Numerical Computing Lab 2

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Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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OBJECTIVE: Familiarization with MATLAB: understanding how to read and write data, array variables and mathematical functions and developing m-files. 2.1 READING AND WRITING

Passing data to and from MATLAB is possible in several different ways. The methods may be classified into three classes: (a) Interactive operation by keyboard or mouse (b) Reading from or writing to a data file (c) Using saves or load In the remainder of this subsection, only a minimal amount of information regarding reading and writing is introduced. More information can be found in Section 1.8. input: MATLAB can take input data through the keyboard using the input command. To read a number, the synopsis would be z = input('Type your input: ) The string between quote signs, namely, Type your input:, is a prompting message to be printed out on the screen. As a value is typed and a return key is hit, the input is saved in z. A string input can be typed from the keyboard. The synopsis is z = input('Your name please: ', 's') The second argument s indicates that the input from the keyboard is a string. The variable z becomes an array variable (row vector) unless the string has only one character. A string input can be taken by input without 's' if the typed string is enclosed by single quote signs. In this case, a prompt message may be written as z = input('Type your name in single quote signs:') fprintf: The fprintf statement provides control the way that numeric and string data are printed to the command window or a file. The syntax of frprintf is based on the fprintf function from the C language, fprintf(format, variables) fprintf(fid, format, variables)

Numerical Computing

Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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where format is a text string that controls the appearance of the output, variables is a commaseparated list of variables to be displayed according to the specification in format, and fid is a file identifier for the file to which the output is sent. The value of fid is only set when output is sent to a file. Summary of format codes for use with fprintf Code Conversion instruction %s format as a string %d format with no fractional part (integer format) %f format as a floating-point value %e format as a floating-point value in scientific notation %g format in the most compact form of either %f or %e \n inserts newline in output string \t insert tab in output string Controlling Field Width and Precision The %d and %s format specifiers can be modified to control the field width used to display a value. This is best explained via example. Suppose that the k and s variables are assigned values k = 2^7; s = 'big red barn';

Without specifying a field width these fields are displayed with the minimum field width, i.e., the minimum number of characters necessary to display the contents of the variables. fprintf (%d \n, k) 128 fprintf(%s \n', s) big red barn The field width specifier is an integer that precedes the d in %d or the s in %s. For example, to print the value of k width of 6 characters use the %6d format. fprintf ('%6d \n l23456789 \n' ,k) 128 123456789

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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The second line of output makes it easy to see that the value of 128 is on the right-hand end of a field that is six characters wide. Similarly fprintf('%6s \n l2345679801234567890\n',s) big red barn 12345678901234567890 Printing out formatted messages and numbers is possible using fprintf; for example, fprintf ('The volume of the sphere %12.5f.\n', vol) Included between two single quote signs are a string to be printed out, the format for the volume, and a new-line operator. The style of the format is familiar to those who know the C language: The volume of the sphere is the string to be printed out, %.12.5f is the format and similar to F12.5 in Fortran, and \n is the new- line operator" that advances the screen position by one line. The new-line operator can be placed anywhere within the string. Finally, vol is the variable to be printed out in accordance with the format %12.5f. If \n is omitted, the next print starts without advancing a line. The command fprintf('e.format: 7.12.5e\n', 12345.2) will print out e.format: 1.23452e+04

If two print statements are consecutively written without \n in the first statement, for example, fprintf (e_format: %12.5e', 12345.2); fprintf('f.format: %12.3f\n', 7.23462) then all the output will be printed out in a single line as e.format: 1.23452e+04 f_format: 7.235 An integer value can be typed using the same format, except that 0 is placed after the decimal point; for example, fprintf (f .format: 7.12. Of \n', 93) yields f_format: 93 When multiple numbers are to be printed on a single line, fprintf may be repeatedly used without \n, except in the last statement. With the fprintf command, it is possible to write formatted output into a file. To do this, the named file has to be opened by the f open command, for example,

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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vol=55.0 fileid = fopen('file_x',w); fprintf(fileid,'Volume= fclose(fileid); will write the output in the file named file_x. If no such file exists, a new file is created. If the file exists, the output is appended. If necessary, the existing file file_x can be deleted by !rm file_x on Unix, or ! erase file_x on Windows. disp: Command disp displays a number, vector, matrix, or a string on the command window without variable name. Therefore, it may be used to display messages or data on the screen. For example, disp (pi) and disp pi both print 3.14159 on the command screen. Try also disp 'This is a test for disp.'. sprintf: Writing sprintf is very similar to fprintf except that sprintf writes the output into a string. This statement is often used to create a command in a string that can be executed as eval(s). It is useful when a command is to be created or edited automatically and executed within an m-file. 2.2 ARRAY VARIABLES one-dimensional array variables: One-dimensional array variables are in a column or a row form, and are closely related to vectors and matrices. In MATLAB, row array is synonymous with row vector, and column array is synonymous with column vector. The variable x can be defined as a row vector by specifying its elements: for example: x = 10, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5]; To print a particular element, type x with its subscript. For example, typing x(3) as a command will show ans = 0.2 An equivalent way of defining the same x is for i=l:6 end The size of the vector does not have to be predeclared as it is adjusted automatically. The number of elements of x can be increased by defining additional elements, for example, x(7) = 0.6; A row array variable with a fixed increment or decrement may be equivalently written as x=2:-0.4:2 It yields %12. 5f \n, vol);

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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2.0000 1.6000 1.2000 0.8000 0.4000


The definition of a column array is similar to a row array except that the elements are separated by semicolons; for example, z = [0; 0.1; 0.2; 0.3; 0.4; 0.5]; An alternative way of defining the same thing is to put a prime after a row array: z= [0,0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]'; The prime operator is the same as the transpose operator in the matrix and vector calculus, so it converts a column vector to a row vector and vice versa. Typing z as a command yields z= 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 If a single element of an array c is specified, for example, c(8) = 11; c(i) =0 is assumed for i=l through 7. Therefore, typing c yields c= 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11

Likewise clear c c(l:5)=7 produces c= 7 7 7 7 7 Also clear c

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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c(l:2:7)=5 yields c= 5 0 5 0 5 0 5

which can be further changed by c(2:2:7)=l to c= 5 1 5 1 5 1 5

When y and x have the same length and the same form (row or column), the vector y and x can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided using the array arithmetic operators as z=x+y z=x-y z = x .* y z = x ./ y which are equivalent, respectively, to List 2.1
for 1=1:6; z(i) = x(i) + y(i); end for 1=1:6; z(i) = x(i) y(i); end for 1=1:6; z(i)=x(i)*y(i); end for 1=1:6; z(i)=x(i)/y(i); end

The rules for addition and subtraction are the same as for vectors in linear algebra. However, . * and . / are named array multiplication operators and array division operators, respectively, which are not the same as multiplication and division for matrices and vectors. If the period in . * or . / is omitted, the meaning becomes entirely different . The array power operator is illustrated by g = z.^1.2; where z is a vector of length 6, a period is placed before the ^ operator, and g becomes a vector of the same length. The foregoing statement is equivalent to

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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for i=1:length(g);

g(i) = z(i)^1.2; end

where no period is placed before the ^ operator. The size of an array can be increased by appending an element or a vector (or vectors). As an example, assume x= 2 3

The following command appends 5 to x and makes its length 3: x = [x, 5] which returns x= 2 3 5 A column vector may be appended with a number or a vector or vectors. Suppose y is a column vector,

y= 2 3 then y = [y; 7] yields y= 2 3 7 Here, 7 is appended to the end of the column vector. Notice that a semicolon is used to append to a column vector. An element can be prepended to a vector also, for example, x = [9, x] yields x= 9 2 3 5

where x on the right side was defined earlier. Similarly, [-l ; y] yields

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Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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y= -1 2 3 7 A reverse procedure is to extract a part of a vector. For the foregoing y, w = y(3:4) will define w that equals the 3rd and 4th elements of y, namely w=37 length, size: If you don't remember the size of a vector, ask the computer. For a vector x= [9, 2, 3, 5]

the inquiry length (x) is responded to by ans = 4 The answer is the same for a column array. Let us define y = [9, 2, 3]'. Then, length (y) returns ans = 3; however, when you want to know if the vector is a column or row type in addition to the length, use size. For example, size(y) will return ans = 3 1

where the first number is the number of rows and the second number is the number of columns. From this answer, we learn that y is a 3x1 array, that is, a column vector of length 3. For z=[9,2,3,5], size(z) will return ans = 1 4

that is, z is a row vector of length 4.

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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deletion of array elements: An element of an array may be deleted as follows. Assume z=[3, 5, 7, 9], and the third element is to be deleted.Then z(3) = [] yields z = [3, 5, 9] string variables: String variables are arrays. For example, a string variable v defined by v = 'glacier' is equivalent to v = [g, l,

a , 'c', 'i', 'e , 'r']

The variable v can be converted to a column string by v =v which is g 1 a c i e r two-dimensional array variables: A two-dimensional array, which is synonymous with a matrix in MATLAB, can be defined by specifying its elements. For example, a 3x3 array can be defined by m = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3; 0.4, 0.5, 0.6; 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]; Notice that the elements for a row are terminated by a semicolon. Of course, the number of elements in each row must be identical. Otherwise the definition will not be accepted. The statement is equivalent to writing List 2.2

Numerical Computing

Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB m(l,2)=0.2; m(l,3)=0.3; m(2,l)=0.4; m(2,2)=0.5; m(2,3)=0.6; m(3,l)=0.7; m(3,2)=0.8; m(3,3)=0.9; Typing m as a command yields m = 0.1000 0.4000 0.7000 0.2000 0.5000 0.8000 0.3000 0.6000 0.9000

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A whole column or a row of a two-dimensional array can be expressed using a colon. For example, m(l,:) and m(: ,3) are the first row of m and the third column of m, respectively, and treated as vectors. 'For example,
c(l, :) c(2, :) c(3, :) = m(3,:); = m(2,:); = m(1,:);

c = 0.7000 0.4000 0.1000 0.8000 0.5000 0.2000 0.9000 0.6000 0.3000

Two-dimensional arrays can be added, subtracted, multiplied, and divided using the array arithmetic operators: List 2.3a
c = a + b c = a - b c = a . * b

Numerical Computing

Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB c = a./ b

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Here, a and b are two-dimensional arrays of the same size. The foregoing statements are equivalent to, respectively,
List 2.3b
for i=l:3 for j=l:3 c(i,j) = a(i,j) + b(i,j); end end for i=l:3 for j=l:3 c(i,j) =a(i, j) - b(i, j) end end for i=1:3 for j=l:3 c(i,j) = a(i, j) * b(i, j) end end for i=l:3 for j=l:3 c(i,j)= a(i, j) / b(i, j) end end

Note that the expressions in List 1.14a are significantly more compact and clearer than the expressions in List 1.14b. The statement with the array power operator,
g = a.^3 is equivalent to for i=l:3 for j=l:3

Numerical Computing

Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB g(i,j) end end = a(i,j)^3;

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Column vectors and row vectors are both special cases of a matrix. Therefore, array operators work equally on 'vectors and matrices. There are two advantages in using the array arithmetic operators. First, programming becomes short. Second, the computational efficiency of MATLAB is higher with the short form than writing the same using loops. if and arrays: Array variables may be compared in an if statement, assuming that a and b are matrices of the same size: (1) if a==b is satisfied only if a(i, j)=b(i, j) for all the elements. (2) if a>=b is satisfied only if a(i,j)>=b(i,j) for all the elements. (3) if a~=b is satisfied if a(i, j)~=b(i, j) for at least one element. If two string variables of different lengths are compared by an if statement, an arithmetic error occurs because the two arrays must have the same length. In order to compare string variables in if statements, all the string variables must be adjusted to a predetermined length by appending blank spaces. For example, instead of a = 'echinopsis' b = 'thithle' c = 'cirsium' d = 'onopordon' write as a = 'echinopsis' b = 'tliithle c = 'cirsiirz ' d = 'onopordon ' Then, a, b, and c may be compared in if statements. This task may be more easily achieved, however, by str2mat. For example, suppose string variables have been given by tl = 'digitalis' t2 = 'nicotiana' t3 = 'basilicum' . . t4 = 'lychnis' t5 = 'chrysanthemum' Then they may be organized in a single string matrix by s = Str2mat(tl,t2,t3,t4,t5)

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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The first row of s becomes tl, the second row t2, and so on, with an identical length because blank spaces are added to shorter strings. ______________________________________________________________________________ Example 2.1 (a) An array of numbers is given by x= [9, 2, -3, -6, 7, -2, 1, 7, 4, -6, 8, 4, 0, -2]; Write a script to count the number of negative entries. (b) Write a script to find the minimum and maximum values in the. array given in (a). (Do this in a primitive way without using min or max commands.) Solution (a) The key for the script writing is to use for/end and if/end. The counter c is initialized to 0 in the beginning. Then, x(i)<0 is examined for each of x(i). If the condition is satisfied, the counter is increased by one. The final answer is typed simply by c. x=[9, 2, -3, -6, 7, -2, 1, 7, 4, -6, 8, 4, 0, -2]; c=0; for i=1: length(x); if x(i)<0 c=c+l; end end c The answer is c= 5 (b) In the following script, xmin and xmax are initialized to a large positive and large negative number, respectively. Then, xmin and xmax are compared to each x(i). If xmin is greater than x(i), xmin is set to x(i), and, similarly, if xmax is smaller than x(i), xmax is set to x(i).

x=[9, 2, -3, -6, 7, -2, 1, 7, 4, -6, 8, 4, 0, -2]; xmin=999; xmax=-999; for i=l:length(x);

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Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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if xmin>x(i), xmin=x(i);end if xmax<x(i), xmax=x(i);end end [xmin, xmax] The answer is ans = -6 9

Example 2.2 (a) Write a script to examine if a given number is a prime number or not. Read the integer to be examined by the input command. Do not use factor or isprime commands. (Hint: Check to see if the number is divisible by all the lower numbers except unity). (b) Write a script to print out the prime numbers less than 100 in increasing order. Print out the total number of the prime numbers found, a list of the prime numbers, and the sum of the prime numbers less than 100. (Do not use factor or isprime commands). Solution (a) In the following script, the number to be examined, i, is given through the input. The ans is initialized to 1. Then the number i is divided by 2 through i-1. If f ix(i/n) equals i/n for any n, ans is set to 0 and the loop is terminated by break. If the loop is completed without resetting ans=l, the i is a prime number. clear i=input('Type an integer greater than 1: '); ans=l; for n=2:i-l if i/n== f ix(i/n) , ans=0; break;end end if ans==0, fprintf ('No, 7,2. Of is not a prime number. \n' ,i) else end A sample output is fprintf ('Yes, %2.0f is a prime number. \n' ,i)

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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Type an integer greater than 1:5 Yes, 5 is a prime number.

(b) The script for this part is essentially the same as for (a), except the prime number tested is changed in another loop from 2 to 99. The array prime is initialed to 2 because it is the first prime number. If i examined is a prime number, then it is appended to prime. clear prime= [2]; for i=3:99 ans=l; for n=2:i-l if i/n==fix(i/n), ans=0; break ;end end if ans==l, prime=[prime,i];end end k=length(prime); fprintf('\n\nPart (b) answer\n') fprintf('Number of prime numbers = %3.0f\n',k) fprintf('Prime numbers less than 100\n',k) for j=l:length(prime) fprintf ("/.4. Of', prime (j)); if j==fix(j/10)*10, fprintf (\n');end end fprintf ('\nThe sum of the prime numbers = %4. Of \n', sum (prime)) The results are Part (b) Answer Number of prime numbers = 25 Prime numbers less than 100

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Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 The sum of the prime numbers = 1060 2.3 MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS OF MATLAB

Like any other programming language, MATLAB has numerous mathematical functions ranging from elementary to high levels. Elementary functions may be classified into the following three categories: (a) Trigonometric functions (b) Other elementary functions (c) Functions that do chores Table 2.1 shows the functions in the first two categories. The functions in the third category are explained in Section 2.3. Mathematical functions in MATLAB have two distinct differences from those in other programming languages such as Fortran and C: (1) mathematical functions work for complex variables without any discrimination, and (2) mathematical functions work for vector and matrix arguments. complex arguments: To show how the functions of MATLAB work for imaginary or complex variables, let us try cos(2 + 3*i) where i equals the unit imaginary number, or equivalently square root of 1. Then the answer is ans = -

-4.1896 - 9.10921 Table 2.1 Elementary Mathematical Functions Trigonometric functions sin(x) cos(x) tan(x) Remarks

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Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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asin(x) acos(x) atan(x) atan2(y,x) sinh(x) cosh(x) tanh(x) asinh(x) acosh(x) atanh(x) Other elementary functions abs(x) angle(x) absolute value of x Phase angle of complex value: If x = real, angle = 0 If x = sqrt(x) real(x) imag(x) conj(x) round(x) fix(x) floor(x) ceil(x) sign(x) mod(x.y) rem(x,y) , angle = -/2 Remarks -/2 > = atan(x) >= /2 Same as atan(y/x) but - > = atan(y, x) > =

Square root of x Real part of complex value x Imaginary part of complex value x Complex conjugate x Round to the nearest integer Round a real value toward zero Round toward - Round x toward + +1 if x > 0; -1 if x < 0 Remainder upon division: x - y*fix(x/y) Remainder upon division: x - y*fix(x/y).

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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Different from mod if y exp(x) log(x) logl0(x) factor(x) isprime(x) factorial(x) Exponential base e Log base e Log base 10

Factorize x into prime numbers 1 if x is a prime number, 0 if not x!

For another example, consider the arccosine function, which is the inverse of the cosine function defined by y = acos(x) = cos-1(x) The command acos(0.5) yields ans = 1.0472 In MATLAB, however, acos accepts any value in - < x < because the values of acos(z) are not restricted to real values. Indeed, if we try acos(3) then ans = 0 + 1.76271 array arguments: Most functions in MATLAB can take vectors and matrices as argument. For example, if x= 1 9 2 8 3 7

then sin(x) will yield ans = 0.8415 0.9093 0.1411

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Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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which is a matrix of the same size as x. The computation performed here is List 2.4
for i=l:2 for j=l:3 x(i , j)= sin(x(i, j)) end end

If x is a column or row array, sin(x) becomes a column or row array accordingly. 2.4 FUNCTIONS THAT DO CHORES

Besides functions that compute straightforward mathematical functions listed in Table 2.1, there are several functions that do chores. sort: sort reorders elements of a vector to ascending order. This command is useful if data in a random order have to be reordered in ascending order. The argument x can be a row vector, column vector, or a matrix. If x is a matrix, reordering is performed for each column. A few examples are given here: sort ([2 1 5]) ans = 1 2 5

sort ([2 15]') ans = 1 2 5 sort([9 1 5; 2 8 4]) ans = 2 1 9 8 4 5

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Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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sum: sum(x) computes the summation of the elements of a vector or matrix x. For both, a column vector or a row vector, sum computes the total of the elements. If x is a matrix, the sum of each column is computed and a row vector consisting of the summation of each column is returned. A few examples are given here: sum([2 ans = 8 sum([2 ans = 8 sum([2 ans = 11 9 10 1 5; 9 8 5]) 1 5] ') 1 5])

max, min: max(x) finds the maximum in vector x, and min(x) finds the minimum. Argument x can be a row or column vector, or a matrix. If x is a matrix, the answer is a row vector containing the maximum or minimum of each column of x. (The rule is the same as that for sort and sum.) mod: mod(x,y) returns the remainder of division of x by y. Therefore, the returned values becomes zero if x is divisible by y. In other words, mod(x,y) becomes zero if x is an integer multiple of y. eval: Commands can be edited as a string and then executed by eval. The string can be read as input, or created within a script. For example x=0:0.1:10 string=input('Type a function name, and hit return: ','s'); s=['plot(', 'x,',string,'(x))']; eval(s) If the input is cos, for example, the script plots y=cos(x) for x=0:0.1:10. 2.5 DEVELOPING A PROGRAM AS AN M-FILE

Executing commands from a window is suitable only if the amount of typing is small, or if you want to explore ideas interactively. When commands are more than a few lines long, however, the user should write a script m-file, or a function m-file, because the m-files are saved to disk and can be corrected as many times as needed. The m-file can include anything the user would

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Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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write directly in the command window. Beginners should try to develop short m-files first and execute them.
m-files are classified into two categories: script m-file and function m-file. Script corresponds to a main program in traditional programming languages, while function corresponds to subprogram, subroutine, or function in traditional languages.

echo on, echo off: When an m-file is executed, the statements in the m-file are not usually printed on the screen. After echo is turned on with the echo on command, however, the statements are printed out. By doing this, the user can see which part of the m-file is being executed. To turn off echo, type echo off. comment statements: The percent sign in m-files indicates that any statements after this sign on the same line are comments and are to be ignored for computations. Comments added to m-files in this way can help explain the meaning of variables and statements.

m-files are classified into two categories: script m-file and function m-file. Script corresponds to a main program in traditional programming languages, while function corresponds to subprogram, subroutine, or function in traditional languages. 2.6 HOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN FUNCTIONS

Functions in MATLAB, which are saved as separate m-files, are equivalent to subroutines and functions in other languages. function that returns only one variable: Let us consider a function m-file for the following equation: (2.1) Assuming the m-file is saved as demof_.m, its script is illustrated by List 2.5
function y = demof_(x) y = (2*x.^3+7*x.^2+3*x-l)./(x.^2-3*x+5*exp(-x));

Notice that the name of the m-file is identical to the name of the function, which appears on the right side of the equality sign. In the m-file, array arithmetic operators are used, so the argument x can be a scalar as well as a vector or matrix. Once demof_.m is saved as an m-file, it can be used in the command window or in another m-file. The command y = demof_(3) yields y= 502.1384

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Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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If the argument is a matrix, for example, demof_([3,l; 0, -1]) the result becomes a matrix also: ans = 502.1384 -0.2000 -68.4920 0.0568

function that returns multiple variables: A function may return more than one variable. Suppose a function that evaluates mean and standard deviation of data. To return the two variables, a vector is used on the left side of the function statement, for example, List 2.6
function [mean,stdv] n=length(x); mean = sum(x)/n; stdv = sqrt(sum(x.^2)/n - mean.^2); = mean_st(x)

To use this function, the left side of the calling statement should also be a vector. The foregoing script is to be saved as mean_st.m. Then, x= [1 5 3 4 6 5 [m, s] = mean_st(x) yields m= 4.7000 s= 2.3685 function that uses another function: The argument of a function may be the name of another function. For example, suppose a function that evaluates a weighted average of a function at three points as 8 9 2 4];

where f(x) is the function to be named in the argument. The following script illustrates a MATLAB function f_av.m that computes Eq.(2.2):

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Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

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List 2.7
function wa = f_av(f_name, a, b, c)

wa = (feval(f_name,a) + 2*feval(f_name,b)+ feval(f_name,c))/4;

In the foregoing script, f _name (a string variable) is the name of the function f(x). If f(x) is the sine function, f_name equals sin. feval The feval(f_name,x) is a MATLAB command that evaluates the function named f _name for the argument x. For example, y = feval(sin ,x) becomes equivalent to y=sin(x). The number of input and output arguments of feval must be consistent with the input and output format of the function f _name. For example, if the function f _name needs four input variables and returns three output variables, the statement to call feval would be: [p, q, s] = feval f_name, u, v, w, z) where p, q, and s are output, while f _name, u, v, w, and s are input. ______________________________________________________________________________ Example 2.3 Evaluate Eq.(2.2) for the function defined by Eq.(2.1) with a = 1, b = 2, and c = 3. Equation (2.2) has been written as demof_.m in List 2.7. Solution We assume f_av.m (List 2.7) has been saved as an m-file. Then, the command a = f_av('demof_', 1, 2, 3) yields 89.8976 TASKS (2.1) Guess the MATLAB response to the following statements. Examine your answers by executing them on MATLAB. a = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]' b = [9; 7; 5; 3; 1] c = b(2:4) d = b(4:-1:1)

Numerical Computing

Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

24 | P a g e

e = sort(b) f = [3,b'] (2.2) Arrays x and y are defined by x=[7 4 3] y=[-l -2 -3] On MATLAB, make a two-dimensional array such that the first row equals x and the second row equals y.

(2.3) A vector is given by a= [4 -1 2 -8 45-3-16 -7] Write a script that calculates the sum of positive numbers of a. Run the script and show your printout of the answer.
(2.4) Develop a function m-file, fun_es(x), to compute the following function: y = 0.5ex/3 -x2sinx The argument must accept a scalar as well as a vector. Test your function by typing the following on MATLAB: fun_es(3)[1 2 3]) (2.5) Repeat the task of Problem (1.23) for the function: y = sin(x)log(l +x) - x2, Denote the function fun_lg(x). (2.6) A vector is given: A= [1234567890] Write a script to print out the vector content using the fprintf command in a loop such that the printout will look like: Vector A is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0] Print completed. x>0

Numerical Computing

Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

Lab 2: Getting started with MATLAB

25 | P a g e

Note that each number except the last is followed by a comma and one blank space. Your script should work for any other definition of vector A. (2.7) Write an m-file that will take input of an array of from the user and print the sum of all its elements

Numerical Computing

Prepared by: Engr. Aamna Khalid

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