As 2763-1988 Vibration and Shock - Hand-Transmitted Vibration - Guidelines For Measurement and Assessment of
As 2763-1988 Vibration and Shock - Hand-Transmitted Vibration - Guidelines For Measurement and Assessment of
As 2763-1988 Vibration and Shock - Hand-Transmitted Vibration - Guidelines For Measurement and Assessment of
Australian Standard
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Australian Standard
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FOREWORD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
VIBRATION EXPOSURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
B MEDICAL SCREENING AND ADVICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
AS 2763—1988 4
Australian Standard
1.1 SCOPE. This Standard sets out general methods Appendix B outlines measures that should be adopted
for measuring and reporting hand-transmitted to medically screen people who are either involved or
vibration exposure in three orthogonal axes for the propose becoming involved with hand-transmitted
one-third octave bands having centre frequencies vibration in their occupation. This Appendix also
from 6.3 Hz to 1250 Hz, for octave bands having explains some techniques that will normally be useful
centre frequencies from 8 Hz to 1000 Hz, and for a in reducing the severity of hand-transmitted vibration
frequency-weighted measure covering the frequency and the incidence of vibration-induced physiological
range from 5.6 Hz to 1400 Hz. signs of damage to the hands.
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This Standard provides guidance for the evaluation of 1.3 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS. The docu-
hand-transmitted vibration specified in terms of a ments below are referred to in this Standard.
frequency-weighted vibration acceleration and daily AS
exposure time. It does not define the limits of safe 2670 Vibration and shock—Guide to the
exposure. This guidance is derived from a consensus evaluation of human exposure to
of opinion based upon data available from both whole-body vibration
practical experience and laboratory experimentation 2775 Vibration and shock—Mechanical mounting
concerning human response to hand-transmitted of accelerometers
vibration. It cannot be taken to define completely safe
exposure ranges in which vibration diseases cannot 2973 Vibration and shock—Human response
occur. vibration-measuring instrumentation
Z41 Octave, half octave and one-third octave
This Standard does not specify the risk factor of band pass filters intended for the analysis
health impairment for different operational processes, of sound and vibrations
tools, and machines.
NOTE: Reference should be made to AS 2973 for informati on 184 Methods for specifying the characteristics
related to vibrati on-measuri ng instrumentation. of electro-mechanical transducers for shock
and vibration measurements
1.2 APPLICATION. This Standard applies to
periodic and to random or non-periodic vibration. 222 Methods for specifying the characteristics
Provisionally, this Standard may also be applied to of auxiliary equipment for shock and
repeated shock type excitation. vibration measurement
NOTE: To facili tate furt her progress in this fi eld and to allow
the quantit ative comparison of exposure data, unif orm methods 5805 Mechanical vibration and shock affecting
for measuri ng and reporti ng exposure of human beings to man—Vocabulary
hand-t ransmitt ed vibration are desir able. Addit ional Standards
are to be considered for the vibration measurement of specifi c DIS
tools and processes. 5347 Methods for the calibration of vibration and
shock pick-ups
Appendix A provides guidelines for the evaluation of 8041 Human response vibration measuring
hand-transmitted vibration exposures. instrumentation
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