Tile Installation

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Specifying Successful Ceramic & Stone Tiles Installations

Beyond TCA and ANSI

Provider: J257 Program: D201


Tile & Stone Installation Materials

Grout: Sanded, Polymer Modified Adhesive: Thin Set Substrate: Mortar Bed Substrate: Waterproof Membrane

Substrate: Mortar Bed, Pre-Slope Substrate: Concrete or Wood Structure

Tile & Stone Installation Materials

Thin Set (or Thin-Bed)
Most popular method, used when tiles are smaller format tile Thickness is very uniform, floor substrate is relatively flat and level Can be applied 3/32 1/4 (nominal) thick after beat in

Tile & Stone Installation Materials

Medium Bed
In process of being recognized by TCNA Medium Bed mortars can be troweled thicker than traditional thin set mortars Allows thick-set attributes to be used for thin set applications Can be applied 1/8 3/4 thick after beat in Used for large format tiles, inconsistent thickness dimensional stone, slight substrate irregularity

Setting Methods

Both the TCNA handbook & ANSI Standards are voluntary standards There is no compliance requirement, BUT They are heavily followed by the courts!

TCNA: Whats Included?

Installation Materials Setting materials Grouting materials Backer boards Waterproofing & crack isolation membranes Special installation guidelines Installation Guides Installation Methods Floors, exterior & interior Walls, exterior & interior Ceilings and soffits Bathtubs & shower walls & receptors Countertops Swimming pools Radiant heated floors Renovations Steam rooms, refrigerated rooms, fountains Movement Joints


TCA Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation
Method F113-07 Dry-Set Mortar or Latex-Portland Cement Mortar
method F113 may be suitable for
Preparation by Other Trades: slabsteel trowel and fine broom finish free of curing compounds. (When used, mechanical scarifying is necessary.) slope, when required, to be in sub-floor max. variation in the slab1/4" in 10'-0" from the required plane Movement Joint follow EJ171, page 68, for slab-on-grade installations above-grade structural slabs require: exterior joint spacing; perimeter joints are mandatory Installation Specifications: tileANSI A108.5 groutANSI A108.10
(Architect must specify type of joint and show location and details on drawings)

Recommended Uses:
on plane, clean concrete. on slab-on-grade construction where no bending stresses occur. see page 17 NOTE for exterior uses. see CAUTION at bottom of page

above-grade structural slab installations when specific mortar and grout products recommended by the manufacturer are specified. Not all modified mortar and grout products are suitable for this application. deflection not to exceed 1/360 of span for above-grade structural slabs. slab to be well cured, dimensionally stable, and free of cracks, waxy or oily films, and curing compounds. bond coat 3/32" min.

method F111 is the preferred method over precast concrete floor systems, post-tensioned concrete floor systems, and other floors subject to movement or deflection

Materials: mortaruse ANSI A118.1 or A118.4 for slab-on-grade installations; use only a manufacturer's designated mortar for above-grade structural slabs groutuse ANSI A118.3, A118.6, A118.7, or A118.8 for slab-on-grade installations; use only a manufacturer's designated grout for above-grade structural slabs


TCNA: Recent Changes

Interior Joints changed from Exterior joints changes from 24 ft 36 ft to 20 ft 25 ft 12 ft 16 ft to 8 ft 12 ft

TCNA: Recent Changes

Floor systems, including the framing system and sub-floor panels, over which the tile will be installed using the appropriate TCA method shall be in conformance with the IRC for residential applications, the IBC for commercial applications, or applicable building codes.
OLD DEFLECTION LANGUAGE Ceramic tile installations require the floor areas over which tile is to be applied to have a deflection not greater than L/360 of the span when measured under a 300 lb. concentrated load (see ASTM C627).

TCNA: Recent Changes

Note: The owner should communicate in writing to the project design professional and general contractor the intended use of the tile installation, in order to enable the project design professional and general contractor to make necessary allowances for the expected live load, concentrated loads, impact loads, and dead loads including weight of the tile and setting bed. The tile installer shall not be responsible for problems resulting from any floor framing or sub-floor installation not compliant with applicable building codes, unless the tile installer or tile contractor designs and installs the floor framing or sub-floor.

TCNA 2011: Major Changes

Major Changes in 2011 TCNA Handbook Tiles with all edges shorter than 15. Maximum allowable variation is in 10 from the required plane and no more than 1/16 variation in 12 from any high points in the surface. Tiles with at least one edge 15 or longer in length maximum allowable variation is 1/8 in 10 with no more than 1/16 in 24 from the high points.

TCNA 2011: Major Changes

ISO Classifications Adhesives Only
Types C - Cementitious (thin set mortars) 1 - Normal 2 - Improved Classes Special Characteristics F - Fast Setting T - Slip Resistance E - -Extended Open Time S1 - Deformability S2 - Highly Deformable P1 - Plywood adhesion

P2 - Improved Plywood Adhesion D - Dispersion (mastic) 1 - Normal 2 - Improved F - Fast Drying T - Slip Resistance

E - -Extended Open Time R - Reaction resin 1 - Normal T - Slip Resistance


2 - Improved

TCNA 2011: Major Changes

Number Class Cementitous Thinsets C1 C1F C1T C 1 FT C2 C2E C2F C2T C 2 TE C 2 FT Dispersion Mastics D1 D1T D2T D 2 TE Reaction Resin Epoxies R1 R1T R2 R2T Normal reaction resin adhesive Normal reaction resin adhesive with slip resistance Reaction resin adhesive with improved characteristics Reaction resin adhesive with improved characteristics and slip resistance Normal dispersion adhesive Normal dispersion adhesive with slip resistance Dispersion adhesive with improved characteristics with slip resistance Dispersion adhesive with improved characteristics, slip resistance and extended open time Description

Normal cementitious adhesive Fast setting cementitious adhesive Normal cementitious adhesive with slip resistance Fast setting cementitous adhesive with slip resistance Cementitious adhesive with improved characteristics Cementitous adhesive with improved characteristics and extended open time Fast setting cementitous adhesive with improved characteristics Cementitous adhesive with improved characteristics and slip resistance Cementitious adhesive with improved characteristics, slip resistance and extended open time Fast setting cementitious adhesive with improved characteristics and slip resistance

TCNA 2011: Major Changes

MERKRETE and ISO ISO example for internal use only, not for external use. ISO testing in process A118.1 -(C1) (TE) 700 PremiumSet

A118.3 (R2)

Chemical Resistant, Water

ProEpoxy Mortar and Grout

Cleanable Tile Setting and Grouting Epoxy and Water Cleanable Tile-Setting Epoxy Adhesive

A118.4 - (C2)(P1) A118.4 - (C2)TE A118.4 (C2)(P1)(S1) A118.4 (C2)(P2)(S2) A118.4 (C2)(P2)(S2) A118.4 (C2)(P2)(S2) F A118.4 (C2) (S2) A118.4 (C2) (S2) A118.4 (C2) (S2)

Latex-Portland Cement Mortar


ProSet Plus

7d10 Dustless 720 MarblePro

735 Premiumflex 740 Fracture Guard Thinset 750 RS Thin-Set

801 SelfCure Thinset 200 Krete liquid & 211 Krete powder 820 Merlite When combined with 150 Acrylic admixture:

A118.4 (C1)

700 PremiumSet

A136.1 (D1)T A136.1 (D2)T

Organic Adhesives for Installation of Ceramic Tile

136 Surestik

TCNA 2011: Major Changes

TCNA 2011: Major Changes

TCNA 2011: Major Changes

TCNA 2011: Major Changes

Com1 Commercial Dry Examples: Commercial interior wall, floor and ceiling/soffit applications, and decorative areas Com2 Commercial Limited Water Exposure Examples: Dairies, breweries, kitchen walls, locker rooms Com3 Commercial Wet Examples: Commercial gang showers, tub enclosures, laundries, showers Com4 Commercial High Humidity, Heavy Moisture Exposure Examples: Steam showers, steam rooms, enclosed pool areas, natatoriums Com5 Commercial High Temperature (125F) Examples: Commercial saunas, furnace or boiler areas Com6 Commercial Exterior Examples: Exterior walls

Glass Tile is Beautiful

The Future

Color Changing Tile?

Pre-mixed grouts Mastics, Urethanes ANSI Standards for Self Leveling Underlayments ANSI Standard for Sound Reduction Membrane Revisions to 118.12 Crack Isolation Medium Bed Definition TCNA / ANSI ISO designations being added to 118.1 and 118.4 thin set standards Glass tile standard for 3 and greater Uncoupling membrane ANSI Standard.

Industry Standards
Industry Standards mentioned previously Manufacturers websites Ceramic Tile Distributors Association (www.ctdahome.org) Ceramic Tile Industry & Resources (www.ceramic-tile.com) Ceramic Tile Institute of America, Inc. (www.ctioa.com) InfoTile the Internet Tile Center (www.infotile.com) National Tile Contractors Association (www.tile-assn.com) Tile Council of North America (www.tileusa.com) Tile Contractors Association of America (www.tcaainc.org)

Specialty Products: Membranes

Crack Isolation
Elastomeric Built-In Anti-Microbial Gypsum Mortar Beds Cracking Bandage or Partial TCA Method F125-05 Continuous Membrane TCA Method F125A-05 Radiant Heat Slabs

1/8 or less

Specifying Successful Ceramic and Stone Tiles Installations

Beyond TCA and ANSI

FLOORS, INTERIOR Crack Isolation Membrane

Recommended Uses: wherever crack isolation is required over existing in-plane cracks. see NOTE on page 17 for exterior uses. for protection against future in-plane cracking, full-coverage is recommended and must be additionally specified (F125A). Limitations: deflection not to exceed 1/360 of span. not recommended for severe chemical exposure. Confirm with membrane manufacturer. for lateral (in-plane) movement only. Requirements: design floor areas over which tile is to be applied to have deflection not greater than 1/360 of the span. Make allowance for live load and impact as well as all dead load, including weight of the tile and setting bed. for existing cracks, soft joints may be required adjacent to cracks per manufacturers instructions. specifier to identify areas of coverage. Materials: crack isolation membraneANSI A118.12. latex-portland cement mortarANSI A118.4. groutANSI A118.3, A118.6, A118.7, or A118.8. sealant complying with ASTM C920. Preparation by Other Trades: maximum variation in subfloor1/4 in 10'-0" from the required plane. Preparation by Tile Trade: crack isolation membraneinstall to comply with manufacturer's directions. Installation Specifications: tileANSI A108.5. crack isolation membraneANSI A108.17 or follow manufacturers recommendations. Movement Joint (architect must specify type of joint and show location and details on drawings): movement jointsmandatory according to Method EJ171, page 68.

Specialty Products: Sound Reduction

Sound Reduction Systems
Contributes to LEED Credit: Recycled content Excellent for STC Rating (Sound Transmission Control) e.g., room noise IIC (Impact Insulation Class) e.g., football, basketball

Specialty Products: Mortars

I/240 Latex Modified Freeze/Thaw stable Water-Resistant Interior & Exterior Cutback, existing vinyl tile, porcelain tile, exterior grade plywood (EGP) mortar Pre-Stress & Post-Tension

Specialty Products: Mortars

Fast Setting
Grout in 2-3 hours Foot traffic in 4 hours Interior & Exterior Concrete, EGP, existing tile, cutback Impervious tile over low absorption Waterproof, crack-isolation & sound reduction membranes Cold installations Colors: White & Gray

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