ChrIstendom", a group of deadly
enemies of the truth is revealed.
At the memorable general convention at Lucerne last year a
fire was started which no doubt will continue to burn until the
great Issue is settled and when Jehovah will destroy Satan's
organizatIOn. It will be remembered that the Lucerne city au-
thoritIes, because of their fear of their clergy allies, trIed to
stop Brother Rutherford's publIc meeting; thereupon hundreds
of Lucerne citIzens protested, and many newspapers continued
criticizing the action of tIle Lucerne city authontles. In that
way large circles of the city and country inhabitants were stirred
up and desired of us explanation of the issue.
We then printed an extra G.A. number havmg as title picture
"The New Gessler Hat", the meaning of whIch would be clear
to those who know something of Swiss history, and whIch con-
Year Book
tained a report of the true facts. The same issue also published
Brother Rutherford's public lecture and was mailed to 20,000
families in Lucerne. The people demanded further lectures, but,
after we had rented the halls and advertised the meetings, they
were forbidden and the people were chased away by the police.
The Cantonal Government of Lucerne then issued a decree for-
biddmg all further public activity by .Tehovah's witnesses. The
case was taken to the Supreme Court, which canceled the decree
issued by the Lucerne authonties, stating that freedom of speech
is a democratic heritage and cannot be taken away. Neverthe-
less, local authorities continued to make dIfficulties for the pub-
lishers, arresting them, etc. So the hatred of the clergy increases
and their influence with the authorities is felt more strongly,
particularly in the Cathohe SectIOns of the country.
Several years ago the State attorney of the Canton St. Gall
requested the cantonal authorities at Berne to take steps against
the Watch Tower Society. The Bernese court, however, refused
to take part in this conspuacy and asked whether the Canton
of St. Gall would pay the costs, stating also that .Tehovah's
witnesses would doubtless make a big cry in their defense. It is
mteresting to note that the city of St. Gall is the spot from
which most of the opposition has emanated. In St. Gall, in 1931,
an organization, t t For the Pope and for the Church," was
formed. This organization is publishIng a news bulletin, which
IS affihated with the Nazi government of Germany. The former
editor of this news correspondence instituted suits against two
offiCIals of the SOCIety at Berne, charging them with dishonor-
ing religion and with the distribution of trash or i=oral lit-
erature. The :first court acquitted the accused and sentenced
the complamant, but the higher court, greatly under the influ-
ence of rehgionists, reversed the verdict. The literature was not
coniiscated, however, the charge being directed particularly
agamst certain illustratIOns and certain paragraphs in the books.
This action of the Berne Higher Court has dIsappointed a large
number of Swiss citizens, whose disappointment and protest
were also expressed in several SWISS dailies, which revealed that
the man who had instituted the charges against .Tehovah's wit-
nesses is really a Nazi agent in the servIce of German propa-
ganda organizations. The accuser is now exposed as a German
spy, and the whole conspiracy between the Nazi agents and mem-
bers of the Catholic Hierarchy against the representatives of
the Watch Tower Society is shown up in the correspondence
coniiscated by the Swiss federal pohce. For instance, Todtli,
the Nazi agent charged with spying for Germany, corresponded
with Colonel Fleischhauer of Erfurt, Germany, and with DJ'
.T onak of Vienna, who published a book against .T ehovah's WIt-
nesses, and Todtli said in part: "I have now made good con
nections with Catholics in our :fight against the Bible Students.
150 Year Book
I was received by the Papal NUllcio and conferred with him.
I also received from him two letters of reco=endation for
Zurich and St. Gall." In nearly every issue of Ius paper he
slanders .Jehovah's witnesses and tells hes about them. In his
correspondence which was con:fiscated there is also a letter wish-
ing hun success m his battle against the SocIety's representa-
tIves at Berne.
We have mentioned these things ill detail, in order to show
up the conspiracy of the Devil's crowd in this land.
God's people ill Switzerland take a very actlve part in thIs
battle. The company publIshers, wIth few exceptIOns, stand
shoulder to shoulder, attentrve and ready to do Joyfully what-
ever they are called upon to do. Thus a recent attack made by
members of the "evil servant" was turned back with deter-
mination and with full con:fidence in the guidance of the Lord's
work. It is characterIstic that a false brother, residmg in
St. Gall, receives regularly the above-mentioned slanderous Nazi
news-service about .Jehovah's WItnesses.
In VIew of this opposition we rejoice in the Lord's grace,
Ullder whIch the witness work could be carrIed on vigorously
this year. We have 50 organized companies, and 1,121 persons
partook of the MemOrIal. The highest number of company pub-
lIshers was 947, and a monthly average of 695. Then we have
from S to 6 pioneers, and 10 to 14 auxiliaries.
(lalden Age
Rours Books Booklets copies subs. Bibles
Companies 72,653 12,937
PlOneers and
195,219 189,675 332 71
auxilialles 9,890 3,569 31,841 12,370 75 16
Total 82,543 16,506 227,060 202,045 407 87
The hours spent in the service are about the same. The num-
ber of hours for _pioneers is higher. Considermg the fact that
the companies used 14 percent of the tinIe for serving 4,500
regular Golden Age readers, who are served directly, and that
they used 8 percent of the time in the phonograph service, we
believe that the result of distribution is fair, even though a
httle smaller than last year. A specIal work was done WIth the
Golden Age magazine, and thus 78,000 more copies than last
year were distrIbuted.
Phonograph VVork
The brethren and companies are now better equipped for the
phonograph work. There are 6 sound cars, 20 transcription ma-
chines, and 160 phonographs in the service. 8,172 Bound meet-
ings were held, which were attended by 34,455 persons.
Year Book 151
Often when the Lord gives us a new instrument in the wit-
ness work some hesitate to use It, but our experience with the
phonographs has proved that any doubts were not justified.
The publishers have much joy with the phonographs and greatly
appreciate this means of servIce. The personal contact helps to
make the people of good mIl realize who Jehovah's witnesses
are and what their mISSIOn IS, and they understand more read-
ily that our enemies lie when they claim that Jehovah's wit-
nesses are trymg to set up a Jemsh-Bolshevistic world rulership.
The serVIce, by playing the records, is espeCIally timely and
suitable for the Jonadab work. All addresses obtained when
people take hterature are carefully kept, and these are visited
every two weeks mth the phonograph. Quite a number have thus
learned to know the truth and have not hesitated to participate
in ilie service and to talk about the things which now :fill their
hearts. It is touching to hear them tell their experIences with
their relatlves and friends, when they first take their stand for
ilie truth, and how the Lord gives them strength and courage
to face OPPOSItiOn.
Several J onadabs, spendIng their vacation in a far-off moun-
tain village, heard the people m a small hotel talk about the
hermit "Buschli Sepp", who is said to be a wise man, but that
he has nothing to do with religion. Hearmg this, the Jonadabs
were curious and decided to call upon "Buschli Sepp". They
found him an old man, hvmg in a hut in the cleft of a rock.
As they entered this hut, they found upon his table the books
and Preparation and a number of booklets. He said that
he has studied this lIterature, and that he preaches its message
to all people who come to visit him, namely, all the vacationers
in the vicinity. Some who would not hear IDS message said that
he was probably full of sweet wine or was not nonnal; but the
Jonadabs were convinced that the old man understands the truth
and proclaImS it. He told the Jonadabs that he had studIed
Catholic theology, but he sees now that the people are greatly
deceived thereby, and that because of the Catholic rehgion the
BIble is being despIsed. This con:lirmed the explanatIon of The
Watchtower, that the Lord is about to hberate sincere prisoners
in the church systems.
Aside from 11 regional service conventions, with 2,450 attend-
ants, 28 public meetmgs were held, with an attendance of 7,287;
two of these public meetings were held in the CIty of Berne.
The :first publIc lecture was given March 17, on the subject
"Why (in Gennany) the Death Penalty for Jehovah's Wit-
Several German newspapers had published slanderous
reports, and one of these papers, The Black Corps, demanded
the death penalty for .Jehovah's witnesses. Several Swiss papers
took up the lies and slanders, amongst them one that Jehovah's
witnesses beheve in StalIn of Russia as their Messiah. Before
152 Year Book
the lecture took place, 50 Swiss newspapers pubhshed our an-
swer to these NaZI lies, and in the lecture some of the authentic
reports of the cruel persecution of our brethren in Germany
were read to the audience, which made a deep impression upon
the sincere people of the CIty of Berne. We quote hereWlth the
last part of our answer:
"Brought to the Issue, Jehovah's witnesses wli1 obey God
rather than men, and even under the most severe attacks of
relIgionists they Wlll stand for the truth of the Chrisbamty
of the Bible, and tills in order to mamtam their integnty and
falthfulness even as their Master, Christ, unto death. (Revela-
tion 2: 10) As eVldence that .Jehovah's witnesses take Chris
tialiity seriously, may serve the unquestionable fact that at pres-
ent about 4,000 Blble Students or witnesses of Jehovah for the
sake of their faith are languishing in pnsons or concentratlOD
camps in GermallY and m Danzig. These brutal measures against
the Bible Students (The Black Corps demanded the death pen-
alty) are supported only by the eneIDles of Christianity and of
the constitutlOnaI lIberty of faith. These enemies demand that
the witnesses of a better and new world, in which righteousness
and peace shall rule, should be oppressed also in Switzerland
by order of the polIce, because the proclamatlon of the truth
reveals their undemocratic lust for power and their opposition
to Christianity. People of Switzerland, be not deceived by the
above-mentioned slanders against the Bible Students, for these
people are not influenced by Moscow, by Berlin or by Rome,
but they are God-fearing Christians and at the same time free
and peaceable cltizens of SWltzerland! "
The second special lecture was Brother Rutherford's at Berne,
on August 10, on the subject of "Intolerance' '. A representative
of the German embassy and about 25 Nazi agents or storm
troopers were present. Although a religionist newspaper warned
against the lecture, 1,500 persons were present and lIstened
very attentively, and half of those present obtained lIterature
at the close of the meeting. Later a complaint against the lec
ture was submitted to the Swiss government. The complaint was
dIrected against what was said about the Hitler government
and about the cruel persecutiOns of Jehovah's witnesses in Ger-
many and because Brother Rutherford warned the Swiss natlOn
not to follow the example of Germany. The remark that the
League of Nations could not be of God, but of the Devil, was
also objected to, and the representative of the Society at Berne
was adVIsed that aecordmg to a new law, which really applIes
only to polItIcal meetings, in the future, notlce must be glven
to the SWlSS police concernmg any publIc lectures to be held
by Judge Rutherford in SWltzerland. The lecture, of cOUlse, had
nothmg to do with polItlcs, and the Society's representative
Year Book 153
offered to submit the lecture, which had been recorded when
it was held.
However, the chief politician in Switzerland is a personal
fnend of the pope and has privately gIven orders to restrain
.Jehovah's WItnesses, fearing that the people might come to
know the truth concermng the Hierarchy's efforts to grab the
Although the printing factory at Berne has been kept very
busy and further printmg machines and eqUIpment have been
Bet up, the Bethel family reJoIces to take part regularly in the
house-to-house service. The result of their activity was 4,961
hours, 1,306 books, 19,258 booklets, 10,433 Golden Age copies,
1,265 phonograph meetings, with 7,951 hsteners. The Berne of-
fice received 15,686 pIeces of mail and dispatched 14,080.
There can be no doubt that many persons residing
in Switzerland have a desire for the Kingdom, but
comparatively few of these are willing to trust in the
Lord. They fear men and man-made institutions.
Whether they will break away from Satan's organ-
ization and take their stand on the side of God's king-
dom before Armageddon cannot now be answered. The
faithful witnesses of Jehovah in that land continue
to press on in their work, with full confidence in the
Lord and complete courage, because they know that
the everlasting hands are beneath them, and they
make no apology or excuse for representing Jeho-
vah's kingdom.
Yugoslavia as a nation resulted from the carving
up that followed the World War. It is inhabited by
three Slavic races, named the Serbians, Croats, and
Slovenians. Jehovah's witnesses are able to make more
progress in the Serbian district because they are less
under the dominating control of the religionists.
The Roman Hierarchy has recently exercised a strong poht-
ical influence and has fOlced the government to accept the
Concordat, through wIDch the Hierarchy has greater advan-
tages above other relIgions, and it is claImed that this pohcy
had something to do with the recent death of the head of the
Serbian Orthodox church; in which happerungs the eyes of many
were opened. The people begin to think for themselves, and
we feel that we have entered a special period in the service,
because people of good will manifest themselves and take part
154 Year Book
in the service and often these J onadabs are more fuligent than
members of the old compames .
.All authonty is now in the hands of the Minister of the
Interior, who is a Roman Catholic pnest, and he caused all actIv-
ity to be forbIdden 11l April 1936. This measure was 11l force
against us until March, 1937, when the Senate or government
Council canceled the verdIct. However, this decree fud not stop
us from carrying on as before under the wondeIful guidance
of the Lord. Of course, the decree brought some disadvantages
and has hindered the progress of the WItness work because of
the greater difficulties. Arrests, confiscations, stopping of meet-
ings, occurred continuously, but then we used other methods,
which the Lord blessed, and the arrests merely held up the
work of the individuals temporarily.
There are now 14 organized companies, with 82 company
publIshers as the hIghest number, and an average of 54. The
highest number of pIOneers was 25, and an average number of
20, and 2 auxiliaries. The highest number of workers in the
field was thus 109, with an average of 76. 129 persons cele-
brated the Memorial, and 123 partook of the emblems.
Companng the total result with last year, we find it to be
a lIttle smaller; but when we realIze that we worked eight
months of the year under restraint, we find that the Lord has
blessed our efforts nchly.
We carried no cases to the courts except the one complaint
to the government Council, whIch was settled in our favor.
However, the CatholIc MInister of the Intenor ISSUed another
decree declaring that it IS forbIdden for foreigners residing
in YugoslaVia to dIstrIbute our lIterature, yet the Lord shows
us other ways, and thus the pioneers continue to work Wlthout
sellOUS trouble.
The sound service was gradually organized during the past
six months. Thus far we have had an average of 14 phonographs
in the service, Wlth 1,614 sound meetings and 6,676 listeners,
placmg thereby 2,108 pieces of lIterature. We have one tran-
scription machine from Brooklyn, and several groups and PIO-
neers have receIved phonographs and new instructions; thus
we hope that this instrument will be used more effectIvely in
soundmg fOlth Jehovah's praise. One pioneer reported that he
played a record in the village street, that a crowd gathered
about him nnd lIstened. Fmally the Vlllnge priest arrived, called
the polIce, and told the brother to leave the village at once,
but before the officer arrIved, everyone hnd taken booklets.
When the officer had exammed the brother's papers, he said,
"You can go on Wlth your work." Sinillarly, a company pub-
lisher plnyed the records in the street and, upon the instigation
of the pliest, he was arrested and his phonograph and records
were confiscated, also a box full of needles. The phonograph
Year Book 155
and the records wandered from offi(le to office up to the highest
office of the dlBtnct, and everywhere the records were played.
When the phonograph was tinally returned to the brother, the
needle box was nearly empty and the recolds showed that they
had been played often. TIllS case made a deep Impression upon
the brethren, who at tirst were t1lll1d about using the phono
graph. The Lord thus demonstrated that he guides us as long
as we obey hIm and faithfully carry out our serVICe.
The past year was truly a year of battle, during wIDch the
enemy with his earthly representatlves, particularly the Roman
Cathohc Hierarchy, has put forth every effort to destroy Jeho-
vah's people and to keep the people of good will from hearmg
the truth. As a result of the various attacks, some who were
not fum have fallen away and others contmue in the tight,
shoulder to shoulder, regardless of all OpposltlOn, knowing that
their Co=ander will gam the victory. With courage and deter-
IDlnation we have risen "against her in battle" (Obad. 1),
and we pray to the Lord that he may give us strength to con-
tinue faithfully.
Taking a retrospective view of the work done in the
territory comprised under the jurisdiction of the Cen-
tral European Office, the results of the year are very
encouraging, and all of God's people are rejoicing
and giving thanks that still the witness work continues
and that the evidence points to the early approach of
complete deliverance and the full vindication of Jeho-
vah's name.
For some time the Society has maintained a repre-
sentative at Shanghai, and the few brethren there have
put forth a strenuous effort to give a witness to the
truth. The work now is greatly retarded by the war
that Japan is prosecuting against China. It seems quite
certain that this war is largely due to the influence of
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. There are many cir-
cumstances to support this conclusion, and this fur-
ther shows that the Hierarchy is really the one respon-
sible for the Fascist organization in the various parts
of the earth. Japan has, acting under the influence of
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, forbidden any of the
literature concerning "this gospel of the kingdom" to
be distributed in Japan. Italy is likewise against the
156 Year Book
Kingdom message, and Italy is co-operating with the
Hierarchy and with Japan in its murderous assault
upon China. The same may be said of Germany. At
this point a little historical statement contained in
the report of the Society's local representative will
be read with interest:
It might be of interest here to relate the early history of
the Catholic movement m China. In the year 1582, under disguise
of a Buddhist monk with shaved head and in BuddIust attire,
Matthew RIcci, a member of the Catholic Jesuits, by bnbing
the high official of the state and through his in:fl.uence succeeded
to gam an !nterVlew of the Chinese emperor of Ming Dynasty,
and in whose presence presented gIfts of a baby organ and a
clock and some other colored paintings of Jesus and Mary. The
emperor was pleased with the organ and the clock and gave per-
mission that he might stay in CIuna and erect Ius temple and
preach his religion among the Clunese people. Seeing the images
put up in the temple, the counting of beads and saymg prayers
out of a book, the emperor naturally thought that he, Matthew
Ricci, was a Buddhist monk from a foreIgn country, therefore
he gave a name to the temple and called It "Ta Ching Sz"
(Sz means the Buddhist temple). Later, when he had gained
the confidence of the people and the officials of the state, and
when he had learned the meaning of Chinese characters, he
changed that name into "Tien Tsu Tang" (Catholic Church)
and also put away his Buddhist robe and wore the costume of
a Chinese scholar. This was the beginning of Catholicism in
China. The above IS cited from the Catholw HMtory ~ n C h ~ n a ,
a book published in Chinese under this title by the Catholics.
Since then other members of the Jesuit Order swamped into
this land, and they began to participate in the Chinese govern-
ment affairs and oppressed the co=on people, resulting in the
Boxer upnsmg in 1900-an attempt to overthrow the foreIgn
oppression, especially the wicked in:fl.uence exercised by these
Romish gentlemen of the cloth through their teachings and
practices of their deVllish religion under the name of "Chris-
tIan", falsely claimed. After signing the unequal treaty knO'lVIl
as Boxer Indemnity, China has since been obliged to protect
the foreign missionaries of any kind that come into her border
and to regard them as her friends instead of enemies. Backed
by this treaty and the gunboats furnished by the Powers for
their protection, the missionary work, so called, began to flour-
ish in Chinese soil. These blackbirds travel even into far distant
interiors, making their dupes the poor, gullible and ignorant
Clunese natives, and keep them prisoners in the Babylonish
systems. According to the claim made by a Cathohc Chinese
bishop over radio in Nanking last year, after thIee hundred
Year Book 157
years' hard underground labor the Catholic movement in ChIna
has reaped a wonderful harvest. She has now a population of
2,934,175, with 6,150 Clunese bishops, pnests and nuns, and
more than 20,000 others of less degree. Schools under Roman
Catholic auspIces have numbered 16,213. The CatholIcs begin
to show themselves ill the recent years.
FollOWIng the footsteps of the Catholics in China came the
Protestant proselytemakers in the year 1807, begmning with
Robert Mornson as the first Protestant mISsionary. At the end
of 1934 the Protestant forces in China are reported to be as
Co=unicant members 512,873
Ordained native clergy 15,000
MIssionary staff, includes wives 6,100
Resident mission statIOns 1,207
Organized churches 7,281
With this historical background in mmd, one could readily
see how the adversary IS workIng in this heathen land through
these would-be ministers of gospel of Christ, bringing reproaches
upon God's holy name and wor:ing great inJury to the people's
eternal welfare. WIu1e witnessing among the Chinese in Shang-
hai, one Clunese scholar said to the pioneer indignantly: "You
Christian people claim to preach the gospel of peace to the
Chinese. What is the idea' It was the Christian natIOns that
started the World War in 1914, and the next war will again
be started by the ChnstIan nations. Why not go and preach to
your own country people7 We love peace; we do not want any-
thing to do with you Christian hypocntes, the running dogs
of imperialism and capitalism." WIth this he banged the door.
This is but one of many instances wluch shows how the Chinese
are dIsgusted with so-called II Christian" religion.
The witness work started only in 1933, WIth one brother
(Chinese) as SOCIety's representative, who resides in Shanghai
and who began to translate the books into Chinese language.
Shortly theIeafter came two AustralIan pioneers, a brother and
his wife, who since that time have traveled all the main cities
of Chma proper, such as PekIng, TIentsin, Peitaiho,
Chefoo, WeIlmiwei, Canton, Hongkong, Swatow, Arnoy, Foochow,
Hankow and NankIng, the last bemg the capital of the Chinese
Republic. The work has been steadIly ill progress under His
guidance, and by His grace the follOWIng report for the year
1936-1937 IS herein subRlltted:
At the beginning of the year Brother Rutherford's 5-minute
recorded speeches were broadcast over one Chinese radio station,
with Chinese translations, every Sunday for a period of six
months. Later the broadcast has been slufted to the most pop-
158 Year Boole
ular foreign radio station in ShanghaI, XMHA, and is still con-
veying the message of truth to the pubhc dally amidst war
conditions existmg at the present tlllle. The speech" Separating
the NatlOns" was put over the au once in Peking and once
in Tientsin last fall, with :fine reception.
Jonadabs Organized
On August 18 the Shanghai company has been properly or-
ganized as an independent unit: it has Its own chairman and
secretary and IS solely respollSlble for the radio broadcast m
Shanghai. A resolution has been adopted and forwarded to
Brother Rutherford by the ShanghaI company, expressmg their
appreciation and thankfuhIess for the great and marvelous
truths the lOVIng Creator has unfolded to them through the
pages of the WATCH TOWER publications.
During the year one book, Riches, and three booklets, Choosing,
and Armageddon, have been translated into Chinese
for general dlstribution.
Free Literature
Most of the Chinese people are poor in substance. It is nec-
essary for the Society to gIve out free hterature from time to
time in order that a wide witness might be given to the people
in this land. Hence it was deCIded that Brother Rutherford's
speech on "Separating the Nations" be printed in Shanghai
in the form of a specIal pamphlet for free dlstIibution . .As soon
as the notice of this free pubhcatlOn was advertised through
one of the Chinese periodicals, more than 200 requests swamped
in from dlfferent parts of China representing 14 prOVInCes.
TIus indicates the eagerness on the part of the Chmese people
in getting a knowledge of this thrilling message from God's
Word in these days of perIl. However, these hungry souls can
be reached only through correspondence.
PublIc Meetings
According to Brother Rutherford's instructions public lec-
ture meetmgs were held at the Chinese Y.M.C.A. hall on April 18
and 25 (two succeeding Sundays). The new sets of records on
"Exposed" and "Religion and Christiamty" were played on
transcriptlOn machine before the public. Besides advertisement
in the dally papers, 2,000 invItatlOns were printed and distnb-
uted. Omng to the bad weather, and trams on strike, etc., the
total attendance of these two meetings numbered 60. A good
impression was left in the mmds of the Chmese who attended
the meetmgs.
The Devil sees that the witness work of the Lord's people
is steadily growing in this country and, If left unhindered, it
Year Book 159
would pull down the structures that he has for so many years
built on tIlls land, and Bet free the prisoners in the Babylonish
systems. Hence he causes the war to break out between Chinese
and Japanese in Shanghai for the purpose of stopping the
Lord's work if he could. But the Lord protects his own, and
the work IS still carried on unhmdeled. The fnends meet to-
gether and study the truths as usual.
Ploneer (Australian) 3
AUXIliary (ChInese) 1
Total hours in the :field service 2,434
NUlllber of persons obtainmg literature 3,677
Total bound books placed 1,983
Total booklets pla.ced 7,084
There is now great distress in China, but amidst all
the opposition and trouble and difficulties the few
workers there placed in the hands of the people
ing the year books and booklets to the number of 9,067.
Jehovah's few witnesses in that land are putting forth
their best endeavors to bring consolation to the hearts
of the people.
If anybody acquainted with God's Word and the
present-day events has any doubt about the
ing battle of Armageddon, the activities of the old
harlot throughout the earth should fully convince him.
In every country Catholic Action is being pushed
against God's kingdom. This of itself is evidence that
Jehovah is permitting the enemy to go his limit now,
just before Armageddon. Roman Catholic, Greek
olic, so-called "Protestant", "Cnristian Science," so
called, and every other religious element is arrayed
against Jehovah and his King and kingdom. They
are marking themselves as "goats", and putting on the
garments identifying them entirely and completely
with the Devil's organization, and they are marking
themselves for destruction. These facts are
ing to the anointed remnant and to the Jonadabs.
Added to the evidence that comes from other parts
of the earth is that from Greece, where the Greek Cath-
160 Year Book
olic religious element is pushing the persecution of
Jehovah's witnesses and showing their opposition and
venom leveled against the kingdom of the Lord. The
Society's representative at Athens reports the increased
persecution in that land in connection with the a c t i v i ~
ties of Jehovah's witnesses, and from his report the
following is quoted:
We thank the Lord for his loving-kindness toward us. WIth
gratItude we see his protectmg and dlrectmg hand among the
bitter opposition of Satan and Ins tools. The Lord blessed His
work tIns year also in Greece. It is true that we cannot com-
pare the work of the last year with that of prevIOUS years, be-
cause the work this year was done under adverse circumstances.
Satan and his consorts were very vigIlant and bItter agaillSt
the work of the proclamatIon of the message of the Kingdom
and the publishers of it, and as the brethren went to the field
they were seized and prosecuted. Some of the brethren are in
prison, and some in eXIle, among them two sisters with their
lIttle ones. In the country repeated researches were done in the
houses of the brethren, and many books were seized and con-
fiscated. Many cases are still pending in the courts. These con-
ditiollS bro)lght to many brethren financial distress, and so the
brethren were unable to move.
It is true that some relaxed their hands, but they that love
the Lord unselfishly continue WIth zeal doing whatever their
hands find to do to the glory of the Lord and vindicatIon of
his name. Our literature IS barred from the post offices, and
this added to the dIfficulties of providing the brethren.
There is one regional servant who VIsits the brethren. Also
five pioneers have spent as much of their tIme as possible in
the field work.
The work done is as follows:
Bound books
Letters received
Letters dIspatched
We rejoice in the Lord, and in his work. WIth gladness of
heart we see many of the Jonadab class beginnIng to seek the
way to his organization. 'Ve are grateful to the Lord for the
great privilege to have a portion in Jus great work, and our
determination IS to stand fast in his organization.
Re the Albaruan terntory:
There also Satan through the Roman Catholie lIIerarchy has
acted agalllSt the proclamation of the message of the Kingdom.
Year Book
Tlle books were seized and, notwithstanding the petitions to the
.Albanian Government, untIl now they were not gIven back.
Stlll the brethren have not relaxed their hands, but they try
among the oppositIon to serve the Lord faithfully.
The results of the work there are as follows:
Bound books
The [total] dIstribution amounts to 52,254.
The witness work to the name and kingdom of J eho-
vah has made progress in the Hawaiian Islands dur-
ing the fiscal year just past. The total distribution
of books and booklets in the Islands is, to wit, 28,041.
The number of workers is small, of course, the terri-
tory very limited, with many foreign-speaking people,
and, taking into consideration the difficulties that beset
the work in that land that is ruled by religionists, the
result is very gratifying, and we rejoice with our com-
panions there that they are privileged to carryon the
work to the Lord's praise . .At Honolulu the Society
maintains its operating office for the Hawaiian Islands,
and from the local representative's report the follow-
ing is quoted:
The rich blessIllg and provisIOn of Jehovah has attended the
WItness in Hawau durIllg the year, as shown by the Illcrease
granted by the Lord. The message was spread over a greater
area of the islands, and placements of 6,248 bound books and
21,793 booklets, totahng 28,041 pieces of hterature, with 7,840
persons. Tills IS 6,175 pIeces more than the year before, and
more than 1,200 hours over time devoted to WItnessing last
year. Sound and phonograph meetings to the number of 1,391,
attended by 19,222 persons. Literature placed III Enghsh, Jap-
anese, llocano, Tagalog, Visayan, Chinese, Spanish, Korean, and
Portuguese. Complete totals:
Machines 14
Meetings 1,391
.Atten.dance 19,222
162 Year Book
During the year 22 persons took theIr stand on Jehovah's
side and were immersed. Two study groups were formed on
the island of HawaIi, one studymg m Spanish, and one in
Docano. Now the latter group orders a transcriptIOn outfit, and,
by the Lord's grace, it 13 hoped that many more will hear and
join m saying, "Come."
PIONEERS: Largest number at anyone time was 5, workIng
under handIcap of heavy continued rams, and the hIgh cost of
travel between Islands. Their placements for nine months' work:
3,586 bound books and 9,926 booklets; totalmg 13,498 pIeces
of hterature. Two pIOneers are taking one island now as per-
manent territory and hope to better serve Kmgdom interests.
The company at Honolulu has been very actIve and faithful,
and the totals of their witnessing are:
Books 1,264 Average Number Pubhshers 6
Obtamers 2,143 Booklets 6,212 Hours 1,259
Each publisher is equipped with phonograph, a,nd 662 meet-
ings were held, attended by 2,367 persons. Two auxiliary pub-
hshers in Honolulu placed 1,398 bound books and 5,649 booklets;
totaling 7,047 pieces.
Many Etches books in Enghsh were placed, and now, thanks
to Jehovah's provision, they are going out in .Tapanese and
Chinese as well in good numbers.
The crowning blessing of the year was the sending down
of the two main conventIOn addresses irom Columbus, Septem-
ber 18 and 19. This was indeed a great boon from the Lord,
and the listeners at Kmgdom Hall were profoundly stIrred to
greater activity in the Lord's service. It was a wonderful testi-
mony to Jehovah's name, and against his enemies. The city was
well covered and everyone inVIted to hear. Large signs were
used on cars, and smaller signs as well Parades using sound
equipment and cars were held daily. Printed mvitatiQns were
dehvered from house to house. Many shortwave receIving sets
enabled a great number to hear, in addItIOn to audience at
Kingdom Hall. The enemy here had thought they put the So-
ciety's preSIdent "off the all''', and stopped the work, but the
September 19 address served a strong notIce on them that the
Lord's message was gomg out in force and power.
Publishers here reJOIced at the announcement of the book
EnemMs, and look forward e!1gerly to placing it in the hands
of the people. One copy has been receIved, and we are taking
turns day by day readmg and feeding on it.
Jehovah's WItnesses and their compamons in the Islands unite
in thanking the Lord for the service of the year past, and look
forward to greater privileges and opportumties, by the Lord's
grace, in VIew of the many: provisions Jehovah is making for
his work through his orgamzation. This report is submitted with
Year Book 163
many thanks to Jehovah, and with much love and best wishes
to you, Brother Rutherford.
Considering the vast territory of India, the many
castes, the language vernaculars spoken, the ignorance
of the people, the depressed conditions under which
they must exist, the witness work in India is carried
on with a great handicap. During the year bound books
and booklets to the number of 94,264 have been placed
in the hands of the people. While this is small, the
people who have received them give evidence of read-
ing, and many J onadabs are manifesting themselves
as on the side of the Lord. It could be expected, of
course, that only a small number would be taken out
of that land, but surely God has some people there
as in other parts of the earth, and these are showing
interest in and a desire for the kingdom of God under
Christ. The witnesses of Jehovah in India have the
deep sympathy of their companions in other parts of
the earth, and this report will increase the sympathy
for them and remind each one again that where one
member of the body suffers all suffer and where one
rejoices they all rejoice. The following is quoted from
the report of the local representative in India:
The work, of course, is carried on under dd'ficultles. Where
is the country where it IS noU But in IndIa there are factors
peculiar to the country whIch militate against progress, and it
will aid the people of othet countrIes to know somethIng of
these condItions. The Indian branch office superintends the work
done in IndIa, Burma and Ceylon. India itself is really a con-
tinent of natIons speaking widely different languages, and the
addition of Burma and Ceylon makes thIs one of the most far-
flung "fields operated from one office.
The great mass of the population is religious, steeped in prej-
udice and superstition. This is true of both educated and the
illiterate. The proportion of Indians who are broadIninded IS
very small, hence It IS exceedingly drllicult to do much work ill
any given locality; one has to pick out of the mass that which
is reasonably hkely to give ear to the message, and this entails
much time, effort and traveling about.
To the pioneer these conditions mean hard work. He is faced
with traveling expenses disproportionate to the scope for work.
164 Year Book
His boarding expenses are comparatIvely high (for there are
no boarding houses in India such as one iinds in every village
in Western countrIes where cheap accommodation can be had),
and the cost of supplying hun with hterature is relatively high
because of the long distances and frequent slllpments which
are necessary. One IDlght write a book on the filthy, noisy and
chmatlC conilitions facing the pioneer in India. Of course, house-
cars solve the problem of board and lodging, but, so far as
expense IS concerned, tIns is more than counteracted by heavy
taxation and cost of petrol. So the pioneer in Inilia is faced
with difficulties. The Lord supplies the strength for them to
carry on.
The total placement of literature this year is 94,264 books
and booklets. This is a decrease on last year's figures, but it
does not represent lack of progress. The decrease IS all in the
placement of vernacular literature, and last year much vernac-
ular hterature went out to non-Christian commumties without
bearing any tangible result. The hours spent in service this year
are several thousand more than last year, and the visible result
is gratifying.
Progress has been made particularly among the IndIan Chris-
tians of the Punjab. It is estimated that there are now at least
a thousand people there who may be classed as :r onadabs, beSIdes
many more who are quite eager to listen to the message of the
Kmgdom but who, as yet, have not dared defy the missionaries
under whom they receive certain material benefits ill the shape
of land settlement schemes, schools, etc. It is often laughable
to see how the mission pastors try to prevent the people from
hearing the truth, and how the people just boldly tell these
hireling shepherds that they have no faith in them.
The chIef drawback to progress in the past has been the lack
of means for placmg the truth before the people ill a way they
can assimilate it. The book Riches, which during the year has
been publlBhed in four IndIan vernaculars, is now faclhtating
progress and enabhng the people to obtain a more comprehen-
sive grasp of the truth . .A. report from the Punjab says: "The
R ~ c h e s book in Urdu has broken the backbone of the enemy,
and it is seen in the hands of every Urdu-reading man and
woman in the Christian villages around Khanewal. " In Travan-
core there are 23 centers where Riches studies are now being
held, and 12 in the Punjab. There is a lack of capable leaders
among these people, but one or two regional servants are trying
to cater for all who WIll organize themselves for study, and
progress is bemg made.
In the English field the progress has been much slower. The
maJority of EngllBhmen in India, and also the Anglo-Indian
community, have httle regard for God or his Word . .A. good Wit-
ness is bemg given in many localities, espeCially Bombay CIty,
Year Book 165
but the evidence of the real Revelation-Seven type of multitude
is scarce. Some have thus identified themselves, of course, but
the majority are indifferent.
Sound MachIne Work
The sound machine work was very much handicapped by rea-
son of the language problem. Durmg the year the Lord has
provided us with our own recordmg eqUIpment, so that now we
are able to make our own records in any language. The short
4!-minute lectures have been translated and recorded on two
sides of 12-inch discs, each disc complete with an opening an-
nouncement and mention of the literature at the close. This
enables anyone to use the machine for witnessing to any com-
munity. The results may be judged by the fact that over 60,000
people have attended public lectures, as against about 20,000
last year. There are six transcription machines in the field,
three of which have given a really good account of themselves.
The others, for various reasons, have been in use only spas-
The portable gramophone work has been properly organized
and carried on in Bombay CIty, whIle a few in the country have
also supphed themselves with this equipment. It has enabled us
to get mto closer touch WIth the people and to locate those whose
interest is sufficient to dig deeper down into the mine of truth.
This phase of work, however, suffers somewhat from the general
poverty of the people who form jehovah's witnesses m India.
Not many have boen in position to supply themselves WIth this
means of serVICe.
There have been three house-ears operating in India, and one
in Ceylon, throughout the year, while an additional one was
purchased privately and began operating in India last March
.AlI are eqUIpped WIth sound machines and, it must be said, with-
out these cars it would have been almost impOSSIble to gIve an
effective WItness in the vast majority of Indian Christian settle-
ments. They penetrate into rural areas, give transcription lec-
tures in the vernacular as well as in English, and rarely fail
to attract a crowd of people, often to the complete dismay of
the InIssionanes, whose pastures are thus bemg "spoiled" by
the Lord.-jerelnIah 25: 36.
One of the greatest needs, and one which it is not always
easy to fill, IS the translatIOn and printing of vernacular htera-
ture. India is about the lilnIt for languages. There seems to be
a dIfferent one every hundred miles, and each has its own pecu-
liar script. It makes this work very complicated. We have capa-
ble translators for Malayalam, Urdu, Tamil, and Kanarese, but
all others have to be done by outsiders and it is costly. Also,
166 .Year Book
in addition to our own requirements, there is a demand for
IndIan hterature in other countries where Indians have settled,
notably In the Stralts Settlements, FIJI and Africa. Dutmg the
year Riches has been translated and publIshed in Malayalam,
Tamil, Urdu and Kanarese. Choosing was publIshed in Malay-
alatn, Urdu and Gujerati. in Malayalam, Tamll,
Urdu, Gurmukhi, GUJerati and Maratlli. Uncovered, in Malay-
alam; and Armageddon, in Malayalam and Urdu. All together,
82,000 books and bQoklets ware printed. This represents a good
deal of expense, for wInch there is only a very small return,
fOl: the work is carried on at a great loss. As the Lord supplies
the means; so the work is earned on.
In concluslOn, I wish to express gratitude on behalf or. all
who have labored in tIns field durIng the year for the Lord's
preserving care and provision for our needs, and alsQ to say
that we have been pnVJleged to carry on the work WIthout any
official interference. When we read how the enemy interferes
and causes hardship to our brethren in other countnes it makes
us feel Borry, but glad we are identlfied with them In this great
work. We are grateful to the Lord for an open door of oppor-
tumty to serve him.
The total number of pioneers in that land is 28.
Twenty-two of them are about the average of those
who are continually engaged in the field servICe. Eleven
auxiliaries spend a part of their time in the field. There
are 365 company publishers, who do some work. The
public meeting attendance during the year has totaled
60,934. The subscriptions for The tv atchtoUJer have
increased during the year. Also the subscriptions for
the Golden Age magazine. Of course, it will be under-
stood that India cannot finance the work in that land,
but must be financed from the Society with funds re-
ceived from brethren in other parts of the field.
The island of Jamaica makes report in part con-
cerning the work there. The total distribution is 48,000
books and booklets.
It is with gratItude to Jehovah God that we hereby forward
our report for the work done during the year Just ended. We
are truly thankful for the pnvilege of doing the little that was
As you are aware, our island is small and is being worked
:from end to end. Nevertheless through much zeal and deter
Year Book
mination the workers contmue to make Bome placements, chiefly
by the aid of the sound machmes, of which we have 83 in the
service: 2 sound cars, 6 PTM's, and 75 phonographs .All are
being used to convey the message of God's kingdom to the
people, and it is very gratlfymg and heart-cheermg to note
how many persons of good will are breaking away from the
wIcked organizatIon of Satan to seek protection in God's 01'-
The records dealing with the subjects "Exposed" and "Reli-
gIOn and Christiamty" are making very deep impression on the
minds of the pubhc, and many of the people are giving better
attention to the message of the KIngdom. One man, an official,
on llearing the sound car in rus district, trIed to evade the mes-
sage by moving from one room to another, but ultimately he
had to approach the car and get a copy of the book Jehovah.
We are pleased to state that there are many homes in this
island that are tumng in your lectures, chiefly on Sundays.
Your lecture on "Safety" was well received and greatly ap-
The press here, bemg awfully prejudiced against our publi-
catIOns, will not give us any pnvilege unless we pay very heavIly
for same; but we are not IDscouraged, because we know that
God will soon destroy all rus enemies.
During the year we had our general convention in Kingston
and several service conventIOns in other parts of the Island,
all of wruch proved very helpful to the friends.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy exercises great power
and influence in Japan and, joining together with the
politicians of Japan, has forbidden the distribution
of the Society's literature in either Japan or Korea.
Consequently, no books and booklets were distributed
in that land during the year. The Golden Age, being
classed as a newspaper, has been permitted to be pub-
lished. The issues have contamed some articles con-
cerning the truth. 1,167,690 copies of The Golden Age
have been distributed during the year, but these are
not counted in as a part of the books and booklets
mentioned in the year's distribution.
The Mexican people are showing an increased in-
terest in the truth of and concerning Jehovah's king-
dom under Christ Jesus. This is true both in Old
168 Year Book
Mexico and along the border line of the United States,
particularly in Texas and New Mexico. The Society's
branch ofUce in Mexico City has been diligent during
the year in sending forth the publications concerning
God's kingdom. There have been shipped out of the
ofUce 22,896 bound books and 234,478 booklets, or a
total of 257,374 books and booklets. The average num-
ber of workers in the field during the year is 243, with
50 pioneers giving all their time. The total number
of hours of the workers in the field is 123,499; 110,365
persons have obtained the Kingdom literature, and
51,667 have heard the message as proclaimed by the
records reproduced on the sound equipment. It ap-
pears that during the year some of the workers have
failed to report as to the number of books and book-
lets placed in the hands of the people, but those who
have reported show a total of 20,843 bound books and
214,642 booklets, or a total of 235,485 books and book-
lets placed in the hands of the people. In addition
thereto 500 Bibles have been placed in the hands of
the people. In view of the fact that the Mexican peo-
ple have been so hindered by the Catholic Hierarchy
in having possession of the Bible, the 500 Bibles in
question will be a great help to those people in find-
ing out about God's kingdom. There are now in Mexico
124 phonographs which are being put to use in pro-
claiming the Kingdom message, and for use on those
phonographs there are 1,682 recorded discs. The stock
of literature recently shipped to Mexico furnishes a
good supply for the country for the immediate use
of those who are interested in the Kingdom. Recently
one worker has been sent into Guatemala and is pro-
ceeding with the witness work there, but, at the time
of the report's being received from Mexico, no definite
information as to the distribution had been received.
The six international campaign periods during the
year have increased the activities of the witnesses in
Mexico. 29,739 hours were spent in this field work,
and 29,173 persons obtained literature concerning the
Year Book
Kingdom. During those periods 62,996 pieces of lit-
erature were placed in the hands of the people by the
workers, 245 of whom engaged in those campaigns.
It has been necessary for the home office to send con-
siderable money to Mexico to aid in the work there,
as most of the people are very poor. There were sent
out 3,698 letters, 2,440 packages or cartons, and, in
addition thereto, 9,353 small packages.
During the year additional literature has been trans-
lated and printed for Mexico, as follows: The book
Jehovahj booklets, l1ealth and Lt{e, Ohoosing, Pro-
tection, and Uncovered. These books were translated
by the Society's representative at the Mexican branch
office, who also translates The Golden Age and the In-
formant. The Watchtower in Spanish is translated at
the Brooklyn office. In addition to the foregoing, a
number of Song Books have been published for Mexico.
Ooncerning conventions the Society's representative
reports the following:
As this wag a banner year for MeXICO, we also had the "best
conventIon yet" ever held here. Of course, we do not deal in
thousands, but in hundreds. A very -active, pleasant and prof-
itable convention was held late in May, at wluch about 400
were present. Close to 90 publIshers were accommodated, for
sleepIng purposes, in the branch's headquarters, haVIng as beds
20 cartons of books apiece, in rows. Tlus helped us to solve the
storage problem and at the same time furnish sleeping quarters
for male workers, who found beds softer and warmer than the
cement floor . .An empty carton lying fiat served them as mat-
tress, and, as they brought their beddIng, they dId not find it
too bad, but rather were pleased.
"Against Her In Battle"
The keynote of our conventIOn was responding to the call to
arise "against her in battle", in full co-operation WIth the
visible organization. Glad we are to locate our enemies (Jeho-
vah's enemies) and :fight against them with the weapons he has
given us, to HIS glory and for the benefit of the humble and
oppressed "Cathohc population" and others of good will.
All companies were VIsited and encouraged during the year,
and it was the privilege of the branch servant, returning from
170 Year Book
Columbus, to Vlsit Bome of the Spanish-speaking companies in
the States.
Catholic HIerarchy
It does not really seem that the government is directly help-
ing the Catholic HIerarchy to regain power here_ True, some
liberties were accorded to It, to which they would be entItled
were it not that it is not a "relIgious organizatIOn" only, but
also a "polItIcal" one paradmg as a spintual helper. As a re-
sult, the "mch" they were gIven is fast becommg a mile.
Churches are being reopened, and a little more arrogance is
shown by the bigot_ But the government once in a willIe gIves
her a "luck" to keep her down a little. Recently in a church
in Orizaba, in a relIgIous show honoring one of their "Vlrgms",
the natIonal anthem was played and sung, but tlus only suc-
ceeded in provokIng a fine from the government. We stIll have
splendid opportumtIes of service among the honest and sincere.
For greater efficiency and to facilitate the Kingdom
work the Society maintains a branch office at Copen-
hagen, Denmark, known as the Northern European
Office, and which h a ~ immediate jurisdiction over the
Scandinavian countries of Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Iceland. The
Roman Catholic Hierarchy has desperately attempted
to break the ranks of the Lord's organization in those
lands, but has not succeeded. The brethren having zeal
for the Kingdom, fired with the further revelatIOn of
Jehovah God's purpose, and having a clearer vision
of the Kingdom than ever before, have pressed on
with their work and the result exceeds that of a year
ago. Within that territory the total distrIbution of
booklets and books for the fiscal year is 1,666,779. The
religionists amongst those who think themselves to be
for the Kingdom still have an apparent disposition
to retard the onward march of the chariot of the Lord,
but in this they cannot succeed, of course. A brief re-
sume of the work as viewed from the Northern Euro-
pean Office is given, and then separately the brief
report from the respective countries. The Society's
representative in charge of the Northern European
Office, amongst other things in his report, says:
Year Book
The Lord continues to bless us out of Zion and to send more
workers into our ranks, so that we have surpassed all previous
records by 7,500 books and 110,000 booklets. Five years ago we
had a regular average of 1,030 workers out each week, and a
recold number In a campaign of 1,554, but tills year our weekly
average was 1,44.5, and our record number in a campaIgn 3,147.
This IS the Lord's dOIng, and it IS marvelous In our eyesl There
were placed 126,675 books and 1,540,104 booklets, giving a total
of 1,666,779. Then When we take into consldelation the number
who receIve Consolatwn by post and in copies placed smgly,
another 1,052,411 pieces of hterature fall to be added, making
a grand total of 2,719,190 for the elght countrIes of Norihern
The TestImony Periods
These were wonderfully blessed agaIn, for we had an average
of 2,704 in the :tield and our placements were 984,025. Such a
result for 54 days' inteuslve work left us all. each occaSlOn tired
but rejoicing. It 19 grand to visuahze the remnant going mto
the :tight as one man all over the earth. They are fearless, for
their King knows no defcat. Only by his grace and the contmual
asslstance, monetary and otherWIse, willch he supphes through
his orgamzation, could such results be achieved. 'We have estab-
lished :records in the placmg of big books, little books, Watoh-
tower and Consolatwn. PraIse ye the Lord I
Regional Servants
We llave now only ten in all Northern Europe, for the num-
ber has been gradually reduced as you dIrected. These do a very
good work, for the brethren In our tTIlY companies constantly
need more help than where larger compames obtain. Then, too,
in isolated districts the grent multitude are coming forth and
reqmre that help and gUldance which we are so glad to give
in order that they too may obey the ScrIptural co=and and
also sny, <, Come I "
Here, of course, we cannot get on over the radio, and there-
fore many public meetings are held, but, as the sound work
comes more and more into its own, these will naturally fall to
be restrIcted somewhat.
Many Etches studies have been established to take care of
the newly interested, and quite a few bl'ethren there[tfter join
the Wa,tohtower studies and take part in the work. This book
has been much apprecIated.
During the year an avel'age of 216 have been out regularly
Rnd spread 584,480 pIeces of hterature, rather more than a thirq
()f the total. Surely the Lord must love these brethren very
Year Book
"The Watchtower"
Our circulation has gone up by 395 to 6,347, but some 146
of these cannot be got mto Memelgebiet. It is somewhat amaz
ing that, WIth a CIrculation of 6,347, our record number in the
field was only 3,147. The other 3,200, apart from those who
are slck, are evidently sound asleep.
This magazine has now a subscription list of 66,959, an in-
crease of 7,235 in the year. AdditlOnally, about 230,000 copies
were placed singly. The clergy hate it, but when they attack
our doctrines, we deal with them faithfully in our pages as
well as with the other wings of the Devil'B organization. P-eople
appreciate that, and so they are encouraged to read also the
truth articles and finally the literature.
The Gramophone Work
This has progressed well in Fmland during the year, as they
could import pressed records, while m Denmark they were talked
in singly. Now, however, we have begun to get pressed records
in Denmark also, and await supplies in Norway and Sweden.
Again and again we have had evidence showing how effective
a weapon the gramophone is in breaking down prejuillce and
opening the way for the books.
Service Assemblies
These have been held from time to time for the encourage-
ment and Instruction of the brethren. After the work the Watch-
tower is studied, and the Informant, and so more and more unity
of action is had. It is wonderful to see how in course of time
the Lord has trained the "people for his name" so that all
over the earth they march forward in solid phalanx against
the enemy. They see themselves fulfilling the prophetlc dramas
which shed light on their pathway.
The brethren in many parts were very interested and much
encouraged to hear about the conventions in Paris and Prague,
which I had the pnvilege of attendmg. Such international events
fire the imagination of the friends everywhere and are mightily
used of Jehovah for the blessing of his people. Mere words are
inadequate to express the cumulatIve effect of your wonderful
discourse on Jeremiah sent out by radlO to the whole earth on
Saturday, September 18. We immediately cabled: "Reception
splendid. The Lord strengthened you out of ZlOn."
During the year there has been peace for the work in the
four old countries and almost complete harmony among the con-
secrated. TIDS 18 to be expected; for " Jerusalem is builded as
a city that is compact together", and, therefore, we "give
thanks unto the name of Jehovah".
Year Book
Contrary to the prognostication of some of the" evil
servant" class, the Jonadabs, or great multitude, con-
tinue to come in greater numbers and announce them-
selves for the King and the Kingdom, and these join
heartily with the remnant in the proclamation that
Jehovah is God, Christ is King, and the kingdom of
heaven is here. Such is the attitude of the people of
good will of Denmark. This necessarily has augmented
the number of witnesses in the field. During the spe-
cial testimony periods last year 920 workers took part.
The local representative at that office includes in his
report to this office the following:
.All in all, we placed 438,327, as against 435,116 last year,
and though there was a slight drop in bound books, from 25,955
to 25,499, it was more than offset by an mcrease of 1,684 in our
subscription lIst for and the spread of an extra
29,000 copies of that magazme.
This has meant a lot of real hard work, for conditions make
it really more dIfficult to place our literature. However, notlung
is inIpossible WIth our God. He sends us more workers, and we
work more hours; so the work increases to the praise of his
name. Workers at times work two and three hours on end with-
out any viSIble result, other than the hope that they have pre-
pared the people for the next visit. The well-to-do are not in-
terested, and those who are interested are often too poor to take
our books. TIlen, of course, they get some free hterature.
It is interestmg to note that, roughly, 68 percent of our total
placements for the year were made in the SIX special periods,
viz., a total of 295,094 pieces. During the year we received
Riches, and 15,924 were sent to the companies. It was used as
the textbook at :fonadab studies, of which 965 were held, with
an attendance tlf 13,168, though that number also includes
:friends present. It is really wonderful to see how quickly peo-
ple apPleciate the truth in these days. Recently a young man
got two or three of our booklets, and he has written us as follows:
"Through some booklets of :fudge Rutherford's I have come
to know the truth, and I was so enthused by a book
I got hold of that I wrote for all Rutherford's seventeen books.
Then I had a visit from a pIOneer, who played some gramo-
phone records, which I lIked very much. When one learns
the truth, it gives one an entirely new viewpoint. One can
understand present world conditions and is not afraid of the
commg frightful war, becanse it will destroy the Devil's domi-
nation over mankind for ever. The truth makes the Bible a
174 Year Book
wonderful book and shows how great and loving Jehovah God
really is .... Therefore I wnte you to ask If you can and will
use me in the work .... I wish to carry out tIle message about
Jehovah, who is m position to give man everlastmg life in hap-
piness and to destroy the Devil's influence over men."
Smce we won our case in the Supreme Court, all our workers
have been supplIed WIth identity certIficates issued under the
seal of the SOCIety, together with a brief explanatIon as to our
work and a reference to the case. Trus has been proved to be
very useful; for on several occaslOns our brethren have been
and m one instance the case was again carried
to the courts_ However, m every instance the decIsion of the
Supreme Court has been held to be bmdmg. Doubtless the clergy
are behind the polIce, who are in general very helpful.
In November last year we dealt faIthfully in Consolatwn
with five clergymen who misrepresented our doctrines, and we
spread a 40,000 edItIon of that number. Not all clergy are
against the truth; for recently one had an hour's talk with a
worker and specially commented on our July number, which
also contained a radIo talk, ' 'Why the Clergy Oppose the
Truth. " He renewed his subscnption and also took Creatwn
We now requile a 17,000 edItion and shall have to mcrease it
for next year_ The Watchtower has 2,112 subscribers m Den-
mark and Norway, an mcrease of 115. It IS easy to see the Lord
uses it to feed rus people. No mere man could have gIven the
flood of lIght contamed therem.
The gramophone, of whIch we have between 40 and 50 heavy
ones to take 12- to 15-nnnute talks, has been used a great deal
in the past year, but It was too heavy for door-to-door work.
There were played 2,191 different talks, to 4,861 people. Now,
however, in September, the first seventy portables were dIS-
patched, and we are m full swmg for the manufacture and
delIvery of another 180. Owmg to Valuta difficultIes we cannot
import these maclunes. Then, too, we have made arrangements
whereby we can have records pressed by the hundred. WIthout
a doubt the Lord has placed thIS wonderful new weapon m our
hands, especially as we cannot get on over the radio. Recently
a man and rus WIfe, members of the evangelical part of the
State church and strong belIevers m hell torment, heard a
record on chnd baptism and confirmatlOn. TIllS shook them; for
they remarked: "Yes, when the clergy have taught us that
chIld baptIsm and confirmation are BIblical, there's likely to
be a lot more that's all wrong."
It just rejoices our hearts to see the truth being spread m
this small democratic, lIberty-loving land, where the people as
a whole are not very "relIgious" and so can come the more
easily to appreciate the truth.
Year BooTe 175
A few years ago the Catholics tried to present a hospital to
Copenhagen, but the memcal faculty turned down their offer.
At one Roman Cathohc seminary a pnest, who was a teacher,
was eonVlcted of sadism; but nothing abashes them, they just
carlyon their underground wOlk as usual. Recently, in Born-
holm, they opened a hospital and a school and are now doing
their level best to get hold of the cluldren. In 1914 Bishop
.TohanJ1es van Eucha said: "I believe that Denmark will again
be Cathohc. We Catholics are working to that end." At that
date there were 12,087 Catholics in the country, but now there
are 26,000. However, we know that no weapon that is formed
agamst us WIll prosper, and last year we held 148 public meet-
ings, mth an attendance of 24,000, of wluch 17,000 were stran-
gers. So we come in touch mth those who have hearing ears, and
inVIte them to our service conventions, of wluch we had 24 in
the course of the year, attended by 2,632.
At four points in Denmark your mspiring mscourse on .Tere-
miah, given at the Columbus convention on September 18, was
heard excellently, and we have just received Enemtes mth the
, 'tan" cover of which you spoke. Already the translation is in
full swing, and shortly we hope to have it off to our pnntery
in Berne. Safety is also bemg got ready, and we look forward
with joy to spreadmg both of them.
During the time of Columbus convention special stress was
laId on the work, in accordance mth instructions, and we had
three conventions, at Elsmole, Odense and Randel'S, when 368
took part in the service and spread 1,107 pieces of hterature.
No less than a dozen brethren from Denmark VIsited the Paris
conventIOn, and all came back with the firm determination to
press the battIe to the gate. Truly the Lord has done great
things for us: we are glad, and, durmg the coming year, we
shall with our brethren everywhere do our utmost to spread the
hard hail and the sweet waters of the truth.
The Bethel family rejOlce to share in the witness work, and
during the past year an average of 13 spread 12,091 books and
booklets. They unanimously asked me to convey their warmest
greetmgs of love, and with that message I gladly associate
There has been an increase in The Watchtower and
the other magazine published by the Society, now
called Oonsolation. The attendance at public meetings
has increased. Appended hereto are some statistics re-
lating to Denmark, which will be of interest.
Number of companies of 3 and over
Number of companies organIZed for service
176 Year Book
Number of company workers
(highest number out in one week) 872
(PerlIDt-holders, 893, apart from pioneers and auxiliaries)
Average number of plOneers 35
Average number of auxiliaries 5
Average number of company workers 396
Average number of workers out each week 436
Total number of books placed by comparnes 323,795
Total number of books placed by pioneers 102,120
Total number of books placed by auxiliaries 8,240
Total number of books placed otherwise 4,172
Total number of books placed 438,327
Consolatwn (Ny Verden) subscriptions (increase 2,062) 14,499
Consolation (Ny Verden) single copies placed 68,754
Watohtower subscrIptions
(includmg 550 m Norway; increase 115)
Number of regional servants
Number of kilometers traveled
Number of meetings for friends
Attendance thereat
Number of public meetings
Attendance: brethren, 7,120; strangers, 16,908
Number of Jonadab m,eetings reported
Attendance thereat
Number of gramophone lectures held
Attendance thereat
Number of conventions held
Attendance thereat
Number of folders with message
( Ny Verden) Prospectuses
Number of Informant sent out
Number of letters received
Number of letters sent out
In the face of the continued and vicious opposition
put forth by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy the few
witnesses of Jehovah in Estonia have pushed forward
in their work. From the Society's local representative
at Tallinn a report is filed, from which the following
is quoted:
Throughout the past year the work of the Kingdom has gone
steadlly on. There is a slIght increase on last year's results in
the number of books sent out and spread and m the time spent
in the service. All together, sixteen brethren engaged in the
service as whole-time pioneers. Only ten of these were regular
workers each month of the year, and therefore largely respon-
Year Boole 177
sible for the distributing of 38,279 books and booklets. In actual
Wltness work from door to door they used 14,038 hours and
spent the greater part of that time in the rural distncts. From
ten to fourteen isolated workers, includIng .Jonadabs, devoted
1,685 hours to gIving witness and placed another 5,099 books
and booklets. This is about 1,300 pieces more than were spread
by fifteen "company" workers in 2,101 hours last year. Books
and booklets otherwise placed with the interested number 563,
thus making a grand total of 43,941 volumes dIstributed. This
represents an increase of 2,344 books and booklets on last year's
sum total Reports received show approximately that, for every
bIg book placed, 12 booklets were placed. The total number of
books and booklets dispatched from the depot during the year
was 48,866, an increase of 6,524.
As reported last year, it was necessary to have some Estonian
books reprinted, and this has been done. Now, Dtvtil-
ing the People, Prosperity Sure and World Recovery form part
of the stock. While these pubhcations were being prepared and
shipped the booklet Hereafter was trallBlated and unported for
distribution. Thus by the end of the year 1936 several up-to date
pubhcations were in circulatIOn. The number of books and book-
lets then beIng spread Increased, and this brought much encour-
agement to the brethren. It was like a revival, and there was
added joy when instructions to translate Riches and Choosing
were receIved. These two mighty weapons of truth are now in
circulatIOll. About eIght monihs ago 20,000 ChOOSing were re-
ceived, and the balance on hand today is 8,600. The book Rwhes
bids fair also to have a qUIck dIstribution, and every effort is
beIng made to get it into the hands of the people.
Many are mterested in the message contained in the Society's
literature and adlnit that it is true and necessary, but they do
not yet see the great importance of separating themselves from
religion and the world and taking their stand publicly on the
side of .Jehovah and hIs KIng. A few do see the issue and have
symbolized their consecratIOn to do the will of God, by water
immersion, and have contInued to keep their agreement by pub-
hshIng the message of the Kingdom as opportUllity affords.
In the early part of this year, by arrangement between the
governments of Poland and this cOUlltry, many hUlldreds of
men and women came from that Roman Catholic cOUlltry to
work in the oIl-stone mines and on the farms. These Poles cannot
speak the local language, and only a few of them Ullderstand
RUSSIan; and thus at present, after workmg hours, they feel
the separation from their homeland quite keenly. As might be
expected, some of them cannot read or write, but most of those
called upon Wlth Pohsh books containing the Kmgdom mes-
sage have readily taken them. It is hoped that much ;more may
be done to awaken interest in the truth amongst these people;
Year Book
the more so, as it is proposed to bring another batch numbering
4,000 into the country next year.
It is saId tbat the birth rate in this country is dechning, and
the Roman Cathohc HIerarchy, knOWIllg this, may be attempt-
ing to offset that tendency with a view to increasUlg its own
population. It IS therefore very appropriate that we are circulat-
ing Homt> and and Uncovered m the Es-
toman language. Delivery of the Estoman booklet Armageddon,
and Rwhes, and other books in Russian and Pohsh, is expected
very soon.
The Constitution of the Estonian Free State has just been
reVISed, and it is of mterest to note what it says concerning a
few points that are of interest to the Lord's people. In chap-
ter two, paragraph 14, of this man-made instrument of govern-
ment It is stated that:
Freedom of conscience and religious behef are guaranteed.
Adherence to churches and rehglOus SOCIeties IS free.
Certain public rights may be glven to the more prominent
churches. [These are the Lutheran and Greek Catholic, at
present.] There is no State church.
The performmg of religIOus services is free, provIded this
interferes wlth neIther the pubhc peace and order nor morality.
A creed or confeSSIOn of faith cannot be taken as an excuse
for the cOmImttmg of cnme or for the failure of one to fulfill
the duties of a CItizen.
It has been possIble to contmue to send out the truth con-
tained in The Watchtower, and thls has been and is a very
great stImulus to those who receIve It. Every now and then
about fifty copies find theIr way into the hands of appreclatIve
readers Informants to the number of 600 have played their part
in guidmg the brethren m the service Several of the 211 letters
receIved at the depot were concernmg Blble questions, many
of which were answered by means of tracts and booklets. All
together, 343 COpIes of The Golden Age were spread.
So far, sound cars and phonographs are but names to Jeho-
vah's WItnesses in thls corner of the field. Good use could be
made of a few gramophones with records III Estonian, Russian
and German, and no doubt in due tIme these will become reali-
ties. Meantime the Lord has proVIded the most modern and
effective munitions of war obtamable, and WIth these instru-
ments a handful of native and foreIgn pubhshers are day by
day engagmg the enemy in battle. Their task IS one that calls
for determination and devotIOn to duty, even when conilltrons
are at the best. They travel about on foot and by pushbike
searching out the people in theIr homes and III the nelds. Not-
withstanding the difficulties encountered, there is scarcely 3<
home in Estoma where a testimony to the name of Jehovah
and hls kingdom has not been grven.
Year Book 179
At Helsingfors, Finland, the Society maintains a
branch office, and from there comes a gratIfying re-
port concerning the progress of the witness work done
there during the year. The number of workers is not
great, but they are zealous and earnest. Like their
companions in other parts of the earth, their vision
concerning the Kingdom is clarifying day after day.
Viewing the conditions that now exist in this wicked
world over which Satan holds dominion, and turning
their hearts and faces toward Jehovah's kingdom un-
der Christ Jesus, the righteous One, they are rejoicing
to know that the final conflict between the two is near
at hand, that righteousness shall prevail, the victory
of the King, Christ Jesus, will be complete, and the
desired blessings of every honest heart will be more
than realized. It is a blessed company of devoted fol-
lowers of Christ Jesus, who know no national lines
and who are not separated by reason of language, but
who are all moved by one spirit, united in the holy
cause of righteousness and pressing forward to certain
and complete victory. It will give their companions
in other parts of the world a real joy to read the follow-
ing extracts from the report filed in this office by the
representative of the Society at Helsingfors, Finland.
From the following :ligures you can see the mce increase in
the spread hterature. The spread of the big books has gone up
from 18,031 to 22,179, booklets from 293,447 to 338,334, or the
whole spread of books from 311,478 to 360,513. Especially the
spread of covered booklets has shown a big increase, from
31,110 to 51,555, which is ahnost 66 percent increase. Also the
papers show an increase, the Golden Age copies from 62,011
to 71,336, Watchtower subscriptlOns from 1,672 to 1,706, and
Golden Age from 13,992 to 14,831. If we take in consIderatIOn
also the free lIterature, the whole spread of literature during
the year has been 918,394, which means more than a copy to
evelY fa:nnJ.y in Fmland.
The malll reason for the encouraging increase has been, as
much as we can see, III the big increase of the work done with
Bound equipment, which we were privIleged to start already
last year, and which, after we got the new records spoken in
Berne, has shown a marvelous rising. During four months last
Year Book
year we had together 117 meetings, and the attendance was
1,787. But as we in the beginning of this year received the new
records the work has increased month by month, and now over
100 machines are in use in Fmland, and FmI]ish records have
been sent from our office to an amount of 1,170. During the
whole year there have been held 2,896 gramophone lectures, to
an attendance of 26,510. It is interestmg to compare it wIth
the public lectures held during the previous year. The number
of public lectures then were 165, to an attendance of 28,697
.And as we have this year had 171 public lectures, to an attend
ance of 17,636, we have succeeded in coming in connection with
many more mterested than ever before. That shows clearly that
the Lord's tlme has come to gather the great multItude, and
he has gIven us the means to carry the message to them so that
they may be able to take their stand on ills side before Arma
The work with sound equipment has awakened a great inter-
est, openmg new ways to forward the truth. So one owner of
a bathmg establishment bought the records and with the aid
of a loud-speaker is letting Ius customers hear the lectures. In
another place a brother succeeded in. arranging a meetmg in
a big factory, where 100 workers were watchIng the machines.
At an appointed time all machmes were stopped, and as it was
the working time, all the workers had to stop on then places
at the machines and lIsten to the lectures. IIe saId that it was
a wonderful occasion to see how the machines stopped before
the voice of the truth. After the meetmg 60 of the 100 took
books, showmg a great interest. From open-aIr meetings we
have also many good and interesting reports. We have observed
that people even at a distance of two miles have heard the
lectures, desIring afterwards to know more of the truth. I my-
self have also had the joy to go from home to home with one
of the gramophones made at the head office, and the people
have been so mterested that tlley have offered money in order
to hear more. That has, of course, given me the best opportumty
to present them lIterature, and it has been apparent that after
the lectures it is much eaSIer to place literature, especially big
books, than otherwise. We are very grateful that you arranged
so that still new records were prepared at Berne, as the demand
for records is still increasing, although it was a pity that it was
not pOSSIble to get enough good records for the whole amount
we wanteu.
There has been also another great help in the wOlk during this
year, and that has been the book IlMhes, which has aroused
great interest, and certainly the truths set forth in that book
are meat in due season not only for the anointed but also for
the great multitude.
Year Book 181
Every one who has had the privilege of working for the truth
as it is directed by the Society should not have the least doubt
that the Lord himself is guiding the Society. Who else could
give the splendId explanatIons of the prophecies which we have
read in the Towers. They are too many and too marvelous to
even be hinted in thIs connectIOn. They are far beyond what a
human mind could find out. Only a blinded fool can't see it .
.Another marvelous matter is the scheme of the penods. It is so
wonderful to see the brethren all over the whole earth arise
and fearlessly proclaIm the truth as one man, and the joy iillmg
our hearts is so sweet that only the Lord can give anything of
that Irmd. Is it any wonder that half of the amount of the books
during the whole year have been spread just during the periods,
amounting to 183,568 books and booklets.
The bIggest number of workers last year was 777, with an
average output of books 401. This year the biggest number of
workers has been 760, but the average output 475. Of the whole
amount of books, the pIOneers have spread 85,127, and together
with auxiliaries, 104,746. That shows that pioneers have spread
5,000 more than the year before, whIch is, of course, encourag-
ing, as many of the pioneers have to work in poor and velY
thInly populated districts. A considerable amount of work has
been done by our ordmary regional servants. Not only have
they helped the classes WIth advice and guided the friends into
the servIce work, holding also public lectures, but they have addI-
tionally acted as real pioneers, spreading a consIderable amount
of hterature. Their whole output has been 15,625 books and
booklets, 2,147 copIes of The Golden Age, and 476 subscriptions,
or, together, 18,248, whIch means about 5,500 each, as only in
the beginning of the year we had four, and afterwards only
three in that service.
The little Bethel fanrlly has shown great dihgence in the
service work, and they have spread 18,226 books and booklets,
1,853 Golaen Age copies, and 561 subscriptions, or, together,
A special encouragement have been the 59 conventions, at
whIch the highest number of workers was 323. At these con-
ventions were spread 35,702 books and booklets, and 57 sym-
bolized thelr consecration. Especially the annual convention in
Helsinki was of great encouragement to the friends. Some of
the speakers had had the opportunity to be present at the mar-
velous convention in Pans and had succeeded in talnng a good
amount of the fine spIritual food with them, and as it was pre-
sented to the fnends, the joy and enthusiasm rose day by day;
and although we at the service occasions offered only big books
and covered booklets, the result was very fine, 609 books and
3,000 booklets. In the end of the convention were heard the re-
marks that it was the best convention ever held in Fmland, and
182 Year Book
it was certain that never has a better spirit and. greater zeal
prevailed at any convention in Finland. With great enthusiasm
the friends decIded to send theIr love to you, dear Brother Ruth-
erford, and to the convention in Columbus.
The population in Iceland is very limited. The work-
ers are fewer, but the zeal manifested by those who
labor there is that peculiar to the Lord's organizatIOn.
From Iceland's report the following is extracted:
The work here during the past year has been somewhat hin-
dered by the lack of new books. However, the one pioneer who
is there spread 2,898 pieces of literature. At the moment Ewhes,
Protectwn and Uncovered are going through the press in Brook-
lyn, and these in due course will gIve a welcome fillip to the work
and fresh encouragement to the worker. We are glad of the
contmued support given by Headquarters to the work in this
large territory with Its small population.
Wherever the combined influence of the Roman Cath-
olic Hierarchy together with the present politicians of
Germany reaches, there is great opposition to the mes-
sage of God's kingdom. This only increases the evidence
that the combine of Romanism, Nazism, Fascism and
rebellion are all against God and his kingdom and that
soon these shall perish from the earth. The small COUll-
try of Latvia contains some true and sincere followers
of Christ Jesus, who are anxious to proclaim the mes-
sage and who do so. At Riga the Society maintains an
office and a local representative, and from his report
the following is quoted:
The year just ended has seen no rehef from the vexatious
hindrances and restrictions imposed by the operation of martial
law, which has now been in force SInce May, 1934. There has
been lIttle of unusual interest, but it is pleasing to report a
steady increase throughout the year in the amount of litera-
ture spread and to mark the apprecIation of our message by
the people. HBring me some of those books which tell of Satan's
organization," and, "We read only the Bible Students' lit-
erature," were among some of the co=ents made to publish-
ers. On another occasion, a worker was told by a woman on
whom she called: "I'll show you a book that t8 a book about
Year Boole
the Bible," and who then went into the house and brought out
a well-used copy of Creatwn.
There is eVIdence here, as elsewhere in the world, of the sm-
ister designs of the Roman Catholic HIerarchy. It IS clear to
be seen that tllat organizatIon purposes to strengthen its hold
over the people of Latvia. The eastern province, Latgale, bor-
denng RUSSIa, has always been predommantly Roman Catholic,
but the other parts of the country are mamly Lutheran. In
August, this year, a provincial council was held in RIga, attended
by 57 clergymen and preSIded over by a papal nunclO. At this
synod two papal bulls were read, one raIsing the archbishop of
RIga to the rank of metropohtan, the other creatmg a new
bIshopric to include the western and southern proVInces of
Kurzeme and Zemgale, with the seat of the bIshop at Llbau.
During or at the conclUSIon of the synod, the new metropohtan
called personally upon the dictator and pronused m the name
of the synod to co-operate with the government for the good
of the state and people of LatVIa. Photographs of the metro-
pohtan and dIctator taken together on thIs occasIOn were pub
lished m the newspapers. In thIs connection it is of interest to
note that the VIce-nunister for educatlOn m Latvia is a Catholic
priest, notwithstandIng the State rehglOn is Lutheran.
Last year the dIstribution was almost equally diVIded between
pioneers and comparues. ThIs year the figures for the plOneers
show an mcrease of nearly 90 percent. The companies too have
done better; theIr figures represent an increase of 21 percent
over those for the preVIOUS year.
The Watchtawer, that lInk which in one way unites us to the
Lord and to one anotller, comes to us regularly and is studied
Wlth deep interest. The Golden Age also keeps us informed of
KIngdom actiVIties and oiher interesting events III other parts
of the earth, and is read WIth much mterest. TlllS latter mag-
azme is, however, restrIcted to those who read EnglIsh and
The friends here all urute with me m sendIng you their warm
love and all best Wlshes.
The religionists have a throttle hold upon the peo-
ple of Lithuania. Together with their political allies,
they carryon a racket by which the people are robbed
of their money and deprived of their liberty of learn-
ing concerning God's gracious provision for human-
kind. That wicked and unholy alliance always opposes
the truth, because it is the instrument of the prince
of darlmess. Darlmess surrounds them, and gross dark-
Year Book
ness those people who support them. In that land of
darkness there are some faithful and true followers
of Christ Jesus, who during the year have put forth
their best endeavors to serve the Kmg and the King-
dom. From the local representative's report the fol-
lowing is extracted:
This is a rehgious country, full of "churches", crosses and
the accompanying parasItes, prIests, monks and nuns. As is
therefore to be expected, the Word of God and the message of
his kingdom are opposed WIth bitterness. The claim IS made
that the clergy have no in:B.uence with the government; but the
facts prove to the contrary, for action is taken time and agaIn
against the publishers of the Kingdom message, by the authori-
tIes and at tlle instigation of the representatives of the Hier-
archy, working, as ever, in the background.
Each year a further move is made to prevent the message
of the Kingdom from reaching the people. This year particular
attention has been paid to the district known as Memelgebiet,
mandated territory formerly a part of Germany. Up to a few
months ago actIOn here has been taken by the loeal authorities
only, moved by the local (Lutheran) clergy; but evidently these
children have not accomplished what theil father has deSIred,
and another part of his brood have now taken action, namely,
the Roman Catholic clergy, workIng through the central govern-
In this territory the friends speak German, and the literature
spread is chiefly in that language, obtained from abroad and
therefore haVIng to pass through the office of the censor. For
several years the Society has been registered in Memel, and,
when court actIon has been taken agaInst us at the instigation
of the religionists, in each case a decision in our favor has been
These facts prove that the centIal authorities are, or should
be, fully aware of our purpose and work, and that everythIng
has been carried on in harmony WIth the existing laws. It was
therefore surprising wIlen some of the workers were arrested
and their htemture confiscated. Following this the home of the
local regional servant was searched and suggestions of "Com-
munistIc activity" were made. This showed that the Hierarchy
were behind the move. The authorities, as the above-mentIOned
facts show, know full well that there is not a whit of truth In
such suggestions; but they demanded that the stock of hterature
be returned to the country of origin or destroyed.
Shortly after this the regional servant received a paper from
the military commandant of this district stating that the latter
had considered the case and had reached tlle conclusion that the
defendant was guilty of "spreadmg literature which hail caused
Year Book 185
one section of the co=unity to rise against the other". It is
hardly necessary to remark that no such rismg has ever taken
place. A heavy :fine with the optlOn of imprisonment was lDl-
posed. There was no trial of any kind; no opportumty for ex-
planatlOn or defense, and practically no opportunity for an
appeal. Lovers of lIberty in other lands might think such con-
dltions impossible m a country boasting of its freedom, and
especially ill mandated territory. Furthermore, the reglOnal
servant was "warned" to have noihmg more to do with the
Society, although the latter is a registered, legal body. Some
idea of the slIght attention given to the matter by the military
commander may be had when it is known that the Society, clearly
registered as the "International Bible Students' Assoclation",
is referred to in the above-mentioned document as a "Bible
explanation society". As a result of this actlOn, literature of
the SOCIety Bent from other countries is stopped by the postal
and customs authorities, although freedom of the post and" reli-
gion" are guaranteed under the constitution In a state of emer-
gency, however, Buch paragraphs can be suspended, and where
the message of the kingdom of Jehovah is being spread a state
of real emergency exists so far as the relIglOnists are concerned,
for their refuge of lIes is bemg exposed.
ThIS oPPosItion has affected the amount of literature spread,
but the Devil has not had matters all his own way, as 10,645
books and booklets have been placed in the hands of the people,
and, apart from copies sent to regular subscnbers, 1,830 num-
bers of The Golden .Age have also been spread. These results
have been accomplished by a weekly average of only 3 pioneers
and 12 company workers, frequently over very scattered terri-
tory. CondItlOns among the people generally are very bad. Prices
are high and wages very low, especIally ill the country dIstricts.
It is not unusual to meet people who have absolutely no money.
As it IS impossible to import literature, most of the work has
been carned on WIth books and booklets which were first pub-
hshed several years ago. For example, the latest booklet in Lith
uanian IS The Crt:mi. Only very few of the later booklets have
been received thlOUgh the post. ThIs adds to the difficultles of
the work, as many people who already have the lIterature would
take new books and booklets.
Some who have hItherto taken an active part in the service
work have left us. One man, for many years a zealous wo:rker,
allowed failllly ties to bIlld him and renounced lus privIleges
in the service of Jehovah to join his NaZI sons in Germany.
He has actually started work in a mumtion factory and is, of
course, "heIling" with the others and supporting those who
are persecuting, torturing and murdering his erstwhile brethren.
This would not be worth whIle mentionmg were it not for the
fact that it is an example of the manner in which the Devil is
186 Year Book
able to subvert those who fail to remember that it is complete
loyalty and faithfulness that is required of those who would
continue m the favor of Jehovah.
In elosmg, I would hke to mention what a joy it was to share
in the Columbus convention to some extent. Apart from a few
WOlds lost while tuning in during about three minutes, the whole
of the address on the Saturday was heard, and It was indeed
thrIlling. Unfortunately nothing was heard of the pubhc lecture
on the Sunday.
It is gratifying to note that those who have formed
the great multitude are coming from every country
where the message of the Kingdom is proclaimed, and
this serves to remind Jehovah's witnesses of the re-
sponsibility resting upon them to put forth all dili-
gence in faithfully representing Jehovah's kingdom,
safeguarding the Kingdom interests and giving close
heed to the commandments of the Lord to proclaim
the 'praises of the King and the Kingdom. Oslo, Nor-
way, supports an office of the Watch Tower Bible
& Tract Society, which branch has jurisdiction over
Norway and is under the jurisdiction of the Northern
European Office, as heretofore stated. The local repre-
sentative at Oslo :files a report here, from which the
following is taken:
By the Lord's grace we have also this year walked in the
light, and been dehvered from the snare of "the fowler", and
with our heart's sure convictIOn we have the prIvilege to be
among them that are exaltmg Jehovah's great name today.
Also this year the work in Norway has progressed. The great
multItude is more and more partaking in the WItness work from
door to door. TheIr zeal and devotion are very encouraging to
TIle publishers have spread 25,123 books and 252,972 booklets;
in all, 278,095. It is 31,658 more than last year. Of this are 7,835
books more. The Golden .il.ge (Ny Verden) has 8,544 subSCrIb-
ers; 2,354 more than last year.
We have sent out 10,000 copies of the In/ormant, 17 com-
panies are orgamzed for servIce, and the average number of
pubhshers in the witness work each week is 143. Forty-two pio-
neers and auxiliaries have been out; 8 more than last year.
From the head office we have got 9,000 R ~ c h e s , and in six
months the whole stock was gone. But we hope soon to receive
Year Book
the 10,000 Riches ordered. It is a wonderful book and fine for
teaching the great multitude.
The remnant and J onadabs work together m good harmony
m the companies. Just a few friends have been snared. by the
Devil on account of the actiYlty by the Judas class in America,
whose agitation also has reached Norway, but just a few of
those who have not kept thelI hearts clean have belIeved. their
indictmentB. Practically the whole :flock of the publIshers are
going on without noticing It.
This year we have had no notification from the police, only
some malIcIOUS articles in some country papers. As a rule we
have been permItted to gIve an answer. The result has gen-
erally been that the people wanted to read the books.
DIvisional Campaigns
These have been a great encouragement and have also spe-
cially been richly blessed of Jehovah. As usual the companies
have been out by buses, trams, ships, cycles, and motorboats,
on Sundays, up to 80 miles from thelI home towns, and, with
auto cars every day in the surrounding country, a lot of lItera-
ture has been spread and the publIshers always extremely happy.
The two brethren on the Society's boat "Ester" have done
a great work on tlie west coast. They have had many mteresting
experiences. They arrived. once at a place where the people had
a colossal interest for the truth, so in five days they spread
53 books, and one of the people told them that in this httle
distl'lct the people were Iegulated by the books of Brother
Russell and Blother Rutherford. PractlCally every home was in-
terested. A IDstnct WIth 1,500 people, more than the half of it
was interested in the truth. The church was empty, no sign of
:tnission work, 95 percent of them had read some of the books.
Tills year the brethren have distnbuted 13,913 pieces of htera-
ture; 2,453 more than last year . .Another young man with his
wife sold their small house and bought a motorboat for pioneer-
ing. They are also doing a good work on the south part of the
west coast. In north N orw:J.y two brethren 70 years old and a
third 35 years old bought a motorboat and are going flom
place to place doing a real pIOneer work on the thousands of
islands and in those long fJords.
StIll we are not allowed to speak m the radio. Under these
circumstances 'We are glad to have our magazme, The Goldell
Age (Ny Verden). We often hear that some people prefer to
read a magazine, rather than a book, and when Ny Verden is
visIting them by post every month, they get the truth in small
shares dropping into their mmds.
188 Year Book
We are not able to ViSIt those long and many fjords more
than once a year, some places every second year, and therefore
it 18 fine to be able to send them Ny Verden every month. 8,544
subscriptions and about 1,257 single copIes are gomg out every
month, so an average of 10,000 people are reading the magazine.
Phonograph VVork
The phonograph work is just now to be started. We shall be
glad to go on with full speed when our new records arrive.
Just now we had the pleasure to receive 95 of the new portable
phonographs from the head office.
Economic Pressure
The economic pressure is still hard, and many people out of
work, but the last of this year has been upward-bound with
great rise of prices, as Norway has a proportionally great fleet
of merchantmen who got much freight on account of the war
in Spain and Chma. The government such as we now have in
Norway is surely trying to do their best, but they are now feel-
ing they can't help as they thought. Remarkable to think that
the Norwegian kmg is chairman for a government which is
The Hierarchy
The Hierarchy is more and more working in Norway in spite
of the fact that the Norwegian fundamental law forbIds the
Jesuits to stay in the country. They are smuggling themselves
in by building fine fashionable hospitals in nearly every town
and engage the most clever doctors, especially surgeons, and
start language schools for girls, to catch them and theIr pa!ents.
Paris Convention
All of us were encouraged to get your greeting through
Brother Dey, with your words to the friends, to wit: ' 'Let
us work and fight, and die with our boots on." And that will
we do. Our hearts sympathize with all our brethren m Germany
and other places, where tlley are persecuted, and we pray Jeho-
vah to strengthen them to be steadfast and faithful.
Columbus Convention
We participated by going from door to door. In the Bethel
home we succeeded Saturday in hstening to your speech on the
radIo. We had some dIsturbances, but, as a whole, it was fine.
Very encouraging to listen to your inspirmg speech, and remark
the power the Lord gave you. We heard the friends' applause
as a sound of many waters. The song and music were very dIs-
tmct; we fetched our song books and joined in the singmg,
so we felt as If we were partIcipating in the convention. We
remarked the new book coming and the changing of The Golden
Year Book 189
Age to Consolation. We got some enthusiastIc reports from
fnends who also heard you.
The Kingdom message has gone forth to the people
of Sweden during the year, the work being directed
from Stockholm, where the Society maintains a branch
office. There has been difficulty in getting phonographs
in use in Sweden, but this difficulty we believe will
shortly be overcome. As the facts show, the phono-
graph is increasing the witness work in other coun-
tries, and it should be expected that they will have
a like result in Sweden. Those professing to be follow-
ers of Christ Jesus are zealous in the work. The few
complainers are not retarding it, but it is a great pity
that they do not see their privilege to lay aside all
selfishness and join heartily in announcing the King-
dom. There is nothing that can be compared with the
Kingdom, nothing that can bring blessings to the peo-
ple like it; in fact, nothing will bless them at all except
God's kingdom under Christ Jesus. Everyone who ap-
preciates this fact is now giving all diligence to make
proclamation to those who have a hearing ear that the
kingdom of heaven is near at hand, and pointing them
to the admonition given by Jehovah that the people
shall trust in the King because in Him is the only hope.
It is gratifying to see the zeal manifested by the breth-
ren in Sweden, and from the local representative's re-
port the following is extracted:
Limited though our resources are, as compared with those
of our brethren in bigger countrIes, and without the aid of
the radio (which is stIll completely State-controlled and will
probably so continue until Armageddon) or oj' sound cars, and
with only a very limIted number of phonographs yet avaIlable,
we have still been able to keep our ground, and even make some
progress. No persecutions have been met with; with the one
exception of the radIo ban, we have been allowed perfect free-
dom of work. The populatIOn is comparatively prosperous, owing,
it is true, to the colossal boom m the armament industry, Sweden
being a Buppher of both raw material and finished products
along this hne. ThinkIng people, of course, see the graveness
of the situation, and so many good-willed ones have been found
190 Year Book
who have gladly accepted the Kingdom message and lined up
on the sIde of the new and nghtul Kmg and started to pro-
claim rus message as commanded m Revelation 22: 17: "Let
him that heareth say, Come."
There are now the number of 1,109 persons in Sweden who
hold a pel mit from the SocIety to act as publIshers, asIde from
the pioneers. Trus is an increase of 149 over last year, and the
number who have been out in the work regularly week by week
has mcreased by 47 to 455. In. the number of hours worked
there is, seemmgly, a decrease: This year the hours amount
to 139,644, as agamst 154,789 last year, but then we counted,
durmg the :first six months, half of the tIme used for travel
to and from districts; thus, in fact, there is at least no drop,
but probably an mcrease, seemg that it takes a long time to
get to the dIstricts, or territories, m many parts of this country.
Literature Placed
Of the 538,464 copies of books and booklets sent out from
the office the number of 518,566 have been actually placed
among the people. There were placed 48.)980 bound books, which
is 2,646 less than last year, owmg to tlie fact that this year we
have not got any new item to offer. (We are still waitmg for
Jehovah book, which is being done for us at the Brooklyn plant.)
Of the bound books placed about four-sevenths were Riohes.
Of the "colored" booklets we placed 97,450, an mcrease of
15,189, and of the "white" ones, 372,827, or 19,827 more than
last year. Thus the net mcrease is 32,370 copies.
The now regularly returning mternational periods of WItness-
ing have proved to be a great blessing tills year as ever pre-
vIOusly. Well over half of all litelature placed durmg the year
was put in the hands of the people in these periods. Below I
give a table showing number of publishers m the :field, hours
worked and hterature placed during each of the six penods.
Name of period
"Battle Shout"
"HIS Victory"
" Jehovah of Hosts"
"Faithful Warrior"
"GlIttermg Sword"
, 'Mount PeraZlID"
No. out
Literature placed
41,037 (4,278 books)
41,730 (2,524 books)
55,598 (1,098 books)
80,912 ( 587 books)
51,295 (2,792 books)
39,912 (5,153 books)
The number in the field during "Faithful Warrior" was the
biggest ever in this country.
Year Book 191
FIfty-eight persons have been engaged in this service, wIncll
is one more than last year, and the average per month was 49.
It is indeed encouragmg to see how Bome old ones still carry
on with rejoicing, and new ones entermg, Bome after having
known the truth but a short time. Seeing that some have to
leave trus branch of serVIce for such reasons as poor health,
faIDlly obhgatIOns, etc., and because we have not been able
to cover all our terrItory so often as we would hke to, there is
still room for more brethren to join thIs hue of service. And
to those who put their backs to the work WIth a real zeal, using
proper forethought and plannmg, and follow the advices gwen
by the orgarnzation, there are rich blessings, and Jehovah makes
them to prosper ill a wonderful way.
A special joy to the pioneer is when some Jonadab is met
who has been waiting for someone to come and take hin1 by the
hand and show hinl how to start regular wItnessing and put
hlill in contact with the organization. In trus way several little
groups of Jonadabs have been formed, and as soon as possible
a regional servant is sent round to help them, oI'ganizmg the
work on a proper basis, starting regular studIes, and so on.
RegIonal Service
Four brothers have been engaged in trus work, who have
95,581 miles of travel to report. This is somewhat less than
last year, OWlllg to the fact that there were five brothers occu-
pied ill this serVIce during the first months of that year. They
have held 405 pubhc meetings, attended by 19,052. The number
of meetings IS 42 more than last year, whereas the attendance
has decreased by 4,005; trus is due to the fact that last year
we had two bIg pubhc meetings at the capital, Stockholm, one
of them the biggest had in tllis country, addressed by Brother
Howlett, and tIlis year it has not been convernent to arrange
any such bIg meeting at Stockhohn. The attendance at the
smaller meetmgs held m the country places, however, has been
deCIdedly mcreasmg. As these meetmgs are mostly advertIsed
by poster bIlls, the number of folders put out IS consequently
down. The meetings held for frIends were 758, one less than
last year, but attendance was up by 1,383, to 14,028.
Speaking of meetmgs I beg to say, too, that the Ewhes studIeS
are progressing in an encouraging way, and It has proved a
good thing to have the Rwhes study chall'men lead those among
the attendants, who deSIre to take part III the work, out on stated
occaSIOns as a group by themselves; later they are joIning the
companies, attending their service meetmgs and getting regular
terrItory assignments. That the great multitude is thus bemg
helped along is an indISputable fact. Among our limIted num-
ber there are many of that company, which is shown by the
192 Year Book
Memorial :figures: 1,128 persons attended the Memorial service,
711 took part of the emblems, and 1,052 went out ill work during
the period at that season. And more are coming along all the
time, even more than shown by the figures of pubhshers in the
field, because some of the older ones are dying, and others be-
coming so bodily weak that they cannot go out, and so the
increase ill numbers out lS so much blgger, really.
The regional servants have a great service to do in this coun-
try where there are no possibilities of getting lectures out to
the isolated friends over the radio; some of these friends do
not see another Christian's face except when the regional serv-
ant calls . .And it is a real encouragement to them to have him
around, giving public lectures as well as talking to them about
the work. On one such occasion just the other day, the regional
servant and the lsolated brother had to go by bicycle 18 miles
in pourmg rain to get home after a public meetmg arranged
in a small village stlll farther back in the woods. It was Just
forest, forest, forest, the brother wrote.
In places like the one just above described, as well as all
over, these machines will be a real blessing . .Just a month ago
we had quite a big shipment of phonographs sent us from Brook-
lyn, but we are stlll waiting for the records. These were spoken
m, in March, down in Paris, as you mstructed, but there have
been several delays from the manufacturers, and when this re-
port is bemg written there is no word of theIr having been
shipped. But, as the saying has It in Sweden, one who waits for
something good does not wait too long.
Whether big or small, these gatherings are a special blessing.
In Sweden there have been held 24 service conventions durmg
the year, attended by a total number of 2,074, of which 82 sym-
bolized their conseClaiion to do the will of God. 12,574 copies
of literature were spread during these conventions.
Seven frIends from Sweden attended the Paris international
eonvention last August and carried home many valuable lessons
and happy memories therefrom. At Columbus none of us could
attend in person, but some ilid hsten in to your talk, Saturday,
September 18, and were able to get the iliscourse and catch up
some of the enthusiasm manifested by the vast throng gathered
there. From one place the friends reported that they had lis-
tened in although they did not understand the Enghsh language;
they recognized the tunes, though, and jomed m the singing,
having tears in theIr eyes for joy because of the realization
of oneness thus experienced. The broadcast of your pubhc lec-
ture on the Sunday ilid not go through, though, to any pomt in
Year Book 193
"The Golden Age"
By the Lord's grace this magazine has continued to do its
good work in "sweetening the waters" for the people. Many
persons now rejoicing in the truth had their first taste of it
from this journal, and it is domg a great work in preparing
the way for the books to get mto the homes. The number of
subscnbers is increasing year by year. The last three years now,
the increase has been very nearly 3,000 annually: in 1935 we
had 23,624 subscriptlons, in 1936 the number was 26,498, and
now it has risen to 29,401. There are good prospects of getting
past the 30,000 mark in a few days' time. Loose copies were
placed to the number of 71,124, or 11,925 more than last year.
The new name for trus magazine will be effective in Sweden
from .January 1, according to the Postal regulatwns.
"The Watchtower"
This magazine is now being sent in the Swedish language to
2,334 subscribers, an increase in the list of 163. And certainly
it is being appreciated. How could a chUd of God exist without
the food there provided for him by the loving Father' And how
it answers all our questions, in .Jehovah's own due time, and
settles matters to our full satisfaction I It is true there are
some, wise in their own conceit, who reckon that they can get
out" underlying thoughts" from the presentatlOns in the Tower,
which are too deep for the m!1jority of us who are not on the
same spiritual level with them, as they claim. But we desire to
appropnate to ourselves the things stated, and not to speculate
as to thoughts "beJund" the plainly written words. These
"wise" ones are, I am glad to say, but a small minonty, even
though some of them are able to "raise a cry", and in some
companies they have gone so far as to make it necessary for
the loyal ones to ask them to keep quiet altogether.
We thank God, Brother Rutherford, that he has been so won
derfully usmg you, all through trus past year as hitherto, in
explaining to us the meaning of the grand prophetic dramas
now going into fulfillment and applying in full weight for the
encouragement and guldance of Ius faIthful servants. May we
always be found of a teachable and truly childlike dISPOSItion,
willing to accept the instruction given through the appomted
channel, and then going forth to honor our Father by obeymg
his commandments accordmg to 'the law of our mother'.
In closmg I beg to convey to you my own very best love and
that of the office staff. We are all enjoying our privileges of
service and desirous of co-operatmg to the best of our ability
in trus grand work of vindIcating .Jehovah's blessed and holy
name. May he keep you, and all of us, in the shadow of hIS
hand as a testimony to his own power and WIsdom.
194 Yea1' Book
The poor means of transportation has been the chief
means of retarding the work in the Philippine Islands
during the year. lVIany of the pioneers have to travel
for long distances between points where they work,
and this has hindered the placement of literature. Dur-
ing the year 81,935 books and booklets have been
placed in the hands of the people. It must be remem-
bered that the native people of the Philippine Islands
are very poor and many of them very ignorant. The
sound machines and phonographs are doing good work.
Many who are unable to read can understand the mes-
sage when spoken, and thus show a real interest in the
truth. The phonograph has only recently been intro-
duced in the Philippines, and there is a marked de-
velopment in the interest shown by the people by
reason thereof.
Because of the war in Spain no report from there
this year could be had. Portugal being under the direc-
tion of lVIadrid, likewise no report from Portugal could
be had. There has been some hterature distributed in
both places, but there is no way of ascertaining the
amounts so far as this office is concerned.
The work in Syria during the year has made very
httle progress. Not a great number are interested in
the truth in that land, and those who are interested
do not seem to be unusually diligent in the work. Most
of the work done there during the year was done by
a brother who journeyed from America and worked
there for a season, and that brother is returning shortly
to Syria, and we expect the work to make further
progress during the year. Books and booldets to the
number of 2,142 have been placed in the hands of the
people. Recently the phonograph records have been
made in the Arabic language, and this is aiding in the
introduction of the truth.
Year Book
At thIs depot or branch the work has not progressed
during the year. The distribution of the literature is
down because of the interference of the government,
acting at the behest of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy.
21,518 books and booklets have been placed in the
hands of the people. 79 phonographs are in use, and
6 electrical transcription machines and one sound car.
The chief part of the work has been done with these,
the attendance at these sound meetings totaling 51,982.
78 public meetings were held, addressed by persons,
the total attendance at which was only 1,375.
Why should men oppose the kingdom of God and
persecute those persons who make known that lring-
dom to others as the only means of their blessing Y
Why should Jehovah's witnesses be persecuted, ar-
rested, tined and imprisoned on the false charges of
peddling without a license and going from door to
door without a permit, when the indisputable facts
show they are carrying the message of God to the
people as He has commanded, and this they are doing
at a financial loss to themselves? Generally men are
reasonable about things of this world which they un-
derstand. Court officials try to hear the evidence and
render a reasonable judgment. This cannot be said
to be true of their dealing with Jehovah's witness-
es Then it must be that public officials and judges
of courts who cause the arrest and punishment of
Jehovah's witnesses do so either maliciously or else
ignorantly and without understanding. The most rea-
sonable and charitable view to take of the matter is
that such public officials are made blind to the truth
by reason of the influence and false representations
made to them by the religious agents of the Devil.
The clergy of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy take
the lead in exercising such undue and wrongful in-
fluence. They are politicians bent upon the "Cath-
196 Year Book
oUc Action" gaining complete control of the people.
The time is. not far distant when the political and
commercial elements of the ruling powers of the pres-
ent day will see that they have been woefully deceived
and misled by the religionists, and particularly by
the clergy of the Roman Catholic Hierachy.
But why does God permit such opposition to his
kingdom and to his witnesses ~ There are two reasons:
(1) the opposition furnishes opportunity for his de-
voted witnesses to prove their integrity to God under
adverse conditions, and thus they prove that Satan's
statement to the effect that God cannot put men on
earth who will be faithful to him when subjected to
persecution, is a lie and Satan is a liar; (2) the oppor-
tunity is also furnished for those who are against God
and his kingdom to fully identify themselves as being
on the side of the Devil and fit for destruction. By
opposing God's kingdom and persecuting his witnesses
they thus identify themselves. They will have no ex-
cuse at Armageddon and nothing to offer in mitiga-
tion of the punishment God will inflict upon them.
The consecrated followers of Christ Jesus must be
fully obedient to God's commandment, and particu-
larly the commandments set forth below, to wit: 'And
this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all
nations as a witness, and then shall the end come.'
(Uatt. 24: 14) "Thou shalt hear the word at my
mouth, and warn them from me. When I say unto
the wicked, 0 wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if
thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his
way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but
his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless,
if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it;
if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his
iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul." (Ezek.
33 : 7-9) Go through, go through the gates; prepare
ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the high-
way; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for
the people." (Isa. 62: 10) "And it shall come to pass,
Year Book
that every soul, which will not hear that prophet, shall
be destroyed from among the people. "-Acts 3: 23.
The religionists try to compel Jehovah's witnesses
to obtain permission to preach "this gospel of the
kingdom" and to get this permission from worldly
men, regardless of God's commandment. They induce
the lawmaking bodies and law-enforcement officers to
compel men to salute flags and hail leaders and bow
down to such things, in utter violation of God's law.
(Ex. 20: 2-5) If the Christian obeys these laws he vio-
lates God's law and commandment and subjects him-
self to complete destruction.
The Christian must obey God, and it pleases him
to obey God, because he loves God and his kingdom;
and therefore as the apostles of Jesus said, so now
say all of Jehovah's witnesses: 'We must obey God
rather than men. '-Acts 5: 29.
In obedience to God's commandments these faith-
ful witnesses of the Most High have gone forward
during the fiscal year now just closed bringing the
fruits or message of the Kingdom to the people. At
the conclusion of the fiscal year ending 1936 the books
containing the message of the Kingdom and published
by this Society from and after the year 1921 to that
date had been placed in the hands of the people, to
the aggregate number of 229,675,028. For the fiscal
year ending September 30, 1937, there were added to
the foregoing, books and booklets to the number of
22,577,146, thus making the grand total of distribu-
tion of such publications, to the end of this fiscal year,
252,252,174 volumes. This in addition to the radio and
sound-machine methods of preaching the gospel. Never
in the history of man has there been such a witness to
the Lord's kingdom, and it has all been done by the
grace of the Lord, and to him is due all praise and
This report is submitted, hoping that it may bring
courage and confidence to those who are devoted to
Jehovah and his kingdom and that each and every
198 Year Book
one of Jehovah's anointed remnant and the Jonadabs
will continue to press forward, holding high the ban-
ner of truth and thus honoring the name of Jehovah,
his King and his kingdom, having in mind at all times
that the day of deliverance is at hand and soon the
will of God will be done on earth as it is done in heav-
en, and then every creature that lives and breathes
shall sing his praises and dwell in everlasting peace
and joy unto the Lord's glory.
By ~ President.
Year Text for 1938
'Be not afraid: the battle is God's/
-2 Chron. 20: 15.
EHOV Ali has graciously revealed to his
servants the complete identity of his ene-
mies. He commands his servants to engage
the enemy in battle. The "faithful and wise
servant" the Lord has made ruler over all his
earthly kingdom interests or "possessions", and
has commanded his servants to protect, safe-
guard and advance such Kingdom interests. The
J onadabs join the remnant in their witness
'Work. The visible instruments of Satan, arrayed
against God's people, are the religionists, aided
and abetted by lovers of money and political
job-holders. Those men have conspired together
to deprive the "faithful and wise servant" of
their "possessions" or Kingdom interests and
are bent on the destruction of God's people. See-
ing the wicked horde moving against them, the
faithful servants of Jehovah fully realize their
inability to cope with the enemy. From the hu-
man viewpoint the position of the servants of
God now on earth appears to be hopeless; but
it is not so in fact.
Jehovah caused his covenant people, Israel,
and their enemies, to wit, Moab, Ammon and
Mount Seir, to make a prophetic picture ex-
actly describing the present-day relation of his
covenant people to their enemies, the religion-
200 Year Book
ists and others. As then, so now there is a
mighty multitude of the enemy pitted against
the small number of God's servants on earth,
the latter realizing that in themselves they have
no strength; and yet they do not fear the Devil
or any of his visible horde. The faithful trust
in God, who says to them: 'Sanctify Jehovah
of hosts, and let him be your fear.' (Isa. 8: 13,
A.R.V.) The war is now in progress, and on
comes the multitudinous enemy with murderous
i n t ~ n t and with much boasting noise. For the
encouragement and assurance of his faithful
servants Jehovah now says to them: "Be not
afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great
multitude; for the battle is not yours, but
God's." The forces led by Christ Jesus are invin-
cible, and the time has come to vindicate J eho-
vah's name. Obeying every commandment of
the Lord, his faithful servants are certain to
share with him ill his complete victory over the
enemy. Let the faithful servants and compan-
ions, now fully united in action, march on
against the enemy and, as they go, continue to
sing the praises of the Most High and of his
glorious King. The enemy shall bite the dust,
and God's faithful servants shall see it and
Daily Texts and Comments
The comments following the daily texts are taken
from The Watchtower (W).
January 1 (332)
Jehovah is high above an nations, ana his glory above
the heavens. Who is like unto Jehovah our Goa, that
hath his seat on higM-Ps. 113: 4,5, A.R.V.
Jehovah is supreme. He is the Creator of heaven
and earth, and the fullness thereof belongs to him.
From the beginning his purpose is that all creation
that lives .shall praise his name and do so joyfully.
That purpose is certain to be fulfilled. The faithful
prophets of old wrote of that purpose. Jesus often
emphasized the paramount importance of magnifying
Jehovah's name, and the apostles of the Lord Jesus
Christ frequently spoke of the supremacy of Jehovah's
name. But when so-called "followers" began to prac-
tice religion and called it (' the Christian religion"
they soon lost sight of the name of the Most High and
of the supreme importance of magnifying his holy
name. In due time at the temple the matter was made
clear, and now, thanks to God, the faithful and true
see that Jehovah's name is the great issue and shall be
vindicated. W 1/1/37
January 2 (273)
Gause all the nations to whom I sena thee to arink it.
Ana they shall arink.-J er. 25: 15, 16.
Jehovah's witnesses must carry the message and
proclaim it, regardless of any organization. They are
merely bringing the message of Almighty God and are
not claiming any credit whatever to themselves. It is
impossible for Jehovah's witnesses to make "Christen-
dom" drink the contents of the cup, but they bring the
message to "Christendom", informing them of God's
purpose. Jeremiah could not "cause all the nations
... to drink", but he delivered the cup with its con-
tents, which Jehovah compels those to whom it is pre-
sented to drink. And so it is today. Jehovah's witnesses
bring the prophetic message of God to the attention' of
the people and the nations, and it is the Almighty God
who will compel them to drink of the cup of this fury.
W 11/1/37
January 3 (87)
Get wisdom, get understanding; forget it not: neither
decline from the words of my mouth.-P1OV. 4: 5.
Understanding does not mean merely to be intelli-
gent and to grasp ideas and unravel deep problems or
questions. In addition thereto it means that one must
be discreet; it means to be prudent, to discern and to
take a wise course and, above all, to have a proper dis-
cernment and appreciation of the creature's relation-
ship to the Almighty Creator. As man progresses in
information and knowledge of and concerning God
and his purpose, and if that man's heart is right to-
ward God, he continues to increase in his appreciation
and he grows in understanding. The creature who
begins to have understanding not only has respect for
the Creator but stands in awe and fear of his unlimited
power, his complete justice, his perfect wisdom, and
his boundless love. He sees that his own continued
existence depends upon rendering himself acceptable
unto the Lord. W 5/15/37
January 4 (194)
By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacri-
fice than Cain, by which he obtained witness
that he was righteous.-H eb. 11: 4.
The practice of religion had its beginning with
Adam and Eve. Thereby they expressed selfish desire
to have that which their Creator had not given to them.
The Devil's purpose in introducing religIOn was to
alienate the devotion of man from God; and this is
conclusive proof that the Devil is the author and fa-
ther of all religion. At the beginning Adam's children
were not commercial. Then Cain began to practice
religion, in this, that he adopted a form of worship,
but without faith in God. He had no love for God, nor
for the true worship of God. Then followed the great
crime of murder by Cain, which was induced by reli-
gion. Adam's son Abel was never religious, because he
was fully obedient to and received approval of God
the Creator. W 4/1/37
January 5 (10)
Gather ye together, and corne against her, and rise up
to the battZe.-Jer. 49: 14.
Christ Jesus at the temple is dividing and judging
the nations, causing the various ones to identify them-
selves, and all the forces of the wicked one are being
gathered against those who serve God. All such are ad-
versaries of God and hIS kingdom. Regardless of how
much a Christian loves peace and quietude, this is no
time to seek a place of seclusion and quietness. It is the
time of war with the enemies. It must of necessity be
the time of peace within the ranks of the Lord's people,
when they must dwell together in unity and fight in
one solid phalanx. All of God's temple company are
now under Christ's leadership and must be of one
mind, the mind of Christ. God and Christ have risen
up against the enemies. .All on the side of God and
Christ must always take their place against the adver-
saries and do their part in the war. W 6/1/37
January 6 (261)
The way of the 'wicked is an abomination unto the
Lord.-Prov. 15: 9.
Jehovah's adversary the Devil has employed and
continues to employ every possible means in opposition
to God. One of the most subtle means employed by the
adversary, and which has accomplished the greatest
injury to the people, is religion. Had they been in-
formed that religion is of the Devil, no doubt there
would have been a far less number of religionists in
the earth. The time has now come for them to be in-
formed. The Devil has for centuries been using religion
to oppose God and to injure humankind. For the bene-
fit of the people of good will toward God and who
therefore sincerely desire peace, contentment, hap-
piness and life, it now appears imperative that the
wickedness of religion should be brought clearly before
the minds of the people, that they may have full op-
portunity to safeguard themselves. Publication of
this truth will bring great persecution. W 6/15/37
January 7 (321)
For false Ohrists and false prophets shall rise, and
shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it
were possible, even the elect.-Mark 13: 22.
Those not of the very elect will be deceived by such
schemes and schemers. They are being deceived, be-
cause we are now at the end of the world and the
wicked crowd are putting forth their greatest endeav-
ors to deceive. The elect are not of this class that can
be deceived, because they are always diligent to a s c e r ~
tain the truth, that they may do God's will. Because
they are pure in heart and are diligent in obeying his
law Jehovah grants them the desire of their heart to
know his will and to be led by him through Christ
Jesus. Such faithful ones, taught by Jehovah and
Christ Jesus, cannot therefore be deceived. It becomes
their duty and privilege also to transmit to persons of
good will toward God such information as is made
available concerning wicked racketeers and, their rack-
ets. W 7/15/37
J annary 8 (138)
The myste1'Y of his will, according to his good pleaS1tre
which he hath purposed in himself.-Eph. 1: 9.
God's purpose first expressed was and is to populate
earth with a perfect race. His last or second expressed
purpose is to create a spirit class from among men.
His purpose is to have two companies, taken from
among men, that shall live for ever in vindication of
his word and name. One of those companies is spiritual,
the other human, and they must of necessity be com-
panions. There could be no discord between the two
companies Not only will Jehovah God vindicate his
word and name by placing on earth perfect men who
shall live for ever, but he will take out another class,
which shall be exalted to a higher place than Lucifer
ever occupied. These two classes are designated in the
Scriptures as "companions". The word means "knit
together, associated together, neighbor, brother".
1V 8/15/37
January 9 (73)
Do not interpretations belong to God1-Gen. 40: 8.
Joseph took occasion to inform the butler and the
baker that the interpretation of their dreams was not
of his own knowing, but that it came from God, and
thus he gave honor to Jehovah and took none of the
honor to himself. Jehovah's prophecies cannot be in-
terpreted by men, but interpretation is from Jehovah
and he gives it in due time to those who love and serve
him. Christ Jesus at the temple is Jehovah's great
Servant and Interpreter, and by God's permission and
direction he gives to the faithful ones an understand-
ing of God's prophecies and his coming to the temple.
Those who attempt to run ahead of the Lord and try
to interpret prophecies to suit their own ideas never
get the proper interpretation thereof. The meek are
those who wait upon the Lord and seek to learn. "The
meek will he guide in judgment, and the meek will he
teach his way. "-Ps. 25: 9. W 2/15/37
January 10 (203)
This day thou art become the people of the Lord thy
God. ThotL shalt therefore obey the voice of the Lord
thy God, and do his commandments.-Deut. 27: 9,10.
At the temple judgment those approved receive such
approval that they may" offer unto the Lord an offer-
ing in righteousness". They are brought into the cove-
nant for the kingdom and henceforth must prove
entirely faithful to God and maintain their integrity,
if they would live. From that time on the understand-
ing of the faithful remnant must increase and they
must appreciate more fully than ever their proper
relationship to God and Christ Jesus. All in that cove-
nant who ultimately gain the victory through Christ
Jesus must continue lawfully and obediently faithful
to God. No one should be deceived into believing that
from the mere fact that he is taken into the kingdom
covenant he is certain to participate in Christ's resur-
rection and reign with him. The condition of faithful-
ness must be met to the very end. W 5/15/37
January 11 (266)
Before thou cam est forth out of the womb I sanctified
thee; and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
-Jer.1: 5.
Jehoyah appointed Jeremiah to a responsible posi-
tion, and as Jehovah's servant he was commanded to
go and do a specific work. "Jeremiah" means" raised
up of Jehovah", or, "Jehovah establishes," or, "ex-
alted by Jehovah. " Jeremiah was modest and meek,
and from the beginning he had a proper estimate of
the duties assigned to him. "Meekness" does not mean
to be cowed in the presence of others. It means a will-
ingness to learn, and an alertness, that one may learn
what is the will of God. Many who have made a conse-
cration to do God's will appear to have great difficulty
in learning what meekness means. Only the meek will
properly see and appreciate the instructions coming
from God's organization and will be on the alert to
perform them. W 9/1/87
January 12 (305)
Jehovah putteth the righteous to the test, bttt the law-
less one and the lover of violence his sottl
doth hate.-Ps. 11: 5, Rotherham.
Being subjected to persecution because of faithful-
ness to God puts to the test his servants, which test, if
properly met, will work to the good of the righteous.
Jehovah hates the wicked. "As it is wrItten, Jacob
have I loved, but Esau have I hated." (Rom. 9: 13)
This does not mean that God loved Esau some and
loved Jacob more. "Jacob" stands for those who
faithfully serve Jehovah; "Esau" stands for those
who practice the Devil religion for gain; and Jehovah
hates that class, because all such are on the Devil's
side. The lawless and the lover of violence are the
religionists in particular. The fact that the Lord now
makes clear his purpose concerning the wicked is
strong and persuasive proof that the time of the exe-
cution of Jehovah's wrath against the wicked is near
at hand. W 11/15/37
January 13 (283)
So the priests, -and the p1'ophets, and all the people,
heard Jeremiah speaking these words in the
house of the L01d-Jer. 26: 7.
Why does God give "Christendom" such emphatic
warning, seeing, as he states, /lye have not heark-
ened"? The reason is that they may be duly informed
and may therefore bear their own iniquity. Their com-
ing destruction is nobody's fault but their own, and
the only way for the servants of God to relieve them-
selves of responsibilIty is to deliver to "Ohristendom"
the message of God's warning as commanded. (Ezek.
33: 8-12) No one could have any reasonable excuse to
say that God has taken snap judgment of them. They
cannot say that God is not long-suffering. Jehovah
gives them ample warning and ample time to repent,
and for that reason the "strange work", the witness
work, goes on and will continue until God's time to
begin the destruction. tv 10/1/37
January 14 (285)
The buildings of the temple. And Jesus said unto them,
See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you,
There shall not be left here one stone upon another,
that shall not be tMown down.-Matt. 24: 1, 2.
Jehovah will not permit wickedness to continue for
ever. Regardless of how much good and righteous work
any people may do, if they afterwards turn to wicked.
ness their previous righteous work will avail them
nothing. The Israelites were God's typical people, or-
ganized in righteousness, and for a time doing a right.
eous work. That nation was destroyed. Let honest and
sincere people now take warning that God will destroy
"Ohristendom ", regardless of the boast of the Roman
Oatholic Hierarchy to the contrary. Millions within
"Christendom" look to the religious organizations,
particularly to the Hierarchy and their buildings, as a
place of safety. They trust in the power of this organi-
zation to save them. They will all fail and go down in
Armageddon. tv 9/15/37
January 15 (326)
And now I have given all these lands into the hand of
Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my servant.
. . all natwns shall serve him.-J er. 27: 6, 7.
The name "Babylon" was adopted by Satan to
bring reproach upon Jehovah's name. By his decree
Jehoyah has ordered the destruction of Babylon, Sa-
tan's organization; which decree will he executed ill
due time by Jehovah's elect servant. Meantime Jeho-
vah uses Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, to play
a part picturing the rightful king of the world, Christ
Jesus. It may therefore properly be said that when the
name Babylon is used as applied to the work done by
Jehovah, it means "the gate (or way) to God". Christ
Jesus is the only way unto God. (John 14: 6) Ap-
propriately Jehovah causes the king of Babylon to act
as executioner of the rebellions people of Judah and
Jerusalem, the destruction of which foreshadows the
destruction of "Christendom". 1V 10/15/37
January 16 (98)
lVho hath taken this counsel against Tyre, the crown-
ing city, whose me1'chants are princes, whose traffickers
are the honourable of the earth'!-Isa. 23: B.
For centuries the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has
claimed that the pope has the power and authority to
crown and to depose earthly kings. To those thus
crowned and who have submitted to the domination of
the religionists, the Hierarchy has been and is the
'higher powers'. It bestows titles upon whomsoever it
chooses to honor, and thereby makes men "princes of
the church", and these traffickers, acting at the behest
of modern Tyre, are the "honourable of the earth".
It is Jehovah who has purposed the destruction of
modern Tyre, the great religious harlot organization.
And why? The Scriptural answer (vs. 9) is, "to stain
[profane] the pride of all glory." Certainly this
means all glory taken away from God, to whom it be-
longs, and bestowed on creatures. lV 4/15/37
January 17 (101)
Go not after other gods to serve them, and to worship
them, and provoke me not to anger with the works of
your hands; and I will do you no h1lrt.-Jer. 25: 6.
Jeremiah delivered Jehovah's warning and admoni-
tion to the Jews. Now Jehovah's witnesses must contin-
ue to deliver His message of warning and admonition
to the people, that they may have an opportunity to
fiee from idolatry and idolatrous worship of the Devil
and his crowd. Religionists teach the people to believe
that so-called "rulers""are the higher powers to which
they must render full obediencE!, and that the Hier-
archy itself is the highest among the higher powers,
and that if they do this in the name of God they are
rendering to God the things that are God's and are
therefore safe. Jehovah now warns the sincere people
through the message he sends by his faithful witnesses,
that they must repent, turn away from the devilish
religious organization that reproaches Jehovah's name.
W 11/1/37
January 18 (52)
TVhe1'efore then sel'veth the law? It was added because
of transgressions, till the seed should come to
whom the promise was made.-Gal. 3: 19.
Making an image of anything in heaven, such as an
image of the Lord himself, and bowing down or wor-
shiping before it, is a violation of God's fundamental
law. To safeguard them from the Devil men are com-
manded to worship the Lord God and refrain from
worshiping before images. Use of any Irind of image
in connection with worshiping the Lord is a sin. God
gave his law to the people, therefore, to safeguard
them from the influence and p o w ~ r of the Devil, who,
operating chiefly through religion, endeavors to turn
all people away from Almighty God. God's law looked
forward to the coming of the promised Seed, Christ
Jesus, and he gave the law because of sin, to safeguard
Israel that they might be in proper condition to re-
ceive that Seed. W 7/1/37
January 19 (148)
A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling
of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: f01' the
Lord hath s p o ~ l e d their pasture -Jer. 25: 36.
First the clergy cry out, and then the howling of
the "principal of the flock" follows. Jehovah orders
them to howl, and they cannot get away from doing it,
"because Jehovah is laying waste the grounds where
they fed." (Roth.) Millions of persons of good will
are hearing the truth and fleeing from the bondage of
('organized religion", and such movement is drying up
the once fat pasture fields of the clergy. Though mil-
lions flee, many more millions will remain, to be ex-
ploited by the Hierarchy and other religionists. Com-
plete spoiling of the religionists' pastures will take
place at the beginning of Armageddon, God's "strange
act", when by Christ Jesus he breaks their power com-
pletely. Seeing their institutions quickly crumbling,
the Hierarchy and the principal of the flock let out a
tremendous howl of despair. W 12/1/37
January 20 (112)
I lay down my life for the sheep.-John 10: 15.
Jesus laid down his life for as many as believe on
him and serve him in obedience to God's command-
ment. The lifeblood of Christ Jesus purchased as many
of the human race as believe and obey, and no other.
The ransom sacrifice does not result beneficially for
the willful and deliberate sinner. Adam was a delIb-
erate sinner because he was fully aware of God's law
and the effect of his disobedience. (1 Tim. 2: 14) There
is no reason to believe that the ransom sacrifice was for
his benefit, but was and is for the benefit of those of his
offspring who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and
obey. All the Scriptures concur that those who receive
salvation must believe on God and Christ Jesus and
obey. Salvation is of God by and through Christ Jesus
and is ministered unto those only who believe and obey
God and Christ.-Rom. 6: 23; Heb. 5: 9. W 8/15/37
January 21 (292)
Stand in the court of the Lord's house, and speak unto
aU the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the
Lord's hO'll,se, all the words that I command thee to
speak unto themj diminish not a word.--Jer. 26: 2.
Not even Jeremiah himself was to censor that mes-
sage for any reason whatever. The Lord God has com-
manded Jehovah's witnesses to speak and has put in
his Word what they shall speak, and for them to ask
permission or to submit to censorship would be a direct
violation of his commandment. Fear of bodily injury,
or desire for admiration of men or a "good neighbor"
feeling, or "national patriotism", so caIIed, or any-
thing eIse, must not be permitted to hinder fuII obe-
dience to God's commandment. Nothing would be an
excuse or justification for putting on the soft pedal or
omitting certain parts of the message of truth. Jeho-
vah's winesses must understand that they have no
right, power or authority to change or substitute any-
thing of God's message. W 9/15/37
January 22 (227)
Ye should shew forth the praises of him.-1 Pet. 2: 9.
The paramount obligation laid upon the temple com-
pany is to show forth the name and praise of J ellOvah
God and his King. That is done by making known to
the people that the only true God is Jehovah, and
that his kingdom under Christ is the only hope for
mankind. The reason why he has laid this obligation
upon his people is that the world may know that soon
God will exhibit his supremacy by destroying Satan
and his entire organization. These things are kingdom
interests. These interests must be given the closest
attention by the "faithful and wise servant". If you
are of the temple company, you wiII be diligent to do
your part in making known Jehovah's name and king-
dom, having in mind that God says: "In his temple
doth everyone speak of his glory." (Ps. 29: 9) Those
who fail or refuse to make known these great truths to
the praise of his name are not now in the temple.
W 12/15/37
January 23 (142)
And she called his name Joseph.-Gen. 30: 24.
The name "Joseph" has a two-fold meaning. At the
time of his birth his mother Rachel said: "God hath
taken away my reproach" ; and she called him Joseph,
which means "remover", that is, remover of reproach.
And then Rachel said: "The Lord shall add to me an-
other son"; meaning "increaser". Thus she foretold
that the one whom Joseph foreshadowed would be the
Vindicator of his Father's name, would remove or take
away the reproach of His name, and would be an in-
creaser and would increase the number of those who
would maintain their integrity toward God and magni-
fy his name. During the seven years of famine in
Egypt and in the land round about, Joseph in a typi-
cal way was the "seed" of Jacob in whom all the fami-
lies of the earth who obey him shall be preserved alive
and blessed. Joseph therefore typified Christ Jesus,
Abraham's seed according to the promise. W 2/1/37
January 24 (30G)
And Joseph was the governor over the land, and he it
was that sold to all the people of the land: and J 0-
SelJh'S brethren came, and bowed down themselves
before him with their faces to the earth.-Gen. 42: 6.
Pharaoh and Joseph together constituted the "high-
er powers" locally, that is, in Egypt, and thus they
pictured Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, the real high-
er powers. All creatures should obey the "Higher
Powers", Jehovah and Christ Jesus, rather than men.
Joseph's brethren pictured that class of persons who
seek the Lord first for self-preservation and who there-
after learn of his loving-kindness and put themselves
gladly under his control. It was not until 1935 that the
Lord revealed that his "other sheep" constitute the
"great multitude", which wi1l1ive for ever on earth.
From that time onward, especially, the "sheep" class
have manifested greater love and devotion to the Lord,
serving him and Jehovah joyfulJy because they love
and have part in vindicating His name. W 3/1/37
January 25 (249)
The Lord of hosts hath purposed it, to stain the pride
of all glory, and to bring into contempt all the
honourable of the earth.-Isa. 23: 9.
It is written concerning Jehovah and his heavenly
organization: "Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty,
God hath shined." (Ps. 50: 2) The Hierarchy seizes
upon this text and misapplies it, assumes to stand in
the place of God, and claims for those of the Hierarchy
the beauty and glory that belong only to the Lord.
Therefore Jehovah declares his purpose to "humble
the pride of all beauty". (Roth.) The so-called "hon-
ourable" men are Satan's instruments and therefore
God's enemies, and in the battle of the great day of
God .AlmIghty he will destroy them. Jehovah's
"strange work" is now exposing the duplicity and
hypocrisy of those self-styled "honourable" ones. His
"strange act" will rid earth of that hypocritical reli-
gious organization and will proceed to completely
wreck the Devil's entire organization. W 4/15/37
January 26 (12)
For, lo, I begin to bring evil on the city which is called
by my name, and should ye be utterly unpunished!
Ye shall not be unpunished: for I w ~ 1 l call for a sword
upon all the inhabitants of the earth.-Jer. 25: 29.
God's judgment upon the new Jerusalem, that is,
the faithful remnant on earth, brings no evil upon
them, because he approves them and clothes that faith-
ful company with the robe of righteousness that they
may offer unto him an offering in righteousness. He
puts his name of approval upon them. The organiza-
tion that has presumptuously assumed the name of God
and Christ and brought great reproach upon that name
and continues to do so is exactly in a contrary position.
Upon that unfaithful crowd, 'upon that city (organi-
zation) on which my name is called but which is un-
faithful to me,' God inflicts full punishment, and that
punishment is the beginning of Armageddon, hence
the beginning of his "strange act". W 12/1/37
January 27 (278)
Seeing we also are compassed about with so great a
cloud of let us lay aside every weight, and
the sm which doth so beset 1lS, and let us
"un with patience the race.-Heb. 12: 1.
It was their shunning religion and their unswerving
devotion and faithfulness to God's commandments
that gained for those "witnesses" God's approval.
Those who have agreed to do God's WIll and to follow
in Jesus' footsteps should have in mind those faithful
witnesses who went before and should follow a similar
course. No person can faithfully and truly serve God
and permit anything to divide his affections between
God and any creature. He cannot practice religion and
at the same time serve God faithfully. He must lay
aside these weights, and do as the apostle did and said:
"This one thing I do" (Phil. 3: 13), and that is, follow
in Jesus' footsteps and obey God's commandments.
Religion is clearly in opposition to the commandments
of Almighty God. 1V 7/1/37
January 28 (39)
But ye have not hearkened; then will I niake this
house like SlnZoh, and will make Clty a CU1'se
to all the nations of the earth.--Jer. 26: 5, 6.
Likewise he will do unto "Ohristendom". By so
doing Jehovah shows he never recognized religion of
any kind, but that the clergy practicing religion are
Satan's instruments used to defame the name of
mighty God, whether doing so willingly or unwillmgly.
Eventually all those willful defamers will be destroyed,
never to rise again. As Jehovah removed everything
from Shiloh that pertained to his worship, so he will
remove from "Christendom" everything that might
betoken the divine presence and place of worship, and
will thereby disclose that the so-called "Christian
religion" is a fraud and a snare of the Devil to turn
the people away from God. He will show that none
shall survive for long save those who worship him in
spirit and in truth. 1V 9/15/37
January 29 (299)
Even 80 faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being
alone.--Jas. 2: 17.
There are those who think themselves true followers
of Christ who do not appreciate the kingdom, because
they go on in an indifferent way and show no real faith
in God and his kingdom and no keen desire to serve
the same. The fact that they take little or no part in
the work God commands to be done and that must be
done now in obedience to his will is proof that their
interest in the kingdom is at a very low ebb, if they
have any interest therein at all. Those who hear the
message proclaimed and hear emphasized the com-
mandment that the kingdom must now be preached,
and then go their way and ignore the Lord's command
and fail or decline to take any part whatever in preach-
ing this kingdom gospel, thereby show they have no
appreciation of the kingdom and will never be per-
mitted to share iis profits, unless they are quickly
aroused and become truly active. W 12/15/37
January 30 (252)
And there stood no man with him, while Joseph made
himself known unto his brethren.-Gen. 45: 1.
To all persons of good will Jehovah now discloses
the identity of the Greater-than-J oseph and makes
known that life and attending blessings are admin-
istered to the obedient by and through Christ Jesus.
liB the famine was still sore upon Egypt and the na-
tion:; round about, so now famine for a Imowledge of
the way to life is sore upon all under Satan '8 dominion .
.As Joseph was made known to his brethren, so now
Christ Jesus, the Savior of mankind, must be made
Imown to those who desire righteousness and life.
Joseph caused everyone to withdraw from his pres-
ence, except his brethren. Does not this strongly sug-
gest that only those of good will toward God, who
recognize and accept Christ Jesus as Savior and turn
to him, will be saved, and that all others will go down
in the cataclysm of Armageddon? W 3/15/37
January 31 (301)
With force and with cruelty have ye ruled them. Thus
saith the Lord God, Behold, I am against the shep-
herds; and I will require my flock at their hand,
for I my flock.-Ezek. 34: 4, 10.
lt is the duty of those of the remnant to render aid
and comfort, particularly to the "other sheep" or
Jonadabs, by helping them to gain lmowledge and
appreciation of God's purpose as expressed in his
Word. These "other sheep" have come into the Lord's
household or organization, and they are not to be
pushed aside and kicked or spurned, but are to be
treated with kindness, that they may be aided. Those
of the remnant will show the Lord's spirit, and that is
always unselfishness. They will entirely refrain from
lording it over others, whether such others be of the
remnant or Jonadabs. They will manifest kindness to
Jonadabs and remember that the Lord is in control
of his organization, and all should conform to instruc-
tions coming through it. W 5/15/37
February 1 (148)
Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak
unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed
at their faces, lest I confound thee before
them.-Jer. 1: 17.
Jehovah's due time has now come to inform the
religionists, who claim to represent God and Christ,
as to what are God's judgments against them and
when they will be executed. Trusting in and faithfully
obeying Jehovah, Jehovah's witnesses are certain to
receive his protection. "For, behold, I have made thee
this day a defenced city, and an iron pillar and brazen
walls against the whole land." (1: 18) They must not
falter or compromise because of opposition manifested
against them by Satan's representatives, but must go
forth in the strength of the Lord, relying wholly upon
him. This is God's day of judgment, and his witnesses
must with confidence in God declare his judgments.
W 9/1/37
February 2 (336)
Take the wine cup of this fury.-Jer. 25: 15.
The wine of "this fury" pictures respectively (1)
Jehovah's judgment message delivered by Christ Jesus
at the temple through his faithful servants and wit-
nesses, such message having been dictated to and
uttered by Jehovah's holy prophets foretellmg the
outpouring of God's fury at the battle of God Al-
mighty; and (2) the actual execution by Christ Jesus
and his associated heavenly forces of the judgments
in which God's fury upon the whole of Satan's organ-
ization and its works is poured out in fulfillment of
the prophecies. This message is now proclaimed by
Jehovah's witnesses and is in the "cup" which is
taken at God's hand; therefore the "cup ,', pictures
Jehovah's servants. In reality God's "hand" presents
the cup to those made to drink its contents. Its con-
tents are handed to them, first by Jehovah's 'sent'
witnesses, and then by his 'sent' Executioner, Christ
Jesus. W 11/1/37
February 3 (108)
The dragon stood before the woman which was ready
to be deliv61'ed, for to devour her child.-Rev. 12: 4.
Jehovah God has an organization. All his creatures
who are entitled to life form some part of it. God does
everything in order, and all his creatures that may
remain in his organization must be obedient to God's
law. At one time Lucifer was a part of God's organiza-
tion, until he became lawless. Since then he, Satan the
Devil, the enemy of God, is the complete expression of
wickedness. He is the enemy of all creatures who try
to do right. He is a mimic and has attempted to form
his organization of rebellious creatures similar to
God's organizaHon. The chief part of Satan's visible
organization is religion. The Roman Catholic Hicr-
archy is in the lead in all the religious movements in
the earth. It declares its right and purpose to rule the
world. Where it cannot rule, it destroys. W 8/1/37
February 4 (101)
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and
vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudi-
ments of the world, and not after Chrisi.-Col. 2: 8.
Jesus Christ made a clear distinction between reli-
gion and the law of God. He showed that religion is
the product of the Devil, because it is contrary to
God's commandment and is practiced by professional
hypocrites. "Tradition" is a precept taught by men
and is contrary to God's law, and therefore from the
Devil. Everything brought forth to deceive and turn
people away from Jehovah proceeds from the Devil.
The religionists induce people to believe that Christi-
anity and religion are one and the same thing, where-
as "Christianity" means to observe and practice the
truths which Christ Jesus taught and which he re-
ceived from Jehovah God; whereas "religion" means
observing and practicing that which is taught by men
contrary to God 's Word and which emanates from the
Devil. There is no such thing as "the Christian reli-
gion". TV 1/1/37
February 5 (98)
The nation and kingdom which will not serve the same
N ebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, and that will
not put their neck under the yoke of the king of
Babylon, that nation will I punish.-J er. 27: 8.
Jehovah knew the end from the beginning. There-
fore he has abided his own good time to take action
against the rebellious ones. He forelmew that none of
the nations, not even "Christendom", would willingly
bow the neck and consent to be governed by Christ,
the rightful Ruler of the world. But he gives the na-
tions warning that they must submit themselves to
Christ or be destroyed. This is done that they may
have no excuse to plead ignorance. Jehovah will use
the One whom Nebuchadnezzar foreshadowed, Christ
Jesus, to bring punishment on the nations. The Lord
has his enemy surrounded. At Armageddon he will
fight and give no quarter. None can break through his
battle lines, and all will be destroyed. TV 10/15/37
February 6 (87)
Blessed is the man that trustcth in the Lord, and
whose hope the Lord is.-Jcr. 17: 7.
The Bible is the greatest storehouse of lmowledge
and wisdom. A man who desires to lmow the truth
must study the Bible and thus study to show himself
approved of God, and not be ashamed to aclmowledge
to aU that aU good things proceed from Almighty God.
(2 Tim 2: 15) A meek person is one who has an honest
desire to learn. If such a man applies himself in God's
appointed way he is certain to learn. The opinion of
man is of no value whatever if that opinion expressed
is contrary to God's Word. To trust in the opinion of
man is folly, and leads to certain destruction. But to
learn of and trust in and follow God's direction leads
to life and happiness. If a man desires to lmow the
truth, he must prove all things by God's Word, which
is true, and must hold fast what is in harmony with
God's Word. All things else are on the side of man's
enemy. lV 6/15/37
February 7 (337)
Ee [margin], ye inhabitants of the thou
whom the merchants of that pass over
the sea, have replenished.-Isa. 23: 2.
"Ye inhabitants of the isle" manifestly means
nal fulfillment those near the Hierarchy and who have
been looking to it for help, protection and saiety, even
as the isle of Chittim (Cyprus) was near to Tyre and
depended upon it. 'Being silent,' "dumb" (Roth.), is
because of Jehovah's "strange act" then begun. Many
credulous and gullible persons, particularly politicians
and commercial giants, now look to the Roman
lie Hierarchy, modern Tyre, to pull them through
their difficulties; but when they see Jehovah strike
down that organization, they will be greatly astonished
and dumfounded. Then in distress they will say,
cording to God's prophet: "We looked for peace, but
no good came; and for a time of health, and behold
trouble!"-Jer. 8: 15. lV 4/1/37
February 8 (52)
I kate them with perfect hatred; I count them mine
enemies.-Ps. 139: 22.
Those of the temple must now be able to identify
the enemies, that their attitude toward the same may be
in full harmony with God's will. Who, then, are the
enemies of the Lord and of those who serve him ~ The
enemies of God and Christ Jesus are certainly the ene-
mies of everyone who places himself on the side of
God and his kingdom, and who gives his devotion and
love and service to God and Christ. It is against such
adversaries that the war is now being waged. Against
such Jehovah now commands his people and all of his
organization to 'rise against her in war'. The fight is
not against some imaginary foe, but against the mighty
host arrayed against all righteousness. The arch ene-
my of God is Satan the Devi1. All those in the Devil's
organization and under his domination are the enemies
of God and of his people. W 6/1/37
February 9 (335)
Th1ts saith the Lord, If ye will not hearken . . then
will I make this house like Shiloh.-Jer. 26: 4-6.
Jeremiah was not to utter his own opinion as to
what should come to pass; nor was he to volunteer his
advice as to what Israel should do. He was to deliver
God's message and give the people to understand that
the only way of escape was the way the Lord had
pointed out to them through his Word. A self-impor-
tant man, ambitious to shine in others' eyes, would
attempt to convey to the people the conclusion that he
(the man) was or is a "wise one", giving infallible
advice to the people. Jehovah's witnesses are not to
add to nor to delete any part of God's message. It is
his ultimatum, and not the ultimatum of man. Do not
go to some individual and tell him he is of the Devil
and is to be destroyed. Say that Jehovah announces
his purpose and that purpose is as set forth in His
Word. Each individual must measure and determine
for himself on whose side he is. W 10/1/37
February 10 (130)
I worship toward thy holy temple.-Ps. 5: 7.
The temple of God, built not by men's hands, con-
sists of those creatures from among men who have been
begotten of God's spirit and in whom God's spirit
dwells, and who are anointed and made members of
Jehovah's royal house with Ohrist Jesus the head
thereof. Zion is the name of the capital organization of
Jehovah, otherwise called his "royal house", and it is
in Zion wherein God makes his abiding place and
through which he acts to carry out his purpose. 'The
coming of the Lord Jesus, and our gathering together
unto him' (2 Tness. 2: 1), is his coming to the temple.
He comes to the temple as the great Judge that he may
render judgment in behalf of the faithful dead and
the faithful living. Those who died in faith, proving
their integrity, such as the apostles, are first awakened
out of death at his coming and are gathered to him,
and then those faithful living ones are gathered in.
W 12/15/37
February 11 (9)
Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift
up cry nor prayer for them, netther make intercession
to me: for I will not hear thee.-Jer. 7: 16.
Prayer that Armageddon might be averted is cer-
tain to avail nothing to "Ohristendom ". Armageddon
is certain. Nothing can prevent it. God has declared
it, and God will do it. Jehovah's witnesses refuse to
salute flags of "Ohristendom" and thereby to impute
salvation to that which the flag represents. They know
that protection and salvation proceed from Jehovah
God, and not from any man-made institution. The
doom of Ohristendom" and of all religious organiza-
tions is certain and is duly certified to by Jehovah,
and therefore it is contrary to his will to pray that
such doom be averted. Those who truly love and serve
Jehovah God will pray for nothing that is contrary to
God's will, but they pray as Jesus commanded them:
"Thy will be done." IV 9/15/37
February 12 (331)
And Jacob loved Rachel; .. The sons of Rachel;
Joseph, and Benjamin.-Gen. 29: 18; 35: 24.
Joseph and Benjamin together pictured Jehovah's
royal house in the entirety. Their mother, ,Rachel, was
especially loved by Jacob, and gave birth to these two
sons; and in this she foreshadowed Zion, God's uni-
versal organization in its capacity of bringing forth
Jehovah's royal family . .As Jacob loved Rachel most,
so Jehovah loves most his organization Zion, for she
brings forth the royal family, and he loves his royal
offspring most, which is the kingdom of heaven class.
Until the birth of Benjamin Joseph was his father's
only begotten son by Rachel his beloved wife and was
always the favorite son of his father. Likewise Christ
Jesus is Jehovah's "only begotten Son" and favorite
(John 3: 16), "the firstborn of every creature" {Col.
1: 15), "my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."
-Matt. 3: 17. W 2/1/37
February 13 (145)
1 have taught you stattdes and judgments, even as the
Lord my God commanded me, ' . Keep, therefore,
and do them: for this is YOU? wisdom and your under-
standing in the .sight of the nations.-Deut. 4: 5, 6.
God has chosen the true followers of Christ Jesus
as his people and has brought them into a covenant
for the kingdom, and made them his "holy nation, a
peculiar people", selected for a purpose. It is certain.
from His fixed rule that only those faithfully obedient
to God '8 commandments will continue in that holy
nation and wi1llive. The Lord emphasized the impor-
tance of his people's keeping constantly before their
minds the things which he requires. The human mind
and organism, defective by reason of inheritance, re-
quire constant study and application that the right
rule may always be pursued. The Israelites who de-
parted from the Lord were void of understanding.
(Deut. 32! 28) They did not have an appreciation of
their relationship to God. W 5/15/37
Febl'uary 14 (164)
Unto the house of the Rechabites, Thus saith the Lord
of hosts, . . . J onadab . . . shall not want a man to
stand before me for eve1.-J er. 35: 18, 19.
Jonadab was an honest man. He was against Devil
religion. He was not a religionist. He had learned of
Jehovah God and sought to serve him. His descendants,
the Rechabites, were honest and sincere men, diligent
in performing their vows and agreements even though
made to men. ThIS shows that the first essential for
one to appreciate God's goodness is honesty. It sup-
ports the conclusion that dependability is required of
those pleasing to God. Jonadab clearly pictured that
class on earth who at the coming of Christ Jesus mani-
fest good will toward God and his organization and
are against Devil religionists, including those who
practice so-called "Christian" religion. They are men
of sincerity, believe in right and try to do right. When
they learn of God and his kingdom they seek him.
W 8/15/37
February 15 (12)
Behold, I wm send and take all the families of the
north, saitlt the Lord, and N ebuchadrezzar the king of
Babylon, my sm'vant, and will bring them
against this land -J er. 25: 9.
Jehovah's purpose is to first destroy "Christen-
dom" and then to destroy the remaining parts of Sa-
tan's organization. For that purpose he sends hIS
Executioner, Christ Jesus, against "Christendom"
first. It was Jehovah who brought disaster upon Jeru-
salem, and it is Jehovah, acting by his Executive Offi-
cer, who will bring destruction upon "Christendom".
If he would employ his power through his angels to
put in the mind of a heathen king the conclusion to
act in a certain way, then certainly Jehovah would
employ his power through his angels to put in the
minds of his servants to take the course he would have
them take. He directs the way of his people, who in all
their ways acknowledge him. W 11/1/37
February 16 (98)
Is this your joyous city, whose antiquity is of ancient
days'! her own feet shall carry her afar
off to sojourn.-Isa. 23: 7.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy claim that theirs is
the oldest, the mother and the true church organiza-
tion, because it is the oldest religious organization of
"Christendom", and they cite in support of this claim
that its antiquity dates from the time of Christ. They
think she is too ancient to ever have to move. With the
beginning of A.rmageddon modern Tyre will cease,
and no more will her feet carry her and her mission-
aries to many lands, there to seek new markets in
which to exploit the people, but she will go to where
she will remain permanently. "Though from ancient
days is her antiquity, yet shall her own feet carry her
away, far off to dwell" (Roth.), by being removed
from her place of existence into destruction. There
shall she remain for ever. W 4/15/37
Febmary 17 (286)
Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In ?lty dream. behold,
there came up out of the river seven kine, fatfieshed
a,nd well favoured.-Gen. 41: 17, 18.
The provisions of Jehovah's organization are pic-
tured by these seven cattle. Being warm-blooded
creatures, they pictured the complete fullness of sin
atonement for mankind and the spiritual "strong
meat" to be found only in the provisions Jehovah has
made, and which he administers through his organiza-
tion under Christ Jesus, the Greater Joseph. This
means the kingdom has come and the Ohief Corner
Stone and Foundation Stone of God's organization,
which is Christ J eSl1S, has been laid in ZIOn. Christ
Jesus is now upon his throne, the rightful Ruler of
the world. The "pure river of water of life" is flow-
ing forth from "the throne of God and of the Lamb",
and is the provision God has made for those to live
who will obey. A.bundant provision is made for those
who come to him and prove their integrity. W 2/15/37
February 18 (292)
Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made aU
the nations to drink, . . Jerusalem, . .. and
all the kings of Zimri.-J er. 25: 17, 18, 25.
"Zimri" means "musical", "my song." The paid
choirs of church organizations fit this description
exactly. These professional choirs indulge in music for
commercial purposes, but their own hearts are not
stirred in the least toward God thereby. Compare this
with the untrained voices of ten thousand of Jehovah's
witnesses assembled in convention, who sing songs of
praise to Jehovah, which songs thrill the hearts of
those devoted to him because they sing with the spirit
of loving devotion to God and praise to his name. Mu-
sic, which should be employed to praise the Creator,
is wrongfully employed to swing people into the
Devil's trap and rob them. Such crowd is among those
employed to turn people away from God, and they,
the Lord says, must drink of the cup of this fury.
W 11/15/37
February 19 (184)
But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a
male, and voweth, and sacrijiceth unto the Lord a cor-
rupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the
Lord of hosts.-Mal. 1: 14.
"God is not mocked." Therefore the unfaithful
"priest", who attempts it, is cursed of Jehovah. The
deceiver is a hypocrite, who puts stumbling blocks in
the way of those faithfully endeavoring to serve God.
Thus the deceivers show contempt for Jehovah and
for his name. They are cheats and frauds. Could any
person who understands and loves Jehovah treat the
Most High with such contempt? The Lord answers in
the negative. Jehovah is "The King of Eternity", the
Supreme One, the Most High over all, and the One to
whom every soul must be subject if he would live.
Jehovah, particularly since 1914, is King, having then
placed his anointed One, Christ Jesus, as his vice-
gerent upon the throne of Zion to rule. W 1/1/37
February 20 (46)
Be thou an example of the believers, in word, in con-
versatiolfl" in charity, in spirit.-1 Tim. 4: 12.
No one of the remnant should assume the position
of a boss and shove the sheep around, and attempt to
rule them in an arbitrary and harsh manner. It is the
obligation and duty of the remnant to see that instruc-
tions relating to the organization are carried out, and
it is the prerogative of Jonadabs to have part in doing
service unto God. Therefore those of the remnant or
anointed should take the lead, and the Jonadabs should
go along with them, and the spirit of unselfishness and
complete devotion to the Lord should guide. The Lord
has laid upon his anointed servants the duty and obli-
gation of taking the lead in the matter of service. If
one is assigned to that duty he will perform it with
meekness and humility and be prompted by unselfish-
ness. If he takes such course, that will be an example
of God's flock and others will be pleased to walk along.
W 5/15/37
February 21 (58)
I have this <lay set thee over the nations, and over the
kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to de-
stroy, and to th1ow down, to builil:.--Jer. 1: 10.
The work in which Jehovah's witnesses are now
engaged is not their work, but is the Lord's work, they
performing service assigned to them, and without any
credit due to them whatever. Jehovah sends forth his
servant class today and commissions them to declare
"the day of vengeance of our God", and "to comfort
all that mourn". In doing this work they are not to
engage in physical combat. The proclaiming of J eho-
Mh 's Word today as he has commanded operates to
root out, pull down, throw down and destroy the
stronghold that the Devil has erected by religion and
religionists; and at the same time the work performed
by them brings comfort and aid to those that mourn
and builds up that sincere class of persons seeking God
and his kingdom. W 9/1/37
February 22 (148)
The hand of the Lord was against the city with a very
great destmction; and he smote the men of the city,
both smrill and great, and they had emerods in their
secret parts. Therefore they sent the ark of
God to Ekron.-l Sam. 5: 9, 10.
J eh.ovah uses any element that it pleases him to car-
U .out his will. But that does not mean that he ap-
pr.oves such wicked creatures in their wickedness.
What God did with the Israelites and those connected
with them pictured what he will later bring upon his
pretended people. God permits some of the Devil's .own
cr.owd to inflict punishment upon those who have be-
come unfaithful to God. Note what G.od did to the
Philistines after they smote Israel and carried off the
ark .of the covenant. The Philistines therefore had no
reason to b.oast against Jehovah that tbey had pre-
vailed against him. Those events pictured what God
will do to the godless element that take part in the
destruction .of the religionists. W 9/15/37
February 23 (39)
The burden of Tyre. Howl, ye ships of Tarshish; for
it is laid waste.-Isa. 23: 1.
"Burden" means something heavy to be borne by
ancient Tyre and foreshadows a greater bur.den to be
borne by modern Tyre. Applying the pr.ophecy to
modern Tyre, the Roman Catholic Him'archy organi-
zation, the ships of Tarshish well picture the under-
priests and subordinate organizations working under
the command of the ruling Hierarchy, w.hich is desig-
nated "The Hierarchy of Jurisdiction", to perform
the more direct work with the people, "the sea." The
word "howl" clearly shows that a great calamity will
come upon modern Tyre, that is, the .Roman Catholic
Hierarchy .organization. A .howl means a wail of great
distress '.or despair. When is that howl to begin? F.rom
the Scriptures it seems certain it will be at the begin-
ning .of Armageddon, that is, the beginning of the
"strange act" .of the Almighty G.od. W 4/;1/37
February 24 (162)
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth
so easily beset us, and let us run with patience
the race that is set before us.-H eb. 12: 1.
Religion has ever been the Devil's chief instrument
by which he has beguiled the people and blinded them
to the truth. Religion was the besetting sin of Israel,
which sin has been the besetting sin of those who have
professed to follow in the footsteps of Christ Jesus.
Man's besetting sin, from the time of Eden till now,
has been and is religion. It has been the means by
which Satan has deceived man, and he has kept it
around man and turned him away from God. It was
the instrument that the Devil used to cause the Israel-
ites to fall away from God. It is so easy to fall under
the seductive infl.uence of religion and thereby to vio-
late God's law, and the Devil has seen to it that reli-
gion has ever been kept before man to cause him to
fall W 7/1/37
February 25 (336)
Therefore prophesy thou against them all these words,
and say unto them, The Lord shall roar from on high
. . . against all the inhabitants of the
earth.-Jer. 25: 30.
All who will be faithful to God and prove their in-
tegrity to him will quickly and gladly obey this com-
mandment. No one can obey this commandment by
substituting some other person for himself. It is an
individual responsibility. It is an opportunity for each
one to prove his devotion to Jehovah. One's responsibil-
ity is in proportion to his opportunity. God's people
must now be wholly devoted to him and his cause, and
be blind to everything else. The J onadabs will remain
in the city of refuge and show their devotion and
faithfulness to God by joining in the proclamation of
the kingdom message as opportunity is afforded them.
It is now war time, and the Lord's witnesses must now
be engaged in that war. Their part is to sing the
praises of Jehovah and his King. W 12/1/37
February 26 (321)
Judah hath dealt treacherously, ... Judah hath pro-
faned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and
hath married the daughter of a strange god. The Lord
will cut off the man that doeth this.-Mal. 2: 11, 12.
The selfish and self-important ones of the Judah
class "dealt treacherously" in that they did not hold
strictly to the covenant and to Jehovah's organization
and keep themselves separate from Satan's organiza-
tion. "Married the daughter of a strange god" means
the god of this world, Satan, whose "daughter", his
organization created on earth, is a stranger to and
against God. The mixing up with religionists and fol-
lowing their formalism, while claiming to be God's
servants, is profaning his name. Unity with this crowd
is marrying the strange or foreign god against God's
covenant. Any union of God's covenant and conse-
crated people with Satan's organization constitutes a
violation of their covenant, because there is no concord
of God's organization with the enemy's. W 1/15/37
February 27 (301)
For the Lord hath spoiled their pasture. And the
peaceable habitations are cut down, because of
the fierce anger of the Lord.-J er. 25: 36, 37.
So long have they been entrenched that they have
been quite at home in their religious systems and have
felt secure in their jobs and that the people are for
ever their pastures or fields which they may continue
to commercialize, to continue to live wantonly. The
Hierarchy and their supporters will come to the point
where apparently they have succeeded in suppressing
the witness work of Jehovah. Feeling they have tri-
umphed over opposition, they will think themselves
secure and will say: 'We are in peace and safety.'
But their safety will be for a very brief period of time,
because God will suddenly bring destruction upon
them. Only those who have devoted themselves wholly
to Jehovah have the promise of finding refuge in the
day of his anger. W 12/1/37
February 28 (304)
The Lord 'knoweth how to deliver the godly out of
temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the
day of judgment to be punished.-2 Pet. 2: 9.
God could have ignored Satan's challenge, but had
he done so the question of Jehovah's supremacy and
power nright not have been settled in the minds of
other creatures. God accepted the challenge and sus-
pended the execution of judgment against Satan in
order to give him the full opportunity to prove his
challenge and then to have God's power demonstrated
against that wicked one and, before so doing, to have
Jehovah's name proclaimed throughout the earth. (Ex.
9: 16) A host of angels joined the Devil in his rebellion
against Jehovah. They too were sentenced to death,
but execution thereof has been withheld until God's
due time to destroy those adversaries. Awaiting that
day, he degraded that host of wicked angels by holding
them away from the light of his purpose and by keep-
ing them in the darkness. W 6/1/37
]{arch 1 (305)
He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding;
but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth
folly.-Prov. 14: 29.
Let everything be done in order and to the glory of
God. If the commandment is obeyed, to love the Lord
thy God with all thy heart, and thy brother as thy-
self, there will be no difficulty. If one of the remnant
becomes heady, self-exalted, and angrily expresses
himself in wrath against Jonadabs or others, he has
very little understanding. But if he is kind and con-
.siderate and slow to wrath and avoids contention, he
shows that he possesses understanding. Those who
think themselves of the remnant and who disregard
the Lord's instructions are following a fatal course.
"The man that wandereth out of the way of under-
standing shall remain in the congregation of the dead. "
(21: 16) Those who are of the remnant set a very poor
example when they attemptto drive others. W 5/15/37
March 2 (52)
Now it came to pass, when Jeremiah had made an end
of speaking all that the Lord had commanded him to
speak 'Unto all the people, that the priests, and the
prophets, and all the people, took him, saying,
Thou shalt surely die.--Jer. 26: 8.
If the clergy believed for one moment that Jehovah's
witnesses deliver a false and blasphemous message
against God, they would say: "Let God punish them,
and surely he will do so." Well Imowing that his
witnesses speak the truth, and that the clergy have
no answer thereto, the clergy take the matter into
their own hands, incite credulous people against Jeho-
vah's witnesses, and influence public officials to arrest
and cruelly punish them. Then if occasion offers, the
clergy start a riot and lead a mob to inflict further in-
dignities on those who represent the Lord. All religion-
ists work along the same line in carrying out persecu-
tion of God's witnesses, because all religion emanates
from the Devil. W 10/1/37
March 3 (.68)
And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the
ungodly and the sinner appear?-1 Pet. 4: 18.
Even those who do not support the religionists must
have opportunity to hear. The Godless ones may con-
clude that after the destruction of the religious sys-
tems, which operpte in God's name, then they (the
Godless) will have larger freedom and license for
wickedness and can therefore entirely ignore Jehovah.
They will find, however, that destruction of the r e U ~
gious systems does not mean there is no Jehovah God
nor Christ Jesus. Rather prophecy shows that they will
learn that overthrow of the religionists means that
non-religionists are next in line to be dealt with by the
Lord and thereby wiped out in disgrace. Ungodliness
is no more justified than hypocritical religion. The
judgment day of Jehovah is here and is so exacting
and searching that scarcely the righteous shall escape.
W 10/15/37
March 4: (63)
God sent me before you, to preserve you a posterity in
the ea1th, and to save your lives by a great deliverance.
So now it was not you that sent me hither, but God.
-Gen. 45: 7, 8.
God sent Christ Jesus to the temple to shorten or
cut short the days of tribulation and to "preserve
life". The remnant now appreciate as never before
that the shortening of the tribulation was to give them
the opportunity of declaring "this gospel of the king-
dom" and to give to the "other sheep" the opportu-
nity to be saved by fleeing to Christ. These great truths
are disclosed to the faithful remnant, and the remnant
transmit the same to those who are of the "other
sheep", and they all rejoice, because all see that 'ex-
cept those days were shortened, no flesh would be
saved'. The day of Armageddon approaches, and only
those who seek righteousness and meekness have any
promise of being spared and saved through that tribu-
lation. W 3/15/37
March 5 (261)
The burden of Tyre. Howl, ye ships of Tarshish; for
it is laid waste, so that there is no house,
no entering in.-Isa. 23: 1.
The howl is because incoming ships of Tarsmsh,
laden with merchandise, could find no berth, wharf or
warehouse in which to put the merchandise intended
for Tyre. The text 'The gates of hell cannot prevail
against it' has no application whatsoever to the Roman
Catholic Church, but has been wrongfully applied by
the Roman Catholic Hierarchy to deceive the people,
resulting in deception and great injury to them. No
more will the Catholic Hierarchy organization carry
on its work of 'compassing sea and land to make prose-
lytes for hell', because the modern Tyre will be done.
That of necessity will come about by reason of the
"strange act" of Jehovah in completely destroying
modern Tyre, the Roman Catholic organization, so
that none can seek or enter her thereafter. W 4/1/37
March 6 (283)
Is thine heart right, as my heart is with thy heart!
And Jehonadab answered, It is.-2 Ki. 10: 15.
The heart is the seat of motive, disclosing what is
the purpose of one in attempting a certain course of
action. Jehu's motive was to do the will of God and to
do so with real joy. He was commissioned to do a work
and he delighted in doing it. He was fighting against
the Devil religion, which defamed God's name. He
therefore showed a pure heart devoted to God and his
law. To the question of Jehu Jonadab said: '1 am with
you; my heart is with your heart.' Otherwise stated,
J onadab was in full sympathy and accol'd with what
Jehu was doing, and desired to join him in his work.
Jehu then offered his hand unto Jonadab and took
Jonadab up into his chariot. Clearly that pictures
Christ Jesus inviting the men of good will, who have
set their heart on doing the will of God, into God's
organization. W 8/15/37
Marclt 7 (323)
And the slain of the Lord shall be at that day from
one end of the earth even unto the other end
of the earth.-Jer. 25: 33.
Jehovah has caused a number of his prophets to an-
nounce his purpose to clear the earth of all wickedness
at the battle of Armageddon. This is not a symbolic,
but a real cleansing. Why has Jehovah repeated this
fact so many times? Manifestly for the purpose of
thoroughly impressing the fact upon those who would
hear, that they may lmow and understand it is Jeho-
vah's act. Human creatures are so inclined to forget,
and God prevents man from having any excuse to
plead ignorance. The destruction at Armageddon is
not the vengeance of any class of individuals expressed
against another class. Armageddon is the battle of the
Lord God Almighty, with Christ Jesus as the Field
Marshal leading that fight to complete victory, and
the slaughter will be so great that all will be convinced
that it came from the Lord. W 12/1/37
March 8
Be unto Tyre as in the song of the harlot, Take a
harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been
forgotten; make sweet melody, sing many songs, that
thou mayest be remembered.-Isa. 23: 15, 16, A.R.V.
The song of praise to the Most High announces that
his kingdom is the only hope of the world and that
Christ will now reign in righteousness and will destroy
all hypocrisy and wickedness. This song greatly dis-
turbs the old "whore" and she whangs her harp with
all her power and energy and uses all her power and
influence to get the harpers of the Lord out of the way.
Her persecution or Jehovah's witnesses in every coun-
try is conclusive proof of this. The facts well known
fit the prophecy, and this shows that now is the time,
from and after the end of the World War, that the
old whore is employing all her "harlot charms" to
draw nations and people under her control, that she
may rule to the satisfaction of her selfish and wicked
ambition. W 5/1/37
March 9 (72)
He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life:
and he that believeth not the Son shall not see 'life; but
the wrath of God abideth on him.-John 3: 36.
All men came under condemnation by reason of sin,
and God's wrath against sin is death. If one believes
on the Lord Jesus Christ God removes that condemna-
tion from him. But if man prefers to remain on the
Devil's side and continue in sin, then God's wrath or
- condemnation abides on him and is not removed. Thus
it is seen that God's intelligent creatures are made
free agents to choose life or death after having re-
ceived a knowledge of God '8 provision for them. The
provision God has made to give life to men is prompted
entirely by unselfishness. "God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever
believeth in him should not perish, but have everlast-
ing life." Those who do not believe "perish ", which
means to be completely annihilated. W 7/1/37
March 10 (39)
Behold, the days conte, s a ~ t h the Lord, that it shall no
more be called Tophet, nor, The valley of the son of
Hinnom, but, The valley of slaughter: for they shall
bury in Tophet till there be no place.-Jer. 7: 32.
Jehovah's judgments shall be executed. Thereby he
will annihilate all defamers of his name. "Tophet"
.shall be a graveyard for Satan's crowd, memorializing
the disastrous end of all who worship Satan or will-
ingly practice his religion. As Jehovah did to Shiloh,
so he will do to "Christendom". He will not permit
the further existence of the place for the practice of
hypocritical religion. Jehovah will show his strength
over Satan and all his places of worship. Devil religion
and willful practitioners thereof shall be completely
wiped out. "Tophet," thereafter bearing the name of
"The valley of slaughter", shall be filled so full that
there will be no room to bury more. None will survive
that will give them burial. W 9/15/37
nfarch 11 (313)
And when his brethren saw that their father loved hint
more tl.wn all his brethren, they hated him, and
couZd 'not speak peaceabZy unto him.-Gen. 37: 4.
Joseph's brethren, the ten half brothers who at first
envied and hated him, appear to picture persons in
the -religious organizations that have envied and ill-
treated the true followers of Christ Jesus because they
observe that Christ's true followers have had greater
favor from God. Later, when these half brothers be-
came reconciled to Joseph and sought his favor, they
picture those who are not members of the body of
Christ, and hence not spirit-begotten, but who are of
good will toward God and Christ Jesus. Hence they
picture the "great multitude" or Uother sheep" that
Christ Jesus brings into his Father's fold. They are
the earthly children of God's organization. Those of
God's "faithful servant" class are hated by the reli-
gionists because the faithful servants are true and
faithful to the name of Jehovah and Christ. W 2/1/37
nfarch 12 (78)
Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them
also I must bring.-John 10: 16.
These find refuge in God's organization. There they
see they must remain and render themselves in obe-
dience to God's commandment until completion and
glorification of Jehovah's anointed spiritual creatures.
They do not die with Ohrist Jesus a sacrificial death.
Their hope is for life on earth as God's people. Justifi-
cation, the right to live, is not theirs yet, but will be
granted unto them, in due time, through Ohrist Jesus,
if they prove their faithfulness and maintain integrity.
Such are the "other sheep", who compose the great
multitude. Their relationship is that of subjects to the
Lord Ohrist Jesus. By and through him God will grant
to such life everlasting, if they meet his requirements.
The life of such shall be upon earth in complete hap-
piness, rendering glory unto God. W 5/15/37
nfarch 13 (242)
He will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are
wicked to the sword, saith the Lord.-Jer. 25: 31.
All the lawless shall perish: the "evil servant" class,
all religious hypocrites, and particularly the Roman
Oatholic Hierarchy crowd, who have so cruelly perse-
cuted Jehovah's witnesses. The Hierarchy has no ex-
cuse and will find no way of escape. It is written
concerning the Lord Jesus, Jehovah's Executive Offi-
cer: "He beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the
minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him
that doeth evil." (Rom. 13: 4) Jehovah's witnesses, in
obedience to his commandment and for the good of
those to whom they have been sent, have carried the
message to the people and the clergy of the Hierarchy,
and the Hierarchy have refused to hear and have
prevented the people from hearing. AU their wicked
deeds the Lord counts as done to himself; and the
Lord Jesus, the great Judge, says: "These shall go
away into everlasting punishment [cutting-off (Dia-
glott)]. "-Matt. 25: 46. W 12/1/37
March 14 (331)
Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth,
that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures.
-Jas. 1: 18.
God receives man and extends favor to him by
reason of his faith and agreement to be obedient to
God's will. He justifies man in order that the man so
justified may take the next step, that is, follow in the
footsteps of the perfect man, Christ Jesus. Justifica-
tion granted unto man extends to him the right to live
as a man, which right he surrenders in obedience to
God's will. It is God's will that such creature may be
called to the high calling, and therefore that he should
die with Christ Jesus. God then brings him forth as
his child and acknowledges him as such. Therefore
God becomes his Father, the Giver of life to the crea-
ture, to this one who has fully agreed to be obedient
to his will. God begets that person, which means that
He acknowledges him as his own, and this is accordmg
to His will. W 5/15/37
March 15 (312)
The Lord said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for
thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and w h a t ~
soever I command thee thou shalt speak.--J er. 1: 7.
The meekness of Jeremiah is demonstrated: he was
willing to learn and anxious to know what to do and
then do it. Manifestly Jehovah informed his young
servant at the time that he would be bitterly opposed
by the religionists, because the Lord said: "Be not
afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver
thee, saith the Lord." (V s. 8 ) Jeremiah, being a faith-
ful servant of Jehovah, pictured those now of the
remnant or "faithful servant" class and who continue
faithful even unto death. Jeremiah had much opposi-
tion from reHgionists then. Even so now the "faithful
servant" of Jehovah is greatly opposed by the religion-
ists of "Christendom". This means that men, as the
Devil's servants, fight against God by bitterly oppos-
ing his servant company. W 9/1/37
March 16
I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and
between thy seed and her seed; it shaZl bruise thy head,
and thou shalt bruise his heel.-Gen. 3: 15.
"The woman" means God's OTganization. 'The seed
of the Serpent' means the offspring of the Devil's
"woman" or organization, and of which seed Satan is
the father. The seed of Satan has therefore ever been
the enemy of God and righteous creatures. The wicked
seed or organization of Satan embraces the host of
wicked angels. The chief part of the Devil's seed which
is earthly is religion and religious organizations, which
are operated by Satan to oppose God, and all of which
tend to turn men away from God and to the worship
of creatures or things. Religion has at all times been
the binding tie that has held together the political
and commercial traffickers and the military elements
of the nations of the earth. Satan has built great
world powers of which he is god. W 6/1/37
March 17 (60)
In the feast of tabernacles, ... Gather the people
together, men, and women, and children, and thy
stranger that is within thy gates.-Deut. 31: 10, 12.
This feast, also called "the feast of ingathering",
which God commanded should be observed by his .cove-
nant people once each year, was participated in by
the Israelites, women, .children, and 'the strangers
within thy gates'. At the end of every seven years,
at this least the law of God must be read in the
presence and hearing of all those who are gathered.
This illustrates the of the spiritual class,
which has been made; and now the "strangers", the
great multitude, are being gathered in. The spiritual
remnant and the earthly great multitude become com-
panions in the feast of rejoicing to the Lord. This is
the time of rejoicing by all those who are devoted to
Jehovah because these by faith see that the day of
deliverance is at hand, and also the time for the vindi-
cation of Jehovah's name. W 8/15/37
March 18 (19)
Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy
word was unto me the joy and rejoicing.--Jer. 15: 16.
The Bible contains spiritual food and js used as
spiritual food to be consumed before and during Ar-
mageddon. The food provided by Jehovah through the
publication of his Word must be used before the saints
are taken from earth. The Bible must be used now;
and because it is being used to feed the souls of those
hungry and thirsty for righteousness, S a t a n ~ a n d his
agents desperately attempt to keep the people away
from feeding upon God's provisions for them. There
is no reason to conclude that the publications which
God's visible organization now publishes and distrIb.
utes will be found of use during the Kingdom reign,
nor that even the Bible will be used during that time.
Those publications are for present-day use to inform
the people. When Christ Jesus has brought all the
"other sheep" into the fold of God, then some other
provision of the Lord will certainly be employed for
them. W 2/15/37
March 19 (322)
I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with
'my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle,
while the wicked '/,S before me.-Ps. 39: 1.
No good can result by abusing any practitioner of
religion. Personal attacks on anyone are uncalled for.
The servant of the Lord will not indulge in contro-
versial harangue with the wicked who are attempting
to do injury to God's cause and people. When the
wicked resort to lies, slander and vicious and malicious
charges, the proper course is to ignore such wicked
ones; but, if opportunity arises, then speak the truth,
that those of good will may be benefited. Jehovah's
witnesses will be looking out to give the message to
those who have an ear to hear. The purpose of giving
testimony is not to convince the wicked, that such ones
may reform, because that is an impossibility. The pur-
pose lSto aid those. truly seeking knowledge. W 7/15/37
March 20 (230)
For from the rising of the sun even unto the going
down of the same, my name shall be great among the
. saith the Lord of hosts.-Mal. 1: 11.
The "people for his name" should be the first to
praise his name, not only for a time, but at all times.
"From the rising of the sun even unto the going
dovm" thereof means all the day long, that is, all the
time, continuously. Therefore the name of Jehovah is
great all the time, and all who ever receive life ever-
lasting must come to see and acknowledge that fact
and joyfully praise his holy name. All of the temple
do now praise the name of Jehovah. (Ps. 29: 9) Jeho-
vah's decree is that his name "shall be great" among
the multitude without number, and those who are now
coming into that company sing the praise of his name.
Jehovah is now gathering the "great multitude" from
all nations, kindreds, peoples and tongues, and this he
does in spite of those professing "priests" who despise
Jehovah's name and his gracious work. W 1/1/37
March 21 (101)
Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all
the nations to drink, unto whom the Lord had sent me.
-Jer. 25: 17.
What Jeremiah did was not an easy task for him to
perform, but he did not refuse it because it was hard.
His commission from Jehovah obligated Jeremiah to
perform faithfully the duty laid upon him. It was a
God-given job. Jeremiah was fully advised of the
mental condition of the clergy of his day, and he knew
that to carry out his commission would bring hard
things upon him from the religionists. But it was a
joyful service because he was rendering it according
to God's will. Jeremiah had learned that the joy of the
Lord was his strength. That joy was an antidote for
all the disagreeable and painful parts of the tasks that
lay before him. And what did that foreshadow Exact-
ly what the Lord's witnesses today are commissioned
to perform and must perform. W 11/15/37
March 22 (64)
Unto Joseph were born two sons before the years of
famine came.-Gen. 41: 50.
The two sons of Joseph seem to picture the remnant.
Those boys' carrying forward the name of Joseph and
his family indicates that Satan does not get rid of the
remnant from the earth before Armageddon, although
he desperately wars against them. This prophecy is a
great comfort to the remnant, because it is an assur-
ance from the Lord that he is with them and his hand
is over them. Hence they go forward in the land of the
enemy, holding high the banner of the kingdom and
pointing the peoples to what that banner means and
that it represents God's kingdom under Christ, which
is the only means of salvation for mankind. During
the rest of their earthly pilgrimage they have the
assurance from the Lord's Word that he will feed
them abundantly upon the spiritual food necessary for
their maintenance and support to continue strong in
the Lord and in the power of his might. W 2/15/37
March 23 (70)
Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do
them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do. Ye stand
this day all of you before the Lord your God; your
captains of your tribes, your elders, . . . and thy
strWf,ger that is in thy camp.-Deut. 29: 9-11.
"Thy stranger" refers not to the ones in the cove-
nant directly, but to those who by reason of seeking
protection with God's organization must, in order to
continue in his favor, be faithfully on God's side.
These Jonadabs or the great multitude are not party
to the covenant for the kingdom, and are not to be
made part of the royal house; but by reason of their
association with God's organization and in considera-
tion of the care and protection they receive from the
Lord they are in an implied covenant at least to be
faithful to God and his kingdom. They must continue
to seek righteousness. As knowledge increases, their
obedience must be in keeping therewith. W 5/15/37
March 24 (63)
Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and he
sha:tl lift you up.-Jas. 4: 10.
Jonadab did not select his own seat in the chariot,
nor did he attempt to drive it. He was there to do what
he was asked to do, and he did so. Following out the
picture, Christ Jesus invites his "other sheep" the
Jonadabs to find refuge in his organization and to go
along with him; but there is no Scriptural authority
for their attempting to say who among the anointed
shall or shall not serve in a position among the
anointed. The Jonadab should always keep in mind
that he finds protection, by the Lord's grace, in His
organization, and, his heart being in harmony with
the Lord, he will delight to do whatever is the will of
God. Those selected as servants in the church should
be the ones who give evidence of having a deeper ap-
preciation 01 their own relationship to the Lord and
to their brethren. Jonadabs are with the anointed to
learn and act with the remnant in harmony with the
Lord's will. W 8/15/37
MarcIl 25 (142)
Behold, I will send and take N ebuchadrezzar the king
of Babylon, my servant-Jer. 43: 10.
God sent his holy angels to put into the mind of
Nebuchadnezzar, whom he had chosen to be the exe-
cutioner of Jerusalem, the conclusion and determina-
tion to go and make war on it. God called him "my
servant", because he used him to picture his great
Servant and Executioner, Christ Jesus. The name
"Nebuchadnezzar" means "the Prophet is the pro-
tector". Therefore the name properly applies to the
Lord Jesus Christ, that great Prophet, who is the pro-
tector and savior particularly of his people, whom he
protects from the assault and injury by his ioes.
Nebuchadnezzar pictured the One of whom Jehovah
said: "Behold my servant, whom I uphold." He is the
one to whom the "nations" that survive must look und
hope for protection and salvation. W 11/1/37
March 26 (299)
It shall come to pass, after the end of seventy years,
that the Lord will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her
hire, and shall commit fornication.-Isa. 23: 17.
First Jehovah visits her with the proclamation of
the truth against her. In doing this he commands his
witnesses to 'arise against her in battle'. This is Jeho-
vah's "strange work". This work being completed,
he visits her and executes judgment upon her, and
that marks the beginning of his "strange act", which
is the second part of his visit. During the first part of
his visit, Jehovah gathers the evidence against her as
to her activities as a harlot operating with a harp and
song. During the :first part she returns to her hire as
a harlot and uses that hire to commit fornication with
the rulers of earth. Her activity in committing har-
lotry with all the kingdoms of the world means the
carrying out of the Hierarchy's objective to set up a
Fascist government controlling the nations, to rule in
dictatorial manner. W 5/1/37
March 27 (200)
Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve
them: for I the Loril thy God am a
jealous God.-Ex. 20: 5.
No creature can divide his affections and devotion
between God and any thing. Jehovah God is his only
protector and is the Life-giver. He is therefore a
"jealous God", or zealous for righteousness, and will
not permit his name or his Word to be sullied by any
part of the Devil's operations or schemes. Therefore
he will not give life to those who indulge in things
invented and used by the Devil to defame Jehovah's
name. God's law which provides that men shall have
no other god before Him and shall make no image of
anything and bow down to it, is solely for the purpose
of safeguarding men from the Devil's wickedness,
"the sin which doth so easily beset" all creatures.
God's law is plain. Stubbornness on anyone's part in
obeying that law is idolatry. W 7/1/37
n1arch 28 (158)
Then w ~ " l l I cause to cease from the cities of Judah,
and from the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of mirth,
and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom,
... the land shall be desolate.-J er. 7: 34.
The only joy that will survive will be the "joy of
the Lord", the joy of the bride and the Bridegroom,
of those who praise the name of Jehovah God. The
Lord Jesus states that up to the time of the occasion
of Jehovah's expressed wrath, that is, "his strange
act," there will be marrying and giving in marriage
in "Christendom", with no heed being given on the
part of religionists to the Word of God. (Matt. 24:
38, 39) The facts today fully corroborate these pro-
phetic words. At Armageddon "Christendom" will
become a waste and totally joyless. Jehovah has no
pleasure in "Christendom", because it is on the side
of Satan and turns the people away from God and his
gracious provision for them. W 9/15/37
MarcIl 29 (164)
To whom much has been entrusted, of him [the more]
wzll be demanded.-Luke 12: 48, Weymouth.
No creatures ever had a greater favor, and certainly
not a greater responsibility, placed upon them. The
Lord .requires of the temple company full and com-
plete faithfulness. That means faithfulness in perform-
ance and a correct report to the King. The Lord has
entrusted his "goods" or "possessions" to the temple
company. The "talents" handed to his servants they
must increase by faithful devotion and performance,
and that is exactly what he demands of all who prove
faithful. They must advance the kingdom interests.
To be faithful one must be entirely trustworthy and
wholly dependable. Whatever may be aSSIgned, that
duty he must perf'0rm and render the service report
to the Lord. One can deceive men by appearing to per-
form and yet doing his work in a loose and indIfferent
manner and hiding the facts from men; but no one can
deceive the Lord. W 12/15/37
~ a r c h 30 (93)
I am God, the God of thy father: fear not to go down
into Egypt; for I wz1l there make of thee a great
nation. I will go down with thee into Egypt; and I
wz"ll also surely bring thee up again.-Gen. 46: 3, 4.
Jacob and those of his household merely became so-
journers in another part of the world, being trans-
ferred from one Hamitic land, Canaan (son of Ham),
to another Hamitic land, Egypt, or Mizraim (son of
Ham). They were in both places merely sojourners.
The people whom God approves and blesses are sojourn-
ers and aliens to the world under Satan's rule. The
great multitude, by coming out of Satan's organization
and seeking refuge and nourishment at the hand of the
Greater-than-Joseph, thereby publicly profess that
they too are merely sojourners and strangers in the
world, as Joseph and Benjamin were . .All are aliens
and strangers to and in the midst of Satan's organiza-
tion, yet they are still doing their assigned work while
on the earth. W 3/15/37
~ r c h 31 (106)
o man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require
of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and
to walk humbly with thy God'!-Mic. 6: B.
All who receive God's approval must render justice
to all others. They must love mercy, and when oppor-
tunity is afforded they must extend that mercy to
others. They must shun everything that pertains to
malice. Instead of disregarding the rights and privi-
leges of others, they seek to do good unto all as they
have opportunity. They must walk obediently with
God, as he has pointed out they have to walk. The
course is marked out in his Word. (Ps. 119: 105) To
all such Jehovah alone must be their God. To all such
God has given the great privilege of knowing him and
his provisions through Christ Jesus, and that such pro-
vision is life. (John 17: 3) The very least that the
creature can do is to obey God's commandments to the
best of his ability. W 5/15/37
April! (6)
And now I have given all these lands into the hand
of Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon, my
. . And all nations shall serve him, and his
son, and his son's son.--Jer. 27: 6, 7.
Thus the empire foreshadowed by Nebuchadnezzar's
rule is shown to have complete mastery of the whole
world, and no rebellion can ever overthrow that rule.
Since the beginning of Christ's reign, in 1914, people
of good will, learning that fact, seek the Lord. They
gladly submit without resistance, and come from all
nations of the earth to place themselves under the
protection and ruIe of Christ Jesus, whom Nebuchad-
nezzar foreshadowed. All the other people of the na-
tions, which hold to Satan's organization, are angry
and oppose Christ's reign, and will be compelled to
be submissive to the Lord. To this end they are com-
pletely debased and will be destroyed. He compels
them to serve, even to destruction, for vindication of
Jehovah's name. W 10/15/37
April 2 (53)
By thei1' fruits ye shall know them.-Matt. 7: 20.
Fruits stand for what creatures or organizations
hold before the people as spiritual food for their
sustenance and growth. The true church is the temple
or organization of Jehovah God. The one true Founda-
tion Stone or Rock thereof is the Lord Jesus Christ,
the Head and Lord of the church. All others in the
temple or church are members of his body and must
be transformed into his likeness, faithfuIly following
in his steps. These are the witnesses of .r ehovah God,
who are commissioned to bear testimony to his holy
name. The office and mission of the church of God
under Christ, compared with the Roman Catholic or
ganization, show that the two take exactly opposite
eourses. The Catholic organization is and for centuries
has been engaged in religion, politics and commerce
for gain, and is therefore the enemy of God and the
enemy of all men. W 7/15/37
April 3 (185)
Why hast thou prophesied in the name of the Lord,
saying, This house shall be like Shiloh, and this city
shall be desolate without an inhabitant'! And all the
people 'Were gathered against Jeremiah.--Jer. 26: 9.
The Devil's religious agents never change, but act
in a like manner, because they are all his sons and do
the will of their father. For this reason witnesses of
Almighty God today suffer persecution. They are do-
ing no wrong. On the contrary, they are doing exactly
right; and the Devil hates that which is right and true,
and seeks to destroy those who will obey God. Jehovah
permits this in order that Satan may have full oppor-
tunity to attempt to make good his wicked challenge
and that men subjected to his persecution may have
opportunity to maintain integrity toward God. Ulti-
mately victory is with Jehovah completely, through
Christ Jesus. Those who stand with the Lord will have
part in that victory. W 10/1/37
April 4 (289)
And Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a
stranger, in the land of Oanaan.-Gen. 37: 1.
Jacob, like his grandfather Abraham, "looked for a
city [the kingdom organization] which hath founda-
tions, whose builder and maker is God." (Reb. 11: 10)
Joseph dwelt in the land of Canaan with his father
and was his father's beloved son and, like his ancestors,
would be looking for the kingdom of God's building.
Ris antitype, Christ Jesus, said to the Jews who were
against him: "Ye are from beneath; I am from above;
ye are of this world; I am not of this world." "My
kingdom is not of this world." ( John 8: 23; 18: 36)
Concerning his disciples, who were like Benjamin to
Joseph, Jesus said: "They are not of the world, even
as I am not of the world." (John 17: 14) Since Joseph
and his brother Benjamin were, like their ancestors,
looking for the kingdom, therefore all pictured by J 0-
seph and Benjamin are "strangers and pilgrims" to
the world, looking for that better world. W 2/1/37
April 5 (242)
Be thou ashamed, 0 Zidon; for the sea hath spoken,
even the strength of the sea, saying, I travail
not, nor bring forth children.-Isa. 23: 4.
The sincere people who love righteousness will break
away from the religious prison house and speak against
that wicked organization. Those who compose the
"great multitude", as waters, are first turned away
from the support of the religionists and give their
devotion to Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. Then will
follow in due time the masses who will renounce and
turn away from and against the religionists. The above
prophecy shows that in God's due time the relation-
ship of the sincere people with the religionists will be
broken off. "The sea" (that is, the people used and
exploited by the Devil to mother, nourish and support
the religious systems, and who have been ruled) be-
come the rulers or "kings" that will turn against the
"whore" and disclaim relationship to her. W 4/1/37
April 6 (87)
Wisdom is the principal thing: therefore get wisdom:
and with all thy getting get understanding.
-Provo 4: 7.
Jehovah repeatedly emphasizes the importance of
understanding on the part of his creatures who love
his approval. The present time is a time of great peril,
fraught with many dangers to those who have cove-
nanted to be the servants of the l\{ost High. There is
no good reason for any of God's servants to be igno-
rant of their enemies that lurk in the way attempting
their destruction. We are at the time of the greatest
climax of the history of man and of the earthly jour-
ney of the church. Those who will stand with the Lord
in these evil days are those who have been called and
chosen and who continue to walk lawfully, who are
entirely faithful, and who are maintaining their integ-
rity toward God. To all those who are in the Lord's
organization the importance of "understanding" can-
not be overstated. W 5/15/37
April 7 (221)
He declared unto you his covenant, which he com-
manded you to perform, even ten commandments; and
he wrote them upon two tables of stone.-Deut. 4: 13.
Ten is a symbolic number denoting completeness.
"The ten commandments" really means all or the
complete statement of God's fundamental law to man.
His "statutes" (vs. 8) specifically define man's duty
to be performed in harmony with the fundamental
law. The nation of Israel was in direct contrast to all
other nations and peoples because Israel was the
people chosen by the Lord God for himself, by and
through which people he would and did make pro-
phetic pictures foreshadowing greater things to come
to pass in the future. God gave to that people the
fundamental law, which law applies to all people who
undertake to do his will. If every creature were perfect
and obedient to Jehovah there would be no need for a
written law prescribing what is right and commanding
to refrain from what is wrong. W 6/15/37
April 8 (266)
BtUt many-that are first shall be last; and the last shall
be first.-Matt. 19: 30.
Jehovah's purpose mst expressed was to have on
earth a perfect human company; his last expressed
purpose is to take from among men those who shall
be made spiritual. Therefore, in harmony with Jesus'
words, 'the first shall be last, and the last first.' In
carrying out his purpose the spiritual class is first
selected and the human company is the last selected.
The condItion or provision precedent, which is given
to both the spiritual and the human company, is this:
Complete devotion to God by laying aside every selfish
thing and joyfully doing the will of God. That means
a full consecration to God and then faithfully carrying
out the covenant made. Salvation to those of either
company depends on full faith in God and in Christ
Jesus and in complete obedience to God's will at all
times. W 8/15/37
April 9 (236)
Enter thou into the joy of thy lord.-lrfatt. 25: 21.
Jehovah's witnesses, because of preaching the king-
dom gospel in obedience to God's commandment, are
often assaulted, arrested and thrown into prison and
subjected to ill-treatment while confined in filthy cells,
and are there compelled to listen to Jehovah's name
being slandered and vilified, and surely they cannot
be happy by reason of such condition; but these same
conditions cause them to be joyful in the Lord. They
know they are right and are suffering because of right-
eousness, and that this is according to God's will, and
therefore they rejoice or delight to do his will. Jesus
makes this clear distinction in the parable of the tal-
ents. To his servant, who has been faithful over a few
things and who brings a faithful report to the Lord, he
says: "Well done, good and faithful servant: ... I
will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into
the joy of thy lord." Jesus thus invited the temple
company to enter into his joy. W 12/15/37
AprlllO ( 2 ~ )
And the Spirit and the bride say, Game. And let him
that heareth say, Game. And let him that is athirst
come: and whosoever will., let him take the
water of life freely.-Rev. 22: 17.
Seeing that the Bible and the books published
making known the contents and meaning of the Bible
must now be used, because such is God's provision,
the obligation upon those who have these truths is
therefore greater. Jehovah has taken out a people for
his name, and these are sent forth from the temple to
make known to others his name, which is the chief
matter involved in his Word. Such is his provision for
mankind to live. He warns the witnesses that they
must carry this message to the people of good will,
and he tells those who are of good will that when they
hear this message the obligation is upon them to join
with the anointed to carry the truth to others that they
may hear. Such is exactly his command. W 2/15/37
April 11 (86)
Do they provoke me to anger 1 saith the Lord: do they
not provoke themselves, to the confusion of
their own facesf-Jer. 7: 19.
Jehovah is long-suffering; but he has fixed a limit,
and religionists have without doubt reached that limit.
It is bad enough to practice Devil religion, but to do so
in the name of Jehovah and Christ Jesus, thereby de-
ceiving many sincere persons and defaming the name
of God and Christ, is provoking to the superlative
degree. Religionists, who improperly call themselves
"Christian ", have commercialized the names of Al-
mighty God and Christ Jesus. While differing in many
things, all are at unity in being against God and his
truth, and have produced such confusion of and among
themselves that soon they will hang their heads in
shame. Those who have supported these religions will
see Jehovah's "strange act". Then there will be noth-
ing about which to boast. W 9/15/37
April 12 (222)
Through wisdom is an house builded; and by under-
standing it is established.-Prov. 24: 3.
Strife among the people of God shows a lack of
understanding on the part of those who participate in
it. It shows a lack of appreciation of the relationship
of the creatures to God. Strife in companies of those
who profess to be of the remnant is entirely out of
harmony with the Scriptures, and therefore very
wrong. There can be no strife or quarrels unless some-
one or more are at fault. It is often true that both
sides to the strife are at fault. If those who profess to
be servants of the Lord God and of his anointed rem-
nant indulge in strife, they are certain to lose the
favor of God, as it is declared in Galatians 5: 15.
Those who possess the wisdom from above appreciate
their relationship with God and Christ. They fear God
and dwell together in peace among themselves and see
to it that they are united, standing shoulder to shoul-
der fighting on the Lord's side. W 5/15/37
April 13 (325)
Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the
Lord, The temple of the Lord, The temple of
the Lord, are these.--.l er. 7: 4.
It was a lie to call the place "the temple of Jeho-
vah" when such material building was used as a place
of reproach to his name. Not even representatively or
typically could Jehovah dwell in the defiled place.
Religionists in this present day do exactly as the reli-
gionists did at Jerusalem. They erect buildings, where
they meet, and call them by the name of "the church
of God". The Lord says to all that such are "lying
words" spoken by the religious leaders, and that the
Catholic population or other church-goers must not
rely upon such words. Those lying words are in no
wise a safeguard or guarantee against calamity or
disaster to such church-goers or to anyone else. Claim-
ing to thereby be leaning upon the Lord, at the same
time they are relying on the works of men's hands.
W 9/1/37
April 14 (238)
Rejoice evermore.-1 Thess. 5: 16.
Those engaging in Jehovah's work are having some
part in his "strange work", which work must be com-
pleted before his "strange act" begins. Everyone who
is now wholly devoted to Jehovah must and will "lay
aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily
beset us", and, being blind to everything save the
kingdom of God and its interests, will joyfully and
amid increased opposition push forward in the battle
and lift high the Lord's standard. It is the day of
battle and of victory. Let all those who love Jehovah
rest in him with full assurance. As he did to Shiloh, so
shall he certainly do to "Christendom" and all other
parts of Satan's organization in the very near future.
Rejoice now that we have part in his "strange work"
and thus a part in vindicating his name, and look for-
ward with ever-increasing joy to his t'strange act" to
for ever vindicate his name. W 12/1/37
Memorial Date, 6 p. m. April 15 (127)
The Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but
to minister, and to give his life a ransom
for many.-Matt. 20: 28.
Jesus understood it was the will of his Father
Jehovah not only that he tell the truth and become
Vindicator of his Father but that as a man he must
die to provide the ransom or redemptive price "for
many". For how many of the human race: all or only
a part? Not for all, because the redemptive price re-
sults beneficially only to those who believe on and obey
God and Ohrist Jesus. Therefore he gave his life a
ransom for as many of the human race as take their
stand on the side of God and Ohrist and maintain
integrity toward God when put to the test. (Rom.
6: 23) The matter is squarely put to every man: If
you prefer to continue on the Devil's side and against
God the result will be complete destruction; but if you
take your stand on the side of God and Ohrist, you
will receive the gift of life. W 7/1/37
April 16 (292)
The Lord shall roar from on Mgh, and utter his voice
from his holy habitation.-Jer. 25: 30.
He shall roar from the top of his universal organiza-
tion, because he is the Supreme Power, the Most High.
Jehovah's roar will be most terrible and appalling to
the enemy and will drown out everything else and fill
the ranks of the enemy with dismay. Zion is the habi-
tation of Jehovah, his capital organization, chosen for
himself. He shall utter his voice therefrom. This he
does by proxy through his great Judge, Ohrist Jesus,
now at the temple. God is against the unholy organiza-
tion of "Ohristendom". Against that organization he
begins his "strange act". He begins it by Ohrist Jesus,
who utters the voice of Jehovah. "Ohristendom" is
entirely of the earth, being completely removed from
things spiritual. 'At his voice the earth melted.' (Ps.
46: 6) That will be the effect upon the religious sys-
tems. lV 12/1/37
April 17 (286)
In every place incense shall be offered unto my name,
and a pure offering: for my name shall be great among
the heathen, saith the Lord of hosts.-Mal. 1: 11.
Those among the Gentiles where Jehovah's name is
great do not act lawlessly and independently of his
temple, but contribute or send their offerings to cause
them to be brought to his temple to be burned upon his
anointed altar by his anointed priesthood. During the
past twenty years this gospel of the kingdom nas been
preached, and his servants continue to preach it in all
parts of the world for a witness to all nations. Within
those nations the people of good will toward God come
to the temple company with their pure offering, their
unselfish devotion to God, and it is offered and the
name of Jehovah is great among those of good will.
His name is great among the great multitude in every
place where the offering of praise is made to Jehovah's
name. W 1/1/37
April 18 (289)
The mighty men of Babylon have forborn to fight, they
have remained in their holds; their might hath
they becanw as women.--J er. 51: 30.
The clergy and allies, who are the' 'wghty men" of
Baby1on, have always refused to come into the open
and nght, and that is particularly true now. Unable
to meet the truth, as proclaimed by God's people, the
clergy resort to lies and strike in the dark. They know
they have no defense and they.strike Jehovah's wit-
nesses in the dark, always hiding behind someone else
and relying upon their -reputation and standing among
the political.and commercial elements of Satan's 01'-
gaIrization. The result is that Jehovah's witnesses are
cast into prison, charged with the offense of sedition,
treason, obstructing the governments, hostile and dan-
gerous to the state of organization of the world. Wnat-
ever punishment inflicted upon the faithful feet
members, his :remnant, Cnrist JesUB counts that as
inflicted upon himself. W 2/1/37
April 19 (10)
lIe stretched out his hand over the sea; he shook the
kingdoms: the Lord hath given a commandment
against the merchant city, to destroy.-Isa. 23: 11.
At Armageddon Jehovah, by his Executioner, rids
sea and land of all of "Tyre's" trade ships, or instru-
ments, vessels and tools, supporters and dupes. He
reaches out to the most distant established settlements
of modern Tyre and wipes them out. "He shook the
kingdoms," all the ruling powers of the earth, whose
kings committed fornication with her, the old whore,
for mutual profit to enrIch themselves. Those kingdoms
will not be able to stand up under Jehovah's shaking,
but will be shaken to pieces and destroyed. The old
"whore" goes first into the ash can, and then the
others follow. The Roman Catholic organization is
probably the strongest of the strongholds of Satan '8
visible organization. However, no stronghold is so
strong as to be able to withstand assault by Jehovah '8
Executioner. W 4/15/37
April 20 (151)
For the love of money is the root of all evil; which
whtle some coveted after, they have erred
from the faith.-l Tim. 6: 10.
Satan's ambitious and covetous desire to get gain
for himself induced him to rebel against the Almighty
God. Thereafter he employed religion, politics and
commerce to further feed his insatiable and covetous
desire. "Money" means anything by which gam is
measured. The evil is not in the circulating medIUm
which is called "money". The wrong results from
loving or desiring that which enables one to reap self-
ish gain. Many men who have at first had faith in
Jehovah God, and who began to serve him, have been
led to covetousness, and that unsaiisfied desire for gain
has brought about their complete downfall. Such was
the course of Satan and has ever been that of those who
serve him. Religion is used for that purpose, that Satan
may gain the devotion. o.i creatures. W 6/15/37
April 21 (281)
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not
unto thine own understanding.-Prov. 3: 5.
Self-willed ones do not have an understanding. They
do not recognize that the Lord is directing his work,
that the Lord Jesus at the temple has his own good
way of doing things, and that he transmits to his
anointed ones the necessary information, and if the
instructions sent out are wrong, then the responsibility
is to the Lord and not to local service committees. Is
it wrong to be self-willed and act independently? Con-
cerning the Lord's work, yes, it is wrong. There must
be unity of action in God's organization. Each one who
really loves the Lord not only is eager to do God's will
but delights to do so, and needs only to ascertain what
is the Lord's will and then does it. A selfish person
who feels his own importance thinks he must carry out
his selfish way. That shows his lack of understanding,
in that he puts his own opinion above organization
instructions. W 5/15/37
April 22 (20)
He lighted on J e7wnadab ... and he took him up to
him into the chariot.-2 Ki. 10: 15.
Jehu driving the chariot pictured specifically Christ
Jesus the King, who is in full command of the entire
organization of the Lord and all persons therein. No
-individual on earth is driving the chariot, God's organ-
ization. All are servants. Members of the temple
company yet in the flesh are serving under the com-
mand of Christ Jesus, the Greater-than-Jehu, and the
driving of the organization is not their commission.
They are not bosses, but servants of the Lord, and they
have specific duties to perform, which duties are set
forth in the Scriptures. Jehu was not unkind to Jona-
dab. Since Jehu also pictured the anointed members of
the temple, under their Head, Christ, the temple com-
pany must not be unkind to the "other sheep", the
Jonadabs, but, on the contrary, must be kind and al-
ways trying to help them. W 8/15/37
April 23 (84)
IV e wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world.-Eph. 6: 12.
Satan makes it his business to blind men to the
truth, that they may not serve God. In the invisible
part of Satan's organization are divisions or princi-
palities, over which certain of the demons operate as
the principal ones and hence rule a principality, and
each principality exercises power over nations of the
earth. (Dan. 10: 13) It is therefore Satan, his invisible
principalIties, his powers and his wicked princes or
rulers, including all the wicked hosts and also all the
wicked agencies on earth, which now constitute the
enemies of God and of all on his side and for his
kingdom. Since the Lord's coming both those wicked
hosts and Satan have been cast down to the earth and
confine their operations to earth, working with the
earthly division of his organization and against those
on earth who serve God and his kingdom. W 6/1/37
April 24 (40)
Haste ye, and go up to my father, and say unto him,
Thus saith thy son Joseph, God hath made me lord of
all Egypt: come down unto me, ta1"rY not: .
thou, and thy children.-Gen. 45: 9, 10.
Joseph, picturing Christ Jesus, instructed Benjamin
and his ten half brothers to extend the gracious invi-
tation to others of the family relationship, and these
were all invited to journey to Egypt. It is Christ Jesus,
the Greater-than-Joseph, who causes the truth to be
held forth and who is gathering unto the Lord's fold
the great multitude. The Benjamin class, the remnant,
share in this work, in this, that they bear the message
of the gracious invitation to the "other sheep". When
these latter ones hear the message it is also their privi-
lege and duty to say, as Joseph said: "Come ... ,
tarry not," that others of the world may flee to the
place of safety, where they may be fed by the Greater-
than-Joseph. W 3/15/37
April 25 (169)
Cause all the nations . .. to drink.-Jer. 25: 15.
The devilish religious institution has become so bold
that it publishes in its papers that it is using its power
and irrfiuence to cause the enactment and enforcement
of laws against God's message. This of itself is a clear
admission that the clergy of the Roman Catholic Hier-
archy have received the warning, and they will never
be able to plead ignorance of God's purpose to destroy
them. Jehovah's witnesses are not trying to convert the
world, nor carrying on a propaganda, nor engaged in
a bigoted proclamation in order to cause dissension,
as the Hierarchy falsely claim. Jehovah's witnesses are
obeying God's commandments to tell the truth. Let the
people of good will, who are honest and sincere, take
note of this fact and obey God's Word and refuse to
give further heed to malicious and false accusations
made by the Roman Catholic clergy and their allies
against the representatives of the Lord. W 11/15/37
April 26 (156)
Ye stand this day all of you before the L01'd your God;
. . . and thy st'ranger that is in thy camp, from the
hewer of thy wood unto the drawer of thy wate1': that
thou shouldest enter into covenant with the Lord
thy God, and into his oath.-Deut. 29: 10-12.
Israel, with whom the covenant was made in Moab,
foreshadowed those today in a covenant with God,
which covenant, for the kingdom, requires faithful-
ness on their part. 'The stranger in thy camp' fore-
shadowed those of good will toward God, the great
multitude. Such have found refuge in the camp or
organization of the Lord, having fied from Satan's
organization, and are classed now as strangers in the
camp by reason of not being directly in the covenant.
To them Jehovah now says, "Seek righteousness, seek
meekness." No man can obey this command unless he
continues to study God's Word and conform himself
to it and be faithful to God and his organization.
W 5/15/37
April 27 (132)
Your prophets that p1'Ophesy unto you, saying, Behold,
the vessels of the Lord's house shall now Sh01"tly
be brought again from Babylon: . . . they
prophesy a lie unto you.--.l 131'. 27: 16.
The work of Jehovah's witnesses is not a fight
against men, but a proclamation of the truth, which
is a fight against wicked systems organized and carried
on by the Devil. In the attempt at the present time to
keep up their courage and the courage of their sup-
porters the Roman Catholic Hierarchy say: "We will
within a short time gain all that was lost in times past,
and this we will do at the expense of Jehovah's wit-
nesses. " In other words, their purpose is to destroy
all the witnesses of Jehovah and their work in order
that the Hierarchy may ride high and easy and with-
out opposition. That organization now looks to its ally,
"Egypt, " that is, the political and financial support-
ers, for help. Their day of disappointment is near.
W 10/15/37
April 28 (121)
In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is
found: . .. W ~ s e men lay up knowledge.
-Provo 10: 13,14.
The wise man is he who learns what is God's will
and then IS diligent to conform himself to it. He is
teachable and with all sincerity seeks knowledge at
the hand of the Lord. Because he does so he is blessed
by the Lord in that way. Such persons learn to
discern and appreciate that Jehovah God is the Most
High and that he does all things unselfishly and in
righteousness, that Christ Jesus is his Executive Offi-
cer, to whom Jehovah has committed the great work of
vindicating his name; that God has taken out a people
for his name, and that such no longer follow their own
selfish desires and ideas, but are guided by the Lord.
They are certain they can accomplish nothing in them-
selves, but by following his way can accomplish hIS
April 29 (119)
Who is blind as he that is perfectf-Isa. 42: 19.
Jehovah often sends his message by an imperfect
mun. The fact that Jehovah uses a man does not mean
that the man is perfect, or even blameless so far as he
himself is concerned. The man whom Jehovah uses
must be loyal and faithful to God in order to be pleas-
ing and acceptable to him. No man is perfect in his
organism, but he can be perfect in heart; he can and
must love God if he pleases the Most High. The faith-
ful servant always considers how he can please the
Lord. He is indifferent to everything else. Faithful
men, whom Jehovah sent as his prophets to deliver his
message, were that kind of men; that is, they were
perfect in heart and unselfishly devoted to Almighty
God. Because of faithfulness to God the Devil and his
visible agents bitterly opposed them and induced the
people to treat with contempt both messenger and
message. W 11/1/37
April 30 (269)
Will ye . walk after other gods whom ye know not;
and come and stand before me in this house, which is
called by my name, and say, Weare delivered to
do all these abominations ?-J er. 7: 9, 10.
That was a warning that they could not continue
to break their covenant and still expect to stand be-
fore the Lord and receive his approval. Today, those
who profess and practice what is called the "Chris-
tian" religion are bound by the terms of the everlast-
ing covenant, and bound by the terms of the implied
covenant to do God's will, and hence are bound to be
governed by and obey his commandments as written.
In the face of these covenants and God's command- .
ments the religionists have broken their covenant with
God and every part thereof. Claims founded upon lies
will profit nothing. Those who hold to and rely upon
religious organizations and follow the clergy's lead
are certain to come to great sorrow in the day of God's
wrath at Armageddon. W.o/1/37
May 1 (102)
He shall judge the world with righteousness, and the
people with his truth.-Ps. 96: 13.
The truth when promulgated interferes with the
racketeers in carrying on their racket. The proclama-
tion of the truth offends the selfish leaders in the reli-
gious part of Satan's organization and causes them
to berate the Lord's witnesses, who proclaim his Word
of truth. The religionists do not wish to hear the truth,
because it burns their ears. They do not wish others
to hear it, because they lmow those who honestly hear
and believe will withdraw from their organization and
thus the pastures of the religious practitioners are
spoiled and their source of revenue ends. Those reli-
gious systems and practices are the worst kind of
racket, for the reason that by such means the people
are easily deceived. All will be deceived except those
who honestly and sincerely put forth diligence to gain
a knowledge of the truth and walk accordingly with
God. W 8/1/37
May 2 (196)
Then spake the priests and the prophets unto tll e
princes, and to all the people, saying, This man is
w01thy to die; for he hath prophesied against
this city, as ye have heard.-J er. 26: 11.
Jeremiah had done nothing oi the kind. He had
pronounced Jehovah's ultimatum against the wicked
city; and had that message been properly received,
the clergy would have been concerned with what they
found in the prophecies and the manner in which they
should obey God. It is always the clergy of the reli-
gionists that demand the lifeblood oi those who dare
tell the truth as commanded by the Lord. No moderate
punishment for such offenders satisfies them. They
desire to be rid of everyone who calls in question their
acts and points out the crookedness of the clergy, as
declared by God's Word. They accuse Jehovah's wit-
nesses as unpatriotic and dangerous to the people's
wel:fare. W 10/1/37
May 3 (157)
Therefore hearken not unto the words of the prophets
that speak unto you, saying, Ye shall not serve the
king of Babylon: for they prophesy a
lie unto you.-Jer. 27: 14.
Today the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and other
clergymen prophesy falsely before the people in order
to keep them in ignorance of God's purpose. It means,
therefore, a fight against these alse prophets for
Jehovah's witnesses to continue to carry the message
to the people that they may have an opportunity to
be informed. The clergy, although hearing the message,
are too proud to repent, and therefore they will not
ten the truth to the people, and hence attempt to pre-
vent the people from hearing it in any manner. Jeho-
yah's witnesses, informing the people of the truth,
thereby show to them that those clergymen who proph-
esy contrary to God 's Word are delibera.tely lying.
W 10/15/37
May 4 (337)
And ye shall know that I have sent this commandment
unto you, that my covenant might be with Levi,
saith the Lord of hosts.-Mal. 2: 4.
The faithful servants of the Lord "know", because
they have been given the truth and joyfully received
the same. God's purpose is that the covenant must
continue to be performed by the faithful. They must
show their devotion to him by the performance of their
covenant continuously. The Levites, as a tribe, stood
on Jehovah's side on the occasion of the 'golden calf'
incident at Mount Sinai. Prior to that time Aaron and
his sons, who were Levites, were chosen and appointed
to be priests. The Levites were charged with the duty
of keeping the tabernacle. This constituted the cove-
nant with all the tribe. The Lord Jesus at the temple
reveals to the a-ntitypical priesthood these truths con-
eerning the covenants, and now there is no excuse for
them to fail or refuse to know and to obey the Lord's
commandments. W 1/1/37
May 5 (84)
Pharaoh said unto J OiJ8p]L, . I saw in my dream,
and, behold, seven ea1'S came up in one stp'zk,
full and good.-Gen. 41: 17,22.
These ears of corn pictured the abundance of pro-
vision, that is, "the bread of life," in Jehovah's king-
dom organization under Christ, the spiritual, life-
giving and life-sustaining food which Jehovah has
provided for those who love and serve him. Concerning
the faithful ones and the condition in which they find
themselves, it is written: "He maketh peace in thy
borders, and filleth thee with the finest of the wheat."
(Ps. 147: 14) Every one of the faithful can testify
joyfully to the fulfJlment of this Psalm, foretelling
peace in their borders, and that they have been filled
with the finest of wheat, that is, the most precious
truths, which have gladdened their hearts. These are
God's 'other children' by his woman Zion, now
brought forth, and these are abundantly fed upon
God's gracious provision through Christ. W 2/15/37
May 6 (286)
And it shall come to pass in that day, that Tyre shall
be f01'gotten seventy years.-Isa. 23: 15.
"Jehovah's day" relates to the time when Jehovah
enthrones his commissioned King and sends him forth
to rule. It is also referred to in the Scriptures as "that
day". It marlm the time when Christ Jesus the King
began to interrupt the rule of Satan which he had so
long carried on unhindered. It is marked by the begin-
ning of the war in heaven, which resulted in ousting
Satan and his angels from heaven and casting them
down to earth. Practically at the same time the World
War began on earth. It is the time of the beginning of
Satan's overthrow, which will ultimately culminate at
Armageddon. The Roman Catholic Hierarchy was for-
gotten and neglected "in that day", from 1914 to
1919, and the forgetting was by her former political
associates who had committed fornication with her.
W 5/1/37
May 7 (45)
So many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were
baptized into his death.-Rom. 6: 3.
Baptism of man in water is a symbolic testimony
that he has agreed to be fully and completely subject
to God's will. That he may live for ever with Christ
Jesus he must be baptized into Christ's death. God
baptizes the creature into the death of Christ, and
now the creature must die a sacrificial death, even as
the man Christ Jesus died, if he would live with Christ
and reign with him. Being brought forth and acknowl-
edged as a son of God, he is now a new creature in
Christ Jesus. '(2 Cor. 5: 17) The relationship now
existing is that of Father and son. He is now in God's
family under Christ Jesus, the Head thereof. He has
left behind all things of the earth. His hope is entirely
for the things heavenly. His right to life as a human
creature has expired. Henceforth if he lives he must
live as part of the family of God under Christ.
W 5/15/37
May 8 (148)
Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.-1 Sam. 15: 23.
The Devil and his angels have been active from the
time of the rebellion at Eden until now, and will
continue active until their destruction at Armageddon.
As Satan "that old Serpent" is the arch deceiver, also
all his wicked angels are deceivers, and the undisputed
evidence shows that they continue to deceive men.
They operate by gaining control of the mind of man
and thereby compel or lead man to commit wrongful
acts. When one undertakes to serve Almighty God and
thereafter becomes unfaithful, he is easily a victim for
those wicked spirit creatures. A striking example is
that of Saul, who was selected as the first king of
Israel. The Almighty God gave a specific command to
Saul that he must perform a certain duty, and Saul,
although attempting it, deliberately failed. Because
thereof he fell into the snare of the Devil and his
wicked angels.-Prov. 29: 25. W 6/1/37
May 9 (280)
Without faith it is impossible to please him: for he
that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he
is a rewarder of them that diligently
seek him.-Heb. 11: 6.
The man who says there is no Creator is a fool. If
a man puts himself in the fool class, that shows he is
completely under the Devil's control, who is his worst
enemy. God does not force man to believe the truth.
He puts the truth before man and permits man to
exercise his own desire and to accept it or not. God is
light. He it is who 'covers himself with light'. (Ps.
104: 2) His light of truth is not given to those who
serve the Devil; and that is shown by the fact that the
wicked angels are restrained in darkness. "Light is
sown for the righteous." (Ps. 97: 11) The man who
delights himself in God's law and strives to walk
righteously is a man who walks in the light and is
blessed. The Bible was not written forfools. W 6/15/37
May 10 (74)
When God heard this, he was wroth, and greatly ab-
h01red Israel: so that he forsook the tabernacle of
Shiloh, the tent which he placed.-Ps. 78: 59, 60.
Such was typical or prophetic, foretelling the com-
plete destruction of "Christendom". The destruction
of the religious systems by Jehovah will mark the be-
ginning of Armageddon. The Scriptures show that
God will use a visible, godless element to do the de-
structive work against the religionists, a crowd that
has been hoodwinked by religionists, particularly by the
Roman Catholic Hierarchy. Jehovah's witnesses have
no part in the destructive work upon "Christendom".
Their work is to bear testimony to the people in obe-
dience to God's commandment, even as Jeremiah car-
ried God's message to the people. The weapons used
by Jehovah's witnesses are not carnal, but are mighty
to cause the turning away of honest people from
religious organizations. W 9/15/37
May 11 (335)
The Lord hath a controversy witk the nations j he wtll
plead with all he will give them that
are wicked to the sword.-Jer. 25: 31.
The nations, particularly of tt Christendom ", have
scorned Jehovah's message and have ill-treated his
witnesses sent to deliver his messages. For that reason
the controversy is forced. The clergy have raised the
questions: "Who is Jehovah? Is his message true, or
even worth listening to? Who gives these so-called
witnesses authority to speak 7" Jehovah will convince
that scornful crowd of hypocrites, and they shall know
that it is Jehovah Now the nations are gathered before
him for judgment, and none are passed by unnoticed.
Christ Jesus, acting for Jehovah, hears the cause and
renders judgment. The pleading will not be printed
or written documents, setting out the issue, nor by
word of mouth, but the application of the facts of the
law, and the execution of the decision rendered: "his
strange act," or "sword" of execution. W 12/1/37
12 (42)
His kingdom ruleth over all.-Ps. 103: 19.
Jehovah is the possessor of all things in heaven and
earth. From his boundless possessions he makes gifts
to his creatures according to his good pleasure. Many
centuries ago Jehovah God declared his purpose to
establish the world in righteousness and to give it to a
righteous ruler. Rebellion against God caused him to
declare his purpose to establish a government to be
ruled in righteousness by the seed of his universal
organization. From that declaration until now the
thing of greatest importance among creatures is the
completion and setting up of the promised kingdom.
Creatures now on earth are beginnrng to realIze more
fully than ever before that all their interests and wel-
fare are centered in God's kingdom. The primary pur-
pose of that kingdom is the vindication of God's name.
Secondarily it affords opportunity for creatures to find
and enjoy life everlastmg. W 12115/37
~ a y 13 (52)
They shall deliver you up to councils.-Mark 13: 9.
When Jehovah's witnesses are arrested and brought
before courts, they should speak frankly, telling them
of the divine commission and command to speak God's
message of warning to the people; that they are not
attempting to deliver any man's message and are not
responsible for what is to follow, but that the message
proceeds from God and they are merely servants to
do his will and are doing it only as they are com-
manded; that it is not the prerogative of his witnesses
to inilict punishment on the people or to harm anyone;
that they are only messengers to make known the
truth, that those who hear may take what course they
desire. The Lord's witness is not to stop and consider
what worldly courts may do to them. .As his com-
missioned servants they are in his hands. Nothing can
befall them except by his permission so long as they
remain faithful to him. W 10/1/37
nfay 14 (292)
Valiant for the trttth upon the earth.-Jer. 9: 3.
Jeremiah spoke the truth because God had com-
manded it. Even though the truth does shock the
religious susceptibilities of the clergy, it is doing them
a good turn, and also the people in general a good
turn, to publish the truth. Therefore the message is of
the greatest public interest, convenience and necessity.
The message was from the Lord and was a warning
for the people of Jerusalem. Likewise the message
delivered today is a war n i n g to the people of
"Christendom" and is for their good, if only they
would so regard it. It is far more important that the
people should know the truth, that they may leaTn and
take the right way and find protection, than for Jeho-
vah's witnesses to put on the soft pedal to avoid shock-
ing the religious susceptibilities of pious clergymen.
The people in general must have an opportunity to
hear the message. For this reason God commands that
it shall be delivered. W 10/15/37
~ a y 15 (159)
The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eter-
naZlife, through Jesus Christ our Lord.-Rom. 6: 23.
Jehovah God is the fountain of life. No creature
can live save by his permission. He sent his beloved
Son to earth, JiIlade in the likeness of imperfect man,
and permitted the Devil to put upon Christ Jesus all
manner of tests, even causing him to be wrongfully
and wickedly charged with the heinous crimes of sedi-
tion and treason, put through a mock trial, convicted
upon perjured testimony, and sent to the ignominious
death of hanging upon a tree. Through it Jesus re-
mained true and steadfast to God his Father, always
maintaining his integrity toward God. Jehovah raised
him out of death and bestowed upon him the greatest
of all gifts. Jehovah's provision for the human race is
that he has bestowed upon Christ Jesus eternal life
and immortality, with full power and authority to give
life to those who obey God's commandments. W 2/1/37
~ a y 16 (98)
As at the report concerning Egypt [(R.V.) When the
report cometh to Egypt]. so shall they be sorely
pained at the report of Tyre.-Isa. 23: 5.
Nebuchadnezzar, after laying siege to ancient Tyre,
invaded Egypt. (Ezek. 29 : 18-20) The fall of religion-
ists, particularly the Roman Catholic Hierarchy organ-
ization, will precede the destruction of the political
and commercial elements of Satan's visible organiza-
tion, and such will bring great pain and astonishment
to the latter. The "report" here mentioned is con-
cerning the beginning of Jehovah's "strange act".
The fall of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the reli-
gious organization, will bring great pain to the remain-
ing portions of Satan's visible organization because
they will observe the ability of Jehovah's Executioner
to perform Jehovah's "strange act", and it will be
evident to them that they have no power to protect
themselves and that their turn for destruction is next.
W 4/1/37
]{ay 17 (63)
Neither as being lords over God's he1'itage, but being
ensamples to the flock.-1 Pet. 5: 3.
The ones who are of the faithful remnant see it is
their privilege and duty to bear the message of the
kingdom to the people of good will toward God and
to help them to gain a knowledge of his Word, and at
no time to boss or lord it over them. Those of the
Lord's anointed do not boast of their position in His
organization and continuously impress upon others
about them that "I am of the anointed, and I am driv-
ing the chariot, and you who are of the Jonadabs
must do what I tell you' '. That spirit of boastfulness
and braggadocio is entirely absent from the real
anointed ones . .Anyone who continues to manifest the
boastful and braggadocio spirit is certain to fall. Let
no one conclude that because one is once of the rem-
nant he is always of it and cannot fall away. Self-exal-
tation, boastfulness, is mockery in God's sight. None
can mock him with impunity. W 5/15/37
]{ay 18 (190)
Some which think of us as if we walked according to
the flesh. For though we walk in the flesh, we do
not war after the flesh.-2 Oar. 10: 2, 3.
True servants of Almighty God and followers of
Christ Jesus have no fight to wage against any human
creature, be that person Jew, Gentile, Catholic, Prot-
estant or infidel. They have no disposition to injure
any man, but to tell the truth for the good of those
who want to know the right way. Men of aU nations
have fallen under the influence and power of Satan
and his angelic associates, but such men are the objects
of compassion. It is the privilege and duty of Jeho-
vah's witnesses to tell them the truth as he has com-
manded in order that those among them who are of
good will may find the only place of security and
safety from their enemies. The truth of God's Word
is therefore a warning given that those of good will
may heed it and flee to the place of safety. W 6/15/37
~ a y 19 (186)
Joshua made peace with . .. Gibeon.-Josh. 9: 15, 17
The Gibeonites had nothing whatever to do with
selecting or a1,>pointing Levites for service, but they
did help the LeVltes who were appointed according to
the Lord's choice. Being made wood cutters and water
carriers, they surely represent those servants who per-
form service to which they are assigned by the priests,
the anointed ones of the Lord's house. When hard
pressed, they asked Joshua to make a hurried march
for their help and said: "Slack not thy hand from
thy servants." This shows that the great multitude
rely on the Lord Jesus and his anointed body members
to lead them in the fight and to do so for their protec-
tion and help. All the anointed who have the Lord's
spirit hurry on to the service in aid of the "other
sheep". The Gibeonites must serve with the Israelites,
thus showing that the "other sheep" join in the serv-
ice and do as they are directed through the Lord's
organization. W 8/15/37
]fay 20 (326)
Who then is a faithfuL and wise servantt
-Matt. 24: 45.
The relationship of the "faithful servant" to the
King is this: They are made members of Zion for his
service, and are under command of Christ Jesus, their
Lord and Head; they are brought into the temple,
"that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in
righteousness. " Being cleansed in the fiery judgment,
they are commissioned and commanded to offer an of-
fering in righteousness, which means they must bear
before the people the truth concerning Jehovah's name
and must proclaim the day of his vengeance upon Sa-
tan's organization, which is a righteous judgment.
They must lift up the standard of Jehovah and his
King, that the people may learn the way to righteous-
ness, anq they must proclaim the kingdom is at hand.
Such are now the people of God, anointed to do a spe-
cific work as he commands them to do. W 12/15/37
~ a y 21 (295)
Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all
the nations to drink;. . . to wit, J e1'usalem, and
the cities of Judah.-Jer. 25: 17, 18.
Jerusalem and the cities of Judah, the kings and
others thereof, claimed then to be God's people. They
pictured the religionists, the clergy and others of
"Christendom" today who claim to be the Lord's
people, and to be ruling the world by divine right.
And what is the purpose of compelling them to drink
of the c u p ~ Jehovah answers: "To make them a deso-
lation, an astonishment, an hissing, and a curse." It
is upon this religious crowd of "Christendom" that
Jehovah begins his "strange act", and that could well
appear strange to all supporters of the Hierarchy and
all the dupes thereof, and they will say: "It is strange
that God would so afflict an organization that for cen-
turies has been using God's name." W 11/15/37
~ a y 22 (266)
Ye brought that which was torn, and the lame, and the
sick; thus ye brought an offering: should I accept
this of your hand? saith the Lord.-MaZ. 1: 13.
Blindly such go about their own way of serving the
Lord, and this they do by opposing the Lord's faithful
servants who carry his message to the people. They
have brought for sacrifice "that which was torn",
"taken by violence" (R.V.), something that did not
represent self-denial on their part but would bring
them into prominence and exalt them and that would
bring no reproach upon them as men. They had no
love for God, but desired to shine and be honored of
men. Such men have lorded it over others, bossed them
and deprived them of their real ministry. These have
brought as sacrifice that which is "lame" and "sick".
Trying to please Satan's organization and to receive
plaudits therefrom, they still assume to be servants of
God. Being spiritually sick and nlind to God's pur-
pose, they continue to claim to be his servants, but they
seek the approval of men. W 1/1/37
nfay 23 (129)
Joseph opened all the storehouses, and sold unto the
and the famine waxed sore.-Gen. 41: 56.
That selling of food does not mean that Jehovah's
witnesses may commercialize the kingdom message for
selfish gain, but that it is right and proper for the
people who have some means with which to buy that
they shall show appreciation of God's provision by
contributing something toward the further spreading
of the kingdom message that others may hear. For this
reason Jehovah's witnesses take a small contribution
from those who desire and are able to contribute for
the literature. When those who are unable to do so
desire the message in printed form, it is freely given
to them. When the people learn that the provision is
not that of man, but is God's gracious provision, they
want to make a little sacrifice to show appreciation.
Their hearts' desire is that their fellow man have op-
portunity to learn of His provision. W 3/1///7
nfay 24 (46)
Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart
.. And God gave Solomon wisdom and under-
standing exceeding much.-1 Ki. 3: 9; 4: 29.
When Solomon was enthroned he did not pray that
he might shine in the eyes of men, but prayed that the
Lord might give him understanding and wisdom; and
the Lord was pleased therewith and granted his
prayer. Such is proof that this is the proper course
for all of God's servants to pursue. Solomon then
discerned and appreciated his relationship to the Al-
mighty God. Later he fell away because he became
void of understanding. Those who are without under-
standing are worthy of death, because God gives life
to no creature who exalts himself. (Rom. 1: 31, 32)
"Only by pride cometh contention." (Prov. 13: 10)
The necessity is for complete unity of the remnant at
the present/that they may continue in understanding,
which is a proper appreciation of their position before
God, in his organization. W 5/15/37
May 25 (41)
Avenge not yourselves; but rather give place unto
wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I
will repay, saith the Lord.-Rom. 12: 19.
The Christian is commanded to tell the truth and to
leave all punishment to the Lord, who will render just
recompense to the wicked in his own due time. The
fact that religionists desire to do inj1ll'Y to and do in-
flict bodily punishment upon Jehovah's witnesses is
proof conclusive that such religionists are moved by
the spirit of the Devil and his wicked angels. Hatred
and malice of one person against another open the door
for the Devil and his wicked spirits to come in and
take complete charge of one who permits hatred, ill
will and malice to dwell in his heart. The demons,
swiftly taking advantage of that condition of mind
and heart, seize his mind and use the same as an in-
strument to fight against the followers of Christ Jesus,
and thus the human creature becomes an adversary of
God and his people. lV 6/1/37
May 26
Stand in the gate of the Lord's house, and proclaim
there this word, and say, Hear the word of
the Lord, aU ye of Judah.-Jer. 7: 2.
Jeremiah must make proclamation of the message
without first asking permission from the temple
priests. Likewise Jehovah's witnesses must now make
proclamation of God's message of truth concerning his
name and kingdom and must do so without first asking
permission from the clergy or for a license from the
police authorities so to do. If among those who are
held in the religious organizations any are truly seek-
ing after God and his truth, they will hear and give
heed to the message of warning that comes to them
from Jehovah God and that is delivered by his wit-
nesses, and they will recognize and accept it as the
truth, and will fl.ee from the religious organizatic)lls
and thereby receive comfort, and find the pluCtJ/ of
safety. lV 9/1/37
][ay 27 (53)
Stand therefore, having ... your feet shod with the
preparati01t of the gospel of peace.-Eph. 6: 14, 15.
Peace must now be the condition among God's
people. If there is strife, faultfinding, backbiting or
fighting in the company, that is evidence that the
demons are exercising influence over some of the com-
pany, and those who are causing the strife are going
to lose out unless they qUIckly amend their course of
action. This is the time of unity in Christ, when all
must stand firmly united together. (4: 13) They must
all present a solid, united front, fighting shoulder to
shoulder, against the enemy and for the common cause
of righteousness. (Phil. 1: 27, 28) Let everyone who
is of the temple see to it that he abides entirely in
peace with his bretlrren; otherwise he will not remain
III the temple. Now the words apply: "Our feet shall
stand within thy gates, 0 Jerusalem. Jerusalem [God's
organization] is builded as a city that is compact to-
gether."-Ps. 122: 2, 3. W 6/1/37
]1ay 28 (86)
Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, evt"l shall go
forth f1'om natwn to nation, and a great whirlwznd
shall be raised up from the coasts.--Jer. 25: 32.
That calamity is Jehovah's righteous judgment exe-
cuted with vengeance and to the vindICation of his
holy name. He creates such "evil". He brings it on
those who merit punishment. That punishment will be-
gin with the Catholic Hierarchy and then extend to
all other visible parts of Satan's organization, which
are pictured in all nations to which Jeremiah, at the
command of the Lord God, handed the cup of His
fury. The nations will then begin to fall, and from
one to the other the calamity will pass on until all
earthly things of Satan's crowd shall perish. The last
"nation" to which the calamity comes is "Sheshach":
"the king of Sheshach shall drink after them."
(Vs. 26) Satan, first seeing his power and supporters
gone, must then drink the cup of calamity, W 12/1/37
May 29
And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, . thou canst under-
stand a dream to inte1pret it. And Joseph answered
Pharaoh, saying, It is not in me: God shall give
Pharaoh an answe1 of peace.-Gen. 41: 15,16.
Though God's remnant did not know the meaning of
the prophecies, yet the Greater Joseph sent them forth
early in 1922, having poured "upon all flesh" of the
remnant even his spirit to carry forward the witness
work in the earth. In doing this work these faithful
ones have part in fulfillment of prophecy. The Lord
Jesus Christ, the Greater Joseph, revealed to them the
meaning and the spiritual understanding of the proph-
eCIes. The remnant in turn, having received these
interpretations from the Lord, give them out to others
in "Egypt", that is, the world, as they receive and
understand the same. They tell the meaning thereof to
the Jonadabs, or "other sheep", whom the Lord is
gathering into the fold. W 2/15/37
]fay 30 (269)
Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the
days of one king: after the end of seventy yea1S
shall Tyre sing as an harZot.-Isa. 23: 15.
In the type the "one king" was the Babylonish line
of kings, from Nebuchadnezzar to Belshazzar, of the
land of the Chaldeans. But in the fulfillment of the
prophecy "rn that day" from 1914 forward, Christ
Jesus, the enthroned King of Jehovah, began and has
continued his reign. The pope tried to have illicit rela-
tionship with the political powers of the nations dur-
ing the W orld War but was pushed to the side and
forgotten, between 1914 and 1919. The World War
closed November 11,1918. Shortly after that the tight
position of the pope began to be lifted and the 'being
forgotten' period began to end. ]',iodern Tyre's song
begins to revive her traffic and patronage and her ef-
forts to gain her chief objective, to wit, to rule the
nations as vicegerent of ChrIst, in a dictatorial way.
W 5/1/37
May 31 (68)
Then spake Jeremiah unto all the princes, and to all
the people, saying, The Lord sent me to prophesy
against th"is house, and against this city, all the
that ye have heard.-J er. 26: 12.
Jeremiah was set on doing one thing, to wit,
fully obeying Jehovah in delivering the message he
had been commanded and commissioned to deliver. He
was blind to everything else. Having heard the testi-
mony against him, he proceeded with his defense, and
in doing so he did not try to hedge or compromise. He
made no apology for what he had been doing. He told
the plain truth. This he dId that the court might be
fully advised of the facts and that those of the people
present and desiring to hear the truth might hear, see
and understand he was the representative of Almighty
God, as he stated. By making his defense in this man-
ner he performed his duty and obligation. Thereafter
the responsibility was on those who heard him speak.
They must answer Almighty God. W 10/1/37
June 1 (60)
The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and giv-
en to a natwn bringing f01th the fruits.-lIfatt. 21: 43.
The Roman Catholic Church organization has never
at any time brought to the people the fruits or mes-
sages of God's kingdom. On the contrary, that organi-
zation has at all times co-operated with politicians,
militarists, commercial giants, and other gangsters
to rule and control the nations. Instead of bearing
before the people the fruits of God's Word, which
sustain them, that is, the fruits of God's kingdom, the
Catholic organization has bitterly opposed the king-
dom under Christ. Jehovah covenanted to give to
Christ Jesus and his faithful ones who follow him and
who are made members of his church the kingdom,
which shall in time rule in righteousness and minister
blessings to the people. God's kingdom has nothing
commercial and nothing in common with the wicked
system that now rules the world. W 7/15/37
June 2 (175)
Come with me, and see my zeal for the LORD. So they
made him ride in his chariot.-2 Ki. 10: 16.
That means, 'Come, and I will show you by my
works that I have faith in God and have a burning
desire to do his will.' Those of the temple or anointed
company are associated with Christ Jesus as members
of the "faithful and wise servant", acting at the com-
mand of the Lord Jesus Christ. By virtue of their
relationship to Christ they are pictured in Jehu. The
antitypical Jonadab, the people of good will, are
against the Devil religion and are now seen seeking
Christ Jesus, that they may learn the way to God's or-
ganization. They must now see the zeal of the antitypi-
cal Jehu, that is, Christ Jesus. Jehu's purpose in invit-
ing J onadab to come and see his zeal manifestly was
that Jonadabmight learn what is required of those who
serve God, and this shows that those of the great multi-
tude must also possess the zeal peculiar to God and
his kingdom. W 8/15/37
June 3 (321)
Therefore hearken not ye to your prophets, . . . nor
to your sorcerers, which speak unto you, saying, Ye
shall not serve the king of Babylon: for they
prophesy a lie unto you.--Jer. 27: 9, 10.
Jehovah, through his Word which is delivered by
his witnesses, informs the people that they should not
believe the clergy, the preachers, or the politicians,
who tell them there is no possible danger of Armaged-
don's coming. The clergy are therefore the more rep-
rehensible; for they not only decline to ally themselves
with God's kingdom under Christ, but prevent many
other people from doing so. In view of the punishment
inflicted upon other prophets of Jehovah it took real
faith in God, and therefore genuine courage, for J ere-
miah to deliver the message that he did deliver. Hav-
ing full faith in Jehovah. Jeremiah courageously called
a lie a lie, regardless of what might be said of him
as using rough talk. W 10/15/37
.Tune 4 (144)
The Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife
of thy youth} against whom thou hast dealt treacher-
ously: yet is she thy companion} and the
wife of thy covenant.-Mal. 2: 14.
The "wife of thy youth" stands for God's organiza-
tion, Zion. In the early days, or "youth", of the
church the apostles and their faithful eo-workers were
inseparably wedded to Jehovah's organization under
Christ, the Head thereof. For many years Jehovah
has been a WItness of the treachery against God's or-
ganization under Christ Jesus by a class of men who
have professed to be his followers but who have played
with and connived at Satan's organization, Babylon.
Says the Lord to the unfaithful "priests": "Yet is
she [ZIOn] thy companion," meaning "one who is
jomed". l\1:ixing with Satan's organization and imbib-
ing its spirit is treacherous dealing. "Let none deal
treacherously against the wife of his youth," Zion,
to which the priestly class are joined. W 1/15/37
June 5 (159)
Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it [to] his
brethren; and they hated him yet the
more.-Gen. 37: 5.
The dreams foretold not only Joseph's exaltation
but also the opening to Christ Jesus of the heavenly
things, that is, the unseen things of God's holy Word,
which told of the coming exaltation of Christ Jesus,
Jehovah's King and Vindicator, above every oiher
creature in the universe. (Matt. 3: 16) The exaltation
of Christ Jesus was further foretold by the vision of
transfiguration in the mountain. When Jesus stood
before his accusers he said: "Hereafter shall ye see the
Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and
coming in the clouds of heaven." The Jewish clergy
hated Jesus and sought to kill him because he said that
Jehovah was his Father, and that his Father loved
him. Faithfully obedient to Jehovah's commandments,
Jesus did "bear witness unto the truth" concerning
himself and the kingdom of God. IV 2/1/37
June 6 (157)
For this cause came I into the world, that I should
bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of
the truth heareth my voice.-John 18: 37.
The great and primary purpose of Jehovah is the
vindication of his name and to clear his name of re-
proach brought upon it by the Devil. He has appointed
Christ Jesus to the high office of Vindicator. He sent
Jesus into the world to deliver God's message of truth
concerning his purpose, and appointed and anointed
him as King of the world. Every person whom God
puts into hIS family under Christ Jesus must hear the
voice of Christ Jesus, be obedient thereto and walk as
he walked, always faithful and true to God, maintain-
ing his integrity toward Him. Those in Christ Jesus
IDUst therefore do what Jesus does, because they are
called to follow where he leads them. They are taken
out from among men and made new creatures in
Christ for the sake of God's name. W 5/15/37
June 7 (48)
Say unto Iddo, and to his bretJL1'en the Nethinims, at
the place Casiphia, that they should bring unto us
ministe1's for the house of our God.-Ezra 8: 17.
N e t h i n ~ m means" given ones" or "dedicated ones",
and was applied to the men who rendered service in
connection with the tabernacle and temple. They were
not Israelites. There were thirty-eight in all of the
Levites and 220 Nethinim brought to Ezra, all of them
expressly named. The men of understanding, those
who showed their qualifications, were placed in key
positions of service. "Iddo the chief" appears to have
been one of the Nethinim and was assigned to a place
of serVIce over others who ministered at the house of
God. Thus the type shows that the "Levites", the
anointed class, and the great multitude, the class not
anointed, work together. Nethinim assisted Ezra's del-
egation in the work assigned to them, thus proving
that the two companies on earth as companions serve
together. lV 8/15/37
June 8 (323)
When seventy years a1'e accomplished, 1
punish the king of Babylon, and that nation, saith
the LlJrd, for their iniquity.-J er. 25: 12.
At the end of seventy years Nebuchadnezzar had
been succeeded by Belshazzar. The latter was in no
wise used as Jehovah's servant. On the contrary, he
misused the Lord's sacred vessels to grossly reproach
Jehovah's name. Then Babylon was "weighed in the
balances, and ... found wanting". From that point
forward Babylon symbolized exclusively the Devil's
organization, and her king Belshazzar is a symbol of
the Devil. The end of the seventy years pictured the
climax of Armageddon. Armageddon shall end with
destruction of every visible part of Satan's organiza-
tion that is on earth. Then what shall follow Y The
wrath of God will be expressed against the invisible
part of Satan's organization, including Satan himself.
W 11/1/37
June 9 (46)
And Joseph said unto them, That is it that I spake
unto 'Y01t, saying, Ye are spies. Hereby ye
shall be proved.-Gen. 42: 14, 15.
Since 1918 all nations have been gathered before
the Greater-than-Joseph to be judged. Those gathered
include the people of good will, who at that trial and
judgment must demonstrate themselves to be real
"sheep", having the love that would warrant their
being gathered onto the Lord's side and in his favor.
If they showed the spirit of kindness toward the least
of Christ's brethren, pictured by Benjamin, and
sought to do them good because they served God and
Christ Jesus, this would show a right heart condition
and they would be adjudged worthy to be of the
"sheep" class. In 1918 the Lord began to have the
message proclaimed "Millions Now Living Will Never
but even those who heard that message the Lord
held off for several years before revealing to them
their real situation. W 3/1/37
June 10 (142)
The nations that bring their neck under the yoke of
the king of Babylon, and serve him, those will I
let remain still in their own land.-J er. 27: 11.
Jehovah's time is at hand when his name and his
kingdom must be declared to the nations as a witness.
This must be done before Armageddon begins. He in-
forms the nations, in advance of approaching Arma-
geddon, of the great ills that will come to them by
refusing to bow themselves willingly to the rule of his
servant, Christ Jesus. This is done that they may not
have an excuse for ignorance. God will permit to sur-
vive and live only those who willingly put themselves
under the rule of Christ Jesus, pictured by the king
of Babylon. He will extend his rule over all the earth,
and no power can successfully resist him. Those who
will benefit will prove to be, not the nations as a whole,
but individuals of those nations who are of good will
toward God. W 10/15/37
June 11 (130)
My name shall be great among the heathen, saith the
Lord of hosts. But ye ha,ve profaned it, 'l.n that ye say,
The table of the Lord is polluted.-MaZ. 1: 11,12.
Those of good will hear the truth and come to Zion
to learn more of God's purpose and to give praise to
his name, while at the same time the so-called "priests",
who have proved unfaithful, now oppose the work of
bringing the truth by Jehovah's witnesses, who magni-
fy his name and point out to the people of good will
their privilege of serving and praising him. The Lord
God therefore tells these unfaithful "priests" that
they have enjoyed great privileges of serving him but
have proved unfaithful, and now others of less privi-
lege are seeking the way to his organization and are
singing his praises. The unfaithful "priests", by their
course of conduct, have said and continue to say louder
than by uttered words that "the table of the Lord is
polluted". Such is exactly their attitude toward the
WATCH ToWER publications. W 1/1/37
June 12 (234)
1 will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which
thou shalt go: I will counsel thee with mine
eye upon thee.-Ps. 32: 8, A.R. V.
If we were to follow the traditions of men, then we
would insist on sticking closely to what is first pub-
lished; but since God's people follow not men's tradi-
tions, but are guided only by God's ,V ord, and as it
pleases him to make known these truths, unfolding his
prophecies in his own time and way, even so it is the
privilege of God's faithful remnant to publish the
same as they become known. The truths made known
and published do not belong to any man or company
of men. The truth is the Lord's and is progressive and
shines with increased brilliancy unto the perfect day.
This should be the strongest kind of proof that God's
people are led by him and that the Lord is feeding
them by placing upon his table from time to time such
spiritual food as he sees is to their good, and to his
glory. W 3/15/37
June 13 (273)
Behold the land of the Ghaldeans: this people was
not . . . the Assyrian founded it for them that
dwell in the wilderness.-Isa. 23: 13.
The words" Behold the land of the Chaldeans" man-
ifestly direct attention to Jehovah's executioner that
executes his judgment upon the Hierarchy system.
Then the prophet says: "This people," that is, the
people of ancient Tyre and of modern Tyre, the Ro-
man Catholic Hierarchy, "is no more." (E.R.V.)
"The Assyrian" pictures God's Executioner, Christ
Jesus. "The Assyrian hath appointed it," that is to
say, appointed "this people" of Tyre, for what or
for whom ~ "For the beasts of the wilderness."
(E R V.) Clearly this means that God's Executioner
has "appointed" modern Tyre, the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy organization and its clergy and allies, to a
place or condition uninhabited by persons but wholly
for brute beasts, hence for desolation. W 4/15/37
June 14 (285)
But ye answered notj therefore will I do unto this
house, which is called by my name, wherein ye trust,
... as I have done to Shiloh.-Jer. 7: 13, 14.
Because they believed the temple was invulnerable
to the attacks of any foe, that was their ground for
making and believing in a "covenant with death" and
an "agreement with hell", as though the material
"house" was a charm against all evil. The temple had
been built, and their faith was in it and not in God.
What came to pass upon Jerusalem is duplicated upon
"Christendom", except, as to "Christendom", upon
a far greater scale. ]1,tJ:any believe the Catholic church
is a charm against all ills. Her religious leaders have
defamed the name of Jehovah God and made void his
VV ord by teaching and inducing people to believe tra-
ditions of men and to give honor and glory to men,
and have thus turned them away from God. Jehovah
God therefore declares his purpose to destroy that
religious organization completely. W 9/1/37
June 15 (274)
My sheep . .. I give unto them eternallifej and they
shall never perish, netther shall any man pluck
them out of my hand.-John 10: 27, 28.
Why has God permitted the Devil to oppress and
afflict those on earth who have agreed to serve him'
Why has he not safeguarded these faithful ones from
all assaults of the Devil ~ The answer is that if God
should do so, the Devil would not have free hand in
his effort to prove his wicked challenge; and, further-
more, those who have agreed to serve God can prove
their integrity and faithfulness to God only by resist-
ing the Devil's assaults, and under all conditions of
persecution continuing to maintain integrity toward
God. For that reason God has repeatedly stated to
those who serve him his promise to preserve them and
give them everlasting life and that he will destroy all
the wicked. "The Lord preserveth all them that love
him." W 6/15/37
June 16 (195)
And that man of sin be revealed.-2 Thess. 2: 3.
That composite body is made up of men who have
received some knowledge of God's purpose and have
undertaken to serve God and claim to be God's serv-
ants, but have turned themselves over to the Devil
and permitted themselves to be used as his instru-
ments. The chief part of that composite body is desig-
nated the "evil servant". Such are they that once
made a covenant to do God's will and were looking
for his kingdom under Ohrist. Of an impure heart,
they do not receive approval at the judgment, but
rather disapproval, and they stand on the outside and
for some time claim to walk with the faithful and still
claim to be children of God. Being outside of the tem-
ple, they are denied the light of the temple because
of blindness or lack of understanding, and because of
selfishness in yielding to the influence of the invisible
rulers of this world. Then their bad heart condItion
makes itself manifest. lV 6/1/37
June 17 (256)
Thou shalt speak all these words unto them; out they
will not hearken to thee; thou shalt also call unto
them; but they wZl not answer thee.-Jer. 7: 27.
As Jehovah's witnesses are now subjected to all
manner of ill-treatment and persecution by the so-
called "higher powers" of this world, and particularly
by the religionists, the Roman Oatholic Hierarchy, let
them take courage and rejoice in the fact that they
are privileged today to stand in a place similar to that
occupied by Jeremiah and to declare a message similar
to what he declared. Let them take courage, having
in mind that Jehovah God is backing them up, and
that they are doing his will and as long as faithfully
doing this no evil shall befall them. His faithful wit-
nesses are now in God's secret place, and for their
help and comfort it is written: "He that dwelleth in
the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under
the shadow of the Almighty. "-Ps. 91: 1. lV 9/15/37
June 18 (180)
Befo1e God the doers of the law shall be justified.
-Rom. 2: 13.
Those to whom the kingdom interests are committed,
and who perform the assigned duty in an indifferent
or careless manner cannot properly seek some way of
justifying their mistakes resulting from carelessness.
If a task is assigned to one of the temple company and
he performs in a careless and indifferent manner and
then tries to justify his action, he is unfaithful and
makes an unfaithful report and of necessity must be
displeasing to the Lord. To profit by mistakes or care-
lessness one must acknowledge to the Lord his weak-
ness and be diligent in seeking to do the right thing
and see to it that he does not act carelessly again. The
Pharisees sought to excuse or justify themselves before
the Lord in raIling to do their duty. He who tries to
justify his action to have men's approval is not faith-
fully perfol'ming duty. W 12/15/37
June 19 (40)
Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all
the nations to drink,. . . J erusaZem, . . . and all
the kings of the Medes.-Jer. 25: 17,18, 25.
Such Medes appear to picture those organized ele-
ments who work with religionists in striving to prevent
the activities of God's covenant people, and who en-
deavor to hold such witnesses in restraint and prevent
them from worshiping God as he has commanded. In
various political and judicial offices are many who
claim to be Christian, but have no faith in God and
Christ, but work with the high-up religionists who do
claim to be Christians, and co-operate with such in
inflicting punishment upon Jehovah's witnesses be-
cause it appears to be to the advantage of such politi-
cal and judICial tools of the Hierarchy. They work
together with the police or the military crowd to com-
pel obedience to their unrighteous judicial decisions
against God's people. All must drink this cup of his
fury. W 11/15/37
June 20 (33)
Freely ye have received, freely give.-Matt. 10: 8.
Great favors ~ r e accompanied by corresponding re-
sponsibilities. It is a great favor to lmow Jehovah God
and his King and to be permitted to find refuge in
God's organization. There is no other privilege today
comparable with that, so far as the "oiher sheep" are
concerned. Great responsibilities and requirements are
now laid upon those of the" other sheep" of the pres-
ent tJ.me, that is, the great multitude. They must be
fully and wholly consecrated to the Lord and must
render themselves in full obedience to his command-
ments and joyfully engage in his service. They must,
together with the remnant, joyfully take up the mes-
sage of life, which God has provided, and bear it before
the people of the famine-stricken world, that those now
in the world and who so desire may learn the way and
:flee to the place of refuge. W 3/15/37
June 21 (260)
Lift up a standard for the people.-Isa. 62: 10.
This is the time of war. It is a war of righteousness
against wickedness, a war of truth against entl'enched
lies. All who love God and righteousness will now with
gladness do their part by lifting high the standard of
the Lord that the people of good will may see the way
of righteousness and the place of refuge. Those of the
remnant possessing the spirit of Christ will take the
lead, and the J onudabs will march with them, and all
together they will be singing the praises of Jehovah
and of Christ J eaus and his kingdom, and all together
participating in the Lord's service. The Jonadabs are
in an implied covenant to proclaim the truth, and thus
identify themselves with the Lord's organization.
Therefore the remnant and the Jonadabs engage in
the witness work together. Never before have creatures
enjoyed such a privilege, and never again will that
privilege come, because the "strange work" is now
being done, and when it is done, to completeness, his
"strange act" will quickly follow. TV 5/15/37
June 22 (249)
And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had
the writer's inkhorn by h'ts side; and the
Lord said unto him, Go.-Ezek. 9: 3, 4.
The company of faithful witnesses receives the
Lord's command to go throughout "Christendom"
and mark the forehead of the sincere ones that sigh
and cry because of the hypocritical practices and wick-
edness done by religionists. Thus the Lord by his wit-
nesses puts the mark in the forehead of such by giving
them information from God's Word, that they may
intelligently get an understanding of Jehovah's pur-
poses, which will enable them to flee out of the wicked
religious organization and find refuge under God '8
King. His witnesses must vigorously, boldly and fear-
lessly declare his name and purpose regardless of
opposition and attacks upon them by the enemy. It
means a war, which is now in progress; and that is a
war of righteousness carried on by proclaiming the
truth against wicked hypocrites. W 9/1/37
June 23 (288)
the And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In my d1eam .
lean and the ill favoured kine did eat up the
first seven fat k'tne.-Gen. 41: 17, 20.
The lean and ill-favored cattle picture the people of
good will, held in the prisons of Satan by reason of
his religious agents and starving for want of nourish-
ing food. These prisoners must be fed. The seven lean
cattle's eating the seven well-fed cattle here shows
that the people of good will toward God must feed
upon and consume the provisions which Jehovah has
made for them by and through his organization. Sin
atonement has been provided, which they must learn
about, and they must exercise faith in the shed blood
of Christ Jesus. They must learn of and do the will
of Jehovah God in order to be hid and escape the
sword of slaughter at Armageddon, and then "inherit
the kingdom [blessings] prepared for [them] from the
foundation of the world".-Matt. 25: 34. W 2/15/37
June 24 (172)
I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am
alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys
of hell and of death.-Rev. 1: 18.
God permitted his enemies to put Jesus to death,
knowing that Jesus would remain faithful even unto
death, proving his integrity to God, and that God
would raise him up out of death. Because of his faith-
fulness God raised up Jesus out of death and gave
him life and immortality, not as a man, hut life divine,
an endless and indestructible life, and exalted Jesus
to t h ~ very highest place in all the universe next to
Jehovah. God committed to Christ Jesus, the immortal
One, all power in heaven and in earth. Christ Jesus,
therefore, became clothed with all power and authority
to act for Jehovah in all things as his chief executive
officer. Jesus proved Satan a liar, and this in vindica-
tion of Jehovah's name and word. W 7/1/37
June 25 (182)
Unto Joseph we1'e born two sons. . Joseph called
the name of the firstborn ]!lanasseh: ... the name of
the second called he EpMaim.-Gen. 41: 50-52.
The names of Joseph's two sons are significant and
show that all blessings of Jehovah's remnant on earth
are such as to "make to forget" all the afflictions they
must endure as pilgrims and strangers in this world
in order to enter into the kingdom. The faithful fol-
lowers of Christ Jesus know that they must suffer
with Christ Jesus and be made of no reputation
among men. They gladly bear such and forget these
sufferings, well knowing that they are not worthy to
he compared with the glory that follows. The name
"l\I[anasseh" means to "make to forget". The name
"Ephraim" means "fruitful" or "double fruit", and
shows that the remnant of Jehovah's witnesses are
loaded with kingdom frujts, by which they first feed
themselves and then hear the kingdom fruits to others
that they may be fed. This they joyfully do, despite
afflictions. W 2/15/37
June 26 (132)
Then rose up certain of the elders. saying, lJficah
the Morasthite prophesied . .. Did Ileze7ciah
king of Judah and all Judah put him at all
to death? did he not fear the L01'd, and
_ besought the Lord?-Jer. 26: 17-19.
Here is a precedent Jehovah's witnesses are coun-
seled that such witnesses, accused, might follow, to
wit: To cite the court to the instance recorded in the
Bible where men have shown wisdom by giving heed
to God's warning, as the elder did on this occasion.
With propriety counsel might cite Psalm Two, in
which the Lord warns the rulers to give heed now,
since Christ has been enthroned. Jehovah's witnesses
are not attempting to wrong anyone by obeying God's
command or giving God's warning to the people. This
fact should be plainly put before the court. How fool.
ish it is for men upon the judicial bench, or elsewhere,
to attempt to override and push aside Almighty God's
Word! All who claim to serve God should keep in mind
that the Almighty is supreme. W 10/1/37
June 27 (242)
Speak 1tntO all the cities of Judah, which come to wm"
ship in the Lord's h01Lse, all the words that I com
mand thee to speak unto them.-Jer" 26: 2.
God's instruction to Jeremiah was mandatory, and
the prophet had no alternative. Jeremiah would have
been disobedient to God had he gone to the king or
court officers or priests in charge of the temple, or to
anyone else, and asked for a permit or license to
preach the message which the Almighty God had com-
manded him to deliver. For the same reason Jehovah's
witnesses today would be disobedient to God and to his
great prophet, Christ Jesus, by applying for a permit
or license to preach the gospel by going from house to
house and delivering the message. The Lord has given
his positive commandment that his witnesses shall thus
preach and obey him. A failure to obey his command-
ment means their complete destruction. W 9/15/37
June 28 (323)
They shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden dest1'uc-
tion cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with
and they shall not escape.-1 Thess. 5: 3.
The old "harlot" uses her stock in trade to induce
others to commit fornication with her, and with her
blandishments as a harlot gains the upper hand of
the nations and rides on the back of the League com-
bine. Thus the "abomination of desolation" is com-
plete. Jehovah is now carrying on his "strange work"
which serves to enlighten the people of good will and
to show them the only way of escape. Only those who
find that way will escape. The old "whore" sitting
upon the back of the League "beast" may soon be
expected to say: 'Peace and safety; we have silenced
all opponents.' Then Jehovah's "strange act" will
begin, and sudden destruction comes upon her as trav-
ail upon a woman with child. Her triumph will be
short. Her end will be complete destruction. W 5/1/37
June 29 (177)
If then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs
with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that
we may be also glorified together.-Rom. 8: 17.
"Am I WIllingly walking with Ohrist Jesus, suffer-
ing with him as he suffered for righteousness' sake?
Have I the zeal for the Lord and his house, and am I
performing my vow of consecration fully?" One ex-
amines himself in this way in the light of the Scrip-
tures and determines from the witness of the spirit
whether or not he is the Lord's child. It is the called,
chosen and faithful ones that shall be for ever with
Ohrist in glory. It is not sufficient that a man merely
names the name of the Lord and calls upon him. The
approved ones in the temple are sent forth in obedi-
ence to the Lord's commandment, and that command-
ment they must obey, to be witnesses for Jehovah and
proclaim the truth of and concerning his kingdom.
W 5/15/37
.June 30 (335)
Howl, ye shepherds, and Cl'y; and wallow yourselves
in the ashes, ye principal of the jlock.-Jer. 25: 34.
The howl comes, not from the pagan clergy, but
from the clergy and "elective elder" class of "Ohris-
tendom" and who call themselves leaders and shep-
herds of the flock, and to whom Jehovah refers also as
those who have assumed to use his name. For some
time now the clergy have been howling and importun-
ing selfish polIticians and commercial men to help
them to make a great fuss and to prevent Jehovah's
witnesses from telling the truth about them. The cler-
gymen' howl because the truth of God's Word now
proclaimed exposes them and puts them in the class
where they properly belong, that is, of fraudulent
hypocrites, and because truth is sweeping away the
refuge of lies behind which they hide. Jehovah says
they will howl, and he is seeing to it now that they do
howl. When Armageddon begins their howl will reach
its climax. W 12/1/37
July 1 (68)
If thou knowest any able men among them, then make
them rulers over my cattZe.-Gen. 47: 6, A.R.V.
Joseph's ten half brothers here represented those
who have had a change of heart and become persons
of good will toward God and his faithful remnant and
therefore have become of the "other sheep" of Ohrist
Jesus, the great multitude. Pharaoh's words to Joseph
show the propriety of the remnant's appointing as
servants of the Lord the Jonadabs and assigning such
as are qualified to places of responsibility in the serv-
ice. It is proper for Jonadabs to be associated with the
remnant in service, to be assigned to such places by
the service committee, i. e, places as captains of a divi-
sion or like places in service. Where Jonadabs exhibit
necessary qualifications, and particularly the zeal for
the Lord and full humility in walking with him in
obedience, they are Scripturally assigned to places of
service over others. W 8/15/37
July 2 (185)
They saw the boldness . . . and they took knowledge
o! them that they had been with J esus.-Acts 4: 13.
Ohrist Jesus is the Head or beginning of Ohristian-
ity, because he leads and others follow in obeying
God's commandments. Ghrist means Anointed of God,
the One commissioned to carry out God's purpose.
Ohrist is not and never was for one moment a religion-
ist. He always strictly obeys the commandments of
Almighty God. He instructed his faithful disciples in
the Word and purpose of Jehovah. After the resurrec-
tion of Jesus the holy spirit, God's invisible power,
came upon the faithful apostles and they understood
the truth as it was not possible for them to understand
it before that time. In the name of Ohrist they went
about "from house to house", teaching and preaching.
Because they were freely telling the truth to the
people concerning Ohrist, the religionists among the
Jews assaulted the apostles and brought them into
the courts. 1V 7/15/37
July 3 (39)
Then said the princes and all the people unto the
priests and to the prophets, This man is not worthy
to die; for he hath spoken to us in the name
of the Lord our God.-J er. 26: 16.
That sets a proper precedent for judges of courts of
the present time to follow. The fact that many present-
day judges do not makes them bloodguilty with the
clergy. Magistrates even place the law of man above
the law of Almighty God and openly and flagrantly
insult Jehovah's name. Let them take notice that God
will not permit their conduct to pass without consider-
ation and due recompense. Many of those magistrates
profess to be Ohristians and that they follow the Lord.
For that reason they are bound to take notice of the
prophecies which the Lord caused to be recorded in his
Word. Jehovah never changes a rule for any person,
be he clergyman, high judicial official, politician or
ordinary man. 1V 10/1/37
July 4 (175)
Joseph said, .,. . there come seven years of great plenty
throughotd all the land of Egypt: and there shall arise
after_ them seven years of famine.-Gen. 41: 25-30.
The prophecy refers to two opposing organizations.
It could not be that Jehovah would supply an abun-
dance of spiritual food for his remnant on earth and
then stop that supply and compel them to live on old
supplies of the past by stopping the progress and un-
folding of his prophetic truths. The facts show fully
the very opposite. "The path of the just is as the shin-
ing light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect
day." (Prov. 4: 18) God's people once anointed and
brought into the temple progress in understanding and
appreciation of his Word. In the modern fulfillment
the two periods or conditions run along side by side,
the one condition in God's organization, and the other
in Satan's, "seven years," that is, from the Lord's
coming to the temple and until the vindication of J eho-
vah's name at Armageddon. W 2/15/37
July 5 (15)
Go and tell H ananiah, saying, Thus saitlt the Lord,
Thou hast broken the yokes of wood; but thou
shalt make for them yokes of iron.-Jer. 28: 13.
Clergymen stand in the same position Hananiah oc-
cupied, in their efforts to destroy faith in God's mes-
sage that is brought to them. But the Devil and his
agents cannot thwart Jehovah. Jehovah tells the peo-
ple, through his Word, that not only are the false
prophets or clergymen, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy
and their supporters, uttering lies by their words, but
all their efforts to thwart God's purpose will fail, and
that only those who will give heed to God's Word and
put themselves under Christ Jesus shall ever live. The
nations cannot escape by following the instruction
given them by false prophets. The Roman Catholic
Hierarchy will succeed for a time, but within a short
time thereafter it will be completely destroyed.
W 10/15/37
July 6 (24)
II ave we not aU one father 'I hath not one God created
us? why do we deal treacherously every man
against his brother, by profaning the cove-
nant of our fathers 'i-Mal. 2: 10.
All of the servant class are equal members of one
organization, which is Jehovah's capital organization,
with Christ Jesus as head. This is especially true since
Zion gave birth to the nation and has brought forth
her otber children. (Isa. 66: 7, 8) It is the selfish ones
who fight against their brethren, insisting on having
their own way. They fail to heed the admonition of
the apostle to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight for
the kingdom gospel and against the common enemy.
They are out of harmony and not at unity. Those who
are truly devoted to the Lord and are of the temple
will earnestly endeavor to get on in peace and to avoid
strife and controversy among themselves and to main-
tain unity of the body of Christ. W 1/15/37
July 7 (190)
Not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye
children, but in understanding be men.-1 Gor. 14: 20.
Those who profess to be of the remnant but are
lacking in understanding are likened to children.
Malice means to have no regard for the rights and
privileges of your fellow creature; and in this every-
one should be as a child. By "men" is meant those
who have come to maturity in Christ and who there-
fore must be at complete unity, appreciating their
position and responsibility before God. To God's
people are addressed these words: "Till we all come in
the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the
Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of
the stature of the fulness of Christ; that we henceforth
be no more children, tossed to and fro." (Eph. 4:
13, 14) These words apply now, because the present
is the time of complete unity. Those not at unity in
the Lord are not in the temple. W 5/15/37
July 8 (211)
Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause
divisions and offences, contrary to the doctrine which
ye have leamed; and avoid them.-Rom. 16: 17.
Such visible enemies of God war against his people.
These are not the ones against whom the Lord's faith-
ful on earth are commanded to rise up and fight. It
is not these with whom controversies should be had.
On the contrary, they are to be avoided. Those of the
"evil servant" class employ soft speech and smooth
words to beguile and deceive others who are seeking
the truth. They are mere tools of the unseen princi-
palities, powers and wicked rulers that control this
wicked world. Many political, judicial and military
rulers of this world are enemies of God and of the
"faithful servant" class but are less reprehensible
because of lack of knowledge. The clergy are more
reprehensible, but the most reprehensible of all is the
"evil servant" class, because of having undertaken
to be the servant of God. W 6/1/37
July 9 (12)
He hath forsaken his covert, as the lion: for their land
is desolate because of the fierceness of the oppressor,
and because of his fierce anger.--J er. 25: 38.
Jehovah has become as a fierce lion in the execution
of his judgments. He is the Father of the "Lion of
the tribe of Juda", who executes His judgments and
vindicates his name. Jehovah refers to himself as the
One who is all-just, symbolized by a lion. He justifies
and vindicates himself in righteousness by destroying
his enemies, that the universe may be clean and all
who live shall do righteousness. Every part of Satan's
organization shall fall . .As Jeremiah warned the people,
so now the faithful ones on Jehovah's side, who pro.-
claim his truth, must continue to warn the people
during the progress of Jehovah's" strange work" and
until its finish. "My people, go ye out of the midst of
her, and deliver ye every man his soul from the fierce
anger of the Lord. "-51: 45. W 12/1/37
July 10 (267)
What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light:
and what ye hear in the ea1', that p1'each ye
upon the housetops.-Matt. 10: 27.
It follows that when the remnant receive from the
Lord the truths illuminating the prophecies, then and
there the obligation is laid upon the remnant, or Jeho-
vah's witnesses, to go out and make known these facts
and the Scriptures showing the fulfillment of the
prophecy to those who are hungering and thirsting for
righteousness. Such are the ones that mourn and desire
to be comforted and to whom the remnant are sent as
anointed servants of God to bring them comfort. Such
are the people of good will, and the obligation is upon
the remnant to make known God's provisions for all
those who diligently seek to know and to do his will.
The remnant will in obedience to the Lord's command-
ment make known to the Jonadabs what they "hear
in the ear". W 2/1/37
July 11 (285)
Thou shalt no more rejoice, 0 [Tyre] thou oppressed
virgin, daughter of Zidon; arise, pass over to Cltitti1nl
there also shalt thou have no rest.-Isa. 23: 12.
Chittim, being near to Tyre, would represent any
subsidiary organization where the old woman might
seek rest and relief but find none. This would seem to
indicate that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy system
will be seeking a place of consolation, and therefore
abasing herself by going to some lesser organization,
seeking a way to escape the deepest abasement, certain
to come upon her by reason of being cast into Gehenna.
Will the Hierarchy system find rest there? Jehovah
replies: "There also shalt thou have no rest." Not
even individual members of the religious clergy will
be able to disguise themselves, thus hiding their iden-
tity. They will not escape the scrutiny of others, and
certainly not God's Executive Officer. There is no rest
short of complete destruction, from which she shall
never again arise. W 4/15/37
July 12
Pmy for the peace of JerusaZem.-Ps. 122: 6.
It is the Lord's work in which his people are en-
gaged. They must do that work in the spirit of peace
and must do it as unto the Lord and to his honor and
glory. Contention and strife among those who profess
to be of the remnant are entirely wrong. Our fight is
against the common enemy, not against one another.
Everyone who really loves God and his people will put
forth his best endeavors to serve in an unselfish way,
having in mind that every servant must be accountable
to the Lord. Where all are diligent to act as com-
manded by the Lord, there peace will reign, and there
will be harmony among the workers and they will
receive the Lord's blessing. Each one of the temple
company will see to it that he is watching and working
for the good of God's organization. The anointed will
stand together in complete unity and pray for con-
tinued peace and unity. W 5/15/37
July 13 (189)
I spake not unto your fathers . concerning burnt
offerings or sacrifices: but this thing commanded I
them, saying, Obey my voice.-Jer. 7: 22, 23.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. (1 Sam. 15: 22)
That is an unchangeable rule given by the Lord to
those who claim to serve him. Speaking to the Israel-
ites by his prophet Jehovah tells them that their sacri-
fices without obedience avail them nothing. He says to
them: "Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and
ye shall be my people; . . . Yet they hearkened not
unto me." The Roman Catholic Hierarchy and the
under-clergy pretend to offer sacrifices to the Lord,
but utterly ignore his commandments, refusing to
obey him, and they teach for doctrines the command-
ments o.f men. The same message declared to typical
Israel Jehovah commands shall be declared to "Chris-
tendom". The Lord now sends his witnesses to "Chris-
tendom" to speak his message. W 9/15/37
July 14 (134)
FO?' whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord
shall be saved.-Rom. 10: 13; Joel 2: 32.
Exercising his loving-kindness, God has provided
that the attention of the people should be brought to
the t!'uth concerning himself and his provision to give
them life. He causes his Word to be proclaimed that
they may hear. Satan seeks to destroy all mankind,
but A.lmighty God graciously informs man that all
who will get on God's side, believe upon and serve the
Lord Jesus Ohrist and Jehovah and prove faithful,
shall live. Alter the flood Satan induced men to prac-
tice religion in mockery of God and all nations adopted
the Devil religion. Jehovah then chose the people of
Israel, and gave them his commandments and in-
structed them how they could obey God and live. Thus
the matter was clearly put before mankind. Man could
choose to stay in the Devil's crowd or could faithfully
serve Jehovah. W 7/1/37
July 15 (325)
Ta7te the wine CllP and cause all the. nations to
whom I send thee to drink it.-Jer. 25: 15.
Take note that Jehovah's witnesses, whom Jeremiah
pictured, now are not permitted to except or pass up
or excuse any peoples or nations. Their duty is to
declare the message of A.1mighty God as it is written.
Religionists of "Christendom" are astounded and
greatly offended because Jehovah's witnesses classify,
not just one religion or church system, but all religions
and religious systems, as devilIsh and therefore wrong
and dishonoring to God. They set up a mad howl and
shout: "Jehovah's witnesses say every religion is
wrong except their own"; but the facts are, Jehovah's
witnesses have no religion whatever; they stand solidly
and entirely upon God A.lmighty's Word and point
out the authoritative words of Jesus that religion is of
the Devil, the purpose of which is to make void the
Word of God. W 11/1/37
July 16 (326)
Blessed is that servant, whom his lord. . shall make
. . ruler over all his goods.-lI1att. 24: 46, 47.
The C< goods" consist of everything on earth that
pertains to the righteous government of Jehovah God
and Christ the King. Those possessions or goods mean
all the interests of the kingdom now pertaining to the
earth and the peoples thereof. The time is at hand
when the Lord will clear out alll1nrighteous rule and
will substitute a government of complete righteousness
to the glory and honor of Jehovah's name. The prelim-
inary work to be done before this clearing out is the
work of making known God's name and purpose, that
the people may learn about it and have due notice.
Jehovah grants that everyone of the temple company
shall do his part in making known His name and king-
dom. Is that commandment discretionary or manda-
tory f It is an imperative mandate, the responsibility
of which cannot be sidestepped. W 12/15/37
July 17 (276)
Ye may dwell in the land of Goshen; for every shep-
herd is an abomination unto the
Egyptians.-Gen. 46: 34.
Joseph viewed himself and his kinsmen as no in-
tegral part of Egypt and as merely there as sojourn-
ers. Likewise Christ Jesus expressly says of the mem-
bers of his household that they are not of the world,
"even as I am not of the world." The remnant on the
earth have so arranged their affairs and so deported
themselves as to show they are not of this world. The
same is true of the great multitude, who have so ar-
ranged their affairs and earthly circumstances, and by
their course of conduct declare themselves to be sepa-
rate and distinct from this world over which Satan
now exercises power and contxoL Remnant and great
multitude have eye and heart set on God'8 kingdom
and are merely sojoru'ners, having here in this world
no permanent abiding place, but waiting i()r Iull
establishment of the kingdom. W 3/15/37
July 18 (162)
saith the Lord to me, Make thee bonds and yokes,
and put them upon thy neck, and them to the
king of Edom, and . .. Moab.-Jer. 27: 2,3.
Jeremiah was commanded to go through a perform-
ance illustrating what God would bring to pass upon
those forGes who hate any and every thing with which
God's name is associated, that is, those moved with
malice against everything that represents Jehovah God
or everything that claims to represent him, and there-
fore a Godless class. That class of creatures will mali-
ciously exult over the destruction of religious organiza-
tions that claim to represent God, and will also exult
over any punishment inilicted against true Christians,
who in truth and in fact represent God. The purpose
of God's message is to give warning to the evildoers
so that they will be without excuse. Our fight is to
expose the wickedness of Satan by holding up the
truth of God's Word that the people may see the way
of escape. W 10/1/37
July 19 (122)
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
and with all thy soul.-Matt. 22: 37.
God's first and greatest commandment to all crea-
tures means there is no division of affection between
God and any creature. One must unselfishly devote
himself to the Almighty God in exclusion of others.
He must have no other God. He must not compromise
by serving Jehovah a while and trying to serve and
receive favor of any of God's enemies at any time.
Then says the Lord: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself." (V s. 39) That means that the man recog-
nizes that the rights and privileges of other creatures
are equal to his own, and therefore he desires to do and
does to others what he would have them to do to him.
He puts himself on an equality and demands nothing
more for himself than he is willing to give to others.
"On these two commandments hang all the law and
the prophets."-Vs. 40. W 5/15/37
July 20 ( 3 1 ~ )
And the Lord said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy
house into the ad c.-Gen. 7: 1.
Noah brought specific animals into the ark. His
family, or .Tonadab prototypes, undoubtedly helped do
the work as they were assigned and directed by Noah.
Within the ark, both before and during the flood, there
were daily duties to be performed of feeding and car-
ing for those living creatures, and the family of Noah
rendered assistance in this behalf, thereby foretelling
what is to be done by the Jonadabs as helpers or com-
panions of the remnant. Noah's household had recog-
nition of .Tehovah God through Noah. Certainly Noah
would direct the members of his family as to what ihey
should do. Noah's family were carried over from the
old world, being protected and saved from the deluge.
Likewise those whom they represent, the great multi-
tude, have the promise of being carried through Ar-
mageddon. W 8/15/37
July 21 (23)
And now, 0 ye priests, this commandment is for you .
. . . to give glory unto my name.-Mal. 2: 1,2.
All serving in the priest's office must give heed by
setting their hearts upon .Tehovah's name as worthy of
all their love, honor and glory. All coming to the
knowledge of the great truths must give glory unto the
name of .T ehovah God and cease bestowing adulation,
honor, glory and praise upon men. To obey this com-
mandment those servants in the priest's office must
correct the abuses and practices of which they were
guilty and into which error they had led others. For-
malism, assumed sanctimoniousness, the 'more holy
than thou' attitude, seeking honor of men, and giving
glory to men, and ali things of that nature, must be
put away. Only honesty, sincerity and full devotion
to the Lord could be pleasing to him. The approved
ones must bring an offering worthy of Jehovah's name
and which would take away the coniempt for his name.
W 1/1/37
July 22 (99)
Fret not thyself because of evil doers, neither be thou
envious against the worke1's of iniquity.-Ps. 37: 1.
We are in the war and the enemy is desperately
striving to destroy all on the Lord's side. Weare not
at all ignorant of the devices of the Devil, provided we
have studied the Lord's Word. From every side we see
the enemy's forces advancing against us and working
every possible scheme against God's people, but this
should not disturb those who love the Lord. To be
forewarned is to be forearmed. When we know we have
a fight and expect the enemy's assault, our trust and
full confidence should be in the Lord, and we should
not permit ourselves to be disturbed by enemies. Do
not permit yourself to become bitter or have hatred
and ill will or desire to do bodily injury to any workers
of iniquity. The Lord will take care of them in his
own due time and good way. Let those who love the
Lord trust in him, knowing he will bring about the
result according to his will. W 6/1/37
July 23 (98)
And they shall drink,. . . Jerusalem, and the cities of
Judah, and the kings thereof, and the princes
thereof, to make them a desolation, an astonish-
ment, an hissing, and a curse.-J er. 25: 16, 18.
Hypocritical relIgionists that claim to be Christians
shall be the first, according to Jehovah's decree, to
'drink of the cup of this fury'. The fact that his
"strange act", that is, the battle of the great day of
God Almighty, will begin by the destruction of the
religionists of "Ohristendom" does not mean there
will thereafter be a period of witness work for the
purpose of gathering the "great multitude". On the
contrary, the Scriptures show that the witness work
must be completed before the great tribulation begins.
When the "old whore" goes down, there will be some
that will weep and wail. Chief among that wailing
crowd will be those who commercialized the religion
of the Oatholic system and her allies. W 11/15/37
July 24 (312)
Let Pha1'aoh look out a man disc1'eet and wise, and set
him over the land of Egypt . ... let him appoint of-
ficers over the land, and take up the fifth pa1't . .
in the seven plenteous years.-Gen. 41: 33, 34.
Christ Jesus is the one set over all the world, anti-
typical Egypt. In harmony with his Father's revealed
will he directs and organizes the kingdom work, and
organizes his faithful ones on earth to participate in
that work and in preparing and storing up food and
carrying it to the people, which spiritual food is so
necessary for the maintenance of those who are seeking
the Lord. Provision for the relief and life of mankind
does not at all depend upon what men may do. There
is but one hope for the world, and that is through
Jehovah's organization, of which Christ Jesus the
Greater Joseph is the Head. The organizing of God's
remnant on earth must begin and be carried forward
as he directs through Christ Jesus. W 2/15/37
July 25 (292)
Her f1t61'chandise and her hire shall be hoZiness to the
L01'd: it shall not be keasured nor laid up; for
her me1'chandise shall be fm' them that
dwell before the Lord.-Isa. 23: 18.
Jehovah does not bring the 'merchandise and hire
of the harlot' into his temple, but by carrying on and
doing his "strange work" he exposes the wickedness
of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, the religionists, and
thus counteracts the effects of her merchandise and
hire and causes the same to work against the religion-
ists, and the result is beneficial to those who love right-
eousness and hate iniquity. This he does by causing
the people to have their eyes opened to the truth, and
those people of good will, who thus see and identify
the Roman Catholic organization as a part of Satan's
organization, separate themselves from that wicked
organization and hasten to Jehovah's 'city of refuge',
the place of holiness. W 5/1/37
July 26
Why will ye die, thou and thy people, by the sword,
by the famine, and by the pestilence, as the Lord hath
spoken against the nation that will not serve
the king of Babylon?-JB1. 27: 13.
God says to the people, as he says to their rulers
now: 'Why will you die? Why not serve the King,
Christ Jesus, and live?' Those who refuse will cer-
tainly die. AI; Jeremiah, God's servant, warned the
rulers and the people to give no heed to false prophets,
such as Hananiah, even so today Jehovah, by sending
his witnesses with his warning message to the rulers
and to the people of "Christendom ", tells them to give
no heed to the false prophets, such as the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy and other clergymen, and their
supporters. Jehovah's witnesses must carry this mes-
sage to the people. This they have been doing and are
still doing, by God's grace. The people must be warned,
as Jeremiah warned Jerusalem. W 10/15/37
July 27 (63)
To whom they commit much, of him will they ask the
more.-Luke 12: 48, A..R. V.
The remnant must appreciate that as the anointed
ones of the Lord they are the official representatives
of God and Christ on the earth. To the remnant has
been committed or entrusted the great privilege of
delivering the testimony of Jesus Christ in obedience
to God's commandments. If they continue to be of the
remnant they must faithfully obey his commandments
and thereby prove their love for God and Christ. As
the ambassadors of Christ and the servants of God on
earth much has been entrusted to them, and in order
to receive God's approval and maintain their integrity
toward him they must render a fun account of their
stewardship in harmony with his commands, and the
moving cause for doing such must be love or unselfish-
ness. All such obey God's commandments and delight
so to do. W 5/15/37
July 28 (282)
Be ye ang1'y, and sin not.-Eplt. 4: 26.
The wicked spirits, including Satan and Gog, will
employ every possible means to bring about the de-
struction of God's faithful servant, but if we fear the
Lord and are diligent to obey him, we are safe. If we
observe others doing despite to the commandments of
God and attempting to work injury upon God's people
and his kingdom, shall we not be angry against such?
We may properly be righteously indignant against all
unrighteousness, but it is not our prerogative to apply
the rule of retaliation against evildoers. A hatred and
malice toward evildoers, and a desire to do them bodily
injury, would be sin, but to hate the wrong and let the
wrongdoers take their own course is a different thing
entirely. To the Lord belongs vengeance. It is not any
Ohristian's business to mete out punishment to an-
other; and the one who does so is certain to fall under
the influence of the Devil and his demons. W 6/1/37
July 29 (53)
And they depmted, and he said unto them, Do not
fall out by the way.-Gen. 45: 24, Roth.
It being important that the Jonadabs get on peace-
fully together, it is certainly of equal importance that
the anointed proceed peaceably. To all of these the
Lord now says: "Do not quarrel in the way" (Swed-
ish Bible); meaning that you must see to it that you
dwell together in peace and go forward unitedly in the
Lord's service. This is a time for peace and harmony
among the people of God's organization, and a time
for war between his organization and the Devil's
crowd. Loyalty and faithfulness, peace and harmony
are therefore essential that all may manifest the spirit
peculIar to the Lord's house and that they may present
a solid front against the enemy. Not only is it a shame
for any of God's people to be at war among themselves,
but those who indulge in such controversies to main-
tain selfish desire are certain to be cast out by the
Lord. W 8/15/37
July 30 (206)
11' ell done, good and fmthful servant.-Matt. 25: 23.
To the faithful ones the Lord says "Well done",
but not to the indifferent ones. A careless, indifferent
or "happy-go-lucky" person cannot maintain his in-
tegrity toward the Lord. Faithful performance of
duty is required by the Lord of his servant, and one
cannot be negligent and indifferent and at the same
time receive the Lord's approval. From the time the
kingdom interests are placed in the keepmg of the
"faithful and wise servant" and until the battle of
Armageddon is a time of conflict, and when one is
fighting the enemy he must be on guard, be watchful
and see to it that he does not perform his duty in a
careless and indifferent way and permit to slip by him
opportunities for advancing the kingdom interests.
The King's business and his kingdom interests require
the greatest degree of anxious care on the part of the
"faithful and wise servant". W 12/15/37
July 31 (226)
Let them hear, and say, It is truth. Ye are my wit-
nesses, saith the Lord,..-Isa. 43: 9, 10.
Religionists are enemies of God, because they have
forms of pretended worship of God but have no real
devotion to God and his kingdom. Religion is a racket,
and those who practice it for gain are racketeers. Chief
among all racketeers are those who form the Roman
Catholic Hierarchy, who rob the people of their money,
take away their liberty of thought and action, and
put in jeopardy their lives. Against such deceivers
God says: "The wicked worketh a deceitful work."
(Prov. 11: 18) The wicked are those who once had
God's favor by being placed in position to know his
Word and who then employed what, knowledge they
obtained for seliish gain. Since Satan's world has
reached its climax, the time has come for the people
to know the truth and determine whether to follow
their worst enemies or to render themselves in obe-
dience to the great God of the universe. W 8/1/37
August 1
Then spake Jeremiah tmto all the princes, . . As for
me, behold, I am in your hand; do with me as
seemeth good and meet unto you.-J er. 26: 12, 14.
Jeremiah put the responsibility right where God
would have him do it. That court would have no power
over him if Jehovah should interfere and prevent them
from exercising power against him. The remnant and
the Jonadabs must keep in mind at all times that their
only place of safety is to remain true and faithful to
Almighty God as Jesus and other witnesses in the past
have done. They are not to put trust in princes or in
any man. They are not to attempt to compromise or
soften Jehovah's Word with the hope of being let off
eaSler by courts of the land. The remnant have conse-
crated to be faithful to the Lord God, even unto death,
and to them the Lord Jesus says: "Be thou faithful
lmto death, and I will give thee the crown of life."
W 10/1/37
August 2 (147)
Then Joseph commanded to fiZZ their sacks with corn,
and to restore eVe1'Y man's money into his sack, and to
give them provision for the way: and thus
did he unto them.-Gen. 42: 25.
The life-giving and life-sustaining truths, pictured
by the food that Joseph put in their sacks, the Greater-
than-Joseph, Christ Jesus, now sends to the people by
the hand of his faithful witnesses. These truths are in
fact a free gift "without money and without price".
The truth today carried to the people is a free gift
from the Lord, even though the people who receive
that truth do contribute a sum of money at the time of
receiving the message. The people of good will must
now show that they have the spirit of sacrifice and
unselfishness and that they desire to aid others to get
the needed spiritual food, and hence they make a small
sacrifice to that end. That is a further test of their
unselfishness. What the people contribute they get
back. W 3/1/37
August :1 (330)
The three and twentieth year, the word of the Lord
hath conte unto me, and I have spoken unto you,
rising ea1'Zy and speaking.-Jer. 25: 3.
Though diligently working for twenty-three years
Jeremiah was not old and worn out. By God's grace
he continued faithfully to perform. That is the privi-
lege of everyone in God's service today, to continue
to work as long as he possesses any strength. Let those
who have full faith in and love for God take courage
now. The difficulties will grow no less until the
"strange work" comes to an end. The fight is on. The
enemies of God and his people are moving forward
with confidence to destroy everything that exposes the
crookedness of their organization. Let all who have
taken a stand on Jehovah's side and who are therefore
relying on the Lord's strength be mindful of the.truth
that he who is for us is far greater than all that can
be against us. W 10/15/37
August 4 (241)
Whet'efore take unto you the whole armour of God,
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day,
and, having done all, to stand.-Eph. 6: 13.
This is not a sham battle, but is a real fight; and
the children of God now on earth engaging in this
war must have on the warrior's armor. It must be an
armor furnished by the Lord. The apostle uses the
armor of an earthly warrior as a symbol of the armor
which the Lord has prepared for those that love and
serve him. Having taken our stand on the side of God
and his kingdom, now let us stand firm and quit our-
selves like men fully matured in Christ Jesus. That
those who have taken their stand on the Lord's side
may remain firm and maintain their integrity and en-
gage successfully in this fight, performing the part
assigned to them, the apostle says: "Stand therefore,
having your loins girt about with truth, and having
on the breastplate of righteousness." (V s. 14) Their
girdle of servitude is that of the truth. W 6/1/37
August 5 (135)
When he oometh home, he oalleth together his friends
and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejowe with
me; for I have found my sheep.-Luke 15: 6.
Now we are in the time when the remnant and the
Jonadabs must be firmly knit together as companions
in loving devotion and service of Jehovah and his
kingdom. In peace they must work together harmo-
niously and always rejoice in the Lord because the day
of delIverance is at hand and the time has come when
the Lord has found and is bringing forth his "other
sheep". The Lord Jesus at the temple having gathered
his spiritual sheep to the temple and being now en-
gaged in gathering to himself his "other sheep", he
invites all who love and serve Jehovah to rejoice with
'him. The remnant and Jonadabs must now get and
hold understanding. They must have a proper appre-
ciation of their relationship to the Lord and to each
other. As companions they must move forward fully
united in service of the King. W 8/15/37
August 6 (41)
Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt. And he
gathered up all the food of the seven years, ...
corn as the sand of the sea.-Gen. 41: 45, 48, 49.
Joseph looked well to the facilities at hand and made
ample provision to feed all who complied with the
terms that would be announced. Christ Jesus, the
Greater Joseph, since his enthronement and particu-
larly since coming to the temple, has been organizing
and carrying forward his work to provide life for
those who obey him, and directs the work that they
must do, which work must be finished before God's
wrath is expressed against Satan and his organization
at the battle of Armageddon. The first of that work is
to supply Jehovah's witnesses with an abundance of
spiritual food and to teach them how to use it, and
then to organize them and send them forth to minister
'the fruits of the kingdom' thus provided to the people
of good will who desire to be fed. W 2/15/37
August 7
Thus saitlt th(J{ Lord God of Israel unto me, Take the
wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the
nations to whom I send thee to drink it.-J er. 25: 15.
This does not mean that those who are Jehovah '8
servants now must take a literal cup of wine and carry
that to somebody. The cup of wine which Jeremiah
was commanded to take was a symbol representing
what God would present to the people. The cup was a
vessel holding a potion, and therefore pictures the
vessels which Jehovah uses to present "the wine of
this fury" to those who must drink it. Hence the cup
pictures (1) his faithful witnesses under Ohrist Jesus,
who are sent forth to the nations to bear witness, which
nations include "Ohristendom"; and (2) Ohrist Jesus,
the great Vessel, the mighty Executioner, and all his
hQlyangels associated with him in executing Jehovah's
judgment. W 11/1/37
August 8
When ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spo-
ken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it
ought not, ... then let them that be in Ju-
drea flee to the mountatns.-Mark 13: 14.
At the very beginning of the organization of the
League of Nations the Roman Oatholic Hierarchy
sought a place or seat therein. She there began to put
on her show to get into it and to dominate the League.
When that 'beast came up out of the pit' (Rev.
17: 8) following the World War, the old "harlot"
climbed on its back, and has been riding since, and
exercising the guiding control of the League, elaiming
the right to rule and vigorously attempting to rule the
world in the place and stead of Ohrist Jesus; there-
fore the" abomination that maketh desolate" is the
League of Nations, labeled by organized religion "the
political expression of God's kingdom on earth". It
stands where it ought not. This is a warning to flee to
God's organization. W 5/1/37
August 9 (20)
Love worketh no ill to his neighbour j therefore love
is the fUlfilling of the law.-Rom. 13: 10.
Perfect creatures are moved by unselfishness to do
what is right. Laws are necessary for imperfect men
to have as a sure guide, that they may go the right
way. The laws were made for just such. (1 Tim. 1: 9)
Love, which is the perfect expression of unselfishness,
is the complete fulfillment of the law, therefore making
enforcement of law unnecessary. The very essence of
the law is written in the heart of every creature that
is in full harmony with God and delights to do his
will. The law which God gave to the Israelites was not
for God's benefit, but entirely for man's benefit. If a
man walks with the Devil he is certain to die, but if he
maintains his integrity toward God he will live. There-
fore God gave Israel his law through Moses, which law
applies to all who want to do right. W 6/15/37
August 10 (111)
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a
good understanding have aU they that do his com-
mandments: his praise endureth for ever.-Ps. 111: 10.
Jehovah God is the Creator; man is the creature.
The creature is entirely dependent upon the Creator
for life, blessings and happiness. The creature man
begins to get some sense when he fears the Creator.
He learns he must be entirely subject to the will of
the Creator. Appreciating his own imperfections, he
then sees the necessity of rendering himself in obe-
dience to God's will. He denies himself and knowingly
and gladly takes the course all sensible creatures
should take; that is, he voluntarily agrees to do the
will of God. He learns that the Devil is the wicked
one, God's adversary and the great enemy of all men,
who tries to turn men away from God and to destroy
them. Therefore the creature flees from the Devil and
seeks protection through Christ Jesus in God's organi-
zation. He covenants to do God's will. tV 5/15/37
August 11 (299)
Thus saith the Lord, Stand in the court of the Lord's
house, and speak unto all the cities of Judah . .. all
the words that I command thee to speak.-Jer. 26: 2.
Before taking his stand in that place and delivering
the Lord's message, did Jeremiah first apply to the
king or his officers for a permit to go and thus testify?
He did not, because the Lord had not so instructed him
and he was there to obey the Lord. God sent his
prophet to do what he was told to do. A definite
precedent for Jehovah's witnesses is here fixed by the
positive course taken by Jeremiah. In the days of the
apostles they followed the same precedent when they
said to the officers of the law: "We ought to obey God
rather than men." Jehovah's witnesses are to go out
among the people that attend religious meetings and
that support organized religion, and inform them of
Jehovah's purpose, warning them of his impending
"'strange act". W 9/15/37
August 12 (252)
With gladness and rejoicing shall they "be brought:
they shall enter into the King's palace.-Ps. 45: 15.
In beautiful poetic phrase Jehovah's prophet de-
scribes the spiritual class, which constitutes the bride
of Christ Jesus and is designated in the prophecy as
"the daughter" of the "King of Eternity". Then he
tells of a class, purified ones, because they are called
"virgins". This shows that those associates must be
washed in the blood of Christ Jesus by exercising faith
in his blood, and be devoted to him, they devoting
themselves to God's service. In Scripture these "vir-
gins" are specifically called the "companions" of "the
King's daughter": "The King's daughter is all glo-
rIOUS within; her clothing is of wrought gold. She shall
be brought unto the King in raiment of needlework:
the virgins her companions that follow her shall be
brought unto thee." (Vss. 13,14) They did not mere-
ly adorn Christ's bride by their presence, but rendered
assistance to her. W 8/15/37
August 13
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct
thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes.-Prov. 3: 6,7.
One who has a sincere desire to obey this a d m o n i ~
tion of the Lord honestly and sincerely prays God to
make him, the creature, do God's will. He has no de-
sire to act selfishly or presumptuously. His one desire
is to perform the Lord's will, recognizing the Lord has
an organization and his own way of instructing his
people. Someone must outline the method of work and
send forth the instructions concerning the outline.
That part of the Lord's organization on earth per-
forms the duty as assigned to it, and is responsible to
him, and surely the Lord has one way, and not divers
ways, of carrying on his work. If a mistake is made the
Lord will correct it, and that duty of correcting will
not be left to some local service committee. W 5/15/37
August 14 (236)
The joy of the LORD is your strengtll.-Neh. 8: 10.
When Christ Jesus gathered to himself his faithful
followers, it was then, and still is, a joyful time, be-
cause it is the time for vindicating Jehovah's name.
Therefore he says to the Ilfaithful servant" class to
whom he has committed the care of his kingdom inter-
ests: 'Come, participate in this great joy with me.'
In obedience to the Lord's commandment the servant
now goes about proclaiming Jehovah's name and king-
dom. Because they do so they are subjected to all
manner of abuse and ill-treatment, even as Jesus fore-
told. They are not happy because of ill-treatment,
abuse and imprisonment, but are joyful in the Lord;
for this is evidence they are following in Jesus' foot-
steps and will have part in vindicating His name.
Many suffer bodily pain, bitter tears are forced to
flow, but they rejoice that they are God's children,
privileged to prove integrity under adverse conditions
that they may have His approval. W 12/15/37
August 15 (295)
The Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth put-
ting away [divorce]: . .. therefore take heed to your
spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.-lJlal. 2: 16.
God's organization is pure and guilty of no forni-
cation or illicit relationship. When one enters the
covenant relationship with God and is united with
his orgamzation t h r o u ~ h Christ Jesus, he cannot di-
vorce himself therefrom on the ground of uncleanness
in that organization. It is not possible for God's organ-
ization to be unclean. The uncleanness is in the one
who mixes with Satan's organization, which is unfaith-
fulness and rebellion on his part against God, and so
therefore he deals treacherously. There is no excuse
or justification for one to withdraw from God's or-
ganization. If he does withdraw he thereby shows his
own uncleanness. Those once in line for the kingdom
who become unfaithful corrupt themselves by pur-
suing an unlawful course.-Deut. 32: 5. W 1/15/37
August 16 (322)
Who art thou that judgest another man's servant'! to
his own master he standeth or faUeth. Yea, .
God is able to make him stand.-Rom. 14: 4.
God's children know that they have no power with-
in themselves to WIthstand the assault of the enemies,
but they know also that they have a strong fortress
that cannot be shaken and by abiding therein they
shall be safe. (Ps. 18: 2, 3) Suppose the name and
reputation of all God's children should be trampled in
the mire and they be made to appear as wicked law-
breakers and as corrupt. The enemy can do that, but
that amounts to nothing in the Lord's sight. The repu-
tation of God's people among men is of no importance.
Their standing with the Lord Jehovah and Christ
Jesus is all-important. Jesus made himself of no repu-
tation. What others think about US need not disturb
us in the least. Every servant must stand or fall to his
own master. If we are faithfully trusting and serving
God, he will make us to stand. W 6/1/37
August 17 (284)
Pharaoh said unto Joseph, In my dream. the thin
ears devoured the seven good ears.-Gen. 41: 17, 24.
The people of good will toward God, who desire to
know and learn righteousness, must come to Jehovah's
organization, under the Greater Joseph, Ohrist Jesus,
and must eat the fruits of the kingdom, the bread of
life, which Jehovah has provided through his organiza-
tion, in order that they may exist in thIS evil day and
that they may seek righteousness and meekness and
be hid and survive durmg the day of the expression
of God's wrath against Satan and his organization at
Armageddon. After the battle, they will, if continuing
faithful and obedient, find life in abundance. This em-
phasizes the absolute necessity for Jehovah's witnesses
to now make haste to carry the fruits of the kingdom
to those who have the hearing ear. Jonadabs join in
proclaiming this blessed provision which God has made
for those who would find life. W 2/15/37
August 18 (278)
And these all, having obtained a good report through
faith, received not the promise; God having provided
some better thing for us, that they wzthout us
should not be made perfect.-Heb. 11: 39,40.
Even the faithful "witnesses" of old are the com-
panions of the spiritual class. The spiritual class must
be selected first and then the earthly company per-
fected. In due time they shall all be of one fold, giving
praise and service to God. The faithful men of old who
served as "witnesses" for Jehovah, even to pouring
out their lifeblood, are set forth as examples of faith-
fulness which the spiritual class are admonished to
follow. Those faithful men are called martyrs or
"witnesses". (12: 1) They were witnesses to Jehovah
then as some are witnesses to him today. All these
:firmly stand together, each class joyfully taking the
position assigned, and render service as assigned, to
God's glory. Thus they are shown as companions knit
together in His service. W 8/15/37
August 19 (277)
A man of understanding hath wisdom.-Prov. 10: 23.
To get 1L.>J.derstanding is of the very greatest im-
portance to the remnant. They must get a proper
appreciation of their relationsllip to God and Christ.
If one who has thus been called and brought into
God's iamily is vain and wise in his own conceits, he
is void of understanding. (Prov. 12: 11) He must keep
always in mind that Jehovah is the Most High and
that the creature is the servant, of whom God requires
full obedience. Therefore he must think soberly of
himself, and not think more highly of himself than he
ought to think. (Rom. 12: 3) He must not seek praise
of men nor even to be a pleaseI' of men, but must seek
always to please the Lord God and have his approval.
Those who seek to shine before men may be highly
commended by others. Their immediate reward, and
the sole reward they receive, is the approval of men,
but not the approval of God. W 5/15/37
August 20 (270)
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth: for
the Lord hath a controversy with the nations;
he will pZead with all fiesh.-J er. 25: 31.
"A tumultuous noise" (Leeser), which accompanies
the battle of Armageddon, betokens wasting, destruc-
tion, and desolation. Relating to the same thing Isaiah
66 : 6 says: "A voice of noise from the city [unfaithful
'Christendom '], a voice from the temple, a voice of
the Lord that rendereth recompence to his enemies."
The voice of the Lord is beautiful and harmonious, and
it is his voice from the temple that fills unfaithful
" Christendom", or organized religionists, with dis-
may, and they make a great noise of confusion and
tumult. The noise that begins at "Christendom ", a
"noise" because of destruction, will go around the
entire earth, no nation being omitted. The Lord's voice
from the temple is now being proclaimed, in fulfill-
ment of his command at Matthew 24: 14. Then comes
the end in great tribulation. W 12/1/37
August 21 (258)
If e said, B e7wld, I have heard that there is corn in
Egypt: get you down thither, and buy for us from
thence; that we may live, and not die.-Gen. 42: 2.
Jacob directed his ten sons, Joseph's half brothers,
to go to the governor of Egypt for needed supplies.
In this Jacob pictured Jehovah, who directs all persons
of good will to go unto Christ Jesus, his duly consti-
tuted Governor, that the people "may live, and not
die". Since the gathering of the remnant to the temple
Jehovah has caused his witnesses, the remnant' seed of
his woman', to go through the land and to cast up a
highway for the people, and to tell them the truth
concerning his provisions, in order that such might
travel to the great Governor, upon whose shoulders the
government rests, and to him who is "The mighty
God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace",
who serves to the hungry souls the bread of life.
-Isa. 9: 6; 62: 10; John 6: 50. TV 3/1/37
August 22 (244)
The Lord will visit Tyre, . . . And her merchandise
and he,' hi"e shall be holiness to the Lord: it shall
not be treasured nor laid up; for her mer-
chandise shall be for them that dwell
before the Lord.-Isa. 23: 17, 18.
Her merchandise and lying shall not be brought
into Jehovah's temple, but shall be used against and
operate against the harlot. Jehovah's promise is that
those of good will who seek righteousness and meekness
may be hid during Armageddon and dwell thereafter
on the earth. Soon and in God's due time he turns the
tables on the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and that
wicked organization is laid waste, and Jehovah's wit-
nesses are shown as praising the Most High after she
goes down. When that calamity befalls the religionists
the persons of good will, the great multitude who have
proved their integrity by obeying Jehovah's com-
mandments, will then dwell in the Lord's presence and
sing his praises for ever. TV 5/1/37
August 23 (150)
Serve the LORD with gladness.-Ps.100: 2.
All who undertake to do God's will are his servants.
His anointed and the "other sheep" are servants. It
is the privilege of all such to perform as opportunity
is offered, and to do so being prompted by genuine
zeal or burning love for the Lord . .All the Lord's
servants as such are companions. All should see to it
that they serve exactly in harmony with his organiza-
tion and in the spirit of the Lord. The chief purpose
of service is to proclaim Jehovah's name.and kingdom
and to do so in an orderly manner as directed by the
Lord. Whatsoever is done should be done to God's
glory, that his name be honored, and this without re-
gard to honoring men. When the anointed remnant
and Jonadabs are associated together, those among the
remnant who give evidence of understanding and zeal
for the Lord should take the lead in the service, and
the others should follow or work together in full har-
mony. W 8/15/37
August 24 (162)
Understand the fear of the Lord.-Prov. 2: 5.
TIle remnant sec themselves as the servants of the
Most High. They know that at all times they must
love mercy, and that they must walk obediently with
their God, and that self-exaltation will mean their own
.fall and complete destruction. Not only do they learn
of, but they discern and appreciate their relationship
to God and to Christ. Such have understanding, be-
cause they are taking a wise course. Such faithful ones
in the temple have given heed to the admonition ad-
dressed to them, to wit: "Sanctify the Lord of hosts
himself; and let him be your fear, and let him be your
dread." (Isa. 8: 13) Such faithful ones do not desire
the approval of men, but, on the contrary, shun such
approval, that they may be pleasing unto the Lord.
They do not fear men or devils, but trust in the Lord
God and delight to obey his W 5/15/37
August 25 (138)
Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all
the natwns to drink, ... all the kings of the
north, fa1' and near, one with another, and all
the kingdoms of the w01'Zd,-Jer 25: 17, 26.
All nations that have wIllingly pursued a course of
unrighteousness for gain of things material have
joined Satan's crowd and come under the Devil and
under the immediate command of Gog of Magog. That
entire wicked crowd have joined in the conspiracy in
making assaults upon those who serve Almighty God
in spirit and in truth, All the nations north of Pales-
tine have for long been dominated by the extreme
religionists, particularly that form of religion intro-
duced and practiced by the old "whore", and doubt-
less they wiII make up a large portion of the "ten
horns" that hate the old "whore" and will destroy
her, as foretold. (Rev. 17: 15-17) That same wicked
crowd makes war against the King of kings, and meets
complete and absolute defeat. W 11/15/37
August 26 (289)
If ye be reproached for the name of Ch1"ist, happy are
ye.-l Pet. 4: 14.
One who is reproached because of his faithfulness to
Christ has the evidence he is pleasing to God, and
therefore he rests contentedly in God's love. "Happy"
means a supremely blessed state by reason of being in
God's family and in a favorable position with the
Lord. It does not mean "hilarity". Anyone who is
careless and negligent in performing his assigned duty
and is chastised for that reason and then sings and
says: "Well, I've told the Lord all about it, and now
I am happy," that person is deceiving himself. To be
sure, God knows everything. Mistakes cannot properly
make one happy, but will make him sober and thought-
ful that he may profit thereby and make further prog-
ress. One can hardly be said to be happy when he is
engaged in a real combat with the enemy. The l'joy of
the Lord" is essential. W 12/15/37
August 27 (94)
She said, Lie with me. But he refused, and said unto
his master's wife, ... how then can I do this great
wickedness, and sin against God?-Gen. 39: 7-9.
Fornication and adultery are typical of illicit spir-
itual relationship of the child of God with Satan's
"woman" or organization. Jehovah's faithful servants
under Christ Jesus have repeatedly repulsed the un-
clean, licentious advances of Satan's "woman", his
organization. Though often enticed, they have kept
themselves" unspotted from the world" by refusing to
have anything in common with the organization that
rules the world. They have refused to be seduced by
Satan's woman. They have persistently refused to join
with the religious organizations and to have anything
in common with such and to thereby commit spiritual
fornication. They have shunned the corrupt political
affairs of this world and have steadfastly held to their
service of God and Christ Jesus. W 2/1/37
August 28 (39)
And this whole land shall be a desolation, and an aston-
and these nations shall serve the king
of Babylon seventy years.-Jer. 25: 11.
By this means Jehovah will show how terrible are
his judgments when executed against his enemies, and
all who survive will lmow he is truly the Supreme
One, to be greatly feared and not be reproached with
impunity. Not only will "Christendom" be wrecked,
at the beginning of Armageddon, but the wrath of
God will then be continued and extend to all the
nations of earth. The "seventy years" here mentioned
are prophetic and mean forever, for all time. All who
survive Armageddon must serve the King, Christ Je-
sus, whom Nebuchadnezzar foreshadowed. The people
of good will, forming the great multitude, come from
every nation, kindred, people and tongue, and they
must serve Jehovah and his King for ever. W 11/1/37
August 29 (89)
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever will not
hearken unto my words which he shall speak in
'PLy name, I will requi1'e it of him.-Deut. 18: 19.
Do you see and appreciate the great issue now to be
for ever determined ~ Do you discern your relationship
to him whose name must now be vindicated ~ Have you
heard and appreciated the commandment that "this
gospel of the kingdom" must now be proclaimed be-
fore ~ t h e final end 7 Do you now spurn religion as of
the Devil, and give heed to and obey the command-
ments of the Lord? Are you wholly on the Lord's side
and obeying his commandments, that you may receive
life? or are you sitting idly by, ignoring his command-
ments and missing the greatest opportunity ever given
to creatures on earth, and by so doing are certain to
die 7 Remember that God has commanded his witnesses
to obey the Lord Jesus, and that everyone that does
not obey this great Prophet shall be destroyed.
W 5/15/37
August 30 (77)
Neither walk after other gods to your hurt: then will
I cause you to dwell in this place, in the land that
I gave to your fathers, for ever.--Jer. 7: 6, 7.
God has given the place in his kingdom with Christ
Jesus only to those who keep their covenant to do his
commandments faithfully. He warns pretenders, the
hypocritical religionists who claim to have his favor,
that unless they amend their ways he will completely
cast them away and destroy them. Today Jehovah is
giving his final warning to "Christendom' '. This alone
shows there must still be some held in bondage to the
hypocritical religionists who, on hearing the truth,
give heed to God's commandments and withdraw from
the religious organizations and serve and worship God.
Those who do not change their course will suffer de-
struction. Claiming to worship God and being in an
implied covenant to at least obey him, covenant-break-
ers are worthy of death. W 9/1/37
August 81 (50)
A.ll scripture is given by inspimtion of God . . . that
the man of God m,ay be perfect, throttghly fur-
nished unto all good works.-2 Tim,. 3: 16, 17.
He who equips himself with a knowledge of the
Scriptures and is then dIligent to follow the course
there marked out must and will engage in doing good
work, the chief part of which is to make known to
others the goodness and loving-kindness of Jehovah
and the blessings he will administer to his obedient
creatures through Christ Jesus and his kingdom. Any
today who proclaim the truth will of necessity be the
object of the attack, and that viciously, by Satan and
his visible representatives. Let none be discouraged
because thereof, but rather know that this is evidence
that there is enmity between the righteous organiza-
tion of Jehovah and the wicked organization of the
Devil and that all who are on the Lord God's side will
be hated and persecuted until the time the wicked are
destroyed. W 8/1/37
September 1 (102)
Hananialz, The Lord hath not sent thee; but thou
makest this people to trust in a lie. There-
fore thus saith the Lm-d, Behold, ... this
year thou shalt die.-Jer. 28: 15,16.
Such is the written judgment of Jehovah against
false prophecies uttered by leaders of "Christendom' '.
His Word, therefore, clearly shows that Jehovah's
witnesses must declare the truth today as commanded,
even though it shocks the religious susceptibilities of
the clergy. It is not the judgment of men, but is the
judgment of Almighty God, w:ritten against those who
resist him and his King and prophesy falsely and mis-
lead the people. His decree is that such shall be cast
out and die. This message must be delivered because
God has so commanded it. Jehovah's witnesses are not
fighting any man or company of men, even as Jere-
miah the prophet was not fighting against men, but
merely obeying God's commandments. W 10/15/37
September 2 (23)
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth
his trust in the L01d shall be safe.-Prov. 29: 25.
Urijah concluded it was best for him to run away,
and his fear brought him into the snare completely.
Jeremiah delivered the message from the Lord, like
that delivered by Urijah, and instead of showing fear
he stood his ground and said to his accusers: 'I have
delivered the message God sent me to deliver; now do
what seeIDS good to you.' Jeremiah showed faith in
God and therefore no fear of man. Taking refuge in
another part of Satan's organization furnished no pro-
tection whatever to Urijah, and it also showed a lack
of faith in God. It appears that Jehovah removed his
protection frOID Urijah because of his fear of man.
Urijah would as well have stood his ground and died
there. He would then have died for his faithfulness,
if he died at all. Fleeing into Egypt resulted in no
good to him. W 10/1/37
September 3 (285)
The slain of the Lord shall be at that day from one
end of t h ~ earth even unto the other end of the
earth: they shall not be lamented.-J er. 25: 33.
When Armageddon begins and progresses, the slay-
ing WIll not be only in "Christendom"; it will neces-
sarily include all the nations of the world, because
such shall drink of the cup of this fury, as the Lord
declares. Weeping for the destruction of the wicked is
now and always will be out of o,;rder. "They shall not
be lamented, " because that is Jehovah's commandment
to the anointed and to those of good will, who alone
will survive that day of slaughter. His will is that
those fully devoted to him pray for destruction of the
wicked who oppose Jehovah and his kingdom. The
slaying of such wicked ones, instead of being cause
for lamentation on the part of God's faithful ones, will
be a cause of joy, because such see the vindication of
Jehovah's name and his Word. W 1211/37
September 4 (132)
The law of truth was in his mouth, and iniquity was
not found in his lips.-Mal. 2: 6.
This describes Christ Jesus as Jehovah's great High
Priest. All his true and faithful followers are neces-
sarily included in this description; that means also the
faithful remnant now on earth. As Jehovah's servant
Jesus spoke out boldly and plainly published God's
law and denounced the counterfeit law of the religious
organization that defamed Jehovah's name. He openly
showed that God's law is supreme and fal' above the
law of man-made governments or institutions. "Ini-
quity," that is, disloyalty or lawlessness and perver-
sion, "was not found in his lips." He upheld the law
of Jehovah. The same must be true of his faithful
remnant who in the face of cruel opposition continue
the service. Being part of the priesthood, they will go
courageously on proclaiming the kingdom message,
which God has commanded them to do. W 1/1/37
September 5 (206)
There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth;. . The
liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth
shall be watered also himself.-Prov. 11: 24, 25.
t, A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth
him before great men." (18: 16) Gifts or contributions
are made at a sacrifice or cost, and show an unselfisll
disposition and willingness to obey and serve the Most
High. Gifts carried to the King Christ Jesus manifest
the spirit of unselfish service and devotion. Unselfish-
ness, which is love, is demonstrated by a willing desire
and effort to further the cause of righteousness. Those
of good will, the t, other sheep" of the Lord, now show
their unselfish desire to aid in supporting the kingdom
message to the honor of Jehovah's name and for the
good of those who love righteousness. They manifest
this disposition by making a sacrifice, willingly contrib-
uting their means to further publication of the king-
dom message. Thus they grow in godlikeness. W 3/1/37
September 6 (198)
Howl, ye ships of Tarshish; for it is laid waste, so that
there is no house, no entering in; front the land of
Ghittirn it is revealed to them.-Isa. 23: 1.
All who have depended upon the Roman Oatholic
organization, all who have had dealings with the Hier-
archy for selfish gain, either political or commercial
or otherwise, will be greatly grieved and shaken. For
many years that religious organization has boasted,
'The gates of hell shall never prevail against us,' and
now not only will those'seeing it go down be shocked,
but to them it will appear very strange that such a
calamity could come to an organization that claimed
to represent God. This indicates that at the very begin-
ning of Armageddon the religious organizations as
such will perish and others seeing it will wail. Religion
has been a means employed by the Devil to build his
mighty organization on earth,which has deceived mil-
lions. W 4/1/37
September 7 (144)
Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord. (Isa.
52: 11) Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthi-
ness of the flesh and spirit.-2 Gar. 7: 1.
One who has understanding is wise, and his appear-
ance and deportment are in keeping therewith. The
understanding servant of God appreciates his relation-
ship to the Lord. He is the representative of Jehovah
and Christ Jesus to deliver to others the Lord's mes-
sage. Certainly this means a clean body, clean in physi-
cal appearance, and clean in mind. When appearing
before others as the Lord's representative the witness
of the Lord should be gentle, pleasing, and his words
should be gracious. Oalled to follow in the footsteps
of the Master, he should keep in mind that 'gracious
words fell from His lips'. The witness should tell of
God's purpose to destroy the wicked and bless those
who are righteous. But such speech should be without
offense. W 5/15/37
September 8 (34)
I spake unto you, rising up early and speaking, bttt ye
heard not; and I called you,. bttt ye answered not;
therefore will I do ttnto this house . . as I
have done to SMloh.-Je1'. 7: 13, 14.
Early in the day of his dealing with his covenant
people God began to instruct them, His prophets rose
up early in the day and there began to preach to the
people. There was much complaint against them for so
doing. Even today complaint is made by religionists
against Jehovah's witnesses, objection being made that
they come early and ring doorbells and wake them up
and speak to them about the Lord; and then the clergy
induces the officers to arrest and hale them into court.
Jehovah caused his message of warning to be given a
sufficient length of time before the day of his wrath in
order to give ample time to have it heard. Instead of
reforming and doing what is right, religionists con-
tinue to persecute the faithful witnesses of Jehovah.
W 9/1/37
September 9 (80)
God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must
worship Mm '/,n spirit and in truth.-John 4: 24.
Jesus taught the people fully and sincerely to obey
God's commandments. Thus Jesus established true
Christianity. "Christianity" means the full and com-
plete obedience of man to God's commandments, even
as Christ Jesus taught and obeyed God's command-
ments. A person is a Christian only when he is a true
follower of Christ Jesus, which means he must be dili-
gent in obeying God's commandments and follow
them, not man's teachings. Religion is a great enemy,
always working injury to man, without regard to
whether man is sincere or otherwise. Religion is en-
tirely out of place in the church of God. The enemy
has at all times attempted to corrupt the "church of
God". He has used wicked angels and men. All on
God's side must resist the enemies in order to maintain
integrity toward God. W 7/1/,7
September 10 (232)
Praying always with all prayer . in the spi1'it, and
watching the1'eunto with all perseverance and
supplication for all saints.-Eph. 6: 18.
His people must pray for unity and peace among
themselves. They are specifically admonished to pray
for prosperity. As the fight grows in intensity they
pray: "Save now, I beseech thee, 0 Lord: 0 Lord, I
beseech thee, send now prosperity. " (Ps. 118: 25) This
means prosperity or advancement of the kingdom. All
must be in unity in order to look well to the kingdom
interests. His faithful ones must and will avoid all
covetousness, ill will and harsh criticism. They will
give everyone of the saints credit for doing his best
and will pray that God's people or sons may be made
to do his will. Thus praying, God's people can never
fight one another, but always fight harmoniously to-
gether against God's enemies and thus maintain integ-
rity toward Him. The fight is on. The victory is certain
for God's Field Marshal. W 6/1/37
September 11 (337)
If so be they will hearken and turn every man from
his evil way, that I rnay repent me of the e v ~ ' l ,
which I pU1'pose to do unto them.-J er. 26: 3.
Jehovah has given warning to "Christendom", not
that he expects religionists, who knowingly defy his
Word, to reform, but he affords them the opportunity
that they may have no excuse. By willfully rejecting
his warning message and by willful opposition to the
kingdom proclamation, they have demonstrated clearly
that they are willingly wicked and justly deserving
destruction. Within the religious organizations of
"Christendom" are some meek ones of sincere heart
and who deSIre to be taught the right way, and these
are given opportunity to hear the truth and seek a
place of safety. As the message delivered by Jeremiah
shows the only way of safety, so now Jehovah's mes-
sage sent through his faithful witnesses shows the only
way to protection and safety. W 9/15/37
September 12 (89)
Jesus . .. for the joy that was set before him e n d ~ t r e d
the cross, despising the shallte.-H eb. 12: 2.
The" joy of the Lord ", to be "joyful in the Lord ",
means an inward calm delight because of the knowl-
edge that God's purpose is about to be accomplished in
the vindication of his name and that one who suffers
indignities because of righteousness and who continues
faithful may have part in that vindication. Jesus,
when knowing he was about to die as an accursed
sinner, was joyful because he knew that such suffering
would ultimately result in vindication of Jehovah's
name. He knew that so was the will of God; therefore
he rested in calm delight that he was permitted to ful-
fill his Father's will and that he had assurance that in
due time he would vindicate his Father's name. When
Christ Jesus was enthroned and came to the temple,
he had reached the point of great joy because the time
had come to vindicate his Father's name. W 12/15/37
September 13 (283)
Cause all the nations to whom I send thee to drink it.
And they shall drink, and be moved, and be mad, be-
cause of the sword that I will send.--Jer. 25: 15, 16.
Jehovah's great Prophet, Christ Jesus, is uttering
this command by authority conferred on him by Al-
mighty God; and it is written that everyone who does
not obey this prophet shall be destroyed. (Acts 3: 23)
Jehovah's witnesses, thereiore, have no alternative.
They must obey Jehovah's commandments, and they
delight to obey them. No one person can perform serv-
ice for another, but each one who is a witness of Jeho-
vah must perform his part. The religionists, and par-
ticularly the Roman Catholic Hierarchy, now vehe-
mently rage against Jehovah's witnesses and desper-
ately attempt to stop these servants of God from
carrying out the commandments' of the Most High.
There is no power that can stop this message and the
execution of God's purpose. W 11/1/37
September 14 (273)
Then Joseph said unto the people, Behold, I have
bought you this day, and your land, for Pha-
raoh: lo, here is seed for you.-Gen. 47: 23.
This does not mean that man can buy his life from
God. It does mean that for the great multitude to sur-
vive Armageddon and to get life from God through
Ohrist Jesus these must fully comply with God's terms,
which terms are that men shall fully, unreservedly
and completely consecrate themselves to God and his
faithful service, and acknowledge and serve his King.
There is nothing that they may withhold. Nothing
that they can give can compensate for the free gift of
life and all its attending blessings, because all that
men have, to begin with, belongs to the Lord. "The
earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof." They
must show their full willingness to become the servants
of God and Ohrist Jesus, and must serve "day and
night", that is, all the time. W 3/15/37
September 15 (119)
My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake
not the law of thy mother.-Prov. 6: 20.
No one who is really on the Lord's side can ignore
the letter or spirit of this scripture. God is our Father;
he commands what must be done, and we must gladly
obey. His organization is our mother. (Isa. 54: 5, 13)
Ohrist Jesus is the Head of God's capital organization,
and all of the anointed are under him and must be
obedient to his commandments. Failure or refusal to
obey the commandments of God and turning aside
from instructions of his organization show that the
persons so doing are greatly wanting in understand-
ing. The Lord's organization on earth is his and there
are no earthly bosses, but all those who are part of his
organization on earth are servants of the Lord. The
ones who are more diligent and careful to observe the
Lord's instructions and do accordingly are the ones
that are most pleasing to him. W 5/15/37
September 16 (265)
Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that
hast been forgotten: make sweet melody, sing many
songs, that thou mayest be remembered.-Isa. 23: 16.
What is the real purpose of the Roman Catholic
Hierarchy action? II That thou mayest be remem-
bered" ; that is, that she may get back her position of
temporal power. Religion, which she wrongfully claims
is "Christianity", is used by her to gain political
power. She is determined to suppress everyone who
dares declare the truth of God's VI ord. Jehovah's
witnesses are commissioned to speak the truth; there-
fore Jehovah's witnesses constitute a stinging thorn
in the flesh of the old "harlot" because they lift high
the banner of the Lord, pointing the people to the
declaration of Jehovah that his kingdom and King is
the hope of the world and there is none other. That
kingdom as proclaimed by them is the only tIring the
Hierarchy now really fears. W 5/1/37
Septenlber 17 (302)
If they refuse ... say ~ t n t o them, Thus saith the
Lord of hosts, Ye shall certainly drink.-Jer. 25: 28.
His witnesses must go in the name of Jehovah God,
in the name of the Lord of hosts, who now makes war
upon the wicked. The people will refuse to hear, except
a few; but the faithful witnesses will continue to say:
"Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Ye shall certainly
drmk. " They will not stop to argue with opposers.
That is not their business. Their work is to bring the
message of the Lord to the people's attention, that
they may have opportunity to give heed thereto. Much
and prolonged talk at the door with those of the homes
is not obeying God's commandments. His message
must be delivered as the Lord's message and as he has
commanded it, and those who refuse to hear cannot be
forced to hear, but, having opportunity to hear, must
bear the responsibility. The message must therefore
be carried to them by those who are serving God.
W 11/15/37
September 18 (64)
Seven years of dearth began to come, according as
Joseph had said: and the dearth was in all lands j but
in all the land of Egypt th81'e was bread.-Gen. 41: 54.
There is no spiritual food in any part of Satan's
visible organization. The fact that the famine did not
hurt Joseph and those under him in Egypt shows that
this famine for spiritual food in the earth does not
exist in God's organization, and that during the period
of famine upon Satan's organization God does not stop
feeding his people, but brings to them meat in due
season. The facts show that since 1919 many more
have been brought to a knowledge of the truth and
been received into the tcmple and made a part of
God's organization and part of his remnant. Also those
of good will who will compose the great multitude
must be fed. They must come to God's organization
under the Greater Joseph to receive their food. J eho-
vah has provided an abundance to feed them.
W 2/15/37
September 19 (286)
The Lord of hosts hath purposed it, . Pass through
thy land as a river, 0 daughter of Tarshish: there
is no more strength [restraint] .-Isa. 23: 9, 10.
The Hierarchy brings to bear all its influence and
power by and through religionists, politicians and
commercial men, and the courts, to restrain Jehovah's
witnesses and prevent them from telling the truth.
When Armageddon begins that restraint will be re-
moved and "no restraint any more" (A.R.V.) will be
upon Jehovah's witnesses, because the witness work will
then be finished. Until then the 'four angels, to whom
is given to hurt the earth and the sea', continue to hold
back the storm of the Lord. (Rev. 7: 1-3) The time
comes when the restraint ends, and no more rest;:oaint
is on the "ten horns" of the beast, which shall turn
and rend the Hierarchy organization, and when J e-
hovah's great Executioner shall completely wreck
every part of Satan's organization. W 4/15/37
September 20
The spirit of the Lord God is upon me; because the
Lord hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto
the meek; he hath sent me to bind up the broken-
hearted, to proclaim liberty.-Isa. 61: 1, 2.
The ones taken out from amongst men for the pur-
pose of Jehovah's name are called to the heavenly call-
ing, and in due time are chosen and anointed. That
means they are commissioned to perform certain spe-
cific duties, among which duties is that they must be
witnesses of Jehovah God, having received from him
the commission of authority to represent him and
speak in his name and deliver his message. The rela-
tionship now is that of Father and son and Master and
servant. Jehovah is the great Mastel', and the creature
is the servant. Christ Jesus himself is the elect Servant
(Isa. 42: 1). The members of his body are servants of
God and Christ. W 5/15/37
September 21 (326)
The ?nessengers which come to Jerusalem U 1 ~ t o Zede-
kiah king of Judah; ... command them to say
unto their masters, Thus saith the L01'd of
hosts, the God of Israel.-Jer. 27: 3, 4.
Jeremiah's message by prophetic emblems was deliv-
ered to the official representatives of the heathen, the
haters and opposers of God. Such heathen representa-
tives were in diplomatic relationship with the Israel-
ites. Jehovah would see to it that his message of
warning should reach the masters or rulers of the
nations. Likewise the ambassadors of the nations that
maintain relationship with "Christendom" and that
therefore "come to" "Christendom" shall know of
God's purpose to destroy Satan's organization. Such
notice has already been served upon many of the
foreign diplomats, and they are taking notice in prac-
tically all nations. Manifestly Jehovah permits this to
come to them that they shall be without excuse. They
shall know Jehovah is supreme. W 10/1/37
September 22
It shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold, out
of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold
of the skirt of him that is a Jew.-Zech. 8: 23.
"Jew" means 'one who praises Jehovah', and p a r ~
ticularly refers to Christ Jesus, "the Lion of the tribe
of Juda." His faithful followers yet on earth are
called the "feet of him". The people of good will come
from many parts of the earth, saying to each other:
'Let us pray before Jehovah, seeking the Lord of hosts' ;
and they seek him in his organization. The prophet
says that "ten men", all the men of good will who will
compose the great multitude, "shall take hold of the
skirt of him that is a Jew," Christ Jesus. Since the
skirt hangs down in proximity of the feet, "the Jew"
also represents the remnant, the faithful members of
Christ's body. To them these people of good will say:
'We will go with you; for we have heard God is with
you.' W 8/15/37
September 23 (98)
For, 10, I begin to bring evil on the city which is
called by my name, and should ye be utterly u n p u n ~
ished? Ye shall not be unpunished.-J er. 25: 29.
The religionists who hang on to what they call the
"Christian" religion, whether they be of the laity that
go to church or be non-professors of religion but who
think the church organizations are necessarily part of
the governments and must be tolerated therefore, all
these the Lord includes when he says: "Should ye be
utterly unpunished ~ " They have shown themselves to
be of the goat class, by joining the religionists in perse-
cuting God's faithful witnesses. They operate with
religious leaders and do so for political and com-
mercial gain; and so with the fall of the religious
systems those men will be next in order upon whom
God's wrath will be executed. At first the clergy and
like hypocrites receive punishment; then their co-sup-
porters. W 12/1/37
September 24 (101)
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful
also in much.-Luke 16: 10.
One who loves the Lord and really appreciates his
positIOn is anxious at all times to perform any and
every assigned duty faithfully and truly as to the
Lord. If one cannot learn to be entirely faithful and
dependable in small things, he will never be advanced
to more important things. The most important duty
ever laid upon a man is that duty given to him in rela-
tion to God's kingdom under Christ. Those who are In
God's organization and who are faithful make them-
selves blind to everything contrary to the kingdom
interests. In doing our duty we cannot compromise
with religion, or shun to declare the whole truth, even
though that truth may shock others' religious suscep-
tibilities. Weare not to seek to go on in the way of
least resistance, but to faithfully perform our duty
proclaiming the kingdom. W 12/15/37
September 25 (87)
Ye have wemied the Lord with your words. When
ye say, Everyone that doeth evil is good in tke sight
of the Lord, and he del'tghteth in them; or, Whtre is
the God of judgment? Behold, I will send my messen-
ger, and he shall prepare the way.-Mal. 2: 17; 3: 1.
That lawless crowd say, at least by their course of
action, that there is no law against us and therefore
it does not matter seriously if we do violate the rules
of the covenant we have made, which rules it is claimed
govern God's visible organization. That unfaithful
class, once in line for the kingdom, become very angry
against God's witnesses for proclaiming the truth
written in his Word and which clearly points out the
"evil servant" class. When it is published that God
requires full and complete obedIence and that those
who take a course against his organization are taking
a course against God, they become offended and hypo-
critically say, "Where is the God of justice?" God
saves no one who is not devoted to him. W 1/15/37
September 26 (183)
So he sent his brethren away, and they departed: and
he said unto thmn, See that ye fall not out
by the way.-Gen. 45: 24.
The Lord Jesus, the Greater-than-Joseph, has loaded
down those who love him with great blessings and he
sends them forth with his gracious invitation to oihers
to seek the way to life. He now solemnly admonishes
those of the remnant and their 'half brothers', those
of the "other sheep ", to take heed to themselves and
to be at peace with one another in behalf of the king-
dom interests and to continue to love one another. The
organization of Jehovah under Christ Jesus is in-
volved, and everyone who loves God and his organiza-
tion must and will strive to do his part in serving
and progressing in peace and working together to the
best interests of the kingdom. Let all take heed, that
they dwell together in peace and present a solid front
against the common enemy. W 3/15/37
September 27 (118)
1Vho is a wise man and endued with knowledge among
you? let him shew out of a good conversation h ~ s
works with 1neekness of wisd011t.-Jas. 3: 13.
Speak the truth of God 's Word and give God credit
for it, and let the people lmow that you are delivering
what the Lord says . .An uncouth or seedy appearance,
and unkind and harsh words, are entirely out of order
with the servant of the Lord. The true witness of Je-
hovah possesses that wisdom which is from above, and
not the braggadocio, dictatorial and harsh spirit that
moves the world. (Jas. 3: 17) Those who have under-
standing should by their facial expression disclose that
they have joy in the Lord and they desire others to
know what good effect the Lord's spirit has on those
who love and serve him. Let Jehovah's witnesses be
clean in bodily appearance, clean in thoughts, words
and deed. Let their deportment be in keeping with His
spirit. W 5/15/37
September 28
Go ye now unto my place which was in Shiloh, where I
set my name at the first, and see what I did to it
for the wickedness of my people.-Jer. 7: 12.
The Lord compelled the Israelites to recall what had
come upon Shiloh. Just because his typical tabernacle
was erected there and that was the place where he put
his name, was no guarantee that God would shield
wrongdoers at Shiloh. Although duty-bound by their
covenant to worship Jehovah alone, and none other,
Israel fell away to the Devil religion, and then God
forsook them. They were Jehovah's typical covenant
people. Today "Ohristendom" assumes to be God's
people and boastfully claims to represent God on
earth. Therefore what befell the Israelites foretells
what shall befall" Ohristendom", it being the counter-
part of the former. Oiting that as a warning, God says:
'I will do lillto this house what I have done unto Shi-
loh.'-Vs. 14. 1V 9/1/37
September 29 (169)
Take the helmet of salvation.-Eph. 6: 17.
Salvation depends upon one's understanding and
relying upon the Lord and not upon any object or
thing. The helmet symbolically represents the head or
mind, which must feed J1pon God's Word. Some fool-
ishly conclude they learned the truth years ago and
do not need to study God 's Word in these days. Such
are almost certain to fail. God reveals his truth in his
own due time, as his people need it. He is now unfold-
ing his prophecies, that his people on earth may have
greater comfort and strengthened hope. The Bible
proves whether we are pursuing the rig11t course. The-
ories of men are of no value, but, on the contrary, such
theories make the 'W ord of God of none effect. God's
people not only must avoid religion, but must fight
against it now and proclaim the truth, that others may
have an opportunity to learn the truth and flee to the
Most High and his King. W 6/1/37
SepteDlber 30 (164)
Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all
the nations to drink, . . . Jerusalem, and .
Pharaoh king of Egypt.-Jer. 25: 17-19.
The religionists, particularly the priests or other
clergymen, have 'gone down to Egypt for help', as
Isaiah 30: 2 puts it, and have turned their backs upon
Jehovah and his Kmg, just as the kings of Jerusalem
did in their time. Reliance of religionists or religious
practitioners upon "Egypt", the world, is like leaning
upon a bruised reed: "Lo, thou trustest in the staff of
this broken reed, on Egypt; whereon if a man lean, it
will go into his hand, and pierce it: so is Pharaoh king
of Egypt to all that trust in him." (Isa. 36: 6) Egypt
is dealt with after Jerusalem. This supports the con-
clusion that when the religious systems fall, then pun-
ishment will proceed to the Godless element, the com-
mercial and political elements, their allies and sup-
porters. W 11/15/37
October 1 (89)
Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that
it may be displayed because of the t1uth.-Ps. 60: 4.
In proclaiming the truth controversies should be
avoided. The remnant do not seek controversies, but
are anxious to do God's will by bearing testimony to
others, that such may avail themselves of the privilege
to serve the Lord. The truth should never be used as
a club to punish others. Telling the truth, however,
necessarily exposes rackets and racketeers. Sueh ex-
posure is to enable those of good will to learn where
to get protection, that they may go in the right way.
Testifying to the truth necessarily discloses those
against God and his kingdom, and such truth is a
punishment to the wicked. But Jehovah's witnesses
must always keep in mind that their duty is to tell the
truth as God has commanded, and the result will be
according to his will, and therefore right. If this re-
sults in chastising the wicked, then it is according to
his will. W 7/15/37
October 2 (198)
Ye shall be brought before governm's and kings for my
sake, for a testimony against thern.-Matt. 10: 18.
Let the courts and all the audience hear that God
has commanded his message to be delivered to the
people, and with calmness and sobriety say, in sub-
stance: "]Hy conviction and punishment, because of
my obedience to .Almighty God's command, will be en-
tirely wrong and will constitute fighting against God.
What I say and have said cannot harm anyone. To
inflIct punishment on me because I give you a friendly
warning, as commanded by Almighty God, is taking
great responsibility upon yourselves, and you must
account to God for your conduct. I am entirely in-
nocent of wrongdoing, and it is my duty to warn you
that my punishment by you God will not permit to go
unnoticed. You will suffer the consequences at his
hand, because no one can successfully oppose the .Al-
mighty God." W 10/1/37
October 3 (321)
They prophesy a lie unto you. Hearken not unto them;
serve the king of Babylon, and live: whel'efore
should this city be laid wasteY-Jer. 27: 16,17.
No doubt there are yet within the religious organiza-
tions those persons of good will who are prisoners.
(Isa. 4.9: 9) They must be given the opportunity to
hear and to hearken unto the Lord. There are those
outside of the religious organizations that desire right-
eousness and hence are of good will toward God. These
must have the opportunity to hear the kingdom m e s ~
sage and be told that the only way of escape and the
only place of safety is by serving the Lord JesuS
Christ, the King whom Nebuchadnezzar foreshadowed
in the above prophetic picture. The goodness of Jeho-
vah God is manifested toward the people by sending
them the message of warning He therefore makes it
an imperative obligation upon Jehovah's witnesses
that they must deliver this message. W 10/15/37
October 4 (261)
All countries came tLnto Egypt to Joseph for to b 1 ~ y
corn; because that the famine was so sore.-Gen. 41: 57.
Jehovah determines the exact number that shall be
of his royal house. As to the great multitude there
appears to be no reason why he should determine the
number thereof. He could know in advance just how
many will be in it, but manifestly he withholds that
from himself. He causes the people to hear about his
gracious provision for them, and without partiality or
undue advantage everyone is permitted to accept that
provision and live or reject it and remain under con-
demnation and perish. The way to life Jehovah God
has opened. That one way is for the people to seek the
Greater Joseph, Christ Jesus, and feed upon the food
which Jehovah provides for them and to learn the
truth, and put themselves completely under the control
of the Lord, remain there, and joyfully obey him.
God's provision is open for all countries of the world.
W 2/15/37
October 5 (196)
After the end of seventy years ... the Lord will
visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her hire, and shall
commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the
world upon the face of the em'th.-Isa. 23: 17.
The combination of the League of Nations is made
up of religion, politics and commerce, religion being
the binding tie and riding on the back of the beast
and claiming the right to rule. The old "whore" gains
her dominating position in this combine when she
'returns to her hire and plays the harlot with all the
world kingdoms on the face of the earth '. This IS fur-
ther proof that the combine is the abomination that
maketh desolate. (Matt. 24: 15) When the Hierarchy
has gained complete temporal power of the earth, that
will in her mind fully establish the conclusion that
her desire has been fully accomplished, and then she
will say: "Peace and safety." Then Jehovah's
"strange act" will begin. W 5/1/37
October 6 (315) (2d)
Ye are even my witnesses. Is there a God beside me?
yea, there is no Godj I know not any.-Isa. 44: 8.
God's remnant are placed in a position of responsi-
bility and honor above all others of earthly creatures,
but this honor they do not take to themselves, nor do
tliey boast about how important they are. They are
servants of God, and they appreciate their position
and delight to occupy that position which God has
given them. "No man taketh this honour unto himself,
but he that is called of God, as was Aaron." (Reb.
5: 4) God, through Christ Jesus, has honored them by
choosing them and putting them in positions of service
in his organization. They hold that position only if
they have understanding and continue in wisdom and
faithfulness. To them God will give victory through
Christ Jesus, provided that they are faithful unto
death. Such faithful ones are now honored to have
part in God's "strange work". W 5/15/37
October 7 (151)
For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the
knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no
more sacrifice for sins.-Heb. 10: 26.
A person once having a measure of the truth and
then losing the light and turning to the Devil becomes
the worst among the human agencies used by the Devil
and that fight against the faithful followers of Jesus
Christ. The "evil servant" falls under the power and
influence of Satan and the demons and becomes part
of the wicked organization and the enemies of the Lord
God and his kingdom. Thereafter the Devil uses the
"evil servant" to make war upon the Lord's faithful
servants. Before anyone can become a servant of the
Lord he must be cleansed by the blood of Christ, and
when that person becomes a part of the "evil servant"
the demons have control of him and he is entirely un-
clean, and he is in a far worse state and condition than
he ever was before.-Luke 11: 24-26. W 6/1/37
October 8 (132)
Speak against all of the cities of Judah, who come to
prostrate themselves in the house of the Lord, all the
words that I have commanded thee to speak unto
them: omit not a W07"d (thereof).-Jer. 26: 2, Leeser.
Whether the message offends or pleases men is not
for us to consider. The message of truth is not the
message of any man, but is God's message, and it is
entirely absurd to even think of refraining from do-
ing what the Almighty God has commanded in order to
please men or institutions or to ask selfish imperfect
men for a permit or a license to do what the Almighty
God has commanded shall be done. Jehovah's witnesses
are not to act in a belligerent way. They should do
nothing to unnecessarily provoke opposition, but they
should with calmness, with sobriety, without fear, and
with boldness, declare the message of truth, regardless
of what any creature may say or do about it.
W 9/15/37
October 9 (332)
Thou shalt have no other gods bef01'e me. Thou shalt
not make unto thee any graven image, or any like-
ness of any thing .. Thou shalt not bow
down thyself to them.-Ex. 20: 3-5.
God's law never changes, because God never changes.
His law points out the way to everlasting life. No
creature will ever be given life everlasting who will-
fully, intentionally, violates God's law. If a man choos-
es another for his god, Jehovah will not grant him
life. For a man to violate the fundamental law of God
means that that man puts himself on the Devil's side,
who therefore leads him to destruction. For the bene-
fit of man, then, God provided in his law that man
should have no other god before Him, because God
alone is the source of life. Religion has been and is the
most effective means to induce violation of God's law,
and God would safeguard man from that destructive
influence. W 6/15/37
October 10 (201)
The rest of the peopZe, the priests, the Levites, the
porte1's, the singers, the N ethinims, . . . sepamted
themselves from the people of the lands.-Neh. 10: 28.
When Nehemiah went to Jerusalem to rebuild the
city's defenses, the Nethinim or non-Jews were as-
signed to important posts of service and rendered serv-
ice accordingly. The Nethinim separated themselves
from the heathen and associated with God's remnant
people returned to Jerusalem. (Neh. 3 1-31) "The
Nethinims dwelt in Ophel: and ZIha and Gispa were
over the Nethinims." (11: 3, 21) This definitely shows
that non-IsraelItes had joint charge over other Nethi-
nim, and that it is Scripturally proper to assign the
non-anointed, that is, the Jonadabs or "other sheep",
to places of importance in the service and to assign
them over others or companies or divisions, and also
to put them in positions as leaders 01 study classes
composed of Jonadabs. W 8/15/37
October 11 (148)
Moreover, I will take b'om them the voice of mirth,
and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom,
and the voice of the bride, the sound of the mill-
stones, and the light of the candZe.-Jer. 25: 10.
Jehovah begins his "strange act" and the lighted
candles in the habitation of the Catholic Hierarchy
become darkness. With the beginning of the "strange
act" the witness work will have been done throughout
" Christendom" by Jehovah's faithful witnesses, who
since Jesus' death have held forth the light of the
world, letting their lights shine before men to the
praise of Jehovah. The faithful followers of Christ
know these things are coming to pass soon, because
Jehovah has so declared and he is certain to perform
his purpose. To be reassured now strengthens their
faith, and their praises are to Jehovah God as they
press on in the face of vicious opposition, knowing
victory is near. W 11/1/37
October 12 (307)
That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed
to your spirit, and let none deal treache1"Ously
against the wife of his youth.-Mal. 2: 15.
Why was that admonition given? That the spirit of
the godly seed be not spoiled by mixing with the spirit
of the world or heathen. The real seed must have the
spirit of entire devotion to Jehovah and his organiza-
tion. There must be no union with any part of Satan's
organization. To taint or to lose that spirit would cause
one to be entirely unfit to be of the real "godly seed".
That is a great calamity to the creature. The mixing
with Satan's organization and imbibing the spIrit
thereof is treacherous dealing. By his prophet Jehovah
therefore says to those who have covenanted to do his
will: "Let none deal treacherously against the wife of
his youth," that is, against Zion, God's organization,
to which the priestly class are united or joined. And
why not 1 Because" evil communications corrupt good
manners". W 1/15/37
October 13 (84)
Seek ye first the kingdom of God.-lifatt. 6: 33.
Those who hear the kingdom truth and then boldly
declare themselves on the King's side and joyfully
obey his commandments are the ones who love God and
his King and prove it by their actions. The fact that
Jehovah has devoted centuries to preparing for his
kingdom and the further fact that now he has en-
throned his King are proof conclusive that the king-
dom is of paramount importance and that in this day
God's people face the greatest responsibility and enjoy
the greatest privilege that men have ever had. Every-
thing pales into insignificance when compared with
the kingdom of God under Christ. Because of the great
importance of the kingdom this is the time when we
must get understanding; which means, among other
thmgs, that we must have a proper appreciation of
our relationship to the King and to his kingdom.
W 12/15/37
October 14 (46)
If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to
give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts,
I will even send a curse upon you.-Mal. 2: 2.
The prophetic truths revealed by the Lord at the
temple are a blessing to the faithful servants, but these
same truths become a curse to the unfaithful, and thus
their "blessings" have been "cursed" even now. The
truth was placed before them which would result in
their blessing, and by their refusal to give heed thereto
the truth operates as a curse. Others, who are not of
the "evil servant" class but who are guilty of short-
comings, carelessness and indifference to their duties,
need to be warned that God "WIll curse your bless-
ings" if they do not mend their course and render
full devotion to the Lord and show real care and de-
pendability on their part in looking after the kingdom
interests committed to their hands. "Good intentions"
furnish no excuse for failure. W 1/1/37
October 15 (323)
Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all
tke nations to drink, . . . and the king of She-
shack shall drink after them.-Jer. 25: 17,26.
With all his boasted power, the Devil himself cannot
avoid 'drinking the cup of this fury'. The Devil him-
self shall be the last to go into oblivion, after seeing all
of his organization destroyed. The king of "Babylon",
who is therefore the chief in the universal organization
of wickedness, is Satan himself. "Sheshach" is a sym-
bolic name for Babylon. (Jer. 51: 41) It shall fall in
the great day of God Almighty. When Satan's organi-
zation begins to tumble, the religionists of "Christen-
dom" being first, from then on those who have looked
upon the world as perpetual, unbreakable and immov-
able will be greatly surprised. They will be greatly
astonished when they see the Roman Catholic Hier-
archy go down, and to them it will be a very" strange
act". W 11/15/37
October 16 (313)
Lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the
land.-Ex. 34: 15.
The covenant inaugurated at Mount Sinai applied to
all Israel. The purpose thereof was to bring forth a
pure and undefiled people for Jehovah's name, and for
that reason the law of God forbade intermarriage with
the heathen. This shows that the people chosen for
Jehovah's name, that is, his witnesses called out for
his name, must be separate and apart from the world
and must refuse to compromise with worldly organiza-
tions or to have anything in common with any part of
the worldly organizations. Faithfulness and depend-
ability is required of those whom Jehovah approves.
If one is not dependable, is careless and indifferent, or
opposes the united action of Jehovah's organization in
giving witness to the kingdom, such is evidence that
he is not of the temple company. W 1/15/37
October 17 (262)
In all things approving ourselves as the ministers of
God, ... by e v ~ 7 , report and good.-2 Oor. 6: 4, 8.
The Roman Catholic Hierarchy classes everyone
that is opposed to her as "red" or "communist".
This is done to incite the people against those who
stand for whatsoever is right. The Hierarchy is par-
ticularly opposed to and persecutes Jehovah's wit-
nesses, because they proclaim the truth of God's name
and kingdom and point to God's kingdom as the
world's only hope. Jehovah lays upon his witnesses the
duty and gives to them the privilege and opportunity
to proclaim his name and kingdom in the earth. Thus
they have a part in his "strange work". When that
work is done, then begins his "strange act ", which is
the battle of the great day of God Almighty. During
the period of his strange work the great multitude
must take their stand on the side of Jehovah and his
kingdom and prove their faithful obedience and main-
tain their integrity toward God. W 5/1/37
October 18 (211)
And Joseph said . . . Bring your youngest brother
unto me; so shall your words be verified, and ye
shall not die. And they did so.-Gen. 42: 18-20.
LIkewise Christ Jesus makes due provision for the
safety and preservation of the younger ones of God's
remnant, pictured by Benjamin, that these might be
united to him at the temple. In this provision the
people of good will have opportunity to assist in what-
ever manner they can. If any of these had part in
mistreating God's children in 1918 and prior thereto,
and later with grief and sincerity confessed their
wrongdoing, that would show them as out of harmony
with Satan and his organization and his agents and
would prove their heart condition toward the Lord
himself. Those of the" sheep" class are thus manifest-
ing themselves. In the few years past the people of
good will toward Jehovah have demonstrated this by
ministering to the needs of his witnesses, helping them
as they could. W 3/1/37
October 19 (101)
The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to
make war with the remnant of her seed.-Rev. 12: 17.
The wicked spirits invade the mind of the proud,
covetous, ambitious, and who fail to control themselves
and permit ill will or hatred and malice to abide in
them. Thus invading their minds, they seize such crea-
tures and use them as instruments to war upon the
servants of the Most High. Religious leaders, and par-
ticularly the "eVIl servant" class, constitute the "man
of sin", "the son of perdition" . ..All of those wicked
ones fight against God and against his servants. The
time has come, therefore, when God commands his
faithful ones to boldly go forward and to 'arise against
her to battle'. All his invisible forces are likewise ar-
rayed in battle against the enemy . ..All the faithful
now will arise and use the sword of the spirit in mak-
ing a vigorous assault upon the enemy's stronghold,
which stronghold is religion. W 6/1/37
October 20
The word that came to Jeremiah It'om the Lord, say-
ing, Stand in the gate of the Lord's house,
and proclaim thm'e this w01'd,-Jer. 7: 1, 2.
Jeremiah was not commanded to go to the houses or
church buildings and there nail his message on the
door, but was commanded to take his stand at the gate,
where he could speak his message to the people going
in and out of the temple. That stand foretells that
Jehovah's witnesses must come forth in the open, and
within the hearing and sight of the religionists, and
fearlessly proclaim the message of Jehovah as he has
commanded; and that they are not to take credit
therefor, but to say: "Hear the word of the Lord."
No one is to say: 'Hear the words uttered by man,'
but, 'Hear what God's Word has to say.' This is
Jehovah's work, and it is a "strange work" to those
religionists who call themselves Christian. W 9/1/37
October 21 (175)
Give them warning from me.-Eze7c. 3: 17.
While there is no specific or direct effort to serve the
rulers further with the message of the kingdom, it is
still brought to their attention time and again by
reason of its being carried to the people, and the
rulers must take notice thereof. The mighty relIgion-
ists are very much opposed to the people's hearing the
message, and they, together with their political and
judicial allies, formulate, euact and enforce laws to
prevent the people's hearing. A small number of the
common people hear, understand and appreciate this
message as from the Lord, and give heed thereto; but
the far greater number of the people think that this
work in which Jehovah's witnesses are engaged is a
'very strange work', and so they dismiss it. The rulers
and the people of the lands have been warned. It is
their fault now if they do not find the way of escape.
The day of reckoning and recompense is now at hand.
W 11/15/37
October 22 (39)
And the shepherds shall have no way to flee, nor the
principal of the flock to escape.-J er. 25: 35.
Their lies swept away, those shepherds will have no
place to hide themselves and no refuge to which they
can flee. God's "strange work", finished, will have
completely exposed them. Then they cannot take ref-
uge with the "ten horns" of the "beast", because
those "horns", the ruling force, will turn and rend
the old "whore"; and those clergymen who survive for
a time, later to be destroyed, will not be able to find
any refuge anywhere by reason of having been clergy-
men. They will attempt to hide their identity, and will
say: <We are not clergymen, but are keepers of swine
or of cattle.' Their accusers will know such clergymen
as liars and will show them no mercy. No time then
for the Roman Catholic Hierarchy clergy and their
allies to find refuge with the Lord, nor will deathbed
repentance do them any good. W 12/1/37
October 23 (232)
The God of Israel saith that he hateth putting away:
for one covB1'eth violence with his garment, saith the
Lord of hosts: the1'efore take heed to your Spi1'it,
that ye deal not t1eacherously.-Mal. 2: 16.
When one divorces himself or withdraws himself
from God's organization he identifies himself as a vio-
lent creature, for he does violence to his vows of faith-
fulness and obedience. This leads to violence' against
God's organization and against the faithful members
thereof. Such a person violates God's commandment
and the law of his organization. (Prov. 6: 20; Matt.
24 48-51) Dealing treacherously with God's organiza-
tion destroys the spirit of the Lord in one and makes
him the DeviFs servant. Jehovah removes his spirit
from such and casts him away into darkness. Those
'faithfully devoted to Jehovah therefore pray: "Create
in me a clean heart, 0 God; and renew a right spirit
within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and
take not thy holy spirit from me." W 1/15/37
October 24 (15)
For many nations and great kings shall serve them-
selves of them also: and I will recompense
them according to their deeds.-Jer. 25: 14.
The hosts of heaven, led by Christ Jesus in the great
conflict of Armageddon, will vindicate Jehovah's
name. That will be a mighty host of warriors that will
not back down and will Imow no defeat. The "great
kings" are Jehovah, the King of Eternity, and Christ
Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords. These
great Kings were foreshadowed by Darius and Cyrus
when the Babylonish kingdom fell. These mighty
Kings shall "serve themselves of them ", the Chal-
deans, by Whipping them to an everlasting destruction,
and.thus vindicating Jehovah's name and his word
upon "the Chaldeans", that is, the spirlt members of
Satan's organization, including the Devil himself. The
deeds of that wicked one and his hordes have reached
the limit. W 11/1/37
October 25 (292)
Stand therefore, having your loins girt aoout with
truth, and having on the oreastplate of
righteousness.-Eph. 6: 14.
The girdle around the loins symbolically says: "I
am a servant of the Almighty God and Christ Jesus,
and my girdle of servitude is that of the truth." In
the breast is Sltuate the heart, and the breastplate of
righteousness means the proper keeping or shieldmg
of the heart. Therefore the admonition is, "Keep thy
heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of
life." (Prov. 4: 23) Those who stand :firm now must
see to it that they are unsel:fish, that their motive is
pure toward God and toward man; otherwise they
cannot stand. God's warriors, his witnesses now on the
earth, must be on their feet and on the march; there-
fore the admonition: "And your feet shod with the
preparation of the gospel of peace." (Vs. 15) Peace
must now be the condition among God's people.
W 6/1/37
October 26 (326)
Then took I the cup at the Lord's hand, and made all
the nations to drink, ... all the kingdoms
of the world, which are upon the face
of the earth.-Jer. 25: 17,26.
The Devil is the god of this wicked world and rules
and claims the right to rule all the kingdoms of the
earth, and which the Lord will destroy; and therefore
all such must drink of the "cup". The Devil offered to
turn over to Jesus all these kingdoms, upon condition
that Jesus worship him. Jesus rebuffed that wicked
one, because in the heart of Jesus has always been the
law of .aod and the will of his Father he always does.
He could 110t and would not take possession of the
world until Jehovah's due time. Now at the p r ~ s e n t
time Christ Jesus has been placed upon the throne of
full authority, and he must and will destroy all rule
in all the nations under Satan, because they are
against God and his kingdom. Armageddon will not
omit any nation or government on earth. W 11/15/37
October 27 (144)
Take heed, and bewa1'e of covetousness.-Luke 12: 15.
What causes one who starts on the way of serving
God to later fall away? Lucifer was the first of that
class. It is written (Jer. 51: 13) that covetousness was
the cause of his rebellion and downfall. All who follow
after him get into the same wicked condition. God
directed that those who should be the rulers of men,
holding prominent places among the Israelites, should
be "such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetous-
ness". (Ex. 18: 21) One who fears God will not covet
that which God has committed to another, because he
will not presumptuously attempt to get what has not
been assigned to him, knowing that God hates such.
"He that hateth covetousness shall prolong his days."
(Prov. 28: 16) It is the covetous persons that the Devil
seizes upon and employs as his visible instruments to
make war on God's remnant. (Rev. 12: 17) Covetous-
ness is the worst type of selfishness. W 6/1/37
October 28 (157)
Levi . My covenant was with him, of life and peace;
and I gave them to him for the fear where-
with he feared me, and was afmid
before my name.-MaZ. 2: 4, 5.
The antitypical "sons of Levi", all those conse-
crated and wholly devoted to God, are promised the
peace of God, glory, honor, immortality and life ever-
lasting. (Rom. 2: 6, 7) Jehovah gave the tribe of Levi
the service of his holy tabernacle as priests and Le-
vites, and this he did" for the fear wherewith he feared
me". The Levites feared God, as shown at Mount Si-
nai, when they took their stand on Jehovah's side and
then acted as executioners of those who had turned to
Devil worship. Later Phinehas showed a like fear by
zealously serving Jehovah as executioner of the un-
faithful. This foreshadows the antitypical Levites act-
ing fearlessly and boldly in declaring God's judgments
upon those who become unfaithfuL It shows the obliga-
tion laid upon them to so declare God's judgments.
W 1/1/37
October 29 (9)
A great whirlwind shall be ratsed up f1'M1'/, the coasts
of the earth. And the slain of the L01'd shall be at
that day . .. upon the g1ound.-Jer. 25: 32, 33.
That terrible storm comes from beyond the utmost
parts of Satan's organization on earth. Therefore it is
not Satan's judgment, but is raised up and comes from
Jehovah God, by his Executive Officer, Christ Jesus.
It is God's storm, which wrecks Satan's organization
completely. Jehovah has recorded in His Word prayers
suitable for hIS servants to utter, for the manifest
purpose of showing what is his will and purpose con-
cerning the enemy, and the proper course for his serv-
ants to take. The prayer of the psalmist shows Jeho-
vah's purpose: "So persecute them with thy tempest,
and make them afraid with thy storm. . . . let them
be put to shame, and perish: that men may mow that
thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most
High over all the earth.' '-Ps. 83: 15-18. W 12/1/37
October 30 (10)
Behold my servant, whom I uphold, mine elect, ..
He shall not cry, nor lift ~ t P , nor cause his voice
to be heard in the street.-Isa. 42: 1, 2.
TIllS cannot be properly construed as meaning that
the servant of the Lord cannot speak the kingdom mes-
sage in the street. God's people are not permitted to
attract attention to themselves to advertise themselves,
as do Satan's agents. The work of God's servant is to
be done with modesty and consistently, and always for
the purpose of attracting attention to Jehovah and his
kingdom, and never for attracting attention to crea-
tures. Jehovah's witnesses must advertise the King
and the kingdom and not individuals. This is the very
thing they do by giving proclamation to the kingdom
message by means of sound equipment, thus calling
attention of people to the great Jehovah God and his
King and telling them how they may learn the only
way to life and happiness. W 1/15/37
October 31 (156)
Sing, 0 heavens; and be joyful, 0 ea1th; and break
forth into singing, 0 mountains; for the Lord
hath comforted his people, a.nd wiU have
mercy upon his afflicted.-Isa. 49: 13.
The faithful remnant, who are Jehovah's witnesses,
are rejoicing in their suffering that they are counted
worthy to be servants of Jehovah and are counted as
the heavenly class. Together with them the "other
sheep", the earthly class, also rejoice. The heavenly
class and the earthly class are rejoicing together. It is
that class who today declare themselves for God and
his kingdom that suffer affliction at the hand of Satan
and his agents. But Jehovah loves them and shows his
mercy to'ward them. While the enemy Satan brings
upon the nations woe after woe, God comforts his
people with knowledge of the fact that he has them in
mind, and that those enduring affliction for righteous-
ness' sake and for his name's sake shall receive his
everlasting favor. W 3/1/37
November 1 (308)
Pass ye over to Tarshish j howl, ye inhabitants of the
isle [coast (Roth.)]. Is this your joyous city,
whose antiquity is of ancient days'!-Isa. 23: 6,7.
In fulfillment of this prophecy the lesser and de-
pendent parts of the Catholic organization, whether
far from the mother organization or near thereto,
would have reason to howl and lament over the de-
struction of the Catholic Hierarchy, the modern Tyre.
The Hierarchy is not at all joyous in Jehovah, al-
though hypocritically and falsely claiming to repre-
sent God. It is joyous in its own merchandise and
profits in the gay markets dealing in humankind. To
the smaller ones of the Catholic organization the proph-
et, in substance, says: 'Have you anything to exult
in now, seeing that modern Tyre, the Hierarchy, and
its allies and dupes are in a wrecked and spoiled
condition? Modern Tyre, the Roman Catholic organ-
ization, has failed you.' W 4/15/37
November 2 (71)
Six cities shall be a refuge, both for the children of
Israel, and for the stranger.-Num. 35: 15.
The unwitting manslayer who fled to the city of
refuge must :first be given aid freely, but his condi-
tioned protection depended upon closely abiding in the
city and being obedient to its rules and engaged in
some activity there so as not to be a burden upon the
city's other inhabitants. The apostle announced the
same rule (2 Thess. 3: 8-12) : All must work, otherwise
they should not eat. The manslayer contributed to the
good of the city. He must stick close within the city
bounds, that is, God's organization, until the high
priest's death, meaning the completion of the priestly
work of the church before their resurrection change.
One thus fleeing to the city of refuge was not an official
member of it, but received protection, aid and comfort
from the city while complying with its rules. Likewise
with t h ~ s e persons of good will, the J onadabs.
W 8/15/37
November 3 (318)
Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubborn-
ness is as iniquity and idolatry.-1 Santo 15: 23.
Witches and familiar spirits were and are enemies
01 God and man and gain control of man's mind and
turn men away from God. King Saul died the enemy
of God because he had feared man and had become
unfaithful to God and had fallen away entirely to the
Devil. Witchcraft has been practiced from the time of
Saul to the present day. Covenant-breakers of this day
are exactly in a condition similar to Saul's. Witches
are those creatures who yield themselves as instru-
ments for ue by the Devil and his angels and permit
themselves to be employed as mediums for communi-
cation between wicked spirits and men on earth.
Witchcraft is of the Devil and is the fruit of rebellion.
Satan the rebel invented witchcraft, and he and his
wicl:ed spiritual allies employ and practice it to de-
ceive human creatures. God's I a w prohibits it.
1V 6/1/37
November 4 (185)
PHt on the whole armour of God, . . . For we wrestle
not against flesh and blood, but against principalities,
against powers, against the rulers of the da1'kness
of this world, against spiritual wicked-
ness in high pZaces.-Eph. 6: 11, 12.
Satan and his wicked associates, that joined him in
the rebellion originally, constitute the powers, princi-
palities and invisible rulers of this wicked world which
operate in darkness as man's enemies. Those in the
organization of Almighty God war upon that devilish
rule and power, and therefore must tell the truth
concerning religion, which makes war upon it because
religion is the chief instrument by which people are
deceived. In that warfare, however, God's faithful
servants do not use weapons to injure any human
creatures in their bodies. The weapons of their warfare
are just one. That one is the "sword of the spirit,
which is the word of God". W 6/15/37
November 5 (159)
Know ye for certain, that if ye put me to death, ye
shall sW'ely bring innocent blood upon yourselves, and
~ c p o n this city, and upon the inhabitants thereof; for
of a truth the Lord hath sent me -J er. 26: 15.
That was not a threat, but a friendly warning. He
was not abashed because he was in the presence of
high officials, nor did he act arrogantly or unreason-
ably. It was but fair for him to tell the court that the
responsibility for final judgment upon him rested with
them. To punish Jeremiah would be fighting against
God, and the members of the court must 00 responsible
to God for their acts. The mere killing of Jeremiah
would not end the matter. He left no doubt as to whom
he would obey, and told the court that if he were put
to death they would bring innocent blood upon them-
selves, the city and the inhabitants thereof. The true
and correct way IS thus marked out for Jehovah's wit-
nesses of the present time. W 10/1/37
November 6 (70)
As ye have done it unto one of the least of these my
b1'ethren, ye have done it unto me.-Matt. 25: 40.
The sheep class publicly manifest their support of
God's remnant, and thus they take their stand on the
side of God and his kingdom, joining the remnant and
becoming theIr companions in service. They hear the
approval of the Lord Jesus to them in these words:
"Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the foundation of the world."
Thus the Lord shows that the class or company first
appearing in his purpose is brought forth last in the
execution of his purposes; supporting the words of
Jesus that 'the first shall be last and the last first'.
(19: 30) The Lord here definitely identifies these
people of good will as his "other sheep", who become
the companions of the sheep first selected, and thus all
act together as companions in the service of Jehovah,
his King and his kingdom. W 8/15/37
November 7 (335)
And they s 7 ~ a l l drink, and be moved, and be mad, be-
cause of the sword that I will send
among them.-J er. 25: 16.
All the cruel, Godless and vicious efforts to suppress
the message of the Lord cannot succeed in stopping it,
nor can these nations of "Christendom" and her
"great men" escape drinking the cup, because J eho-
vah says: 'They shall drink, be moved, and go mad.'
They are very mad now. Jehovah says they shall drink
'because of the sword that I will send among them'.
This shows that the "wine of this fury" is equivalent
to (1) the "sword of the spirit, which is the Word of
God", expressing the furious message of Jehovah; and
(2) the destructive sword of execution wielded by
Christ Jesus at the battle of Armageddon. The 'wine
in the cup' and the "sword" both picture what is
God's will before and at Armageddon. His will shall
be accomplished. W 11/1/37
November 8 (286)
Yea, thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel,
concerning the vessels that remain in the
house of the Lord, . they shall be
carried to Babylon.-Jer. 27: 21,22.
The witness work now exposes to view the crooked-
ness of "Christendom" and is used to the pulling
down of strongholds of "Christendom", in the minds
of honest and sincere people. The honor of wrecking
the systems or religious organizations is given to
Christ Jesus. The work now being done by Christ's
faithful followers in declaring the judgments of Je-
hovah against "Christendom" is very exasperating
and humiliating to religionists; but there is far more
to follow, not of work by the witnesses, but destructive
work by Christ Jesus. When the uncovering of reli-
gious frauds is completed and the witness work done,
then will follow the execution of Jehovah's judgment,
"his act, his strange act." W 10/15/37
November 9 (295)
Thou shalt not be as the hypocrites.-Matt. 6: 5.
The Scriptures lay down the unchangeable rule
that everyone made a member of the church of God
faithfully follows in Jesus' footsteps, and therefore
must do as Jesus does. "For even hereunto were ye
called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us
an example, that ye should follow his steps." (1 Pet.
2: 21) Jesus says: "Everyone that is of the truth
heareth my voice." (John 18: 37) All such must obey
his commandments or else suffer destruction. (Acts
3: 23) To lay claim to the high office of representative
on earth of Jesus Christ, and then to take the course
exactly opposite to what Jesus took, is wholly incon-
sistent and shows that the claims of the Catholic or-
ganization are false. Jesus and his apostles went about
"from house to house" preaching to the people. All
true followers of Christ have ever pursued the same
course. W 7/15/37
November 10 (269)
I .. now rejoice in rny sufferings.-Col. 1: 23, 24.
Suffering or tribulation is a condition precedent to
entering fully into the kingdom. (Acts 14: 22) The
apostle exclaImed therefore : "We glory in tribula-
tion. " Knowing that tribulation and suffering is a
condition precedent to entering into the kingdom he
further said: "\Vho now rejoice in my sufferings for
you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of
Christ in my fiesh for his body's sake, which is the
church." The true and faithful will not now confuse
so-called "happiness" with the "joy of the Lord".
When one lmows and appreciates he is suffering in-
dignities and punishment at enemy hands because the
witness of the Lord is faithfully and truly guarding,
protecting and advancing the kingdom interests, that
gives him real joy, an inherent delight in doing God's
will that he may have God's approval and thereby a
part in proving Satan a liar and Jehovah always right.
W 12/15/37
November 11 (309)
Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord.-Isa. 1.3: 10.
Not to convert the world! God's witnesses are sent
that they may be a witness to his name and to his
kingdom. The witnesses of Jehovah do not go about
pleading with others to come and join some organiza-
tion. They do not plead with and importune the people
to do anything. With calm dignity and with fearless-
ness they declare unto the people the message of
Jehovah God and point out, to those who desire to
have life, that God has provided the way of safety and
life through Christ Jesus and his kingdom. Jehovah's
witnesses make clear to the people that the message is
not that of any man, but is God's message, given as a
witness to the nations and to the people, and that when
this message is delivered, as commanded, the witnesses
nave discharged their responsibility; thereafter the re-
sponsibility rests on those who heard. W 9/15/37
November 12 (138)
My name is dreadful among the heathen. And now, 0
ye priests, this commandment is t01' you. . .. to
give glory unto my name.-]{al. 1: 14; 2: 1, 2.
Those of the Jonadab company now learn of Jeho-
vah, and fear his holy name and prove it by their
course of conduct. To the unfaithful ones, the "evil
servant", Jehovah says: "Where is my fear? saith the
Lord of hosts unto you, 0 priests, that despise my
name." (1: 6) The commandment or charge to the
antitypical priests needed to be heeded and applied
unto the cleansing of God's sanctuary and thereafter.
The test upon the "sons of Levi" began with the
beginning of judgment in 1918. The motive or heart
condition of such there began to be tested. It was the
time for those who had made a covenant to do God's
will to cease giving honor to men and to cease raising
their mvu "lightning rods", inviting others to give
honor to them. The time had come for them to give
all honor and glory to Jehovah's name. Hence the
necessity for the charge. W 1/1/37
November 13 (23)
Sanctify the Lord of hosts himself j and let him be
your fear, and let him be your dread.-Isa. 8: 13.
Those who fear God will stand firmly on his side.
All such will receive the protection God has provided.
Those of the "evil servant" do not fear God; other-
wise they would not assault those whom they know
God has given a place in his service. One who fears the
Lord fears to disobey his commandments, but that
person does not fear any creature nor any of the
Devil's crowd. Everything against God and his king-
dom we should avoid, and what God hates we should
hate, because it is against God and his kingdom. Any
person who attempts to cause division in the ranks of
God's organization, whether he claims to be in the
truth or not, because he is a disturber he should be
avoided. There is no time nor reason to engage such
one in controversy. We do not need to engage in argu-
ment with_ the enemies of God and waste tIme on them.
tV 6/1/37
November 14 (130)
And Pharaoh spake unto Joseph, saying, Thy father
and thy brethren are come unto thee: . . . if thou
know est any men of activity among them, then
make them rulers over my cattle.-Gen. 47: 5, 6.
This strongly says that those Jehovah selects for
his service should see to it that they are men of discern-
ment, activity and ability, and that they should be
the most efficient in what work is assigned to them,
and should do it carefully and earnestly, as unto the
Lord himself. This has been a truth hard for many to
learn properly. Those of the great multitude prove
themselves "men of activity" and ability, faithful and
dependable in the King's service, and thus before the
throne they "serve him day and night in his temple".
Those thereof who are active and dependable are at
all times zealous for the Lord and his kingdom and re-
joice that they may have some part in the vindication
of Jehovah's holy name. tV 3/15/37
November 15 (40)
They raised up [(RoV.) overthrew] the palaces there-
of; and he brought it to ruin. Howl, ye ships of Tar-
shish: for your strength is laid waste.-Isa. 23: 13, 14.
God's Executioner, Christ Jesus, sets up siege
towers against the Devil religious system and the
princes of the Roman Catholic organization that traffic
in human creatures and destroy their rights, and the
system falls. And the result is w h a t ~ Jehovah's Execu-
tioner at the beginning of Armageddon brings it to
ruin. Then the individuals who continue to live for a
time will have reason to lament. The "Hierarchy of
Jurisdiction ", which operates in and out of Vatican
City, is by Jehovah's decree certain to be laid waste,
and that "Hierarchy of Jurisdiction", the central
government of the religious system that for centuries
has deceived the people and blasphemed God's name,
will go down. When it goes down its supporters can
do nothing but howl. W 4/15/37
November 16 (261)
Many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go
up to the mountain of the Lord.-Isa. 2: 3.
They go up to God's organization to receive infor-
mation at the mouth of those who form the house of
the Lord, and to seek instruction concerning Jehovah
and his kingdom. Here the remnant is shown render-
ing aid to the great multitude: "For out of Zion [the
temple, God's dwelling place] shall go forth the law
[the authoritative rule of action], and the word of the
Lord [the correct and authoritative message concern-
ing the Kingdom] from Jerusalem [the organization of
the Lord, wherein are God 's witnesses]." The people
of good will see the "abomination that maketh deso-
late", namely, the religious organizations claiming
they are going to rule the earth, and these persons of
good will flee from Satan's religious organization and
hasten to Christ's kingdom. There they find instruc-
tion and engage in the service of the Lord with the
remnant. W 8/15/37
November 17 (323)
Wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of the
flock: for the days of your slaughter and of your dis-
persions are accomplished; and ye shall fall like a
pleasant vessel [margin: vessel of desire] .-Jer. 25: 34.
Satan is now using many "vessels" which are will-
ingly used for his purpose and which he desires for his
purpose, and at the beginning of Armageddon he will
see these vessels fall and be crushed, and this before
he is cast into the pit. For years he has kept some of
his vessels in positions where they claim to represent
God and Christ Jesus. Clergymen occupying such
positions have posed as God's representatives, while
at the same time doing exactly contrary to God's
Word. Jehovah has permitted them to have plenty of
rope to go on in their hypocritical and wicked course,
and thus he has "endured [them] with much long-
suffering" as "vessels of wrath fitted to destruction".
That day of execution is near at hand. W 12/1/37
November 18 (254)
For it is God which worketh in you both to wtll and
to do of his good pleasure.-Phil. 2: 13.
God has revealed the meaning of the prophecies to
his people in order that they may see their duty,
obligation and privilege. Idleness and indifference now
will result in disaster. Full and joyful obedience the
Lord requires. This is the day when God has com-
manded his people to "rise up against her in battle"
and to have part in his work. The faithful now recog-
nize that God has afforded them an opportunity to
have part in his work for the comfort and encourage-
ment of such as have covenanted to do his will. There-
fore he furnishes them meat in due season by reveal-
ing the meaning of his prophecies written long ago.
God has promised to direct the path of those who
acknowledge him. He often causes such devoted ones
to perform duties that they do not understand until
afterwards. W 11/15/37
November 19 (7)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or
any likeness of any thing . . . Thou shalt not bow
down thyself to them, nor serve them.-Ex. 20: 4, 5.
Making an image and bowing down to that is attrib-
uting to that image, or what it represents, protection
and salvation, and such is an insult to Jehovah. Salva-
tion of man is possible only by the means which
Jehovah has provided through Christ Jesus, and there
is no other way. In the face of the plain command-
ments of God the religionists make images and bow
down before them. They hang up a flag and command
that men shall salute that, and thus attribute salvation
to what it represents. One who has covenanted to do
God's will must obey God's law. To disobey it means
an insult to Jehovah and a loss by the creature of
everything. Each one for himself must determine
whether he will obey God and remain true to him or
will compromise by obeying Satan's organization.
lV 1/15/37
November 20 (89)
He shall mightily 1'oar upon he shall
give a shout, as they that tread the gmpes, against
all the of the ea1th.-J er. 25: 30.
Jehovah thus manifests himself as being on the side
of his faithful people, the temple company, wherein
he resides and rests by his spirit. His roar shall be
against his tlnemies, and not against his own people,
but shall be through them. That will be the time of his
triumph, and "he shall give a shout, as they that
tread the grapes", a shout of joy and vindication.
Grapetreaders make wine, which is of good cheer.
But, on the occasion of treading, Jehovah by Christ
Jesus treads out the blood of Satan's "vine of the
earth". Such is the time of destruction to the enemy,
and the time of vindication and joy to the Lord. The
treading begins at <lChristendom", but does not stop
until it embraces or takes in all the enemy, in "the
great winepress of the wrath of God". 1V 12/1/37
November 21 (169)
Egypt was fmnished, the people cried to Pharaoh for
bread: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians, Go
unto Joseph; what he saith to you, do.-Gen. 41: 55.
Jehovah sends forth his witnesses today to declare
this message of consolation to the hungry, and says to
them: 'Go to my Servant, Christ Jesus, and whatso-
ever he saith unto you, do it, and ye shall live.' Only
those who do go to Christ Jesus and obey his command-
ments shaH. live. There is no other means of getting
life. Thus God shows to those who seek him the abun-
dant provision he has made for them. Seeing this, the
faithful remnant must appreciate not only their priv-
ilege but their great obligation to lift up a standard
for the people and point them to the granaries and
barns of Jehovah, which are packed full of an endless
supply of spiritual food. The famine is now upon
Satan's government of this world; it will continue
with ever-increasing soreness, ending in the battle of
the great day of God Almighty. W 2/15/37
November 22 (52)
God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power,
and of love, and of a sound mind.-2 Tim. 1: 7.
The Devil and the host of wicked angels are invis-
ible to human eyes, but they operate through visible
creatures who are also enemies of God and his king-
dom. Religion, which originated'with the Devil, makes
fanatics of men. Strict obedience to God's command-
ments keeps men sane. Religionists often become in-
sane. Do not Christ's faithful followers on earth
engage in con:fl.ict with human creatures who are re-
ligionists? No. The apostle's words at Ephesians 6: 12
show that this is not their con:fl.ict. Human creatures
are employed as instruments of the Devil and the
wicked angels, and used by them to war against
Christ's followers. l\1any of these visible ones do so
ignorantly. Many religionists are moved by the spirit
of malice, envy and murder; others follow along in
wrongdoing, being overreached by Satan. W 6/1/37
November 23 (187)
Then the king commanded Ebed-melech the Ethiopian,
saying, . . . take up Jeremiah the prophet out of
the dungeon, before he die.-Jer. 38: 10.
Ebed-melech pictured those of good will who are
subjected by religious organizations and restrained of
their liberty by reason of being under those organiza-
tions, and who see the great injustice heaped upon
Jehovah's anointed remnant, whom Jeremiah pictured.
The action of the slave pictures the great multitude
coming out and publicly declaring before the ruling
class (the king) that they are on God's side, and thus
by their course they become witnesses for Jehovah and
'his kingdom. The great multitude therefore are wit-
nesses for Jehovah, but they do not bear the official
name, for the reason that they are not of the anointed
house of Jehovah. They perform the service along with
the remnant. They must possess the same faith, devo-
tion and zeal. W 8/15/37
November 24 (164)
Teach me to do thy will: ... lead me.-Ps. 143: 10.
The true, faithful and zealous ones are not now
wasting their time, and that of others, by writing
letters and asking what to do. They have the command-
ments and orders from the Lord, they know their
duty, and they are going forward to perform it. It is
well that they know this Some of the Lord's people
are not now privileged to communicate by letter with
others. They are not permitted to receive the Society's
publications, and particularly The Watchtower. But
they have fed upon God 's Word and know what he has
commanded the faithful to do, and they are doing it,
even at the cost of their own lives. The Lord's army
is moving forward under the command of Christ
Jesus. There is no time for quibbling. Our duty is to
obey the Lord, and particularly so when his command-
ments are clear and specific. Those in the :front ranks
must go on and not lag behind. W 11/15/37
November 25 (192)
1I e walked with me in peace and equity, and did tUrn
'many away from iniquity.-Mal. 2: 6.
Christ Jesus sought to establish peace, unity and
order among God's people. He denounced pride, and
hypocrisy, and inequality. He taught honesty, upright-
ness and sincerity, and "did turn many away from
iniquity [lawlessness and the crooked way]' '. When
Christ Jesus appeared at the temple he turned the
"faithful servant" class away from lawlessness, per-
verseness and crookedness, and those who were not
thus turned away were disapproved. Now the remnant,
as faithful antitypical sons of Levi whom the great
Refiner at the temple has purified, turn others in the
right way by proclaiming the plain truths of God's
Word in their presence and hearing, and thus they
show those who will form the "great multitude" how
they may escape God's wrath and find refuge in his
organization and under his protection. W 1/1/37
November 26 (331)
Is this house, which is called by my name, become a
den of robbers in your eyes'! Behold, even I
have seen it, saith the Lord.-Jer. 7: 11.
Organized religion, falsely called "Christianity"
or "Christian religion", has become a political and
mercantile organization and a veritable den of robbers;
The "principal of the flock" work together with the
clergy to rob the people of opportunities to receive the
truth, by preventing the people from hearing it. The
clergy also "rob God". Because Jehovah is "slow to
anger" and affords the wicked full opportunity to
carry forward his wickedness, many become very bold
and convince themselves that they can with impunity
continue in their wrongful course. For many years
Jehovah has permitted Satan to carryon his wicked
work, and probably Satan has for centuries considered
himself immune to punishment. His servants are in a
like condition. W 9/1/37
November 27 (302)
Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the
spirit, which is the word of GOd.-Eph. 6: 17.
God provides the Watch Tower publications for
those who love him, and these, together with the Bible,
upon which such publications are based, point out the
right way for the followers of Christ to go. By this
means the Lord enables us to now identify and locate
our enemies, that we may be prepared to meet them in
successful combat. The only weapon God's faithful
representatives on earth are commanded to nse, and
must use, is "the sword of the spirit, which is the word
of God". How can one properly use that weapon un-
less he familiarizes himself first with the weapon? He
must study God's Word, then be diligent to obey what
it says. That Word contains the commandments of
Jehovah and the Lord Jesus Christ, the great Prophet,
which now must be obeyed by those in his house and in
his organization.-Acts 3: 23. W 6/1/37
November 28
Lay 1 ~ p for yourselves treasures in heaven.
-Uatt. 6: 20.
Jehovah's people, whether of remnant or great mul-
titude, are not to be tied down to the world of Satan,
but are merely sojourners there, enjoying the care and
protection of God's gracious provision for them under
Christ Jesus. The great multitude do not now find rest
in Satan's organization, which rules the earth. They
arc not to be contented with the present wicked rule.
They must advocate God's kingdom and be diligent in
doing so, and by doing so they 'lay up for themselves
treasures in heaven', and are not to think that treas-
ures of earthly things now acquired and held will be
preserved in Armageddon. It is quite probable that
the enemy may strip them of everything earthly just
before Armageddon. It is quite certain that nothing
will survive Armageddon except service privileges
toward Jehovah, which, together with the Word of
God, are "treasures in heaven". W 3/15/37
November 29
We have also a more sure word of where-
unto ye do well that ye take heed.-2 Pet. 1: 19.
To those who have devoted themselves to Jehovah the
Lord has given his truth. This he has done, not that
the recipients of the truth may hold it only for their
own mental satisfaction, but that they may lmow and
understand what duty and obligation is laid upon
them and what service they must perform. Even today
there are those who think that they are following
Christ Jesus and who are "ever learning, and never
able to come to the knowledge of the truth". (2 Tim.
3: 7) Those who truly love the Lord will appreciate
and do appreciate the unfolding of prophecy and will
see their duty and will joyfully undertake the per-
formance thereof. The faithful have a keen desire to
lmow what is the present duty to be performed by
them, and when they see it they will do it, by the grace
of the Lord. tv 11/1/37
November 30 (108)
For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the
truth.-2 Cor. 13: 8.
No man can succeed in doing any injury to the
truth, nor can he shake anyone really fully devoted to
God and his kingdom. The truth is eternal and shall
firmly stand for ever, and all who are really of the
truth will stand by the Lord and hear and obey his
voice. God's Word is true, and if we have full confi-
dence in God we know that all things shall work to-
gether for good to those who love God and who are
called according to his purpose. Will not the circula-
tion of wicked reports against God's organization and
his servants shake some of the Lord's people? If they
can be shaken, yes j but those who really love God
cannot be shaken. The Lord could prevent the activity
of the Devil's instruments, if that were for the best.
But now is when all things that can be shaken will be
shaken, that the approved ones may appear. W 6/1/37
December 1 (190)
And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of
the spirit. And wherefore one'! That he might seek
a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spint,
and let none deal treacherously. -Mal. 2: 15.
Out of the nation of natural Israel there came only
a "residue" or remnant that had the spirit of the
Lord and showed faith in and obedience to him. Out
of the many who have covenanted to be God's people
as followers of Christ Jesus there has come only a
remnant, and it is made manifest with the beginning
of the temple judgment. What was God's purpose in
making of Israel only "one" nation without adultera-
tion or heathen mixture? It was because Jehovah was
foretelling his purpose to make one godly seed: "that
he might seek a godly seed," or, " seed of God"
(margin). The typical "godly seed" was preserved
from ungodly mixture. That foreshadowed that the
real godly seed must be entirely free from the world.
W 1/15/37
December 2 (322)
But Benjamin, Joseph's brother, Jacob sent not with
his brethren,: for he said, Lest peradventure
mischief befall Mm.-Gen. 42: 4.
Benjamin pictured the younger spiritual group com-
ing into God's organization from 1922 and on, and
thus God was showing his love for them. Before Joseph
revealed himself to the ten half brothers they had to
show and did show their desire to do good unto Ben-
jamin. This foretold that Jehovah would first prove the
people of good will and cause them to show that they
had gotten rid of the religious spirit of the world,
that of persecution of Christ's followers, and this they
must do before he reveals to them the way to life.
Facts now weI! known show that the Jonadab class
have first shown kind consideration for Jehovah's wit-
nesses and then later the Lord revealed himself to
them and made known his provisions for them and
pointed them to the way to life everlasting. W 3/1/37
December 3 (323)
The slain of the Lord . .. shall not be lamented,
neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be
dung upon the ground.-Jer. 25: 33.
Not merely because the slain will be of such num-
bers that to bury them would be impossible, but also,
and that chiefly, because they are not worthy of decent
burial; and they shall not be accorded one. The sur-
vivors will be few, compared with the number slain,
and they shall not defile themselves by providing a
burial for the wicked. Jehovah's express will is that
the Devil's crowd shall be further and completely re-
proached by not having decent and honorable burial.
The dead bodies shall be left exposed to putrefaction
and be devoured by carrion birds and beasts in retalia-
tion for mankind's terrible violation of the "everlast-
ing covenant", which forbids willful slaughter of ani-
mals for selfish gain or pleasure. A crushing humilia-
tion for Satan's organization! W 12/1/37
December 4 (221)
If ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my
name, ... I will c01'rupt your seed, and spread dung
upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts,
and one shall take you away with it. - Mal. 2: 2, 3.
This applies to the unfaithful priestly class of spirit-
ual Israel, who suffer for want of spiritual nourish-
ment and sustenance. Because of their selfishness they
cannot receive and feed upon the blessings of truth
that the Lord provides as spiritual food for his own.
The unfaithful take offense at the same and, having
no sustaining spiritual food, they die spiritually. The
judgment of God would bring upon them a disgrace-
ful death and dishonorable burial. The one assigned
to drag refuse out of the temple must take it through
the dung gate and dump it into the incinerator of
Gehenna, thus foretelling the fate of the "evil serv-
ant" class. This shows that the unfaithful priests are
punished by complete annihilation. W 1/1/37
December 5
But the L01'd was with Joseph, .. And the keeper
of the prison committed to Joseph's hand all the
prisoners that were in the prison.-Gen. 39: 21,22.
Even so the Lord has committed to his "faithful
and wise servant" class the privilege and duty of min-
istering to all other prisoners, those pictured by Ruth
and Esther first, and also the people of good will, or
J onadabs, who are now being loosed and brought into
the liberty of God's kingdom. Thus the Lord has made
the work of the "faithful servant" class, whom Jo-
seph pictured, to prosper. He has committed into their
hands all his goods. They pray for prosperity and re-
ceive it) as God had promised. (Ps. 118: 25) Joseph
maintained his integrity toward God. The remnant,
the members of the body of Christ, who continue faith-
ful, will maintain their integrity towards Jehovah,
and, doing so, they are certain to have a part in the
vindication of his holy name. W 2/1/37
December 6 (282)
But the end of all things is at hand: be ye thC1'efore
sober, and watch unto prayer.-1 Pet. 4: 7.
The one who loves the Lord will not permit anger,
hatred, or ill will toward another to have place in his
heart, because by so doing he opens the door and leaves
it open and invites God's adversaries, the demons, to
come in and talm possession. Instead-of being disturbed
in mind and permitting ourselves to become incensed
at others, we must keep in mind the admonition to
God's people: "Let us watch and be sober. But let us,
who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breast-
plate of faith and love." (1 Thess. 5: 6, 8) Knowing
we are surrounded everywhere by enemies, and there-
fore all in great danger, God's devoted people should
trust him implicitly and obey his commandments. If
we fear God we will obey his commandments, and to
such God gives his sure word that they shall be shield-
ed and protected. W 6/1/37
December 7 (34)
And the Spirit and the b1'ide say, Come. And let him
that heareth say, Come.-Rev. 22: 17.
Here Christ Jesus, the Spirit, and his bride, the
spiritual class, are observed proclaiming this gospel
of the kingdom, telling that the day of deliverance
is come and that all of good will may seck safety in
the Lord's organizr.tion. His "other sheep", or great
multitude, hear the testimony of Jehovah's witnesses,
and they join in the servi.ce and say: 'Come, all you
of good will who love God and his King; come and
receive the blessings of life everlasting upon the earth. '
This shows their companionship in service. It is only
the class pictured by John, namely, the spiritual rem-
nant in the temple, that see the great multitude (Rev.
7 : 9), and those who do not see are certainly not of
the temple. If they ever were in line they have been
gathered out of the kingdom and cast into outer dark-
ness.-MaU. 13: 41, 42. TV 8/15/37
December 8 (148)
Thou shalt say 'tLnto them, Thus saitlt the Lord of hosts,
the God of Ismelj Drink ye, and be drunken, and
spue, and fall, and rise no more, because of the
sw01'd which I will send among you.-Jer. 5: 7.
Jehovah does not take action against his enemies
untIl he first gives warning of his purpose and states
the reason for so doing. Here he tells Jeremiah to no-
tify the people that it is the command of Jehovah of
hosts that the nations drmk and be drunken and fall,
never to rise again. God now commands that the rul-
ers and their supporters be told that fatal drunken-
ness is their lot, and soon they will find themselves
in that drunken condItIOn, from which they will not
revive. God has written in his Word, anG brought to
the attention of religionists and others, that the or-
ganization of the world, which they think is invul-
nerable, immovable, shall fall and that the Lord will
see to it that all the world shall drink of the wine of
his fierceness. TV 11/15/37
December 9 (101)
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men,
be strong.-1 Cor. 16: 13.
Now is the time when all the remnant must 'be
men in understanding' and 'quit themselves like men'.
(1 Cor. 14: 20) Such are men in Christ, that is, they
are mature ones. They love God, and hence they fear
him and not man. They discern that this is the day
of the Lord's judgment and that all nations are gath-
ered before him. They have received and appreCiated
the commandments of the Lord to go forth and give
warning to the peoples of "Christendom" before the
beginning of God's "strange act", and it is their love
for God that moves them into action. In going forth
to serve they are not arrogant, but they are bold, that
is, fearless. Seeing that the kingdom is here, the faith-
ful remnant understand and discern that the work of
declaring God's name and kingdom must be done now,
and they delight to have part in that work. W 5/15/37
December 10 (56)
I must preach the kingd01>t of God.-Luke h-: #3.
The only great man ever on the earth, Jesus of
Nazareth, was a modest man. He did not seek to make
a reputation for himself, but, on the contrary, hum-
bled himself in obedience to Jehovah God and suffered
reproach and ignominious death; and this was a re-
sult of his faithfulness in doing the will of his Father.
At all times Jesus stressed the magnitude and supreme
importance of the kingdom. He proclaimed the truth,
and declared that all who are of the truth must and
will do likewise. (John 18: 37) That is the criterion
by which every man may determine whether he is of
the truth or not. If he is not with enthusiasm support-
ing the cause of Jesus Christ and following in his
footsteps, he is not of the truth. Jesus died for the
kingdom in obedience to his Father's will. God raised
him out of death and exalted him to the highest place,
and this because of his faithfulness. W 12/15/37
I>ecernber 11 (10)
Arise ye ... against her in battle.-Obad. 1.
Does that not mean that we must fight ? Yes, to be
sure, that is the meaning. Our part in the fight, how-
ever, must be strictly in accord with the rules and
commandments of the Lord, and not according to the
rules of the wicked one. The enemies attempt to kill
and destroy creatures, particularly those who serve
God, and they carryon their fight by use of carnal
or deadly weapons. That is not the course to be taken
by the Ohristian. The true Ohristian would not do
bodily injury to any man. He adheres fully to the
rules of the Lord and is always in favor of freedom
of speech, that everyone who has a say should be per-
mitted to say so, but let the Lord be the Judge and
let those who have the ear to hear the truth, hear.
The weapon, and the only weapon the Ohristian prop-
erly uses, is the Word of God, "the sword of the
spirit." Now it is positively a weapon of offense with
which the Ohristian makes the assault. W 6/1/37
I>ecernber 12 (58)
As Babylon hath ca1lsed the slain of Israel to fall,
so at Babylon shall fall the slain.-J er. 51: 49.
The Roman Oatholics' day of wicked persecution
and defamation of God's name draws near to an end.
Jehovah will see to it that Satan and all his agents,
and particularly the Hierarchy, pay the full measure
of penalty. While the faithful followers of Ohrist now
on earth continue to suffer from increasing indignities
and cruel assaults upon them by religious representa-
tives of the Devil, Jehovah graciously unfolds to his
faithful witnesses the meaning of his prophecies, show-
ing that long ago he had his faithful ones in mind.
Let all, therefore, who love him alld his King, Ohrist
Jesus, be of good courage and rejoice to have part
in filling up the sufferings of Ohrist left behind that
they may ere long participate with him in the glory
and satisfaction of seeing Jehovah's name vindicated.
W 11/1/37
December 13 (9)
Yet ye say, Wherein have we wearied him? When
ye say, Everyone that doeth evil is good in the
sight of the Lord, and he delighteth in thent;
or, Where is the God of judgment? Behold, I
will send my messenger. - Mal. 2: 17; 3: 1.
Opposers attempt to justify Satan's organization
and their association with it. They attempt to show
that it is not displeasing to Jehovah to make an al-
liance with religionists or other parts of Satan's or-
ganization, or to compromise with that worldly organ-
ization. Jehovah has no alliance with wrongdoers, and
does not approve any who do ally themselves with
wrongdoers. (Ps. 94: 20) The ungodly organization
that legislates laws, and causes them to be enforced,
which bring reproach upon God's name and punish
his witnesses for telling the truth, is thus framing
mischief by legislation, and God declares that his true
children can have no partnership with that gang.
W 1/15/37
December 14 (64)
Her hire shall be holiness to the Lord; it shall not be
t1'easured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be
for them that dwell before the Lord, to eat suffi-
ciently, and for dumble clothing.-Isa. 23: 18.
Revelation of Jehovah's prophecies stripping bare ec-
clesiastical frauds and disclosing his judgment against
such fraudulent merchandise becomes spiritual "meat
in due season". Prophecy in fulfillment and being un-
derstood proves to be their spiritual nourishing and
profitable to those who love God. When the pcople
of good WIll see these th1:ngs, then no longer are the
old "harlot" and her allies able to keep those who
love and serve Jehovah from eating and filling suffi-
ciently. When they hear and act upon the truth, they
immediately wash up; they 'wash their robes and make
them white in the blood of the Lamb'. Thus they iden-
tify themselves as servants of Jehovah God. They get
on his side. W 5/1/37
I>ecernber 15 (159)
And Pharaoh called Joseph's nam.e Zaphnath-paaneah;
and he gave him to wife Asenath, the daughter
of Potiphemh, pl'iest of On. - Gen. #1: #5.
The name Pharaoh gave to Joseph means "savior
of the world" or "food of the living". Likewise, all
power in heaven and earth was given to Christ Jesus,
the Greater Joseph. He is made a "higher power"
with Jehovah, and to whom every soul must render
full obedience or else suffer destruction; and this par-
ticularly applies to the remnant. He is 'the Savior of
the world' and "the hread of life". Jehovah selects
for Christ Jesus a bride and sends him to the temple
fully authorized and empowered to gather unto him-
self and take his bride. The remnant of this bridal
company is yet on earth, the resurrection of those
that died faithful having preceeded them. All of these,
like Joseph's wife, are of priestly connection, being
God's "royal priesthood".-l Pet. 2: 9, 10. W 2/15/37
10ecernber 16 (325)
For the priest's lips should keep knowledge, and they
should seek the law at his m.outh: for he is the
messenger of the Lord of hosts.-Mal. 2: 7.
The remnant 6f Jehovah's witnesses must keep their
bps continually, and at all times must be ready to
speak when opportunity offers and tell the truth con-
cerning God and his kingdom. They must speak boldly
the truth of God's Word and against the perversIOn
thereof. This they accomplish by spreading the knowl-
edge of the truth abroad in printed form; which they
are now doing. The priestly class must obey God's
law and must make it known to others who will hear,
because Jehovah sends them forth 'as his messengers
to declare his Word and his name. Christ Jesus is the
great Messenger of Jehovah, who prepared the way
before him and straightway appeared at the temple.
For this reason he spoke of Jehovah as "Him that
sent me". Christ Jesus at the temple now sends forth
the remnant. W 1/1/37
December 17 (304)
Ten men shall take hold, out of all languages of the
nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that
is a Jew, saying, We will go with YOUj for we
have heard that God is with you.-Zech. 8: 23.
They lay hold of the Lord and declare their heart
devotion is to God and Christ Jesus. They are not
ashamed to publicly declare themselves on the side of
Christ and Jehovah. They delight to be associated
with the remnant in bearing testimony to Jehovah's
name and kingdom and in bearing the reproaches that
fall on all who show zeal and devotion to God. The
remnant take the lead; the J onadabs or great mul-
titude, pictured by "ten men", joyfully join them
and follow in the right way. They bring their offer-
ings for the service, that is, they give all their praise
and devotion, and give their time and energy and
money to further the cause of the kingdom to the
praise of Jehovah and his King. W 8/15/37
December 18 (249)
Publicly, and from house to house, . I have
not shunned to declare unto you all the
counsel of God.-Acts 20:'20,27.
Christ Jesus suffered for telling the truth. The apos-
tles, especially Paul, suffered great indignities. Why
should Jehovah's witnesses expect to obey the Lord
in this day without being subjected to like unright-
eous persecution? The duty of Jehovah's witnesses is
to obey him. He will take care of the result. Religion-
ists will continue to persecute the Lord's witnesses.
But when his "strange work" is done, then he will
execute his "strange act", and that will be the end
of religionists. Jehovah's witnesses are therefore priv-
ileged to choose to avoid suffering now and be de-
stroyed by Jehovah, or to be faithful to God at this
time, suffer persecution at enemy hands, and receive
God's everlasting blessing. 'The fear of man leadeth
into a snare.' W 9/15/37
December 19 (241)
We do not war after the flesh: (for the weapons of
our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God
to the pulling down of strong holds).-2 Cor. 10: 3,4.
It is the Word of God, the sword of the spirit, which
is now being wielded with telling effect against the
stronghold of the Roman Catholic organization. That
stronghold is entrenched lies behind which the workers
of iniquity hide. It is God '8 Word that sweeps away
that hiding place of lies and opens the doorway for
honest persons to see how they may take their stand
on God's side and find a place of sure habitation. The
purpose of Jehovah's witnesses' having part in this
fight is to declare his name and purpose, that the peo-
ple may be warned. For this reason the witnesses en-
gage in this warfare with real joy, because their work,
if faithfully done, results in good to those who love
righteousness and results to the honor and vindica-
tion of Jehovah's name. W 6/1/37
December 20 (268)
Put my cup, the silver cup, in the sack's mouth of the
youngest, and his corn money. And he did according
to the word that Joseph had spoken. . . . And the
cup was found in Benjamin's sack.-Gen. 4Jt.: 2, 12.
Like the cup in Benjamin's sack, put there at Jo-
seph's direction in order that a test might be placed
upon his brethren, so the persecution of Jehovah's
witnesses as lawbreakers has been permitted to come
upon them as a test upon the witnesses and upon all
those of good will, Jonadabs. It is the cup which Jeho-
vah has poured for his witnesses, that they might be
charged with crime and appear as lawbreakers and
dangerous to the ruling powers of the world, that this
test might be put upon men. This furnishes oppor-
tunity to prove their integrity toward Him. These ex-
periences have served as a real test to the Jonadabs,
and they have shown their willingness to be the com-
panions of Jehovah's witnesses, who have been branded
as criminals. W 3/1/37
December 21
But ye answered notj therefore will I do unto this
house, which is called by my name, wherein ye trust,
and unto the place which I gave to you and to your
fathers, as I have done to Shiloh. - J er. 7: 13, 14-.
By his manner of dealing with the unfaithful peo-
ple at Jerusalem Jehovah makes lmown his fixed rule
that covenant-breakers shall certainly suffer punish-
ment at his hands. All the wicked works mentioned
by the Lord at the mouth of his prophet, and, fur-
thermore, the wicked works of the IsraeJites done up
to the time that Shiloh fell, have been done and are
now being done by the practitioners of so-called "Chris-
tian" relIgion and by the people, and particularly the
clergy, who use the name of Jehovah and his King
for selfish and wrongful purposes. It is certain there-
fore that what belell Shiloh is tut a sample of what
shall befall "Christendom" in the very near future.
W 9/1/37
December 22
They wal dc!.?"ver you to the . when
they delwer you up, take no thought how or what ye
shall speakj for it shall be given you.-Matt. 10: 17,19.
No doubt Jehovah is permitting the present condi-
tions to exist in order that the truth may be brought
to the attention of courts as well as the people. There-
fore Jehovah's witnesses should always bring before
the court the fact that the work they are carrying on
by going from house to house to preach the gospel is
the soundll1g of a warning and is being done in obe-
dience to God's commandment, and that everyone must
decide for himself whether he will obey man or will
obey Almighty God. To attempt to silence the wit-
nesses of Jehovah will not alleviate in the slightest the
suffering that is coming upon humanity, but, on the
contrary, puts those who do hinder in a position where
they are certain to suffer destruction unless they re-
pent. W 10/1/37
December 23
FUght shall perish front the shepherds, and escaping
tram the principal of the jlock.-J er. 25: 35, margin.
The "principal of the flock" will :find no way of
escape. Religious practitioners, who have embraced
so-called "Ohristian" religion for personal gain, and
who have used the same and their positions in the
organization to oppress the people, will be caught in
the same dragnet that will destroy the clergy. After
the destruction of the clergy, the" shepherds", then
the Godless "principal of the flock" will continue to
fight against all on the side of Jehovah, and therefore
they shall receive due recompense from the Lord. Their
end is destruction. Jeremiah 50: 29 says: "Let none
thereof escape." All the "goat" class, whether of the
clergy or small practitioners in their flocks, shall suf-
fer complete destruction according to the Lord '8 de-
cree. That decree is written and is certain to be exe-
cuted. "IV 12/1/37
December 24 (321)
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a
companion of fools shall be destroyed.-Prov. 13: 20.
"Evil companionships corrupt good morals"
(A.R.V.); "vicious intercourse corrupts virtuous hab-
its" (Diag.). (1 Cor. 15: 33) Fools are those who say
by their course of conduct, "There is no God"; and
to go along with them leads to disaster. There are but
two organizations: the one righteous, which is God '8,
and the other wicked, which is Satan's. One who has
been joined to God's organization, and who then for-
sakes that organization, automatically joins Satan's
organization. No one can serve both God and Satan.
Since the religionists and the "evil servant" class do
not serve God, although operating in the name of God
and Ohrist, it clearly appears that they are of the Dev-
il's organization. There can be no middle ground. One
is either for God or against him. W 1/15/37
December 25 (155)
For this cause came I into the world, that I should
bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of
the truth heareth my voice. - John 18: 37.
Jehovah God sent him to earth as his special rep-
resentative, and the message which he delivered was
the message from Almighty God. The Devil, the de-
ceiver and murderer, for centuries had slandered the
name of Jehovah God, mocked him and defied him
and challenged him to put on earth any man who
would remain true to God when the Devil put him
to the test. After giving the Devil four thousand years
to carryon unhindered his wicked work Jehovah sent
his beloved Son Jesus to earth to prove the Devil a
liar and to be the vindicator of Jehovah's name. In
carrying out God's will it was of first importance
that Jesus proclaim thB truth. Every person refusing
to hear the message of Jesus is not of the truth, but
is under the Devil's control. W 7/1/37
December 26 (78)
Behold, I have bought you this day, and your land,
for Pharaoh: lo, here is seed for you, and ye
shall sow the land. And it shall come to pass,
in the increase, that ye shall give the fifth
part unto Pharaoh. - Gen. 47: 23, 24.
It has always been and always will be that men
must work. (2 Thess. 3: 10) If a man would not work,
neither should he eat. The idler is an abomination in
God's sight and is classed as a waster. (Prov. 19: 15;
31: 27) In behalf of the great multitude and their
future life, the Lord provides that they must not be
idle, but must serve him continually. "Ye are not
your own; for ye are bought with a price; therefore
glorify God." (1 Cor. 6: 19, 20) The requirement of
the great multitude is just, reasonable, and' 'not griev-
ous". Christ Jesus puts them all on an equal footing
before Jehovah and requires all of them to render
faithful service to God. W 3/15/37
I>ecernber 27 (292)
Put yourselves in array against Babylon .. Shout
against her round about.-Jer. 50: 14, 15.
The day of reckoning with the enemy is near at
hand. God's announced purpose is to wipe out the
enemy soon; but before doing so the warning must
be sounded even that the enemy may hear and that
people of good WIll may be informed as to their only
means of protection. God has commanded that this
work of proclaiming the truth must be done. He has
assigned that task to the remnant and their compan-
io:q.s. It is the battle of Jehovah, and those who love
God and who are now on earth will take great delight
in engaging in this battle by declaring the truth. Their
part is to sing Jehovah's praises and make known his
name and kingdom. All the remnant and people of
good will toward God will now prove their love for
God by boldly and fearlessly obeying his command-
ments in proclaiming his message of truth. W 8/1/37
I>ecernber 28 (256)
Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith
ye shall be able to quench all the fiery
darts of the wicked. -Eph. 6: 16.
To have faith, one must fully believe in and trust
Jehovah God and his Word and follow and obey God's
commandments, as Jesus does. To have faith, one must
have a knowledge of God's Word, and an understand-
ing mind, and then confidently rely upon his Word
and refuse to be disturbed or turned aside by any
teaching or theory of man. Having engaged in the
fight under the command of the Lord, these must re-
main true, firm, and faithful unto death. The faithful
know that, regardless of what the enemy may do
against them, no harm can come to those who abide
in the Lord and remain faithfully and joyfully in
his service to the last. Against such the darts of the
wicked are harmless, because they cannot pierce the
breastplate of righteousness, that is, a pure and un-
selfish heart. W 6/1/37
December 29 (285)
And the king of Sheshach shall drink after them. How
is Sheshach takfYIt! .. how is Babylon become
an astonishment!-Jer. 25: 26; 51: 41.
Quite fittingly the prophecy against Sheshach is the
last part of Jeremiah's prophecy against all of the
worldly organization. The last part of the battle of
Armageddon will be the destruction of Satan's an-
gelic host under Gog. It will be great punishment to
the Devil to stand by and see all his power taken away
from him by the Lord Jesus Christ. Then in complete
disgrace Satan himself will be taken away' by the Lord
Jesus Christ and completely shorn of all power and
cast into the bottomless pit. (Rev. 20: 2, 3) Thus the
Lord shows the beginning and the ending of the bat-
tle of God Almighty, which ends in complete victory
at the hands of the IGng of kings, Christ Jesus,
and to the honor and vindICation of Jehovah's name.
W 11/15/37
December 30 (336)
1V atch ye, stand fast ~ n the faith, quit you like men,
be strong.-1 Cor. 16: 13.
Those who really love God and trust him implicitly
will not be even disturbed by what He reveals to them
as shortly to fall upon the nations, nor WIll they be
deterred in performance of assigned duty. The faith-
ful will continue to feed upon "the meat in due sea-
son" which he provides for them. They will diligently
and prayerfully study what God makes ImoWll to them.
They will dwell together in peace with and show love
for one another by watching for one another's interest
and endeavoring to render help to their brethren, in-
cluding Jonadabs; not financial help, but help that
enables one to stand firmly, to get an understanding
and appreciation of God's provision for those that
love him, and to diligently engage in his service. Let
all the faithful stand in the strength of the Lord,
standing shoulder to shoulder against the entrenched
enemy. W 10/15/37
December 31 (330)
And they shall fight against thee, but they s h a l ~ not
prevail against thee; for I ant with thee, saith
the L01'd, to deliver thee.-J er. 1: 19.
Jeremiah was informed that he would have to fight.
Today, Jehovah's witnesses lmow they must fight, and
therefore God has commanded them, saying: "A.rise
, .. against her in battle." (Obad. 1) A.t the same
time Jehovah gives assurance to his faithful ones that
they shall not be overwhelmed by the enemy, because
they are led by Christ Jesus, the victorious Warrior,
and are fully backed up by the Most High. Let the
Catholic Hierarchy and their cohorts and religious
supporters do what they will in opposition to Jeho-
vah's work now being performed by his faithful serv-
ants. In due time God will see to it that the enemy
shall suffer complete defeat. Therefore he says to his
servants: "Be strong in the Lord, and in the power
of his might." W 9/1/37
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