The Managers Guide To Systems Thinking
The Managers Guide To Systems Thinking
The Managers Guide To Systems Thinking
by Stephen G. Haines
Amherst, Massachusetts
Copyright 1998, Centre for Strategic Management All rights reserved. Any reproduction of this material in any media without written permission of the publisher is a violation of existing copyright laws. Published by: HRD Press 22 Amherst Road Amherst, MA 01002 1-800-822-2801 (U.S. and Canada) 1-413-253-3488 1-413-253-3499 (Fax) ISBN 0-87425-453-1 Cover design by Eileen Klockars Production services by CompuDesign Editorial services by Mary George Printed in Canada
Introduction ......................................................................... v
Chapter I Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning................
Presents the big picture and four concepts of systems thinking.
Chapter II Standard Systems Dynamics ............................................ 37
Presents the 12 principles, questions, and tools that good systems thinkers know and regularly use.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning Chapter VI Levels of Living Systems................................................... 149
Includes tools to guide learning and change at six important levels of organizational functioning.
Chapter IX Summary of Systems Thinking and Learning ................. 199 Bibliography ......................................................................... 207 About the Author ................................................................. 217
The purpose of this guidebook is to provide progressive
managers with practical tools for enhancing learning, change, and performance on individual, team, and organizational levels. The design and content of these tools are based on systems thinking and learning, a way of thought, understanding, and action that offers each of us a better means to achieve the results we desire.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning something else to a list of topics that all relate to training, education, and achieving change. This overgeneralization not only undermines the distinct power of systems thinking but also brings into question whether most people know what the word system even means. To clarify matters from the start, here are the definitions essential to the use of authentic systems thinking, and on which the contents of this guidebook are based.
The connection of systems thinking to General Systems Theory is evident in the above definition. Whatever happened to the theory itself? It never made the leap into mainstream consciousness, and thus became a lost art at least until now.
Introduction practical tools for success in todays chaotic and complex world. Ive taken these natural laws and organized them into four categories: 1. The Seven Levels of Living (Open) Systems 2. The Laws of Natural Systems: Standard Systems Dynamics 3. The A-B-C-D Systems Model 4. Changing Systems: The Natural Cycles of Life and Change Each category represents an elegantly simple concept that, in conjunction with the others, gives us an invaluable framework for viewing the world and its systems. By adopting this new perspective, we can bring order and refinement to our understanding of those systems, thus improving our ability to problem-solve and effect needed changes within them.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning Living systems are the natural order of life. Most of us, however, overlook this truth; we tend to take natural and universal laws for granted, rather than explore their secrets to see what they can teach us about life and our perceptions of the world. It is an unfortunate tendency, and one I hope to help remedy through the tools in this guidebook. So get ready for a new orientation to lifefor an elegantly simple way to view the world and better understand the dynamics of its systems. Let systems thinking and learning clarify and simplify how you see reality, so you too can operate more successfully in todays complex and globally interconnect world. Heres to elegant simplicity . . . and to systems solutions!
technological changes and innovations focus mainly on systems, particularly electronic ones, and on systems linking and interface (e.g., GATT, Mercosur, the Internet). The systems around us have multiplied and enlarged, often to overwhelming numbers and proportions. Corporations span the globe; communications satellites ring the skies. As distance is redefined, systems collide in countless ways, defying our comprehension of change and the adequacy our usual problem-solving methods. We find ourselves in a small world of enormous complexity, a new world that demands we see it from a new perspectivea systems perspectivewith a mindset attuned to processes, patterns, and relationships. Systems thinking is tailor-made to meet this demand and to help us manage our organizations in the Systems Age.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning become so ingrained in us, as tendencies and predispositions, that we seldom pay attention to them. Even when something in our experience calls them into question an unsolvable problem, perhaps, or an unmanagable interpersonal conflictwe miss the call. Those problems and conflicts, patched up for the time being, never really get resolved, and we wonder why success eludes us. Often, not until a crisis hits, driving us deep into ourselves, do we realize weve been acting on unfounded beliefs or outmoded assumptions, and finally shift our mindset. But we dont always catch the obvious lesson: that we need to put ourselves in touch with our mental models, hold them up to the light and look for biases and unsupported facts, those things which cause us to misunderstand the world; in short, that we must take an active role in shaping our mindsets, opting for mental models which better capture the world we need to understand. It is at this point where the systems thinking mindset comes in.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning lack of grasses will mean more erosion. If poor conditions continue, eventually the marsh will be little more than a drainage hole. Why might the grasses begin to die? Because of a change in the marshs environment, in other systems. Maybe an increase in storms has resulted in a closed breechway, causing water deoxygenation (a causal chain running from weather to coastal to marshland systems); or perhaps or a rise in beach traffic has lead to more exhaust pollutants (a confluence of chemical, technological and biological systems). And the loss of the marsh will affect the entire coastal area, itself a system full of systems and interrelated with, and interdependent on, its environmental systems. The above is, of course, a worst-case scenario, yet we see similar scenarios all the time, and not only in ecological systems. We see them in the failure of businesses, communities, and even nations; these too are living systems, part of the natural order of life. We also see them in ourselves, for we are biological entities, each body a configuration of physical and mental systems. Our overall well-being is inextricably bound up in the well-being of those systems, with patterns of interdependence linking them to one another and their environment. Just how strong these links are becomes clearer all the time. We now know, for instance, that mental stress can compromise the immune system and that an optimistic attitude can help the body heal faster. Because neither stress nor optimism can be looked at under a microscope, this relationship strikes some people as odd, even dubious; but to someone with a systems thinking mindset, it makes complete senseis simply the laws of living systems at work.
for us to wonder how we can get a practical handle on putting them to work in our organizations and other living systems. The fact is, many of us have already begun to do it. Collaborative, team, and systems-oriented efforts are becoming more and more common in organizations and communities. Also, there are fields of thought such as Gestalt Therapy, Complexity Theory, and Chaos Theory,
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning and technological areas like operations research, telecommunications, and information systems, that deal with the interrelationship of processes and patternsthe art of systems thinking in its broadest sense. Among its practitioners are such diverse people as Fritjoff Capra, Jay Forester, Peter Senge, Russ Ackoff, Meg Wheatley, Eric Trist, and Ludwig von Bertalanffy, all of whom recognize that systems behave in accordance with these principles, and that what we see changing on one systems level will affect other levels in various, ongoing patterns of cause and effect. To become practitioners of that art ourselves, we need to start looking at societal and organizational problems as systems problems and seek systems-integrated solutions. Rather than identify a problem as one isolated occurrence, we must learn to identify and solve patterns of problems. We also must try to detect patterns of relationship and interdependence between systems, looking for leverage pointsareas of influence that, if acted upon, can lead to lasting beneficial changes throughout those systems. Our systems thinking mindset thus requires mental models that help us discover more than just partial systems solutionswhat we tend to get in todays systems-focused efforts. As yet there is only one body of thought that provides us with those mental models, offering us a way to reach fully integrated solutions to our systems problems. And it is not Gestalt Therapy or Chaos Theory. It is General Systems Theory, a lost art based on a natural perspective of the world and its many systems. Perhaps because its originators were primarily biologists, this theory looks not to artificial constructs or paradigms for its understanding of the world, but to life itself, acknowledging that living systems are the natural order of life. Lets take a closer look. 6
This theory, then, is a marvelous vehicle for framing and describing universal relationships. Its basic precept is that, in our work on any problem, the whole should be our primary consideration, with the parts secondary. The theory also states that parts play their role in light of the purpose 7
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning for which the whole existsno part can be affected without affecting all other parts. Thus, when we want to study any system, be it organizational, organic, or scientific in nature, we must begin at the right place.
The place to start is with the whole. All parts of the wholeand their relationships to one anotherevolve from this.
This conceptual approach is therefore quite different from our familiar reductionist, analytic, and mechanistic ways of thinkingones whose age has come and gone. Moving beyond them wont be easy, but it can be done.
When did this lesson take hold in our society? Quite possibly in the Agricultural Age. Many social theorists believe that todays problems stem from that age, when we found ways to dominate nature and make it subservient to our immediate needs. The Industrial Revolution furthered that dominating mode, as it was a mechanistic revolution fueled by the intent to take over and conquer Mother Nature. And it workedor so we thought.
I. Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning The mechanistic approach to effecting change is no longer viable, if it ever was. As Russell Ackoff reminds us, We [have been] attempting to deal with problems generated by a new [systems] age with techniques and tools that we inherit from an old [mechanistic] one. Ackoff believes these old techniques and tools developed as the Agricultural Age closed and the Machine Age began. In his view, the latter spawned three fundamental concepts: reductionism, analysis, and mechanization. He further believes they now must change if we want to be in step with the Systems Age.
The Fundamental Concepts of the Machine Age 1. Reductionism. This concepts premise is that if you take anything and start to take it apart, or reduce it to its lowest common denominator, you will ultimately reach indivisible elements. For instance, in reductionism, the cell would be the ultimate component of life. 2. Analysis. A powerful mode of thinking, analysis takes the entity/issue/problem apart, breaking it up into its components. At that point in analysis, you would solve the problem, then aggregate the solutions into an explanation as a whole. Analysis tends to explain things by the behavior of their parts, not the whole!
Even today, analysis is probably the most common technique used in corporations. Managers cut their problems down to size, reducing them to a set of solvable components and then assembling them into a solution as a whole. It is still so much the norm that many continue to see analyzing as synonymous with thinking. Instead, synthesis or holistic systems thinking is whats required.
3. Mechanization. This seeks to explain virtually every phenomenon by resorting to a single relationship: cause and effect. However, mechanization has a key consequence:
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning when we find the cause, we believe we dont need anything else, so the environment becomes irrelevant. Indeed, the whole effort of scientific study is about relationships that can be studied in isolation and in laboratoriesa closedsystems view of the world. Mechanization colored how we looked the world as a whole. It brought us assembly lines, mass production, countless machinesand the idea that we live in a mechanistic, rather than organic, world. We have gone from thinking of machines as a means for mass production to thinking of the whole world as a machine, not as Mother Nature, with a will and a mind of her own.
I. Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning individual projects and elementsbut it also makes us macro-dumb at planning for the whole portfolio. Here are a few dramatic examples of how analytic thinking has run amuck and led to needless complexity. The U.S. Naval Academy RegulationsOver 1000 pages, as compared to 10 pages when the Academy opened 150 years ago. Both versions cover the same topics, but whereas the earlier one assumes readers can apply common sense, the other spells out each and every probability. Heath CareThousands of small, specialized programs, often based on grants created for singular, simplistic problems and solutions Specialized Government DistrictsThousands of unaccountable districts: water districts, assessment districts, school districts, and so forth Federal Intelligence AgenciesWe have 16 agencies of the federal government concerned with intelligence. They sound like alphabet soup: CIA, NSA, DIA, NIS, NCS, and so on. Congressional SubcommitteesToo many to enumerate. Every time a new issue comes along, Congress establishes a new subcommittee, to the detriment of good government. Is it any wonder we feel overwhelmed using the analytic approach to systems problems? Furthermore, we must consider that the world of systems consists of circular entities (and feedback loops), in which multiple causality is integrally tied to multiple effects in an open and free-flowing environment. Clearly, analytic thinking cannot begin to comprehend, much less manage, the reality of such a worldwhich just happens to be the real world we live in. 11
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning At first glance, systems thinking may appear more complex and multilevel than analytic or reductionist thinking, but once we become familiar with its central concepts and framework, we find it helps us detect the order in complexity and is more accommodating to our underStart thinking of systems standing of reality. The conceptual as circular entities! linchpin of systems thinking, and of its mindset, is that all systems are circular entities. This concept, which is based on the actual nature of systems, is integral to the input-transformation-output-feedback model that forms the framework for systems thinking and reflects the natural order of life. Once we get used to the systems thinking mindset, complexities fade away and our perspective is like that of an astronaut, someone taking a higher but no less accurate view of things . . . seeing the world as it really is, not as people wish it to be or assume it to be because of Machine Age ideas. Through the four elegantly simple concepts described next, anyone can adopt this mindset.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
CellThe basic unit of life OrganThe organic systems within our bodies OrganismSingle organisms such as humans, animals, fish, birds GroupTeams, departments, families, and similar bodies composed of members OrganizationFirm, company, neighborhood, community, city, private and public organizations, and nonprofit organizations SocietyStates, provinces, countries, nations, regions within countries Supranational systemGlobal systems, continents, regions, Earth
6. 7.
Our Focus in This Guidebook. We will be concerned primarily with the living systems at these three levels:
3. 4. 5. OrganismsIndividuals GroupTeams and departments OrganizationCompanies, firms, communities
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning We will also focus on the intersections of these systems with one another; that is, the collision of systems with other systems. Those intersections are expressed as: 3A. One-to-one 4A. Between departments 5A. Organization and its environment To conduct a systematic large-scale change effort, we must look at all three systems levels and all three collisions of levels. Also, we must be aware that the further we move towards the higher-level systems, the more complex the system will beand the greater our need for the skills, willingness, and readiness to deal with that complexity. See the learning aid on the following page for a depiction of the six levels as the Six Rings of Focus and Readiness.
hierarchy illustrates the interrelatedness and interdependence of systems, and the impact that systems have on one another. Thus does the hierarchy validate the concept of systems within systemsanother key element to applying the lost art of systems thinking.
In viewing our organizations in this wayas levels of systems within, and colliding with, other systemswe align ourselves with the principles of openness, interrelation, and interdependence, and so cement the systems concept. When problem-solving, we look for patterns of behavior and events, rather than at isolated events, and we work on understanding how each pattern relates to the whole. We begin to see how problems are connected to other problemsand are forced to look at solving those problems in a new light. In fact, the solution to any systems problem is usually found at the next highest system (see the Einstein quotation in
Problems that are created by our current level of thinking cant be solved by that same level of thinking. Albert Einstein If we generally use analytic thinking, we now need real systems thinking to resolve our issues. Stephen G. Haines
1. Cell 2. Organ 3. Organism/Individual 4. Group/Team Organizational Focus 5. Organization 6. Society/Community 7. Supranational System
Increased Complexity Readiness-Willingness Skills Growth
Note: Rings 3, 4, 5 are three of the seven levels of living systems. Rings 3A, 4A, 5A are collisions of systems with other systems.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning the learning aid). With this approach we end up with precisely what we need: fully integrated solutions to our systems problems.
Characteristics: 1. Holism (Synergism, Organicism, Gestalt) 2. Open Systems 3. System Boundaries 4. Input-Transformation-Output Model 5. Feedback
I. Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning Although it is important to understand each individual characteristic, keep in mind that it is the relationship between these parts and characteristics, and their fit into one whole system, that is key. Systems dynamics are all about relationships.
I. THE WHOLE 1. Holism (Synergism, Organicism, Gestalt). The whole is not just the sum of its parts; the system itself can be explained only as a totality. Holism is the opposite of elementarism, which views the total as the sum of its individual parts. For instance, we write letters, but our hands cannot write alone, as separate parts; they can only do so as part of our overall human system.
This leads us to the basic definition of a system as a holistic unit that is the natural way of life. A system has overall purposes and transformational synergy when it is optimally effective.
Many managers believe a corporate strategic plan is just a roll-up of lower-level plans. This is a clear case of elementarism, one that usually results in poor implementation and that perpetuates a lot of turf battles and silos. People lack holistic vision and a strategic plan to serve as an overall framework for efficiency and cooperation.
Experienced Dynamics
Instead of holism, we usually see ineffective change that is parts- or activity-focused, leading to suboptimal results.
2. Open Systems. Systems are usually either (1) relatively closed, or (2) relatively open. As we saw earlier, open systems receive inputs from their environment, work with
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning those inputs, and return them to the environment in modified form as outputs; in other words, open systems exchange information, energy, or material with their environment. Biological and social systems are inherently open systems; mechanical systems may be open or closed. The three keys to success for any system are its ability (1) to be interactive with its environment, (2) to fit that environment, and (3) to be connected to that environment. A crucial task for any system is to scan the environment and then adapt to it.
Excellent organizations are marked by their intense desire to be open to feedback and their constant search for information from their environment that will help them thrive and lead.
Experienced Dynamics
Many organizations and their cultures are relatively closed systems with a low environmental scana myopic view in today's rapidly changing world.
3. Systems Boundaries. When we consider the above, it naturally follows that all systems have boundaries which separate them from their environments. The concept of boundaries furthers our understanding of the distinction between open and closed systems. The relatively closed system has rigid, impenetrable boundaries, whereas the open system has permeable boundaries between itself and a broader suprasystem. Thus an open system can more easily integrate and collaborate with its environment.
Boundaries are no trouble to define in physical and biological systems, but they are quite difficult to delineate in social systems, such as communities and organizations. 18
I. Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning This may be why our legislative systems provide so much protection for individual rights, and less for the common good of a community. In organizations, the boundaries are relatively open, which makes them somewhat vague in terms of our knowing and fully understanding their limits. In todays society, with its worldwide, instantaneous communications, our boundaries are increasingly more open.
To shift from analytic to systems thinking, we must be able to recognize systems and their boundaries; only then can we work with, and hope to change, the system.
Experienced Dynamics
We often see closed boundaries leading to fragmentation, turf battles, separation, and parochialism, when integration and collaboration is what is needed.
4. Input-Transformation-Output Model. The open system can be viewed as a transformation model. Its relationship with its environment is dynamic: it receives various inputs, transforms these inputs in some way, and exports outputs. This is the way natural and living systems operateand the core systems thinking model and framework that you must internalize if you want to use systems thinking in a practical way. The model can be combined with Feedback (characteristic 5) and the Seven Levels of Systems Thinking (systems concept 1) to create a flow chart showing how systems change and transform over time. Example
On the most basic level, we must take inputs (e.g., food and water) and transform them into vital nutrients if we are to survive rather than perish. 19
Experienced Dynamics
Because our piecemeal analytic and reductionist view of the world is so narrow, we often miss outcomes feedback and environmental considerations.
5. Feedback. This is important to our understanding of how a system maintains a steady state. Information concerning the systems outputs or process is fed back into the system as an input, perhaps leading to changes in the transformation process to achieve more effective future outputs. Often this informational input helps us get to the root of problems.
Feedback can be either positive or negative. Positive feedback indicates that the steady state of a system is presently effective. Negative feedback indicates that the system is deviating from a prescribed course and should readjust to a new steady state. Some systems-related field, such as cybernetics, are based on negative feedback. Both forms of feedback stimulate learning and change. It is essential for us to receive and understand feedback, even (and very often especially) when the news is bad and suggests root causes and underlying problems wed rather not hear about.
The basic concept of the learning organization, as distinct from all the rhetoric surrounding it, directs us toward gathering as much feedback as possible, even negative feedback, so we can act on it to create new learning. Only through feedback can organizations hope to learn and grow at all systems levels individual, team, and organization.
Experienced Dynamics
We often get very little informational input about our performance or the performance of the organization 20
I. Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning itself. What we tend to get is financial feedbackonly part of the overall picture.
II. THE GOALS 6. Multiple Outcomes/Goal-Seeking. Biological and social systems appear to have multiple goals or purposes. Social organizations set multiple goals, if for no other reason than that their members and subunits have different values and objectives. Goal achievement in todays multicultural, diverse society is particularly difficult, for we as members of that society bring such an assortment of goals to it.
Since this is a characteristic of all systems, it follows that a common, detailed vision for any organization or society is crucial to coordinated and focused actions by its members.
The clash between individual and organizational goals in present-day organizations causes much conflict and lost productivity for all concerned, ultimately creating lose-lose situations. It has contributed to the dehumanization, delayering, and mechanization of work, alienating many of todays workers.
Experienced Dynamics
Often, instead of embracing multiple outcomes, we engage in artificial either/or thinking, which leads to conflict rather than cooperation.
7. Equifinality of Open Systems. In mechanistic systems there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the initial conditions and the final state. Biological and social systems operate differently. Equifinality suggests that certain results may be achieved with different initial
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning conditions and in different ways. It offers us a basis for the flexibility, agility, and choice needed in today's dynamic world. This view suggests that social organizations can accomplish their objectives with diverse inputs and with varying internal activities (processes). For this reason, there is usually not one best way to solve most problems; in other words, as the saying goes, theres more than one way to skin a cat!
Because we lack one best way to solve organizational problems, it is crucial for us to be strategically consistent to consensual, multiple goals, yet operationally flexible (or empowering) in working to achieve those goals. This encourages us to challenge our mindsto employ our mental skills in determining how to achieve goals. And as long as our goals are clear and based on a shared vision, we can succeed at it.
Experienced Dynamics
Too often we ignore the complexity of an issue, insisting upon, and fighting about, the best way to do things. We immediately look for a direct, one-to-one, cause-and-effect relationship that would explain the issue; then we try to find a simple, singular solution. But such solutions do not work in a systems world, that is, our world today.
III. THE INTERNAL WORKINGS 8. Entropy. Physical systems are subject to the force of entropy, which increases until eventually the entire system fails. The tendency toward maximum entropy is a movement to disorder, complete lack of resource transformation, and death. For instance, people with anorexia do not
I. Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning consume enough food to maintain their physical bodies; if the disorder continues, they perish. In a closed system, the change in entropy must always be positive, meaning toward death. However, in open biological or social systems, entropy can be arrested and may even be transformed into negative entropya process of more complete organization and enhanced ability to transform resources. Why? Because the system imports energy and resources from its environment, leading to renewal. This is why education and learning are so important, as they provide new and stimulating input (termed neg-entropy) that can transform each of us. From the time were born, we begin to die is an apt adage here. Our cells completely regenerate every seven years through neg-entropy, and, in a sense, we become completely new persons. Regular follow-up and feedback are key to this needed renewal.
Most change efforts fail because they arent given enough follow-up, reinforcement, and new energy. Many managers want to get everything up and running on autopilot, but this is the antithesis of what actually makes change happen. In systems terms, it takes negative entropynew energyto make change occur. In fact, most executives are concerned about getting employee buy-in, when stay-in is even more difficult to get and retain over time (for more on this topic, see Haines, Sustaining High Performance).
Experienced Dynamics
Lack of negative entropy, or new energy, is what leads to obsolescence, rigidity, decline, and (ultimately) death. 23
9. Hierarchy. A system consists of subsystems (lowerorder systems) and is itself part of a suprasystem (higherorder system). Any living system thus has a hierarchy of components. In todays politically correct environment, the concept of hierarchy is quite unpopular, but it is a permanent fact of life. The issue is to flatten the hierarchy as much as possibleto go with the flow of life and what makes sense, in a natural, self-organizing type of way. What we do not want is the imposition of rigid and artificial structures.
Since systems are hierarchical, the organizational system is higher than the department/unit/team as a system, which is higher than the individual employee as a system (whether were happy about that or not). If we dont like the hierarchy or fit, we need to work either to change how the hierarchy operates, or to lessen it; however, it cannot be eliminated, as some would naively proposeits simply inherent in systems.
To get an idea of how hierarchies work in the natural world, and how essential they are to it, think about the food chainan inescapable hierarchy, found in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, and often crossing between them.
Experienced Dynamics
Instead of finding natural, common-sensical hierarchies in our organizations, we often find artificial, rigid hierarchies; they are usually subject to bloated bureaucracies based on the old command and control, as if we can ever truly and surely control others. By definition, a system is composed of interrelated parts or elements in some kind of relationship with one another. 24
I. Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning This is true for all systems mechanical, biological, and social. Every system has at least two elements, and these elements are interconnected. The whole idea of a system is to optimizenot maximize the fit of its elements in order to maximize the whole. If we merely maximize the elements of systems, we end up suboptimizing the whole (2 plus 2 equals 3less than it should, and less than we want it to). To get a handle on this concept, consider what happens to college football players who try to artificially maximize their muscles and weight with steroids: they do serious long-term harm to their bodies, and sometimes the damage is so severe it leads to premature death.
In organizations, it is vital to get all the related subsystems working together toward the achievement of business goals. However, too often departments compete with one another, individually attempting to maximize their influence in the organization, to the detriment of other departments and, ultimately, to that of the organization as a whole. Balancing the demands of each department is difficult and should be a key role of senior organizational leaders. Unfortunately, this leads to conflict-resolution issues and skills that many leaders in both private and public organizations would rather ignore.
Experienced Dynamics
We often experience artificial and separate silos, parts and components that managers try mightily to protect; but doing so is impossible in a system with natural and related parts. 25
IV. THE LONG-TERM RESULTS 11. Dynamic Equilibrium (Steady State). The concept of a dynamic equilibrium in steady state is closely related to that of negative entropy. A closed system eventually must attain an equilibrium state with maximum entropy: death or disorganization. However, an open system may attain a state whereby the system remains in dynamic equilibrium through the continuous inflow of materials, energy, information, and feedback. This leads to balance and stability. Unfortunately, it also feeds resistance to change, creating ruts and habits.
Our tendency to resist change in our lives and in our organizations, and to return to balance through dynamic equilibrium, is normal and natural. However, in todays rapidly changing environment, if we want the stability we desire, we must become adaptable and flexible to change in a personal way.
Dynamic equilibrium is why culture change in organizations is far more difficult to achieve than isolated change. Culture change requires modifying all aspects of the organizations internal workings so the whole will enter a new steady state.
Experienced Dynamics
Resistance to change often leads to short-term myopic views and actions that lead nowhere.
12. Internal Elaboration. Closed systems move toward entropy and disorganization. In contrast, open systems tend to move toward greater differentiation, elaboration, and detail, and a higher level of organizational sophistication. This may sound good, but it can actually lead to
I. Understanding Systems Thinking & Learning organizational complexity and bureaucracy in its worst form. Complexity must be continuously resisted, for it develops naturally; it is also part of the natural process of ossification, rigidity, and death.
This is why the KISS method and the directives to clarify and simplify are so crucial to success in our lives and organizations. Also, the elimination of waste, in total quality management and reengineering terms, is a positive trend toward reversing ossification.
Experienced Dynamics
Organizational growth, with all its complexities, often leads us into confusion or outright chaos; were at a loss for ideas that can help us manage such a situation. Systems thinking changes all that.
Be sure to see the learning aid for standard systems dynamics, on the following page.
Natural Laws/Desired State vs. Experienced Dynamics 1. Holism: Overall purpose focused synergy; transformation 2. Open Systems: Open to environment 3. Boundaries: Integrated; collaborative integrated; collaborative 4. Input/Output: How natural systems operate 5. Feedback: On effectiveness; on root causes of problems 6. Multiple Outcomes: Goals 7. Equifinality: Flexibility and agility 8. Entropy: Follow-up; inputs of energy; renewal 9. Hierarchy: Flatter organization; self-organizing 10. Interrelated Parts: Relationships; participation 11. Dynamic Equilibrium: Culture; stability and balance 12. Internal Elaboration: Details and sophistication 1. Parts- and activity-focused; suboptimal results 2. Closed systems; low environmental scan 3. Fragmented; turf battles; separate; parochial 4. Piecemeal and narrow analytic view of world 5. Low feedback; financial feedback only 6. Artificial either/or thinking 7. Direct cause-and-effect; one best way 8. Decline; rigidity; obsolescence; death 9. Hierarchy; bureaucracy; command and control 10. Separate parts, components, entities; silos 11. Short-term myopic view; ruts; resistance to change 12. Complexity and confusion
D Throughput
B Feedback
model (shown in Figure 1), we first must understand that a system is anything but a static entity; rather, it is a living, ongoing process that requires inputs, outputs, and feedback. The activities associated with these requirements constitute the various phases of the process. In terms of looking at those phases in order to effect change in a system, we must begin where analytic thinking would have us end upat the output phase. We ask Where do we want to be? and then think and work backwards through the system phases to create the desired future state (this is partly why some people refer to systems thinking as backwards thinking). When applied to problem solving, the model focuses us on results (outputs) rather than knee-jerk solutions, and so we work toward better, longer-term answers and solutions. When everyone in an organization knows how to frame issues in this way, discussions about problems (and 29
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning group problem-solving efforts in general) take on a new dimensionone in which clarity and focus are possible, despite all the complexity. Thus it is important to teach the model to organizational members at all levels.
Phase B
Figure 2 further elucidates the systems thinking framework. It details the states that correspond to the A, C, and D phases, particularly that of the Phase D, Throughput. You may find this a handy addition when teaching the model to others.
The Phases of the A-B-C-D Systems Model. Each model phase leads us to a particular question that guides our thinking and problem-solving. It is essential to remember that, in asking any question, we keep in mind a fifth, ongoing question: What is changing in the environment that we need to consider? Now lets take a closer look.
PHASE AOUTPUT. This is the defining phase in the systems model, the output that results from the systems activity. It leads us to the crucial question:
Where do we want to be?
This is the Number One question that systems thinkers ask when they are dealing with any situation or problem. It should always be asked in the context of the systems environment and other system levels.
systems thinking that we start thinking backward to determine what must take place for our desired outcome to occur. We ask:
Phase B is where we decide how we will measure our achievement. We then feed that decision back into the system. This phase also operates as a way to see if Phase A needs more work; for example, we may find the goal has been too broadly defined and needs redefinition. Be sure to keep asking the question . . .
PHASE CINPUT. In this phase we begin to create strategies for closing the gap between what is happening right now and what should happen in the future. We ask the question:
Where are we right now?
Analytic thinkers start with todays issues; so they end up problem-solving isolated events. Instead, we must see todays issues in light of desired outcomes.
PHASE DTHROUGHPUT. Now we look at the system and its interdependencies, and ask:
How do we get from here to our desired place?
(How do we close the gap from A to C in a complete, holistic way?)
With those interdependencies in mind, we focus on the processes, activities, and relationships that the system must implement in order to produce the desired outcome. We also plan for the processes that must be developed and put into motion now.
requirements can be adapted to the model as long as you use the same A-B-C-D locator phases and include the environment. Some of the models many organizational applications are included in later chapters; however, as a framework and an orientation to life, the model is applicable to virtually any situation you encounter. Use it in all that you think about, act upon, and evaluate. 32
D Throughput
B Feedback
THE SYSTEMS-PHASE QUESTIONS, IN SEQUENCE A. B C. Where do we want to be? (What are our outcomes, purposes, goals?)
have achieved the outcomes, purposes, goals?)
How will we know we have reached it? (How will we know we Where are we now? (What are todays issues and problems?)
ALSO: What is changing in the environment that we need to consider? (This is an ongoing question throughout all phases.)
The way you think creates the results you get. The most powerful way to improve the quality of your results is to improve the way you think.
The Environment
Ocean tides Volcanoes Whale & bird migration Lunar cycle Day & night
Inca, Aztec, Mayan empires Chinese dynasties Roman Empire British Empire
Historical Ages
Hunting & gathering Dark Ages Agricultural Industrial Information Age
Start-Up High-Growth Maturity Decline Renewal
Automobile Ocean liner Mass Transit Airplanes Space shuttle
Birth, death, new generation Food chain Food cycle Growth, decline
We as human, living systems keep on changing. It is a natural part of life (and death). Change is constant. The key is finding simplicity on the far side of complexity. The Rollercoaster of Change, presented in the following learning aid, helps us get there. Its many uses will be discussed later, in a variety of tools.
LEARNING AID Concept 4. Changing Systems: The Natural Cycles of Life and Change The Rollercoaster of Change
Not if, but when to go through shock? How deep is the trough? How long will it take? Will we get up the right side and rebuild? At what level will we rebuild? How many different rollercoasters will we experience? Are other changes occurring? Will we hang in and persevere? How to deal with normal resistance? How to create a critical mass for change?
Personal transitions Employee self-management Stages of learningall types Interpersonal relationships Coaching sequence Dialogue and discovery Conflict management Situational leadership tasks Teams, groups, meetings Strategic Planning Core strategies (cutting/building) Overall management of change
What entity (system or collision of systems) are we dealing with, and what are its boundaries? What levels of the overall entity do we want to change? What are the desired outcomes? How will we know we have achieved the desired outcomes? What is changing in the environment that we need to consider? What is the relationship of x to y and z?
1. Systems Preconditions
2. Desired Outcomes
4. Environmental Impact
5. Looking at Relationships
What entity (system or collision of systems) are we dealing with, and what are its boundaries?
This question may seem obvious, but many people fail to ask it at all. They launch into change efforts with only a vague idea of what they want to change, and so quickly run into problems. Consider this question a precondition to any intelligent, effective action and change.
Challenge the obviouslook for the seven levels of living systems and define which ones you are dealing with. Know the entity you want to change, and its limits.
Are you trying to change yourself, your department, a business process, a partnership, or the entire organization? Is it relatively open or closed in its environmental interactions?
Set realistic goals, focusing on what is actually achievable, even if with a stretch. Think globally, act locally is an apt phrase here. 39
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. 2. Be clear on the entity you are discussing, especially its boundaries with the environment. Be aware that solutions to issues of change and leadership will be different for each system level you deal with (see tool below). For instance, personal change and learning solutions are different from team or organizational change solutions. Troubleshoot all solutions to predict their effects as best as possible. Will they help you achieve the desired changes in your entity of choice?
To direct your change efforts accurately, you need to look closely at the entitys internal levels or rings and answer this question:
In this section of Tool 1, we will focus on change that creates a high-performance organization. Such a goal requires that you pay attention to all the systems levels within the organization, and to the interactions of those systemstheir collision with one another. Each level has unique purposes and solutions, and each is important to success. Figure 3, on the next page, presents the tree rings of an overall organizational system. Note the recognition of the relationship between the rings (or levels). This kind of framing device can be used to depict the levels of any overall system.
Increased Complexity Readiness-Willingness Skills Growth
The Six Rings of Focus and Readiness The General Objectives of Working at Each Level/Ring
Each system level corresponds to certain general improvement issues. For instance, if you goal is to improve personal competency, you will need to work primarily at the Self level/ring and take into consideration any other rings that have a bearing on competency matters. The rings and their related issues are as follows:
1. SelfIndividuals, self-mastery Improve personal competency and effectiveness Trustworthiness issues One-to-One RelationshipsInterpersonal skills and effectiveness Improve the interpersonal and working relationships and productivity of each individual Trust issues WorkteamsGroups, team effectiveness Improve the productivity of the team as well as its members Empowerment and interpersonal roles and issues
It is important to sell and resell the change throughout many organizational levels. Themes from the Rollercoaster of Change are useful in helping people come to terms with change. Notable among those themes are the following: 42
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Engineer success up front by determining which rings of the organization you are trying to change. Also, determine what other rings will need changing first in order for you to achieve your desired outcome. Always be sure to look at the purposes of the rings you are trying to change. Begin by using the list of purposes presented in this tool; then think of purposes unique to your situation. Get people involved in the change effort, particularly managers. Remember: you dont just want buy-in from managers; you also want stay-in from them. Also, be sure to look at all the rings of your organization. As you have seen in this tool, that means board members and CEOs too!
The great successful men (and women) of the world have used their imagination. . . . They think ahead and create their mental picture, and then go to work materializing that picture in all its details, filling in here, adding a little there, altering this a bit and that a bit, but steadily building steadily building. Robert Collier
This is where Phase A of the A-B-C-D Systems Model actually begins, and so we ask the Number One systems thinking question:
What are the desired outcomes? (That is, Where do we want to be?)
Since systems usually have multiple outcomes, this is a more complex question than it appears at first glance.
Develop clarity and agreement on this before starting to act. Keep in mind there are usually multiple outcomes (were not dealing with either/or questions as reductionist thinkers do). Other words for outcomes (the what) include vision, ends, goals, objectives, mission, purpose. Without agreement on ends, our actions will never have a chance of succeeding. Once the what is clear, there are many ways to try to attain it, such as by empowerment. 44
For Example
Organizational outcomes often include the needs of customers, employees, and stockholders, as well as the community, suppliers, and so forth. Asking this question sends us into backwards thinking, which keeps us from focusing on only isolated events. Further, these desired outcomes are all about setting goals. Goal setting and careful goal selection (that is, the establishment of a vision or purpose and meaning) are primary criteria for success.
For Example
In simple, meetings-management terms, it means making daily to do lists like the one below, so you focus on actions and results, not just quick talk and a few good ideas.
Meetings To Do List
What to Do/Achieve By Whom By When
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Make this tools question your Number One question too. Ask it before you do anything in life, whether what you do is work-related or not. Remember, this is synonymous with Phase As question:
Once we have identified our desired outcomes, we need to address the all-important question:
This corresponds to the A-B-C-D System Models Phase B question, How will we know we have reached it (the place we want to be)? The concept of feedback is important to our understanding of how a system maintains a steady state or changes successfully. In practical terms, information concerning the systems outputs is fed back into the system as an input that is, the results of past performance are reinserted into the systemand if need be, the systems behavior is modified. Positive feedback tells us the system is on course to achieving the desired outcomes; negative feedback indicates the system is off course and must change. Negative feedback is actually good in the sense that it stimulates learning. In fact, the ability to manage such feedback well is a survival skill today.
Because our world is so changeable, solutions that work today may simply not work tomorrow; therefore, despite the importance of finding initial solutions to problems, our primary concern is to ensure we receive constant feedback 46
II. Standard Systems Dynamics and know how to work with it. The ability to be flexible and adaptable is crucial here; fortunately, the more we receive and work with feedback, the better our ability becomes. Feedback teaches us to learn, grow, adapt, and change as our goals and environment require. It is a vital input of learning organizations, helping people at all system levels (individual, team, and organization) deal with change personally and professionally. GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Look at feedback as a giftbe open and receptive to it; even encourage it. Ask for feedback from all your customers, your employees, your direct reports and peers, and anyone who can help you learn and grow as a person, as a professional, as a leader of your organization. Work on developing self-masterythe interpersonal style needed to genuinely encourage others to provide feedback, and the mental attitude needed to stay receptive even when feedback is negative. Dont be defensive, and always thank the feedback giver. Remember, youre the one who decides, after some reflection, whether the feedback merits action and, if so, what action to take. Ensure that feedback in your organization is received and applied in the context of the entire system. Limiting feedback to select levels is like limiting team-performance results to select team members: it makes no sense at all, especially if changes are needed. Bring to your organization all that you personally learn about feedback, receptivity, flexibility, and adaptability. The more senior your level in the organization, the more important this is.
Organizations and individuals who do not constantly scan their environment to see what is changing are unlikely to be successful in todays world. Therefore, we must continually ask:
In organizational terms, this means we must keep scanning the environment for changes in anything from our competition to the political scene. At minimum there are seven areas we need to keep an eye on. They can be remembered by the acronym SKEPTIC. Socio-demographics Kompetition Economics Politics Technology Industry Customers
In terms of the individual, it means paying attention to environmental changes that may have an impact on our roles in life. We should consider at least four areas, which we can remember by the acronym PITO. PersonalBody, mind, spirit InterpersonalFamily, friends, colleagues TeamAssociations, community, department OrganizationJob, career, wealth
Systems require work and alignment from the outside in, not the inside out.
Remember to employ backwards thinking. Start with the environmentthe wants and needs of the customer, for exampleand the desired outcomes; then work backwards into the organization to determine how to meet the demands of the environment, and the outcomes, while still meeting the multiple needs of other key stakeholders in the environment. Align all employees, suppliers, the entire organization, and business processes across departments to meet those demands and produce the desired outcomes. This is the conceptual basis for business process reengineering in todays organizations. However, it is often fragmented into departmental elements or internal cost-cutting activities, and it neglects to consider customer impact. GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Set up an environmental scanning system in your organization, and assign a senior person or team the responsibility of collecting data on each SKEPTIC area. Conduct quarterly environmental scanning sessions in which everyone shares information they have gathered. From this, deduce trends and impacts on your organization. Annually revise your strategic plan, with the above as key input. Keep yourself open to what is changing in the environment. Find out what is going on not just through the typical media, such as television and newspapers, but through other means as well, such newsletters. 49
3. 4.
To fully address the question, we must keep in mind: In systems, the whole is primary and the parts/events are secondary. The parts are only important within their relationship to other parts/events. Balance and optimization is the key, not dominance and maximization of a single part. In systems, relationships and processes are what's important; not departments/units and events. We need to think from events and parts to relationships and processes.
The whole is more important that the part; relationships and processes are key.
It is essential for us to continually assess how the parts fit or link together in an integrated process in support of the whole outcome. Moreover, each parts effectiveness cannot be analyzed in a void, but only in relationship to the other parts and the processes that lead to the whole. Always 50
II. Standard Systems Dynamics remember, a system cannot be subdivided into independent parts. Change in one part affects the whole and the other interdependent parts or processes. This is true whether we are talking about teams, departments, and organizations, or society as a wholesomething we all still need to learn and understand.
For Example
In organizations, the question is not, How can I maximize my job or department's impact?; it is, How can we all work and fit together in support of the overall objectives of the organization? To that end, each year all major departments need to share their annual plans with senior executives and middle managers and other professionals to ensure everyone knows what everyone else is doing, and to give others a chance to critique those plans. This is actually a large group teambuilding process. In personal terms, systems thinking is about finding patterns and relationships in your work and your life, and learning to reinforce or change these patterns to achieve personal fulfillment. This can actually help simplify your life, as you see interconnections between what initially seem like disperate parts.
For Example
What is the relationship between your fitness and energy level, your overall feeling of health, and the stamina needed to do your job and run your life each day? In looking at a question like this, you begin to apply system thinking to your life. Create synergy in your life. Synergy is the working together of two or more parts of any system, to produce an effect greater than the sum of the parts individual effects. It is increasing your outcomes by working with others in a particularly effective way. 51
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. In using this tool, remember the principle of interdependence. We have only to look at photographs of Earth to know that all of us are parts of the same global fabric, with patterns of interdependency linking us. Apply this kind of vision to your life and to your organization. Focus on your interrelatedness with others in your life, and think about how your visions (intents and desired outcomes) affect others. Share these visions, asking for feedback on them on a regular basis. Pay attention to your impact on others, and think about their impact on you. Keep asking the question What is the relationship of x to y and z? On a professional level, get others thinking about interdependencies and interrelationships between systems levels and parts. Propose this tools question as a basis for thought when problem solving.
The analytic tyranny of either/or questions dictates that we must select one of two options (x or y), and only one; thus it sets up an immediate opposition between two things (x versus y), often at the expense of our seeing connections and interrelationships that could lead to better problem solving. Furthermore, many issues have multiple causes and multiple outcomes, and by looking at them in an either/or fashion, we fail to see the entire picture. If we want to avoid this pitfall, and similar pitfalls related to this-versus-that 52
II. Standard Systems Dynamics thinking, then we need to defy the analytic tyranny by answering either/or questions with an emphatic Yes, both. The one best answer must evolve into the answers we need to truly solve the problems that confront us. That requires us to stress the and of thingsto develop the ability to embrace, at any one time, two or more different opinions, extremes, or seemingly contradictory statements. This is the genius of systems thinking. Instead of turning problems into puzzles, it looks at them head-on.
For Example
The question Is it x or y? is usually based on an incorrect assumption: that there is only one answer in all cases. This mistaken assumption occurs in organizations, in families, in all interpersonal relationships, and often results in needless conflict, differences of opinions, and hard feelings. GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Don't get caught up in either/or debates. State areas of agreement first, rather than debating; then state your area of disagreement if there actually is one. When someone asks you an either/or question, answer Yes, both to surface artificial disagreement. Learn to distinguish between the tyranny of either/or questions and the more open process of making distinctions between things. (If someone held up a pencil and asked, Is this a pencil or a pen, you would not say Yes, both.) Get others in your organization thinking in less oppositional ways. A close look at either/or questions is a good way to start people thinking about assumptions in general and the danger of unexamined ones. 53
Are we dealing with the ends (the what) or with the means (the how)?
Their relation to the A-B-C-D Systems Model is shown below, along with inputs and specific examples.
Phase C = Inputs Phase D = Means/How Phase A = Ends/What (Input Phase) Strategies Resources Information, data People, money facilities (Throughput Phase) Tasks, activities, actions Processes, operations, departments Elements, parts, components (Output Phase) Goals, results, objectives Vision, mission, values Outcomes, purposes
II. Standard Systems Dynamics It is important to realize that what constitutes an outcome to you and your systems level is a means to an end for the larger system. The what of one person (or department or team) is therefore a how of the larger organizationand the systems hierarchy within the overall system is the how (along with input from the organizations environment). All levels need to understand what the ends of the overall system are, or confusion can set in.
For Example
Large-company divisions often do not know the multiple outcomes of the overall system. This is why such divisions tend to be perplexed by higher-up decisions.
All systems are linked to other systems (some larger, some smaller) in the hierarchy.
No system is independent of any other; we are all linked together in hierarchies of systems. Pay attention to the sets of linkages within the organization system and between the organization and other systems (an example of the latter would be supplier, organization, customer). GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. 2. When meetings get difficult, ask Are we dealing with ends or means? And pursue the answer. Whenever giving project assignments, be careful to separate the ends from the means. Also, when you receive a project assignment, pay close attention to ends and means. If you want to measure success, then measure ends, not means.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning GUIDELINES FOR USE (Concluded) 4. If you aren't clear on a task, ask why you are doing the task. It will move you toward the ends. Ask again, two or three times, to get to the real ends. In interpersonal matters, if conflict threatens to break out, call a truce and see whether the argument is over whats or hows; then get agreement on the what. Agreement there often mitigates fights over hows.
Are You The Guide on The Side or The Sage on The Stage?
Leader of Man (Adult) Self-Directed Rich Social Roles Immediate Application Problem-Centered Learner Self-Concept Past Experiences Readiness Time Perspective Learning Orientation Locus of Control
Leader of Child Dependent Little Biological Development Postponed Application Subject-Centered Trainer
Always remember to ask the question introduced by this tool: Are we dealing with the ends (the what) or the means (the how)? It can serve you well in both your professional and private life. GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. 2. Recognize this crucial distinction between means and ends, and focus on endsthe learning. Use this tool with later ones to assist with real learning; through active learning processes facilitated by an expert on process. Be careful of content experts who have no learning skills beyond platform presentations. People rarely learn this way.
Application of Standard Systems Dynamics The Natural Cycles of Life and Change
When we are changing a system, three elements come into play in all interpersonal and system interactions. 1. The content of the change; the change-related tasks and goals 2. The process of change; how we carry out the tasks and meet the goals 3. The structures or framework within which the content and process operate; the arrangements we must set up to manage change The first element (content) is obvious: its what we focus on the most. However, the other two are often difficult to see, for change is like an iceberg where 87 percent of the issues and solutions are below the surface. The second element (process) lies just below the surface, and the third (structures) lies deep below. As both are essential to success, we must bring them to light by asking:
What new processes and structures are we using to ensure successful change?
The steady-state equilibrium, however much we want it, can be dangerous in a changing world.
Our natural inclination is to maintain the status quo, with its comfort, familiarity, and stability, rather than pursue change, with its awkwardness, uncertainty, and ambiguity. 58
II. Standard Systems Dynamics Change requires us to face the difficult issues of (1) admitting we need to change and being willing to do so, and (2) acquiring new skills and abilities to function more effectvely. But if we have a clear structure for changea framework and arrangements that help us manage change before it manages usthen both content and process will be easier for us to understand, accept, and work with. Structure operates like a fulcrum:
Also, knowledge and information are just inputs, and neither is enough of an input to be effective by itself; thus we must develop skills in working with systems if we are to learn and grow as we undergo change. We must consider, too, that short-term creative destruction can at times be the key to long-term advances, and that todays steady state is really one of constant change.
For Example
Designing, building, and sustaining a customer-focused high-performance learning organization for the 21st century requires a balance in how organizations spend their time and energy between content, processes, and structure. Above all, what we need to avoid is content myopia.
Content Myopia The Failure to Focus on Process and Structures
2. ProcessHow
3. StructuresFramework
(Deep Foundation)
Systems change requires a major focus on structure and process in order to achieve the desired content.
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. If you want effective change, then building a changemanagement game plan and a yearly map/project plan of the implementation is a must. This is especially true if you want to implement a strategic plan. Present the latter on the game plans final page to ensure implementation. Also, include key processes and structures in the game plan. For help with the process of change, see the Rollercoaster of Change in Chapter I; also check out Tool 28. For help with some structures of change, see the menu on the next page. Keep track of the changes in your life. Hold a summit with yourself now and then. Consider holding such summits with your family. 60
2. 3. 4.
We must regularly focus on using feedback to reverse systems entropythe normal tendency of a system to run down and deteriorate over time. Lack of buy-in isn't the killer here: it's lack of stay-in over time. Therefore we need to ask:
What must we do to ensure buy-in and stayin over time (perseverance), and thus avoid entropy?
All business problems conform to the laws of inertiathe longer you wait to look at a problem, the harder it is to correct. Entropy is the tendency for any system to run down and eventually become inert. Incremental degradation is the inroad of entropy and the main barrier to achieving the fit of all organization processes and actions with the organizations espoused values and vision. Thus for any system to be effective and maintain stay-in, it must receive attention, booster shots, stop checks, and so forth on a regular basis.
Systems can continuously increase in complexity until they become bureaucratic and ossified, ultimately resulting in the death of the system. All living systems require the constant inputs of energy and feedback if they are to reverse 63
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning such entropy. Sometimes the chaos and disorder of a system presents a discouraging picture, but as Meg Wheatley discusses in her recent book, these are often precursors to renewal and growth at a higher level.
For Example
While human beings obviously have a finite life cycle, it doesnt have to be this way for neighborhoods, communities, and organizations. For them, the renewal process that reverses the entropy is key to long-term success. The role of feedback here is the good news, for in our world of instantly accessible information networks, we have an almost limitless supply of constant feedback to provide us with new inputs toward change. However, there is a downside to this situation, as we often hit information overload, which leads to more complexity in our lives.
Critical Mass
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Turn to this tool whenever you need help with the practical necessities of getting buy-in and long-term stayin. Use it to help others understand the often-overlooked value of stay-in. Ensure that others in your organization understand the concept of entropy and its effects on an organization. Take a good look at your organization. Do you see entropy at work? Also ,make sure that others understand that entropy can be reversed and lead to renewal and growth at a higher level. Remember to make skeptics your best friends as detailed here. Expect entropy to occur in every new change you introduce. Thus, build in specific points to provide booster shots/check points.
3. 4.
Build strategic consistency and operational flexibility into your organization. Focus on what is strategic (the what or ends) and what is operational (the how or means); avoid thinking in terms of centralize versus decentralizeits too simplistic. One size no longer fits all; consistency is not always key, especially in the how. Being strategically consistent in your vision or mission, and operationally flexible through empowerment, are the successors to the traditional centralized versus decentralized dilemma. This leads us to the systems question:
Usually centralization will focus mostly on whats and decentralization on the hows.
There are many different ways to achieve the same desired outcomes. Principle: People support what they help create.
We need to put this systems principle into action by encouraging those who will be affected by the change to contribute input to the planning process prior to implementing the change. We also need decision makers who are willing to accept such input and work with itleaders who understand that people naturally want to be involved in decisions that will have an impact on them, and who see the advantage in receiving peoples input. The input increases 70
II. Standard Systems Dynamics buy-in and stay-in (tool #8) and also often provides better answers from these closest to the issues. Such leaders know that thinking in terms of one best way simply doesnt work, and that participatory management skills are required.
Today's leadership paradigm calls for a new way of looking at organizations. It requires a much higher level of maturity and wisdoma middle ground between abdicating responsibility and being all controllingwith a focus on interdependence.
The Three Levels of Maturity and Wisdom
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Leaders need to define the few things they must have to ensure consistency in their organizations; for example, organizational values and beliefs, shared vision and/or mission, and key strategies everyone should help carry out. Most organizations need consistency in the following few areas: financial arrangements, senior executives/succession planning, organization identity and visibility, and positioning in the marketplace vs. the competition with your customers. Beyond these few strategic consistencies, operational flexibility and empowerment should reign. In our personal lives, we need tolerance for others, such as family members, allowing them the flexibility to live their lives as they want as long as they stay true to agreed-upon values. 71
It is important to use free-flowing and participativemanagement and active-learning techniques to find the linkages and multiple causality factors that are the root causes of problems and other concerns. The question we begin with is simple:
What multiple causes lie at the root of our problem or concern? (That is, what are the root causes?)
Answering it is seldom easy, though, for its difficult to detect root causes, and we are often unaware of their longterm impact on our lives. If you, as a manager, were to illustrate some factors that have a long-term impact on what you do each day, the result might look like this:
Root causes and their effects are usually not linked closely in time and space.
A cause rarely makes a direct, immediate impact on every effect it is linked to. Furthermore, there is rarely a single cause behind anything in this world, whether it be a problem, a human being, or a rainstorm. Most of us know this in the abstract (or at least sense it); yet in practice, we still think in terms of immediate, singular causes and effectswhich is an outmoded, mechanization-oriented way of thinking.
On the organizational problem-solving front, such thinking leads to the search for fast, convenient solutionsquick fixesas if we were dealing with simple mechanical objects, not unwanted outcomes in a system within systems. Our simplistic cause-effect analyses, especially when coupled with the desire for quick fixes, usually lead to far more problems than they solveimpatience and knee-jerk reactions included. If we stop for a moment and take a good look our world and its seven levels of complex and interdependent systems, we begin to understand that multiple causes with multiple effects are the true reality, as are circles of causality-effects.
Consider how our weather and crops are affected by multiple causes such as these: The oceansmoderators of climate Atmospheric forcesfor instance, the jet streams Various combinations of the abovesuch as El Nio Rain forestshigh generators of weather Geological activitysuch as volcanic eruptions (even very distant ones) 73
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning Delay time, the time between causes and their impacts, can highly influence systems. Yet the concept of delayed effect is often missed in our impatient society, and when it is recognized, its almost always underestimated. Such oversight and devaluation can lead to poor decision making as well as poor problem solving, for decisions often have consequences that dont show up until years later. Fortunately, mind mapping, fishbone diagrams, and creativity/brainstorming tools can be quite useful here. Keep in mind, though, that the complexity encountered in this area is often far beyond our human ability to fully assess and comprehend. Thus it is crucial to flag or anticipate delays, understand and appreciate them, and learn to work with them rather than against them.
Most of us actually work with such delays all the time, and base decisions on them. Investments, pensions, savings, and the like all have delayed effectsones we bet our futures on. However, we seldom see that delayed effect plays a crucial role in other decisionmaking and problem-solving areas of our lives. GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. The training and development function has many active learning techniques that will help you find root causes. Involve people affected by a change in the search for these causes and for solutions. Use these techniques to search for root causes, not superficial symptoms. Some root causes are very hard to find. Continually ask, What else might be a root cause? and ask why over and over again. Keep an open-systems view of the environment, as it often contributes to the root causes as well. 74
Flexibility, adaptability, speed, and simplicity are far preferable to rigid plans, tight controls, one-size-fits-all consistency, and economies of scale. We need to eliminate the waste of complexity and bureaucracy and try to flatten system hierarchies. This requires us to ask:
How can we move from complexity to simplicity, and from consistency to flexibility, in the solutions we devise?
To get an idea of how bureaucracy (and analytic thinking) has run amuck in our lives, see Chapter I, section Systems Thinking Versus Machine Age Thinking.
THE GOAL (IN WHATEVER WE DO) Clarify & SimplifyClarify & SimplifyClarify & Simplify
Multilevel systems are too complex to fully understand and manage centrally.
Privatization and free-market economies generally work because those closest to the action of a business are allowed to make decisions for the business. We need to carry this principle over into big business (and big government as 75
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning well), realizing that it is the thousands of little decisions we all make daily in our businesses that shape and meet market needs, not higher-up dictates or regulations. Clearly, corporate central has a role to play in the success of businesses, but it should not be an all-encompassing one. Corporate bureacracies should be shaped into smaller units, so that the people who work in the unitsthe ones that best understand the units operations and needshave enough freedom to act on that understanding. In fact, we may find in the future that virtual corporations work more effectively than traditional, vertically integrated and complex ones. The KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) method is more powerful than many economies of scale. This method begins with us and the questions we bring to our organizations. GUIDELINES FOR USE
1. To reduce bureaucracy and create simplicity and flexibility, answer these 10 questions in terms of your own job or life. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.
What made me angry today? What took too long? What caused complaints? What was misunderstood? What cost too much?
was wanted? was too complicated? was just plain silly? job took too many people? job took too many actions?
Ask yourself these three questions to build in simplicity. 1. What is going well in my organization or personal life, and so should not be changed? 2. What are the abrasive or problem areas that should be examined? 3. If I could change my organization/my life with a stroke of the pen, what would I
II. Standard Systems Dynamics everywhere as a principle of order and comprehension (many of us even see ourselves as comprising three parts body, mind, and spirit). The KISS method adopts this tendency, the Rule of Threes, as a primary way to keep it simple.
Here are some applications of the Rule of Threes: Individual: Body, mind, spirit Learning: Skills, knowledge, feeling/attitude Human Interaction: Structure, content, process GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Whenever you are trying to influence someone, order your views into three main points. Most people will find them easier to remember. (This is a good technique for talks or presentations, too.) In all you do, ask yourself, What are my three main points? Build frameworks people can remember. When someone is being complex or rambling on, ask the person for his or her three main points or, if appropriate, for three pro points and three con points. As Steve Covey asks in his 7 Habits book (1989), What is the third Alternative? This often helps to stop artificial and competitive win-lose options and conflicts.
2. 3.
To paraphrase Albert Einstein, problems can't be solved at the level they were created; so we need to go to the nexthigher systems level and its desired outcome in order to succeed. By using higher-systems-order outcomes, we focus on abundance (win-win activities), rather than scarcity (win-lose). To initiate that focus, we ask:
To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science. Albert Einstein
This is the ultimate systems principle. It requires that we advance beyond analytical thinking to genuine systems thinking in order to resolve our issues. Climb into a mental helicopter and rise to a higher level to gain a broader perspective and a high purpose and a wider range of solutions.
Union-management fights and strikes over pay tend to amount to a win-lose game. By moving to the higherlevel goal of competing and producing more profitably, both sides can make more money (increase the size of the pie). 78
II. Standard Systems Dynamics It is also important to apply the ultimate systems principle to our personal lives.
In your day-to-day life, do you think about your future vision and your higher-level goals?
If you do not think about the future, you cannot have one. John Galsworthy
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Whenever it feels like a discussion is going nowhere, ask What is the common superordinate goal that everyone can support? Ask the above question when you are planning daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly schedules. Get everyone involved in the planning to work on the answer. Sometimes this is seen as a shared vision or core strategies.
These Phase A tools offer you key, practical assistance in becoming outcome/results-oriented and customer-focused.
13. Focus on Outcomes 14. Customer Focus These Tools Will Help You Become Outcome-Oriented!
Focusing on outcomes means defining and meeting customer wants and needs. The value to the customer is always a mix of five outcomes: Choice and customization Service excellence, ease of doing business High-quality goods and services Speed, timeliness, responsiveness Total cost (in all ways)
The star model, below, shows these outcomes in an easyto-remember form. Outstanding strength in any of these outcomes can help you gain an advantageous position in the marketplace.
C = Choice
R = Responsiveness
(Speed, Delivery, Convenience, Methods, Timing)
T = Total Cost
(Psychological Cost, Price, Life Cycle, and Waste/Environment)
Score 1 (Low) to 10 (High) 1. Choice (Control) 2. Service (Relationships) 3. Quality Products & Services 4. Responsiveness 5. Total Cost Overall Comments
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
An organizations competitive positioning may also be called its driving force, strategic intent, or grand strategy; it is sometimes referred to as the mother of all core strategies. Such strategy is the main way we achieve a sustained competitive edge over the competition. In developing your competitive-positioning statement, you should capture that way in clear and precise terms, keeping in mind the information below. To avoid competitive disadvantage, you must focus the strategic thrust on one or two customer values; any more than that and you're attempting to be all things to all people. The other customer-desired values of the Star Model should be accomplished at just the level needed to be competitive. This positioning is the key strategic thrust in your vision and mission statements. All other functions, directions, decisions, and criteria are subordinate to it. Competitive positioning also is (or can be): The organization's core or distinctive competency The who, what, or how of your mission and values (why is a given) The organizations current reality or possible reality within a planned period of time What the organization is known forits reputation or distinctiveness What the organizations rallying cry is derived from, and what it reinforces Something sustainable as an edge over a period of years and not readily duplicated
Dont forget to write a position statement after using the assessment instrument. Another option is to use the assessment instrument on a personal level to assess your own career. Whom do you serve? And how well do you provide these value outcomes to your organization? If you investigate this option, be sure to write a competitive-positioning statement once you receive your results. This positioning should be what differentiates you from your competition.
The only reason for the existence of any organization is to serve someone else. This is your primary outcome. Thus once you've identified your customer, the organizations entire focus should be on serving that customer.
For Example
If Cadillac has upscale older folks as its customers, the total organizationits people, plant, productsshould be focused on those customers.
For Example
If part of your purpose in life is to raise your children well, then you must focus on them properly, giving them quality time, ensuring they receive a good education, instilling values in them, and so on.
The Ten Commandments of Customer Focus 1. Be close to the customer. (Are seniot executives involved with customers?) 2. Know the customers needs. (Is surpassing them a driving force?) 3. Survey customer satisfaction. (Is this done regularly on products and services?) 4. Focus on value-added. (Have you considered the Customer-Value Star Model in Tool 13?) 5. Set measurable service standards and expectations. (Has this been done for all units?) 6. Handle moments of truth productively. (Are customer complaints resolved well?) 7. Reengineer cross-functional business processes. (Are they customer-focused?) 8. Base structure on marketplace. (Has this been done?) 9. Employ customer recovery strategies. (Are they clear and rewarded to surpass customer expectations? 10. Make sure your people are customer friendly. (Are such people hired, and promoted?) Total Score (out of 100)
__________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________
For Example
Each problem or complaint has a story behind it, which the customer will tell to friends. The question is, how will the story end? On a good note, or a bad one? The bottom line is, if the story ends well, both the organization and the customer benefit.
The checklist below comprises a number of essentials for providing unsurpassed customer service. How many do you act on when a customer-related problem occurs?
There are four levels of responses to customer problems and complaints, ranging from undesirable responses to CRS mastery.
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Have others in your organization fill out the CustomerFocus Rating Sheet, and compare results. Look into any discrepancies between them, build on agreed-upon strengths, and work to improve areas of weakness. Also share the CRS Checklist and Worksheet with others in the organization, and work together on the steps to any needed improvements.
With these Phase B tools, you will better understand the connections between feedback and learning, and get a good idea of what is involved in creating a learning organization.
15. Feedback and Learning 16. Reinforcement and the Learning Organizaton These Tools Will Help You Bring Learning to the Organization!
Feedback loops should be created for all systems levels (e.g., individuals, teams, HR programs, business processes) and used regularly to measure desired outcomes and actual success versus planned success. Each person in the company should take some time each week to reflect on what he or she has learned through these loops. Feedback = Learning = Learning Organization
Feedback is the breakfast of champions Learning consists of knowledge, skills, and attitude
It is important to understand that knowledge itself is an input, and that learning comprises not just knowledge, but also skills and attitude. You cannot use the knowledge of how to meet a clearly defined and agreed-upon objective unless you also possess the skills (abilities and readiness) to carry through on that knowledge and have the attitude (willingness or desire) needed to do so.
In Systems Terms
IV. Phase B: Feedback and Learning Tools GUIDELINES FOR USE Ask yourself and your team if there is a feedback mechanism in place for everything you and they do, and if each mechanism offers a way to turn information into new learnings and new applications. Also ask whether people in your organization improve skills and attitude. (Keep in mind that this requires practicenot one-hour or one-day briefings.)
Figure 6 shows how knowledge, skills, and attitude come together in the learning of managerial effectiveness. A
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning more detailed view of learning in general is shown in Figure 7, The Stairway to Learning. Use it to examine your own growth and development as a life-long learner in all types of human dimensions. GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Recognize the different kinds of learnings and the steps involved in learning and applying new knowledge and skills. (For a four-page article on this topic, contact the Centre for Strategic Management at 619-275-6528). Teach the Stairway of Learning to your family, team, and organization. Be especially aware of Step 1: You don't know what you don't know. Finding organizational best practices is the most effective way to get beyond Step 1.
Mastery Skills
#3 Conscious Competence
Ask yourself, What do I, or we as an organization, do well in the area of learning? Answer by distributing 10 points across the learning components, shown below. Learning Components 1. Knowledge 2. Skills 3. Attitude Total Points 10 10 How It Is Today How You Want It to Be
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. What are you teaching and changing? How are you doing it? Consider these questions in light of the following: Focus of Change How to Influence Change Information/Knowledge ..............................................................................Lecture/Video Sk i l l s ........................................................................................ Demonstration/Practice Attitude ................................................................................................ Group Discussion Behavior......................................................................................... Feedback Experience 2. Consider experiential lectures and participative training techniques as a way to facilitate learning. Here are some possibilities: Lecturettes Models with ice-breakers Dyads/triads Buzz groups Subgroups Task forces Games/skits Demonstrations Role playing Simulations Structured experiences Questionnaires and surveys Fish bowl Brainstorming Action planning Case studies Instruments Problem analysis Films/AV with follow-up discussion Active listening
Are you trying to create a learning organization? Or are you just trying to maximize your retention of the learning experiences you have? In either case, you need to pay attention to the need for continuous feedback and reinforcement of learning. There are a variety of methods for sustaining new behaviors, including challenge, recognition, and support. Repetition is also a key factor in reinforcement! You should build these methods into all of your learning events and learning opportunities.
IV. Phase B: Feedback and Learning Tools GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. At the end of every meeting, conference, or team/project effort, use the mini-session threefold formula. It only takes a few minutes to do this, and it gets you useful feedback to improve whatever you are doing. Close the mini-session by asking, If you were to talk to a good friend about this meeting, what would you tell him or her about it?
For Example
Systems design and redesign call for the capacity for renewal, because as soon as a design is implemented, its consequences indicate a need for redesign. Therefore: 1. A learning system must be built in to whatever restructuring you do. 2. Adapting processes (debriefing, ongoing feedback) must be developed and implemented. As this example suggests, the best system is an inexact adaptive-learning, ideal-seeking system. Such a system helps you deal constructively with the problem of entropy (see Chapter I for more on this topic) and ensures the organizations capacity for renewal meets its crucial need.
ACTIONS NEEDED 1. Reward managers who try to create it. 2. Process meetings at the end to improve them. 3. Conduct training and learning experiences at each staff meeting. 4. Create whole jobs with direct customer contact. Give people the autonomy and freedom to act on and control their own jobs (Every employee a manager). 5. Provide everyone with jobs/tasks that include OJT and new learning experiences. 6. Conduct lots of training with follow-up and applications review, so it is meaningful and useful to peoples jobs. 7. Understand and use adult learning theory as a way to present any and all new situations. Supply people with questions, not solutions. 8. Set up a 52-week training program (bite-sized learning). 9. Set up periodic and regular personal feedback for employees on how they come across to others and on their job performance as related to objectives. management levels. Use managers/executives as the trainers to help others learn better. TLCtrainer, leader, coach.
11. Train and evaluate managers and executives in their new role of
12. Work daily on continuous performance improvement and 13. Set up debriefings and postmartums to ensure people learn from
their mistakes and experiences.
problem-solving, rather than one of blame. Promote experimentation, discovery, and mistake making as a way to learn. and enthusiastically embrace.
For Example
A good example of large-scale renewal is what Jack Welch has done at General Electric. Another is IBM, which is well on its way to becoming a brand-new company as a systems service provider (while keeping its old company as a mainframe manufacturer). Being a learning organization and using environmental scanning and feedback are the keys to this. 101
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning Remember that . . .
Learning organizations cultivate the art of open, attentive listening. Managers must be open to criticism.
The following questionnaire lists 35 practices that contribute to and support organizational renewal. Which of them can be found in your organization?
1. Issues-management process (government, community, stakeholders) 2. Environmental scanning system 3. Competitor analysis 4. Financial reports (short-term and long-term) 5. Industry financial comparisons 6. Customer data, surveys, feedback, perceptions, focus group 7. Non-customer data, surveys, perceptions, focus group 8. Observation of technological trends 9. Observation of socio-demographic trends 10. Rewardsmatching surveys, programs, diagnosis
Place an H, M, or L in each box to show the levels of learning going on for either (1) you, (2) your department, or (3) your organization as a whole.
17. Organization as a System Model* 18. Reinventing Strategic Management 19. Strategic Life Planning 20. HR Strategic Planning 21. Systemic Team Building 22. Leadership Development as a System 23. Hiring and Promotion as a System These Tools Will Help You with Key Management Processes!
*Essential reading for all the tools in this chapter.
In this tool, we will focus on a primary application of the third concept of systems thinkingthe A-B-C-D Systems Model. In Chapter I, we took an in-depth look at this model as an overall systems concept. Here we will discuss it as an application to the organization as a systemas a way to create alignment and attunement for the organizations competitive edge. Refer to the close-up section below whenever necessary, to ensure you fully understand the Organization as a System Model (for a graphic depiction of the model, see Figure 8). As was noted earlier, this is essential reading for the other tools in this chapter, all of which are based on this model.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning Obviously, to satisfy customer needs and thus achieve the desired outcomes, an organization must deal with a dynamic, changing environment. Good strategic thinking helps the organization look at future environmental trends to define where it wants to be within the context of that environment.
V. The A-B-C-D Systems Model plans for each aspect of the organization. The operational or annual department plans are what you implementnot the strategic plans. A strategic plan is a blueprint and living, breathing documenta framework for creating business and operational plans. Thus Phase C inputs are crucial in defining the core strategies and, through conversion, the operational plans for implementing change throughout the organization. Note that the Phase C tools in this chapter show all the aspects of strategic planning that lead to developing these core strategies. I have focused the material in this way, describing it in one place, for reasons of coherence. Technically, however, strategic planning includes parts of the other three phasesA, B, and Cas well.
The master component is putting in place a strategic change management process. It is the overall guiding leadership and management mechanism to assure that integrated and systemic change occurs. Instrumental to that success are the tasks of defining and putting in place the change processes and structures. 109
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning The second major component deals with the operational or technical part of Phase D throughputscreating the process edge. This is done through the alignment of the delivery processes of the organization. In Figure 8, our models alignment component is depicted not as a straight line, but as a wavy one, for in effect it occurs more in keeping with the Rollercoaster of Change (systems concept 4). It is half of the web of relationships (the fourth component, which strongly influences effective or ineffective delivery processes) and includes the five elements of organizational design, resource allocation, teams, process improvement, and technology tools. Note that most change efforts focus on this more operational or technical component (often to the detriment of the organization). The third major component, attunement of peoples hearts (and minds), is crucial to creating customer value the people edge. It is also the other half of the web of relationships, which ultimately creates your organizational culture. For purposes of explanation, I have separated the social (the attunement of peoples hearts) from the technical or operational (the alignment of the delivery processes); however, both are inextricably combined in Phase D as the organizations internal web of relationships that must integrate well and fit together in support of creating customer value (Phase A). Without integration and fit, we not only lack the synergy of 2 plus 2 equals 5, but face the likelihood that elements in the attunement and alignment will work against each other. Fita word that should be used with caution when it comes to systems thinkingis only applicable here in the sense that the basic purpose of these components is to assist, and work in conjunction with, other components to help the entire organization create customer value. 110
V. The A-B-C-D Systems Model We thus encounter (and must manage) a systemic phenomenon: that maximizing any functional departments effectiveness sub-optimizes the whole organization. We must always remember: the whole is primary and the parts should only be optimized as a secondary consideration. GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Based on extensive best-practices research, the broad utility of the Organization as a System Model includes its use as:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A template, model, or diagnostic tool A framework for thinking and analyzing the organization (or a department) A source of questions as you make decisions to change items or tasks in the organization (i.e., implement your strategic plan) A common framework for thinking, communicating, and working together to change parts of the organization and achieve your vision A way to increase awareness, sensitivity, and understanding of how an organization works and how the parts should fit together in support of vision/customers A way to eliminate biases A tool for gaining focus despite organizational complexity A tool to diagnose the status of your effectiveness in achieving the organization's fit, alignment, and integrity with regard to your vision and your desired culture An exquisitely simple macro model for getting a handle on organizational changes A bird's-eye view/framework for looking at the overall organization 11. To see multiple cause and effect To find a balanced way to cover the waterfront To set priorities for work To see clear linkages/interdependence to other functions, tasks (Continued)
6. 7. 8.
9. 10.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning GUIDELINES FOR USE
12. 13.
A road mapa way not to get lost in organization complexity To know where you are and how to navigate toward success To have a 21st-century road map, not a 1700s one
A tool to diagnose problems/solutions in organizations; a way to increase the chance of success by seeing how one thing affects all others (vital when youre attempting culture change) A method for explaining and teaching executives/managers how to manage and lead strategic planning and change; as a readiness check A guide for large-scale change and for improving individual/team performance and links to vision/values and direction A way to gain more confidence in your implementation A view of how multi-causes have multi-effects Simple cause-effect is obsolete Help to avoid strategies/actions based on a systems diagnosis and solid solutions
Use the organization system model to conduct a highperformance survey and assessment on the status of the components and their interrelationships. See the survey that closes this tool.
4A. Operational Tasks A. Firefighting/Fix It (Low Quality) (Quality/Service) 4B. Technology 4C. Resources 4D. Organizational Design B. Out of Date C. Squeaky Wheel D. Fragmented
E. Adversarial/ Individ. Focus 4E. Team Development 4F. Business Processes F. Personal Control
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning BEST-PRACTICES RESEARCH
Notice the Paradigm Shift from the Industrial Age, Traditional Organization to the Systems Age, Proactive Organization
A. 1. B. 2. AC 3. D. 4A.
Output Achievement of Results Feedback Feedback Loop Strategic Planning Strategic Planning AlignmentDelivery Operational Tasks (Quality Service) 4B. Technology 4C. Resources
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
4D. Organizational Design 4E. Team Development 4F. Business Processes D. AttunementPeople 5A. Leadership & Management 5B. Employee Involvement 5C. Strategic Communications 5D. Human Resources 5E. Culture Change D. Strat. Change Mgmt. Proc. 6. Strategic Change Management 7. Annual Strategic Review
Reinvented strategic management, a process from the Centre for Strategic Management, is a different way to apply systems thinking and the A-B-C-D framework. Use it to tailor and build various strategic planning processes and integrate them right into strategic change. The details of the process model are shown in Figure 9, on the next page. The process model illustrates there are many uses of the four phases of systems thinking. A. B. C. D. Creating your ideal future (Output) Measuring success (Feedback Loop) Converting strategies to operations (Input, to action) Achieving successful implementation (Throughput, action) And scanning the environment on a continuous basis
For Example
Potential applications of this process include: 1. Comprehensive Strategic Plan, to do a comprehensive strategic planning process for an entire organization. Requires 10 to 16 days offsite; full steps 1 to 10, yet tailored to the organization. (Explaining this full process is beyond our scope here; for more information and a four-page summary article about it, contact the Centre for Strategic Management at 619-275-6528.) 2. Strategic Planning Quick, to conduct a shortened and less comprehensive version of strategic planning for an entire organization. This requires five days 117
V. The A-B-C-D Systems Model offsite. (See the plan quick version of the process model, later in this tool.) Business/Functional Strategic Planning, to conduct a shortened three-year business planning process for a line business unit or major support function/section/program (i.e., element of the larger organization). Requires 5 to 10 days, depending on if a comprehensive strategic plan (no. 1 above) is first accomplished. (See process model, this tool.) Micro Strategic Planning, to develop a strategic plan for a small organization or business. Requires two days offsite; do the rest without meetings. (See process model, this tool.) Strategic Life Plan, to conduct a personal (person, family, couple) life plan. (Use with Tool 19.) Strategic Human Resource Management, to create the people edge in your organization. (Use with Tool 20.) Leadership Development System, to enhance your leadership roles and competencies as a competitive business edge. (Use with Tool 22.) Organizational Systems Model, to systematically diagnose any change effort and dramatically increase your probability of success. (Use in conjunction with Tool 17.) Team Effectiveness, to comprehensively focus on all aspects of teams to dramatically enhance their outcomes and effectiveness. (Use with Tool 21.) Be sure to go beyond planning into strategic change with each use!
5. 6.
Complete the following tailoring and rating sheet, basing your ratings on your current understanding of reinventing strategic planning, using your organization as a model. 119
There are three major steps to this kind of planning. The steps listed below should be taken for all strategic business units and major organizational support units.
Step 1: Create Your Ideal Future Vision Durationtwo days Conduct educational briefing and Plan-to-Plan or Corporate Strategic Plan review. Refine or develop your vision, mission, and values in draft form (Step 2 of SPQ model), using Corporate's as a guide. Develop Corporate goals with outcome measures of success (alternative). Develop key-stakeholder parallel process. Convert Strategies to Operations Durationtwo days Finalize your ideal future vision (Step 2). Conduct current state assessment (Step 4). Develop your core strategies (Step 5) and toppriority action items for the next yearthe glue. Set up second key-stakeholder feedback. Strategy Implementation and Change Durationat first, one day every two months First set of tasks: finalize core strategies and actions (Steps 5 and 7). Set up quarterly meeting of the Strategic Change Leadership Steering Committee (Step 9) to maintain plan success and/or decide on SBUs (Step 6). Conduct Plan-to-Implement (Step 8).
Step 2:
Step 3:
8. Plan-to-Implement (1 day offsite) Alt: Add Extra Day to Conduct Plan-to-Implement PARALLEL PROCESS (Do after each offsite with Key Stakeholders)
1. Plan-to-Plan (prework) CUSTOMER FOCUSED BACKWARDS THINKING 2. Ideal Future Vision (2 days offsite)
Finalize Ideal Future/KSFs Current State Assessment Core Strategies/Actions Adapted from Steiner (1979), our experiences, a 1991 Best Practices literature search, and client feedback ever since.
3. Key Success Factors (KSF) (do separately) Alt: Add Extra Day Offsite to Fully Develop KSFs OR Track Customer and Employee Surveys Track Existing Financials and Competitors
7. Annual Priorities/ Dept. Plans (1 day offsite) Finalize Strategies/Actions Alt: Annual Planning Review Alt: Step 6: SBUs Optional B. FEEDBACK
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning Note on Feedback Loop: Key success factors (Step 3) are not recommended due to time limits; instead, monitor core strategies and existing financials; survey customers and employees.
Create Your Ideal Future Vision (one-day offsite) Conduct educational briefing and Plan-to-Plan before the offsite. (Include key-stakeholder parallel process.) Refine or develop your vision, mission, and values in draft form (Step 2 of SPQ model). Develop a key success factor process outside the offsites. Set up a current state assessment to be accomplished between Steps 1 and 2.
Step 2:
Plan-to-Implement Your Future Successfully (one-day offsite) Finalize your ideal future vision (Step 2). Present/Review current state assessment (Step 4). Develop core strategies (Step 5) and action items. Set up annual planning/budget process to follow this micro strategic planning. Strategy Implementation and Change (one-day offsite) First set of tasks: finalize core strategies and annual plans (Steps 5 and 7). Set up quarterly meeting of Strategic Change Leadership Steering Committee (Step 9) to maintain plans success; decide on SBUs (Step 6); conduct Plan-to-Implement (Step 8).
Step 3:
Note on Feedback Loop: KSFs (Step 3) are not recommended; instead, monitor core strategies and existing financials; survey customers and employees. Do this outside planning steps and offsites above; when completed, present to board/planning team for final approval.
Look before, or youll find yourself behind. Benjamin Franklin (Bartletts Familiar Quotations, 14th edition, 1968) The clarity of an individuals search for meaning is important to the organizations success as well as the individuals. The better the match, the better the results organizationally and professionally. Thus managers need to help employees develop not only a career path but also a strategic life plan to stimulate employee initiative and focus their energy. The A-B-C-D framework is fully applicable to this goal, as shown in simplified form below and in more detail in Figure 12 (see next page).
En vir on
1. Physical Health 2. Mental/Learning 3. Emotional/Spiritual (Ethical)
4. Lifestyle/Wealth
5. Job/Career
6. Social/Friends 7. Community/ Service 8. Immediate Family (Home, Spouse) 9. Extended Family (Parents, Siblings)
2. Now try to get your vision down to a single statement. Also, think of what your rallying cry should be, putting it into eight words or less.
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
NOTE: If a persons vision and values dont match the organizations, you have a motivation gap. Identify such gaps and deal with them personally and organizationally.
This tool presents a systems approach to creating an HR strategic plan by combining the A-B-C-D framework with strategic HR areas. A planning model is shown below; an HR management model is provided later in the tool.
Step B:
Step C:
Leadership in 9 HRM Areas to Build The People Edge C. INPUT IDEAL FUTURE STATE Customer Backwards Focused Thinking D. THROUGHPUT A. OUTPUT
CURRENT 5. Developing People/Teams 7. Rewarding 6. Empowering Performance Performance TrainerCoachFacilitator 8. Retaining People/Teams STATE
4. Attracting Talented People Strategic Job Profile 3. Feedback Systems HRIS Organizational Measures Performance Management
2. Planning to Build the People Edge HR Strategic Planning ENV. SCAN VISION MISSION VALUES
HR Design Philosophy ___ Excellence in Hiring: A System HR Strategic Planning ___ Orientation/Assimilation HR Trends ___ Roles-Jobs-Descriptions HRP Steering Committee Manpower Planning Forecasting
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. 2. Use the detailed list in Figure 15 to do a comprehensive assessment of your organizations people practices. After the comprehensive assessment, use the Strategic HRM Systems Model as part of your HR strategic planning process. The model will provide you with clear clues to the strategies you need to implement.
Systems thinking is the method for problem solving and team building. The systems approach to team building is shown below in Figure 16. Here are the steps: Step 1: Phase A. Define the idea state in the future. Step 2: Phase B. Develop feedback mechanisms and norms for people to learn and grow as individuals or as a team. Step 3: Phase C. Diagnose where we are now. Step 4: Action-plan how to get from today (C) to future (A). Make your team building and development more systemic, thorough, and long-lasting by using the A-B-D-C systems framework.
E Environment
Team-Building Effectiveness
Effective team-building is accomplished by the A-B-C-D Phases as shown in Figure 16. Each phase and its accompanying actions are explained below.
Phase IData Gathering and Data Analysis/Synthesis Personal interviews/other methods Observation on the job and studying records Requires time to gather input from other specialists and people with relevant information on team. Necessitates time by consultant to collate data into summary report. Preparation of client (team leader) for offsite meeting Phase IIOffsite Meeting Definition of A (clear future vision). How will we know we are there? (B) Presentation of findings in summary report (C) Exactly thatwhat we looked for, what we found Assimilation/analysis of datawhat it means Problem identification, action planning Decisions/Action planning
Future State
#1 #2 #3
B Measures/Feedback
Given the implications of being at C and desiring to be at A, what needs to happen to get there? (D) Result: Plan of specific actions that need to occur, in what order, involving how many people, by when Phase IIIImplementation of Action Plan (D) Accomplish task (i.e., achieve goals). Begin to build independence from consultant; do selfdiagnosis of your team effectiveness on an ongoing basis. Phase IVMonitoring/Follow-Up (Feedback Loop = B) Minimum of two half-day team meetings with consultant within four to six weeks of, and within three months following, first offsite meeting in order to assess results to date and further actions needed; can be on site or off site as needed. Consultant makes periodic visits to staff meetings as process consultant. Consultant works with designated person to monitor progress of action plan developed at first offsite meeting. Involvement of consultant in action steps as appropriate.
If we know one thing today, . . . it is most managers are made,not born. . . . There has to be systematic work on the supply, the development, and the skills of tomorrows management. . . . It cannot be left to change.
Peter F. Drucker (Tarraut, 1976) Thinking of leadership development as a system, instead of just providing training programs, is an entirely new way of thinking. Every leader and organization should think this way, for when we boil competitive edges to their essence, leaders and managers are the only true sustainable edge over the long term. Thus using a system of development is one of the best ways to gain and maintain this edge, individual and collectively.
Leadership practices are the ultimate competitive advantage and the foundation for all else.
For Example
Leadership is needed at all organizational levels. Executive Professional/Technical Managerial Team Supervisory Operational
For Example
Senior management defensiveness is one big barrier to leadership development. This seems to be a common problem in change programs, where managers reason defensively and change becomes a mere fad. Change 138
V. The A-B-C-D Systems Model has to start at the top, as defensive senior managers are likely to disown any transformation in behavior or pattern of reason coming from lower levels.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning 5. Career development/Life planning 6. Rewards, both intrinsic and extrinsic Individual Development Plan (IDP) Concept This needs to cover at least three levels of management: 1. Executives 2. Middle management 3. First-line supervisors Core Skills and Values While the continuously changing environment creates the need for a living, breathing, flexible leadership development system, it also requires a set of core skills such as:
Self-mastery Coaching and Counseling Learning how to learn; reflection time Integrity Curiosity
Training others/Mentoring them Facilitating groups and teams Handling disagreements constructively Discovery Dialogue
4. ASSESSMENT OF LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES 3. LEADERSHIP SUCCESS FACTORS Executive Development Progress Team Reinforcement & Feedback Organizational Results
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Use this process to create a culture for life-long learning. A positive culture includes: Stairway of Learning Supportive, challenging environment Positive reinforcement Remember key stakeholders and environmental scanning. This includes: Customers Board of Directors Suppliers Employees 2. For further information on this process, presented in a four-page article, call the Centre of Strategic Management at 619-275-6528.
Ensure every selection decision you make is successful. Take the guesswork out of selection each time and every time with the A-B-C-D systems approach shown below.
Phase A and D are notably important areas of the model. In this tool well take a look at these two phases, which involve, respectively (and in part), building a strategic job profile (SJP) and making the selection decision.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Note that successful hiring is most effectively done through the following best practices: Multiple interviews A group decision process Comparing perspectives Full references Checking past success/behaviors as a guide to future success/behavior This systems approach can be used for promotion as well. Add performance reviews and supervisory recommendations to your list of considerations. Also pay attention to the outcomes of the job the person now holds and the outcomes expected in the new position.
24. Glue and the Cascade of Planning 25. Six Leadership Competencies 26. Total Rewards SystemsAll Levels 27. Methods of Communication These Tools Will Help You with Six Levels of Leadership and Management Functioning!
Application of Seven Levels of Living Systems Standard Systems Dynamics 10. Interrelated Parts
Develop your strategic plan, operations plans, and project plans using the A-B-C-D systems phases and the different levels of living systems, including regular and annual strategic reviews and updates.
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Vision Achievement
For Example
In personal planning as well as organization-wide strategic planning, it is crucial to focus on a small number of core strategies for success, even if that is difficult (and it usually is). You might have six core strategies for achieving your vision; less is better here.
In any organization, you need to set priorities and focus for the top three actions under each core strategy for the next 12 months (this is another of example of the Rule of Threes). The question you must ask is, In terms of ensuring overall success this year, what top priority action items must be accomplished? Use a format like the one below to chart the actions and their related concerns (add core strategies to the chart as needed). And remember, don't try to be all things to all peopleit doesn't work.
Once you have determined the action items, you must focus, focus, focus on achieving them. That focus needs to be operationalizedis a force behind the glue that holds organizations together. Remember that you implement annual department plans, not strategic plans.
For Example
Organizations are typically organized vertically and downward, by specific factors and professions; however, work in organizations gets done horizontally, across functions.
Performance Appraisals
Performance appraisals are usually poorly accomplished tasks in most organizations. A performance management system is far preferable for each and every organization. To tie your strategic plan to performance appraisal, you must link the key results areas (KRAs) of every job description to the organizations (1) core strategies and (2) core values. Do this by setting up the appraisal over three pages (in addition to a cover page): Page 1Your organization's core strategies (results). Performance is appraised in relation to the core strategies. Page 2Your organization's core values (behaviors). Performance is appraised in relation to adherence to the core values. Page 3The individual's career development. Here career growth and development is considered, as well as the overall evaluation given. GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. 1. Adopt this cascade of planning as part of your strategic management systems. Be aware that until you get the strategic plan down to your day-to-day decision making and annual performance appraisal, it is never fully successful. The need to prioritize action items applies to your personal life as well as professional one. Know your future vision and core strategies, and the means to achieve them. Then list your top three actions to accomplish each strategy.
Before implementing a leadership development system, we need to know what competencies and skills a leader might need. If we apply the seven levels of living systems to this issue, we find there are six competencies areas (three systems levels and three collisions of systems levels) that are essential to leadership.
We includes myself plus Chuck Gustafson, Jim Mckinlay, Salere Peekio, Dennis Rowley, and John Ash of the Centre for Strategic Management.
VI. Levels of Living Systems GUIDELINES FOR USE Use this tool to build development options for yourself or your organization. These might include the following development options.
One of the keys to organizational success is a total rewards system, both financial and non-financial, for (1) individuals, (2) teams, and (3) the entire organization. The rewards should be timely and meaningful to them, and should be linked to your strategic plan.
According to best-practices research (Haines, 1984, and updated), effective rewards are: Timely Significant Personally meaningful
Source: Dr. H. Migliore, Dean, Oral Roberts Business School, and similar surveys conducted by the author across North America, Asia, and Europe.
VI. Levels of Living Systems Gained through competing with only oneself Rewards with multiple winners Note that Pay for performance violates all of these; hence, the need for a different type of rewarda non-financial one.
1. Use the rewards cube above to diagnose how you are currently rewarding your (1) people, (2) teams, and (3) organization as a whole. 2. Use it to look at both your current short-term and longterm rewards. 3. Use it to look at both financial and non-financial rewards. 4. Compare your answers to questions 1, 2, and 3 above vs. the innovative rewards list given earlier in this tool. The big question is whether or not you are providing the top three rewards people want, as shown earlier in this tool. 5. Lastly, what areas do you need to change?
In today's dynamic and fast-paced environment, we are hard-pressed to communicate as frequently and effectively as we would prefer. To compensate for this, we have developed new, high-tech communications methods such as E-mail, answering machines, faxes, and the like. However, they are all one-way methods, and good communication requires two active partners, the sender and the receiver, and the chance for immediate response and exchange of any further information needed.
For Example
While E-mail can be quick and fast, it is a one-way method and impersonal in nature. Because the lack of cues and feedback can lead to misconstrued meanings, such communication is far more apt to result in angry, conflict-generating messages than two-way, face-to-face communication.
One-to-One Conversation Small Group Discussion Large Group Discussion Video Conference Telephone Conversation Conference Call ONE-WAY COMMUNICATION
Voice Mail Pager Handwritten Letter E-Mail Fax Typewritten Letter Mass-Produced Letter Newsletter Brochure News Item Advertisement Handout
Figure 22, illustrates our point, providing a list of communication methods from the most effective to the least.
People do not hear, and certainly do not understand, everything you say to them. Or they simply may not believe it. What can you do about this problem? You can repeat what you have to say, perhaps even three or four times, to get your message across and to ensure your message is remembered. 168
VI. Levels of Living Systems Repetition and stump speeches are crucial for helping people through change, especially when the situation is an emotional one. As the following statistics show, people need to hear such messages a number of times to feel most comfortable with, and to understand, what you have to say. Communication Methods Words Vocal Tone Body Language Total = 7% = 38% = 55% =100% We Recall Approximately 10% 20% 30% 50% 70% 90% of of of of of of what what what what what what we read we hear we see we see & hear we say & do we explain as
we do
Repetition Increases Understanding 1st time = 10% retention 2nd time = 25% retention 3rd time = 40%50% retention 4th time = 75% retention
VI. Levels of Living Systems GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Analyze your communication methods, or better yet, get a trusted friend or colleague to help you. Focus on these questions: 2. Which methods to you use most of time? Which two-way communications do you underuse? Which one-way communications do you overuse? What changes must you make to be a more effective communicator?
When communicating, use body language, vocal tone, and other visual/auditory signals to better convey your meaning. Teach what you want to learn yourself. You will be more focused on the material and more aware of communicating the material clearly and comprehensively. Your enthusiasm will facilitate communication!
The Rollercoaster of Self-Change
Application of Seven Levels of Living Systems Changing Systems: The Natural Cycles of Life and Change
For Example
When we go through change, whether personal or professional, we dont move on a straight line of productivity from a to b. Our thoughts, feelings, and experiences fluctuate between highs and lows; we feel as if we are on a rollercoaster. Often, just knowing about the Rollercoaster of Change helps people who are undergoing change. They see it is only natural to experience difficulties at such times. The key is hanging in there, in developing persistence.
Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
Calvin Coolidge
FIGURE 23. MODEL: CHANGE AND SYSTEMS THINKING The Rollercoaster of Change and Systems Thinking
Chaos and complexity are a normal and natural part of the process of changeof discovering new ways of being and achieving new visions
The Major Change-Related Questions
When planning to undertake any change effort, you need to ask, and answer, 12 important change-related questions. They will prepare you and others for the rollercoaster to come, and help you acknowledge the difficulties of change.
1. Not if, but when will we start to go through shock and depression? 2. How deep is the trough? Is it different for each person? (What are the implications?) 3. How long will it take? Are employees and management at the same stage? 4. Will we get up the right (optional) side and rebuild? 5. How do we manage the change proactively? 6. At what level will we rebuild? 7. What new skills do we need to accomplish this? 8. How many different rollercoasters will we experience during this change? 9. Are there other changes (with their own rollercoasters) occurring?
10. Will we hang in and persevere at the midpoint (the lowest point)? How? 11. How will we deal with normal resistance? (Push or pull?) 12. How will we create a critical mass to support and achieve the change?
For Example
Learning, training, planning, team building, and the like are just different types of change; our model can help manage all of them. 177
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning Variations of the basic model are provided later in this tool, illustrating its use for self-, interpersonal, team, and organizational change.
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Learn this model well. Realize the curve of change is normal and natural; youre always somewhere on the curve, but wherever it is, you are, and will be, okay. Also realize that to help others with change, you yourself must get to Stage 3 (Hope) at a minimum.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning GUIDELINES FOR USE
Don't deny your feelings and emotions when you are at Stage 2; acknowledge them. Take care of yourself; adopt coping behaviorstake time off, eat healthy, get enough sleep and exercise. As an employee, follow the advice for each stage of the curve; especially, Dont overreact.
For Example
Inclusion, control, growth, openness, and performance are issues for all of us as we interact with others every day. They are natural and normalgo on all the time. GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Study the five situations presented in the model, and decide for yourself how you can become flexible enough in your own style to deal effectively with them. Examine your level of openness. Do you initiate selfdisclosure, or do you guard your cards? Are you willing to be open to feedback even if it hurts, so you can continue to learn, grow, and be more effective?
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning GUIDELINES FOR USE
Be clear on how to interact with others on your own needs and theirs for inclusion and control. Realize that control needs often stifle growth. Learn to be flexible. Try to match up your management style with the needs of others and their situation (hence the long-term popularity of Hersey & Blanchard's situation leadership model, on which the third situation in our model is based). Acquire skills in active listening and questioning as well as in conveying knowledge and answering questions. Most of us tend to be good at only one side of this equation in our interpersonal relationships. Use the model as a guide for improving your skills in coaching others. Learn effective listening skills; maintain the relationship between you and the person you are coaching, even when strong correction is necessary; build healthy norms between you both, including a clear sense of purpose and outcomes.
For Example
Most people assume that by putting groups of people together into a meeting, they have formed an effective teamone that can immediately do productive work. But nothing could be further from the truth. 182
GUIDELINES FOR USE 1. Most productive work requires teams to function effectively; therefore it is important to internalize the four stages of team/group dynamics: 1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning GUIDELINES FOR USE (Concluded) 2. Learn techniques for speeding up this rollercoaster or learning curve of effective teamwork. Spend time at the beginning of teamwork to define the following: Your purpose(s) Your norms of acceptable behavior Goals and timetables Roles and accountabilities and their interdependencies A feedback method to continually improve the team Work with each team you are a member of to learn how to maintain intellectual honesty and the dialogue and discovery of better solutions that come with itthat is, learn to leave your shield at the door and stop defending your ideas and taking issues personally. You can either defend your position/ideas, or expand your range of information for better decision making; you cannot do both.
Consensus in decision making means that you can actively support the decision that is made. Work towards making
this an effective tool in your teams. Effective conflict resolution also goes through the stages of change. Stifling anger and emotions in the name of politeness and logic is to suppress conflict and its potential benefits. What are its benefits? Adults learn best by doing is a basic truism. To learn from anything you are doing, whether a formal training program, a meeting, or the like, you must gain feedback and insights for improvement at the end of each activity. Do so by asking these three questions: 1. What just happened? 2. So what can we learn or generalize from all of this? 3. Now what can we do to improve matters by applying these learnings? 184
For Example
Most organizations attempt organization-wide change in a piecemeal, haphazard fashion. This is why estimates are that 70 percent to 90 percent of all major change efforts fail. In closely examining the Rollercoaster of Organizational Change (Figure 27, next page), keep in mind that major change requires close attention to, and fit between and among, all aspects of the web of relationships (parts or components) in support of the overall objectives of the whole system (organization). This includes: Individual, interpersonal, team/department crossfunctions and organization-wide changes Alignment of your delivery processes based on the strategies you need in order to achieve world-class star results and customer value (Phase A, Outcomes; see number 2 in our model). Attunement of people's hearts and minds in support of the new values and desired culture (see number 4 in our model).
Remember to Align Your Delivery Processes, Attune Peoples Hearts and Minds, and Develop a Strategic Management System
VII. The Rollercoaster of Change A strategic management system that includes building a process for strategic change management. (The basic model of the Rollercoaster of Change is useful in this regard; also, we will look at strategic management in the next chapter.) As the above list suggests, achieving major large-scale or transformational change is enormously difficult, with a low probability of success. However, by using the systems approach, you will increase the likelihood of success.
or . . . All parts of the organization must fit and work together for the overall objective of the whole. For example: Marketing Manufacturing HR Practices MIS/Technology Legal Operations Public Relations Employee Involvement Mission Strategy Values/Culture Leadership/Management Staffing Finance/Budgets Communications Organization Design Personnel/Payroll Business Processes Tasks/Goals Teamwork Rewards/ Feedback R&D Engineering 188
VII. The Rollercoaster of Change The sense of loss may be overwhelming, making it that much more difficult to manage the change situation.
Including the 15 key benefits of a strategic management system, and a diagnostic tool for managing problems in your organization
These Tools Will Help You Diagnose Organizational Problems and also Build a System of Managing Your Team, Department, or Organization in a More Strategic and Systems Fashion!
Success in todays world requires a systems approach to managing your organization in a more complete, strategic fashion. The tools you have learned in this guidebook will help you, but you must use them in an integrated fashion. A strategic management system is thus a fundamental necessity. The quotations below are highly useful for illuminating our topic here.
Organizations as Systems Every organization is perfectly designed to get the results it is getting. Thus, if results are less than desired, the design should be changed. That includes adjusting structure, work processes, linkages, information flows, and functions to meet new needs. Quetico Centre, Keeping Current (Fall 1994) The Need for a Basic Reorientation of Our Thinking In one way or another, we are forced to deal with complexities, with wholes or systems in all fields of knowledge. This implies a basic reorientation in scientific thinking. Ludwig Van Bertalanffy The Need a Strategic Management System I need to stress at this point that an effective management system is more than just the sum of the parts . . . it is a set of integrated policies, practices, and behaviors.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning A method managed as a complete systems change (with strategic/annual/individual plans, budgets, and measurements) A successful method if it is . . . 1. Inspired by a common vision and shared 2. Mission-focused/customer-focused 3. Based on organizational values and culture 4. Strategically driven 5. Oriented towards outcomes and results A strategic management systems hallmark is strategic consistency yet operational flexibility (focus, focus, focus).
1. Conflict and survival 2. Success unknown (except financial) 3. Confusion and all things to all people 4. Low implementation of quality/service 5. Incompetence and blaming 6. Low commitment and incrementalism
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning DIAGNOSTIC CHECKLIST: STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
7. Bureaucracy and fragmentation 8. Low risk-taking, poor people management 9. Adversarial environment
10. No follow-through
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The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning This review focuses equally on all the components of the A-B-C-D framework, namely, the customer (Phase A), feedback and learning (Phase B), the entire strategic plan (Phase C), and action, change, and follow-up (Phase D). It includes the need for a strategic change management process governing and guiding the alignment of delivery processes and the attunement of people's hearts and minds. The annual strategic review is the way to refresh, update, and renew your vision and direction as well as your implementation plans. Only by doing this once a year in a formal fashion (along with weekly, monthly, and quarterly followup processes) will you be assured you have designed and builtand are sustaininga strategic management system that is taking you in a long-term positive direction. This is what assists you year after year in achieving your ideal future vision (for a detailed look at this, see Sustaining High Performance, Haines, 1994). What is your ideal future vision? It should linked to seeing your customer as the most important outcome of any organization as a systemor of any person living a fulfilling life. Draw on the tools you have learned in this guidebook: they will help you create customer value in both your personal life and your organizational career, so you can make that ideal future vision a reality.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning By using this framework, we simplify and better manage the chaos and confusion that confronts us. We have more of a chance to see the forest and the trees. 2. Question: What entity (system or collision of systems) are we dealing with? This is the preliminary systems question. 3. Basic phase-associated questions: A. B. C. D. Where do we want to be? How will we know we have reached it? Where are we now? How do we get from here to our desired place?
And E. The ongoing question throughout all phases: What is changing in the environment that we need to consider? 4. Means and ends 5. Multiple goal seeking 6. Strategic consistency and operational flexibility 7. Backwards thinking. Begin with the end in mind. 8. Principle: The whole is primary, the parts secondary. 9. Synthesis as a new way of thinking, as opposed to the analytic thinking. 10. Principle: In the environment, living systems interact in a hierarchy. 11. Feedback stimulates learning and change; it is the breakfast of champions. 12. Negative entropy or positive energy. This is continuously needed in a system; feedback is essential for managing it.
IX. Summary of Systems Thinking and Learning 13. Relationships and fit are key. Processes are importantare not separate events. 14. Multiple causes and effects Causes and effects are circular, not linear. They are not necessarily related in a direct, immediate way. 15. Simplistic, quick fixes do not work! 16. Systems concept: Seven levels of living systems. In this book, we have been primarily concerned with four levels: 3. 4. 5. 6. Individual Group/Team Organization Society/Community
17. KISS methodreduces complexity, rigidity, bureaucracy, and total systems failure. 18. General Systems TheoryWork closely with the material in this guidebook until you have a firm understanding of these terms, principles, and questions, and can use them comfortably.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning 3. A better approach for integrating new ideas within the systems context. 4. A clearer way to see and understand what is going on in any organization or any system and its environment. Complex problems become easier to understand, as do the interrelationships of parts and multiple cause-and-effect cycles. 5. A new and better way to create strategies, problemsolve, and find leverage pointskeeping the outcome/vision/goal in mind at all times. 6. The key questions of systems thinking and an A-B-C-D template with which to correctly begin any diagnostic or discovery workproblem solving and solution seeking. 7. A way to engage teams and people in a deeper thought process, analysis, and definition of root causes, thus leading to longer-lasting results. It enables groups to generate multiple choices and different solutions, rather than just quick-fix answers, when working with difficult problems. 8. A method for getting at the deeper structure and relationship of process issuesthings that are missed by the quick-fix mentality. 9. A challenge to the inaccurate assumptions and mental models that guide our thinking, acting, and problem solving. When such factors hold us back, it usually means new, broader, longer-lasting solutions do not get identified and implemented and that creative possibilities are overlooked.
IX. Summary of Systems Thinking and Learning 10. A view of the dynamic interactions and relationships of a systems elements and the collision of the system with other systems; we thus make better decisions, with a clearer understanding of the consequences. 11. A better framework for diagramming, mapping, diagnosing, and analyzing any systemdepartment, unit, organization, or otherwise. It improves our problem solving and decision making for that system. 12. A way to manage the complex Systems Age by focusing on the whole, its components, and the interrelationships of the components, rather than by focusing on supposedly isolated and independent parts and problems. 13. A common framework and model for thinking and communicating, so people can work together better to make positive change in any system and achieve the desired outcomes.
The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning Be ready for failure, not avoid it: from failure springs the seeds of future success Actively listen to other, rather than prepare our response to them; therefore listen, listen, listen! When all is said and done, we will successfully integrate systems solutions to our systems problems only when we make the transition from unconscious to conscious systems applications, terminology, and language. Organizations need systems thinking and its integrative approach to problem solving. Thinking across boundaries, or integrative systems thinking, is the ultimate entrepreneurial act. Call it business creativity. Call it holistic thinking. To see problems and opportunities integratively is to see them as wholes related to larger wholes, rather than as discrete bits assigned to distinct, separate categories that never influence or touch one another. Research has associated this way of thinking with higher levels of organizational innovation, personal creativity, and even longer life. Clearly we, as individuals, need systems thinking too. How You Think . . . Is How You Act . . . Is How Your Are! When we look at resolving todays problems in order to grow and thrive in a brand-new age, we must always remind ourselves that how we approach issues and how we think about them are just as crucial as what actions we take. One thing is certain: if we continue to engage an analytic, linear, reductionistic approach, the resulting entropy and degradation will eventually grind our systems to a haltand not just organizational systems but also the many systems in
IX. Summary of Systems Thinking and Learning the organizational environment. The keys to the Systems Age are thus vital necessities on a widespread scale.
Many systems tools and aids are presented in this book. However, we must remember they are all based on four fundamental systems concepts: 1. The Seven Levels of Living (Open) Systems 2. The Laws of Natural Systems: Standard Systems Dynamics 3. The A-B-C-D Systems Model 4. Changing Systems: The Natural Cycles of Life and Change We can use these four simple concepts to ensure were staying on a systems-thinking track and moving from chaos and complexity to elegant simplicity. They and the 12 key systems questions are the beauty of systems thinking. We can use them as a quick start and reality check as well as a focus for our synergistic solution-seeking and visioning. If we remember to consistently pose systems questions first, and if we always remember that every system is an indivisible whole, we will be well on our way to discovering the secrets of the lost art of systems thinking and learning.
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The Managers Pocket Guide to Systems Thinking & Learning keynote speaker on CEO and Board of Director's issues. He has served on a number of boards and was chairman of the board for Central Credit Union in San Diego. The Centre for Strategic Management is an unusual mix of 12 master-level partners, consultants, and affiliates in the United States and Canada, with a growing number of master-consultant international affiliates in Australia, Korea, Turkey, South Africa, and Ireland.