Bamboo Flute Rubrics
Bamboo Flute Rubrics
Bamboo Flute Rubrics
________________ Date:____________
BAMBOO FLUTE PLAYING TEST Poor (1 pt) Fair (2 pts) Good (3 pts) Score
Hand/Finger Hands are in the wrong Placement order. Fingers are not placed where they are supposed to be.
Hands are in the right order. Fingers are not in the correct place always.
Hands are in the correct placement. Fingers are all correct.
Note Accuracy
Many mistakes. The notes Some mistakes, but overall,Little to no mistakes. played were not close to the notes played were close The notes were very the written music. to the written music. close to the written or they were all correct.
Rhythmic Accuracy
No steady rhythm. Lots of Rhythm is somewhat Good steady rhythm. breaks and pauses. No steady but there were a few There is a definite note was held for its full mistakes. Some notes were underlying pulse and rhythmic value. not held for their full each note was held for rhythmic value. its full rhythmic value.
Phrasing No phrasing. Each note was played as an individual note, with a "choppy" sound.
Some phrasing, but only on Good phrasing. Student partial phrases. Some notes demonstrates an were played clipped or awareness of the "chopped" from the rest. structure and direction of the melody.
CN______ Name_______________________________________________________________________ Gr. 6 St.________________ BAMBOO FLUTE SKILLS ASSESSMENT 1. Hand position (left on the top, two hands supporting) ____________skill achieved _____________in progress 2. Tonguing (demonstrate correct note attack with combination of breath support and tongue placement) ____________skill achieved _____________in progress 3. Tone quality (proper breath support, proper seal of embrochure-mouth on mouthpiece) ____________skill achieved _____________in progress 4. Melody a. can name notes used ____________skill achieved _____________in progress b. demonstrates proper fingerings ____________skill achieved _____________in progress 5. Responsibility a. demonstrates care of instruments at all times ____________skill achieved _____________in progress b. Works cooperatively with others ____________skill achieved _____________in progress c. Demonstrates a learning attitude ____________skill achieved _____________in progress Date:___________