CRS Report: The President's "State of The Union" FAQ
CRS Report: The President's "State of The Union" FAQ
CRS Report: The President's "State of The Union" FAQ
Thomas H. Neale
Analyst in American National Government
Government and Finance Division
The Constitution mandates that the President “shall from time to time give to the
Congress Information on the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration
such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.” The President’s State of the
Union Message and address were known as the President’s Annual Message to Congress
until well into the 20th century. Presidents Washington and Adams delivered their
messages to Congress in person, but President Jefferson abandoned the practice as
“monarchical” and time consuming, sending written messages instead. This precedent
was followed until President Wilson personally appeared before Congress in 1913.
President Franklin Roosevelt adopted Wilson’s practice of personal delivery, and it has
since become a contemporary tradition. With the advent of radio (1923) and television
(1947) coverage of the address, it gained great importance by providing a nationwide
platform for the President.
Today, the annual State of the Union Message is usually delivered by the President
at an evening joint session of Congress during the second, third, or fourth week of
January. However, some Presidents have chosen not to deliver a State of the Union
Message the year they were inaugurated, or, in some cases, in the January just prior to
their departure from office. Now broadcast and web cast to a “prime time” national and
international audience, the address serves several functions: as a report to Congress and
the nation on national conditions; as a platform to announce and rally support for the
President’s legislative agenda for the coming year; and as a unique opportunity for the
chief executive to convey personally his vision for the nation to Congress and the
American people. In order to ensure continuity of government, one cabinet officer and,
as of 2003, selected Members of Congress, are absent from the Capitol during the
address. This report takes the format of answers to frequently asked questions about the
State of the Union Message and address. It will be updated annually.
What is the State of the Union Message? The State of the Union Message
is a communication from the President of the United States to Congress and the nation in
which the chief executive reports on conditions in the United States and, sometimes,
around the world, recommends a legislative program for the coming session of Congress,
and frequently presents his views about and vision for the present and future.
When Was the First State of the Union Message Delivered, and by
Which President? What Was the Early Practice? President George Washington
delivered the first regular annual message before a joint session of Congress, in New
York, on January 8, 1790. During the administrations of Presidents Washington and John
Adams, the President customarily appeared before a joint session of Congress to deliver
the address personally. Each house subsequently debated and approved official replies
to the President’s message, which were then delivered personally to the President by
delegations of Senators and Representatives.
When Did the President Stop Delivering the Message Personally, and
Why? How Long Did this Practice Persist? President Thomas Jefferson changed
the procedure followed by his predecessors with his first annual message (December 8,
1801). His private secretary delivered copies of the message to both houses of Congress,
to be read by clerks in the House and Senate. Jefferson’s change was intended to simplify
a ceremony that he believed to be an aristocratic imitation of the British monarch’s
Speech from the Throne, and thus unsuitable to a republic. Further, preparing a response
in Congress consumed valuable time during short legislative sessions.
Until the 20th amendment changed the opening time for congressional sessions, the
annual message was delivered in December. Since 1934, messages have been delivered
on a range of dates, between January 3 and February 2 of each year. The State of the
Union Message is now customarily delivered at the Capitol, in the chamber of the House
of Representatives, before a joint session of both houses of Congress.
The message was generally known as “the President’s Annual Message to Congress”
until well into the 20th century. Although some historians suggest that the phrase “State
of the Union” emerged only after World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt’s 1934
message is identified in his papers as his “Annual Message to Congress on the State of
the Union.” According to the Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, it was
known informally as the State of the Union Address from 1942 to 1946, and has been
known “generally” by the same name since 1947.1
Which Was the Shortest Message? The Longest? What Is the Average
Length of Messages in Modern Times? Most evidence on the length of State of
the Union Messages is anecdotal, as comprehensive information has not been collected;
for the record, however, President Washington’s first annual message was surely one of
the shortest, comprising only 833 words. If contemporary speech delivery guidelines
(which range from 115 to 175 words per minute) are used to calculate the length of time
he spoke, Washington would have taken between four and seven minutes to deliver his
first message. This estimate does not account for interruptions for any applause he may
have received, although this was perhaps unlikely, given the solemnity attached to the
proceedings at that time. President Harry Truman’s 1946 message was the longest to
date, at over 25,000 words. This was a unique effort, however, as it combined both the
State of the Union and Annual Budget Messages, and was not delivered personally by the
President.2 Following Jefferson’s abandonment of personal delivery, annual messages
tended to grow in length throughout the 19th century, often reaching more than 10,000
words, and became, in effect, an annual report from the executive branch to Congress.
This trend was reversed by Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt’s return to the practice of
personal delivery. Today, the message tends to be measured in delivery time, rather than
in the number of words it contains. For instance, President George W. Bush’s 2006
message took 51 minutes to deliver, and was interrupted by applause more than 60 times.3
“State of the Union Address,” available at [
stateUnion.html]. Much of this report’s information about the history of the State of the Union
address is found on this informative site.
Seymour H. Fersh, The View from the White House: A Study of the Presidential State of the
Union Messages (Washington: Public Affairs Press, 1961), pp. 110-111.
“State of the Union Address by the President” transcript at [
/releases/2006/01/20060131-10.html]. The White House transcript indicates 65 interruptions for
applause during the speech.
32 days after his inauguration, and James A. Garfield, who was assassinated in 1881 and
served only 199 days.4
As noted previously, prior to the 20th amendment, Congress did not assemble until December
in most years, by which time both Harrison and Garfield had died.
“State of the Union Address,” available at [
Lisa de Moraes, “ ‘American Idol’ Viewers Desert Ship of State,” Washington Post, Feb. 2,
2006, C7.
“Briefly Noted,” Electronic Media, Feb. 3, 2003, 14.
S.Con.Res. 77, 109th Cong., 2nd sess.
Seats in the well of the House chamber are also reserved for the President’s Cabinet, any
One late 20th century innovation was the opposition response to the State of the
Union Message.10 In 1966, Senator Everett Dirksen and Representative Gerald Ford made
a televised joint Republican response to President Johnson’s message, a practice that has
since become a regular feature, and is usually broadcast shortly after the President has
completed his remarks. The format for the opposition response varies, but it usually
includes remarks by one or more party leaders (almost always Senators, Representatives,
or state governors), who are nationally known, or are considered to be promising
emerging political figures. In a more recent innovation, initiated by President Ronald
Reagan, the chief executive will frequently invite citizens who have distinguished
themselves in some field of service or endeavor to be his personal guests in the gallery.
Usually, the achievements or programs for which the President publicly salutes them also
serve to underscore some major element of his message.
Justices of the Supreme Court who choose to attend, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Members of
the diplomatic corps, who are seated in the gallery, also frequently attend.
“Opposition” in this case refers to the party that does not control the presidency.
“Veterans Affairs Secretary, Four Lawmakers Skip Speech as Precaution,” Associated Press,
Feb. 1, 2006. For more information on presidential succession, see CRS Report RL32969,
Presidential Succession: An Overview with Analysis of Legislation Proposed in the 109th
Congress, by Thomas H. Neale.
Ibid. For more information on the issue of continuity in government, see CRS Report RS21089,
Continuity of Government: Current Federal Arrangements and the Future, by Harold C. Relyea.
address. In each instance their first speech to a joint session of Congress closely followed
their inauguration, but was not officially categorized as a “State of the Union Message.”13
One observer noted in 1993 that by not calling such an address “State of the Union,” the
President could present a more focused message, while still deriving “the benefits of a
joint session; nothing competes with the pomp and circumstances of the evening ....”14
Some recent Presidents have also preferred not to deliver a State of the Union Message
immediately prior to their departure from office, although several have given farewell
addresses in the last days of their presidencies. President Eisenhower’s farewell message,
broadcast to the nation on January 17, 1961, became famous for its warnings against the
“military-industrial complex.”15 President Reagan delivered a televised farewell address
to the nation from the Oval Office on January 11, 1989,16 a practice followed by President
Clinton on January 18, 2001.17
Does the President Always Deliver the State of the Union Message
Personally? Since World War II, Presidents have occasionally chosen not to deliver
a State of the Union Message in person. As noted previously, President Truman sent his
last message only in print, a practice subsequently followed by Presidents Eisenhower
(1961) and Carter (1981). In 1956, President Eisenhower was recuperating from a heart
attack, and was unable to deliver his message personally. From his Key West, Florida,
retreat, he prepared a seven-minute filmed summary of the message that was subsequently
broadcast nationwide.18 When President Richard Nixon sent a multi-part printed message
to Congress in 1973, his staff explained that “no oral message was planned because it
would follow closely on the heels of Nixon’s second inaugural address.”19
For instance, President Clinton’s joint session appearance (Feb. 17, 1993) was styled “Address
... on Administration Goals,” whereas that of President George W. Bush (Feb. 27, 2001) was
identified as an address “to the Joint Session of Congress.”
Chuck Alston, “To Make That First Big Splash, Presidents Head for the Hill,” Congressional
Quarterly Weekly Report, vol. 51, Feb. 13, 1993, 301.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Farewell Radio and Television Address to the American People,” in
Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960-61
(Washington: GPO, 1961), pp. 1035-1040.
Ronald Reagan, “Farewell Address to the Nation,” in Public Papers of the Presidents of the
United States, Ronald Reagan, 1988-89 (Washington: GPO, 1991), pp. 1718-1723.
William J. Clinton, “Farewell Address to the Nation,” in Public Papers of the Presidents of the
United States, William J. Clinton, 2000-2001 (Washington: GPO, 2002), pp. 2952-2953.
Fersh, The View From the White House, 117.
“State of the Union,” Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, vol. 31, Jan. 13, 1973, 36.