Monsterpocalypse Rules
Monsterpocalypse Rules
Monsterpocalypse Rules
What you need to play................................................................2 Setting up a Game ................................................................... 23
Figures.....................................................................................................2 Choosing Your Force and City ............................................................ 23
Monsters .................................................................................................2 Monsters ........................................................................................... 23
Agendas and Factions ...........................................................................3 Units .................................................................................................. 23
Agendas ...............................................................................................3 Structures ......................................................................................... 26
Factions ...............................................................................................3 Preparing the Battle Map ................................................................... 26
Units ........................................................................................................4 Placing Structures on the Battle Map ............................................... 26
Structures & Rubble Tiles .....................................................................4 Remaining Setup ............................................................................. 26
Play Mat ..................................................................................................5 Order of Play ............................................................................. 26
Dice .........................................................................................................5 Activating Monsters ............................................................................ 27
Health Tracker ........................................................................................8 1. Power Phase ................................................................................ 27
Reference Sheet ....................................................................................8 2. Hyper Phase................................................................................. 27
3. Advancement Phase ................................................................... 27
Dice in Monsterpocalypse .........................................................8 4. Attack Phase ............................................................................... 27
5. Push Phase .................................................................................. 28
Figure Stats................................................................................10
Activating Units ................................................................................... 28
Gameplay Overview ..................................................................11 1. Spawn Phase ............................................................................... 28
2. Advancement Phase ................................................................... 28
Moving on the Grid....................................................................14 3. Attack Phase ............................................................................... 28
Step ...................................................................................................... 14 4. Push Phase .................................................................................. 29
Terrain .................................................................................................. 14
Hyper Forms ............................................................................. 29
Cover .................................................................................................... 15
Flight ................................................................................................... 15 Winning ..................................................................................... 29
Jump .................................................................................................... 15 Abilities ..................................................................................... 30
Important Figure Placement Terms .................................................. 15 The Timing of Abilities in an Attack .................................................. 31
Adjacent ............................................................................................ 15 Abilities of Structures ......................................................................... 32
Base-to-Base (B2B) ......................................................................... 15
Granting Abilities ................................................................................ 32
Aligned .............................................................................................. 16
Applying Abilities ................................................................................ 33
Making Attacks .........................................................................17 Immunity.............................................................................................. 33
Target Figures ...................................................................................... 20 Dice in Play .......................................................................................... 36
Damaging Monsters and Units .......................................................... 20
Super Damage ................................................................................. 20 Power Attacks .......................................................................... 36
Crushed vs. Destroyed .................................................................... 21 Combined Unit Attacks ........................................................... 43
Interacting with the Battle Map ..............................................21 Multi-Monster Games .............................................................. 45
Structures ............................................................................................ 21
Combined Power Attacks ................................................................... 45
Destroying Buildings and Creating Hazards ................................ 21
Slingshot .......................................................................................... 45
Securing Buildings ........................................................................... 22
Cradle Throw ................................................................................... 46
Foundations ......................................................................................... 22 Double Head-butt ............................................................................. 46
Objective Spaces ................................................................................. 22
Power Zones ..................................................................................... 22 Glossary .................................................................................... 48
Negative Zones ................................................................................ 22 Ability Reference Pages .......................................................... 53
Spawn Points ................................................................................... 22
The Rest of the Play Mat .................................................................... 23 Credits ....................................................................................... 60
T H E M O N S T E R P O C A LY P S E I S U P O N U S !
Attackers from beyond space and time and from beneath the lands and oceans have engulfed the world
in catastrophic conflict! Cities are now battlegrounds as giant monsters and their hordes of minions
rampage through urban landscapes, level buildings, crush obstacles, and fight to achieve their own
mysterious goals. Gather your units, build your city, and prepare to level everything in your path! It’s
time to Reach Out and Crush Someone!
This is Monsterpocalypse, a fast-moving, action-packed
strategy game played with high-quality collectible WHAT YOU NEED TO PLAY
miniatures portraying the most fearsome giant Monsterpocalypse is a game for two players. You win
monsters on Earth! Each battle takes place in a city that by destroying both of your opponent’s monster forms,
you and your opponent construct by placing buildings but you need just a few important things before you can
on a city map. Players choose their forces from their start tearing down cityscapes with your giant monsters.
respective collections of figures and then battle one
another with giant monsters and supporting units such
as tanks, flying vehicles, and all manner of creatures.
Charge your monster into the city to fight for supremacy, The figures used to play Monsterpocalypse come in
and be the last monster standing! one of three varieties: monsters, units, and structures.
Figures can be purchased in Monsterpocalypse Starter
So where do you start? First, look below to
Set, Monster Boosters, and Unit Booster. Feel free to trade
familiarize yourself with the agendas and factions in
figures with your friends. Collecting the figures can be a fun
Monsterpocalypse, and then begin with the Game
and rewarding aspect of the Monsterpocalypse experience.
Walkthrough to get started with the figures included in
your starter set.
The type of figure is important. Some things in
Monsterpocalypse will only affect monsters, some things will
ALLIES AND ENEMIES only affect units, some things will only affect structures, and
some things will affect figures of any type.
Each figure in Monsterpocalypse belongs to a faction,
and each faction belongs to an agenda. While you Each figure comes on a base that has all of the figure’s
may mix figures from different factions or agendas stats and abilities printed on it for quick reference.
in your force, the abilities of some figures only work
with other figures from the same faction or agenda.
Monsterpocalypse uses four terms to describe the
various figures in the game. Monsterpocalypse centers around giant monsters, of
course. Monsters come in pairs because in the game
Allies include all of the figures in your force.
you use two different versions of your monster. The
Enemies include all figures in your opponent’s force. monster begins the game in its Alpha form, the normal
version of the monster, and can transform into the
Agenda Figures are all the figures in your force that
Hyper form, an elevated and more powerful state of the
belong to the same agenda.
monster. You only use one version at a time but can
Faction Figures are all the figures in your force that change from one form to
belong to the same faction. the other at different points
in the game by swapping
the figures. The form of the
monster you aren’t currently
using is kept on the play mat
in your Monster Reserves.. MONSTER RESERVES
The figures in Monsterpocalypse are divided into six A faction is a specific group within an agenda. Figures
different categories called agendas. All the figures from the same faction cooperate well and yield the best
within an agenda share the same philosophy, and combinations and most efficient use of resources. As
figures from the same agenda have abilities that more factions join the ranks of Monsterpocalypse, the
compliment each other. themed options within each agenda will grow.
Monsterpocalypse: Rise has six factions – one for
AGENDAS each agenda.
PROTECTORS are the good guys. They try G.U.A.R.D. (PROTECTORS)
to defend a way of life even if it means The giant robots and armored tanks of
demolishing a few buildings in the Globally United Advanced Research and
process. Defense fight for life, liberty, and the
RADICALS are only interested in an ideal, pursuit of happiness.
and civilization takes a back seat when
it comes to advancing their goals.
The Terrasaurs, earth-shaking,
FIENDS are pure evil, through and gargantuan dinosaurs, prefer a simpler
through. They destroy because they time before technology and progress
enjoy inflicting pain and suffering. changed so much of the world.
DESTROYERS are motivated by wanton LORDS OF CTHUL (FIENDS)
destruction. It’s nothing personal; just Dark beings from another plane come to
don’t get in their way. enslave the human race.
INVADERS want what Earth has to offer, PLANET EATERS (DESTROYERS)
and they’ll stop at nothing to have it. These ravenous creatures from a far
COLLABORATORS have their own away world want nothing more than to
objectives. Sometimes they work for wreck our planet.
the good of humanity, but other times
humanity is just a stepping-stone.
These diabolical visitors from space have
come to harvest Earth’s inhabitants and
resources for their own insidious plans.
Ultra is the most common type of Hyper form. Other Units are mounted on small bases.
Hyper forms, like Mega, can be obtained through
special promotions and events.
Your monster can perform certain actions and abilities
that other figures cannot and is therefore your greatest
and most powerful asset. Be careful though. Once both
of your monster’s forms are defeated, you are out of S-TYPE SHINOBI S-TYPE SHINOBI
the game.
Monsters are mounted on large bases.
Structures are figures that provide obstacles and
objectives for your monsters. The most common
structures are buildings. Each structure comes with an
accompanying rubble tile that represents the structure
after it is destroyed. Rubble tiles have two sides. One
side displays a pile of rubble, and the other shows a
hazard that may come into play from the structure’s
destruction, like a Blazing Inferno or Radiated Zone.
Structures are mounted on large bases.
Units represent the hordes of minions and support
troops that accompany your monster in its fight for
supremacy. You will use many units during the game.
When they are destroyed, you put units back into your
Unit Reserves.. They can continue to come back into
play throughout the game.
Units may not seem that
powerful compared to giant
monsters, but intelligent use
of your units can quickly tip STRUCTURE (BUILDING)
the odds in your favor. UNIT RESERVES RADIATION
Units come in two types: Grunt and Elite. Elite units
are more powerful than Grunt units, and you are
Remember, buildings are just a type of structure, so any rule
limited in how many Elite units you can include in your that applies to structures also applies to buildings.
force. You can tell which units are Elite because their
names are printed in red on their bases, and they are
colored differently.
Games of Monsterpocalypse are played on play mats. Dice play a pivotal role in Monsterpocalypse. You use
The middle of each play mat has an area marked with dice as a form of currency in the game. Sometimes you
a grid called the battle map where the action takes spend dice and sometimes you roll them. You store your
place. The battle map determines where you place dice in several dice pools, and whenever you use a die,
structures, where your monster starts the game, where you move it to another pool. What your figures can do in
your units enter, and what type of terrain your figures the game depends on how many dice you have in your
must traverse during battle. various dice pools. The four places where your dice are
stored are the Monster Pool, the Unit Pool, the Power
The area around the battle map shows you where to
Pool, and the Dice Well.
store your dice and the figures not currently in play.
Each battle map is sectioned into square spaces that
your figures occupy. Small-based figures occupy one
space, and large-based figures occupy four at a time.
Each player must have his own set of dice. How
you choose to use your dice throughout the game
determines whose monster is victorious and whose Your figures’ bases have symbols on them that
monster is lunch. The three types of dice are Action correspond to their stats and the abilities they can
Dice, Boost Dice, and Power Dice. use in a game. The Reference Sheet details those
abilities and how you use them in the game. To remind
yourself what a symbol means, simply look it up on the
Reference Sheet for an explanation. The best way to find
an ability is to look up the figure’s faction on the sheet
ACTION DIE BOOST DIE POWER DIE and then look for the ability. They are organized by the
shapes of the abilities.
You need a Health Tracker for each monster used
in a game. The Tracker monitors the Health of your
Monsterpocalypse boils down to effective use of the
monster’s Alpha form (the top slider) and Hyper form
various types of dice available to you during a game.
(the bottom slider) during the game. At the beginning of
a battle, set both sliders to the appropriate number of Monsterpocalypse does not use regular dice. Instead
Health indicated on the base of each of your monster of using pips or numbers, Monsterpocalypse dice
figures. As your monster suffers damage, move the use explosion symbols to indicate strikes and blank
slider one point to the left for each point of damage. If faces to indicate misses. A strike is indicated by one
a monster has health restored during a battle, move the explosion on the die. A super strike, indicated by two
slider to the right one point for each point restored. A explosions, counts as two strikes. Blank sides indicate
monster’s health may never exceed its Health stat. Once misses. When rolling dice in Monsterpocalypse, simply
both forms of your monster have reached to zero health, add up the number of explosion symbols you see. For
your monster is defeated. instance, the three dice below add up to three strikes.
Example: Rob’s Defender X Alpha form suffers one point
of damage. Rob picks up his Health Tracker, which has its
top row set at 5, and moves the pointer one space to the
Monsterpocalypse uses color-coded dice with different
chances of rolling a strike depending on the color. There
are three types and colors of dice:
Action Dice are comprised of 3 misses, 2 strikes, and
1 super strike. Action Dice make up the basic resource
that allows your figures to move, make attacks, and
use actions. Every time you want to move or make
an attack, you must use one or more Action Dice by or up to what you have on hand. Continue doing this until
spending them, rolling them, or both. you have made the number of boost dice rolls required.
During the game, you will move your Action Dice POWER DICE
between your Monster Pool and your Unit Pool. After Power Dice are comprised of 1 miss, 4 strikes, and 1
you spend dice from your Unit Pool, you place them super strike. Power Dice are additional resources gained
in your Monster Pool. After you spend dice from your through various means—mostly by causing destruction!
Monster Pool, you place them in your Unit Pool. Your You start the game with zero Power Dice in your Power
Action Dice move back and forth between the two pools Pool, but throughout the game you can perform actions
in this way throughout the game. that earn you Power Dice. Power Dice are used up when
you roll or spend them, and you may never have more
You use the Action Dice in your Monster Pool when you
than 10 Power Dice in your Power Pool at any one time.
activate your monster, and you use the Action Dice in
Any Power Dice accumulated beyond 10 are lost.
your Unit Pool when you activate your units. Whichever
Action Dice pool you use during your turn is considered You store unearned Power Dice in the Dice Well on the
the Active Pool. Certain game effects may add or play mat. When you earn Power Dice, you move them
subtract from the number of Action Dice you have in a to your Power Pool where you can use them. After you
particular dice pool. When such an effect takes place, spend or roll a Power Die, return it to the Dice Well.
simply move the number of affected dice from one pool
You may add Power Dice from your Power Pool to
to the other. For instance, if your monster is hit by an
various rolls to greatly increase your chances of success.
attack that causes it to lose an Action Die, move an
Some actions available to monsters, such as Power
Action Die from the Monster Pool to the Unit Pool.
Attacks, require you to use Power Dice. If you have not
You begin the game with 10 Action Dice in your Unit Pool. accumulated enough Power Dice, you may not be able to
do what you want. Units cannot use Power Dice.
Boost Dice are comprised of 2 misses, 3 strikes, and You can earn Power Dice several different ways:
1 super strike. Boost Dice are special dice rolled when
• Every time you make an attack or use an action that
a figure has a knack for a particular kind of attack or
results in the destruction of an enemy unit, you gain
because of certain abilities or special circumstances.
one Power Die for each enemy unit destroyed or
Boost Dice have better odds of success than Action
crushed (see Crushed vs. Destroyed, page 21) after
Dice. Boost Dice are not part of any dice pool and do
removing the figure(s) from the battle map.
not get used up when you roll them. They are bonus dice
you get for free. You store your Boost Dice in the Dice
If you attack a unit that has the Unstable ability and
Well on the play mat, and you put them back in the
that unit’s ability crushes three other enemy units,
Dice Well after you roll them. you’ll get four Power Dice!
If you ever need to roll more boost dice than you have
on hand, make your roll as normal, note the number • Every time you make an attack or use an action that
of strikes rolled, then roll a number of boost dice again results in the destruction of an Alpha or Hyper form of
equal to the number of remaining boost dice to be rolled an enemy monster, you gain one Power Die for each
enemy monster form destroyed after removing the Defense (DEF) – This is the number of strikes your
figure(s) from the battle map. opponent must roll in a single attack to hit this figure.
• Every time you destroy a structure with a monster’s Brawl – This is the maximum number of Action
brawl attack, you gain a number of Power Dice equal Dice you may roll when you make a brawl attack. A
to the Energy of the structure at the conclusion of figure must have a Brawl stat printed on its base to
the attack after all eligible abilities have resolved. If make brawl attacks.
you use any other attack or action that results in the Blast – This is the maximum number of Action
destruction of a structure, you only gain one Power Die Dice you may roll when you make a blast attack. A
for each structure destroyed. figure must have a Blast stat printed on its base to
• When you Power Up, you gain one Power Die for every make a blast attack. The two bars beneath a figure’s
ally unit holding a Power Zone on the battle map (see Blast stat indicate how many spaces away the target
Power Zones, page 22 and Power Up, page 27). of a blast attack can be from the attacking figure. A
half filled black bar ( ) indicates short range. Short
• When you Power Up, you gain one Power Die for every
range allows the figure to make a blast attack against
structure currently secured by your force (see Securing
targets up to three spaces away. A fully filled black
Buildings, page 22).
bar ( ) indicates long range. Long range allows the
• You may gain Power Dice through other abilities or figure to make a blast attack against targets up to five
game effects. spaces away.
Monsters have the following two additional stats:
FIGURE STATS Power – This is the maximum number of Action
All the information you need to play with your figures Dice you may roll when you make a power attack. A
is represented by a set of numbers, shapes, and icons figure must have a Power stat printed on its base to
found on their bases. When you turn the figure away from make power attacks.
you, the left side of the base has the following stats: Health – This is how much damage a monster’s
Speed (SPD) – This is how many spaces a figure form can take before being destroyed.
can move on the grid when it advances (see Moving on Structures have the following stat on the left side of
the Grid, page 14). their bases:
Energy – This is the number of Power Dice you
receive if your monster destroys this structure with a
brawl attack.
ABILITIES ★ Boost Stars – When a star with a number by it
appears below a Brawl, Blast, or Power stat, you must
roll that many Boost Dice whenever you make that type
of attack.
INFORMATION On the opposite side of the base from the figure’s name
you’ll find the following pieces of information:
Hyper – The Hyper stat appears on monster Hyper SET SIZE
forms. When you want to change your monster into its RARITY
Hyper form, you have to spend a number of Power Dice
equal to the Hyper form’s Hyper stat. ICON OF THE SET IN WHICH
Cost – Cost appears on units and indicates the PGK01-A
MOVING ON THE GRID Though flyers and jumpers can move through other units,
monsters, and buildings, they cannot end their movement in
The most common type of movement in the same space as a unit, monster, or building.
Monsterpocalypse is called advancing. Each figure has
a Speed (SPD) stat that indicates how many spaces Figures cannot move beyond the edge of the battle
it can move on the map each time it advances. When map. If at any time a figure is smashed, thrown, or
you want to advance one of your figures, you first spend would otherwise be moved beyond the edge of the map,
an Action Die from the appropriate pool (Monster Pool the figure stops at the edge of the map. Furthermore,
when moving a monster, Unit Pool when moving a unit) anytime you or your opponent moves a figure, it must
and then move the figure up to a number of spaces end this movement in spaces the figure can legally
equal to its SPD stat. You may advance any number occupy. When you put figures in play, you must place
of figures during the appropriate activation as long as them on spaces they can legally occupy.
you have the Action Dice to do so. Each figure may only
advance once during a turn. STEP
A figure may move either up, down, left, or right. A Monsters have an additional type of movement called
figure may move diagonally once while advancing. step. Before and after your monster advances, but
Monsters occupy more than one space at a time, but before it attacks, it may step by spending an Action Die
they still count out their movement like units do. See to move one space in any direction, including diagonally.
the diagram below. You may step with a monster as many times as you
have Action Dice to spend. Each step is performed
individually and the monster must be able to occupy the
spaces into which it moves. Those spaces may not be
occupied by other figures.
Example: Terra Khan has Speed 6, but his desired target is
eight spaces away. After spending one Action Die from his
Monster Pool to advance six spaces, Terra Khan’s player
spends two more Action Dice from his Monster Pool to step
two more spaces and come adjacent to his target. Terra
Khan’s player then places all three of the dice he used into
his Unit Pool.
Open Terrain (roads, concrete, dirt and grass) to hazards when moving through or occupying them
– Count these spaces once when a unit advances into but will still suffer all effects as a result of colliding
them. Spaces not labeled as Rough Terrain or Impassible with hazards and other figures (see Collisions, page
Terrain on the terrain legend are Open Terrain. 36). A unit without Flight cannot make brawl attacks
against a figure with Flight unless the unit has an ability
that allows it to do so. A figure with Flight cannot hold
Objective Spaces and does not gain Cover.
A monster is aligned with another monster or structure (ADJACENT BUT NOT (NOT BASE-TO-BASE)
when the complete edge of the monster’s base touches BASE-TO-BASE)
MAKING ATTACKS The second type of additional die is the Power Die. Only
monsters can use Power Dice. You earn Power Dice by
Monsterpocalypse has three types of attacks: brawl accomplishing certain tasks in the game, and you can
attacks, blast attacks, and power attacks. To make add them to any monster roll in addition to Action Dice
an attack, first choose the type of attack and then choose and Boost Dice.
a target. You must roll at least one Action Die from the Example: Defender X makes a brawl attack again, and this
Active Pool, and you may roll a number of Action Dice up time he really needs to hit. Like before, you roll two Boost
to the number of the corresponding stat. Then roll the Dice and up to seven Action Dice from your Monster Pool.
dice, count up the total number of strikes, and compare You decide that won’t be enough, so you take four Power
the total to the Defense (DEF) of your target. If the total Dice from your Power Pool and add them to the roll. You can
number of strikes on the dice roll is equal to or greater add as many Power Dice as you have in your Power Pool.
than the target’s Defense, the attack has hit the target.
Remember, a monster’s Brawl , Blast , and Power
Example: Your S-Type Shinobi makes a brawl attack against stat only limit the number of Action Dice you can
a Belcher. The S-Type Shinobi has a Brawl stat of 2 , which roll for an attack. They do not have any bearing on the
means you can roll up to two Action Dice for the attack. As number of Boost Dice you must add or Power Dice you
a unit, the S-Type Shinobi’s Action Dice come from the Unit can add to the roll.
Pool. The Belcher’s Defense is 2 , so the attack hits if the
roll results in two or more strikes. After the roll, the two dice
Monsters are too big to hide behind anything, and
used for the attack go into the Monster Pool. even the smallest units can be detected by the sophisticated
systems and instincts of their enemies, so blast attacks
Two other types of dice may also come into play. The cannot be blocked by other figures.
first are Boost Dice. Some figures receive Boost Dice
for certain types of attacks, noted with a star ★ and a Power attacks are special attacks that only monsters
number on the figure’s base under the stat for the type can make. They differ slightly from brawl and blast
of attack. The number next to the star corresponds attacks in that you MUST roll at least one Power Die as
to the number of Boost Dice you roll for free when well as at least one Action Die when you make a power
making that type of attack with the figure. The figure attack (see Power Attacks, page 36).
may also receive Boost Dice from abilities or effects.
The Brawl, Blast, and Power stats only restrict the The various power attacks receive detailed explanations
number of Action Dice you may roll, not the number of beginning on page 36.
Boost Dice you must roll. Regardless of the type of attack or how many dice you
Example: Defender X is a monster with a Brawl stat of 7 and roll, all attacks must adhere to the following rules:
a star with the number 2 by it under that stat . That means • Attacks cause one point of damage every time they
that you may roll up to seven Action Dice from your Monster hit. Power attacks have effects that may result in
Pool when Defender X makes a brawl attack, but you must additional damage.
add two Boost Dice to the roll regardless of the number of
Action Dice you roll. If you roll one, two, three, or even seven • Each figure can only participate in one attack each
Action Dice you still add two Boost Dice to the roll. turn. You may attack with any number of figures per
turn as long as you have the Action Dice to roll.
• Figures may only attack structures or enemy figures
(those belonging to your opponent) but may not attack
your ally figures. When a unit takes one damage, it is destroyed. When
your unit is destroyed, remove it from the battle map
TARGET FIGURES and place it back in your Unit Reserves.
Each time a monster takes damage, move the
When you choose to have a figure make an attack, you
corresponding slider on the monster’s Health Tracker
must select an enemy figure as the target. All attacks
one point towards the skull icon on the left for each
are made from your figure to the target.
damage taken. When a slider reaches the skull icon,
An attacker can make a brawl attack targeting any that form of the monster is destroyed and removed from
adjacent structure or enemy figure. the battle map. See Hyper forms on page 29 for how
An attacker can make a blast attack targeting any damage affects a monster’s ability to change forms.
structure or enemy figure within range and NOT in an
adjacent space. Short range attacks may target SUPER DAMAGE
figures up to three spaces away, and long range Some abilities or effects cause Super Damage, which
attacks may target figures up to five spaces away. means the target takes one additional point of damage.
When counting the spaces to the target, you may If multiple abilities or effects that cause Super Damage
count a diagonal only once. occur on the same figure, the target only takes one
additional point of damage.
2 3 4 5 5
5 1 4
4 3 2 1 1 2 3
1 1
2 5 4 3 2
4 5
Certain attacks and abilities will crush units rather than DEFENSE
destroy them. When a unit is crushed, remove it from
the battle map immediately and place it back in your
Unit Reserves. Some abilities only take place when a
figure is destroyed, so they won’t take place if the figure
is crushed instead. Furthermore, since units that are
crushed are immediately removed from the battle map, ICON DESIGNATING THIS
they may not get a chance to use their abilities during STRUCTURE AS A BUILDING
an attack’s resolution (see Abilities, page 30 and The EXAMPLE OF A STRUCTURE FIGURE’S BASE
Timing of Abilities in an Attack, page 31).
Make sure you know when an effect crushes a unit or You can attack buildings just like units or monsters.
destroys a unit when you reference an ability.
When a building takes one damage, it is destroyed.
Each building comes with a rubble tile. When a building
INTERACTING WITH THE BATTLE MAP is destroyed, remove it from the battle map and replace
it with the building’s rubble tile. Note that rubble tiles
Monsterpocalypse is played on a play mat with a battle have two sides. One side always indicates normal, non-
map in the middle where all the action takes place. dangerous rubble, and the other side indicates a type
A major piece of the fun of Monsterpocalypse lies of hazard. Some buildings have an ability like Blazing
in how your figures interact with the battle map and Inferno that creates a hazard when they are destroyed,
the structures on it. Whether you are knocking down such as a Fire hazard that is dangerous to figures
structures or occupying tactically important zones, you moving onto it. When this happens, place the rubble tile
must understand the role the map plays in the game. with the hazard side face up.
Any figure that moves onto a hazard tile suffers the
STRUCTURES effects of that hazard. Once a figure has suffered the
Structures are figures mounted on large bases that effects of a hazard, it does not suffer those effects
provide obstacles and strategic goals for you and your again unless it moves off the hazard and returns.
opponent, much needed power for monsters, and often Some figures possess abilities that can eliminate
present dangerous hazards on the battle map after you hazards. When a hazard is eliminated, flip the tile over
destroy them. Structures can also provide beneficial so the rubble side faces up.
abilities to your force. Structures do not move around
the battle map during the game and are not part of Treat all rubble tiles as Rough Terrain regardless of
your force. Monsterpocalypse has multiple types of whether the rubble side or the hazard side is face up.
structures, but buildings are the most common type.
You only gain Power Dice equal to the building’s Energy when
They are denoted with the building symbol: you destroy it with a monster brawl attack. If you destroy the
building in any other way, you only gain one Power Die.
When you have three of your units adjacent to a building Strategic points known as Objective Spaces lie
with no enemy units or enemy monsters adjacent to it, you scattered about the battle map. These can grant
are securing the building. Each time you Power Up, you benefits to the player who holds them and potentially
receive one Power Die for each building you are securing. hinder the player who does not. To hold an Objective
A unit cannot secure a building while the unit is Space, a unit must simply occupy the Objective Space
being moved. on the map. Monsters cannot hold Objective Spaces.
Example: Rob has two units adjacent to an Oil Refinery. The Though flyers cannot hold Objective Spaces, they are
Oil Refinery has the ability Fuel Depot which grants all great units to place on Objective Spaces to keep
of your figures +1 Speed while it is secured. Rob then your opponent from holding them.
advances a third unit and while moving the unit it becomes
adjacent to the Oil Refinery. Rob then continues to move his There are several kinds of Objective Spaces:
unit past the Oil Refinery so that it is no longer adjacent.
His unit does not gain the +1 Speed during its advancement POWER ZONES
because the building is not secured during the movement.
Each time you Power Up (see
Powering Up, page 27), you gain one
Look for ways to position units to secure multiple buildings
at the same time. Some maps have locations where the
Power Die for each Power Zone
same three units can secure two buildings and hold a Power held by one of your units.
Zone! With clever selection and placement of your buildings
and units, you can gain three or more Power Dice from
just three units each time you Power Up. NEGATIVE ZONES
Each time you Power Up, your
opponent loses one Power Die from
FOUNDATIONS his Power Pool for each Negative
Foundations are the spots on a map where you can Zone held by one of your units.
place structures during setup. Some have green borders
and some have yellow borders. These determine the SPAWN POINTS
order that you may place structures on them. Treat
foundations without a structure placed on them as Spawn points are the spaces on the map where your
Open Terrain. During setup, green foundations must be units enter the game. You have two types of spaces you
filled before yellow foundations are fillled. can use to bring units onto the battle map: Standard
Spawn Points and Neutral Spawn Points.
Standard Spawn Points are color-coded to each
player. The Standard Spawn Points of your color remain
your spawn points for the entire game (see Preparing
the Battle Map, page 26).
Your force consists of the units and monsters you
will use in the game. A standard game requires each
player to have one monster (both the Alpha and one
corresponding Hyper form) and up to 15 units. Each
STANDARD SPAWN POINTS player must also bring a city of two to 12 structures.
Neutral Spawn Points do not begin the game under Choose any monster and a corresponding Hyper form
any player’s control. Instead, each player can try to for it, and then choose your units. The units in your force
take control of Neutral Spawn Points during the game can come from any agenda or faction. Building a force
by holding the adjacent Activators. If you have a figure with figures from a single agenda or faction yields more
holding an Activator next to a Neutral Spawn Point, then synergy in your ability combinations. Though you will
you control the spawn point and you may use it as one only have monsters on the battle map when the game
of your spawn points. If no player holds the Activator, starts, each player can access all of the monsters and
units cannot spawn from that spawn point. units in his force during the course of the game.
Each player must bring at least one monster Alpha
form and a corresponding Hyper form of that monster
to the game. Most games involve only one monster
per player, but some games can include more (see
Multi-Monster Games, page 45). All monsters are
unique characters, and a player may only bring one of
THE REST OF THE PLAY MAT each monster to a game. Different players may bring
The play mat has several areas around the edges of the same monsters to a game.
the battle map for you to organize your play materials. Some monsters may have more than one Hyper form
You store your Action Dice in the Monster Pool and available to them. You may only include one hyper form
the Unit Pool on either side of the play mat, and the for your monster in your force.
Power Dice you gain go in the Power Pool. Store your
Boost Dice and any unused Power Dice in the Dice
Well. The Reserves boxes hold the figures in your
force not currently in play. You may include up to 15 units in your force, and you
may have as many different types of units in your force
SETTING UP A GAME as you like. You may include no more than five Elite
units overall. You may include no more than five Grunt
Before the game can begin, players must choose their units with the same name.
forces, pick out a play mat, set up the city, and get their
dice ready to roll!
Your unit figures do not begin the game on the battle places them. Players must continue to place structures
map, but during the game they will enter through the until they have placed all the structures from their cities
map’s spawn points. or have run out of empty foundations on which to place
the structures.
Elite versions of units count as different units than the Each foundation space has an outlined color that
Grunt versions when assembling your force. For instance,
you may have five Elite Spitters and five grunt Spitters in indicates the order of structure placement. You must fill
your force. You can tell the Elite units from the Grunt all green foundations before you can put a structure on
units because their names are printed in red. a yellow foundation.
Example: Jason and Rob are setting up a game on a
STRUCTURES battle map with eight green foundations and eight yellow
foundations. Rob brought four structures in his city, and
Each player must bring a city that includes between
Jason brought seven structures. Rob rolled the most strikes
two and 12 structures. Similar to units, you may have
in the set-up roll, so he places his first structure on a green
no more than five structures with the same name. The
foundation. Jason then places one of his structures on a
more structures in the game, the more power you have
green foundation. They continue alternating until Jason
available, so try to include as many structures in your
places his fourth structure on the last remaining green
city as you can for more exciting games.
foundation. At this point Rob has no more structures in
his city, so Jason places his remaining three structures on
PREPARING THE BATTLE MAP whichever yellow foundations he likes.
Before setting up a battle, both players roll five Action
Dice for the setup roll. If both players roll the same REMAINING SETUP
number of strikes, re-roll. The player who rolls the least
Once you have placed all structures, starting with the
number of strikes chooses the play mat for the game.
player who won the set-up roll, each player places
The player who rolls the most strikes wins the set-up roll
the Alpha form of his monster on one of his monster
and chooses the color zones on the battle map each
starting areas. Next, make sure you have 10 Action
player will use. You may only use the spawn points and
Dice in your Unit Pool and 10 Power Dice and at least
starting zones that correspond to your color.
four Boost Dice in your Dice Well. Lastly, put your units
The player who rolls the most strikes also places the into your Unit Reserves and your Hyper form into your
first structure, places his monsters first, and takes the Monster Reserves. They will remain there until they are
first turn. brought into the game. With everything set up, it’s time
to start tearing it down!
Players take turns placing the structures in their cities ORDER OF PLAY
on the foundation spaces on the battle map, one Monsterpocalypse is played in a series of turns where
structure at a time, until they have placed all their players advance, attack, and perform actions with their
structures. If one player runs out of structures before figures until only one player has a monster left in play.
the other player, the player with remaining structures
When it is your turn, you must choose one of the You may not roll Power Dice from your Power Pool when
following: Powering Up. You successfully Power Up if you roll
at least one strike. Add one Power Die to your Power
A. Perform a Monster Activation.
Pool for each Power Zone your units hold and for every
B. Perform a Unit Activation. building your units are securing. Your opponent loses
one Power Die from his Power Pool for each Negative
Because there are no Action Dice in your Monster Pool when Zone you hold. If you fail to roll any strikes, nothing
you start a game, the first turn of every game will be a Unit happens. Regardless if you successfully Powered Up
Activation. or not, put any Action Dice you rolled for the Power
Up attempt into your Unit Pool. You may choose not to
You must activate either your units or your monster, Power Up and not roll any dice if you wish.
and you must be able to spend at least one Action Die
from the appropriate dice pool. If you do not have any Don’t be afraid to spend just one or two Action Dice
Action Dice in your Monster Pool, you may not perform a from your Monster Pool on Power Up rolls. Rolling one
Monster Activation. If you do not have any Action Dice in die gives you a 50% chance of Powering Up, two dice give
you a 75% chance of Powering Up, and three dice give
your Unit Pool, you may not perform a Unit Activation.
you an 87.5% chance of Powering Up. Those Action Dice
are important, so spend them wisely!
Leave a few dice behind in each pool. It is tempting to
exhaust your dice pools so that you can do more each turn,
but be careful. Sometimes just having one Action Die in your 2. HYPER PHASE
Monster Pool is enough to make your opponent think twice
about body slamming your monster into a block of buildings. You may spend Power Dice equal to the Hyper stat of your
That one die could allow you to return the favor! monster’s Hyper form to change your monster into its
Hyper form. Replace the Alpha form with the Hyper form
After you finish your Monster Activation or Unit Activation, (see Hyper Forms, page 29).
your turn ends, and the next player takes a turn.
ACTIVATING MONSTERS You may spend one Action Die to advance your monster
Choosing a Monster Activation makes your Monster and move it up to a number of spaces equal to its SPD
Pool the Active Pool, and all Action Dice you spend or roll stat (see Moving on the Grid, page 14).
move from the Monster Pool to the Unit Pool after you
use them. During a Monster Activation you may choose In addition, before and after your monster advances,
to do any of the following options, but any of those you may spend one Action Die to step. You may step
performed must be done in the order presented below: any number of times as long as you have Action Dice
to spend. Your monster does not have to advance to be
able to step.
Once during your Monster Activation you may attempt 4. ATTACK PHASE
to Power Up to gain Power Dice. To attempt to Power
You may spend Action Dice from the Monster Pool and
Up, roll up to three Action Dice from your Monster Pool.
Power Dice to make a brawl attack, blast attack, or
power attack with your monster. Your monster can only Example: Rob wants to spawn a G-Tank and an Explodohawk
make one attack each Monster Activation. onto two of his spawn points. Both have a Cost of 1 , so
normally they would each cost Rob one Action Die from his
5. PUSH PHASE Unit Pool to spawn. However, Rob’s only monster is Defender
X from the Protectors agenda. The G-Tank is also from the
If you have Action Dice remaining in your Monster Pool, you Protectors agenda, so it will still cost Rob one Action Die
may move as many of them as you like to your Unit Pool. to spawn. The Explodohawk is from the Destroyer agenda,
however, so it will cost an additional Action Die to spawn.
ACTIVATING UNITS Also, Jason has a unit on the spawn point where Rob wants
When you choose a Unit Activation, the Unit Pool to spawn his Explodohawk. Rob spends one Action Die to
becomes the Active Pool and all Action Dice you spend move Jason’s unit to an empty adjacent space and then pays
or roll move from there to the Monster Pool when you two Action Dice to spawn the Explodohawk in that location.
use them. During a Unit Activation you may choose to do He then spends one Action Die to spawn his G-Tank on the
any of the following options, but any of those performed other spawn point.
must be done in the order presented below:
Be careful about leaving one of your units on your opponent’s
1. SPAWN PHASE spawn point if there is an adjacent hazard. Otherwise your
opponent can move your unit onto the hazard and destroy it!
You may spend Action Dice to bring units into play from
your Unit Reserves. You may spawn any number of units
as long as you have Action Dice to spend, but you can 2. ADVANCEMENT PHASE
only spawn one unit at each spawn point per turn. Units You may advance any number of your units currently
spawned at the beginning of your turn can advance and on the battle map, one at a time, as long as you have
attack in the same turn. Action Dice to spend. You must spend one Action Die
SPAWNING UNITS from the Unit Pool for each unit that you advance. You
When you spawn a unit, you take a unit from your Unit may not advance the same unit more than once during
Reserves and place it on one of your spawn points. To a Unit Activation (see Moving on the Grid, page 14).
spawn a unit, you must spend Action Dice from your
Unit Pool equal to the figure’s Cost . If the unit is 3. ATTACK PHASE
from an agenda that does not match a monster
You may attack with any number of your units on the
included in your force, you must spend one
battle map. Each unit may participate in one individual or
additional Action Die over the cost of the figure
combined attack (see Combined Attacks, page 43). You
to spawn it. You may only spawn units from your Unit
must spend at least one Action Die for each participating
unit. You do not have to attack with the same units you
If a unit occupies one of your spawn points when you advanced this turn. You may continue to make attacks
spawn a figure, you may spend one Action Die to move with your units as long as you have Action Dice to
the unit into an adjacent space that it may legally spend and as long as you have units that have not yet
occupy to free the spawn point for spawning your figure. participated in an attack during this Unit Activation.
4. PUSH PHASE Example: Rob is using Defender X to Smash Jason’s Terra
Khan. Terra Khan has Health 5 and has already taken
If you have Action Dice dice remaining in your Unit Pool, three damage points. Rob rolls five Power Dice with his
you may move as many of them as you like to your attack and hits. Terra Khan reels back five space and
Monster Pool. collides with two Skyscrapers, which have the Blazing
Inferno Reaction . Terra Khan ends his Smash
HYPER FORMS movement in the hazard left by the second Skyscraper.
When Jason adds up damage for the attack, Terra Khan
You start the game with the Alpha form of your chosen takes one damage point for getting hit, one for colliding
monster in play and any one Hyper form of that same with the first Skyscraper, one for colliding with the second
monster in your Monster Reserves. You can tell that a Skyscraper, and one for ending up in the hazard for a total
monster is a Hyper form if it has a Hyper stat on its base of four damage. Note that Terra Khan did not suffer the
. During the Hyper phase of your Monster Activation, damage for the Blazing Inferno left by the first Skyscraper
you may spend Power Dice equal to the Hyper form’s since Reactions resolve after the power attack effects
Hyper stat to transform your Alpha monster into its Hyper resolve. Four damage is more than enough to destroy Terra
form. Replace the Alpha figure with the Hyper figure. Khan’s Alpha form. Jason replaces his Alpha Terra Khan
You may choose to have a monster leave Hyper form on with the Hyper form, Ultra Terra Khan. Since damage and
a Monster Activation during its Advancement Phase or effects applied to the first form do not carry over to the
Attack Phase as long as you do not interrupt its advance second form, the last damage done to Terra Khan is not
or an attack. Simply replace the Hyper form with the applied to his Hyper form.
Alpha form without spending any Power Dice.
Example: On Jason’s turn he attacks Defender X with Ultra
When you replace one monster form with another, Terra Khan. Defender X has Health 5 and has taken four
remove the current monster form from the battle map damage already. Jason performs a brawl attack and hits.
and place it in your Monster Reserves. Then take the There are no Advantages or Reactions to resolve.
other form from your Monster Reserves and place it in Ultra Terra Khan has the Lightning Attack Trigger on
the exact same location from which the original form his brawl attacks, however, which gives him an extra brawl
was removed. attack against the same target after the enemy monster
Both the Alpha form and Hyper form track damage takes the damage from the first attack. Defender X takes
individually. A monster cannot be in a form that its fifth point of damage, and Rob replaces it with Ultra
has been destroyed, so if one form of your monster Defender X. Since the Lightning Attack triggered off of an
is destroyed and its other form is not, replace the attack against the Alpha form, the second attack created
destroyed form with the form that still has Health. by Lightning Attack must also target the Alpha form. Since
Damage done to one form that exceeds its Health does the Hyper form replaced the Alpha form, the second attack
NOT apply to the other form after you swap the figures. does not have a target and cannot be performed.
Further effects applied to one form do not “carry over”
to the other form.
When both the Alpha and the Hyper forms of a monster A player wins when he has destroyed both the Alpha
have been destroyed, that monster is out of the game. and Hyper forms of all of his opponent’s monsters.
If you must end your game before one player has won, ACTIONS —
the player who has destroyed the most forms (Hyper or Abilities with this shape are Actions. Once per turn
Alpha) of his opponent’s monsters wins. If this results during the Advancement Phase or Attack Phase, you
in a tie, add up the points of damage on both forms may use one Action of one of your figures on the battle
of each players’ monsters. The player with the least map by spending one Action Die from the Active Pool.
amount of damage on his monsters is the winner. If the An Action cannot interrupt the advancement of a figure
result is still a tie, then the match ends in a draw. and cannot interrupt an attack. You may only use
an Action of one of your monsters during a Monster
Activation, and you may only use an Action of one
CONGRATULATIONS! of your units or a structure you control during a Unit
Activation. You may use only one Action per turn.
Example: Rob wants to use his Spitter’s Extinguish Action
MONSTERPOCALYPSE. TAKE A BREAK AND STRETCH YOUR (Replace one adjacent hazard with rubble) on an adjacent
LEGS; YOU’VE EARNED A REST. THERE’S ONLY A FEW Fire hazard. Rob takes one Action Die from his Unit Pool and
MORE PIECES OF MONSTERPOCALYPSE LEFT TO LEARN places it in his Monster Pool to pay for the Action. He then
BEFORE YOU CAN PLAY THIS GAME IN ALL ITS GLORY, flips the Fire hazard over to the rubble side of the tile. Since
Rob has used an Action ability this turn, he may not use any
other Action abilities this turn.
Abilities with this shape are Skills. A figure’s Skills are
always in effect while it is on the battle map.
AND READ THE REST TO SEE HOW THE ABILITIES THAT Get to know your skills! You can gain many benefits through
MAKE YOUR FIGURES SPECIAL, INTERACT AND HOW YOUR the strategic deployment of units with various skills.
Abilities with this shape are Advantages. Advantages
take place after you determine if an attack roll has hit.
ABILITIES Advantages can only come from the attacking figure
and from any figure allied to the attacking figure. The
The figures in Monsterpocalypse can do much more description of the Advantage will explain if it applies. If
than just move around and make brawl, blast, and multiple Advantages apply, the attacking player chooses
power attacks. They also have special abilities noted the order they resolve. Any Advantage that creates a re-
with symbols on the right side of their bases. Each roll must resolve after all other Advantages.
symbol has a shape that indicates the type of ability
and when it comes into play. Abilities include Actions, Example: Ultra Defender X has the Energy Cycle ability ,
Skills, Advantages, Reactions, and Triggers. which allows it to “return one Action Die that rolled a miss
to the Active Pool.” The ability appears in this shape ,
multiple Reactions apply, the player being attacked
which means it’s an Advantage. Whenever you roll one of chooses the order in which they resolve. Completely
Ultra Defender X’s attacks, you can take an Action Die from resolve a Reaction before choosing the next.
the dice used to make the attack roll that did not roll at least
one strike and add it to your Monster Pool (since Defender Units that are crushed cannot use Reactions.
X is a monster).
Example: Ultra Zor-Raiden has the Side Step ability , which
says: “If this figure is missed, you may move it one space.”
You will notice that Triggers use the same shapes as The ability appears in this shape , which means it’s a
the Brawl, Blast, and Power stats. This is because a Reaction. Whenever your Ultra Zor-Raiden is attacked and the
Trigger takes place only if you hit a target with a specific attack misses, you can move him one space in any direction,
type of attack. Brawl Triggers take place if you hit a including diagonally, after the attack is resolved.
figure with a brawl attack, Blast Triggers take place if
you hit a figure with a blast attack, and Power Triggers
If it’s your turn, your figures do not get to use their Reactions.
take place if you hit a figure with a power attack. For a
Trigger to resolve, the figure with that Trigger must still
be on the battle map. If more than one Trigger applies,
the attacking player chooses the order they resolve.
Completely resolve one Trigger before choosing the next. Advantages , Triggers , and Reactions all
You must completely resolve the current attack before take place during an attack, and they do so in a particular
making any additional attacks created by Triggers. order. Here is the order that you resolve an attack:
1) The attacking player rolls dice to determine if the
Triggers occur even if the target is crushed, but if you miss attack hits.
your attack roll, your triggers can’t be used.
2) Resolve Advantages that apply. The attacking
Example: Defender X has the Energy Drain ability , which player chooses their order.
says: “Target monster’s controller moves one Action Die 3) Resolve power attack effects (see Power Attacks,
from his Monster Pool to his Unit Pool.” The ability appears page 36).
in this shape , which means it’s a Blast Trigger. When
your Defender X hits a target monster with a blast attack, 4) Resolve the attacking figure’s Triggers .
that monster’s controller takes one Action Die from his Completely resolve the current attack before making
Monster Pool and places it in his Unit Pool. any additional attacks created by Triggers.
5) Resolve Reactions that apply. The defending
player chooses their order.
Abilities with this shape are Reactions. Reactions
take place after resolving Triggers. Reactions can only 6) Apply damage and remove destroyed figures from the
come from the figure being attacked and from any figure battle map.
allied to the target. For a Reaction to resolve, the figure
At any point during an attack, if a unit is crushed,
with that Reaction must still be on the battle map. The
remove it from the battle map immediately.
description of the Reaction will explain if it applies. If
Example: Jason declares a Brawl attack with Ultra Yasheth Additionally, some buildings have Actions . Once per
against Rob’s Gorghadra. Yasheth has the Leach Advantage turn during the Advancement Phase or Attack Phase
and two Brawl Triggers, Vampirism and Energy of your Unit Activation, instead of using an Action of
Drain . Gorghadra has the Riled Reaction . Jason one of your units, you may use one Action of one of
rolls and hits Gorghadra with Yasheth’s brawl attack and the buildings you have secured by spending one Action
begins resolving the attack. Yasheth’s Leach Advantage will Die from the Unit Pool. An Action cannot interrupt the
not resolve since it requires a unit to hit another monster advancement of a figure and cannot interrupt an attack.
with an attack and the conditions are not met (Yasheth is
a monster attacking a monster). Jason may now resolve his
Triggers. Jason chooses to resolve Energy Drain first, which
causes Rob to lose one Action Die from his Monster Pool Some figures can grant abilities to other figures in
and place it in his Unit Pool. Jason then resolves Vampirism. their force within the same agenda, allowing those
Since Jason hit with the brawl attack, he restores 1 Health figures to use the abilities as if they were their own.
to Ultra Yasheth’s Health Tracker. Jason has completed his • If one of your figures on the battle map has a red
Triggers, so Rob now resolves his Reactions on Gorghadra. ability icon, then all adjacent Agenda Figures in your
Rob resolves the Riled Reaction. Since Gorghadra was hit, force have it too.
Rob adds a Power Die to his Power Pool.
• If one of your figures on the battle map has a blue
icon, then all Agenda Figures included in your force
Even though a unit may be crushed by an attack, other
Reactions and Triggers that apply to the attack still resolve. have it too.
Example: Rob’s Ares Mothership is attacking Jason’s Meat RADAR WING LEADER
Slave. The Meat Slave has the Incubator Reaction and
Ares Mothership has the Manufacture Advantage . Ares
Mothership hits the Meat Slave with a brawl attack and RADAR AND WING LEADER. THE RED OF THE RADAR SYMBOL
begins resolving the attack. The Ares Mothership crushes MEANS YOU TREAT ANY AGENDA FIGURE ADJACENT TO SKY
the Meat Slave with its Manufacture Advantage and replaces LEADER SYMBOL MEANS YOU TREAT ANY AGENDA FIGURE ON THE
it with an allied unit. Since Jason’s Meat Slave is crushed MAP AS IF IT HAD WING LEADER.
and removed from the table, the Meat Slave’s Incubator
Reaction does not activate. Allies include all of the figures in your force.
Enemies include all figures in your opponent’s force.
Agenda Figures are all the figures in your force that belong
ABILITIES OF STRUCTURES to the same agenda.
Faction Figures are all the figures in your force that belong
Like monsters and units, structures can also have to the same faction.
Some structures have Skills that they convey while in
play, and some structures have Reactions that occur
when the structure is hit or destroyed. The description
of the Skill or Reaction explains if the effect applies.
APPLYING ABILITIES Up (and the other will not), the more units with Amplify that
you have holding Power Zones, the more Power Dice you will
The subject affected by an ability is bolded in the gain. In this case Jason gains +2 Power Dice from the Power
description of the ability. The subject affected by an Pods with Amplify.
ability may be—but is not limited to—a figure, an attack,
or a Power Up. Each time abilities with the same name
affect a single subject, only apply the ability once.
Some figures are immune to certain types of attacks or
•Each time abilities with the same name affect a single
effects. When a figure possesses an immunity, it cannot
figure, only apply the ability once.
be harmed or affected by the specific type of attack or
•Each time abilities with the same name affect a single effect described. For instance, if a figure is ‘immune to
attack, only apply the ability once. Smash’, then that figure cannot be smashed by a power
attack or any other effect that would cause a Smash.
•Each time abilities with the same name affect a single
Power Up, only apply the ability once.
Immunities are specific, so pay attention. A figure that
Example: The Force Field ability gives a figure +1 DEF is immune to Smash can still take damage from a figure
against blast attacks, and a figure may receive the ability colliding into it as a result of a Smash power attack because
the damage is caused by a collision, not a Smash.
from multiple sources. Regardless of how many ways it
gets the Force Field effect, a figure can only gain the +1
Example: Ultra Gorghadra hits Ultra Armodax with a brawl
DEF against blast attacks once. Similarly, a figure can only
attack. Ultra Gorghadra has the Annihilate Skill , which
benefit from Cover (also +1 DEF against blast attacks)
causes his attacks to do Super Damage. Normally Ultra
once. However, since Force Field and Cover are effects with
Armodax would take two points of damage (one for the
different names, a figure can benefit from both at once for a
brawl attack and one for Super Damage), but Ultra Armodax
combined result of +2 DEF against blast attacks.
has the Resilience ability , which makes him immune
Example: Jason is Powering Up. He has secured two to Super Damage. Ultra Armodax therefore only takes one
buildings that have the Power Producer Skill , and he has point of damage from the brawl attack.
two Power Pods with Amplify holding two Power Zones.
Sometimes a monster’s Energy Type grants it immunity
Power Producer says, “If you secure at least one building
from certain game effects. Those immunities are
with Power Producer, gain +1 Power Die when you Power
explained in the descriptions of the game effects. For
Up.” Amplify says, “If you Power Up, gain +1 Power Die for
instance, the Nuclear Power Plant has the Radiated
each ally unit with Amplify holding a Power Zone.” Even
Zone Reaction that turns it into a Radiation hazard
though Jason has two copies of each ability that can affect
when it is destroyed. Radiated Zone states that
his Power Up, only one of each can apply. Jason will gain +1
Radioactive figures are not affected by the radiation
Power Die from Power Producer; the second Power Producer
does not resolve. Amplify is written to take advantage of
multiple units with the ability being in play. Thus, while only
one of those Amplify effects will resolve during the Power
Example: Deimos-9 advances onto a radiation hazard. when making a power attack. You must declare the use
Normally a figure would take a point of damage by moving of a particular power attack before you make your power
onto the radiation hazard. However, Deimos-9 has the attack roll.
Radioactive Energy Type , which means it does not suffer
the effects of the radiation hazard. COLLISIONS
A collision occurs when a monster is forced to move
through or occupy a space occupied by another
DICE IN PLAY monster, unit, hazard, or building. Many power attacks
When you roll the dice, you must decide how many create collisions, and some Triggers can cause
dice you will be rolling and then roll them all at once. monsters to collide.
Whenever you pick up dice to roll them, they are
•When a monster collides with a unit, the unit is crushed.
considered dice in play. Some abilities may add or
remove dice from the dice in play or ask you to re- •When a monster collides with a building, the building is
roll the dice in play. Your dice remain in play until all destroyed and the monster takes one point of damage.
abilities that affect them have resolved and you place •When a monster collides with a hazard, the monster
them into a pool. suffers the effects of that hazard. A monster that ends
Example: Lightning Attack is a Blast Trigger that allows its movement on a space where a hazard comes into
you to make a second attack with dice in play. Energy Cycle play suffers the effects of that hazard.
is an Advantage that allows you to put one Action Die •When a monster collides with another monster, both
that rolled a miss back in your pool when you roll two or monsters take one point of damage. Place the monster
more Action Dice in an attack. Your figure benefits from both that moved in the last spaces that it could occupy
Abilities. You make a blast attack and roll five Action Dice before colliding with the other monster.
and get a hit with four strikes and one miss. You first put the
miss back into your dice pool when Advantages resolve, and
Note the difference between Super Damage and collision
then you roll the remaining four dice in play when you make damage. Just because you are immune to Super Damage
the second attack created by Lightning Attack. does not mean you are immune to the extra damage
delivered through collisions with buildings and hazards!
Some game effects may allow you to re-roll a roll of the
dice. You may only re-roll any roll once. You must re-roll
all of the dice in play and you must accept the result of BODY SLAM
the second roll regardless of the outcome.
Your monster picks up another monster and slams it to
the ground.
POWER ATTACKS To make a Body Slam attack, the attacking monster
Only monsters can perform power attacks. Each must be aligned with the target monster. When a Body
power attack does one point of damage when it hits as Slam attack hits, place the target monster in a new
well as having power attack effects that could result in location also aligned with the attacking monster. You
the relocation of the target monster. Remember, you can only body slam a monster into unoccupied spaces
must roll at least one Power Die and one Action Die or spaces occupied by buildings and/or units. You
cannot perform a Body Slam if you cannot move the HEAD-BUTT
target monster to a valid new location.
Your monster bashes its head (or head-like equivalent)
The target monster collides with each building, unit, and into the head of another monster.
hazard occupying the spaces where it is placed.
To make a Head-butt attack, the attacking monster
Example: Defender X body slams Terra Khan. Terra Khan is must be aligned with the target monster. If the target
moved into the spaces aligned to the right of Defender X’s monster is in its Hyper form when it is hit and its Alpha
base. A Downtown High-Rise building and a Raptix occupy form has not been destroyed, after applying damage
those spaces, so the building is destroyed and the Raptix replace the target monster’s Hyper form with its Alpha
is crushed as Terra Khan slams onto them. The Downtown form (see Hyper Forms, page 29).
High-Rise is replaced with a Fire hazard. Terra Khan takes
one damage from the hit, one damage for colliding with the
building, and one damage for the hazard. Defender X gains
one Power Die for crushing the Raptix and one Power Die for Your monster bashes its body into a building to hit
the building destroyed under Terra Khan. enemies on the other side with flying wreckage.
DEFENDER X RAPTIX A monster aligned with a building may make a Ram
attack. If the Ram attack hits the building, the building
is destroyed. A monster on the opposite side and in
base-to-base contact with the building takes one point
BEFORE THE of damage. Any units in base-to-base contact with the
building on the opposite side are crushed.
Example: Your Defender X attempts to Ram a Downtown
HIGH-RISE High-Rise that has DEF 5 . You roll two Action Dice, two
Boost Dice, and two Power Dice. The attack hits with five
strikes and destroys the Downtown High-Rise. In addition,
since Terra Khan and a Raptix are on the other side, Terra
Khan takes one damage and the Raptix is crushed when
DEFENDER X RAPTIX debris from the building falls on them. Defender X then
gains one Power Die for destroying the Downtown High-Rise
and another Power Die for crushing the Raptix.
Ram targets a building, not a monster or unit. A Rampage can crush all units in the rampaging
monster’s path, even allies, so watch your step!
Be careful. If your units are on the other side of a falling The rampaging monster must continue moving until it moves
building after a Ram attack, they will be crushed as well! the maximum distance allowed by its SPD or until it is
forced to stop. Any units occupying the spaces where the
rampaging monster stops its movement are crushed.
The rampaging monster is immune to hazards in its
The monster charges in a straight line in an attempt to
path, but it can be affected by hazards in the spaces
destroy every building and unit in its path.
where it stops.
A monster cannot Rampage if it has advanced this turn,
so you have to decide if you want to make a Rampage Flying figures ignore hazards, so a flying monster that
power attack before you advance your monster. Make ends its Rampage on a hazard will not be affected.
the attack roll once for the Rampage attack. Compare Also, try stepping before you Rampage to line
your monster up for a more destructive path!
the result of this one roll to the DEF of every unit
and building through which the monster Rampages.
Example: Terra Khan’s player takes two Action Dice from his
Begin moving your monster in a straight line. Before
Monster Pool, adds two Boost Dice that he receives for power
your monster enters a space occupied by a building or
attacks, and adds one Power Die for a total of five dice.
unit, compare the number of strikes you rolled for the
Terra Khan’s player rolls three strikes and begins moving
Rampage attack to the DEF of the building or unit.
Terra Khan. Terra Khan’s player compares the number of
If the Rampage attack hits a building, the building is strikes he rolled to the DEF of each building and unit in Terra
destroyed, and the monster continues moving. If the Khan’s path. The three strikes hit the Office Building and
attack misses a building, the monster ends its movement. the Rocket Chopper but not the Nuclear Power Plant
or the G-Tank . Terra Khan must stop his movement just
If the Rampage attack hits a unit, then the unit is
before entering the spaces occupied by the Nuclear Power
crushed. Whether or not the unit is crushed, the
Plant. Even though the Rampage attack did not hit the G-
monster continues moving.
Tank, the G-Tank is still crushed because it occupied a space
If a space the rampaging monster would move into is where Terra Khan ended his movement. Terra Khan gains
occupied by another monster, the rampaging monster three Power Dice, one for each unit he crushed, and only one
stops moving. for destroying the Office Building.
Your monster uses a running start to send another
monster flying.
To make a Smash attack, the attacking monster must TERRA CRUSHED
end its advance aligned with the target monster. A
monster may not make a Smash attack against a target
with which it was adjacent at the beginning of the
turn. When a Smash attack hits, the target is moved
in a straight line directly away from the attacker one
space for each Power Die used in the attack. During STOMP
this movement, the target monster moves through and Your monster slams a part of its body (usually its foot
collides with buildings, units, and hazards in its path. but a tail, tentacle, or something else entirely can work
The target monster stops moving when it collides with too) into the ground to damage everything nearby with
another monster. the force of impact.
Example: After advancing to align himself with Defender When your monster Stomps, roll once for the attack.
X, Terra Khan makes a Smash power attack. Terra Khan’s Flip all existing hazards under or adjacent to the
Power stat is 6 with two Boost Dice . His player decides attacking monster into rubble. Compare the number of
to roll five Action Dice, adds in the two Boost Dice, and strikes to the DEF of all buildings and units adjacent
because a Smash is a Power Attack he must use at least to the monster. Units hit are crushed and buildings hit
one Power Die. However, he decides to add five Power Dice are destroyed.
for a total of 12 dice. He rolls nine strikes, far better than
Defender X’s DEF 7 , so the Smash attack hits. Even flying units are hit by a Stomp attack.
You can Stomp next to a hazard tile to flip it to its rubble side
even if there are no adjacent buildings or units. Stomping will
still cost you one Action Die from your Monster Pool and one
G-TANKS Power Die, but will succeed regardless of the roll.
Your monster smacks a nearby unit to send it flying
Because he rolled five Power Dice during the attack, dangerously at others.
Defender X is moved five spaces directly away from Terra
The monster first makes a power attack against an
Khan and collides with two G-Tanks. The two G-Tanks are
adjacent unit. If this attack hits, crush the unit. If the
crushed, and Defender X takes one damage. Terra Khan
Swat hit, after resolving it, choose an enemy figure or
gains one Power Die for each unit crushed when Defender X
building within five spaces of the monster and make a
collided with them.
second attack against the figure or building by rolling dice to place Terra Khan and decides the best spot is five spaces
in play. A building hit is destroyed, a unit hit is crushed, directly away from himself (one for each Power Die rolled,
and a monster hit takes one damage. Apply all power the maximum distance away he can throw Terra Khan).
attack Triggers and Advantages to the second attack roll. Terra Khan cannot be thrown on top of Zor-Maxim. Terra
Khan collides with the Carnidon and the Skyscraper in those
THROW spaces. The Skyscraper bursts into flame and turns into a
Fire hazard. The Carnidon is crushed. Terra Khan takes one
Your monster lifts another monster off the ground and damage from the Throw, one damage from the collision with
throws it through the air. the building, and one damage from the Fire hazard. Defender
To make a Throw attack, the attacking monster must be X then gains one Power Die for the crushed Carnidon and
aligned with the target monster. When a Throw attack one for the destroyed building.
hits, place the target monster into a new location. The
new location must be completely in the direction marked
in the example below and cannot be further away from
the monster’s current location than the number of Power
Dice rolled for the Throw attack. You can only throw a
monster into unoccupied spaces or spaces occupied by
buildings and/or units. You cannot perform a Throw if you
cannot move the target monster to a valid location.
COMBINED UNIT ATTACKS when combining a blast attack, all participating units
must have the target within their attack range.
Most units have no chance of causing damage to Add up the Brawl or Blast stats of the units involved
monsters by themselves, but in a group they can pose a (depending on the type of attack) to determine the
powerful threat. total number of Action Dice you can roll for the attack.
Two or more units may combine attacks of the same You must spend at least one Action Die for each
type (brawl or blast ) in order to create a more participating unit. For example, a G-Tank has a Blast
powerful attack with a greater chance of hitting and stat of 2. When three G-Tanks combine for a blast
causing damage. Units may not combine brawl attacks attack, the roll must include at least three Action Dice
with blast attacks. (because there are three units) and can include a
maximum of six Action Dice (the total combined Blast
To make a combined attack, you choose one unit to stat of all three G-Tanks). Like any other attack, if the
lead the combined attack and declare which other units roll hits, then the target is damaged. A combined attack
will combine with it. When combining a brawl attack, all only does one point of damage no matter how many
participating units must be adjacent to the target, and units participate in the attack. Additionally, a combined
Example of a combined unit attack: Rob is making a the Elite Sun Fighter is within two space of the Sun Fighter.
combined attack with the following: Since Leadership affects the units and not the attack,
both instances of Leadership can apply. Further, since the
Vanguard: Sun Fighter and the Elite Sun Fighter are participating in
Elite Vanguard: a combined attack against a figure with Flight , they
receive the benefits of their Anti-Air Skill . Rob totals up
Sun Fighter: his dice: six Action Dice and eight Boost Dice. Rob rolls all
Elite Sun Fighter of the dice possible and rolls 10 strikes for a hit. Rob has no
Advantages to resolve, and Jason has no Reactions .
The abilities of the above figures are as follows:
Since the Vanguard led the attack, the only Triggers Rob may
Anti-Air [Skill]: If this figure is participating in an attack use must belong to
against a figure with Flight, this figure gains +1 Brawl and the Vanguard (Power ELITE
Blast B-Die.) Gorge ). SUN FIGHTER
Leadership [Skill]: Grunt figures with the same name as FIGHTER
this figure within 2 spaces of this figure gain +1 Brawl B-Die
and +1 Blast B-Die.
Power Gorge [Blast Trigger]: You gain +1 P-Die. VANGUARD
attack counts as only one attack regardless of how Units making combined attacks may benefit from all
many units participate. of their own abilities or abilities granted from other
figures, but you only use the Triggers of the unit
Units participating in a combined attack roll all Boost
leading the attack.
Dice ★ they have for that type of attack. If you don’t
spend an Action Die for a unit to participate in an Even though each individual figure participating in the
attack, however, you cannot include its Boost Dice. attack can only benefit from the same named ability
once, the same ability could apply several times to the
Remember, each turn a unit can only participate in combined attack. For instance, Anti-Air grants an extra
one attack. If a unit is part of a combined attack, then Boost Die to a figure when it attacks a target with Flight. If
it cannot make an attack of its own this turn. three figures with Anti-Air combine to attack a flying target
together, you can add three Boost Dice to the roll. Each
individual figure only benefits from Anti-Air once, but the
combined attack gets the benefit three times.
MULTI-MONSTER GAMES number of Action Dice equal to the combined Power stat
of each participating monster. Include Boost Dice
You can play Monsterpocalypse with multiple monsters that both monsters can roll for power attacks.
per player for some giant scale beat-downs. All of the
rules for playing with one monster still apply with the You only have 10 Action Dice to roll, so even if your
addition of the following minor rules: monsters’ Power stats add up to more than 10, you
can still only roll a maximum of 10 Action Dice.
• Though your force may contain any units you choose,
you may only use monsters from the same agenda All participating monsters must be eligible to
or from agendas adjacent on the Agenda Wheel. You make the attack. A monster cannot participate in
may not include monsters from agendas not adjacent a combined power attack during a turn in which it
on the Agenda Wheel in the same force. already made an attack.
• You need a separate Health Tracker for each monster Monsters making combined power attacks may benefit
you use in the game (additional Health Trackers can from all of their own abilities or the abilities granted
be obtained in Monsterpocalypse Accessory Packs). from other figures but only use the Triggers of the
monster leading the attack.
• Each player must play with the same number of
monsters. When you put your monsters on the table, All combined power attacks cause Super Damage.
place all of your monsters in your starting zones.
• When activating monsters during your turn, you may
advance and attack with each of your monsters, but each Your monster propels another monster into a Rampage
monster can only participate in one attack each turn. that ends in a Smash.
• Like playing with one monster, the game ends when The monster leading the attack cannot have advanced
only one player has at least one monster on the map. this turn and must be aligned with an allied monster.
The monster leading the attack makes a Rampage
• You may make combined power attacks with your
power attack (see Rampage, page 38). The monster
leading the attack makes a Smash power attack if it
ends its Rampage
When playing a game with multiple monsters, you may use enemy monster
two allied monsters to make combined power attacks. (see Smash, page
39). For the Smash,
Choose one monster to lead the combined power roll the dice in play
attack. Both attacking monsters must be positioned that you rolled for
as illustrated under the description of each combined the Rampage.
power attack. You must spend at least one Action Die
and one Power Die for each allied monster participating
in a combined power attack. The attack may include
as many Power Dice as you choose and a maximum
Your monsters work together to throw another monster Your monsters slam their heads into an enemy
across the city! monster at the same time.
Two allied monsters must align on opposite sides of Two adjacent allied monsters must align with the target
the target monster to perform a Cradle Throw. If the monster. If the attack roll hits, the target monster loses
Cradle Throw attack hits, place the target monster in a number of Power Dice equal to the Power Dice spent
a new location just like a Throw power attack with two in the attack. If the target monster is in its Hyper form
exceptions. First, the new location must be completely in and its Alpha form has not been destroyed, replace the
the direction marked in the example below. Second, the target monster’s Hyper form with its Alpha form.
new location cannot be further away from the monster’s
current location than twice the number of Power Dice
rolled for the attack. (see Throw, page 42).
AGN monster hits this building with a securing this building and you advance
BANK HEADQUARTERS brawl attack, gain +1 P-Die. a Collaborator AGN unit adjacent to
this building, you may place that unit on
DOWNTOWN HIGH-RISE SKILLS any space adjacent to any building with
Underground Network or adjacent to any
NUCLEAR POWER PLANT DISCOUNT - Once per turn, if you are figure with Teleport and then continue the
securing this building and spawn a unit, unit’s advance.
OFFICE BUILDING reduce its cost by 1.
AGN: Agenda FAC: Faction A-Die: Action Die B-Die: Boost Die 53
P-Die: Power Die
ENERGY DRAIN - Target monster’s FORCE FIELD - This unit gains +1 DEF
DEFENDER X controller moves 1 A-Die from his Monster against blast attacks.
Pool to his Unit Pool.
can hold Objective Spaces.
EXPLOSION - All figures adjacent to the JUMP - This figure may move through figures
SKY SENTINEL target unit with a DEF equal to or less than and treats all terrain as Open Terrain. This
the number of strikes rolled take 1 damage. figure is immune to hazards on which it does
ULTRA SKY SENTINEL not end its advancement. This figure will still
HIT & RUN - Advance this figure up to 3 suffer all effects as a result of colliding with
MEGA SKY SENTINEL spaces even if this figure has advanced this hazards and other figures. A unit with Jump
turn. cannot end its movement on Impassible
ROCKET CHOPPER Terrain. A unit with Jump can make brawl
LIGHTNING ATTACK - Once per turn this
attacks against a figure with Flight.
ROCKET CHOPPER monster rolls a second attack of the same
type with dice in play against the same LEADERSHIP - Allied Grunt units with the
G-TANK target monster. same name as this unit within 2 spaces of this
unit gain +1 Brawl B-Die and +1 Blast B-Die.
G-TANK POWER DRAIN - Target monster’s
controller loses 1 P-Die. LOGISTICS - If 1 or more AGN figures within
MOBILE OPS CENTER 2 spaces of this figure participate in a
POWER GORGE - You gain +1 P-Die.
combined attack, the attack roll gains +1
SKILLS LOW FLYER - This unit with Flight is able to
benefit from Cover.
EXPLOSION - All figures adjacent to the JUMP - This figure may move through figures
ARMODAX and treats all terrain as Open Terrain. This
target unit with a DEF equal to or less than
the number of strikes rolled take 1 damage. figure is immune to hazards on which it does
not end its advancement. This figure will still
FEEDING FRENZY - If there are other AGN suffer all effects as a result of colliding with
figures adjacent to target monster, this hazards and other figures. A unit with Jump
monster’s attack does Super Damage. cannot end its movement on Impassible
Terrain. A unit with Jump can make brawl
HIT & RUN - Advance this figure up to 3 attacks against a figure with Flight.
spaces even if this figure has advanced this
turn. LEADERSHIP - Allied Grunt units with the
same name as this unit within 2 spaces of this
LIGHTNING ATTACK - Once per turn this unit gain +1 Brawl B-Die and +1 Blast B-Die.
BRONTOX monster rolls a second attack of the same
type with dice in play against the same MOTIVATOR - AGN figures that begin their
target monster. advance adjacent to this figure gain +1 SPD.
CARNIDON MUNCH - If target unit is destroyed, restore RESILIENCE - This monster is immune to
1 Health to this monster. Super Damage.
WEAPON MASTER - This monster’s attack SHELTER - This unit gains +1 DEF against
RAPTIX does Super Damage. brawl attacks.
SKILLS SOLID - This monster is immune to Smash.
SPIKODON ANTI-AIR - If this figure is participating in
an attack against a figure with Flight, this SUPER RAMPAGE - If this monster makes
ACTIONS figure gains +1 Brawl and Blast B-Die. a Rampage power attack, gain +1 P-Die
ATOMIZE - If this monster destroys a for every building destroyed and enemy unit
NESTING - If this figure is holding a Power building with a blast attack, gain P-Dice crushed.
Zone or Negative Zone, choose 1 FAC unit equal to the Energy of the building instead
from your Reserves and place it in play of 1. SUPER SMASH - This monster’s Smash
adjacent to this figure. power attacks do Super Damage.
BERSERK - This unit gains +1 Brawl B-Die.
TRIGGERS SUPER STOMP - If this monster makes a
CHARGE - During a turn in which this figure Stomp power attack, gain +1 P-Die for
BEAT BACK - Move target monster 3 advances it gains +1 Brawl B-Die. every building destroyed and enemy unit
spaces in a straight line in a direction crushed.
chosen by the attacker. During this CLOAK - This figure cannot be targeted by
movement the target monster moves blast attacks made by a figure 3 or more SUPER STRENGTH - This monster’s Throw
through and collides with buildings, units, spaces away. and Smash attacks move target monster
and hazards in its path. The target monster up to +1 space.
DIG IN - If this figure is holding a Power
stops moving if it collides with another
Zone or Negative Zone it gains Cover. TERRIFY - Enemy units cannot advance
into spaces adjacent to this figure.
FLANK - Enemies within 2 spaces of this
CHAIN ATTACK - Once per turn, this
figure are -1 DEF from brawl attacks made
monster may make a power attack.
by other AGN figures.
DISRUPT - If target monster is in its Hyper
FORTIFY - If this figure is holding an
form and its Alpha form has not been
Objective Space, AGN figures within 2
destroyed, after applying damage replace it
spaces of this figure gain +1 Brawl B-Die.
AGN: Agenda FAC: Faction A-Die: Action Die B-Die: Boost Die 55
P-Die: Power Die
CTHUGROSH REACTIONS DISTRACT - Enemy figures within 2 spaces
INCUBATOR - If this unit is hit, choose a of this figure suffer -1 Brawl, Blast, and
FAC unit that does not have Incubator from Power B-die.
MEGA CTHUGROSH your Reserves. Crush this unit to replace it
with the chosen unit. FLIGHT - This figure may move through
figures and treats all terrain as Open Terrain.
POWER SINK - If your opponent rolls 1 or This figure is immune to hazards when
more P-Dice in an attack, gain 1 P-Die. moving through or occupying hazards. This
figure will still suffer all effects as a result
SIDE STEP - If this figure is missed you may of colliding with hazards and other figures.
move it 1 space. A unit without Flight cannot make brawl
MEAT SLAVE attacks against a figure with Flight unless
TRIGGERS the unit has an ability that allows it to do
SPITTER so. This figure cannot hold Objective Spaces
ENERGY DRAIN - Target monster’s
and does not gain Cover.
controller moves 1 A-Die from his Monster
Pool to his Unit Pool. FORCE FIELD - This unit gains +1 DEF
SQUIX against blast attacks.
FLING - Choose a building or enemy
figure within 5 spaces of target unit. Roll JUMP - This figure may move through
dice in play. If the chosen figure’s DEF is figures and treats all terrain as Open Terrain.
equal to or less than the number of strikes This figure is immune to hazards on which
rolled, it takes 1 damage. it does not end its advancement. This
TASK MASTER figure will still suffer all effects as a result
OVERLOAD - If target monster’s controller
of colliding with hazards and other figures.
has more than 5 P-Dice, this Monster’s
A unit with Jump cannot end its movement
ACTIONS attack does Super Damage.
on Impassible Terrain. A unit with Jump can
POWER GORGE - You gain +1 P-Die. make brawl attacks against a figure with
BLEED - Restore 1 Health to 1 adjacent Flight.
FAC monster. Then crush this figure.
VAMPIRISM - If target monster is hit, LEADERSHIP - Allied Grunt units with the
EXTINGUISH - Replace 1 adjacent hazard same name as this unit within 2 spaces of this
restore 1 Health to this monster.
with rubble. unit gain +1 Brawl B-Die and +1 Blast B-Die.
SACRIFICE - Crush 1 adjacent AGN unit to SKILLS MIRE - Enemy units count spaces within 2
restore 1 Health to this monster. spaces of this figure twice when advancing
ANNIHILATE - This monster’s attacks do
Super Damage. into them.
SUMMON - Choose 1 FAC unit from your
Reserves. Place it in play adjacent to this MOTIVATOR - AGN figures that begin their
BERSERK - This unit gains +1 Brawl B-Die.
figure. advance adjacent to this figure gain +1 SPD.
TELEKINESIS - Choose 1 unit within 2 RADAR - If this figure makes a blast attack,
CLOAK - This figure cannot be targeted by
spaces of this figure, then move it 1 space. it gains +2 spaces to its range.
blast attacks made by a figure 3 or more
ADVANTAGES spaces away.
TERRIFY - Enemy units cannot advance
DISABLE - Enemy figures within 2 spaces into spaces adjacent to this figure.
LEACH - If an attack made by an AGN unit
of this figure suffer -1 Brawl.
hits an enemy monster, restore 1 Health to
this monster.
56 AGN: Agenda FAC: Faction A-Die: Action Die B-Die: Boost Die P-Die: Power Die
ZOR-MAXIM TRIGGERS CLOAK - This figure cannot be targeted by
blast attacks made by a figure 3 or more
BEAT BACK - Move target monster 3 spaces away.
spaces in a straight line in a direction
chosen by the attacker. During this DISABLE - Enemy figures within 2 spaces
movement the target monster moves of this figure suffer -1 Brawl.
ZOR-RAIDEN through and collides with buildings, units,
and hazards in its path. The target monster DISTRACT - Enemy figures within 2 spaces
stops moving if it collides with another of this figure suffer -1 Brawl, Blast, and
monster. Power B-die.
MEGA ZOR-RAIDEN FLANK - Enemies within 2 spaces of this
CHAIN ATTACK - Once per turn, this
monster may make a power attack. figure are -1 DEF from brawl attacks made
by other AGN figures.
SUN FIGHTER FLING - Choose a building or enemy
FLIGHT - This figure may move through
figure within 5 spaces of target unit. Roll figures and treats all terrain as Open Terrain.
SUN FIGHTER dice in play. If the chosen figure’s DEF is This figure is immune to hazards when
equal to or less than the number of strikes moving through or occupying hazards. This
S-TYPE SHINOBI rolled, it takes 1 damage. figure will still suffer all effects as a result
of colliding with hazards and other figures.
S-TYPE SHINOBI HIT & RUN - Advance this figure up to 3 A unit without Flight cannot make brawl
spaces even if this figure has advanced this attacks against a figure with Flight unless
turn. the unit has an ability that allows it to do
INTERCEPTOR so. This figure cannot hold Objective Spaces
and does not gain Cover.
monster rolls a second attack of the same HOVER - This figure treats all terrain as
ACTIONS type with dice in play against the same Open Terrain.
target monster.
Teleport - Choose 1 adjacent AGN unit INFILTRATE - Buildings within 2 spaces of
and place it adjacent to another AGN figure SIPHON - If target monster is hit gain 1 P- this figure are -1 DEF from attacks made by
with Teleport. Die. That monster’s controller loses 1 P-Die. AGN figures.
TRANSPORT - Choose 1 AGN unit with the WEAPON MASTER - This monster’s attack JUMP - This figure may move through figures
Cargo ability from your Reserves. Put it into does Super Damage. and treats all terrain as Open Terrain. This
play adjacent to this figure. figure is immune to hazards on which it does
not end its advancement. This figure will still
ADVANTAGES suffer all effects as a result of colliding with
SKILLS hazards and other figures. A unit with Jump
POWER CYCLE - If this monster cannot end its movement on Impassible
participated in an attack that rolled 1 or ANTI-AIR - If this figure is participating in Terrain. A unit with Jump can make brawl
more P-Dice, return 1 P-Die that rolled a an attack against a figure with Flight, this attacks against a figure with Flight.
miss to your Power Pool. figure gains +1 Brawl and Blast B-Die.
LEADERSHIP - Allied Grunt units with the
REACTIONS ARMOR PIERCING - Target figure is -1
DEF to blast attacks.
same name as this unit within 2 spaces of this
unit gain +1 Brawl B-Die and +1 Blast B-Die.
RILED - Gain 1 P-Die if this figure is hit.
CARGO - This unit is cargo (see Transport). MOTIVATOR - AGN figures that begin their
advance adjacent to this figure gain +1 SPD.
SIDE STEP - If this figure is missed you
may move it 1 space. CHARGE - During a turn in which this figure RADAR - If this figure makes a blast attack,
advances it gains +1 Brawl B-Die. it gains +2 spaces to its range.
AGN: Agenda FAC: Faction A-Die: Action Die B-Die: Boost Die 57
P-Die: Power Die
ARES MOTHERSHIP MARKER - If this figure participated in an CLOAK - This figure cannot be targeted by
attack that missed, re-roll the attack roll blast attacks made by a figure 3 or more
ULTRA ARES MOTHERSHIP using dice in play. spaces away.
MEGA ARES MOTHERSHIP REACTIONS FLIGHT - This figure may move through
figures and treats all terrain as Open Terrain.
DEIMOS-9 POWER SINK - If your opponent rolls 1 or This figure is immune to hazards when
more P-Dice in an attack, gain 1 P-Die. moving through or occupying hazards. This
ULTRA DEIMOS-9 figure will still suffer all effects as a result
TRIGGERS of colliding with hazards and other figures.
MEGA DEIMOS-9 A unit without Flight cannot make brawl
CHAIN ATTACK - Once per turn, this attacks against a figure with Flight unless
HUNTER monster may make a power attack. the unit has an ability that allows it to do
so. This figure cannot hold Objective Spaces
DISRUPT - If target monster is in its Hyper
HUNTER and does not gain Cover.
form and its Alpha form has not been
destroyed, after applying damage replace it FORCE FIELD - This unit gains +1 DEF
with its Alpha form. against blast attacks.
HIT & RUN - Advance this figure up to 3 GROUND CONTROL - This unit with Flight
spaces even if this figure has advanced this can hold Objective Spaces.
VANGUARD HOVER - This figure treats all terrain as
LIGHTNING ATTACK - Once per turn this Open Terrain.
monster rolls a second attack of the same
type with dice in play against the same LEADERSHIP - Allied Grunt units with the
target monster. same name as this unit within 2 spaces of this
ACTITONS unit gain +1 Brawl B-Die and +1 Blast B-Die.
POWER DRAIN - Target monster’s
ABDUCT - If 2 or more FAC figures with controller loses 1 P-Die. LOW FLYER - This unit with Flight is able to
Abduct are adjacent to the same enemy benefit from Cover.
unit, crush that unit. Do not gain a P-Die for POWER GORGE - You gain +1 P-Die.
crushing that enemy unit. NEGATION - Enemy figures within 2
spaces of this figure cannot make power
REFUEL - Advance 1 adjacent FAC figure SIPHON - If target monster is hit gain 1 P- attacks.
up to its SPD even if the figure has advanced Die. That monster’s controller loses 1 P-Die.
this turn. PENETRATOR - Target is -1 DEF to brawl
VAMPIRISM - If target monster is hit, attacks.
TRANSPORT - Choose 1 AGN unit with the restore 1 Health to this monster.
Cargo ability from your Reserves. Put it into RESILIENCE - This monster is immune to
play adjacent to this figure. SKILLS Super Damage.
58 AGN: Agenda FAC: Faction A-Die: Action Die B-Die: Boost Die P-Die: Power Die
GORGHADRA CHAIN REACTION - If target unit is DIG IN - If this figure is holding a Power
destroyed, make 1 attack of the same type Zone or Negative Zone it gains Cover.
using the dice in play against 1 enemy unit
adjacent to the target regardless of the FLANK - Enemies within 2 spaces of this
number of spaces between the attacker figure are -1 DEF from brawl attacks made by
and the new target. other AGN figures.
ROGZOR DISINTEGRATE - Target building does not FLIGHT - This figure may move through
put a hazard or rubble tile into play after figures and treats all terrain as Open Terrain.
ULTRA ROGZOR being destroyed. This figure is immune to hazards when
MEGA ROGZOR ENERGY SAP - You may move 1 A-Die from moving through or occupying hazards. This
the target figure’s corresponding Action figure will still suffer all effects as a result
BELCHER Dice pool to the other dice pool. of colliding with hazards and other figures.
A unit without Flight cannot make brawl
BELCHER EXPLOSION - All figures adjacent to the attacks against a figure with Flight unless
target unit with a DEF equal to or less than the unit has an ability that allows it to do so.
CRAWLER the number of strikes rolled take 1 damage. This figure cannot hold Objective Spaces and
does not gain Cover.
HIT & RUN - Advance this figure up to 3
DESTRUCTOMITE spaces even if this figure has advanced HIGH IMPACT - If this unit is the same FAC as
this turn.
DESTRUCTOMITE your monster, this unit gains +1 Blast B-Die.
OVERLOAD - If target monster’s controller
EXPLODOHAWK INDIRECT FIRE - Attacks made by this
has more than 5 P-Dice, this Monster’s
attack does Super Damage. figure ignore Cover.
POWER GORGE - You gain +1 P-Die. LEADERSHIP - Allied Grunt units with the
same name as this unit within 2 spaces of this
ADVANTAGES unit gain +1 Brawl B-Die and +1 Blast B-Die.
SELF DESTRUCT - Crush this figure.
ENERGY CYCLE - If this figure participated LOGISTICS - If 1 or more AGN figures within
in an attack that rolled 2 or more A-Dice, 2 spaces of this figure participate in a
you may return 1 A-Die that rolled a miss to SIPHON - If target monster is hit gain 1 P- combined attack, the attack roll gains +1
the Active Pool. Die. That monster’s controller loses 1 P-Die. B-Die.