Jan To June 2011 News Letter PPISR
Jan To June 2011 News Letter PPISR
Jan To June 2011 News Letter PPISR
To promote and nurture excellence in the fundamental and applied sciences for the advancement of scientific (1928 - 2009) His Holiness Sri Vibudhesha Theertha Swamiji Founder Chairman Volume II knowledge and the benefit of mankind His Holiness Sri Vishwapriya Theertha Swamiji Chairman Issue 001
Institute of Scientific Research
On the occasion of this second issue of the Newsletter, we are able to reflect with pleasure on a number of points in which, over the past year since the PhD program was begun, the institute has approached ever more the vision that motivated our founder HH Vibhudesha Teertha Swamiji to create the institute. Topmost among this is no doubt the vigor with which the twelve students who have been inducted into our PhD program have plunged into their work enthusiastically, some of whose achievements are recorded in this issue. Further, the academic year began with a workshop on advances in biological sciences, which helped bring together college lecturers and researchers from various places, on a single platform. We also have two new faculty appointments in Materials and Biological Sciences. Two summer schools, covering over 20 B.Sc students from our sister institute of Poornaprajna Science College, Udupi, were conducted, and-- as I am glad to report-- quite well received. It provided us with a nice window of opportunity to interact with the student community and share our interests as researchers. Based on the response evoked, we are sanguine that at least some of them would consider pursuing research as a career. We greatly profited from the visits from a number of eminent academic personalities, industrialists and other well-wishers, whose thoughtful suggestions have proved to be valuable to a fledgling research institute as ours. Many visitors have found our institute, small though it is, unique in its origin, structure and style of work. Many have appreciated the idea that an institute such as ours with a religio-spiritual base, is involved in secular, scientific research, since this base potentially provides the discipline and freedom of thought essential to do research in the sciences. Dr. R. Srikanth
Events at Bidalur Campus
on PEGylation and enquired his views on how to initiate collaboration with Prof. Acharya. Prof. Acharya in his presentation on EAF PEGylation Technology mentioned about his good old association with the members of PPISR management and wished to help this institute by doing research on PEGylation technology. His enthusiastic approach in establishing a technology centre at PPISR materialized in offering him Distinguished Visiting Professorship in biological Sciences of PPISR. He accepted this offer and agreed for initiating his research activities at PPISR.
Chemistry and Physics Held from May 29th to June 2nd, 2011. Prof. A. P. Bhat,
HOD of Physics department and Lecturer Ms. Suparna from Department of chemistry accompanied students. Prof. Mahendra, the Chairman, Dept of Chemistry, Bangalore University Inaugurated the Summer School. He gave a brief idea of the future prospects in academics and encouraged the students to take up a career in science. The physics-chemistry school consisted of various lectures given by PPISR faculty and doctoral students. In the physics schools some of the topics discussed ranged from quantum computation, quantum entanglement to astronomy to mesoscopic physics at the nanoscale. Some of the specific topics in the chemistry school were Introduction to Materials science, nanomaterials, catalysis, proton exchange membranes, polymeric membrane for separation application, Bio-mass etc. followed by physics practical sessions and also a visit to the Laboratories at RRI under the guidance of Dr. Srikanth. The chemistry laboratory practical sessions consisted of hands-on synthesis and characterization of various materials using the PPISR in-house instruments and also a demonstration of the Catalytic reactor. The Valedictory function was held on 2nd June. The Chief Guest, Dr. Anatharaju, Secretary, Vision Group of Science and Technology, Government of Karnataka gave an inspirational speech about Chemistry and Philosophy.
Chemistry and Biology Held from June 5th to 9th 2011 and inaugurated by Prof.
S V Hegde of UAS Bangalore. Some of the Biology lectures topics were Endophytic fungi from medicinal plants, Insulin pathways and control of disease, Pro biotic in
human health, Genetic studies of insecticide resistance in mosquito vectors,etc., The students also had Hands on experience on microbial culture, growth, maintenance, microbial size measurements by micrometry, qualitative estimation of enzymes produced by endophytic fungi and isolation of endophytic fungi from medicinal plants and anti-microbial assay. The Chemistry lectures and practical sessions were followed. Mr.Suhaas gave an additional lecture on Liquid crystals and Dr. Raghu A. V. had given a talk on the application of polymers for drug delivery in this summer school. The Valedictory function was presided by Dr. Shyamsundar Joshi and Dr. Shantha Joshi, retired Professors from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore. They gave a very interesting presentation on the growth and tremendous market value of the Simarouba plant. H H Sri Vishwapriya Theertha Swamiji blessed the gather and distributed certificates to the participants.
GTC Project Meeting Current Research Activities in PPISR Theoretical Sciences GTC Project Meeting
1. Lectures delivered on Quantum Spin Chain System at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, ISI JNCASR and RRI by Dr. Sujit Sarkar 2. Poster by Omkar Srikrishna and Srinatha Narayanaswamy at ICQOQC-2011, March 24th-26th, 2011 held at JIIT, Noida, India 3. Two invited lectures on Quantum Information Theory by Dr. Srikanth on April 23, 2011 at NIE-IT, Mysore 4. Dr. Sujit Sarkar attended International Workshop/School on Topological Insulator and Topological Quantum Computation at IISc, Bangalore The activity over the past six months in the Theoretical Sciences Division had been in studying quantum secret sharing protocols in noisy channel situations; deriving the operator sum representation of the squeezed generalized amplitude damping channel via the Choi matrix formalism; the thermal entanglement in a twoqubit system under an inhomogeneous gate voltage and quantum phase transitions and geometric phase in many-body systems. Number of publications/acceptances in peerreviewed international journals over the last 6 months: 4
Materials Sciences
The research developments in the past six months in the materials science Division comprise of: the progress of the industry sponsored project, where the catalysts recipe was optimized and tested in the newly installed fully automated microreactor catalyst testing unit(CTU); Initial catalyst screening for conversion of bioglycerol into glycerol carbonate where some catalysts showed good activity and selectivity; Preparation of nanomaterials of the photoluminescent materials which are at present being characterized by DSC,SEM etc.; Preparation of Bi-based layered photocatalysts using hydrothermal methods. Number of publications/book reviews in the last six months:2 1. Swetha. S.M. and Swetha B. V, participated in the conference entitled Luminescence of nanomaterials held on 27th January 2011 organized by Department of chemistry, MSRIT, Bangalore.
Biological Sciences
A couple of areas that the Biological Science division researchers are working on are Endophytic fungi from Medicinal plants and genetic control of mosquitoes. Hundreds of endophytic fungi from medicinal plants are isolated and many of these fungi show promising results with respect to the compounds which we are interested. We have also obtained encouraging results with respect ot controlling of mosquitoes from different geographical areas. Number of Publications in the last six months: 1 Dr. Raghavednra Prahalada Rao form National Cancer Institute, Fredereck,USA visited PPISR on April 15th 2011 and shared his research experience on Ceramide signaling Pathway-roles beyond apoptosis and cell signaling
1. Dr. Nalini's project titled Design and development of nanocrystalline layered bismuth compounds for photocatalytic degradation of dyes and organic pollutants in the visible region was recommended for support under the DST scheme for Fast Track Proposals for Young Scientist on January 1st 2011. 2.. Mr. Omkar Srikrishna's presentation, "What is free will?" was short-listed in the 6th All India Students 'Conference on 'Science and Spiritual Quest' (AISSQ-2011) held during 12--14 March 2011. 3. Swetha. B.V. presented a talk on Utilization of chemicals from biorefinery: Conversion of bioglycerol to glycerol carbonate by solid base catalyst which was selected as a First best oral presentation award and handed over a certificate with a momentum at National conference on social relevance of chemical sciences, International year of chemistry-2011, 26-27 March, 2011, at Kuvempu University, Shankargatta, Shimoga 4. A paper on "Quantumness of noisy quantum walks: A comparison between measurement-induced disturbance and quantum discord" by Balaji Rao, R. Srikanth, C. M. Chandrashekar and Subhashish Banerjee was Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. A (Brief Reports) 5. Dr. R. Srikanth, was invited for a talk on The World is not hard enough at the International Conference of Quantum Optics and Quantum Computation (ICQOQC) 2011, Mar 2426, 2011, held at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India. 6. Dr. Sujit Sarkar has received an invitation to submit a research papers in 'Nature Journal
Mrs.Latha Srinivasan
Administrative In charge Email: [email protected]
We enjoyed the great hospitality of PPIR and look forward to continuing our excellent cooperation
Dr. Zhongyi Ding
G T C Technology, Houston, State of Texas, USA.
Beautiful serene atmosphere to do research. Labs are immaculate. Good work in surface chemistry, Bio-sciences and physics section. I wish bright future to all researchers
Mr. Olivier Larlus
Sud Chemie, Germany
Hope institute will grow as fast and as high as the tree!! thank you to all the nice team for welcoming us.
Dr. C.S. Adiga:
Deputy registrar-Academics (Tech) Manipal university Manipal 576104
'Wonderful a research institute which is truly Indian and has high capacity to lead India in her scientific research. Good luck PPISR