BC 400

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The key takeaways from the document are modularization using function modules, defining and calling subroutines, handling exceptions, and working with complex data types like structures and internal tables in ABAP.

There are two main ways to define and call subroutines in ABAP - using the keywords FORM and PERFORM, and by using patterns from the toolbar/menubar.

There are two main ways to handle exceptions in ABAP - using classical exception handling which is specific to function modules, and using class-based exception handling which can be used globally across classes.

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sy_subrc se91 = message class for giving our own messages MESSAGE Modularization: Function Module Addition Importing paparmaeter: a,b res=a+b. Exporting Parameter res.

# Use Pattern for creating the body of functional module # Imoporting parameter # Exporting parameter # Changing parameter #Subroutine pg.132 Keyword for defining subroutine FROM ...ENDFORM Keyword for calling subroutine PERFORM #Shadowing pg.134 Local var are visible n used if both local n global r defined

# Variable definition in subroutines var1 type any var type data //can accept any type of data //type defined during runtime

data, any are keywords # Ways of passing inteface parametes 1. Call by value 2. Call by value and result //For small values...jus 2-3 values 3. Call by reference // If a huge table is to be copied....and same m emory location that is passed

DAY -3 Defining and calling subroutines pg.136 #2 methods of calling subroutines are: 1. drag and drop...from side bar 2. by using pattern....from toolbar/menubar # # # Documentation for function module Handling exceptions in function module pg. 151 Funcion module Helps in achieving parallel processing{if we set it asynchronous} Not loaded again and again....once loaded...it is retained 2 ways to call the funtion module are: 1. drag and drop 2. call by manually typing 3. Using pattern # Exception handling parameters : pa_op1 type call function 'BC400_MOS_POWER' Exporting IV_BASE = IV_ pg.147

BAPI {business applicatin programming interface}

For remote enabled, RFC(remote function calls) are used to create the connection with other systems. Syntax is: CALL FUNCTION DESTINATION '........' Limitations for single BAPI: 1. no exceptions 2. no dialogs 3. Remote capability/ remote enabled # Conversion to external format by means of function module # conversion to internal format by means of function module TO use BAPI---Convert from external to Internal

Classes //only reference is crea

#creating a reference to class DATA: lo_ref TYPE REF TO CL_ABAP_TYPEDESCR ted in this step #creating instance CREATE OBJECT lo_ref

# There are exceptions for classes as well as function modules

# 2 types of exception handling for classes 1. classical based....specific to function modules 2. class based---global ...can be used by any one

# syntax for creating classes-----pg .179

DAY 3 # complex data objects 1. structure variables 2. internal tables # Structure (global or local)

use: 1. fetchin a single record frm table 2. fetcin t data from UI

# convention for local str: lty_s_flightinfo -> _s_ refers to str, lty refers to local type # defining a table from table DATA: ls_scarr TYPE SCARR " " SCARR is the table # TO define a table(more than 1 records) f a table type DATA: ls_SCARR TYPE TABLE OF SCARR gty_s_SCARR BC400_s_flight

//SCARR is t table name //gty_s_scarr is the local type //global str variable

Accessing the components of STR i.e. ls_scarr-carrid //carrid is the

[str variable]-[field name] field of str. #

Assigning a value to component

ls_scarr-carrid = 'LH'

# MOVE-CORRESPONDING ... TO {to copy contents of 1 str var to another} PG. Both the strs should have the same component names... The str might b diff... bt oth should have same component names... # INTERNAL TABLES 1.Work area


su01 - creating an authorization / checking the profiles of various authorizatio ns su24 - displayin the athorization sci - advanced code inspector chcek

b4 releasing t product perform extended check and code inspector check

# After the development always perform code inspector and extended check # Field symbols //similar to pointers in C to declare a field symbol FIELD -SYMBOL <fv/fs/ft_name> TYPE ANY ANY---coz at runtime it gets intantiated... The above syntax is jus a ref var..no memory is created to create memory...use foll ASSIGN lv_var1 TO <fv_name> // where lv_var1 is a data variable

%% Check sy-subrc whether the field symbol is assigned check is performed using foll code

IF<fv_name> IS ASSIGNED . . . ENDIF # When we have a huge str. use field symbol of type str. to loop thru t in ternal table LOOP AT Itab Assign <fv_name> . . . ENDLOOP # Fetchin values from field symbols


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