Discovering Welding Polarity
Discovering Welding Polarity
Discovering Welding Polarity
a DCEN arc, approximately 70 percent of the heat generated by the arc occurs in the work piece thus you can use a smaller electrode, as well as a smaller gas cup and reduced gas flow. The more concentrated arc allows for faster travel speeds. This concentrated arc also accounts for the deep penetration when using DCEN for TIG welding.
Alternating current
To weld aluminum, the best combination is the good penetration of electrode negative plus the cleaning action of electrode positive. To obtain the advantages of both polarities, use alternating current to weld aluminum. During a complete cycle of alternating current, there is theoretically one half-cycle of electrode negative and one halfcycle of electrode positive. Therefore, during every cycle, there is a time when the work is positive and the electrode is negative, and a time when the work is negative and the electrode is positive; in theory, the half-cycles of alternating current sine wave arc are of equal time and magnitude.