Terms of Reference

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TERMS OF REFERENCE Type Title of Research Activity Here Type Date of TOR Preparation Here Study(an investigation designed

to improve knowledge on a particular topic) Survey(an assessment of the conditions of a particular group at a point in time) Evaluation(an assessment of an on-going or completed project, programme or policy)
1. Background Describe the overall context of the programme/issue to be researched 2. Rationale for the Research Activity Explain why the research activity is necessary and how its findings will be used to inform programming or advance the knowledge base on this topic. 3. Use of the findings Describe how the findings will be used from a strategic point of view, what process will the research activity feed into and what is the expected outcome Please confirm that the TOR has been shared with your key government counterpart (ideally the letter requesting/approving the specific research activity should be annexed) Identify interested parties within UNICEF, in government and among partners 4. Scope of the Research Activity List the questions the research activity should answer: i.e. what specifically do you seek to learn from this undertaking? 5. Methodology Please indicate if bidders are expected to propose the methodology. Otherwise, to the extent possible, detail out the nature of the research activity including: o Do you need quantitative data, qualitative information or both? o What geographic focus (i.e. states or districts) will your research activity have? o What sample size should your research activity cover?1 o Are there any ethical considerations that should be noted? ***Alternatively, sections 4 and 5 can be combined in the table below Research Question Methodology

6. Schedule of Tasks & Timeline Specify the tasks the contractor/evaluator is responsible to carry out and a preliminary schedule of when they should be done. It is possible that the study may have several phases e.g. desk review, literature review, interviews, data collection, report writing. Task Anticipated Timeline (e.g. # of weeks)

Please consult Deepak Dey, if you need assistance in finalizing your sample size.

Form revised June 2010

7. Estimated duration of contract Start date to end date 8. Deliverables List specific products to be delivered and by when (e.g. inception report, final report, presentation). Specify length of written reports and presentations. Note any other deliverables e.g. raw data in electronic medium (especially for surveys), data collection instruments in electronic medium, completed data sets etc. 9. Duty Station Note where the consultant/agency conducting the research will be based. 10. Official travel involved Note any travel required out of the duty station. 11. Supervisor: Note who the day-to-day supervisor of the research activity will be.

Form revised June 2010

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