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Roza Book

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My dear Maulana Muhammad Raza Dawoodani is among those young scholars who try to present laws of Shariah in the easiest possible manner and consider it their responsibility to do so. This sense of responsibility is such an act of piety which needs to be encouraged and is praise worthy. May Allah increase his taufeeq. This booklet consists of those issues which believers come across during the month of Ramadhan and Eid. They are presented beautifully in an extreme easy way. I hope people with academic taste will benefit from this work. Benefit would have been enhanced if interpretation of few more jurists is included. I pray to Allah, the Almighty for the continuous taufeeq of Maulana Dawoodani to serve this science and religion for the sake of infallible imams (A.S.).



Assalam-o-Alaikum Wa-Rahmat-ulllah Wa-Barakatuhu All praise is for Allah (swt). In the next few pages, you will read rituals and decrees associated with FASTING & ITEKAF. Decrees regarding FITRAH & MOON have already being distributed earlier by few Momineen in the form of pamphlet. It was felt appropriate to include them at the end of the book as well. The verdicts of following 4 Mujtahids have been considered in this book. 1. 2. 3. 4. Late Ayatullah Khoi (ra) Late Imam Khomeini (ra) Ayatullah Seestani (db) Respected Leader Ayatullah Khamenei (db)

Care has been taken to sideline the differences in verdicts of these Mujtahids except where necessary. Every care has been taken to narrate the precautionary aspect of their verdicts.

Those interested in details please refer to Tozeeh-ulMasail and other books. To make the book reader friendly, easy and familiar words have been used so that the reader does not feel any inconvenience to understand. Recommended acts stated in this booklet can be performed with the intention of Rijay-e-Matloobiat. Rijay-e-Matloobiat means: On the hope that this act is desired by Almighty Allah.

1. In preparing this book: i. Hujjatul Islam Wal-Muslimeen Muhammed Husain Falah Zadehs book AAMOZESH-E-FIQH (high level), Hujjatul Islam Wal-Muslimeen Muhammed Raza Mushfiqipurs book AHKAAM AAMOZISHI (Ibadaat, Level 3) and Hujjatul Islam Wal-Muslimeen Syed Mujtaba Husainis book AHKAAM ROZA were highly utilized and benefitted.



2. Respected Teacher Hujjatul Islam Wal-Muslimeen Maulana Ali Raza Swalehi suggested appropriate corrections & amendments. 3. Brother Raza Rizwani gave valuable advice and technical help. 4. I am grateful to my brother Abid Ali Dawoodani and his wife, sister Samana Abid Dawoodani for translating this work into English. Brother Shahid Rawjani reviewed the translation and gave valuable suggestions. I am thankful to all of them and pray for them. Muhammad Raza Dawoodani.


Fasting ................................................................ 10
Definition Of Fasting ................................................. 10 Terminological Meaning ............................................ 10 Types Of Fasting ....................................................... 10 Examples Of Obligatory Fasts .................................... 12 Intention For Fasting .......................................................... 13 How Delayed The Intention Can Be? .............................. 16 Fast Abolishers................................................................... 19 1. Eating/Drinking: ........................................................ 20 Use Of Injection: ....................................................... 22 Usage Of Drip: .......................................................... 22 Bleeding Gums: ......................................................... 22 To Gargle: ................................................................. 23 Tooth Treatment: ....................................................... 23 Use Of Toothpaste: .................................................... 23 Use Of Tooth Picks Or Dental Floss: .......................... 24 Use Of Eye Drops And Nasal Drops:.......................... 24 Use Of Perfumes And Itr (Fragrance): ........................ 24 Use Of Shampoo And Soap:....................................... 24 Oiling Hairs Or Applying Any Cream: ....................... 24 Use Of Lipstick: ........................................................ 25 Blood Donation: ........................................................ 25 To Gurgle: ................................................................. 25 2. Letting Thick Dust Reach Throat: .............................. 26 Use Of Cigarette Etc.: ................................................ 27 Use Of Inhaler: .......................................................... 27 Use Of Balm On Head Or Chest:................................ 27 Taking Steam:............................................................ 28

Vapours Caused Because Of Warm Water In The Bathroom:.................................................................. 28 Smoke Of Buses And Cars: ........................................ 28 3. Ascribing False Things To Almighty Allah, Prophets (A.S.) Or To The Infallibles (A.S.) ............................. 29 Ways Of Relating Falsehood: ..................................... 29 4. Immersing Complete Head In Water: ......................... 31 5. Vomiting: .................................................................. 32 6. Masturbation: ............................................................ 33 7. Sexual Intercourse (Establishing Sexual Relations): .... 35 8. Remaining In The State Of Janabat (Ceremonial Uncleanliness) Till The Call For Fajr Prayers ............. 36 Bath For Touching Dead Body And Fast: ................... 38 9. For A Woman, After The End Of Menstruation (Haidh or Nifas), Non-Performance Of Bath (Ghusl) Before The Call For Fajr Prayers: ................................................. 39 Istihaza And Fast: ...................................................... 40 10.Enema With Liquids: ................................................. 41 Some General Rules ........................................................... 42 Expiation (Kaffara) For The Month Of Ramadhan .............. 43 Few More Points: ........................................................... 45 Expiation For Invalidating Qadha Fast of The Month of Ramadhan .......................................................................... 48 Expiation For Delaying....................................................... 50 Fidya Means Alternative Or Compensation .................. 52 Who Will Give Fidya? ................................................... 52 1. Old Age Man Or Woman: ...................................... 53 2. People Suffering From The Disease Of Excessive Thirst: .................................................................... 53

3.PregnantWoman: .................................................... 54 4.Woman Suckling A Child: ...................................... 54 5.Prolonged Illness: ................................................... 55 Few More Things About Qadha Fasts ................................. 57 Two Important Points ......................................................... 59 Mother & Fathers Delayed Fasts........................................ 61 Fasting By A Traveller ....................................................... 63 Few Points: .................................................................... 63 Recommended Fast ............................................................ 65 I'tekaf................................................................................. 66 Conditions For Itekaf: ................................................... 66 Decrees For Itekaf:........................................................ 68 Prohibited During Itekaf:............................................... 70 Questions Related To The Moon Of Eid ............................. 71 Summary ....................................................................... 75 Fitrah ................................................................................. 76


Fasting is called SAUM in Arabic. In dictionary it means: to refrain or abstain from something.

To avoid eating, drinking and few other things. How long? From the Morning prayers till the Maghrib prayers. But why? To fulfill Almighty Allahs orders.

Qs # 1 : Why is it called ROZA? ANS : Because this act of worship is to be performed in daytime and not at night and day is called ROZ in Persian therefore it is called ROZA.

1. Obligatory/Wajib fast month of Ramadhan) (e.g.: fasting in the

2. Recommended/Mustahib fast (e.g.: fasting in the month of Rajab or Shaban) 3. Undesirable/Makrooh fast (e.g. : to fast on the day of Aashur) 4. Prohibited/Haram fast (e.g. :to fast on Ramadhan Eid and Eid-e-Qurban) ATTENTION: If it is known that fasting is harmful then the obligatory fasting will also become prohibited.

EXAMPLE OF HARMFULNESS: 1. If one knows that he will die if he fasts OR 2. The illness will prolong Qs # 2 : How would one know this? ANS : Through personal satisfaction OR In the light of past experiences OR As stated by a credible doctor OR By any other valid logical reason : Doctor says that: 1. Fasting is harmful. I am satisfied that there is no such problem. Or 2. Keep fast. There is no problem at all. While I am satisfied that fasting is harmful for me.


QS # 3 : In both cases, whose opinion will be considered effective? Mine or doctors? ANS : Your opinion. You will follow your own satisfaction.


1. 2. 3. 4. Fasting in the month of Ramadhan Delayed/Qadha fasts Penalty Fasting/Kaffara Mother and Fathers qadha fasts on the eldest son 5. Fasts becoming obligatory because of oblations/nadhr etc. 6. Third day fast for the one who is observing Itekaf. 7. Fast to be observed in place of Sacrifice of Hajj-e-Tamattau (For details, check Manasik-e-Hajj)


Q#1 ANS : Is the intention for fasting compulsory? : Yes. Fasting is a worshipping act (ibadat) and worship can not be done without intention. : Is intention anything like saying some words? : No. It is just to intend in heart. : What should this intend be? : I *From Morning till Maghrib prayers *Am fasting *Qurbat-an-ilAllah


QS # 4 : Qurbat-an-ilAllah means? ANS : To fulfill the order of Almighty Allah. As a result of which Allahs nearness is definitely achieved. QS # 5 : What is meant by the morning prayers? 15 minutes after the commencement of time of Fajar Prayers, Summons to Prayers from my neighborhood mosque is called. Will my fast begin with that summon? ANS : No. By morning prayers the very first time of Fajr Prayer is meant. NOTE: To ascertain this, it is necessary that: i. Stop eating,drinking etc. a few minutes before this time ii. Avoid these things few minutes even after Maghrib.

ATTENTION: During the month of Ramadhan, if one changes his Intention or purposely intend to do any such work that breaks the fast, then the fast will be considered void even if he does not commit that act. QS # 6 : The kept fast is which one? Is it necessary to decide? Means can the fast be kept without deciding and afterwards by choice it is determined as the qadha or the expiated fast? ANS : No rather it is necessary to decide if the fasting is being observed as qadha or expiated or for any other purpose.

ATTENTION: It is naturally decided in the month of Ramadhan that the kept fast is of the month of Ramadhan because in this month no other fast can be observed. QS # 7 : I forget that tomorrow is either 15th or 16th of Ramadhan. Does this affect fast too? ANS : No. This does not affect fast.

QS # 8 : I have not yet decided for tomorrows fast. Till what time can I intend? ANS : It has to be checked that the fast is of what type. Whether its obligatory or recommended? If it is obligatory then what type of obligatory fast it is? This is being explained in the following but please note that:

In few cases you will see that even after the morning summons, it is permitted to intend. This is only allowed in such case when from morning summons till that time no such act is committed that breaks a fast. Example: Intention for recommended fast can be made even a minute before the time of Maghrib but one who had his lunch can not keep this fast.

IMPORTANT QUESTION # 1: The day of 29th Shaban has ended. It is not known whether the moon has been sighted or not? What shall I do? If the moon is sighted then tomorrow will be the first day of Ramadhan. It is obligatory to fast. If the moon is not sighted then tomorrow will be the 30th of Shaban. It is not obligatory to fast. If there is doubt whether the moon has been sighted or not even then it is not obligatory to fast.


QS # 2 : In state of doubt, fasting was not observed. Later it was known that the moon did appear. Then? ANS : You did not commit any sin but you have to later observe a qadha for this fast. QS # 3 : I want to observe fast on this day of doubt. With what intention shall I fast? Can I intend that if it is the month of Ramadhan than the fast shall be considered of it otherwise for the month of Shaban? ANS : Do not intend like this. Instead if any qadha fast is due on you then make intention for that otherwise observe fast with the intention for a recommended fast. BENEFIT:

In this case the benefit will be that later on if it is established that the moon was sighted then that fast would automatically be assumed as the first fast for the month of Ramadhan. QS # 4 : I kept fast with the intention for Qadha or Recommended Fast but during daytime I came to know that the moon was sighted and today is the first of the month of Ramadhan. What shall I do? ANS : Just change your intention to the fast for the month of Ramadhan. That is enough.

(Things which make a Fast void) LIST: 1. 2. 3.

Eating and Drinking Letting Thick Dust Reach Throat Ascribing false things to Almighty Allah, Prophets (A.S.) or to the Infallibles (A.S.) 4. Immersing complete head in water 5. To vomit intentionally 6. Masturbation (Istimna) 7. Sexual Intercourse (establishing sexual relations) 8. Remaining in condition of Janabat (ceremonial uncleanliness) till the Call for Fajr prayers 9. For a women, after the end of menstruation(Haidh or Nifas), nonperformance of bath (Ghusl) before the Call for Fajr prayers 10. Enema with liquids


1. EATING/DRINKING: means to take down from throat THROAT: from where the sound of Arabic alphabet (KHEY) comes out

ATTENTION: Only tasting something by keeping it on tongue does not abolish a fast. DIFFERENT CASES Something was remained in between teeth, swallowed it intentionally. Forgot and ate or drank something. Intentionally saliva. swallowed

Fast is void.

2 3

Fast is valid. Fast is valid.

Saw some delicious food, mouth got watered and drank it intentionally.

Fast is valid.

Intentionally swallowed phlegm before coming upto mouth

Fast is valid.

Intentionally swallowed phlegm after coming into mouth

Fast is valid. (Ayatullah Seestani) Fast is void as per obligatory precaution. (Ayatullah Khoi, Imam Khomeini, Ayatullah Khamenei)

QS # 1 : I will get weak if I do not eat and drink. Can I avoid fasting? ANS : No QS # 2 : Weakness will seriously increase. Un-bearable weakness? ANS : Then leave the fast and observe Qadha later on.

1. As a medicine in illness. 2. To anaesthetize any organ of body 3. To control lack of nutrition or end the feeling of hunger Permitted Permitted Not permitted

Either for medicine Or To control lack of nutrition Fast will be void in both the cases

QS # 3 : Gums started bleeding but was not attentive and swallowed. Fast is valid or not? ANS : If attention was not there and swallowed unintentionally then the fast is not affected. QS # 4 : The blood that came out from gums ended after mixing up with saliva. Can it be swallowed? ANS : Yes. Swallowing that does not invalidate the fast.

HE IS EATING FORGETFULLY! QS # 5 : While fasting, a person eats something forgetfully. Is it necessary for me to stop him? ANS : No

Is permitted but if the water goes down the throat then the fast will become void.

QS # 6 : Can a dentist do filling of teeth and other related works in the month of Ramadhan? ANS : Yes QS # 7 : And there is no problem for the patient as well? ANS : If the patient is satisfied that the blood, water or any other thing will not go down the throat then he can take the treatment during the fast otherwise not.

No problem. Only the toothpaste cannot be swallowed.



Permitted but with a condition that nothing is swallowed means anything must not go down the throat


The standard is the same here as well. If the medicine is not reaching down the throat then the use is permitted.




The use of perfumes and itr does not affect the fast rather it is recommended for the person who is fasting.








This should also not go down the throat otherwise permitted.

Permitted but If it causes weakness then it is not advisable. Not prohibited in either case.

While gurgling if water goes down the throat unintentionally, fast is void except that: Forgot about fasting. Gurgling for ablution (Wudhu) of obligatory prayers.





Allowing thick dust to reach throat makes fast void. Source of dust is not relevant. Originally it may or may not be permissible to eat. Like flour which is permissible to eat. Or like sand which is forbidden to consume.

QS # 1 : There is dust but not thick. Allowing this to reach throat will also invalidate the fast? ANS : No (Imam Khomeini, Ayatullah Seestani, Ayatullah Khamenei) Void as an obligatory precaution. (Ayatullah Khoi) ATTENTION: In the following conditions the fast does not become void: i. Dust does not reach the throat (only enters the mouth). ii. Was not carried intentionally. iii. Forgot that was fasting iv. Has doubt whether it reached the throat or not. QS # 2 : I work in a flour mill and the thick dust of flour reaches the throat. Can I do this work when I am in state of fasting?


: Use mask or other similar thing while you work so that the clouds of dust do not reach the throat otherwise the fast will become void.


Cigarette, cigar, huqqa,shisha and pipe are generally used in such a manner; that invalidates the fast.

QS # 3 : I am an asthma patient. Use of inhaler is compulsion. Does it invalidate fast? ANS : * No. In this case, the fast will remain valid. (Ayatullah Khoi, Imam Khomeini, Ayatullah Seestani) * If the fast can be kept after the month of Ramadhan without inhaler or spray, then as an obligatory precaution Qadha shall be kept. (Ayatullah Khamenei)


No problem. Fast will remain valid.

QS # 4 : Taking steam for medication invalidates the fast? ANS : * Concentrated vapors should not go down the throat. * If these vapors take the form of water after accumulating in the mouth then they are also not permitted to be swallowed.


If such vapors go inside the body with the breathe, there is no problem.


If one is satisfied that this smoke would not go down the throat and goes by chance then does not matter. Fast is in order.

Either in the state of fast or not: A. To tell a lie is forbidden. B. To relate falsehood with anyone is also forbidden. C. To relate any falsehood with Infallibles (AS) is even a bigger sin. QS # 1 : Among the above which makes a fast void? ANS : Almighty Allah relating falsehood Prophets (AS) with them 14 Infallibles (AS) invalidates a fast.


Saying, writing, by making an expression, as an answer to any question, to send/forward an Email or SMS, to endorse someones falsehood etc. ATTENTION: Relating falsehood intentionally invalidates a fast. Quoting something by assuming as truth, later known that it was false: fast is valid. Do not know whether it is true or false: Such thing must be quoted with the reference.





QS # 2 : I recite Holy Quran in state of fasting. But my recitation is weak. I have no intention to relate falsehood with Allah. My intention is to seek reward. Will this affect my fast? ANS : No but try to improve your qiraat/recitation.


Intentionally immersing entire head in water invalidates a fast. ATTENTION: In the following cases, fast does not become void: i. Was done forgetfully. ii. Entire head was not immersed but a part of it. iii. Half of the head once and other half was immersed later. iv. Fell in water involuntarily and entire head went into the water. v. Someone else forcefully immersed in water. vi. Has doubt if whole head was immersed or not. vii. Likewise washing head under tap or shower does not invalidate the fast. viii. After wearing swimming dress which also covers In these the head conditions Or too, the fast Going under water while remains in wearing swimming cap order Or Travelling in a submarine NOTE: According to Ayatullah Seestani, immersing complete head in water in the state of fasting is highly undesirable. Means reward is lessened but neither is it prohibited nor it invalidates the fast.

Vomiting intentionally invalidates a fast. Though one may have been obliged to do so on account of sickness. However, the fast does not become void, if one vomits involuntarily. If one forgets that he is fasting and vomits even then the fast does not become void.

QS # 1 : Is belching intentionally while fasting permitted? ANS : Yes. But if something comes into the mouth, then it is not permitted to swallow it intentionally.

QS # 1 : What does it mean? ANS : Besides intercourse doing such an act with oneself that results in discharge of ones own semen. NOTE : It does not make any difference if the help was taken from something or someone or not. ATTENTION: This act is prohibited even if one is not fasting. However, the case of husband and wife is exceptional. Because of this act, bath for Janabat (ceremonial uncleanliness) is also to be performed. While fasting, if this act is done, the fast will become void even if it was the result of husband-wife inter relationship. QS # 2 : Does the fast become void by just looking at a Non-Mehram? ANS : Prohibited sight is after all prohibited. But just because of sighting, the fast does not become void. QS # 3 : Viewing lust provoking movies voids a fast? ANS : * Such movies are prohibited to watch in all cases either it is the month of Ramadhan or any other month.

* If viewed with an intention of masturbation and semen is discharged then the fast would become void. CASE : During fasting, if semen is discharged involuntarily for example while sleeping. QS # 4 : Will the fast become void then? ANS : No. QS # 5 : In such case, is it mandatory for the fasting person to perform bath (Ghusl) immediately? ANS : * No. * Bath will be necessary before performing prayers. * Although performing bath early is definitely better. QS # 6 : A fasting person knows that if he sleeps, semen would discharge, is it permissible for him to sleep? ANS : Yes. Even then he may sleep.


This also Invalidates the fast, regardless of whether the semen is discharged or not. There is no harm for a married couple to indulge in courtship with each other without involving in sexual intercourse. Liquids discharged other than semen does not invalidate the fast.

QS # 1 : Husband is not fasting while wife is observing obligatory fast. Can husband force the wife to have intercourse? ANS : No QS # 2 : A newly wedded couple went for honeymoon to some other city in the month of Ramadhan. Can they establish matrimonial relations during daytime? ANS : * If the stay is for less than 10 days then the decrees for a traveler would be applicable. Means they cannot fast. In this case matrimonial relations can be established during daytime but it is not advisable (Makrooh). * If the stay is for 10 days or more then it is obligatory to fast. Establishing matrimonial relations will be prohibited.

After being Junub (ceremonially unclean), if a person does not take Ghusl (bath) till the time for Fajr prayers or if his responsibility is to do tayammum and he does not perform that, then in few conditions his fast will become void. EXPLANATION: If he does not take ghusl/tayammum intentionally, then if: the fast is of the month of Ramadhan Or for the qadha of the month of Ramadhan It is a recommended fast:

fast is void.

fast remains in order.

QS # 1 : If a person forgets to perform Ghusl-e-Janabat (bath for ceremonial uncleanliness) in the month of Ramadhan and remembers it after few days, then? ANS : For all those fasts And will perform qadha For all prayers as well

CASE : It is the month of Ramadhan. Zaid went into the state of Janabat. Knows that if he goes to sleep he will not wake up before Fajr, QS # 2 : Can he sleep? ANS : * No. It is obligatory for him to perform ghusl first. * If he sleeps without performing ghusl and wakes up after Fajr summons, his fast will be void. QS # 3 : It is the night of the month of Ramadhan. Zaid is not in the state of Janabat. He went to sleep and wakes up after the Fajr summons and finds that he has become Junub in sleep. Does not know whether the semen discharged before or after the Fajr summons. What is his responsibility? ANS : In any case, his fast remains valid. QS # 4 : Ghusl was delayed intentionally till the time for fajr summons remained so less that now ghusl cannot be performed. What should he do? ANS : He committed a sin. But it is obligatory for him to fast after performing tayammum. QS # 5 : Can he offer his Fajr prayers with the same tayammum? ANS : No. When the water is available and time is also sufficient then it is necessary to perform Ghusl.


This Ghusl becomes obligatory because of bringing part of ones body in contact with a dead body with some conditions. One can fast without performing this obligatory ghusl. Prayers cannot be offered until this ghusl is performed.

If a woman gets pure from Haidh or Nifas before the call for Fajr prayers in the month of Ramadhan then it is necessary for her to: A. * Perform ghusl before the Fajr summons. * If time is short; ghusl is not possible then perform tayammum. B. Keep fast on that day

QS # 1 : Can Fajr prayers be also performed with that tayammum? ANS : No. if water is available then ghusl has to be performed. QS # 2 : If one does not perform tayammum too, will the fast become void? ANS : Incase of the Month of Fast will Ramadhan become void and Qadha Fast Recommended fast remains valid even without tayammum. QS # 3 : If a woman gets pure during the daytime then?


: She can not fast on that day, keep qadha later.

QS # 4 : If the condition of haidh or nifas begins during fasting then? ANS : Fast is void even if Maghrib is very near. Keep qadha for that fast. Please note that in this case the woman has not committed any sin. QS # 5 : A woman gets pure before morning summons but the time is too short for performing either ghusl or tayammum? ANS : Then the fast is valid even without performing ghusl and tayammum. QS # 6 : If a woman comes to know after the Fajr summons that she has already got pure before the call for prayer then? ANS : If any of the fast abolisher has not been performed yet then the fast is valid otherwise it is void. Keep qadha later on.

QS # 7 : Can women use tablets etc. to change their periodical cycle? ANS : Permitted if they are not harmful for them.


In this case if a woman performs all of the obligatory baths then her fast is absolutely valid.

NOTE : Details for this are available in Tozeeh-ulMasail.


ENEMA: means to insert medicine from the place of rectum in order to remove constipation. This medicine can be solid as well as liquid. Taking enema with a liquid invalidates a fast, even if he is obliged to take it for the sake of treatment.

ATTENTION: Taking enema with solids does not invalidate a fast.


1. If any of the fast abolishers is performed forgetfully then the fast does not become void. 2. If a fasting person forgetfully commits an act which invalidates fast and thinks that since fast has already become void, intentionally eats or drinks or commits any other act which invalidates fast, his fast will be void now. 3. If a fasting person is forced for example something is dropped forcibly down the throat or forcefully pushed in water and as a result complete head is immersed even then the fast does not become void. But If the fasting person is compelled to break his fast by intimidation, like, given threat to have the meal else will be shot and the fasting person instead of having a bullet have meal by his own hand, then he did an absolutely right act and did not commit a sin, however, his fast will be void and later qadha shall be kept. ATTENTION: If in the month of Ramadhan, one invalidates his fast without any reason then: His fast is void But it is not permissible to eat or drink till Maghrib. Neither any other act is permitted which invalidates a fast.


The penalty to be paid for intentionally not fasting in the month of Ramadhan or invalidating a fast is called expiation (Kaffara).

QS # 1 : What is to be done in expiation? ANS : A. To free a slave Or B. To fast for 60 days of which 31 are necessary to be kept continuously. Or C. Feed sixty Momin (Believer) Poor fellows. ATTENTION: If the fast was invalidated with such a thing that is already prohibited for example by consuming alcohol or adultery, then all of the three expiations will become obligatory. QS # 2 : Such slaves do not exist today who are entitled as slaves in shariah? ANS : This is right. Therefore only the other two options would be left to be exercised. QS # 3 : What is meant by feeding 60 Momin Poor fellows?


: A. After preparing meal, feed them to their fill. Or B. Give each of them 750 grams of wheat or rice. NOTE: Giving money to these poor will not fulfill the task. If the money is to be given then they must be restricted to buy wheat etc. This has to be ensured that they will follow the instructions.

QS # 4 : Is it necessary to complete the figure of 60? Giving 60 expiations to a single poor will do the needful? ANS : No it is necessary to complete the figure of 60. QS # 5 : When does expiation become obligatory? ANS : Fast is not kept or is made void after keeping This work is done intentionally and Is done by ones own will. Is not forced by someone else. and There is no Shariat accepted excuse for example any illness etc. In such a case, BOTH: a) qadha of the fast must be kept and b) expiation must also be given.

ATTENTION: If it was not known that doing this act would invalidate the fast even then the fast will be considered void and it is obligatory to observe qadha later on but expiation will not be obligatory to be given except that: Negligence in the understanding of the decree and at the time of performance of that act slightest of the clue was there that the fast would be invalidated because of it. Or Ascribed a falsehood with Allah and Infallibles (AS) and did not know that the fast would be void because of it.

In these two conditions the fast will be void and expiation will also have to be given alongwith qadha.


Any of the fast abolishers was committed once, fast became void and expiation became obligatory. QS # 1 : If any of the fast abolishers is performed again then will the expiation also get doubled?


: No. Except sexual intercourse. Means expiation will have to be given as many times sexual relations were established.

QS # 2 : One travelled to another city after making his fast void. Will this terminate the expiation? ANS : No QS # 3 : Is it necessary to give the expiation immediately? ANS : No. But it must not be delayed to the extent as it may be termed as negligence. Means it should not be felt that he does not care to give the expiation. QS # 4 : One year has passed away. I have not given the expiation. Will the expiation increase because of this delay? ANS : No. QS # 5 : Expiation is obligatory on me. But neither can I keep 60 fasts nor can I feed 60 poor. What must I do? ANS : Feed as many poor as you can and ask forgiveness from Allah by saying Astaghfirullah If even a single poor cannot be fed then only seek forgiveness by saying Astaghfirullah Later on complete this expiation whenever possible.

QS # 6 : Can expiation of a Non-Syed be given to a Syed? ANS : It is permissible but better is to avoid this. QS # 7 : Poor Momin means? ANS : Momin: Twelver Shia Poor: Whose expenses are more than his income with respect to his social status.


Important Note: Fasts being delayed in current Month of Ramadhan are mandatory to be kept before the next month of Ramadhan. Qadha fast was kept for the month of Ramadhan: Permissible to break before Zuhr. But It is not permissible to break this fast after Zuhr. In case of invalidating the fast, expiation will also have to be given. ATTENTION: As stated, Qadha fast can be broken before Zuhr. This is only allowed in the cases when there is sufficient time left for example 5 delayed fasts are to be kept and 20 days are left in the month of Ramadhan. But If 5 delayed fasts are to be kept and just 5 days are left in the month of Ramadhan then it is not permitted to invalidate a fast even before Zuhr.

QS # 1 : I am keeping Qadha fasts of a deceased person on payment. Do I have the same order that I can not make a fast void after Zuhr? ANS : No. you can break a fast even after Zuhr. QS # 2 : What is the expiation for invalidating a Qadha fast after Zuhr? ANS : Feed 10 Momin poor fellows to their fill. Or Give each of them 750 grams of wheat or rice etc. If this is not possible then keep 3 fasts consecutively.

NOTE: Giving money to these poor will not suffice. If the money is to be given then they must be restricted to buy wheat etc. This has to be ensured that they will follow the instructions. It is necessary to complete the figure of 10. One person can not be given 10 expiations. QS # 3 : Poor Momin means? ANS : Momin: Twelver Shia Poor: Whose expenses are more than his income with respect to his social status.


As stated earlier, fast delayed in this month of Ramadhan are necessary to be kept before the upcoming month of Ramadhan. Zaid was ill. He could not keep 5 fasts of the month of Ramadhan. After the month of Ramadhan: Zaid became alright. But he did not keep the Qadha fast till the next month of Ramadhan came Or 5 days were left to the next month of Ramadhan. It is obvious that 5 fasts were Qadha. Zaid also wants to fast but he became ill and could not keep. In both the cases it is necessary for Zaid to give expiation for delay and keep Qadha Fasts. ATTENTION: i. We have discussed the illness of Zaid as just an example. If there is any problem other then illness like travel etc. then the decree will remain the same. ii. If someone did not fast or made the fast void intentionally then his responsibility to keep the Qadha fasts before the next month of Ramadhan remains at its place. If not done so, he would be required to give expiation for delay as well in addition to the bigger expiation discussed earlier.

QS # 1 : What is the expiation for delay? ANS : To give 750 grams of wheat or rice etc. to a Momin poor fellow for every fast NOTE: Giving money will not suffice. If the money is to be given then must be restricted to buy wheat etc. This has to be ensured that he will follow the instructions. Expiations for many days can be given to a single person. Expiation for delay is applicable only once. If one more year is delayed then the expiation for delay does not increase. QS # 2 : Poor Momin means? ANS : Momin: Twelver Shia Poor: Whose expenses are more than his income with respect to his social status.


Qs # 1 : Alternative of What? Compensation of What? ANS : Alternative or compensation for not fasting. It has few conditions:


i. Old Age man or woman. ii. People suffering from the disease of excessive thirst. iii. Pregnant woman. iv. Woman suckling a child. v. That person who did not fast because of illness and the illness prolonged till the next month of Ramadhan.

Those men and women who can not fast because of old age: do not have energy to fast Or fasting is very difficult for them It is not obligatory for them to fast. They will give fidya for each fast.

ATTENTION: During the year in any other season when the weather is cold, days are small and it is possible to fast then it is obligatory to keep Qadha alongwith fidya otherwise not.


Those people who are suffering from the disease of excessive thirst and because of that: do not have energy to fast Or fasting is very difficult for them It is not obligatory for them to fast as well. They too will give fidya for each fast.

ATTENTION: For them too if fasting is possible during the year in any other season then it will be obligatory for them to keep Qadha alongwith fidya.

Whose delivery time is near and to fast: Is harmful for herself Or For the child They are not permitted to fast. Give fidya for each fast. Keep Qadha too if becomes capable of fasting later


Whose quantity of milk is less, no other lady is available to suckle the baby, nor is top feed suitable for the baby and to fast: Is harmful for herself Or For the child They are not permitted to fast. Give fidya for each fast. Keep Qadha too if becomes capable of fasting later

Person who did not fast because of illness and His illness prolonged till the next month of Ramadhan Qadha is not obligatory for them. They will only give fidya for each fast.

ATTENTION: 1. If for some other reason, for example travelling, fast was not kept and was in travel during the whole year till the next month of Ramadhan arrived then only Qadha is obligatory on him. Fidya will not become obligatory for him. 2. Likewise if the reason changes for example did not fast because of illness. Later on he became alright and its place was taken by travel till next month of Ramadhan arrived. In this case too, only Qadha will be obligatory and fidya will not become obligatory for him. QS # 1 : What should I give as fidya? ANS : Give 750 grams of wheat or rice etc. to a Momin poor fellow for every fast NOTE: Giving money will not suffice.

If the money is to be given then they must be restricted to buy wheat etc. This has to be ensured that they will follow the instructions. Fidya for many days can be given to a single person. Fidya is applicable only once. Fidya will not increase due to further delay. Explanation of Momin poor has been stated earlier at quite few places.


1. If an insane recovers and becomes sane, it will not be obligatory on him to offer qadha for the fasts which he did not observe when he was insane. 2. If a non-Muslim becomes a Muslim, it is not obligatory on him to offer qadha for the fasts of the period during which he was not Muslim. ATTENTION: If a Muslim apostatizes and becomes Muslim again, he must observe qadha for the fasts of the period during which he remained an apostate. 3. If a person gets intoxicated or unconscious and could not keep the fast then its qadha will become obligatory. ATTENTION: It does not make any difference that: i. This unconsciousness was because of consuming alcohol or any medicine or any other reason. ii. Was consumed intentionally, as a medication or for any other reason.

4. Number Of Qadha Fasts: Qs # 1 : Do not remember. Have doubt whether 5 fasts were Qadha or 6. What is my responsibility? ANS : Keep as many Qadha fasts for which you are 100% sure. 5. Sequence In Qadha Fasts: On me 5 of the month of Ramadhan of 1427 AH And 4 of the month of Ramadhan of 1428 AH

Fasts are left.

QS # 2 : While keeping delay fasts, is it necessary to take care of the sequence that I should keep the delayed fasts for 1427 AH first and then of 1428 AH. Or it is on my choice? ANS : If 4 days are left to the month of Ramadhan of 1429 AH then it is obligatory to keep the 4 fasts of 1428 AH first. If this is not the case, then the sequence needs not to be taken care of.

6. Case: Someone did not keep fasts because of illness or haidh or nifas. And Before the month of Ramadhan would end that person died. QS # 3 : Will these fasts be assumed as qadha of that person? ANS : No


1. Case: A girl has become major (baligh). She is not ill but feels weakness and due to it she can not fast. This thing continues for whole year till the next month of Ramadhan arrives. QS # 1 :Is she excused for the Qadha? ANS : No. Qadha will remain intact. Although fidya is not obligatory. 2. Case: Did not keep fast at young age and now I am old. I have sought forgiveness but can not keep the Qadha fasts. QS # 2 : Am I excused for the Qadha? ANS : No

QS # 3 : Can I make someone responsible in my life to keep my fasts against payment? ANS : No. Make a will so that after death the heirs can take steps in this regard. If desirable, make a will to spend 1/3 from the inheritance on keeping the fasts against payment after death.


1. It is obligatory for the eldest son to observe the qadha fasts of mother and father or make someone responsible to keep. (even by spending money) 2. Eldest Son Means: The eldest among the alive sons at the time of the death of mother or father. The eldest might be younger than the brother who had already died in the life of the mother or father. There is no responsibility of daughters. 3. Only those fasts of mother or father are obligatory on the eldest son that has been certainly lapsed. Ones which are doubtful are not obligatory. 4. If the eldest son does not keep those lapsed fasts or die before he keeps then there is no responsibility of the other sons. QS # 1 : I am the eldest son. I have my own Qadha fasts as well as my late fathers. Which fasts shall be kept first? ANS : There is no sequence in both of them. Any of them can be kept first but: If your Qadha fast are of the last month of Ramadhan and the next month of Ramadhan is about to come means the days left are

equal to the no. of your Qadha fasts then your Qadha fasts are necessary to be kept first.

If conditions fulfill, for a traveller: A) Prayers of 4 rakat (zuhr,asar,isha) Shortens to 2 rakats. And B) Fasting becomes prohibited. Keeping them afterwards becomes obligatory. NOTE: To know the details of these conditions, please refer to Tozeeh-ul-Masail.

1. There is no harm in travelling during the month of Ramadhan but it is not advisable (Makrooh) to travel to evade fasting. 2. It is inappropriate for a traveller and similarly for a person who cannot fast in the month of Ramadhan, to have sexual intercourse or to eat to his fill. 3. If a fasting person travels after zuhr, then it is obligatory for him to complete that days fast. 4. If travels before zuhr then the fast becomes void. It does not make difference whether he had decided from night or not. In this condition too, he cannot eat or drink etc. until he reaches the limit of Tarakkhus.

QS #1 : Limit of Tarakkhus means? ANS : The place from where neither the summons of the city is heard nor the walls of the city are seen. 5. Before zuhr: If a traveller reaches his hometown OR Reaches a place where he intends to stay for ten days Then if he has not committed any of the fast abolishers, it is obligatory to fast. If any such act is committed or he enters after zuhr then that day fast can not be kept and delay fast shall be observed later on.

QS # 1 : Can a person keep the recommended fast if he has pending Qadha Fast for the month of Ramadhan? ANS : No. QS # 2 : Some other fasts like of Ablation (Nadr) or Expiation (Kaffara) is left. Can one keep recommended fast? ANS : Yes (Ayatullah Khoi, Ayatullah Sistani) No (Imam Khomeini, Ayatullah Khamenei) QS # 3 : I kept recommended fast and one of my Momin friend invited me for meal. What is better for me? Invalidating fast by accepting the invitation or completing the fast? ANS : Invalidating recommended fast by accepting the invitation is more rewarding. QS # 4 : Can a wife keep recommended fast without husbands permission? ANS : No

ITEKAF means: to stay in the mosque while maintaining certain conditions. This is a recommended worshipping act. MUTAKIF means: One observing Itekaf QS # 1 : Can Itekaf be obligatory too? ANS : It can become obligatory because of nadr (mannat), qasam or ahad.


1. Mutakif should be Sane: Itekaf of a mentally unstable person is not valid. 2. Intention: Qurbat-an-ilAllah. means performing Itekaf for the purpose of fulfilling one of Allahs recommended orders. It should be clear that niyyat is the name of intention. To speak some words using tongue is not necessary. 3. Fasting During Itekaf: Itekaf can not be observed without fast. This fast may be of the month of Ramadhan or in other months with the intention of Qadha or recommended. This does not make difference.

4. Duration of Itekaf: At least 3 days. No limit for maximum. 5. In which mosque Itekaf can be observed? 1. Masjid-ul-Haram (the mosque around Kaaba) 2. Masjid-e-Nabawi (the place where the shrine of Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W.) is 3. Masjid-e-Kufa 4. Masjid-e-Basra 5. Apart from that, in the Central Mosques of the city, Itekaf can be performed with the intention of Rijay-e-Matloobiat. QS # 2 : Rijay-e-Matloobiat means? ANS : On the hope that this act is desired by Almighty Allah. QS # 3 : Central Mosque means? ANS : Mosques where plenty of people assemble for prayers. QS # 4 : Is it necessary that Friday Prayers are also observed in that mosque? ANS : No 6. For few people, it is necessary to seek permission: For example: i. If wife wants to observe Itekaf then it is compulsory to take permission from husband.

ii. If the parents are unhappy then it is necessary for the child to take permission for Itekaf from them. 7. It is necessary to stay in mosque and not going outside during Itekaf.


QS # 1 : I want to perform Itekaf. From when will my Itekaf commence? From when should I intend? ANS : Assume that you want to observe Itekaf on these three days: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Itekaf will commence from Wednesdays morning summons. Means reach mosque before this and make intention. Itekaf will end on Fridays Maghrib. Means you have to stay in mosque for three days and two nights. Summary: i. Wednesday (starting with morning summons) ii. Thursday iii. Friday (ending with Maghrib summons) It is necessary to stay in mosque for the whole duration.

2. Recommended Itekaf can be made void on first and second day. Itekaf cannot be made void after the start of the third day. Likewise can be made void on fourth and fifth day. After the commencement of sixth day, it cannot be made void. Summary: Itekaf cannot be made void on every third day.

3. During Itekaf went out of the mosque: (A) Intentionally And (B) By his own will Exception: Itekaf is void whether the decree was known or not.

The Itekaf will not become void, If went outside the mosque because of: a) some Logical reason example: For the toilet b) Necessities which the religion dictates example: To perform bath for Janabat c) Necessity deemed so by the general consensus example: To see an ill or To attend funeral


1. Sexual intercourse (to establish sexual relations) 2. Deriving sexual pleasure in any way even touching with sexual desire is also forbidden 3. Masturbation 4. Use of fragrance 5. Buying and selling 6. If bound to purchase any edible then it is permitted. 7. Trading (Business) 8. Discussion and argument to prove that he is better or smarter or to dominate. 9. To argue on religious matters in order to seek Allahs pleasure is permissible. 10. To make some one stand by force and sitting in his place is also prohibited. Likewise to sleep on encroached bed is also prohibited.


Today is the day of 29th of Ramadhan. Iftar time is about to approach. Does not know whether the moon will be sighted or not. Tomorrow will be the last day of the month of Ramadhan. Will we get the chance to keep one more fast or tomorrow will be the Eid day!!!! In the next few pages, it has been tried to clear this ambiguity. I am thankful to Hujjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimeen Maulana Shahid Kashifi for his valuable advice about this part of the book.


QS # 1 : Is it necessary for me to investigate about the moon sighting? ANS : No QS # 2 : If I come to know that moon has been sighted then is it necessary for me to tell others? ANS : No. QS # 3 : I have seen moon myself. Do I have the right to celebrate Eid tomorrow? ANS : Yes. You will have to celebrate Eid tomorrow. It is necessary. QS # 4 : What is to be done necessarily for celebrating Eid? ANS : Only two things have to be taken care of: A. Give fitrah if it is obligatory on you. B. Fasting on the day of Eid is prohibited. QS # 5 : And Eid prayers? ANS : Not obligatory in the occultation of Imam (AS). It is recommended. QS # 6 : New clothes? ANS : Not obligatory. QS # 7 : Vermicelli? ANS : Nothing is obligatory. QS # 8 : Is there any other way to prove appearance of moon except of sighting himself?


: i.

If satisfaction is obtained through the statement of a single person then the advent of the moon will be proven. ii. Two just (Adil) persons give witness about moon sighting then the advent of the moon will be proven. iii. Numbers of persons confirm to have sighted the moon that assure or satisfy a person. QS # 9 : If someone informs about the sighting of moon by scientific research, can it be followed then? ANS : If you are sure then you will have to follow. QS # 10: For me the advent of the moon has proven but my wife does not accept. What should I do? ANS : If it has not been proven for your wife then she must not accept too. QS # 11: What will happen then? She will fast and I will celebrate Eid? ANS : What is the problem in that? QS # 12: She will do sehri and I will stare at her face. She will do iftari and I will see all that? ANS : Only fasting has been made forbidden for you. At sehri time you may have the breakfast. Her iftari will be your dinner. QS # 13: And I would eat whole day and she will look at me?


: You may not eat the whole day for expressing solidarity with her. Which Mujtahid has made it compulsory to eat on Eid day?

QS # 14: I am celebrating Eid today while majority of the city will celebrate tomorrow. Can I offer Eid prayers congregationally with all tomorrow? ANS : Can offer with the intention of Rijay-eMatloobiat. QS # 15: Rijay-e-Matloobiat means? ANS : On the hope that this act is desired by Almighty Allah. QS #16: And other celebrations can also be done on next day? ANS : For example? QS #17 : For example hugging, congratulating etc.? ANS : This all can be done for next many days. No restriction at all. QS #18: Other people of the city are celebrating Eid today. For me the advent of the moon is not proven. I am fasting with a strange feeling. What to do? ANS : Leave the city in your vehicle early in the morning to such a distance that you can be titled as traveller according to Shariah. Invalidate your fast. Come back to the city and later keep Qadha of this fast.

There are three possible conditions for the sighting or non-sighting of Eid moon: ii. Moon is not sighted iii. Not known whether the moon appeared or not Tomorrow is the

first of Shawwal. i. Moon is sighted Celebrate Eid. Prohibited to fast. Give fitrah. Tomorrow is 30th of Ramadhan. Keep fast. It is obligatory. Celebrate Eid day after tomorrow

QS #19: I kept fast assuming 30th of Ramadhan. During the day I came to know that moon was sighted. What should I do? ANS : Invalidate the fast and give fitrah.

Fitrah is a type of Zakat. This guarantees acceptance of the fasts of the holy month of Ramadhan and peace & security till the next year. (Mafatih-ul-Jinan) In next few pages, Decrees regarding fitrah are explained briefly in such a manner that Momineen may easily fulfill their responsibilities. For details, refer to the books of Jurisprudence. Hujjat-ul-Islam Wal-Muslimeen Maulana Ali Nasir Mehdavi had a look and gave valuable suggestions regarding this part of the booklet. I am thankful to him. Dawoodani

Qs # 1 : To whom is Fitrah obligatory? ANS : The one who fulfills the following conditions: i. Is major i.e. Baligh (fitrah is not obligatory on minors) And ii. Is sane (fitrah is not obligatory on insane) And iii. Is not a poor (fitrah is not obligatory on a poor) NOTE : Poor is the person whose expenses are more than his income with respect to his social status. And iv. Is conscious (fitrah is not obligatory on unconscious) And v. Is not a slave (is free). QS # 2 : Whose fitrah is to be paid? ANS : Fitrah shall be paid of himself and those dependants on him (means considered as those who eat at his place) irrespective of majors or minors. Supplementary Q # 01: If Zaid is considered as the one who eats at Hasans home then is it not necessary for Zaid to pay his own fitrah? ANS : No

Supplementary Q # 02: How is this known whether Zaid is considered among those who eat at Hasans home or not? ANS : Society will decide this. If society considers Zaid among those who eat at Hasans home then Zaids fitrah will be obligatory on Hasan otherwise not. Supplementary Q # 03 : My fitrah is obligatory on my father but he does not pay that. Is it obligatory for me to pay my fitrah myself in this case? ANS : No QS # 3: How much shall be paid as fitrah? ANS : 3 kg wheat 3 kg rice Or or or Its cash value Its cash value

NOTE: i. In case of giving money it should be known that whether the price of wheat is being given or of rice. ii. It must be clear that other commodities apart from wheat and rice can be given as fitrah. But there are details that are stated in major books. QS # 4 : Whom shall the Fitrah be given? ANS : To such a Shia Ithna Asheri Momin who is: i. A poor (definition of poor has been mentioned under answer of Q # 1) And ii. Not an alcoholic And iii. Not the one who does not say his daily prayers And iv. Not the one who commits sin openly (for example the one who shaves his beard or a woman who does not observe hijab) And v. Not known to use the Fitrah in sinful way Note: a) Giving fitrah to such a person fulfills the responsibility. b) Fitrah of a Non-Syed cannot be given to a Syed. QS # 5 : (A) ANS : When shall fitrah be paid? At the night of Eid after the sunset.

QS # 5 : (B) ANS :

Till what time fitrah must be paid? Before the Eid prayers if being offered, Otherwise before Zuhr.

Supplementary Q: There is a poor man in my knowledge and he fulfills the stated conditions too. Can I pay him the fitrah before the night of Eid or even before the month of Ramadhan? ANS : You give him loan and later at the night of Eid adjust it with the fitrah. Intend to give fitrah from the amount of the loan. QS # 6 : Is the intention for giving fitrah compulsory? ANS : Yes. Paying fitrah is a worshipping act. Hence intention is also necessary. One must remember that niyyat is to intend in heart. To speak some words from tongue is not necessary. Only the intention that I am performing this act to fulfill Almighty Allahs orders is intention and this is sufficient. QS # 7 : At the time of paying fitrah, is it necessary to inform that it is fitrah?


: No. Rather if the self respect of the fitrahtaking person is being affected then it is better not to inform him.

WALHAMD-U-LILLAH-E-RABBIL AALAMEEN With the request for prayers in the month of Ramadhan & Shab-e-Qadr Awaiting your comments & suggestions Muhammad Raza Dawoodani www.dawoodani.com [email protected]



In the name of Allah I have gone through this booklet compiled by Maulana Muhammad Raza Dawoodani. He has tried to present Fiqh rulings in a unique style. This is a new trend in Urdu language. He has focused on following four points: 1. To discuss the rulings which believers generally come across 2. To use friendly language spoken in daily life 3. To set a side the differences of interpretation and mention the precautionary aspect where ever possible 4. To follow logical sequence without getting into the details. There are always merits and demerits in innovations. So is the case with this booklet. This booklet will be helpful to many brothers in faith in solving their problems but since it explains the precautionary angle, can cause extra physical and financial efforts. Generally, Momineen refer to rulings for their practical needs. This booklet will be the best assistant on any such occasion. In the end, I pray for the acceptance of Agha Muhammad Raza Dawoodani's this effort and hope this

will please Imam-e-Zamana (AS.). May Allah grant him further Taufeeq to work on other chapters of Fiqh in a similar fashion. Wassalam ... (Sd./-) Ali Raza Swalehi 1st Mah-e-Ramadhan 1429 AH.

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