Satan's Strategies
Satan's Strategies
Satan's Strategies
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Table of Contents:
First Confrontation
Satan-- the Deceiver -- Attack on Eve -- pgs. 3-11
Second Confrontation
Satan -- the Destroyer -- Attack on Job -- pgs. 12-20
Third Confrontation
Satan -- the Ruler -- Attack on David -- pgs.. 21-29 Fourth Confrontation Satan -- the Accuser -- Attack on Joshua -- pgs.. 30-37 Extra Messages Putting Our Adversary to Flight -- pgs.. 39-42 Dont Give Satan A Beachhead -- pgs.. 43-47 Christs Conquest of Satan On Our Behalf -- pgs. 48-51
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The purpose of this series of messages is to share in detail about Satan and the strategy he uses to wreck your Christian life and (if possible) to destroy you. There are four persons in the Old Testament who had a direct confrontation with Satan. Lord willing, we will look at these over a period of time on Sunday evenings! From their experience we will learn about: the targets Satan aims at in your life, the weapons he uses to attack you, the purposes that he wants to achieve, the defenses God has provided for you. What we will be sharing is like a manual of arms for the Christian soldier. These are not devotional messages, but deadly serious material for the dedicated Christian who is on the battlefield and wants to know how to win over the enemy. These truths will be of little value unless they are put into practice. This series will deal with essentials -- with rock-bottom fundamentals -- of what God teaches us in His Word about Christian warfare. Satan will do everything he can to keep you from benefiting from this series of messages. He will distract you, detour you and he will seek to confuse you, or perhaps even make you critical so you do not apply truth. Remember, Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world. (I Jh 4:4) For he delivered us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son. (Col. 1:13) Major Texts: John 8:40-44; Rev. 12:9; II John 7; Genesis 3:1-7
B. If Satan can get you to believe a lie, then he can begin to work in your life to lead you into sin. 1 . Satans desire is to control your thinking so he can control your actions. 2 . Satan does not spend his time on peripheral things; he concentrates on his goal -- to control what you believe. II Cor. 10:3-5; Jh 8:32 3 . This is why we must apply Philippians 4:8. not allow it to enter your mind.) (If the thought is not true, do
4 . Proverbs 23:7 means: For as he thinks within himself, so he is. The doctor says, You are what you eat. The Bible says, You are what you think. Satan knows the tremendous power of your mind, and he tries to capture it for himself. 5 . Consider Isaiah 26:3; Romans 8:5-8; and Psalm 15:1-2.
a . Indeed. . . has God said? He did not deny whether God had spoken, he simply questioned whether God had really said what Eve thought He had said. b . Satan was suggesting: You owe it to yourself to rethink what God said, Perhaps you misunderstood what He said. c . Satan was also questioning whether God is good or not. He was implying, If God was good to you, really loved you, would He keep something good from you? 2 . He Denied Gods Word: a . You surely shall not die! It is but a short step from questioning Gods Word to denying it. b . If Eve just had not listened to Satans words she would never have fallen into the trap of denying Gods truth. 3 . He Substituted his own lie: a . Satan desired for Eve to feel that by taking of the fruit she would be like God. b . They were already created in the image of God, but Satan tempted them with an even great privilege -- to be like God! c . This, of course, was Satans ambition (as Lucifer, Gods angelic servant). (Isa. 14:12-14) d . As a created being, he desired to be worshiped and served like the Creator. Copyright 2000, Revival In The Home Ministries 4
a , She omitted the word, freely. Gods original word in Genesis 2:16 was, From any tree of the garden you may eat freely. b . We get the impression that Eve caught Satans subtle suggestion, God is holding out on you! c . When you start to question or forget the grace of God and the goodness of God, you will find it much easier to disobey the will of God. 2 . She added to Gods Word: Gen. 3:2
a . We do not find the words or touch it, in Gods original command. b . Not only did Eve make Gods original word less gracious by omitting the word -- freely, but she also made the command more grievous by added the words -- not touch it. c . Gods commands are not grievous (I John 5:3). Satan wants us to think that Gods commands are burdensome, and that he has something better to offer. 3 . She changed Gods Word: Gen. 3:2
a . God did not say, lest you die, for He said, For in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die. (Gen. 2:17) b . The penalty for disobedience as presented by the enemy did not seem as harsh, therefore, Eve could consider forsaking Gods will and obeying Satans will. c . When we fall into the first traps (# 1 and 2 above) we are wide open for the devils final trick. He merely urged Eve to consider the tree apart from Gods Word. Get a good look at it! See it as it really is! It was good for food. . . a delight to the eyes. .. desirable to make one wise. Gen. 3:16) She had to make a choice: Gods Word or Satans word. She rejected Gods Word, believed Satan, and sinned. You and I suffer from the same consequences of such a choice! And we fall the same way. . . we seemly do not learn from history. . . from Gods revelation!
GOD Accomplishes His Will On Earth Through TRUTH! SATAN Accomplishes His Purposes On Earth Through LIES!
A . What About Gods Truth? 1 . When the child of God believes Gods truth, then the Spirit of God can work
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2 . Christ said, Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. (Jh 8:32) 3 . Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and God is the God of all truth! (Jh 14:6) (The opposite is seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, that are propagated by demons. He seeks to control what men believe! ( I Tim. 4:1) B. What about Satans lies? 1 . When a person believes a lie, then Satan goes to work in that life; for he is a liar, and the father of lies. (Jh 8:44) Faith in Gods truth leads to victory; faith in Satans lies leads to defeat! 2 . Satan is not going to advertise: This is a lie! He is the serpent, the deceiver, and he always masquerades his lies as Gods truth! (See II Cor. 11:13-14) 3 . Satan is a c o u n t e r f e i t e r . . . an imitator: a . There are, therefore, counterfeit Christians, dangers among false brethren -- II Cor. 11:26; for the tares are the sons of the evil one. (Matt. 13:38) b . There is a counterfeit gospel. (Gal. 1:8) c . There are counterfeit ministers of the gospel. d . There is a counterfeit righteousness. (II Cor. 11:14-15)
(Rom. 10:3)
e . There is even a counterfeit church of Satan. (Rev. 2:9) f . And this counterfeit church has counterfeit doctrines. (I Tim. 4:1) 4 , All of this will end in the coming or appearance of the counterfeit Christ -the Anti-Christ! He will claim for Satan the worship and service of the whole world. (I Thess. 2:8-10; Rev. 13:8) C. What About the Importance of Your Thinking? 1 . Our thinking is the foundation of our choices, our attitudes, and emotions. 2 . Either our minds are under Gods control, as we think Gods thoughts -- His Word. . . or our minds are open to delusions, Satanic input, lies, sinful choices, and human reasoning. 3 . We are what we put into our hearts (Matt 12:33-35), but we cant put any thing into our hearts except by the thinking process. 4 . So, we become in character what we are by what we think upon!
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5 . All the counterfeit things Satan uses can only have sway, power, or c control in our lives because in the process of thinking we embrace that which is spurious, sinful, anti-God, anti-Bible and wrong. 6 . W h o and w h a t has control of your thinking? To what degree do you think Gods thoughts? Does His Word p e r m e a t e your mind and heart? ____________________________________________________________________ Yes, Satans target is your mind. . . and His weapon is lies! . . . What is his purpose? This we will see in the next message!
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A . Apart from Gods Word, we have no sure understanding of the WILL of God. 1 . The will of God is Gods express purpose for our daily lives. 2 . The will of God is also the expression of Gods love for us.
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(Psa. 33:11) 8
a . God wants the understanding of His will to fill us and control us. (Col. 1:9) b . Gods will ought to be our delight. (Eph. 6:6) c . His will is not grievous, nor just a duty, but to know and do His will ought to bring great joy. (Compared to Jesus in John 4:34; Hebrews 12:1-2.) d . We need to stand perfect and fully assured in the will of God. (Col. 4:12) B. Satan works to deter us from Gods will. 1 . Satan desires for you to be ignorant of the will of God. 2 . He will seek to rob you of all the glorious blessings God has planned for your life and especially those things already yours. (Eph. 1:3-12; 2:5-7) 3 . He will work to get you to make bad decisions, get involved in sinful practices, to think wrong thoughts, to hold on to lies instead of truth, and to build the wrong kind of life. (And you will then encourage others to go wrong by your influence.) 4 . Tragic consequences DO take place when people are out of Gods will. 5 . Christians who are ignorant of Gods will (or stubbornly disobey) will lose their e n j o y m e n t of Gods peace and power. (I John 2:15-17; Col. 3:15-17)
II. Your ONLY DEFENSE Is the inspired Word of God. . . This IS OUR DEFENSE!
Only the inspired Word of God can reveal and defeat the devils lies. You cannot reason with Satan, nor (as Eve discovered) can you even safely converse with the devil. You are no match for Satan. Mans wisdom is no match for Satans snares, cunning, deceitfulness, darts or wiles. We have only one defense -- that is the sure Word of God. (Psa. 119:9-11; 1:1-3) A . Consider Christs sure defense. 1 . The weapon that Christ used when He faced Satan was His Word. (Matt. 4:1-11, vs. 4) Can we stand without it? 2 . Our Lord did not use His divine power to answer or defeat Satan -- but He used the same weapon we have -- the powerful Word of God. (Heb. 4:12)
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We too are
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If Satan cannot defeat you by deceiving your mind. . . he will try to destroy your body! In this study of the second person who had a direct confrontation with the devil we see how Satans aim is also to attack the body! As the serpent, he deceives, as the lion (I Pet. 5:8) he devours. Often when we resist his deceit, then he will attack the body. JOB experienced this attack!
____________________________________________________________________ I. SATANS TARGET -- Your Body! A . Job is the prime example of this kind of attack: 1 . He lost the fruit of his body -- his children. 2 . He lost the means to sustain his body -- his flocks, herds, and wealth. 3 . He lost the health of his body -- when he contracted a loathsome disease. 4 . He even lost his wifes support as she counseled him to curse God and die. 5 . He lost the support of so called friends, as they believed his problem was hidden wickedness in his life. Satan did a thorough job of attacking Jobs body and all that related to it! B. The examples of Satans attack upon the bodies of various people is seen over and over again in the gospels. 1 . Satan, through his demon helpers, attacked and sought to destroy the lives of many. Has he changed? . . . I think not! 2 . He caused one man to be dumb. (Matt. 9:32,33) (Bk of Job, chap 1 - 2)
3 . He even attacked a child and tried to get him to destroy himself in the water and in the fire. (Matt. 17:14-18) 4 . He caused a woman to be bent over and disabled. (Luke 13:11-17)
5 . Christ went about doing good, healing all who were oppressed of the devil,
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1 . Satan could not attack Gods possessions until God gave him permission. 2 . He could not touch Jobs body without Gods consent. 3 . Satan cannot touch the life of a saint of God without Gods consent, this ought to bring great comfort to the Christian. God must o r d a i n it for
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4 . The one thing God cannot control -- is H O W we RESPOND to suffering. It is here that Satan will gain his purpose! We make the choice of how we respond to the suffering life brings! C. There is natural suffering we experience simply because we are humans! 1 . We cant prevent the gradual breakdown of the body as we grow older, although we seek to delay it. a . We are subject to sickness and injury, b . we lose loved ones and friends as death claims them, c . we find ourselves slowing down when we wish we could speed up. 2 . The inconvenience and even the pain, of being a weak human being in a dangerous world cannot be blamed on the devil. All of creation groaneth together because of the bondage of sin. (Rom. 8:28-29) D. God sometimes permits His children to suffer that He might Discipline them. 1 . Our Heavenly Father loves us too much to allow us to be a rebel. 2 . He chastens us that we might conform to His will. 3 . The word chastening means child-training! 4 . The purpose of discipline is to mature of His child. to persecute us, but to perfect us. Gods purpose is not (Heb. 12:5,6)
5 . Chastening is not the work of an angry judge as he punishes a criminal, but the work of a loving Father as he perfects a child. 6 . When David did not confess his sin for about a year. . . David suffered physically, emotionally, and spiritually. (Psa. 32:1-5) 7 . God often allows suffering in our lives to simply build us up and to help us to mature and be more Christ-like. E. Some storms of life come even though we are obedient. (Matt. 14:22-33) 1 . They were not in the storm because they had disobeyed the Lord. 2 . Christ was testing and perfecting their faith. 3 . He used the event to show them how weak their faith was.
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Conclusions: 1 . We sometimes suffer simply because we are human. 2 . We suffer, too because we disobey the Lord and need to be chastened. 3 . We also suffer that God might perfect our faith and help us grow. 4 . But there is a kind of suffering that is Satans weapon -- that is what Job experienced. While all the calamities seem to have a perfectly natural explanation -- Satan, at Gods permission, was behind all of it. 5 . When God permits Satan to light the furnace of suffering, He always keeps His own hand on the thermostat! Job did not know what was going on behind the scenes. He had no idea God was permitting him to suffer that Satan might be silenced. 6 . Jobs home and body were only the arena in which two combatants -- God and Satan --were struggling against each other. Satan wanted to use Jobs body to Defeat God, and God wanted to use Jobs body to defeat Satan. Glory, Job walked by faith! You cant control the fact of suffering -- but you can control the result. . . your response!
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1 . When you find yourself restless, nervous, anxious to do something, you can be sure that you are not trusting your Heavenly Father to work. 2 . F a i t h and p a t i e n c e go hand in hand; they go together.
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D. Impatience is also a mark of fleshly living. . . trusting the old nature. 1 . The flesh nature (or sin nature) is always restless, impatient, and dependent upon self. But the fruit of the Spirit is . .. love, joy, peace, long suffering, (patience), gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, or self-control. 2 . If you are an i m p u l s i v e , impatient believer, you can be reasonably sure that you are NOT walking in the Spirit, but you are living by the energy of the flesh -- the sin nature. (Read, study -- Gal. 5:16-17, 24) 3 . Impatience leads to costly mistakes, to living outside of Gods will. (Consider Abrahams decision to take Hagar as a wife. Consider King Sauls decision not to wait for the prophet Samuel to come.) E. God wants to make you patient. 1 . Patient enduring is enriching. Satan tempts us that he might bring out the worst in us, but God permits it that He might bring out the best in us. (Job. 23:10; I Pet. 5:10) 2 . We cannot learn patience by reading a book or hearing a sermon. It comes by patiently going through the trials that God brings to us. a . God seeks to mature us, so He puts His tools on our lives. b . God seeks to build our faith so He assigns trials to us. c . God desires we would w a l k in the power of the Spirit. When life is making you uncomfortable, your family problems, friends, finances, or feelings are making you frustrated, angry, impatient -- then beware. It is a great opportunity for Satan to work in your life and you are in danger of making the wrong decision in your impatience and potential anger.
(I Pet. 5:10;
II Cor. 9:8)
He is the God of all grace. (Rom. 5:15; I Pet. 4:10) The Holy Spirit who indwells us is the Spirit of grace. (Heb. 10:29) Gods throne is the throne of grace. (Heb. 4:16) His Word is the Word of His grace. (Acts 20:32) Gods grace is not some mystical substance, but it is His provision for our every need. Grace is Gods bountiful supply of our every need for grace cannot be deserved, or earned -- it can only be received!
B. Every spiritual blessing we have comes about by Gods grace. 1 . We are saved by grace -- Eph. 2:7-9 2. We have grace for serving -I Cor. 15:9 II Cor. 8:1-9; Col. 3:16; 9:7-9 4:6
4 . We receive grace for singing, and speaking -5 . God gives us grace for suffering -I Pet. 5:10
C. What steps should you take when Satan attacks your body? 1 . Immediately submit yourself to God. If you rebel, you will give Satan another foothold in your life. Tell God exactly how you feel, but also tell him that you love Him and will trust Him, come what may. (Job. 13:15; Phil. 1:20) 2 . Thank God for the trials. (Eph. 5:20; I Thess. 5:18; II Cor. 12:9)
This does not mean that you enjoy suffering, but only that you rejoice because you are suffering in the will of God and you know that He is in control. Satan hates it when believers thank God in their trials. (Acts 16:14... story of Paul, Silas in jail.) 3 . Spend much time in the Word of God. (Acts 20:32; Psa. 1:1-2; Josh. 1:8) It is the Word of His Grace (Acts 20:32), and the gracious promises of God will strengthen you. Remember -- we do not live on explanations, but on promises, Gods promises. (II Cor. 1:20; II Pet. 1:4; II Cor. 7:1) a . God did not tell Abraham all that He was doing, but He did give Abraham all the promises he needed to keep going, and walking in Gods divine plan. (Gen. 15:1, 5-7; Rom. 4:20-21) Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now have I kept thy Word. . . It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes. (Psa. 119:67,71) b . You will discover in Gods Word the promises and encouragements you need for each day.
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4 . Look for ways to glorify Christ with your body. Phil. 1:20)
(I Pet. 4:16;
a . Remember, God wants YOU to use your body to glorify Him. (I Cor. 10:31) b . Satan wants to use your body to disgrace the Lord. Patient suffering always glorifies God. (Unsaved people cant understand how Christians can suffer and not complain or rebel. (Compare with the book of Philippians.) c . You can grow in patient endurance. You can experience Gods grace and love within your life. d . His presence w i t h i n can more than compensate for the inconvenience and suffering without. Circumstances can work for you. . . not against you! e . You cannot control the origin or the o p e r a t i o n of suffering, but with Gods help you can control the o u t c o m e . (II Cor. 12:9-11) Gods grace is there!
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4 . But the Christian life is basically a matter of the W I L L which is activated by a surrendered mind. . . thinking right! a . We are to love God with all our heart (emotions), our strength (will), and our mind (intellect). b . Our obedience ought to be intelligent and it ought to be motivated by a warm and loving heart. ____________________________________________________________________ The Holy Spirit wants to instruct the mind through the Word, inspire the heart with true and holy emotions, and then strengthen the will to do the will of God. ____________________________________________________________________ 5 . Your will is important because your will helps to determine your character. a . Decisions mold character, and decisions chart the direction of your life. b . It is the will that must direct the life. (You may blame your circumstances or other people or your feelings. . . but this is only an excuse.) c . You were saved by being willing to accept Christ, (Jh 1:12) and you may grow and serve only by saying. . . Thy will, Lord. What wilt thou have me to do? ____________________________________________________________________ C o n s i d e r : Many Christians have the idea that Christian love is a feeling. It is not, it is a willing. We are commanded to love one another, and God cannot command your feelings. He can only command your will! He has every right to command your will! Christian love simply means that we treat others the way God treats us, and this involves the will! ____________________________________________________________________
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1 . Satan seeks to duplicate this sin in our lives -- I will do as I please, I will do what pleases me. . . I will do my will, fulfill what I want! 2 . Satan is the ruler of this world system (I Jh 2:15-17; 5:19) and you and I are rebellious aliens, toward Satan, living in his territory. 3 . Because we are citizens of heaven, we must obey heavens laws and submit to heavens Lord. (Eph. 2:19; I Pet. 2:9-10) Satan wants us to worship him, and submit to his will and desires. What weapon does Satan use?
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- Sixth Message -
Satans Purpose. . . and Our Defense As Seen In His Battle Against David!
In all three confrontations it is obvious that Satans purpose is to make us fail concerning Gods will. . .
Like Eve, Satan as the deceiver seeks to make us ignorant of the will of God! Like Job, Satan as the destroyer seeks to make us impatient with Gods will. But if Satan cant deceive your mind, or attack your body (as in Jobs life), he will try to control your will through p r i d e so that you will t h i n k and act independently of the holy will of God! Walking in and living o u t Gods will is the sum total of the Christian life, for it is living by the BOOK -- the Word of God. (Jas. 1:19-22; Mat. 4:4; I Pet. 2:2; Rom. 12:2)
A . God made man to be interdependent. Man must depend on God -- for in HIM we live, and move, and have our existence. (Acts 17:28-30; James 1:17-18) We must even depend upon our fellow man to stay alive. B. Satan wants man to be independent. 1 . The essence of sin (because of pride, and living the self-life) is to seek to be independent of God. (Consider II Chron. 26:15, 16; Deut 6:10-12) 2 . Man makes himself the creator, and he worships the creature and creation rather than God. (Rom. 1:25) 5 . Man believes Satans lie -- Ye shall be like God! 6 . Here is the key statement -- If Satan can get you to act and think independently of Gods will, he can then control your will and hence control your life! a . You will think that you just are acting freely, which is part of Satans deception! b . You will think -- you are free -- but actually you will be acting under orders from the ruler of this world -- under his control.
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7 . Your will (directed by right thinking) is the most important thing in the believers life. Are YOU living a self-directed life or a God-directed life? 8 . Whenever you or I act independently of Gods will, we act in direct disobedience to the will of God and we are displaying pride. (Everything in our lives is important to God!) (I Jh 2:15-17) a . We might even be trying to use God to get our ends, or our desires. b . We might be so deceived we think right is wrong and wrong it right. c . We will experience reaping what we have sown regardless of how well we seek to deny truth! d . We will REAP more than we have sown, we will not control how we will reap, and we will not control what we will reap. C. What is to guide us? (Matt. 4:4; II Tim. 3:15-17; II Tim. 4:2-4)
1 . Guided by -- Gods precepts, principles, promises, commands, prohibitions, 2 . Guided by -- directives, yes, His will for our lives. (Study Psalm 119.) a . We need Gods provisions to sustain us physically, b . and we need Gods will and Gods Word to sustain us spiritually. ____________________________________________________________________ Success, the praise of men, and even the blessing of God can so inflate the ego that we think we can get along without God, (or our actions manifest this!) ____________________________________________________________
B. God has a definite plan for your life --- for CHARACTER, CONDUCT, and SERVICE. (Eph. 2:8-10; 5:6-15) A walk in pride is a walk in failure! 1 . Our salvation brings a walk in godly works to which we are called. (Eph. 2:10) 2 . Our salvation brings many changes in our lives: (S e e Eph. 5:5-15. )
a . No longer do we cooperate, or go along with the disobedient. (vs.. 5-7) b . We w a l k as children of light, putting away darkness. (vs.8) c . We w a l k in the fruit of the Spirit -- goodness, righteousness, truth. (vs. 9) d . We r e p r o v e things (people) of darkness, rather than cooperate, aid, use, abet, compromise with or encourage further darkness. (or SIN) (vs.. 11-12) C. There are three areas of attack -- the mind, body, will -- and there is only one answer for the Christian -- Romans 12:1-2 1 . We must totally surrender our bodies to the Holy Spirit for HIS control. (Eph. 5:18; Rom. 6:13) a . The only way to conquer is to surrender -- that is, surrender to God. b . The verb present in Romans 12:1 carries the meaning of a once-for-all surrender! c . Make a once-for-all surrender of your mind -- body -- will to God. d . Live in the light, daily, hourly, of that surrender. e . R e a f f i r m that surrender every morning! f . It is the Holy Spirit within who works in us to make possible the proving of the good, acceptable, perfect will of God. (Eph. 5:9; Rom. 14:17-18) g . Read the word of God -- not to set records -- but to allow the Word to bring transformation, change, Christ-likeness to your life! It must transform your mind and control your will! 2 . As the Spirit of Grace, He will give grace to your body when Satan attacks so you will be able to endure suffering. (Ezek. 36:26,27; Gal. 5:25) 3 . As the Spirit of wisdom, He will teach you Gods Word and bring to your mind the Word of God when Satan would attack with his lies. (Jh 14:16-17) 4 . As the Spirit of power, He will empower your will to say NO! to pride. 5 . The Holy Spirit will work in you and through you to defeat the wicked one. 6 . When the Holy Spirit is at work He will p r o d u c e humility and not pride. a . Humility is not thinking meanly of yourself. Im not worth anything! I cant do anything! (Rom. 12:3) BUT b . It is not thinking of yourself at all -- but having your mind on Christ, on His will, thinking as having the mind of Christ. (I Cor. 2:16) c . The h u m b l e person: Copyright 2000, Revival In The Home Ministries 28
knows himself -- recognizes the wickedness of his sin nature. (Rom. 7:18, 24; Jere. 17:9; Isa. 64:6; Isa. 1:4-6, 18-20) he accepts himself -- recognizes in himself he is weak. (Jh 15:5) he yields himself to God. (Rom. 6:11-13) he seeks to be surrendered, honoring Christ in everything. (I Cor. 10:31) Thus, he battles pride -- applying Psa. 51:17; 34:18; James 4:6-10.
____________________________________________________________________ PRIDE IS A HORRIBLE THING. . . in our lives there can be : 1 . Pride of person, 2. Pride of position, 3. Pride of ability, 4 . Pride of possessions, 5. Pride of attainments, 6. Pride of control, 7. A haughty pride, 8. Pride of manipulation of people, 9. A self-protective pride, 10. An unapproachable pride, 11. A know-it-all pride 12. A self-exalting pride, 13. An unsubmissive pride, 14. A spiritual pride. ____________________________________________________________________
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- Seventh Message -
2 . Before we sin -- while he tempts us -- he whispers, You can get away with this! Then after we sin he shouts at us, You will never get away with this! 3 . Have you ever heard his hateful voice in your heart and conscience? enough to make a Christian give up in despair!
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It is
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BUT 34
1 . Our Lord finished His work on earth and then returned to heaven to take up His unfinished work. What is that work? 2 . He has gone to heaven to perfect His saints, to p r e p a r e them for glory, to work in their lives NOW to p r e s e n t them to Himself later. . . consider: . . . Christ also loved the church , and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. . . (Eph. 5:25b-27) It means YOU! Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, to the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. (Jude 24,25) Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (Heb. 13:20, 21) 3 . He m i n i s t e r s (See Romans 5:8-10) to bring about many things in our lives. . . . being justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him, For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Copyright 2000, Revival In The Home Ministries 35
5 . Possibly this explains why Christ returned to heaven not with scars, but with w o u n d s in his body. Those wounds are the everlasting evidence that He died for us! a . God was merciful and gracious to save us when we first trusted Christ but he is faithful and righteous, to also forgive us when we confess our sins to him. (I Jh 1:9; Rom. 5:8-10) b . He is faithful to keep his promise and he is righteous and just because Christ died for our sins and paid the price of our forgiveness, therefore God, the Father c a n forgive us. 6 . Did God close his eyes to the reality of Joshuas condition, as if it did not matter? No! NO! a . God will never defend his childrens sin -- but he will defend his children. b . Consider the story of Abraham in Egypt! 7 . Think again about the story of Joshua the High Priest. a . There was Satans resistance. The accuser names Joshuas sins at the throne of God and calls for a holy God to judge him. b. There was Gods r e b u k e of Satan. (Zech 3:2) That rebuke is based on Gods grace toward his people. We are saved by grace, kept by grace for every aspect of our relationship with the Father is based on grace.
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c . There was Joshuas restoration! God ordered them to removed the filthy garments and put holy garments upon the high priest. He even put that holy turban on his head, the one with the gold plate at the front that read, Holy unto the Lord. (Read Exod 28:36) God did not even put Joshua on probation! He told him to return to the Temple and carry on his service for the Lord.
8 . Resistance -- rebuke -- restoration: These are necessary when Satan attacks us. We are to resist Satan in the power of Christs Name and by His blood (James 4:7; Rev. 12:10) trust God to r e b u k e Satan, and then receive and know restoration from any sin as we confess the sins Satan uses to accuse us. ________________________________________________________ Conclusions: 1 . Satan will accuse you, but do not listen to him. Turn by faith to Jesus Christ your Advocate, and confess your sins to him. 2 . Depend on what Gods Word says, not on how you feel and rest on the grace of God. He will not forsake you! 3 . Unconfessed sin in our lives gives a foothold for Satan. He can use that sin as a basis for accusations. The longer he accuses, the greater our sins seem to us. 4 . Our unconfessed sin can become so big to us that it covers the face of God and hides his grace and his love. Unconfessed sin brings inner shame, guilt, despair, and discouragement. 5 . When we are under Satans accusations and our own inner condemnatory thoughts we do not experience feelings of conviction that brings us back to God, but feelings of condemnation that convince us that we cannot go back. 6 . Guilt becomes in Satans hand a terrible weapon that destroys our joy, our peace,and our fellowship with God. Our hope fades. We are swallowed up by despair. Then Satans voice says to us, Curse God and die! 7 . Do not listen to the voice of Satan! Instead listen to the voice of God. Turn to the Word of God and listen to what God says, and believe it and act upon it. 8 . Rest assured that your Advocate in heaven is waiting to forgive you and restore you. 9 . Do not delay admitting your sin and confessing it, hasten to Jesus, plead his Word, and rest in his grace.
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- Nineth Message -
2 . Colossians 1:16 teaches us For by him (that is by Jesus Christ) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him and for him. a . Christ created not only the universe, but the angelic realm as well. b . Lucifer was one of Christs created beings, but r e b e l l e d against the Creator, he withheld s u b m i s s i o n required of him, declared himself independent of God, and led an innumerable company of angels in revolt against God.
B. While on Earth, the Lord Jesus Was Frequently In Conflict With Demons, 1 . These demons are spirit beings; they possessed personality. 2 . Acknowledging Satan as their ruler, they resisted God, Gods program, and they opposed Jesus Christ. (This is still true today!) 3 . Christ delivered men from bondage to Satan, from physical infirmities and afflictions that were the result of Satans control, or the demonic control of the individuals. Jesus healed and cast out demons. a . Consider the story in Mark 4: 1-20. Demons recognized His authority! b . Consider the story in Mark 1:23-27.
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1 . On the cross, He spoiled or robbed principalities and powers of their assumed authority and He made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. 2 . Up to the time of the Cross, Satan had claimed a . absolute authority in the earthly realm, b . He, as the prince of the power of the air, as the god of this world, claimed absolute authority. 3 . Jesus Christ, (entering into conflict with Satan, delivering man from demonic control during His earthly life), had challenged Satans authority. a . By His death on the Cross, by His victory over Satan (Heb. 2:9-11, 14-18) b. and by His resurrection, Christ broke the power of Satan. c . The cross of Christ, the blood shed is Gods answer to Satan, the usurper, the adversary, and defeated foe. 4 . Christ has all authority now, and a name above all names. (Phil. 2:9-11; Col. 1:13-19; Matt. 28:18-20; Eph. 1:19-22) a . When Jesus went to the Cross, there Satan was totally defeated. b . Christ received up into glory, seated at the right of the Father is a clear evidence to us of the glory of His finished work on the Cross. D. We Are to Enter Into Our Perfect Position IN Christ Jesus! (Eph. 1:3; 2:4-7) 1 . We have been joined to Christ, for we are bone of His bone, and flesh of His flesh, (Eph. 5:30-32) We are joined to Christ, identified with Him, (Rom. 6). a . By the work of the Holy Spirit, when Christ died we died, b . when He was buried we were buried, c . when we was resurrected, we were resurrected. 2 . We are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus! (Eph. 1:3) When He ascended and was seated, we were seated with Him, never to be separated from Him. 3 . When Christ Jesus was given authority over satanic powers and the angelic realm, in Him we also were given authority because we are IN HIM! (Rom. 8:37; I Cor. 3:21-23) a . We have authority over Satan we did not have as a natural man. b . We are under the angels by act of creation, but over demonic powers by the act of God in our position in Christ Jesus. Copyright 2000, Revival In The Home Ministries 39
some attack to divert you away from loving the Lord, an attack on your affections - remember Satan is a defeated foe -- just claim the blood and its power over you.
1 . Through the truth -- loins gird about with truth! a . Walking in truth, (Examine II John and III John.) b . Applying truth to the life daily, c . Exercising our senses (spiritual) to discern both good and evil, for we have discernment that comes through knowing the Truth -- Gods clear Word. 2. By righteousness -- for we have the breastplate of righteousness (His righteousness)! a . Here is protection, a place of safety, (See I Cor. 10:30.) b . Here is a position of righteousness provided by the Savior, c . We walk from a position, we do not seek to provide a position from which we go forth to conquer sin and Satan. 3 . The helmet of salvation -- For He is is made sin for us, who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. (II Cor. 5:21; Col. 1:14) a . We plead the benefits of the resurrection. b . We follow our glorified, resurrected Captain of our salvation. c . We plead the value of the cross, and the triumph of Christ through the cross. d . Christs resurrection sealed Satans doom, he knows he is a defeated foe. He does not even have squatters rights though he tries to maintain them. 4 . By using the shield of faith -- whereby we are to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. We hold up the shield against Satan as we have described in the forgoing points. It is a walk of faith, in expectation, knowing that our victory is by p r o x y . . . Christ Jesus won it for us! 5 . By use of the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. a . We answer Satan as Christ did . . . It is written! (Matthew 4:4) b . We plead the promises (II Cor. 1:10; 20) and claim what is ours by faith. c . We are to enter into active battle against Satan, pressing the battle against him unto victory.
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Consider: 1 . You will not overcome Satan by your skill. 2 . You cant run from Satan, or hide, or out-think him. 3 . You cant overcome by any power, or ability of your own. It is so easy to think we wont fall prey to sin, so we dont even protect or fortify ourselves in Christ. 4 . You wont have victory by being careless. . . we are told to be vigilant, watchful, knowing the same afflictions are accomplished in our brethren. We are not alone! (I Pet 5:8) 5 . You wont have victory by neglecting Gods Word -- by failing to read it, meditate upon it, memorizing it, and applying it to daily life for each daily battle. 6 . Why does Satan succeed by still using the same methods that he used from the beginning? Why does he so often succeed by being the deceiver, the destroyer, the ruler and the accuser? It is because we dont know the Word of God well enough to put him to flight -- after many years of salvation? Shame on us! 7 . We are to be more than conquerors. (Rom. 8:37) Is that true of YOU?
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- Nineth Message -
a . We are to live so as to edify the body of Christ. b Deceit encourages others to sin freely thinking it does not matter. 2 . God is the God of all truth and His Word is the truth (Jh 17:17) and His Spirit is truth (I Jh 5:7) and Christ is the way, the truth and the life (Jh 14:6), then surely God would want us to be people of truth.
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It is not enough to love the good, we must also hate evil. Psa. 97:10 Hate evil, you who love the Lord. Prov. 8:13 The fear of the Lord is to hate evil. Rom. 12:9 Abhor what is evil, cling (cleave) to what is good. Maybe we call it righteous anger-- but it is difficult for us as sinful humans to cultivate and exercise a truly righteous anger.
B. Our sinful natures has a way of polluting our emotions so that we often do more harm than good. Aristotle said it perfectly centuries ago: Anyone can become angry -- than is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way -- is very difficult indeed. 1 . Sinful anger always leads to more sin. 2 . Usually when we are angry, we . . . a. b. c. d. say things we wish we had not said, do things we wish we had not done, make decisions we wish we had not made, and hurt people we wish we had not hurt. (Prov. 29:22; 14:17; 27:4)
No wonder the devil works at cultivating in us a sinful angry. (See the study... Emotional Problems In Life and Home) III. WE DO IT BY STEALING: (Eph. 4:28)
A . Satan is a thief, he would encourage such. (Jh 10:10) 1 . The experience of the two demoniacs of the country of the Gerasense is a vivid example of how Satan steals from his own-- those under his control. (Matt 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-20) a . Satan robbed these men of their sanity, and their liberty.
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B. We are to work with our own hands and not steal, in fact, after working, we are to give to those who have need, for we are members one of another. (Eph. 4:25, 28)
A . Filthy speech pleases Satan. 1 . God is not forbidding good, holy, healthy humor, the ability to laugh is a mark of maturity and discernment. 2 . Paul is condemning low humor, jesting that is sinfully suggestive. B. This kind of speech is destructive and does not edify or build up other Christians. 1 . If Satan can get us to think about sin, then talk a b o u t sin, he will also find it easier to get us to c o m m i t sin. 2 . When we talk freely about filthy things, it takes the edge off our conviction, we accustomed to it, and soon the barriers are down.
2 . Follow the steps in Matthew 18:15-17 and be reconciled as quickly as possible. (Matt 5:23-26) 3 . The longer you harbor an unforgiving spirit, the more territory in your life you give over to Satan. a . Even if you forgive the other party and they do not forgive you -- you can see to it that Satan is defeated in your own life. b . We are under command to forgive others -- regardless of what they do. c . Resentments, grudges, bitterness and the desire for revenge come about because we hold on to things and do not release the offender from his or her wrong toward us.
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____________________________________________________________________ The Word of God tells us how to deal with sins of the saints. 1 . Restore such a one in the spirit of meekness. Gal. 6:1 2 . Above all, k e e p fervent love for one another, love covers sins. I Pet. 4:8; Prov. 10:12 3 . Love neither ignores sins, nor condones sins -- is simple means that love keeps from exposing sins of others to the eyes of the world or to weak Christians. 4 . Any sins we harbor in our lives must be confessed, dealt with, removed, forsaken. 5 . No sin is a light thing, or a little thing, Satan will use it to attack you and bring further sin into your life. . . watch your life, keep your heart with all diligence. (Prov. 4:23)
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- Tenth Message -
Colossians 2:9-17 If you were to receive word from your doctor that you had been stricken with a fatal disease for which there was no known cure, and as you shared this with me I could tell you of a wonderful cure-- that would be w e l c o m e news indeed. I have better new for you than that. For while not all fall prey to one of the dread diseases, all were born into this world under the c o n d e m n a t i o n of sin. Sin stands between every individual and God, for He is holy and righteous and cannot receive an unholy thing into His presence. The good news is found in Colossians 2:13. God has forgive you all trespasses. (Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14; Rev. 1:
3 . He had to die, to pray for sin, It was death, our death we deserved that he took upon himself. 4 . He assumed our sins, our guilt, our indictment, and publicly displayed as the one bearing our sins. was
2 . We can rest in safety and security because the word tetelestai guaranteed his deliverance and his liberty. 3 . What does this mean: Jesus with his own blood canceled that indictment and wrote across it the same word the court wrote across a canceled indictment, It is paid. 4 . God had the indictment lodged against you. Satan would sees that we would pay to the full... but Chris Jesus took our wiping, our debt and paid it all. C. Having paid it all... he spoiled principalities and powers. . . he made a show openly of Satans broken power. 1 . His victory is our victory. 2 . We are seated in heavenly places in Him. . . receiving from Him, In HIM all that He is. 3 . All the belongs to the Father is His, and all that is His is ours! 4 . His conquest sets us totally free from any tyranny of Satan for he is a vanquished foe. 5 . We now have authority over Satan. . . an authority based on our being in Him. . . an authority vested in us as being His child. (I Pet. 5:8,9) Copyright 2000, Revival In The Home Ministries 50
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