For pursuing Two year Master (post graduate) Degree of study in Engineering (M.Tech), offered by Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Nandyal-518501 under Autonomous status and herein referred to as RGMCET (Autonomous) All the rules specified herein approved by the Academic Council will be in force and applicable to students admitted from the Academic Year 2010-11 onwards. Any reference to Institute or College in these rules and regulations stands for Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous). All the rules and regulations, specified here after shall be read as a whole for the purpose of interpretation as and when a doubt arises , the interpretation of the Chairman, Academic Council is final. As per the requirements of statutory bodies, the Principal, Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology shall be the Chairman, Academic Council.
I. ACADEMIC REGULATIONS 2010 FOR M.T E CH (REGULAR) (Effective for the students admitted into first year from the Academic Year 2010-2011)
1.0 Eligibility for Admissions:
Admission to the above program shall be made subject to the eligibility, qualifications and specialization prescribed by Andhra Pradesh State Council of Higher Education (APSCHE) from time to time. Admissions shall be made on the basis of merit rank obtained in GATE examination or PGCET conducted by any University of Andhra Pradesh designated by Govt. of A.P., or on the basis of any other order of merit prescribed by APSCHE, subject to the reservations prescribed by the Government of A.P. from time to time. 2.0 Award of M.Tech Degree: 2.1) The student shall be declared eligible for the award of the M.Tech degree, if he pursues a course of study and completes it successfully for not less than prescribed course work duration and not more than double the prescribed course work duration. 2.2) The student, who fails to fulfil all the academic requirements for the award of the degree within double the course work duration from the year of his admission, shall forfeit his seat in M.Tech course. 2.2) The minimum clear instruction days for each semester shall be 95.
Theory Practical Seminar ComprehensiveVivavoce Project Periods/Week 04 03 SEMESTER Credits 04 02 02 04 12 Internal Marks 40 40 100 ExternalMarks 60 60 100
Semester First No.of Subjects 06
NumberofLabs 02 02 ComprehensiveViva TotalCredits 6X4=24 2X2=04 6X4=24 2X2=04 1X4=04 28 32 02 12 74
Third Fourth
Seminar(3rdsemester) ProjectWork
Attendance: 5.1) The candidate shall be deemed to have eligibility to write end semester examinations if he has secured a minimum of 75% of attendance in aggregate of all the subjects. 5.2) Condonation of shortage of attendance up to 10% i.e. 65% and above and below 75% may be given by the College academic committee consisting of Principal, Head of the Department and a senior faculty member. 5.3) Condonation of shortage of attendance shall be granted only on genuine and valid reasons on representation by the candidate with supporting evidence. 5.4) Shortage of attendance below 65% shall in no case be condoned. 5.5) The candidate shall not be promoted to the next semester unless he fulfils the attendance requirements of the previous semester.
Evaluation: The performance of the candidate in each semester shall be evaluated subject wise, with a maximum of 100 marks for Theory and 100 marks for practicals, on the basis of Internal Evaluation and End Semester Examination. 6.1) For the theory subjects 60 marks shall be for the External End Examination, While 40 marks shall be for Internal Evaluation, based on the better of the marks secured in the two Mid Term-Examinations held, one in the middle of the Semester (I-IV units) and another immediately After the completion of instruction (V-VIII) units with four questions to be answered out of six, evaluated for 40 marks. Each question carries 10 marks. Each midterm examination shall be conducted for duration of 120 minutes. The End Examination will have 08 questions and 5 questions are to be answered and each question carries 12 marks.
ClassAwarded FirstClasswithDistinction FirstClass SecondClass %ofmarkstobesecured 70%andabove Below70%butnotlessthan60% Below60%butnotlessthan50% Fromtheaggregate markssecuredformthe 74Credits.
(The marks in Internal evaluation and End Examination shall be shown separately in the marks memorandum) 10.0 Supplementary Examinations: Apart from the regular End Examinations the institute may also schedule and conduct supplementary examinations for all subjects for the benefit of students with backlogs. Such of the students writing supplementary examinations as supplementary candidates may have to write more than one examination per day. 11.0 Transcripts: After successful completion of prerequisite credits for the award of degree a Transcript containing performance of all academic years will be issued as a final record. Duplicate transcripts will also be issued if required after the payment of requisite fee and also as per norms in vogue. 12.0 Minimum Instruction Days: The minimum instruction days for each semester shall be 95 clear instruction days excluding the days allotted for tests/examinations and preparation holidays declared if any. 13.0 Amendment of Regulations: The college may, from time to time, revise, amend or change the regulations, scheme of examinations and syllabi. However the academic regulations of any student will be same throughout the course of study in which the student has been admitted. 14.0 15.0 Transfers There shall be no branch transfers after the completion of admission process. With holding of results: If the candidate has not paid any dues to the institute or if any case of in-discipline is pending against him, the result of the candidate will be with held and he will not be allowed for the next semester. The issue of the degree is liable to be withheld in such cases. 16.0 Transitory Regulations: Candidates who have discontinued or have been detained for want of attendance are eligible for admission to the same or equivalent subjects as and when subjects are offered, subject to 6.5 and 2.0 17.0 Rules of Discipline: 17.1) Any attempt by any student to influence the teachers, Examiners, faculty and staff of controller of Examination for undue favours in the exams, and bribing them either for marks or attendance will be treated as malpractice cases and the student can be debarred from the college.
Code D0602101 D0603101 D5501101 D5502101 D5503101 D0607101 D5504101 D5505101 D5591101 D5592101 Subject Embedded System Concepts Advanced Computer Architecture Advanced DSP and Applications Micro Controllers & Interfacing Operating Systems ELECTIVE-I Expert Systems VLSI Technology Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation Micro Controllers and Interfacing Lab FPGA/CPLD Lab Total 24 3 3 6 2 2 28 40 40 320 60 60 480 100 100 800 4 4 40 60 100 Scheme of instruction periods/week Theory Practical 4 4 4 4 4 Credits 4 4 4 4 4 Scheme of Examination Internal 40 40 40 40 40 External 60 60 60 60 60 Total 100 100 100 100 100
Code D5506102 D5507102 D5508102 D0615102 D5509102 D0605101 D5510102 D0608101 D5592102 D5593102 D5594102 Subject Embedded System Design Real Time Operating Systems Hardware Software Co-design FPGA Architecture & Applications CMOS Digital IC Design ELECTIVE-II Digital Design Through Verilog Low Power VLSI Design Network Security and Cryptography LABORATORY Real Time Operating Systems Lab CMOS Digital IC Design Lab Comprehensive Viva 3 3 2 2 4 40 40 60 60 100 100 100 100 900 Total 100 100 4 4 40 60 100 Scheme of instruction periods/week Theory Practical 4 4 4 4 4 Credits 4 4 4 4 4 Scheme of Examination Internal 40 40 40 40 40 External 60 60 60 60 60 Total 100 100 100 100 100
320 580 Total 24 6 32 II M.TECH, III-SEMESTER & IV-SEMESTER Subject Credits Internal External Seminar (End of III Semester) Total 2 12 14 100 100 -
UNIT I INTRODUCTION: Embedded system overview, embedded hardware units, embedded software in a system, embedded system on chip (SOC), design process, classification of embedded systems. UNIT II EMBEDDED COMPUTING PLATFORM: CPU Bus, memory devices, component interfacing, networks for embedded systems, communication interfacings: RS232/UART, RS422/RS485, IEEE 488 bus. UNIT III SURVEY OF SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE: Round robin, round robin with interrupts, function queue scheduling architecture, selecting an architecture saving memory space. UNIT IV EMBEDDED SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS: Host and target machines, linkers, locations for embedded software, getting embedded software into target system, debugging technique. UNIT V RTOS CONCEPTS: Architecture of the kernel, interrupt service routines, semaphores, message queues, pipes. UNIT VI INSTRUCTION SETS: Introduction, preliminaries, ARM processor, SHARC processor. UNIT VII SYSTEM DESIGN TECHNIQUES: Design methodologies, requirement analysis, specifications, system analysis and architecture design. UNIT VIII DESIGN EXAMPLES: Telephone PBX, ink jet printer, water tank monitoring system, GPRS, Personal Digital Assistants, Set Top boxes, etc. TEXT BOOKS: 1) Computers as a component: principles of embedded computing system design- wayne wolf 2) An embedded software premier: David E. Simon 3) Embedded / real time systems-KVKK Prasad, Dreamtech press, 2005 REFERENCES: 1) Embedded real time systems programming-Sri ram V Iyer, pankaj gupta, TMH, 2004. 2) Embedded system design- A unified hardware/software introduction- frank vahid, tony D. Givargis, John Willey, 2002.
UNIT I FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTER DESIGN: Technology trends, reporting performance quantitative principles of computer design. costmeasuring and
UNIT II INSTRUCTION SET PRINCIPLES AND EXAMPLES: Classifying instruction set, memory addressing, type and size of operands, addressing modes for signal processing, operations in the instruction set- instructions for control flow- encoding an instruction set.-the role of compiler. UNIT III INSTRUCTION LEVEL PARALLELISM (ILP): Overcoming data hazards, reducing branch costs, high performance instruction delivery, hardware based speculation, limitation of ILP. UNIT IV ILP SOFTWARE APPROACH: Compiler Techniques, Static Branch Protection, VLIW Approach, H.W support for more ILP at compile time- H.W verses S.W solutions. UNIT V MEMORY HIERARCHY DESIGN: Cache performance, reducing cache misses penalty and miss rate, virtual memory, protection and examples of VM. UNIT VI MULTIPROCESSORS AND THREAD LEVEL PARALLELISM: Symmetric architectures, distributed shared memory, Synchronization, multi threading.
UNIT VII STORAGE SYSTEMS: Types, Buses, RAID, errors and failures, bench marking a storage device, designing a I/O system. UNIT VIII INTER CONNECTION NETWORKS AND CLUSTERS: Interconnection network media, practical issues in interconnecting networks, examples, clusters, designing a cluster. TEXT BOOKS: 1) John. Hennessy & David A. Patterson Morgan Kufmann, Computer Architecture A quantitative approach, 3rd edition (An Imprint of Elsevier). REFERENCES: 1) Kai Hwang and A. Briggs, Computer Architecture and parallel Processing, International Edition McGraw-Hill. 2) Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk, Advanced Computer Architectures, Pearson.
UNIT I LTI DISCRETE-TIME SYSTEMS IN THE TRANSFORM DOMAIN: Types of Linear-Phase transfer functions, Complementary Transfer Functions, Inverse Systems, System identification, Digital TwoPairs. UNIT II DIGITAL FILTER STRUCTURE AND DESIGN: All pass filters, Tunable IIR Digital filter, IIR & FIR tapped Cascaded Lattice Structures, Parallel All pass realization of IIR Transfer Functions, Digital SineCosine generator. UNIT III Computational Complexity of Digital filter Structures, Design of IIR filter using pade approximation, Least square design methods, Design of computationally efficient FIR filters. UNIT IV DSP ALGORITHMS: FFT, Sliding Discrete Fourier transform, DFT Computation Over a narrow Frequency Band, Split Radix FFT, Linear filtering approach to Computation of DFT using Chirp ZTransform. UNIT V ANALYSIS OF FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECTS: The Quantization Process and errors, Quantization of fixed-point Numbers, Analysis of Coefficient quantization effects, A/D conversion Noise Analysis, Analysis of Arithmetic Round of errors. UNIT VI ADAPTIVE FILTERS: FIR adaptive filters - Adaptive filter based on steepest descent method Widrow-Hoff LMS adaptive algorithms, normalized LMS. Adaptive channel equalization - adaptive echo cancellation - Adaptive noise cancellation - Adaptive recursive (IIR) filters. RLS adaptive filters Exponentially weighted RLS - Sliding window RLS. UNIT VII APPLICATIONS OF DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING: Dual Tone Multi-frequency Signal Detection, Spectral Analysis of Sinusoidal Signals, Spectral Analysis of Nonstationary Signals, Musical Sound Processing, Over Sampling A/D Converter, Over Sampling D/A Converter. UNIT VIII DSP PROCESSORS: Applications, architecture , Addressing modes ,instruction set of TMS 320 C54XX Processors , simple programmes. TEXT BOOKS: 1) Digital Signal Processing by Sanjit K Mitra, Tata MCgraw Hill Publications. 2) Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms,Applications By J G Proakis, D G.Manolokis,PHI.Discrete-Time Signal Processing by A V Oppenhiem, R W Schafer, Pearson Education Asia. 3) Digital signal processors by avtar singh & S.Srinivasan,.Thomson publications. 4) Adaptive filter theory by Simon Haykin, Pearson education. 5) Statistical and adaptive Signal Processing by Dimitris G.Manolakis and Vinay K.Ingle.
REFERENCES: 1) Naim Dahnoun, Digital Signal Processing Implementation Using the TMS320C6000 DSP Platform, 1 Edition. 2) T.J. Terrel and Lik-Kwan Shark, Digital Signal Processing-A Student Guide, 1 Edition, MACMILLAN PRESS Ltd. 3) David J Defatta J, Lucas Joseph G & Hodkiss William S, Digital Signal Processing: A System Design Approach, 1 Edition, John Wiley. 4) Rulph Chassaing, DSP Applications using C and the TMS320C6X DSK, 1 Edition. 5) Andrew Bateman, Warren Yates, Digital Signal Processing Design, 1 Edition. 6) John G Proakis, Dimitris G Manolakis, Introduction to Digital Signal Processing, 1 Edition. 7) Kreig Marven & Gillian Ewers, A Simple approach to Digital Signal processing, 1 Edition, Wiely Interscience. 8) JAMES H. McClellan, Ronald Schaffer and Mark A. Yoder, DSP FIRST - A Multimedia Approach, 1 Edition, Prentice Hall. 9) Oppenheim A.V and Schafer R.W, Digital Signal Processing, 1 Edition, PH.
st st st st st st st st st
UNIT I INTEL 8051: Architecture of 8051, Memory Organization, Register banks, Bit addressing media, SFR area, addressing modes, Instruction set, Programming examples. UNIT II 8051 Interrupt structure, Timer modules, Serial Features, Port structure, Power saving modes. UNIT III MOTOROLA 68HC11: Controllers features, Different modes of operation and memory map, Functions of I/O ports in single chip and expanded multiplexed mode, Timer system. UNIT IV Input capture, Output compare and pulsed accumulator features of 68HC11, Serial peripherals, Serial Communication interface, Analog to digital conversion features. UNIT V PIC MICROCONTROLLERS: Program memory, CPU registers, Register file structure, Block diagram of PIC 16C74, I/O ports. Timer 0,1 and 2 features, Interrupt logic, serial peripheral interface, I2C bus, ADC, UART, PIC family parts. UNIT VI MICROCONTROLLER INTERFACING: 8051, 68HC11, PIC-16C6X and External Memory Interfacing Memory Management Unit, Instruction and data cache, memory controller. On Chip Counters, Timers, Serial I/O, Interrupts and their use. PWM, Watch dog, ISP, IAP features. UNIT VII INTERRUPT SYNCHRONIZATION: Interrupt vectors & priority, external interrupt design. Serial I/O DevicesRS232 Specifications, RS422/Apple Talk/ RS 423/RS435 & other communication protocols. Serial Communication Controller. UNIT VIII CASE STUDIES: Design of Embedded Systems using the micro controller 8051, 68HC11, PIC-16C6X for applications in the area of Communications, Automotives, industrial control. TEXT BOOKS: 1) M.A. Mazadi & J.G. Mazidi, The 8051 Micro Controller & Embedded Systems, Pearson Education. Asia (2000). 2) John B. Peatman, Designing with PIC Micro Controllers, Pearson Education. 3) Jonathan W. Valvano, Embedded Microcomputer systems, Real Time Interfacing, Brookes/Cole, Thomas learning, 1999. REFERENCES: 1) 8-bit Embedded Controllers, INTEL Corporation 1990. 2) John B.Peatman, Designing with PIC Microcontrollers, Pearson Education Inc, India, 2005.
UNIT I INTRODUCTION: Operating system definition, Objective and functions, types, different parts, Structure of operating system, trends- parallel computing, distributed computing; Open systems, Hardware, software, firmware. UNIT II PROCESS SCHEDULING: Definition of a process; process states, transitions, process control, suspend and process, interrupt processing, nucleus of an operating system; parallel processing; Mutual exclusion, Critical Section; Solution of mutual exclusion; Semaphores; Deadlock- occurrence, prevention, detection and recovery. UNIT III STORAGE MANAGEMENT: Storage organization, management strategies, hierarchy; virtual storage, paging, segmentation. UNIT IV FILE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT: File system (function of a file system)- data hierarchy, blocking and buffering, file organization, queued and basic access methods, backup and recovery. UNIT V I/O MANAGEMENT: (functions of I/O management subsystem), Distributed computing- OSI view, OSI network management, MAP, TOP, GOSIP, TCP/IP. UNIT VI OS SECURITY: Requirements, external security, operational security, surveillance, threat monitoring; Introduction to Cryptography. UNIT VII CASE STUDIES: UNIX- Shell, Kernel, File System, Process Management, Memory Management, I/O System, Distributed UNIX. UNIT VIII CASE STUDIES: Example of operating system-MS-DOS, Windows, OS/2, Apple Macintosh & Linux. TEXT BOOKS: 1) Dietal H.M An Introduction to OS Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd/PHI New Delhi, 12th Indian Reprint 2003. 2) Andrew S.Tanenbaum, Modern OSPHI Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd New Delhi, 3rd Indian Reprint 2004. 3) Silberschatz A, Galvin. P and Gagne. G, Operating System Concepts, John Wiley and Sons. Singapore, 2002. REFERENCES: 1) William Stallings, Operating Systems, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd. 2) D.M. Dhamdhere, Operating Systems A Concept Approach, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
(ELECTIVE - I) UNIT I KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION AND ISSUES: Notational systems: Trees, graphs, hierarchies, propositional and predicate logics, frames, semantics networks, constraints, conceptual dependencies, database, knowledge discovery in databases (KDD). UNIT II SEARCH: State-space representations, Depth-first, breadth-first, heuristic search, Planning and game playing, Genetic algorithms. UNIT III LOGICAL REASONING AND PROBABILISTIC REASONING: Predicate, Calculus resolution, completeness, and strategies, Unification, Prolog, monotonic and non-monotonic reasoning. UNIT IV Probabilistic inference networks, Fuzzy inference rules, Bayesian rules. Dempster-Shafer Calculus. UNIT V LEARNING AND COMMON SENSANE REASONING: Robot actions, strips, triangle tables, case based reasoning, spatial and temporal formalisms. UNIT VI Knowledge acquisition, classification rules, self directed systems. UNIT VII NEURAL NETWORKS: Recognition. Principles, biological analogies, Training (techniques and errors),
UNIT VIII EXPERT SYSTEMS Expert Systems, Organization, tools, limits, examples. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Charniak .E,And McDermott .D., Intoduction to Artificial intelligence, Adiison-Wesley, 1987 2. Giarratano.J.,And Riley G., Expert Systems principles an Programming PWS-KENT,1989
1) Write a program to a) Clear the Register and b) Add 3 to Register Ten Times and Place the Result into Memory Use the Indirect Instructions to Perform Looping. PROGRAMING IN C: 2) A Door Sensor is connected to RB1 Pin and a Buzzer is connected to RB7. Write a Program to monitor Door Sensor and when it Open, Sounds the Buzzer by sending a Square Wave of few Hundred Hz Frequency to it. 3) Write a Program to Toggle all the Bits of PORT B parts continuously with a 250ns Delay. 4) Stepper Motor Control using Microcontroller. Use Microcontrollers for the following Experiments. INTERFACING: 5) Elevator Interface. 6) Key Board Interface. 7) LED Interface. 8) Temperature Sensor. 9) SORT RTOS on to 89c51 Board. 10) Sample the Signal using ADC and Reconstruct by using DAC.
1. Simulation and Verification of Logic Gates. 2. Simulation and Verification of 74x138. 3. Simulation and Verification of 74x151. 4. Simulation and Verification of 74x157. 5. Simulation and Verification of 74x280. 6. Simulation and Verification of 74x382. 7. Simulation and Verification of 74x74. 8. Simulation and Verification of 74x163. 9. Simulation and Verification of 74x194. 10. Design, Simulation of Counters- Ring Counter, Johnson Counter, Mod counters. 11. Finite State Machine- Mealy and Moore Machines. 12. Design, Simulation and verification of Dual Priority encoder. 13. Design, Simulation and verification of Floating point encoder. 14. Design, Simulation and verification of Error correcting code with hamming code.
UNIT I Embedded Design Life Cycle: Introduction, Product Specification, Hardware/software partitioning, Iteration and Implementation, Detailed hardware and software design, Hardware/Software integration, Product Testing and Release, Maintaining and upgrading existing products. UNIT II Selection Process: Packaging the Silicon, Adequate Performance, RTOS Availability, Tool chain Availability, Other issues in the Selection process, partitioning decision: Hardware/Software Duality, Hardware Trends, ASICs and Revision Costs. UNIT III Development Environment: The Execution Environment, Memory Organization, System Startup. Special Software Techniques: Manipulating the Hardware, Interrupts and Interrupt service Routines (ISRs), Watchdog Times, Flash Memory, Design Methodology. Basic Tool Set: Host Based Debugging, Remote Debuggers and Debug Kernels, ROM Emulator, Logic Analyzer. UNIT IV BDM: Background Debug Mode, Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) and Nexus. ICE Integrated Solution: Bullet Proof Run Control, Real time trac, Hardware Break points, Overlay memory, Timing Constrains, Usage Issue, Setting the Trigger. UNIT V Testing: Why Test? When to Test? Which Test? When to Stop? Choosing Test cases, Testing Embedded Software, Performance Testing Maintenance and Testing, The Future. UNIT VI Writing Software for Embedded Systems: The compilation Process, Native Versus Cross-Compilers, Runtime Libraries, Writing a Library, Using alternative Libraries, using a standard Library. UNIT VII Emulation and debugging techniques: Debugging techniques, The role of the development system. UNIT VIII Buffering and Other Data Structures: What is a buffer? Linear Buffers, Directional Buffers, Double Buffering, Buffer Exchange, Linked Lists, FIFOs, Circular Buffers, Buffer Under run and Overrun, Allocating Buffer Memory. TEXTBOOKS 1. Embedded System Design Introduction to Processes, Tools, Techniques, Arnold S Burger, CMP Books 2. Embedded Systems Design by Steve Heath, Newnes.
UNIT-I Real Time operating systems: Architecture of kernel, Tasks and Task scheduler, interrupt services routines, semaphores, mutex, mailboxes, message queues, event register, pipes, signals, timers, memory management, priority inversion problem. UNIT-II REAL TIME APPLICATIONS: Digital control, High level controls, signal processing, other real time applications. UNIT-III HARD VERSUS SOFT REAL TIME SYSTEMS: Jobs and processors, release times, deadlines, and timing constraints. Hard and soft timing constraints. Hard real time systems, soft real time systems. UNIT-IV REAL TIME SCHEDULING APPROACHES: Clock Driven, Weighted round robin, priority driven, dynamic vs static systems, effective release times an dead lines. UNIT-V REAL TIME OPERATING SYSTEM: QNX Neutrino, VX works, Microc/os-II, RT Linux ,overview of unix/Linux. UNIT-VI SHELL AND SYSEM PROGRAMMING: Shell programming-shell variables, shell programming constructs, processes, signals, multithreading, semaphores, mutex, shared memory, messagequeue. UNIT-VII PROGRAMMING IN RT LINUX: Overview of RT Linux, core RT Linux API, semaphore management, mutex management. UNIT-VIII FAULT TOLERANCE TECHNIQUES: Introduction, fault causes, Types, detection, Fault and error containment, Hardware, software and timing redundancy TEXTBOOKS 1) Embedded Real Time Systems-Blackbook Dr.k.v.k.k.Prasad 2) Jane W.S.Liu,Real Time Systems,McGraw.Hill 3) C.M.Krishna,KANG G.Shin,Real Time Systems,pearson edition. REFERENCES 1) 2) Vxworks Programming Guide.
UNIT I CO- DESIGN ISSUES: Co- Design Models, Architectures, Languages, A Generic Co-design Methodology. UNIT II HARDWARE/SOFTWARE CO- SYNTHESIS ALGORITHMS: Introduction, Architectural model hardware software partitioning, distributed system co-synthesis.
UNIT III PROTOTYPING AND EMULATION: Prototyping and emulation techniques, prototyping and emulation environments, future developments in emulation and prototyping, system communication infrastructure UNIT IV TARGET ARCHITECTURES: Architecture Specialization techniques, Target Architecture and Application System classes, Architecture for control dominated systems (8051-Architectures for High performance control), Architecture for Data dominated systems (ADSP21060, TMS320C60), and Mixed Systems. UNIT V COMPILATION TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS FOR EMBEDDED PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURES: Modern embedded architectures, embedded software development needs, compilation technologies practical consideration in a compiler development environment. UNIT VI DESIGN SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION: Design, co-design, the co-design computational model, concurrency coordinating concurrent computations, interfacing components, design verification, implementation verification, verification tools, and interface verification UNIT VII LANGUAGES FOR SYSTEM LEVEL SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN-I: System level specification, design representation for system level synthesis, system level specification languages, UNIT VIII LANGUAGES FOR SYSTEM LEVEL SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN-II: Heterogeneous specifications and multi language co-simulation the cosyma system and lycos system. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Jorgen Staunstrup, Wayne Wolf, Hardware / software co- design Principles and Practice, Springer, 2009. 2. Kluwer, Hardware / software co- design Principles and Practice, academic publishers,2002.
UNIT I PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC: ROM, PLA, PAL, PLD, FPGA Features, Complex Programmable Logic Devices: ALTERA CPLDs and ALTERA FLEX 10k Series CPLD, Speed Performance. UNIT II FPGA: Xilinx logic Cell array, CLB,I/O Block Programmable interconnect, Technology Mapping for FPGA: Library based, LUT based, Multiplexer based Technology Mapping. UNIT III CASE STUDIES: programming Technologies, Xilinx XC3000, XC4000, Actel FPGAs, Alteras FPGAs, Plus Logic FPGA, AMD FPGA, Quick Logic FPGA, Algotronix FPGA, Cross point solutions FPGA, FPGA Design Flow. UNIT IV FINITE STATE MACHINES (FSM): Finite State Machine State Transition Table, State Assignments for FPGAs. Problem of the Initial State Assignment for One Hot Encoding. UNIT V REALIZATION OF STATE MACHINE: Derivation of SM Charts. Realization of State Machine Chart, Alternative Realization of State Machine Chart using Microprogramming. Linked State Machines. One Hot State Machine, Petri nets for State Machines Basic Concepts, Properties. Extended Petri nets for Parallel Controllers. UNIT VI FSM ARCHITECTURES: Architectures Centered Around Non-Registered PLDs. State Machine Designs Centered Around A Shift Register. UNIT VII SYSTEMS LEVEL DESIGN OneHot Design Method. Use of ASMs in OneHot Design. Application of OneHot Method. System Level Design: Controller, Data Path and Functional Partition. UNIT VIII DIGITAL FRONT END DIGITAL DESIGN FOR FPGAS & ASIC: Using Xilinx ISE EDA Tool Guidelines, Case Studies of Parallel Adder Cell, Parallel Adder, Sequential Circuits: Decade Counters, Parallel Multipliers, Parallel Controllers. TEXT BOOKS/ REFERENCES: 1. Fundamentals of logic Design, 5/e, Charles H Roth.Jr 2. P.K.Chan & S. Mourad, Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate Array, Prentice Hall (Pte), 1994. 3. S. Brown, R. Francis, J. Rose, Z. Vransic, Field Programmable Gate Array, Kluwer Pubin, 1992. 4. Engineering Digital Design, 2/e, Richard F Tinder Unit VI & VII 5. J. Old Field, R.Dorf, Field Programmable Gate Arrays, John Wiley & Sons, Newyork, 1995.
UNIT I MOS Transistor: MOS Structure, MOS System under external bias, Structure and operation of MOSFET, Threshold voltage, MOSFET operation: A qualitative view. UNIT II MOSFET Current-voltage characteristics: Gradual channel approximation, Channel length modulation, Substrate bias effect, Constant field scaling, constant voltage scaling, short channel effects, Narrow channel effects. UNIT III MOSFET Models and Capacitance: Oxide-related capacitance, Junction capacitance. Level1, Level2, Level 3 modeling equations. UNIT IV CMOS Inverter: Circuit operation, calculation of VIL, VIH, Vth. Design of CMOS inverters, Supply scaling in CMOS inverter, Power and area considerations. UNIT V CMOS Inverter switching characteristics: Delay-time definition, calculation of delay times, Inverter design with delay constraints. UNIT VI Estimation of Interconnects parasitic: Interconnect capacitance estimation, Interconnect resistance estimation. Calculation of Interconnect delay: RC delay Models, The Elmore delay, switching power dissipation of CMOS inverter, Power delay product. UNIT VII Sequential MOS logic circuits: Behavior of Bi-stable elements, SR Latch circuit, Clocked SR latch, Clocked JK Latch, Master-Slave flip-flop, CMOS D-Latch and Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop. UNIT VIII Low Power CMOS logic circuits: Switching power dissipation, Short-circuit power dissipation, Leakage power dissipation, Influence of voltage scaling on Power and delay, Variable-Threshold CMOS (VTCMOS) circuits, Multiple-Threshold CMOS(MTCMOS) circuits, Pipeline approach, Parallel processing approach(Hardware replication). TEXT BOOKS: 1. Sung-Mo Kang & Yusuf Leblebici, CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits - Analysis & Design, MGH, Second Ed., 1999 2. Jan M Rabaey, Digital Integrated Circuits - A Design Perspective, Prentice Hall, 1997. REFERENCES: 1. Eugene D Fabricus, Introduction to VLSI Design,McGraw Hill International Edition.1990. 2. R. J. Baker, H. W. Li, and D. E. Boyce, CMOS circuit design, layout, and simulation. New York: IEEE Press, 1998. 3. Ken Martin, Digital Integrated Circuit Design, Oxford University Press, 2000.
(ELECTIVE - II) UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO VERILOG: Verilog as HDL, Levels of Design Description, Concurrency, Simulation and Synthesis, Functional Verification, System Tasks, Programming Language Interface (PLI), Module, Simulation and Synthesis Tools, Test Benches. LANGUAGE CONSTRUCTS AND CONVENTIONS : Introduction, Keywords, Identifiers, White Space Characters, Comments, Numbers, Strings, Logic Values, Strengths, Data Types, Scalars and Vectors, Parameters, Memory, Operators, System Tasks, Exercises. UNIT II GATE LEVEL MODELING: Introduction, AND Gate Primitive, Module Structure, Other Gate Primitives, Illustrative Examples, Tri-State Gates, Array of Instances of Primitives, Additional Examples, Design of Flip-flops with Gate Primitives, Delays, Strengths and Contention Resolution, Net Types, Design of Basic Circuits, Exercises. UNIT III BEHAVIORAL MODELING: Introduction, Operations and Assignments, Functional Bifurcation, Initial Construct, Always Construct, Examples, Assignments with Delays, Wait construct, Multiple Always Blocks, Designs at Behavioral Level, Blocking and Non blocking Assignments, The case statement, Simulation Flow. i and i-else constructs, assign-deassign construct, repeat construct, for loop, the disable construct, while loop, forever loop, parallel blocks, force-release construct, Event. UNIT IV MODELING AT DATA FLOW LEVEL: Introduction, Continuous Assignment Structures, Delays and Continuous Assignments, Assignment to Vectors, Operators. SWITCH LEVEL MODELING: Introduction, Basic Transistor Switches, CMOS Switch, Bi-directional Gates, Time Delays with Switch Primitives, Instantiations with Strengths and Delays, Strength Contention with Trireg Nets, Exercises. UNIT V SYSTEM TASKS, FUNCTIONS AND COMPILER DIRECTIVES: Introduction, Parameters, Path Delays, Module Parameters, System Tasks and Functions, File-Based Tasks and Functions, Compiler Directives, Hierarchical Access, General Observations, Exercises. FUNCTIONS, TASKS, AND USER-DEFINED PRIMITIVES: Introduction, Function, Tasks, UserDefined Primitives (UDP), FSM Design (Moore and Mealy Machines). UNIT VI DIGITAL DESIGN WITH SM CHARTS: State Machine Charts, Derivation of SM Charts, Realization of SM Charts, Implementation of the Dice Game, Alternative realizations for SM Charts using Microprogramming, Linked State Machines. UNIT VII DESIGNING WITH PROGRAMMABLE GATE ARRAYS AND COMPLEX PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES: Xilinx 3000 Series FPGAs, Designing with FPGAs, Using a One-Hot State Assignment, Altera Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs), Altera FLEX 10K Series CPLDs. UNIT VIII VERILOG MODELS: Static RAM Memory, A simplified 486 Bus Model, Interfacing Memory to a Microprocessor Bus, UART Design, Design of Microcontroller CPU.
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Design through Verilog HDL T.R. Padmanabhan and B. Bala Tripura Sundari, WSE, 2004 IEEE Press. 2. A Verilog Primier J. Bhaskar, BSP, 2003. REFERENCES: 1. Fundamentals of Logic Design with Verilog Stephen. Brown and Zvonko Vranesic, TMH, 2005. 2. Digital Systems Design using VHDL Charles H Roth, Jr. Thomson Publications, 2004. 3. Advanced Digital Design with Verilog HDL Michael D. Ciletti, PHI, 2005. 4. Verilog HDL 2nd Edition Samir Palnitkar, Pearson Education.
(ELECTIVE - II) UNIT I LOW POWER DESIGN, AN OVER VIEW: Introduction to low- voltage low power design, limitations, Silicon-on-Insulator. UNIT II MOS/BiCMOS PROCESSES: Bi-CMOS processes, Integration considerations. UNIT III Bi-CMOS Isolation considerations. UNIT IV LOW-VOLTAGE/LOW POWER CMOS/ BICMOS PROCESSES: Deep submicron processes, SOI CMOS. UNIT V DEVICE BEHAVIOR AND MODELING: Advanced MOSFET models, limitations of MOSFET models, UNIT VI Sub-half micron MOS devices: Analytical and Experimental characterization of sub-half micron MOS devices, MOSFET in a Hybrid mode environment. UNIT VII CMOS AND Bi-CMOS LOGIC GATES: Conventional CMOS and Bi-CMOS logic gates, Performance Evaluation. UNIT VIII LOW POWER LATCHES AND FLIP FLOPS: Evolution of Latches and Flip flops-quality measures for latches and Flip flops, Design perspective. TEXT BOOKS: 1. CMOS/BiCMOS ULSI low voltage, low power by Yeo Rofail/ Gohl (3 Authors)-Pearson Education Asia 1st Indian reprint,2002. 2. Gary K. Yeap, Practical Low Power Digital VLSI Design, KAP, 2002. REFERENCES: 1. Basic VLSI Design, Douglas A.Pucknell & Kamran Eshraghian,3rd edition PHI. 2. Digital Integrated circuits, J.Rabaey PH. N.J 1996 3. CMOS Digital ICs Sung-mo Kang and yusuf leblebici 3rd edition TMH 2003 . 4. IEEE Trans Electron Devices, IEEE J.Solid State Circuits, and other National and International Conferences and Symposia.
(ELECTIVE - II) UNIT I INTRODUCTION: Attacks, Services and Mechanisms, Security attacks, Security services, A Model for Internet work security. CLASSICAL TECHNIQUES: Conventional Encryption model, Steganography, Classical Encryption Techniques. UNIT II MODERN TECHNIQUES: Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles, Data Encryption standard, Strength of DES, Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis, Block Cipher Design Principles and Modes of operations. ALGORITHMS: Triple DES, International Data Encryption algorithm, Blowfish, RC5, CAST128, RC2, Characteristics of Advanced Symmetric block cifers. UNIT III CONVENTIONAL ENCRYPTION: Placement of Encryption function, Traffic confidentiality, Key distribution, Random Number Generation. PUBLIC KEY CRYPTOGRAPHY: Principles, RSA Algorithm, Key Management, Diffie-Hellman Key exchange, Elliptic Curve Cryptography. UNIT IV NUMBER THEORY: Prime and Relatively prime numbers, Modular arithmetic, Fermats and Eulers theorems, Testing for primality, Euclids Algorithm, the Chinese remainder theorem, Discrete logarithms. MESSAGE AUTHENTICATION AND HASH FUNCTIONS: Authentication requirements and functions, Message Authentication, Hash functions, Security of Hash functions and MACs. UNIT V HASH AND MAC ALGORITHMS: MD File, Message digest Algorithm, Secure Hash Algorithm, RIPEMD-160, HMAC. DIGITAL SIGNATURES AND AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOLS: Digital signatures, Authentication Protocols, Digital signature standards. UNIT VI AUTHENTICATION APPLICATIONS: Kerberos, X.509 ELECTRONIC MAIL SECURITY: Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME.
UNIT VII IP SECURITY: Overview, Architecture, Authentication, Encapsulating Security Payload, Combining security Associations, Key Management. WEB SECURITY: Web Security requirements, secure sockets layer and Transport layer security, Secure Electronic Transaction. UNIT VIII INTRUDERS, VIRUSES AND WORMS: Intruders, Viruses and Related threats. FIRE WALLS: Fire wall Design Principles, Trusted systems. TEXT BOOKS 1. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice - William Stallings, Pearson Education., 2000.
Testing RTOS Environment and System Programming USING KEIL TOOLS 1. Program for two separate LED blinking tasks. 2. Implement priority scheduling and three different UART transmitting task using OS Delay functions. 3. Multitasking program for a) RTC to display LCD 1st line continuously. b) ADC to display LCD 2nd line continuously 4. Multitasking, three tasks a) Read key input and display on 7 segment display. b) Read analog input(ADC) and plot corresponding signal on a GLCD c) Generate PWM signal with Xon time and Yoff time. 5. Stepper motor speed control using RTOS delay functions. 6. Real-time operating system kernel (thread switching and synchronization). 7. Blocking semaphores, priority scheduling, performance measures, dumping RTOS profile data to the PC
Design and Layout generation using MICROWIND TOOL 1. Basic Logic Gates. 2. 74x138 3. 74x151 4. 74x157 5. 74x280 6. 74x382 7. 74x74 8. 74x163 9. 74x194 10. Counters- Ring Counter, Johnson Counter, Mod counters 11. Finite State Machine- Mealy and Moore Machines 12. Dual Priority encoder 13. Floating point encoder 14. Error correcting code with hamming code Analyze the above design with respect to Power consumption, Critical Path delay and Area.