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Standardized Testing Chapter 4 Brown

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Every educated person has at some point been touched-if not deeply affected
by a standardized test. For almost a century, schools, universities, businesses, and
governments have looked to standardized measures for economical, reliable, and
valid assessments of those who would enter, continue in, or exit their institutions.
Proponents of these large-scale instruments make strong claims for their usefulness
when great numbers of people must be measured quickly and effectively. Those
claims are well supported by reams of research data that comprise construct vali
dations of their efficacy. And so we have become a world that abides by the re
sults of standardized tests as if theywere sacrosanct.
The rush to carry out standardized testing in every walk of life has not gone
unchecked. Some psychometricians have stood up in recent years to caution the
public against reading too much into tests that require what may be a narrow band of
specialized intelligence (Sternberg, 1997; Gardner, 2000; Kooo, 2000). Organizations
such as the National Center for Fair and Open Testing (www.fairtest.org) have
reminded us that standardization of assessment procedures creates an illusion of
validity. Strong claims from the giants of the testing industry, they say, have pulled
the collective wool over the public's eyes and in the process have incorrectly mar
ginalized thousands, if not millions, of children and adults worldwide. These socio
economic issues in standardized testing are discussed in Chapter 5.
Whichever side is "right" -and both sides have legitimate cases-it is impor
tant for teachers to understand the educational institutions they are working in, and
an integral part of virtually all of those institutions is the use of standardized tests.
So it is important for you to understand tests are, are
not, hgw to_interPret them, and how to put them into a balanced perspective in
which we strive to accurately assess all learners on all proposed objectives. We can
learn a great deal about many learners and their competencies through standardized
forms of assessment. But some of those learners and some of those objectives may
not be adequately measured by a sit-down, timed, multiple-choice format that is
likely to be decontextualized.
This chapter has two goals: to introduce the process of constructing, vali
dating, admi?istering , and interpreting -sta-noartlizea-tescs.... o'f'Iarlguage; and' to
Brow, H. D. (2004). Language assessment: principles and classroom practices. USA: Pearson Longman.
CHAPTER'4 Standardized Testing . 67
___ a variety of current standardized tests that claim to test overall
language proficiency.
, It should be clear from these goals that in this chapter we are not focusing ce;',l
trally on classroom-based assessment. Don't forget, however, that tests
affect all classrooms, and some of the practical steps that are involved in creating
standardized tests are directly transferable to designing classroom tests.
........,,, ...,..... '"
A standardized test presupposes certain standard objectives, or criteria, that are
held constant across one form of the test to another. The criteria in large-scale
standardized tests are designed to ap'ply to a broad band of competencies that are
usually not exclusive to one particular curriculum.A good standardized test is the '.
product of a thorough process of empirical research and development. It dictates
standard procedures for administration. and scoring. And finally, it is' typical of a
norm-referenced test, the goal of which is to place test-takers on a continuum across
a range of scores and to differentiate test-takers by their relative ranking.
Most elementary and secondary schools in the United States have standardized
achievement tests to measure children's mastery of the standards or competencies
that have been prescribed for specified grade levels. These. tests vary by states,
counties, and school districts, but they all share the common objective of econOffi
icallarge-scale assessment. College entrance exams such as the Scholastic Aptitude
Test are part of the educational experience of many high school seniors
seeking further education. The Graduate Record Exam is a required stan
dardized test for entry into many graduate school programs. Tests like the Graduate
Management Admission Test (GMA1) and the Law School Aptitude Test (LSAn spe
cialize in particular diSCiplines. One genre of standardized test that you may already
be-familiar with is theTest of English as a Foreign Language (fOEFL by
die Educational Testing Service (ETS) in the United States and/or its British coun
terpart, the International English Language Testing System (lELTS), which features
standardized tests in affiliation with the University of Cambridge Local Examinations
Syndicate (UCLES). They are all standardized because they specify a set of compe
tencies (or standards) for a given domain, and through a process of construct vali
dation they program a set of tasks that have been designed to measure those
Many people are under the incorrect impression that all stanoardized tests con
sist of items that have predetermined responses presented'1n a multiple-choice
format. While it is true that many standardized tests conform to a multiple-choice
format, by no means is multiple-choice a prerequisite characteristic. It so happens
that a multiple-chOice format provides the test producer with an "objective" means
for determining correct and incorrect responses, and therefore is the preferred
mode for large-scale tests. However, standards are equally involved in certain human
scored tests of oral production and writing, such as the Test of Spoken English
and the Test ofWritten English both produced by ETS.
68 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
Advantages of standardized testing include, foremost, a previously vali
dated product that frees the teacher from having to hours creating a test.
Administration to large groups can be accomplished within reasonable time limits.
In the case ofinultiple-choice formats, scoring procedures are streamlined (for
either scal1.8Qble computerized scoring or hand-SCOring with a hole-punched grid)
for fast turnaround time. And, for better or for worse, there is often an air of face
validity to such authoritative-looking instruments.
Disadvantages center largely on the in..!p-J:l{9priate use of such tests, for
example, using as an achievemenftesfsUnplY because of
the convenience of the standardization. A colleague told me- about a course director
who, after a frantic search for a last-minute placement test, administered a multiple
choice granunar achievement test, even though the curriculum was mostly listening
and speaking and involved few of the granunar points tested. This instrunrent had
the appearance and face validity of a good test when in reality it had no-content
Validity whatsoever.
Another disadvantage is the potential misunderstanding of the difference
between directandindir,ect testing\ (see Chapter 2). Some standardized tests include
tasks that do__"-:2!.,QJrectly' specify the targetr For example,
before 1996, the TOEFL included neither a written nor an oral production section,
yet statistics showed a reasonably strong correspondence between performance on
the TOEFL and a student's written and-to a lesser extent-oral production. The
comprehension-based TOEFL could therefore be claimed to be an indirect test of
production. A test of reading comprehension that proposes to ability to
read extensively and that engages test-takers in reading only short one.. or two
paragraph passages is anJndirect measure of extensive reading.
Those who use standardized tests need to acknowledge both the advantages
and limitations of indirect testing. In the pre..1996 TOEFL administrations, the
expense of giving a direct test of production was considerably reduced by offering
only comprehension performance and showing through construct validation the
appropriateness of conclusions about a test-taker's production competence.
likewise, short reading passages are easier to administer, and if research validates
the assumption that short reading passages indicate extensive reading ability, then
the use of the shorter passages is justified. Yet the construct validation statistics that
offer that support never offer a 100 percent probability of the relationship, leaving
room for some possibility that the indirect test is not valid for its targeted use.
A more serious isslle lies in the assumption (alluded to above) that standardized
tests correctly assess all learners equally well. Well..established standardized tests
usually demonstrate high correlations between performance on such 'tests and
target objectives, but correlations are not sufficient to demonstrate unequivocally
the acquisition of criterion objectives by all test-takers. Here is a non-language
example. In the United States, some driver'S iicense renewals require taking a paper
and-pencil multiple-choice test that covers signs, safe speeds and distances, lane
CHAPTER 4' Standardized Testing. 69
changes, and other"rules ofthe road." Correlational statistics show a strong relationship
between high scores on those tests and good driving records, so people who do well
on these tests are a safe bet to relicense. Now, an extremely high correlation (of per
haps .SO or above) may be loosely interpreted to mean that a large majority of the dri
vers whose licenses are renewed by virtue of their having passed the little quiz are
good behind-the-wheel drivers. What about those few who do not fit the model? That
small minority of drivers could endanger the lives of the majority, and is that a risk
worth taking? Motor vehicle registration departments in the United States seem to
think so, and thus avoid the high cost of behind-the-wheel driving tests.
Are you willing to rely on a standardized test result in the case of all the
learners in your class? Of an applicant to your institution, or of a potential degre,e
candidate exiting your program? These questions will be addressed more fully in
Chapter 5, but for the moment, think carefully about what has come to be known
. as high-stakes testing, in which standardized tests have become the only criterion
for inclusion or exclusion. The widespread acceptance, and sometime misuse, of
this gate-keeping role of the testing industry has created a political, educational,
and moral maelstrom.
Whlle it is not likely that a classroom teacher, with a team of test designers and
researchers, would be in a position to a brand-new standardized test of
large-scale proportions, it is a yirtual certainty that some day you will be in a posi
tion (a) to revise an existing test, (b) to;adapt or expand an existing test, and/or
(c) to create a smaller-scale standardized test for a program you are teaching in. And
;even if none of the above cases should ever apply to you, it is of paramount
importance to understand the process of the development of the standardized tests
that have become ingrained in ,our educational institutions.
How are standardized tests developed? Where do test tasks and items come
from? How are they evaluated? Who selects items and their arrangement in a test?
.How do such items and tests- achieve consequential validity? How are different
forms of equated for diftlculty level? Who sets norms and cut..off limits? Are
security add confidentiality an issue? Are cultural and racial biases an issue in test
development? All these questions typify those that you might pose in an attempt to
understand the process of test 'development. ..,
In the steps outlined below, three different standardized- tests will be used to
exemplify the process of standardized test design:
(A) The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), Educational
Testing Service (ETS).
(B) The English as a Second Language Placement Test (ESLP1), San'
Francisco State University (SFSU).
(C)The Graduate Essay Test (Gm, SFSU.
, 70 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
The first is a test of general language ability or profidency. The second. is a place.
ment test at a university.And the third is a gate-keeping essay test that all prospec
tive students must pass in order to take graduate-level courses. As we look at the
steps, one by one, you will see patterns that are consistent with those outlined in
the previous two chapters. for evaluating and developing a classroom test.
1. Determine ihe purpose and objectives of the test.
Most standardized tests are expected to provide high practicality in administration and
scoring without unduly compromising validity. The initial outlay of time and money
for such a test is Significant, but the test would be used repeatedly. It is therefore impor
tant for its purpose and objectives to be stated specifically. Let's look at the three tests.
(A) The purpose of the TOEFL is "to evaluate the English profiCiency of people
whose native language is not English" (TOEFL Test and Score Manual, 2001, p. 9).
More specifically, theTOEFL is designed to help institutions of higher learning make
"valid decisions concerning English language profiCiency lin terms of lthelr] own
requirements" (p. 9). Most colleges and universities in the United States use TOEFL
scores to admit or refuse international applicants for admission. Various cut-off
scores apply, but most institutions require scores from 475 to 525 (paper-based) or
from 150 to 195 (computer-based) in order to consider students for admission.The
high-stakes, gate-keeping nature of theTOEFL is obvious.
(B) The ESLP'T, referred to in Chapter 3, is designed to place already admitted
students at San Francisco State University in an appropriate course in academic
writing, with the secondary goal of placing students into courses in oral production
and grammar-editing. While the test's primary purpose is to make placements,
another desirable objective is to provide teachers with some diagnostic information
about their students on the first day or two of class. The ESLPT is locally designed
by university faculty and staff.
(C) The GE'f,another test designed at SFSU, is given to prospective graduate
students-both native and non-native speakers-in all disciplines to determine
whether their writing ability is sufficient to permit them to enter graduate-level
courses in their programs. It is offered at the beginning of each term. Students who
fail or marginally pass the GET are technically ineligible to take graduate courses in
their field. Instead, they may elect to take a course in graduate-level writing of
research papers. A pass in that course is equivalent to passing the GET.
As you can see, the objectives of each of these tests are specific. The content of
each test must be designed to accomplish those particular ends. TIlis first stage of
goal-setting might be seen as one in which the consequential validity ofthe test is fore
most in the mind of the developer: each test has a specific gate-keeping function to
perfonn; therefore the criteria for entering those gates must be specified
2. Design test specifications.
Now comes the hard part. Decisions need to be made on how to go about structur
ing the specifications of the test. Before specs can be addressed, a comprehensive
CHAPTER'4 Standardized Testing . 71
progratn of research must identify a set of constructs underlying the test itself. This
stage of laying the foundation stones can occupy weeks, months, or even years of
effort. Standardized tests that don't work: are often the product of short-sighted con
struct validation. Let's look at the three tests again.
(A) Construct validation for the TOEFL is carried out by the TOEFL staff at ETS
under the guidance of a Policy Counell that works with a Committee of Examiners
that is composed of appointed external university faculty, linguists, and assessment
spedaJists. Dozens of employees are involved in a complex process of reviewing cur
rent TOEFL specifications, cOmmissioning and developing test tasks and items, assem
bling forms of the test, and performing ongoing exploratory research related to
formulating new specs. Reducing such a complex process to a set of simple steps runs
the risk of gross overgeneralization, but here is an idea of how aTOEFL is created.
Because the TOEFL is a proficiency test, the fIrst step in the developmental
process is to define the construct of language proficiency. First, it should be made
clear that many assessment specialists such as Bachman (1990) and Palmer
(Bachman & Palmer, 1996) prefer the term ability to proficiency and thus speak of
language abllity as the overarching concept. The latter phrase is more conSistent,
they argue, with our understanding that the specific components of language ability
must be assessed separately. Others,. such as the American Council on Teaching
Foreign Languages (ACI'FL), still prefer the term proficiency because it connotes
more of a holistic, unitary trait view of language ability (Lowe, 1988). Most current
views accept the ability argument and therefore strive to specify and assess the
many components of language. For the ,purposes of consistency in this book, the
term proficiency will nevertheless be retained, with the above caveat.
How you view language will make a difference in how you assess language pro
ficiency. After breaking language competence down into subsets of listening,
speaking, reading, and writing, can be examined on a con
tiiiuum of linguistic units: and orthography (spelling),
words OeXicon), sentences (gtammar), discourse, and pragmatic (sociolinguistic,
contextual, functional, features of language.
How will the TOEFL sample from at). these possibilities? Oral production tests
can be tests of overall conversational fluency or pronunciation of a particular subset
of phonolOgy, and can take the form of imitation, structured responses, or free
responses. Listening comprehension tests can concentrate on a particular feature of
language or on overalllistenins for general meaning. Tests of rea<ling can cover the
range of language units and can aim to test comprehension of long or short pas
sages, single sentences, or even phrases and words. Writing-tests can take on an
open-ended form with free composition, or be structured to elicit anything from
correct spelling to discourse-level competence. Are you overwhelmed yet?
From the sea of potential performance modes that could be sampled in a test, the
developer must select a subset on some systematic basis. To make a very long story
short (and leaving out numerous controversies), the TOEFL had for many years
included three types of performance in its organizationai specifications: listening. struc
ture, and reading, all of v:tuch tested comprehension through standard multiple-choice
72 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
tasks. In 1996 a major step was taken to include written production in the computer
based TOEFL by adding a slightly modified version of the already existing Test of
Written English (TWE). In doing so, some face validity and content validity were
improved along with, of course, a significant increase in administrative expense! Each
of these four major sections is capsulized in the box below (adapted from .the descrip
tion of the current computer-based TOEFL at www.roefLorg). Such descriptions are
not, strictly speaking, specifications, which are kept confidential by ETS. Nevertheless,
they can give a sense of many of the constraints that are placed on the design of actual
TOEFL specifications.
TOEFL<8> specifications
Listening Section. The listening section measures the examinee's ability to understand
English as it is spoken in North. America. Conversational, features of the language are .
stressed, and the skills tested include vocabulary and idiomatic expression as well as spe
cial grammatical constructions that are frequently used in spoken Engfish. The stimulus .
material and questions are recorded in standard North American English.
The listening section includes various stimuli, such as dialogues, short conversations,
academic discussions, and mini-lectures, and poses questions that test comprehension of
main ideas, the order ofa process, supporting ideas, important details, and inferences, as
well as the ability to categorize topics/objects.
The test developers have taken advantage of the multimedia capability of the
computer by using photos and graphics to create context and support the content of the
lectures, producing stimuli that more closely approximate Ureal-world" situations in
which people do more than just listen to voices. The listening stimuli are often accompa
nied by either context-setting or content-based visuals. All dialogues, conversations, aca
demic discussions, and mini-lectures include context visuals to establish the setting and
role of the speakers. Content-based visuals are often used to complement topics of
the mini-lectures .
. Structure-Section. Thestructure-section measures an examinee's ability to recognize
language that is appropriate for standard written English. The language tested is formal
rather than conversational. The topics of the sentences are associated with general acade
mic discourse so that individuals in specific fields of study or from specific national or
linguistic groups have no particular advantage.
Two types of questions are used: questions in which examinees must (1) complete an
incomplete sentence using one of four answers provided and (2) identify one of four un
derlined words or phrases that would not be accepted in English. The two question types
are mixed randomly rather than being separated into two subsections as in the paper
based TOEFL test.
Reading Section. The reading section measures the ability to read and understand
short passages similar in topic and style to academic texts used in North American col
leges and universities. Examinees read a variety of short passages on academic subjects
and answer several questions about each passage. Test items refer to what is stated or im
plied in the passage, as well as to words used in the passage. To avoid creating an advan
t,,"\( ,,,...1,, 'du.ll5- In ont: fidd of sufficient context is provided SO that no
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CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing 73
The reading section consists of four to five passages of 250-350 words, with 10-14
.questions per passage. This section is not computer-adaptive, so'examinees can skip
questions and return to previous questions. The questions in this section assess the com
prehension of main ideas, inferences, factual information stated in a passage, pronoun
referents, and vocabulary (direct meaning, synonym, antonym). In all cases, the questions
can be answered by reading and understanding the passages. This section consists of
(1 ) traditional multiple-choice questions, (2) questions that require examinees to click on
a word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph to answer, and (3) questions that ask examinees
to "insert a sentence" where it fits best.
Writing Section. The writing section measures the ability to write in English, including
the ability to generate, organize, and develop ideas, to support those ideas with examples
or evidence, and to compose a response to one assigf)ed topic in standard written En
glish. Because some examinees may not be accustomed to composing an essay on com
puter, they are given the choice of handwriting or typing the essay in the 30-minute time
limit. The rating scale for scoring the essay, ranging from 0 to 6, is virtua.lly the same as
that of the Test of Written English [see Chapter 9 of this book]. A score of 0 is given to
papers that are blank, simply copy the topic, are written ina language other than English,
consist only of random keystroke characters, or are written on a topic different from the
one assigned.
Each essay is rated independently by two trained, certified readers. Neither reader
knows the rating assigned by the other. An essay will receive the average of the two rat
ings unless there is a discrepancy of more than one point: in that case, a third reader will
independently rate the essay. The essay rating is incorporated into the StructureM'riting
scaled s c o r e ~ and constitutes approximately 50 percent of that combined score.
(B) The designing of the test specs for the ESLPT was a somewhat simpler task
because the purpose is placement and the construct validation of the test consisted
of an examination of the content of the ESL courses. In fact, in a recent revisiof.i of
the ESLPT (lmao et al., 2000; Imao, 2001), content validity (coupled with its atten
dant face validity) was the central theoretical issue to be considered. The major issue
centered on designing practical and reliable tasks and item response formats. Having
established the importance of designingESLPT tasks that simulated classroom tasks
used in the courses, the designers ultima,tely specified two writing production tasks
(one a response to an essay that students read, and the other a summary of another
essay) and one multiple-choice grammar-editing task.These specific.a.tions mirrored the
reading.;based, process writing approach used in the courses.
(C) Specifications for the GET arose out of the perceived need to provide a
threshold of acceptable writing ability for all prospective graduate students at SFSU,
both native and non-native speakers of English. The specifications for the GET are
the skills of writing grammatically and rhetorically acceptable prose on a topic of
some interest, with clearly produced organization of ideas and logical development.
The GET is a direct test of writing ability in which test-takers must, in a two-hour
time period, write an essay on a given topic.
74 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
3. Design, select, and arrange test tasks/items.
Once specifications for a standardized test have been stipulated, the sometimes
never-ending task of designing, selecting, and arranging items beginS. The act
much like a blueprint in determining the number and types of items to be created.
Let's look at the! three examples.
(A) TOEFL test design specifies that each item be coded for content and statis
tical characteristics. Content coding ensures that each examinee will receive test
questions that assess a variety of skills (reading, comprehending the main idea, or
understanding inferences) and cover a variety of subject matter without unduly
biasing the content toward a subset of test-takers (for example, in the listening sec
tion involving an academic lecture, the content must be universal enough for stu
dents from many different academic fields of study). Statistical characteristics,
including the IRT equivalents of estimates of item (IF) and the ability of an
item to discriminate (ID) between higher orlower ability levels, ate also' coded.
Items are then designed by a team who select and adapt items solicited from a
bank. of items that have been "deposited" by freelance writers and ErS staff. Probes
for the reading section, for example, are usually excerpts from authentic general or
academic reading that are edited for linguistic difficulty, culture bias, or other topic
biases. Items are designed to test overall comprehension, certain specific informa
tion, and inference. .
Consider the following sample of a reading selection and ten items based on it,
from a practice TOEFL (Phillips, 2001,pp.423-424):
For hundreds of years in the early history of America, pirates sailed through coastal wa
ters, pillaging and plundering all in their path. They stole from other ships and.stole from
coastal towns; not content only to steal, they destroyed everything they could not carry
Some of the pirate ships amassed large the fates of which are unknown,
leaving people of today to wonder at their whereabouts and to dream of one day coming
across some lost treasure.
One notoriously large treasure was on the pirate ship Whidah, which sank in the wa
ters off Cape Cod during a strong storm in 1717. A hundred of the crew members went
down with the ship, along with its treasure of coins, gold, silver, and jewels. The treasure
on board had an estimated value, on today's market, of more than 100 million dollars.
The remains of the Whidah were discovered in 1984 by Barry Clifford, who had spent
years of painstaking research and tireless searching, only finally to locate the ship about
500 yards from shore. A considerable amount of treasure from the centuries-old ship has
been recovered from its watery grave, but there is clearly still a lot more out there. Just as
a reminder of what the waters off the coast have been protecting for hundreds of years,
occasional pieces of gold, or silver, or jewels still wash up on the beaches, and lucky
beach-goers find pieces of the treasure.
11 mainly di..c;.cus5eS
CH,4.PTER 4 Standardized Testing 75
(e) what really happened to the Whidah's pirates
(D) why people go to the beach
12. It is NOT mentioned in the passage that pirates did which of the following?
(A) They killed lots of people.
(B) They robbed other ships.
(e) They took things from towns.
(D) They gathered big treasures.
13. The word "amassed" in line 4 is closest in meaning to
(A) sold (e) transported
(B) hid (D) gathered
14. It is implied in the passage that the Whidah's crew
(A) died
(B) went diving
(e) searched for the treasure
(D) escaped with parts of the treasure
15. Which of the following is "NOT mentioned as part of the treasure of the Whidah?
(A) Art objects
(B) Coins
(e) Gold and si Iver
(D) Jewels
16. The word "estimated" in line 10 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
(A) Known (C) Approximate
(B) Sold (D) Decided
17. The passage indicates that the cargo of theWhidah is worth about
(A) $100,000
(B) $1,000,000
(C) $10,000,000
(D)" $100,000,000
18. The work that Barry Clifford did to locate the Whidah was NOT
(A) successfu I
(B) effortless
(C) detailed
(D) lengthy
19. It is mentioned in the passage that the treasure of the Whidah
(A) is not very valuable
(8) is all in museums
(C) has not all been found
(D) was taken to share by the pi rates
20. The paragraph following the passage most likely discusses
(A) what Barry Clifford is doing today
(8) the fate of the Whidah's crew
(e) other storms in the area of Cape Cod
(D) additional pieces that turn up from the Whidah's treasure
76 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
As you can see, items target the assessment of comprehension of the main idea
(item #11), stated details (#17, 19), unstated details (#12, 15, 18), implied details
(#14, 20), and vocabulary in context (#13, 16). An argument could be made about
the cultural schemata implied in a passage about pirate ships, and you could engage
in an "angels on the head of a pin" argument about the importance of picking cer
tain vocabulary for emphasis, but every test item is a sample of a larger domain, and
each of these fulfills, its designated specification.
Before any such items are released into a form of the TOEFL (or any validated
standardized test), they are piloted and sCientifically selected to meet difficulty spec
ifications within each subsection, section, and the test overall. Furthermore, those
items are also selected to meet a desired discrimination index. Both of these' indices
are important considerations in the design of a computer-adaptive test, where per
formance on one item determines the next one to be presented to the test-taker.
(See Chapter 3 for a complete treatment of multiple-choice item design.)
(B)The selection of items in the ESLPT entailed two-entirel'), different processes.'
In the two subsections of -the test that elicit writing performance (summary of
reading; response to reading), the main hurdles were (a) selecting appropriate pas
sages for test-takers to read, (b) providing appropriate prompts, and (c) processing
data from pilot testing. Passages have to conform to standards of content validity by
being within the genre and the difficulty of the material used in the courses. The
prompt in each case (the section asking for a summary and the section asking for a
response) has to be tailOred to fit the passage, but a general template is used.
[n the multiple-choice editing test that seeks to test grammar proofreading ability,
the first and easier task is to choose an appropriate essay within which to embed
errors. The more complicated task is to embed a specified number of errors from a
previously determined taxonomy of error categories. Those error categories came
directly from student errors as perceived by their teachers (verb tenses, verb agree
ment, logical connectors, articles, etc.). The disttactors for each item were selected
from actual errors that stude"nts make. Itemsiti pilot versions were then coded fordif
ficulty and discrinlination indices, after which final assembly of items could occur.
(C) The GET prompts are designed by a faculty committee of examiners who
are speCialists in the field of university academic writing. The assumption is made
that the topics are universally appealing and capable of yielding the intended
product of an essay that requires an organized logical argument and conclusion. No
pilot testing of prompts is conducted. The conditions for administration remain
constant: two-hour time limit, sit-down context, paper and pencil, closed-book
format. Consider the following recent prompt:
Graduate Essay Test, sample prompt
'In the Middletown Elementary School District, the assistant superintendent has just been
made superintendent in another district. Her resignation leaves vacant the district's only
administrative position ever held by a woman. The School Board, in response to strong
CHAPTER' :4 Standardized Testing 77
arguments from the Teachers' Association, has urged that a woman be hired to replace
her. As a member of the hiring committee, you must help choose her successor.
Only one woman applicant meets the written qualifications for the job; the two top
male applicants are both more experienced than she.
The hiring committee has asked each committee member to prepare a written
statement to distribute before meeting together to discuss the issue. Write a report that
represents your position, making it as logical and persuasive as possible.
Some facts you may wish to draw on:
1. Women make up more than 75 percent of classroom teachers, but hold fewer than
10 percent of administrative positions in education. Administrators' salaries average
30 percent more than teachers' salaries.
2. The local Teachers' Association is 89 percent women, mostly under 40. In a heated
debate on television, a member of the National Organization of Women (NOW)
and the chair of the Teachers' Association threatened, if a man is hired, to bring a
class-action suit against the district on behalf of all women teachers who cannot
expect advancement because of discriminatory hiring practices. "
3. The local Lions Club, which contributes heavily to school sports, says hiring the
less experienced woman would not be in the best interests of the school,the
children, or the teachers.
The finalists for the position:
1. Carole Gates. Classroom teacher, 10 years; "Teacher of the Year," 1985; supervisor
ofpractice teachers at Teacher's College; former president of Teachers'. Associ ati on;
Administrative Credential, 1984; Ed.D. degree, 1986; assistant principal of
Hoptown Elementary School, 2 years.
2. "Spud" Stonewall. Principal of Middletown Elementary, 15 years; Ph.D. in
educational State Board of Education Committee for Improving
Elementary School Curriculum, 1982-present.
3. Jim Henderson. School Administrator, 22 years,"gradesK-9;-supports innovation in
education; "Fair Bargaining" Award, 1981; former coach for winning collegiate
basketball team, 10 years.
It is clear from such a prompt that the problem the test-takers must address is
complex, that there is sufficient information here for writing "an essay, and that test
takers will be reasonably challenged to write a clear statement of opinion. What also
emerges from this prompt (and virtually any prompt that one might propose) is the
potential cultural effect on the numerous international students who must take the
GIIT: Is it possible that such students, who are not familiar with school systems in the
United States, with hiring procedures, and perhaps with the "politics" of school board
elections, might be at a disadvantage in mounting their arguments within a two-hour
time frame? Some (such as Hosoya, 2001) have strongly claimed such a bias.
78 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
4. Make appropriate evaluations of different kinds of items.
In Chapter 3 the concepts of item facility (IF), item discrimination (ID), and dis
tractor analysis were introduced. As the discussion there showed, such calculations
provide useful infornlation for classroom tests, but sometimes the time and effort
involved in perfornling them may not be practical, especially if the classroom-based
test is a one-.time test. Yet for a standardized multiple-choice test that is designed to
be marketed commercially, and/or administered a number of times, and/or adminis
tered in a different form, these indices are a must.
For other types of response formats, namely, production responses, different
forms of evaluation become important. The principles of {!!.abWty
are prominent, along with the concept o.(JacjJjt:}!. Practicality issues in such items
include the clarity of directions, timing of the test, ease of administration, and how
much time is required to score responses. Reliability is a major player in instances
where more than one scorer is employed; and to a lesser extent when: a single scorer
has to evaluate tests over long spans of time that could lead to deterioration of stan
dards. Facility is also a key to the validity and success of an item type:
tions, complex- language, obscure topics, ..Q.ata, and culturally biased
. . to' a highe'i1eVerof diffiCidty than one "desires. .
(A) The IF, ID, and efficiency statistics of the multiple-choice items of current
forms of the TOEFL are not publicly available information. For reasons of security
and protection of patented, copyrighted materials, they must remain behind the
closed doors of the ETS development staff. Those statistics remain of paramount
importance in the ongoing production ofTOEFL items and forms and are the foun
dation stones for demonstrating the equatability of forms. Statistical indices on
retired forms of the TOEFL are available on request for research purposes.
The essay portion of theTOEFL undergoes scrutiny for its practicality, reliability,
and facility. Special attention is given to reliabilIty since two human scorers must
read each essay, and every time a third reader becomes necessary (when the two
readers disagree by more than one point), it costs ETS more money.
(B) In the case of the open-ended responses on the two written tasks on the
ESLPT, a similar set of judgments must be made. Some evaluative impressions of the
effectiveness of prompts and passages are gained from informal student and scorer
feedback. In the developmental stage of the newly revised ESLPT, both types of feed
back were formally solicited through questiQnnaires and interviews. That informa
tion proved to be invaluable in the revisIon of prompts and stimulus reading
passages. After each administration now, the teacher-scorers provide informal feed
back on their perceptions of the effectiveness of the prompts and readings.
The multiple-choice editing passage showed the value of statistical findings in
determining the usefulness of items and pointing administrators toward revisions.
Following is a sample of the format used:
CHAPTER 4- Standardized Testing 79
Multiple-choice editing passage
(1).EYer since supermarkets first appeared, they have been.tak.e over world.
(2) Supermarkets have changed people's life yet and at the same time, changes in
people's life have encouraged the opening of supermarkets.
The task was to locate the error in each sentence. Statistical tests on the experi
mental version of this section revealed that a number of the 45 items were found
to be of zero IF (no difficulty whatsoever) and of inconsequential discrimination .
power (some IDs of .15 and lower). Many distractors were of no consequence
because they lured no one. Such information led to a revision of numerous
and their options, eventually strengthening the effectiveness of this section.
(C)The GET, like its written counterparts in the ESLPT, is a test of written ability
with a: single prompt, and therefore questions of practic.ality: and also
largely observational. No data are collected from students on their perceptions, but
the scorers have an opportunity to reflect on the validity of'a given topiC. After
one sitting, a topic is retired, which eliininates the possibility of improving a specific
topiC, but future framing of topics might benefit from scorers' evaluations. Inter-rater
reliability is checked periodically, and reader training sessions are modified if too
many instances of unreliability appear.
5. Specify scoring procedures and reporting formats.
- . -'--"
A systematic assembly of test items in pre-selected arrangements and sequences, all
of which are validated to to an difficulty level, should yield a test
that can then be scored accurately and reported back to test-takers and institutions
(A) Of the three tests being exemplifled here, the most straightforward scoring
procedure comes from the the one with the most complex issues of valida
tion, deSign, and assembly. Scores are calculated and reported for\:a) three sections
of the TOEFL (the essay ratings are combined with the Structure and Written
Expression score) and (b) a total score (range 40 to 300 on the computer-based
TOEFL and 310 to 677 on the paper-and-pencil TOEFL). A separate score (c) for the
Essay (range 0 to 6) is also provided on the examinee's score record (see simulation
of a score record on page 80).
80 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
Facsimile of a TOEFL score report
TOEFL Scaled Scores: Claudia Y. Estudiante, Peru ___
19 17 17 177
Listening Structure / Writing Reading Total Score
Essay rati ng; 3.0
The rating scale for the essay is virtually the same one that is used for the Test of
Written English (see Chapter 9 for details), with a "zero" level added for no response,
copying the topic only, writing completely off topic, or not writing in English.
(B) The ESLPT reports a score for each of the essay sections, but the rating scale
differs between them because in one case the objective is to write a summary, and in
the other to write a response to a reading .. :l:>Y if.!hF,fF; js
a discrepancy of more than one level, a third reader1resolves' the difference.The
section is machine-scanned and -scored with a total score and part-scores for each
ofthe grammaticaVrhetorlcal sectionS. From these data, placement administrators have
adequate information to make placements, and teachers receive some diagnostic infor
mation on each student in their classes. Students do not receive their essays back.
(C) Each GET is read by two trained readers, who give a score between 1 and
4 according to the following scale:
Graduate Essay Test: Scoring Guide
Please make no marks on the writer's work. Write your reader number and score on the
front cover of each test booklet.
4 Superior. The opening establishes context, purpose and point of view; the body of
the essay develops recommendations-logically and coherently. The writer demon
strates awareness of the complexities in the situation and provides analysis of the
probJem, offers compelling or common-sense reasons for recommendations made,
makes underlying assumptions explicit.
The writer uses fluent and idiomatic English with few mechanical errors. Style re
veals syntactic maturity, is dear and direct, is not choppy or over-colloquial nor
over-formal, stuffy or unfocused. Occasional spelling or punctuation errors may be
easily attributed to hasty transcription under pressure.
3 Competent. After an opening that establishes context and purpose, the paper unfolds
with few lapses in coherence, but may have somewhat less clear organization of less
explicit transitions than a top-score paper. It may have somewhat less compelling
logic or slightly less-well:..reasoned suggestions than a 4 paper, though it will provide
reasons for the recommendations made. ,
The writer uses dear, fluent and generally idiomatic English, but may make minor
or infrequent ESL errors (preposition errors, dropped articles or verb endings, etc.), or
repeat a single error (e.g., not punctuate possessive nouns). Occasional lapses of
style are offSet by demonstrated mastery of syntax.
CHAPTE8.4 Standardized Testing 81
2 Weak. The writer makes somewhat simplistic suggestions not fully supported with rea
sons, fails to cite key facts, offers little analysis of the problem or shows a limited grasp
of the situation; the given information is copied or listed, with'little integration into
argument Points may be random or repetitious. Writing may be badly focused, with
careless use of abstract language resulting in predication errors or illogical sentences.
ESL andlor careless mechanical errors are frequent enough to be distracting OR
sentences may be choppy, style over-casual, usage occasionally unidiomatic.
1 Inadequate. The essay may be disjointed, incoherent, or minimally developed. The
writer shows little grasp of the complex issues involved, is unable to establish con
text, point of view or purpose in opening of paper, or has a poor sense of audience.
Mechanical and/or ESL errors or unidiomatic usages are frequent; sentences may be
ungrammatical OR correct but short and very simple.
The two readers' scores are added to yield a total possible score of 2 to 8. Test
administrators recommend a score of 6 as the threshold for allowing a student to
pursue graduate-level courses. Anything below that is accompanied by a recom
mendation that the student either repeat the test or take a "remedial" course in grad
uate writing offered in one of several different departments. Students receive
neither their essays nor any feedback other than the fmal score.
6. Perform ongoing construct validation studies.
From the above discussion, it should be clear that no standardized instrument is
expected to be used repeatedly without a of ongoing
vali<;i.,atiOll.!. Any standardized test, once developed, must be accompanied by sys
tematic periodic corroboration of its effectiveness and by steps toward its improve
ment. This rigor is especially true of tests that are produced in equated forms; that
is, forms must be reliable across tests such that a score on a subsequent form of a
validity. and-interpretability as its original.
(A) The TOEFL program, in cooperation with other tests produced by ETS, has an
impressive program of research. Over the years dozens of TOEFL-sponsored research
studies have appeared in the TOEFL Monograph Series. An early example ofsuch a study
was the seminal Duran et aI. (1985) study, TOEFLfrom a Communicative ViewpOint on
Language Pro.ficiency, which examined the content characteristics of the TOEFL from a
communicative perspective based on current research in applied linguistics and lan
guage proficiency assessment. More recent studies (such as Ginther, 2001; Leacock &
Chodorow, 2001; Powers et aI., 2002) demonstrate an impressive array of scrutiny.
(B) For approximately 20 years, the ESLPT appeared to be placing students reli
ably by means of an essay and a multiple-choice grammar and vocabulary test. Over
the years the security of the latter became s1:lspect, and the faculty administrators
wished to see some content validity achieved in the process. In the year 2000 that
process began with a .group of graduate students (Imao et aI., 2000) in consl1l:tation
with faculty members, and continued to fruition in the form of a new ESLPT, reported
in lmao (2002). The development of the new ESlPT involved a lengthy process of
82 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
both content and construct validation, along with facing such practical issues as
scoring the written sections and a machine ..scorable multiple-choice answer sheet.
The process of ongoing validation will no doubt continue as new forms of the
editing section are created and as new prompts and reading passages are created for
the writing section. Such a validation process should also include consistent checks
on placement accuracy and on face validity.
(C) At this time there is little or no research to validate the GET itself. For its con
struct validation, its administrators rely on a stockpile of research on university-level
academic writing tests such as theTWE.The holistic scoring rubric and the topics and
administrative conditions of the GET are to some extent patterned after that of the
TWE. In recent years some criticism of the GEf has come from international test-takers
(Hosoya, 2001) who posit that the topics and time limits of the GET, among other fac
tors, work to the disadvantage of writers whose native language is not English. These
validity issues remain to be fully addressed in a comprehensive research study.
Tests of language profiCiency presuppose a comprehensive definition of the specific
competencies that comprise overall language ability. The specifications for the
TOEFL provided an illustration of an operational definition of ability for assessment
purposes. This is not the only way to conceptualize the concept. Swain (1990)
offered a multidimensional view of profiCiency assessment by referring to three lin
guistic traits (grammar, discourse, and sociolinguistics) that can be assessed by
means of oral, multiple-choice, and written responses (see Table 4.1). Swain's con
ception was not meant to be an exhaustive analysis of ability, but rather to serve as
an operational framework for constructing proficiency assessments.
Another defmition and conceptualization of profiCiency is suggested by the'
ACTFL association, mentioned earlier. ACfFL takes a holistic and more unitary view
of proficiency in describing four levels: superior, advanced, intermediate, and
novice.Within each level, descriptions of listening, speaking, reading, and writing are
provided as guidelines for assessment. For example, the ACfFL Guidelines describe
the superior level of speaking as follows:
ACTFL speaking guidelines, summary, superior-level
Superior-level speakers are characterized by the ability to
participate fully and effectively in conversations in formal and .informal settings on
topics related to practical needs and areas of professional and/or scholarly interests.
provide a structured argument to explain and defend opinions and develop effective
hypotheses within extended discourse. '
discuss topics concretely and abstractly.
deal with a linguistically unfamiliar situation.
maintain a high degree of linguistic accuracy.
satisfy the linguistic demands of professional and/or scholarly life.
CHA.PTER4 Standardized Testing 83
The other three ACfFL levels use the same parameters in describing progressively
lower proficiencies across all four skills. Such have the advantage of
considering a number of functions of linguistic discourse, but the disadvantage, at
the lower levels, of overly emphasizing test-takers' deficiencies.
Table 4.1. Traits of second language proficiency (Swain, 1990, p. 403)
Trait Grammar Discourse Sociolinguistic
focus on grammatical focus on textual focus on social
accuracy within cohesion and appropriateness of
sentences coherence language use
structured interview story telling and
role-play of speech acts:
requests, offers, complaints
scored for accuracy of
verbal morphology,
prepositions, syntax
detailed rating for
identification, logical
sequence, and time
orientation, and global
ratings for coherence
scored for ability to
distinguish formal and
informal register
sentence-level 'select the
correct form' exercise
paragraph-level 'select the
coherent sentence' exercise
speech act-Ievel'select the
appropriate utterance'
(45 items) (29 items) (28 items)
involving verb morphology,
prepositions,an-d-uther items
narrative and letter of
narrative and letter of
formal request letter and
informal note
scored for accuracy of verb
morphology, prepositions,
detailed ratings much as for
oral discourse and global
rating for coherence
scored for the ability to
distinguish formal and
i,nforJ1lil1 register
We now tum to some of the better-known standardized tests of overall language
ability, or profiCiency, to examine some of the typical formats used in commercially
available tests. We will not look at standardized tests of other specific skills here, but
that should not lead you to think, by any means, that proficiency is the only kind
of test in the field that is standardized. Three standardized oral production tests, the
84 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
Test of Spoken English (fSE), the Oral Proficiency Inventory (OPI), and PbonePass
are discussed in Chapter 7, and the Test of Written English (!WE) is covered in
Four commercially produced standardized tests of English language proficiency
are described briefly in this section: the TOEFL, the Michigan English Language
Assessment Battery (MELAB), the International English Language Testing System
(lELTS), and ,the Test of English for International Communication (fOEIC). In an
appendix to this chapter are sample items from each section of each test. When you
turn to that appendix, use the following questions to help you evaluate these four
tests and their subsections:
1. What item types are included?
2. How practical and reliable does each subsection of each test appear to be?
3. Do the item types and tasks appropriately represent a of
language proficiency (ability)? That is, can you evaluate their construct
4. Do the tasks achieve face validity?
5. Are the tasks authentic?
6. Is there some washback potential in the tasks?
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL@)
Producer: Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Objective: To test overall proficiency (language ability)
Primary market: 'Almost exclusively U.S. universities and colleges for admission
Type: Computer-based (CB) (and two sections are-computer-adaptive).
A traditional paper-based (PB) version is also available.
Response modes: Multiple-choice responses; essay
Specifications: See the box on pp. 72-73
Time allocation: Up to 4 hours (CB); 3 hours (PB)
Internet access: www. toefl.org
Comments: In the North American context, the TOEFL is the most widely used com
mercially available standardized test of proficiency. Each year the TOEFL test is adminis
tered to approximately 800,000 candidates in more than 200 countries. It is highly
respected because of the thorough program of ongoing research and development con
ducted by ETS. The TOEFL's primary use is to set proficiency standards for international
students seeking admission to English-speaking universities. More than 4,200 academic
institutions, government agencies, scholarship programs, and licensing/certification agen
cies in more than 80 countries use TOEFL scores. By 2004, the TOEFL will include a sec
tion on oral production.
CHAPTER 4 Testing 85
Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)
Producer: English language Institute, University of Michigan
Objective: To test overall proficiency (language ability)
Primary market: Mostly U.S. and Canadian language programs and colleges;
some worldwide educational settings as well
Type: Paper-based
Response modes: Multiple-choice responses; essay
Time allocation: 2.5 to 3.5 hours
Internet access: www.lsa.umich.edu/eli/melab.htm
Specifications: The MElAB consists of three sections. Part 1, a 3D-minute impromptu
essay, is written on an assigned topic. Part 2, a 25-minute multiple-choice listening com
prehension test, is delivered via tape recorder. Part 3 is a 100-item, 75-minute, multiple
choice test containing grammar, doze reading, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
An oral interview (speaking test) is optional.
Comments: The Ell at the University of Michigan has been producing the MELAB and
its earlier incarnation (Michigan Test of English language Proficiency) since 1961. like the
TOEFL, it serves a North American audience but is also used internationally. While its use is
not as widespread as the TOEFL, its validity is widely respected. Because it is cheaper than
the TOEFL and more easily obtained, it is popular among language schools and institutes.
Many institutions and companies accept MElAB scores in lieu of TOEFL scores.
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
Producer: Jointly managed by The University of Cambridge local
Examinations Syndicate (UClES), The British Council, and lOP
Education Australia
Objective: To test overall proficiency (language ability)
Primary-market: Australian, British, Canadian, and New Zealand academic
institutions and professional organizations. American academic
institutions are increasingly accepting IELTS for admissions
1)rpe: Computer-based (for the Reading and Writing sections); paper
based for the listening and Speaking modules
Response modes: Multiple-choice responses; essay; oral production
Time allocation: 2 hours, 45 minutes.
Internet access: http://www.ielts.orgl
Specifications: Reading: candidates choose between academic reading or general
training reading (60 minutes). Writing: the same option, academic writing or general
training writing (60 minutes). Listening: four sections, for all candidates (30 minutes).
Speaking: five sections, for all candidates (10.;...15 minutes).
86 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
Comments: The University of Cambridge local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) has
been producing English language tests since 1858. Now, with three organizations cooperat
ing to form the IELTS, more than a million examinations are administered every year. In
2002, a computer-based version of the Reading and Writing modules of the IELTS became
available at selected centers around the world. The other sections are administered locally
by an examinet. The paper-based IELTS remains an option for candidates. The IELTS retains
the distinct advantage of requiring all four skills in the test-taker's performance .
Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC)
Producer: The Chauncey Group International, asubsidiary of Educational
Testing Service
Obje<;tive: To test overall proficiency (langlJ.age ability)
Primary market: Worldwide; business, commerce, and industry contexts
(workplace settings)
Type: Computer-based and paper-based versions
Response modes: Multiple-choice responses
Time allocation: 2 hours
Internet access: http://www.toeic.com
Specifications: Listening Comprehension: 100 items administered by audiocassette.
Four types of task: statements, questions, short conversations, and short talks (approxi
mately 45 minutes). Reading: 100 items. Three types of task: cloze sentences, error recog
nition, and reading comprehension (75 minutes).
Comments: The TOEIC has become a very widely used international test of English
proficiency in workplace settings where English is required for job performance. The con
tent includes many different employment settings such as conferences, presentations,
sales, ordering, shipping, schedules, reservations, (etters, and memoranda. It is appropri
ate to use in educational settings where vocational or workplace English courses are
being offered.

The construction of a valid standardized test is no minor accomplishment,
whether the instrument is large- or small-scale. The designing of specifications
alone, as this chapter illustrates, requires a sophisticated process of construct vali
dation coupled with considerations of practicality. Then, the construction of items
and scoring/interpretation procedures may require a lengthy period of trial and
error with prototypes of the final form of the test. With painstaking attention to all
the details of construction, the end product can result in a cost-effective, time
saving, accurate instrument. Your use of the results of such assessments can provide
useful data on learners' language abilities. But your caution is warranted as well, for
all the reasons discussed in this chapter. The next chapter will elaborate on what
lies behind that need for a cautious approach to standardized assessment.
CHAPTER.4 Standardized Testing 87
[Note: (I) Individual work; (G) Group or pair work; (C) Whole-class discussion.]
1. (C) Tell the class about the worst test experience you've ever had. Briefly ana
lyze what made the experience so unbearable, and try to come up with sug
gestions for improvement of the test and/or its administrative conditions.
2. (G) In pairs or small groups, compile a brief list of pros and cons of standard
ized testing. Cite illustrations of as many items in each list as possible. Report
your lists and examples to the rest the class.
3. (I) Select a. standardized test that you are quite familiar with (probably a
recent experience).' Mentally evaluate that test using the five principles of
practicality, reliability, validity, authenticity, and washback. Report yourevalua
tion to the class.
4. (G) The appendix to this chapter provides sample items from Jour different
tests of language proficiency. In groups, one test for each group, analyze your
test for (a) content validity, (b) face validity, and (c) authenticity.
5. (C) Do you think that the sample TOEFL reading passage about pirates
(pages 74-75) and the Graduate EssayTest prompt (pages 76-77) about a
school board hiring committee have any culture bias? Discuss this and other
cultural biases you have noticed in tests. Is it possible to design a test that is
completely free of culture bias?
6. (C/G) Compare the differences in conceptualization of language proficiency
represented by Swain's model, the TOEFL, and the ACfFL philosophy. Which.
one best represents current thinking about communicative language ability?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of each approach?
Gronlund, Norman E. (1998). Assessment of student achievement. Sixth Edition.
Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Gronlund's classic, also mentioned in Chapter 3, offers a concise overview
of features of standardized tests, offering definitions and examples of the
statistical considerations in interpreting scores. His approach is unbiased,
cleady written, and accessible to those who might "fear" the mathematics of
standardized testing.
Phillips, Deborah. 2001. Long1nan introductory course for the TOEFL test. White
Plains, NY: Pearson Education.
A careful examination of this or any other reputable preparation course for
a standardized language test is well worth a student's time. Note especially
how the book acquaints the user with the specifications of the test and
offers a number of useful that can be llsed in preparation for the
test and during irs adn1inistration.
88 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
Commercial Proficiency Tests: Sample Items
and Tasks
Test of English a ~ a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Listening r.
Part A
In this section, you will hear short conversations between two people. In some of the
conversations, each person speaks only once. In other conversations, one or both of the
people speak more than once. Each conversation is followed by one questionabQl./t it.
Each question in this part has four answer choices. You should click on the best answer to
each question. Answer the questions on the basis of what is stated or implied by the
speakers. Here is an example. On the computer,screen, you' will see:
[man and woman talking]
On the recording, you will hear:
(woman) Hey, where's your sociology book?
(man) At home. Why carry it around when we're just going to be taking
a test?
(woman) Don't you remember? Professor Smith said we could us it during
the test.
(man) Ohl no! Well, I've still got an hour, right? I'm so glad I ran into you!
You wiII then see and hear the question before the answer choices appear:
What will the man probably do next?
o Begin studying for the sociology test
o Explain the problem to his professor
o Go home to get his textbook
o Borrow the woman's book
To choose an answer, you will click on an oval. The oval next to that answer will darken.
After you click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next conversation will be presented.
Part B
In this section, you will hear several longer conversations and talks. Each conversation or
talk is followed by several questions. The conversations, talks, and questions will not be
repeated. The conversations and talks are about a variety of topics. You do not need spe
cial knowledge of the topics to answer the questions correctly. Rather, you should answer
each question on the basis of what is stated or implied by the speakers in the conversa
tions or talks.
For most of the questions, you will need to click on the best of four possible answers.
Some questions will have special directions. The special directions will appear in a box
on the computer screen. Here is an exampie ot" a conversation and some questions:
CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing 89
Marine Biology
(narrator) Listen to part of a discussion in a marine biology class.
. (professor)
A few years ago, our local government passed a number of strict
environmental laws. As a result, Sunrise Beach looks nothing Ii ke
it did ten years ago. The water is cleaner, and there's been a
tremendous increase in all kinds of marine life, which is why
we're going there on Thursday.
(woman) I don't know if I agree that the water quality has improved. I
mean, I was out there last weekend, and it looked all brown. It
didn't seem too clean to me.
(professor) Actually, the color of the water doesn't always indicate whether
it's polluted. The brown color you mentioned might be a result
of pollution, or it can mean a kind of brown algae is growing
there. It's called "devil's apron," and it actually serves as food
for whales.
(man) So when does the water look blue?
(professor) Well, water that's completely unpolluted is actually colorless. But
it often looks bluish-green because the sunlight can penetrate
deep down and that/s the color that's reflected.
(woman) But sometimes it looks really green. What's that about?
(professor) Ok, well, it's the same principle as with "devil's apron": the
water might be green because of different types of green algae
there-gulfweed, phytoplankton. You all should finish reading
about algae and plankton before we go. In fact, those are the
types of living things I'm going to ask you to be looking for
when we're there.
Now get ready to answer the questions.
What is the discussion mainly about?
o The importance of protecting ocean environments
o The reasons why ocean water appears to be different colors
o The survival of whales in polluted water
o The effect that colored ocean water has on algae
To choose an answer, click on an oval. The oval next to that answer will darken. After you
click on Next and Confirm Answer, the next question will be presented:
According to the professor, what can make ocean water look brown?>
o Pollution
o Cloudy Skies
o Sand
o Algae
Click on 2 answers.
To choose your answers, you will click on the squares. An ;;X
wiii appear in each square.

90 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
Structure and Written Expression
This section measures the ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard
written English. There are two types of questions in this section. In the first type ofquestion,
there are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, there are four words or phrases.
Directions: CIiSk on the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
The flower, __to nearly all of the United States, can be raised from seed in
almost any garden.
how native is
how native is it
is native
Time Help Confirm
After you click on Next and Confirm the next question will.be presented.
\ . \ \'
The second type of question has four underlined words or phrases. You will choose the
one underlined word or phrase that must be changed for the sentence to be correct.
Directions: Click on the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed for the sen
tence to be correct.
One of the most difficult problems in understanding sleep is determining what the func
tions of sleep
lime Help Confirm
Clicking on an underlined word or phrase will darken it.
This section measures the ability to read and understand short passages similar in topic
and style to those that students are likely to encounter in North American universities and
colleges. This section contains reading passages and questions about the passages. There
are several different types of questions in this section. In the Reading section, you will
first have the opportunity to read the passage .
The temperature of the Sun is over 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface, but it rises
perhaps more than 27,000,000
at the center. The Sun is so much hotter than the Earth
that matter can exist only as a gas
except perhaps at the core. In the core of the Sun, the
pressures are so great that, despite the high temperature, there may be a small solid core.
However, no one really knows, since the center of the Sun can never be directly observed.
Solar astronomers do know that the Sun is divided into five general layers or zones.
Starting at the outside and going down into the Sun, the zones are the corona, chromo
sphere, hotosphere, convection zone, and finally the core. The first three zones are re
garded as the Sun's atmosphere. But since the Sun has no solid surface, it is hard to tell
where the atmosphere ends and the main body of the Sun begins.
The Sun's outermost layer begins about 10,000 miles above the visible surface and
goes outward for millions of miles. This is the only part of the Sun that can be seen during
an eclipse such as the one in February 1979. At any other time, the corona can be seen

CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing 91
only when special instruments are used on cameras and telescopes to block the light
from the photosphere .
. The corona is a brilliant, pearly white filmy light, about as bright as the full Moon. Its
beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse. The corona's rays flash out in a
brilliant fan that has wispy spikelike rays near the Sun's north and south poles. The
corona is generally thickest at the Sun's equator. The corona is made up of gases stream
ing outward at tremendous speeds that reach a temperature of more than 2 million de
grees Fahrenheit. The gas thins out as it reaches the space around the planets. By the time
the gas of the corona reaches the Earth, it has a relatively low density .
When you have finished reading the passage, you will use the mouse to click on Proceed.
Then the questions about the passage will be presented. You are to choose the one best an
swer to each question. Answer all questions about the information in a passage on the basis
of what is stated or implied in that passage. Most ofthe questions will be multiple-choice
questions. To answer these questions, you will click on a choice below the question.
With what topic is paragraph 2 .mainly concerned?
o How the Sun evolved
o The structure of the Sun
o Why scientists study the Sun
o The distaflce of the Sun from the planets
Paragraph 2 is marked with an arrow
You will see the next question after you click on Next.
To answer some questions you will click on a word or phrase. Here is an example:
Look at the word one in the passage. Click on the word or phrase in the bold text that
one refers to. To answer, you can click on any part of the word or phrase in the passage.
J'our choice will darken to show which word you have chosen.
The Sun's outermost layer begins about 10,000 miles above the visible surface and
goes outward for millions of miles. This is the only part of the Sun that can be seen dur
ing an eclipse such as the one in February 1979. At any other time, the corona can be
seen only when special instruments are used on cameras and telescopes to block the
Iight from the photosphere.
You will see the next question after you click To answer some you
will click on a sentence in the passage. Here is an example:
The corona is a brilliant, pearly white, filmy light about as bright as the full Moon. Its
beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse. The corona's rays flash out in a
brilliant fan that has wispy spikelike rays near the Sun's north and south poles. The
corona is generally thickest at the Sun's equator.
The corona is made up of gases streaming outward at tremendous speeds that reach a
temperature of more than 2 million degrees Fahrenheit. The gas thins out as it reaches the
space around the planets. By the time the gas of the corona reaches the Earth, it has a
relatively low density.

92 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
Click on the sentence in paragraph 4 or 5 in which the author compares the light of the
Sun's outermost layer to that of another astronomical body. Paragraphs 4 and 5 are
marked with arrows
To answer some questions, you will click on a square to add a sentence to the passage.
Here is an example:
The following sentence can be added to paragraph 1.
At the center of the Earth's solar system lies the Sun.
Where would it best fit in paragraph I? Click on the square to add the sentence to the
DThe temperature of the Sun is over 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface, but it
rises to perhaps morethan 27,000,000 at the center. 0 The Sun is so much hotter than
the Earth that matter can exist only as a gas,i exc.ept c6re.lp the of the i,i,
Sun, the pressures are so great that, despite the high temperature, there may be a small
solid core. D However, no one really knows, since the center of the Sun can never be
directly observed. D
When you click on a square, the sentence will appear in the passage at the place you
have chosen. You can read the sentence added to the paragraph to see if this is the best
place to add it. You can click on another square to change your answer. The sentence will
be added and shown in a dark box.
In this section, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to write in En
glish. This includes the ability to generate and organize ideas, to support those ideas with
examples or evidence, and to compose in standard written English in response to an as
signed topic. You will have 30 minutes to write your essay on that topic. You must write
on the topic you are assigned. An essay on any other topic will receive a score of "0."
Read the topic below and then make any notes that will help you plan your response.
Begin typing your response in the box at the bottom of the screen, or write your answer
on the answer sheet provided to you.
Following is a sample topic:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statemenH
"Teachers should make learning enjoyable and fun for their students."
Use specific reasons .and examples to support your opinion.
CHAPTER 4 Standarc!;zed Testing 93
Michigan English Language Assessment Battery (MELAB)
The time limit for the composition is 30 minutes. You must write on only one of the
. ics below. If you write about something else, your composition paper will not be graded,
and you cannot be given a final score. If you do not understand the topics, ask the
iner to explain or to translate them. You may be asked to give your opinion of something
and explain why you believe this, to describe something from your experience, or to ex
plain a problem and offer possible solutions. You should write at least one page. Some
sample topics are:
1. What do you think is your country's greatest problem? Explain in detail and tell
what you think can be done about it.
2. What are the characteristics of a good teacher? Explain and give examples.
3. An optimist is someone who sees the good side of things. A pessimist sees the
bad side. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Relate a personal experience that
shows this.
4. In your opinion, are the benefits of space exploration really worth the enormous
costs? Discuss.
Most MELAB compositions are one or two pages long (about 200-300 words). If your
paper is extremely short (less than 150 words), your composition will be given a lower
.score. Before you begin writing, you might want to take 2 or 3 minutes to plan your com
position and to make a short outline to organize your thoughts. Such outlines will not be
graded; they are only to help you. You should use the last 5 minutes to read through your
composition and to make changes or corrections.
Your composition will be graded on how clearly you express yourself in English, and
on the range of English you are able to use and your control in doing so. This means your
composition should be well organized, your arguments should be fully developed, and
you should show a range ofgrammatical structures and broad vocabulary. Compositions
that consist only of very short sentences and very simple vocabulary cannot be given the
'highest scores. If errors are not frequent and if they do not confuse your meaning, they
will not lower your score very much.
Now you will hear a short lecture. You may take notes during the lecture. Following the
lecture" you will be asked some questions about it.
There'll be a two-week exhibit of the paintings of the little-known master Laura Bernhart
at the Claire Osmond Galleries starting on the fifteenth of the month and running through
the thirtieth. Bernhart's known for her innovative designs in abstract expressionism.
Though a true original, she declared a spiritual heritage from Salvador Dali, the famous
Spanish painter. Since Bernhart lived a rather solitary life and died while only in her
twenties, few people are aware of her works. This showing at the Osmond Galleries will
provide many with an introduction to her works.
10. Where is the exhibit?
a. the Art Museum
b. the Dali Galleries
c. the Osmond Galleries
94 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
11. What is Bernhart known for?
a. her copies of Dali's paintings
b. the originality of her designs
c. her exhibitions
12. What will going to the exhibit allow most people to do?
a. to see Sa'ivador Dali's paintings
b. to see Bernhart's works for the first time
c. to learn about Spanish art
1. "What did the teacher just tell you?"
"She reminded our notebooks./I
a. us to bring
b. that we bring
c. our bringing
d. we should bring
2. "Is Bill a good dancer?"
"Not really, __ he tries very hard."
'. a. in spite of
h. despite
c. even though
d. while
3. "your clothes are all wet!1!
"Yes, I didn't come __the rain soon enough."
a. away to
b. over to
c. down with
d. in from
In years to come, zoos will not only be places where animals are exhibited to the public,
but repositories where rare species can be saved from extinction (7) captive breeding. The
most powerful force (8) the future of many animals-and of zoos-is the decline of the
wild. (9) even zoo directors would argue that (10) are better places for animals than the
fields and forest of their native (11), yet zoos may be the last chance for some creatures
that would otherwise pass qUi.etly into oblivion.
7. a. through c. from
b. of d. damage
8. a. bringing c. to
b. that d. influencing
9. a. But c. Not
b. So d. Then
10. a. where c. even
b. zoos d. wilds
11. a.lands c. residence
b. life d. field
CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing 95
12. Mark has a flair for writing.
a. need
b. purpose
c. talent
d. dislike
13. Bill Collins launched his restaurant last June.
a. moved
b. started
c. sold
d. bought
14. John will not accept the censure.
a. burden
b. blame
c. credit
d. decision
15. I can't think of the answer. Can you give me a __?
a. hint
b. token
c. taste
d. gaze
16. Because fewer people are taking expensive vacations, the tourist industry is
in a
a. choke
b. grope
c. grumble
d. slump
17. I disagree with a few of his opinions, but __ we agree.
a. deliberately
b. conclusively
c. essentially
d. immensely
The influenza virus is a single molecule built from many millions of single atoms. You
must have heard of the viruses, which are sometimes called "living molecules." While
bacteria can be considered as a type of plant, secreting pOisonous substances into the
body of the organism they attack, viruses are living organisms themselves. We may con
sider them as regular chemical molecules, since they have a strictly aefined atomic struc
ture, but on the other hand we must also consider them as being alive, since they are
able to multiply in unlimited quantities.
18. According to the passage, bacteria are ...
a. poisons .
. b. larger than viruses.
c. very small
d. plants.
96 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
19. The writer says that viruses are alive because they ...
a. have a complex atomic structure.
b. move.
c. multiply.
d. need warmth and light.
20. The atomic structure of viruses ...
a. is -tJIariable.
b. is strictly defined.
c. cannot be analyzed chemically.
d. is more complex than that of bacteria.
International English Language Testing System (fELTS)
I \
The Listening Module has four sections. The first two sections are concerned with social
needs. There is a conversation between two speakers and then a monologue. For exam
ple: a conversation about travel arrangements or decisions on a night out, and a speech
about student services on a university campus or arrangements for meals during a confer
ence. The final two sections are concerned with situations related more closely to educa
tional or training contexts. For example: conversation between a tutor and a student
about an assignment or between three students planning a research project, and a lecture
or talk ofgeneral academic interest. All the topics are ofgeneral interest, and it makes no
difference what subjects candidates study. Tests and tasks become more difficult as the
sections progress. A range of English accents and dialects are used in the recording,
which reflects the international usage of IELTS.
Academic Reading
[A 7S0-word article on-th-e- topic of "Wind Power in the US" with a short glossary at the end]
Questions 1-5
Complete the summary below.
Choose your answers from the box below the summary and write them in boxes 1-5 on
your answer sheet. Note: There are more words or phrases than you will need to fill the
gaps. You may use any word or phrase more than once.
The failure during the late 1970s and early 19805 of an attempt to establish a widespread
wind power industry in the United States resulted largely from the ... (1) .. in oil prices
during this period. The industry is now experiencing a steady ... (2) ... due to improve
ments in technology and an increased awareness of the potential in the power of wind.
The wind turbines that are now being made, based in part on the ... (3) ... of wide-'
ranging research in Europe, are easier to manufacture and maintain than their predeces
sors. This has led wind-turbine makers to be able to standardise and thus minimize ...
(4) ... There has been growing ... (S) ... of the importance of wind power as an energy
CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing 97
criticism stability skepticism
success operating costs decisions
design costs fall effects
production costs growth decline
failure recognition results
Questions 6-1 0
Look at the following list of issues (Questions 6-10) and implications (A-C). Match each
issue with one implication. Write the appropriate letters A-C in boxes 6-10 on your an
swer sheet.
The current price of one wind-generated kilowatt ...
6. The recent installation of systems taking advantage of economies of scale ...
7,. The potential of meeting one fifth of current U5. energy requirements by wind
power ...
8. The level of acceptance of current wind turbine technology ...
9. A comparison of costs between conventional and wind power sources ...
10. The view of wind power in the European Union ...
A. provides evidence against claims that electricity produced from wind power is
relatively expensive.
,B. supports claims that wind power js an important source of energy.
C. opposes the view that wind power technology requires further-development.
General Training Reading .
Read the passage on Daybreak trips by coach and look at the statements below. On your
answer sheet write:
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE jf the statement is false
NOlGIVEN if the information is not given in the leaflet
1. Mi Ilers Coaches owns Cambridge's Cam bus fleet.
2. Premier is an older company than Millers.
3. Most of the Daybreak coaches are less than 5 years old.
4. Daybreak fares are more expensive than most of their competitors.
5. Soft drinks and refreshments are served on most longer journeys.
6. Smoking is permitted at the rear of the coach on longer journeys.
7. Tickets must be bought in advance from an authorised Daybreak agent.
6. Tickets and seats can be reserved by phoning the Daybreak Hotline.
9. Daybreak passengers must join their coach at Cambridge Drummer Street.
10. Daybreak cannot guarantee return times.
98 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
Welcome to our Spring Daybreak programme, which continues the tradition of offering
unbeatable value for money day trips and tours. All the excursions in this brochure will be
operated by P r ~ m i e r Travel Services Limited or Millers Coaches; both companies are part
of the CHL",Group, owners of Cambridge's Cambus fleet.
Premier was established in 1936; the Company now offers the highest standards of
coaching in today's competitive operating environment. Miller has an enviable reputation
stretching back over the past 20 years, offering coach services at realistic prices. We've
traveled a long way since our early days of pre-war seaside trips. Now our fleet of
50 modern coaches (few are more than five years old) operate throughout Britain and'
Europe, but we're pleased to still maintain the high standards of quality and service, the
trademark of our founders nearly sixty years ago.
Admission-inclusive fares:
All Daybreak fares (unless specifically otherwise stated) include admission charges to the
attractions, shows and exhibits we visit. Many full-day scenic tours are accompanied by a
fully trained English Tourist Board 'Blue Badge' guide or local experienced driver/guide.
Some Daybreaks include lunch or afternoon tea. Compare our admission inclusive fares
and see how much you save. Cheapest is not the best, and value for money is
guaranteed. If you compare our bargain Daybreak fares, beware--most of our competi
tors do not offer an all-inclusive fare.
We value the freedom of choice, so you can choose your seat when you book. The seat
reservation is guaranteed a-nd remains yours at all times when aboard the coach.
With the comfort of our passengers in mind, coaches on all our Daybreaks are no smok
ing throughout. In the interests of fellow passengers' comfort, we kindly ask that smokers
observe our 'no smoking' policy. On scenic tours and longer journeys, ample refreshment
stops are provided when, of course, smoking is permitted.
Do I need to book?
Booking in advance is strongly recommended as all Daybreak tours are subject to
demand. Subject to availability, stand-by tickets can be purchased from the driver.
What ti me does the coach leave?
The coach departs from Cambridge Drummer Street (Bay 12, adjacent to public toilets) at
the time shown. There are many additional joining points indicated by departure codes in
the brochure. If you are joining at one of our less popular joining points, you will be ad
vised of your pick-up time (normally by telephone) not less than 48 hours before depar
ture. In this way, we can minimize the length of pick-up routes and reduce journey times
for the majority of passengers.
CHAPTER 4 .. Standardized Testing 99
What time do we get back?
An approximate return time is shown for each excursion. The t i m ~ s shown serve as a
guide, but road conditions can sometimes cause delay. If your arrival will be later
than advertised, your driver will try to allow for a telephone call during the return
Where can I board the coach?
All the Daybreaks in the brochure leave from Cambridge Drummer Street (Bay 12, adja
cent to public toilets) at the time shown. Many Daybreaks offer additional pick-ups for
pre-booked passengers within Cambridge and the surrounding area. This facility must be
requested at the time of booking.
Academic Writing
Writing Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The graph below shows the different modes of transport used to travel to and from work
in one European city in 1950, 1970 and 1990.
[graph shown here]
Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. You
should write at least 150 words.
Writing Task 2
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of
the fol/owing topic.
It is inevitable that as technology develops, so traditional cultures must be lost. Technol
ogy and tradition are incompatible-you cannot have both together.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your
answer. You should write at least 250 words; You should use your own ideas, knowl
edge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant
General Training Writing
Writing Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. You rent a house through an agency. The
heating system has stopped working. You phoned the agency a week ago but it has still
not been mended. Write a letter to the agency. Explain the situation and teil them what
you want them to do about it.
You should write at least 150 words. You do NOT need to write your own address.
Begin your letter as follows:
Dear - ___-.I
Writing Task 2
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. As part of a class assignment, you have
to write about the following topic:
100 CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some
governments have banned smoking in all public places.This is a good idea, but it takes
away some of our freedom.
Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer. You should write at least 250 words.
In each of the three parts of the speaking module, a specific function is fulfilled. In Part 1,
the candidates answer general questions about themselves, their homes or families, their
jobs or studies, their interests, and a range of similar familiar topic areas. This part lasts
between four and five minutes. In Part 2, the candidate is given a verbal prompt on a
card and is asked to talk on a particular topic. The candidate has one minute to prepare
before speaking at length, for between one and two minutes. The examiner then asks one
or two wind-down questions. In Part 3, the examiner and candidate engage in a discus
sion of more abstract issues and concepts which are thematically linked to the topic
prompt in Part 2. The discussion lasts between four and five minutes;
All interviews are recorded on audiocassette. Here is a sample of a Part 2 topic:
Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.
You shou Id say:
where you met them
what subject they taught
what was special about them
and explain why this person influenced you so much.
You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have 1 minute to think about
what you are going to say. You can make some notes if you wish.
Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC)
Part 1: Photographs
Directions: For each question, you will see a picture in your test book and you will hear
four short statements. The statements will be spoken just one time. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speaker
says. When you hear the four statements, look at the picture in your test book and choose
the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet
find the number of the question and mark your answer.
[photograph of a scientist looking through a microscope]
You will hear: "Look at the picture marked number 1 in your test book,"
(A) She's speaking into a microphone.
(B) She's put on her glasses.
(C) She has both eyes open.
(D) She's using a microscope.
CHAPTER 4 . Standardized Testing 101
Part 2: Question-Response
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a question or statement spoken in En
glish, followed by three responses, also spoken in English. The question or staten1ent and
the responses will be spoken just one time. They will not be printed in your test book, so
you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. You are to choose the best
response to each question or statement.
Question 1. You will hear: "Ms. Morikawa has worked here for a long time, hasn't she?"
(A) At three o'clock.
(B) No, I've lost my watch.
(C) More than ten years.
Question 2. You will hear: "Which of these papers has a wider circulation?"
(A) The morning edition.
(B) Get more exercise.
(C) By messenger.
Part 3: Short Conversations
Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear short conversations between two people.
The conversations will not be printed in your test book. You will hear the conversations
only once, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers say. In your test
book, you will read a question about each conversation. The question will be followed
by four answers. You are to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your
answer sheet.
Question 1. (Man) We should think about finding another restaurant for lunch.
(Woman) Why? The food and service here are great.
(Man) Yes, but the prices are going up every week.
You will read: Why is this man unhappy with the restaurant?
(A) It is too noisy.
(B) It is too expensive.
(C) It is too crowded
(D) It is too difficult to find.
Question 2. (Woman A) How was Dr. Borg's recent trip to Singapore?
(Woman B) She enjoyed the tour of the port very much.
(Woman A) They say it's one of the most active in Asia.
You will read: 2. What did Dr. Borg find interesting?
(A) The tourist center.
(B) The airport.
(C) The musical performance.
(D) The harbor.
Part 4: Short Talks
Directions: In this part of the test, you \vill hear several short talks. Each will be spoken
just one time. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand and remember what is said. In your test book, you will read two or more
questions about each short talk. The questions will be followed by four answers. You are
to choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet.
102 . CHAPTER 4 Standardized Testing
You will hear: Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following announcement:
Good afternoon and welcome aboard Nordair Flight 857 from Copenhagen to Bangkok,
with intermediate stops in Dubai and Calcutta. We are preparing for departure in a few
minutes. At this time your seat back should be returned to its full upright position and
your seat belt s ~ o u l d be fastened. OUf anticipated total flying time to Dubai is six hours
and twenty-five minutes. I hope you enjoy the flight.
You will hecJr: Now read question 1 in your test book and answer it.
You will read: 1. What is the final destination of the flight?
(A) Bangkok.
(B) Copenhagen.
(C) Dubai.
(O) Calcutta.
You will hear: Now read question 2 in your test book and answer it.
You will read: 2. What will happen in a few minutes?
(A) The flight will land in Dubai.
(B) The passengers will board the plane.
(C) The plane will take off.
(0) The gate number will be announced.
In this section of the test you will have the chance to show how well you understand
written English. There are three parts to this section, with special directions for each
Part 4. Incomplete Sentences
Directions: This part of the test has incomplete sentences. Four words or phrases, marked
(A), (8), (e), (D), are given beneath each sentence. You are to choose the one word or
phrase that best completes the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of
the question and mark your answer.
1. Mr. Yang's trip will __ him away from the office for ten days.
(A) withdraw
(B) continue
(C) retain
(0) keep
2. The company that Marie DuBois started now sells __ products throughout the
(A) its
(B) it
(C) theirs
(D) them
3. If your shipment is not delivered __Tuesday, you can request a full refund for
the merchandise.
(A) at
(B) by
(C) within
(D) while
CHAPTER 4. Standardized Testing 103
Part 6. Error Recognition
Directions: In this part of the test, each sentence has four words or phrases underlined.
The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), (D). You are to identify
the one underlined word or phrase that should be corrected or rewritten. Then, on your
answer sheet, find the number of the question and mark your answer.
1. The pamphlet contains some importance information about the current exhibit.
2. No matter how Jong it taking to finish the annual report. it must be done properly.
3. The popularity of jogging appears to have decreased since the past couple of years.
Part 7. Reading Comprehension
Directions: The questions in this part of the test are based on a selection of reading mate
rials, such as notices, letters)' forms, newspaper and magazine articles), and
advertisements. You are to choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (OJ, to each ques
tion. Then on your ariswefsheel,''findthe number of the qUestion andmcirkyour answer.
Answer all questions following each reading selection on thebasis of what is stated or
implied in that selection.
The Museum of Technology is a "hands-on" museum, designed for people to
experience science at w ( ) r k ~ Visitors are encouraged to use, test, and handle the
objects o ~ display. Special demonstrations are scheduled for the first and second
Wednesdays of each month at 13:30. Open Tuesday-Friday 12:00-16:30, Saturday
10:00-17:30, and Sunday 11 :00-16:30.
1. When during the month can visitors see special demonstrations?
. (A) Every weekend.
(B) The first two Wednesdays.
(C) One afternoon a week.
(D) Every other Wednesday.
Questions 2 and 3 refer to the followi ng notice:
If you are unable to work because of an extended illness or injury that is not work
related, you may be entitled to receive weekly benefits from your employer or the firm's
insurance company. To claim benefits, you must file a claim form within thirty days of the
first day of your disability. Before filing the claim, you must ask your doctor to fill in the
Doctor's Statement on the claim form, stating the period of disability.
3. To whom is this notice addressed?
(A) Employers
(8) Doctors
(C) Employees
(D) When paying the bill
4. When must the claim form be filed?
(A) On the first of the month
(8) On the thirtieth of the month
(C) On the first day ofdisabifity
(D) Within 30 days of the start of disability

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