Previous Exam Questions On Neuropsychiatry

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Neurology 1. Describe the clinical assessment and investigation of patient with focal epilepsy. 2.

Outline the causes and differential diagnosis of a case with ataxia. 3. Common causes for acute headache. 4. Mention steps for management of a case of status epilepticus. 5. Clinical manifestation and investigation of recent ischemic stroke in brain. 6. Neurological assessment in patient with coma. 7. Short account on clinical approach for anatomic localization of lesion in paraplegia. 8. Treatment of cerebrovascular stroke. 9. Clinical picture of peripheral neuritis 10. Short account of multiple sclerosis. 11. Treatment of grand mal epilepsy. 12. Clinical picture of focal spinal cord paraplegia. 13. Etiology,DDx of facial paralysis of LMNL 14. Clinical picture and clinical types and management of anxiety. 15. Treatment of migraine. 16. Different between UMNL and LMNL of 7th nerve paralysis. 17. Etiology,clinical picture and management of cerebral infarction due to middle cerebral artery occlusion. 18. Short account on acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy(Gullain barre syndrome) 19. Clinical picture and management of idiopathic Parkinsons disease. 20. Investigations of transient loss of consciousness. 21. Treatment of epilepsy. 22. Clinical manifestation of transient cerebral ischemic attack. 23. Investigations of persistent headache. 24. Investigations of recurrent coma. 25. Treatment of transient cerebral ischemic attack 26. Investigation for Grand-mal epilepsy 27. Medical treatment Bells palsy. 28. Clinical pictures Bells palsy. 29. Complications Bells palsy. 30. Investigations for muscle disorders. 31. Etiology and possible mechanisms of TIA. 32. Clinical pictures of trigeminal neuralgia. 33. Investigations of epileptic seizures. 34. Etiology and pathogenesis of sciatic pain. 35. Clinical manifestations of Duchenne myopathy. 36. Investigations for recurrent syncope. 37. Investigations of TIA. 38. Investigations need for Multiple sclerosis. 39. Treatment of epileptic seizures. 40. Mechanism and clinical significance of absent ankle jerk.

41. Clinical features of tonic-clonic fit(Grand-mal). 42. Laboratory aids required in spina paraplegia. 43. Investigations for muscle dystrophy.

Psychiatry 1. Describe the clinical picture and outline 4 diagnostic criteria of conversion disorder. 2. Describe treatment of depression. 3. Define panic attack. 4. Discuss clinical picture,clinical types and management of anxiety disorders. 5. Short account on diagnosis and management of schizophrenia. 6. Clinical picture of parkinsonism. 7. Clinical picture and treatment of major psychiatric depression. 8. Clinical pictures and treatment of dementia. 9. Account on thought disorders of schizophrenia. 10. Clinical types of anxiety disorders. 11. Clinical picture and management of major depression. 12. Clinical types and treatment of schizophrenia. 13. Treatment of mania. 14. Clinical picture of acute confusional states. 15. Medical treatment of major psychotic depression. 16. Medical treatment of anxiety neurosis. 17. Clinical picture anxiety neurosis. 18. Treatment of paranoid schizophrenia. 19. Account on depression. 20. Treatment of endogenous depression. 21. Clinical features of depression. 22. Medical treatment of Parkinsons disease. 23. Enumerate causes and predisposing factors of delirium.

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