Marketing Literature Review

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1. THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT 1.1 Consumer Behavior See also 28, 60, 61, 62, 86, 89, 99, 103, 111, 112, 116, 120, 123, 125, 126, 151, 158, 163, 164, 171, 177, 178, 182, 183, 200, 201, 202, 205, 206, 225 Meet the Inner-City Shopper. Marcia Mogelonsky, American Demographics, 20 (December 1998), pp. 3841. [Survey, Underserved market segments, Minorities, Demographic characteristics, Expenditures, Retailers, Market strategy, Apparel stores, Brand names, Salespeople, Statistical data.] 1 Ys in Love. Helene Stapinski, American Demographics, 21 (February 1999), pp. 6268. [Trends, Generation Y, Traditions, Life choices, Conservative, Early marriages, Computers, Communication, Shopping behavior, Market strategy, Examples.] 2 The Role of Emotions in Marketing. Richard P. Bagozzi, Mahesh Gopinath, and Prashanth U. Nyer, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Spring 1999), pp. 184206. [Literature review; Theory and function; Measurement; Markers, mediators, and moderators of consumer responses; Influences on cognitive processes; Volitions, goal-directed behavior, and decisions to help; Social bases; Future research.] 3 Using Variety-Seeking-Based Segmentation to Study Promotional Response. Minakshi Trivedi, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Winter 1999), pp. 3749. [Literature review, Model estimation, Experiment, Impacts, Extensity, Intensity, Routinized response, Brand loyal, Switchers, Pure variety seeking, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 4 The Impact of Affect on Memory of Advertising. Tim Ambler and Tom Burne, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (March/April 1999), pp. 2534. [Literature review, Model testing, Hypotheses, Experiment, Brain locations, Recognition and recall, Propranolol, Placebos, Assessment, Managerial implications.] 5 A Multivariate Analysis of Web Usage. Pradeep K. Korgaonkar and Lori D. Wolin, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (March/April 1999), pp. 5368. [Literature review; Consumer survey; Motivations, concerns, and demographic factors; Usage contexts (hours per day spent on Web, time spent for business versus personal purposes, purchase orders placed); Future implications.] 6 Online-Service Adoption Likelihood. Carolyn A. Lin, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (March/April 1999), pp. 7989. [Literature review; Hypotheses; Consumer survey; User motives between television exposure and potential online-service access are weakly correlated, as television-use motives are largely insignificant pre-

MYRON LEONARD, Editor Western Carolina University

This section is based on a selection of article abstracts from a comprehensive business literature database. Marketing-related abstracts from over 125 journals (both academic and trade) are reviewed by JM staff. Descriptors for each entry are assigned by JM staff. Each issue of this section represents three months of entries into the database. JM thanks UMI for use of the ABI/INFORM business database. Each entry has an identifying number. Cross-references appear immediately under each subject heading. The following article abstracts are available online from the ABI/INFORM database, which is published and copyrighted by UMI. For additional information about access to the database or about obtaining photocopies of the articles abstracted here, please call (800) 626-2823 or write to UMI, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SUBJECT HEADINGS

1. THE MARKETING ENVIRONMENT 1.1 Consumer Behavior 1.2 Legal, Political, and Economic Issues 1.3 Ethics and Social Responsibility 2. MARKETING FUNCTIONS 2.1 Management, Planning, and Strategy 2.2 Retailing 2.3 Channels of Distribution 2.4 Physical Distribution 2.5 Pricing 2.6 Product 2.7 Sales Promotion 2.8 Advertising 2.9 Personal Selling 2.10 Sales Management 3. SPECIAL MARKETING APPLICATIONS 3.1 Industrial 3.2 Nonprofit, Political, and Social Causes 3.3 International and Comparative 3.4 Services 4. MARKETING RESEARCH 4.1 Theory and Philosophy of Science 4.2 Research Methodology 5.OTHER TOPICS 5.1 Educational and Professional Issues 5.2 General Marketing
Journal of Marketing Vol. 64 (April 2000), 109121

Marketing Literature Review

dictors for potential online-service adoption; Implications for advertisers.] 7 Using Self-Concept to Assess Advertising Effectiveness. Abhilasha Mehta, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (January/February 1999), pp. 8189. [Literature review, Data collection (Gallup and Robinson), Advertising performance by age and psychological segments (adventurous, sensual/elegant, sensitive), Recall, Purchase intent, Brand rating, Commercial liking, Diagnostics, Concept Convergence Analysis.] 8 Consumers Extent of Evaluation in Brand Choice. B.P.S. Murthi and Kannan Srinivasan, Journal of Business, 72 (April 1999), pp. 22956. [Literature review, Model proposal and estimation, Scanner data, Impacts, Price, Display feature, Purchase occasions, Weekday, Store loyalty, Household income, Education, Frequency of purchases, Time availability, Deal-proneness, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 9 Consumer Behavioral Loyalty: A Segmentation Model and Analysis. Chi Kin (Bennett) Yim and P.K. Kannan, Journal of Business Research, 44 (February 1999), pp. 7592. [Literature review, Scanner panel data, Loyalty-building strategies depend on the composition of a brands hard-core loyal and reinforcing loyal base and on factors (marketing mix or product attributes) that motivate reinforcers to repeat purchase the brands.] 10 The Effect of Time Pressure on Consumer Choice Deferral. Ravi Dhar and Stephen M. Nowlis, Journal of Consumer Research, 25 (March 1999), pp. 36984. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Five

studies, Impacts, High and low conflict, Shared features (common, unique, good, bad), Selection and deferral decisions, Assessment, Implications.] 11 The Role of Direction of Comparison, Attribute-Based Processing, and Attitude-Based Processing in Consumer Preference. Susan Powell Mantel and Frank R. Kardes, Journal of Consumer Research, 25 (March 1999), pp. 33552. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Two experiments, Brands, Impacts, Need for cognition, Person-by situation influences, Asymmetric recall, Involvement, Need for accuracy, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 12 Culture Swapping: Consumption and the Ethnogenesis of MiddleClass Haitian Immigrants. Laura R. Oswald, Journal of Consumer Research, 25 (March 1999), pp. 30318. [Literature review, Theoretical discussion, Consumer identity, Consumption as performance, Postmodern critique, Case study.] 13 Gift Receipt and the Reformulation of Interpersonal Relationships. Julie A. Ruth, Cele C. Otnes, and Frederic F. Brunel, Journal of Consumer Research, 25 (March 1999), pp. 385402. [Literature review, Depth interviews and critical-incident surveys, Consistent relational effects (strengthening, affirmation, negligible effect, negative confirmation, weakening, severing), Positive and negative dynamic relational effects, Assessment.] 14 The Different Roles of Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment in Customer Relationships. Ellen Garbarino and Mark S. Johnson, Journal of Marketing, 63 (April 1999), pp. 7087. [Literature review, Measurement models, Survey of customers (repertory theater company), Low and high relational, Impacts, Exogenous and Endogenous constructs, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 15 Attribute-Level Performance, Satisfaction, and Behavioral Intentions over Time: A Consumption-System Approach. Vikas Mittal, Pankaj Kumar, and Michael Tsiros, Journal of Marketing, 63 (April 1999), pp. 88101. [Literature review, Model development and testing, Longitudinal data from automobile owners, Attribute weights shift over time, Crossover effect is asymmetric and reverses over time, Impacts, Attitudes toward manufacturers and service providers, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 16

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The Malleable Self: The Role of Self-Expression in Persuasion. Jennifer L. Aaker, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February 1999), pp. 4557. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Two experiments, Brands, Effects, Salient situational cues, Schematic traits, Self and situation congruity, High versus low self monitoring, Statistical analysis.] 17 The Use of Visual Mental Imagery in New Product Design. Darren W. Dahl, Amitava Chattopadhyay, and Gerald J. Gorn, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February 1999), pp. 1828 [Literature review, Model presentation, Hypotheses, Two experiments, Effects, Usefulness, Originality, Customer appeal, Bounded imagination, Statistical analysis.] 18 Making Complementary Choices in Consumption Episodes: Highlighting Versus Balancing. Ravi Dhar and Itamar Simonson, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February 1999), pp. 2944. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Studies involving consumers, Trade-offs between a goal and a resource, Nearly identical options, Two active goals, Assessment, Implications.] 19 Word-of-Mouth Communication in the Service Marketplace. Glynn Mangold, Fred Miller, and Gary R. Brockway, Journal of Services Marketing, 13 (No. 1, 1999), pp. 7389. [Literature review, Survey of undergraduates, Positive and negative incidents, Content and catalyst categories, Assessment, Managerial implications.] 20 1.2 Legal, Political and Economic Issues

See also 25, 30, 124 Trademark Dilution and the Practice of Marketing. Robert A. Peterson, Karen H. Smith, and Philip C. Zerrillo, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Spring 1999), pp. 25568. [Discussion, Federal Trademark Dilution Act, Definitional and measurement issues, Typicality and dominance, Illustration, Implications for marketing practice.] 21 Legal and Social Safeguards Against Opportunism in Exchange. Ravi S. Achrol and Gregory T. Gundlach, Journal of Retailing, 75 (Spring 1999), pp. 10724. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Behavioral simulation, Contracts and relational norms, Statistical analysis.] 22 Copyright Perils Can Lurk on the Business Web. Ralph A. Oliva and Sharda Prabakar, Marketing Management, 8 (Spring 1999), pp. 5457. [Intellectual property owners, Protection, Problems, Innocent versus willful violation, Global environments, Converging digital and networking technologies, Rights, Exceptions, Managerial implications.] 23 1.3 Ethics and Social Responsibility See also 22, 116, 124, 133, 138, 146, 147, 148 Antecedents, Consequences, and Mediating Effects of Perceived Moral Intensity and Personal Moral Philosophies. Anusorn Singhapakdi, Scott J. Vitell, and George R. Franke, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Winter 1999), pp. 1936. [Literature review, Structural equation model, Hypotheses, Survey of marketing professionals, Demographic and organizational factors, Scenarios, Social consensus, Proximity, Behavioral intentions, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 24 Developing an Ethical Image: Managing Your Reputation via Corporate Branding. Rosamund Thomas, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (January 1999), pp. 198210. [Discussion, Government committees, Reforms, Performance targets, Risks, Value, Tradition and standards, Examples, U.K.] 25 The Influence of Norms on Ethical Judgments and Intentions: An Empirical Study of Marketing Professionals. Kumar C. Rallapalli, Scott J. Vitell, and James H. Barnes, Journal of Business Research, 43 (November 1998), pp. 15768. [Literature review, Model presentation, Hypotheses, Survey, Impacts, Pricing and distribution, Information and contract, Product and promotion, Obligation and disclosure, Honesty and integrity, Teleological evaluations, Impacts, Organizational and professional environments.] 26 Incidents of Gray Market Activity Among U.S. Exporters: Occurrences, Characteristics, and Consequences. Matthew B. Myers, Journal of International Business Studies, 30 (First Quarter 1999), pp. 10526. [Literature review, Model presentation, Hypotheses, Survey of export managers, Factors (control, organizational, market specific), Economic and strategic export performance, Statistical analysis.] 27 How and When Factual Ad Claims Mislead Consumers: Examining the Deceptive Consequences of Copy Copy Interactions for Partial Comparative Advertisements. Michael J. Barone and Paul W. Miniard, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February 1999), pp. 5874. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Three studies, Alternative process, Attribute characteristics, Belief measures, Brand uses, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 28 The Relationship Between Ethical Conflict, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intentions in the Salesforce. Charles H. Schwepker Jr., Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (Winter 1999), pp. 4349. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of salespeople, Ethical conflict is negatively associated with organizational commitment and positively associated with turnover intentions, Implications.] 29

Private Lives. John Hagel III and Marc Singer, McKinsey Quarterly, (No. 1, 1999), pp. 615. [Discussion, Regulation, Marketers needs for information, Impacts, Technology, Infomediaries, Examples.] 30 2. MARKETING FUNCTIONS 2.1 Management, Planning, and Strategy See also 24, 25, 26, 29, 63, 64, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 75, 81, 84, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 110, 118, 119, 123, 129, 135, 140, 141, 142, 143, 146, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 158, 159, 162, 166, 167, 168, 173, 174, 180, 185, 187, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 197, 203, 209, 213, 214, 216, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 236 Leveraging the Web for Corporate Success. David A. Griffith and Jonathan W. Palmer, Business Horizons, 42 (January/February 1999), pp. 310. [Discussion, Model presentation, Effectiveness, Business-to-consumer, Developing business partnerships, Interconnectivity, End run strategies, Opportunities and threats, Examples.] 31 The Y2K Problem: Fact or Fallacy? V.V. Bellur, Connect-World (Latin America), 99 (Second Quarter 1999), pp. 5962. [Discussion, Vulnerable areas (financial institutions, food, sanitation and health, public utilities, transportation, national defense), Readiness, Misconceptions, Assessment.] 32 Business Marketing: Understanding What Customers Value. James C. Anderson and James A. Narus, Harvard Business Review, 76 (November/December 1998), pp. 5355, 5865. [Model building and validation, Research teams, Gathering data, Focus groups, Market segments, Costs, Benefits, Product development, Managing market offerings, Persuasive propositions, Customer relationships, Equitable returns, Examples.] 33 What Makes a Leader? Daniel Goleman, Harvard Business Review, 76 (November/December 1998), pp. 92102. [Emotional intelligence, Components (self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, social skill), Assessment.] 34 Unbundling the Corporation. John Hagel III and Marc Singer, Harvard Business Review, 77 (March/April 1999), pp. 13341. [Discussion, Component businesses (customer relationship and

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infrastructure management, product innovation), Organization and the internet, Divestiture, Examples.] 35 The Hidden Traps in Decision Making. John S. Hammond, Ralph L. Keeney, and Howard Raiffa, Harvard Business Review, 76 (September/October 1998), pp. 4748, 50, 52, 54, 5658. [Discussion, Heuristics, Problems (anchoring, status quo, sunk cost, confirming evidence, framing, estimating and forecasting), Assessment, Success, Guidelines.] 36 Creating New Market Space. W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, Harvard Business Review, 77 (January/February 1999), pp. 8293. [Creating a new value curve, Substitute industries, Strategic groups, Complementary product and service offerings, Functional or emotional appeal to buyers, Time, Assessment.] 37 Marketing Strategy: An Assessment of the State of the Field and Outlook. P. Rajan Varadarajan and Satish Jayachandran, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Spring 1999), pp. 12043. [Literature review, Research linkages, Competitive behavior, Innovation, Product quality, Market pioneering and orientation, Strategic alliances, Market share, Projections.] 38 Setting Advertising and Promotion Budgets in Multi-brand Companies. George S. Low and Jakki J. Mohr, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (January/February 1999), pp. 6778. [In-depth interviews, Factors, Risk, Combine quantitative models with judgment,

Brand differentiation, Channel members, Short-term focus, Top-down and sales force influence, History, Ad hoc changes, Assessment.] 39 The Challenge of Services Branding: Knowledge Management to the Rescue? Leslie de Chernatony, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (March 1999), pp. 27177. [Discussion, Knowledge base, Leveraging knowledge, Corporate culture, Inconsistencies (action, symbolic, ideological), Assessment.] 40 Brand Based Strategic Management. Andy Mosmans and Roland van der Vorst, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (November 1998), pp. 99110. [Literature review, Strategic reference points, Problems with core competencies, Relationships between environment and company, Building stable patterns of interactions between buyers and sellers, Examples.] 41 The Forecaster as a Key Member of the Strategic Planning Team. Robert Altabet, Journal of Business Forecasting, 17 (Fall 1998), pp. 36. [Discussion, Causal Models, Market assumptions, Graphic presentations, Coordination among functions, Accuracy, Assessment.] 42 Managing and Improving the Forecasting Process. Fara Elikai, William Hall Jr., and Phyllis P. Elikai, Journal of Business Forecasting, 18 (Spring 1999), pp. 1521. [Discussion, Organization, Communication between users and forecasters, Assess internal and external key variables, Data collection, Applying and testing models, Documentation of the forecasting procedure.] 43 The Status of Global Sourcing as a Critical Tool of Strategic Planning: Opportunistic Versus Strategic Dichotomy. ACoskun Samli, John M. Browning, and Carolyn Busbia, Journal of Business Research, 43 (November 1998), pp. 17787. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of purchasing professionals, Level at which sourcing decisions are made, Role in strategic plan, Extent of planning, Long-term arrangements with vendors, Statistical analysis.] 44 The Best Little Warehouse in Business. Sunny Baker and Kim Baker, Journal of Business Strategy, 20 (March/April 1999), pp. 3237. [Corporate planning, Decision making, Competitive advantage, Data warehouses, Data marts, Software packages, Analysis, Success, Guidelines.] 45 Redeployment of Brands, Sales Forces, and General Marketing Management Expertise Following Horizontal Acquisitions: A Resource-Based View. Laurence Capron and John Hulland, Journal of Marketing, 63 (April 1999), pp. 4154. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of acquiring firms, Resource mobility, Direction of resource redeployment, Impacts, Subsequent product costs, Product quality, Product line breadth, Geographic market coverage, Market share, Profitability, Implications.] 46 Antecedents and Consequences of Marketing Strategy Making: A Model and a Test. Anil Menon, Sundar G. Bharadwaj, Phani Tej Adidam, and Steven W. Edison, Journal of Marketing, 63 (April 1999), pp. 1840. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Data collection (marketing mixrelated decisions), Centralization, Formalization, Innovative culture, Process, Strategy creativity, Organizational learning, Market performance, Statistical analysis, Guidelines.] 47 Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in New Product Screening. Roger J. Calantone, C. Anthony Di Benedetto, and Jeffrey B. Schmidt, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (January 1999), pp. 6576. [Literature review, Model presentation, Software packages, Decision tree (core marketing and technical competencies, project risk, management uncertainty), Goals, Ranking alternatives, Simulation, Sensitivity analysis, Application.] 48 From Experience: Linking Projects to Strategy. Randall L.

Englund and Robert J. Graham, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (January 1999), pp. 5264. [Upper management teamwork, Process for project selection and prioritization, Weighting criteria (customer and employee satisfaction, business value, process effectiveness), Process tools, Implementation (barriers, enablers), Case study.] 49 Introducing Interface Management in New Product Family Development. Niklas Sundgren, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (January 1999), pp. 4051. [Literature review, Comparisons, Brief and extensive interface management processes, Brief (overlapping period of platform and product development), Extensive (platform development overlaps development of several products), Case studies, Material transportation vehicle and high-pressure equipment industries, Sweden.] 50 Managing Innovation in French Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Jaideep Motwani, Thomas Dandridge, James Jiang, and Klas Soderquist, Journal of Small Business Management, 37 (April 1999), pp. 10614. [Literature review, Survey, Factors, Continuous improvement, Internal management systems, Cost cutting, Technological innovativeness, Management structures, Statistical analysis.] 51 Strategic Planning: Still Going Strong? Keith W. Glaister and J. Richard Falshaw, Long Range Planning (UK), 32 (February 1999), pp. 10716. [Literature review, Survey of manufacturing and service firms, Comparisons, Commitment to strategic activities, Views of processes, Areas of emphasis, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications, U.K.] 52 The Effects of R&D Team Co-location on Communication Patterns Among R&D,Marketing, and Manufacturing. Christophe Van den Bulte and Rudy K. Moenaert, Management Science, 44 (Part 2, November 1998), pp. S1S18. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Experiment, Increasing physical distance, Communication among R&D teams was enhanced, R&D and marketing were not affected, Implications, Belgium.] 53 Leasing and Selling: Optimal Marketing Strategies for a Durable Goods Firm. Preyas Desai and Devavrat Purohit, Management Science, 44 (Part 2, November 1998), pp. S19S34. [Literature review, Model presentation, Propositions, Data collection, Automobile market, Competition, Depreciation rates, Premium lease, Value, Assessment, Implications.] 54

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Closing the Loop on Loyalty. Ross Goodwin and Brad Ball, Marketing Management, 8 (Spring 1999), pp. 2534. [Integrated customer value management system, Customer value perceptions, Meeting customer needs, Creating successful change, Measures, Surveys, Performance, Profits, Balanced Scorecard concept, Assessment.] 55 Growing the Trust Relationship. Christopher W. Hart and Michael D. Johnson, Marketing Management, 8 (Spring 1999), pp. 919. [Customer satisfaction, Loyalty measures (repurchase and referral intent, share of purchases, actual repurchase), Success, Guidelines.] 56 Think Small, Win Big. Bob Davis and Terri Austerberry, McKinsey Quarterly, (No. 1, 1999), pp. 2837. [Serving small businesses, Market potentials, Profits, Indirect sales force, Partnerships, Alliances, Technology, Examples.] 57 Selling Saved Their Lives. Michele Marchetti, Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (February 1999), pp. 3642. [Entrepreneurs, Troubled pasts, Management styles, Hiring practices, Employee motivation, Telemarketing, Case study.] 58 2.2 Retailing See also 1, 76, 92, 109, 112, 226

Predicting Business Failure of Retail Firms: An Analysis Using Mixed Industry Models. Paul T. McGurr and Sharon A. DeVaney, Journal of Business Research, 43 (November 1998), pp. 16976. [Literature review, Samples of failed and nonfailed firms, Failure prediction models applied to financial information, Need for single industry models to enhance predictive accuracy.] 59 The Impact of Task Definition on Store-Attribute Saliences and Store Choice. Patrick Van Kenhove, Kristof De Wulf, and Walter Van Waterschoot, Journal of Retailing, 75 (Spring 1999), pp. 12537. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of shoppers, Experiences (urgent purchase, large quantities, difficult job, regular purchase, get ideas), Statistical analysis, Implications, Belgium.] 60 Customer Benefits and Company Consequences of CustomerSalesperson Relationships in Retailing. Journal of Retailing, 75 (Spring 1999), pp. 1132. [Literature review; Model presentation; Hypotheses; Consumer survey; Relationship benefits are positively associated with satisfaction, loyalty, word of mouth, and purchases; Implications.] 61 The Role of Perceived Risk in the Quality-Value Relationship: A Study in a Retail Environment. Jillian C. Sweeney, Geoffrey N. Soutar, and Lester W. Johnson, Journal of Retailing, 75 (Spring 1999), pp. 77105. [Literature review, Model presentation, Hypotheses, Survey of shoppers, Measures, Perceptions of value for money and product quality, Willingness to buy, Functional and technical service quality, Relative price, Performance/financial risk, Statistical analysis, Australia.] 62 2.3 Channels of Distribution See also 6, 27, 31, 33, 41, 74, 75, 76, 80, 83, 96, 130, 149, 160, 172, 188, 190, 199, 219 Marketing in the Twilight Zone. Wim G. Biemans, Business Horizons, 41 (November/December 1998), pp. 6976. [Dual marketing, Transferring sales from the business market to the consumer market, Market strategy, Stressing differences, Building on similarities, Examples.] 63 The Use and Abuse of Power in Supply Chains. Charles L. Munson, Meir J. Rosenblatt, and Zehava Rosenblatt, Business Horizons, 42 (January/February 1999), pp. 5565. [Discussion, Interactions, Controls (pricing, inventory, operations, channel structure, information), Retaliatory measures, Cooperation, Examples.] 64 Changing Channels: The Impact of the Internet on Distribution Strategy. Leyland Pitt, Pierre Berthon, and Jean-Paul Berthon, Business Horizons, 42 (March/April 1999), pp. 1928. [Literature review, Matrix, Interactions (reassortment/sorting, routinization, searching, death of distance, homogenization of time, irrelevance of location), Long-term effects, Examples.] 65 Survey Shows Internet Playing Bigger Role in Buying Process. Sean Callahan, Business Marketing, 84 (March 1999), pp. 3, 41. [Trends, Trade publication editorials and advertising create initial awareness, Marketing communication programs, Online exposure, Examples.] 66 Impact of Internet on Global Marketing. V.V. Bellur, ConnectWorld (Asia), 99 (First Quarter 1999), pp. 4952. [Electronic commerce, Role of Web publisher, Global computer ownership, Country rankings, User profile, Assessment.] 67 The Impact of Suppliers Perceptions of Reseller Market Orientation on Key Relationship Constructs. Thomas L. Baker, Penny M. Simpson, and Judy A. Siguaw, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Winter 1999), pp. 5057. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of suppliers, Effects, Trust, Cooperation, Satisfaction, Commitment, Statistical analysis.] 68 Organizing and Managing Channels of Distribution. Gary L.

Frazier, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Spring 1999), pp. 22640. [Literature review, Research needs and unaddressed issues of managerial importance relating to organization and management of channels, Perspective on how channels research should proceed.] 69 Strategic Integration in Industrial Distribution Channels: Managing the Interfirm Relationship as a Strategic Asset. Jean L. Johnson, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Winter 1999), pp. 418. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of distributors, Antecedents, Dependence, Flexibility, Continuity expectations, Relationship age, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 70 Alliance Formation with Direct Selling Companies: Avon and Mattell. Lawrence B. Chonko, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (Winter 1999), pp. 5162. [Discussion, Requirements, Global vision, Managers international experiences, Strong international business networks, Preemptive technology or marketing , Unique intangible assets, Closely linked product/service extensions, Closely coordinated worldwide organization, Managerial implications.] 71 Reseller Relationship Streamlines PC Buying. Susan Avery, Purchasing, 126 (February 11, 1999), pp. 9192, 94, 96. [Discussion, Sourcing strategies, Technology support groups, Impacts, Purchasing, Supplier relations, Performance capabilities, Intranetbased requisitioning system, Case study.] 72 Are Internet Auctions Ready to Gear Up? Mark Vigeroso, Purchasing, 126 (February 11, 1999), pp. 8586. [Discussion; Commodity, independent, and private auctions; Pricing; Software packages; Materials characteristics; Service; Quality requirements; Examples.] 73 2.4 Physical Distribution See also 143, 144, 197, 198, 212 Just-in-Time Supply: Cooperation, Competition, and Abuse. Sylvain Landry, Yves Trudel, and Mattio O. Diorio, Competitiveness Review, 8 (No. 1, 1998), pp. 3745. [Literature review, Transaction cost economics framework, Buyersupplier relationships, Balance of power shifts, Risks for suppliers, Assessment.] 74 The End of Inventory? Richard W. Oliver, Journal of Business Strategy, 20 (January/February 1999), pp. 811. [Internalizing

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managing, Outsourcing movements, Value-added logistics, Extranet solutions, Inventory/information metrics, Examples.] 75 Probabilistic Analyses and Algorithms for Three-Level Distribution Systems. Lap Mui Ann Chan and David Simchi-Levi, Management Science, 44 (Part 1, November 1998), pp. 156276. [Literature review, Supply chain management, Models, Theorems, Inventory control, Vehicle routing, Vendors, Warehouses, Geographically dispersed retailers, Warehouse serves only as a coordinator, Numerical example.] 76 Value of Information in Capacitated Supply Chains. Srinagesh Gavirneni, Roman Kapuscinski, and Sridhar Tayur, Management Science, 45 (January 1999), pp. 1624. [Literature review, Model comparisons, Inventory control, Order up-to policies, Infinitesimal perturbation analysis.] 77 Supply Chain Management Gets Outsourced. James Carbone, Purchasing, 126 (February 11, 1999), pp. 6970, 72. [Trends, Customer relations, Cost reduction, Inventory control, Technology, Inventory control, Electronic data interchange, Effectiveness, Examples.] 78 Supply Chain Software Changes Focus. Sarah Stone, Purchasing, 126 (March 25, 1999), pp. 89, 9192. [Discussion, Applications, Logistics scheduling, Attributes, Flexibility, Integration,

Networks, Automating transactions.] 79 Unchained Profits. Libby Estell, Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (February 1999), pp. 6267. [Supply chain management, Optimization programs, Customer satisfaction, Just-in-time, Web interface, Software packages, Examples.] 80 Managing a Multicompany Supply Chain. Tom Brunell, Supply Chain Management Review, 3 (Spring 1999), pp. 4552. [Discussion, Market pressures, Integration process, Customer forecast versus demand, Maximizing revenue, Linking electronically, Cultural barriers, Case study, Electronics industry.] 81 Leveraging Technology for Speed and Reliability. William Bundy, Supply Chain Management Review, 3 (Spring 1999), pp. 6269. [Discussion, Stages, Customer contact to order entry, Shipment (enterprise resource planning, scheduling, manufacturing execution system, production metering center, supply net), Implementation (direct end-user deliveries), Case study, Furniture industry.] 82 Y2K and the Transportation Industry: Clouds and Silver Lining. James R. Hamilton and Paul H. Wong, Supply Chain Management Review, 3 (Spring 1999), pp. 2835. [Discussion, Impacts, Electronic data interchange, Ports and borders, Global positioning devices, Onboard computers and avionics, Traffic management and just-in-time systems, Order identification and processing, Warehouse management, Success, Guidelines.] 83 Show Me the Money: The Merger and Acquisition Supply Chain Challenge. Todd M. Stulgis, Supply Chain Management Review, 3 (Spring 1999), pp. 5461. [Discussion, Integration, Factors, Organize (leadership, steering committee, core and reference teams), Vision and strategy, Test alternatives and choose strategy (develop strategic supply chain scenarios and evaluate supply chain nodes), Collect supporting facts, Bring resources and people together.] 84 The Hidden Disrupters of a Global Supply Chain. Amy Zuckerman, Supply Chain Management Review, 3 (Spring 1999), pp. 3643. [Import/export compliance, Impacts, Country of origin, Dual-use rules, End use, Financing and invoice requirements, Meeting standards and testing practices, Examples.] 85 2.5 Pricing See also 64, 145, 188, 195, 196 Remembering Versus Knowing: Issues in Buyers Processing of Price Information. Kent B. Monroe and Angela Y. Lee, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Spring 1999), pp. 20725. [Discussion of historical and contemporary behavioral price research, Explicit versus implicit memory, Processing of prices as numerical information, Conscious versus nonconscious information processing, Examples.] 86 Buffet Pricing. Babu Nahata, Krzysztof Ostaszewski, and Prasanna Sahoo, Journal of Business, 72 (April 1999), pp. 21528. [Discussion, Comparisons, Two-part tariffs, Homogeneous and heterogeneous consumers, Profits, Examples.] 87 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 17 (April 1999), pp. 141270. [Thirteen articles on consumer price research, Experimental consumer price indexes (CPI), Scanner data use, Errors in CPI, Augmented cost-of-living index, New products and the CPI vector autoregressive process, Nonparametric analysis, Smooth transition nonlinearity, Lagged regression residuals, Serial-correlation tests, Preference heterogeneity and the rank of demand systems, Asymmetry for error correction, Modified stationarity tests.] 88 A Range Theory Account of Price Perception. Chris Janiszewski and Donald R. Lichtenstein, Journal of Consumer Research, 25 (March 1999), pp. 35368. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Four

experiments, Variance in the width of the evoked price affects price-attractiveness judgments in the absence of any variance in the internal reference price, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 89 The Impact of Price Thresholds on Profit ContributionShould Retailers Set 9-Ending Prices? Karen Gedenk and Henrik Sattler, Journal of Retailing, 75 (Spring 1999), pp. 3357. [Literature review, Impacts, Different sales response and cost functions, Expected error ratios for different price elasticities and marginal costs, Statistical analysis.] 90 An Option-Based Approach for Pricing Perishable Services Assets. J. Howard Finch, Richard C. Becherer, and Richard Casavant, Journal of Services Marketing, 12 (No. 6, 1998), pp. 47383. [Literature review, Binomial option pricing model, Abandonment theory, Impacts, Expected profitability, Applications.] 91 Rational Shopping Behavior and the Option Value of Variable Pricing. Teck-Hua Ho, Christopher S. Tang, and David R. Bell, Management Science, 44 (Part 2, December 1998), pp. S145S160. [Discussion, Normative model, Hypotheses, Scanner panel data, Store pricing data, Transaction cost of shopping, Shopping frequency, Impacts, Pricing format, Everyday low price, Promotional pricing, Statistical analysis.] 92 Pricing Patterns of Cellular Phones and Phonecalls: A SegmentLevel Analysis. Dipak C. Jain, Eitan Mullar, and Naufel J. Vilcassim, Management Science, 45 (February 1999), pp. 13141. [Model formulation, Propositions, Data collection, Business and personal users, Valuations, Usage levels, Price sensitivities, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 93 Engineering the Price-Value Relationship. Timothy Matanovich, Gary L. Lilien, and Arvind Rangaswamy, Marketing Management, 8 (Spring 1999), pp. 4853. [Discussion, Tools, Value in use analysis, Value mapping, Trade-off approaches, Conjoint analysis, Discrete choice modeling, Examples.] 94 2.6 Product See also 4, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 18, 21, 23, 27, 32, 40, 41, 46, 48, 50, 54, 63, 65, 67, 72, 73, 79, 83, 93, 117, 124, 125, 137, 140, 141, 149, 166, 168, 169, 173, 175, 196, 208, 214, 215, 219, 228 Planning for the Inevitable Product Recall. Barry Berman, Business Horizons, 42 (March/April 1999), pp. 6978. [Discussion, Preplanning (designating responsibility, safety, communication,

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product and customer databases), Planning (safety analysis, estimating budget, informing, recovering), Post-planning (firms reputation, recalls effectiveness).] 95 The Mass Marketing of Luxury. Jose Luis Nueno and John A. Quelch, Business Horizons, 41 (November/December 1998), pp. 6168. [Discussion; Brands; Success attributes; Circles of design and communications; Product line, service, and channel management; Examples.] 96 Versioning: The Smart Way to Sell Information. Carl Shapiro and Hal R. Varian, Harvard Business Review, 76 (November/December 1998), pp. 10614. [Discussion, Software packages, Positioning and pricing strategies, Costs, Value, Dimensions (convenience, comprehensiveness, manipulation, community, annoyance, speed, data processing, user interface, image resolution, support), Examples.] 97 Managing Brand Portfolios: Why Leaders Do What They Do. Sylvie Laforet and John Saunders, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (January/February 1999), pp. 5166. [Literature review, Conceptual framework, Hypotheses, Survey of marketing professionals, Determinants of branding structure, Brand strategy, History, Centralization/decentralization, Philosophy, Markets, Segmentation,

Product range, Statistical analysis, U.K.] 98 New Uses That Revitalize Old Brands. Brian Wansink and Jennifer Marie Gilmore, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (March/April 1999), pp. 9098. [Survey of brand managers and consumers, Procedures for generating new and secondary uses, Advantages, Sources of information, Communication, Ideal target customers, Market strategy, Examples.] 99 Understanding and Managing Store Brands. George Baltas, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (January 1999), pp. 17587. [International impacts, Market strategy (retailers, manufacturers), Consumer perceptions, Determinants of market performance, Market segmentation, Assessment.] 100 Everything You Wanted to Know About Brand Equity Tracking but Were Afraid to Ask. Alan Cooper, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (January 1999), pp. 15360. [Discussion, Consumers relationship and associations and attributes linked to brand, Measurement approaches, Examples.] 101 Sub-brand Evaluation and Use Versus Brand Extension. Daniel A. Sheinin, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (November 1998), pp. 11322. [Subbrands combine the parent brands name with a new brand name (Nike All-Conditions Gear), Comparisons, Two experiments, Impacts, New product category fit, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 102 New Coke, Mixture Perception, and the Flavor Balance Hypothesis. Joel S. Dubow and Nancy M. Childs, Journal of Business Research, 43 (November 1998), pp. 14755. [Literature review, Research techniques, Experiment, Comparisons, Gradualist approach, Statistical analysis, Product management implications.] 103 The Invisible Success Factors in Product Innovation. Robert G. Cooper, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (March 1999), pp. 11533. [Discussion, External success factors, Actionable, Problems (ignorance, lack of skills, new product process, too confident, discipline, big hurry, lack of resources), Examples, Guidelines.] 104 Extent and Impact of Incubation Time in New Product Diffusion. Rajeev Kohli, Donald R. Lehmann, and Jae Pae, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (March 1999), pp. 13444. [Discussion; Bass model; Hypotheses; Data collection (consumer durables); The longer the incubation time, the lower the coefficient of innovation and the longer the time to peak sales.] 105 A Laddering Approach to the Use of Methods and Techniques to Reduce the Cycle Time of New-to-the-Firm Products. Fred Langerak, Ed Peelen, and Ed Nijssen, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (March 1999), pp. 17382. [Literature review; Generic acceleration approaches; Hierarchy of objectives; Managers make trade-offs in new product development with regard to speed, development costs, and customer value; Statistical analysis.] 106 Using Conjoint Analysis to Help Design Product Platforms. William L. Moore, Jordan J. Louviere, and Rohit Verma, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (January 1999), pp. 2739. [Literature review, Comparisons, Independent decisions, Suboptimality, Fixed and variable costs, Optional features, Timing of entry, Sensitivity analysis, Case study, Electronics industry.] 107 An Empirical Study of Platform and Derivative Product Development Projects. Mohan V. Tatikonda, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (January 1999), pp. 326. [Literature review, Propositions, Survey of firms, Comparisons, Project task characteristics, Market newness, Project planning and execution variables, Project success and smoothness, Statistical analysis, Implications and recommendations.] 108

Size Does Matter: Analyzing Brand-Size Competition Using Store Level Scanner Data. Pankaj Kumar and Suresh Divakar, Journal of Retailing, 75 (Spring 1999), pp. 5976. [Literature review, Model estimation, Hypotheses, Alternative hierarchical market structure classifications, Comparisons, Aggregate brand levels, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 109 Managing New Product Definition in Highly Dynamic Environments. Shantanu Bhattacharya, V. Krishnan, and Vijay Mahajan, Management Science, 44 (Part 2, November 1998), pp. S50S64. [Literature review, Model presentation, Profit maximization, Market uncertainty, Marginal value of customer information, Risk-profile and internal development capabilities, Competition, Example, Managerial implications.] 110 2.7 Sales Promotion See also 4, 92, 190 The Influence of Coupon Face Value on Service Quality Expectations, Risk Perceptions and Purchase Intentions in the Dental Industry. Judith A. Garretson and Kenneth E. Clow, Journal of Services Marketing, 13 (No. 1, 1999), pp. 5972. [Literature review; Hypotheses; Consumer survey; Although coupons positively affect the purchase intentions of dental services, the positive impact was negated by negative impacts on service quality expectations and perceived purchase risk; Managerial implications and recommendations.] 111 The Effects of Cross-Ruff Coupons on Sales and Profits. Sanjay K. Dhar and Jagmohan S. Raju, Management Science, 44 (Part 1, November 1998), pp. 150116. [Stochastic choice models, Markov chains, Data collection, Coupon campaigns, Comparisons, Package coupons, Target and carrier brand selection, Marketing-mix response, Assessment.] 112 2.8 Advertising See also 5, 7, 8, 28, 39, 66, 99, 134, 147, 148, 155, 156, 157, 179, 206, 207 American Demographics, 21 (February 1999), pp. 3035. [Four articles on media channels, Radio networking, Kids programming, Media buying, Optimization, Web traffic ratings data, Online privacy, Protection, Examples.] 113 Play Date. Joe Mandese, American Demographics, 21 (March 1999), pp. 6267. [Television programming, Sports, Ratings, Networks, Sponsors, Advertising expenditures, Examples.] 114

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B-to-B Marketers Display Their Creative Side. Karalynn Ott, Business Marketing, 84 (January 1999), pp. 3, 29. [Shifts in b-to-b advertising, Understanding customer needs, Business branding, Integrated marketing, Emotion, Examples.] 115 Journal of Advertising, 28 (Spring 1999), pp. 193. [Seven articles on gender and multicultural issues in advertising, Research issues, Literary theory, Marketing normality to gay men, Girlish images across cultures, Ethnic evaluations of advertising, Ethnic consumer reaction to targeted marketing, Ad meanings created by target and nontarget markets.] 116 Relating Products to TV Program Clusters. Henry Assael and David F. Poltrack, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (March/April 1999), pp. 4152. [Discussion; Joint-space models; Data collection (ACNielsens National Television Index); When programs were directly associated with product ownership through correspondence analysis, meaningful associations were found; Implications.] 117 Client Role Ambiguity and Satisfaction in Client-Ad Agency Relationships. Fred K. Beard, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (March/April 1999), pp. 6978. [Literature review; Survey of marketing clients; Although ambiguity is correlated with client satisfaction

in the small-account setting, there are also significant differences in the consequences of the ambiguity construct between large and small advertisers.] 118 Agency Perceptions and Practices on Global IMC. Stephen J. Gould, Dawn B. Lerman, and Andreas F. Grein, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (January/February 1999), pp. 720. [Literature review, Survey, Interoffice and promotion disciplines coordination, Centralization, Interoffice communications, Information technology, Evolving and contingent nature of globalization, Cultural dimensions, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 119 Matching the Message to the Mind: Advertising Imagery and Consumer Processing Styles. Priscilla A. LaBarbera, Peter Weingard, and Eric A. Yorkston, Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (September/October 1998), pp. 2943. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Experiment, Stimulus advertisements, Sensor/intuitive images, Image appeal ratings, Advertising type, Purchase intentions, Statistical analysis.] 120 Comparing the Effectiveness of the Web Site with Traditional Media. Elaine K.F. Leong, Xueli Huang, and Paul-John Stanners, Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (September/October 1998), pp. 4451. [Literature review, Survey of companies, Media and attributes, Perceptual mapping, Long- and short-term objectives, Rational, Emotional, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications, Australia.] 121 Comparative Effectiveness of Executional Elements in TV Advertising: 15- versus 30-second Commercials. John L. Stanton and Jeffrey Burke, Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (November/December 1998), pp. 714. [Literature review, Data collection (commercial viewing), Comparisons, Persuasion, Recall, Statistical analysis.] 122 360 Degrees of Creative Risk. Douglas C. West, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (January/February 1999), pp. 3950. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of creative directors, Attitudes toward risk, Who gains from risk, Risk preferences, Agency risk by size of client, Agency targets, Agency age, Outcome measures, Statistical analysis.] 123 Intellectual Property Rights at France 98. Chris Vale, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (November 1998), pp. 12528. [World Cup sponsors, Rights available, Advertising campaigns, Impacts, Ambush marketing, Counterfeiting, Options for brand owners, Examples.] 124 Corporate Credibilitys Role in ConsumersAttitudes and Purchase Intentions When a High Versus a Low Credibility Endorser Is Used in the Ad. Barbara A. Lafferty and Ronald E. Goldsmith, Journal of Business Research, 44 (February 1999), pp. 10916. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Experiment, Impacts, Attitude toward the ad, Attitude toward the brand, Assessment, ANOVA.] 125 Postexperience Advertising Effects on Consumer Memory. Kathryn A. Braun, Journal of Consumer Research, 25 (March 1999), pp. 31934. [Literature review, Two experiments and one follow-up study, Advertising received after a direct product experience altered consumers recollection of both objective sensory and affective components of that experience.] 126 The Advertising of Services: What Is an Appropriate Role for Humor? Douglas L. Fugate, Journal of Services Marketing, 12 (No. 6, 1998), pp. 45372. [Literature review; Propositions; Ability of humor to attract attention, enhance comprehension, liking, and source credibility; Audience factors; Nature of product; Relatedness of humor to product; Humor versus nonhumor; International aspects.] 127 New Media in Marketing Redefine Competitive Advantage: A

Comparison of Small and Large Firms. Gary S. Lynn, Alan C. Maltz, Peter M. Jurkat, and Michael D. Hammer, Journal of Services Marketing, 13 (No. 1, 1999), pp. 920. [Literature review, Survey, Use of Web technologies, Internal services, Effectiveness, Statistical analysis, Recommendations.] 128 2.9 Personal Selling See also 29, 58, 61, 136, 137, 138, 161, 165, 218 The Role of Emotional Exhaustion in Sales Force Attitude and Behavior Relationships. Emin Babakus, David W. Cravens, Mark Johnston, and William C. Moncrief, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Winter 1999), pp. 5870. [Literature review, Model presentation, Hypotheses, Survey of salespeople, Measures, Role ambiguity, Role conflict, Emotional exhaustion, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, Performance, Intention to leave, Interactions, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 129 Personal Selling and Sales Management: A Relationship Marketing Perspective. Barton A. Weitz and Kevin D. Bradford, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Spring 1999), pp. 24154. [Literature review; Changing roles; Partnering; Conflict management; Situational moderators; Knowledge, skills, and abilities needed; Rewarding salespeople and sales teams; Assessment.] 130 Active Empathetic Listening and Selling Success: A Conceptual Framework. Lucette B. Comer and Tanya Drollinger, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (Winter 1999), pp. 1529. [Literature review, Dimensions (sensing, processing, responding), Theoretical models, Propositions, Transactional and posttransactional phases, Assessment, Implications for sales management.] 131 Applying Learned Optimism to Increase Sales Productivity. Peter Schulman, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (Winter 1999), pp. 3137. [Theoretical discussion, Learned helplessness, Cognitive psychology, Expectations, Benefits and applications, Change, Flexible optimism, Assessment, Recommendations.] 132 The Impact of Sales Quotas on Moral Judgment in the Financial Services Industry. Charles H. Schwepker Jr., and David J. Good, Journal of Services Marketing, 13 (No. 1, 1999), pp. 3858. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of salespeople, Effects, Ethical climate, Consequences for not making quota, Market attractiveness, Self-efficacy, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 133

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Wanted: More Newspaper Ads. Fredrik Gren, Jay Fogarty, and Luis Ubinas, McKinsey Quarterly, (No. 1, 1999), pp. 7887. [Discussion, Salespeople, Teams, Support services, Strategies and tactics, Customer requirements, Performance measures, Market segments, Case study.] 134 2.10 Sales Management See also 46, 57, 71, 130, 131, 134, 161, 165, 170, 219 Sales Managers: Marketings Best Example of the Peter Principle? Rolph E. Anderson, Alan J. Dubinsky, and Rajiv Mehta, Business Horizons, 42 (January/February 1999), pp. 1926. [Literature review, Perspectives (salespeople, customers, sales managers, top management), Selection of sales managers, Training, Evaluation, Integration with marketing, Assessment, Managerial implications.] 135 Salespeople and Senior Management: Not a Match Made in Heaven. Jeffrey K. Sager, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (Winter 1999), pp. 6366. [Discussion, Problems, Boundary-spanning role, Bottom-line focus, Time horizon, Opinion of sales personnel, Focal perspective, Changes in sales force

composition, Managerial implications.] 136 Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (March 1999), pp. 3368. [Five articles on information technology, Marketing and sales force automation, Advantages, Disadvantages, Employee involvement, Attitudes, Training, Customer service, Examples.] 137 Political Animals. Sarah Lorge, Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (February 1999), pp. 5055. [Office politics, Management styles, Impacts, Salespeople, Breakdowns in communication, No clear standards, Rules, Competition, Examples.] 138 Getting Schooled in Outsourcing. Erika Rasmusson, Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (January 1999), pp. 4853. [Discussion, Sales training, Comparisons, In-house programs, Results, Examples.] 139 3. SPECIAL MARKETING APPLICATIONS 3.1 Industrial See also 49, 50, 52, 53, 70, 73, 78, 81, 82, 107, 108, 168 Accelerating the Process of Engineering Change Orders: Capacity and Congestion Effects. Christoph H. Loch and Christian Terwiesch, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (March 1999), pp. 14559. [Analytical framework, Ratio between theoretical processing time and actual lead time, Impacts, Scarce capacity, Processing variability, Guidelines, Case study.] 140 Managing the Process of Engineering Change Orders: The Case of the Climate Control System in Automobile Development. Christian Terwiesch and Christoph H. Loch, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (March 1999), pp. 16072. [Literature review, Contributors to long lead times (complex approval process, snowballing changes, scarce capacity and congestion, setups and batching, organizational issues), Improvement strategies, Case observations.] 141 Manufacturing Strategies of Network-Based Small Firms: Observations on the Textile Industry in Taiwan. Wen-Hsien Chen, Journal of Small Business Management, 37 (April 1999), pp. 4662. [Literature review, Survey, Strategy dimensions (capacity, facilities, technology, process span, human resources, organization, performance measurement), Competitive priorities (flexibility, delivery, cost, quality), Assessment, Managerial implications.]142 Modeling and Worker Motivation in JIT Production Systems. Kenneth L. Schultz, David C. Juran, John W. Boudreau, John O. McClain, and L. Joseph Thomas, Management Science, 44 (Part 1, December 1998), pp. 15951607. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Laboratory experiment, Serial production lines, Independence assumption, Job design, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 143 JIT Manufacturing: A Survey of Implementations in Small and Large U.S. Manufacturers. Richard E. White, John N. Pearson, and Jeffrey R. Wilson, Management Science, 45 (January 1999), pp. 115. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Logistic regression models, Practices, Changes in performance, Large manufacturers were shown to be more advanced in implementation of JIT systems than were small manufacturers.] 144 Raising the Bar. Anne Millen Porter, Purchasing, 126 (January 14, 1999), pp. 4450. [Survey of purchasing professionals, Supplychain management, Quantitative performance measures, Effectiveness, Communication with suppliers, Resource deployment, Training, Automation, Quality, Best practices, Examples.] 145 3.2 Nonprofit, Political, and Social Causes See also 22, 177, 194 The New Landscape for Nonprofits. William P. Ryan, Harvard Business Review, 77 (January/February 1999), pp. 12736. [Discussion, Marketplace changes, Social services, Factors (size, capital, mobility, responsiveness), Competition, Comparisons, Forprofits, Projections.] 146

Television Station Acceptance of AIDS Prevention PSAs and Condom Advertisements. Avery M. Abernethy and Jan LeBlanc Wicks, Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (September/October 1998), pp. 5362. [Literature review; Hypotheses; Survey; Comparisons with 1990 radio results; Perceptions of duties, personal ethics, and willingness to broadcast AIDS information; Statistical analysis; Implications.] 147 The Effectiveness of Negative Political Advertising: A Case Study. Brenda S. Sonner, Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (November/December 1998), pp. 3742. [Negative advertisements generated a backlash against the sponsor when the target of the attack responded quickly and forcefully, but were very successful when the target did not directly respond to the charges.] 148 3.3 International and Comparative See also 25, 27, 44, 50, 51, 53, 60, 62, 67, 71, 85, 98, 100, 119, 121, 124, 142, 173, 175, 191, 192, 193, 216, 234 Marketing Agricultural Products to China. Zhan G. Li and Diana E. Eadington, Business Horizons, 42 (March/April 1999), pp. 4551. [Discussion, Problems, Competition, Regulations and politics, Culture and economy, Guidelines (monitoring, education, segmentation and adaptation, distribution and sales channels). 149 Confucius in Mexico: Korean MNCs and the Maquiladoras. Yongsun Paik and J.H. Derick Sohn, Business Horizons, 41 (November/December 1998), pp. 2533. [Discussion, Similarities and differences Work ethic, Emphasis on groups, Seniority-based system, Top-down decision making, Paternalism, Examples.] 150 Comparing Chinese and Western Cultural Roots: Why East Is East and... Jack Scarborough, Business Horizons, 41 (November/ December 1998), pp. 1524. [Discussion, Government, Cosmology, Religion, Ethical standards, Power distance, Collectivism, External locus of control, Uncertainty avoidance, Assessment, Managerial implications.] 151 From National Competitiveness to Bloc and Global Competitiveness. Dong-Sung Cho, Competitiveness Review, 8 (No. 1, 1998), pp. 1123. [Literature review, Model presentation, Factors (physical, human, external), Domain (firm, industry, nation, bloc, globe), Category of roles (subject, environment, resource, mechanism), Examples.] 152 Competing with Giants: Survival Strategies for Local Companies in Emerging Markets. Niraj Dawar and Tony Frost, Harvard Business Review, 77 (March/April 1999), pp. 11929. [Aligning assets with industry characteristics, Flexibility, Extending local

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advantages abroad, Rethinking the business model, Niche marketing, Managing transitions, Examples.] 153 Short-Term Results: The Litmus Test for Success in China. Rick Yan, Harvard Business Review, 76 (September/October 1998), pp. 6163, 6667, 70, 72, 7475. [Multinationals, Market strategy, Early movers, Growth opportunities, Local markets, Learning and adapting, Identifying and promoting, Examples.] 154 Ad Agencies Performance and Role in Providing Communication Services in Chile, Japan, and the United States. Tom Griffin, David McArthur, Toshio Yamaki, and Pedro Hidalgo, Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (September/October 1998), pp. 6575. [Literature review, Survey, Performance criteria (creativity, understanding the business, strategy, cooperation, media, research, plans and products, top management), Sourcing services, Assessment.] 155 Establishing Marketing Relationships in the Advertising Agency Business: A Transitional Economy Case. Zlatko Jancic and Vesna Zabkar, Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (November/

December 1998), pp. 2736. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey, Clientagency dyads, Variables (time schedule, understands needs, creative personnel, marketing knowledge, attentiveness, etc.), Number of agencies cooperated with, Length of cooperation, Industry of client, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications, Slovenia.] 156 A Multi-country Comparison of the Drive for IMC. Philip J. Kitchen and Don E. Schultz, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (January/February 1999), pp. 2138. [Literature review, Fivecountry study of advertising agencies, Comparisons, Amount of time and budgets devoted to IMC for clients, Beliefs and considerations about programs, Perceived barriers, Changing role, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 157 Journal of Business Research, 44 (January 1999), pp. 566. [Six articles on service marketing and management: European contributions, Impacts of service strategies on consumer behavior, Differences in trade show visitors objectives, Internal marketings role in organizations based on transaction cost theory, Social linking value of services, Interactions between services customers, Customers level of arousal versus pleasantnessimpleasantness appraisals.] 158 Does Winning Mean the Same Thing Around the World? National Ideology and the Performance of Global Competitors. Jeffrey P. Katz, Steve Werner, and Lance Brouthers, Journal of Business Research, 44 (February 1999), pp. 11526. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of banks, Measures, Profitability, Capitalization, Growth, Size, Risk, Earnings distribution, Discriminant analysis, Managerial implications.] 159 A Note on Countertrade: Contractual Uncertainty and Transaction Governance in Emerging Economies. Chong Ju Choi, Soo Hee Lee, and Jai Boem Kim, Journal of International Business Studies, 30 (First Quarter 1999), pp. 189202. [Literature review; Measurement and enforcement costs; Contracts, trusts, and hostages; Role of identity in economic exchange; Assessment.] 160 Salesperson Performance, Pay, and Job Satisfaction: Tests of a Model Using Data Collected in the United States and Japan. R. Bruce Money and John L. Graham, Journal of International Business Studies, 30 (First Quarter 1999), pp. 14972. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of sales managers, Measures, Education, Seniority, Valence for pay, Value congruence, Performance, Pay, Satisfaction, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 161 The Impact of Order and Mode of Market Entry on Profitability and Market Share. Yigang Pan, Shaomin Li, and David K. Tse, Journal of International Business Studies, 30 (First Quarter 1999), pp. 81104. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of firms, Early entrants have significantly higher market shares and profitability than late followers, Effects, Efficiency, Size, Equity joint ventures, China.] 162 A Cross-National Investigation into the Individual and National Cultural Antecedents of Consumer Innovativeness. Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, Frenkel Ter Hofstede, and Michel Wedel, Journal of Marketing, 63 (April 1999), pp. 5569. [Literature review, Conceptual framework, Hypotheses, Consumer survey, Impacts, Consumer innovativeness, Personal values, Consumer ethnocentrism, Attitude toward the past, Sociodemographic covariates, National cultural variables, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications, European Union.] 163 International Market Segmentation Based on ConsumerProduct Relations. Frenkel Ter Hofstede, Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, and Michel Wedel, Journal of Marketing

Research, 36 (February 1999), pp. 117. [Meansend chain theory; Model development and application; Survey of households; Monte Carlo study; Four international segments were identified and found to be related to consumer sociodemographics, consumption patterns, media consumption, and personality.] 164 A Cross National Example of Supervisory Management Practices in the Sales Force. Thomas E. DeCarlo, Raymond C. Rody, and James E. DeCarlo, Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 19 (Winter 1999), pp. 114. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of sales managers, Measures, Comparisons, Salesperson perceptual congruence, Effort, Job satisfaction, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications, U.S., Australia.] 165 Management Practices Influencing New Product Success and Failure in the United States and Scandinavia: A Cross-Cultural Comparative Study. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (March 1999), pp. 183203. [Literature review; Survey to measure antecedents, market familiarity, and workplace environments characterizing selected products; U.S. systems were product-market oriented, task focused, and project management driven; Scandinavian systems were product-service oriented, driven by enduring interpersonal relationships, and socially oriented to helping others.] 166 Female Business Owners in Singapore and Elsewhere: A Review of Studies. Ramin Cooper Maysami and Valerie Priscilla Goby, Journal of Small Business Management, 37 (April 1999), pp. 96105. [Personal and business profiles, Motivations, Major problems, Success factors, Assessment.] 167 Interfunctional Conflict, Conflict Resolution Styles, and New Product Success: A Four-Culture Comparison. Jinhong Xie, X. Michael Song, and Anne Stringfellow, Management Science, 44 (Part 2, December 1998), pp. S192S206. [Literature review, Model presentation, Hypotheses, Survey of marketing managers, Interaction effects, Positive, Negative, Marketing, R&D, Manufacturing, Statistical analysis, Theoretical and managerial implications, Japan, Hong Kong, U.S., U.K.] 168 Global Beer: Whats on Tap? Richard Benson-Armer, Joshua Leibowitz, and Deepak Ramachandran, McKinsey Quarterly, (No. 1, 1999), pp. 11021. [Trends, Market shares, Market potentials, Beer consumption and affluence, Geographic regions, Homogeneous preferences, Intangible scale, Specialization, Statistical data.] 169 Smooth Selling in South Africa. Mackenzie Warren, Sales and Marketing Management, 151 (January 1999), pp. 20, 22. [Emerging markets; Entrepreneurs; Economic, political, and cultural aspects; Customer service, Case study.] 170

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3.4 Services See also 15, 16, 20, 40, 52, 93, 111, 127, 128, 133, 137, 155, 156, 158, 159, 202, 210, 219 Deconstructing the Debt Head. Charles Fishman, American Demographics, 20 (December 1998), pp. 6065. [Financial services, Problems, Delinquent credit card customers, Data collection, Grit Index (wherewithal to pay bills), Personality characteristics, Examples.] 171 Cyberservice: Taming Service Marketing Problems with the World Wide Web. Leyland Pitt, Pierre Berthon, and Richard T. Watson, Business Horizons, 42 (January/February 1999), pp. 1118. [Discussion; Mass customization; Managing intangibility, simultaneity, heterogeneity, and perishability; Examples.] 172 Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (March 1999), pp. 22569. [Six articles on branding financial services, Impacts, Information technology, Internal control, Customer needs, Brand positioning,

Communication, Competitive differentiation, Customer relations, Examples, U.K.] 173 Credit Cards at the Crossroads. Paul Hawkes and Danielle Harrison, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (November 1998), pp. 9198. [Trends, Business growth, Competition, Card volume, Value, Consumer attitudes, Important card features, Markets (premium, niche, impaired, utility), Assessment, Success, Guidelines.] 174 Branding and Relationships Issues in Affinity and Co-branded Credit Cards. Steve Worthington, Journal of Brand Management (UK), 6 (January 1999), pp. 18897. [Comparative analysis, Number of MasterCard and VISA cards in issue, Turnover, Income generated, Participants (partner group, cardholder, card issuer), Projections, U.K.] 175 Competition Among Broadcast-Related Web Sites. Vincent Kiernan and Mark R. Levy, Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 43 (Spring 1999), pp. 27179. [Content analysis of Web sites sponsored by commercial television stations, Variables, Network affiliation, Station income, Market rank, Broadcast competition, Web competition, Statistical analysis.] 176 Journal of Business Research, 44 (March 1999), pp. 137229. [Six articles on tourism and quality-of-life issues, Competitive advantage, Societal prosperity, Customer satisfaction, Marketing of casino gaming, Community characteristics, Travel costs, Airline price wars, Vacation time availability, Cultural tourism, Relocation decisions.] 177 Shopping with Other Peoples Money: The Marketing Management Implications of Surrogate-Mediated Consumer Decision Making. Stanley C. Hollander and Kathleen M. Rassuli, Journal of Marketing, 63 (April 1999), pp. 10218. [Literature review, Model presentation, Characteristics of specific surrogate businesses, Aspects of decision making, Functions and responsibilities, Social benefits and costs, Assessment.] 178 The Dark Side of Long-Term Relationships in Marketing Services. Kent Grayson and Tim Ambler, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February 1999), pp. 13241. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Relationships between advertising agencies and their clients, Study replication (trust, involvement, interaction, commitment), Extension (length of relationship, rising expectations, opportunism/loss of objectivity), Statistical analysis.] 179 Antecedents to Client Satisfaction in Business Services. Linda I. Nowak and Judith H. Washburn, Journal of Services Marketing, 12 (No. 6, 1998), pp. 44152. [Literature review, Survey of marketing executives, Research priorities, Factors, Product quality, Time/cost, Service quality, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 180 Determinants of Service Quality and Satisfaction in the Auto Casualty Claims Process. Marla Royne Stafford, Thomas F. Stafford, and Brenda P. Wells, Journal of Services Marketing, 12 (No. 6, 1998), pp. 42640. [Literature review, Consumer survey, Variables (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy), Statistical analysis, SERVQUAL.] 181 Improving Service by Informing Customers About Anticipated Delays. Ward Whitt, Management Science, 45 (February 1999), pp. 192207. [Discussion, Birth-and-death models, Telephone call centers, Balking, Reneging, Abandonments, Retrials, Numerical examples.] 182 The Move Toward Primary Care. Michael Clugston and Brent Wren, Marketing Health Services, 18 (Winter 1998), pp. 1927. [Discussion, Health care environment, OB/GYN womens health clinic, Survey of clients, Primary care utilization, Single mothers, Those who have personal physicians, Frequent users of current services,

Statistical analysis.] 183 The Value Marketing Chain in Health Care. Scott MacStravic, Marketing Health Services, 19 (Spring 1999), pp. 1519. [Discussion, Factors, Identifying the value, Communication, Delivery, Track the value delivered, Reminding customers of value, Evaluation.] 184 Managing Stakeholder Loyalty. R. Eric Reidenbach and Gordon W. McClung, Marketing Health Services, 19 (Spring 1999), pp. 2129. [Data collection (patients, members, physicians, employee benefit managers), Retention factors, Peace of mind, Access to information and care, Price, Utility management, Credentialing, Communication, Partnership, Responsiveness, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 185 The Role of Service Recovery in HMO Satisfaction. Dan Sarel and Howard Marmorstein, Marketing Health Services, 19 (Spring 1999), pp. 712. [Survey of health plan members, Factors, Medical outcomes, Complaint resolution, Referral problems, Ease of choosing a primary care provider (PCP), Found trusted PCP, PCP staff courtesy, Office wait time, Relations between complaint resolutions and switching intentions, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 186 Hospital Marketing and the Internet: Revisited. C. David Shepherd and Daniel Fell, Marketing Health Services, 18 (Winter 1998), pp. 4447. [Study replication, Internet utilization and activities, Barriers, Target audiences, Expected importance, Assessment.] 187 How Physician Networks Are Selling Themselves. David Volz, Marketing Health Services, 19 (Spring 1999), pp. 3031, 33. [Niche marketing, Loss of professional autonomy and financial compensation to managed care, Market strategy, Deep discounting, Medical savings accounts, Examples.] 188 Managing Physicians. David Volz, Marketing Health Services, 18 (Winter 1998), pp. 2931. [Discussion, Competition, Impacts, Physician management companies, Teams, Advantages, Examples.] 189 Developing a Hospital Web Site as a Marketing Tool: A Case Study. Thomas G. Widmer and C. David Shepherd, Marketing Health Services, 19 (Spring 1999), pp. 3233. [Multidisciplinary teams, Objectives, Target markets, Categories of information, Promotional methods, Effectiveness, Assessment.] 190 McKinsey Quarterly, (No. 4, 1998), pp. 631. [Two articles on telecommunications, Internet access (wireless, fixed, and satellite networks), Broadband, Customer relationships, Competition, Market segments, Market development, International, Examples.] 191 World Power and Light. Peter Crawford, Kristin Johnsen, James Robb, and Peter Sidebottom, McKinsey Quarterly, (No., 1, 1999),

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pp. 12232. [Discussion, Market potentials, Drivers (industry restructuring, need for capital, importance of scale, management arbitrage), Strategies (specialization, geographic integration), Examples.] 192 Whats in the Cards? Vijay DSilva, Asheet Mehta, and John Stephenson, McKinsey Quarterly, (No. 4, 1998), pp. 9097. [Credit cards, Profitability, Competition, Industry consolidation, Structure of transactions and flows (customers, business, government), Market potentials, International, Examples.] 193 4. MARKETING RESEARCH 4.1 Theory and Philosophy of Science See also 3, 11, 13, 54, 76, 77, 88, 89, 92, 93, 110, 112, 131, 132, 140, 143, 182 The Strategic Imperative and Sustainable Competitive Advantage: Public Policy Implications of Resource-Advantage Theory.

Shelby D. Hunt, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Spring 1999), pp. 14459. [Literature review, Comparisons, Neoclassical perfect competition, Structure of resourceadvantage theory, Strategy and competition, Tests for competitiveness, Social welfare aspects.] 194 Multinomial Logit Market Share Models: Equilibrium Characteristics and Strategic Implications. Suman Basuroy and Dung Nguyen, Management Science, 44 (October 1998), pp. 13961408. [Literature review, Propositions, Linear price and marketing response functions, Entry and market expansion, Free-entry equilibrium, Assessment.] 195 Logit Demand Estimation Under Competitive Pricing Behavior: An Equilibrium Framework. David Besanko, Sachin Gupta, and Dipak Jain, Management Science, 44 (Part 1, November 1998), pp. 153347. [Literature review, Data collection (ACNielsen), Value creation, Endogeneity, Brand names, Theoretical propositions, Statistical analysis.] 196 Echelon Reorder Points, Installation Recorder Points, and the Value of Centralized Demand Information. Fangruo Chen, Management Science, 44 (Part 2, December 1998), pp. S221S234. [Literature review, Computational study, Mathematical equations, Supply-chain management, Stochastic demand, Batch ordering, Electronic data interchange, Algorithms, System parameters, Numerical examples.] 197 Stalking Information: Bayesian Inventory Management with Unobserved Lost Sales. Martin A. Lariviere and Evan L. Porteus, Management Science, 45 (March 1999), pp. 34663. [Model formulation, Theorems, Dropping products, Bayesian dynamic programming, News vendor distributions, Dimensionality reduction, Product profitability, Multiple markets, Favoring small markets, Assessment.] 198 New Firm Survival: Institutional Explanations for New Franchisor Mortality. Scott Shane and Maw-Der Foo, Management Science, 45 (February 1999), pp. 14259. [Business format franchising, Hypotheses, Data collection (Entrepreneur Magazine), Operationalization Controls (institutional, economic, and ecological theories), Statistical analysis, Implications for practitioners.] 199 4.2 Research Methodology See also 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 28, 30, 42, 43, 45, 47, 59, 60, 62, 68, 88, 89, 94, 98, 102, 103, 107, 109, 113, 114, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 147, 155, 157, 163, 164, 171, 177, 178, 179, 181, 217, 221, 227, 228 American Demographics, 21 (January 1999), pp. 5372. [Three articles on lives in the past and future, Retirement, States, Immigration, Boomer consumers, Religion, Income, Homemakers, Free time, Home offices, Time and convenience, Entertainment, Individualism, Statistical data.] 200 You Talkin to Me? Jeff Brazil, American Demographics, 20 (December 1998), pp. 5459. [Trends, Grandparents, Shopping behavior, Expenditures, Marketers failure to take advantage of this market, Misperceptions, Market segments, Statistical data.] 201 The Young and the Uninsured. Alison Stein Wellner, American Demographics, 21 (February 1999), pp. 7277. [Trends, Generation Y, Health care expenditures, Injury rates, Insurers, Market strategy, Program designs, Statistical data.] 202 Marketers Take Action on Phaseout of SIC Codes. Laurie Freeman, Business Marketing, 84 (February 1999), pp. 1, 30. [Discussion, Transition, North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), New sectors, Ability to target marketing efforts better.] 203 Sampling in the Twenty-First Century. Seymour Sudman and

Edward Blair, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Spring 1999), pp. 26977. [Discussion, Door-to-door sampling, Telephone and mail surveys, Location samples, Focus groups, Rare populations, Business surveys, Panels, Theoretical foundations of survey sampling, Evolutionary process and future developments.] 204 Q Is Accounting for Tastes. Marten Brouwer, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (March/April 1999), pp. 3539. [Discussion, Q methodology, Cases (intrapersonal, interpersonal, hybrid, collective), Assessment.] 205 Emotional Response to Television Commercials: Facial EMG vs. Self-Report. Richard L. Hazlett and Sasha Yassky Hazlett, Journal of Advertising Research, 39 (March/April 1999), pp. 723. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Experiment, Selected commercials, Facial EMG measures were a more sensitive discriminator between commercials and were more strongly related to measures of recall than were self-report measures.] 206 Have Laboratory Experiments Become Detached from Advertiser Goals? A Meta-Analysis. Edward F. McQuarrie, Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (November/December 1998), pp. 1525. [Literature review, Journals, Media comparisons, Reality factors (choice, embedded with nonfocal attention, measured after a delay, competitive message present, repeated exposure, familiar brand), Assessment, Recommendations.] 207 Forecasting New Products with Limited History: Nabiscos Experience. Shri Amrute, Journal of Business Forecasting, 17 (Fall 1998), pp. 711. [Discussion, Methods, Deal and nondeal weeks, Average forecast error, Seasonal and shipment based adjustments, Exponential smoothing, Implementation, Example.] 208 Weather as a Strategic Element in Demand Chain Planning. Chris Cawthorn, Journal of Business Forecasting, 17 (Fall 1998), pp. 1821. [Discussion, Phases, Historical analysis, Assess missed opportunities, Create product demand forecast, Develop future planning strategy, Effects, Consumer reactions, Example.] 209 Forecasting Process at Cable and Wireless Bartel Limited. Gwenocia Chandler, Journal of Business Forecasting, 17 (Winter 199899), pp. 1014. [Discussion, Forecast system levels (corporate strategy, departmental, marketing), Macro- and microforecast models, Judgmental input, Implementation and monitoring, Application, Barbados.] 210 Benchmarking Sales Forecasting Performance Measures. Kenneth B. Kahn, Journal of Business Forecasting, 17 (Winter 199899), pp. 1923 [Survey of forecasting managers, Forecast accuracy/error used, Comparisons, Companies using versus those

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not using MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error), Statistical analysis.] 211 Synchronizing Supply Chain Operations with Consumer Demand Using Customer Data. Daniel A. Kiely, Journal of Business Forecasting, 17 (Winter 199899), pp. 39. [Discussion, Point-of-sale and alternative data streams, Customer forecasts, Consumer purchases, Customer warehouse withdrawals, Customer orders, Time phasing, Assessment.] 212 New Developments in Business Forecasting. Larry Lapide, Journal of Business Forecasting, 18 (Spring 1999), pp. 1214. [Discussion; Application features; Scalability; Planning support; Software packages; General purpose modeling and statistical tools; Point solution forecast applications; Distribution, supply chain, and enterprise resource planning.] 213 Market Motives, Distinctive Capabilities, and Domestic Intertia: A Hybrid Model of Innovation Generation. Murali Chandrashekaran,

Raj Mehta, Rajesh Chandrashekaran, and Rajdeep Grewal, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February 1999), pp. 95112. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Data collection, Software packages, Model comparisons, Potential and realized competition, Interinnovation duration, Diffusion rates, Product bundling, Statistical analysis, Implications.] 214 Understanding How Product Attributes Influence Product Categorization: Development and Validation of Fuzzy SetBased Measures of Gradedness in Product Categories. Madhubalan Viswanathan and Terry L. Childers, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February 1999), pp. 7594. [Literature review, Conceptual framework, Hypotheses, Study, Attitude and family resemblance measures, Validity (convergent, nomological, discriminant), Category- and individual-level correlations, Applications for marketing decisions, Implications.] 215 The Impact of Marketing Research Activity on SME Export Performance: Evidence from the UK. Susan Hart and Nikolaos Tzokas, Journal of Small Business Management, 37 (April 1999), pp. 6375. [Literature review, Conceptual framework, Survey, Information collection vehicles, Information elements collected, Managerial use, Relationships, Performance, Industry type, Company size, Statistical analysis, Managerial implications.] 216 5. OTHER TOPICS 5.1 Educational and Professional Issues See also 24, 38, 69, 86, 167, 204, 207, 235 Marketing Research:A State-of-the-Art Review and Directions for the Twenty-First Century. Naresh K. Malhotra, Mark Peterson, and Susan Bardi Kleiser, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Spring 1999), pp. 16083. [Classification of articles published in JMR 198797, Scaling and measurement, Statistical methods, Application of techniques, Correspondence analysis results.] 217 Customer Trust in the Salesperson: An Integrative Review and Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Literature. John E. Swan, Michael R. Bowers, and Lynne D. Richardson, Journal of Business Research, 44 (February 1999), pp. 93107. [Discussion, Definitional and measurement issues, Determinants and consequences of customer trust, Qualitative studies, Managerial implications.] 218 Journal of Interactive Marketing, 13 (Spring 1999), pp. 489. [Six case studies on interactive marketing, Auto retailing, Encyclopedia Britannica, Database publishing, Pricing strategy, Online industrial marketing, Suppliers of training and motivational materials to businesses, Interactive television industry.] 219 Toward a Model for Understanding and Improving Educational Quality in the Principles of Marketing Course. C. Mitchell Adrian and G. Dean Palmer, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (April 1999), pp. 2533. [Literature review, Developing quality attributes, Tie lectures/discussions to real-world applications, Open notes on chapter quizzes, Use of team preparation of marketing plan and oral presentation.] 220 Experiential Learning and Customer Needs in the Undergraduate Marketing Research Course. Eileen Bridges, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (April 1999), pp. 5159. [Survey, Marketing research students attitudes, Course image, Usefulness, Typical marketing researcher, Ideal course, Preferred class time and grade point allocations, Assessment.] 221 Students Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness: Some Implications of Stability. Dennis E. Clayson, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (April 1999), pp. 6875. [Literature review; Survey of students; Attitudes regarding what instructional characteristics changed with more experience; Structural-related factors such as organization, knowledge, fairness, and ability of students to learn

improved over time; Personality-related factors were perceived as stable; Implications.] 222 Developing an Integrated Finance and Marketing MBA Core Course. James DeConinck and Thomas Steiner, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (April 1999), pp. 4450. [Team teaching; Preparing, organizing, and delivering the course; Applications (inclass cases and student projects); Course objectives and evaluation.] 223 Toward Enhancing the Quality and Quantity of Marketing Majors. Priscilla A. LaBarbera and Jeffrey S. Simonoff, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (April 1999), pp. 413. [Survey of students, Factors, Comparisons (marketing and nonmarketing majors, undecided), Decision time of major, Importance of quantitative nature, Career opportunities, Course work demanding and challenging, Career well respected, Peer pressure, Assessment, Implications.] 224 Bootstrap Benefit Segmentation as an Experiential Learning Activity. John A. Schibrowsky, James W. Peltier, and Robert H. Collins, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (April 1999), pp. 3443. [Discussion, Factors, Define product category, Focal behavior, Benefits sought, Segmentation bundles, Check for misspecifications, Consumption patterns, Bases (demographic, socioeconomic, geographic, etc.), State of want satisfaction and market potential, Identify target markets, Assessment.] 225 Socialization-Based Approach to Predicting Retail Career Preference and Choice. Soyeon Shim, Kenneth Gehrt, and Ellen Goldsberry, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (April 1999), pp. 1424. [Literature review, Model presentation, Hypotheses, Nationwide student survey, Measures, Retailing experience, Shopping enjoyment, Family in retailing, Retailing education, Intrinsic enjoyment, Extrinsic compensation, Lifestyle flexibility, Statistical analysis.] 226 In Search of Diversity: The Record of Major Marketing Journals. Gerard J. Tellis, Rajesh K. Chandy, and David S. Ackerman, Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February 1999), pp. 12031. [Literature review, Three studies, Missions, Trend toward diversity, Distinctive characters, Patterns of stability that are stable over time, Assessment.] 227 A Survey of New Product Evaluation Models. Muammer Ozer, Journal of Product Innovation Management, 16 (January 1999),

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pp. 7794. [Literature review, Objectives, Product type, Required data, Environment, Time, Diagnostic information, Emerging and complementary methods, Managerial and research implications.] 228 5.2 General Marketing See also 38, 220 Is Your Company Ready for One-to-One Marketing? Don Peppers, Martha Rogers, and Bob Dorf, Harvard Business Review, 77 (January/February 1999), pp. 15160. [Relationship marketing, Customers, Activities (identify, differentiate, interact, customize), Short- and long-term considerations, Success, Guidelines.] 229 Revisiting Marketings Lawlike Generalizations: A Comment. Roger A. Kerin and Raj Sethuraman, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Winter 1999), pp. 101104. [Commentary on article by Sheth and Sisodia (1999), Only a few wellaccepted lawlike generalizations actually qualify as lawlike generalizations, Requirements (generalized conditionals, empirical support, logic or rationale, insight/importance).] 230 Revisiting Marketings Lawlike Generalizations. Jagdish N. Sheth and Rajendra S. Sisodia, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Winter 1999), pp. 7187. [Literature review, Categories

(location, time, market, and competition centric), Contextual discontinuities, Need for further research.] 231 Strategy Content and Process Perspectives Revisited. P. Rajan Varadarajan, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 27 (Winter 1999), pp. 88100. [Commentary on article by Sheth and Sisodia (1999), Matrix approaches to business portfolio analysis and planning, Generic competitive strategies, Strategic alliances, Firm profitability, Assessment.] 232 Markets and Constituencies: An Alternative View of the Marketing Concept. Kathryn M. Kimery and Shelley M. Rinehart, Journal of Business Research, 43 (November 1998), pp. 11724. [Literature review, Optimization, Environment, Short- and longterm perspectives, Potentials for benefits and threats to customerfirm relationships, Assessment.] 233 Marketings Influence Within the Firm. Christian Homburg, John P. Workman Jr., and Harley Krohmer, Journal of Marketing, 63 (April 1999), pp. 117. [Literature review, Hypotheses, Survey of U.S. and German companies, Influence of functional subunits over specific issues, Variables (external and internal contingency determinants, institutional determinants), Statistical analysis, Implications.] 234 Adapting McCarthys Four Ps for the Twenty-First Century. Julian Yudelson, Journal of Marketing Education, 21 (April 1999), pp. 6067. [Literature review, Current status, Essential elements of exchange transactions, Value of an expanded definition, Pedagogical implications, Need for one more P (partners), Assessment.] 235 Benchmarking Your Marketing Process. Douglas Brownlie, Long Range Planning (UK), 32 (February 1999), pp. 8895. [Literature review, Marketing audit, Information delivery, Objectives, Skills, Relevance, Sources of information, Framing interpretations, Assessment.] 236

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