7/22/12 Contemporary Bulletin
7/22/12 Contemporary Bulletin
7/22/12 Contemporary Bulletin
2 11:10am
The Congregation Gathers
Worship begins with songs and the sharing of Christs peace.
Sunday, July 22 9:00 Traditional Worship Service 10:10 Sunday School 11:10 Contemporary Worship Service 5:00 Youth leave for Mission Camp: El Reno Friday, July 27 Youth return from Mission Camp
Sunday, July 29 Fifth Sunday Helping Hands Offering 9:00 Traditional Worship Service 10:10 Sunday School 11:10 Contemporary Worship Service
Joys, Concerns and Pastoral Prayer Gods heart is always open to Gods people and so we are called together to lift celebrations and concerns in prayer. God joins us in our deepest moments of pain and our greatest moments of joy...and everything in between. We take this time to pray for ourselves, the church, and the world in word and song. Sharing of Ourselves and God in Thanksgiving At the table of God, we offer ourselves and the work of our hands in service to God and the church in the world. In thanksgiving, we bring financial gifts as well as gifts of time and energy and sometimes other gifts like food for the food panty. We also bring bread and cup to place on the table. Communion is observed weekly. This is Christs table and all believers in Him are invited partake. If you wish to participate, please come forward at the invitation to the table. Communion is served by intinction (dipping your bread in the chalice). The Congregation Scatters to Serve At the closing of worship, all are invited to commit or recommit ourselves to following Jesus. We are sent forth into the world in song, charged to be disciples in our daily lives.
Nursery: Children are always welcome in the service. We do provide a nursery for newborn - 3 years old for anyone who prefers to take their little ones there.
Quinn Schipper Quinn has lived in Stillwater for 17 years with his wife, Becky, and son, Skylar. Quinn is an ordained minister of 30 years. Prior to coming to Stillwater, he and his family served the church in New Zealand for 10 years. Quinn has been in nonprofit leadership since 2000, the last 18 months as the Executive Director of Stillwater C.A.R.E.S. Quinn is passionate about the Body of Christ working together to transform lives and impact communities.
It is the desire of our elders to be available for spiritual care. If you have a need with which the elders may be of assistance, please complete this card, tear it out, and place it in the provided box in the Narthex.
W. Watkins
FCC-Stillwater 411 W. Mathews Stillwater, Oklahoma 74075 405.372.7722 www.fcc-stillwater.org www.facebook.com/fccstillwater Senior Minister: Owen Cayton Children & Youth Ministries Director: Sondra Ladd Contemporary Music Director: Chris Firey