The People Code: It's All About Your Innate Motive by Taylor Hartman
The People Code: It's All About Your Innate Motive by Taylor Hartman
The People Code: It's All About Your Innate Motive by Taylor Hartman
ABOUT THE BOOK Finally from the world of psychological psychobabble comes a BOOK OF SUBSTANCE! This is not a fad, and its concepts offer us a solid surface upon which we can begin to understand ourselves and the others with whom we interact. What a TIMELESS GIFT OF INSIGHT. If you only read one book this year, do yourself and the rest of us a favorREAD THIS BOOK! You will never see yourself or others the same again.
Howard Alper, CEO, Chicago, Illinois
I will never understand how Oprah Winfrey missed this one. If anything can improve the quality of our lives at every level, THIS IS IT!
Paul Beidler, Mission Viejo, California
Its really very easy. If you dont get this book, you dont get life!
Diane Anderson, Corona Del Mar, California
The CLARITY and VISION of The People Code is PHENOMENAL. The book sits on my nightstand right next to my Bible.
William Crowder, M.D., Conroe, Texas
Some people might think this is just lightweight fun. Dont kid yourself. The People Code is a lot like Disneyland. It reads with such an unassuming style and possesses such a uniquely inviting charm that one easily forgets its POWERFULLY CRAFTED, UNPARALLELED ACCURACY.
Daniel Morse, Fox Point, Wisconsin
This POWERFUL PERSONALITY MODEL is heads and shoulders above every other personality prole out there. Ive used them all from MyersBriggs to Wilson Learning and there is NO COMPARISON. Once you have used this model, you will never use the others again.
Donalie Hartwell, San Luis Obispo, California
ABOUT THE AUTHOR In a day and age when whining for the spotlight and shameless notoriety are often confused with earned fame, Taylor Hartman strikes you, instead, as the GENUINE ARTICLE. He is WARM, CHARISMATIC, and CHARMING. He is a much sought after and spellbinding speaker, and literally hundreds of thousands of people have felt the force of his unconditional love and improved their lives as a direct result of his work. He embraces life absolutely and is a remarkable, life-enhancing gure. Dr. Taylor Hartman is DESTINED TO IMPACT THE WORLD IN A WONDERFUL AND PROFOUND WAY!
Brad Willis, Provo, Utah
Dr. Taylor Hartman
New York
First, I acknowledge God and His remarkable insights about core personalities, which I would never have discovered on my own. I am honored by His inspiration and humbled to be provided the opportunity to bring these powerful truths about the true nature of man to light in this book. Whenever important truth attempts to emerge, there is strong resistance. I am extremely grateful for the many individuals who stood courageously to make this book a reality. From those who rst challenged me to write the rst chapters to those who have carried this message throughout the world, thank you. Thank you to legitimate trainers, certied teachers, and committed parents for doing your own personal work and helping others live life more abundantly with this message. Thank you to all the raving fans of my work around the globe, who keep the spirit of this revolutionary message alive wherever you live; to employers, employees, parents, children, professors, and therapists who practice what we preach. I am grateful to every patient I have ever seen and business clients who have passionately embraced the power of this work. Marriage to my amazing wife, Jean, for more than thirty years has been the critical underpinning of this work. Our children (and their spouses) and grandchildren have been co-authors in this memorable journey over the past twenty-ve years. Living the message in our lives has been my greatest joy. Seeing how it truly enhances every relationship and life experience inspires me. Professionally, I have always felt a remarkable connection to the publisher at Scribner, Susan Moldow, who deserves special thanks for her continuing vision and steady guidance in my work. Also, thank you to Brant Rumble and Lindsay Cahoon for their outstanding editing gifts throughout this entire process. Finally, I wish to thank my literary agent, Margaret McBride, for her continuing promotion of this work.
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Chapter 1. The Fundamentals of Your Personality Chapter 2. The Hartman Personality Prole Chapter 3. The Magic of Motive Chapter 4. Personality in Perspective 7 15 26 35
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Introduction Chapter 11. Connecting Red Dots Chapter 12. Perfect Blue Genes Fit Chapter 13. White Blends and Yellow Highlights Chapter 14. The Rainbow Connection: Building Successful Relationships xiii
How do I introduce this man? At rst my thoughts turn to his many degrees and professional credentials, but he has experienced so much and enriched the hearts of so many people, that those degrees and credentials cant describe the real Taylor Hartman. When I think of his doctoral degree at the United States International University in San Diego, California, what I remember is the way he kept up with his commitment to his family and community obligations despite his heavy career and education schedule. Taylor enjoys many professional and civic responsibilities, yet he always lets us know that we are the most important people in his life. Taylor is a lover. He loves people so easily that one would almost have to live with him as I do to appreciate how sincere his love is. Taylor has always been committed to improving the quality of lifenot only his but that of all those he encounters. And yet he remains very playful and loves to live in the present. Taylor is as comfortable playing horsie and duck-duck-goose in our family room as he was addressing the International Congress of Psychologists in Austria. In fact, his playful behavior has often provided a creative outlet for our family. He dated each of our ve children once a month as they grew up, and continues to romance me with frequent surprises and adventures. Despite the high praise Taylor receives for his professional counseling and consulting business, he still maintains that the highest compliment he ever received was from his then nine-year-old daughter. She told her schoolteacher that she didnt mind having personal problems, because Dad would always take time to give her private counseling. The question I am most often asked about Taylor is, What is it really like to live with him? Perhaps the easiest and most accurate answer is to simply say, Hes a man who practices what he preaches.
The People Code is a special gift from a very special person. He cares. This book will help you understand: the mysteries of yourself, the miracle of your relationships, and the magic of living. Taylor Hartman will touch your heart, and this book will change your life.
Jean Hartman, 2007
Do you remember the rst time you tied your own shoelaces? Or drank water from a moving stream? Or played your rst sports game? The moment we discover anything new in life creates a memory all its own. These moments remain with us forever and we sometimes wonder how limited our lives might have been without them. Millions of people around the world remember when they rst discovered The People Code (previously published as The Color Code)when they rst tasted its resonate truth. For some it seems like yesterday, while others feel as though it has been with them forever. Of course they would remember itlike a rst kiss, it leaves an impression that lasts a lifetime. The rst time an individual discovers his or her innate driving core motive in life is always lled with intrigue and awe. How could he possibly know me so well?! is a common immediate response. Red, White, Blue, or Yelloweveryone is motivated by an internal driving core personality that completely colors how he or she views and experiences life. For twenty years, The People Code has connected with people around the globemost understanding themselves for the very rst time with the depth only color-coding can offer. The People Code offers you the opportunity to see yourself and others in a way you never have before. Once you get yourself through the color code lter, it changes your self-awareness and provides tools for effectively connecting with others. This is an experience that you will want to share with everyone. We have come to realize the signicant impact emotional intelligence plays in our lives. Many studies have concluded that it is up to four times more critical to life success than ones IQ. Yet we are far from perfected in our understanding and demonstrating of this skill set so essential to creating success in our lives. The People Code touches every aspect of our lives from hiring to datxvii
ing, from parenting to managing, from working well with colleagues to enjoying yourself at a dinner party. Literally thousands of daily human interactions are determined by how well we embrace these principles. Still, we struggle to develop this powerful and life-afrming understanding of others and ourselves. Dont put this book down until you understand and can accurately apply its rich insights. Companies use it in hiring and retention of employees. Couples read it carefully before marriage. Parents live by it. Students fashion study habits after it. Salesmen devour it. Diplomats review it before engaging in dialogue. Lawyers create juries with it. Teachers construct lesson plans and seating charts by it. In literally every aspect of your life, this book improves you and your chances for success. After twenty years of witnessing rsthand its powerful impact, I am honored to provide a brand new revision of The People Code. This book teaches you about the power of motivewhat motivates you and others. When you appreciate the role that motive plays in the dynamics of human relationships, you begin to understand the meaning of life. Enjoy the journey of seeing yourself and others as never before.
Taylor Hartman, Ph.D.
her committed love. The noise my children made began to excite me again as a reminder of how lucky I was to be alive to watch them grow up. Once again I began to see how unique their personalities were. My oldest Red daughter, Terra, who moved so condently, demanded that I reconnect with her, while Summer, White, waited and watched patiently for my return. My Yellow daughter, Mikelle, hugged me freely, told me she loved me, and went off to play, condent that I would once again be well. My little Red three-year-old, BreAnne, continued her independent play, unfazed by her daddys recent confusion. It was as if my identity returned, and with this new identity came my commitment to live again. Actually, the identity wasnt new. I had merely found the old me again. After wandering for months in depression and severe memory loss, I felt new. I began to laugh and tease friends. I felt myself beginning to get comfortable with life, much the way a guest who stays long enough in a home begins to feel like family. I was once again comfortable with my life because I had found my personalitymy identity. My renewed self-awareness and the recognition of my familys diverse personalities reminded me of the book I had been working on prior to the accident. Difcult as the accident and its aftermath were, no experience could have been more timely. It convinced me of the incredible purpose our personalities play in our lives. It reminded me of my character strengths and limitations. It brought me back to me. I am more sensitive today than I was before the accident. I had become too busy to play. I had become too busy to do the things I enjoyed most in my professiontime to call patients, create teambuilding strategies with corporate clients, and deliver exciting keynote speeches. Now I take the time to go to lunch with friends and laugh until we must leave. Now I take the time to call my wife during the day just to say I love you. Now I take the time to travel with my children. Now I take the time to live and to love. This close brush with death brought refreshing perspective to my life. All of us, in some way, experience our own crises. Perhaps they afford us the luxury we might otherwise never afford ourselvesthe sudden sense of who we really are and what were really all about. You, the reader, do not have to experience a serious accident to discover your own identity. You can be awakened to your identity with a carefully designed prole that will aid you in identifying your personality traits. Each personality, with its strengths and limitations, will be fully explained. You will be offered suggestions on how to develop your character and your personality to be your best self. Relationships between the personality styles will also be discussed. You will be
guided in assessing how to succeed in your various relationships at work, at home, and with friends. We all have a personality and character. It is not determined at birth what we will do with either of them. Unfortunately, many people simply grow old rather than ever growing up. This is your opportunity to understand the difference. It is my hope that The People Code will be your guide to understanding and appreciating various personality types. Using the color code system described in the following chapters, you will learn how to improve your relationships, including the most important relationship of allyour relationship with yourself.
Part One
Chapter One
who they really are inside. Frankly, everyones life would make so much more sense if they simply understood why they think and act as they do. I am always watching you. I am so much a part of your internal fabric that you typically dont even recognize that I am with you. We move hand in glove because of our connection. When most people see your behavior, they dont know why you behave as you do. But I do! I know exactly why you think and feel like you do. I know why President Bill Clinton couldnt keep his pants zipped while serving in the White House, tainting an otherwise inspired presidency. I also understand why his most cynical opponents nd him charmingly irresistible in person. I know why Oprah Winfrey runs a quality media empire but cant trust the intimacy of marriage. I understand how she can be compassionate and cruel in the same day. I know why Brad Pitt abandoned his marriage to Jennifer Aniston for a relationship and children with Angelina Jolie. I also know how Angelina controls the momentum of their lives while he controls their emotional moods. I know why Meryl Streep, considered by many to be the greatest actress of her day, chose family and a committed relationship as her primary focus in life. She never saw her career as separate from her life. There is one of me for every person on the earth regardless of when or where they were born. Some people appreciate me far more than others. Some people actually remain trusting and connected throughout their entire lives while others discard me with disdain. Your thoughts and actions make perfect sense to meexcept when you act differently from whom you really are! Sometimes you act like someone you think you should be. I have to admit, when you do that it drives me crazy. You can be so frustrating when you let others convince you that who you really are inside isnt enoughisnt who you should be! Then you go off pretending to be someone whom others want you to be. I cant tell you how difcult it is to sit back and watch you sort out whether you should be true to your intrinsic self or pretend to be what others tell you to be. Its times like these when I have to simply wait until you return to your true innate self and once again we nd our natural compatibility. Then, and only then, can I sleep comfortably at night. When we are in sync I love life (as do you!) and feel completely validated. When you toss me aside and deny me access to you, I become restless and unnerved. As your driving core motive, I am neither good nor badI simply am! Some use me for positive while others use me for negative. The choice is completely theirs, not mine. Before there was race, religion,
gender, birth order, or cultural biases, there was me! In the womb, you and I were close. Its a very personal story that we shareone that I want you to know because the quality of our connection will make all the difference in the quality of your life. You are going to discover that while you are unique, you share similar driving core motives with people of every faith, race, gender, and economic condition. An illegal immigrant, a terrorist, an Australian lm sensation, and a U.S. president all share the same driving core motive. They may appear substantially different because of the many nuances that enhance and detract from our unique lives, but their core personalities remain the same. In other words, what drives their daily existencetheir needs and wants and personality motives, remains the same. What you could know about people from around the world would amaze you if you only understood the code. I am at the very core of your personality, which is born in your soul. I am completely different from your personal history, which is reected in your family upbringing, race, religious afliations, birth order, and other cultural inuences. A unique blending of both personality and personal history creates the distinct mixture that ultimately becomes you. Before you had ngers and toes, we were best friends. Before your parents met you, I was part of your every thought and action. I often reect back on our early days together and remember how easy it was and how well we got along. I would whisper in your ear and you would automatically agree. I gave you condence to be you. I am still your best friend and strongest ally, but sometimes you forget how well I know you. You can ignore me and then I become your worst nightmare. When you are true to me, your life makes sense. When you deny me, or resist my inuence, you are miserable and so is everyone else around you. I remain a mystery to most people. They dont understand our relationship. I am not merely a product of genetics (two Red parents do not a Red baby make!). I am not a reection of your cultural ancestors (dont blame me for your hot Irish temper!). I am born in your soul and provide the primary driving motive for your entire lifeunique from the many other factors that inuence how you think and behave. Every human being is born with a driving core motive that lies at the very center of their innate personality. Your driving core motive makes all the difference in how you look at life. I will never lie to you. As you grow older, you may reject me or lie to yourself about who you really are, and then things can get pretty ugly between us. Remember, people lie loudest when they lie to themselves. Sometimes, but not always, people wake up. They sort out what caused them to become incongruent with themselves and once again
life makes sense and feels good. Sometimes, however, they prefer pleasing others or give in to their fears, living their lives out in lies and incongruence. Now, that is a tragedy. I hope you will want to know me. Learn about me. I will always tell you the truth about you. And once you know your true self, you carry a most powerful awareness of how to play to your strengths in life. Remember, I will always be with you. You can always come to me when you want to live congruently with who you were born to be. Life will challenge you to lose sight of yourself. Look inward and you will see me. I remain one constant you can always trustyour driving core motive. Use me as your North Star and everything else will line up legitimately to bring you meaning in your life. Very best of living, Your driving core motive Remember when your driving core motive told you about the two dening factors that make up the unique youpersonality (which includes your driving core motive) and personal history? Sometimes personality and personal history work well together to enhance a person and other times they work against each other. Let me explain. There has been an ongoing debate about whether it is nature (innate personality) or nurture (personal history) that most denes a person. Truth be told, both sides have valid arguments. Your driving core personality is with you in the womb, but once youre born, it quickly becomes enmeshed with personal history as parents impact your habits and lifestyle. Your personality becomes layered with your personal history, making you as unique as your ngerprint. Your personality defines your innate motive, needs, and wants, and inherent strengths and limitations. Your personal history strongly inuences your perspective on life. I am a strong Yellow personality who innately loves to play. I was born to a strong Red mother who expected me to be productive in society. While my desire to play (innate personality) clashed with her desire for me to be productive (personal history), the combination offered me a unique way of negotiating my life that makes me different from any other Yellow on the planet. One must not give either component too much leverage in dictating how he or she lives. For example, Yellows cant just say, Of course Im late and act irresponsible. Im Yellow, you know! Nor can one use genetic aspects of personal history to explain poor choices. I have to drink and ght. Im Irish! Yeah, three generations ago their great-grandparents lived in Ireland, but they have never set foot in Ireland. Yet they claim being Irish gives them automatic license to drink and ght, as if it were passed down in their DNA.
Take the human face. There are only so many different elements that make up a face: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc. Yet no two people look exactly the same. So it goes with our personalities. Though there are
only four driving core motives, no two personalities are exactly alike. Combine this with our personal histories and you can readily see how unique every human being is. Your personality is anchored by your driving core motive. Your driving core motive calls the shots from your subconscious mind and causes you to think and act as you do. Your core motive is to your personality as breathing is to the human body. Without it, you die. That is why people with different personality colors are driven so uniquely different than their peers. In order to breathe, you must be true to your innate driving core motive. The challenges come when others dont value our driving core motive or we lose sight of how to effectively maintain our core motive when engaging others with a different set of motives, wants, or needs. Whenever a person distances himself from his driving core motive, he loses himself in the process. Knowing yourself and understanding why you think and behave as you do is necessary in order to enjoy positive self-esteem. Knowing others and understanding why they think and behave as they do is the cornerstone of successful relationships. Daniel Goleman suggested, in his groundbreaking work on emotional intelligence, that emotional intelligence (EQ) is far more critical than a persons IQ in creating a successful life. The foundation of EQ is self-awareness. You will never be fully aware until you understand your innate driving core motive, complete with personality strengths and limitations as well as needs and wants. Personality sits at the very core of who you are and lining up with yourself is imperative if you want to experience the congruent life.
Your personality determines whether you are easily depressed, casual, critical, careful, or carefree. It determines whether you are passive or assertive. Do you dash off at the last minute for an appointment, or always arrive with time to spare? Is your desk cluttered or meticulously clean? Do you seek deep, meaningful conversations, or would you rather risk your life on a wild mountain-climbing adventure? Are you most comfortable leading or following others? Your personality is more than just an attitude. It is what causes your preferences, actions, and reactions in life.
Personality is like family. You will struggle with your personality at times in your life, but let an outsider do or say something unkind and watch out! We are very defensive of our personalitiesourselves! Personality points each of us in a particular direction and makes us feel uncomfortable when we deviate from it. The moment we stray from its prescribed plan, we feel disoriented. Even when we try to improve ourselves, we will feel a tug from our personality to resist the change. Our personality explains us and gives us acceptance and direction in our daily lives. Each of us needs our own personal code of behavior but it makes change rather daunting. We must value our personalities for their many gifts in our livesclarity, focus, connection. However, we must exert control over our personality if we hope to become more than we were at birth. We must challenge our core personality limitations in order to live happier, healthier, and more charactered lives.
Chapter Two
drives you. I will use a color system to help you remember your core personality. There are Reds, Blues, Whites, and Yellows! One of these will be you. Dont worry about being lumped into a category. Remember the human facefew options, abundant possibilities. We are all unique, but this will prove a critical step in solving the mystery of you. Each color stands for a collection of traits, strengths, and limitations. Far from being limited to explaining only individual personalities, this color symbolism also claries relationships between people and the impact that various personalities have on one another. We have tested this theory around the globe and discovered that every color exists in every corner of the earth. Among all ages, races, religions, cultures, and genders, you will nd 35 percent Blues, 25 percent Reds, 20 percent Whites, and 20 percent Yellows. Various business careers, for example, may skew the percentages because they invite specic colors due to the nature of the work and how they value various personalities gifts. However, in the general population, when people are allowed to see themselves in their raw innate state, the percentages hold. Now its time to discover your own personality typeyour own color. Perhaps you will learn things about yourself that you were not aware of, or nd out why you have certain tendencies or reactions you have never been able to understand. In time, you will probably be able to identify the colors of other people as well. This will help you to understand them better, and pave the way to more meaningful relationships. Its unlikely that your color will prove to be pure100 percent Red or Blue or White or Yellow. Nature isnt that simple. Instead, even those individuals with a strong afnity for one particular color will nd it tinged with traces of others. When your prole results reect high scores in more than one personality areathat is, when two colors are almost equal in strengthyou may at rst nd it difcult to identify the stronger one. Dont worry. As you read further, the motives and characteristics of each personality type will become clear, and you should have little trouble determining your primary personality color. As you seek your true identity, you may begin to see yourself differentlyand more accurately. You will become aware of your many strengths. And though some of your negative suspicions about yourself may also be veried, you will be comforted in knowing that you are not alonewe all have a balance of strengths and weaknesses in our personality makeup. Dont be discouraged by any weaknesses you have. In the later chapters of the book, I will show you how to turn limitations into assets.
In taking the Hartman Personality Prole, be as honest as you can. Theres no point in deceiving yourself about who you really are. Dishonesty will only limit your knowledge of yourself and confuse your relationships with others. Discovering your core personality is your challenge. The following recommendations will enhance your accuracy in taking the prole: 1. Unless otherwise directed, answer every question from your earliest recollections of how you were as a child. Since your personality is innate and comes with your soul at birth, this will provide a more accurate perspective on who you innately are, as opposed to who you have become. 2. Do not hesitate to ask others for feedbackespecially people who may not agree with you. Their opinions can help you balance your self-assessment. 3. Strive to choose answers that are most often typical of your thoughts and/or actions. Subconsciously, you may want to avoid identifyingor facingthe real you, but tough it out. Dont cheat yourself by prettying things up; the potential rewards for honesty are too great. Enjoy the prole. You are about to determine your true color. 4. Some of you may consciously seek ways to beat the prole and actually look for patterns in order to skew the prole results. Others may perceive the prole design to be oversimplied. I caution you not to be fooled. The prole has been successfully used by millions of readers for many years in producing reliable insight. The results have reinforced my condence that your honesty and the proles simplicity are a tough team to beat.
THE PEOPLE CODE 4. a) b) c) d) 7. a) b) c) d) 10. a) b) c) d) 13. a) b) c) d) __ self-serving __ suspicious __ unsure __ naive __ assertive __ reliable __ kind __ sociable 5. a) b) c) d) 8. a) b) c) d) __decisive __ loyal __ contented __ playful __ bossy __ self-critical __ reluctant __ a teaser 6. a) b) c) d) 9. a) b) c) d) 12. a) b) c) d) 15. a) b) c) d) __arrogant __ worry-prone __ silently stubborn __ ighty __ action-oriented __ analytical __ easygoing __ carefree __ demanding __ unforgiving __ unmotivated __ vain __ strong-willed __ respectful __ patient __ fun-loving
__critical of others 11. a) __ determined __ overly sensitive b) __ detail conscious __ shy c) __ a good listener __ obnoxious d) __ a party person __ responsible __ idealistic __ considerate __ happy 14. a) b) c) d) __ impatient __ moody __ passive __ impulsive
16. a) __ argumentative b) __ unrealistic c) __ directionless d) __ an interrupter 19. a) b) c) d) 22. a) b) c) d) 25. a) b) c) d) 28. a) b) c) d) __ powerful __ deliberate __ gentle __ optimistic __ always right __ guilt prone __ unenthusiastic __ uncommitted __ task-oriented __ sincere __ diplomatic __ lively
17. a) __ independent b) __ dependable c) __ even-tempered d) __ trusting 20. a) b) c) d) 23. a) b) c) d) 26. a) b) c) d) __ insensitive __ judgmental __ boring __ undisciplined __ pragmatic __ well-behaved __ accepting __ spontaneous __ tactless __ hard to please __ lazy __ loud
18. a) __ aggressive b) __ frequently __ depressed c) __ ambivalent d) __ forgetful 21. a) b) c) d) 24. a) b) c) d) 27. a) b) c) d) 30. a) b) c) d) __ logical __ emotional __ agreeable __ popular __ merciless __ thoughtful __ uninvolved __ a show-off __ direct __ creative __ adaptable __ a performer __ intimidating __ careful __ unproductive __ afraid to face facts
THE HARTMAN PERSONALITY PROFILE Strengths and Limitations Totals ____ Total as ____Total bs ____Total cs ____ Total ds
Enter your totals in the proper spaces. Now lets see if you respond the same way to the following situations as you did to groups of descriptive words. Again, pick only one answer, and record your totals for each letter at the end of the section.
SITUATIONS 31. If I applied for a job, a prospective employer would most likely hire me because I am: a) ___ Driven, direct, and delegating. b) ___ Deliberate, accurate, and reliable. c) ___ Patient, adaptable, and tactful. d) ___ Fun-loving, spirited, and casual. 32. When involved in an intimate relationship, if I feel threatened by my partner, I: a) ___ Fight back with facts and anger. b) ___ Cry, feel hurt, and plan revenge. c) ___ Become quiet, withdrawn, and often hold anger until I blow up ___ over some minor issue later. d) ___ Distance myself and avoid further conict. 33. For me, life is most meaningful when it: a) ___ Is task-oriented and productive. b) ___ Is lled with people and purpose. c) ___ Is free of pressure and stress. d) ___ Allows me to be playful, lighthearted, and optimistic. 34. As a child, I was: a) ___ Stubborn, bright, and/or aggressive. b) ___ Well behaved, caring, and/or depressed. c) ___ Quiet, easygoing, and/or shy. d) ___ Too talkative, happy, and/or playful. 35. As an adult, I am: a) ___ Opinionated, determined, and/or bossy. b) ___ Responsible, honest, and/or unforgiving. c) ___ Accepting, contented, and/or unmotivated. d) ___ Charismatic, positive, and/or obnoxious. 19
THE PEOPLE CODE 36. As a parent, I am: a) ___ Demanding, quick-tempered, and/or uncompromising. b) ___ Concerned, sensitive, and/or critical. c) ___ Permissive, easily persuaded, and/or often overwhelmed. d) ___ Playful, casual, and/or irresponsible. 37. In an argument with a friend, I am most likely to be: a) ___ Verbally stubborn about facts. b) ___ Concerned about others feelings and principles. c) ___ Silently stubborn, uncomfortable, and/or confused. d) ___ Loud, uncomfortable, and/or compromising. 38. If my friend was in trouble, I would be: a) ___ Protective, resourceful, and recommending solutions. b) ___ Concerned, empathetic, and loyalregardless of the problem. c) ___ Supportive, patient, and a good listener. d) ___ Nonjudgmental, optimistic, and downplaying the seriousness ___ of the situation. 39. When making decisions, I am: a) ___ Assertive, articulate, and logical. b) ___ Deliberate, precise, and cautious. c) ___ Indecisive, timid, and reluctant. d) ___ Impulsive, uncommitted, and inconsistent. 40. When I fail, I feel: a) ___ Silently self-critical, yet verbally stubborn and defensive. b) ___ Guilty, self-critical, and vulnerable to depressionI dwell ___ on it. c) ___ Unsettled and fearful, but I keep it to myself. d) ___ Embarrassed and nervousseeking to escape the situation. 41. If someone crosses me: a) ___ I am angered and cunningly plan ways to get even quickly. b) ___ I feel deeply hurt and nd it almost impossible to forgive com___ pletely. Generally, getting even is not enough. c) ___ I am silently hurt and plan to get even and/or completely avoid ___ the other person. d) ___ I want to avoid confrontation, consider the situation not impor___ tant enough to bother with, and/or seek other friends. 42. Work is: a) ___ A most productive way to spend ones time. 20
THE HARTMAN PERSONALITY PROFILE b) ___ A healthy activity, which should be done right if its to be done ___ at all. Work should be done before one plays. c) ___ A positive activity as long as it is something I enjoy and dont ___ feel pressured to accomplish. d) ___ A necessary evil, much less inviting than play. 43. In social situations, I am most often: a) ___ Feared by others. b) ___ Admired by others. c) ___ Protected by others. d) ___ Envied by others. 44. In a relationship, I am most concerned with being: a) ___ Approved of and right. b) ___ Understood, appreciated, and intimate. c) ___ Respected, tolerant, and peaceful. d) ___ Praised, having fun, and feeling free. 45. To feel alive and positive, I seek: a) ___ Adventure, leadership, and lots of action. b) ___ Security, creativity, and purpose. c) ___ Acceptance and safety. d) ___ Excitement, playful productivity, and the company of others. Situation Totals ____ Total as ____Total bs ____Total cs ____ Total ds
Now add your totals from numbers 130 to those from numbers 3145 to get your grand totals. At this point, the four personality color types are assigned to each of the letters: Red for a, Blue for b, White for c, and Yellow for d.
RED (a) ____ BLUE (b) ____ WHITE (c) ____ YELLOW (d) ____
depending on your responses. However, your motive (not your behavior) determines your primary personality (well get to that later). If the totals from the word-choice section do not substantially agree with the totals from the situations section, you will nd further guidance in later chapters on the various colors and their motives.
How does it feel to have a new identity and immediate membership in an elite group of people with the same color? Of course you are unique, but there is a strong bond of similarity between you and everyone who shares your distinct color characteristics. You must consider this color prole a guide, not a directive engraved in stone. Few people are completely represented by just one personality type. Your color reects your primary personality, but, like most people, you are probably a mixture of types. The percent of colors other than your own represented in your pie chart reects this. You are, however, always predominantly one color, one personality. Even if your scores seem close now, by the time youve studied the whole book, you should be able to glean your primary color. As a result of taking the Hartman Personality Prole, you have discovered the rst important truth about yourself. You are either a purist (predominantly one color, totaling 30 or more responses to a single letter) or a mixed personality (two or more colors representing almost equal totals). Suddenly, you have a new identityperhaps an unexpected one. You did not choose it, study for it, or acquire it through conscious effort. Nor can your parents claim genetic responsibility for it. Your personality is uniquely and refreshingly you. Do what comes naturally. That is the straightest path to inner peace.
While purists nd it easy to relate to examples that reect primary colors, individuals with strong secondary colors do not. They are more complex. The characteristics of their behavior and their motives are harder to pin down. Once you have reviewed each of the primary core colors, Chapter 9 will delve deeper into secondary colors. For now, let me offer brief insights into the common personality blends.
The most difcult color combination within one individual is the mixture of Red and Blue. If you are strong in both categories, you will often nd yourself stepping on someones toes to get a task completed (Red), but feeling guilty afterward for making that person unhappy (Blue). Chapter 3, about motives, will help you understand your constant struggle between seeking power and searching for intimacy in relationships. Red-White combinations are difcult to read because they can be aggressive and determined one minute (Red), then quietly passive the next (White). If you t this category, your guiding motive is power or peace rather than intimacy, which spares you the intense struggle of the Red-Blue combination. You are likely to be misunderstood because your behavior is inconsistent, and you dont easily allow others to gure you out. If youre a Red-Yellow, you are a natural leader and nd yourself in a comfortable blend. The Red dynamically directs your life, while the Yellow charismatically invites others to enjoy your friendship. If youre a Blue-White combination, you are comfortable. You express yourself with gentle sincerity. People nd you determined yet exible. You are someone with whom almost anyone can get along. Blue-Yellows are fun to tease. I call them my dual personalities because they can be footloose and carefree one minute, then suddenly turn very serious the next. They may pack the neighborhood kids in the van and race to the beach for a day of sun and fun. But once there, theyll start to worry about all the things they should be doing at home. If White and Yellow are your two strong colors, you possess the best people skills of all the personalities. You are relaxed and usually take the path of least resistance. You do not experience much conict between your colors, despite the different motives represented by each. You are comfortable with your blend and present an inviting atmosphere to those around you. Ultimatelywhoever you areyou are driven by one basic personality. You must nd your driving core motive, even though it may be concealed by a mixture of two or more colors. All individuals have just one primary personality; therefore, it is essential that you determine your basic color. A person with one watch knows the time, but a person with two or more is never sure. You will nd clues to your primary personalityno matter how much of a blend you may bein the following chapter on motives. As you read, remember that you should always defer to your natural personality strengths. Do what comes naturally. This is the straightest path to inner peace. Now lets continueas Reds, Blues, Whites, and Yellows. We will
begin by identifying and exploring the needs, desires, and motives of each of the colors in the complex and fascinating rainbow of personalities.
I am often asked what role other factors play in determining ones core personality. Equally curious to people seems to be the fact that I can categorize everyone with only four core personalities. Before delving into the focus of my work, let me address these important questions. Nothing exists in a vacuum. Though personality is the most critical factor in determining how you will face life, it is clearly inuenced by a myriad of other signicant factors. Many factors inuence our personality. However, keeping it all in perspective, it is more critical to identify our driving core motive than any other factor. Once that is accurately identied, we begin to assess how the many other inuences impact our driving core motive. This also speaks to the issue of how I can categorize the masses into only four primary personality groupings. No two people are exactly alike. However, I guarantee that every individual with a Yellow personality is driven by the same core motive of fun. Thats the magic of color-coding. For example, one of my very best friends is a Yellow. We share many similar attitudes thanks to our mutual personality. However, he is an introvert who derives his energy primarily from within. He prefers riding horses alone in the country, while I am an extrovert and derive my energy primarily from othersI prefer the interaction of many people.
I come from a family of seven children, three of whom have Yellow personalities. I have a Yellow sister and a last-born Yellow brother, and I am a middle child. Both birth order and gender clearly inuence us, creating differences in our personalities, but we all share the same driving core motive of fun. The human face, with its limited number of variables (eyes, nose, chin, ears, hair), never produces exactly the same look. The same is true with personality. Limited to four core motives, no two people are exactly the same because of numerous personality lters.
A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc. 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020 Copyright 1987, 1998, 2007 by Taylor Hartman All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information, address Scribner Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. This Scribner trade paperback edition September 2007
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A previous edition was published as The Color Code in 1987 and 1998.