Formulation Bacillus
Formulation Bacillus
Formulation Bacillus
Bacillus subtilis
H. Junge, B. Krebs, M. Kilian
2 Strain selection and systematic
identification of FZB24
So far 65 fully characterized species
have been assigned to the genus Bacillus.
With new diagnostic methods, it is now
possible to recognize greater genetic
and physiological diversity within indi-
vidual species. As a consequence, new
taxonomic groups could be seperated in
the future, and some species could be
assigned to different groups.
The Bacillus subtilis group includes e.g.
the species B. amyloliquefaciens, B. subtilis,
B. pumilus, B. licheniformis, and B. firmus,
which are characterized by acid forma-
tion from various sugars, including glu-
cose, under aerobic conditions, and which
have ellipsoid spores that are not larger
than the parent cell (Priest 1993).
meets these
criteria, as explained below.
The strain selection process that led to
system (ano-
nymous, 1996) (Table 1). However, fatty
acid analysis (Hoffmann-Hergarten, 1996;
Verbarg, 1996) also showed correlations
with the fatty acid pattern of Paenibacillus
macerans and B. amyloliquefaciens.
The Bacillus subtilis strain FZB24
Bacillus subtilis
Various processes have been tested
for the drying and formulation of the
spores of FZB24
Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer 1/00, 1
reliably effective in promoting plant
growth and in reducing losses due to
soil-borne pathogens. On the basis of
its mode of action growth promotion,
stress reduction, and resistance induc-
tion combined with weak antifungal
effects FZB24
Bacillus subtilis is
registered as a plant strengthening
agent with the German Biological In-
stitute for Agriculture and Forestry.
is the
result of years of study in which various
strains of Bacillus were selected on the
basis of biological effectivity and suita-
bility for production. FZB24
is produc-
ed in a multi-stage liquid fermentation
process from a stock culture that guar-
antees a uniform strain identity. The
spores formed in this process are separa-
ted from the culture broth and then
dried and formulated together with pro-
tective colloids, inert material, and other
additives. The formulated end product
has a storage stability of at least 2 years.
-Bacillus subtilis
Der Bacillus subtilis Stamm FZB24
das Ergebnis langjhriger Studien, in
denen verschiedene Bacillus-Stmme
auf Wirkung und Produzierbarkeit hin
selektiert wurden. FZB24
wird ausge-
hend von einer Stammhaltung, die eine
gleichbleibende Stammidentitt gewhr-
leistet, in einem mehrstufigen Flssig-
fermentationsverfahren produziert. Die
dort gebildeten Sporen werden durch
Separation von der Kulturbrhe abge-
trennt und zusammen mit Schutzkoll-
oiden, Inertmaterial und weiteren Zu-
stzen getrocknet und formuliert. Das
formulierte Endprodukt besitzt eine
Lagerstabilitt von mindestens zwei
Jahren. FZB24
Bacillus subtilis
La souche FZB24
de Bacillus subtilis
est le rsultat de plusieurs annes dtudes
qui ont permis la slection de diffrentes
souches de Bacillus, en fonction de leur
efficacit et des possibilits de leur pro-
duction. Le FZB24
Bacillus subtilis
La cepa FZB24
de Bacillus subtilis es el
resultado de estudios durante aos, en
los que se han seleccionado las mejores
cepas de Bacillus en cuanto a eficacia
y producibilidad. FZB24
se produce
mediante un proceso de fermentacin
lquida de varias etapas, partiendo de
una cepa original que garantiza una
identidad constante. Las esporas for-
madas se separan del caldo de cultivo y
despus se secan y formulan junto con
coloides protectores, material inerte y
otros aditivos. El producto final for-
mulado posee una estabilidad al al-
macenaje de 2 aos como mnimo.
npuseu1n n Vu1neuua1
xu1u epVeu1a1ueu 1exu-
uu. paseaemuen npu 1e-
nk1 n1eV enapauu 1 b1-
pabu nu1a1ebu peu, a sa1eV
ma1 eVe1e sau1uuVu -
uaVu, uuep1uuV Va1epuaV u pu-
Vu aeaVu u npu1aeueak1
npenapa1ueuk pV. p xpa-
ueuun ueuu np1a e pena-
pa1ueu pVe 1aene1 ue Veuee
2 e1. B epVauuu npenapa1 FZB24
the fermentation process
Fig. 5: Typical development of the pH value, lactose, ammonium and phosphate-content of the
fermentation broth during the fermantation process of FZB24