5 The Ivory Trail
5 The Ivory Trail
5 The Ivory Trail
The novel is published by Puffin which is the childrens imprint of Penguin books in Australia. If you would like to explore the actual book and use it as one of your self selected texts for the area of study, you will find some excellent material on this novel on the Penguin official Australian site. Certainly you do not need to know many details about the novel itself to be able to understand and use this book cover as text in its own right. The text can be categorized as a mixed media that makes a great use of photography. In fact the text is a melange of several photographs with are integrated with the use of special effects. The text can be divided into three different sections: the foreground (featuring an extreme close-up of an adolescent boy) the middle ground (featuring an Egyptian pyramid, the Sphinx, the books title and the name of the author) the background (showing an exotic eastern tableaux with the types of arches favoured by Islamic architecture) the extreme background (showing the puffin logo on the left and featuring the teaser, Not all journeys have an ending)
The title of the text is significant. The word ivory informs us that an elephant plays a central role in this novel. In modern times, elephants are predominantly found in India and Africa.
1. What evidence can you locate in this text to support the assertion that the novel involves an African journey? Another strong visual element in this text is the representation of sand.
2. Identify a popular clich involving sand and explain how this might assist you in predicting the novels attitude to time. How does the presence of the pyramid denote a contemporary or a past setting? The human figure in the foreground is an adolescent male who, in all probability is the protagonist of the novel. If you draw a straight from his eyes you can decide on the kind of gaze favoured by the text. His left eye gazes towards the pyramids and his right eye gazes towards infinity. The special light that bathes the figure of the sphinx also seems to shine on the young man as well. 3. What does this suggest about any special powers the young man might enjoy? There is a clear connection between the word trail and the word journeys. 4. Who do you think undertakes this journey and what could be some of the obstacles facing him/her? 5. Analyse the use and effect of the predominant colours of the book cover. This text cover presents a rich imaginative journey which also implies a physical journey. It is important to note the by-line, not all journeys have an ending which in turn implies that it is what one leans along this journey that matters not the final destination of the journey itself. 6. One could argue that The Ivory Trail is an imaginative journey about the passage to adulthood, and the maturity and wisdom the protagonist acquires as he channels through times and continents. What evidence can you find in this book cover to support this assertion? 7. Compose a back page blurb which makes use of the visual language of the front cover and the ideas in question 6.