Angels & The Tree of Life

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This book is a collection of Daily Meditations from the years 1987, 1988, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2004 Edited by Prosveta, France.

Conception and Realisation:

Benjamin Christ
Montreal, December 2004

Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]



Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


As long as a baby is still in the womb it is the mother who breathes and eats for it: its life is one of total dependence. In the same way, as long as man is not reborn on the spiritual plane he continues to be dependent on other beings who think and eat and breathe for him. A grown man is no longer in his mothers womb, but he is still in the womb of mother nature. An umbilical cord still binds him to this other mother, and one day this cord too will be cut and he will be independent. Actually, even then he will not be totally independent, he will still have other cords to cut before he can be completely free as God Himself. But that day is still far off. In the meantime he remains bound to nature. Even if he reaches very exalted regions, those higher regions will still be part of nature. There will still be cords to be cut. (FEBRUARY 2, 1995) Everything in the universe exists also in man, everything from stones and plants to the archangels and God Himself. This is why the universe is called the macrocosm the big world, and man, the microcosm the little world. Man is infinitely large, but there are numerous corresponding features between these two worlds. All the organs of our physical body, as well as those of our mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies, have an affinity with various regions of the cosmos. Of course, the cosmos does not have organs identical to our own, but the quintessence of our organs corresponds exactly with those of the cosmos, and we are able to make contact with those energies and centres in space which, through the law of affinity, correspond to those same energies and centres within ourselves. (FEBRUARY 20, 1999) Each hour of the day is under the influence of a planet and of the entities inhabiting that planet. So, each hour that goes by brings with it entities that come to work on plants, minerals, animals and human beings. And since to each planet is attached not only a specific color but also a specific sound, the symphony of sounds varies with each hour of the day, according to the succession of spirits. It is the planets that sing in space and we are immersed in this music, called the music of spheres. Through meditation and contemplation, man can perceive this symphony of the plants to which angelic hierarchies are linked. Animated by the hymn of angels, the universe breathes and nourishes itself. (OCTOBER 14, 2001) Just because you have placed the highest ideal in your head and in your heart, do not think a straight road without obstacles will stretch before you. It is impossible. In order to reach the goal, we must always travel paths strewn with pitfalls. This idea is even expressed in the sephirotic tree. On the path which leads from Malkuth (the earth) to Tipheret (the sun), we inevitably meet Iesod (the moon), in whose inferior region lies every danger. We cannot go directly from earth to Heaven: hell assails us first. This means that in order to realize a luminous, divine idea, we begin by encountering obstacles, both interior and exterior, and we must first struggle and suffer. If someone succeeds straight off in a great endeavor, it is because he has suffered a great deal in previous incarnations, and he now has the qualities to succeed at once in this lifetime. (JANUARY 19, 2003) Light is the true nourishment for our inner life. Think of light every day; concentrate on it and imagine that it envelops you and penetrates you. Then, not only will you feel protected and sheltered from every harmful influence, but you will attract the beneficial powers of the cosmos. You will attract angels who will come to participate in your work and support you in your efforts. Imagine light bursting forth from you, spreading throughout space and penetrating the consciousness of all beings. No exercises are more effective or more powerful than those with (JANUARY 4, 2004) the light. It is with light that you build your inner being.

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Devote at least a few minutes every day to imagining how, in the future, humankind will form one great family, whose members will all understand one another, love each other, smile at each other. There are so many things we can envision for the happiness of the whole world: imagining that all human beings dance together and sing in chorus, sending hymns of joy and gratitude to the Creator, on their way to contemplate the rising sun. Is it not wonderful to make such wishes, instead of agitating daily about so many mundane and selfish subjects? And think too about all the life in the Heavens: the angels, archangels, divinities and all the hierarchies think of the light, the love, the purity in which they live and make a wish that this splendor may descend to earth. In this way you build bridges, you open communications, so that one day the perfection, richness and beauty from above may truly be established here in this (JANUARY 4, 2000) world. Suppose you are a government employee, civil servant; in this role you are protected by the government and cannot be attacked without being defended by this authority which watches over you. In the same way, those who put themselves at the service of Heaven, who seek to work for the divine cause, become employee of this sublime organization. Angels protect them and souls throughout the world are obliged to help them and take care of them so, because they are members of the great universal family, their lives become magnificent. Well then, decide to enter into the service of Heaven, to realize the Kingdom of God and its Justice on earth, and thus a veil of protection will be cast over you and invisible beings will walk by your side, (JANUARY 6, 2000) endowing you with their light and their blessings. The goal of life is, quite simply, to live; and we can live only by becoming conscious of our ties with all the creatures who inhabit the universe: not only with the spirits of nature, but with the angels, the archangels, and all the divinities up to God Himself who has placed His life in every being and in every thing. All that is within us and around us speaks ceaselessly of the presence of God. But what is extraordinary is that this is not enough for human beings; they want Him to come and show Himself in person. But for many, even this would not be sufficient. They would still manage to see nothing, hear nothing, and feel nothing. The Creator would have to come and manifest Himself to them with thunder and lightning to pierce their armour. But He does not do this. He (JANUARY 8, 2004) leaves human beings to discover Him within themselves. Disciples often ask themselves why they do not feel more in touch with their master, why they are not better able to feel or hear him inwardly. It is because they allow currents to circulate between themselves and their master that disturb communications and prevent his thoughts and words from reaching them. And the relationship between human beings and God is the same. If you are not vigilant, if you allow impurities to accumulate within you, they create an opaque screen which prevents you from picking up and deciphering celestial messages. You can place the Christ between God and yourself, or you can put the Holy Spirit, angels, archangels, the sun or a great master between you and God. Communication will not be hampered by these beings: on the contrary, they will act as amplifiers. But be wary of everything else you place between the Lord and yourself. (JANUARY 14, 2000) Good and evil do not exist as two independent forces which constantly oppose each other. They are two currents connected to a higher authority: God. They are like the two hands of God and sometimes one hand slaps the other. The question of good and evil will never be resolved on the physical plane, because that which unites these contrary forces exists on a higher plane.

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Observing contrary forces from our human point of view, we can only see that they oppose each other and we do not understand. Our task therefore is to elevate ourselves to the dimension of this higher authority which can use these two forces for purposes they themselves cannot imagine. Yes, good does not know everything and neither of course does evil. He who knows everything is above good and evil, and he is the Lord. So address yourselves to Him, saying: Lord, creator of so many things beautiful, vast and profound, see how lost I am in the midst of all this. My limited intelligence prevents me from seeing clearly. Send me your angels, that they (May show me how to comprehend and to act. (JANUARY 15, 2000) Its my life and I just want to do with it what I want. This is how young people generally declare their independence. They want to live their life, yes, but what kind of life is that? An animal life or a divine life? People who think only of living their life open themselves up a chaotic existence and what happens then is that they actually lose their life in the end. The disciple on the other hand knows that if he wants to save his life, he must devote it to the Lord, saying: Lord, I am beginning to realize that without You, without Your Light, without Your Intelligence I am nothing. I have been doing as I please and now I am sick and weary and feel ashamed of myself. I feel I am now ready to serve you. I devote my life to You so that finally I (May be of some use to the world. The Lords of destiny will then take counsel and decide: From here on in we change your destiny. And this decision will be published throughout all the regions in space. The angels and all the servants of Heaven will instantly comply and you will find that your life begins to change. (JANUARY 22, 2002) The diamond is considered the most precious of all stones. And yet, in terms of its origin, what is a diamond? Carbon, ugly, black carbon which, by means of transformation under the effects of tremendous pressure and extremely high temperatures, becomes a diamond. Well, it could be said that the history of the diamond is that of the initiate. Perhaps he too starts out as simple carbon, but thanks to the enormous pressures he has had to undergo (his trials) and the high temperature he has gone within him (his love), he has become a diamond, a pure, sparkling light. And even if he still lives here on earth in his physical body, on the spiritual plane he can be found set in the crown of an angel, an archangel or a divinity. (JANUARY 31, 2003) Christians tend to despise polytheist religions and their multitude of divinities, without realizing that they themselves have a whole pantheon of saints whon they pray to and worship. The custom of invoking spiritual entities endowed with different powers goes back to far distant times, and Christians have merely continued this custom. This makes it clear that God is so inaccessible that even Christians need to approach God through intermediaries. But instead of turning for help to the saints, some of whom are legendary figures who never existed in reality, why not turn to the heavenly beings? These beings are to be found amongst the angelic hierarchies Angels, Archangels, Principalites, Virtues, Powers, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim all mentioned in the Christian religion, and even in the Mass, but Christians have not paid any attention. It is important to get to know these hierarchies what they are, where they are to be found, and (FEBRUARY 2, 1998) what powers they possess. .

Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


The Ancients defined the four elements in terms of the four states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and igneous. Everything that is solid, they called earth; everything that is liquid, water; everything that is gaseous, air; and everything that is igneous that is to say heat and light they called fire. We can find the four elements in the food we eat every day. Yes, because food presents us with the four states of matter: solid, liquid, gaseous and igneous. This is why each meal can become an opportunity to commune with the angels of the four elements: with the Angel of Earth, that he may bring us stability and steadfastness, for it is he who provides our foundation and without whom nothing can exist; with the Angel of Water that he may give us life and purity; with the Angel of Air, that he may give us intelligence, subtlety and speed; and finally, the Angel of Fire, that he may bring us the light and fire of divine love. (APRIL 22, 2004) In order to live, man is forced to make contact with the world around him. Have you thought about this? He eats, drinks, breathes and makes contact with people, animals or nature itself; he needs these contacts and cannot stop making them. But these contacts leave in his physical and psychic bodies many impurities that he must learn how to throw out. There are numerous methods of purification, but one of the most effective is to appeal to the Angels of the four elements. These four elements can be found in us: The earth corresponds to our physical body, water to our heart, air to our intellect and fire to our soul and spirit. That is why we can appeal to the Angel of earth so that he may throw out all the wastes of our physical body; to the Angel of water so that he may wash our heart; to the Angel of air so that he may purify our intellect; to the Angel of fire so that he may sanctify our soul and spirit, by kindling a fire in them with the ardor of divine love. (OCTOBER 19, 2001) Today, the custom of lighting nightlights or candles in the house has been lost, unless the electricity is cut, in which case people do so in an irritated and grumbling manner. Whatever the circumstances, lighting a candle should be considered a sacred act by which we enter into contact with the four elements. Yes, the candle itself, which is solid, represents the earth element. We light it, and we see fire. Then, gradually, the candle melts and the liquid wax begins to fill the hollow at the base of the flame. As for air, it is all pervasive, because it is indispensable to fire: deprived of air, the fire goes out, and even if the air cannot be seen, its presence can be perceived in the subtle oscillations of the flame. So, when you light a candle, be conscious that you are in the presence of the four principles of matter and that you can work with them by linking yourself to the four great Angels which govern them: the Angel of Fire, the Angel of Air, the Angel of Water, and the Angel of Earth. (DECEMBER 24, 2003) When an initiate opens his door in the morning he raises his hand in greeting to the whole of nature, to the sky, the sun, the new day and all creation. By this gesture he creates a link, a channel of communication with the source of life, and nature responds to his greeting. He also salutes the angels of the four elements, the angels of earth, water, air and fire, as well as gnomes, sylphs, undines and salamanders who respond by dancing and singing for joy and trees and rocks and even the wind. Try this for yourselves. If you feel that something within you is a little off-balance you will find that it slips into place again. You will become inwardly more harmonious, and many obscure and difficult problems will fade away simply because you recognize and salute living nature and all her creatures. (SEPTEMBER 22, 1995)

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Precious metals and precious stones belong to the element earth. They are of the earth but of a transformed, sublimated earth, a quintessence of all that is most pure in it. And because they represent the work of the earth, precious stones have been chosen as the symbols of the virtues human being attain by working on their own matter. The custom of using precious stones to adorn the clothes of priests and the crowns of kings stems from the knowledge of this symbolism. They represent the qualities and virtues these people must possess in order to carry out their duty with dignity. And each virtue is associated with a stone: wisdom with topaz, peace and harmony with sapphire, love with ruby, etc. But let us not be waylaid by wondering whether these priests and kings deserve to wear all these precious stones. It is the symbolism that counts. Yes, if the terrestrial kings, if the popes and cardinals wear ornaments of precious stones on their heads, it is because the crown of the supreme Master of Creation is adorned with precious stones and these stones are the angels, the archangels, the divinities, etc. (AUGUST 27, 2000)

The element we know as water is a living world inhabited by very pure entities. Whether in your bathroom or out in nature, before coming into contact with water, remember to greet it with great respect and love, and ask the angel who governs it to help you with your spiritual work. Purification does not require long and complicated exercises and rituals. Since you have the opportunity several times a day to use water to wash yourself, take advantage of these opportunities with the understanding that physical water is a means through which we can enter into contact with spiritual water, which is the true water. Even if washing oneself is one of the most ordinary processes of everyday life, you must not underestimate it. Like eating, sleeping, and breathing, washing must be considered a sacred act that can liberate your soul. (JULY 9, 2003)

In spiritual life, fire is indispensable to realization. Before starting a ceremony, the mage, the initiate, lights the candles. And the priest does the same before he starts mass, because mass is also a magical ceremony. Wherever fire participates, there are results, which is why you too must learn to use fire. When you are experiencing inner difficulties sorrow, sadness, discouragement, temptation - write down on a piece of paper your wish to find calm, strength and clarity again, light a flame and as you let the paper burn over the flame, ask the Angel of Fire to burn all these lower states. And he will answer your prayer. Why linger in suffering and limitation all your life? Fire is there to help you, to release you. Just remember to ask for its help. (OCTOBER 10, 2002) A seed planted in the ground is exactly like someone who has been buried alive. When the angel of heat appears he wakes him up, caresses him and tells him to arise and leave his tomb. And behold! The life that was buried begins to stir. A tiny shoot splits the seed in two and forces its way above ground, giving birth to a slender stem that will one day grow into a immense tree. This is resurrection. But there can be no resurrection unless the tomb is opened, and only warmth that is, love is capable of opening tombs. He whose heart is full of love, of selfless, Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


spiritual love, opens the tomb of his cells. There are so many cells rotting and fermenting within us, so many tiny tombs that need to be thrown open. As long as all those cells within you are not animated and resuscitated they will continue to be inactive, and you will never know the immense wealth that lies dormant within you. But once the resurrection has taken place and your cells have been awakened you will not be the same, for your consciousness will have expanded. You will find yourself living and moving in another dimension, the dimension of the spirit. (APRIL 16, 1995) A candle flame is an aspect of the solar fire which enlightens, warms and vivifies us, not only on the physical plane but on the spiritual plane as well. In the physical realm, a candle flame obviously does not possess the powers of solar fire, but it does possess these powers in the spiritual realm, and this is why your inner life will benefit if you develop a relationship with it. Take a candle and consecrate it, saying, I light this flame for the glory of the light, for the Angel of Fire.' Light the candle and address it in this way: Beloved flame, symbol of the Holy Spirit, symbol of divine Love, of cosmic Fire, of the spiritual sun' and ask it to enter into you, to penetrate your cells so that one day the Holy Spirit (May come and dwell in you. It is by lighting (NOVEMBER 14, 2004) the sacred fire within you that you will attract the Holy Spirit. The Archangel Michael is destined to play the principal role in the purification of the earth. In the course of the centuries, a multitude of evil beings have poured immense destructive forces into the world which now form a kind of reservoir known as the Dragon or Serpent. In the past, many who were very courageous and full of abnegation, challenged the Dragon to a fight to the death, but none has ever succeeded in conquering it. The Archangel Michael is the only being capable of defeating this egregore; with the help of the Heavenly cohorts he will accomplish what so many multitudes have implored the creator to accomplish. His triumphant action was foretold in the Apocalypse and other Sacred Scriptures. This is why we should ally ourselves with St Michael the Archangel, and ask him to protect us and allow us to work with him in making his victory even more complete. The children of God who are numbered amongst those who have taken part in this combat of the Archangel Michael, the Spirit of the sun, one of the most brilliant powers of God, will receive the kiss of the Angel of Fire and not only will it not burn them, that (SEPTEMBER 29, 1987) kiss will illuminate them.


There is great wisdom in knowing how to work in rhythm with the seasons. A farmer has to know when to plough and sow and harvest, otherwise his crops will fail. Solomon said, To every thing there is a season, and a time for every purpose under the Heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted ... a time to break down and a time to build up ... a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing. Many people read Ecclesiastes without realizing that Solomon was speaking from a cabbalistic, magical point of view. The Cabbalah explains how to determine the right time for each thing. It is a science in itself to know how to work in each of the four seasons with the four elements, the four cardinal points, the four archangels, and with crystals, precious stones and their corresponding entities. (OCTOBER 16, 1995)


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The four principal feasts of Easter, Saint John, Michaelmas and Christmas take place at specific times throughout the year, and we must reflect on the universal events heralded by these feast days. Each of these celebrations corresponds to a change of season, an archangel, and a cardinal point. Easter marks the beginning of spring, under the care of the Archangel Raphal, who represents the planet Mercury, and rules over the South. The feast of Saint John marks the beginning of summer, whose fires are supervised by the Archangel Ouriel, representing Earth, ruling over the North. Michaelmas introduces autuum, under the influence of Archangel Mikhal, who represents the Sun, and rules over the East. Christmas is the beginning of winter and is dedicated to the care of Archangel Gabriel, who represents the Moon, and rules over the West. All these four major periods of the year are, therefore, the work of specific forces and beings. We, too, should at least be aware of this work, and try to participate. (APRIL 3, 1999) The transition from one season to the next occurs at one of the four points known as equinoxes and solstices, each of which is a node of forces adapted to each season. The release of these forces is organized and regulated by great spirits whose responsibility it is to disseminate them over the face of the planet. The Archangel Raphal reigns over the spring. Under his command a host of heavenly entities takes care of the vegetable kingdom, distributing forces of regeneration and growth. Thousands of spirits are engaged in this task. You must not think that everything in nature happens mechanically, automatically. No, all growth and change in plants, animals and human beings is produced by the work of the spirits responsible for each realm. As soon as spring begins therefore it is good to link yourself to the Archangel Raphal and ask him to make you receptivee to the virtues hidden in plants and flowers, so that this new life flow through you too. (MARCH 20, 1995) The Festival of St John takes place on June 24 under the guardianship of the Archangel Uriel, who presides over summer. The Church generally mentions only three Archangels: Gabriel, Raphal and Mikhal who preside over the three cardinal festivals of the winter solstice (Gabriel), the spring equinox (Raphal) and the autumn equinox (Mikhal). Why is Uriel not mentioned? Uriel is an Archangel of light, and his name signifies: God is my light'. At the Festival of St John, which takes place when the sun enters the constellation of Cancer, we light fires in the countryside; for it is the celebration of fire, of the warmth that ripens the fruits and all things. During summer everything is on fire. This is also the fire of love, of physical and sensual love; it is the formidable energy which effervesces in creatures. The Festival of St John reminds disciples that they must learn to work with the fire of divine love in order to escape the fire of undesirable passions. (JUNE 24, 2004) The Archangel Mikhal presides over the autumn equinox which occurs on September 22, when the sun enters Libra, thus inaugurating a new cycle. Fruits falls from the trees shedding their husks, and the seeds and grains are sifted and sorted for food or to be stored, later, they will be sown and the whole cycle will begin all over again. But this process of sorting and separation is not something that concerns only plant life: it also concerns human beings. Just as the fruit is separated from the tree and the seed from the fruit, so the soul is separated from the body, if not physically, at least spiritually. The body is the envelope and the soul is the seed that is sown on high, in Heaven. When man's fruit is ripe and the seed ready to fall, it must not fall to the ground like the seeds of plants; it must fly upwards to Heaven. (SEPTEMBER 22, 1987)

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Every year on September 22 the Sun enters the sign of Libra. It is autumn, the season of ripened fruit. The Archangel Mikhal, who dominates this equinoctial point, is always depicted holding a pair of scales, which he uses to weigh the souls. Just as the fruit separates from the tree, as the seed separates from the fruit, so the soul separates from the body. Autumn is the time of separation to which Hermes Trismegistus refers: You will separate the subtle from the dense with great ingenuity. You will separate the subtle from the dense, in other words also the spiritual from the material. In the autumn the process of separation, this process of sorting takes place throughout nature to prepare for new life. And just as the Archangel Mikhal comes to separate the soul from the body by letting the body die, initiates also let some matter die within themselves so as to release true life. (SEPTEMBER 22, 2000) The winter solstice, presided over by the Archangel Gabriel, occurs on December 21, and a few days later comes Christmas, the feast day that marks a birth, a descent into matter, an event of which the season of winter itself is an image, for in winter things solidify and crystallize. The Archangel Gabriel commands the forces which condense matter. He is the Archangel of the Moon which condenses things, and in fact, if it had not been prevented from doing so by other influences, the moon would have solidified and petrified everything: plants, animals and human beings. So it is the Archangel Gabriel who takes care of the process of materialization, and when Initiates want to materialize something, even if it involves no connection with a special birth, they do so at this time, for the conditions surrounding this feast day are highly conductive to obtaining the results they seek. lt is a period of birth, a time when something is born on earth. The other cardinal feast days all correspond to a disengagement, a resurrection, a flaring-up: Christmas is the only one that is linked to a concrete realization on earth. (DECEMBER 21, 1987)


Seven spirits stand before the throne of God. The spirit of life and love, the red ray; the spirit of sanctity, the orange ray; the spirit of wisdom, the yellow ray; the spirit of eternity, the green ray; the spirit of truth, the blue ray; the spirit of strength, the indigo ray; and the spirit of divine love and sacrifice, the violett ray. These are the seven spirits of the divine virtues. The day will come when all human beings will have to study this science of light and colour, the science of the ancient hierophants. It is also the science of Christ. The world was created by light, and by means of light man too can become a creator. If all the other sciences were to disappear one day, the science of light and colours, which are the virtues of light, would remain. (JUNE 28, 1995) Each of the seven colours of the prism corresponds to a virtue: violet to sacrifice, indigo to strength, blue to truth, green to hope, yellow to wisdom, orange to holiness, and red to love. But it is almost useless to work to obtain spiritual powers with light and colours, unless we also work on the corresponding inner virtues. Similarly, all those who imagine that they are going to become great sages merely by performing rituals or evoking spirits, without improving their inner life in any way, are greatly mistaken. Higher beings are not deluded by such attempts. These people have merely succeeded in summoning lower beings elementals and monsters from the depths. If you want to attract angels and archangels, you can do so only by acquiring virtues, because the highest entities only frequent those who manifest true light: the light of purity, love, wisdom and truth. (MAY 10, 1999)

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The Book of Genesis tells of how Jacob fell asleep one night with his head upon a stone and how, while he slept, he saw in a dream angels going up and down a ladder linking earth with Heaven. This is how this cosmic order, this hierarchy of beings all the way from stones up to the throne of God was revealed to him. Cabbalistic tradition represents this hierarchy in the Sephirotic Tree, the Tree of Life. If most people are troubled and confused, if they cannot make sense of their lives, it is because they have not learnt to respect the hierarchy that Cosmic Intelligence has established for eternity. To know this hierarchy is essential for your inner life. By constantly keeping in mind this idea of an order, a structure, man is obliged to act according to this order, as he understands how he too must find his place in this universal harmony. (OCTOBER 8, 2001) The Book of Genesis tells how, when Jacob lay down with his head on a stone and slept, lie had a vision of a ladder reaching from earth to Heaven with the angels of God going up and down it. This was how the cosmic Hierarchy that Cabbalists call the Tree of Life, was revealed to him. Heaven and earth are not cut off from each other; there is a constant to and fro of mutual giving and receiving going on. Clairvoyants have sometimes seen beings coming down to earth to work on men, animals, plants and minerals. Some of them stay only a very short time, while others, on the contrary, stay and work for a long time. In our day, very few people believe in the existence of these creatures and the work they do but, one day, the whole of mankind will be aware of the constant interchange going on between earth and Heaven, between the earth and the sun, between the earth and the farthest reaches of the universe and beyond, to infinity. (JANUARY 3, 1999) On the Tree of Life music belongs in the Sephira Chokmah, ruled by the Cherubim. Chokmah is the realm of the Word, by which everything was created and the Word is nothing other than fashioned cosmic matter. Sound models and forms matter and this is how God used the Word to fashion formless matter, the tohuwabohu in Genesis. He spoke upon this cosmic dust and forms came into being. The Cherubim received the divine vibration of the Word and this vibration was communicated to every other creature existing throughout space. When we sing the mystical songs of the Brotherhood as a choir, we too link with the order of Cherubim. This harmony works on us, resonating within every particle of our being, communicating its harmonious vibrations and shaping us in the form of perfect beauty. (MARCH 7, 1999)


According to the Cabbalah, the three letters, Aleph, Mem and Tav, are the three Mother letters by which the world was created. Aleph represents the divine world. Mem represents the spiritual, intermediary world, corresponding to the astral plane, through which pass the ascending and descending forces. Tav represents the physical plane, the foundation of all materializations. The combination of these three letters forms the word Emet which means 'truth'. The letter Mem corresponds to the thirteenth trump of the Tarot which portrays a skeleton holding a scythe, the figure of death, which destroys everything perishable. Mem, therefore, is a Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


transforming power which, at the same time, destroys all that is inferior or evil. This is why it is attributed to death Mavt and to the Archangel MichaeI who leads the souls of the dead to God. (SEPTEMBER 29, 1999) Sometimes, while asleep, you dream that you are doing things that you would be thoroughly ashamed of doing in a waking state. Why is this? Because you have not yet learned that it is necessary to prepare for sleep as if setting out on a very risky journey. The Cabbalah tells us that an impure spirit attaches itself to the physical body of somebody who is going to sleep, suggesting certain ideas and desires. This impure spirit wants to take possession of the sleeping body, to make use of the large reserves of strength it contains. In order to defend yourself, you must pray to Heaven to send you an angel to protect you and take you to study love and wisdom in the school of the Lord. In this way, you will always have a guardian during the night, to keep your body safe from evil spirits and each morning you will return to your body enlightened and refreshed. (DECEMBER 14, 1998) Why do we sometimes do things in a dream that we would be ashamed to do when we are awake? Because we are not well informed. Before going to sleep we have to prepare ourselves as if for a sacred voyage that is destined, one day, to bear fruit. The Cabbalah tells us that when a man goes to sleep an impure spirit attaches itself to his physical body and suggests certain ideas and desires to him. This impure spirit tries to take possession of this sleeping body and to use its tremendous reserves of strength for its own end. In order to defend yourselves against impure spirits, you must pray for an angel from Heaven to come and protect you and lead you to the divine school of the Lord where you can study love and wisdom. In this way you will always be protected by a guardian who will keep watch over your body at night and prevent the spirit of evil from taking possession of it. (SEPTEMBER 13, 1988)


There is a tradition which names Lucifer, the archangel who revolted against God, the brother of Christ. It says that when Lucifer was thrown from Heaven, during the fall he lost the emerald which adorned his forehead. And from this emerald which fell to earth was fashioned the cup in which Joseph of Arimathea collected Jesus blood at the crucifixion. It is this cup that became the Holy Grail, a symbol that has played a great role in the history of Christianity. The initiates who established this relationship between Lucifer and Christ wanted to teach us that good and evil are two poles of one and the same reality: of God Himself. (APRIL 21, 2000) Christian tradition depicts a human being as accompanied all his life by an angel on his right and a devil on his left. The angel gives him good advice and enlightens him while, on the other side, the devil tries to mislead him so that he may become its victim. One may ask why angel and devil are content to remain quietly beside people, why do they not spring at each others throat. It would be simpler and the winner would seize the poor fellow concerned. But no, they do not fight, they have respect and esteem for one another, they even greet each other: Good day, here you are, how are you? The devil does not attack the angel of light, nor does the angel strike down the devil. Why? Because in reality the guardian angel and the devil are images that express two realities: a superior and an inferior world; the divine nature and primitive nature. These two natures coexist in man and it is up to each one to decide which of the two natures he wants to express. (AUGUST 15, 2001)

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Someone who believes he can evade his responsibilities and obligations in order to taste the delights of an easier life is not aware of the strict laws that govern destiny. A woman thinks, My husband is such a boring man! I want to find another one, more entertaining, more amusing. She finds one and abandons her husband, who obviously suffers from this situation. But soon her second husband will perhaps make her suffer even more. It is not absolutely forbidden to leave a husband or wife, but you must not do so before you have resolved at least the problem with the first partner. And this is true in all situations. You think it is easy to sever a bond, break an agreement or abandon a responsibility. What seems easy at first sight is in reality extremely difficult and vice versa. If you accept the difficulties, you will feel unsuspected energies rising within you and the Lord will send angels to help you. But if you choose the easy way, you will still have angels as companions, but another type of angel ... the angels of justice. (AUGUST 24, 2001) By moving away from the divine Source, human beings continually stray onto the dark and tortuous paths of life. And to justify their aberrations, they claim that there is no accounting for taste, by which they mean that everyone has their own particular madness and that they are entitled to give in to all the eccentricities their madness can come up with. No, there is one standard for taste: What is truly good, righteous and beautiful for everyone. We must always choose what is pure, luminous and divine, what brings you closer to the world above and there not only is your choice infinite, but you are free at the same time. The universe is inhabited by a multitude of angels and archangels, and cosmic Intelligence will not only not reproach you for having chosen one angel over another, but you will be able to stay with him for as long as you like. However, cosmic Intelligence will reproach you for having chosen a demon. (OCTOBER 25, 2002) The fact that there was a serpent in the Garden of Eden means that other creatures existed before Adam and Eve. These creatures belonged to the angelic hierarchy which had been sent to earth to carry our certain tasks. Some of these beings chose not to return to God once they had done their work. They thought they could get along without Him, and as they were free to choose, they decided to stay on earth. This was the fault of what we call the rebellious angels: to turn their backs on the divine Source and choose a life of independence. It was because of this separation, because of the distance between them and God that they had became demons. They retained all their knowledge but they lost contact with divine love. These creatures formed an egregore and it was this egregore, symbolized by the serpent, what surrounded the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. (DECEMBER 9, 1995)


Moses' account of the creation of the first man and woman, in Genesis, conceals a whole philosophy of the creation of the universe. Genesis says that God first created Adam and then, from one of Adam's ribs, He made Eve. But the Adam of this account is not the miserable creature whom we see portrayed eating an apple in a garden. The Adam of this account is Adam Kadmon, Cosmic Man, whose body is the universe with all its stars, constellations and galaxies. Yes, the universe is the body of Adam Kadmon, the first creature created by God. God Himself is beyond the created universe, beyond the Sephirah Kether. lt is Adam that is Kether. (JANUARY 8, 1988) Kether is Adam Kadmon's head.

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In the Book of Genesis, when Moses speaks of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden, he is obviously referring to a symbol. This Tree of Life represents our universe, and the fruits of this tree are the qualities and virtues of the constellations of the Zodiac. They are, in order: Aries, activity; Taurus, sensitivity and kindness; Gemini, the taste for study; Cancer, the perception of the invisible world; Leo, nobility and courage; Virgo, purity; Libra, the meaning of cosmic balance; Scorpio, the understanding of life and death; Sagittarius, the link with Heaven; Capricorn, self-mastery; Aquarius, brotherhood and universality; Pisces, sacrifice. These are the qualities of the fruits of the Tree of Life that God gave Adam and Eve as food, and it is with (JANUARY 9, 2004) these fruits that we too must nourish ourselves. Moses' account of the story of Adam and Eve is illustrated by the Sephirotic Tree. Adam is the masculine principle and Eve the feminine principle; Eve dwells in Yesod, the Moon, and Adam in Tiphareth, the Sun. Eve, therefore, is in closer contact with Malkuth, the terrestrial region beneath which dwell the Kliphoth, the Unbalanced Forces. In the Biblical tale, the Serpent, which is the symbol of the Unbalanced Forces, climbed from the subterranean regions up into the tree, and seduced the woman, Eve, on whom the equilibrium of the tree depended; for Yesod is the foundation or base. Eve should have stayed in close touch with the masculine principle, Adam, because Adam was linked to Kether, God Himself. But she turned to the Serpent and let lier attention be drawn downwards. In doing so, she ceased to support the whole edifice and, when she succeeded in attracting Adam's attention, also, it collapsed. Together, they were precipitated into the dark, subterranean region of the Kliphoth. The story of Adam and Eve is repeated in every man and woman who cut themselves off from God. The secret of true life is in our link with God; it is this that sustains the whole edifice. (MARCH 13, 1988) Binah is the first Sephirah on the left pillar of the Sephirotic Tree, the Pillar of Severity, the feminine principle in creation, where God manifests Himself under the name of Jehovah. He is the awesome God who revealed Himself to Moses. His anger, his menaces and the curses that would punish human beings until the fourth generation, resound throughout the whole of the Old Testament. You wonder: How can this awesome God be a feminine power? Because this feminine power represents nature in reality. This concept is easier to understand if you think about what nature really is: An implacable mother. Nature has its laws and if you go against these laws, you are punished in some way or the other. And, by inference, this punishment will affect your children and your grandchildren. Let us take the well-known example of alcoholism. He who abuses alcohol not only harms his physical and mental health, but also passes on a tainted heredity. The same goes for other types of abuse and transgression. Really, it is so simple. (OCTOBER 9, 1999)


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As long as human beings have not learned to link their souls and spirits consciously to the luminious forces of nature they will continue to feel empty, confused and anguished. The only way to help a human being is to give him light, true knowledge. When that light dawns within him it shows him that he is linked to immensity and eternity, the he can communicate with the forces of the cosmos, that he has the power to transform his life. Only then will he possess certainty and joy. You can help human beings to solve their physical and psychic problems only by teaching them about their true nature, by showing them how they are linked to the Tree of Life, and how to draw from it the forces they need in order to work and transform themselves. . (JULY 28, 1995) The study of the Sephirotic Tree, the Tree of Life, gives a very clear view of the spiritual work you must accomplish and is a method that can serve you to the end of your days. Your mind will stop wandering aimlessly as you follow its path, and the further you manage to advance, the more blessings you will receive. Refer frequently to the Sephirotic Tree and you will light lamps within you, which will not only enlighten you, but also purify and strengthen you, bringing you vitality and beauty. Perhaps you will always find this image mysterious and will thus never fully manifest all the virtues and powers it represents. However, it will serve as an illustration of the ideal world that draws you ever higher. (OCTOBER 31, 1998) Many people believe that they are in direct contact with God because they attend church regularly or recite their daily prayers. Would that it were so easy! To claim direct contact with God, we would have to be completely unaware of his inaccessibility! I would not say that we cannot reach some aspect of God but certainly not God Himself. Between ourselves and God there is a great gulf to be crossed, a space so vast it is beyond conception. That space is not empty: It is composed of regions in which spiritual entities live. All religions mention in some way the existence of these regions and these entities. The Christian tradition, which has its roots in the Jewish tradition, teaches the existence of nine angelic orders: the Angels, Archangels, Principalities, Virtues, Powers, Dominations, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. These angelic orders are each an aspect of divine power and virtue. In order for us to develop spiritually, we need to know about the existence of these celestial entities, because they are like beacons of light along our way. (DECEMBER 5, 1998) When you become more and more conscious of the existence of angels, archangels, and the whole of the angelic hierarchy, you become impregnated with their qualities; you become more alive, more enlightened, and your whole inner world is enriched. At the same time you must remain very modest and know that many of these beings are still very far out of your reach. Begin by trying to get in touch with the saints, initiates and great masters, whose mission it is to help human beings. Then rise higher still, and try to reach the angels, because the angels are the closest to us: They listen to us, help us, and grant our desires. You can also try to invoke the archangels. But do not attempt to go higher. In infinity, worlds without number exist, and the higher angelic hierarchies in deepest space are not in touch with human beings. They have other work to do, far away. You should know of the existence of these superior hierarchies and can even invoke them; but in order that your prayers and meditations may achieve results, you must address those beings closer to you. (APRIL 25, 1998) Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


Between humanity and God there exists a hierarchy of highly evolved beings which the Christian religion refers to us as the hierarchy of angels. Beginning with the highest, they are the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Powers, Virtues, Principalities, Archangels and Angels. All of these orders serve as transformers for the powers emanating from the Creator. The Cherubim and Seraphim, those closest to the Lord, represent His love and wisdom. This love and wisdom descend, passing successively through the other orders the Throne, Dominions and so on to the Angels who transmit them to us in the form of life. Yes, the energies we receive and which make us living beings are passed to us by the Angels. You must meditate on the transformation of the divine quintessence through this succession of beings extending from the Throne of God until it reaches us. And in this perfect construction that is the universe, each planet is also a special transformer, just as in our bodies each organ transforms energies and sends them on to another organ. Yes, because the phenomena occurring in human beings are the same as those which occur in the universe. (MAY 22, 2000) The Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones belong to the divine triad of Kether, Chokmah and Binah. They are in direct contact with God and through them the Dominations, Powers and Virtues receive divine emanations, which they then transmit to human beings, and further down, to the animal, plant and mineral realms. The Seraphim are the spirits of Divine Love. The Cherubim are the spirits of Divine Wisdom. The Thrones are the spirits of Divine Power. The Dominations; Powers and Virtues are the first reflection of that love, wisdom and power. Below these, the Principalities, Archangels and Angels are the second reflection. Now, it is up to us to make efforts to become the third reflection of that divine perfection by learning to work with all the love of our heart, all the light of our intellect and all the strength of our will. (SEPTEMBER 25, 1998) Nothing in the world has a value greater than or even equal to life. So conserve your life and protect it. History has told of men and women who gave their lives to save others, to stand up for certain ideas. Yes, it is only in these situations that we have the right to sacrifice our lives. Saints, prophets, initiates have also given their lives for an idea, for the glory of God; not only did they not lose anything, but thereafter received a new life, even richer and more beautiful, because they had sacrificed themselves for the good. But apart from these cases, each person must conserve his life, preserve it, purify, intensify and enlighten it, for life is the source, the point of departure of all other developments on the physical, emotional and mental planes. True resurrection begins by working on life. At the beginning, there is life, then comes wisdom, love, (APRIL 15, 2001) beauty, etc., as many branches of the primordial Tree of Life. . In the Book of Revelations, St. John tells how he was transported in spirit before the Throne of God. Around the throne and on each side of the throne, are four living creatures, full of eyes in front and behind: the first living creature like a lion, the second living creature like an ox, the third living creature with a face like a human face and the fourth living creature like a flying eagle. These four living beings are the Seraphim, whose place is before the Throne of God. They represent the four principles of matter, the four elements: fire lion, earth bull, air man and water eagle. The Seraphim are the angels of the four elements. Therefore, one could say that the very roots of matter lie in God, within the highest Sephirah, Kether. But do not be misled by words, because at this degree of purity, matter is almost indistinguishable from spirit.

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(JUNE 30, 1998)


The Sephirothic Tree is a graphic description of the different regions of the universe. It also represents every area of the human psyche, and helps us understand the path we have to follow to attain the invisible world. From the bottom, Malkouth is the first sephira representing the physical plane to enter the psychic plane Yesod, the region of the moon. Yesod marks the beginning of all psychic life, and is a degree more advanced than Malkouth. We reach the first stage of psychic life on the lower level of Yesod, which the light of Tiphareth the sun has not yet been able to penetrate. This is a region of mists and vague indeterminate forms, and we must pass through this region very quickly and go higher, to the world of light and reason the world of the spirit. Here, our real work begins. (FEBRUARY 7, 1999) Kether: the Crown; Chokmah: Wisdom; Binah: Intelligence; Chesed: Mercy; Geburah: Power; Tiphareth: Beauty; Netzach: Victory; Hod: Glory; Yesod: The Foundation; Malkuth: the Kingdom. Learn to meditate on the ten sephiroth of the Tree of Life; be conscious of the fact that this Tree exists inside you, and that the only worthwhile activity is to make it grow, flower and bear fruit. How long you will need before you become that Tree of Life must not concern you. It is possible you will need to refer to its image and breathe life into it for thousands of years, until the day when those ten sephiroth within you begin to vibrate and your inner being radiates with all the (JANUARY 3, 1998) light, knowledge and wisdom of the Tree of Life. We need a method to guide us in our spiritual work and point out the best path to follow. For me, the best method of all is the study of the Sephiroth Tree, the Tree of Life, and that is why I insist that you learn and deepen your knowledge of all its aspects. With Malkuth you give things material form. With Yesod you purify them. With Hod you understand and express them. With Netzach you give them grace. With Tiphareth you bring light to them. With Geburah you fight to defend them. With Chesed you submit them to divine order. With Binah you give them stability. With Chokmah you place them within universal harmony. Finally, with Kether you place the seal of eternity upon them. (NOVEMBER 14, 1998) One must not interpret the creation of the first man revealed in the sacred books ad the creation of human beings as they are today. The Cabbalah clarifies this subject for us. The Cabbalah calls this first man Adam Kadmon, meaning, primordial man. Adam Kadmon is the first being created by God, the cosmic man whose body has been formed with constellations and worlds. And God is still beyond this created universe. In the Cabbalah, the universe symbolized by the Tree of Life is formed by the Sephiroth Kether, Chokmah, Binah, Chesed, Geburah, Tiphareth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth. It is this tree of Life, the Sephirotic Tree that represents the body of Adam. Kether is his head. Chokmah is his right eye and the right side of his face. Binah is his left eye and the left side of his face, Chesed, the right arm, Geburah, the left arm, Tiphareth, the heart and solar plexus, Netzach, the right leg, Hod the left leg, Yesod, the genital organs and Malkuth, the feet. Adam Kadmon is the cosmic archetype of which we are a cell, a reflection. (DECEMBER 26, 2001)

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The Blessed Trinity is represented on the central Pillar of the Sephirotic Tree: the Father in Kether, the Son in Tiphareth and the Holy Spirit in Yesod. The Father is Life, the Son is Light and Yesod is Love. Each Sephirah corresponds, also, to a part of man's body, and Yesod corresponds to the genital organs. The Holy Spirit is connected to love in many ways, and when we say that Jesus was 'conceived of the Holy Spirit', it means that he was conceived in an absolutely pure state of consciousness. Why was it the Archangel Gabriel who announced this conception to Mary? Why was he chosen, rather than any other Archangel to bear the good news? Because it is the Archangel Gabriel who rules the region of Yesod. When you study the Cabbalah it becomes very clear. Gabriel's visit speaks for itself and becomes meaningful once you know the virtues and functions of the different regions. (MARCH 25, 1998)

The Seraphim are the angels of Kether, the first Sephirah. They are therefore the first creatures to receive emanations from the divine source. They exist immersed in an ocean of turbulent, primordial matter, drinking at the source of light and love, their only nourishment. They are nourished by contemplating God, which is why they are represented with eyes all over their bodies. The Seraphim are the most perfect manifestation of love because true love is contemplation. (MAY 21, 1998)

Everyone knows that a key is made to go into a lock to open a door. The symbols of the key and the lock can be found in all spheres of life. Yes, everywhere there are keys and locks to open doors because everywhere there is a matter that the spirit must penetrate and open so as to reveal its riches. The cabbalists teach that someone who has traveled the 32 paths of wisdom is capable of opening the 50 doors of Binah. Binah is the divine Mother, the primordial matter, the purest and subtlest. And the celestial Father is the key that opens the locks of matter. The one who knows how to open this matter benefits from its inexhaustible resources. In a sense, this is what atomic scientists have done. They have succeeded in opening a door in matter and releasing this incredible power capable of consuming everything. They found a key that enabled them to achieve atomic fission, but they still do not know how to use it properly for the good of humanity. It is thanks to the spirit, the only true key, that they will one day open the locks of matter and release its hidden powers. (NOVEMBER 3, 2001)


It is difficult to gain a higher level of consciousness, and even more so to remain at that level, even for those who have espoused a spiritual way of life. They succeed one day, and the next they allow themselves to relax a little. It is virtually impossible to reach a state of stability and permanence. Stability is the highest point of initiation, at which point a disciple can at last say, like the Hierophant of ancient Egypt: I am stable, son of stability, conceived and bred in the land of stability. The sephirah Binah is the land of stability, the region of the Twenty-four Elders. (MAY 4, 1998)

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It is the Thrones, the angels of the sephirah Binah, also known as the Twenty-four Elders, who decree the destiny human beings will meet with in their next incarnations, according to how they have lived in previous lives. But these orders are executed by others: the angels of the sephirah Chesed or Geburah. If people need punishment, if it is necessary to subject them to trials in order to teach them truths they have stubbornly ignored, the Twenty-four Elders will not execute this themselves, but will send the angels of Geburah to subdue these recalcitrant individuals. And when, on the other hand, people deserve rewards, it is the angels of Chesed who come and smooth the way and shower them with blessings. Each angelic hierarchy has a task, a specific mission: the Aralim, the angels of Binah, pronounce judgement; the Seraphim, the angels of Geburah, establish trials and punishments; and the Hashmalim, the angels of Chesed, distribute blessings and rewards. (JUNE 28, 2000) lf someone decides to follow the divine path and never falters in his decision, the Twenty-Four Elders see that he speaks their language, the language of stability, and they may alter the fate decreed for him. But they are in no hurry; they say, 'Let's wait and see if he perseveres.' And when they see that he continues faithfully on the right path, they are practically forced to rewrite his destiny and bring it under the rule of Providence or Grace. Grace belongs to the Sephirah Chokmah, the Sephirah next to Binah on the Sephirotic Tree of Life. The Twenty-Four Elders get in touch with Chokmah and send on this person's file, with a note of recommendation. The reign of Providence begins with Chokmah; all the other Sephiroth are under the rule of Justice and Karma, but when one enters Chokmah, the region of Christ, one comes under the rule of Grace, the rule, that is to say, of freedom. (JANUARY 2, 1988) If somebody decides to follow a divine path and continues on that path without weakening, the Lords of Destiny the Twenty-four Elders, who inhabit the Sephirah Binah are obliged to accept that this person speaks their language, the language of stability, so they change the degrees that govern him. However, they are not in a hurry; they wait to see how long he perseveres. When he proves his ability to continue advancing faithfully, these Elders are almost obliged to make a fresh entry in the book of his destiny, bringing in the element of providence, which means a state of grace. Grace is the Sephirah Chokmah, which is to be found on the Sephirotic Tree just above the Sephirah Binah. The Twenty-four Elders communicate with Chokmah and pass on this persons records with glowing references. Providence, therefore, has its origin in Chokmah. The preceding Sephiroth are subject to the laws of justice and karma, but when one enters Chokmah, where Christ dwells, one comes under the reign of grace or freedom. (AUGUST 29, 1998) It is the Thrones, the angels of the sephirah Binah, also known as the Twenty-four Elders, who decree the destiny human beings will meet with in their next incarnations, according to how they have lived in previous lives. But these orders are executed by others: the angels of the sephirah Chesed or Geburah. If people need punishment, if it is necessary to subject them to trials in order to teach them truths they have stubbornly ignored, the Twenty-four Elders will not execute this themselves, but will send the angels of Geburah to subdue these recalcitrant individuals. And when, on the other hand, people deserve rewards, it is the angels of Chesed who come and smooth the way and shower them with blessings. Each angelic hierarchy has a task, a specific mission: the Aralim, the angels of Binah, pronounce judgement; the Seraphim, the angels of Geburah, establish trials and punishments; and the Hashmalim, the angels of Chesed, distribute blessings and rewards. (JUNE 28, 2000)

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In the beginning, at the commencement of everything that exists, there was light. And this light is the Christ, the solar spirit. The spirit of the Christ first manifests in the sephirah Chokmah, the highest glory, the Word, without which, as Saint John the Divine says in his Gospel, nothing was made that was made. Then the spirit of Christ manifests under another aspect in the sephirahTipheret, the sun. When you go to watch the sun rise each morning, as you link with it, imagine that it is with its spirit that you unite; yes, the spirit of the sun is none other than the spirit of Christ, an emanation of the Godhead. Open yourselves up to the sun: it is not enough just to be there and gaze at it. To have total contact with the quintessence of its light, your spirit must link with it and enter into it. As soon as you plunge into that world of light, a few particles of light penetrate within you and you receive revelations of divine splendour. (NOVEMBER 13, 1998) On the Tree of Life music belongs in the Sephira Chokmah, ruled by the Cherubim. Chokmah is the realm of the Word, by which everything was created and the Word is nothing other than fashioned cosmic matter. Sound models and forms matter and this is how God used the Word to fashion formless matter, the tohuwabohu in Genesis. He spoke upon this cosmic dust and forms came into being. The Cherubim received the divine vibration of the Word and this vibration was communicated to every other creature existing throughout space. When we sing the mystical songs of the Brotherhood as a choir, we too link with the order of Cherubim. This harmony works on us, resonating within every particle of our being, communicating its harmonious vibrations and shaping us in the form of perfect beauty. (MARCH 7, 1999) Man is the only living creature endowed with the faculty of speech, and it is thanks to this faculty that cultures and civilizations have flourished. And when men wanted to preserve their words, the art of writing appeared. Thanks to the word, man is all-powerful, for true magic is the intelligent, sensible, luminous, harmonious, musical word that flows from God, the Source. Christ is called the Word of God. On the Sephirotic Tree, the Divine Word is the second Sephirah, Chokmah, the Wisdom that flows from Kether. lt contains all the elements, numbers and letters used by God to create the universe. Chokmah is the region of Christ, the region of Eternal Glory, for Christ is the Glory, the Word of God. This is why Jesus said, 'l am the light of the world.' Christ, the Word, is the universal Key which opens all the doors of life. He who works to make his word powerful, alive and harmonious, possesses the key which will open all doors and enable him to achieve wonders, first of all, in himself and then in others and in the whole of nature. This is the glory, the extraordinary future for which man is destined: the (AUGUST 23, 1998) ability to act on matter by the power of the word.

Geburah is the fifth sephira on the sephirotic tree which the Cabbalists associate with the planet Mars. Geburah represents aggressive energy which protects against and repulses enemies. And because Geburah's number is 5, the pentagram - the five-pointed star - is often used by magi as a protection. They place it at the entrance of their house to prohibit evil spirits from entering, but also to prevent luminous spirits from leaving. Obviously, placing a pentagram at the entrance of your house is not sufficient for your protection. This symbol becomes truly effective only for those who work to become a pentagram inwardly. The pentagram is, in some sense, like the skeleton of a spirit on the astral plane, which must be brought to life so it can stand guard at the entrance of your house and defend it against

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harmful entities. But you can do so only by your own life: a life of honesty, integrity and service to the light. (APRIL 12, 2003)

It was the Elohim, the Angels of the Sephirah Netzach, that created the world, and this event occurs once again, in miniature, each time an infant is conceived. In creating a child, the man and woman are under the influence of Netzach, love, and it is the Elohim that create the child's body. Even if the man and woman concerned know nothing about it, the Elohim accomplish their task. The Sephiroth are not far away from us, they are at work every day in every area of our fives. Yes, the creation of a child is a good example of this: the Elohim are present, they are called upon to do their work and, a few months later, an adorable little baby appears and throws everybody into raptures! Without realising it, human beings are constantly collaborating with magic forces, the forces of the cosmos. Can you think of any magic more powerful than that of procreation? Magic can give you the power to trigger storms and tornadoes, but that is nothing compared to the creation of a living human being! (APRIL 13, 1988) The Elohim, the Angels of the Sephirah Netzach, created the world and this cosmic event is reproduced on the human level every time a man and a woman conceive a child. In order to create a child, the man and the woman are under the influence of Netzach, love and the Elohim build the body of this child. Even if the man and the woman are not aware of this, the Elohim are at work. The Sephirot are sublime regions, but every day they are at work in all spheres of life. Yes, just look at how a child is created: The Elohim are there, the father and the mother have called upon them and a few months later a small human being appears and everyone is filled with wonder. Without knowing it human beings work together with cosmic forces, with magical forces. What magical forces are more powerful than those of procreation? Magic can let loose hurricanes, but that is nothing compared with the creation of a living being. (OCTOBER 29, 1999)

What is birth? It is the transformation from the invisible state to the visible, from the immaterial to the material, abstract to solid. It is the moon, that supremely feminine principle, that presides over all the different forms of incarnation, on the physical as well as the spiritual plane. During winter, when the nights are longer and natural life slows down, conditions for interior work are at their best, whereas the contrary applies to exterior manifestations. In winter we are prompted to go within ourselves to prepare for the birth of the child of the light, symbolized in some traditions as a pearl. Originating in the sea, the pearl, like the sea, is connected with the moon. On the Sephirotic Tree, the pearl oyster is Yesod, which represents the genitals of the cosmic body, and this is where the pearl must be formed: the pearl that represents the purest quintessence of love. It is the pearl oyster that forms a pearl, and that oyster is the reflection of the feminine principle, which delivers into the world the pearl beyond price: the divine child. (DECEMBER 25, 1998)

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Much work and a great deal of time is necessary to obtain results in the spiritual life. Look at how many millions of years stones require to become plants. It takes plants millions of years to become animals, how many millions of years does it take for them to become human beings? Of course, the time required for transformation diminishes from one stratum to another: an enormous amount of time is needed by stones, less for plants, even less for animals, and still less again for people to become superhuman, r angels. The capacity for evolution becomes greater at each higher level of life. Even so, hundreds of thousands of years are necessary for human beings to achieve a resemblance to angels. (MAY 26, 1998) How free you are depends on which rung you have reached on the ladder of evolution. If you are at the bottom of the ladder you have no freedom. Are animals free? Or plants? Or stones? Even among human beings, many are not free: they are pressured and influenced by other people, or by entities from the invisible world. Their decisions are not their own. In order to be free you must rise up to the Lord. It is at the top that you are free, and nowhere else. Only the Lord is free. All other creatures are not free: not even the archangels, as they are immersed in the soul of the Lord, and receive His influence. They are free through the freedom of the Lord, but they are not free in relation to the Lord. Only the Lord is free, and all creatures are free through His freedom only to the extent that they draw close to the Lord: but not in any other way. (JUNE 14, 1999) Go and look at swamps and jungles, and you will see all the animals there hunting and devouring each other. Then go very high into heavenly regions, amongst the angelic hierarchies, and you will see beings who ceaselessly give out nothing but love and light. Yes, high up, only love and light exist, whereas low down there is hostility, danger, snares and merciless conflict. In the same way, people whose base occupations and desires have dragged them down to lower regions are obliged to fight and tear each other to pieces. Then they jump to the conclusion that nature is red in tooth and claw, that human beings live according to the law of the jungle. This is true as long as one stays on a low level. But the higher one climbs, the more love and light one finds. (JULY 28, 1998) In people who are governed by their instincts and passions, we can recognize the convulsions of a primitive earth: everything within them is agitation and chaos. It is true that, as for the earth, life manages to survive amidst perturbations, but it does not have the right conditions to produce very elaborate forms. The bursting out of passions creates within man a state that is incompatible with the emergence of a culture, a civilization. When this primitive earth calms itself at last and becomes an organized world, then plants, animals and human beings will come to settle down figuratively speaking. This is our daily task: to prepare our inner world, a world where even angels and divinities will come to visit us in the form of inspiration, intuition and revelation, for this is true life! (AUGUST 12, 2001) It is up to you to decide whether you want to descend to the level of animals, plants or stones, or to travel the ascending path that leads through realms of angelic hierarchies, right up to God. To advance upwards, you must participate in activities that will permit the crude, sombre particles of your physical, astral and mental bodies to be replaced with those that are ever more pure and

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full of light. When you let yourself slip into lazy ways, choosing only what comes easily, you are stagnating, approaching the ossified, instinctive life of vegetables or minerals. Whereas, if you intensify the spiritual quality of your thoughts, feelings and actions, you will move to a higher dimension in space, and there you will discover a previously unknown form of life, and experience an uninterrupted contact with love and light. (SEPTEMBER 26, 1998)


Deep down, human beings attribute too much importance to evil, and this is why they are continually complaining: Oh! What a world we live in! Every day people are becoming more selfish and dishonest and they will never change. Injustice always wins out. Whatever we do to improve the situation, well never succeed. People are so attached to such thoughts that they are endlessly inviting them to their table: Come, come, there is plenty of food here for you. Well, this is a very dangerous attitude. By emphasising evil so much, you do nothing to diminish it; on the contrary, you encourage and reinforce it. From now on, therefore, you must encourage the good by saying: Come, angels, come; Heavenly entities, give us you wisdom, your love and your power, so that every day we (May do something good here on earth. (FEBRUARY 13, 2003) All our activities are determined by the goal we seek to achieve and by the means we use to achieve it. Unfortunately human beings have an appalling tendency to get their goals and means out of sync. They refuse to recognize they are using their highest faculties to achieve the most mundane goals. They are ready to devote what is best in them their intelligence, their integrity and their purity to satisfy their lowest appetites. And they will even ask the Lord to step in and help them in their foolishness and goings-on. And do you think they realize what they are doing? Not a bit of it! They have never stopped to ask themselves: What is it Im trying to achieve? What means am I using to do so? No, it takes a teacher to say to them: Just look at what you are doing. These goals of yours are basically hell and what means are you using to reach hell? The Lord, the angels, science, art, religion. You are using all that is marvellous and wonderful to end up in hell. (FEBRUARY 13, 2002) When they enter a mosque, Muslims take off their shoes and leave them at the door. Well, this is what you must do from to time to time with your worries: leave them outside and go within to converse with God, with the angels. You can take up your problems again when you leave, if you must! Some people give the impression that they cannot live without worry and torment. But they can rest assured, there will always be worry and grief for them; they will never lack for it. Why do they not forget them from time to time? Even if they complain about them, it seems that for them life must consist of trouble, conflicts and misunderstandings. Well, this is only a lower form of life, it is not true life. True life consists of putting all negativity to one side and entering your inner sanctuary to commune with beauty, purity and light. (FEBRUARY 15, 2004) Try to cultivate this consciousness of the divine life which penetrates all things and you will sense many subtle, luminous beings around you. These beings manifest every time you Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


experience moments of great spiritual intensity. Certain mystical emotions, certain qualities of silence, certain vibrations in the atmosphere of a room in which you have just been praying and meditating ... all these are manifestations of angelic beings. You say that you cannot see them. But can you see your thoughts, your feelings or your life? No, but you do not doubt their existence; their manifestations are proof enough. What we see is never more than the shell, the outward appearance of things. The essence is always invisible. So you (May not see the angels, but you will sense their presense and this sensation of their presense is something you cannot doubt. This is what life is: vibrations and currents that circulate throughout space. (FEBRUARY 21, 2003) The marriage of spirit and matter, of Heaven and earth, is celebrated every day throughout the universe. So, be sure you are invited to take part in the festivities given by the Heavenly Father (the spirit) and the divine Mother (matter), who are surrounded by the angelic hierarchies. Do you think your wish to participate in these festivities is sufficient to gain admission? No, you must first fulfil certain conditions, and if you try to enter without preparing yourself, you will suffer the same fate as the man mentioned in one of Jesus' parables: he presented himself at the feast without having clothed himself in ceremonial dress and he was not received. This dress symbolizes those qualities and virtues that must be developed for admission to the table of the divine feast: disinterestedness, purity and kindness. Perhaps you will not be invited to sit at the right-hand of the master of the house, but this does not matter. Even if you are at the other end of the table, what matters is that you are present to take part in the celebration. (FEBRUARY 22, 2004) Angels and archangels never use violence in dealing with human beings. They never force themselves on you or try to enter you without being invited. Devils on the other hand force themselves on human beings and cling like limpets. If you want angels to come and visit you you have to invite them. Tell them, Come! This house is mine and I beg you to come and dwell in it and make it yours. When the spirits of light sense that you are eager to have them as your guests they have no hesitation in entering. Indeed, they can sometimes act very forcefully : if a house is tenanted by devils they are quite capable of attacking them and driving them out. But they will only do this if the owner send them an invitation, otherwise they will not enter. They respect his will. (FEBRUARY 27, 1995) All of us are visited by spirits of light, or of darkness, for we supply sustenance for either light, or darkness. The spirits we attract are either divine or diabolical, according to how we live our lives and what ideals we aspire to. So we must set ourselves a considerable programme of work, fashioning our own matter to attract spirits of light and making ourselves a dwelling place of the Divinity. If we want the Spirit to descend into us we must dedicate ourselves to Heaven, saying : O heavenly angels, archangels and divinities, servants of almighty God and the divine Mother, take me, and everything I possess, so that the Kingdom of God may come on earth and the Golden Age reign amongst all peoples. Until we dedicate ourselves to Heaven we remain uncommitted and ignorant of which master we serve. If this is so, we are of no use to anyone, least of all to ourselves. . (MARCH 6, 1999) A disciple must rely on nothing, and on nobody not even the greatest spiritual masters, not the angels not even the Lord Himself. The only thing we can rely on is our work, and then, because of all we have accomplished through our own efforts, we can count on the succour of the whole universe. When we plant a seed we can depend on the sun, the rain and morning dew to make our seedlings grow. But if we have sown nothing, what can we expect ? Whatever

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outside help we may hope for, nothing produces nothing : we would be relying on emptiness. Even God would prefer us not to lean on Him so heavily. This is why it is written : Strive first for the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. So it is always up to us to take the first step, to initiate the process which will give the result we desire. (MARCH 10, 1999) The majority of human beings are walking corpses, inwardly, they are cold and unloving, no light or warmth emanates from them, and they think that this is the way to get on in life! How wrong they are, poor things! If they really want to succeed they are going to have to learn to be alive! And the only way to do this is to love. You can practise loving: it is not difficult. Here is an exercise you can do: choose a moment when you are alone, raise your arm with your hand outstretched, and project your love out to the universe, to the stars, Angels and Archangels, saying: 'l love you, I love you, I love you. I want to live in harmony with you!' If you get into the habit of emanating something intense and vibrant in this way, you will become a fountainhead, a sun. Human beings think that they have to hide behind a wooden, sinister expression, devoid of love or kindness. They don't realise how destructive this attitude is. Just because some imbecile made an icy, unreceptive faade fashionable, everyone hastens to imitate him, as though he had found the crowning point, the acme of evolution. No, if you want to be truly alive, if you want your face and eyes to express life, you have to learn to emanate love. (MARCH 10, 1988) Opening or closing a door... have you ever thought about the significance of this act? About when to open a door and when to close it? Of course we do this all day long when we go out or come in, or when we allow people in or out of our house. But the doors I am referring to are those inside of us. These are the ones we must learn to open and close: opening them when we want soar to celestial regions or allow angels to visit us, closing them to prevent dark spirits from entering, to preserve our spiritual riches. The doors we have inside us have many forms. In our physical body alone we have twelve: two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, a mouth, two nipples, a navel and two more further down. These doors allow us to communicate with the physical world around us, but they also allow us to contact the emotional, mental and spiritual worlds. This is a vast field of study: when and how to open or close these doors. (MARCH 19, 2000) The more sensitive you become, the more likely you are to suffer over all that you see and hear around you. But should we become insensitive in order to avoid suffering? No, with such reasoning, we would quickly become as hard as rock. You must not be afraid to suffer, and in this regard, suffering must not even be given much consideration. It is preferable to enhance ones sensitivity, even if we have to suffer, because it is the degree of sensitivity which determines the grandeur, the nobility of the human being. You must not, however, confuse sensitivity with sentimentality. According to initiatic science, to be sensitive is to be able to open oneself more and more to the spIendour and wealth of Heaven, to capture the marvels of the divine world to the point of barely sensing the stupidity, the vulgarity and the meanness of human beings. The great masters, and above them the angels and archangels, do not suffer over ugliness; they no longer notice it. They see only beauty, and they live in unceasing joy. (MARCH 22, 2003) Sometimes, when you talk to people about a simple life, it means nothing to them and they think it must be incredibly boring. Consider the lives of honest people for instance: how can you write novels or make films about such lives? There is nothing to say. Whereas the life of a crook, a secret agent, a femme fatal - now that is far more interesting! In reality, however, you are mistaken if you think a simple life is boring. How is it that angels and archangels, who live a Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


simple, luminous, divine life, still do not find it boring? The simple life is full of colour, sounds and fragrances. Do not confuse simplicity with poverty. A simple life, as the initiates understand it, is really the richest and most beautiful of all, because the whole of Heaven is contained there. A diamond is simple - it is made of pure carbon - but it is the most sought-after of all precious stones. A diamond is true simplicity. So, how could you think of simplicity as poor, dull and monotonous? (MARCH 25, 2000) We are not very well equipped to fight evil on our own. Evil is well armed, it has a huge arsenal in the face of which we are powerless. This is why, in this unequal struggle, we must ask the Lord to be our ally. What does a country do in time of war? It seeks allies. Instinctively, when human beings are in trouble, they have the age-old wisdom to look for allies, because they sense that on their own they are too vulnerable. So, we also must realize that evil has so many resources that we will never succeed in defeating it if we remain isolated. The solution is for us to unite with the Lord, with celestial entities, archangels and divinities, and allow them to combat evil. And we in the meantime are mere spectators; we watch the fight and see how Heaven meaning, the divine side within us, our higher self is winning the battle. (MARCH 30, 2000) Sound, speech and music have the property of affecting matter in such a way as to fashion and model it and give it form. This is the creativity of the word. But it is only in those whose word is filled with meaning and love, the Magi, that it is truly creative. Magi are beings who possess immense science, but their science is vivified by their great love and warmth. When a Magus speaks, his words are brimfull of the light and warmth that emanates from him who utters them, and this is why they have the power to fulfil themselves in physical reality. And our words, too, if we want their effects to be felt throughout the whole world, the whole of creation, in both the visible and invisible worlds, if we want them to set in motion men and Angels, Archangels, spirits and the elements, must be overflowing with intelligence and light, but also with love, the fullness of love. . (MARCH 31, 1988) Many people claim to be divinely inspired, they gesticulate, rolling their eyes in all directions, holding forth incoherently, or spend hours fixed in some posture imitating a state of ecstasy. Well, these people are unbalanced and sick, and the rest of their behaviour proves it. They may talk about Heaven, the Holy Spirit, angels and archangels, but in fact they are really unstable. They believe they are communicating with the divine world, whereas lack of discipline and inner work has connected them with the subterranean regions of the astral plane. They receive messages and commands, it is true, but they would do well to mistrust these communications. We must learn to distinguish between inspiration and various forms of mystical delirium. If we are truly in contact with Heaven we receive only waves of light, harmony and peace. (APRIL 8, 1999) When you look after a child by caring for its soul and spirit, you attract the blessings of its guardian angel. Every small child has an angel near him, looking after him, wanting to raise his awareness, but so often this is a very difficult task because the child is subjected to such harmful, evil influences. The angel is constantly present, guarding and watching over the child, but can do very little on the physical plane, and that is why he is so happy to see someone a father, mother, or teacher showing the child the way of goodness and light. The childs angel will thank such people with gifts of light and joy. (APRIL 10, 1999) So many Christians are content to accept the idea that, to be saved, all they have to do is to believe! And believe what? That Jesus saved them by sacrificing his life on the cross. No, it is

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not so easy! If you work, if you prepare yourselves, then yes, Jesus will act powerfully through your good will and will save you. But if you do nothing, you will not be saved. Faith works, whereas belief waits. Belief declares: It is said that the Christ will come on clouds, that he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and that everyone will be resurrected.' Well, we may wait a long time for this angel with his trumpet. He has already come, and many were resurrected because they had true faith, because they were working and were not content to wait passively. (APRIL 11, 2004) For centuries religion has become nothing more than a series of exercises which the majority practise superficially, without any inner participation. As a result, of course, these practices have proved incapable of awakening and developing our spiritual centres: in fact, they have done the opposite, covering these centres under impenetrable layers. So now these people pray and meditate in vain, seeing and feeling nothing neither angels, nor archangels, nor nature spirits nothing. It never even crosses their mind that hostile entities, wanting to cause harm, may be present. Sheep feel the presence of a wolf prowling around their herd and their fear alerts the shepherds to its presence lurking nearby, so necessary precautions are taken. How can it be that sheep sense the presence of a wolf, whereas human beings have no idea that evil entities are prowling around, intent on causing harm? (APRIL 13, 1999) A seed planted in the ground is exactly like someone who has been buried alive. When the angel of heat appears he wakes him up, caresses him and tells him to arise and leave his tomb. And behold! The life that was buried begins to stir. A tiny shoot splits the seed in two and forces its way above ground, giving birth to a slender stem that will one day grow into a immense tree. This is resurrection. But there can be no resurrection unless the tomb is opened, and only warmth that is, love is capable of opening tombs. He whose heart is full of love, of selfless, spiritual love, opens the tomb of his cells. There are so many cells rotting and fermenting within us, so many tiny tombs that need to be thrown open. As long as all those cells within you are not animated and resuscitated they will continue to be inactive, and you will never know the immense wealth that lies dormant within you. But once the resurrection has taken place and your cells have been awakened you will not be the same, for your consciousness will have expanded. You will find yourself living and moving in another dimension, the dimension of the spirit. (APRIL 16, 1995) Initiates teach their disciples that the number 2 is the result of the polarisation of the number 1, just as an electric socket or a magnet is made up of two poles, positive and negative. Which means that these two poles, which we think of as opposites, are in reality contained in the number 1. We call them positive and negative, or masculine and feminine, but we can also call them good and evil, provided we bear in mind that they are an expression of the 1, which is God, because they have the same origin. Why is God presented as someone who watches human beings day and night and jots down in a little notebook all the faults they are openly or secretly committing? In fact, the Lord is not concerned with the faults of human beings; He spends His time at banquets where nectar and ambrosia flow in abundance, and all the angels rejoice with Him in the midst of music and song. So, you will ask, what happens when we make mistakes? If human beings have invented recording machines, it is because similar machines already exist in nature, and thus in themselves as well. Machines exist within them which record their thoughts, feelings, and actions. When they transgress certain limits, in whatever realm it may be, a mechanism is set in motion and they lose something, either on the physical, the emotional, or the mental plane. This

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is our punishment; it is not God who punishes us. On the contrary, God is always ready to receive us at Heavens banquets. (APRIL 23, 2003) When the Sadduccees came to question Jesus about the resurrection of the dead, he told them: At the resurrection of the dead, men will not take wives, nor will wives take husbands, but they will be as angels in Heaven. Many people have concluded that angels are asexual, and that in the other world men and women become spirits which are asexual as well. No, when we refer to spirits we are talking about disembodied beings, but because these are polarized into masculine and feminine it cannot be said that they are asexual. Polarization exists in all regions of the universe, all the way to the throne of God, because without polarization there can be no manifestation. Spirits are polarized as masculine and feminine. They constantly make exchanges of love, and it is these exchanges that create the rich and plentiful life that spread through space. The fact that they do not marry does not mean they make no exchanges at all. On the contrary, just as the rays of the sun penetrate all creation, they penetrate each other with the pure rays of their love, and they live forever in beauty and joy. (APRIL 23, 2000) Christians rely on the Lord and on the Angels, Saints and Prophets, and look at them: they are always poor and ill and in darkness! Why do those they rely on not come and help them? Because they have never done anything to earn that help. They are like a gardener who has not sown any seed: he can call on the Lord for help as much as he likes, but that will not make anything grow. The Lord has established certain laws which human beings must learn, and if they refuse to learn them, that is not the Lord's problem: He is not going to worry about how to please them. But If they plant something, even one solitary seed, then all the laws of nature will contribute to making it grow. First and foremost, you must count on your own work, and only when you have done your part, can you count on getting help from the Lord, that is to say, from the laws that He has established from the beginning of the world. (APRIL 30, 1988) There are people who go around telling everyone that God speaks to them, or if it is not God, it is an angel, a prophet or a saint. Obviously, we can say whatever we like, but there are irrefutable criteria for recognising whether the voice we think we are hearing truly comes from Heaven, or if it is simply wild imaginings. First of all, we must be able to distinguish clearly the correct path to follow, and to walk steadfastly on this path. Then, we must become more and more open to others, so that we are able to understand them, to love them and help them, and in doing so to experience that true dilation of the heart which moves us to give thanks to God at every moment. Finally, we must have free will, so that we are unfettered in the accomplishment of everything that is just, good and beautiful. Anyone who meets these three conditions can hope that the voice he hears does, in fact, come from Heaven. But to tell everyone about it is unnecessary. (MAY 11, 2004) Every night, before you go to bed, gather your thoughts briefly, and leave aside everything that preoccupied or troubled you during the day. Then think of any possible mistakes, and ask the luminious spirits to show you the best way to redress these during your sleep. Finally, just as you are about to sleep, place yourself under the protection of the Angel of Death. The Angel of Death is the name given by the Cabbala to the Angel of Sleep, because every night we die and every morning we come to life again. Sleeping, which is merely leaving our physical body, is a practice for when we finally leave for the other world. The person who does not know about the process of sleep will not know how to cope with dying. There is no difference between sleep and death, except that when we die we leave the house in which we used to live. This is why we

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must prepare for sleep every night as if for a sacred journey, so we are ready for the day when we will set out on that other, much more conclusive journey: death. (MAY 13, 1999) From the moment you have a thought, it is as if you had already spoken. This inner form of speech is real, powerful and magical and is referred to as the Word. The Word is the thought that has not yet been translated into speech in the physical plane, but it already expressed in shapes, colors and sounds. When you speak inwardly with all your soul and all your heart, the plants, animals, birds and insects understand your language and the planets, stars, angels and archangels also understand you. The creatures of the invisible world do not use the words of a language to talk to each other; they use the colors, shapes and melodies emanating from them and every one of them is able to interpret this language straight away. One day human beings will communicate with each other only with their emanations and they will understand each other because the Word is the universal language. (MAY 26, 2002) Most human beings behave as if they were the only living creatures who are truly evolved. They consider animals, plants and stones to be beneath them, and they picture God somewhere very far away if they believe in Him at all! They ignore the existence of all the beings that form a link between God and themselves. They may have heard about the angelic hierarchies, but even if they are aware of them, they rarely give them a thought, or try to build a link with them. Roman Catholics and Orthodox Christians communicate with the saints, and that is good, but even the greatest saints are only human beings, and people tend to worship them in a way reminiscent of pagan ritual. So be aware of the existence of these angelic hierarchies, and link yourself to them, because they alone can (MAY 29, 1998) lead you toward God. . You are holding a picture, a photograph of the man or woman you love ... Why must you tarnish and limit this being by projecting sensual desires onto him, by thinking about how to enslave him, to make him yours? On the contrary, you must entrust him to the Lord, to the divine Mother saying, Here is your son, your daughter, bless this person and inspire in me the best thoughts so that I may help him or her in his evolution. And if you are close to this person and happen to caress his head, his hair, instead of seeking only pleasure, think of doing something for his good and say, May God bless you, may his light reign in this head and may all the angels come to dwell in it. In this way you transform your love: it will not be made exclusively of sensuality but will become a feeling of great richness that will bring you fulfillment. (JUNE 8, 2001) Heaven needs the kind of workers Jesus spoke about in his parables, selfless workers who understand that they must use everything in their lives as a means to achieve a Heavenly goal: the Kingdom of God. We must therefore devote all our faculties, talents and material advantages to the service of a divine idea. Unfortunately, the opposite is usually the case: people who have gifts and opportunities put them at the service of their stomachs, their sex organs, their vanity, or their desire for power, and they even try to manipulate Heaven into satisfying their whims. Yes, they think the angels, the archangels, and the Lord himself are there for just this purpose. Even if they do not want to admit it because they are unaware of it, this is what human beings endlessly do: they try to manipulate Heaven. They must now become aware and dedicate all their faculties to the service of this one idea: the Kingdom of God on earth. (JUNE 1, 2000)

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Your children are dreams, thoughts and feelings that you have had in the past, and which you have now clothed in physical form. You do not know who you were in the past? Well, look at your children and they will tell you: Watch us, we are here to show you what you were really like. If you want to know the truth about people all you have to do is look at their children. You will tell me you are not married and you have no children but, there again, you are mistaken. Your children can also be your actions, and that is how, each and every day, you bring children into the world. Jesus said that you can tell a tree by its fruit. If your fruit is tart, bitter and acidic, it proves that within you, the mother the heart, and the father the intellect, are defective. Action is a child, and this child can only be divine if this inner father and mother have conceived it divinely. (JUNE 5, 1999) When you are concerned to help, console and relieve someone, your thoughts, just like little angels, fly around him to give him assistance. What a pity that neither the person who sends these thoughts nor the one who receives them sees them! However it is better not to see everything that goes on in the invisible world. Why? Because human beings, who are not able to nourish good thoughts and feelings for any length of time still less control them when they are bad destroy and assassinate each other with their thoughts. And then ... what a sight! A woman like to get rid of her husband, and a husband, of his wife. Of course, they do not dare to fulfill their desire, but still ... how many times have they formed with their thoughts little murderers for the execution of their project! If human beings knew the secrets of materialization of thought, you can be sure that they would use it more often for evil than for good. Fortunately, cosmic intelligence, which is very wise, hides all these secrets from them! (JUNE 11, 2001) You are looking for love, and you believe it will come to you from outside, in the form of a being who will be exactly the way you expect him to be: pleasant, good-looking, generous, patient ... perfect! Although you yourself are grumpy, selfish and quick-tempered, love must show itself to you in the form of an angel! Well, no, that is not how things happen, for your love will be nothing but a reflection of yourself. You could hold an angel or an archangel in your arms, but if you have not opened yourself to the divine world, you would feel nothing of his splendor. What I am telling you is noting extraordinary. We can often observe people in daily life who feel completely isolated or even persecuted by the whole world, in spite of the affection their family and friends have for them! Well, not everyone can feel and appreciate other peoples love. Love is a quality of divine life. That is why you will find true love only if you manage to let this life flow within you, a life that has been purified and illuminated thanks to your spiritual work. (JUNE 16, 2001) You need to know that you are never directly in touch with God, and that it is His servants, the angels, who pass on your wishes when you pray to Him. It may be, however, that these messages do not arrive at their destination many do not. Why? Because along the way there are entities whose job it is to sort them all out. They scrutinize your requests and sometimes say, My goodness! We cant send this to God, he is far too busy to cope with all these complaints. So some requests go into the wastepaper basket, and there they remain. Therefore, let this much be clear: when you pray you can speak to God directly I also do this but, at the same time, be aware that your prayers will go through intermediaries. Be quite clear, also, that unless these requests are unselfish and pure, they will end up in the waste bin and never be answered. (JUNE 26, 1998) Many people think that they are going to make a success of their lives, but the poor things do not realize that their cold, loveless emanations, lacking all warmth and light, prevent them from

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achieving any good results. To achieve the success they wish for, they first need to become alive and to do this they must learn to love, and for this they need to exercise. How? Here is a very easy way. Choose a moment when you are unobserved, raise your hand and project all your love towards earth, to Heaven, to the angels, to God himself and say I love you, I love you, I love you, I want to be in harmony with you. In this way you get in the habit of sending out vibrant, intense emanations, just like a spring, like the sun. People nearly always try to take refuge behind a grim face, expressing neither love nor goodness, not realizing the pernicious effect this attitude can have, both on themselves and on all around them. They must learn to express love, so that their faces, their appearance their very presence emanates life. (JULY 20, 1998) Bees draw nectar from flowers and make it into a delicious food: honey. This symbolizes, also, the work of the inititate or the advanced disciple. Just as a bee draws the nectar from flowers without ever damaging them, the initiate only draws close to people to collect their most spiritual quintessence, and thanks to his knowledge of alchemy, he prepares in his heart and soul a nourishment of such delicous taste and smell the angels delight to savour it. That is what a bee is an inititate: he always manages to find a divine quintessence in every human soul even in those who have fallen very low and with all this harvested quintessence he makes honey which is the food of celestial entities. (JULY 27, 1999) I speak, I repeat myself, I insist, I return over and over to the same questions! This is not to say that I am unaware of the difficulties of our goal: to seek the perfection of the Heavenly Father, which is obviously very challenging, and almost unattainable. And yet, the reality is there: since God created us in His image, it must not be impossible. I have no wish to defend any religion. I do not even wish to defend God, since He has no need to be defended. Do you really imagine that human beings, even if there are billions of them, can do anything on this speck of dust called earth that could truly upset Him? What are they compared to the immensity of the universe, with its myriad beings, angels, archangels, and divinities? It is human beings I wish to defend and encourage. Yes, human beings, because their life will never have meaning until they discover the image of God within themselves and work to bring it to life. (JULY 30, 2003) Whatever the mental and material conditions in which you find yourself, never let yourself be weakened by the thought that evil, in all forms, could easily befall you. If you always feel weak and vulnerable and without protection, then, yes, you really are exposed. Work with thought to unite with celestial entities and with light; lead an honest and pure life and you will be protected. Admittedly, there will be people who will try to harm you with black magic, but it will all fall back on to them, because of the boomerang effect of the law of return shock. Evil cannot enter a person who is occupied by the Lord and taken over by angels: in such a person, evil is immediately rejected and returns to the person who sent it in the first place. Cling on to that idea and already you will be out of harms way. (AUGUST 6, 1999) Why is it that love between men and women does not last? Because, instead of linking each other to the divine Source so they may be continually renewed, they attach themselves to one another and end up exhausted. When nothing is left, they are empty vessels and reject each other. You must therefore think of your partner as a precious and unique being, and realize that it is through you that he can become vibrant, beautiful, and rich, but only if you link him to the Source: to the Heavenly Father, the divine Mother, the angelic hierarchies, the sun, and the stars.... Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


Love offers you every possibility. But if you are not enlightened, if you cling to this being instead of uniting him with Heaven, you will drain his energies; over time he will begin to break down, and your love for him will diminish. But whose fault is this? Why did you not unite him with Heaven? Now you are worried, you are beginning to have doubts about him. Yet it is very simple: you have not learned how to project him high into those regions where he can drink and breathe. And he too must do the same thing for you. When you succeed in this, you are no longer simply vessels, you are inexhaustible springs for one another. (AUGUST 8, 2003) In certain churches, painters have represented angels with a head and two wings, and many Christians imagine that they will one day live in this form in Paradise. Yes, a head and nothing else, because the liver, the stomach, the intestines, and especially the sexual organs are not, in their opinion, sufficiently noble to enter Paradise with them! Well, they are mistaken: man enters Paradise whole and intact, and if you only knew in what splendor, what beauty, what purity... just as God created him in the beginning. He has lungs, a brain, ears, and eyes, but in another form, or rather in another quintessence, because forms do not exist in these regions, only currents and energies. Everything in him is organized and functions as if he had a stomach, arms, and legs. Nothing is missing, everything is there, even the genital organs, but in the form of faculties, virtues, and forces, because the organs of our physical body are, in fact, the expression of divine virtues. And if you could see this human being, the light and colors endlessly streaming from him, you would never tire of contemplating him. (AUGUST 9, 2003) True sensitivity is an ability to open up completely to the beauty and light of the divine world, and to close down to all that is ugly and stupid in the human world. In general, the word sensitive is taken to mean an over-developed and painful susceptibility in the face of spitefulness, betrayal and attack of all kinds, but this is, in fact, merely neurosis. So what is left for these poor things, for whom neither Heaven, nor angels, nor friends, nor beauty exists, who see nothing but wickedness and injustice? Do not confuse sensitivity with neurosis, which is the sickly manifestation of a self-centred person. True sensitivity is a higher degree of evolution, allowing (AUGUST 9, 1998) us to communicate and vibrate in unison with heavenly regions. . Jesus said: I came that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly.' Human beings seek power, wealth, knowledge and love, when in fact they ought to seek life. But why seek life?' you ask. We already have it, we are alive! We should look for what we do not have.' You are alive, it is true, but there are different degrees of life, and it is not the same for everyone. It is not enough to be alive; you must ask yourself what sort of life you are living. Through his physical structure, of course, man lives the life of a human being, but inwardly his life can take on an infinite variety of forms and colours: those of a stone, a plant, or an animal, for example or an angel, an archangel or a divinity. And when Jesus said: I have come that they might have life', this life he intends to bring all human beings is divine life, this current which (AUGUST 31, 2004) streams pure and clear from the very Source. It is essential to have the correct attitude toward all that exists and, above all, toward the First Cause, the Creator. If you have a positive attitude toward the Creator, wherever you go, all of creation, all creatures from the angels to the birds, the trees and the mountains, will look at you and smile. New forces and new joys will come to visit you, and you will go forward with confidence that life has meaning. Heavenly beings will never bow before your power, your wealth, your knowledge or your prestige; they will bow only before your attitude, for it is your attitude that reveals whether you

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have understood what is essential. So, inscribe this firmly in your mind, and you will verify it; you will have all eternity to verify it. (SEPTEMBER 1, 2004) Human beings come to earth to work, but how many remember this? Most are like the angel, who, we are told, wanted to know what life on earth was like. In order to study it better, he became a pig. This seemed to be a splendid, delectable life. He ate acorns as well as a delicious dish called swill. He was married to a charming sow and was surrounded by a huge number of adorable little piglets. My goodness, what bliss! He was no longer able to extricate himself from such contentment. His friends up above began to worry. Indeed this temporary training period was taking far longer than planned. They sent him messages, but to no avail. In the end they decided that the only way to resolve the situation was to hasten the moment when he would be turned into ham. So the pig was slaughtered and when the angel left this delectable form he was amazed to see how long he has been able to leave himself in this state and thanked his brothers for freeing him. Well, such things also happen to human beings. They sink themselves so deeply into matter that Heaven is forced to jolt them a few times severely to shatter their forms and free their spirit. (SEPTEMBER 4, 2002) A magus is a creator who first and foremost has a specific science. But this science must also be supported an vivified by love. Then all the words he speaks are truly magical words, because they are filled with the light and love that make them so powerful they are able to control matter. Words cannot realize, only if they are filled with love and light can they act on matter and shape it. And it is given to each of Gods creations of which you are one to possess these magical words one day. If you too work with light and with love, your words will affect all of creation, in the visible and in the invisible world, and they will not only motivate people, but also the spirits of the four elements, the angels, the archangels, and the divinities. (SEPTEMBER 9, 2000) Certain mystics, hermits and ascetics of the past were so ignorant and narrow-minded that they destroyed their mental balance by refusing every form of exchange with the feminine principle, and ended up as barren, dried-up carcasses. In their minds this is what religion required of them! You will say, But many great masters and initiates never married. Were they like those fanatics? No, initiates and great masters are very broadminded. They understand Gods creation. If they live in purity and chastity it is because the intercourse they enjoy on subtler levels with the feminine principle, the divine mother, is so rich and rewarding that they have no need to burden and limit themselves by seeking it on the material level. They nourish themselves and drink from sources and in realms unknown to the masses, realms in which every exchange takes place in the most perfect light and purity. They enjoy the company of angels and archangels. What more do they need? (SEPTEMBER 9, 1995) Angels are immortal and the matter of their being is so subtle that nothing can affect or harm them. Angels live in absolute joy and know everything except suffering. They cannot experience suffering because suffering is a result of the agitation and turmoil of the lower nature, and an angel is an absolutely pure being who cannot be affected by such disturbances. Angels do not exist on the physical plane. True, there are angels that are incarnate, but the region in which they dwell is on the astral plane, particularly on the higher astral plane. Between the lower and the higher astral planes is an intermediate zone and the souls in that zone, which are in the process of severing their ties with the lower regions and becoming angels, can still suffer from negative influences from the astral and physical planes. But angels properly socalled cannot suffer. (SEPTEMBER 11, 1988) Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


Radio, the telephone, radar and so on have been made possible thanks to the discovery that space is full of waves. But why should science and technology be the only ones to exploit this discovery? The waves that enable us to talk on the phone or listen to a radio or television program are not the only ones in space. Other, subtler waves criss-cross the whole of space and we must learn to receive them too. The Lord has given us the power to do this, for He has equipped man with instruments that enable him to tune in to the wavelengths of the Initiates, Angels and Archangels, to the wavelengths of Heaven itself. Why be perpetually tuned to human stations which oblige you to listen to their caterwauling, threats and recriminations? Why not use the instruments God has given you and get in touch with a higher order of beings, get onto their wavelength and enter into their aura, their happiness and their light and peace? (SEPTEMBER 11, 1987) Whatever your activity, learn to disseminate beneficial influences by means of your hands, which are among the best instruments for transmitting them. When you caress the head of someone you love, instead of seeking egotistical pleasure, concentrate on your hands and say: 'May God bless you. May light reign in this head, and may all the angels come and make their home here.' At this moment, your love will no longer be sensual; it will be transformed into a beneficial energy and will also bring you an extraordinary sensation of joy and dilation. And when you touch the head of your child, or its small arms and legs, bless him as well, so that the angels come and help him to become a magnificent being. Learn to bless everything you touch: objects, food, and other beings. This is true white magic. (SEPTEMBER 21, 2003) We cannot find truth unless we are led towards it by others who are more advanced and who can communitcate to us the fruit of their experience. Orientation, knowledge and all genuine experience come from above. From the beginning of the world initiates and great masters have handed down the same teaching: life is one unbroken hierarchical chain of being, ranging from the smallest atom to the archangels and to God Himself. In this hierarchy each element is linked to all the others. Each element is part of the immense living body of the universe. Each one of us has his own place in this chain of being. We are linked to those above us as to those below. Whether we like it or not this link exists, and it is essential to be conscious of it and work to be in communion with those who are above us and who will lead us even higher. (SEPTEMBER 30, 1995) Imagine someone who has never done much work to earn money. One day he needs a large sum of money because, for example, he needs to buy a place to live. When he asks for a loan at the bank, convinced that a bank has plenty of money, and will surely give him what he needs, what kind of reception will he get? We all know that on the physical plane such a request is doomed to fail, and yet on the spiritual plane many people expect their application to be granted. They present themselves before the Heavenly banks where they lodge their complaints and clamour for miracles, expecting angels and archangels to come down and help them. But what have they ever done to deserve this? Is it enough to recite a few prayers in moments of difficulty for Heaven to open its doors, for the sun and all of nature to change their law? If people have never done anything to deserve help from Heaven, they will not get it. (OCTOBER 10, 2003) We can only see life as a reflection of what we are ourselves. If we think life is beautiful, it is because we carry beauty within us. And if we think life has no meaning, it is because we are limited and ignorant. This is why people have such different opinions about life, but in fact it remains unintelligible to most of them. So often you hear them say: Well my friend, what do you expect. Such is life! A man is unwell, unhappy, bankrupt, cheated on by his wife, and they say:

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Thats life. Any time something negative happens they say: Thats life! But which life are they referring to? There are many different lives. There is the life of a toad, a wild boar, a crocodile and there is the life of a dove, of an angel, of God. Anyone who expresses an opinion about life can only do so at their own level. Who could pretend to know life in all its fullness, in all magnitude, in all its immensity? (OCTOBER 11, 2000) Whatever the failings of a society, it is not advisable to solve them with violence. Some people will say: 'But when everything needs to be changed, violence is necessary!' No, and first of all we must never confuse change with upheaval. It is never by means of violence that true change can be realised. In fact, it has often been observed that violence always brings about greater evils than those it claims to cure. So, how can we bring about change in society? This is the responsibility of every one of us, but such a change is not decreed from one day to the next. No matter how highly placed or powerful, no one person can proclaim: 'From now on things will be like this or like that...' If someone attempts to do so, the results will not be long-lasting. Whether for good or for evil, no one has ever succeeded in affecting permanent change. True change can occur only when individuals decide to begin to transform themselves. At that moment, yes, it is possible to stimulate the whole world, because each person becomes a valuable and constructive agent for all. (OCTOBER 15, 2003) The evil within us is impossible to eradicate. The only way to rid ourselves of evil is to offer it as food for the spirits of good. The fourteenth card of the tarot represents an angel decanting a liquid from an urn of silver (the metal associated with the moon) into an urn of gold (the metal associated with the sun). To initiates, this image conveys the idea of the lower self, symoblized by the moon, transfused into the higher self, symbolized by the sun. This transfusion can be achieved only if the lower self is diluted and diminished, so that the higher self may benefit. This, then, is the work of an intelligent disciple: domination of the chaotic forces of the lower nature, so that they may serve the higher self. There is no other way to vanquish evil. (OCTOBER 23, 1998) Picture a lodging house in which live two kinds of tenants. The first, who are careless and inconsiderate, damage the floors and dirty the walls without a second thought for the feelings of the owner. The others, on the contrary, paper the walls and repaint the woodwork and keep everything nead and tidy. And we too have two kinds of tenants in our house. Some have come with the intension of doing as much damage as possible;others are there in order to consolidate, clean, purify and embellish our house. Each human being is a lodging house for visitors from the invisible world. Some stay for only a few minutes, others for months or years, and some for a lifetime. To know how to recognize them is a science in itself. Those who stay for only a short while are usually the more spiritual ones. They arrive like a bolt from the blue to leave their gifts, their light, and then they are gone, but their passage leaves traces within us that can last for the rest of our lives. (OCTOBER 23, 1995) Suffering gives man an opportunity to enter into himself to think, meditate and attract superior beings who will guide and help him. If you suffer, knowing that by this suffering Heaven wants to transform you, you will emerge as an exceptional person. There is no greater science than to know how to suffer. The suffering of flowers is their scent; because of the difficulties they have to overcome in order to withstand bad weather and survive in spite of all dangers that threaten them, flowers give off an exquisite scent, and we love them for it. Not all sufferings give off such scent, because most people do not know how to suffer: They scream at the slightest pain. Only he who has learned to accept his suffering can give off this Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


scent. When an initiate suffers because he has taken the burdens and sins of men upon himself, as Jesus did, this suffering that has been consented to with love exhales the most delicious scent; then angels come to delight in his presence, just as we too rejoice over a blossoming tree in some garden. (OCTOBER 28, 2001) People harbour so many impurities that it is they themselves who block their entrance to paradise. Those who work to regain their original purity, however, will one day hear God Himself calling to them: Come on in and look around! And what will these people see? They will see bodies of light. In paradise everyone is naked, clothed only in light. Light is the only garment worn by angels because the very substance of their bodies is light. In the mysteries of antiquity the goddess Isis wore a veil which only the high priests and the hierophants were allowed to remove. This means that the man who wishes to behold the Divinity must be naked , in other words pure, otherwise the Divinity will always remain veiled from his eyes and Her secrets forever hidden from him. To the extent that man becomes more pure, so Isis reveals herself to him, and then he sees, understands and experiences extraordinary joy. That is true paradise. . (NOVEMBER 1, 1999) Each day you hope and pray for the best conditions for your evolution, for the good of your friends, and for the whole world, and you ask what you must do in order for your hopes to be fulfilled. I will give you a method: write these things down and entrust them to the Angel of Fire. Fire is a messenger between the visible and the invisible worlds, and the moment these papers are burned, entities on high take notice of them and begin to study how their requests might be satisfied. Of course, you must not expect these requests to be granted immediately. But if you are patient, if you continue to make efforts and to work in the direction of the hopes you have expressed, you will one day see them realized; for when fire takes part in something, there are always results. (NOVEMBER 3, 2004) When Jesus said, It is not meet to take the childrens bread, and to cast it to dogs, he was talking neither of physical bread nor of physical dogs. Both must be understood symbolically. The bread is that which is prepared by our hearts, minds, souls and spirits for the nourishment of angels and archangels and other Heavenly entities, and we must take great care of it. We must not allow it to be eaten by dogs, that is, by animals of the astral plane. Blessed are they who are impregnated with this thought! Divine entities sometimes come to visit us, but if the inferior entities of the astral plane have already devoured everything they go away again. This is the truth about. From time to time sublime visitors, royal guests, come from the invisible world to give us some of their experience, virtues and light, and when they come we (NOVEMBER 5, 1995) must be ready and able to put before them the kind of food they like. Allow only one anarchic idea to enter your mind, and little by little this idea will spread disorder through your entire being, right down to the soles of your feet. And it is thus that we end by being a veritable battlefield. An initiate fears, above all else, to disturb the cosmic order established by the Creator, because he knows that one day he would himself be a victim of the resulting disorder. It is extraordinary that, although the mere thought of such a possibility makes initiates tremble, ordinary people remain calm, confident, even daring. Of course they can be audacious because they are so ignorant of the dangers. Many people, attempting to prove their independence, are in fact behaving like anarchists. They do not know that real strength is compliance with divine laws. All our happiness, all our future success is based on the respect of the sublime order established by God submitted to by angels, archangels and all Heavenly entities, but not by human beings!

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This respect for the divine hierarchy is the fundamental principle of an initiatic teaching. (NOVEMBER 6, 1998) Whenever light is absent, darkness is present; wherever health is absent, sickness is present; wherever intelligence is absent, folly and stupidity are present. And the same is true for anything else you can think of. The presence of something always implies the absence of another. These are such basic, obvious truths. But you still have not acquired the faculty of using all the events of your everyday lives in order to draw conclusions for other planes of existence. And now let me tell you that the best and most important activity for a disciple is to work to obtain the presence of the Lord within himself and never to lose it again! Of course, it may not be the Lord Himself who comes, but He will at least send some angels, His representatives, to dwell in you and transform everything within you. (NOVEMBER 19, 1987) In ordinary grammar the three elements of a sentence are the subject the person or thing that acts upon another; the direct object the person or thing acted upon; and the verb the action that constitutes the link between the two. Without the link supplied by the verb nothing happens. But there is also a spiritual grammar in which the subject is God, the source of life. The direct object is man, the soil that receives the sap of life. The verb is represented by the angels and spirits which link the physical and divine world; the spiritual world (which is an intermediary world); and the physical world. In spiritual grammar the angels take the place of the verb. They are intermediaries between the divine and the human worlds. In fact this is why they are called angels, that is to say, messengers. (NOVEMBER 20, 1995) An angel is an immortal being made of a matter so pure and subtle that it is immune to harm. Angels dwell in a realm of light and perfect joy and have knowledge of everything except suffering. They cannot suffer because they are absolutely pure, and suffering can affect only that which is not completely pure. Angels do not exist on the physical plane, they are to be found only in the higher reaches of the astral plane and above. On the border line between the higher and the lower astral plane is an intermediary zone inhabited by those who are in the process of severing their bonds with the regions of darkness. They can still be tormented by the evil influences of the lower astral and physical planes, but once they have worked their way through this zone they will be like the angels. (NOVEMBER 22, 1995) If you place a metal or a glass pipe above a flame, you will hear a sound. How can the flame produce a sound? It comes from the vibrations of the air, which is heated by the flame. And depending on the length of the pipe, the sound emitted is lower or higher. Well, by analogy, we can say that the same phenomenon exists in man. Man is made of pipes: the spinal cord, throad, esophagus, intestines, arteries, veins, nerve endings, etc. And again these pipes can be longer or shorter. When the flame that burns within him meaning the fire that keeps him alive passes through these pipes, an extraordinary music is heard, similar to the great pipe organs in the cathedrals. A human being thus emits in space sounds that can be heard and picked up by other beings. Obviously, if this vital energy is not equitably distributed in all the organs of the body or if it is blocked, a terrible cacophony will result. But I am not really talking about the physical plane. It is mostly on the psychic plane that it is important for man to succeed in organizing, purifying and enlightening his life, for all this organs will then emit harmonious sounds; it will be such a synphony that angels and archangels will draw near to listen and be filled with wonder. (NOVEMBER 23, 2001) Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


From the mineral kingdom to the human kingdom and beyond, through the angelic orders up to the throne of God, life manifests with increasing intensity and subtlety. What differentiates the various regions of the universe and the creatures that inhabit them is the intensity of the vibrations that animate the particles of their being. The measure of the evolution of a being could therefore be said to be the intensity of their life. But because human beings have not understood this truth, they live in slow-motion, they idle, in other words their lungs, their liver, their heart, their brain, everything about them is stagnant, which is how they constantly lay themselves open to physical and psychic disorders. People who live in slow-motion are like a wheel that turns slowly: all the mud sticks to it. Make the wheel turn fast and the mud will be thrown off. (NOVEMBER 27, 2002) The thoughts that pass through us are not abstractions, they are living entities. This is why you must always be aware and watch them. Some are like children who need to be fed, washed and educated; without your knowing, they cling on to you, they take away your strength and exhaust you. Others go off into the world to steal, plunder and destroy, but since there is a spiritual police force, it comes to find you to make you understand that you are responsible for the damage these children have caused. You are then taken to the invisible law courts and sentenced to pay compensation and interest, and these payments are sorrows, sadness and bitterness. So, from now on, work at making angelical, divine children with your thoughts, children who will surround you and bring you only blessings. (NOVEMBER 29, 2002) Even if they are not aware of it, people who deny the existence of entities higher than themselves are limiting themselves and are gradually sinking into darkness. How do they imagine they will be able to progress and perfect themselves as long as they do not know or refuse to admit, the existence above them of this sublime hierarchy of angels, archangels, etc., all the way up to the Lord? Because they cut themselves off from the ascending chain of beings, they have nothing and nobody with which to connect, to supply them with energies along the road of evolution. Of course they are able to live, to manage materially, but from the spiritual point of view they stagnate, they gradually become mortified. Whereas those who are conscious of the existence of spiritual hierarchies always see this light before them and are given the impetus to progress. (DECEMBER 6, 1999) Many people seek recognition at any price as poets, painters, musicians, etc. But have they first of all worked on themselves? No? So they will not be able to produce much of value. The sculptor who has not begun by sculpting himself is not a true sculptor. The painter who has not worked on the colours of his aura is not a painter. The musician who has never thought about tuning his intellect, his heart and his will does not yet know about harmony. True art must first of all be apparent in the way the artist thinks, feels, moves, speaks in his whole expression. Each day, an audience of angels is present at our exhibitions, concerts and ballets. Ceaselessly they watch and listen to us. So why do so many people ruin their health by trying to attract an audience of ordinary spectators and readers, when an angelic public is there, every day, waiting to admire their work? (DECEMBER 6, 1998) If you want to lead a spiritual life, you must first of all quieten, tame and direct all your tendencies toward the one and only aim: self-perfection. When all the particles of your being are tuned to this ideal, they will vibrate in harmony and you will feel real benefits from your spiritual experiences. If this were not so, spirituality would be a risky adventure. One must realize that one cannot automatically enter the invisible world with impurity, because it is inhabited by innumerable creatures who are not necessarily luminous and friendly towards human beings. If

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you push your way through the doors of the invisible world , motivated by impure or selfish intentions, you will not find angels there to greet you: Rather, it would be like venturing into a wild forest full of savage animals and running the risk of attack by snakes, poisonous insects, etc. Yes, that is exactly what will happen if you venture into the invisible world without suitable preparation. (DECEMBER 12, 1998) The day you decide to place God, the Master of the Universe, at the head of your life, angels and archangels will follow Him to keep Him company, and for you it will be the beginning of a true transformation. But for this to happen, you must first speak to the Lord saying, Lord, I want to do your will, not mine. Come and dwell within me, I have prepared a place for You, and continue to work in that direction. In the end, when the Lord feels that conditions are right for Him, He will come and with Him will come angels which will dwell in every part of your being. Do you realize this? Just one change at the head and everything is transformed; it cannot be otherwise. If the Lord decides to dwell somewhere, do you expect Him to come alone or be surrounded by devils? No, He is accompanied by a host of luminous and beautiful entities that come to sing in His presence. (DECEMBER 14, 2001) You should never forget that human beings are at the border of the higher and lower worlds. The Christian religion expresses this idea with the image of the guradian angel who stands on the right and the devil who stands on the left. The angel advices and enlightens whilst the devil seeks to lead astray and so make human beings his victim. This is a rather simplistic way of putting things, but that is how it is in reality. In fact human beings have two natures: a lower nature and a higher nature. Depending on their degree of evolution they favour one or the other and that is how they come into contact with the spirits of light. Some people say that they do not believe in the entities of the invisible world. Well, whether they believe in them or not is irrelevant: their lower nature and their higher nature are there and it is impossible not to see them. It is up to each one of us to decide which influence we will accept. (DECEMBER 16, 1999) As human beings we are linked to beings above us the angels, the archangels and God Himself, as well as to beings below us animals, plants and minerals. Let us take the example of the two currents circulating in the trunk of a tree. The ascending current takes raw sap to the leaves, where it is refined, whilst the descending current takes this processed sap to feed the tree. In the Cosmic Tree man is placed so that these two currents pass through him, and he must learn to work consciously with them. When he has succeeded in attracting wisdom, light and love from Heaven, he passes these qualities on to the beings below him and linked to him, right on down to the minerals. Then, thanks to another current, these forces ascend from the minerals to the upper realms of creation. He who consciously binds with this living chain of beings is immersed in joy, light and peace. (DECEMBER 18, 1999) When you seek a companion with whom to set up a family you have to make an effort to come out of yourself, to be more attentive, more understanding and more generous. However, people make the mistake of failing to understand that they should widen this family circle and extend their love to other creatures and to the whole universe. That is why they are still not happy even though they may have a wife, children, a job and a country to which they belong: because they have not yet managed to widen the circle of their love. Happiness is loving endlessly, not limiting this love to one person, or two, ten or a hundred ... Go on loving those you love, but also love the angels, the archangels, all the celestial hierarchies, the Lord; and in this way your family and friends will find themselves enriched, stronger, improved and purified by all the sublime states Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


you are cherishing in your heart and in your soul. Widen the circle of your love so that you may encounter all the higher creatures, and you will receive inspiration, support and protection. (DECEMBER 19, 1999) The face you have today was once the face of your soul. It is the product of all the strengths and weaknesses you have nurtured in the past. Perhaps you do not like your face, but there is not much you can do about it now. The best thing you can do is to forget about the face that engendered it, that of your soul. If you work consciously to improve your inner face the people around you may not notice anything, but the angels will notice. And they will bless your efforts. Of course, your physical face will not change all at once, but with time its resistance will give way under the pressure exerted by that other face, for this other face, the face of the soul is powerful, and in the long run it will impose its features on your physical face. Even now we can sometimes get a glimpse of its beauty, for such light, goodness and majesty can radiate from your soul that it occasionally shines through your physical face. Then others may have a fleeting vision of your spiritual face, the face that is yours in the higher world. Keep working patiently and one day your two faces will fuse into one. (DECEMBER 21, 1995) When the infant Christ is born in the soul of a disciple, celestial spirits come to serve him, for he is the royal child, and all Heaven gather round to admire him and give him whatever he needs. Even if the Gospel story of the birth of Jesus is not quite accurate from the historical point of view, it is absolutely true from the symbolic and esoteric point of view, and that is what should be important for us. It does not matter if the star, the angels and shepherds, the crib, or the ox and the ass were not really there, for the symbolism is still true. The star shines, the angels sing and the Magi come with gifts every time the infant Christ is born in a human soul. (DECEMBER 25, 1995) When you call upon the Lord, however strong your fervour or high your position may be, do not expect Him to come to you in person. Perhaps an angel, or even an archangel, may bring you a message or an atom of light, and that would be an immense blessing. Who do we think we are if we believe that God, the Master of the whole worlds, would desert His position just for us? Anyway, we would be annihilated by the power of His presence, as the Psalms tell us: The mountains melt like wax before the Lord. The angelic hosts act as transformers, stepping down Gods power, so that we are not pulverized when it finally reaches us. It is better to know these things in advance, so that you do not make the mistake of waiting in vain. All we can hope to receive from God is a ray of light, an exhalation that comes from far, far away, descending through the angelic hierarchies until it reaches us; and that is Gods reply, because God is to be found on every level of His creation. But you must know that God Himself never gives us a direct reply. (DECEMBER 29, 1998)


Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


Prenatal Education, Spiritual Electroplating
Bradley Boatman: A Gift for the Unborn Children (Vido) Geoffrey Hodson :The Miracle of Birth (Brochure 1929) Peter Deunov The Woman, Source of Love and Life (Brochure) Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov - Education Begins Before Birth (Book 1984) - Hope for the World: Spiritual Galvanoplasty (Book 1984) Denise Tiran: Natural Remedies for morning sickness and other Pregnancy Problems (Book 2001) Denise Tiran, Sue Mack Complementary Therapies for Pregnancy and Childbirth (Book 1995) Carista Luminaire Rosen, Ph. D.: Parenting begins before conception (Book) David Chamberlain Babies remember Birth (Book) Thomas Verny, Pamela Weintraub: - Life before Birth - Pre-Parenting, nurturing your child from conception, questions medicals (Book 2001) Ina May Gaskin: Spiritual Midwifery (Book 1990) Frdric Leboyer Birth without Violence Jean Liedloff: The Continuum Concept, in search of happiness lost (Book 1985) Aviva Jill Romm: The Natural Pregnancy Book (Book 2003) Susan S. Weed: Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year (Book 1986)



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A correct understanding of Good and Evil (F) A new Attitude for everyday Life A new Light on Prayer A new Understanding of Health A Servant of God Angels & the Tree of Life (F) Becoming a Spiritual Disciple (F) Being Member of a Family and its different Connections with the world (F) Christ, Christians & Christianity (F) Education Guidelines for Parents (F) Explanations on Heredity (F) Guidelines for Spiritual Work How to master Habits (F) How to surpass Karma & Predestination (F) How to work with Talismans Interpretations of the Gospel Life and Death

Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]



Living a Successful Life Magic in everyday life Master & Discipleship (F) Meditation as the Gateway to harmonious living Means to bring Heaven on Earth; Prenatal Education & Spiritual Electroplating (F) Music and Creation Nutrition for a successful life Only Beauty can save the World Proper knowledge of Human and Divine Justice Purity as the Key to Self-Realisation Real Freedom (F) Reflections on Birth (F) The Cosmic meaning of Marriage (F) The different aspects of Clairvoyance & Intuition (F) The Importance of having an High Ideal The Kingdom of God & His Righteousness The Laws which govern the Universe The Power of Thought The Quintessence of Christianity The Reasons behind Suffering The Relationship between Colours & the Aura The Sublime Origin and Goal of Sexuality and the Sexual Force The Sun & the Sunrise-Meditation; working with the Divine Image The true Task of Art (F) The Universal Brotherhood of Light The Two Principles Masculine and Feminine Traditions, the Gospels & the Holy Scriptures True Happiness (F) True Love (F) Working with Light (F) = also in French available; (D) = also in German available

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- COMPLETE WORKS THE SECOND BIRTH Table of contents 1. The Second Birth 6. Love, Wisdom and Truth 2. Ask, and it Shall be Given to You. Seek, and You 7. The Master of the Universal White Brotherhood Shall Find. Knock, and it Shall be Opened to You. Peter Deunov 3. Truth is Hidden in the Eyes 8. The Living Chain of the Universal White 4. Wisdom is Hidden in the Ears Brotherhood. 5. Love is Hidden in the Mouth Summary To be born a second time is to be born to a new life, the life of the Kingdom of God, the life of the great Universal White Brotherhood. Two thousand years ago, in Palestine, Jesus gave us the key to all spiritual work, when he said, Unless a man be born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. Today, the Master Omaam Mikhal Avanhov interprets these words for our benefit. The water Jesus speaks of is Love; the Spirit, fire, is Wisdom, and Love and Wisdom unite to give birth to Truth which is the new life. In his commentary, the Master Omraam Mikhal Avanhov shows how these three virtues of Love, Wisdom and Truth, correspond to man's psychic structure composed of heart, mind and will. Explaining that our physical bodies mirror our psychic being, he shows how Cosmic Intelligence has inscribed the secret of love in our mouths, that of wisdom in our ears and that of truth in our eyes.


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This volume, which is the first of a series, sets out the essential foundations of Omraam Mikhal Avanhov's Teaching and reveals the vast scope of his thought in which Holy Scripture, esoteric symbolism and the sciences of man and of nature meet and complete each other in one all-embracing synthesis. SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY Table of contents 1. Gentleness and Humility 7. The Feet and the Solar Plexus 2. Except Ye Die Ye Shall Not Live 8. The Parable of the Tares 3. Living in Conscious Reciprocity with Nature 9. Spiritual Alchemy 4. The Unjust Steward 10. Spiritual Galvanoplasty 5. Lay Up for Yourselves Treasures 11. The Mother's Role During Gestation 6. The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes Summary True Alchemy does not consist in the spectacular transmutation of base metals into gold, but in the spiritual transmutation of man's own matter. Grains of sand are transformed into pearls; summer sees twisted, blackened vinestocks burst into leaf and bow beneath the weight of their grapes; caterpillars are metamorphosed into butterflies; galvanoplasty transforms a drab piece of base metal into a golden ornament... All these different ways of transforming things are familiar to us but we have never studied them sufficiently closely to realize that they contain the secret of our own inner metamorphosis. If a tree, for instance, is capable of transforming the raw mineral nutrients it draws from the soil into the sugarsap which enables it to produce flowers and fruits, why should man not do likewise ? Why should we not be capable of transforming the raw juices of our instincts and passions so that they produce a rich harvest of flowers and fruit, in the form of vitality in our physical bodies, love and joy in our hearts and understanding and wisdom in our minds ? LIFE FORCE Table of contents 1. Life 7. Unwanted Guests 2. Character and Temperament 8. The Strength of the Spirit 3. Good and Evil 9. Sacrifice 4. Pitting Oneself Against the Dragon 10. A High Ideal 5. Presence and Absence 11. Peace. 6. Thoughts are Living Entities Summary Human beings come and go, work and play, and busy themselves with all kinds of things, never realizing that their life is growing dim and dirty because they do nothing to protect it. They think that the life they have received is theirs to dispose of, and that they have a right to use it for pleasure or become rich, learned or renowned, as they please. So they draw on their reserves without restraint until, one day, they find themselves utterly spent and obliged to abandon all their activities. It is completely senseless to behave like that for, once we have wasted our supply of life, we have no other resources to fall back on. The Sages have always said that the only thing that is essential is life itself, and that we must protect, purify and sanctify it and eliminate whatever may hinder or prevent it from developing. And, if we do so, life will give us everything else: health, strength, power, intelligence and beauty - everything ! The highest form of magic, the highest form of White Magic is to lead a pure, luminous life." HARMONY Table of contents 1. Harmony 7. Meditation 2. Medical Science Must be Based on Initiatic Science 8. The Human Intellect and Cosmic Intelligence 3. The Future of Medicine 9. The Solar Plexus and the Brain 4. A Disciple Must Develop His Spiritual Senses 10. The Hara Centre 5. What Can We Learn From a House ? 11. The Initiatic Heart 6. How Thought is Materialized on the Physical Plane 12. The Aura. Summary 'Meditate on harmony, love it, long for it so as to introduce it into your every gesture, every look, every word. Let the word "harmony" impregnate you; keep it within you as a kind of pitch pipe, and when you are feeling worried or upset, take it out and listen to it and do nothing until your whole being is in tune with it once more. In the morning, when you wake, remember to begin your day by tuning yourself to the world of universal harmony... When you enter a house let your first thought be: "May peace and harmony reign in this house". THE MYSTERIES OF YESOD The bases of spiritual life Table of contents

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Yesod reflects the Virtues of All the Sephiroth Purity and Speech Part I. Purity : Purity is a Question of Nourishment To Find Purity Sorting and Selecting Blessed are the Pure in Heart Purity and the Spiritual Life The Gates of the New Jerusalem Purity in the Three Worlds Part II. Love and Sex The River of Life Part III. Realization - The Spring Purity and Peace Fasting - Washing - The Real Baptism The Magic of Trusting The Angels of the Four Elements. Summary Yesod, the ninth Sephirah on the cabbalistic Tree of Life, is the symbol of a pure life. Taking purity as the basis of his spiritual teaching (Yesod means 'base' in Hebrew), Omraam Mikhal Avanhov renews in our times the sense and significance of the ancient Initiations enriched by his own innumerable discoveries. He has personally practised and experimented at length with the rules and exercises he proposes for our use ; their purpose is to liberate man and awaken in every fibre of his being the vital, harmonious forces of Divine life. THE SPLENDOUR OF TIPHARETH Table of contents 1. Surya-yoga - The Sun, Centre of our Universe 12. The Prism, Symbol of Man 2. Obtaining Etheric Elements from the Sun When We 13. A New Heaven and a New Earth - Spiritual Gaze at the Sun Our Soul Begins to Resemble it Grafting 3. Our Higher Self Dwells in the Sun 14. The Sun Has the Solution to the Problem of Love 4. The Creator Sows Seeds in Us and the Sun Makes Telesma Them Grow 15. The Sun is in the Image and Likeness of God - In The Sun Reflects the Blessed Trinity Spirit and in Truth 5. Every Creature Has a Home - The Seven Beads of 16. Christ and the Solar Religion the Rosary 17. Day and Night -Consciousness and the 6. The Master and the Seven-bead Rosary Subconscious Every Creature Needs to Own and Protect its Dwelling 18. The Sun, Originator of Civilization Place - The Aura A Disciple's Clairvoyance Must Begin on the Highest 7. The Heliocentric Point of View Levels 8. Love as the Sun Loves 19. The Sun Teaches Unity - The Power of 9. A Master Must be Like the Sun and Remain at the Penetration Centre 20. The Sun Teaches by Example - The Sun, Heart of Some Prayers to Say at Sunrise our Universe 10. Rise Above the Clouds - The Sephirah Tiphareth 21. Three Kinds of Fire 11. The Spirits of the Seven Lights 22. Making Everything Converge Towards One Goal. Summary When we focus our attention on the sun, the centre of our universe, we draw closer to our own centre, our higher self, the sun within; we melt into it and begin to resemble it more and more. But to focus our attention on the sun also means to learn to mobilize all our, thoughts, desires, and energies, and put them to work in the service of the highest ideal. He who works to unify the chaotic multitude of inner forces that constantly threaten to tear him apart, and launch them in the pursuit of one, luminous, beneficial goal, becomes a powerful focal point, capable of radiating in every direction. Believe me, a human being who masters the tendencies of his lower nature can benefit the whole of mankind. He becomes as radiant as the sun. His freedom is such that his consciousness embraces the whole human race as he pours out the superabundance of light and love that dwell within him. The world needs more and more human beings capable of dedicating themselves to this work with the sun, for only love and light are capable of transforming humanity. THE KEY to the Problems of Existence Table of contents 1. The Personality 2. Jnana-yoga 3. Giving and Taking 4. Evil is Limited, Good is Limitless 5. Eternal Happiness 6. Fermentation 7. Which Life ? 8. The Image of the Tree - The Individuality Must Consume The Personality 9. Working on the Personality 10. The Personality Keeps You from Reflecting the

Sun 11. Identify with the Individuality 12. The True Meaning of Sacrifice 13. The Balance Restored 14. Render Therefore Unto Caesar 15. The New Philosophy 16. The Personality Devoured by The Individuality 17. Call On Your Allies 18. The Further Down, The Less Space 19. Your Inner Animals 20. But Which Nature ?


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21. Sexual Sublimation 22. Toward Universal Brotherhood. Summary This book shows us that our 'personality', that inner force of which we are all aware and which so often leads us astray, can be a precious ally rather than an enemy. Instead of waging a losing battle against our lower nature, we can learn to control and use it to elevate ourselves. In doing so we gradually discover the existence of a higher psychic power within us, our 'individuality', which is above all contingencies and conflicts and is capable of using them to create inner harmony and true fraternal bonds. COSMIC MORAL LAWS Table of contents 1. As You Sow, So Shall You Reap 13. Why Look for Models in the World Above 2. The Importance of Choice - Work not Pleasure 14. Man Creates in the Invisible World by Means of 3. Creative Activity as a Means of Evolution his Thoughts and Feelings 4. Justice 15. We must not Sever the Link Between the World 5. The Law of Affinity : Peace Below and the World Above 6. The Law of Affinity : True Religion 16. If You Are Light You Will Seek the Company of 7. The Laws of Nature and Moral Law Light 8. Reincarnation 17. Duplicates - New Recordings 9. Don't Stop Half-Way 18. Morality Comes into its Own in the World Above 10. Know How to Use Your Energies 19. Example ist the Best Teacher 11. How to Distil the Quintessence 20. Turn the Other Cheek. 12. The Moral Law Exemplified in a Spring Summary True morality is everywhere manifest in Nature, the extension of the natural laws that govern our psychic life. When human beings break these laws they pay by suffer-ing or illness. The reader will no doubt be surprised to learn that true morality is not a limitation; on the contrary it confers tremendous freedom and increases our power of action. If we obeyed these laws both in our own lives and in our dealings with others, the result would be the ideal society. A NEW EARTH Methods, exercises, formulas, prayers Table of contents 1. Prayers 10. Mental Work 2. A Daily Programme 11. Spiritual Galvanoplasty 3. Nutrition 12. The Solar Plexus 4. Actions 13. The Hara Centre 5. Overcoming the Evil Within 14. Methods for Working with Light 6. Methods of Purification 15. The Aura 7. Human Relations 16. The Body of Glory 8. Man's Relations with Nature 17. Formulas and Prayers. 9. The Sun and the Stars Summary A great many people today feel the need for some practical methods that will help them to grow spiritually. A New Earth responds to that need. It contains a number of simple, effective, spiritual exercises taken from the thousands of lectures given by the Master Omraam Mikhal Avanhov over a period of nearly fifty years. Some concern our everyday life: nutrition, breathing, hygiene, purification, and our relationships with nature and other human beings. Others touch on questions that are more directly spiritual: meditation and prayer, the development of our psychic centres, or chakras, the aura, the body of glory, and so on. All these methods grow out of that immense body of knowledge known as initiatic science, the principal goal of which is the advent of the 'new heaven and the new earth' announced in scripture. LOVE AND SEXUALITY Table of contents 1. The Masculine and Feminine Principles The Love of God, the Love of Others, Self Love 2. Taking the Bull by the Horns - The Caduceus of Mercury 3. The Serpent -Isis Unveiled 4. The Power of the Dragon 5. Spirit and Matter - The Sexual Organs 6. Manifestations of the Masculine and Feminine Principles 7. Jealousy 8. The Twelve Doors of Man

9. From Yesod to Kether : The Path of Sexual Sublimation 10. The Spiritual Screen 11. Nourishment and Love 12. Woman's Role in the New Culture 13. The Initiatic Meaning of Nudity 14. Exchanges and Relationships 15. Wealth and Poverty 16. To Love is the Work of the Disciple 17. Love in the Universe 18. A Wider Concept of Marriage I

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19. The Twin-Soul 25. The Meaning of Renunciation 20. Everything Depends on Your Point of View 26. The Bonds of Love 21. A Wider Concept of Marriage II and III 27. Youth and the Problem of Love - The New 22. Analysis and Synthesis Currents 23. Like the Sun, Love Brings Order to Life Marriage - Why Self-Control - The Need for a Guide 24. Mother Love Give Your Love to God First. Summary This book could change your life. It provides the key to your evolution as a human being, as a child of God. This book explains that by simply gratifying your sensual nature, you feed only your lower self - which is limited in consciousness and which can never bring true joy or fulfillment. It shows the sacred purpose of the creative force within, and tells you how to make it become a dynamic source of life and energy which nourishes your higher self, bringing joy, rapture and self-perfection.This new way of living will create a Golden Age in which all humanity will exist as one-using its love to create a world of unparalleled splendour and beauty. LOVE AND SEXUALITY Table of contents 1. A Question of Attitude 15. Open Yourself to Others and They Will Love You 2. True Marriage 16. Tantra-Yoga 3. The Sun is the Source of Love 17. Emptiness and Fullness : the Holy Grail 4. The Goal of Love is Light 18. Love is Everywhere 5. The Manifestations of the Masculine and Feminine 19. Look for Love at its Source Principles 20. Know How to Use Your Powers of Love 6. Master or Mistress ? 21. A Broader Concept of Marriage, Part IV 7. Vestal Virgins ; the New Eve 22. It Rises from Earth and Descends from Heaven 8. Materialism, Idealism and Sexuality - On Earth as 23. The Secret of Happiness is in an Expanded in Heaven Consciousness 9. Heart and Mind ; the Universal White Brotherhood 24. Whatever you Bind on Earth 10. Seek the Soul and the Spirit 25. Love God so as to Love Your Neighbour Better 11. Restoring Love to its Pristine Purity 26. Live Lovingly 12. Love Transforms Matter 27. Our Only Weapons: Love and Light 13. Love and Identification 28. Never Stop Loving 14. The Task of a Disciple 29. Towards a Broader Concept of the Family. Summary There are several possible attitudes towards love. You can eat it, you can drink it, and you can breathe it, but you can also live in it. Those who eat love remain on the physical plane and are never fully satisfied because they are content with pleasures of a lower order. The pleasures of those who drink love are less crude, but they are still confined to the delights and satisfactions of the astral plane. The philosophers, writers and artists who have managed to reach the mental plane are those who breathe love; love is the constant source of their inspiration. Only those who live in love, in the subtle, etheric dimension of love, truly possess it. For them it is light in the mind and warmth in the heart and they can pour out that light and warmth on those around them. Those who live in this love possess all fulness." KNOW THYSELF: JNANA YOGA Table of contents 1. Know Thyself' 6. Food for the Soul and the Spirit 2. The Synoptic Table 7. Consciousness 3. Spirit and Matter 8. The Higher Self 4. The Soul 9. Truth 5. Sacrifice 10. Freedom. Summary Know thyself was the maxim inscribed on the pediment of the temple at Delphi. What is this 'self' that we have to know? Is it a question of knowing our own vices and virtues, our strengths and weaknesses? No: to know oneself is to know the different bodies (the physical, etheric, mental, causal, buddhic and atmic bodies) of which we are formed and what each of these bodies needs. If the initiates of old insisted so much on the necessity of self-knowledge it was because this knowledge opens up tremendous possibilibes for growth, progress and success. As long as man is ignorant of the needs of his higher self, he will continue to surfeit his physical body while his soul and spirit suffocate and die of hunger and thirst." KNOW THYSELF: JNANA YOGA Table of contents 1. Beauty 2. Spiritual Work 3. The Power of Thought

4. Knowledge: Heart and Mind 5. The Causal Plane 6. Concentration, Meditation, Contemplation and


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Identification 10. Art and Music 7. Prayer 11. Physical Gestures 8. Love 12. Respiration. 9. The Will Summary Know thyself! All science and all wisdom lies in knowing oneself, in finding oneself, in the fusion of one's lower self with one's higher self. The symbol of the initiate who has succeeded in finding himself is the serpent with its tail in its mouth. A serpent forms a straight or wavy line, and a line is limited. But the serpent with its tail in its mouth forms a cirde and a cirde represents the infinite, the limitless, the eternal. He who succeeds in becoming a circle enters a world without limitations where the 'above' and the 'below' are no longer separated, because all the powers and all the riches and virtues of the true, higher self have been infused into the lower self. The higher and the lower become one and man becomes a divinity. A NEW DAWN: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science (I) Table of contents 1. The Age of Aquarius 5. True Economics 2. The Dawn of Universal Brotherhood 6. Wealth 3. Youth and Revolution 7. Aristocracy and Democracy 4. Communism and Capitalism 8. Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science. Summary Man was built by Cosmic Intelligence in such a way that he can fulfil himself and attain his full stature only by maintaining ties with a higher world from which he receives light and strength. When human beings rely exclusively on their own limited intellect they deprive themselves of true understanding, and it is this lack that is the cause of all their disastrous mistakes. When men are motivated only by a lust for material possessions and power and act in total disregard for the plans of Cosmic Intelligence, they stir up layers of the physical and psychic atmosphere and arouse formidable forces whose fury is turned against them. The Age of Aquarius will soon be upon us and the tremendous upheavals accompanying it will oblige human beings to understand the reality of the invisible world and the laws that govern it. But the beauty, splendour and harmony of the new life that will emerge from these upheavals will be beyond anything imagined by man. All those who have been secretly working for the coming of the Kingdom of God throughout the world will join forces and work together, and the bastions of ignorance, materialism and despotism will crumble and collapse. This I tell you. And it will be: nothing can prevent the coming of the new era, the new Golden Age." NEW DAWN: Society and Politics in the Light of Initiatic Science (II) Table of contents 1. Forms and Principles 4. The Cosmic Body 2. The Religion of Christ 5. The Kingdom of God and His Righteousness 3. The Idea of a Pan-World 6. The New Jerusalem. Summary Man as conceived by Cosmic Intelligence is such that if he is to be fulfilled, he must connect himself with the light and power of the Higher World. If not, if he puts all his trust in his own limited faculties, he will be unable to see ahead and in his blindness he will make drastic errors in all domains. If he puts his faith in technology, trade and material development, sooner or later he willfail, for if his action is based on the desire to control the world regardless of the plan and purpose of Cosmic Intelligence it will stir up the psychic and physical layers of the atmosphere, and hostile forces will turn against him in their fury.The Age of Aquarius is now coming in and it will cause great upheavals and cataclysms all over the world, after which those who survive will have a better understanding of the Laws. The splendour and harmonious beauty of the new life that is in store for mankind surpasses the imagination. People who have been secretly working for the Kingdom of God will find each other and combine their new-found extraordinary powers to bring down the fortresses of ignorance, mate rialism and despotism. I tell you this now, and it will be as I say, for nothing can prevent the coming of the new era, the Golden Age. ON THE ART OF TEACHING from the Initiatic Point of View (III) Table of contents 1. Spiritual Work 5. On Perfection 6. On the Reality of the Invisible World 2. On Responsibility 3. On Building the New Life 7. On Participation in the Work of the Universal White 4. On the Living Knowledge Brotherhood. SUMMARY Parents and teachers have every material means at their disposal for the proper education of children, but they still lack the means of regenerating humanity. This is what the Teaching of the Universal White Brotherhood brings us: the means parents need to bring healthy, gifted children into the world, the means educators need to turn them into men

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and women ready to work for the good of society. But these methods can only be applied by adults who have already changed their patterns of behaviour in such a way as to be living examples for their young charges. LIFE AND WORK IN AN INITIATIC SCHOOL Table of contents 1. The International Day of the Sun 5. The Spirit of the Teaching 2. The Bonfin 6. Matter and Light 3. Training for the Divine 7. Purity and Light 4. Hrani-Yoga and Surya-Yoga 8. The Meaning of Initiation. Summary We are here between the four walls of this room at the Bonfin, but we are also in the town of Frjus. Frjus is in the Var; the Var is in France; France is in Europe, and Europe is one of the continents on earth. The earth belongs to the family of planets in the solar system; the solar system belongs to a galaxy, and that galaxy is a tiny part of the whole cosmos. Yes, the prodigious truth is that we are here in this room and, at the same time, in the cosmos. What conclusion - if any - can we draw from this? The conclusion that, as cosmic beings, we must not eternally confine ourselves to our own petty interests. We must open our eyes and remind ourselves that we have cosmic work to do. What is the use of belonging to the Universal White Brotherhood if we do not work for broader, more far-reaching goals? For the welfare of the whole world? Henceforth, try to change your mental habits, to adopt a broader point of view; try to become more aware of being part of the cosmos, of being linked to the whole universe; try to see that this means that the things you do as well as the way you do them must change." THE FRUITS OF THE TREE OF LIFE THE CABBALISTIC TRADIT ION Table of contents 1. How to Approach the Study of the Cabbalah Logos 2. The Number Ten and the Ten Sephiroth II. The Universal Language of the Logos 3. Structure and Symbols of the Tree of Life III. The Power of the Logos 4. The Tetragrammaton and the Seventy-Two 12. The Esoteric Church of Saint John Planetary Spirits 13 Binah, the Realm of Stability 5. The Creation of the World and the Theory of 14. The Human Spirit is Above Fate Emanation 15. Death and the Life Beyond 6. The Fall and Redemption of Man 16. Human and Cosmic Respiration 7. The Four Elements 17. The Cardinal Feasts 8. Evening Vigils Round the Fire 18. The Moon and its Influence on Man I. The Power of Fire 19. The Glorified Souls II. Fire and the Sun 20. The Land of the Living III. The Fire of Sacrifice 21. A Magic Wand 9. Water and Fire 22. Nature Spirits 10. A Bowl of Water 23. Objects are Receptacles of Life 11. The Living Logos 24. The Holy Grail I. The Alphabet and the Twenty-Two Elements of the 25. Building the Inner Sanctuary. Summary The Sephirotic Tree, the Tree of Life of the Cabbalah, is an image of the universe, inhabited by God and impregnated with His quintessence. It represents the divine life which circulates throughout the whole of creation. Here is a system which prevents you from becoming dispersed in your spiritual activities. If you work for years on this Tree, if you study it, if you taste its fruit, you will create stability within yourself and harmony in the cosmos."


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- EDITION IZVOR P0201AN : Toward a Solar Civilization Table of contents 1. The Sun, Initiator of Civilization 6. Man is Made in the Image of the Sun 2. Surya Yoga 7. The Spirits of the Seven Lights 3. Seeking the Centre 8. The Sun as our Model 4. The Sun our Provider 9. The True Solar Religion. 5. The Solar Plexus Summary Although we may know about heliocentricity from the point of view of astronomy, we are still far from having exhausted all its possibilities in the biological, psychological, cultural and spiritual spheres. The sun exists within each one of us and, if allowed to, can manifest its presence by awakening our consciousness to a global view of human problems. P0202AN : Man, Master of his Destiny Table of contents 1. The Law of Cause and Effect 5. The Law of Correspondences 2. You will Separate the Subtle from the Gross 6. Natural and Moral Law 3. Evolution and Creation 7. Nature's Records 4. Two Justices: Human and Divine 8. Reincarnation Summary Why is one born in a particular country and a particular family? Why is one healthy, rich, illustrious and powerful, or on the contrary poor, handicapped and miserable? Even those who think they are entirely free must put up with their fate because of their ignorance of the laws which govern the invisible world. The reply to these questions not only helps the disciple to unravel the tangled threads of his life, it also gives him the tools he must have in order to become master of his own destiny. P0203AN : Education Begins Before Birth Table of contents 1. The First Priority: Educating Parents 7. Never Let Your Children be Idle 2. Education Begins before Birth 8. Prepare Your Children for Adult Life 3. A Blueprint for the Future of Mankind 9. Protect Your Children's Sense of Wonder 4. Don't Neglect Your Children 10. Love without Weakness 5. A New Understanding of a Mother's Love 11. Education versus Instruction 6. The Magic Word Summary Is it possible for education to begin before birth? Yes. Because true education is primarily subconscious. A child is not a little animal which you can start training as soon as it is old enough. A mother can have a beneficial influence on her child in the womb through the harmony of her thoughts, acts and feelings. And this pre-natal influence must be faithfully continued once the baby is born, for, as all parents should realize, a tiny baby is highly sensitive to its environment. Ultimately, it is by example that parents and pedagogues should accomplish their educational mission P0204AN : The Yoga of Nutrition Table of contents 1. Eating: An Act which Concerns the Whole Man 7. Fasting: I Means of Purification. II - Another Form 2. Hrani-Yoga of Nutrition 3. Food: A Love-Letter from God 8. Communion 4. Choosing Your Food 9. The Meaning of the Blessing 5. Vegetarianism 10. The Spirit Transforms Matter 6. The Ethics of Eating 11. The Law of Symbiosis. Summary This is not a dietary book. Omraam Mikhal Avanhov teaches that our attitude towards our food and the way we eat is far more important than what, or how much we eat. He replaces our ordinary ideas of everyday eating with the true mystical significance of nutrition. In this way we can learn to extract from our physical food all the subtle elements necessary for true health and fulfilment. P0205AN : Sexual Force or the Winged Dragon Table of contents

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1. The Winged Dragon 6. Love without Waiting to be Loved 2. Love and Sexuality 7. Love is Everywhere in the Universe 3. The Sexual Force is Essential for Life on Earth 8. Spiritual Love is a Higher Way of Feeding 4. Pleasure: / I - Do not Seek Pleasurefor it Will Ourselves Impoverish You 9. A High Ideal Transforms Sexual Energy 4. Pleasure: / II - Replace Pleasure with Work 10. Open Your Love to a Higher Path 5. The Dangers of Tantric Yoga Summary The dragon is not pure fiction: it is the symbol of our instinctive, primitive forces and is common to all mythologies as well as to early Christian iconography. The great challenge of the spiritual life is to conquer, tame and use those forces to reach the highest summits of the spirit. P0206AN : A Philosophy of Universality Table of contents 1. What is a Sect? 6. The Great Universal White Brotherhood 2. No Church is Eternal 7. For a Universal Notion of the Family 3. The Spirit Behind the Form 8. Brotherhood, a Higher State of Consciousness 4. The Advent of the Church of St. John 9. The Annual Conventions at the Bonfin 5. The Foundations of a Universal Religion 10. The Universal Dimension of All Our Activities Summary It is not enough to create associations dedicated to universality. As long as each one of the members has not devoted his or her life to universality, these organizations are powerless. Universal consciousness is the fruit of patient learning and practice, for which Omraam Mikhal Avanhov gives us the basic elements in this book P0206AN : A Philosophy of Universality Table of contents 1. What is a Sect? 6. The Great Universal White Brotherhood 2. No Church is Eternal 7. For a Universal Notion of the Family 3. The Spirit Behind the Form 8. Brotherhood, a Higher State of Consciousness 4. The Advent of the Church of St. John 9. The Annual Conventions at the Bonfin 5. The Foundations of a Universal Religion 10. The Universal Dimension of All Our Activities Summary It is not enough to create associations dedicated to universality. As long as each one of the members has not devoted his or her life to universality, these organizations are powerless. Universal consciousness is the fruit of patient learning and practice, for which Omraam Mikhal Avanhov gives us the basic elements in this book P0207AN : What is a Spiritual Master ? Table of contents 1. How to Recognize a True Spiritual Master 7. A Master is There Only to Give Light 2. The Necessity for a Spiritual Master 8. The Disciple and His Master 3. The Sorcerer's Apprentice 9. The Universal Dimension of a Master 4. The Exotic Should not be Confused with Spirituality 10. The Magical Presence of a Master 5. Learn How to Balance the Material and Spiritual 11. Identification Worlds 12. 'Except Ye Become as Little Children...' 6. A Master is a Mirror Reflecting the Truth Summary It is not enough to create associations dedicated to universality. As long as each one of the members has not devoted his or her life to universality, these organizations are powerless. Universal consciousness is the fruit of patient learning and practice, for which Omraam Mikhal Avanhov gives us the basic elements in this book P0208AN : The Egregor of the Dove or the Reign of Peace Table of contents 1. Towards a Better Understanding of Peace 6. Communism and Capitalism 2. The Advantages of Unity amongst Nations 7. Towards a New Understanding of Economics 3. Aristocracy and Democracy 8. What Every Politician Should Know 4. About Money 9. The Kingdom of God 5. The Distribution of Wealth Summary Everyone agrees that peace is essential. And yet they continually feed the fires of conflict within their own hearts and in society, in politics and economics. As long as we do not master our own disordered thoughts and feelings, we cannot hope to create durable peace around us. When peace reigns within us then, and then only, can we truly contribute to peace in the world.


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P0209AN : Christmas and Easter in the Initiatic Tradition Table of contents 1. The Feast of the Nativity 4. Except Ye Die Ye Shall not Live' 2. The Second Birth 5. The Resurrection and the Last Judgment 3. Birth on the Different Planes of Being 6. The Body of Glory Summary The fact that the Feasts of Christmas and Easter coincide with the winter solstice and the spring equinox is evidence of their cosmic significance. So we learn that the human being, who is part of the universe, participates intimately in the natural process of gestation and blossoming. These two feasts are two different ways of celebrating the regeneration of men and women and their birth into the spiritual world. P0210AN : The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil Table of contents 1. The Serpent of Genesis 6. Into the Wilderness to Be Tempted 2. What Good is Evil? 7. The Undesirables 3. Beyond Good and Evil 8. Suicide is not the Answer 4. Until the Harvest 9. The Real Weapons 5. The Philosophy of Unity 10. The Science of the Initiates, or the Inner Lamps Summary The solution of the question of evil lies in knowing the methods of how to work with it and to use its power. What-ever its origin, evil is an inner and outer reality which con-fronts us daily and which we have to learn to deal with. To attack it head-on is not only useless but dangerous: the odds are too heavily against us. So we have to learn the methods to use in order to gain the upper hand and transform evil into good. P0211AN : Freedom, the Spirit Triumphant Table of contents 1. Man's Psychic Structure 6. True Freedom: a Consecration of Self 2. Mind over Matter 7. Freedom through Self-Limitation 3. Fate and Freedom 8. Anarchy and Freedom 4. Freedom through Death 9. The Notion of Hierarchy 5. Sharing in the Freedom of God 10. The Synarchy With Summary Freedom has become such an important political stake that we have lost sight of its true significance. It is this significance, the relationship between spirit and matter, that the Master Omraam Mikhal Avanhov attempts to restore. 'Enter into the realm of the spirit which creates, models and fashions and in so doing you will gradually loosen the hold that the exterior world has on you; you will be free! P0212AN : Light is a Living Spirit Table of contents 1. Light : Essence of Creation 6. The Prism : a Symbol of Man 2. The Sun's Rays, their Nature and Activity 7. Purity Clears the Way for Light 3. Gold is Condensed Sunlight 8. Living with the Intensity of Light 4. Light Enables us to See and be Seen 9. The Spiritual Laser. 5. Working with Light Summary Light is held by tradition to be the living substance of the universe from which God created the world. Recently, thanks to the development of the laser, light has become a formidable instrument for the exploration and transformation of matter. Light offers us an infinite range of possibilities both on the material and the spiritual planes. Here Omraam Mikhal Avanhov invites us to explore the spiritual potential of light, to understand above all that it is the only truly effective means available with which to transform ourselves and the world around us. P0213AN : Man's Two Natures, Human and Divine Table of contents 1. Human Nature or Animal Nature? 2.The Lower Self is a Reflection 3. Man's True Identity 4. Methods of Escape 5. The Sun Symbolizes the Divine Nature 6. Put the Personality to Work Summary

7. Perfection Comes with the Higher Self 8. The Silent Voice of the Higher Self 9. Only by Serving the Divine Nature 10. Address the Higher Self in Others 11. Man's Return to God, the Victory

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Man is that ambiguous creature placed by evolution on the borderline between the animal kingdom and the Kingdom of God. His nature is twofold and if he is to continue to evolve it is important that he become aware of his inherent ambivalence. If the Scriptures declare, 'Ye are gods', it is in order to remind men that hidden deep within them lies that sublime essence that they have to learn to manifest. Omraam Mikhal Avanhov gives us the methods we need to manifest ourselves as the gods we really are... and of which we are still unaware. P0214AN : Hope for the World : Spiritual Galvanoplasty Table of contents 1. What is Spiritual Galvanoplasty? 8. The Solar Nature of Sexual Energy 2. Reflections of the Two Principles 9. Mankind Transformed 3. Marriages Made in Heaven 10. The Original Experiment and the New One 4. Love Freely Given 11. Replenish the Earth! 5. Love on the Lower Plane 12. Woman's place 6. Love on the Higher Plane 13. The Cosmic Child 7. Love's Goal is Light Summary There are two fundamental principles in the universe which are reflected in every single manifestation of nature and of life: they are the masculine and feminine principles. The whole of creation is the result of the concerted work of these two principles which are replicas of the two creative principles of the cosmos: the Heavenly Father and the Divine Mother, of which men and women are also the reflection. The two principles must work in conjunction: alone, each one is barren. Spiritual galvanoplasty is an application in the spiritual life of this science of the two principles." P0215AN : The True Meaning of Christ's Teaching Table of contents 1. Our Father Which Art in Heaven' 6. He That Eateth My Flesh and Drinketh My Blood 2. My Father and I Are One' Hath Eternal Life' 3. Be Ye Perfect, Even as Your Father Who is in 7. Father, Forgive Them, For They Know Not What Heaven is Perfect' They Do' 4. Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God and His Justice' 8. Unto Him that Smiteth Thee on the One Cheek...' 5. On Earth as it is in Heaven' 9. Watch and Pray'. Summary The whole of Christ's teaching is summed up in the prayer he gave us: the Lord's Prayer. Omraam Mikhal Avanhov demonstrates and explains this. Nature, in her own wonderful way, has condensed a tree's entire potential into one tiny seed. Jesus did the same. He took his whole Teaching, and condensed it into a prayer to his Father, in the hope that this seed would take root in our souls, be nurtured by them and grow into its full potential : the massive fruitful tree of Initiatic Science, the true Teaching of Christ. P0216AN : The Living Book of Nature Table of contents 1. The Living Book of Nature 8. Building a House 2. Day and Night 9. Red and White 3. Spring Water or Stagnant Water 10. The River of Life 4. Marriage, a Universal Symbol 11. The New Jerusalem - Perfect Man. I - The Gates. 5. Distilling the Quintessence II - The Foundations 6. The Power of Fire 12. Learning to Read and Write. 7. The Naked Truth Summary 'In Initiatic Science, to read means to be able to decipher the subtle and hidden side of objects and creatures, to interpret the symbols and signs placed everywhere by Cosmic Intelligence in the great book of the universe. To write means to leave one's imprint on this great book, to act upon stones, plants, animals and men through the magic force of one's spirit. P0217AN : New Light on the Gospels Table of contents 1. Men do not Put New Wine into Old Bottles' 2. Except Ye Become as Little Children' 3. The Unjust Stewart 4. Lay up for Yourselves Treasures in Heaven' 5. The Strait Gate 6. Let Him Which is on the Housetop not Come Down...' Summary

7. The Calming of the Storm 8. The First Shall Be Last 9. The Parable of the Five Wise and the Five Foolish Virgins 10. This is Life Eternal, that they Might Know Thee the Only True God'.


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Omraam Mikhal Avanhov interprets all these familiar tales, whether real or symbolic, told by the Gospels. He strips them of their restrictive, purely anecdotal character, and reveals their underlying, psychological and spiritual realities. Suddenly it becomes clear that they are always relevant to our own inner lives, where the forces of materialism and spirituality confront and come to terms with each other. P0218AN : The Symbolic Language of Geometrical Figures Table of contents 1. Geometrical Symbolism 5. The Pyramid 2. The Circle 6. The Cross 3. The Triangle 7. The Quadrature of the Circle 4. The Pentagram Summary 'Geometrical figures are, as it were, the framework or skeleton of reality but although they are reduced to the bare bones they are by no means dead, for they represent living realities in man and the universe. And this is why, in order to interpret them, we have to breathe the life of the spirit into them: they will mean nothing to us if we are content to study them only as they occur outside ourselves. P0219AN : Man's Subtle Bodies and Centres Table of contents 1. Human Evolution and the Development of the 5. Kundalini Force Spiritual Organs 6. The Chakras: The Chakra System 2. The Aura I. - The Chakra System 3. The Solar Plexus II. Ajna and Sahasrara. 4. The Hara Centre Summary 'However much we cultivate and refine our five senses they will always be severely limited in scope for they belong to the physical plane: they will never be capable of exploring any reality above or beyond the physical. In order to experience other, new sensations, we must call into play those other, subtler organs and centres which we all possess. P0220AN : The Zodiac, Key to Man and to the Universe Table of contents 1. The Enclosure of the Zodiac 7. The Leo-Aquarius Axis 2. The Zodiac and the Forming of Man 8. The Fire and Water Triangles 3. The Planetary Cycle of Hours and Days 9. The Philosophers' Stone : the Sun, the Moon and 4. The Cross of Destiny Mercury 5. The Axes of Aries-Libra and Taurus-Scorpio 10. The Twelve Tribes of Israel and the Twelve 6. The Virgo-Pisces Axis Labours of Hercules in Relation to the Zodiac. Summary The constellations and planets are the hieroglyphs, the sacred letters which reveal, to those who know how to decipher them, how mankind and the world were created, how they evolve hand in hand and how their inner structure is identical. Every human being who becomes aware of his kinship with the universe begins to feel the need to cultivate his inner life in order to rediscover, within himself, that cosmic plenitude symbolized to perfection by the circle of the zodiac P0221AN : True Alchemy or the Quest for Perfection Table of contents 1. Spiritual Alchemy 7. Grafting 2. The Human Tree 8. The Use of Energy 3. Character and Temperament 9. Sacrifice, the Transmutation of Matter 4. Our Heritage from the Animal Kingdom 10. Vainglory and Divine Glory 5. Fear 11. Pride and Humility 6. Stereotypes 12. The Sublimation of Sexual Energy Summary 'Don't battle against your weaknesses and vices for it is they who will win: instead, learn to make them work for you. You find it perfectly normal to use natural, physical forces so why be astonished at the idea of using your own primitive forces! Once you know the rules of spiritual alchemy you will be able to transform and use the negative forces that exist in such abundance within you. P0222AN : Man's Psychic Life : Elements and Structures Table of contents

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1. Know Thyself 8. From Intellect to Intelligence 2. The Synoptic Table 9. True Illumination 3. Several Souls and Several Bodies 10. The Causal Body 4. Heart, Mind, Soul and Spirit 11. Consciousness 5. The Apprenticeship of the Will 12. The Subconscious 6. Body, Soul and Spirit 13. The Higher Self. 7. Outer Knowledge and Inner Knowledge Summary 'In order to give a clear idea of human anatomy one is obliged to have recourse to a series of different plates each of which illustrates one of the systems of the human body: the skeleton, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the nervous system, etc. Similarly, when an Initiate wants to study one or other aspect of man's psychic structure, he applies the same method as an anatomist: he uses different diagrams or outlines according to which aspect he is studying.' P0223AN : Creation: Artistic and Spiritual Table of contents 1. Art, Science and Religion 7. How to Listen to Music 2. The Divine Sources of Inspiration 8. The Magic Power of a Gesture 3. The Work of the Imagination 9. Beauty 4. Prose and Poetry 10. Idealization as a Means of Creation 5. The Human Voice 11. A Living Masterpiece 6. Choral Singing 12. Building the Temple Summary The laws of true artistic creation are identical with the laws of spiritual creation. The creative work of an artist is exactly the same work of inner regeneration as that undertaken by one who is striving for spiritual perfection. Just as an artist uses paint and canvas, clay or bronze to create a work of art, so a spiritual person uses the raw materials of his or her own being in striving towards inner perfection. P0224AN : The Powers of Thought Table of contents 1. The Reality of Spiritual Work 8. Rules for Spiritual Work 2. Thinking the Future 9. Thoughts as Weapons 3. Psychic Pollution 10. The Power of Concentration 4. Thoughts are Living Beings 11. Meditation 5. How Thought Produces Material Results 12. Creative Prayer 6. Striking a Balance between Matter and Spirit 13. Reaching for the Unattainable. 7. The Strength of the Spirit Summary 'Every one of our thoughts is pregnant with the power of the spirit which brought it into being, that power is constantly at work. Knowing this, each one of you has the possibility of becoming a benefactor of mankind; by projecting your thoughts into the farthest reaches of space, you can send out messages of light to help, comfort, enlighten and heal others. He who undertakes this work knowingly and deliberately, gradually penetrates into the mysterious arcana of divine creation.' P0225AN : Harmony and Health Table of contents 1. Life Comes First I. The Effects of Respiration on Health 2. The World of Harmony II. How to Melt into the Harmony of the Cosmos 3. Harmony and Health 7. Nutrition on the Different Planes 4. The Spiritual Foundations of Medicine 8. How to Become Tireless 5. Respiration and Nutrition 9. Cultivate an Attitude of Contentment. 6. Respiration: Summary 'If you are ill, it's because you harbour disorder within yourself: you have nourished certain thoughts, feelings and attitudes that have finally affected your health. The best weapon against illness is harmony. Night and day think about synchronizing yourself with the whole of life - limitless life, cosmic life.' P0226AN : The Book of Divine Magic Table of contents 1. The Danger of the Current Revival of Magic 2. The Magic Circle of the Aura 3. The Magic Wand

4. The Magic Word 5. Talismans 6. Is Thirteen an Unlucky Number


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7. The Moon 13. The Power of a Glance 8. Working with Nature Spirits 14. The Magical Power of Trust 9. Flowers and Perfumes 15. Love, the Only True Magic 10. We All Work Magic 16. Never Look for Revenge 11. The Three Great Laws of Magic 17. The Exorcism and Consecration of Objects 12. The Hand 18. Protect Your Dwelling Place. Summary 'True magic, divine magic, lies in using all one's faculties, all one's knowledge, toward realizing the Kingdom of God on earth. Very few magi have reached the high level where the only ideal is to work in the Light for the Light. Those who manage to do so are the true benefactors of humanity.' P0227AN : Golden Rules for Everyday Life Table of contents 1. Life: our most precious possession 8. Love makes us tireless 2. Let your material life be consistent with your 9. Technical progress frees man for spiritual work spiritual life 10. Furnishing your inner dwelling 3. Dedicate your life to a sublime goal 11. The outer world is a reflection of your inner world 4. Our daily life: a matter that must be transformed by 12. Make sure of a good future by the way you live the spirit today 5. Nutrition as Yoga 13. Live in the fullness of the present 6. Respiration 14. The importance of beginnings... etc. 7. How to recuperate energy Summary Nothing is more difficult than to put the spirit where it rightfully belongs in our lives: in first place. In fact, except in the case of a few great saints or mystics, the attempt to do so has usually ended in failure, discouragement and even mental breakdown. In his role as a spiritual teacher, Omraam Mikhal Avanhov takes care not to provoke any such rupture with the realities of life by showing us how everyday actions and events can be the foundation of a genuine spirituality. P0228AN : Looking into the Invisible Intuition, Clairvoyance, Dreams Table of contents 1. The Visible and the Invisible 10. The Spiritual Eye 2. The Limited Vision of the Intellect, The Infinite 11. To See God Vision of Intuition 12. The True Magic Mirror: The Universal Soul 3. The Entrance to the Invisible World: From Yesod to 13. Dream and Reality Tiphareth 14. Sleep, an Image of Death 4. Clairvoyance: Activity and Receptivity 15. Protect Yourself While You Are Asleep 5. Should We Consult Clairvoyants ? 16. Astral Projection While Asleep 6. Love and Your Eyes Will be Opened 17. Physical and Psychic Havens 7. Messages From Heaven 18. The Sources of Inspiration 8. Visible and Invisible Light: Svetlina and Videlina 19. Sensation is Preferable to Vision. 9. The Higher Degrees of Clairvoyance Summary Meditation, mediumship, astral projection and dreams can give us access to the invisible world but the quality of the revelations we receive depends on our degree of evolution. Omraam Mikhal Avanhov warns: 'You must not imagine that, just because someone is gifted as a medium, he neces-sarily has access to every region of the invisible world; on the contrary, he will see only that which corresponds to his own level of consciousness, his own thoughts and desires'. P0229AN : The Path of Silence Table of contents 1. Noise and Silence 8. Silence, the Essential Condition for Thought 2. Achieving Inner Silence 9. The Quest for Silence is the Quest for the Centre 3. Leave Your Cares at the Door 10. Speech and the Logos 4. Make Your Meals an Exercise in Silence 11. A Master Speaks in Silence 5. Silence, a Reservoir of Energies 12. The Voice of Silence is the Voice of God 6. The Inhabitants of Silence 13. The Revelations of a Starry Sky 7. Harmony, the Essential Condition for Inner Silence 14. A Silent Room. Summary 'The silence that concerns us here is not the silence of inertia; it is the stillness of a work of great intensity that is taking place in a climate of perfect harmony. Nor is it emptiness or absence; it is plenitude, a fullness comparable to

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that experienced by two human beings who love each other very deeply and share something that cannot be expressed in words or gestures. Silence is a quality of the inner life' P0230AN : The Book of Revelations: A Commentary Table of contents 1. The Island of Patmos God 2. Introduction to the Book of Revelations 10. The Woman and the Dragon 3. Melchizedek and Initiation into the Mystery of the 11. The Archangel Mikhal Casts Out the Dragon Two Principles 12. The Dragon Spews Water at the Woman 4. Letters to the Church in Ephesus and Smyrna 13. The Beast from the Sea and the Beast from the 5. Letter to the Church in Pergamos Land 6. Letter to the Church in Laodicea 14. The Wedding Feast of the Lamb 7. The Twenty-Four Elders and the Four Holy Living 15. The Dragon is Bound for a Thousand Years Creatures 16. The New Heaven and the New Earth 8. The Scroll and the Lamb 17. The Heavenly City. 9. The Hundred and Forty-Four Thousand Servants of Summary 'Many people find the Book of Revelations very obscure and difficult to interpret. It is true that for those who do not possess the key to it, it is obscure but for those who do poss-ess the key it is extremely clear. Once one knows the hidden meaning of the numbers and symbols, all the elements that seem to be totally unrelated can be brought together and used to shed light on each other, and the result is an extraordinarily logical whole'. P0231AN : The Seeds of Happiness Table of contents 1. Happiness: A Gift to be Cultivated 12. The Spirit is Above the Laws of Fate 2. Happiness is not Pleasure 13. Look for Happiness on a Higher Level 3. Happiness is Found in Work 14. The Quest for Happiness is a Quest for God 4. A Philosophy of Effort 15. No Happiness for Egoists 5. Light Makes for Happiness 16. Give Without Expecting Anything in Return 6. The Meaning of Life 17. Love Without Asking to be Loved in Return 7. Peace and Happiness 18. Our Enemies are Good for Us 8. If You want to be Happy, Be Alive 19. The Garden of Souls and Spirits 9. Rise Above your Circumstances 20. Fusion on the Higher Planes 10. Develop a Sensitivity to the Divine 21. We are the Artisans of Our Own Future. 11. The Land of Canaan Summary Human beings come into the world with certain aspirations; they need to love and be loved: they need to know, and they need to create. It is the fulfilment of these aspirations that they call happiness. Before they can fulfil their aspirations, however, they need to add something more to the baggage they bring with them; it is not enough to want something in order to obtain it. Happiness is like a talent that has to be cultivated. If you don't cultivate it, it will never amount to anything. P0232AN : The Mysteries of Fire and Water Table of contents 1. The Two Principles of Creation, Water and Fire 11. The Cycle of Water: Reincarnation 2. The Secret of Combustion 12. The Cycle of Water: Love and Wisdom 3. Water, the Matrix of Life 13. A Candle Flame 4. Civilization, a Product of Water 14. How to Light and Tend Fire 5. The Living Chain of Sun, Earth and Water 15. Water, the Universal Medium 6. A Blacksmith Works with Fire 16. The Magic Mirror 7. Water is Born of Mountains 17. Trees of Light 8. Physical and Spiritual Water 18. The Coming of the Holy Spirit 9. Feeding the Flame 19. A Treasury of Pictures 10. The Essential Role of Fire Summary 'Our psychic life is shaped and moulded every day by the forces and influences we allow to enter and impregnate us. This is why it is essential to have a store of lovely pictures that we can conjure up in our minds often, pictures that are with us day and night, so that our thoughts may be constantly in touch with all that is most elevated, pure and sacred. And what is more beautiful, more poetic or more full of meaning than water and fire, and the different forms in which they appear to us? You can fill your whole life with these pictures, and absorb them until they impregnate every cell of your body.'


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P0233AN : Youth: Creators of the Future Table of contents 1. Youth, a World in Gestation 11. Did you Choose Your Own Family? 2. The Foundation Stone of Life: Faith in a Creator 12. Benefit From the Experience of Older People 3. A Sense of the Sacred 13. Compare Yourself to Those Who Are Greater 4. The Voice of our Higher Nature 14. The Will Must be Sustained by Love 5. Choosing the Right Direction 15. Never Admit Defeat 6. Knowledge Cannot Give Meaning to Life 16. Never Give Way to Despair 7. Character Counts for More than Knowledge 17. Artists of the Future 8. Learning to Handle Success and Failure 18. Sexual Freedom 9. Recognize the Aspirations of Soul and Spirit 19. Preserve the Poetry of Your Love 10. The Divine World, Our Own Inner World 20. Members of One Universal Family (I) (II). Summary 'If we remember that there is a correspondence between the life of a human being and that of nature, we can say that a young person's formative years can be compared to the period when the earth itself was being formed. At that time, no organized form of life was possible on earth, for it was nothing but a seething mass of molten matter constantly racked by volcanic eruptions... Nothing solid can be built on such unstable ground, and this means that before they can become a hospitable environment for plants, animals and human beings, symbolically speaking, young people have to introduce an element of moderation, control and harmony into their lives. It is this that constitutes the transition from youth to adulthood: the transition from an unorganized, chaotic, unstable life to a life that is rich and full and beneficial both to oneself and to others.' P0234AN : Truth: Fruit of Wisdom and Love Table of contents 1. The Quest for Truth 10. There is no Arguing about Tastes 2. Truth, the Child of Wisdom and Love 11. Reality: Objective and Subjective 3. Wisdom and Love; Light and Warmth 12. The Primacy of Subjective Reality 4. The Love of a Disciple; the Wisdom of a Master 13. Scientific Progress v. Moral Progress 5. Truth, the Kernel of Life 14. Scientific Truth and the Truth of Life 6. I am the Way, the Truth and the Life' 15. A Fresh View of Reality 7. The Blue Ray of Truth 16. Dreams and Reality 8. Three Levels of Truth 17. Truth Transcends Good and Evil 9. Be Faithful to the Truth 18. The Truth shall Make you Free'(I) (II). Summary 'Truth has been defined in so many different ways that the whole question has become hopelessly involved. The fact is that one cannot define truth, for it does not exist as such. Only wisdom and love exist... It is your love and wisdom that will show you truth.' P0235AN : "In Spirit and in Truth" Table of contents 1. The Framework of the Universe 10. The Perfume of Eden 2. The Divine Office of Weights and Measures 11. In Spirit and in Truth' 3. The Link with the Centre 12. An Image Can Be a Support for Prayer 4. Reaching for the Top 13. The Spirit is not Held Captive in Relics 5. From Multiplicity to Unity 14. Speak to the Spirit of Those You Love 6. Building the Edifice 15. The Sun, the Quintessence of Religion 7. Contemplating the Truth: Isis Unveiled 16. The Truth of the Sun is in Giving 8. Garment of Light 17. The Kingdom of God is Within. 9. The Skin Summary 'Imagine how the faithful of all the world's religions would feel if they were told one day that there would be no more churches or temples. That every external manifestation of religion would disappear. That the time had come to worship God in spirit and in truth. They would feel utterly lost, as though they had nothing to hold on to any more. Only those who are exceptionally highly evolved are capable of finding within their own soul the sanctuary in which to communicate with the Lord. Of course, such an expansion of consciousness is highly desirable. Those who achieve it are free to work without restrictions to build a future for themselves as sons and daughters of God.' P0236AN : ANGELS AND OTHER M YSTERIES OF THE TREE OF LIFE Table of contents 1. From Man to God, the Notion of Hierarchy 2. Introduction to the Sephirotic Tree of Life 12. Malkuth, Yesod, Hod, Tiphareth, Archangels and

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3. The Angelic Hierarchies 4. The Names of God 5. The Sephiroth of the Central Pillar 6. Ain Soph Aur, Unlimited Light 7. Light, the Substance of the Universe 8.When God Drew a Circle on the Face of the Deep 9. The Kingdom of God is like a Mustard Seed 10. The Cosmic Family and the Mystery of the Trinity 11. The Body of Adam Kadmon Seasons 13. The Sephirotic Tree, Symbol of Synarchic Order 14. Yesod, Foundation of the Spiritual Life 15. Binah: I The Laws of Destiny II The Realm of Stability 16. Chokmah, the Creative Word 17. Yesod, Tiphareth, Kether, the Sublimation of Sexual Energy 18. The Prayer of Solomon.

Summary 'Think for a minute about what electricity is and how we use it, and you will have some notion, however approximate, of God. We use electricity to light and heat our houses, and power all kinds of machines and appliances, but we have to be very careful of how we handle it, for it is easy to cause an accident. Direct contact with an electric current can be fatal. In order to harness and use it without danger, we have to channel it through transformers. The same can be said of God: God is like a pure current of electricity which has to pass through transformers before it reaches us. And the transformers that God uses are the countless luminous beings that populate the heavens, known to tradition as the choirs of angels or angelic hierarchies. It is through them that we receive divine life; it is through them that we can be in contact with God. P0237AN : COSMIC BAL ANCE - THE SECRET OF POL ARITY Table of contents 1. Cosmic Balance and the Number Two 10. Iona, Principle of Life - Horeb, Principle of Death 2. Oscillation of the Scales 3. One and Zero 11.The Triad Kether-Chesed-Geburah - Sceptre and 4. The Role of The Masculine and The Feminine Orb Mind and Heart - A Straight Line and a Curved Adam and Eve : Spirit and Matter Adam and Eve : Line Wisdom and Love - The Mental and Astral Planes 12. The Law of Exchange Man and Woman 13. The Key and the Lock 5. God Transcends Good and Evil 14.The Work of the Spirit on Matter - The Holy Grail 6.The White Head and the Black Head 7. Alternation and Antagonism - The Law of 15. Union of the Ego with the Physical Body Opposites 16. The Sacrament of the Eucharist 8.To Work the Miracles of One Thing - The Figure of 17.The Androgynes of Myth Eight and the Cross 18. Union with the Universal Soul and the Cosmic 9. The Caduceus of Hermes - The Astral Serpent Spirit. Summary On September 23rd, the Sun enters the sign of Libra (Scales or Balance), and this is the autumn equinox. After the ascending phase, from Aries to Virgo, comes the descending phase, from Libra to Pisces. Libra is the seventh sign on the zodiacal belt. Why, you may wonder, are there scales in the heavens, and what do these scales teach us? This is the only sign of the zodiac that does not represent a living being, human or animal. It is an inanimate object, and not just any object, but an instrument for weighing things. It is as though its two pans were there to maintain the balance between the powers of darkness and light, of life and death. Libra, the Scales of the zodiac, is a reflection of the cosmic scales, the equilibrium between the two opposite and complementary principles, thanks to which the universe came into being and continues to exist. The symbol of the scales, which we find also in the sephirotic Tree of Life, dominates the whole of creation.' P0238AN : The Faith that Moves Mountains Table of contents 1 - Faith, hope and love 8 - Our divine lineage 2 - The mustard seed 9 - Proof of God's existence lies within usa 3 - Faith and belief 10 - Identifying with God 4 - Science and religion 11 - God is life 5 - Faith always precedes knowledge 12 - God in creation 6 - Retrieving lost knowledge 13 - Rabota, vreme, vera : work, time, faith 7 - A religion is only a form of faith Summary Faith goes hand in hand with long-term work. It is the fruit of efforts repeated day after day. Faith is something that lives, something that we must never separate from our everyday life. This is what we need to understand if we are to discover the hidden meaning of Jesus' words : if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, "Move from here to there," and it will move.


Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]


We can move a mountain, but only if we do not rush at it, thinking to move it in one go. We can move a mountain, but only if we are ready to move it stone by stone. Every stone we move - that is, every time we succeed in something, however small, increases your faith ; we begin to feel that we are stronger and more stalwart, more in control of the situation. And then one day, if we look back at the progress we have made and find that half the work is already done, it is just possible that our faith will have become so strong that we can move the rest in one go. P0239AN : Love Greater Than Faith Table of contents 1 - The uncertainties of modern man 6 - Only your actions witness to our faith 2 - Destructive doubt : unification and bifurcation 7 - Never abandon your faith in good 3 - Constructive doubt 8 - "Unless you become like children" 4 - "Your faith has made you well" 9 - "The greatest of these is love" 5 - Let it be done for you according to your 10 - Base your trust on vigilance appreciation 11 - "As I have loved you" Summary "When you decide to embrace a religion or a spiritual philosophy and to put its principles into practice in your life, not only will you encounter difficulties with yourself because of the efforts requiered of you, but you will also have difficulties with others who will not necessarily understand how and why you have changed. Well, it is the way you handle these difficulties whiwh reveal the quality, the authenticity of your faith. You must not say, for example, "I'm going to change my life completely, and I don't care what the family thinks. That i not my problem." Oh but it is your problem, because your spiritual life will depend on how you resolve it. Try, as far as possible, not to make others suffer, and of course, you must not abandon them. Remember that love is always greater than faith." B0301AN : THE NEW YEAR Summary The Cabbalah tells us that the new year is influenced by the stars. The birth of a new year is like the birth of a child: it is the beginning of a life that will last just twelve months. When a child is born one can draw up a horoscope based on the date and time of birth and thus foresee the principal events of the child's life. And we can do the same for the birth of a new year; in fact you should know that the first day of the year determines the first month, the second day, the second month, the third day the third month and so on. So you must try to live, think, feel and behave as well as possible, at least during the first twelve days, so as to ensure an intelligent, luminous start to the year and thus influence and determine it favourably. B0302AN : MEDITATION Summary Never forget that it is by your meditations that you allow your inner Self to express itself and reach its full flowering. This is the means by which you can release this mysterious, subtle being so that it can gaze on all that exists in infinite space and then reproduce it on the physical plane. Of course, we are practically never conscious of the realities that this being gazes on, but if we continue to do these exercises regularly and often, little by little they will reach our consciousness and constitute an inner treasure that will always be with us. B0303AN : RESPIRATION Spiritual Dimensions and Practical Applications Summary Inhalation, exhalation... inhalation, exhalation... The ebb and flow of our breathing is the key to all the rhythms of the universe. When you become conscious of this movement within you, you enter into the movement of cosmic harmony in which you are immersed; little by little you will feel that your breathing melts into the breathing of God. B0304AN : DEATH AND THE LIFE BEYOND Summary Let the dead live in peace. Don't cling to your family and friends, don't let your sorrow at their depature hold them down and, above all, don't try to communicate with them by calling them back. This only troubles them and prevents them from breaking free. Pray for them, send them your love, think of them becoming freer and freer and rising higher and higher towards the light. If you really love them, be sure that you will be with them again one day. That is the truth. How many times have I already told you this: where your heart is, there you will be one day. D0005AN : The Gypsy Queen (Children Library) Summary Within each one of us lives a king or a queen, and this king and queen are eager to achieve great things in life. The story of young King Bojil and the Gypsy girl who became his Queen, lead us into the glorious adventure of love on the path of freedom and human brotherhood. The young readers will find here, presented with an enchanting lightness of touch, some essential aspects of their

Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]



own quest for great things. - A delightful reminder of wisdom tales of all regions of the world. All ages CD5009AN : THE SEED Summary "A seed is nothing either than a living being who ceaselessly calls upon the forces and materials of the cosmos so as to be able to accomplish its task. And its task is to resemble the tree that produced it. The Creator put into the seed the vocation to resemble its father, the tree ; that's why, once planted - unless it's defective - all of its work will go in the direction of this vocation, taking from among the elements which surround it those which suit it, relinquishing the others, and it's in this way that it will come to express all the tendencies indicated in the diagram which it carries within it. It is the same thing for man. Since God created man in His image, he has the possibility, by developing himself correctly, of becoming like his Heavenly Father." K2510AN : The Laws of Reincarnation Summary 'Belief in reincarnation is one of the cornerstones of morality. As long as human beings are unaware that the law of cause and effect is operative from one incarnation to the next, no amount of sermonizing will persuade them to change their ways. But once they know that the difficulties and trials they encounter in life are the direct result of faults committed in a previous life, not only can they accept them as just, but they start to work for good so as to be sure that their future incarnations will be better.' V4605AN : The activity of the soul and spirit... How can we modify our destiny ? Summary You have been given every possible means with which to create your own future. When you strive to put your physical body, and also your heart and mind, at the service of your soul and spirit of all that is most noble and exalted you set the seal of the Godhead on your every act and on each of your words. And this work of self-transformation will produce other transformations throughout the world, and even to the fardistant stars... For everything is linked. V4606AN : How can we purify our physical body despite the pollution ... Summary Pollution has become one of the greatest curses of our times. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find healthy food and clean air. But human beings are capable of neutralizing external poisons. If they live in harmony, if they forge a bond with light, their inner forces react and reject even physical impurities. In this way their organism defends itself. "You Are Gods" - Synthesis, Vol. I Omraam Mikhal Avanhov "Jesus was the most revolutionary of God's messengers. He was the first to defy all the ancient customs and his audacity in claiming that he was the son of God and that all human beings are equally sons and daughters of God was expiated on the cross. The insistence with which Jesus accentuated man's divine filiation offended and irritated the scribes and Pharisees to the point that they attempted one day to stone him. But Jesus said to them: 'I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these are you going to stone me?' The Jews answered, 'It is not for a good work that we are going to stone you, but for blasphemy, because you, though only a human being, are making yourself God.' And then Jesus reminded them of the verse in the Psalms: 'Is it not written in your law, "I said, You are gods"'?"


Can Prenatal and Perinatal Education as well as Spiritual Electroplating change the world into a better one where peace and justice reign? Please do not hesitate to ask Benjamin for further information: [email protected]

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