A Ncient Greece: Student: School: I.E.S. Carmen Pantión. Level: 1ºESO Author: José María Tintoré Parra
A Ncient Greece: Student: School: I.E.S. Carmen Pantión. Level: 1ºESO Author: José María Tintoré Parra
A Ncient Greece: Student: School: I.E.S. Carmen Pantión. Level: 1ºESO Author: José María Tintoré Parra
Student: School: I.E.S. Carmen Pantin. Level: 1ESO Author: Jos Mara Tintor Parra. 1
CONTENTS: 1-WHERE IS GREECE? 2-HISTORICAL PERIODS IN GREECE. 2.1-Dark Ages 2.2-The Archaic Period 2.3-Classic Period 2.3.1-The Persian Wars 2.3.2-The Peloponnesian War 2.4 Hellenistic Greece 2.4.1 Alexander the Great. 2.4.2. The Hellenistic Period. 3-GREEK RELIGION 3.1-Greek mythology 3.2-Greek gods 4-GREEK ART 4.1-Architecture 4.2-Sculpture 5-GREEK LEGACY 5.1-Sciences 5.2-Humanities 5.3-And more ACTIVITIES GLOSSARY
1-WHERE IS GREECE? Ancient Greece was in the Eastern Mediterranean, in the Aegean Sean. There are a lot of mountains, so it's difficult to travel by land. But there are a lot of small islands and harbors and it is very easy to travel by boat.
The Ancient Greeks were never a nation. They were always divided. They had two things in common: -Language: The Greek. If you don't speak Greek, you are a barbarian. -Religion: The Greek gods and myths.
2-HISTORICAL PERIODS IN GREECE. 2.1-Dark Ages (1200 b.C to 800 b.C). This period is Dark because we have very little information about it. They forgot the writing and the alphabet. It was a hard time for the Greeks, but it was the time of myth and legends. Homer, a mythical poet, wrote: -The Iliad: The story of the war of Troy.
2.2-The Archaic Period (800 b.C-480 b.C) The poleis appeared in this period. There were a lot of social problems, struggle between farmers and aristocratic families. There was not enough land for everyone. Solutions? A) Colonization: During this period many Greeks left their cities and created new colonies over the Mediterranean Sea.
B) Tyrants: A tyrant is a governor, and he is in power by violence and war. Tyrants were rulers because of their armies. They tried to solution the social problems and created new laws. In Athens, Peisistratus was a famous and popular Tyrant.
De m o s (Pe o p l e)
K r a t o s (G o v e r n m e n t )
All citizens vote at the Agora or public square. There were no political leaders.
The citizens had right to vote, but they were soldiers too. The Greek soldier was the Hoplite. A group of hoplites is a Phalanx. All citizens fought in a line. This was very effective. Nobody could fight without shield, spear, helmet and armor. This was very expensive. Not all people could afford the equipment, so, only rich people could be citizens. Spartans were the best Hoplites. Equipment:
2.3-Classic Period (510 b.C 323 b.C) This is the greatest moment in the Greek culture. There were a lot of advancements in arts, sciences, philosophy, architecture... The two most important facts were: 2.3.1-The Persian Wars (499 b.C 449 b.C) During the 5th Century, the Persian Empire tried to conquer Greece three times. The Persian Empire
All Greek poleis signed an alliance to fight, and finally they defeated the Persians. The most important Greek victories were at Marathon, Salamis, Platea and Mycale.
After the war, all Greek poleis created an alliance, the Delian League, to protect themselves from Persia. Athens was the main polis in the League. Pericles was the most important citizen in Athens, he was a great leader.
2.3.2-The Peloponnesian War (431 b.C 404 b.C) This war was a conflict between the Greek poleis.
A t h e n s a n d i ts a l l ies
Sp a r t a a n d i t s a l l i e s
It was a very hard war. There was no clear winner. Finally Sparta won the war, with Persian help.
After this war, all the poleis declined. Finally, the kingdom of Macedon rose, and took great power.
2.4 Hellenistic Greece (323 b.C. 146 b.C.) 2.4.1 Alexander the Great. (356 b.C. - 323 b.C.) He was a Macedonian prince. He was one of the greatest generals in the world. Philip, his father, conquered nearly all the poleis of Greece.
When his father died, Alexander invaded Asia. He conquered Persia, Egypt and reached India. It was a huge empire, and he conquered it in ten years!
How? Well, he was a great general, and NEVER lost a battle. His greatest battles were Issus and Gaugamela. And he had the best warriors of his time, the Macedonian Phalanx
The Macedonian Phalanx It was just like the Greek phalanx, but they used very long spears, sarissas. Sarissas were 4-7 meters long. They were invincible until the romans.
2.4.2. The Hellenistic Period. Alexander died in 323 b.C, without sons. His generals argued and fought for his empire.
Finally, in 146 b.C. Rome conquered the Greek territories. A new historical period begun. Greece continued as part of the Roman Empire, with great influence in its culture.
3-GREEK RELIGION 3.1-Greek mythology: In Greek mythology, Gods lived in Olympus montain. In Greek mythology, the Gods where like humans, with faults and virtues. The sons of a god and a human was a hero. For example Hercules, Achilles, Eneas...
Zeus was the king of all the gods. Zeus had more powers than anyone. He could throw lightning bolts. Zeus had a quick temper, a big sense of humor, and lots of girlfriends.
She was the Zeus wife. She was the queen of all gods. Hera was very jealous of his husband, Zeus.
Poseidon was the Lord of the Sea. He created tempests and earthquakes. He was violent and furious.
Hades and Zeus were brothers. He was the lord of the Underworld. (Dead people was in the Underworld, but it was not a very bad place) Cerberus was a three-headed dog. It guarded the gates of Hades.
Ares was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was the god of war. He was not very popular, because he only caused trouble.
He was the god's messenger. He was the god of thieves and trade.
Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of Love, Beauty and Eternal Youth. She was the most beautiful goddess.
Apollo was the Olympian God of the Sun, the Light, the Music and the Prophecy. Apollo was a handsome, strong and youthful god with impressive golden hair.
Hephaestus was the Greek God of Metallurgy and the Smith of the Olympian Gods. He was kind, but ugly and lame. His wife was Aphrodite, but she was unfaithful sometimes.
Dionysus was the Greek God of Wine, Joy and Theatre and a Lover of Peace. He was very popular, and he traveled a lot.
4-GREEK ART The greek art wanted beauty and perfection. They looked for the perfect proportion. Greek artists inspire all the European artists of all times. 4.1-Architecture: They created the three types of columns:
The temple was the most important building. The most famous temple was "The Parthenon", in Athens.
4.2-Sculpture. They looked for beauty, movement and proportion in sculpture too. They used marble, but they painted it in different colours! Some famous sculptures are:
Discobolus of Miron
Doriphoros of
Aphrodite of Cnidus, of
5-GREEK LEGACY Greeks were very wise. They created a lot of inventions and new ideas. Greeks have influence on language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science, and the arts. For example: 5.1-Sciences: -Pythagoras in Maths.
-Erathostenes in Geography. He calculated the size of the world. -Hippocrates, in Medicine. -Archimedes in Physics. He explained the lever.
5.2-Humanities: -They created History. Herodotus and Thucydides were the first historians.
-They created Philosophy. Some famous philosophers were Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.
ACTIVITIES 1-Place in the map the next Greek poleis: Athens, Sparta, Olympia, Delphi, Thebes, Samos, Delos, Argos, Corinth.
2-Look for the Spanish names of these poleis: Athens: Sparta: Olympia: Delphi: Thebes: Samos: Delos: Argos: Corinth:
3-Place in the map the Greek colonies: Siracusa, Nicea, Massalia, Emporion, Byzantium, Alalia, Cyrene, Tarantum, Alalia, Naucratis, Cumae.
5-Hoplite: Greek soldier Hoplites have to pay his equipment. A helmet, cuirass and greaves as well as a spear, sword (as secondary weapon) and shield. As a result, hoplites are from the middle-classes. The hoplite was a citizen soldier. Every greek citizen was a hoplite. The hoplite phalanx was a formation in which the hoplites would line up in ranks in close order. The phalanx therefore presented a shield wall and a mass of spear points to the enemy.
True or false: Ancient hoplites used a cannon Only citizens can fight in ancient Greece The state provides (pays for) the weapons The sword is the main weapon for the hoplite The hoplites fight on horseback The phalanx is a formation with hoplites Hoplite is a greek soldier with spear, shield, helmet, cuirass, greaves and a sword Women can be hoplites The phalanx is a good formation to fight in the forest 20
8-Fill the gaps. In _____ Rome conquered all the _______ territories. During the Archaic Period, many Greeks left their cities and created new ________. After the _____________ wars, the poleis _________. Greeks had two things in common, ________ and ________. During the Persian Wars, Greek armies were victorious a Marathon, ________, ________ and ________. During the Archaic Period, there was a ________ between farmers and ________ families. All Greek citizens vote in the _________. The Iliad tells the story of the war of _____. Ancient Greece was in the _______ Sea.
Dark Ages
Archaic Period
Classic Period
Hellenistic Period
Use the next items: 323 b.C. 146 b.C. Odyssey Battles of Marathon, Platea, Mycale... Greatest moment in Greek culture The Peloponnesian War Peisistratus Greek colonizations Alexander the Great Appearance of Democracy in Athens 1200 b.C to 800 b.C Iliad Battles of Issus and Gaugamela 510 b.C 323 b.C First Olympic Games
Greek Poleis create the Struggle between Delian League farmers and aristocrats Alexander's generals fight for his empire 800 b.C-480 b.C Pericles Alexander invaded and conquered Asia
Rome conquered Greek Philip (King of territories. Macedon) Homer The Persian Wars
10-Look for the song at the web, listen to it. Then fill the gaps.
IRON MAIDEN - ALEXANDER THE GREAT (SOMEWHERE IN TIME) Words: Great, Greece, city, nineteen, treasures, glory, Alexander, born, Egypt, Christianity, India, Gordion knot, Marching, kingdom. Fear. "My son, ask for thyself another ________, For that which I leave is to small for thee." Near to the East, in a part of ancient _______, In an ancient land called Macedonia, Was _____ a son to Philip of Macedon, The legend his name was Alexander. Chorus: Alexander the Great, His name struck fear into hearts of men, Alexander the _______ Became a god amongst mortal men.
A Phrygian King had bound a chariot yoke, At the age of _______, he became the Macedon king, And Alexander cut the "____ ____", And swore to free all of Asia Minor, And legend said that who untied the knot, By the Aegian Sea in 334 BC, He would become the master of Asia. He utterly beat the armies of Persia. Chorus: Alexander the Great, His name struck ____ into hearts of men, Alexander the Great, Became a legend 'mongst mortal men. King Darius the third, Defeated fled Persia, The Scythians fell by the river Jaxartes, Then _____ fell to the Macedon king as well, And he founded the ____ called Alexandria. By the Tigris river, he met King Darius again, And crushed him again in the battle of Arbela, Entering Babylon and Susa, ________ he found, Took Persepolis, the capital of Persia. Helonism he spread far and wide, The Macedonian learned mind, Their culture was a western way of life, He paved the way for __________. _________ on, Marching on. The battle weary marching side by side, Alexander's army line by line, They wouldn't follow him to _____, Tired of the combat, pain and the. _____ Chorus: Alexander the Great, His name struck fear into hearts of men, ________ the Great, He died of fever in Babylon.
11-Look for the Alexander the Great's biography and answer the questions. A- In what greek state was Alexander born in 356 bC? B- What was the name of Alexander's father? C- What was the name of Alexander's horse? D- What was the name of the Persian king enemy of Alexander? E- Which famous philosopher was the tutor of Alexander the Great? F- Name two famous battles of Alexander the Great and place them in the map: G- What was the Alexander's mother's name? H- Alexander III had a sister, what was her name? I- Which was the capital of Macedonia? J- On November 331 B.C Alexander the Great finally entered the capital of the Persian empire. What was the name of this ancient capital city? K- Where did Alexander the Great die? L- And what was the reason of his death? M- Name three countries conquered by Alexander. I mean the actual names. 12-Guess who. Who is the God: He's got a lot of girlfriends. His wife is very jealous. He is very popular and funny. His wife is the most beautiful, but unfaithful. He's got a very special and fierce dog.
He is like a rock star, handsome and good musician. He is never dry. She is the most powerful goddess. She is beautiful but not very good wife 13-Other gods: Now, look for information of these gods and heroes.
16-Write some famous Greek names in these disciplines: P hi l os op h y His t o r y M e dici n e Ge o g r a p h y P h ysi cs Ma t hs
17-Philosophy: Look for the names of TWELVE Greek philosophers and write them here.
Aegean: Egeo (mar). (To) Afford: Permitirse (de poder permitirse pagar algo) Age: Edad, era. Alliance: Alianza. Archaic: Arcico/a. Argued: (Pasado de To argue) Discutieron. Aristocratic: Aristocrtico. Armor: Armadura. Army: Ejrcito. Barbarian: Brbaro. Begun: (Pasado de To begin) Empez. Citizen: Ciudadano. (To) Conquer: Conquistar. Clear: Claro. Colonies: Colonias. (Es decir, ciudades de nueva fundacin) Corinthian: Corntio. Dark: Oscuro. Declined: Declin, rechaz. (El poder declin, es decir, que se hicieron menos poderosos) Died: (Pasado de To die) Muri. Doric: Drico. Earthquake: Terremoto. Eastern: Oriental, del este, de oriente. Empire: Imperio. Equipment: Equipamiento. Expensive: Caro. Farmer: Granjero, campesino. Fault: Defecto. Forgot: (Pasado de Forget), Olvidar. Fought: (Pasado de To fight) Lucharon. General: General. (To) Go back: Volver. God: Dios. Golden: Dorado. Governor: Gobernante. Great: Gran. Harbor: Puerto. Hard: Duro, difcil. Helmet: Casco. Huge: Enorme. Impressive: Impresionante. Influence: Influencia. (To) Invade: Invadir. Ionic: Jnico. King: Rey. Jealous: Celosa. Lame: Cojo. Land: Tierra. Laws: Leyes. Leader: Lder. Left: Dej, parti (Pasado de Leave) Lever: Palanca. Lightning bolt: Rayo. Lost: Perdido. Marble: Mrmol. Messenger: Mensajero. Metic: Meteco (no griego) Myth: Mito. Never: Nunca. (To) Occur: Ocurrir, suceder. Over: Alrededor, sobre. Phalanx: Falange. Philosophy: Filosofa. Power: Poder. Prophecy: Profeca. (To) Reach: Alcanzar. Right: Derecho. Rose: (Pasado de To rise) Surgi, apareci. Ruler: Gobernante. Shield: Escudo. Size: Tamao. Slave. Esclavo. Smith: Herrero. Soldier: Soldado. Spear: Lanza. Square: Cuadrado, plaza. State: Estado. Story: Cuento, leyenda, historia. Stranger: Extranjero, extrao. Struggle: Lucha, pelea. Temper: Carcter. Tempest: Tempestad. Temple: Templo. Themselves: A ellos mismos, a s mismos. Thieves: Ladrones (Plural de Thief) Thing: Cosa. Too: Tambin. Trade: Comercio. Travel: Viaje, (To) Travel: Viajar. Tried: (Pasado de To try). Probar, intentar. Troy: Troya. Trying: Intentando. Tyrant: Tirano. Underworld: El Inframundo o ms all. Unfaithful: Infiel. Until: Hasta. Virtue: Virtud. Vote: Voto. War: Guerra. Warrior: Guerrero. Wise: Sabio. Youth: Juventud.