Annual Report .2010 11 Debz

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SY 2011 2012 INTRODUCTION: This Annual Report Embodies the different programs, projects and activities and accomplishments undertaken from School Year 2011 2012.

A caring and accountable school that envision a highly knowledgeable skilled, morally upright, life skilled, God loving and productive citizens.

Manage and supervise the school like a community school handled by stakeholders responsible and accountable to the outputs of the school in materializing the vision.

A. GOAL Consolidate all efforts to improve education outcome. B. OBJECTIVES 1. Raise learners achievement in the National Achievement Test in all learning areas 2. Enhance teachers ability to demonstrate the seven domains of the National Competency-Based Teachers Standards (NCBTS) 3. Improve the preparation and administration of varied instructional and evaluation materials and appropriate utilization of results 4. Involve stakeholders in school activities and in promoting advocacy for DepEd Programs and Projects. 5. Improve Physical Facilities .

A. EXPANDING ACCESS TO EDUCATION 1. NUMBER OF CLASSES No. of Classes 3 6 5 5 5 4 4 Number of Pupils/Students 80 330 215 232 217 240 203 1437

Grade/Year Level Prep I II III IV V VI Total 2. ENROLLMENT DATA Grade Level Prep I II III IV V VI TOTAL SY 2010-2011 M F T 30 32 62 170 154 324 110 129 239 128 101 229 143 124 267 113 104 217 91 91 182 755 703 1458

SY 2011-2012 M F T 37 43 80 177 153 330 112 103 215 109 123 232 117 100 217 122 118 240 105 98 203 742 695 1437

Difference M F T 7 11 18 7 -1 6 2 -26 24 -19 22 3 -26 -24 -50 9 14 23 14 7 21 27

3. PARTICIPATION RATE Grade/Year Level I VI School Year 2010-2011 95.80% Targeted Rate 2011-2012 96.45% Actual Accomplishment 2011-2012 97.96%


Grade Level
One Two Three Four

No. of Times Observed

20 20 15 20

Learning Areas
Filipino/English /Math/Makabayan Math/ English/Filipino/Makabayan Science/Math/English/Makabayan/Filipino English/Math/Science/Hekasi/Filipino

Five 15 Math/Science/Hekasi/Filipino/English Six 15 Hekasi/Math/ Science/ Filipino/English Subject Teachers 9 Home Economics/ Industrial Arts TOTAL 114 2. Results of Beginning Reading Test
School Year 2009-2010 Mean PL School Year 2010-2011 Mean PL

3. Results of Reading Readiness Test

School School Year 2009-2010 Mean PL School Year 2010-2011 Mean PL

4. Results of Reading Test

Grade Level/Reading Performance I. Independent Instructional Frustration TOTAL II. Independent Instructional Frustration TOTAL III. Independent Instructional Frustration TOTAL IV. Independent Instructional Frustration TOTAL V. Independent Instructional Frustration VI. Independent Instructional Frustration School Year 2011-2012 PRE F % 4 6 34 73 49 93 52 41 143 9 77 122 57 76 105 14 27 161 School Year 2011-2012 POST F % 9 46 213 43 96 76 63 99 73 57 157 4 31 92 116 14 54 135

C. Enhancing Equity

1. SCHOOL FEEDING PROGRAM Grade Level M Prep I II 16 III 10 IV 8 V VI TOTAL 9 77 6 10 88 14 19 165 12 22 16 32 No. of Beneficiaries SY 2010-2011 SY 2011-2012 F T M 9 13 12 F 21 15 8 T 30 28 20

2. NUTRITIONAL STATUS Severely Wasted B 3 0 3 5 4 9 2 1 3 3 8 11 0 2 2 0 E 1 2 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 Nutritional Status Normal Overweight B E B E 35 19 0 0 23 13 0 0 58 32 0 0 169 151 3 0 134 139 4 0 303 290 7 0 92 105 4 0 93 100 3 0 185 205 7 0 91 85 4 7 104 112 2 5 195 197 6 12 105 105 1 2 86 87 1 4 191 192 2 2 109 108 1 1 Obese B 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 2 1 2 3 2 0 2 2 E 0 0 0 3 2 5 2 0 2 1 1 2 2 0 2 1

Grade Level Prep M F Total I M F Total II M F Total III M F Total IV M F Total V M

Wasted B E 6 13 21 15 27 28 8 6 11 4 19 10 10 4 7 2 17 6 13 12 8 8 21 20 10 5 10 6 20 11 8 7

F Total VI M F Total Grand Total Male Female Grand Total

2 2 3 0 3 16 17 33

1 2 0 0 0 3 4 7

4 12 6 10 16 61 71 132

6 13 3 2 5 50 43 93

110 219 94 85 179

107 215 96 89 185

2 3 1 3 4 14 15 29

1 2 2 4 6 12 14 26

0 2 1 0 1 9 2 11

1 2 0 0 0 9 4 13

695 669 635 647 1,330 1316

3. Medical and Dental Check-up Program Medical Check-up Date Venue School Covered Court No. of Beneficiaries Benefactors Pupils Grade IIII

D. ENHANCING EQUITY AND EFFECTIVENESS 1. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS INDICATOR 1. Drop-out rate 2. Cohort Survival Rate 3. Retention Rate 4. Promotion Rate 5. Repetition Rate 6. Graduation Rate 7. Transition Rate 8. Completion Rate SY-2010-2011
0 71.19 93.30 94.56 2.82 95.05 98.17 98.8

4.31 72 86.72 93.87 5.28 95.57 110.60 97.48

-4.31 -0.81 6.58 0.69 2.46 0.52 12.43 1.32



Regional City

Nov. 4-6, 2011 Nov. 19, 2011 Nov. 2223, 2011 Nov. 2830, 2011 Dec. 1,3, 2011 Dec. 1213, 2011

Regional Training in Elem. Mathematics Anti-Drug Abuse Seminar Workshop A Venture into the Future of Phil. Educ. Through the use of IWB Division Seminar-Workshop in Science Div. Training-Workshop on the Univ. Kindergarten Curricular (3rd & 4th Quarter) IWB Seminar

Number of Participants
1 15 3 4

District District Division



Division District

Feb. 5, 2012 Feb. 3,10,17, 2012

Continuing Health Educ. For Teachers

District Seminar Workshop in Filipino

4. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS DEVELOPMENT Schools Sapalibutad Elem. School Type of Material Chart, Pocket Chart Flash Cards Colored Wheel Diagram Planetarium Wind Vane Anemometer Globe Geo Board Cut -outs of Polygons Maps Pictures Quantity 30 31 6 4 1 6 6 15 1 5 25 31 Learning Area English, Math, Filipino, Science, Hekasi English, Math, Filipino, Science, Hekasi Math, English Science Science Science Science Science, Hekasi Math Math HEKASI English, Math, Filipino, Science, Hekasi

5. Functional Library and Reading Centers

Schools Sapalibutad E/S

With Functional Library None

With Reading Center Reading Corner inside the Classrooms

6. Number of Instructional Rooms Type SY 2009-2010 1. Academic Classroom 2. Principals Office 30 1


Accomplishment SY 2010-2011

7. Instructional Room-Pupils/Students Ratio Type SY 2009-2010 1. Academic Classrooms


SY 2010-2011

8. Number of Available Chairs, Tables and Desks Type SY 2009-2010 1. Monoblock Chairs 2. Teachers Tables 3. Tablet Arm Chairs (Wood) 4. 2 Seater Desk (Wood) 5. 2 Seater Desk Wood 6. Tablet Arm Chair 7. 1 Seater Desk (Steel) 8. Wooden Arm Chair 9. Chair-Pupil/Student Ratio Type 1. Tablet Arm Chair (wood & steel) 2. 2 Seater Desk (wood & steel) 3. 2 Seater Desk Wood 4. Tablet Arm Chair Steel 5. 1 Seater Desk Steel 6. Wooden Arm Chair 10. Repairs Made in Public School Projects Date Rehabilitation of Grade III Rooms Jan. 17, 2012 SY 2009-2010


SY 2010-2011


SY 2010-2011


Sources of Funds Division Fund

Stage Improvement

Jan. 17, 2012 NGO (donors) Jan. 17, 2012 GO (donors) Jan. 17,2012 50,000 MOOE

Pavement in front of the flagpole Repair of ceiling facial board (Grades 1,2,3 & 6 rooms)

11. Number of Teachers in Public Schools SY 2010-2011 Position M F T Teacher 1 2 21 23 Teacher 2 0 5 5 Teacher 3 1 2 3 Head Teacher 0 0 0 Master Teacher 1 0 0 0 Master Teacher 2 0 0 0 Total 3 28 31 13.
Employment Status of Teachers SY 2010-2011 F 0 0 1 20

M 1 0 1 0 0 0 1

SY 2011-2012 F 12 10 3 0 0 0 25

T 13 10 4 0 0 0 27

Status Provisional Temporary Contractual Permanent 12.

M 0 0 0 1

T 0 0 1 20

M 0 0 0 1

SY 2011-2012 F 0 0 0 20

T 0 0 0 20

Highest Educational Attainment of Teachers Level M SY 2010-2011 F 1 28 0 9 1 0 T 1 31 0 10 1 0 M 0 3 2 1 0 0 SY 2011-2012 F 1 28 2 9 1 0 T 1 31 2 10 1 0

1. BSE/BSED 2. BEED/ BSEED 3. With 18 units in Educ. 4. With MA units 5. MA Grad 6. With Doctoral Units

0 3 0 1 0 0

7. Doctorate Degree

13. School Sapalibutad Elementary School

Level of Academic Achievement of Pupils Grade/Year Level I Subject Area English Math Filipino MAKABAYAN English Math Filipino MAKABAYAN English Math Science Filipino MAKABAYAN English Math Science Filipino MAKABAYAN English Math Science Filipino MAKABAYAN English Math Science Filipino MAKABAYAN Mean 22.73 22.34 23.38 22.39 23.25 22.96 23.68 24.70 31 30.8 30.19 32.07 32.13 31.94 31.35 31.3 31.71 31.91 30.31 36.33 31.65 41.5 36.97 42.21 38.87 39.53 43.03 40.21 MPS 75.76 74.47 77.94 74.64 75.51 76.53 78.94 82.32 77.50 77 75.48 80.17 80.34 79.85 78.38 78.26 79.28 79.77 60.62 72.66 63.30 83 73.94 84.41 77.74 79.07 86.05 80.42





14. Contests Attended by Students Level Program Date Venue No. of Participants

15. Students Activities

Activity Participants Time Date

Nutritional Month Buwan ng Wika School Play Day Science Month Read-A-Thon School Gift-Giving School Feeding Program Angeles City Library Tour MTAP Press-conference Thanksgiving Mass

Prep- Grade VI Prep- Grade VI Prep- Grade VI Grade III - IV Grade I - IV 87 Pupils Prep-Grade VI 40 Gr. I- VI Grade V-VI Grade VI

1:00pm 1:00pm 8:00am 8:00 am 1:00pm 2:00pm 8:00 9:00am 7:00 a.m 7:00am 8:00am

July 20, 2011 August 2011 October, 2011 October,2011 Nov. 25, 2011 December 9, 2011 January 2012 January 2012 December, 2011 November 5, 2011 March27, 2012

SES SES SES SES SES SES SES Covered Court City Library AES Sto. Domingo E.S. Sapalibutad Chapel

GSP school -based camping



September 2011

GSP schoolbased camping

5. Number of Teachers given Step Increment SY 2010 -2011 . M = 0 F = 6 T = 6 Name of Teachers

Debbie C. Villavicencio Anna Liza D. Bondoc Jennifer S. Quiazon Analiza D. Cordero Corazon T. Manarang

1 1 4 4 1

2 2 5 5 2

Effectivity Date
January 6, 2011 January 6, 2011 April, 11,2011 September 15 ,2011 June 1. 2011

6. Seminars Attended by Teachers & Principal

Level National Division Regional Cutud E/S Division February 5, 2011 December 9,2011 Nov. 4,5 , 6,2011 Nov. 12,19,26 , 2010 Continuing Health Education for Teachers Teacher wellness seminar Math Seminar Arnis Sch. Station Cutud E/S Duration March 23-25, 2011 May 2526,2011 July 22-24,2011 Program Public Accountability & Values Enhancement Division School Conference Workshop First Philippine Folk Dance Venue RELC A.C. AES Marquee Mall Angeles City RELC A.C. Gabaldon RELC AES

Nov. 5,12,19 October 5, 2011 July 5, 2011 June 19,2011 District School Feb. 24, 2011 July, 23, 2010

Division English Seminar Teachers Day Seminar: Nutritional Status Seminar Preparartion of Video Lesson Cyberlink Power Director East District Teachers General Assembly Generika Pharmacy Medical Mission WHO-IRS Nutritional Status

Sta. Teresita Elem. Sch. CES AES Gabaldon AES School Covered Court

Sept. 9,2011 February 3,9,18 ,2011

7. Teachers Activities Activity
District Story Telling for Teachers Division Fun Run Task Force Million Trees 1:00pm 6:00-9:00am 7:00-10:00am


NCBTS and TSNA Roll Out


October 15, 2011 October 5,2011 Sept. 03, 2011

District office Angeles City High School AGYU TAMU CES

Education Week Celebration Education Summit Araw ng Parangal Christmas Party ACPUSTA Alay Lakad GSP school-based camping District FUN day General Assembly CCI Moving Up Exercises Graduation Day Recognition Day

8:00 8:00-2:00pm 8:00am 3:00 6:00a.m. 2 days 7:00am 3:00pm 2:00-4:00 3:00- 5:00 9:00-12:00

Dec. 2010 Dec. 7,2011 Dec. 10,2011 Dec. 2011 Dec. 5 ,2011 February 10-11,2012 February 23,2012 March 11,2012 March 30,2011 March 28, 2012 March 28, 2012

FG NEPOMUCENO HIGH SCHOOL PANDAN Gabaldon Gabaldon bldg. FG NEPOMUCENO HIGH SCHOOL PANDAN Nepo Quadrangle CES District Gabaldon Bldg. Sapalibutad E/S Sapalibutad E/S Sapalibutad E/S

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