Throughput Test Procedure
Throughput Test Procedure
Throughput Test Procedure
Test step 1 Prepare two testing PC, and set the IP 2 Configure the service on the RTNs (Both site) For New RTN Installation (no service) do this step : a. Create E-Line service (Allways use GE port to testing): -From NE choose Configuration -Select ethernet service management -Select E-Line service -Create new service and set the V-Lan -Click OK
DO THIS STEP NE and FE Note:please use GE port for the test. Dont forget to delete after testing is finished.
For Existing RTN Network Do This Step: a. Create E-LAN service for exisiting network (Use GE Port to do testing):
-From NE choose Configuration -Select ethernet service management -Select E-LAN service -Click Get UNI port -Add new port and set V-LAN use, ex:9 -Click OK
DO THIS STEP NE and FE After finish commissioning both site continue to the next step.
3 Install the IxChariot in one PC until finish, before execute it please copy crack file to
Star the program and program will start like picture below:
fill in the IP address in below table. One is the local PC IP address(Endpoint 1),
other is the remote PC IP address(Endpoint 2). Both IP address must be in the same subnet.