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According to functions, the PPLA programming commands in this manual are divided

The PPLA coordinates system is depicted in Figure A1-1.

into the following five categories:

Interaction commands System setting commands System level commands Label formatting commands Font downloading commands

(Blank Label Roll)



(0,0) +x

Feed Direction (exit)

Only the label formatting commands must be grouped to send, other commands can be sent separately. For example:

Command/data from host Fig. A1-1 PPLA coordinates system Interaction command 0 System level command 0 The point of origin (0,0) of this coordinates system is at the left bottom corner. The origin point remains unchanged, while the texts, bar codes or other objects are being rotated. Negative coordinate value is not allowed. The ranges of X and Y coordinates are shown in the table below: Interaction command 1 System level command 1 Font downloading 0 Font downloading N Minimum X coordinate Y coordinate 0 0 Maximum It depends on printer models It depends on printer models System level command 2 <STX>L (system command) Label formatting command 0 The measurements of the X- and Y-axis of the coordinates system can be in inches or in millimeters. Label formatting command N E (Label formatting command)

Data from printer (RS232C) Printer status

Printer status


Byte 1

Y - Firmware parser is busy. N Firmware parser is idling.

The interaction commands demand the printers immediate interaction. But the printer only communicates a detailed status to the host via the printers serial (RS232C) port, since only serial port supports bi-direction communication.

Byte 2

Y - Paper out. N - Paper installed.

Byte 3

Y - Ribbon out. N - Ribbon installed.

Upon receiving this kind of command, the printer will either perform the command or send back the corresponding data to the host so that the user and programmer can determine what to do with the next step. Byte 5 Byte 4 Y - Printing batch file. N - Others. Y At printing state. N - Not at printing state. Command <SOH># 1. Description Resets the printer Response from printer <XOFF> <XON> T Byte 6 Y - Printer is paused and waiting for the second press. N - Printer is not paused. Byte 7 Y - Label is present. N Label is not present. Byte 8 N Always N.

This command resets the printer like power on step. Resetting the Printer returns all settings to default value, except the downloaded graphics and fonts.

2. 3. 4.

The printer sends <XOFF>, suspending the data input. The printer sends <XON> and T, ready to resume work. Since this command will delay communication for one second, if not necessary, the user is advised to send other alternative system level command instead of this one.

Command <SOH>A

Description Sends a readable status string

Response from printer XXXXXXXX<CR>

Command <SOH>B

Description Toggles pause condition

Response from printer None

This command drives the printer to retrieve an 8-byte data string followed by a <CR> to the host. Each X will be Y or N reporting the printer status.

This command toggles the pause state on or off. Byte 6 generated from <SOH>A will reflect the change of the status.

Command <SOH>D


Response from printer

Bit 1

1 - firmware parser busy. 0 - firmware parser idling.

Disables the interaction command. None Bit 2

Interaction commands will be ignored after this command is sent. The <SOH>D command must be sent prior to loading graphic images or fonts, since some graphic images or fonts may contain data sequences that can be misinterpreted as commands by the printer.

1 - paper out, 0 - paper installed.

Bit 3

1 - ribbon out, 0 - ribbon installed.

Bit 4

1 - printing batch file 0 - others.

Bit 5 Command <SOH>E Description Sends preset label to be printed Response from printer XXXX<CR> Bit 6

1 - at printing state. 0 - not at printing state. 1 - printer is paused and waiting for the second press. 0 - printer is not paused.

This command drives the printer to report the numbers of labels queued to print. This XXXX is a 4-digit decimal number, e.g. 0020<CR> (There are still 20 labels left in printer buffer waiting to be printed.) Bit 8 Bit 7

1 - label present. 0 - label not present. 0 always 0.

Command <SOH>F

Description Sends one byte printer status

Response from printer X<CR>

This command instructs the printer to send a single byte where each bit (1 or0) represents one of the printers status flags, followed by a <CR>.




Parameter Range __ is a two digit value and in terms of millimeters.

<STX>KI5__ Sets the gap height

System setting commands are used to control the printer configuration and will be written into the printer E PROM. This kind of commands will remain in effect, whenever the printer is turned on, unless the command with different parameters to replace it.

If the gap height is more than 6 mm the command must be sent otherwise the label detection may be incorrect.

This command is for OS202/204/214//314/R400 PPLA only.

The factory default settings are

Example: <STX>KI508<CR> Sets the gap height to 8 mm.

Parameter Description RS232 baud rate Print darkness Transfer type Gap length Cut position Command mode Label length for continuous label (under Windows)

Default Value 9600 baud Normal darkness (H10) Thermal transfer 3 ~ 5 mm (normal) Center of gap Standard control codes 0 From top to last black pixel

Remark **

** ++ ** ** ** Command Description Parameter Range n : 0 for direct thermal or 1 for thermal transfer This command should comply with other settings for printer configuration. In case that the setting is not correct, the printer may hang to work or miss-detect the gap. For instance, if the setting is thermal transfer and the ribbon is not installed, the printer will

<STX>KI7n Sets transfer type

Symbol set for ASD smooth fonts USASCII

**: For X2000+/X3000+/G6000, these settings are controlled by the DIP switches or the panel. No command is required. ++: For X3000+/G6000, this setting is controlled by the DIP switches.

stop working and blink both LEDs.

Note: This command is invalid for X2000+/X3000+/G6000.



Parameter Range n : 0 - 9600, 1 - 600, 2 - 2400, 3 - 19200, 4 - 4800, 5 - 38400, 6 - 1200, 7 - 9600 baud, 8 - 57600++, 9 - 115200++



Parameter Range b : 0 - 9600, 1- 600, 2 - 2400, 3 - 19200, 4 - 4800, 5 - 38400, 6 - 1200, 7 - 9600, 8 - 57600++, 9 - 115200++ d : 7 - 7-bit data, 8 - 8-bit data. p : N - none parity,

<STX>KI8n Sets baud rate**

<STX>KI9bdpt Sets baud rate, data length, parity and stop bit no.

Above command is used for RS232C communication. It becomes effective after the printer is being restarted. This command can be sent either through the serial port or the parallel port, provided that the host and the printer are under the same protocol (baud rate and data format). Example: <STX>KI937E1<CR> Example: <STX>KI83<CR> The above example will set baud rate to 19200 for RS232C.
** ++

E - even parity, O - odd parity. t : 1 - 1 stop bit, 2 - 2 stop bits.

The above example will set baud rate to 19200, bit data to 7, parity to even and stop bit to 1. This command is invalid for X2000+/X3000+/G6000.

This command is not valid for X2000+/X3000+/G6000. Only OS-214 plus supports baud rate 57600 and 115200.

Command <STX>KI<m

Description Sets symbol set for ASD smooth fonts

Parameter Range m : 0 - USASCII, 1 - United Kingdom, 2 - Spanish, 3 - Swedish, 4 - French, 5 - German, 6 - Italian, 7 - Danish/Norwegian.


Above command is used to select the European symbol set. It is for the use of ASD smooth font set, which is prevailing in Europe.



Parameter Range n value : 0 : Standard control codes.

<STX>KI;n Sets control code set.

Example: <STX>KI<7<CR> <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 191100300100020Special characters: <CR> E<CR> Standard (default) Suppose you are using the Danish system and keyboard, the above command will select Danish/Norwegian symbol set and enable the printer to print some special characters. Control codes ESC CR STX Fig. A4-1 SOH Hexadecimal value 0x1B 0x0D 0x02 0x01

1 : Alternative control codes. Refer to the list below for standard and alternative control codes. To exit from the alternative mode, just reset the menu on the printer panel or send the command of !KI;0 in alternative mode 1 or send the command of ~KI;0 in alternative mode 2.

Alternative 1 Control codes [ \ ! SOH Hexadecimal value 0x5B 0x5C 0x21 0x01

Alternative 2 Control codes ESC CR ~ ^ Hexadecimal value 0x1B 0x0D 0x7E 0x5E

Note: Both DIP and alternative commands must be set in X2000+/X3000+/G6000 so that the alternative mode can be enabled. Command Description Parameter Range xxxx is a 4 digit decimal value in millimeters (mm). Command <ESC>KI:_ Description Sets horizontal shift. Parameter Range _ is a binary signed byte and in terms of pixels. 00H ~ 7FH are positive and 80H ~ FFH are negative. Example: <STX>KX0100<CR> Sets the continuous label length to 100 mm. Note: This command is only for X2000+/X3000+/G6000. Note: This command is not for X2000+/X3000+/G6000. 11 12 This command shifts the image print position in the X coordinate. <STX>KXxxxx Sets label length for continuous label.

This command is valid for using Label Dr. driver under Windows. Without this command (setting) the label length ranges from the start printing position to the last black image (pixel).

Command <ESC>KI;_

Description Sets offset value for cutting or peeling position.

Parameter Range _ is a binary signed byte in terms of pixels. 00H ~ 7FH are positive values and 80H ~ FFH are negative values.


This group of commands is used to set the printing related parameters or environment for the current or subsequent labels. They will be reset after restarting the printer or by other related system level commands. Unlike system setting commands, these commands will not be saved into E2PROM.

This command set the cut position for specific labels.

Note: This command is not for X2000+/X3000+/G6000.

Command Command <ESC>@0 Description Clears the flash memory that is used for soft fonts, forms or graphics. This command clears the flash memory. All objects in the flash memory will be deleted after this command is sent. <STX>A

Description Sets date and time


This command sets the date and time. It takes effect only when the RTC (real time clock) board is installed. In general the RTC board must be set at the first time when you use it.


Command <ESC>KIJn

Description Select JIS code or

Parameter Range n value: w mm dd yyyy hh MM


Digit no. 1 2 2 4 2 2 3

Description Day of week. 1 for Monday Month. 01 for January Day. Year. Hour in 24-hour format. Minutes. Julian data.

SHIFT JIS code when 0 : for JIS code with Japanese using Japanese fonts. font. 1 : for SHIF JIS code with Japanese font.

Example: <STX>KIJ1<CR>


The above example will set SHIFT JIS code for Japanese fonts.


<STX>A5100720001230287 This command sets Friday Oct. 7th, 2000, 12:30, the 287 of the year.



Command <STX>a

Description Enables label echo character

Default Disabled

Command <STX>cxxxx



Sets continuous label length 0000

This command enables the printer to send the control code of RS (1EH ) the host through the serial port after each label is being printed.

This command disables the edge sensor sensing the gap or mark between the labels and sets a page length for the printer to feed. (Otherwise the printer will feed the label for 12 inches long.)


<STX>a 1EH 1EH ; 1st label printed ; 2 label printed


This command will overwrite <STX>e and <STX>r commands, which are in conflict with it. The label length means the distance between the start printing position to the stop printing position.

Parameter: xxxx Command <STX>B Description Gets date and time Response from printer wmmddyyyyhhMMjjj Example: <STX>c0200 Set two-inch continuous label. 4-digit decimal used to set label length. (e.g.X2000+ maximum value: 43 inches)

This command gets the date and time from printer through serial (RS232) port. It takes effect only when the RTC (real time clock) board is installed.

Location w mm dd yyyy hh MM jjj

Digit no. 1 2 2 4 2 2 3

Description Day of week. 1 for Monday Month. 01 for January Day. Year. Hour in 24-hour format. Minutes. Julian data.

Provided the print object is longer than the set paper length, the paper length will automatically increase to cover the object. In consequence, it becomes 0200*N.

Make sure the object ready to be printed no longer than 30 inches, otherwise unexpected outcome will occur.

Command Example: <STX>B <STX>Dxxxxxxx

Description Dumps the memory contents

This command is used for debugging program or maintenance purpose only. It dumps the memory contents for 4 K memory and sends them to the host through the RS232 port. 15 16

Parameter: xxxxxxx A 6 or7-digit HEX value used for specify internal memory address of the printer (7 digits for models OS314/R400/R600/X2000+/X3000+/G6000 and 6 digits for models OS203/OS204/214/202/X1000+).

2. 3.

Refer to <STX>r for reflective media. Once received this command, the printer will ignore the previous command for continuous label (<STX>cxxxx).


: Only for X2000+/X3000+/G6000.

Example: <STX>D9090000 Dump the memory from 9090000H for 4 K bytes. Response:
9090000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 9090010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Command <STX>F 1.

Description Feeds a label

This command will feed a label till where the gap is being detected, in case that the paper type is set to non-continuous.


9090FF0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

The media paper will be fed for certain length, when the paper type is set to continuous.

3. Command Description Default

Basically this function is the same as pressing the Feed button.

<STX>Exxxx Sets copy count for stored label 0001 This command should be sent in conjunction with <STX>G, as both commands are related to label storage. The stored label format is the last printed format, kept in the print buffer. 1. Example: <STX>E0003<CR> <STX>G<CR> Result: Print out 3 pieces of the last printed label format. 2. 3. Command Description Default f220

<STX>fxxx Sets stop position and automatic back-feed for the label stock

This command causes the label stock to stop at a position convenient for the user to tear off. When the next label format is sent to the printer, it will automatically back-feed to the start of print position. Back-feed will not be activated if xxx is less than 220. Under multi-copy or continuous printing, this command is valid only for the first label and last labels.

Command <STX>e 1.

Description Selects edge sensor for gap Example: <STX>f320<CR> Result: Label stock feeds backward for one inch before the next label format is printed. 17 18

This command is used for see-through media. It sets the printer to sense the gap between labels.

Command <STX>G

Description Prints stored label format

f parameter B b I I

Image File Format 8-bit BMP file format 8-bit BMP file format 8-bit IMG file format 8-bit IMG file format 8-bit PCX file format 8-bit PCX file format 7-bit HEX file format

Direction Flipped

This command should be used in conjunction with <STX>E. The stored label format is the last printed label format kept in the buffer.


Example: <STX>L<CR> 121100000200100This is a label<CR> E<CR> <STX>E0002<CR> <STX>G<CR> Result: Print the label 3 times (1+2 copies). 2. 3. Command <STX>Imbfnnn Parameters: m : Memory module. A for RAM module, B for flash memory module and C for default module (Normally, the default module is RAM module). Description Downloads the graphics file 1.

P p F


nnn : file name, maximum 16 characters. The file name can be accessed with label formatting commands (Y). The file name must be same as defined. Refer to the appendix AA for details of the HEX format.

Example: The example of downloading and retrieving HEX graphics is as below: Part 1 <STX>IAFhexfile<CR> Part 2 (HEX file) Part 3

Note: The flash memory module is an optional item. Suppose you select B flash memory and the flash module is not installed, the printer will automatically save the graphics into RAM.

<STX>L<CR> 1Y1100001000100hexfile<CR> 1Y1100002000100hexfile<CR>

b : A - 7-bit data image file. f : Image file format. The printer supports 4 image file formats, PCX, BMP, IMG and HEX formats. This parameter specifies graphic format type and direction. Result:


The HEX graphics image file hexfile will print on the same label.



Command <STX>J

Description Sets pause for each printed label

Default Normal

Command <STX>k

Description Test RS232 port

This command will pause the printer each time after a label is printed. When the printer is at pause state, the READY LED will keep blinking to alert the user to press the

This command drives the printer to send the character Y via its RS232 serial port. Failure to receive the character Y at the host may indicate an interfacing problem.

FEED button (OS series) or PAUSE button (X, G and R series) to resume the
printing work. Example: Response: <STX>k Y

Command <STX>j

Description Cancels pause Command <STX>L Description Enters label formatting state

This command cancels the pause function generated by <STX>J.

The above command switches the printer into the label-formatting mode. The printer will process the label formatting commands until it receives the command to exit from Command <STX>KQ Description Inquires system configuration In the process of the label formatting, the system level commands will be ignored. this mode.

This command drives the printer to send the memory configuration including standard, expansion and available memory sizes to the host through the RS232.

Example: <STX>L<CR> Example: <STX>KQ Response: INTERNAL MEMORY<CR> VER: 1.0 100198<CR> STANDARD RAM : 524288 BYTES<CR> EXPANSION RAM: 0 BYTES<CR> AVAILABLE RAM : 429632 BYTES<CR> NO. OF DL SOFT FONTS : 0<CR> 21 22 Fig. A5-1 Output: 121100001000050THIS LABEL IS MADE BY JIMMY<CR> E<CR>



Default 1200



Default 0220

<STX>Mxxxx Sets maximum label length

<STX>Oxxxx Sets print start position

Above command sets the maximum label length and the printer will search for gap or mark within the specified length accordingly. The default length is 12 inches.

This command sets the offset value for start print position. The default 0220 sets the start print position exactly below the TPH (print head) line. You may change it to meet the specific label format requirements.

Parameter: xxxx A 4-digit decimal. (1 to 12 inches) This parameter will be ignored if continuous label command is sent. (<STX>cxxxx).

Example: <STX>M0300<CR> Result: Set maximum label length to 3 inches. Command <STX>P Description Enters data dump mode

This command drives the printer to dump the HEX value of the data that is transmitted Command <STX>m Description Sets measurement to metric Default N to the printer afterwards. The printer will not return to normal function, unless restarted.

There are two measurements for the printer, in metric and in inch. Example: <STX>P Example: <STX>m <STX>M0600 Result: 60 mm for maximum label length Output:

Command <STX>n

Description Sets measurement to inches

Default In inches

There are two measurements for the printer, in metric and in inch.

Example: <STX>n <STX>M0600 Result: 6 inches for maximum label length. Fig. A5-2 23 24

Command <STX>Q

Description Clears memory

Command <STX>r

Description Selects reflective sensor for gap

This command instructs the printer to clear both of the RAM and flash memory. Normally, this command is sent at the end of each job to avoid that the graphics and fonts become accumulated up and overflow the memory.

This command selects the reflective sensor for label detection. It is used for Black stripe media sensing. If the label stock is non-continuous type, refer to <STX>e for see-through media. Once this command is received, the previous continuous paper command (<STX>cxxxx) will be ignored.

In case of the memory full, the printer will erase the first-in graphics or fonts. To avoid this situation and to save the data re-processing time, you are advised to send this command at the end of a job. Command Example: <STX>IAFhexfile<CR> (HEX file) <STX>L<CR> 1Y1100001000100hexfile<CR> E<CR> <STX>Q<CR> Example: <STX>T Output: <STX>T Description Prints test pattern

This command is used for testing the printout quality or checking the print head for debugging or maintenance purpose. Normally users do not use this command.

Command <STX>qn

Description Clears memory module

This command clears the selected memory module.


A - RAM module, B - flash memory and C - default module.

Fig. A5-3



Command <STX>Unncccc Where: nn cccc

Description Replaces the data of the specified data field number data to be replaced

Command <STX>Vn Parameter: n

Description Sets cutter and dispenser configuration

0: no cutter and peeler function 1: Enables cutter function

This command is used to replace the field data in a form. Other data are kept the same as the previous ones.

4: Enables peeler function

Example: <STX>V0 Example: <stx>L D11 121100000100020filed 1 data 121100000400020filed 2 data Q0001 E Output: Command <STX>v <STX>V1

; no cutter and peeler function ; Enables cut operation

Description Inquires the printer version

This command is used for maintenance purpose. It inquires the printer of the firmware version. The printer will response with version and date code through RS232C.

Fig. A5-4

Example: <STX>v Response: Label Printer with Firmware Ver. 1.0 100198


<stx>U01NEW DATA 1 <stx>E0001 <stx>G

Output: Command <STX>Wn Fig. A5-5 Description Inquires the graphics/fonts and memory status

The command inquires the printer of the contents of graphics/fonts/labels as well as the available RAM size. The printer will check its memory and response through RS232C.



Parameter: n F : Show fonts and memory status G : Show graphics and memory status L : Show stored labels and memory status

Command <STX>xmtnn

Description Releases file from memory

This command deletes the specific file from the specified memory module, evacuating memory space to load other data, further to avoid memory overflow.


Parameters: m: The memory module identification character. Please refer to <STX>I cmmand. t : The file type identification code. G for graphics.

The IMGFILE1 and BMPFILE1 are graphics that were downloaded before.

F for fonts. nn : file name (maximum 16 characters).

Example: Command <STX>Xn Description Sets default module

<STX>IAFstar<CR> (HEX file) <STX>L<CR> 1Y1100001000100star<CR> E<CR>

This command sets the default memory module when loading PCL bitmap fonts (Refer to the section A8 Font Downloading Commands.).

Parameter: n A for RAM module and B for flash memory module. Results: Note: The flash memory module is an optional item. Suppose you select B flash memory and the flash module is not installed, the printer will automatically save the soft font into RAM.


Download the graphics with file name star. Print the graphic image. Delete the star image file.




Command An

Description Sets logic image printing mode

Default A1

This command puts the printer on logical OR operation or XOR operation, which The label formatting commands will: Set the print environment, margins, print modes, multi-copies, etc. Set cursor position and print graphics, texts, bar codes, lines and boxes Control the heat of the printing, label print position and user interface All commands after < STX>L are interpreted as Label Formatting Commands. Parameter: n 1 for logical XOR (exclusive OR). 2 for logical OR. The default mode is 1. makes the printout more attractive.

Different from other group commands, the label formatting commands have no leading control code, e.g. SOH, STX or ESC.

Example 1:

<STX>L<CR> A1<CR> 151100002000050ABC<CR> 151100002000050---<CR>

Command :xxxx

Description Sets cut by amount

Default 0001 Output 1:


This command is valid only when the cutter is installed. It allows a predetermined number of labels to be printed before a cut is made. Please refer to [cxx]. Fig. A6-1 Example: <STX>V1<CR> <STX>L<CR> 131100002000050CHCK THE CUT FUNCTION<CR> Q0010<CR> :0003<CR> E<CR> Output 2: Result: Enable the cutter to cut after 3 labels have been printed. Fig. A6-2 31 32 Example 2: <STX>L<CR> A2<CR> 151100002000050ABC<CR> 151100002000050---<CR> E<CR>

Command Cxxxx

Description Sets left margin

Default 0000

Command Dwh

Description Sets width and height pixel size

Default D22

This command allows horizontal adjustment of the point where printing begins. Different margin value makes image shift to the left or right.

Though the maximum resolution is up to the printer model, besides the smallest one, the other pixel sizes can be set by this command. However, reducing the resolution may cause the image pixel to be amplified and the printout get zigzagged. The minimum

Parameter: xxxx

pixel size set by D11 is varied from models.

Example: C0100 Result: Set left margin to one inch

Models OS203/204/214/214plus/R400/ X1000+/X2000+/G6000: Models OS314/R600/X3000+: 0.0049 inch (0.125 mm) 0.0033 inch (0.084 mm)

Parameters: Command Cxx Description Sets cut by amount Default c01 w is pixel width (1 or 2, default is 2). h is pixel height ( 1, 2 or 3, default is 2).

This command is valid only when the cutter is installed. It instructs the printer to cut the label media after the specified numbers of labels have been printed. Example: <STX>L<CR> D23<CR> Its function is same as the command :xxxx, except only a 2 digit value can be entered. Output: Example: <STX>V1<CR> <STX>L<CR> 131100002000050CHCK THE CUT FUNCTION<CR> Q0010<CR> c03<CR> E<CR> Command Result: Enable the cutter to cut the label media after 3 labels have been printed. E Description Ends the job and exit from label formatting mode Fig. A6-3 120000002000050PIXEL SIZE FOR D23<CR> E<CR>



When the printer is in label formatting mode and receives an E command, it will immediately exit from the mode and will print a label based on the data that has already been received. Even if no printable data has been received, the printer will generate and feed a label.


Fig. A6-4 Command G <STX>Sn Description Stores previous data to global register Retrieves the global register contents Command Hxx Description Sets heat value (H00~H20) Default H10

The command saves the previous data to global register and retrieves it to print only when the restore command <STX>Sn is sent. This command may be used more than one time and the global registers are named in the order created, beginning with register A and ending at register Z.

The heat value affects the darkness of the image. To get a better quality printout, some of the factors like paper media, ribbon types (wax, semi-resin and resin) and image pattern itself etc. should also be taken into consideration.

Parameter: n The Name of the register ranges from A to Z. Command M Example: <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 140000000700150DATA A<CR> G<CR> 140000000700050DATA B<CR> G<CR> 140000001000050<STX>SA<CR> 140000001300050<STX>SB<CR> 140000001600050<STX>SA<CR> E<CR> Example: <STX>L<CR> 150000001800000NORMAL<CR> M<CR> 150000001400100MIRROR<CR> M<CR> 150000001000000NORMAL AGAIN<CR> E<CR> 35 36 Description Toggles the mirror mode.

This command toggles the mirror mode. At mirror state the printer mirrors the following field data.


Printer OS314 OS204/214/214plus OS203 R600/X1000+/G6000 R400/X2000+ Fig. A6-4 X3000+

Speed Range A~C A~E A~F A~G A~K A~L

Command m

Description Sets measurement in metric.

Default In inch.

Command Qxxxx

Description Sets the quantity of labels to print

Default Q0001

There are two measurements in the printer - metric and inch.

This command is used to set the number of the labels to be printed. If the printout contents are same or just different in certain auto increment/decrement fields, sending this command can save the communication and processing time.

Command n

Description Sets measurement in inch

Default In inch.

Parameter: xxxx A 4-digit decimal. The default is 0001.

Example: Command Pn Description Sets print speed Default PC

<STX>c0060<CR> <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 1300000002000002 COPIES<CR> Q0002<CR>

This command controls the print speed.

Parameter: A B C D

n 1.0 ips 1.5 ips 2.0 ips 2.5 ips E F G H 3.0 ips 3.5 ips 4.0 ips 4.5 ips I J K L 5.0 ips 5.5 ips 6.0 ips 7.0 ips Output:


Fig. A6-5 37 38

Command Rxxxx

Description Sets vertical offset

Default R0000


The command sets the vertical start point to be printed. By this command the print image can be shifted vertically. Fig. A6-6

Example: R0100 Result: Set 1 inch vertical offset. Command Tnn Command rn smn Description Retrieves label data to printer buffer Stores label data to printer buffer Example: <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> T40<CR> 130000000200100ABC@EF<CR> E<CR> Parameters: m: Name of the memory module. A for RAM module, B for flash memory module and C for default module (Normally, the default module is RAM module.). nn: File name with maximum 16 characters. Fig. A6-7 Output: Description Sets end-of-line code. The nn is represented by HEX value Default T<0x0D>

The data of the label format can be stored in the printer memory and recalled. With store commands, the printer will exit from label formatting mode.


<STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 130000000200100STORED LABEL<CR> sASLAB<CR> <STX>L<CR> rSLAB<CR> 130000000500100TEXT 1<CR> E<CR>

The above example changes the end-of-line code from <CR> to <0x40> (ASCII character: @).

Command X

Description Exits from Label Formatting mode.

The command will exit from Label Formatting mode and switch to the System Level command mode. If you have data in Label Formatting mode, it will not be printed out. Unless sending <STX>G command.




<STX>L<CR> 130000000200100TEST<CR> X<CR>

Command +xx >xx

Description Makes auto increment for numeric Makes auto increment for alphanumeric

This command can increment field on each label printed to save the time used in communication and data processing between the host and the printer. Command Z Description Changes slash zero Default to normal 0 Slash zero

Parameter: xx A 2-digit value is to specify the amount to increment the field by.

The alphanumeric fonts (font 0 to font 6) provide both normal and slash zeros ( & 0). If this kind of fonts has been selected, the default slash zero ( ) is being used. This command puts the normal zero 0 in use. Example: <STX>c0050<CR> <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> Example: <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 130000000200100NO. 0228<CR> E<CR> Output: <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> z<CR> 130000000200100NO. 0228<CR> E<CR> Output: Fig. A6-9 130000000200100100<CR> +10<CR> Q0003<CR> E<CR>

Command Fig. A6-8 -xx <xx 41

Description Makes auto decrement for numeric Makes auto decrement for alphanumeric 42

This command can decrement the field on each label printed to save the time use in communication and data processing between the host and the printer.

Parameter: xx A 2-digit value is to specify the number of labels to be generated before incrementing or decrementing fields on the label.

Parameter: xx A 2-digit value is to specify the amount to decrement the field by. Example: <STX>c0050<CR> <STX>L<CR> Example: <STX>c0050<CR> <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 130000000200100111<CR> -15<CR> Q0003<CR> E<CR> Output: Output: D11<CR> 130000000200020COUNT :<CR> 130000000200100123<CR> -01<CR> ^02<CR> Q0003<CR> E<CR>

Fig. A6-10

Fig. A6-11

Command ^xx

Description Sets count by amount Command <STX>T<string> Description Prints date and time

An application using incrementing or decrementing fields will occasionally require that more than one label be printed with the same values before the field data is updated. This command can be applied in this situation, but it can only be sent once per label format.

This command takes effect only when the RTC board is installed. It prints current date and time. The <string> is any set of characters A ~ Z or a~f.



Characters A BCD EF GH..O PQ RSTU

Description Day of week Day of week name Month number Month name Day Year

Characters VW XY Za bc def

Description Hour, 24 format. Hour, 12 format. Minutes. AM or PM Julian data


The following group of commands is the subset of label formatting commands. They control the position and the scale of the image and put the image directly into the frame buffer of the printer memory. All of them are led by 1, 2, 3 4 respectively. These numbers represent the orientation or rotation direction. The image types include:


<STX>L<CR> 121100000800010<STX>TBCD GHI PQ, TU<CR> 121100000100010<STX>TA EF PQ, RSTU VW:Za<CR> E<CR>

Texts Bar Codes Graphics Lines Boxes

- internal hard fonts and downloadable soft fonts. - both one and two dimension (2D) bar codes. - PCX, BMP, IMG and HEX format files. - solid lines. - variable sizes, length and thickness.


MON JAN 16, 06 01 01 16, 2006 15:05


Fig. A7-1

There are 4 print directions shown as figure A7-1. The leading character controls the direction or rotation.

1- Portrait. 2- Reverse landscape.

45 46

3- Reverse portrait. 4- Landscape.

Example: <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 141100000800060R1 - PORTRAIT<CR> 241100002150200R2 - REV LAND<CR> 341100002400217R3 - REV PORT<CR> 441100001030079R4 - LANDSCAP<CR> E<CR>

t character

ooo sub font type

Font type font 0 ~ font 8 respectively.

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 000 5, 6, 7, 8 9 000 ~ 006

ASD smooth fonts. ** 000 : 4 points, 001 : 6 points, 002 : 8 points, 003 : 10 points, 004 : 12 points,005 : 14 points, 006 : 18 points.


For PCL soft font selection. xxx : A 3-digit decimal represents the soft font ID. Refer to section A8.

Output: Please see Fig. A7-1.

000 ~ 007

Courier fonts, (ooo represents symbol set)++ 000 - Roman-8, 001 - ECMA-94, 002 - PC set, 003 - PC set A,

The format is:

004 - PC set B, 005 - Legal, 006 Greek and 007 - Russian. Notes: **: Models OS203/204/OS214/R400/X1000+/X2000+/G6000 do not support 4-point smooth font.

Rthvoooyyyyxxxx[data string]

: Models OS314/R600/X3000+ do not support Courier fonts.



Horizontal scale. 0 through 9 and A through O represent scale factors. (A=10, B=11, .. and O=24).

R : Print direction. 1, 2, 3 or 4. v: t: Font type. Please refer to the font tables in Users Manual Vertical scale. 0 through 9 and A through O represent scale factors. (A=10, B=11, .. and O=24).



yyyy : A 4-digit value for Y coordinate. The lower left corner is the origin point of the XY coordinate system and the Y value is the vertical offset from the origin point.

xxxx : A 4-digital value for X coordinate. The lower left corner is the origin point of the XY coordinate system. The X value is the horizontal offset from the origin point. Fig. A7-2

data string: A string of printable data with maximum 255 characters in length. The data string ends with a <CR> control code or pre-defined code by Txx command.

Bar Codes
The format is:

bar code height is ignored in case of text orientation, 1 represents for portrait Rthvoooyyyyxxxx[data string]

122300001000200EXAMPLE FOR TEXT<CR>

y coord. height multiplier font width multiplier R : Print direction. 1, 2, 3 or 4. x coord. data Parameters:

t : Bar code type. The range can be A through T and a through z, each Example: <STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 121100001000000FONT2, H=1, V=1<CR> 122100001200000FONT2, H=2, V=1<CR> 121200001400000FONT2, H=1, V=2<CR> 191100201700000SMOOTH, 8 POINTS<CR> 191100302000000SMOOTH, 10 POINTS<CR> E<CR> v : 0 through 9 and A through O represent the width of narrow bar. (A=10, B=11, .. and O=24). ooo : A 3-digit value that represents the bar code height. Output: h : 0 through 9 and A through O represent the width of wide bar. (A=10, B=11, .. and O=24). character represents a bar code type and rule. Refer to section A10 for more details on bar codes.



yyyy : A 4 digit value for Y coordinate. The lower left corner is the origin of the XY coordinate system. The Y value is the vertical offset from origin point.

xxxx : A 4-digit value for X coordinate. The lower left corner is the origin point of the XY coordinate system. The X value is the horizontal offset from origin point. Fig. A7-3

Data string: A string of data with maximum 255 characters in length, ended by <CR> or pre-defined EOL (end of line) code. The length of the string may be varied from the type of the bar code. The format is: bar code height, 000 stands for default height orientation, 1 represents for portrait RX11000yyyyxxxxLaaabbb or RX11000yyyyxxxxlaaaabbbb


1A5200001000200CODE 3 OF 9<CR>
y coord. narrow bar width wide bar width bar code type x coord. data


R : Print direction. 1, 2, 3 or 4.


yyyy : A 4-digit value for Y coordinate. The lower left corner is the origin point of the <STX>L<CR> XY coordinate system. The Y value is the vertical offset from origin point. D11<CR> 1A0000000200000BC 1<CR> xxxx : A 4-digit value for X coordinate. The lower left corner is the origin of the XY 1A0005000200120BC 2<CR> coordinate system. The X value is the horizontal offset from origin point. 1A6300000200240BC 3<CR> E<CR> aaa or aaaa : A 3 or 4-digit value that specifies the width of line.


bbb or bbbb : A 3 or 4-digit value that specifies the height of line.




line with 3-digit width and height

The format is:

y coord. x coord. ignored line or box Parameters: line height line width RX11000yyyyxxxxBaaabbbtttsss or RX11000yyyyxxxxbaaaabbbbttttssss


<STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 1X1100000200000L100020<CR> 1X1100000800000l00100100<CR> E<CR>

R : Print direction. 1, 2, 3 or 4.

yyyy : Y coordinate. A 4-digital decimal. The lower left corner is the origin of the XY coordinate system. The Y value is the vertical offset from origin.

xxxx : X coordinate. A 4-digital decimal. The lower left corner is the origin of the XY Output: coordinate system. The X value is the horizontal offset from origin.

aaa or aaaa : A 3 or 4-digit value that specifies the width of box.

bbb or bbbb : A 3 or 4-digit value that specifies the height of box.

ttt or tttt : A 3 or 4-digit value that specifies the thickness of top and bottom box edges.

sss or ssss : A 3 or 4-digit value that specifies the thickness of side edges. Fig. A7-4



box with 3-digit width, height and side thickness ignored

The format is:

y coord. x coord. ignored line or box thickness of side edges thickness of top and bottom box height box width



yyyy : A 4-digit value for Y coordinate. The lower left corner is the origin point of the XY coordinate system. The Y value is the vertical offset from origin point.


<STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 1X1100000200100B100040002005<CR> 1X1100000800100b0250010000030004<CR> E<CR> n..n : Graphic file name that was downloaded (maximum 16 characters). xxxx : A 4-digit value for X coordinate. The lower left corner is the origin point of the XY coordinate system. The X value is the horizontal offset from origin point.



802000FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF<CR> 802000FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF<CR> 802000FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF<CR> 802000FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF<CR> 8020FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00<CR>

Fig. A7-5

8020FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00<CR> 8020FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00FF00<CR>

Before sending the graphic selection command, make sure that the graphic was already loaded into the flash memory, otherwise send the command led by <STX>I to download the graphic first. 55


8020FFFFFF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FFFFFF<CR> FFFF<CR>


<STX>L<CR> D11<CR> 1Y1100001000050HEXFILE<CR> E<CR>


The following commands are used for downloading the soft fonts with the PCL bitmap format. Refer to the PCL technical manual for their descriptions. (PCL4 or PCL5).

Output: Command <ESC>*c###D Fig. A7-6 <ESC>)s###W Description Assigns the soft fonts ID number (### : 0 ~ 999) Downloads font descriptor (### : length of font descriptor) <ESC>*c###E <ESC>(s###W Sets character code (### : 1 ~ 255) Downloads character descriptor and image (### : length of character descriptor and image)

For more information on the soft font format, please refer to the related PCL technical manual.

Example: <ESC>*c100D <ESC>)s26W ... <ESC>*c33E <ESC>(s32W ... . . . . . . <STX>XB




Result: This example downloads a PCL soft font with ID 100 into flash memory, and then selects and prints it.


This section explains how to select the internal fonts to format the desired printout and generate the font styles as well as font characteristics. Please refer to the Users Manual for the symbol table of each font.

Font 0: Example:

This is a USASCII set from code <0x21> to <0x7F>.

100000000200000Font 0 : ASCII Character Set<CR>

Fig. A9-1

Font 1: Example:

This is a USASCII and extension set.

110000000400000Font 1 : ASCII+Extension Character Set<CR>

Fig. A9-2

Font 2: Example:

This is a USASCII and extension set.

120000000600000Font 2 : ASCII+Extension Character Set<CR>

Fig. A9-3 59 60

Font 3: Example:

This font includes numeric and uppercase letters.

Font 6: Example:

This font includes numeric and uppercase letters.

130000000900000Font 3 : Alphanumeric Uppercase font<CR>

160000001000000Font 6 : Alphanumeric<CR> 160000000500000 Uppercase font<CR>

Fig. A9-4

Font 4: Example:

This font includes numeric and uppercase letters.

Fig. A9-7

140000001200000Font 4 : Alphanumeric Uppercase font<CR>

Font 7: Example: Fig. A9-5

This font includes OCR-A ASCII characters.

170000001500000Font 7 : OCR-A font<CR>

Font 5: Example:

This font includes numeric and uppercase letters.

Fig. A9-8

150000001600000Font 5 : Alphanumeric Uppercase font<CR> Font 8: This font includes numeric and some special characters only. It is an OCR-B set. Example: Fig. A9-6 170000002000000Font 8 : OCR-B font<CR> 1800000020002000123456789<><CR>

Fig. A9-9 61 62

ASD smooth font Set

The smooth font set includes USASCII and the extension characters with multiple point sizes. The font type is 9 for a smooth font and the height field represents the point size.

Height 000 001 002 003 004

Symbol set Roman 8 ECMA 94 PC PC-A PC-B Legal PC437 (Greek) Russian

Example: 190000100400000ASD : 6 Points. ABCabc<CR> 190000200600000ASD : 8 Points. ABCabc<CR> 190000300800000ASD : 10 Points. ABCabc<CR> 190000401100000ASD : 12 Points. ABCabc<CR> 190000501500000ASD : 14 Points. ABCabc<CR> 190000601900000ASD : 18 Points. ABCabc<CR>

005 006 007

Example: 1:0000000200000Courier : Roman 8 : [\]^{|}~<CR>

1:0000100500000Courier : ECMA-94 : [\]^{|}~<CR> 1:0000200800000Courier : PC : <03H><04H><05H>[\]^<CR> 1:0000501100000Courier : Legal : [\]^{|}~<CR>

1:0000601400000Courier : PC 437 (GREEK)<CR>

Fig. A9-10

Courier Fonts
The Courier font includes 8 symbol sets with 15 points. It is only for models OS204/ OS214/OS214plus/R400/X1000+/X2000+/G6000. The font type is : and the height field represents the symbol set. 63 64


Bar code B: UPC-A

This printer supports 24 bar code types, including 21 of one dimension and 3 of two dimension bar codes. The functions of parameters are varied from the specific bar codes. The bar code cannot be printed out, if the input code is invalid or its length is


Check sum

Type for readable string

Type for non-readable string b

Valid codes

Bar ratio

12 digits (11+1)

not up to the specification.




Example: 130000002000000BAR CODE B : UPC-A<CR> Bar code A: Code 3 of 9 1B000000180015502281234567<CR>


Check sum

Type for readable string

Type for non-readable string a 0 ~ 9, A ~ Z, $%*+-./ and space 2 : 1 ~3 : 1 Fig. A10-2 Valid codes Bar ratio



Example: 130000001320010BAR CODE A : 3 OF 9<CR> 1A300000080011019450228<CR>

Bar code C: UPC-E


Check sum

Type for readable string

Type for Non-readable string c

Valid codes

Bar ratio

7 digits (6+1) Fig. A10-1




Example: 130000001000000BAR CODE C : UPC-E<CR> 1C0005000800160654321<CR>



Bar code E: Code 128 including subset A, B and C

The default code subset is B. To select subset A, place an ASCII A (decimal 65 or Fig. A10-3 hex 41) before the data to be encoded. To select subset C, place an ASCII C(DEC67, HEX43) before the data to be encoded. even byte count. Bar code D: Interleaved 2 of 5 (I25) Check Type for readable sum string Type for non-readable string e Valid codes from code 0 to 127 (128 codes) Bar ratio Subset C can only encode numeric data with


Check Type for readable sum No string D

Type for non-readable string d

Length Valid Codes 0~9 Bar ratio variable 2:1~3:1




The digit count should be an even number otherwise a 0 will be automatically entered at the first position.

Example: 130000001100000BAR CODE E :<CR> 130004000900000CODE 128<CR> 1E0004000800140TO JIMMY<CR>

Example: 130000002200000BAR CODE D :<CR> 130000002000000INTERLEAVED 2 of 5<CR> 1D5308001800170135792468<CR> Fig. A10-5

The following example will print 24681357 by Code 128 subset C.

Example: Fig. A10-4




Bar code F: EAN-13 Check Type for readable sum string Type for non-readable string f Valid codes Bar ratio

Bar code H: HBIC


Health Industry Bar Code (HBIC) is same as bar code A (code 3 of 9), except that it includes an additional modulo 43 checksum.

13 digits (12+1)



2:3:4 Length

Check sum

Type for

Type for

Valid codes 0 ~ 9, A ~ Z,

Bar ratio

readable string non-readable string

Example: 130000002060000BAR CODE F : EAN-13<CR> 1F0005001800160135792468228<CR> variable Yes H h

$%*+-./ and space

2 : 1 ~3 : 1

Example: 130000002400000BAR CODE H : HBIC<CR>

Fig. A10-6
Bar code G: EAN-8 Length 8 digits (7+1) Check sum Yes Type for readable string G Type for non-readable string g Valid codes 0~9 Bar ratio


Fig. A10-8 2:3:4 Bar code I: Coda bar

Example: 130000001100000BAR CODE G : EAN-8<CR> 1G30000008001600228001<CR> Length Check sum Type for readable string Type for non-readable string i Valid codes 0 ~ 9, A ~ D, $+-. : And / Bar ratio

at least 3 characters


2 : 1 ~3 : 1

Fig. A10-7 69 70

Example: 130000000900000BAR CODE I : <CR> 130000001100000CODA BAR<CR> 1I0000000800100ABCD0123456789<CR>

Bar code K: Plessey

An additional checksum will be added to the bar code string where + character is inserted.

Length Fig. A10-9 1 ~ 14 digits Bar code J: Interleaved 2 of 5 with a modulo 10 checksum

Check sum Yes

Type for

Type for


Bar ratio 2 : 1 ~3 : 1

readable string non-readable string codes K k 0~9

Example: 130000001100000BAR CODE K :<CR> Same as bar code D (Interleaved 2 of 5), except that it includes an additional modulo 10 checksum. 130000000900000PLESSEY<CR> 1K000000080012050381978<CR> Type for non-readable string j


Check Type for readable sum string

Valid codes 0~9

Bar ratio Fig. A10-11 2 : 1 ~3 : 1 Bar code L: Interleaved 2 of 5 with a modulo 10 checksum and shipping bearer bars



Example: 130000002100000BAR CODE J : I25<CR> 130000001900000WITH CHECKSUM<CR> 1J000000180016019970701<CR> Same as bar code D (Interleaved 2 of 5) except that it includes a modulo 10 checksum and the horizontal shipping bearer bars.

Length Fig. A10-10 Variable

Check sum Yes

Type for

Type for

Valid codes 0~9

Bar ratio 2:1~3:1

readable string non-readable string L l



The horizontal bearer bars exist only when the input digit count is 13.

Bar code N: UPC5

Example: 130000002300000BAR CODE L : I25<CR> 130000002100000WITH CHECKSUM &<CR> 130000001900000BEARER<CR> 1L00060018001401997070187391<CR> Length 5 digits

Check sum No

Type for

Type for


readable string non-readable string codes N n 0~9

Bar ratio 2:3:4

Example: 130000002000000BAR CODE N : UPC5<CR> 1N000500180016002280<CR>

Fig. A10-12

Bar code M: UPC2 Fig. A10-14 Length 2 digits Check sum No Type for Type for Valid codes 0~9 Bar ratio 2:3:4 Length Check sum Type for readable string Type for non-readable string 0 ~ 9, A ~ Z, Variable Yes O o $%+-./ and space 2:3:4 Valid codes Bar ratio

readable string non-readable string M m

Bar code O: Code 93

Example: 130000000900000BAR CODE M : UPC2<CR> 1M000500060016038<CR>

Fig. A10-13

Example: 130000001100000BAR CODE O :<CR> 130000000900000CODE 93<CR> 1O0000000800120CODE 93 OK<CR>



Example: 130000001300000BAR CODE Q<CR> 130000001100000: UCC/EAN<CR> 130000000900000128<CR> Fig. A10-15 1Q00070010000857812989089990899998<CR> Bar code P: Postnet

Length Variable

Check sum Yes

Type for readable string Not defined

Type for Non-readable string p

Valid Codes 0~9 Fig. A10-17

Example: 130000002100000BAR CODE P :<CR> 130000001900000POSTNET<CR> 1p0006001800120199707<CR> Length 18 digits Fig. A10-16 Check sum Yes Type for Type for Valid codes 0~9 readable string non-readable string R r Bar ratio 2:3:4 Bar code R: UCC/EAN Code 128 K-MART

Example: 130000002300000BAR CODE R<CR> 130000002100000: UCC/EAN<CR> 130000001900000128 K<CR>

Bar code Q: UCC/EAN Code 128

1R0006002000083199707011945022800<CR> Type for Valid codes 0~9

Length 20 digits (19+1)


Type for

sum readable string non-readable string Yes Q q

Bar ratio


Fig. A10-18



Bar code S: UCC/EAN Code 128 Random weight

Length 34 digits


Type for

Type for

Valid codes 0~9

sum readable string non-readable string Yes S s

Bar ratio 2:3:4

Fig. A10-20

Example: 130000001300000BAR CODE S : UCC/EAN<CR> 130000001100000CODE 128 RANDOM WEIGHT<CR> 1S00050004000001234567890123456789012345678901234<CR>

Bar code V: FIM (Facing Identification Mark)

Length 1 character

Check sum No

Type for readable string Not defined

Type for non-readable string v

Valid codes A, B, C and D

Example: 130000000900000BAR CODE V :<CR> 130000000700000FIM<CR> 1v0000000600160B<CR> Fig. A10-19

Bar code T: Telepen

Length Variable

Check sum Yes

Type for

Type for

Valid codes From 0 to 127

readable string non-readable string T t

Bar ratio 2:3:4 Bar code U: UPS MaxiCode

Fig. A10-21

Example: 130000000900000BAR CODE T :<CR> 130000000700000TELEPEN<CR> 1T0005000600120ABC!-=.<CR> This is a two dimensional bar code defined by UPS and AIM International. It applies the Reed-Solomon encoding rule. The bar codes data stream consists of 5 different sections: 77 78

- a 5-digit primary zip code - a 4-digit secondary zip code - a 3-digit country code - a 3-digit class of service code - a data string that can not exceed 84 characters

Length 1 1 2

Description F : normal, T : truncated 0 ~ 8 : security level 00 ~ 99 : aspect ratio, 00 stands for 1:2

2 Example: 130000002100000BAR CODE U :<CR> 130000001900000MAXICODE<CR> 1u0000001500160329874444840555TO JIMMY<CR> Variable 2

03 ~ 90 : row number, 00 for best fit 01 ~ 30 : column number, 00 for best fit Data string

Example: 130000002100000BAR CODE Z :<CR> 130000001900000PDF-417<CR> 1z4900001800140F0001002ARGOXINFO<CR>

Fig. A10-22 Fig. A10-23

Bar code W: DataMatrix Bar code Z: PDF-417 The Datamatrix is a two dimensional bar code (Only for ECC200 of Datamatrix symbol) This is a two dimensional bar code defined by AIM International. It applies the Reed-Solomon encoding rule and includes all ASCII characters. It provides the function of multiple-level error detection and correction. The bar codes data stream consists of 6 different sections: aW1cbdeeeffffgggg2000jjjkkkddddddddd...dd Command for DataMatrix:



Parameters: a : Print direction: 1, 2, 3 or 4. W 1c : They are fixed data for DataMatrix. Do not change them. b : Horizontal multiplier for module size. d : Vertical multiplier for module size. eee : Always 000. ffff : Y coordinate. gggg : X coordinate. 200 : Fixed value for ECC200 of Datamatrix symbol. 0 : Fixed value. jjj : A 3 digit even number (or 000) of rows requested. 000 causes rows to be automatically determined. kkk : A 3 digit even number (or 000) of columns requested. 000 causes columns to be automatically determined. ddddd...dd : data to be encoded and printed. End Example: 130000000700050BAR CODE W :<CR> 130000000500050DATAMATRIX<CR> 1W1c55000005001702000000000DATA MATRIX<CR> Repeat


Unlike the PCX, BMP and IMG formats, the HEX format is a proprietary one. It consists of 3 types of records.

Record type Format Data 80xx[]

Description xx : hex value, stands for byte count. [] : image data, 2 hex digits represent one byte raster image.



repeat count. The repeated data will appear

at the subsequent data record. The maximum value is 255 (FFH). If the actual repeat count is more than 255, split it to fit the range. FFFF End the HEX file.

Encode the data "DATA MATRIX" Horizontal multiplier : 4 Vertical multiplier : 4 Y coordinate : 50 X coordinate : 31

Fig. A10-24




Basic example program:

1 2

' Continuous label(2 inches), direct thermal ' Print a bar code and text string ' 2 copies PRINT "A TEST FOR COM PORT" OPEN "COM1:9600,N,8,1" FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT #1, CHR$(2) + "KI7" + CHR$(0) ' for direct thermal ' CHR$(2) + "KI7" + CHR$(1) : for thermal transfer PRINT #1, CHR$(2) + "c0200" PRINT #1, CHR$(2) + "L" PRINT #1, "D11" ' Resolution ' Bar code A: C39 ' continuous, 2-inch height

The way to send a command file edited under MS-DOS in PC system is subject to your environment:

3 5 10


Suppose you connect the serial cable to COM1: - Set the baud rate and data format (the default baud rate under DOS is 2400) - Copy the command file to COM1 port

20 30 40 55


60 70 80

PRINT #1, "1A5200000400095ARGOX"

PRINT #1, "131100000050030THIS IS A TEST FOR SERIAL PORT." PRINT #1, "Q0002" PRINT #1, "E" ' Copy count ' FEED


Suppose you connect the Centronics cable to LPT1: - Just copy the command file to LPT1: port

85 90

100 END



Suppose you connect the serial cable to COM1: and use Quick Basic - Open a device file and set related parameters - Run the Basic program





Internal Fonts
The special font board is used for special font styles or different languages like Chinese, Japanese and Korean. And the commands for extension fonts are similar to those of standard fonts (font 0 ~ font 9). Fonts 0~8 have single symbol set.

Font type Chinese-Traditional font Chinese-Simplified font Japanese font

Command ; ; ; <

200 dpi font size 24x24 24x24 24x24 16x16 24x24 16x16

300 dpi font size 24x24 24x24 32x32 24x24 32x32 24x24

Korean font

; <

The command of extension fotn is ; or < and that can offer different font size.

Example: 1;1100001000200THIS IS EXTENSION FONT IN BOARD

The above command specifies: 1 - Portrait orientation. ; - Selects font from font board. 11 - Both width multiplier and height multiplier are 1. 000 Fixed value. 0100 - Y coordinate. 0200 - X coordinate.



Font 4

Font 6

Font 5

Font 7

Font 8



Font 9 Font 9 (ASD smooth font set) includes 8 symbol sets, USASCII, UK, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Swedish, and Danish/Norwegian. The sizes are 4, 6, 8, 10 12, 14 and 18 points. The 4-point font is for the model OS-314 /R600/X3000+only.

12 points

14 points

18 points

10 points



Courier Font set


The Courier font set is only for 200dpi printers. It includes Roman-8, PC, PC-A, PC-B, EAMA-94, Legal, Greek and Russian symbol sets.












Internal Bar Codes This PPLA supports 21 one dimensional bar codes and 3 two dimensional bar codes.






This reference chart is a summary of PPLA commands. A symbol * represents the printer supports such function. A character S indicates that the function can be set via DIP switches. A character P indicates that the function can be set via Panel.


Command Interaction Commands <SOH># <SOH>A <SOH>B <SOH>D <SOH>E <SOH>F <STX>KI5__ <STX>KI7n <STX>KI8n <STX>KI9bdpt <STX>KI<m <STX>KXxxxx <STX>KI;n <ESC>KI:_ <ESC>KI;_ <ESC>@0 <ESC>KIJn


OS203 OS204 OS214

OS204 OS214 OS314 R400 plus plus

R600 X1000+ X2000+ X3000+ G6000

Resets the printer. Sends a readable status string. Toggles pause condition. Disables the interaction command. Sends preset label to be printed. Sends one byte pritner status. Sets the gap height. Sets transfer type. Sets baud rate. Sets baud rate, data length, parity and stop bit no. Sets symbol set for ASD smooth fonts. Sets label length for continuous label. Sets control code set. Sets horizontal shift. Sets offset value for cutting or peeling position. Clears the flash memory that is used for soft fonts, forms or Select JIS code or SHIFT JIS code when using Japanese fonts.

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System Setting Commands

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Command System Level Commands <STX>A <STX>a <STX>B <STX>cxxxx <STX>Dxxxxxxx <STX>Exxxx <STX>e <STX>F <STX>fxxx <STX>G


OS203 OS204 OS214

OS204 OS214 OS314 R400 plus plus

R600 X1000+ X2000+ X3000+ G6000

Sets date and time. Enables label echo character. Gets date and time. Sets continuous label length. Dumps the memory contents. Sets copy count for stored label. Selects edge sensor for gap. Feeds a label. Sets stop position and automatic back-feed for the label stock. Prints stored label format.

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<STX>Imbfnnn Downloads the graphics file. Sets pause for each printed <STX>J label. This command cancels the <STX>j pause function generated by <STX>J <STX>KQ <STX>k <STX>L <STX>Mxxxx <STX>m Inquires system configuration. Test RS232 Port. Enters label formatting state. Sets maximum label length. Sets measurement to metric.

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Command <STX>n <STX>Oxxxx <STX>P <STX>Q <STX>qn <STX>r <STX>T <STX>Unnccc <STX>Vn <STX>v <STX>Wn <STX>Xn

Description Sets measurement to inches. Sets prints start position. Enters data dump mode. Clears memory. Clears memory module. Selects reflective sensor for gap. Prints test pattern. Replaces the data of the specified data. Sets cutter and dispenser confiuration. Inquires the printer verison. Inquires the graphics/fonts and memory status. Sets default module.

OS203 OS204 OS214 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

OS204 OS214 OS314 R400 plus plus * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 102 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

R600 X1000+ X2000+ X3000+ G6000 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

<STX>xmtn...n Releases file from memory. Label Formatting Commands :xxxx Sets cut by amount. An Cxxxx Cxx Dwh E G Sets logic image printing mode. Sets left margin. Sets cut by amount. Sets width and height pixel size. Ends the job and exit from label formatting mode. Stores previous data to global register.

Command <STX>Sn Hxx M m n Pn Qxxxx Rxxxx rn... smn... Tnn X z +xx >xx

Description Retrieves the global register contents. Sets heat value. Toggles the mirror mode. Sets measurement in metric. Sets measurement in inches. Sets print speed. Sets the quantity of labels to print. Sets vertical offset. Retrieves label data to printer buffer. Stores label data to printer buffer. Sets end of line code. The nn is represented by HEX value. Exits from Label Formatting mode. Changes slash zero to normal zero. Makes auto increment for numeric. Makes auto increment for alphanumeric.

OS203 OS204 OS214 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

OS204 OS214 OS314 R400 plus plus * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 103 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

R600 X1000+ X2000+ X3000+ G6000 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Command -xx <xx ^xx

Description Makes auto decrement for numeric. Makes auto decrement for alphanumeric. Sets count by amount.

OS203 OS204 OS214 * * * * * * * * * * * *

OS204 OS214 OS314 R400 plus plus * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

R600 X1000+ X2000+ X3000+ G6000 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

<STX>T<string> Print date and time. Image Editing Commands

Text Barcodes Line Box Graphic
Rthvoooyyyxxx[data string] Rthvoooyyyxxx[data string] RX11000yyyyxxxxLaaabbb RX11000yyyxxxlaaaabbbb RX11000yyyyxxxxBaaabbbtttsss RX11000yyyyxxxxbaaaabbbbttttssss 1Y11000yyyyxxxxnn

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