Installation of SMD / Diagnostic Agent: Download Extraction of .SAR With SAPCAR Installation Process

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Installation of SMD / Diagnostic Agent

1. Download 2. Extraction of .SAR with SAPCAR 3. Installation Process

Download You can find the SMD Agent installations files at: - Go to: "Support Packages and Patches" -> "Browse our Download Catalog" -> "SAP Technology Components" -> "SAP SOLUTION MANAGER" -> "SAP SOLUTION MANAGER 7.0 EHP 1" -> "Entry by Component" -> "Agents for managed systems"

Extraction of .SAR with SAPCAR 1. Open a prompt screen. 2. Navigate to the .SAR path. 3. Run command "sapcar -xvf <filename>

Installation Process 1. Launch SAPInst from the SMD Agent installation files. You will see a page like this:

2. Select option Diagnostics Agent at: Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent -> Installation Options -> Standalone Engines -> Diagnostics agent in SAP Solution Manager -> Diagnostics Agent.

To start the installation, choose Next.

3. Define parameters: Choose the host name for the SMD Agent. For more information about the input parameters, place the cursor on the relevant field and press F1 in SAPinst.

Then click Next to continue.

4. Choose the SMD Agent SID and the destination driver.

Then click Next to continue.

5. Specify the path for the "JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy" files. Note that you must NOT unzip the archive. For more information about how to download them check SAP Note 1240081.

Then click Next to continue.

6. Choose the Domain where you want to install the SMD Agent. This step will created the system accounts for the SMD Agent.

Then click Next to continue.

7. Choose the passwords for the created user.

Then click Next to continue.

8. Choose the path for the Self-check file and click Next.

Then click Next to continue.

9. Choose the Instance Number for the SMD Agent.

Then click Next to continue.

10. Agent registration: At this step you can choose two options: Choose No SLD registration: If the solution manager is up and running, choose this option. This is the RECOMMENDED option. Using this type of connection no SLD attachment is necessary, neither the link "Agent Candidates Management" needs to be used in the "Agent Administration". Choose the SMD Agent connection type. Recommended is P4 Connection via SCS message server.

Then click Next to continue.

Specify the connection information. Solution manager host name, Port number, Solution manager agent user name and password. i.e : SMD_ADMIN, password for that user.

Then click Next to continue.

11. Now the Summary page is displayed. At this step you can revise the entire configuration done. Just select what you want to review and then click at Revise.

12. Now the installation will be performed:

13. After some time the installation will finish.

Congratulations, you have just installed the SMD Agent successfully.

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