2012 Grade - 2 - Spring - Break - Reading and Social Studies Packet

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April 2-9, 2012

Prince Georges County Public Schools Division of Academics Department of Curriculum and Instruction

GRADE 2 SPRING BREAK HOMEWORK ACTIVITIES DIRECTIONS Complete the activities using the response pages provided at the end of the packet.
Students are to return the completed Response Pages to their teachers on April 10, 2012.

Students are to complete: 1. Poetry Activities (pages 5-9) 2. Social Studies: My Community (page 10) 2. Reading Log (page 11) Students are expected to read for a minimum of 15 minutes each day. Parents are encouraged to assist in the following ways:
Make a plan to complete the activities during the Spring Break. Provide a quiet space and time for your child to work on the homework. Help your child with the directions and completing the activities. Review and discuss your childs responses. Provide positive feedback and praise for sincere effort and independence. If your child is just beginning to learn to write independently, encourage him/her to write and spell as best as he or she can. You may rewrite the sentence underneath the childs to show correct letter and word formation and spelling. Please sign that you have seen the completed work on pages 5-10 and the reading log on page 11. Feel free to write a comment to your childs teacher. Ensure that the Response Sheets and the reading log are in plain view on the breakfast table on April 10, 2012, so they may be returned on time!

Thank you for helping your child succeed as a reader!

Poetry Activities April is National Poetry Month

Please read the following directions with your child. Before reading, talk about poetry and the kinds of poems you have read in school. Read the poems aloud. Read them 3 times fluently (smooth reading with expression). Try to make your reading sound like the poet would want it read, emphasizing certain words and phrases. Practice reading it aloud to someone else. Be ready to read them to your class when you return from spring break. After reading the poems, complete the following activities using the poems and the response pages in this packet: 1. Highlight or circle the words in the poems that have more than one syllable. 2. Write 3 rhyming words from the poems. (Remember, words that rhyme do not always have the same spelling pattern.) 3. Find 4 nouns, verbs, and describing words in the poems. 4. Thinking About Poetry-- Answer questions about the poems. 5. Create your own poem about anything, such as something in nature, a favorite place, or even a person. Use the poetry planning chart to help you. 6. Complete the vocabulary activity. Read and learn about different types of poetry! Visit the public library to read and learn more about poets and read different types of poetry. Optional Visit these poetry websites: www.angelfire.com/md/byme/pocket/poetry1.html - Poetry Corner--over 100 poems for kids www.gigglepoetry.com funny kids poems by Bruce Lansky www.poetry4kids.com funny kids poems by author Kenn Nesbitt www.poetryarchive.org/childrensarchive/home.do - poets reading their own work

Weather Poems
A Poem Is A Busy Bee A poem is a busy bee Buzzing in your head. His hive is full of hidden thoughts Waiting to be said. His honey comes from your ideas That he makes into rhyme. He flies around looking for What goes on in your mind. When it's time to let him out To make some poetry, He gathers up your secret thoughts And then he sets them free. CHARLES GHIGNA

Rain Poem
The rain was like a little mouse, Quiet, small, and gray. It pattered all around the house And then it went away.

It did not come, I understand, Indoors at all, until It found an open window and left tracks across the sill.


Hear him tumble grumble rumble.. . Bash, crash, blunder old grouch thunder! Always in a mood to fight morning, afternoon, or night. Lightning quickly answers back with a zig-zag flashing


NAME: ______________________________ MY RESPONSE PAGES 1. List words from the poem that have more than one syllable.
___________ ____________ ____________ ___________

2. Write 3 rhyming words for each of the following words.

head_______________________________________________ for _________________________________________________ understand___________________________________________ crash________________________________________________ crack________________________________________________

3. Poets use words to help readers see in their minds what a poet is describing and
feel what the poem describes. List 4 nouns, verbs, and describing words from the poem. Nouns Verbs Describing Words

Thinking About Poetry

4. Read these lines from A Poem is a Busy Bee. A poem is a busy bee Buzzing in your head. His hive is full of hidden thoughts Waiting to be said. What do these lines mean?

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

5. What does the poets comparison of rain to a mouse help you to understand the Rain Poem? How are the two things alike?

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

6. How do the action words in Thunder help you understand the poem?

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

7. Which poem is your favorite? Why?

________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________


Poetry Planning Chart

Decide how you will write the poem. Will there be rhyming words? Will your poem be in a shape? How will you group the lines? Will your poem be happy, sad, or funny? Will your poem have a repeated rhythm?


Sensory Details How it Looks How it Sounds How it Feels How it Tastes How it Smells

8. Title:______________________________________________

Write your poem and illustrate it below.

_________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________

Vocabulary Arrays The two words in the boxes on the far left and far right are antonyms words with opposite meanings as in the example: freezing and boiling. But you can build a bridge between them! The words in the circles change gradually in meaning from the word on the left to the one on the right. Check out the example and then try to add words in the circles for #9 and #10. Make sure the meaning of your words move from the word in the left box to the word in the right box. Extra fun: See if you can create any arrays like this yourself! Example:
freezing cold lukewarm hot boiling



enormous tiny

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______________________________ (Please feel free to add any comments to your childs teacher.)

Social Studies: My Community

Every community is special. Write to describe your community and what makes it special. Tell about what makes it an urban area, rural area, or suburb. Use vocabulary words.
history law gather vote rural leaders community suburb culture urban capital environment

_______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ 10

Reading Log for Spring Break Grade 2

Read for a minimum of 15 minutes for each day of spring break. Please record what you read below. Date Title Author Pages Read Minutes Read

Students Name: ______________________ Parent/Guardians Signature: _______________________________


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