Current System of POF
Current System of POF
Current System of POF
Somehow they also appraise where 1 assessment form can be applicable to different ranks. PER form for BPS-16 PER form for BPS 17-18 PER form for BPS19-20 PER form for BPS 21 PER form for superintendent/ assistant in charge PER form for Assistants /U.D.Cs PER form for stenographers/steno typist Frequency:Reports prepared annually at the end of each calendar year also on the departure of each government servants/reporting officer concerned on transfer. PERs of all CBR employees initiated in July instead of January and the timetable for writing PERS will be as follows: I. II. Reporting officer by 20th July Countersigning officer by 31st July
Once in a year appraise and from 1st July to 31st July however in case of transfer of employee they also appraise at that time. Confidential/Shared:They did not share information and these forms are confidential incase if there is adverse remarks about employees then there is a proper procedure which will be discuss in report in detail. Impact performance appraisal:Evaluation reports constitute an aid to selection for I. II. Appointments Promotion
Purpose of performance appraisal:Performance appraisals can be important tools to give employees feedback and aid in their development. Yet feedback is only one reason why companies perform appraisals. Appraisals are used to distribute rewards such as bonuses, annual pay raises, and promotions. They may also be used to document termination of employees. Research shows that performance appraisals tend to be viewed as more effective when companies tie them to reward decisions and to terminate lower performers.