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1.1 - Department Rules of Conduct 1.2 - Disciplinary Procedures 1.3 - Grievance Procedures

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3 Department Rules of Conduct Disciplinary Procedures Grievance Procedures


Effective Date: December 18, 1973 Last Amended: January 26, 2007

Index as:

Rules and Regulations Rules of Conduct


PURPOSE The Department Rules of Conduct are published for the benefit of all employees and are intended to ensure conformance to departmental, local, state, and federal laws, statutes, ordinances, policies, and rules and regulations. POLICY It is the policy of the Garden Grove Police Department to provide all employees with a password that allows access to the network and in turn the General Orders. It shall be the responsibility of the employee to familiarize him/herself and comply with all such policies, orders, directives, rules and regulations of this department. VIOLATION OF RULES Employees shall not commit or omit any acts which constitute a violation of any rules, regulations, directives, orders, or policies of this department, whether stated in this General Order or elsewhere. Employees shall be responsible for their own acts, and they shall not shift to others the burden or responsibility for executing or failing to execute a lawful order or duty. TRANSITION FROM THE GARDEN GROVE POLICE MANUAL This General Order replaces Section II of the Garden Grove Police Manual. The section numbers for each of the Rules of Conduct will be placed in parentheses after the rule title. A violation of the Rules of Conduct will be described as, "Violation of General Order 1.1 - Rules of Conduct: Performance of Duty (2.1.9)."

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PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT AND RESPONSIBILITIES Standard of Conduct (2.1.1) Employees conduct shall, at all times, whether on or off duty, be governed by ordinary and reasonable standards of conduct and behavior. Loyalty (2.1.2) Loyalty to the department and to associates is an important factor in departmental morale and efficiency. Employees shall maintain a loyalty to the department and their associates that is consistent with the law and personal ethics. Cooperation (2.1.3) Cooperation between the ranks and units of the department is essential to effective law enforcement; therefore, all employees shall establish and maintain a high spirit of cooperation within the department. Assistance (2.1.4) Employees are required to take appropriate police action toward aiding fellow peace officers exposed to danger or in a situation where danger might be impending. General Responsibilities (2.1.5) Within the City of Garden Grove, employees shall at all times take appropriate action to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Enforce in a reasonable and prudent manner all federal and state laws and local ordinances relating to the control of crime and regulation of conduct. Take such action as may be necessary and operate in such a manner as to assure the citizens of the city that orderly activities of the community may proceed without disruption from criminal and irresponsible elements. Be responsible for the protection of life and property from criminal attack and in emergency situations when the welfare of the community is threatened. Cooperate with and assist citizens of the community and units of the city, county, state, and federal government with such problems and in such situations as customs and traditions dictate in matters both criminal and non-criminal. Treat all persons equally and with fairness, regardless of race, ethnic group, creed, or social status; avoiding disrespectful or discourteous conduct.

Duty Responsibilities (2.1.6) Employees of the department are always subject to duty although periodically relieved of its routine performance. Employees shall, at all times, respond to the lawful orders of superior officers and other proper authorities. Appropriate police action must be taken whenever required. The administrative delegation of the enforcement of certain laws and ordinances to particular units of the department does not relieve employees of other units from the responsibility of taking prompt, effective
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police action within the scope of those laws and ordinances when the occasion so requires. Employees assigned to special duties are not relieved from taking proper action outside the scope of their specialized assignment when necessary. Insubordination (2.1.7) Failure or deliberate refusal of any employee to obey a lawful order given by a superior officer shall be considered insubordination. Ridiculing a superior officer or his orders, whether in or out of his presence, is also insubordination. Chain of Command (2.1.8) Employees in doubt as to the nature or detail of their assignment shall seek such information from their supervisors by going through the chain of command. The chain of command shall be used in handling all departmental business. Performance of Duty (2.1.9) Employees shall perform their duties as required or directed by law, departmental rule, policy or order, or by order of a superior officer. All lawful duties required by competent authority shall be performed promptly as directed, notwithstanding the general assignment of duties and responsibilities. Knowledge of Laws and Regulations (2.1.10) Employees are required to establish and maintain a working knowledge of all laws and ordinances in force in the City of Garden Grove; the rules, regulations, and policies of the department; and the general and special orders of the department and divisions thereof. In the event of improper action, it will be presumed that the employee was familiar with the law, rule or policy violated. Obedience to Laws and Regulations (2.1.11) Employees shall observe and obey all laws and ordinances, all rules and regulations of the department, and all general, special and personnel orders of the department and divisions thereof. Establishing Elements of Violation (2.1.12) Existence of facts establishing a violation of the law, ordinance or rule, is all that is necessary to support any allegation of such as a basis for a charge upon which discipline may be imposed. It is not necessary that a formal criminal complaint be filed or sustained. Courtesy/Sexual Harassment/Discrimination (2.1.13)

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Courtesy (2.1.13(a)) Employees shall be courteous to the public and fellow employees. Employees shall be tactful in the performance of their duties, shall control their tempers, exercise patience and discretion and shall not engage in argumentative discussions even in the face of extreme provocation. In the performance of their duties, employees are discouraged from using coarse, violent, profane or insolent language or gestures. Gossiping about an employee of the department concerning issues of personal character or conduct to the detriment of the employee is prohibited. Discrimination (2.1.13(b)) In the performance of their duties employees shall not express any prejudice or harassment concerning race, religion, politics, national origin, gender, life style or other personal characteristics. Sexual Harassment (2.1.13(c)) Sexual harassment is prohibited. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal, written, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, constitutes sexual harassment when: 1. 2. 3. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individuals. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.

Official Business - Confidential (2.1.14) Employees of the police department shall treat as confidential the official business of the department. Communication - Unauthorized (2.1.15) Employees shall not willfully communicate or give out any information which may aid a person to escape arrest or delay the apprehension of a criminal or secure the removal of stolen or embezzled goods or other valuables. Departmental Equipment, Use of (2.1.16) Employees shall not use departmental stationery, forms, or other supplies and equipment for personal use except as authorized by a commanding officer/manager. Employees shall not drive, operate, or otherwise use any departmental equipment unless authorized to do so.

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Record Information Use (2.1.17) Employees shall not obtain or attempt to obtain any information from the department files or reports other than that to which they are entitled in the performance of their official duties. Departmental Equipment, Control (2.1.18) Employees shall maintain strict control of departmental equipment at all times to prevent loss, damage, or other misuse or abuse. Employees shall not allow anyone to drive, operate, ride in or on, or otherwise use any departmental equipment except as authorized or in the performance of official business. Department Equipment - Radio Equipped (2.1.19) Employees assigned radios or using radio equipped units during their official duties shall maintain radio contact with the station and keep the radio dispatcher advised of their radio status whenever possible. Departmental Equipment - Report of Damage (2.1.20) Any employee damaging (regardless of how slight) or losing departmental equipment shall report the circumstances immediately to his/her immediate supervisor. Department for Mailing Address, Use of (2.1.21) Employees shall not use the department as a personal mailing address, or for delivery of goods or merchandise purchased by them. Endorsements and Referrals (2.1.22) Employees shall not recommend or suggest in any manner, when acting in their official capacity, the employment or procurement of a particular product, professional or commercial service (such as an attorney, ambulance service, towing service, bondsman, mortician, etc.). When any such service is necessary in the performance of official duties, employees shall proceed in accordance with established departmental procedures. Tickets, Fixing (2.1.23) No employee of this department shall tamper with or attempt to fix any ticket or ask for any suspended sentence in any case in any court.

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Internal Operation - Information (2.1.24) All written information supplied to any city employee not employed at the Department, or any official or any civilian person or group pertaining to or affecting the internal operation of the police department shall be submitted to the Chief of Police for approval before it is issued. All official correspondence shall include the typed signature of the Chief of Police. Firearms, Carrying of (2.1.25) Sworn employees of this department who are on duty shall carry a firearm as prescribed in the General Orders. Firearms, Firing of (2.1.26) An employee who fires a weapon accidentally (on or off duty), intentionally on duty or in the performance of a police service, except on an approved range, shall immediately report the incident in writing through the chain of command to the Chief of Police. Employees shall not fire a weapon intentionally, on or off duty, except as authorized by law, General Order, or department policy, rules and regulations. Firearms, Display of (2.1.27) No employee shall display or draw a firearm except for inspection or use in connection with official duties. Employees shall exercise the utmost care and caution in the use of firearms at all times. Employees are specifically prohibited from engaging in any form of "dry" shooting in any police building or public place, except as a part of a training course or inspection under supervision. This term is meant to include any form of aiming or trigger-pull practice, or the dropping of the hammer under any circumstances. An employee carrying or wearing a weapon in civilian clothes (on or off duty) shall insure the weapon is not conspicuously exposed to view. Firearms, Unloading (2.1.28) An employee seizing or otherwise receiving a loaded firearm in the course of his/her official duties shall immediately unload the weapon unless it must remain loaded as evidence. If left loaded, it must be clearly marked and placed in the appropriate evidence storage area. Firearms, Cleaning or Loading of - Restrictions (2.1.29) The cleaning, repair, display, and loading or unloading of firearms is restricted to the locker rooms, briefing room, property and evidence, the SWAT connix container and the department armory. The muzzle of the weapon shall be placed in the provided accidental discharge containment system when loading, unloading or checking that the weapon is loaded or unloaded. All weapons shall be handled with the utmost safety at all times.
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Evidence (2.1.30) Employees taking any personal property or object into their possession in connection with their official duties either as personal property of a suspect, arrestee, or prisoner, or as evidence, or found property, or any other reason whatsoever shall as soon as reasonably practicable, "book" such property or object in the appropriate property storage area. Supervisors, Conduct (2.1.31) No supervisor or superior officer shall discipline, correct, or otherwise treat any subordinate in any manner that may humiliate or degrade that subordinate. No supervisor or superior officer shall intentionally discriminate against any subordinate personnel. No superior officer or supervisor shall order any subordinate to arrest or cite any person suspected of a misdemeanor violation of law witnessed by the superior officer or supervisor but not witnessed by the subordinate. Visiting Prohibited Establishments (2.1.32) Employees shall not knowingly enter or frequent any establishment (house of prostitution, gambling house, etc.) wherein the laws of the United States, the state, or the local jurisdiction are regularly violated except in the performance of duty or while acting under proper and specific orders from a supervisor. Associations with Felons (2.1.33) Employees shall avoid regular or continuous associations or dealings with persons whom they know, or should know, or have reason to believe are racketeers, sexual offenders, suspected felons, or who have a reputation in the community for present or past involvement in felonious criminal behavior, except as necessary to the performance of official duties, or where unavoidable because of other personal relationships. Public Appearances and Statements (2.1.34) Employees shall not publicly criticize or ridicule this department, its policies, or employees, verbally or in writing or other manner of expression, where such expression is defamatory, obscene, unlawful, undermines the effectiveness of this department, interferes with the maintenance of discipline, or is made with reckless disregard for truth or falseness. Abuse of Position (2.1.35) 1. Use of Official Position or Identification Employees are prohibited from using their official position, badges, official identification cards, or business cards a. For personal or financial gain b. For obtaining privileges not otherwise available to them except in the performance of duty
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For avoiding consequences of illegal acts (such as traffic citations, driving under the influence, etc.) Employees may not lend their identification cards or badges to another person, or permit them to be photographed or reproduced. Use of Name, Photograph or Title Employees shall not permit or authorize the use of their name, photographs, or official titles which identify them as members of the department, in connection with testimonials or advertisements of any commodity or commercial enterprise.


Failure to Meet Standards (2.1.36) Employees shall properly perform their duties and assume the responsibilities of their positions. Employees shall perform their duties in a manner which will tend to establish and maintain the highest standards of efficiency in carrying out the functions and objectives of this department. Failure to meet standards may be demonstrated by a lack of knowledge of the application of laws required to be enforced; an unwillingness or inability to perform assigned tasks; the failure to conform to work standards established for the employee's rank, grade, or position; the failure to take appropriate action on the occasion of a crime, disorder, or other condition deserving police attention; absence without leave; unauthorized absence from the assignment during a tour of duty; the failure to submit complete and accurate reports on a timely basis when required or when directed by a superior. Use of Force (2.1.37) Employees will use only the force necessary to accomplish lawful objectives. Employees shall use force in accordance with law and established departmental procedures. Use of Lethal/Less lethal Weapons (2.1.38) Employees shall not use or handle lethal or less lethal weapons (such as chemical agents, batons, tasers or any other weapon that has been approved for department use) in a careless or imprudent manner. Employees shall use these weapons in accordance with law and established departmental procedures. Arrest, Search, and Seizure (2.1.39) Employees shall not make any arrest, search, or seizure which they know, or ought to know, is not in accordance with current law and established department policies and procedures. Reporting Off-Duty Incident (2.1.40) Employees shall report all law enforcement contacts (other than traffic infractions) when they are the suspect in or target of another agencys investigation, anytime they take official law enforcement action in a situation, and when they witness the off-duty criminal conduct of another employee which results or may result in a law enforcement response.
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ORDERS Manner of Issuing Orders (2.2.1) Orders from superior to subordinate shall be in clear and understandable language, civil in tone and issued pursuant to departmental business. Employees are required to obey any lawful order of a superior regardless of the method of conveyance. Unlawful Orders (2.2.2) No commander or supervisory officer shall issue an order which is known to be in violation of a law or ordinance. Obedience to Unlawful Orders (2.2.3) Obedience to an unlawful order is not considered a defense for an unlawful action; therefore, no employee is required to obey an order which is contrary to federal or state law or city ordinance. Responsibility for refusal to obey rests with the employee. The employee shall be strictly required to justify their action. Obedience to Unjust or Improper Orders (2.2.4) Employees who are given orders they feel to be unjust or contrary to rules and regulations as differentiated from "Unlawful Orders" described in section 2.2.3, must first obey to the best of their ability (except when ordinary and prudent knowledge would indicate that the order would be detrimental to the department or city), and then may proceed to appeal the order by submitting a memorandum to the Chief of Police for his review and/or action. Conflicting Orders (2.2.5) Upon receipt of an order conflicting with any previous order or instruction, the employee affected will advise the person issuing the second order or instruction of this fact. Responsibility for countermanding this original command then rests with the individual issuing the second command. If so directed, the latter command shall be obeyed first. Orders or instructions will be countermanded or conflicting orders or instructions will be issued only when reasonably necessary for the good of the department. The person issuing the original command shall be notified in writing by the person issuing the second command of the action taken and the reason thereof. Reports and Appeals (2.2.6) An employee receiving an unlawful, unjust or improper order shall at first opportunity file a memorandum to the Chief of Police. The report shall contain the facts of the incident and the action taken. Appeals for relief from such orders may be made at the same time. Extra departmental action regarding such an appeal shall be conducted through the office of the Chief of Police.
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GENERAL CONDUCT ON DUTY Prohibited Activity (2.3.1) Employees are prohibited from engaging in the following activities while on duty, with the exceptions noted: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sleeping, loafing, idling Recreational reading (except during breaks and meals) Conducting personal business without supervisory approval (except during breaks and meals) Gambling (except in the line of duty) Excessive socializing with officers, city employees, or citizens during the performance of official duty.

Loitering (2.3.2) Employees on duty or in uniform shall not enter taverns, theaters or other public places except to perform a police task. Loitering and unnecessary conversation in such locations is forbidden. Employees off duty and not on official standby status shall not loiter in department areas, other than those normally designated for use as recreation areas. Relief from Assignment (2.3.3) Employees are to remain at their assignment and on duty until properly relieved by another employee or until dismissed by proper authority. No employee may relieve another employee who is on duty without the approval of his supervisor. Meals and Breaks (2.3.4) Employees may suspend their police duty for a lunch or break period to be taken within their beats or assigned areas, subject to modification by their commanding officer. Meals, if eaten in a restaurant, shall be eaten in public view. Eating in a licensed liquor establishment, although not forbidden, is discouraged. Reporting On-Duty Incidents (2.3.5) Employees shall promptly submit such reports as are required by the performance of their duties or by proper authority. Whenever an employee believes that misconduct has occurred, the employee shall submit a written memorandum to his/her immediate supervisor. Reports, Falsification of (2.3.6) Employees shall not make or cause to be made false official reports, written or oral, nor shall they make false reports, written or oral, for the purpose of obtaining time off.

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Honesty (2.3.7) Except as necessary in furtherance of their official duties, employees shall be honest and truthful in the performance of their duties on behalf of the department. Absence without Leave, Tardiness (2.3.8) An employee who fails to appear for duty on the date and at the time and place specified for so doing without the consent of proper authority is absent without leave. Absence without leave includes being late or totally absent for an assignment. Inspections (2.3.9) From time to time the Chief of Police, or delegated supervisors, may call for inspections of the department or any part thereof. Employees directed to attend such inspections shall report in the uniform prescribed carrying the equipment specified. Unauthorized absence from such inspection is chargeable as "absence without leave." Meetings, Court Cases, Etc. (2.3.10) Employees required to attend meetings, court cases, or other assignments by schedule, order of the department, or order of the court shall do so on the date and time specified and at the place designated. Failing to do so is chargeable as "absence without leave." Absence, Notification (2.3.11) Employees shall notify the on-duty Watch Commander at least one (1) hour prior to the assigned reporting time if they do not intend to report for assigned duty. The Watch Commander shall notify the employee's commander and/or immediate supervisor. Physical Fitness for Duty (2.3.12) All employees of the department shall maintain good physical condition so they can handle the strenuous physical contacts often required of a law enforcement officer. Smoking on Duty (2.3.13) Employees shall not smoke or use tobacco products on duty while in direct contact with the public. The police facility has been designated as a no-smoking area. Employees shall not smoke or use tobacco products in City owned and leased vehicles.

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Address and Telephone Numbers (2.3.14) When hired by or assigned to the police department, employees shall immediately record their current address and telephone number with the department. Employees are required to have a telephone in the place where they reside. Changes in address or telephone number shall be reported to the police department within twenty-four (24) hours of the change. The appropriate form provided for the purpose of notification of these changes shall be used. Employees home phone numbers and addresses shall only be disclosed to police department and City personnel on a needto-know basis and according to law. Marital Status (2.3.15) Employees shall report all changes in their marital status, such as marriages, divorce, and deaths of dependents within twenty-four (24) hours thereafter, except when such employees are absent from the department for approved reasons in which case the report shall be made upon their return. Prisoners, Mistreatment of (2.3.16) An employee shall not willfully mistreat a prisoner or any person, but shall only use the amount of force necessary to affect an arrest or maintain control of a situation. Uniforms, Wearing of (2.3.17) All employees are required to wear proper uniform or civilian dress while on duty. In addition, employees are required to appear neat and clean at all times in public while on duty. Identification (2.3.18) Employees shall carry their badges, if applicable, and identification cards on their persons at all times, except when impractical or dangerous to their safety or to an investigation. They shall furnish their name and badge number to any person requesting that information, except when the withholding of such information is necessary for the performance of police duties, or is authorized by proper authority. Bulletin Boards (2.3.19) Employees reporting for duty are required to check the main bulletin board, outside the downstairs locker rooms, respective divisional bulletin boards, schedules, department e-mail accounts and personal boxes and acquaint themselves with the events that have taken place since their last tour of duty. Citizen Complaints (2.3.20) Employees shall courteously and promptly accept and record in writing any complaint made by a citizen against any employee of any department policy or procedure. Employees may attempt to resolve the complaint, but shall never attempt to dissuade any citizen from lodging a complaint against any employee or any department policy
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or procedure. Employees shall immediately notify their superior officer of a complaint as required by department procedures. (Refer to General Order 4.8 - Internal Affairs Unit.) ALCOHOL AND DRUGS Departmental Premises (2.4.1) Employees shall not bring into or keep any intoxicating liquor on departmental premises except when necessary in the performance of a police task. Liquor brought into the departmental premises in the furtherance of a police task shall be properly identified and stored according to established policy. Consumption (2.4.2) Employees shall not consume alcoholic beverages while off duty to the extent that evidence of such consumption is apparent when reporting for duty, and/or their ability to perform their duty is impaired. Employees shall not consume alcoholic beverages while on duty unless necessary in the performance of a police task and then only with the specified permission of a commanding officer and never in uniform. Employees shall be responsible for their conduct at all times. Intoxication (2.4.3) Employees shall not at any time be under the influence of alcohol while on duty. They shall not, at any time off duty, be intoxicated in public. Use of Drugs (2.4.4) Employees shall not use any controlled substances, narcotics, hallucinogens, or marijuana except when prescribed in the treatment of employees by one legally authorized to prescribe such medication. When controlled substances, narcotics, or hallucinogens are prescribed, and the employee is taking these substances while on duty or in such close proximity to going on duty that it would create an effect, employees shall notify their superior officer. (NOTE: Controlled substances are defined under Section 11007 and Sections 11054 through 11058 of the Health and Safety Code.) Supervisory Responsibilities (2.4.5) Supervisors shall take appropriate action if they suspect any employee has consumed alcohol, drugs, or prescribed medication. The following behaviors may evidence such use: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Impaired speaking ability Inability to perform work properly Behavior is creating a safety hazard Problems walking or other physical activity impairment Presence of an odor of an alcoholic beverage on the breath
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GIFTS AND GRATUITIES Soliciting/Accepting (2.5.1) Employees shall neither solicit nor accept free or discounted meals, drinks or other gratuities; the offering of which may be linked to their employment with the Garden Grove Police Department or the acceptance of which may cast an adverse reflection on the department. This does not preclude the Chief of Police from accepting donations on behalf of the Police Department. Definition of Donation and Gratuity: Donation: A gift or consideration to the Police Department which primarily benefits the community or the Police Department as a whole. Example: Command Post, Officer Elk, Vests, K-9's. A gift or consideration given to the Police Department or an individual which does not benefit the community as a whole. Example: Free Coffee, Half-Price Meals.


Disposition (2.5.2) Any unauthorized gift, gratuity, loan, fee, reward or other thing of value falling into any of these categories coming into the possession of any employee shall be forwarded to the office of the Chief of Police together with a written report explaining the circumstances of the receipt. Free Admissions and Passes (2.5.3) Employees shall not accept or solicit free admission to theaters or other places of amusement for themselves or others except in the line of duty. Other Transactions (2.5.4) Employees are prohibited from buying or selling anything of value from or to any complainant, suspect, witness, defendant, prisoner, or other person involved in any case which has come to the employees attention or which arose out of the employees departmental employment when such transaction might tend to cause adverse reflection on the department or any employee. REWARDS General (2.6.1) Unless authorized by the Chief of Police, employees shall not accept any gift, gratuity or reward in money or other consideration for services rendered in the line of duty to the community or to any person, business or agency except lawful salary and any additional legal amounts set forth in the Salary Ordinance, or other city authorized programs.
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MISCELLANEOUS Personal Financial Obligations (2.7.1) No public safety officer shall be required or requested for purposes of job assignment or other personnel action to disclose any item of his property, income, assets, source of income, debts or personal or domestic expenditures (including those of any member of his family or household) unless such information is obtained or required under state law or proper legal procedure, tends to indicate a conflict of interest with respect to the performance of his official duties, or is necessary for the employing agency to ascertain the desirability of assigning the public safety officer to a specialized unit in which there is a strong possibility that bribes or other improper inducements may be offered. Political Activity (2.7.2) Employees are prohibited from: 1. Using their official capacity to influence, interfere with or affect the results of an election. When on duty employees are to remain neutral in all situations, never rendering an opinion as to the qualifications of any candidate, potential candidate or issue. Directly or indirectly, use, promise, threaten or attempt to use an official influence in aid of any partisan political activity, or to affect the result of any election to partisan or political office, or upon any other corrupt condition or consideration. Engaging in any political activity while in the uniform prescribed for any officer or employee of the City of Garden Grove or during any hours in which he has been directed to perform his assigned duties.



Labor Activity (2.7.3) Employees of the department shall have the exclusive right to form, join, and participate in the activities of employee organizations of their own choosing for the purpose of representation on all matters of employer/employee relations including, but not limited to, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. No employee shall be interfered with, intimidated, restrained, coerced, or discriminated against because of the exercise of these rights. Employee organizations may represent their individual employee members in individual employment relations with respect to all matters within the scope of representation. Civil Litigation (2.7.4) The employee shall have the right to bring civil suit against any person or group of persons, including heads or members of business, social, or educational organizations for damages suffered, either pecuniary or otherwise, or for abridgment of their performance of official duties.

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In addition to any administrative procedures available to the employee regarding the filing of complaint and grievances, any employee may institute an action in a civil court to obtain redress or grievances.

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Effective Date: December 18, 1987 Last Amended: March 4, 2002

Index as:

AB 301 Appeal Procedures Disciplinary Records Peace Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act Reports of Disciplinary Action Skelly Meeting


PURPOSE The purpose of this General Order is to establish policies and procedures for the establishment of an effective and fair system of discipline for all department personnel. All disciplinary action shall be administered for the purpose of insuring that the offense will not recur, and that the best interests of the city and the police department will be paramount. Discipline may be imposed as a counseling and educational process to assist an employee in meeting the minimum standards set by the department. GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS The tenure of every employee shall be based on reasonable standards of personal conduct and job performance. Failure to meet such standards shall be grounds for appropriate disciplinary action, which shall be commensurate with the seriousness of the offense and with due consideration of the employee's prior performance and disciplinary record. All disciplinary action against any employee shall be based on and controlled by the provisions herein. Causes for disciplinary action include, but are not limited to, violations of the Garden Grove Police Department General Orders Manual, Chapter 1 - Rules of Conduct.

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AUTHORIZED FORMS OF DISCIPLINE: INFORMAL OR POSITIVE DISCIPLINE The forms of discipline outlined below are considered informal or positive forms of discipline. These forms of discipline may be considered when evaluating a subsequent similar violation provided that such informal disciplinary action was recorded in writing at the time of the offense and the employee was afforded an opportunity to submit a written response thereto. Positive discipline may be reported to the Chief of Police at the option of the supervisor issuing the discipline or the employee receiving the discipline. Certification for Retraining Certification for retraining is when a violation was caused primarily by the employee being incompetent or inadequately prepared for his/her responsibilities, and it is in the best interest of the department that the employee undergoes additional training. The specific nature and procedure for a given retraining shall be determined by the Chief of Police and/or the employee's division commander/manager. Counseling Counseling is when an employee is verbally made aware of his or her violation by a supervisor, but there are circumstances that impair the employee's ability to comply with the provisions contained herein; and action is taken by the supervisor to work with the employee in an attempt to correct the problem rather than take other disciplinary measures against the employee. The counseling may be documented on an Employee Performance Log form. When a performance log is used to document the counseling, the supervisor shall not make reference to any potential future disciplinary action based upon the actions(s) or behavior of the employee discussed in the counseling session. For example, the concluding statement in a documented counseling on a performance log should simply read something like, this performance log shall serve as documentation of this counseling session. Note: A counseling performance log does not entitle the employee to any type of appeal process, however, as with any Divisional performance issue, the employee may discuss the counseling performance log with the next highest level in the chain of command. The performance log is placed in the employees Division File for a one-year performance evaluation period. Division Discipline Division discipline is any corrective action approved by the division commander not amounting to formal disciplinary action. The corrective action shall not be of a nature that would embarrass or degrade the employee. An employee receiving division discipline may request and may receive formal discipline in its place.

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Oral Reprimand An Oral reprimand is when an employee is made aware of his or her violation verbally by a supervisor and is informed that he or she is in violation of a specific section contained herein and is instructed to comply in the future. The supervisor may make reference or comments on how similar action(s), behavior or policy violations may result in future potential punitive discipline. The oral reprimand will be documented on a Garden Grove Police Department Intra-departmental Memorandum; however, a City of Garden Grove Personnel Action Form (PAF) is not completed. The Oral Reprimand is retained in the employees Division File for one year from the date received. In the event an Oral Reprimand is used to document a specific section contained herein, the employee may make an appeal to the next higher-level supervisor in the employees chain-of-command. The employee receiving the Oral Reprimand has four days in which to write a memorandum to the next highest level of supervision in the employees chain of command, requesting a meeting on the matter. The finding by the supervisor is binding, and no further appeal process is allowed. AUTHORIZED FORMS OF DISCIPLINE: FORMAL OR NEGATIVE DISCIPLINE The forms of discipline outlined below are considered formal or negative forms of discipline and shall be considered as previous offenses when considering subsequent violations. A record of all negative discipline by an employee shall be maintained in the employee's permanent personnel file. Written Reprimand A written reprimand is a formal intra-departmental memorandum reprimand by a supervisor and approved by the Chief of Police, or his designee, finding a subordinate in violation of a specific section(s) contained in the Rules of Conduct and stating that the violator has been formally or officially reprimanded. The disciplined employee shall be advised of the finding in writing by use of the City of Garden Grove Personnel Action Form. In any disciplinary action resulting in a written reprimand, the Chief of Police need not require the employee to appear before him although the employee may demand and receive the reprimand from the Chief of Police personally. In the event of a written reprimand, if an employee wishes to appeal the disciplinary action to a higher level, he or she may request a meeting with the Chief of Police via memorandum. The finding by the Chief of Police is binding, and no further appeal process is allowed.

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Suspension Suspension is the temporary removal of an employee's name from the city payroll and from his/her position and the seizing of his/her badge, identification card and department issued firearm, if applicable. The Chief of Police, or his/her designee, may suspend an employee for the good of the city or police service and for violating reasonable standards of personal conduct and job performance. Unless extended by approval of the City Manager, the maximum period of suspension shall be 30 working days. All suspension days shall run consecutively and shall not include any scheduled days off. The department may choose to offer an employee who is subject to a suspension the alternatives of a salary step reduction or loss of accumulated vacation time of an equal monetary value, and has the right to utilize a mandatory step reduction as a form of discipline. Demotion Demotion is the reduction of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class having a lower maximum salary rate. The Chief of Police shall advise the Personnel Officer in writing of his/her intention to demote an employee prior to taking such action. Dismissal Dismissal is the involuntary separation of an employee from the city service upon a sustained violation of General Order 1.1. The Chief of Police shall advise the Personnel Officer in writing of his/her intention to dismiss an employee prior to taking such action unless there are reasonable circumstances which prohibit such notification. In dismissing an employee, the Chief of Police shall make an order in writing, stating specifically the cause for dismissal and the effective date of the dismissal. The Chief of Police shall give a copy of said order to the employee and forward a copy to the Personnel Director. The Chief of Police may allow the employee to resign in lieu of dismissal if he believes a resignation may be in the best interests of the city or police department and/or the employee. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES Whenever a supervisor discovers that a subordinate may have violated the Rules of Conduct or engaged in other misconduct, he/she shall investigate the matter thoroughly and take immediate action. Investigations into alleged employee misconduct can be initiated at any level in the chain of command. Whenever an employee believes that a violation of General Order 1.1, Rules of Conduct, has occurred, the employee shall submit a written memorandum to his/her immediate supervisor. The supervisor has the responsibility to take appropriate action to ensure that the matter is investigated promptly and thoroughly. Whenever an employee feels that his/her supervisor or any other supervisor in the department is in violation of the Rules of Conduct, General Order 1.1, he shall submit
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a memorandum to the Chief of Police detailing the circumstances. The Chief of Police or his/her designee will cause an investigation to be conducted. If an investigation into alleged misconduct results in a conclusion that violation of General Order 1.1, Rules of Conduct, has occurred, then a recommendation for disciplinary action shall be initiated from within the bureau where the employee is assigned. In all disciplinary actions other than positive or informal discipline, the supervisor shall prepare all memoranda and reports pertinent to the investigation for the Chief of Police, or his/her designee. The supervisor will include a recommendation of the disciplinary action to be taken. All pertinent reports and memoranda will be reviewed through the employees chain of command. All forms of positive or informal discipline may be carried out by a supervisor without the approval of his/her immediate supervisor or the Bureau Commander. DISCIPLINARY INTERVIEWS If at any time during an investigation into misconduct it becomes necessary to interview a sworn employee of the department, the person conducting the interview shall adhere to all of the procedural rights afforded the employee under the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act. (Government Code Sections 3300-3311 this legislation is also referred to as "AB 301 Rights.") There is no legal requirement to advise non-sworn employees of the procedural rights specified in the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights; however, all interviews must be conducted under the following conditions: 1. The interview shall be conducted at a reasonable hour, preferably at a time when the employee is on duty, unless the investigation is such that an immediate interview is required. If an employee is interviewed during off-duty time, the employee shall be compensated for such off-duty time in accordance with regular department procedures. The interview shall take place at either an office within the police facility or any other place agreeable to both parties. The employee under investigation shall be informed prior to such interview of the nature of the investigation; the rank, name, and command of the officer in charge of the investigation; the interviewing officers; and all persons present during the interview. All questions directed to the employee being interviewed shall be asked by and through no more than two interviewers. Interview sessions shall be for reasonable periods of time and shall allow for such personal necessities and rest periods as are reasonably necessary. An employee being interviewed shall not be subjected to offensive language. No promise of reward or threat of disciplinary action shall be made as an inducement to answer or to elicit a specific answer to any question. An employee shall not be ordered to submit to visits or interviews by the press or news media. The employee's home address, photographs, or phone number
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2. 3.

4. 5.






shall not be given by the department to the press or news media without the employee's express written consent. The complete interview of the employee including the identification by time of all recess periods shall be tape recorded, and there shall be no unrecorded questions or statements. At the request of the employee under investigation, a copy of the tape of the interview shall be made available to the employee if any further proceedings are contemplated by the department or any other agency known to the department. The employee may tape record the interview for his/her own use. If the employee about to be interviewed is under arrest or is likely to be placed under arrest as a result of the interview, the employee shall be completely informed of the employee's constitutional rights under the Miranda decision prior to the commencement of any interview. If the employee being interviewed is a peace officer and it appears that the officer may be charged with a criminal offense as a result of his/her misconduct, or the officer refuses to answer a question on the grounds that it may be selfincriminating, the officer shall be given a Lybarger warning. Such warning shall include advising the officer that although he/she has the right to remain silent and not incriminate him/herself, his/her refusal to answer a question may be deemed insubordination for which he/she may be disciplined, and that any statement made under the threat of disciplinary action could not be used against him/her in any subsequent criminal proceeding. An employee about to be interviewed shall have the right to be represented by counsel, an employee association member, or anyone else not connected with the investigation. The representative may be present at all times during the interview(s), but may not participate or interfere with the investigation. An employee shall have the right to name witnesses to be interviewed by the investigating officer. DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURES FOR SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES

When conducting Internal Affairs investigations into allegations of misconduct, it may become necessary to require an employee to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Undergo a medical or laboratory examination, at the department's expense, when the examination is specifically directed and narrowly related to a particular Internal Affairs investigation being conducted by the department; Be photographed, if no current photo is available in the department files; Participate in a lineup; and Submit financial disclosure statements.

All of the procedures outlined above will be completed in accordance with current state law, the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act (California Government Code Sections 3300 - 3311), and any other applicable laws or current Memorandum of Understanding. EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATIVE LEAVE
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Any Bureau or Division Commander/Manager has the authority to place an employee on immediate, paid administrative leave when it appears that such action is necessary and in the best interest of the department. The person issuing the suspension will notify his/her immediate superior and the Chief of Police of the action taken and prepare a written memorandum to the Chief of Police. The badge, identification, and department-issued weapon will be taken from the suspended employee. The employee may be placed on administrative leave with pay pending an investigation into the matter or notification by the employee's Bureau Commander. An employee placed on emergency administrative leave by his/her Division Commander/Manager shall be required to report to his/her Bureau Commander the following working day at a specified time. The division commander/manager imposing the administrative leave shall also report to the Bureau Commander the following day and advise him/her of the action taken. REPORTS OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION Whenever formal disciplinary action is taken or recommended, the format attached to this General Order is to be used. The report is to be directed to the Chief of Police via the chain of command. At the conclusion of the formal disciplinary action, the supervisor initiating the discipline will complete a department Disciplinary Action Report. The report summarizes the discipline and is maintained in a file established by the Administrative Services Bureau Commander as a means of reviewing the number and types of disciplinary actions completed. The report also allows for consistency in the imposition of discipline for specific violations. A copy of the Disciplinary Action Report is attached to this General Order. DISCIPLINARY RECORDS Counseling or positive disciplinary actions as authorized in this General Order may be documented at the discretion of the supervisor or manager on an Employee Performance Log or Intra-Departmental Memorandum. Any written documentation will be reviewed by the employee and placed in his/her personnel file at the division level. The employee shall have the opportunity to submit a written response thereto. The file can be purged after all entries have been appropriately documented in the employees annual evaluation or up to one year from the date of occurrence, whichever occurs first. Formal or negative disciplinary actions shall be documented on a Personnel Action Form (attached) and a copy given to the employee and the Personnel Officer.

All documentation supporting the imposition of formal or negative discipline shall be reviewed by the employee, and placed in his/her permanent personnel file.
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The employee may submit a written request that a disciplinary action be purged from his/her permanent employee file. The Chief of Police or his/her designee will make a final decision on the request. NOTICE OF DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS (SKELLY NOTICE) It is the policy of this department to adhere to the requirements of the Skelly decision and notify the employee of any pending disciplinary action that involves a loss of compensation. This includes discipline in the form of dismissal, suspension without pay, demotion, or punitive transfer if a pay decrease is involved. The employee is formally notified of the pending disciplinary action in the form of a standardized written memorandum. A copy of the investigation package, including copies of any tape recordings, and any other materials upon which the proposed disciplinary action is based, are given to the employee. A sample of the Notice of Disciplinary Proceedings memorandum (Skelly Notice) is attached to this General Order. DISCIPLINARY (SKELLY) MEETING The employee shall have the opportunity to respond orally or in writing to the proposed discipline. If the employee chooses to respond orally and in person, he/she has the right to be accompanied or represented by an individual of the employees choice as long as that person is not associated with the investigation or the disciplinary action. If the recommended discipline is a suspension of 80 hours or less, the Skelly meeting shall be held before a Bureau Commander (Captain). For any discipline more severe than an 80-hour suspension, the Skelly meeting shall be held before the Chief of Police. At the conclusion of the Skelly meeting, the Bureau Commander or Chief of Police shall prepare a memorandum setting forth his/her decision as to the discipline to be imposed. APPEAL PROCEDURES All authorized appeals of disciplinary actions shall be governed by Section 2.44.390 of the City of Garden Grove Municipal Code as follows: The appeal procedure described herein shall apply to cases of disciplinary action or in individual classification problems, resulting in demotion or otherwise, affecting the regular full-time employee. It shall not be applicable to those positions which may be deemed exempt by Council resolution or to probationary employees. Following a review of a proposed disciplinary action by the employee's immediate supervisor and department head, the Personnel Officer, where indicated, will cause to
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be served on the employee affected, by registered mail or personal delivery, a statement of the specific charges against the employee or the reason for the classification action. This statement will clearly inform the employee that he has the right, within seven working days after receipt of this notice, to request a hearing on the charges or classification action by filing a request with the City Manager. If within the seven day appeal period the employee involved does not file an appeal, unless cause for the failure is shown, the action of the City Manager will be considered conclusive and will take effect as prescribed by him. If within the seven day appeal period the employee involved files such notice of appeal, the following procedure will be followed. There will be created an Ad Hoc Personnel Appeals Board which will be selected as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The City Council will appoint one person, not directly or indirectly involved in municipal operations. The appellant (employee) will appoint one person, not directly or indirectly involved in municipal operations. Both of the members of the Ad Hoc Personnel Appeals Board will select a third member from a panel submitted by the American Arbitration Association. The board will select its own chairman. The cost of the appeal proceedings will be shared equally by the city and the appellant (employee). Within five days after the information of the Ad Hoc Personnel Appeals Board, it will fix the hearing date. This hearing will be a public hearing, unless the employee requests a closed hearing.

At least 72 hours prior to the hearing the employee will have the right to submit to the City Manager the names and addresses of witnesses to testify in his behalf. These witnesses will be subpoenaed by the City Manager for their presence at the hearing. The employee will have the right to be represented at said hearing which will not be bound by technical rules of evidence. Within five days after the conclusion of the hearing, the Ad Hoc Personnel Appeals Board will notify the employee involved and the City Manager of its decision. This decision will be subject to review by the City Manager and City Council with the review limited to the record regarding hearing procedures.

NOTE: Under the current Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Garden Grove and the Garden Grove Police Association, the City may elect to amend the
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appeals procedures set forth above so that it would no longer be required to serve subpoenas on behalf of the disciplined employee; in which case the employee would be responsible for causing such subpoenas to be served. The witnesses shall not be entitled to receive any compensation from the city for an off-duty appearance at a disciplinary proceeding in response to the subpoena issued on behalf of the disciplined employee. The MOU further provides that the above appeals procedures shall not be available for either a Warning/Reprimand or Suspension of less than one (1) work day. ******* The association concurred with the change. NOTE: The City and the Garden Grove Police Association have further agreed that they may waive their right to have a disciplinary appeal decided by a tripartite ad hoc personnel board, as described in Section 2.44.390 of the Citys Municipal Code, and agree to have a single arbitrator serve as the hearing officer. Attachments: Employee Performance Log Form Intra-Departmental Memorandum re: Disciplinary Action (Written Reprimand)

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DATE: TO: Joseph M. Polisar, Chief

Employee Involved: Date of Hire: Current Assignment: Shift - Days Off: Date of Violation: Prior Similar Discipline: (include dates) ALLEGATION(S): This section is to explain what the officer is accused of and the appropriate violation. FACTS: This section contains a factual statement of what transpired. INVESTIGATION: This section contains the details of the investigation. MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES: This section documents and gives consideration to any mitigating circumstances. Mitigating circumstances are those facts or other information that may affect the final recommendation. RECOMMENDATIONS: This section is a simple statement of the investigating employee's recommendation for the type of discipline to be imposed.


26.1.3, 26.1.4, 26.1.5, 26.1.6, 26.1.8, 26.1.9, 52.1.7, 52.3.3, 52.3.5,

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Effective Date: January 1, 1988 Last Amended: May 25, 1993

Index as:

Employee Relations


PURPOSE The purpose of this General Order is to establish grievance procedures for employees of the police department that are consistent with the conditions established in the Garden Grove City Council Resolution Number 4066-71 Employee Relations. POLICY It is the philosophy of the City of Garden Grove Police Department that there should be free verbal communication between employee and supervisor. It is the intent of this General Order to establish a normal chain of command grievance procedure which will preserve the integrity of the organizational structure and at the same time provide employees a known means of voicing a grievance. A grievance may be presented by an individual employee or by a representative of a group of employees. It is the spirit and intent of these procedures that all grievances be settled quickly and fairly without any subsequent discrimination against employees who may seek to adjust a grievance, real or imagined. GRIEVANCE DEFINED A grievance is any difference of opinion concerning the interpretation of the Employee Relations Resolution, documents adopted pursuant to the resolution (such as Memorandums of Understanding), rules and regulations governing personnel practices, or working conditions. The grievance process as established is not applicable to matters covered by Garden Grove Municipal Code Section 2.44.390 Appeal Procedure.

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PROCEDURES When an employee feels that he has a grievance as defined above, he may initiate formal action to secure a review of the grievance by top management. Such action should be used, however, only after informal appeal through discussion with the employee's immediate supervisor has not been successful. Step 1 If the problem cannot be resolved between the employee and the supervisor, the employee may, within seven calendar days from the date of receiving an answer from the supervisor, request and be granted an interview with the Bureau Commander (Captain) to discuss the grievance. Step 2 If the Bureau Commander and employee cannot reach a solution to the grievance, the employee may, within seven calendar days from the date of receiving an answer from the Bureau Commander, request and be granted an interview with the Chief of Police. Step 3 If the Chief of Police and the employee are unable to arrive at a satisfactory solution, the employee may, within 14 calendar days from the date of the decision by the Chief of Police, submit two copies of the grievance in writing, one copy to the Chief of Police and one copy to the employee's immediate supervisor. The written statement will include the following information: 1. 2. 3. The facts upon which the grievance is based Allegation of the specific wrongful act and the harm done The remedy or adjustment that the employee seeks

The supervisor will acknowledge receipt of the grievance by indicating the date, time and his name on the grievance and will forward it through his chain of command. The employee will be given a copy of the grievance after it has been received and acknowledged. If the Chief of Police receives a grievance in writing, he and the City Manager will jointly analyze the facts or allegations and respond to the employee within 14 calendar days. The response shall be in writing, will affirm or deny the allegations, and will identify the remedy or adjustment, if any, to be made. The response will be considered an expression of city management's viewpoint, and will be final. If the time limits at any step in the process elapse, the grievance shall be considered withdrawn. Time limits may be extended by mutual consent.

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EMPLOYEE REPRESENTATION A sworn employee of the department may be represented in the grievance process by a member of the Garden Grove Police Association or a person hired by the association to represent its membership. Civilian employees may be represented by a member of the Garden Grove Chapter of the Orange County Employees' Association or a person hired by the association to represent its membership. MAINTENANCE AND CONTROL OF GRIEVANCE RECORDS The Administrative Services Bureau Commander is responsible for the coordination of the grievance process and will establish a secure file for maintenance of records relating to all written grievances. Upon resolution of the grievance, or when procedural steps have been exhausted, all grievance documents will be forwarded to the Administrative Services Bureau Commander for storage. A second copy of the grievance and all applicable reports will be maintained by the city's Personnel Director. ANNUAL REVIEW OF GRIEVANCES An annual review of all grievances will be conducted at the direction of the Administrative Services Bureau Commander to determine the need to modify any department policies and procedures, and to identify areas of potential personnel problems.


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