Saturday was Dance Across Lawrence Day. Citizens were invited to take part in classes
teaching several different dancing styles.
The student vOice since 1904
monday, april 2, 2007
Vol. 117 Issue 124
All contents, unless stated otherwise,
2007 The University Daily Kansan
66 33
Isolated T-Storms
Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4B
Crossword. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7B
Horoscopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7B
Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5A
Sports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B
Sudoku. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7B
54 29
83 62
Check out The Kansans
latest opinion
Kansas tries
to stage a
ning come-
back at
Marla Keown/KaNSaN
Ruti Patel, overland Park junior, applies henna during Ellsworth Halls Around the World in 80 Minutes program Saturday afternoon. Residents had three hours to visit diferent countries on each
foor. Patel talked about the Indian culture and the history behind henna. Its been embedded in us since we were little girls,said Patel of how she learned to apply henna.
Around the World
ofers global events
Cultural diversity
Students have opportunity
to experience food, traditions
from 10 diferent countries
15 seConds week
By KAty BLAir
India and Cuba have never been
closer than they were Saturday.
The two occupied the same build-
ing as part of Around the World in 80
Minutes held in Ellsworth Hall. The
new program was open to all students
and featured cuisine and activities
from 10 foreign countries to get stu-
dents involved in diversity education.
I think its good for them to see
other countries because not every-
one has a chance to go, said Jasmine
Walthall, program and communica-
tions coordinator for Association of
University Residence Halls.
Walthall, Texarkana, Texas,
sophomore got the program idea
from a resident adviser last year but
couldnt get funding in time.
Walthall said picking the coun-
tries was the most difficult part
of planning the program. In the
end, it came down to a vote by the
residence hall students who chose
countries such as Greece, Cuba,
France, Switzerland, Germany,
Kenya and Italy.
Each of the 10 floors in Ellsworth
was host to one country and had
an activity for the students to par-
ticipate in. To make the event enter-
taining, the program pulled ideas
from tourist attractions and tradi-
tions in the 10 countries.
Salsa dancing lessons were the
main event for Spain on the third
floor, and henna tattoos were popu-
lar for India on the fifth floor.
Ruti Patel, Overland Park junior,
designed the tattoos for partici-
pants. Patel said that she was happy
to help with the program since she
had been drawing henna tattoos for
many years.
spike tvs BraCket BaBes
idol star urges
hiv awareness
By KAty BLAir
Students in Hashinger Hall got
up close and personal Friday night
with former American Idol contes-
tant Frenchie Davis.
Davis came to Lawrence to speak
for 15 Seconds, a student group ded-
icated to raising HIV awareness. As
a performer on the Broadway show
RENT, Davis had plenty to say about
HIV education.
If you are under the impres-
sion that you will go through this
life without being affected by this
disease, you are lying to yourself,
Davis said.
Davis talked about her first
exposure to AIDS from watching
The Real World. Pedro, one of
the participants in the 1994 season,
died from complications of the dis-
ease during the show. Davis said
she never watched the show again
because of the effect it had on her as
a teenager.
I cried, I grieved for that boy,
Davis said. His story has stuck with
me. Ive always thought about him.
The founding members of 15
Sarah Leonard/KaNSaN
Maydavis, ClayCenter freshman, is competinginSpikeTVsBracket Babes,anonlinebeauty contest.
The competitionwas designedto represent the NCAAtournament bracket withfemale contestants.
Student represents Kansas
in sexy Internet competition
By BriAn LEwis-jonEs
Finest Four and Wild West
arent typically referenced when
describing the NCAA tournaments
regional champions or the University
of Kansas bracket region.
But May Davis, Clay Center fresh-
man, represents the University in a
Spike TV Bracket Babes competi-
tion, where 32 tanned and toned
college co-eds vie in a looks contest
for $5,000 and a trip to New York
City for a sexy photo shoot, accord-
ing to Spike TVs Web site.
The picture on the site doesnt
even look like me, Davis said. Im
just like, Who are you, and why are
you on the Internet? Its a very awk-
ward feeling.
Voting for Davis bracket begins
today on Spike TVs Web site, www.
index.html. Viewers can cast their
ballots once every hour.
Davis is a philosophy major with
plans to attend law school, treasurer
Cadets undergo survival training
anna Faltermeier/KaNSaN
daniel Rogers, Hutchinsonfreshman, chops woodSaturday for a fre duringAir Force ROTC sur-
vival training. Air Force ROTC members spent the weekend learning survival tips near Clinton Lake.
By nAthAn GiLL
A large rock near Clinton Lake
sizzled with blood and smelled of
cooking meat. Hungry ROTC cadets
with government-issued mess kits in
hand surrounded it, waiting for the
superheated rock
to charbroil their
dinner. That
night they slept
in tents they had
constructed from
two parkas and a
About 20 Air
Force ROTC
cadets, most from
the University of
Kansas and a few
from Washburn
University, underwent survival, eva-
sion, resistance and escape train-
ing Saturday and Sunday at Clinton
Lake. Air Force instructors from
Missouris Whiteman Air Force Base
administered the training and taught
the cadets skills they could use if
they found themselves in enemy ter-
ritory and in need of rescue.
Thomas Gray, a training specialist
from Whiteman, said that knowing
basic survival skills, such as how to
find food in nature and perform first
aid, would help keep downed pilots
alive and make their rescue easier.
One of the skills Gray taught
cadets was how
to use emergen-
cy communica-
tion equipment,
such as a PRC-
112B1, a $9,000
radio a downed
pilot could use
to send and
receive text
messages from
It lets us
know where
theyre at so we can send in our
rescue forces and pick them up,
Gray said.
Stephanie Koenig, St. Louis fresh-
man, said she attended the training
because she had never been camping
See frenchie oN Page 4a
See bracket oN Page 4a
See ellsworth oN Page 4a
See rotc oN Page 4a
I didnt know you could get
water from vines, and I didnt
know you could cook steak on
a rock.
stephanIe koenIg
st. louis freshman
Weekend allows for hands-on experience
Genius of
talent show
raises money
for charity.
index opinion baseball weather talent show softball
attempt to
NEWS 2A monday, april 2, 2007
KJHK is the student
voice in radio. Each
day there is news,
music, sports, talk
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students, by stu-
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For more
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Cablevision Channel 31 in Lawrence.
The student-produced news airs at
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11:30 p.m. every Monday through
Friday. Also, check out KUJH online at
The University Daily Kansan
is the student newspaper of
the University of Kansas. The
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copies of the Kansan are 25
cents. Subscriptions can be pur-
chased at the Kansan business
office, 119 Stauffer-Flint Hall,
1435 Jayhawk Blvd., Lawrence,
KS 66045.
The University Daily Kansan
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Periodical postage is paid in
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most e-mailed
et cetera
media partners
Ann Rowland will present
the British Seminar A Colony of
Children: Cultural Theory for the
Modern Nation at 3:30 p.m. at
the Seminar Room in the Hall
Center for the Humanities.
The workshop Resumes for
Scratch for Freshman & Sopho-
mores will be held at 3:30 p.m.
at the PC Lab in Budig Hall.
Elbert Chia, Center for Inte-
grated Nanotechnologies, will
present the seminar Ultrafast
Quasiparticle Dynamics of
Strongly Correlated Electron
Systems at 4 p.m. at Room 2074
in Malott Hall.
Its never too early to start
thinking about what youll
do after graduation. Check in
with a career counselor in your
school or the University Career
Center in the Burge Union or
online at www.ucc.ku.edu.
Source: kuinfo.ku.edu
Want to know what people
are talking about? Here are the
top fve most e-mailed stories
from Kansan.com.
1. Jorgensen: Pants, yes
pants, a key moral issue
2. Birth control prices get
knocked up
3. Dent: Rushs best choice
may be to go pro
4. Gentry: Whispering sweet
5. Student arrested for
peaceful protest
By AmrutA BhAdkAmkAr
Physical exercise is often crammed
into busy students agendas, but the
act of mental exercise is something
that might be ignored.
The KU Art of Living Club hopes
to change that. As a chapter of the
worldwide Art of Living Foundation,
the goals of the group are educa-
tional and humanitarian in nature.
The KU chapter will hold courses on
campus that will teach participants
breathing and relaxation techniques.
Muralidhar Satuluri, KU Art of
Living president, said the courses
would focus on mastering the act of
Pranayama, or controlled breathing,
which was one of the most impor-
tant parts of yoga.
The idea is that through
Pranayama, you can alleviate
stress, have greater clarity in your
thoughts and feel more energy in
your day to day activities, Satuluri
said. Sudarshan Kriya, a form of
Pranayama, is the central theme
of the Art of Living courses. Our
primary motivation in forming the
student organization is to provide
the KU students with access to this
effective and helpful breathing tech-
The main goals of the organiza-
tion are to organize
the Art of Living
courses on campus,
educate the public about the ben-
efits of Pranayama and hold practice
sessions every week so that people
taking the course get a chance to
practice regularly. KU Art of Living
also hopes to organize fundraising
events on campus for community
service projects.
The Art of Living courses on
campus will be taught by an instruc-
tor from the organizations Kansas
City chapter.
One of the major events that this
organization will be organizing in
the near future is
Leading into the
Light. Sri Sri Ravi
Shankar, founder of the Art of Living
Foundation, will be speaking about
achieving inner peace in the modern
world through meditation and breath-
ing techniques. This event will be held
April 9 in Kansas City, Mo. More
information about it can be found at
The KU Art of Living Club meets
at 10 a.m. every Sunday. Interested
students can contact Satuluri at
[email protected].
Edited by Ashley Thompson
contact us
Tell us your news
Contact Gabriella Souza,
Nicole Kelley, Patrick
Ross, Darla Slipke or Nate
McGinnis at 864-4810 or
[email protected].
Kansan newsroom
111 Stauffer-Flint Hall
1435 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
(785) 864-4810
on campus
KU Art of Living Club
What do you think?
By FrAncescA chAmBers
What issues Would you like to see on student senate presi-
dential candidates platforms?
Chris Cardwell
lincoln, Neb., senior
Its frustrating when candidates
propose trite issues like Chipotle in
the Underground. We really need
to deal with more hands-on issues
like tuition-increase moratoriums.
Ill eat whatever.
Miyako wakita
Fukuoka, Japan, sophomore
The food court is not tasty and
we need more healthy food not
pizza or hamburgers. We also need
more buses going to 15th and 23rd
and less going to McCollum.
sasha horN
kansas City, Mo., senior
After four years of going to KU,
and having previously lived in
KCMO, I think we should get a
break on our tuition because its so
thaMir alshaMMari
riyadh, saudia arabia, freshman
Men cant play at the soccer
playground opposite of Naismith.
Its only for women. Until now we
could not get someone to help us
with this problem.
Get used to it
Marla Keown/KANSAN
Jonathan Pryor, Columbus senior (left) and David Ta, Kansas City, Mo., senior (right) put
up a rainbow-colored fag in front of Wescoe Beach sunday afternoon. Were preparing for gay pride
week,pryor said. this year marks the 39th annual pride Week at the university of kansas.
Clinton raises $36 million
this quarter for campaign
cratic presidential candidates
broke previous fundraising
records during the frst three
months of the year, with Sen.
Hillary Rodham Clinton setting
a high bar of $26 million in new
contributions for the quarter.
Former Sen. John Edwards
campaign said he had raised
more than $14 million since the
beginning of the year.
The Clinton campaign also an-
nounced that she had transferred
about $10 million from her last
Senate campaign, bringing her
total receipts for the quarter to
$36 million. Edwards had no such
transfers of money.
Clinton aides would not
specify how many of her contri-
butions were designated only
for the primary election and how
many could only be used in the
general election, if she were the
partys nominee.
Edwards aides said about
$1 million of his contributions
could only be used in a general
Neither campaign divulged
how much money it had spent in
the quarter or how much cash it
had in hand.
Associated Press
McCain tours Iraq to view
American-Iraqi security
BAGHDAD After a heav-
ily guarded trip to a Baghdad
market, Sen. John McCain insisted
Sunday that a U.S.-Iraqi security
crackdown in the capital was work-
ing and said Americans lacked a
full pictureof the progress. The
U.S. military later reported six
soldiers were killed in roadside
bombings southwest of Baghdad.
Four soldiers were killed
responding to the blast that killed
the frst two, the military said. Brit-
ain, meanwhile, announced that
one of its soldiers had been shot
to death in southern Iraq its
104th combat casualty since the
war started four years ago.
McCain, a Republican presi-
dential hopeful, criticized the
media for not giving Americans
enough information about the re-
cent drop in execution-style sec-
tarian killings, the establishment
of security posts throughout
the city and Sunni tribal eforts
against al-Qaida in the western
Anbar province.
These and other indicators
are reason for cautious, very cau-
tious optimism about the efects
of the new strategy, said McCain,
who was leading a Republican
congressional delegation to Iraq.
Associated Press
Pope John Paul II takes
step toward canonization
Church officials reached a
key milestone in the drive
to make Pope John Paul II
a saint Monday, closing an
investigation into his life
and handing over a dossier
detailing the purported mi-
raculous cure of a nun who
prayed to him.
The events come two
years after John Paul died,
a remarkably fast pace that
underscores the churchs
keen interest in beatifying
John Paul and responding to
the calls of Sainthood Im-
mediately! that erupted after
his death.
Pope Benedict XVI put
John Paul on the fast track for
possible sainthood weeks af-
ter his death when he waived
the customary five-year
waiting period and allowed
the investigation to begin
Associated Press
daily KU info
Student Senate nixes bill
to add textbook library
A bill to fund the textbook
library failed at the Student
Senate committee meeting on
The bill asked for $25,515.29
to establish a textbook library
as a way to decrease student
textbook costs.
The Senate Rights Committee
failed the bill because it did not
believe in the alliance between
the University libraries, KU Book-
stores and faculty and because
it wouldnt beneft the students
enough, Hannah Love, Dodge
City junior and College of Liberal
Arts and Sciences senator, said.
Ashlee Kieler
monday, april 2, 2007
By Kyle Carter
Learning a few new moves was
free for participants in Dance
Across Lawrence on Saturday. The
event, sponsored by the Lied Center,
the Lawrence Arts Center and the
University of Kansas department
of music and dance, featured free
dance classes and performances for
the public from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Among the styles of dance taught
at the 30 classes throughout the day
were ballet, ballroom, east Indian,
hip-hop, jazz and swing. Stephanie
Bottoms, Omaha, Neb., senior and
intern at the Lied Center, said class
sizes ranged from three in a bal-
let class to 30 in an advanced jazz
Another popular class was hip-
hop, which was taught by members
of the Rock Chalk Dancers. Aubrey
Morris, Lawrence freshman, con-
vinced her boyfriend to join her
for the class after hearing out about
it through her sorority. Students
learned choreography to a Ciara
song in eight-count bits and pro-
gressively built on more steps until
performing the entire routine for
each other at end the class.
Ive never really danced rou-
tines so it was really difficult for
me, Morris said. It was so much
fun though.
Candi Baker, dance program
director, said the idea for the day
came from a similar event held in
Boston. She said the event show-
cased the wide variety of dance
available in Lawrence.
We just wanted to open the
doors to everyone and get people
excited about dance, she said.
Mayor Mike Amyx declared
the day Dance Across Lawrence
Day, and Baker said she hoped
it would become an annual event.
Lawrence native Karole Armitage
also returned Saturday night with
her dance company and partici-
pants received discounted tickets.
Kansan staf writer Kyle Carter
can be contacted at kcarter@kan-
Edited by Sharla Shivers
Fine arts
Marla Keown/KANSAN
Stephanie Thompson and Josh Ibarra, both Shawnee freshmen, learn howto ballroomdance Saturday evening in the Kansas Union
Ballroom. Saturday was Dance Across Lawrence Day. Weve done some ballroomdancing before and we wanted to get some more experience,said
Thompson. The Lawrence community had the opportunity to attend free dance classes or mini-performances throughout the city.
Students get into the rhythm
Dance Across
Lawrence Day
brings shows,
free classes
By Bethany BunCh
Students curious about the debate
over modern musical movements
had the opportunity to learn more
during the KU Interdisciplinary Jazz
Studies Colloquium last weekend.
Events kicked off on Friday
morning with a lecture by Kevin
Whitehead, a former jazz critic for
National Public Radio and lecturer
at the University.
The theme of the weekend was
the avant-garde, a term assigned to
cutting-edge artists and their work.
Whitehead had studied the genre
extensively and cited an article he
wrote for Voice magazine in 1995,
titled Death to the Avant-Garde.
The term can either be a badge of
honor or an insult, Whitehead said.
The early morning lecture gath-
ered a small crowd of about 20,
most of whom were other faculty
members. Chuck Berg, professor of
theatre and film, said he was happy
with the turnout.
For a jazz audience this early in
the morning, Id say were off to a
good start, Berg said.
Whitehead shifted genres from
NPR critic to KU faculty three years
ago. He moved from New York City
to Holland to Kansas, pursuing
music studies at each location.
Fred Ho, composer, performer,
author, activist and founder of the
Afro-Asian Ensemble, performed
Friday afternoon playing solo bari-
tone saxophone. He also delivered
a lecture.
Whitehead said he was not con-
vinced that there is a true avant-
garde today. Ho disagreed.
I think music will always go for-
ward, Ho said. I think most of jazz
has been avant-garde. Theres always
been a quest to explore the param-
eters of American society.
More than 10 different speakers
and artists took part in the produc-
tion of the colloquium.
Kansan staf writer Bethany Bunch
can be contacted at bbunch@kan-
Edited by Mark Vierthaler
Artists debate modern jazz
By MarK JOhnSOn
aSSOCiated PreSS
ALBANY, N.Y. Pet owners are
not likely to get much compensation
if they individually sue pet food-
maker Menu Foods over the death
of a dog or cat, although they might
fare better if they joined forces in a
class action suit, legal experts say.
Ontario-based Menu Foods has
taken a low-key approach to the
recall, expressing concern for people
who have lost pets and offering to
pay veterinary bills if a pets illness
or death can be directly linked to the
food, but admitting no wrongdoing.
Jack Hall, a product liability law-
yer from Pittsburgh, said the owner
of a dog or cat used for breeding or
of a specially trained animal could
argue for higher compensation on
the basis of lost potential earnings.
Hall said pet owners would fare
better in a class action suit.
I would think this kind of case
would allow itself to a class action.
That could work for somebody here,
he said.
On Friday, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration said recalled
pet foods contained melamine, a
chemical used to make plastics, but
that its tests failed to confirm the
presence of a rat poison, aminop-
terin, reported by the New York State
Food Laboratory. The FDA said it
also found melamine in wheat gluten
used as an ingredient in the wet-style
products. Still, it was not immedi-
ately clear whether the melamine
was the culprit in the deaths.
We are angered that a source
outside the company has adulterated
our product, Menu Foods Chief
Executive Paul Henderson said.
Joint suit could bring more money
pet Food recall
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NEWS 4A monday, april 2, 2007
talent show
Marla Keown/KANSAN
Veronica Mosier, Nevada, Mo., sophomore, twirls a baton Friday evening at Murphy Hall. Moisers and others talents were showcased during a
performance fundraiser calledGenius of Women. Moiser has been baton twirling for 17 years.
Fundraiser honors women
By Brian lewis-jones
A talent and performance
show called Genius of Women
helped raise more than $350 for
the Salvation Army this past week-
end to benefit battered women and
The show featured singers,
actors, various musicians and
a baton twirler last Friday and
Saturday nights. It was designed
to celebrate, honor and promote
the dignity women, said Maria
Thorson, Milwaukee graduate stu-
dent who helped plan and produce
the show.
Friday nights show attracted
more than 165 people, filling every
seat in the choir room at Murphy
Hall and leaving about three dozen
people standing. About 80 people
attended Saturday nights show.
Thorson said that three years ago
she helped plan a similar Genius
of Women show at Saint Louis
University based on conversations
about women as individuals. She
said the show provided another
outlet for performers of different
talents to express their gratitude to
One of my favorite parts of
the show is how we come from
different backgrounds and share a
similar vision, she said.
Thorson said the shows title was
from Pope John Paul IIs Letter to
Women, in which he described his
profound love for women.
He fills women with joy to be
women and fills men with joy to
have women in their lives, she
Becca Ashley, Olathe sopho-
more, said that at first she was
reluctant to sing at the show.
I never sing in front of people,
she said. Only in the shower.
She said she was happy the
Genius of Women show was her
first chance to perform in front of
an audience because it gave her the
chance to celebrate women. She
sang the song Christmas Lullaby,
which she said exemplified the dig-
nity of motherhood.
Motherhood especially it
doesnt get enough credit in our
world today, Ashley said. Its abso-
lutely beautiful.
Veronica Mosier, Nevada, Mo.,
sophomore, twirled batons at the
show. Mosier has been baton twirl-
ing since she was 2 years old, and
said she can spin around as many as
six times per toss and can twirl five
batons at a time.
A lot of people think its pretty
weird, she said. This is my first
performance at KU for them to see
me twirl.
Jared Loehr, Overland Park
senior, sang the song Sing of
Mary Friday night, which helped
acknowledge how much women are
needed and how special they are,
he said.
I was going to support them
from the seat or from the stage,
Loehr said.
Kansan staf writer Brian lewis-
jones can be contacted at bl-
[email protected].
Edited by Carissa Pedigo
Seconds, Cody Charles and Tyrone
Brown, said they had hoped for a
bigger audience but were pleased
with the result.
Frenchie was amazing, said
Charles, Houston graduate stu-
dent. Its relieving that someone
whos doing what shes doing can
deeply commit to something so
Charles and Brown first contact-
ed Davis about their plans through
MySpace. Charles said she didnt
really care about not being paid
but was happy to help spread HIV
awareness on campus.
15 Seconds began as a way to
inform mass audiences about HIV
and AIDS. The group is named after
a specific HIV statistic that Charles
and Brown found, which stated that
one person under the age of 25
becomes infected with HIV every
15 seconds.
Shocked by this number, they
decided to start prevention through
education by forming 15 Seconds.
Trevor Wysling, member of the
hip-hop group AR 15 who spoke
on a guest panel last week, attended
Davis performance before return-
ing to Los Angeles. Wysling was
impressed by Davis contributions to
HIV awareness.
The fact that someone of her
status wants to give back to the
community, thats huge, Wysling
said. The rap artist said he was also
impressed by her familys involve-
ment in Darfur to help foster better
Wysling said that it was crucial
to get people thinking about the
dangers of HIV, and that Every 15
Seconds put together a week of
important events to do just that.
Students at the performance were
equally impressed by the contribu-
tions of Davis and 15 Seconds to
social issues.
Billy Massey, Hoyt sophomore,
said it was encouraging to see stu-
dents supporting the week-long
events during 15 Seconds Week,
which was March 26 to 31.
People would just stop by, and
even if they werent there the whole
time, they learned a little bit, Massey
Davis ended her presentation with
a few songs and one-on-one discus-
sion with audience members. She
said her experience in Kansas was a
positive one and hoped the audience
got something out of it.
We all will be directly or indi-
rectly affected by this disease, and I
think we all have a social responsi-
bility for the cure, she said.
Kansan staf writer Katy Blair can
be contacted at kblair@kansan.
Edited by Ashley Thompson
freNchie (continued from 1A)
While waiting to get a tattoo,
Sara Jordan, Overland Park sopho-
more, said the program was a good
idea for entertainment and educa-
tional purposes.
International understanding
is pretty important, Jordan said.
There are so many international
students that you never hear from.
As a resident of McCollum,
Jordan said she would like to see a
similar event in her hall.
The program will be presented at
a national conference in Oshkosh,
Wis., to be judged on its success in
educating international identity to
KU students.
STA Travel sponsored the event
and provided numerous prizes
for students who participated.
The grand prize was a $250 travel
voucher, won by Clinton Dolan,
Denver freshman. Dolan said his
favorite floor was the ninth, which
featured Japan.
Other prizes included a luggage
set, portable DVD player and an iPod
Nano. All gifts were picked to be
travel-friendly to correlate with the
programs theme of traveling abroad.
Kansan staf writer Katy Blair can
be contacted at kblair@kansan.
Edited by Sharla Shivers
ellSworth (continued from 1A)
brAcKet (continued from 1A)
before and thought it would be use-
ful experience.
I didnt know you could get
water from vines, and I didnt know
you could cook steak on a rock,
Koenig said.
The cadets cooked their steak
dinner on a large, flat rock they
had positioned near their campfire.
They spent nearly an hour stoking
the rock with burning sticks, placing
them above and below the rock until
it became searing hot.
Shana Beach, Lawrence graduate
student, said it was like cooking with
a grill.
KU ROTC Capt. Dan Hatchel,
who organized the training, said
cadets learned a lot of textbook
knowledge through the Universitys
ROTC program, but the training
was an opportunity to get hands-on
experience with practical survival
Things you might never use,
Hatchel said of the training. But
you might.
Kansan staf writer nathan Gill
can be contacted at ngill@kansan.
Edited by Ashley Thompson
for KU College Republicans, run-
ning for a Student Senate position
in the United Students coalition and
a Kansas City Chiefs cheerleader
finalist. Davis said that her picture
was relatively modest compared to
the other womens photos, and that
the closest experience she had to a
beauty pageant or photo shoot was
her high school senior pictures.
Im not a model, she said. A
lot of the girls on there are. This is
nothing like I would do. My 4.0 is
more important to me than any of
this stuff.
Duncan Davis, Mays father,
said his daughter was always most
comfortable in the front and in the
spotlight. He also said the Bracket
Babes contest was idiotic and with-
out any sense whatsoever.
I think shell attempt about any-
thing as long as its not sticking her
finger in a light socket, he said.
She said she listed her best body
part in her stats as her legs, but in
retrospect, she would have liked to
have said her brain instead. Davis first
bracket opponent listed her favorite
body part as her 100% REAL chest.
As far as selling my body goes, I
dont do that, she said. Im more of
an academically-oriented person.
Davis said she wants to bring
her friend Ali Zeigler, Los Baos,
Philippines, freshman, to New York
City if she wins the contest. Zeigler,
who acted as the photographer-in-
chief for an initial photo shoot in the
corner of Davis dorm room, was a
big proponent of Davis entering the
May and I kind of do spontaneous
things, and a lot of times they turn out
to be funny stories, Ziegler said.
Davis stumbled across the com-
petition on Facebook late one night
in January and decided to enter the
contest. She submitted the same
photo she used on her Senate post-
ers, a picture she said wasnt even
I think the contest is really
superficial, she said. If somebody
was doing it who wasnt me, Id prob-
ably be judgmental. Then again, she
asked, Why not, for $5,000?
Kansan staf writer Brian lewis-
jones can be contacted at bl-
[email protected].
Edited by Carissa Pedigo
rotc (continued from 1A)
By joHn Hanna
associated Press
TOPEKA Two weeks ago, if
someone wanted to read the casino-
and-slots bill that would pass the
Legislature and make perhaps the
biggest social and political change in
Kansas in the past 20 years, its spon-
sors didnt have a copy to share.
Even some supporters didnt see
the text of the 98-page gambling pro-
posal until the House began debat-
ing it March 22. Six days and 10
hours later, it was on its way to Gov.
Kathleen Sebelius, wholl sign it and
make Kansas the only state to oper-
ate its own casino resorts.
Opponents were angered that
such a big bill could fly through the
Legislature so quickly. Supporters
took advantage of long-term chang-
es in how the Legislature oper-
ates, accomplishing something that
would have seemed inconceivable
two decades ago.
That process looser, far less
predictable and less controlled from
the top has flaws that gambling
opponents were quick to note, such
as the ability to pass such a big pro-
posal with a minimum of fly-speck-
ing. But theres an advantage, too: Its
far more difficult for one person or
a small group to thwart the will of
legislative majorities, if those majori-
ties are determined and spend some
time on strategy.
Thats not unique to Kansas.
Thats a national trend thats true at
the federal level as well, said Senate
Majority Leader Derek Schmidt (R-
Independence) who voted for the
bill. Its the democratization of the
legislative process.
Passage of the gambling bill
turned a session known mostly for
low productivity into one likely to
be memorable.
Large casino-and-hotel complex-
es will be permitted in Ford County,
Wyandotte County, either Cherokee
or Crawford counties and either
Sedgwick or Sumner counties.
The state will own and operate
the casinos, though private compa-
nies will manage their day-to-day
operations. Supporters believe the
state eventually will realize $200 mil-
lion a year in revenues.
kansas government
Casino proposal
fies by Legislature
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Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,
and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
editorial: Has free speech been violated in a
public school? the Supreme Court will decide
See Kansan.com for more opinions and Free for All comments
monday, april 2, 2007
opinion PAGE 5A
The University Daily Kansan emphasizes the First Amendment:
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lEttEr to tHE Editor
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Free for All callers have 20
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if you work for ku Parking, a pox
upon you, and your house, and
your little dog, too.
im so sick of cocaine-snorting,
Lexus-driving sorority girls.
screw you Jayplay underwear
article. cotton panties are comfy
and practical.
Free for all, can you please tell
me why there is a Hummer limo
outside of mccollum?
to the guy who just biked up the
hill behind Hashinger without
stopping: You are my hero.
Free for all, i dont know what feels
better, pooping or orgasming.
Free for all, we almost died! my
friends and i are driving down k-
10, and a lightning bolt struck the
highway in front of us and lit the
asphalt on fre! im so glad i got to
talk to you before i die.
Free for all, i just wanted to tell
you that you printed the word
fucking in the paper today.
the cops in Lawrence must be
drunk because they just pulled
over safe ride.
my teeth feel like a slippery, un-
derwater sea shell.
Free for all, tell these college girls
to act like theyre in high school:
show their thongs of.
Free for all, you suck! im sorry,
Free for all. i didnt mean that. i
just get so frustrated.
to the cop that knew i was smok-
ing and driving and followed us
into eaton Parking lot: nah-nah-
nah-nah-naaah-nah! nah-nah-
i just popped a couple Viagra, and
now im walking around campus
with a mega-huge, raging boner.
my biology professor just told us
that humans have 48 chromo-
somes, and then said the mistake
wasnt a large one.
my name is amy, and Free for all,
you made me think my boyfriend
was proposing. He wasnt.
call 864-0500
In 2002,
Joseph Frederick,
a high school
senior in Juneau,
Alaska, unfurled
a 14-foot sign
that proclaimed,
Bong Hits 4
Jesus! in front of passing news
cameras at a school field trip to
the Olympic Torch Relay. After
his school principal, Deborah
Morse, tore down the sign and
gave him a 10-day suspension,
Frederick sued the school on
the grounds that, under the first
amendment, his right to free
speech had been violated. He
Five years later, the case of
Frederick v. Morse, otherwise
known as bratty pothead v. anal
principal, is in the Supreme
Court, making a mockery of the
judicial system. Unlike famous
past cases that made ground-
breaking rulings to establish
civil liberties, this case wont
really establish anything for
the better. No matter who the
Supreme Court sides with, their
decision is problematic.
Frederick was on public
property, and his sign was
both innocuous and nonsensi-
cal. Whether Morse should
have taken the sign down, she
shouldnt have suspended him.
Free speech doesnt have to be
intelligent speech. However, if
the justices side with Frederick,
who publicly admitted he want-
ed to irritate school officials
and be televised, and has, inci-
dentally, also been arrested for
distribution of marijuana, the
decision could cue misbehaving
students around the nation to
abuse their right to free speech
and disrupt school cohesion.
On the other hand, it is not
difficult to imagine acting as
Morse did or
believing that
a school offi-
cial could (and
should) block a
students illegal
drug reference
from public
television on a school outing. It
certainly doesnt seem fair that
Morse should provide monetary
compensation to a kid who
pushes limits to irritate school
officials. If the Justices side
with Morse, their decision may
hinder students ability to con-
structively voice opinions or to
oppose school policy.
The verdict? Please, have some
respect for the judicial system.
The first amendment is a seri-
ous matter; its not a superfluous
law that allows people to annoy
others. While we enjoy it daily,
we also learn to leave certain
unnecessary comments at the
door, particularly in institutional
settings. Employees are expected
to act appropriately in a work
setting; students are expected
to act appropriately in a school
At the same time, the first
amendment can be unjustly
violated, and it is important
to ascertain when free speech
is being unfairly limited. For
example, should school officials
have the ability to limit produc-
tive class conversation about
illegal substances? How much
control should schools have
over students studies? These
are questions that need to be
seriously addressed.
Unlike these hypothetical
cases, however, bratty pothead
v. anal principal creates more
confusion than clarification.
Alison Kieler for the edito-
rial board.
I was shocked to read Birth con-
trol prices get knocked up, informing
me my alma mater was going to be
hiking up the prices of contraception
for students. It absolutely baffles me
that pharmaceutical companies and
Medicaid would allow this to hap-
pen in the current political climate of
anti-choice in the context of abortion.
Birth control is the most effective
tool against unwanted pregnancies
and unnecessary abortions for those
that are sexually active. The cost
of birth control over time is cheap
compared to the other far more
expensive sexual consequences.
That still doesnt mean that phar-
maceutical companies should take
advantage of this to exploit students
and the economically disadvantaged.
Regardless of abortion viewpoints,
and perhaps even because of them,
birth control should be more afford-
able and more widely available for
all women.
It should also be noted that in
case a female student forgets to refill
her newly expensive birth control,
pharmacies are required to carry
emergency contraception behind
the counter, which can be obtained
without a doctors prescription.
This pharmaceutical/Medicaid
contractual obligation should be
fought for the sake of womens
reproductive health and freedoms.
I urge KU students to write their
Congressmen, and express their
concerns with the administration
of the University. This is absolutely
Jayme A. Aschemeyer
Class of 2005
Court case ridicules
First Amendment
University should consider students needs for economical birth control
Speakers should
provide solutions
After listen-
ing to Amy Waxs
social welfare
guest lecture at the
Federalist Society
s monthly meet-
ing, I was offend-
ed and angered
that the University
of Kansas School
of Law would wel-
come a blatant rac-
ist to campus.
Wax, a pro-
fessor of law at
the University
of Pennsylvania,
spoke to an audi-
ence composed entirely of white law
students, myself excluded, about
out-of-wedlock birthrate trends
across different cultural, educational
and economic levels.
Basically, Wax claims the reason
69 percent of children born by
African Americans are born out-of-
wedlock is because of the crummy
boyfriend problem.
Black men feel totally entitled
to play the field and not stick with
one partner, she said. And there
is nothing more of an impediment
to marriage than knowing other
women have had your intendeds
children. Wax also said that every
man lower class black women know
acts like this that makes it hard for
them to find stable companions.
I completely agree with Wax that
there are cultural issues in the black
community, as in any culture, that
need to be confronted. And to be
fair, in a private interview Wax told
me, These distinctions are based on
facts. Blacks at all levels of education
have a higher level of out-of-wedlock
childbirths than white women. Im
just deducing that from observed
behavior. That aside, it was not
Waxs premise that irritated me. I
respect and applaud her willingness
to confront male African-Americans.
However some of the statements
made in her lecture were unnecessary.
What was actually an extremely
enlightening lecture on a behavior
trend in America was stained by
insensitive comments.
Wax frequently made state-
ments that associated upper-class
Americans exclusively with whites
and lower class, less educated
Americans with blacks. It is true
that most of the people below the
poverty line in America are black.
However Waxs discourse leads one
to believe all blacks in the United
States are poor.
When one wise student asked
what we should do about this
ominous trend, Wax rudely
responded, We have to solve it?
The people who do not have the
problem need to solve their prob-
lems? They need
to wake up and do
it for themselves.
Wax openly
rejected Kathryn
Edin and Maria
Kefalass research
on the same sub-
ject presented
in their book
Promises I Can
Keep in which
Edin and Kefalas
claim that all
women regard-
less of education,
race and culture,
not just blacks, are marrying less
because of increased expectations of
their partners. Women want mate-
rial security, like money and a nice
house, before they marry instead of
building it with their partner. The
rich can afford to provide this secu-
rity while the poor cant.
In an interview, Kefalas did
not discount Waxs deduction that
cultural aspects and crummy
boyfriends play a large role in the
problem. However she graciously
pointed out that, The boyfriends
cant get less crummy if they do
not have a way to. Kefalas said
that programs aimed at providing
opportunities to inner-city children
are not stressed enough.
Everyone knows what a good
boyfriend is, she said. Everyone
understands the process. But getting
there is the problem. (Lower class
black women) kind of drift into
these relationships because there are
not any other options.
Although Wax said that she was
more interested in dispelling con-
ventional wisdom than providing
answers during her lecture at the
University, thats not good enough
for me. One shouldnt attack a cul-
ture, or anything for that matter,
even if the attack is based on facts,
without some sort of a solution.
Solutions are gestures of the truly
In the future I would encourage
all groups on campus to be cautious
of the speakers they invite. Talking
to the prospective speaker, even if it
is only for a minute or two, can give
a better indicator of their personal-
ity than a list of credentials. Also,
find out other places this person has
spoke at recently and get in touch
with someone who listened to the
lecture there.
However I am writing this under
the assumption that The Federalist
Society and other groups on campus
do not support racists.
Chambers is a Paola freshman
in journalism and political sci-
By FrAncEscA chAmBErs
kansan columnist
[email protected]
Grant Snider/KanSan
Guster to promote environmental change
Members of the band Guster, cam-
pus environmental groups, and the
Campus Climate Challenge invite you
to join us in a town hall forum to dis-
cuss sustainability on campus today
at 2:30 p.m. at the Kansas Room in
the Kansas Memorial Union.
This open meeting is a key part
of Gusters Campus Consciousness
Tour, and the collective environmen-
tal goals of the band and its touring
partners. We believe college campus-
es are epicenters for social change
in this country and are in a unique
position to lead the way in sustain-
able practices and technologies.
The mission of the Campus
Consciousness Tour is to inform,
inspire and activate students and
above all to leave a positive impact
on each community and college/uni-
versity that the tour reaches. We aim
to support the groups on campus
who are working to make the school
more green and have asked them
to play a central role in this forum,
which will be half presentation and
half open discussion.
Mark Orlowski of the Sustainable
Endowments Institute will also
speak about how schools can use
their enormous shareholder power
to create positive change. Did you
know over 350 billion dollars are
being invested through college
endowments in this country?
Attendees will also have a chance
to check out the biodiesel-powered
tour bus as part of the Pimp My
Clean Ride demonstration.
Gusters tour itself consists of
many eco-friendly elements includ-
ing biodiesel powered busses and
trucks, biodegradable cups and
plates for backstage catering and
organic cotton merchandise. The
Stonyfield Farm Shift Pavilion will
be set up at the concert where you
can learn about renewable energy
and alternative fuels, offset your
personal energy use by buying a
Big Green Friend Carbon Offset
sticker and donate canned goods to
your local food bank.
Anton Bengtson writing for
Guster and the Campus Cli-
mate Challenge.
The frst amendment is a serious
matter; its not a superfuous
law that allows people to annoy
One shouldnt attack a culture,
or anything for that matter, even
if the attack is based on facts,
without some sort of solution.
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Natural disaster
Quake shakes
South Pacifc
Powerful earthquake hits the Solomon Islands
leading police to warn citizens of tsunami winds
ONIARA, Solomon Islands A
powerful earthquake struck off the
Solomon Islands on Monday, send-
ing a tsunami wave crashing into vil-
lages on the countrys west coast and
leaving at least four people missing,
officials said.
The quake, measured at mag-
nitude 7.6 and
8.1, triggered
tsunami warn-
ings through-
out the South
Pacific and as far
north as Hawaii,
though officials
cancelled the
alert after the
danger period
Police in the
western town of Gizo reported a
wave several yards high crashing
ashore, shortly before communi-
cations with the two police sta-
tions in the town were cut, said
Sgt. Godfrey Abiah in the capital,
Harry Wickham, a hotel worker
in Gizo, told New Zealand television
many buildings along the waterfront
had been damaged.
There was 10 feet of water rush-
ing through town. Theres been dam-
age, he said.
Julian McLeod of the Solomon
Islands National Disaster
Management Office said there were
unconfirmed reports that two vil-
lages in the countrys far west were
Two villages were reported to
have been completely inundated,
McLeod told Australian Broadcasting
Corp. radio. We have received
reports of four people missing.
National broadcaster Solomon
Islands Broadcasting Corp. said
there was serious damage in Gizo
and that the nearby town of Munda
had also suffered some damage to
buildings and property.
The U.S. Geological Survey said
the magnitude-7.6 earthquake struck
at 7:39 a.m. about 6 miles beneath
the sea floor, 217 miles northwest of
The Hawaii-based Pacific
Tsunami Warning Center report-
ed the quake at magnitude 8.1,
and said a temblor of that strength
could cause
a destructive
tsunami and
issued a warn-
ing bulletin for
the Solomon
Isl ands and
n e i g h b o r i n g
Papua New
It ordered a
lower-level tsu-
nami watch for
other places,
including most South Pacific coun-
tries, but later cancelled the alert.
The center said a 6-inch wave had
been reported in Honiara.
Abiah said police in Gizo had
been warning residents to move
to higher ground away from
the coast when the tsunami hit.
Communications were lost soon
We have lost radio contact with
the two police stations down there
and were not getting any clear pic-
ture from down there, he told The
Associated Press by telephone.
A spokesman for Prime Minister
Manasseh Sogavare, Deli Oso, said
the quake was felt in Honiara but
there were no reports of any dam-
The Australian Bureau of
Meteorology also set the earth-
quakes magnitude at 8.1, but said it
had detected no tsunami threat for
Australias northeast coast.
At this stage, the warning remains
current but we have not detected
anything abnormal, said spokesman
Peter Jarrott.
coNtroversial publicity
TEHRAN, Iran Iranian state
television aired new video Sunday
showing two of the 15 captured
British sailors pointing to a spot
on a map of the Persian Gulf where
they were seized and acknowledg-
ing it was in Iranian territorial
Britains Foreign Office immedi-
ately denounced the video, saying
it was completely unacceptable for
these pictures to be shown on TV.
Adding to tensions between the
two countries, about 200 angry
Iranian youths chanting Death to
Britain and Death to America
threw rocks and firecrackers at the
British Embassy and tried to rush
the compound but were held back
by police.
The 15 Britons were detained
by Iranian naval units on March
23 while patrolling for smugglers
as part of a U.N.-mandated force
monitoring the Persian Gulf. They
were seized by Iranian naval units
near the mouth of the Shatt al-
Arab, a waterway that has long
been a disputed dividing line
between Iraq and Iran. Iran insists
the sailors illegally entered its
waters, but Britain says the team
was in Iraqi waters at the time of
their capture.
The captives first appeared on
the state-run Arabic-language TV
channel Al-Alam in separate video
clips looking relaxed in military
fatigues and pointing at the same
map of the Persian Gulf.
The first sailor, who was identi-
fied as Royal Marine Capt. Chris
Air, pointed with a pen to a loca-
tion on the map where he said two
boats left a warship of the U.S-led
coalition in Iraq around 8:30 a.m.
on March 23. He said the seven
marines and eight navy sailors were
captured around 10 a.m.
Pointing to the map, he said we
were seized apparently at this point
here on their maps and on the GPS
theyve shown us, which is inside
Iranian territorial waters.
And so far we have been treated
very well by all the people here.
They have looked after us and made
sure theres been enough food and
weve been treated very well by
them so we thank them for that.
The second sailor, identified as
Lt. Felix Carman, pointed to an
area on the map and said that loca-
tion was where he and the 14 oth-
ers were arrested.
Id like to say to the Iranian
people, I can understand why you
are so angry about our intrusion
into your waters, he said.
The newscaster said the two had
confessed to illegally trespassing
in Iranian waters.
Al-Alam broadcasted longer
videos of the Britons earlier this
week, including footage on Friday
of captured
marine Nathan
T h o m a s
S u m m e r s
a p ol o g i z i ng
for entering
Iranian waters
without per-
mission and
admitting to
trespassing in
Iranian waters.
He was shown sitting with
another serviceman and the female
British sailor Faye Turney against
a floral curtain. Both servicemen
wore camouflage fatigues with a
Royal Navy label on their chests
and a little British flag stitched to
their left sleeves.
Al-Alam also aired video on
Wednesday showing Turney
wearing a headscarf and saying:
Obviously we trespassed.
Iran has also made public three
letters purportedly written by
Turney. The last letter contained
an apology.
Britain has denounced the vid-
eos, calling them propaganda and
Irans decision to air three videos
on its Arabic-language TV channel,
rather than on its main Farsi chan-
nels has not been explained. But it
appears to be an attempt to seek
support from Arabs in Iraq and
the Gulf states, where many resent
Britains military deployment in
Iraq and its historical role as a
colonial power in the region.
Earlier on Sunday, British Defense
Secretary Des Browne said his gov-
ernment was in direct, bilateral
communication with the Iranians.
A Ministry
of Defense
said Browne
was referring
to letters and
other contacts
between diplo-
mats, rather than
any new face-to-
face talks.
Browne, on
a visit to Afghanistan, said Britain
had the support of almost the
whole international community
in calling for the release of its
President Bush on Saturday
demanded the release of the 15
hostages. He said they were inno-
cent and called their capture inex-
cusable behavior.
Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad called world powers
arrogant for refusing to apolo-
British Foreign Secretary
Margaret Beckett appeared to soft-
en rhetoric against Iran Saturday _
though she stopped far short of an
I think everyone regrets that
this position has arisen, Beckett
said during a visit to Germany.
What we want is a way out of it.
aSSociated PreSS
two of 15 captured British soldiers point to a map of the Persian Gulf in footage aired on Irans ofcial Arabic-language television channel Sunday. Al-AlamTV said the two sailors were identifying
where their boat crossed into Iranian waters on March 23, leading to their capture. Negotiations continue between Britain and Iran who insist the sailors had trespassed into its waters, but Britain says
the teamwas in Iraqi waters.
There was 10 feet of water
rushing through town. Theres
been damage.
Harry wickHam
Hotel worker
And so far we have been
treated very well by all the
people here.
capt. cHris air
royal marine
Captured sailors apologize
Iranian television stations air statements from Britons who were seized in the Persian Gulf
Clash of the titans?
Both Boston and Kansas City are playing their high-profle recruits during
tonights opening game. the red sox play the royals in Kansas City, Mo.
MOnday, april 2, 2007
rally cant save Kansas
Jayhawks third-inning comeback attempt unsuccessful as Baylor Bears win 5-3
The Kansas softball teams late rally
fell short against Baylor Sunday after-
noon. The 5-3 loss secured a weekend
sweep for the Bears (34-9, 4-0). With the
loss the Jayhawks fell to 2-2 in the Big 12
Conference and 25-11-1 on the season.
Baylor struck first in the top of the
second inning, catching the Jayhawk
defense off guard in a double steal
that resulted in a run.
Senior pitcher Kassie Humphreys
started in the circle for the Jayhawks
but struggled in the 3 1/3 innings she
pitched, giving up five runs on five
hits and walked two.
Humphreys did strike out four
Bears on the day, and with that sur-
passed coach Tracy Bunge for fourth
on the Jayhawks all-time career
strikeout list with 644 strikeouts.
The achievement was overshad-
owed in the loss, though.
Kassie was not sharp and was
leaving a lot of stuff out over the
plate, Bunge said.
Bunge said that although
Humphreys was a little bit off this
weekend, she expected her to bounce
The defense was having a tough
day, and the offense had its own
problems. The offense was held to
one hit through five innings of play.
I really was disappointed with
our focus and our intensity, especially
on the offensive side of things for the
sarah Leonard/KANsAN
senior frst baseman, Nicole Washburn, catches a ball at frst base in Arrocha Ballpark on Sunday afternoon. Kansas will play host to Arkansas at 2 p.m. Tuesday.
Dramatic ninth inning comeback not enough for victory
COLUMBIA, Mo. After fall-
ing behind 8-0 in the fourth inning,
senior center fielder Kyle Murphys
base hit broke through the left side
in the top of the ninth. That hit
capped an incredible comeback, put-
ting Kansas up 9-8.
But a celebration never took
Murphys Missouri counterpart,
center fielder Evan Frey, made sure
of it. With two outs and one on in
the bottom of the ninth, Frey blasted
a walk-off home run to left-cen-
ter field. The 10-9 final score gave
Missouri (22-8, 4-2) the game and
the series.
Thats about as tough of a loss as
Ive ever had, coach Ritch Price said.
Especially when youre down 8-0
and you play that hard to get back in
the thing. We had some huge clutch
hits along the way. Obviously it isnt
over until the final guys out.
Particularly when Frey is the final
guy. The junior had multi-hit games
for all three games of the series,
going 7-for-16 with nine RBI and
scoring seven times.
Sophomore closer Paul Smyth (2-
1) had the Tigers down to their final
out when he surrendered a base hit
to pinch hitter Brock Bond. Frey
came up next.
Although Kansas (16-17, 3-6) had
the lead and the momentum, Price
had no intentions of thinking the
game was a done deal.
I didnt think anything like that,
Price said. I knew we would have
to keep competing and find a way
to close them out. We got the first
two guys out, obviously that was
huge. Bonds had a tough series, but
he pinch hits and gets a base knock.
Then their best hitter put a great
swing on the baseball.
After Kansas took the lead in the
ninth, the team was on pace to take a
series from Missouri at Missouri for
the first time since 1983. But even
that momentum plus a two-home
run effort from junior Ryne Price
wouldnt be enough.
Missouri fans were on Price all
weekend. When coach Prices son hit
his third home run of the series to tie
the game in the top of the ninth, they
were relentless.
One of the things we preach is
You play every out and you play all
nine innings, Price said. You know
McClinton ready to lead
Defense short on experience looks to veteran
Jerome Kemp. Paul Como.
Wayne Wilder. Rodney Allen.
J a y h a w k
football fans
might have
become famil-
iar with these
four names
during the past
several years.
But these
players have
all graduated, leaving behind a
defense short on experience.
The members of the graduat-
ing class, who combined to make
170 tackles and 11 1/2 sacks
last season, leave the defensive
reins in the capable hands of
senior defensive tackle James
Ive got to be more of a player,
McClinton said. When the games
on the line, I have to be the one
making the play.
The mature attitude McClinton
developed last winter is some-
thing the inexperienced defense
will need in order to succeed
in 2007. Besides clogging the
middle of the field and stop-
ping opposing running backs in
their tracks, McClinton will be
a frequent source of advice and
counsel for his younger team-
Because tackle is not the most
flashy or pivotal position in Kansas
4-3 defensive scheme, his vocal
leadership could be even more
important than his play on the
field. The role of team patriarch
is not one McClinton shies away
Last year we had leaders but
now theyre gone and it seems like
Im taking their role, McClinton
said. Now Im the vet and Ive got
to be the daddy.
If there is one thing the
McClinton, from Garland, Texas,
has plenty of, it is confidence.
Though he stops short of calling
himself cocky, he says that he is
ready to show his fellow defensive
linemen the ropes. McClinton
has quite the task ahead of him,
considering the fact that he and
sophomore defensive end Russell
Brorsen are the only defensive
linemen on the roster to have
started a game in a Kansas uni-
Behind McClinton, the rest of
the defense is a bit more expe-
rienced. Sophomore cornerback
Aqib Talib is coming off an All-
Big 12 First Team season and
the linebacking corps is anchored
by sophomore linebacker Mike
Rivera. Even so, McClintons out-
going nature has given his veteran
teammates a lift.
Hes an awesome player and a
great guy, freshman safety Darrell
Stuckey said of McClinton. If
someone makes a big play, hes the
first one on the field to celebrate.
Stuckey said McClinton had
become a leader both on and off
the field. The two are friends and
started a Fellowship of Christian
Athletes group with the help of
sophomore cornerback Gary
Leadership is a quality that
can be extremely difficult to find.
Kansas football may have stum-
bled upon 283 pounds worth in the
form of James McClinton.
Kansan sportswriter Asher Fus-
co can be contacted at afusco@
Edited by Sharla Shivers
Kansas tennis drops to 4- 11 with its two weekend losses in the Lone Star State against Baylor andTexas Tech. Individual victories came fromjunior
Lauren Hommel, sophomore Yuliana Svistun and the No. 1 doubles teamof junior Elizaveeta Avdeeva and sophomore Edina Horvath.
Texas matches too tough
Conference record falls to 2-4 with losses at Baylor and Texas Tech
The Kansas tennis team fell to No.
69 Texas Tech,
5-2, on Sunday
in Lubbock,
Texas, conclud-
ing a weekend on
the road. Kansas
lost 7-0 to No. 16
Baylor on Friday
in Waco, Texas.
The 0-2 weekend
drops Kansas to
4-11 overall and
2-4 in Big 12
Conference play.
Junior Lauren Hommell and
sophomore Yuliana Svistun recorded
the two victories for Kansas against
Texas Tech. Hommell defeated
Kerryn Potgieter, 6-0, 6-3, at the No.
4 singles position, and Svistun won
her team-best 10th match of the
season against
Maria Jose
Andres at the
No. 5 spot.
The No. 1
doubles duo of
junior Elizaveta
Avdeeva and
s o p h o m o r e
Edina Horvath
suffered its first
conference loss
against Texas
Tech, dropping their overall record
to 12-4 and conference record to 5-1.
The duo recorded its league-leading
fifth conference victory Friday. win-
ning against Baylors Zuzana Cerna
and Zuzana Chmelarova.
Avdeeva experienced a tough
weekend at No. 1 singles, falling
twice in three-set matches. Avdeeva
took No. 38 Cerna of Baylor to three
sets on Friday before losing 2-6, 6-4,
6-2. Avdeeva coupled that with a 6-
2, 2-6, 6-4, loss to Samantha van der
Drift of Texas Tech on Sunday.
Kansas will hit the road again
Saturday when it returns to action
at Missouri.
Kansan sportswriter Rustin Dodd
can be contacted at rdodd@kan-
Edited by Ashley Thompson
The No. 1 doubles duo of
junior Elizaveta Avdeeva
and sophomore Edina
Horvath sufered its frst
conference loss against
Texas Tech.
see Softball oN pAge 2B
see baSeball oN pAge 3B
sports 2B MOnday, april 2, 2007
Kansas loses 8-2 in home opener
The Jayhawks couldnt hold
up against the Baylor Bears in
wet and cold conditions Satur-
day at arrocha Ballpark.
The Bears used three home
runs to beat the Jayhawks dur-
ing their frst time at home in 10
games, 8-2.
The loss ended the Jayhawks
four-game winning streak.
Baylor put two runs on the
board in the third inning of
a throwing error by freshman
second baseman Sara ramirez.
Senior pitcher Kassie Hum-
phreys pitched fve innings
allowing fve hits, fve earned
runs, and striking out two.
Humphreys gave up a two-
run home run in the fourth
inning putting the score 4-0.
The next inning Humphreys
gave up a three-run home
run with two outs. although
she struck the next batter out
to end the inning, she was
replaced by freshman pitcher
Sarah Vertleka.
Evan Kafarakis
Softball (continued from 1B)
first five-plus innings, Bunge said.
Freshman second baseman Sara
Ramirez led off the inning, and the
one hit came off her bat and sailed
over the left field wall for a home run
for the Jayhawks.
Ramirez, who is only 5-foot-1-
inch, credits mechanics to her power
behind her small frame. After the
home run, the bats went cold as
Baylor pitcher Kirsten Shortridge
struck out the next two Jayhawk bat-
ters and forced a ground out to end
the inning.
Shortridge went six innings, strik-
ing out seven Jayhawks and allowing
only four hits.
Their kid did a great job, Bunge
said of Shortridge. She pitched
exactly to what we were swinging
Bunge said that the team was not
aggressive enough against Shortridge
until later in the game.
I felt that we were passive, we
were swinging at pitches outside of
the zone. We were really chasing the
drop ball, and there was no reason
with the umpire not having a low
zone to go out and chase, Bunge
As the Jayhawks were hoping to
make a comeback after Ramirezs
home run in the bottom of the third,
the Bears struck right back in the
The Bears hit a two-run home
run off Humphreys, putting the
Jayhawks down 5-1.
Humphreys was pulled after the
home run and sophomore pitcher
Valerie George came into relief.
George struck out the first batter
she faced, the first of her six strike-
outs on the day.
The last four or five games,
George has been throwing really
well, Bunge said. Her confidence
is way up and shes come a long
George said after the game that
she felt really good about her pitch-
It felt good to go out there and
stay solid for the team, George said.
In her 3 2/3 innings in the circle,
she gave up one hit, zero runs and
walked two.
Kansan sportswriter Evan Kafara-
kis can be contacted at ekafara-
[email protected].
Edited by Carissa Pedigo
Baylor 5, Kansas 3
tulsa, Drake regatta
canceled due to current
The Kansas rowing teams
regatta against Tulsa and drake
was canceled last weekend
because of river conditions.
The regatta was initially re-
scheduled for Sunday because of
high water and a fast current in
the Kansas river. it was canceled
Saturday afternoon because the
conditions did not look like they
would improve.
The Jayhawks play host to
the Kansas State Wildcats for
the Kansas Cup on Saturday.
The races begin at 10 a.m. on
the Kansas river near Burcham
park, Second and indiana
Catherine Odson
Baylor 012 200 0 5 6 0
Kansas 001 000 2 3 4 0
Shortridge, Ferguson (7) and
Oberg; Humphreys, George (4) and
Pottorf. W Shortridge 11-3. L
Humphreys 12-5. S Ferguson.
2B BU: Reagan; KU: Washburn. HR
BU: Sage; KU: Pottorf, Ramirez.
Baylor 34-9, 4-0 Big 12, 2-2.
Kansas 25-11-1, Big 12, 2-2.
athletics calendar
n softball vs. arkansas,
2 p.m., arrocha Ballpark
n softball vs. arkansas,
4 p.m., arrocha Ballpark
n Baseball at Kansas State,
7 p.m., Manhattan
n softball vs. nebraska,
3 p.m., arrocha Ballpark
n Track at Texas relays, all
day, austin, Texas
n soccer vs. Washburn,
5 p.m., Jayhawk Soccer Com-
n Baseball vs. Texas,
7 p.m., Hoglund Ballpark
n Track at Texas Relays,
all day, austin, Texas
n Baseball vs. Texas, 7
p.m., Hoglund Ballpark
n Track at Texas relays, all
day, austin, Texas
n Rowing vs. Kansas State,
10 a.m., Kansas river
n Baseball vs. Texas,
1 p.m., Hoglund Ballpark
n softball at Texas,
1 p.m., austin, Texas
n Tennis at Missouri,
1 p.m., Columbia, Mo.
n Womens golf at Susie
Maxwell Berning Classic, all
day, norman, Okla.
n softball at Texas, 1 p.m.,
austin, Texas
teenager prevails in major
18-year-old holds on to lead as other players falter in fnal round of Nabisco Championship
By DoUg FERgUSon
Morgan Pressel became the young-
est major champion in LPGA Tour
history Sunday with a game well
beyond her 18 years, closing with
a 3-under 69 at the Kraft Nabisco
Championship as everyone around
her self-destructed.
Pressel played her final 24 holes
over Mission Hills without a bogey,
finishing the round with a 10-foot
birdie putt that looked as though
it would be only good enough for
second place.
Then came a shocking collapse
from Suzann Pettersen, the latest
and most significant on a sun-baked
afternoon in the desert.
Pettersen, a fiery 25-year-old
from Norway, had a four-shot lead
with four holes to play when she
started hitting tee shots into the
ankle deep rough and missing putts
on the crusty greens. She went
bogey-double bogey-bogey to fall
one shot behind, and needing a
birdie on the par-5 18th, she hit
wedge some 25 feet beyond the hole
and missed the putt.
I said yesterday that a little help
never hurts, Pressel said. That
rang true today.
Pressel, who finished at 3-under
285, was on the practice range when
she entered the history books at 18
years, 11 months, 22 days.
Previously, the youngest major
champion was Sandra Post, who
was 20 years, 19 days when she won
the 1968 LPGA Championship. On
the mens tour, Young Tom Morris
was 17 when he won the 1868
British Open.
The kid broke down in tears
again, this time over the shock
and euphoria of winning a major
10 months after graduating high
Oh my God! Oh my God! was
all she could manage.
Then came the sweetest pool
party she ever attended. Keeping
with tradition at the Kraft Nabisco,
Pressel jumped into the pond sur-
rounding the 18th green with her
caddie and grandmother, Evelyn
Herb Krickstein, her grandfa-
ther and the father of former tennis
player Aaron Krickstein, watched
with a broad smile. Pressel came out
of the water and slipped into a white
robe that read, 2007 Kraft Nabisco
Champion on the back.
This is a dream come true,
Pressel said. I knew I had to play
solid golf. I couldnt make mistakes,
I had to stay cool and be ready for
whatever came.
It was hard to believe not only
at that age, but how it all unfolded.
Se Ri Pak, needing to win this
major to complete the career Grand
Slam, had a three-shot lead on the
front nine until Pettersen took
charge with a four-shot swing over
three holes. Pak bogeyed five of the
last six holes for a 77.
Catriona Matthew of Scotland,
playing only her second event since
becoming a mother three months
ago, had a 30-foot birdie putt to
reach 4 under when she three-putt-
ed for a bogey that left her in a
tie for second with Pettersen and
Brittany Lincicome (72).
But no one threw this tourna-
ment away more than Pettersen.
I said yesterday that the one
who made the fewest mistakes
would win, she said. I did a few
too many.
It started with a tee shot into the
right rough on the 15th, keeping her
from reaching the green and taking
bogey. She went right again on the
next hole, clipping a branch on her
second shot that left her short of the
green. Her wedge spun off the front
of the green, and she used putter
to ram it 8 feet by. The bogey putt
caught the lip, and suddenly she was
down to 3 under.
Pressel watched workers change
Pettersens score under par from a
5 to a 3 and couldnt believe it.
Pettersen then came up short on the
17th, chipped to 10 feet and missed
again, falling one shot behind.
A week ago, Pettersen was run-
ner-up to Lorena Ochoa outside
This time, I felt like I lost the
tournament, she said. Last week,
I felt like I won second place.
Apparently, it wasnt my week. I
just didnt finish it off. All credit to
Stacy Lewis was low amateur
after a 71 that put her in tie for
Pressel became the first American
to win this major since Dottie
Pepper in 1999. And it atoned for
Cherry Hills two years ago, when
she was poised to win the U.S.
Womens Open until Birdie Kim
holed a bunker shot for birdie as
Pressel watched in disbelief from
the fairway.
The tears flowed when it ended,
the first precipitation all week in the
Coachella Valley joy for Pressel,
despair for Pettersen.
Ochoa, who needed a victory
to supplant Annika Sorenstam
at No. 1 in the womens world
ranking, tied for 10th after clos-
ing with a 72. Her hopes were
ruined Saturday with a quadruple
bogey on the 17th, and while she
promised to attack in the final
round, the 25-year-old Mexican
star didnt make her first birdie
until No. 11.
Sorenstam shot 75 and finished
at 296, here highest 72-hole score in
a major since the 98 U.S. Womens
Open at Blackwolf Run.
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3B MOnday, april 2, 2007
BaseBall (continued from 1B)
after falling behind 8-0 in the fourth inning, Kansas pulled ahead 9-8 in the top of the ninth. A Missouri walk-of home run in the bottomof the ninth
gave the game and the series to the Tigers. The last time the Jayhawks won a series at Missouri was 1983. The Jayhawks are now16-17 overall and 3-6 in
the Big 12 Conference.
Fridays game
COlUMBia, Mo. after a
rocky start in conference play,
junior shortstop Erik Morrisons
two-run homer erased a 5-4 def-
cit in the top of the ninth to lift
the Jayhawks past the Tigers 7-5.
Fellow junior ryne prices solo
shot that followed only sweet-
ened the deal for Kansas (16-15,
3-4) on the opening day of the
despite being outhit 15-7
by the Tigers (20-8, 2-2), the
Jayhawks found a way to put
runs across. Starter aaron Crow
nearly doubled his season walk
total in his 6 2/3 inning outing.
Crow entered the game with 11
walks. He walked eight Jayhawks
on Friday night.
saturdays game
COlUMBia, Mo. Sopho-
more preston lands double
slammed into the left feld
bullpen just inches from clearing
the fence in the top of the ninth.
The frst basemans hit scored
two, but Kansas still came up shy
of the comeback victory, losing
to Missouri 8-7.
looking not at all like the Jay-
hawks who have lately struggled
ofensively, sophomore Buck
afenir belted two home runs in
back-to-back at bats. although
Kansas kept closer pace with Mis-
souri in game two each had
12 hits and struck out just fve
times Missouri held on.
Alissa Bauer
Kansas-Missouri series recap
Quality ofense fails to bring needed series victory
when you play Missouri its going to
be a war. The things that are said in
the stands are nasty, and its a great
A great rivalry produced a great
series. All three of the weekend
games went down to the wire as
neither of Kansas losses were decid-
ed by more than one run. None
were shorter than three hours long,
and each had an element of come-
back, although none as dramatic as
We pulled this one out on
Friday. We pulled it out and had a
chance yesterday, and we took the
lead today so maybe we got what
was coming for us, Murphy said.
By the end of the fourth inning,
the series-deciding game looked
more than grim. Between the walks,
a balk, trouble throwing back to
the pitcher and a huge home run,
Kansas was down 8-0 less than half-
way through the game.
Sophomore lefty Andy Marks
struggle to get the lead-off man out
took its toll in the opening innings.
The Tigers went out in order in the
bottom of the first. But the lead-off
man, and many to follow, reached
and scored in the combined seven-
run second and third innings.
But the rivalry isnt named the
Border Showdown for nothing, and
this one wouldnt end without a
I thought it was one of the most
competitive weekends weve played
this season, Murphy said. I was
really pleased with it. That way to
end the game doesnt tell the story
of how well we played.
Right-handed starter Greg Folgia
was dominate for the Tigers to open
the game. His three straight strike-
outs in the top of the second led to
a string of five consecutive strike-
outs. However, by the top of the
fifth Folgias effectiveness had worn
thin. The Jayhawks loaded the bases
with just one hit, scoring all three.
Still facing a steep deficit, Kansas
needed a big sixth to tighten the 8-3
gap. Price kicked it off with a solo
homer to right field, his second of
the series. Younger brother Robby
Price, freshman infielder, drove in
the second run of the inning, inch-
ing the Jayhawks closer.
Two runs in the top of the eighth,
highlighted by Murphys double
off the right field wall, pulled the
Jayhawks within one and set up the
dramatic ninth.
Smyth entered the ninth on his
terms. Known for his unshakable
mentality, the closer needed to hold
on for only one more out. The home
run he surrendered to Frey was
Smyths first of the season. Though
Smyth took his first loss of the sea-
son, that wasnt the most important
thing the Jayhawks took away from
the weekend.
It shows that weve got a lot of
heart, Murphy said. Everyone
was kind of questioning it a cou-
ple of weeks ago, when were
dropping games to Missouri State
and that sort of thing. I thought
we really came out and showed
what we were made of this week-
Kansan senior sportswriter Alissa
Bauer can be contacted at abau-
[email protected].
Edited by Sharla Shivers
Morrison offered his philosophical
approach to hitting after Fridays
game. The junior shortstops mes-
sage was simple: Sometimes you
run into one. Sometimes you dont.
Despite dropping the baseball
chapter of the Border Showdown to
Missouri two games to one, Kansas
bats ran into almost everything
Missouris pitchers offered up.
Friday night, Kansas trailed
Missouri 5-4 entering the ninth
inning. For the Jayhawks from the
beginning of the season, a loss would
have been set in stone.
The Jayhawks who came out in
Columbia, though, turned the deficit
into an advantage with back-to-back
home runs by Morrison and junior
second baseman Ryne Price.
The back-to-back homers carried
Kansas to a 7-5 victory; its first ninth-
inning comeback of the season.
This weekend did wonders for us
confidence-wise, knowing that were
in every game senior center fielder
Kyle Murphy said. We had a lot of
hitters welcoming the challenge of
hitting in the top of the ninth with
two outs and two strikes. A couple
weeks ago, we might have backed
away from that, but to see guys are
accepting that challenge is definitely
a confidence booster for us all.
Saturday nearly produced a sec-
ond straight ninth-inning comeback.
Missouri posted eight runs in the
first six innings, but Kansas hacked
away at the Tigers lead.
The Jayhawks failed to rally for
the victory, falling both Saturday and
Sunday to the Tigers.
Despite losing its third straight Big
12 Conference series, Kansas tallied
23 runs in the series, one of its best
ofensive showings of the season.
Kansan senior sportswriter Shawn
Shroyer can be contacted at
[email protected].
Edited by Mark Vierthaler
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sports 6B monday, april 2, 2007
of the most high-profile additions
either team has ever had will be in
uniform when the Boston Red Sox
and Kansas City Royals open their
season on Monday.
Curt Schilling, the veteran All-
Star right-hander, will oppose Kansas
Citys Gil Meche, whose five-year,
$55 million free agent contract set a
Royals record.
Manning third base for the Royals
will be rookie Alex Gordon, last sea-
sons minor league player of the year
and Kansas Citys most highly touted
prospect since Carlos Beltran.
Ready to make his much-antici-
pated American debut on Thursday
will be right-hander Daisuke
Matsuzaka, who cost Boston more
than $100 million and will have
about 125 Japanese media chroni-
cling his every move.
The Red Sox, third last year in the
AL East after eight consecutive sec-
ond-place finishes, also will have an
expensive newcomer in right field in
veteran J.D. Drew, and their 13th dif-
ferent opening day second baseman
in 14 years in Dustin Pedroia.
Opening day is 24 hours away,
Boston manager Terry Francona
said Sunday as the Red Sox went
through a light workout. If youre
not optimistic, youre crazy. But I
think we have a legitimate reason to
be optimistic. We think weve got a
pretty good team.
Hitting leadoff for the Red Sox
will be another newcomer, Julio
Lugo, whose .357 on-base percent-
age from 2004-06 was fifth among
major league shortstops.
Next in a potentially potent lineup
will be No. 2 hitter Kevin Youkilis,
followed by sluggers David Ortiz
and Manny Ramirez.
It could all add up to a lot of RBI
opportunities for Drew, wholl bat
fifth after leading the Dodgers in
2006 with 100 RBI and tying for the
team lead with 20 homers.
I feel great, right where I want
to be as far as everything goes, said
Drew, who signed a five-year, $70
million contract. If I can avoid any
major injuries, I think Ill have a
good year. I feel like I was able to
get a lot of hits this spring and keep
myself right where I wanted to be.
The 40-year-old Schilling, who
also had a good spring, will be hop-
ing to erase memories of his start in
Kansas City last Aug. 10, when he
lost 5-4 after giving up an AL record-
tying 10 extra-base hits.
His velocitys been a little better.
His commands been a little better,
said Francona. Again, hes not com-
ing back from an injury. I think he
was actually better this spring than
he was (in previous springs).
The Royals have had only one
winning season in the past 14 years.
But they are cautiously confident
they have improved enough to avoid
a fourth-straight 100-loss campaign.
They did get a setback last week
when right-hander Octavio Dotel,
signed to close for a bullpen that
blew a major league-high 31 saves,
came up with a strained muscle on
his left side.
Manager Buddy Bell said Dotel,
who has been two years coming
back from reconstructive elbow sur-
gery, would not be available until
Wednesday at the earliest.
Well re-evaluate on Wednesday,
Bell said. If hes still having trouble
then, theres a chance we might put
him on the DL. We dont think its a
long-term situation.
Meche will be the Royals sixth
different opening-day starter in six
years. The right-hander, 11-8 last
year for Seattle, will be making his
first opening-day start.
Im thrilled to death, the seven-
year veteran said.
I get to take the ball, go against
Schilling, and give it all Ive got. Ive
never done this before. Ive always
watched Jamie Moyer pitch opening
day for the most part. Ive always
been excited to watch the game but
now to get to play in it is going to be
a lot different.
The muscular, soft-spoken
Gordon did nothing in the spring to
dampen fan enthusiasm. He hit .317
with 12 RBIs, two triples and two
home runs.
A lot of Japanese reporters have
been asking me about Dice-K since
some people are saying hes the No.
1 prospect this year and Im the No.
2, or whatever, Gordon said. Itll be
exciting to face him. From what you
hear, hes got awesome stuff.
ST. LOUIS The St. Louis
Cardinals returned to Busch Stadium
Sunday night just where they left off
in October, surrounded by the ever-
adoring mass of red.
For this Opening Day, Cardinals
fans really had something to cheer
about the teams first world cham-
pionship since 1982. The last game
of the first year at the new stadium
ended with Adam Wainwright striking
out Detroits Brandon Inge to end the
deciding Game 5 of the World Series.
Kristina Bish, 27, was at the game
with her fiance, Matt Kahn, 26 they
met buying tickets to the 2004 playoffs.
Its just knowing were the cham-
pions, Bish said. Its not every
opening day that you can do some-
thing like this.
Kristin Casey, 27, brought her 4-
month-old son, Connor.
We can talk about it when he gets
older, Casey said. He was part of
the World Series whether he was in
the womb or here in Busch Stadium.
So its special.
Outside of the Yankees, the
Cardinals with 10 world cham-
pionships and 17 pennants are
the most successful team in baseball
history. And theyre never hesitant to
bask in that rich tradition.
Such was the case Sunday, as sev-
eral players from the teams most
recent championship seasons 1982
and 1967 participated in pre-
game ceremonies. The list includ-
ed 1967s Bob Gibson, Lou Brock,
Tim McCarver, Mike Shannon and
Julian Javier, along with manager
Red Schoendienst; and 1982s Bruce
Sutter, Keith Hernandez, Bob Forsch,
Joaquin Andujar and Dave LaPoint,
along with manager Whitey Herzog.
The loudest applause, though, was
for 86-year-old Stan Musial, wearing
his traditional red jacket.
The Budweiser Clydesdales cir-
cled the field prior to the game, a tra-
dition unique to St. Louis, home of
Anheuser-Busch, which once owned
the team.
They give me a kick every time I
see them, Tony La Russa, Cardinals
manager, said.
A motorcade of alternately red
and white Ford Mustangs car-
ried players, coaches and La Russa
around the field to loud cheers. La
Russa was greeted warmly despite
a drunken-driving arrest earlier last
month in Florida. The cars passed
the World Series trophy that sat near
home plate.
The Cardinals unveiled flags atop
a scoreboard denoting all 10 World
Series titles, along with a huge sign,
World Champions. A large pennant
noting the 2006 championship was
raised just below the American flag
above the left-center field stands.
All the while, a few Mets who
lost in seven games to the Cardinals
in the NLCS mostly seemed to
ignore the festivities. A few jogged
in the outfield or stretched.
We try to downplay what hap-
pened last year and were going to
go out and approach them like any
other team, first baseman Carlos
Delgado said before the game.
Pre-game entertainment was
an eclectic mix that included actor
Billy Bob Thornton, who grew up a
Cardinals fan in Arkansas, serving
as co-emcee along with Cardinals
broadcaster John Rooney; and 70s
rockers REO Speedwagon signing
the national anthem.
One thing missing from Sundays
ceremony was the handing out of
World Series rings. After an off day
Monday, the Cardinals get their
rings Tuesday fans also get replica
La Russa, entering his 12th sea-
son in St. Louis, said the adoration
is nice, but its time to get down to
the business of trying to repeat. La
Russa and Sparky Anderson are the
only managers to win titles in both
Theres nothing wrong with
enjoying the banner and then the
rings, but those all happen before the
game, La Russa said. Then you just
switch it off and concentrate on 07.
Bostons Curt Schilling and Kansas Citys Gil Meche face oftoday at Kaufman Stadium. First pitch for the season opener is set for 3:10 p.m.
Cardinals celebrate championship
Will Chaifetz, 10, of Canton, Mass., right, gazes into a case of autographed baseballs Sunday at a souvenir shop across the street fromFenway Park
in Boston. The Boston Red Sox will play their frst game of the regular season Monday in Kansas City, Mo. against the Royals.
High-profle additions ready for opening day
Four players placed
on disabled list Sunday
Kansas City Royals completed
their 25-man roster Sunday
by placing four players on the
disabled list and purchasing the
contracts of third baseman Alex
Gordon and right-hander Bran-
don Duckworth from Triple-A
Gordon, last seasons minor
league player of the year, will
start at third. Duckworth will take
the ffth spot in the rotation.
Placed on the DL were left-
hander John Bale (shoulder
strain) and right-handers Scott
Elarton (shoulder surgery), Luke
Hudson (shoulder strain) and
Leo Nunez (bruised wrist).
Associated Press
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10 is the easiest day, 0 the most
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today is a 5
The key to your success is hid-
den somewhere in your own
subconscious. If you can re-
member where you put it, youll
triumph over all. Try meditation.
TAurus (April 20-May 20)
Today is a 7
The trouble is, what youre
learning contradicts what you
already knew. Whats really true?
Or does it depend on your point
of view? Keep reading.
GeMini (May 21-June 21)
Today is an 8
Its still important for you to
carefully think before you speak.
You may not be in the habit, but
its a valuable one to acquire.
CAnCer (June 22-July 22)
Today is a 7
Youre liable to be frustrated.
Your progress seems to be
blocked. Dont worry, this little
setback leads you to a brilliant
new plan.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today is a 5
Let others carry the ball today.
Let somebody else take the
heat. Youre about to have a bril-
liant insight that will help you
achieve victory.
VirGo (Aug. 23-sept. 22)
Today is a 6
Let your friends know what
you need. Youd do anything
for them. Let them return the
favors. Yes, there is something
they can do for you, and if you
ask, they will.
LibrA (sept. 23-oct. 22)
Today is an 8
Dont ofer suggestions unless
specifcally asked. Be polite,
charming and attractive. Let
somebody else lead you to
sCorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21)
Today is an 8
Use what youre learning to ad-
vance your position. Youre hav-
ing fun, but not for the fun of it.
This is about doing business.
sAGiTTArius (nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is an 8
Careful shopping will be
required to achieve your latest
goals. This is not your favorite
pastime, but you can do it well,
if you must. Do the homework.
CApriCorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is a 6
Let somebody else do the dif-
fcult stuf. You can supervise.
Thats your favorite job anyway,
and youre really good at it.
AquArius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today is an 8
Eureka! Youve found it! The way
to bring in the money to take
your plan to the next phase is
right there in front of you. Dont
spend like a drunken sailor;
exercise self-discipline.
pisCes (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today is a 7
By about now, you will have had
another blinding insight. Dont
bother with trying to fgure out
how these things happen to
you. Do believe in miracles, from
frst-hand experience.
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Blades of Glory scores big
in box ofce this weekend
LOS ANGELES Stars-on-ice Will
Ferrell and Jon Heder took the box
ofce gold for the weekend.
Paramount and DreamWorks
Blades of Glory, with Ferrell and
Heder playing fgure-skating rivals
who become the sports frst mens
pair, debuted as the No. 1 movie
with $33 million in ticket sales,
according to studio estimates
Disneys animated adventure
Meet the Robinsons, about the
time-traveling journey of a brilliant
but lonely orphan, debuted in
second place with $25.1 million.
The previous weekends
top movie the Warner Bros.
animated tale TMNT, a revival of
the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
franchise slipped to fourth place
with $9.2 million, down a steep 62
percent from its $24.3 million de-
but. TMNT raised its 10-day total
to $38.4 million.
After a monthlong surge, the
overall box ofce declined. The top
12 movies took in $115 million,
down 13 percent from the same
weekend last year, when Ice Age:
The Meltdown opened with $68
This is still a good weekend,
a pretty healthy one-two punch
with `Blades of Glory and `Meet
the Robinsons at the top, said Paul
Dergarabedian, president of box-
ofce tracker Media By Numbers.
Movie attendance is up 4 per-
cent this year, Dergarabedian said.
Ferrell scored the second-best
opening of his career, behind last
summers Talladega Nights: The
Ballad of Ricky Bobby, which took
in $47 million in its frst weekend.
It starts with a great concept,
and the whole picture was cast so
well, said DreamWorks spokesman
Marvin Levy. Another part of the
surprise was, we got a ton of very,
very good reviews.
Meet the Robinsons played in
about 3,400 theaters and did espe-
cially well in a 3-D version at 600
cinemas, said Chuck Viane, head of
distribution for Disney.
Associated Press
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7B MONDAY, APRIL 2, 2007
NCaa basketball 8b monday, april 2, 2007
ATLANTA Its no accident
that they are meeting again for
a championship. Calling it pure
coincidence might not be totally
right, either.
Florida and Ohio State are dom-
inating marquee college sports like
no two programs ever have. Their
meeting Monday for the basketball
title comes three months after they
played for the football champion-
ship. Regardless of the outcome,
the Gators already go down as the
first program to hold the mens
basketball and football titles at the
same time.
The programs are products of
two mega-sized athletic depart-
ments awash in money, fan sup-
port, strong decision makers at the
top and good coaches interspersed
throughout their respective cam-
When you have resources, that
usually means you have the where-
withal to have good facilities, said
Chuck Neinas, the well-respected
leader of a search firm that finds
football coaches and athletic direc-
tors for big-time programs. You
build a tradition of success that
attracts talent, and that allows you
to pay for good coaches.
Though the schools operate in
different sections of the country,
these power programs have more
things in common than not. Most
notably, these are or at least
once were schools where foot-
ball was king.
Nothing against the basketball
programs, but success in football
drives success in everything else at
most universities. Its the sheer fact
of numbers. With the exceptions
of a few elite basketball programs,
theres simply more money to be
made by filling 105,000 seats in
the Horseshoe, or 90,000 at the
Swamp, than by filling a basketball
arena one-fifth their size.
The correlation between
105,000 people on a Saturday
afternoon in the Shoe definitely
helps all programs, Ohio State
coach Thad Matta said. I think its
helped us through the recruiting
process. The notoriety of the foot-
ball program
is something
we try to work
T h a n k s
in large part
to revenue
from the foot-
ball program,
Ohio State led
the NCAA in
revenue last
year, bringing
in nearly $105 million. Florida
brought in $78 million. Both pro-
grams made enough money that
they were able to donate to their
schools instead of having the
school supplement them.
The days of basketball coaches
defending their programs status
on these campuses are long gone.
Instead, they bask in the football
teams, taking recruits to games and
bringing those coaches in for moti-
vational speeches to their teams.
Its everything at Florida thats
good, Gators coach Billy Donovan
said. Certainly the football pro-
gram is terrific. As I said earlier,
I think where theres problems on
campuses with coaches is when
all the focus is totally just on one
And Matta: My goal is not
to make Ohio State a basketball
school. I think my goal is to make
it the best basketball program that
we possibly can.
Harmony aside, this isnt to say
these programs are perfect. Its
just that their
solutions to
the problems,
when they
arise, are bet-
football pro-
gram has
moved on from
the Maurice
Clarett imbro-
glio. The star
of the 2002
national championship team,
Clarett created problems while he
was in school by accusing admin-
istrators of not caring about him
and caused even more drama after-
ward when he lied about receiving
thousands of dollars in improper
In basketball, Matta was hired to
clean up the program after former
coach Jim OBrien was fired for
giving $6,000 to a recruit, which
helped land the Buckeyes on pro-
The probes led to the departure
of embattled athletic director Andy
Geiger, who said he was burned
out from all the turmoil. Despite
that, he laid much of the ground-
work for the current success, and
his replacement, Gene Smith, has
overseen a transition for what is
largely regarded as the countrys
biggest athletic department.
Certainly, youd have to put
Jeremy Foley and Gene Smith in
the finalists of the most respect-
ed athletic directors in country,
Neinas said.
Foley runs a department that is
not so lovingly known by some as
The Firm, for its dispassionate
ability to make problems go away.
For all the money and success
these programs have generated,
the trips to the title games arent
big money makers, but it will be
hard to call either of these schools
Charlie Neibergall/ASSOCIATED PRESS
Ohio State coach Thad Matta, left, and Florida coach Billy Donovan, appear Sunday at separate press conferences at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. The coaches will face of in the national basketball
championship on Monday.
Two high-profle
universities meet
in basketballs biggest
game after playing for
football championship
My goal is not to make Ohio
State a basketball school. I think
my goal is to make it the best
basketball program that we can.
thad matta
Ohio State basketball coach
Ohio States Greg Oden prepares to slamthe ball during a 67-60 victory against Georgetown in its
Final Four semifnal basketball game on Saturday at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta.
wants to ft
in, enjoys
campus life
ATLANTA Its hard to escape
attention when youre the center of
On campus, Greg Oden literally
sticks out in a room of 600 freshmen
attending a biology lecture. At the
Easton Town Center in Columbus,
Ohio, people chuckle as they watch
him try to scrunch his lanky frame
into a go-cart.
On Sunday, it was Oden chuck-
ling as he talked about the time he
boogied to the dancing machine at
the GameWorks in the mall.
It was a hilarious sight, Oden
said. I built up a crowd.
The center of attention is used to
attention by now. People have been
watching ever since he started grow-
ing quickly and picked up a basket-
ball in Indianapolis.
Hes 19 now and plays basketball
for a living. At least people think
hes already playing basketball for a
The center of attention is actually
the center for Ohio State, which plays
Florida for the national champion-
ship Monday night. He gets tuition,
books, meal money and the oppor-
tunity to be as normal a man about
campus as your average 7-footer who
can dunk from 10 feet out.
The center of attention is about
ready to finish a one-year appren-
ticeship for the NBA before signing
for untold millions. Or at least thats
what people who pay attention to
these kind of things are figuring.
It doesnt make much sense to
come back. Not when Oden can
make himself rich instead of helping
enrich his university.
The center himself says hes dis-
covered he likes school and enjoys
being on campus.
He wants to fit in, doesnt want
anyone paying attention. But this is
one freshmen who cant join fellow
students trying to sneak into nearby
Im pretty sure they wouldnt let
me in, he said, because some guy
would say, Thats Greg Oden.
Some think the center of atten-
tion could eventually become one of
the best basketball players ever. He
watches videos of all the top low-post
players and tries to copy things Bill
Russell, Kevin McHale and Kareem
Abdul-Jabbar used to do.
Oden wont likely match up
directly with Floridas flamboyant
Joakim Noah in Mondays final, but
the contrast between the two big
men couldnt be more stark.
Noah flies up and down the court
with his bushy ponytail flopping up
and down. He blows kisses at cheer-
leaders, pumps his chest with his
fists and screams after blocks and
The center of attention would be
horrified with that kind of attention.
I think my mom wouldnt like
me acting like that, he said. She
taught me better.
Starters give
for history
ATLANTA Most kids think
the world began when they started
watching TV.
Few would argue that if Florida
successfully defends its national
championship against Ohio State,
the Gators belong among college
basketballs all-time best. Who else
belongs on that list?
When we asked Monday nights
starters, only one named a team that
dominated before they were born.
Ill go with whichever UCLA
team won the 88 games in a row,
Floridas Lee Humphrey said.
That wasnt a single team, obvi-
ously, which raises an essential point
in the debate.
Just getting in position to repeat is
tougher than ever. Thats in large part
because the exodus of top players
that began with Kevin Garnett leap-
frogging college to the pros in 1995
has made keeping a team together a
difficult-enough task by itself. The
NBA age minimum adopted in 2005
has made it easier, but not much.
UCLA won seven consecutive
titles from 1967-73, then was beat-
en at the Final Four the following
year by North Carolina State just
months after Notre Dame ended the
88-game winning streak. Since then,
four teams have returned to the title
game with a chance to repeat. Only
the 1992 Duke team boasting future
pros Grant Hill, Christian Laettner
and Bobby Hurley pulled it off.
The big reason the Gators are
even in position is because all five
starters returned, including potential
NBA first-round picks Al Horford,
Joakim Noah and Corey Brewer. No
team wins without great players, but
not every player in college becomes
an NBA star. One measure of how
unique that is these days came when
someone asked Ohio State coach
Thad Matta how long it would be
before it might happen again.
Hopefully, Matta deadpanned,
next year.
Floridas Corey Brewer, left, and his teammate Taurean Green participate in a press confer-
ence on Sunday. Florida will play Ohio State on Monday for the national championship.
coming soon to a Kansan near you
Your Guide to Finding Your Own Perfect Paradise
Continued from page 4
ApArtment guide 3 4 monday, april 2, 2007
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By Allie Wilmes
Finding a place to live can be a sticky sit-
uation in Lawrence. With a high demand
for housing, many students struggle find-
ing somewhere to call home.
Including roommates, utilities and
environment, students have a lot to con-
sider before settling on an apartment or
house. Many students find apartments,
but for others that isnt an option.
Availability can be a problem for house-
hunting students. For this reason, many
students end up buying a house instead
of renting.
Buying a house is one investment
opportunity for students.
I thought buying a house was a better
investment than renting. Lawrence has
great property value, said Jill Johnson,
KanSan fiLe pHoto
Students and parents who own homes avoid dealing with landlords or neighbors across the wall. Home ownership comes
with its own set of headaches, however, in the form of repairs, upkeep and location.
ApArtment guide 3 2 monday, april 2, 2007
table of contents
renting an apartment. . . . . . . . . . . 3
what do you think . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
living with roommates. . . . . . . . . . 6
utilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
checklist: before you move in . . . 16
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Pkl0LS SI4kIlh6 4I $480 lh0lJ0lh6 JIlllIlLS|||
apartment guide 3
monday, april 2, 2007
Some students forgo
apartments for homes
By Allie Wilmes
Finding a place to live can be a sticky sit-
uation in Lawrence. With a high demand
for housing, many students struggle find-
ing somewhere to call home.
Including roommates, utilities and
environment, students have a lot to con-
sider before settling on an apartment or
house. Many students find apartments,
but for others that isnt an option.
Availability can be a problem for house-
hunting students. For this reason, many
students end up buying a house instead
of renting.
Buying a house is one investment
opportunity for students.
I thought buying a house was a better
investment than renting. Lawrence has
great property value, said Jill Johnson,
mother of a Basehor, Kan., student.
The KU Department of Student
Housing and local apartment complexes
such as Legends, 4100 W. 24th St., and
Highpointe, 2001 W. 6th St., come with
paid utilities and maintenance. But home-
owners are in charge of the upkeep of their
property. Upkeep can include anything
from roofing to painting and pluming
to landscaping. Jacolby Watts, Hiawatha
transfer student, said she didnt mind
doing the chores, though.
I dont mind taking out the trash,
mowing the lawn, or even painting instead
of paying somebody else to do it for me,
she said.
I like the idea of owning my own
house. There arent any rules like there are
at apartments. The only thing I miss that
people living in apartments have is the
security, pools and recreational centers,
Watts said.
Johnson said one important issue was
getting a good location.
The main thing I was concerned with
Continued on page 4
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Continued from page 4
apartment guide 3 4 monday, april 2, 2007
Name: 26186/Fox Run Apartments; Width: 29p0; Depth: 5.5 in;
Color: Black; Ad Number: 26186
Name: 25477/First Management; Width: 29p0; Depth: 11.3333 in;
Color: Black; Ad Number: 25477
when looking for a place to buy was terri-
tory. I wanted a place close to campus, but
most places for sale there were shacks and
in poor condition. There were some nicer
homes but they were farther away and
were not within walking distance from
campus, she said.
She said that in order to make buying a
house in the area an investment, she had
to be willing to accept what she was actu-
ally getting for her money. Many of the
places were sold as-is. Repairs were need-
ed to many available properties before
they could be livable.
Buying a house is a lot of work. An
apartment would have been a lot more
convenient, but hopefully it well be worth
it in the end, Johnson said.
Edited by Kate Shipley
KanSan fiLe pHoto
Students and parents who own homes avoid dealing with landlords or neighbors across the wall. Home ownership comes
with its own set of headaches, however, in the form of repairs, upkeep and location.
Continued from page 4
ApArtment guide 3 4 monday, april 2, 2007
when looking for a place to buy was terri-
tory. I wanted a place close to campus, but
most places for sale there were shacks and
in poor condition. There were some nicer
homes but they were farther away and
were not within walking distance from
campus, she said.
She said that in order to make buying a
house in the area an investment, she had
to be willing to accept what she was actu-
ally getting for her money. Many of the
places were sold as-is. Repairs were need-
ed to many available properties before
they could be livable.
Buying a house is a lot of work. An
apartment would have been a lot more
convenient, but hopefully it will be worth
it in the end, Johnson said.
Edited by Kate Shipley
KanSan fiLe pHoto
Students and parents who own homes avoid dealing with landlords or neighbors across the wall. Home ownership comes
with its own set of headaches, however, in the form of repairs, upkeep and location.
apartment guide 3
monday, april 2, 2007
What do you think?
by Jacque Lumsden
What do you think is the most important thing to
remember When preparing to move into an apartment?
Lauren eby
Topeka sophomore
To set up your utilities before you
move in so when you move in you
have air conditioning and water.
yujie Li
China senior
Set up the utilities, know your
roommates, and make sure you
know the environment around
where you are living, like where the
laundry room is and such.
jeff russeLL
Winfeld junior
Make sure you check everything
out and record all damage that was
there prior to you living there.
niCk Landers
redding, Calif., junior
Make sure you know your room-
mates and fgure out how to live
with them.
kevin james
springfeld, mo., sophomore
Picking the types of roommates
you feel most comfortable living
ApArtment guide 3 6 monday, april 2, 2007
Choice of roommate
decides tone of home
By Jason Baker
When it comes to choosing living
arrangements for the upcoming school
year, the most important issue isnt just
on a roommate. Picking out a roommate
is because you are essentially sharing liv-
or people you chose to live with. But if
John Wade, outreach coordinator
for KU Counseling and Psychological
Services, said one of the most common
It is usually much easier and more
flict in advance and come to a mutual
agreement through negotiating, he said.
Wade also believes that common topics
can range from guidelines of cleaning
the living space to having guests stay the
Continued on page 7
KanSan FiLe pHoto
potential roommates should discuss expectations of
cleanliness and chore duties before moving in together.
Wesl Hills Aporlmenls
1 & 2 bedrooms
Cn K bus roule
Some ulllllles pold
Gourmel collee bor
Loundry loclllly on slle
Vllhln wolklng dlslonce lo K
24 hour emergency molnlenonce
Mo doposi|, no opplico|ion loos
apartment guide 3
monday, april 2, 2007
attest to this. His sophomore year, he
lived with some friends at LeannaMar
Townhomes, 4501 Wimbeldon Dr.
I lived with some friends from the
dorms not realizing just how lazy and how
much of a slob the one guy was, and it
led to greater conflicts, Olivarez said. He
remembers one time when his roommates
decided to play with some of his things
in his room while he was gone. He blew
up at his roommate and it got so heated
that they almost got into a fight on their
back patio. Eventually Olivarezs room-
mate moved out.
Erica Rowe, Kansas City, Mo., junior,
also had some roommate trouble. Rowe
lived in a two-person room in Lewis Hall
her freshman year with her best friend.
Her situation never got violent, but com-
munication was a big factor between her
and her roommate.
She thought we both were going to
Continued from page 6
KanSan fiLe pHoto
roommates should communicate when problems arise. KU Counseling and Psyhcological Services ofers tips for building
communication between roommates who disagree.
Continued on page 9
Campus Court at Naismith
1301 W. 24th St. Lawrence, KS 60046
1 & 2 bedroom apartments
Great Floorplans!
Free iPod or gift with pre-lease
Perfect for roommates
Washer/dryer in each unit
Walking/bus line to campus
Free wireless internet
Indoor basketball court
Fitness room
Tanning bed
Gated community
Brand new interior
Newly renovated
FREE internet
FREE tanning bed
jacuzzi & pool plaza
individual leases
fitness center
lighted basketball court
sand volleyball court
fully furnished
student services center
washer/dryer in every unit
NO security deposit
2511 W 31st Street
Lawrence, KS 66047
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Too tired to go out?
Stay in!
Now Leasing For
Fall 2007
Rents start at
hang out all the time, but I figured that
we were both in college and it was time
to split off and meet new people, Rowe
said. She and her roommate were not the
conflict type and they usually kept their
issues quiet, but everything that had built
up came up when her roommates parents
came to help move her out. Rowe eventu-
ally moved to another residence hall at the
end of the semester.
Wade said the best way to solve prob-
lems is to anticipate them.
Before moving in with someone, talk
openly about your expectations, and be
willing to negotiate and compromise. Be
clear about areas where you are not willing
to compromise, he said.
If problems do occur, Wade gives a bro-
chure on the CAPS Web site, www.caps.
The brochure offers tips on identifying
problems among roommates and gives
solutions on how to handle the matters
that come up. Both Olivarez and Rowe
thought they could redo their roommate
I probably wouldve tried to talk to her
more about it. At least keep the communi-
cation lines open, that probably wouldve
made the whole situation better, Rowe
Oliverez said that problems will come
up inevitably.
I would try and control my temper to
maybe be a little more diplomatic in my
approach to dealing with my roommates.
While there have been plenty of conflicts
they all provide an opportunity to learn,
mature and move on with more knowl-
edge than you started with. And if all else
fails, you can always turn up the heat in
the oven, Olivarez said.
Edited by Kate Shipley
apartment guide 3
monday, april 2, 2007
Continued from page 7
KanSan fiLe pHoto
roommate conficts can be resolved by setting expecta-
tions early and communicating efectively.
Tink about bills
before moving in
By Lindsay ignatowski
Its move-in day. Youve chosen your
roommates, paid your deposit and scoured
garage sales for furniture you can afford.
You pick up your shiny
new key, unlock the
door, step into your own
place for the very first
time, hit the light switch
and realize: you have no
electricity. Or water. Or
With all the excite-
ment and stress of find-
ing and moving into a
new place, it can be dif-
ficult to keep straight all
that must happen before move-in day,
but setting up utilities beforehand is of
utmost importance. In fact, some apart-
ment complexes, such as Orchard Corners,
1405 Apple Lane, require tenants to pro-
vide confirmation numbers showing they
have switched all utilities into their own
names before the complex will allow them
to move in. Others complexes, such as
Parkway Commons,
3601 Clinton Parkway,
require future residents
to sign a utilities sheet
indicating that they will
take responsibility for
the utilities when they
sign the lease and then
to simply furnish the
confirmation numbers
when they are ready.
First, tenants must
determine which utili-
ties they will be responsible for. Some
landlords, such as Cedarwood Apartments,
Continued on page 11
ApArtment guide 3 10 monday, april 2, 2007
It is important not to wait until
the day or two before mov-
ing to call utility companies.
Additionally, some companies
may require a security deposit
up front.
Jefferson Way
In the heart
of downtown
Country Club
512 Rockledge
1025 Mississippi
611 Michigan
...or in the
peaceful Westside
700 Monterey Way
Other properties downtown:
919 Mass. Street (above Phoenix Gallery),
1024/1026 Mississippi,
1731/1735 Kentucky Street,
1125 Tennessee,
941 Indiana,
941 Mississippi
Other properties on the Westside:
Misc. Townhomes/houses
950 Monterey Way
200 Hanover Place
2411 Cedarwood Avenue, pay for utilities
such as trash and water, but other com-
plexes require tenants to pay for trash,
water, electricity and gas. Additionally,
residents must pay for internet, cable and
telephone connections if they choose these
optional services. When calling, residents
should say that they wish to have the utili-
ties transferred to their name and should
be prepared to provide their new address
as well as the move-in date.
It is also important not to wait until the
day or two before moving to call utility
companies. Cindy Haff, customer service
supervisor for Lawrence Utility Billing,
said customers needed to transfer service
as early as possible because the company
was unable to guarantee the chosen date
to start service.
Usually August first gets filled up by
the middle of June, she said.
She recommends contacting the utility
companies at least thirty days in advance
and said transferring service online was
the preferred method and was less time-
consuming than doing so by phone
At Crosswinds Apartments, 2130 Silicon
Ave, tenants are responsible for all utili-
ties. Residents typically pay about $100 a
month for water, trash, electricity and gas
in a two-bedroom apartment, provided
they dont use a washer and dryer. The
management of Cedarwood Apartments,
which pays for water and trash, estimates
the cost is about the same for their tenants
as well. Additionally, some companies may
require a security deposit up front. The city
of Lawrence, for example, requires a forty-
dollar deposit for trash and water service.
Continued on page 12
Continued from page 10
KanSan fiLe pHoto
tenants who use washers and dryers pay for more electric-
ity than those who go to a laundromat.
apartment guide 3 11
monday, april 2, 2007
Another option is to choose an apartment
in which the management covers all bills,
such as The Legends, 4101 W. 24th Place.
The cost of electricity, water, trash, cable and
internet are included in the rent and residents
write a single check to management to pay for
both rent and utilities. The charge for utilities
ranges from $75 to $90 per person, depend-
ing on the size of the apartment. Residents
can add telephone service as well. Diane
Kalinowski, manager of The Legends, said
that even though the management pays the
bills, the tenants still control the temperature
of their apartments and that the complex pro-
vides a standard 40-gallon hot-water heater.
For most utilities, there is only one pro-
vider: residents must contact the city of
Lawrence for water and trash; Aquila for
Continued on page 13
Continued from page 11
residents who live in an apartment complexes such as The Legends, 4101 W. 24th Place, pay the apartment complex directly
for electricity.
ApArtment guide 3 12 monday, april 2, 2007
Holiday Apartments
now leasing for summer & fall
Great oor plans
Walk-in closets
Swimming pool
Laundry facility
Pets welcome
Ku bus route
Lawrence bus route
2 Bedroom $505 & up
3 Bedroom $690 & up
4 Bedroom $840 & up
211 Mount Hope Court #1
(785) 843-0011 www.holiday-apts.com
Call to view one of our extra-large apartments on the
KU bus route Choose washer/dryer hook-ups or not
Decide on a patio or balcony Ask about our low pet deposit
...Relax Enjoy the calm...
842-1455 2401 W. 25th St., #9A3
Current space too small? Roommate not working out?
Moved home and have little privacy?
Call Park 25!
Continued from page 12
natural gas, and Westar Energy for electric-
ity. If tenants elect to have cable television
or a land-line telephone, they may contact
Sunflower Broadband or explore other local
options for telephone service. One option is
1 Touch Tone, http://www.1touchtone.com,
which provides a broadband telephone ser-
vice starting at $14.95 per month. For inter-
net service, there are many options, including
an array of dial-up services, such as America
On-Line. However, the cable broadband ser-
vice provided by Sunflower Broadband is one
of the most popular choices.
Haff said that the utility company could
only put one persons name on the account
and that it was important to make sure that
person would be responsible for collecting
money from other roommates and paying
apartment guide 3
monday, april 2, 2007
Westar Energy 1-800-383-1183 or
Confrmation Number: _______________
Natural Gas
Aquila 1-800-303-0752 or
Confrmation Number: _______________
City of Lawrence 832-7878
or http://www.lawrenceutilities.org/
Confrmation Number: _______________
Sunfower (785) 841-2100 or
No confrmation number required.
Provider: _______________
No confrmation number required
Lindsay Ignatowski
utility Checklist:
Cut out this box and fll out the appropriate felds as you
set up your utilities. Then bring the information with you
on move-in day. Some of these may be paid by the apart-
ment complex so fnd out ahead of time.
Continued on page 15
2111 Kasold Drive, Lawrence, Kansas 66047
1501 Eddingham Drive, Lawrence Kansas 66046
ApArtment guide 3 14 monday, april 2, 2007
Residents should familiarize themselves with the workings of their apartments so they know what utilities they will need to
pay for while they live there.
Iwo, Ibree aad loar bedrooms. Ne||
Ma|ata|aed towa bomes. Iwo-car
garages aad l|rep|aces. lawa care
aad a|| app||aaces fara|sbed.
;115 - ;415/80
I85.I49.4010 or I85.9I9.1550
Best Place to Live!
By KU Students 2005
Walk-in Closets
Vaulted Ceilings
Ceiling Fans
Aordable, Quality Townhomes
(785) 841-7849 3801 Clinton Parkway
Lorimar & Courtside
apartment guide 3
monday, april 2, 2007
the bill on time each month. However, it is
possible to make notes on the system of the
other roommates names and information so
that they can make changes on the account
as well. To do this, the roommates must
provide their social security numbers to the
company or know the last four digits of the
account holders social security number.
If bills are not paid in full and on time,
it can negatively affect the residents credit,
but it will mainly show up on the person
whose name is on the account, says Haff.
Such delinquencies can lead to higher
security deposits for utilities when resi-
dents move or if a resident with bad credit
moves to a new state, utility companies
may require a letter of credit before start-
ing service.
Edited by Patrick Ross
Continued from page 13
internet options
AOL $9.95-$25.90 per month
Earthlink $9.95-$21.95 per
http://www.earthlink.net/ or (866) 406-
People PC Online $9.95 per
Sunfower $14.95-$49.95 per
(785) 841-2100 or
AOL starting at $14.95 per
Lindsay Ignatowski
Visit Us At
Sunrise Village
- Spacious 3 & 4 bedrooms townhomes
- l500 square feet
- w/D hookups
- Large pool
- Tennis court
- KU bus stop on site
Sunrise Place
- 2 bedroom apartments and townhomes
- 800+ square feet
- w/D hookups in some
- Laundry facility on site
- On bus route
- Close to campus
- Pool
660 Cateway Ct.
(785) 841-8400
Starting at $855/mo.
837 Michigan
(785) 841-8400
Starting at $500/mo.
Br i ng i n ad and rec ei ve $300 of f s ec ur i t y depos i t
2600 W 6th
Harper Square
2201 Harper Square
10th & Missouri
Bri arwood
4241 Briarwood Dr.
Change your scenery
Hut ton Farms
New 2005
3401 Hutton Dr.
Corner of Kasold & Peterson
ApArtment guide 3 16 monday, april 2, 2007
Before moving in, talk with your roommates and decide how rent will be paid. Consider if one roommate will pay more because of a larger bedroom and decide a deadline for payments, which person will collect the money
and what to do if one roommate cant pay one month.
To Do LisT: aparTmenT preparaTions
Use this handy guide to work out the details of your living space
1. rent:
2. Furniture:
3. Utilities:
4. Food:
5. parking:
6. Boundaries:
7. pet requirements:
A bedroom, living room and dining room is a lot of space to fll, so make sure you talk with your
roommates before moving in to decide who is bringing what furniture. Some furniture might be too
big for your space, so measure your furniture to ensure that its not too much.
Call utility companies before moving in (see page 10 for more details.) Decide how you and your room-
mates will pay the utilities: Should each roommate pay one bill or should you combine the costs and split it?
Decide how you will buy or handle food. Discuss whether you will collectively use
the pantry and refrigerator, have separate shelves or keep personal food in a private
Talk to your rental company and fnd out if there are any parking restrictions, how many spots you
get per apartment and if you need a parking pass. Find out if all your roommates have cars.
Discuss each roommates living preferences. Maybe one person likes to study with music on.
Maybe another likes to sleep with the TV as background noise. Talking about these situations now
will avoid tense situations in the future.
Find out if your roommates have pets or want pets. If you have a pet, talk to
your rental company about their restrictions regarding size and type of pets.