Martial Heroes Info
Martial Heroes Info
Martial Heroes Info
* Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Uninstalling
4. Game start procedure
5. Interface info in Game
6. Character Creation
7. Shortcut Keys
8. System Requirements
9. Support
1. Introduction
Martial Heroes (D.O second edition) is a full 3D online martial arts game
such a world. When reading a martial arts novel, a reader usually stretches the
imagination in his or her own way, where he or she becomes a hero or heroine,
fighting enemies who are threatening the peaceful world for his or her guild,
overcoming crises to obtain gifts from the gods, and finally becoming the head of
the world.
By playing Martial Heroes (D.O second edition), you can enjoy a realistic fantasy
world spreading before you, differentiated from existing martial arts worlds
described only in the imagination.
2. Installation
How to install Martial Heroes?
Client installation
- Go to or
- Before you start, Martial Heroes download game client.
- Click game client icon in Martial Heroes download menu.
- After Martial Heroes download finished, and then please follow the below steps;
3. Uninstalling
Step 1: Member log in screen will appear. Click on the icon at the bottom of
�� Log in: Move to the next step of the log in menu.
Step 3: Select a character such as Warrior, Assassin, Monk or Mage, and then
click ��Game Start��.
Step 4: Click on the any servers among some servers. (Recommend ��Karma��)
You should see a loading screen at the moment, and then finally, you can play
Marital Heroes.
Set Graphic:
* Allows you to set quality of Ingame Graphic��s, High, Medium and Low:
* Character��s View
* Background View
* Land Effects
* Sky Effects
* Weather Effects
* Water Effects
* Shadow Effects
* Brightness
* Allows you to set to volume for:
* Monster��s and character��s
* Sound Effects
* Background Music
�� Inventory ( I ) :
* Inventory displays the character��s current armor and items.
* Equipment Description
1. Weapon: All weapons have status point requirements. Weapons cannot be equipped
until these are meant. ��ATL + Z�� is a short cut for switching between two
different equipped weapons.
2. Jacket, Pants, Inner-Armor, Shoes and Cape make up suits. Caps, bracelets,
necklaces and Rings make up your accessories.
* Inventory Description
1. The Inventory allows your character to carry items/armors with you. It is
composed of three sections and each is made up of 40 slots. Width (8) * Length (5)
2. Below your Inventory is your current currency: Gold, Silver and Bronze. 1000
Bronze is equivalent to 1Silver and 1000 Silver is equivalent to 1Gold.
3. Destroy: The selected Item will be completely destroyed rather then dropping it
on the ground.
4. Vending: Setup a shop to sell items to other players.
�� Other player Information menu (Hold CTRL and left click on the player) :
* Trade, Check Equipment, Request battle, Invite to Guild, Set Position, Invite to
Party, Secret Telling, Register Friend, Register Disregard List, Brotherhood,
Master and Disciple.
1. Trade:
* To sell an item to another player you must first hold CTRL and left click on the
player, then select Trade from the popup window. Please make sure you check the
trade items carefully before accepting the trade.
2. Check Equipment:
* You may view another player��s equipment they are wearing at the time.
* Your equipment window will show up next to the other players. This equipment
check function can be disabled in the ��Other Character�� section of the ingame
4. Request Battle:
* Dueling with other players is good to test the characters power or just for
fighting with another character.
* The other player has to agree to the duel for it to start.
* The duel will not end until one of the players has been killed. Neither the
winner nor loser will loose or gain any EXP. However if dueling in a field with
many monsters around the player which died will have low HP after the duel which
may cause death.
5. Invite to Guild:
* This option is for people who have made their own guild and wish with recruit
members, you can only recruit members after level 48.
* Only the Guild leader or 2nd Leader can invite people to the guild.
* New guild members must be at least level 36 with a fame level of 100.
6. Character Creation
*Character division
Warrior (long sword, axe, spear)
Assassin (bow, claw, dagger)
Mage (sword, fighting fan, gauntlet)
Monk (staff, maul, flying wheel)
��Five statistic points are given to increase character��s ability. Those points
are recommended to leave for later use.
1) Strength: Determines physical attack strength.
2) Dexterity: Determines hit rate and speed.
3) Constitution: Determines defense and life force.
4) Agility: Determines movement, attack speed, and critical hits.
5) Intelligence: Determines mana force.
��Statistic points increase each ability.
7. Shortcut Keys
IInventoryMMini-map.(Left clicking the mini-map will show the whole map for that
region)RRun/WalkSSkill tree.Ctrl + Left clickRequest a dual, party, trade with
other charactersALT + AAttack/Peace ESC, OOptionPrint ScreenScreen shot will be
saved in the screenshot folder.F2, F3, F4Switch between your three different Hot
Key bars.F1, HHelpQQuest InformationPParty.(Will open a party information window)F
Friends listALT + ZSwitch weaponsNo.(1 ~ 7)No.1~7 will use the corresponding
skill/pot on your Hot Key bar.EnterStart/Stop chatF5 ~ F12Select the other players
in your party.InsertView change. (first-person, third-person, isometric view)C
Character information.TabSwitch between chat modes.
8. System Requirements
Minimum System
- Pentium III 500MHz or better
- Win 98/ME/2000/XP
- 256 MB RAM
- Higher than graphic ram 32MB
Recommended System
- Pentium 4 1GHz or better
- DSL/Cable/Lan or faster
- Win 2000/XP
- Higher than 512MB
- Higher than graphic ram 64MB
9. Support
If you have any questions or comments, please contact us immediately
Our official website: