Innovation Index Australia
Innovation Index Australia
Innovation Index Australia
We thank Michael E. Porter, Jeff Furman, Leanne McDonald, Peter Jonson, the
Office of the Treasurer, Jessie Borthwick and workshop participants from the
AIC briefing tour for helpful comments and discussions. Richard Hayes
provided outstanding research assistance. We also thank IPRIA for financial
assistance. Part of this report is drawn from Porter, Stern and COC (1999). All
views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily
represent those of the above individuals and organisations. Responsibility for
all errors lies with the authors.
Initially published at the height of the “dot-com” era, our analysis and policy
recommendations contrasted with claims that the Internet and globalization had
eliminated the crucial role of location in innovation. We emphasized that, as open
borders and information technology erode traditional advantages, competitive advantage
would increasingly depend on companies exploiting location-specific advances to
innovate. This message has become more urgent in a less forgiving economic
environment; the viability of companies increasingly depends on their ability to connect
the specific strengths of their local environment with opportunities for global
competitive advantage through innovation.
In this report focused on Australia, Joshua Gans and Scott Stern have completed a
significant extension of earlier studies of innovative capacity at the national level. This
study takes advantage of an updated dataset including a wider range of countries and
more refined empirical measures. The analysis confirms the key findings of prior work,
including the importance of world-class research-oriented universities and the crucial
role played by regional clusters.
These findings, and the policy recommendations that flow from them, should be at
center stage as Australia faces the next competitiveness challenge. Macroeconomic
stability and microeconomic reform have transformed Australia from an adopter to a
producer of global technology. However, the challenge of establishing Australia as a
first-tier innovator remains. Achieving a higher level of innovative capacity requires
attention to all aspects of the innovation system. Australia must ensure the availability
of a world-class pool of technically trained people, and an investment environment that
encourages the deployment of risk capital. Deep and dynamic clusters are central to the
ability of Australian companies to compete on a global level, requiring that policy
continues to encourage vigorous domestic competition and strong protection of
intellectual property. As Gans and Stern point out, historical strengths in agricultural
and life sciences research, complemented by a distinct proclivity among Australian
R&D personnel towards the life sciences, make the potential for cluster development in
these areas particularly promising. A strong system of research-oriented universities and
related institutions for collaboration will be particularly important for Australia to
evolve into a first-tier innovator economy.
Though individual companies are the ultimate engine for innovation, the national
innovation environment has a strong influence on whether companies are able to
develop and commercialize new products and processes at the global technology
frontier. With a highly educated workforce, mature political institutions, and a rich
history of growth and adaptability, Australia has great promise to establish itself as a
source of global innovation. Achieving this objective will require systematic attention to
the drivers of innovative capacity in the Australian context; this report identifies those
drivers and thus the central foundations for such a transition.
Michael E. Porter
Bishop William Lawrence University Professor
Harvard University
Cambridge, Massachusetts
June 2003
Executive Summary
This report presents new findings regarding the drivers of global innovation across
advanced nations and provides an assessment of the evolution of the Australian
environment for innovation over the past two decades. Building on the national
innovative capacity framework (Porter and Stern, 1999; Furman, Porter and Stern,
2002), we demonstrate how a nation’s relative performance in producing global
innovation is linked to three factors: (1) the strength of a common innovation
infrastructure; (2) the vitality and innovation orientation of regional clusters and (3) the
quality of linkages between the innovation infrastructure and a nation’s clusters.
A detailed empirical examination of the drivers of global innovation across the OECD
over the past two decades is at the heart of the analysis and subsequent
recommendations. In this regard, three empirical findings stand out. First, no single
factor uniquely determines the ability of a country to produce global innovation;
innovation depends on strength along multiple dimensions. A healthy innovation
environment depends on the quality of human resources, effective public policy, and
innovation-oriented corporate investment. Second, since companies are the ultimate
engine for innovation, vital clusters in which firms compete on the basis of innovation
but cooperate on shared priorities is a crucial to the process of producing global
innovation. Third, by facilitating knowledge transfer and cumulative step-by-step
progress, universities and other “institutions for collaboration” play an especially
important role in determining the innovative capacity of a particular location. Overall,
global innovation is driven by nuanced factors, many of which can, nonetheless, be
enhanced by effective policy interventions.
These findings are at the foundation of assessing Australian innovative capacity. Over
the past quarter century, both public policy and private sector initiatives have
transformed Australia from a classical “imitator” to a second-tier innovator
economy. This improvement is the consequence of policies ensuring macroeconomic
stability and the implementation of microeconomic reforms that have opened Australia
up to global competitive forces. While Australia has improved its innovative capacity
over time, it has not done so as fast as key international competitors. Some have
leapfrogged Australia through sustained policy action. This international perspective
on innovation policy and innovative capacity yields specific insights into Australia’s
relative strengths and specific policy challenges.
Above all, we caution patience with regard to the application and realisation of the
fruits of innovation policy. Returns on innovative capacity investments only manifest
themselves over time. Addressing weaknesses requires a consistent, long-term strategy
and not periodic bursts of policy initiatives. This commitment must be similar in scope
and duration to the process of microeconomic reform that has resulted in durable
policy institutions such as COAG and the Australian Competition and Consumer
1 Introduction ................................................ 2
5 Final Thoughts........................................... 50
References ......................................................... 61
June, 2003 i
Section 1 Introduction
1 Introduction
Section 1 Introduction
However, over the longer term, the basis for growth and international
competitiveness will increasingly rely on innovation. Across advanced
economies, structural reforms and operational effectiveness are now a
given, and companies can acquire and deploy global technology.
Producing standard products using standard methods will no longer
sustain competitive advantage. Indeed, the prosperity and welfare of
countries will flow from the ability of companies within a location to
create and globally commercialise new products and processes, shifting
the innovation frontier as fast as rivals catch up.
Section 1 Introduction
Section 1 Introduction
% of GDP
Ze y
he rk
itz A
A u ia
ew wa
Source: OECD Science, Technology and Industry Scoreboard 2001.
This leads us to the theme of this report. The innovation challenges for
Australia’s future prosperity are connected and require a coordinated
strategy to address them. However, working out what that strategy needs
to be requires a clear understanding of the role of global innovation in
determining future competitiveness, and the specific strengths and
weaknesses of the Australian innovation environment. Our overall
objective is to provide an examination of the drivers of global innovation
in order to shed light on the sources of Australia’s innovation
performance relative to other nations. Rather than a “scoring” exercise,
the chief purpose of this benchmarking is to identify an informed set of
policy options that can facilitate Australia’s future as an innovator
Section 1 Introduction
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
1 The term “innovative capacity” has been used extensively by prior researchers in the
economics, geography and innovation policy literatures. For example, in the economics
and innovation policy literature, Pavitt (1980), along with co-authors at the Sussex
Policy Research Unit, employed the term in a similar way as used here in the economics
and innovation policy literature. Suarez-Villa (1990, 1993) provides a fuller articulation
of the concept within the geography literature, focusing on the specific linkage between
invention and innovation. See Neely and Hii (1998) for a more detailed discussion of the
origins and definition of innovative capacity in the academic literature. The framework
presented here builds directly on research reported in Porter, Stern and COC (1999) and
Furman, Porter and Stern (2002) and the references cited therein.
2 Bush (1945) provided an early and eloquent rationale for sustained public investment
in the nation’s science and technology base. The centrality of innovation in economic
growth has been appreciated since the seminal contributions of Schumpeter (1943),
Solow (1957) and Abramovitz (1956). Rosenberg, however, was the first to identify how
innovative activity of the macroeconomy was inherently the result of more
microeconomic processes and their interaction with the environment and national
institutions (Rosenberg, 1963; 1982). Building on such early work, Nelson (1990),
among others, focuses on the elements of the national innovation system (most closely
resembling our concept of the common innovation infrastructure described below)
while Porter (1990; 1998) conceptualises the critical importance and workings of clusters
and their role in innovation and competitiveness. Our work also links these more
microeconomic-oriented approaches to the macroeconomic approach employed by
Romer (1990; 1996), who focuses on the relationship between the “ideas” sector of the
economy and the overall process of productivity growth in the economy. For a more
detailed discussion of the motivation for this work and its relationship to prior studies in
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
the economics of technological change, see Stern, Porter, and Furman (1999) and Porter
and Stern (1999).
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
History teaches us that, ultimately, the private sector is the engine for
innovation. The transformation of knowledge and new ideas into wealth-
creating technologies, products, and services is the province of firms, not
governments or universities. Nonetheless, national policy and public
institutions create an environment that can encourage or detract from
firms’ innovative activity. The U.S. pharmaceutical industry, for example,
has benefited greatly from intellectual property laws that encourage
investment in discovering new drugs; by contrast, patent laws in Japan
and pricing laws in France historically discouraged investment in new
medications, resulting in less innovative companies within these nations’
borders. Similarly, Australian leadership in the international wine industry
reflects an effective mix of vigorous domestic competition alongside
public/private cooperation in areas of shared interest, such as basic
research. The foundation of international competitiveness begins at home
with an effective public policy environment and dynamic clusters
competing on the basis of innovation and value enhancement (Porter,
1990; 1998). A higher rate of innovation in one nation does not come at
the expense of others. The ability of firms in one country to create new
ideas can be enhanced by innovations created in others. Raising their
rates of innovation can improve the prosperity and productivity of all
nations, and collectively speed the rate of world economic growth.
Indeed, as many advanced nations face the prospect of declining
population growth, a stepped-up rate of innovation is needed to drive the
faster productivity growth that will be required to sustain healthy
economic growth rates. The studies reported on here do not aim to
designate winners and losers but to measure how countries are
performing relative to their potential, and suggest ways in which the
innovative capacity of all nations can be nurtured.
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Why are some nations so much more innovative than others? This is not
the same as asking why some countries publish more scientific papers
than others, nor is it the same as asking why some countries are able to
achieve higher scores on standardised tests in maths, science, or
engineering. Instead, the answer requires identifying those factors that
influence the ability of a nation’s firms to identify economically valuable
new products, services, and processes and develop them commercially.3
3 History is replete with examples in which scientific or conceptual advances have been
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Both the Innovation Index developed in the next section and the policy
implications we draw from it depend on each element of the national
innovative capacity framework. We, therefore, explore each area in
greater detail before turning to the benchmarking analysis.
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
tendency these days to equate risk equity with venture capital, but the
institutional structure for providing risk capital can take different forms in
different nations. In Japan, for example, most risk capital comes from
large corporations. As any nation seeks to improve its supply of risk
capital, it should build on its unique institutional strengths. For Australia,
public policy can encourage renewed energy in corporate venture
investing or providing the context for the long-term rise of a distinct
venture capital sector.
6 In particular, the strength of IP can impact upon key commercialisation choices (see
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
While the common innovation infrastructure sets the basic conditions for
innovation, the development and commercialisation of new technologies
take place disproportionately in clusters — geographic concentrations of
interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field. The
cluster-specific innovation environment is captured in Porter’s
“diamond” framework (Figure 2-3).7 Four attributes of the
microeconomic environment surrounding a cluster bear on its overall
competitiveness and innovative vitality -- the presence of high-quality and
specialised inputs; a local context that encourages investment together
with intense rivalry; pressure and insight gleaned from sophisticated local
demand; and the local presence of high quality related and supporting
7 For a more complete exposition of the diamond framework and its role in
understanding the origins of national competitive advantage, see Porter (1990, 1998).
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Perhaps the single most visible recent cluster in Australia centres on the
wine industry. Though it has only recently emerged as a leading force
international market, the growth of Australia’s wine is the consequence of
decades of investment, from the establishment of the Australian Wine
Research Institute in 1955 to the flurry of institutions for collaboration
on international markets founded over the past decade (see Figures 2-4
and 2-5). Building on unique advantages in terms of natural resources,
and enhancing the value of those resources through research and
innovation, the Australian wine industry epitomises how an effective mix
of domestic competition and public/private cooperation in key areas
facilitates international competitiveness.
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Figure 2-4
Source: Michael E. Porter and Örjan Sölvell, The Australian Wine Cluster – Supplement, Harvard Business School Case Study, 2002
Figure 2-5
Source: Michael E. Porter and Örjan Sölvell, The Australian Wine Cluster – Supplement, Harvard Business School
Case Study, 2002
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
8 Prior studies by Porter, Stern, and co-authors have employed two distinct
of this methodology and prior research in this area. In particular, our approach builds on
a line of research that includes, among others, Dosi, Pavitt, and Soete (1990) and Eaton
and Kortum (1996).
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
11 As we discuss further below, we include a US dummy to account for the fact that US
patenting abroad may differ from other countries’ patenting in the US. This dummy
variable turns out to be both small in impact and insignificant.
12Our use of patent applications within a given year is a refinement on the initial Porter
and Stern methodology. In their initial studies, they employed the number of patents
granted within a given year and assumed a three year “lag” between application and
grant times. Of course, patent applications and patent grants (three years forward) are
highly correlated, and the use of one or the other measure as the innovation output
measure does not affect the core findings of this study.
13 Other recent measures proposed include citations of patents and academic
publications. As is well known, the latter data can suffer from distortions because of self
citation (see Gans and Stern, 2002, 2003).
14 Trajtenberg (1990) provides a thorough discussion of the role of patents in
understanding innovative activity, stretching back to their use by Schmookler (1966) and
noting their ever-increasing use by scholars in recent years (e.g., Griliches, 1984; 1990;
1994). Our use of international patents also has precedent in prior work comparing
international inventive activity (see Dosi, Pavitt, and Soete, 1990; Eaton and Kortum,
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
It is important to keep in mind that the Index itself is not the number of
international patents, but rather a weighted sum of the types of measures
described earlier (such as national R&D employment, weighed by their
demonstrated influence on international patenting). Therefore, the Index
reflects the actual resource and policy commitments of a country and not simply a
country’s propensity to patent or its involvement in patent-intensive
industries. The choice of patents as a measure, then, only modestly
influences differences in the weights used in the Index calculation. The
Index captures R&D personnel and funding even in those sectors which
do not rely heavily on patenting. Even though areas such as software are
much less patent-intensive than, say, the life sciences, the employment of
software engineers and R&D expenditures in software is part of the
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Source: USPTO.
In the second stage of the analysis, the weights derived in the first stage
are used to calculate a value for the Index for each country in each year
given its actual resource and policy choices. It is in this sense that we refer
to national innovative capacity: the extent of countries’ current and
accumulated resource and policy commitments. The Index calculation
allows us to explore differences in this capacity across countries and in
individual countries over time.
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Stage I
• Create a database for 29 OECD countries from 1980 to 2000
• Employ a time series/cross sectional regression analysis to determine the
significant influences on innovative output and the weight associated with each
Stage II
• Calculate the Innovation Index for each country for each year using the weights
from Stage I
• Evaluate the differences in the Index among countries and changes in the Index
over time
Stage III
• Project the Innovation Index into the future for each country, given the recent
trajectory of its policy and resource commitments
• Evaluate projected shifts in the Index among countries and the influence of
various policy areas
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Along some dimensions, particularly those which capture the strength of the common
innovation infrastructure, direct measures are available and are included in the analysis. More
subtle and multi-faceted concepts, such as the cluster-specific innovation environment,
cannot be quantified directly from available and internationally comparable data. This
challenge is addressed by employing an intermediate measure which does not capture the
underlying drivers of national innovative capacity in a particular area but measures an
outcome associated with the strength of those specific drivers. The quality of the innovation
environment within clusters is inherently difficult to measure, for example, as it involves such
areas as the supply of specialised talent and the degree of domestic customer sophistication
in particular fields. However, the amount of collective R&D activity funded by a nation’s
clusters provides an indicator of these more fundamental circumstances.
With the distinction between direct and indirect indicators in mind, we review the specific
variables used in the calculation of the Index and how each relates to national innovative
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Share of Gross Domestic Product Spent on Secondary and Tertiary Education. The
availability of high quality workers, with both technical and non-technical backgrounds, is an
additional and basic element of a nation’s common innovation infrastructure. Investment in
higher education creates a base of highly skilled personnel upon which firms and other
institutions across the economy can draw; in both formal R&D activities and more informal
problem-solving, skilled workers are better able to recognise, choose, and execute
innovation-oriented strategies in the pursuit of competitive advantage. The intensity of
national investment in higher education is therefore a crucial determinant of national
innovative capacity. By sustaining investment in higher education, a country can slowly but
surely upgrade the ability of its workforce to innovate and to commercialize new
technologies at the international frontier.
Gross Domestic Product per Capita. Beyond direct investments and policy choices, a
nation’s common innovation infrastructure is affected by the general level of domestic
customer sophistication and the overall accumulated level of domestic technological
knowledge. These are measured in the Index by gross domestic product (GDP) per capita
adjusted for exchange rate differences. The level of wealth achieved by an economy both
reflects the technological stock upon which innovators draw and influences the degree to
which sophisticated domestic customers exert pressure on firms to upgrade the quality of
their product offerings. It is important to note that GDP per capita ultimately depends on
the accumulated history of public and private choices, investments, and outcomes rather than
short-term economic policies.
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Controlling for the overall level of R&D investment, then, the percentage of R&D
performed by universities is an indicator of the strength of linkages. It measures the degree
to which innovative activity, whether funded by companies, government or other
institutions, is centred in institutions which are suited to encouraging interplay between the
different entities that contribute to national innovative capacity. It is important to note,
however, that we cannot capture in the Index the full range and diversity of institutions (e.g.,
research cooperatives in Japan and elsewhere) which have arisen across countries to
contribute to such linkages.
Section 2 The Foundations of Innovative Capacity
Finally, working in the opposite direction is a “raising the bar” effect. The
productivity of international patenting (i.e., the number of patents
produced for a given level of innovative resources) is declining over time,
a result consistent with prior studies. Taken together, the statistical
analysis confirms the notion that no single factor is determinative in
creating a favourable innovation environment, and that concurrent
progress is necessary in a variety of areas to substantially upgrade a
nation’s innovative capacity.
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
To understand this, we turn to the Innovation Index. Figure 3-2 depicts the
Index value for each country over time. The Index, interpreted literally, is the
expected number of international patent applications per million persons given a country’s
current configuration of national policies and resource commitments. It is important not
to interpret the Innovation Index as a tool to predict the exact number of
international patents that will be granted to a country in any particular year.
Instead, the Index provides an indication of the relative capability of the
economy to produce innovative outputs based on the historical relationship
between the elements of national innovative capacity present in a country and
the outputs of the innovative process.
The Index yields a number of interesting findings. Over the three decades
examined, countries fall into three relatively stable groups in terms of
innovative capacity (see Figures 3-2 and 3-3). The United States and
Switzerland consistently appear at the top of the Index, and were joined there
in the 1980s by Japan and Sweden. These countries constitute the innovator
group. A second group of countries, including the remaining Scandinavian
countries, constitute a middle group. This group now includes Australia. The
third group, including Italy, New Zealand and Spain, lag behind the rest of
the OECD over the full sample. There are quite substantial differences across
the groups in terms of the value of the Index. Predicted per capita innovative
capacity for the top group is more than 5 times the level of capacity attributed
to countries in the lowest tier.
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
Source: USPTO
200 Australia
New Zealand
S Korea
50 USA
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
From 1980 to 1989, the Index is based on data for West Germany only
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
Country 1980 Rank 1980 Country 1985 Rank 1985 Country 1990 Rank 1990
Innovation Index Innovation Index Innovation Index
USA 1 145.4 USA 1 205.7 USA 1 150.7
Switzerland 2 116.8 Japan 2 132.2 Switzerland 2 146.4
Sweden 3 85.4 Switzerland 3 103.7 Japan 3 138.0
Germany 4 74.8 Sweden 4 103.6 Sweden 4 93.5
Japan 5 68.6 Germany 5 72.5 Germany 5 80.5
Netherlands 6 55.8 Canada 6 65.6 Finland 6 57.0
UK 7 54.6 Netherlands 7 48.8 Canada 7 53.2
France 8 50.4 France 8 46.9 France 8 52.9
Canada 9 49.5 Norway 9 45.6 Netherlands 9 47.8
Norway 10 31.8 UK 10 45.5 Denmark 10 46.5
Hungary 11 31.8 Finland 11 42.5 UK 11 41.9
Belgium 12 28.5 Belgium 12 40.3 Belgium 12 41.8
Finland 13 28.2 Denmark 13 36.7 Norway 13 38.7
Denmark 14 24.5 Australia 14 27.5 Australia 14 29.7
Austria 15 24.4 Austria 15 24.9 Austria 15 27.9
Australia 16 20.6 Hungary 16 23.0 Italy 16 20.4
Italy 17 12.5 Italy 17 16.4 Iceland 17 15.5
Iceland 18 10.5 Iceland 18 13.8 S Korea 18 12.3
New Zealand 19 9.1 New Zealand 19 8.5 Hungary 19 11.2
Ireland 20 4.9 Ireland 20 6.0 Ireland 20 9.8
Spain 21 3.2 S Korea 21 4.3 New Zealand 21 8.2
Portugal 22 0.8 Spain 22 3.4 Spain 22 7.3
S Korea 23 0.6 Portugal 23 1.2 Portugal 23 3.1
Greece 24 0.5 Greece 24 0.9 Greece 24 1.6
Turkey 25 0.4 Turkey 25 0.5 Turkey 25 0.3
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
1995 2000
Country Rank 1995 Innovation Index Country Rank 2000 Innovation Index
Japan 1 188.1 USA 1 214.4
Switzerland 2 176.9 Sweden 2 184.9
USA 3 170.5 Finland 3 173.1
Sweden 4 150.0 Japan 4 171.6
Germany 5 107.8 Switzerland 5 149.7
Finland 6 84.2 Iceland 6 130.7
Denmark 7 83.1 Denmark 7 116.3
France 8 80.5 Germany 8 109.5
Canada 9 71.2 Canada 9 81.4
Norway 10 67.6 UK 10 79.4
Netherlands 11 61.5 France 11 77.6
Belgium 12 60.3 Norway 12 75.1
UK 13 53.5 Belgium 13 75.1
Australia 14 46.0 Netherlands 14 68.7
Austria 15 44.7 Ireland 15 62.3
Iceland 16 38.1 Austria 16 52.4
S Korea 17 35.9 Australia 17 50.9
Ireland 18 33.4 S Korea 18 42.3
Italy 19 17.1 Italy 19 19.7
New Zealand 20 14.3 Spain 20 17.3
Czech Rep 21 13.2 New Zealand 21 14.9
Spain 22 11.1 Czech Rep 22 14.5
Portugal 23 4.9 Greece 23 12.0
Slovak Rep 24 4.4 Portugal 24 11.1
Greece 25 4.2 Hungary 25 5.4
Hungary 26 3.3 Slovak Rep 26 3.5
Poland 27 2.4 Poland 27 3.5
Mexico 28 0.5 Turkey 28 1.4
Turkey 29 0.4 Mexico 29 1.2
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
Over the past twenty years, Australia has substantially enhanced its
innovative capacity (Figure 3-3 compares Australia to a group of leading
countries, while Figure 3-4 presents Australia’s performance in isolation).
During the 1980s, Australia’s positioning could be characterised as a
“classical” imitator economy – productivity improvements were primarily
driven by the ability to import technology and ideas developed elsewhere.
Over the past decade, Australia has more than doubled its level of
innovative capacity (relative to its levels in the early 1980s) and
transformed itself into a second-tier innovator economy (though
somewhat at the lower end of this group).
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
Innovation Index
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998
IP protection
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
Cluster-Specific Environment
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Quality of Linkages
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
15 This is despite government initiatives like the Backing Australia’s Ability set of
programs. While some of these are designed to put in place long-term institutions to
attract core researchers to Australian universities (i.e., the Federation Fellowships
program) others have been highly specific projects for particular high technology areas.
Consequently, the set of projects does not appear to have built into a persistent cycle of
growth in innovative capacity. See West (2001) for a background analysis.
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
At the same time, Australia’s recent stability reflects its status as a second-
tier innovator. Whereas achieving second-tier innovator status was
accomplished by upgrading on well-defined dimensions such as
improvements in intellectual property policy, the key challenges facing
Australia today rely on coupling the different aspects of the innovation
system together in a more coordinated fashion.
Figure 3-6
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
Figure 3-7
Policymakers may have been to ignore such imbalances during the period
where Australia was developing its baseline innovation capabilities.
However, the persistent mismatch between capital and labour
investments may now be impinging on R&D productivity. Public sector
investments are not effectively commercialised, while private sector R&D
cannot draw upon local knowledge for global advantage. Enhancements
to Australian innovative capacity going forward must be premised on a
closer connection between public and private sector priorities. While
Australia has improved its common innovation infrastructure and cluster-
specific environment, Australia’s challenge today is to reverse the decline
of institutions central to the quality of innovation linkages across the
economy and it must connect the investments in public sector basic
research more closely with the innovation priorities of Australian clusters
with an opportunity for global competitiveness.
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
While such forecasts are inherently difficult, our projects indicate several
interesting trends. Figure 3-8 lists the Innovation Index and country
rankings for 2005. For Australia, the index level grows grow but the
relative rank remains flat. While personnel employed in R&D activities
are projected to continue to grow, this enhancement is offset by the
projection of a continuing decline in the share of national income
devoted to higher education. A low rate of growth is a cause for concern
insofar as other leading nations are investing more intensively in various
facets of innovative capacity. For instance, while Australia is expected to
still outrank New Zealand in 2005, that country is predicted to nearly
double its innovative capacity rating between 2000 and 2005, in part
because of its sustained investments in education and a supportive
environment for industrial innovation.
16This performance is in part due to Iceland’s status within our dataset as an emerging
nation. Removing this reduces Iceland’s relative rank in recent times; although its
improvement remains dramatic.
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
Section 3 Australian Innovative Capacity
Section 4 Nurturing Australia’s Innovative Capacity
First, and perhaps most importantly, Australia must expand its efforts to
develop an effective pool of trained innovators, including trained scientists
and engineers as well as encouraging entrepreneurship and managerial
training. While there has been a substantial growth in the number of scientists
and engineers in Australia over the past decade, Australia still lags behind
leading innovator economies, such as Japan, Finland, and the United
Section 4 Nurturing Australia’s Innovative Capacity
would have been over 16 percent higher. Such an improvement was predicted to
shift Australia from the lower portion of second-tier innovators to the middle
of this grouping.
Several specific initiatives can help Australia achieve growth over time in the
proportion of the workforce with strong science and engineering
backgrounds or who possess the strong problem-solving skills so crucial for
innovation. First, though Australia is geographically remote, talented
scientists, engineers and innovators increasingly compete in a global labour
market. The “brain drain” of top R&D personnel needs to be arrested. The
Federation Fellowships are a very positive step in this direction, and there is a
strong case for encouraging those with scientific and technical backgrounds
to remain in Australia on a broader scale. Such a policy might include specific
tax incentives and educational subsidies (which we discuss further below). As
well, by international standards, the wages for scientists and engineers whose
compensation is under the authority of the government (e.g., most university
and government laboratory researchers) is relatively low; given this
imbalance, upgrading wages for government-funded researchers will place
upward pressure on the relative wages for all Australian scientists and
Section 4 Nurturing Australia’s Innovative Capacity
There are two policy priorities in this area. First, Australia must continue
upgrading the effectiveness of its intellectual property system (and the
business, legal and regulatory environment more generally). Given the
substantial technical and market uncertainty associated with innovation, legal
and/or regulatory uncertainty is an unnecessary and inefficient tax on
corporate investment activities. While the precise scope of patent law and
regulatory intervention may be debated, uncertainty about the scope of patent
law or the extent of regulation reduces the ability to enforce policy once
decided and discourages innovative investment.
4.1.3 Cumulativeness
Cumulative research is at the very heart of the process by which science and
innovation investments contribute to the long-term growth of the economy.
Rather than the technology or process developed by any one company at a
point in time, economic growth and prosperity result from step-by-step
progress by many innovators over time. Though the cumulativeness of
research is often assumed by many policy analysts, policy plays a key role in
determining the degree of cumulativeness across innovations.
Two issues stand out in this regard. First, for many companies, trade secrecy
is a key mechanism for ensuring an economic return from innovation. While
secrecy may be in the interest of an individual firm, secrecy reduces the
powerful externalities and spillovers at the heart of innovation-driven
regional economic growth. Enhancement to the intellectual property system
to encourage the disclosure of new technologies and inventions, as well as
facilitating standard-setting bodies that coordinate technical interfaces, can be
Section 4 Nurturing Australia’s Innovative Capacity
Policy towards cluster development must trade off two criteria. First, though
clusters are a key element to innovation-driven growth, it is important to
emphasise that appropriate government intervention must avoid picking
winners. Successful cluster development must evolve according to market
signals and individual firms should be protected against the pressure of
competition from domestic or foreign firms. Conversely, the number of
clusters in a particular location which can compete globally is limited by the
size of the region and the stage of economic development. For small or
medium-sized countries, most firms able to compete on a global scale will be
drawn from a small number of key clusters. For example, Taiwanese success
in the semiconductor industry reflects a deep electronics cluster, with little
Section 4 Nurturing Australia’s Innovative Capacity
Effective public policy must incorporate both of these criteria. First, and
perhaps most importantly, the foundations of dynamic clusters lay in the
ability of investors and companies (both domestic and foreign) to direct
financial and human resources towards those opportunities which can yield
global competitive advantage. As a result, government-imposed barriers to
entry or excessive regulation can hinder effective cluster development. As
well, clusters can only nurture firms with the potential for global leadership
by subjecting those firms to vigorous domestic competition; vigorous yet
sophisticated antitrust enforcement ensures that no firm exploits market
power at the expense of industry development.
Section 4 Nurturing Australia’s Innovative Capacity
First, universities must continue to upgrade their role as key linkages in the
Australian innovation system. In leading innovator economies, the university
system provides required training for a technically skilled labour force. It also
undertakes “basic” research investments that serve as the foundation for a
country’s industrial clusters. Finally, by serving as a neutral broker within and
among companies themselves, universities serve to serve as a knowledge hub
through which spillovers are achieved. Though Australian universities have
been historically isolated from industry and national innovation policy
initiatives (relative to the US), they are today playing a key role in one of
Australia’s most promising clusters, the life sciences.
Section 4 Nurturing Australia’s Innovative Capacity
R&D tax incentives may serve as a more decentralised solution. For example,
a direct incentive for companies to engage universities in the research process
would be to offer a greatly enhanced R&D tax credit for company funding of
university research. In so doing, the process of interaction between
universities and industries would be induced directly, and might focus
industry attention on the potential benefits of working with university
researchers. As well, joint research projects with universities are more likely
to satisfy the criteria that the investments eligible for the credit themselves be
truly innovative.
4.4 Summary
Section 4 Nurturing Australia’s Innovative Capacity
Section 5 Final Thoughts
5 Final Thoughts
The role of the government is to ensure that the basis exists in Australia’s
innovative capacity by investing heavily on the three dimensions
identified in this report – a common innovation infrastructure, the
cluster-specific environment and the quality of linkages. We should not
expect that Australia will become a leading innovator across all industrial
area; instead, Australian strength in a few key areas can serve as the basis
for international competitiveness and the source of Australian new-to-
the-world innovation. Achieving this goal requires building on Australia’s
many areas of strength and undertaking proactive investments to address
key areas of concern, from human capital development to the university-
industry interface.
Section 0 Appendix A: Econometric Methodology
Data choices are discussed in Furman (2002). Importantly, the data
draws on several public sources, including the most recently available data
from the OECD Main Science and Technology Statistics, the World Bank, and the
National Science Foundation (NSF) Science & Engineering Indicators. Where
appropriate, we interpolated missing values for individual variables by
constructing trends between the data points available. For example, several
countries only report educational expenditure data once every other year; for
missing years, our analysis employs the average of the years just preceding
and following. The primary measure of innovative output employed in the
Index is international patent output. The data are provided by the United
States Patent & Trademark Office. For all countries except the United States,
the number of patents is defined as the number of patents granted in the
United States. Since nearly all U.S.-filed patents by foreign companies are also
patented in the country of origin, we believe that international patents
provide a useful metric of a country’s commercially significant international
patenting activity. For the United States, we use the number of patents
granted to establishments (non-individuals) in the United States. To account
for the fact that U.S. patenting may follow a different pattern than foreign
patenting in the United States, we include a dummy variable for the United
States in the regression analysis (the coefficient is however statistically
insignificant). It is crucial to recall that patenting rates are used only to
calculate and assign weights to the variables in the Index. The Index itself is
based on the weighted sum of the actual components of national innovative
capacity described in Section 2 and in Table B-1.
Section 0 Appendix A: Econometric Methodology
Section 0 Appendix A: Econometric Methodology
* Prior to 1990, figures are for West Germany only; after 1990 results include all Federal states
The statistical model draws heavily on a rich and long empirical literature in
economics and technology policy (Dosi, Pavitt, and Soette, 1990; Romer,
1990; Jones, 1998). Consistent with that literature, we choose a functional
form that emphasizes the interaction among elements of national innovative
capacity, namely a log-log specification between international patent
production and the elements of national innovative capacity:
Section 0 Appendix A: Econometric Methodology
Section 0 Appendix A: Econometric Methodology
Table A-4 reports the results from the principal regression. The coefficients
on the variables are significant at the 10% level with the exception of the US
DUMMY and SPECIALISATION. Consistent with prior research, the time
dummies largely decline over time, suggesting a substantial “raising the bar”
effect over the past 20 years (see Jones, 1998, for a discussion of declining
worldwide research productivity).
In Stage II, the Innovation Index was calculated using the results of the
regression analysis in Stage I. The Index for a given country in a given year is
derived from the predicted value for that country based on its regressors.
This predicted value is then exponentiated (since the regression is log-log)
and divided by the population of the country:
exp( X′j,t β)
Innovation Index j,t =
Table A-5 provides the Index value for each country for each year. The
Index, interpreted literally, is the expected number of international patents per million
persons given a country’s current configuration of national policies and resource
commitments. It is important not to interpret the Innovation Index as a tool to
predict the exact number of international patents that will be granted to a
country in any particular year. Instead, the Index provides an indication of
the relative capability of the economy to produce innovative outputs based
on the historical relationship between the elements of national innovative
capacity present in a country and the outputs of the innovative process.
Section 0 Appendix A: Econometric Methodology
The third stage of the analysis began by modelling the future evolution of
each element of national innovative capacity for each country. For the policy
measure of intellectual property protection, we assumed that the policy
environment was maintained at its 2000 level. For the other variables, the
projected value was set equal to its value for the last observed year (in most
cases, 2000) plus an increment which depended on the trajectory of the
variable in the country between 1991 and 2000. For the ratios such as
education as a share of GDP, % of R&D performed by universities and %
financed by industry we regressed each variable against a first order time term
and used the resulting slope to project future changes from the last observed
level. For the other variables, we regressed each variable on a first and second
order time term, and then assumed that the resulting coefficients could be
used to project future changes from the last observed level. This procedure
can result in extreme values based on imprecise estimates, so we were careful
to check our results against this possibility. Once these projected regressors
were derived, the Index was recalculated following the procedure described in
Stage II.
Section 0 Appendix A: Econometric Methodology
Section 0 Appendix A: Econometric Methodology
Section 0 Appendix A: Econometric Methodology
Section 0 Appendix B: US Patents by Australian Organisation
Section 0 References
Section 0 References
Section 0 References
Data Sources
CHI Research, Inc. Haddon Heights, NJ.
DRI/McGraw-Hill, World Markets Executive Overview, 2nd quarter 1996.
IMD, The World Competitiveness Yearbook, Lausanne, Switzerland. 1997.
International Finance Corporation, Emerging Markets Data Base Factbook,
Washington, DC. 1987-1996.
International Monetary Fund, Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook. 1979-
National Bureau of Economic Research, Penn World Tables,
Section 0 References