Solar Decision Tree
Solar Decision Tree
Solar Decision Tree
Emphasis on Redevelopment of Potentially Contaminated Sites, Underutilized Sites, or Rooftops Process Overview RE-Powering America's Land Initiative: Solar Decision Tree
Through ongoing collaboration, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) created a decision tree to guide state and local governments and other stakeholders through a process for screening sites for their suitability for future redevelopment with solar photovoltaic (PV) energy. Targeted sites include brownfields, Superfund sites, RCRA sites, mining sites, landfills, abandoned parcels, parking lots, and commercial/industrial rooftops. EPA encourages the development of these targeted sites, instead of green space. This decision tree can be used to screen individual sites for solar potential or for a community-scale evaluation of multiple sites.
I. PreScreening
Solar Resource Available Area Distance to Existing Infrastructure Site Topography Redevelopment Priorities & Land Use Exclusions
It is not intended to replace or substitute the need for a detailed site-specific assessment that would follow an initial screening based on the decision tree. Tips on how to obtain information relevant to various parameters in the decision tree are provided. Through the RE-Powering America's Land initiative, the EPA encourages renewable energy development on potentially contaminated land when aligned with the community's vision for the site. This tool outlines considerations specific to the redevelopment of potentially contaminated sites. Potentially contaminated land includes sites where contamination is suspected but has not been confirmed and sites where contamination has been identified. The EPA also promotes redevelopment of urban sites to achieve "Smart Growth" objectives. Community vision for the site, as well as the site's key attributes, should shape the redevelopment plan. Many additional resources can be found on the EPA and NREL websites:
Owner interest System Type: Rooftop or Ground Mount Electricity Costs Energy Demand Contaminated Site Considerations, Status, and Readiness
Policy Considerations Federal and State rebates and incentives Installation costs
Stakeholder State and Local Governments Clean-up Project Managers Renewable Energy Developers Site Owners
Key Audiences & Document Purpose Purpose To help states and municipalities screen and prioritize existing sites for their suitability for solar PV installations. Targeted sites include brownfields, Superfund sites, RCRA sites, mining sites, abandoned parcels, landfills, parking lots, and commercial/industrial rooftops. To aid clean-up project managers to screen their potentially contaminated sites for PV development potential. To introduce renewable energy developers to considerations unique to redevelopment of potentially contaminated sites and provide a common framework for discussions with state and local governments at the project development phase for a PV installation. This content is primarily covered in Phase II of the screening process. To help site owners evaluate a given property for renewable energy potential.
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
I.1 General Site Characteristics
I.2 Usable Acreage
II.4 Site Ownership & System Type For Ground-Mount II.5 Landfill Considerations
Phase I II III
Screening Process Overview Explanatory Text and Additional Resources Pre-Screening: Addresses data readily available through GIS parcel maps and online databases, as well as information that can be easily obtained through visual inspection. Site Screening: Addresses data that generally requires collecting information from property owners or site managers. May also require site-level investigation, potentially using specialized tools or equipment. Financial Screening: Addresses economic, policy, and incentive factors that further influence payback.
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Process flow chart Indicates active phase in the site screening process
Process Step title Indicates process step number and title to aid navigation in decision tree
Flag Indicates potential obstacle for redevelopment with solar PV based on user response. Points user to "Notes" for additional guidance and information.
Evaluation box Poses a question to guide the user through screening criteria
For each "Flag," the corresponding "Note" summarizes the potential impact of the obstacle to the viability of the PV redevelopment project. In some cases, the tool also provides information on alternatives or additional considerations that may mitigate the impact of a given obstacle. Supplemental information related to many process steps is provided in the "Highlights" boxes. If you have questions or feedback on the tool, please contact Lura Matthews of the RE-Power team: [email protected]
Notes Provides information on the criteria, potential impact of "Flag" responses, and additional considerations that aid site screening. Note labels Link explanatory notes to each of the "Evaluation" boxes, "Flags," or "Arrows."
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
I.1 General Site Characteristics
1B. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
1A. Is the solar resource at the site classified as 'Good' (greater than 3.5 kWh/m2/day) or better? 1C. Yes. Is the useable space at least 2 acres for Ground Mount or 30,000 sq. ft. for Rooftop sites?
Sites with < 2 useable acres may be economically feasible if bundled in a package of separate installations that, in total, will have a significant combined capacity, e.g., > 1,000 kW of power. By creating a single RFP to cover multiple sites grouped by size and financing method, participating site owners may benefit by reducing transaction costs and creating economies of scale. 1D. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance. If powering remediation, continue to 1E. 1F. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance. To create a community-scale inventory of eligible sites, obtain a local GIS parcel database map as a baseline layer. Using ArcMap/ArcView, create a GIS layer that only includes sites that meet the useable acreage threshold and subsequent parameters in this decision tree.
Priority 1: 5 acres Priority 2: 2 but < 5 acres In general, assume land requirements of 5 acres per megawatt (MW). This will vary based on the efficiency of the PV technology and space requirements of the mounting system selected. Project economics will be partially driven by overall system size. The larger the PV system, the lower the unit cost per Watt ($/W), the more power produced, and the faster the payback. 1E.Yes. Is distance to transmission and/or distribution lines less than 1/2 mile?
1H. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance
Question 1A 1B 1C
1E 1F 1G
1H 1I
Phase I.1: Pre-Screening - General Site Characteristics Explanatory Text and Additional Resources The solar resource potential is measured in kilowatt-hours per square meter per day (kWh/m2/day). The majority of the US meets the 3.5 kWh/m2/day threshold. NREL's Renewable Energy Resource maps ( provide information at the regional level. For a specific site, use the EPA Renewable Energy "Google Earth" Interactive Mapping Tool ( Solar resource potential is not likely to vary significantly among sites in the same geographic vicinity and elevation. If the solar resource for this particular site is classified as less than "Good" (having less than 3.5 kWh/m2/day), a solar PV system may not be ideal for redevelopment at this site, unless the state also has strong incentives. We recommend exploring other renewable energy redevelopment options or infill redevelopment options. Note: Infill indicates redevelopment within an urban setting. Usable acreage is typically characterized as "flat to gently sloping", southern exposures that are free from obstructions and get full sun for at least a 6-hour period each day. For example, eligible space for PV includes under-utilized or unoccupied land, vacant lots, and/or unused paved area, e.g. a parking lot or industrial site space, as well as existing building rooftops. For an individual site to be viable for redevelopment with solar PV, the usable acreage should be at least 2 acres or 30,000 sq. ft. in order to install a system of at least 300 kW or greater in order to make the site economically feasible. If the usable acreage does not meet the size threshold, consider bundling rooftop and ground-mount systems at the same site or bundling multiple sites. If the useable area still does not meet the threshold, solar PV may not be viable at this site. If considering PV to power remediation activities (e.g. pump and treat) at a clean-up site, a smaller PV system may be able to power onsite loads. In this case, the area threshold may not be applicable depending on onsite energy demand. Continue to Question 1E. In dense to moderately dense urban settings, assume that most properties meet this criterion. Depending on overall system size and economic factors, it may be feasible to build the necessary infrastructure to reach the grid tie-in location. If you are considering an off-grid (non-grid connected) system, distance to transmission is not a limiting factor, continue to Question 1G. If the system will be grid-connected and the distance to transmission is more than 1/2 mile, solar PV may not be viable due to the additional cost associated with connecting the system to the nearest grid tie-in. If the system will not be grid-connected (off-grid), move forward in the decision tree to Question 1G. In dense to moderately dense urban settings, assume that most properties meet this criterion. If you are considering an off-grid (non-grid connected) system, the distance to graded roads is not a limiting factor, continue forward in the decision tree to Question 1I. The distance to graded roads may only become a factor during the installation phase of development for an off-grid system as contractor vehicles may find it difficult to access the site. There may be additional requirements associated with emergency-vehicle access. If the system will be grid-connected and the distance to graded roads is greater than 1/2 mile, the additional cost associated with developing access roads may make solar PV development cost-prohibitive. If the site in question has access points/non-graded roads that you believe will not prohibit contractor vehicles from accessing the site during installation, operation and maintenance phases, you should answer "Yes" and continue forward in the decision tree to Phase I.2 Pre-Screening - Usable Acreage. Continue to Phase I.2 Pre-Screening - Usable Acreage
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
I.2 Usable Acreage
2B. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
2A. For Ground Mount: Is the slope of the land less than 6 degrees? Or can the site be easily graded?
For Rooftop: Proceed to 2C 2C. Yes. Is there significant shading on the site? Proceed if unshaded area is still > 2 acres.
2D. Yes. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
Users can also estimate site area and measure distances to surrounding features, e.g. buildings or roads. Using Google Earth with the "terrain" layer enabled, a preliminary shading analysis is possible using the "Sunlight" tool, which shows sunlight across the landscape throughout the day. Morning Midday
2F. Yes. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance. 2E. No. Are there existing obstacles on the site?
NOTE: If it is difficult to assess the impact of shading or obstructions on the site or there is no GIS expertise within your organization, proceed to Phase I.3 Redevelopment Considerations. If the project moves forward, it is customary to perform a more detailed site assessment in order to support project design and performance predictions.
Google Earth "Sunlight" tool used to show effects of morning shading on the west side of a landfill site, compared to mid-day conditions.
Phase I.2: Pre-Screening - Usable Acreage Explanatory Text and Additional Resources Question 2A If the slope of the site is greater than 6 degrees (~10% grade), solar PV may not be viable. Low-slope sites and rooftops are ideal for PV systems. If the site in question has a slope of 6 degrees (~10% grade) or greater and cannot be leveled at a reasonable cost, solar PV may not be viable. Solar geomembrane technologies and other mounting systems may enable installation 2B on higher grades. To optimize power production, PV arrays are sited to receive minimal shading for the majority of the day. As such, setbacks are required from surrounding buildings and trees. Additionally, array layouts may be constrained due to shading from prominent terrain features, e.g. hills, adjacent to the array. As a general rule of thumb, for every foot of tree height, the solar array must be at least that distance away. For example, to accommodate a row of trees 10 feet tall, the 10-foot perimeter surrounding the trees would be considered unavailable acreage for solar. Note: For northwest-facing trees or buildings that do not cast shadow onto the site, do not subtract from the useable acreage. If evaluating sites across the community, software such as the Spatial Analyst tool of the ArcGIS toolbox is available to automatically calculate and rank solar radiation potential using slope, orientation, and shading from surrounding structures and trees ( Using Google Earth, users may be able to identify areas that are shaded during the day due to surrounding terrain by viewing the site with the "Terrain" layer enabled with the sunlight tool function. This feature enables the user to model sunlight during different times of day throughout the year. Please note that (i) the terrain mapping may not be accurate for sites with extensive grading and (ii) the sunlight tool does not model shading from man-made structures or trees. If large sections of the site do not receive at least 6 hours per day of sunlight, there will be significant impacts on system performance. For green remediation, the area threshold may not be applicable depending on onsite energy demand. Subtract areas of the targeted site that contain obstructions, such as equipment or storage areas on parking lots, or vents or skylights on rooftops. For this type of equipment or other obstructions, generally the system can be designed around such structures, using a shading offset to mitigate impact on system performance. Zooming into the site on Google Maps can reveal physical obstacles. Removal of large-growth vegetation can be costly and, on some sites, be restricted due to erosion or other concerns especially on landfills due to cap integrity. If existing obstacles reduce the overall usable acreage below 2 acres, there may be insufficient land available to make PV viable at this site. For green remediation, the area threshold may not be applicable depending on onsite energy demand. If it is difficult to estimate the affected area, continue to I.3 Pre-Screening - Redevelopment Considerations, understanding that the final usable acreage may be reduced. Continue to I.3 Pre-Screening - Redevelopment Considerations
2D 2E 2F 2G
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
I.3 Redevelopment Considerations
3B. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance. 3C. Yes. Does the community have a vision for reuse of the site or is there a redevelopment plan?
3A. Is the site free of land-use exclusions or restrictions that would preclude the use of PV?
Community Vision
The end use should be determined through a combination of the community's vision for the site, key site characteristics, and community assets. It is important that early consultation occur with the local community to ensure that reuse for renewable energy is aligned with the community's long term vision for the site. EPA promotes this approach in all land revitalization efforts.
Many end uses should be considered during the planning phase. The site may be dedicated to a single use or a combination of integrated uses. For example, PV can be co-located with urban agriculture projects or integrated with commercial reuse.
3I. No. Consider integrating PV into reuse plans of the site. Go to II.4 Site Ownership & System Type.
3B 3C 3D 3E 3F
3H 3I
Phase I.3: Pre-Screening - Redevelopment Considerations Explanatory Text and Additional Resources Certain sites will be excluded from consideration for renewable energy development, such as environmentally sensitive or preservation areas, for example wetlands and wilderness preservation areas. If not readily known, this information can be obtained from the city land use planning department. Some land-use exclusions or restrictions include: - Exclusion of water, wetlands, wild and scenic rivers, wilderness study area, and critical habitat areas for endangered or threatened species - Restrictions may be applicable for areas surrounding airports - Restrictions may also be associated for federal lands with special designation such as national parks, national preserves, national monuments, national conservation areas, and wilderness areas. Refer to the DOD-NRDC Renewable Energy and Defense (READ) geospatial database to identify appropriate sites that may be unlikely to interfere with military activities and training and may have the fewest environmental conflicts. If the site has land-use exclusions associated with it, the incremental cost associated with developing renewables on that site may make the site cost-prohibitive. Check if the land area or rooftop being evaluated for solar potential is located on a parcel that is already targeted for redevelopment in the context of a land use planning process, e.g., a Redevelopment Plan or a Specific Area Plan. If evaluating sites across the community, seek input from the municipal land use planning department to compare the most current Redevelopment Plan map with sites targeted for solar. If a RCRA or Superfund site, check with EPA or State Clean-Up Manager, Potentially Responsible Party (PRP) or property owner to inquire about existing redevelopment plans. Based on community vision for the site, consider the potential to incorporate PV into the redevelopment plans and continue to II.4 Site Ownership & System Type. PV could be evaluated as a potential component of a future redevelopment plan. Evaluate the potential to add PV as a component of the redevelopment plan for either residential or commercial end uses. Solar PV could be evaluated as a potential component of a future site re-use plan. If appropriate, continue to Phase II.4 Site Screening - Site Ownership & System Type. In some cases, the site or designated planning area in which the site is located may not have been through a community visioning process, which takes into account various future land re-use scenarios. Important considerations for determining potential reuse options for a site include community vision for the site, market realities, existing infrastructure, and realities of existing contamination, if present. EPA encourages meaningful community involvement in a locally-driven planning process. EPA has developed tools and programs to assist communities in this process, such as Smart Growth and Brownfields Area-Wide Planning initiatives. Through the planning and visioning process, communities may determine that residential or commercial infill may yield more benefits when compared to PV as an end use. See Appendix A for guidelines in evaluating whether the site may be a priority for future redevelopment based on Smart Growth objectives. Continue to Phase II.4 Site Screening - Site Ownership & System Type. Solar PV could be evaluated as a potential component of a future reuse plan, e.g. rooftop or carports. If appropriate, continue to Phase II.4 Site Screening - Site Ownership & System Type.
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
II.4 Site Ownership & System Type
4B. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance. 4C. Yes. Are you targeting a rooftop (on a building) or ground-mount (on land) PV system? 4D. Rooftop: Will the building on site be demolished in the near future or will it remain?
4A. Is the site owner interested in investing in, selling, or leasing in order to enable development of renewable energy, specifically PV?
4G. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance. 4H. Yes. Is the roof < 10 years old?
4I. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
4J. Yes. Is the existing roof capable of bearing the added load of the PV equipment (3-6 ft-lbs/sq. ft.)?
Engaging Site Owners Consider approaching site owners to share site eligibility information from Phase I and gauge the owners level of interest in moving forward.
4K. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
If evaluating sites across a community, consider inviting site owners to attend an informational meeting to explore benefits & opportunities of PV and options to include PV as part of the redevelopment plan for contaminated sites and consider collaborative procurement. Request interested site owners to provide information pertinent to Phase II criteria in order to assess their site's eligibility.
4N. Yes. Go to II.5 Landfill Considerations. 4O. No. Is the site contaminated or potentially contaminated?
Question 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 4G 4H 4I 4J 4K 4L 4M 4N 4O 4P 4Q
Phase II.4: Site Screening - Site Ownership & System Type Explanatory Text and Additional Resources Engage the site owner to gauge level of interest and what role the site owner would be interested in playing with respect to the PV system. At this stage, determine whether there are any restrictions that would preclude a longterm lease. If the site-owner is not interested in investing in redevelopment with solar PV, the project may not be viable at this time. You may wish to explore opportunities and resources to help inform the site-owner of possible benefits associated with redeveloping with renewable energy. Additional resources are available through the EPA and NREL websites referenced in the introduction. Determine whether the PV system is intended to be installed as a ground-mounted system (i.e.. on open, fairly flat land) or if it will be installed as a roof-mounted system on an existing building. If you intend to have both groundmounted and roof-mounted systems, please utilize both branches of the tree to determine whether a PV system will be appropriate for one, both or neither. Speak with the site owner or conduct an on-site visit to learn about any future plans for the building on site. If the building is anticipated to remain for the life of a PV system (25+ years) and be in good structural condition for the foreseeable future, this may be a good option for a roof-mounted PV system. If the building is going to be demolished, PV may not be a viable option at this time. If a new building will take its place, consider solar PV as the new building is being designed and built. Coupled with wind zone, building height will impact overall design loads for the PV system. Many system types are limited to buildings with 3 stories or fewer. Taller buildings may have constraints due to the presence of competing equipment, issues with access for lifting materials, or inability to sufficiently offset energy consumption given available space. Certain mounting system designs may be capable of meeting building code requirements on taller buildings. Follow-up consultation with an installer is recommended. Consult facility manager to determine age of existing roof and planned replacement schedule. If the integrity of the roof is poor or if the roof is expected to be replaced within the next 2-15 years, PV may not be a viable option at this time. Coordinating PV installation with the roof replacement timeline will decrease overall costs associated with re-roofing and maintenance. Consult facility manager to determine bearing capacity of existing roof and structure. In many cases, consultation with a structural engineer may be required to confirm. The building and/or roof may not be designed for additional load bearing capacity. Follow-up consultation with a structural engineer is recommended to determine options for reinforcing the roof. Continue to II.8 Load Assessment Remediation and installation considerations are different for landfill applications, as compared to general contaminated sites. Continue to II.5 Site Screening - Landfill Prioritization Contaminated sites may require additional design, construction, and maintenance considerations. These potential considerations should be taken into account during the screening process. Continue to II.6 Site Screening - Contaminated Land Considerations Continue to II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
II.5 Landfill Considerations, Part 1
5C No. Has the closure plan been established?
5B. Yes. Are there portions of the landfill already closed or planned for closure in the next 12 months?
5A. Is the landfill currently active?
5G. No. Integrate PV with overall landfill closure. Go to II.8 Load Assessment.
5J. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
5K. Yes. Do institutional controls apply that limit redevelopment at the landfill site such that PV cannot be implemented?
For landfills that have not yet been capped or that have steep slopes, PV geomembranes can serve as the landfill cap integrated with solar modules. 5M. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
5L. Yes. Are there at least > 2 acres of land available on the site where these restrictions do not apply?
5N. Yes. II.5 Landfill Considerations Part 2. 5O. No. Go to II.5 Landfill Considerations Part 2.
Phase II.5: Site Screening - Landfill Considerations, Part 1 Explanatory Text and Additional Resources Question 5A Candidate landfills should be carefully chosen based on status. There are opportunities for both active and closed landfills; each require special design considerations. 5B Target cells that are (i) planned for closure or (ii) have been closed for near-term installations. For long-term planning purposes, consider designing a PV system integrated into the closure plan. For active sites, consider (i) installing PV in buffer zones on the site and/or (ii) integrating a PV system into the closure plan. Buffer zones will likely place fewer design restrictions on the PV system design, while integrating PV with 5C the cap design, e.g. a solar geomembrane, provides an opportunity to focus on which PV technology works best with various landfill caps. 5D If there is an existing closure plan, evaluate options to add a PV system as part of the design. 5E If the closure plan is not compatible, reconsider use of buffer zones. See 5C notes for benefits of developing buffer zones. 5F Continue to II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment 5G Integrating PV with the cap design allows for optimization of both systems by building the required infrastructure for the PV system into the cap design and vice versa. Continue to II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment 5H If the landfill has closed cells, target these portions for near-term development. Go to Question 5I. Obtain records associated with landfill design to determine overall construction. Modern landfill are well-engineered facilities that are designed, operated, and monitored to protect the environment from contaminants that may be 5I present in the solid waste stream. If active prior to 1970, there is a high likelihood that the site may not be lined and may contain contaminants. 5J In the case that the landfill is not lined and properly capped, there may be restrictions on redevelopment due to potential for exposure to landfill contents. Landfill caps range from highly engineered systems to simple backfill. Understanding the nature of the cap and its functional components is necessary to determine what options are available with respect to installing a PV system 5K directly on the cap and what modifications to the cap and/or PV mounting system design to ensure cap integrity. Institutional controls include (i) proprietary controls, i.e. easements or covenants; (ii) governmental controls, i.e. zoning or building codes; (iii) enforcement and permit tools, i.e. restrictive landfill closure permits; and (iv) 5L informational devices, i.e. deed notices. If institutional controls apply, evaluate the potential to amend the control to enable redevelopment with PV. For example, zoning has been successfully changed to facilitate PV installations. If appropriate, evaluate the impact to the 5M usable acreage in order to confirm sufficient space is available. If the usable acreage does not meet the size threshold, consider bundling rooftop and ground-mount systems at the same site or bundling multiple sites. If the useable area still does not meet the threshold, solar PV may not be 5N viable at this site. If there is the sufficient usable acreage, go to II.5 Landfill Considerations, Part 2. 5O If redevelopment at the site is not limited by institutional controls, go to II.5 Landfill Considerations, Part 2.
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
II.5 Landfill Considerations, Part 2
5Q. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance. 5S. Yes. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
5R. Yes. Will a PV installation violate existing erosion control mgmt plans or vegetative cover specifications?
5T. No. Do the piping and collection systems have sufficient weight bearing capacity to support added weight from a PV system and construction equipment?
5U. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
NOTE: Issues associated with these landfill considerations may be mitigated with additional engineering of the PV system and/or modifications to the existing cap, as well as collection and monitoring systems. When responding to these questions, consider the feasibility of altering the existing operation at the facility under evaluation. If feasible, continue in the tree.
5V. Yes. Is PV system compatible with operation and maintenance of leachate and landfill gas collection infrastructure?
5W. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
5Y. Yes. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
5X. Yes. Will PV installation require modifications to drainage patterns or otherwise impact the storm water management plan?
Question 5P
5Q 5R 5S 5T 5U 5V 5W 5X
5Y 5Z
Phase II.5: Site Screening - Landfill Considerations, Part 2 Explanatory Text and Additional Resources All landfills are prone to settlement, but the type and magnitude of the settlement varies depending on landfill design, age, and composition of the waste materials. Uniform settlement refers to waste material decaying evenly, resulting in the landfill cap settling at a similar rate over large areas. Differential settlement refers to material decaying at different rates throughout the landfill, resulting in an uneven surface. As a general rule, developers target sites that have been capped for longer than 2-3 years due to the high rate of settlement expected after closure. If the landfill has exhibited uniform settlement in the past, the site may be viable. Settlement predictions will need to be adjusted to account for effects on the settlement rate and/or pattern due to the PV system. Differential settlement is a significant concern for landfill PV projects. This type of settlement may result in uneven stresses on the mounting system and foundations, causing potential structural issues and impacting system performance due to misalignment. Consult a developer or civil engineer to evaluate feasibility concerns. If appropriate, go to Question 5R. Review the erosion control management plan and vegetative cover specifications in order to ensure compliance with post-closure plan requirements. During the proposal, design, and construction process, communicate these requirements clearly in order to avoid compliance issues and costly rework. The design and specification of erosion control measures may be modified to include placement of PV foundations and support structures when using ballasted or shallow-poured foundations. As an alternative, the use of a PVintegrated geomembrane can be investigated as a replacement for conventional erosion control and vegetative cover systems. If appropriate, go to Question 5T. Nearly all landfills incorporate the use of leachate and landfill gas collection and/or treatment systems. Both systems generally consist of a network of pipes imbedded through the waste material in the landfill cells. Obtain design documentation for these systems to confirm that additional loading from a PV system will not exceed the bearing capacity of these systems. Investigate the use of light weight systems or alternate foundation designs that may distribute the PV system weight to an acceptable level. If appropriate, go to Question 5V. The infrastructure for leachate and landfill gas systems will also need to be taken into account when laying out the PV system to ensure that there is not physical interference and proper clearances are maintained for operation, maintenance, and safety. Evaluate the impact of creating setbacks in specific portions of the landfill to avoid this infrastructure. If these considerations reduce the usable area below 2 acres, PV may not be viable. Review the storm water management plan incorporated into the landfill post-closure plan. Storm water management is closely tied to erosion control and vegetative cover systems. The landfill components are designed to (i) absorb a portion of storm water runoff; (ii) convey additional runoff to retention ponds either at or below the surface. This system is designed to prevent channeling of storm water runoff which can lead to erosion and fissures in the landfill cap. Propose the development of an alternate storm water management plan that takes into account grading, fill, and compaction requirements for the PV system. Designing the storm water management and PV system as an integrated system can result in considerable savings. As an alternative to a conventional mounting system, consider installing a PV-integrated geomembrane for use as a primary storm water management system on targeted areas of the cap. If appropriate, proceed to II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment. Continue to II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
II.6 Considerations Related to Potential Contamination
6D. No, in progress. Are remediation activities actively disturbing or going to disturb the usable acreage for PV?
6G. No, delayed or not started. Category 3 6H. No. Were there historical uses that could have led to the release of environmental contamination? For example: - Dry Cleaner - Auto Repair Shop - Plating Shop - Metal Finisher - Paint/Sign Shop - Industrial / Manufacturing 6I. No. From visual inspection, is there evidence of potential contamination? For example: - Construction & debris stockpiles - Tire or trash dump sites - Hazardous material storage - Soil surface staining - Railroad ties - Battery stockpiles - Dilapidated infrastructure
6L. Yes. Category 5
Cat. 3. Site assessed but lacks active remediation plan. Option to tailor remediation plan for PV, if warranted. Cat. 4. Site not yet assessed. Contaminants may be present that need to be addressed. Site conditions may pose fewer obstacles to potential PV project.
Redevelopment in Parallel
While the decision tree can be used for an entire site, it is applicable to a portion of a site as well. When evaluating sites, target areas that have undergone remediation or are potentially uncontaminated. These portions may be fast-tracked for nearterm construction.
Cat. 5. Site not yet assessed. Site investigation and characterization is required as a next step prior to further scoping for potential PV project.
Go to II.7 Remediation
See Appendix B for additional information.
Phase II.6: Site Screening - Contaminated Land Prioritization Explanatory Text and Additional Resources A site assessment and characterization will identify need for future cleanup, which areas on the site may be excluded from redevelopment, and estimated usable acreage. To find information on potentially contaminated lands and their status, check applicable Federal (EPA) and State online databases for siting listings and Project Manager contact information. The EPA maintains mapping tools to search for contaminated sites by region or by community at 6A For state-managed sites, search databases through the applicable state Department of Environmental Protection. Local redevelopment agencies or land-use planning departments may have additional information on the site and/or whether an inventory of brownfields has been completed in the community. For community-scale evaluation of eligible sites, inquire about any brownfield grants from the State or EPA to determine which sites may have already been assessed or cleaned up, but not yet redeveloped. 6B Determine status of remediation work on site. 6C If remediation has been completed or determined to not be required, the site can be ranked under Category 1. Go to II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment. For the targeted area, determine if remediation activities are expected to disturb the useable acreage for a period extending up to 20 years. For example, soil removal will need to be completed prior to initiating PV system 6D construction. Once the PV system is installed, it may be difficult to access the area beneath the mounting system. 6E Based on planned remediation activities, the site can be ranked under Category 1; see Appendix B. Go to II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment. 6F Based on planned remediation activities, the site can be ranked under Category 2; see Appendix B. Go to II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment. 6G If remediation activities have not yet started or are delayed, the site ranks under Category 3; see Appendix B. Go to II.7 Site Screening - Initiating Assessment and Remediation. If site characterization and investigation is not yet complete, begin this process prior to developing a solar resource at the site. This screening list gives general guidance on how the site can be prioritized for future redevelopment with solar. Input from community stakeholders may also be helpful in understanding the site's historical uses, assessment prospects, and redevelopment priorities. Certain historical uses may be indicative of the type and extent of 6H contamination, as well as degree of difficulty to clean-up the site. For more information on site investigation and characterization, see EPA's tools and resources to assist in contaminated site characterization and monitoring: or Based on observations from the site visit, note any signs of contamination on the site and document locations within usable acreage identified during Phase I.2. Visible evidence of contamination may be an indicator of the extent of 6I remediation. An assessment will be required to determine the contaminants present. 6J Given historic use of the site and visual observations, the site ranks under Category 4; see Appendix B. Go to II.7 Site Screening - Initiating Assessment and Remediation. 6K Given historic use of the site and visual observations, the site ranks under Category 5; see Appendix B. Go to II.7 Site Screening - Initiating Assessment and Remediation. 6L Given historic use of the site, the site ranks under Category 5; see Appendix B. Go to II.7 Site Screening - Initiating Assessment and Remediation. Cat. 1-5 See Appendix B for additional information and guidance on Contaminated Sites & Project Readiness
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II.7 Initiating Assessment & Remediation Potentially Contaminated Land Categories 3, 4, & 5
7B. No. Legal questions concerning liability for clean-up may need to be resolved. Developers and/or lessees may need to clarify their liability with EPA or state staff before proceeding. Potentially Responsible Parties can pursue redevelopment with renewable energy projects. Additional technical support is available for siting PV on such sites. Grants are not available for sites on the EPA's National Priorities List.
7A. Does the site owner, developer, or lessee meet requirements for liability protection under CERCLA or obtained RCRA site-specific liability protections through the EPA?
7D. Yes. Is a government entity or nonprofit seeking funding to complete a site assessment or remediation?
7E. No. Proceed with assessment and remediation. Determine whether PV installation can occur in parallel with remediation activities.
Examples of Compatible Solutions - Capping - In Situ Bio Remediation - Long-term Pump & Treat - Monitored Natural Attenuation - Permeable Reactive Barriers - Soil Vapor Extraction
7F. Continue to II.8 Load Assessment
7G. Yes. EPA grant opportunities may be available. Continue to II.8 Load Assessment
To reduce energy demands during remediation, identify methods for increasing energy efficiency and maximize use of renewable energy to power site operations. EPA's Superfund Green Remediation Strategy has a goal of using 100% renewables for clean-up.
7B 7C 7D 7E 7F 7G
Phase II.7: Site Screening - Remediation Explanatory Text and Additional Resources Following an initial assessment seek legal counsel to make final determination with regard to liability in coordination with the appropriate EPA office. There are two principle federal clean-up laws that govern contaminated sites: the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) or the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). CERCLA and RCRA liability considerations and protections for renewable-energy development projects are addressed in EPA's March 2011 publication entitled, "Siting Renewable Energy on Contaminated Properties: Addressing Liability Concerns." Document No. EPA-330-F-11-001. For city-owned or to-be-acquired parcels, see EPA's March 2011 factsheet entitled, "CERCLA Liability and Local Government Acquisitions and Other Activities." Document No. EPA-330-F11-003. If the site owner, developer, or lessee does not qualify for conditions necessary to claim liability protection, contact the EPA for additional guidance on how to proceed with redevelopment plan for this site. Information and resources are available through the RE-Powering America's Land Initiative ( or through the EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assistance ( Continue exploring project with knowledge that contamination issues may need to be resolved prior to redevelopment. Go to Phase II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment. In some cases, lack of funding has delayed site assessment. EPA and other grant opportunities may be available. For more information on brownfield assessment and clean-up grant opportunities for government entities and nonprofits, go to Continue exploring project with knowledge that contamination issues may need to be resolved prior to redevelopment. Continue to Phase II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment. Proceed with grant application process. In parallel, continue site assessment. Continue to Phase II.8 Site Screening - Load Assessment.
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II.8 Load Assessment
8B. No. Is there a potential offtaker for the electricity generated? (e.g. utility or other power producer) 8A. Is there an on-site load that can use a substantial portion or all of the electricity generated based on the estimated system size?
IMBY enables users to estimated the electricity that can be produced with a solar photovoltaic (PV) array on a given property. After entering the site address and selecting technology type, the user draws an area for the proposed system location. Based on this information the tool returns an estimated system size, assuming a fixed tilt PV system and provides estimated energy production and basic financial information. 8H. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
This output will provide a good first pass at estimating the potential for the site. NREL's PVWatts tool provides the option to model addiitonal system configurations and further refine energy production estimates (
8E. Yes. Is net metering allowed by the local utility? Estimating System Size for Targeted Area IMBY Screenshots
8F. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
8G. Yes. Is the average retail price of electricity greater than 8 cents/kWh?
Keep in mind that there may be capacity constraints in the existing utility infrastructure. System owners will need to engage with the local utility to discuss the project to determine potential impacts and appropriate mitigation measures.
Question 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F 8G
Phase II.8: Site Screening - Load Assessment Explanatory Text and Additional Resources For grid-connected systems, on-site power demands are important to consider but may not significantly impact the feasibility of a PV project. On-site power demands will drive the sale and finance structure, e.g. direct system sale vs. power purchase agreement. For a community-scale evaluation, this criterion can be evaluated based on individual loads and generation capacity, as well as cumulative demand across community customers. For all facilities, confirm that the facility is expected to be in use for the life of the system. If there is no on-site load, the electricity generated by the PV array will need to be fed onto the grid and sold to the utility at a wholesale rate, which is typically considerably lower than retail rates. If there is neither an on-site load or potential offtaker for the electricity, PV may not be viable at this site. It is recommended that you engage directly with the utility to determine if there is interest or other incentives that would compel the utility to purchase power from a renewable source. Continue to III.9 Financial Screening Determine if the local utility has a net metering program, which encourages development of PV and other renewable energy systems by allowing customers to offset on-site energy requirements. If the onsite load does not require 100% of the power generated and net metering is not an option, the project economics may not be favorable enough to proceed. Consider scaling the renewable energy project down to meet onsite requirements only; proceed to Phase III.9 Financial Screening. Alternatively, consider selling power directly back to the utility at wholesale rates; go to 8B. If the average price of electricity is greater than 8 cents/kWh, solar PV may be economically feasible in this location. Typically, solar PV makes the best economic sense when it is being installed in an area where other energy costs are relatively high. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is calculated by dividing the total system costs by the estimated lifetime production, yielding $/kWh. Using LCOE allows PV to be compared to other energy production sources, including existing retail electricity rates. Generally, as retail electricity rates increase, the economics of a renewable energy project greatly improve. The economics of solar PV is greatly reduced when the retail electricity rate is very low. If there are incentives or other monetary and/or non-monetary benefits associated with installing solar PV at this site or if considering an offgrid system, continue to Phase III.9 Financial Screening. As an alternative, consider selling power directly to the utility at a wholesale rate; proceed to 8B if appropriate. Go to Phase III.9 Financial Screening
8H 8I
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III.9 Financial Screening
9B. No. PV may not be viable. Read below for additional information and guidance.
9A. Is there strong policy support for renewable energy development? Specific PV incentives?
9D. No. Consider leasing the site and partnering with a private entity to own the system in order to take advantage of available incentives.
PV System Price & Project Economics The PV market has seen significant reductions in system pricing due to emerging market conditions. The system price is typically expressed in dollars per Watt ($/W). Generally, prices range from less than $8/W for small systems (50 kW) to $4-5/W for larger systems (MW).
Renewable energy installation costs vary by site. Lifetime system costs are a function of many variables, and can be influenced by location, resource potential, land-use restrictions, interconnection upgrades, and availability of installers within a particular area.
9C. Yes. Can the site owner capture one or more of government or utility-based incentives available for PV? Note: Incentives may be available at federal, state, and local levels. 9E. Yes. The site appears to be a good candidate for redevelopment with a PV system. Move forward with the project by issuing an RFP to receive bids from renewable energy developers.
Project economics are assessed based on common economic measures (net present value and payback period), as well as the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) compared to existing and projected electricity costs. The U.S. Department of Energy created and maintains the "System Advisor Model" (SAM) tool, which enables users to calculate LCOE and other performance and economic metrics for PV, concentrating Price range solar power, solar water heating, wind, and geothermal systems. When evaluating system prices, additional support may be available through NREL's Technical Assistance Program.
$8.00 Blended System Price ($/W)
$6.00 $5.00
$3.00 $2.00
Collaborative procurement among neighboring communities or within a geographic region can reap significant benefits by leveraging shared resources, reducing system costs, and infusing the economy with jobs during the design, construction, and operation phases of the project.
$Q1 2010 Q2 2010 Q3 2010 Q4 2010 Q1 2011 Q2 2011
Source: U.S. Solar Market Insight 2nd Quarter 2011, Solar Energy Industries Association
9B 9C 9D
Phase III.9: Financial Screening Explanatory Text and Additional Resources Strong state and federal policy support for renewable energy development can be critical to the overall feasibility and economic viability of a solar PV project. Strong state policies can support renewable energy development by promoting market demand, providing certainty in the investment market, and incorporating the external benefits of the technologies into cost/benefit calculations. The economic feasibility of solar PV depends on incentives, the cost of electricity, and the renewable resource. Targeted state and local incentives can provide a combination of low cost loans, grants or tax incentives to reduce the startup and operating costs of PV installations. Combined with federal programs, such as the Federal Investment Tax Credit, state incentives significantly decrease the cost of installing PV. If you are unsure of the policies and incentives available in your state to support renewable energy development and redevelopment of contaminated lands, check with the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE) at To further explore the critical role of state policy in support of renewable energy development, please see NREL's Conference Paper "The Role of State Policy in Renewable Energy Development" at Without strong policy support for renewable energy development at the federal, state, or local level, a solar PV project may be economically impractical. The ownership structure has a significant impact on the incentives available for the project, therefore significantly impacting the overall cost of the PV system. The system owner will be the eligible entity able to capture various federal, state, and local incentives. See Appendix D for a table of available federal incentives by eligible entity type. For information at the state level, use the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency website: Explore options for partnering with a private entity which will enable use of more federal, state and local incentives. For example, financing through a power purchase agreement enables capture of many incentives for which public site owners may not otherwise be eligible. For additional information on PPAs, see NREL's "Power Purchase Agreements Checklist for State and Local Governments" at Congratulations! This site or bundle of sites appears to be a good candidate for redevelopment with solar PV. Based on the desired ownership and financing model, issue a Request For Proposals (RFP) that includes information compiled during the site screening process and detailed information about the site (topo maps, soils reports, etc.). Solar PV pricing continues to evolve with market conditions. It is recommended to obtain multiple bid proposals. Once the renewable energy system is deployed, consider joining EPA's Green Power Partnership to communicate your organization's leadership in green power production to key stakeholders ( The RE-Powering initiative offers additional resources to facilitate implementation of PV on contaminated land. Take advantage of these resources at
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
Appendix A. Smart Growth Objectives
Criteria for Smart Growth Objectives
EPA's Smart Growth program promotes visioning forums that inform communities on the benefits associated with transit-oriented development in locations that are ideally suited for infill residential or commercial redevelopment. Sites that meet all or the majority of the following criteria may be considered to have excellent (E) or good (G) location-based Smart Growth potential for redevelopment, e.g. residential, office, or retail use.
NOTE: While quantitative criteria are used, this is not an official or comprehensive rating system but rather guidance to help users make qualitative judgments. These criteria can be addressed with information available through either Google GIS maps or local land use planning resources. For example, it does not take into account local zoning restrictions that may apply, how well the existing street infrastructure accommodates pedestrian and bicyclist safety and attractiveness, or other potential barriers to site redevelopment.
Criteria I. Location adjacent to existing infrastructure including water & sewer lines 1. Is site located < 1/2 mile from existing water & sewer infrastructure? 2. Is site located < 1/4 mile from existing water & sewer infrastructure? II. Road network layout 1. Is site located in an interconnected road system or on an existing street that is interconnected? Indicators of an interconnected road system include frequent street intersections per mile and a high percentage of 4-way intersections. In contrast, less well interconnected road systems have a predominance of cul-de-sacs and few parallel routes. III. Walkability (continuous sidewalk) 1. Is there a continuous existing, walkable sidewalk within 1/8 mile radius of the site? 2. Is there a walkable sidewalk within a 1/4 mile radius of the site (even if not immediately adjacent to the site)? IV. Walkability (block size) 1. Is the block size (distance between intersections) within a mile radius of the site < 400 feet long (or, for non-rectangular blocks, is the total perimeter of street circling the site no greater than 1600 feet)? V. Transit Friendly 1. Is a bus commuter and/or rail line located less than 1/4 mile from the site? 2. Is a bus commuter and/or rail line located within a 1/2 mile of the site? VI. Mixed Land Use Area 1. Is there a diversity of retail, commercial, residential, etc. uses at or in the vicinity of the site, e.g., within 1/4 mile? Mixed-use development, for example, might include retailcommercial on the first floor of a building or along major streets, with residential households located above the first floor and along side streets. VII. Public/Open Spaces 1. Is a park or other public space located < 1/8 mile from the site? 2. Is a park or other public space located > 1/8 mile from but < 1/2 mile from the site? VIII. Access to major institutions 1. Are major city social, retail, commercial, and other (schools, churches, etc.) located < 1/4 mile from the site? 2. Are major institutions generally located > 1/4 mile but < 3/4 mile or less from the site?
Criteria IX. Bike Route 1. Is there an existing bike route < 1/4 mile from the site? 2. Is there an existing bike route > 1/4 mile but < 3/4 mile from the site? X. Community revitalization area 1. Is the site located along a commercial strip corridor undergoing a local planning revitalization process or restructuring review? 2. If the answer to 1 is YES, is the site also located at or close to a crossroad identified in the local planning process or in an economic market analysis as particularly favorable to retail development, i.e., a retail centered location?
"Yes" Rating E G G E
References: The following documents were used as source material to create this qualitative assessment tool. 1. Smart Growth for Brownfields Redevelopment: A Brownfields Screening Tool, prepared by GSG Consultants for the City of Chicago, May 2005. 2. Restructuring the Commercial Strip: A Practical Guide for Planning the Revitalization of Deteriorating Strip Corridors, prepared by ICF International and Freedman, Tung & Sasaki, 2010, Section 2. 3. Smart Growth Project Scorecard, Smart Growth Leadership Institute, December 15, 2007.
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Appendix B. Contaminated Sites & Project Readiness
Ranking by Project Readiness Category Status Description 1 1 Site assessed, and remediation is not a barrier to near-term PV project.
Explanatory Text and Additional Resources Site conditions are conducive to installing a solar system in the near-term. There may be institutional or engineering controls in place that may limit or restrict on-site activity and/or end use, especially if remediation included leaving waste in place. See II.7 for examples of remediation plans compatible with PV installations. Site conditions are conducive to installing a solar system following completion of remediation activities. Check the remediation plan to determine when remediation activities will be completed. Sites in Category 3 could be experiencing delays or inactivity for a number of reasons. The next step is to contact the sites Project Manager to check into the reason(s) behind the delay. Consider whether the potential for a solar installation would present a re-use alternative that addresses the reason for delay or inactivity in taking the next step towards remediation.
3 Site assessed but lacks active remediation plan. Option to tailor plan to potential PV project, if warranted.
4 Site not yet assessed. Contaminants may be present that need to be addressed. Site conditions may pose fewer obstacles to potential PV project.
There may be sites in Categories 4 and 5 that are well suited for solar and should not be overlooked. Several of these sites may be low priority for residential or commercial redevelopment, which could explain why they have not yet been assessed. However, the prospect of re-purposing the site for a solar project may trigger interest to pursue funding for a site investigation. A site investigation determines whether there is a release of environmental contamination and, if so, the extent 5 Site not yet assessed. Contaminant investigation and characterization is required as a next of the contamination. These investigations help eliminate the uncertainty associated with potential or actual step prior to further scoping for potential PV project. contamination at a property. In some cases, clean-up may not be required. This site investigation and cleanup cost analysis can be structured to include a comparison of cleanup costs that would be necessary to re-purpose the site to solar versus other potential redevelopment re-uses that may incur larger cleanup costs. See Appendix C. Site Characterization Checklists for characteristics that would make a site ideal for siting a solar project.
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
Appendix C. Site Characteristics Checklists
Quick Guide These checklists are designed to serve as a quick reference tool to screen landfills or potentially contaminated sites for near-term project implementation. These checklists are not comprehensive and are not meant as a substitute for use of the decision tree to screen sites.
Landfills - Capped & closed (at least the portion being evaluated for solar); OR - Capped & pre-remedy; closure plan can readily incorporate solar installation; OR - Uncapped & pre-remedy; solar installation can serve as a cap - Owner abandoned & no incentive for private redevelopment - Site available for lease; does not need to be purchased by a developer - Site does not have an expensive or short-term lease arrangement Landfill closed more than 2-3 years prior to planned construction start and has not experienced differential settlement Solar installation compatible with sites long-term monitoring and maintenance plan, including leachate and gas collection systems, erosion control and storm water management plans
Site definitions Potentially Contaminated Site: Sites where contamination is suspected but has not been confirmed and sites where contamination has been identified. Brownfield: Typically a site that may have (or be perceived to have) contamination issues. With certain legal exclusions and additions, the term "brownfield site" means real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by the presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant. Underutilized Spaces: Sites that are currently inactive and can be leveraged for additional benefit, e.g. abandoned parcels, parking lots, or commercial/industrial rooftops.
Potentially Contaminated Sites -- Pre-Remediation -Assessment determines that levels of contamination do not pose unacceptable risk to human health and the environment; OR - Historic uses not likely to have caused significant contamination requiring expensive - Cleanup costs to redevelop site to residential or commercial space are prohibitive but would not be for solar reuse AND site otherwise meets all other solar eligibility criteria Usable acreage for solar at site is currently underutilized, inactive, or undisturbed -Site redevelopment plan supports renewable energy; OR -No site redevelopment plan in place and site not otherwise a priority for redevelopment for alternate uses Contaminated Sites -- During Remediation Remediation/cleanup will not require site surface to be actively disturbed or active disturbance limited to a small portion of usable acreage for solar Design and construction of PV system can be created in parallel with development and implementation of remedy Contaminated Sites -- Post-Remediation PV system will not compromise remediation solution in place during construction or operation phase Zoning or other institutional controls limit redevelopment for residential, commercial, or recreational uses AND allow for redevelopment for renewable energy
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
Appendix D. Examples of Federal Incentive Programs
Po we r
En tity
Incentive Program / Description Investment Tax Credit (ITC) Production Tax Credit (PTC) Residential Energy Conservation Subsidy Exclusion (Corporate) Modified Accelerated CostRecovery System (MACRS) Tribal Energy Program Grant USDA High Energy Cost Grant Program USDA Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Grants USDA REAP Loan Guarantees Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs) Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds (QECBs) Qualifying Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit Renewable Energy Production Incentive (REPI)
Eligible Sectors X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
No n-F ed era l
Ma nu fac tur i
am ily
Co mm erc ial
ipa lU
Ru ral Ele c.
ust ria l
de nti
Sch oo ls
Sta te G
Ag ricu l
Na tiv e
No n-P
Go v't Loc al
rof i
Tri bal
Re si
Uti li
Go v't
tur al
ov' t
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Phase I. Pre-Screening
Appendix E. Examples of State & Local Incentive Programs
State Incentives PV Incentive Programs Tax Increment Financing (TIF) State tax credit 3rd party solar power purchase agreement (PPA) policies State Grant Interconnection Standards Loan Program State-wide feed-in tariff (FIT) for renewable energy Property Tax Incentive Public Benefits Fund Production Incentive Rebate Program Sales Tax Incentive Clean-Up Programs Clean-Up Loans Revolving Loan Funds Reimbursement for Orphan Shares Underground Storage Tank (UST) Clean-up Fund
Local Incentives Revolving Loan Fund Loan Program Tax rebate (Commercial and/or Residential) Renewable Energy Feed-in-Tariff (FIT)
Incentive Program Information For eligibility information for state incentives, see the Database for State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency. This online database serves as a comprehensive repository on incentive programs on a state-by-state basis. In some cases, local programs are also listed, e.g. feed-in tariff (FIT )programs through a specific utility.