Karnataka Bank

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Banking was started in India only from the beginning of the 19th century. The earliest commercial banks were started in India by the employees of the East India Company. These banks were known as agency Houses. trading with other Activities, They were mainly such as trading,

speculation etc., most of them failed soon after their establishment because of their combining banking with trading and speculation and mismanagement. After independence government of India set up the banking companies Act 1949 which was later changed as India Banking regulation Act. The RBI was nationalized in 1949, with extensive power for the supervision of Banking in India as the central banking authority. The study is conducted at Karnataka Bank Ltd., It is one of the major private sector bank established in 1924. the bank for mass banking through its innovative schemes ranging from small savings and to social lending to corporate finance and foreign business.


Attitudes are evaluative statement. response ones feeling either favorably unfavorably to persons, object or/and events. something.

They on In

other words, attitudes refit how one feels about

According to MUNN, Attitudes are learned predispositions towards aspects of our environment. They are positively or negatively directed towards certain peoples vice or institutions. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: The important objectives of the study are as follows:1.







Karnataka Bank Ltd.,


To study the satisfaction level of Karnataka Banks customers. To get a fair idea about Karnataka Bank Ltd. open an account in Karnataka bank.


4. Top know what factors influence to customers to 5. to attempt to give suggestions for Karnataka Bank METHODOLOGY AND SAMPLING DESIGN: The study is based on both primary and secondary data.


1. Primary data: Primary data is the first-hand data. Primary data is collected for the first time, solely for a particular purpose. Methods of collecting primary data:

Questionnaire method

b. Observation method c. Interview schedule method. For the preparation of this project report I have adopted the questionnaire method, observation method and interview schedule method for collecting the primary data. 2. Secondary data:Secondary data is a second-hand data. The main sources of secondary data are as followsa. Magazines b. Journals c. Books d. Internet etc., SCOPE OF THE STUDY: 1. Area study:


The study is restricts only to Sagar town because of time constraint and money constraint 2. Institution study: The consumers attitudes and opinion towards Karnataka Bank Ltd., in Sagar Branch is analyzed in the study. ANALYSIS OF DATA For the preparation of this project report I have used some statistical techniques. They are as follows. 1. Percentage (%) 2. Tables 3. Graphs LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY:1. Collection attitudes of information mainly towards getting consumer accurate involves

information about the consumers which is slightly difficult task, as respondent may try to hide certain information and may give ambiguous answers.







interviewed due to time constraint. 3. The short span of time is available to prepare this report is another limitation.



Survey is conducted through questionnaire. So all matters are not possible to cover in this questionnaire

5. The analysis is fully based on the opinion of consumers.

6. 7.

The study is limited to Sagar town only. Fatherly, consumers are scattered over a large area and interview is conducted only for 30 peoples.

CHAPTER SCHEME: This project report considered only 5 chapters. They are as follows. 1. Research design. 2. Concept chapter. 3. Profile chapter. 4. Analysis and interpretation of data 5. Summary of findings, suggestions and conclusion.





* CONSUMER ATTITUDE* MEANING AND DEFINITION:Attitudes are evaluative statements they respond ones feeling either favorably or unfavorably to persons, object or/and events. In other words, attitudes reflects how one feels about something, for example, Professor Philip Kotler says I like teaching, he is expressing his attitude about his work. Attitude constitutes an important psychological attribute of individuals which shape their behavior. Schermerhorn defines. Attitude is a predisposition to respond in a positive or negative way to some one or something in ones environment. Krech and certified define attitude as an enduring organisation of motivational emotional, perceptual and

cognitive processes with respect to some aspect of the individuals world. According to MUNN attitudes are learned predispositions towards aspects of out environmental. They be positively or negatively directed towards certain people, service on institutions. An attitude may be defined as the way a person feels about something a persons a place, a commodity, a situation or on idea. Attitude is a set of action with an emotional overtone or as a condition of readiness to be motivated Newcomb. According to Milton rok, Attitude is a learned predisposition to respond in consistently favorable or unfavorable manners with respect to a given object. An attitude is a mental state of readiness learned and organised through experience, exerting a specific influence on persons response to people object and situations with which it is related. NATURE OF ATTITUDES: Attitudes are understood as the beliefs, feelings and action tendencies of an individual or group of individuals


towards objects ideas and people. The following are the main features of attitudes are as follows. 1. Attitudes are learned through experience.

Attitude predispose people to behave or respond in certain ways

3. Attitudes and behavior conform to a principle of consistence. 4. The unfavorable favorable manner of behaving reflects the evaluative component of attitudes. 5. Attitudes refer to feelings and beliefs of an individual or group of people 6. These world. 7. Attitudes endure unless something happens. 8. Attitudes are organised and are core to an individual. 9. All people irrespective of their status or intelligence hold attitudes 10.Valence i,e it refers to the magnitude or degree of favourableness or unfavourableness toward the object or event. 11.Relation to needs i.e attitude vary in relation to the needs they serve for instance, attitudes of an individual toward the pictures may serve only entertainment needs. feelings and towards beliefs given define aspects ones of the predispositions

- 10 -

12.One of the reliant characteristic of the attitude refers to the importance of the attitude object to the individual. 13.The work.
14. The study of attitudes is significant as it helps the







complements of attitudes employee behaviour at

people adapt to their work environment. 15.Attitudes respond to persons, objects or event 16.Attitudes undergo changes. COMPONENTS OF ATTITUDES:1.

An affective component:The feeling, sentiment, moods and emotions about

some ides, person, event or object. 2. A Cognitive element:The benefits, opinion, knowledge or information held by the individual. 3. A behavioral component:The predispositions to get on a favourable or unfavourable evaluation of something. The ABC Model:The 3 components of attitude described above constitute, what is called the ABC model, the 3 letters

- 11 -

respectively cognition.






Sources of attitudes:Attitudes are not inherited. These are acquired or learned by the people from the environment in which they interest. The central idea of running through the process of attitude formation is that the thoughts, feelings and tendencies to behave are acquired or learned gradually. The attitudes are acquired from the following sources. 1. Direct personal experience:Ones direct experience with an object or person serves as a powerful source for is or her attitude formation. In other words, attitudes are formed on the basis of ones post experience in concerned object or person. 2. Association:A new attitude object may be associated with an old attitude object and the attitude towards the latter may be transferred towards the former. 3.Social learning:The process of deriving attitudes form family peer groups religious organisation and culture is called social learning. In social learning an individual acquires attitudes from his or her environment in an indirect

- 12 -


Social learning starts from early age when

children derive certain attitudes from their parents. Learning attitudes from observation involves the following processes.

Attention:- It must be focused on model. model must be retained.

b) Retention:- what was observed from the


Reproduction:- Behaviour must be practiced again and again.

d) Motivation:- The learner must be motivated

to learn from the mode. Types of attitudes:Through on individual can have numerous attitudes. The following types of attitudes are related to organisation behaviour. They are as follows. 1. Job satisfaction:The term job satisfaction refers to an individuals pleasurable or positive emotional state toward his or her job. Job satisfaction is related with five specific dimensions of the job: pay the work itself, promotion opportunities, supervision and co-workers. When people speak of employee attitude, more often than not they mean job satisfaction. 2. Job Involvement:It is the degree to which employees immerse themselves in their jobs, invest time and energy in

- 13 -

them, and consider work as a central part of their overall lives.


Organisational commitment:Organisational commitment is an attitude about

employees loyalty to their organisation. It is a process through which employees identify with the organisation and want to maintain membership in the organisation. Functions of attitudes:People hold attitudes because they serve important functions. In general attitude. 1. Adjustment function:Attitudes often help people adjust to their environment when employees are well treated, they are likely to develop a positive attitude towards management and the organisation when employees are berated and paid poorly, and they are likely to develop a negative attitude towards the firm and its owners. The attitudes helps employees adjust to their environment and are a basis for future behaviour. 2. Ego defense function: People often form and maintain certain attitudes to protects their own self-images for eg:- workers may feel threatened by the employment or advancement of minority or female workers in their organisation. These

- 14 -

threatened workers may develop prejudices against the new workers. 3.Expressive function:This function contains 3 main aspects.

It helps express the individuals central values and self identity.

b) The expressive function also helps individuals define their of self-concept, sub-culture and facilitates the adoption important. c) The expressive function helps individuals adopt and internalize the values of a group. They have recently joined and as a consequence, they are better to relate to the group. 4. Knowledge function:People need maintain a stable organised and meaningful structure of their world in order to prevent. The knowledge function of attitudes is observed more in consumer behaviour. Chart showing function of attitude Adjustment Ego defensive values considered



Value expression

- 15 -

Factors affecting attitude:What type of attitudes one will ultimately develop is dependent on the following factors. 1. Psychological factors:The psychological make-up of a person i made up of his perceptions, ideas beliefs, values, information etc., It has a crucial role in determining a persons attitudes.


family factors:During childhood a person spends a major Thus he learns

part of his time in the family.

from the family members who provide him with ready-made attitudes on a variety of issues such as education, work, wealth, religion, politics, economics etc., 3. Peer groups:As people approach their adulthood is increasing refer on their peer groups for approval seeking behaviour 4. Reference group:A reference group is any interacting aggregation of people that influence an

- 16 -

individuals attitudes of behaviour. either primary or secondary group. 5. Neighborhood:-

This group

may include family or other types of groupings,

The neighborhood we live in has a certain influence in terms of its having cultural facilities and religious groupings. The neighbors-adults or children tolerate, condone or deny certain attitudes and behaviour.

6. Role in models in ones life:Some of the attitudes are developed through imitation of models. The process is something like this. In a particular situation. We see how another person behaves. 7. Social factors:The social (factors) classes have important influence on individuals attitudes. the important task of to behaviour families. 8. Institutional factors:Many institutional factors function as sources and support of our attitudes and beliefs. patterns specific They have cultural and groups transmitting

- 17 -

For example:- consider the description of a certain temple Arathi when the people come into temple, they bow down to pray, sit with heads bowed. The entire process is devoted to ritual. 9. Economic factors:A persons attitude towards many issues such as pleasure, work, marriage and wife as working comment etc., is influenced by economic factors. 10. Political factors:Politics plays a crucial role in the administration of a country. Therefore political factors such as ideologies of the political parties, political stability and the behaviour of the political leaders greatly effect the attitudes of the people. 11. Mass Communication:All varieties of mass communication television, radio, newspapers and magazines feed their audiences with large quantities of information. Change of attitude:Attitudes affect behaviour. Hence it is in the interest of the organisation to try for the

- 18 -

favourble change in the attitudes. The following are some important ways that can be used for changing attitudes.

Filling in the information gap:Unfavorable attitudes are mainly formed

owing to information gap or headquarter supply of information. Then providing information to fill in the gaps can change attitudes. 2. Use of fear:Researches report that attitudes can also be changed by giving fear. However, both law and high degree of fear arousal do not cause attitude change. The reason is while the former is often ignored the latter makes the people stubborn in their held attitudes. 3. Resolving discrepancies Resolving discrepancies between attitude and behaviour, if any is yet another way to change attitudes. 4. Impact of peers:Persuasion by peers with high credibility can also cause change in attitude. The same is not true with peers having law level of credibility. 5. The coopting approach:-

- 19 -

Cooping is also yet another way to change attitudes. In co opting approach, the people who are dissatisfied with a certain situation are taken to make them involved in improving thing. MEASUREMENT OF ATTITUDES:Changes in attitudes make behaviour unpredictable. But the managers need to know the dimension of attitude so as to anticipate employees behaviour at work. know the attitudinal dimension measurement. Measurement in its broadest sense is the assignment of numerates, to object or events according to rules. There are many methods of attitude measurement. All methods are clarified into four types. a. Self-report b. Indirect tests c. Direct observation technique. d. Psychological reaction techniques. There are 3 types of attitude scaling commonly used in attitude measurement of employees in the organisations. There are 1.Equal appearing interval scales C.L.L (Turnstone Scale):One way to is attitude

- 20 -

Perhaps the most widely used procedure of attitude measurement is L.L Thurstones technique of equal appearing internal scales. It is simple in application as it requires only one judgment for each item or statement. 2. Summated Rating Scale:- (Rensis Likert Scale) This scale is experimented by likert for measuring attitudes. The scale have 5 points viz. Always Often Sometimes Seldom Never The statement is presented to the respondent who checks one of the These five points assigned the to each of statement. points indicate degree

agreement or disagreement.

Sumantic Differntial(C.E. as good et al Scale) Sumantic differential refers to the successive allocation made of a concept to a score in a given multidimensional space by selection from a set of given scaled sumantic alternatives. Apart from these the other scales developed for attitude measurement include The Guttman technique The error choice method Sentence completion method.
- 21 -

Reference 1. K. Ashwatappa
Organizational Behavior

VII Revised Edition Himalaya Publishing House Page No. 181-187 2. N.K. Sahni Meenu Gupta
Consumer Behavior

Kalyani Publishers Page No. 131-141 3. Organizational Behavior P. Subba Rao Himalaya Publishing House Page no.81-90 4. Organizational Behavior S.S. Kanka S. Chand Page No. 72-75.

Chapter III Profile Chapter

Area Study Institution Study
- 22 -

Chapter III
Profile Chapter
Area Study Location : Sagar is a town located in the district of Sagar of the Indian State of Karnataka. Located within the Western Ghats range. It is known for its proximity to Jogfalls and

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to the historical places of Ikkeri and Keladi , Vardamoola , the origin of the river varada, is also near sagar. According to the census of 2001 the population in Sagar is 50,115. The density of Population is is 7Km2 (3sqmi) Distances
From Sagar to Honnavar 90 Km (56 mi) South East From Sagar to Sagar 76 km (46 mi) North West From Sagar to Bangalore 360 kms (224 mi) North


(18.544/sqmi) The Timezone is IST (UTC+5.30) The area

west Codes : Pin codes 577 401 Telephone - +08183 Vehicle KA.15 Etymology Sagara derives its name from Sadashiva Sagar, which is a lake. Sadashiva Nayaka, ruler of keladi dynasty built a lake in between Keladi and Ikkeri. The lake Sadashiva Sagar is a now called Ganapathi Kere. it is a sub divisional head quarters headed by sub divisional head quarters currently the post is held by Dr. Praveen Kumar G.L. an IPS Officer of 2006 batch. Geography: Sagar is located at 140101N75002E/14.170 N75.030E It has an average elevation of 580 meters (1902 ft). Sagara is surrounded by beautiful water bodies and mesmerizing forest regions. The Varada River serves

- 24 -

the people in this region with the lush springs. A dam is lot constructed of on it, provides the basic the water town. requirements of the town. Apart from this there are a historical places surrounding Surrounded by the Western Ghats, Sagara attracts nature lovers. Economy : The economy of Sagara is mainly driven by Areca nut or Beetle nut and rice (paddy). Spice and forest products trading as well as agriculture products. Along with beetelnut, spices like pepper, clove, cinnamon, Nutmeg and cocoa are also grown service economy at Sagara Town is highly dependent on variation in the pricing of these agriculture products. Villages near to Sagara also grow vegetables, green pepper, red pepper and mangoes. These are usually used for the consumption locally and some of them are transported to Bangalore. Transport: Bus Service is provided by private bus operators and KSRTC runs buses that connect Sagara to other places in Karnataka. A Sagar-Talaguppa railway line existed this line is currently being converted into broad guage and construction is going on. When this construction work is completed Sasgar Would become a vital place in terms of railway connection due to its proximity to the Konkan Railways and other important

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railway routes in the Southwestern part of the country. The Sagara train station is known as Sagara Jambagaru. Demographics As of 2001 census Sagar had a population of 50,115 males constitutes 50% of the population and females 50%, Sagara has average literacy of 79% higher than the national average of 59.5% male literacy is 82% and female literacy is Religion The majority are Hindus with sizeable Christian and Muslim populations as well. The town also has mosques , Jain basadis, and churches. A Muslim religious place, the Shreedhara Matta is also situated near Sagara and the head chief is Salauddin Thuglak. Culture Ninasam the famous cultural organization is located at Heggodu. Which is about 10Km from the town. It is a stage for all those aspirants who are eager to learn stage activities like dancing, drama, acting, direction, music etc., The Ganapathi Temple , Laksmi Venkatesha Temple , Rakteshwari Temple, Anjaneya Temple and Shree Ram Temple are all located in this place. Education : 75% in Sagara 11% of the population is under 6 years of age.

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St. Josephs Higher Primary school and Pragathi Bal Bhavan, Seva Sagra are the local schools for primary and higher primary education. Then there are the Nirmala Girls Highschool., MGN Pai and highly esteemed H. Shivalingappa High School (RVV High School). The Government Pre-university College is in the heart of the town. Smt. Indira Gandhi Government first Grade Womens College. The L.B. College and the Sagara Gangothri are the degree colleges in Sagar. L.B. College in Sagara. There are also BSc nursing, B.Ed and D.Ed colleges here. There is also Diploma college in Sagar for Arabic education here there is a golden opportunity. Rare Disorders Handigodu Joint Disease (HID) Kyasannur Forest Disease Tourism Sagara is surrounded by places of historical importance and natural beauty including the Marikamba Temple and the Mahaganapathi Temple with in the town. Some of important tourism places near to Sagar are as follows Ikkeri Keladi, Kalasi, Vardapura, Honnemaradu , Holebagilu, Sigandooru , Jogfalls etc., Institution Study : Institution Profile :

- 27 -

The Karnataka Bank was incorporated on 18-12-1929 at Mangalore. The bank was promoted in 1924 by Late Shri B.R. Vyasarayachar and other leading members of the South Karnatakas region. The company is engaged in banking business in 1958 the bank was included in the second schedule with effect form 11th January and upgraded from D Class to C Class. In 1963 Rs. 5 % share was called-up on the 25,000 shares issued in 1952. The bank took over the assets and liabilities of the Chitradurga Bank Ltd., in 1964. In 1966 the Bank took over the assets and Liabilities of the bank of Karnataka Ltd., Hubli and consequently opened 14 new branches. In 1985 1,50,000 rights shares issued at par. The company opened a merchant banking division during the year. Karnataka Bank , Mangalore based private sector bank, has initiated a strategic technology tie-up with the Infosys Technology Limited. In 2002 it launched Multibranch Banking System in 5 cities and launches a relief package after a continuous downslide in the prices of different agricultural commodities. Donates 3 computers to Kannada Sahitya parishads president Mr. Hari Krishna Punaroor, Mr A. Krishna Kumar Kodgi , ceases to be the director on the Board of the bank. In the year 2000 , The Board approves for the issue of bonus shares in the ration of 1 equity share for every 1 Share conduct a 2 day seminar for the banks inspecting officials and revises the term deposit rates.

- 28 -

5% on domestic term deposits for a period of 7-14 days (Deposits of Rs. 15,00,000) 5% for 15 to 45days 6% for 46 to 90 days 6.5% for 91 to 179 days 7% for 180 days to less than one year etc., In 2003 it reduces its prime lending rates by 0.50% and now the PLR will be 12% of one share for every tow shares of post bonus share capital at premium of Rs. 15 per share at Rs.10 face value. Public Relations society of India Confers The PR persons of the year 2002 award on the chairman and CEO of the Bank. Mr. Ananthakrishna Introduces a new resident foreign currency account in the wake of RBIs permission to maintain foreign currency accounts Announces 1% interest rebate for prompt repayment of loans taken by farmers. Change in the registered office to P.B. NO.599, Mahaveera Circle, Kankanady , Mangalore-575 002. In 2003 The Karnatakas Bank eners into MOU with Bajaj Allianz. In 2004 the Karnataskas Bank deploys financial solution in Mangalore branch. Banks forms adhoc committee for undertaking procedures and performance audit on public service rendered to its customers and its launched gold card scheme for exporters.
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Karnataka Bank ties up with India switch company and Karnataka Banks sets up 16th Branch in Mumbai. In 2005, Karnataka Bank opens branch in Delhi and launches money quick under real time gross settlement (RTGS) system it sets up 46th ATM at Udupi and it inks agreement with National financial switch for ATM connectivity and launches no frills accounts in 2006.The Karnataka Bank sets up 396 th branch at vazira naka and it has entered into an agreement with the Indian Railway catering and Tourism corporation Ltd. Karnataska Bank Ltd has informed that the Board of directors of the bank at its meeting held January 02, 2007 has appointed Shr T.S. Vishwanath, Senior Partner , Vishwanath Singh and associates, 260 of the Chartered accountants, New Delhi as additional director of the Bank Under section companies Act 1956.

Chapter IV Analysis and Interpretation of Data

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Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This Chapter is purely based on primary data. It deals with analysis of the survey. Introduction

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The survey technique is an important method to know the attitudes towards the customers about Karnataka Bank. In the preparation of this various consumers who are having the accounts in Karnataka Bank will interviewed and to get relevant opinion towards the Bank. Consumers survey has conducted by personal interview consumers with are structured interviewed Questionnaire with the help 30 of

structured questionnaire.

1. Table 4.1 shows Gender Category of Customers The survey is conducted both male and female customers Sl No. 1 Gender Category Male No.of Respondents 21 Percentage 70%
- 32 -

Female Total Source : Field Survey Interpretation :

09 30

30% 100

It can be understand from the above table out of 30

1. 70% were male customers 2. 30% were female customers

Inference : Majority of consumers in bank are male

Graph Customers






- 33 -

Percentage 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Male Female Percentage

2. Table


shows Educational Qualification of

Customers Customers who have been approached in the survey are from the different educational level.
- 34 -

Sl No. 1 2 3 4


No.of Respondents 05 02 19 04 30

Percentage 16 07 64 13 100

Matriculation PUC Graduation :Post Graduation Total Source : Field Survey Interpretation :

The above table shows educational qualification of the customers out of 30

16% are completed matriculation

07% are completed PUC.

64% are completed Graduation 13% are completed Post Graduation

Inference : Majority of consumers of that bank completed graduation

Graph 4.2 showing educational qualification

- 35 -

Percentage 70 60 50 40 Percentage 30 20 10 0
n io n G ra du at ra du at io n at io PU C

at ri

cu l

3. Table 4.3 shows age group of customers Sl Age group No.of Percentage

:P os tG

- 36 -

No. 1 2 3 4

15-20 years 20-30 years 30-40 years :40 and above Total

Respondents 03 11 04 12 30

10% 36% 14% 40% 100

Source : Field Survey Interpretation : From the above table it is understood that out of 30 customers
10% are belonging to 15-20 years 36%are belonging to 20-30 years 14%are belonging to 20-30 years 40%are belonging to 40 and above

Inference : Majority of consumers are 40 above years age old.

Graph 4.3 Showing age group of customers

- 37 -

Percentage 45 40 35 30 25 Percentage 20 15 10 5 0 15-20 years 20-30 years 30-40 years :40 and above

4. Table 4.4 showing occupation of customers Sl Occupation No.of Percentage

- 38 -

Student Employee Business Profession House Wife Any other Total Source : Field Survey Interpretation :

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Respondents 03 04 15 03 05 -30

10% 13% 50% 10% 17% 100

From the above table it is clear that out of 30 customers

10% are customers are students 13% customers are employees 50% customers are businessmen 10% customers are profession

17% customers are house wife Inference : Majority of consumers of the Karnataka Bank is are business men.

Graph 4.4 showing occupation of the customers

- 39 -


Student Employee Business Profession House Wife Any other

5. Table Sl No. 1 2


showing the classification of No.of Respondents 03 07 Percentage 10 23%

- 40 -

customers according to their income level Income Group No income Below Rs.10000

Rs. 10000 -15000 15000 -20000 Above Rs.20000 Total Source : Field Survey Interpretation :

3 4 5

07 04 09 30

23% 14% 30% 100

The above and table shows that the income level of the customers out of 30 customers
10% customers have no income 23% customers earn below

Rs10000 income per

23% customers earn Rs. 10000 -15000 income per

14% customers earn Rs.15000 -20000 income per

30% customers earn above Rs.20000 income per

month Inference : Majority of the Karnataka Bank consumers earns above 20000 per month

Graph 4.5 showing the income level of customers

- 41 -

Percentage 35 30 25 20 Percentage 15 10 5 0
Rs .2 00 00 in co m -1 50 00 -2 00 00 10 00 0 Rs . e

10 00 0

15 00 0


6. Table Sl No. 1


customers according to their caste category Caste/Category General No.of Respondents 23 Percentage 77%
- 42 -

Rs .

showing the classification of

Ab ov e

Be lo w

2 3


02 05 30

07% 16% 100

Source : Field Survey Interpretation : The above and table shows that the caste category of the customers out of 30 customers
77% customers are from general merit 07% customers are from SC/ST 16% customers are from OBC

Inference : Majority of General Merit. the Karnataka Bank consumers are

Graph 4.6 showing the caste category of the customers

- 43 -


General SC/ST OBC

7. Table 4.7 showing the different types of bank accounts of the customers Sl No. 1 2 Types of Bank Account Savings Account Current Account No.of Respondents 14 12 47 40
- 44 -


Fixed Deposit Terms Deposit Total

04 -30

13 100

Source : Field Survey Interpretation : The above and table shows that the nature of bank accounts out of 30 customers
47 customers have Savings Account 40 Customers have Current Account 13 Customers have Fixed Deposit

No one have Terms deposit in Karnataka Bank Inference : Majority of the customers have Saving Account in Karnataka Bank

Graph 4.7 shows that the nature of bank account

- 45 -

Percentage 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Types of Bank Account Savings Account Current Account Fixed Deposit Terms Deposit Percentage

8. Table Sl


showing sources of information No.of Percentage

about Karnataka Bank

- 46 -

No. 1 2 3 4 5

Sources Paper Television Friends Personally Relatives Total

Respondents 02 -07 18 03 30

07% -23% 60% 10% 100

Source : Field Survey Interpretation : It can be understood that from the above table out of 30 customers
07 customers got information form papers 23% customers got information from their friends 60% customers are known the bank personally 10% customers got information from their relatives

Inference : Majority of the customers are personally known that bank.

Graph 4.8 shows that sources of information about Karnataka Bank Ltd.,

- 47 -


Sources Paper Television Friends Personally Relatives

9. Table deposits Sl No. 1 2


showing General opinion of the

customers towards the rate of interest on their No.of Opinion Attractive Satisfactory Respondents 05 18 Percentage 17% 60%
- 48 -

Not Satisfactory Total

07 30

23% 100

Source : Field Survey Interpretation : It can be understood that from the above table out of 30 customers
17% customers opinion is attractive towards rate

of interests on their deposits

60% customers opinion is satisfactory about the

rate of interest on their deposits

23% Customers opinion is not satisfactory about

the rate of interest on their deposits. Inference : Majority of the customers opinion is satisfactory about the rate of interest on their deposit

10. Table


showing General opinion of the

customers towards the procedure follow by the bank in opening of an account Sl No. 1 2 3 Opinion Simple Not so difficult Difficult No.of Customers 23 05 02 Percentage 77% 17% 06%
- 49 -

Total Source : Field Survey Interpretation :



The above table shows that general opinions of the customers towards the procedure followed by the bank in opening of an account out of 30 customers
77% customers feel like a simple procedure 17%







06% customers feel like a difficult procedure .

Inference : Majority of the customers feel the simple procedure followed by the bank while the opening of an account

Graph 4.10 shows procedure followed by the bank while the opening of an account

- 50 -

Percentage 90 80 70 60 50 Percentage 40 30 20 10 0 Opinion Simple Not so difficult Difficult

11. Table 4.11 showing consumer opinion about safety of their deposits in Karnataka Bank Ltd., Sl No. 1 Opinion Yes No.of Customers 30 Percentage 100%
- 51 -

No Total



Source : Field Survey Interpretation :

The above table shows that customers opinion

about safety of their deposits in Karnataka Bank Ltd., Customers are 100% believed the Karnataka Bank Inference : Good opinion about safety of the Customers deposits in Karnataka Bank.

12. Sl No. 1 2 3



showing No.of




transactions made by the customers Percentage 17% 43% 40% Periods Daily Frequently Occasionally Customers 05 13 12

- 52 -

Total Source : Field Survey Interpretation :



The above table shows that periods of transactions made by the customers out of 30 customers
17% customers are transacted daily 43% customers are transacted frequently 40% customers transacted occasionally

Inference : Majority of the customers transacted occasionally

Graph 4.12 Show the period of transactions made by the customers

- 53 -

Percentage 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Periods Daily Frequently Occasionally Percentage

13. Table Sl No. 1 2 3


Shows that the how many years No.of Percentage 33% 20% 04%
- 54 -

becoming a customer of the Karnataka Bank Years 1-5 years 3-5 years 6-8 years Customers 10 06 01

Above 9 years Total

13 30

43% 100

Source : Field Survey Interpretation : The above table shows that how many years becoming a customer of the Karnataka bank out of 30 customers







Karnataka Bank from past 1-2 years

20% customers having the account in Karnataka

Bank from past 3-5 years

04% customer having the account from past 6-8


customers having the account from past

above 9 years Inference : Majority of the customers having the account in Karnataka Bank from past above 9 years.

14. Table Sl No. 1 2 3

4.14 Shows that type of transactions No.of Customers 18 04 -Percentage 60% 13% --

made by the customers Type of Transactions Deposit (Savings) Loans and Advances Locker Facilities

- 55 -

If others Total

08 30

27% 100

Source : Field Survey Interpretation : The above table shows that the type of transactions made by the customers out of 30 customers
60% customers made the savings 13% customers take the loans and advances 27% customer made the other transactions relating

to bank No one enjoy the locker facilities Inference : Majority of the customers made the deposits in Karnataka Bank

Graph 4.12 Shows that type of transactions made by the customers

- 56 -

Percentage 70 60 50 40 Percentage 30 20 10 0 Deposit (Savings) Loans and Advances Locker Facilities If others

15. Table Sl No. 1 2

4.15 Showing the customers attitude No.of Customers 22 08 30 Percentage 74% 26% 100

towards preference of ATM Service Opinion Yes No Total

- 57 -

Source : Field Survey Interpretation : The above table shows that that customers attitude towards preference of ATM service out of 30 customers
74% customers prefer ATM service 26% Customers are not interested in ATM facility

Inference : Majority of the customer prefer ATM Service







towards preference of ATM Service

- 58 -


80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Percentage

16. Table Sl No. 1 2 3.

4.16 Showing the reason for prefer No.of Customers 03 01 04 Percentage 10% 03% 13%

Karnataka Bank Reasons Recognition Reputation Working Hours

- 59 -

4 5 6 7

Safety Computerization Special Care Service and

10 -01 07 04 30

34% -03% 24% 13% 100

facilities 8 Others Total Source : Field Survey Interpretation :

I have conclude that out 30 customers

10% customers prefer that Bank for recognition 03% customers prefer the Bank for reputation 13% customer prefer the bank of Working hours 34% customers prefer for safety 03% Customers prefer the bank for special care 24% customers prefer the bank for services and

facilities offer the bank

13% customer prefer the bank for other reason

Inference : Majority of the customer safety prefer Karnataka Bank for

- 60 -

Percentage 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Sa Co fe m ty pu te riz at io Sp n Se ec ia rv lC ice ar an e d fa ci liti es O th er s Re co gn itio n Re pu ta W t io or n kin g H ou rs


17. Table 4.17 Shows the behaviour of Bank Staff Sl Behaviour No.of Percentage
- 61 -

Excellent Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Total Source : Field Survey Interpretation :

No. 1 2 3.

Customers 09 18 03 30

30% 60% 10% 100

The above table shows the behavior of bank staff out of 30 customers

customers customers customers

have have have

the the the

opinion opinion opinion

about about about

the the the

behavior of the bank staff is excellent


behaviour of the bank staff is satisfactory


behaviour of the bank staff is not satisfactory Inference : Majority of customers have the satisfactory opinion about the bank staff behaviour

Graph. Table Staff

4.17 Shows the behaviour of Bank

- 62 -

Percentage 70 60 50 40 Percentage 30 20 10 0 Excellent Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

17. Table

4.18 Showing the opinion of the

customers towards the services provided by the Karnataka Bank Ltd., Sl Opinion No.of Percentage

- 63 -

Excellent Good Satisfactory Not Satisfactory Total Source : Field Survey Interpretation :

No. 1 2 3. 4

Customers 04 18 06 03 30

13% 57% 20% 10% 100

It can be understood that the above table shows the opinion of the customers towards the services provided by the Karnataka Bank Ltd. Out of 30 customers
13% customers have opinion of excellent 57% customers have the opinion of Good 20% customers have the opinion of Satisfactory 10% customers have the opinion of Not satisfactory

about the Bank Ltd., Inference :

services provided by the Karnataka

Majority of customers have the good opinion about the Karnataka Bank Ltd.

Chapter V
Summary of Findings, Suggestions and Conclusions
Major Findings

- 64 -

Suggestions Conclusions

Questionnaire Bibliography

Summary of Findings, Suggestions and Conclusions

My survey about Consumers attitude towards Karnataka Bank Ltd., In Sagar Branch reveals so
- 65 -

many things pertaining to the concept. Those survey finding are as follows. In Karnataka Bank Ltd., Majority of customers are male out of 30 customers 01 customers are made remaining 09 customers are female. Education Level of Karnataka Bank customers is very high nearly 65% of customers complete graduation Income level of customers is more i.e. the majority of the customers monthly income is above Rs. 20000 In Karnataka Bank Ltd., the majority of the customers have S.B. account nearly 80% of customers The Karnataka Bank Ltd., give satisfactory interest on customers deposit In Karnataka bank Ltd., the procedure of opening of an account is simple In Karnataka Bank Ltd., the 44% of the Bank prefer customers made transactions frequently
74% of the customers prefer Karnataka

ATM Service in Sagar Out







Karnataka Bank for safety only Karnataka Bank Ltd., Staff behavior is satisfactory In Karnataka Bank customers majority of the customers occupation is business
- 66 -

The Karnataka Bank provide good service for

their customers out 30 customers 17 customers opinion toward bank is good. SUGGESTIONS: The important suggestions are given below
To provide ATM facility in Sagar Town

To To

provide provide

more quality

offers of


attract to

the their

customers service customers

Latest changes and modification should be

made to understand the customers mentality To adopt new technologies to attract more customers and satisfies customer needs. Conclusions: Conclusion is the last stage of this project report. The project is entitled Consumers attitude towards Karnataka Bank in Sagar Branch Through survey we can understood that Karnataka Bank Ltd., is one of the important private sector bank in Sagar It provides good services to their customers. The bank give satisfactory rate of interest on consumes deposits. Now the days the Karnataka Bank Ltd., give the facility to open an account in 0 (Zero) balance to the customers. Thus the Karnataka Bank Ltd., plays a vital role in banking sector.

- 67 -

Overall study reveals that the Karnataka Bank Ltd., is a good bank in Sagar Town. This bank satisfies the customers needs and provide quality of service on the basis of survey I can conclude that the Karnataka Bank Ltd., give safety to their customer deposits. In recent days the banking sector growing very fastly. The Karnataka Bank also improves from day to day. Thus the Karnataka Bank Ltd., is one the leading Bank in Sagar Town

Consumer Questionnaire Dear Respondents

- 68 -



of &








SAGAR. I am doing a consumer survey for knowing the behaviors of consumers towards Karnataka Bank Ltd., Sagar I would be grateful if you spend some of your time in filling up this questionnaire. Your response will be kept strictly confidential and it would help me a lot of to my project work Yours faithfully, (Mr. ARUNA N) 1. Name : 2. Address
3. Sex 4. Age

: :



15-20 years

30-40 years
5. Qualification : Matriculation

40& above

PUC Graduation

Post Graduation

- 69 -

6. Occupation

Business Profession Other

Employee Student

7. Annual Income No Income Below Rs. 10000 10000-15000 15000-2000000 Above 200000 8. Category General SC/ST OBC

9. Do you have any account with Karnataka Bank Yes No 10.If you which type of loan S/B Account Current Account Fixed Deposit

- 70 -

Terms Deposit

11. How did you come to know about the loan Paper Friends Relatives


Television Personally

12. Do you think Banks are safer than finance company Yes

13 . Interest payable on your deposit by bank is Attractive Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

14. Procedure followed by the bank in sanctioning of loan Simple


Not so Difficult

15. How do you transact Daily Occasionally

3-5 years

16 How long you have been an account in that bank 1-2 year

6-8 years

Above 9 years

- 71 -

17 What type of transaction do you have Deposit

Loans and Advances (Savings) Locker and Facilities If others

18. Would you prefer the facility of ATM at your bank Yes No

19. Why did you prefer that bank Recognition Reputation Working Hours Computerization and Facility offered Others 20. Behavior of Bank staff is Excellent

Not Satisfactory


21. What is your opinion about the service provided by the Bank Excellent

Good Not Satisfactory

- 72 -


22 Do you have any problem relating to the bank service? 23. Any suggestions (Please your suggestions guidelines relating to bank) Thank you Date Place Signature

1. Books Reference K. Aswhathappa
Organizational Behavior

VII revised Edition Himalaya Publishing House 2. S.S. Krishna

Organizational Behavior

S.Chand 3. P. Subbarao
Organizational Behaviors

Himalaya Publishing House N.K. Sahni Meenu Gupta

Consumer Behavior

- 73 -

Kalyani Publishers 4. Internet www. Google .com www. Karnataka.org www. Wikipedia. Org.

- 74 -

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