Sports Day News Report
Sports Day News Report
Sports Day News Report
Date 29.6.12
On Friday 29th June Barcombe school hade the best sports day ever with lots of different events! At 9:45 all the children paraded round the field cheering and shouting for their teams. Afterwards we all sang the national anthem then we went to our first event. In the morning key stage 1 did track events and key stage 2 did field events. The year 6s first event was Javelin the year 5s first event was standing long jump the year 4s started at standing triple jump and the year 3s started at shot put.
Prizes were awarded for:Longest jump- Henry Hughes Longest throw-Harry Black Fastest girl Tallulah Bullen Fastest boy- Billy Dean Gant Overall the red team Victorious and received Team trophy for, another year. were the yet,
In the morning it was cold and windy and in the afternoon it started raining but we still kept on going. One of the parents we interviewed said I wish it was warmer though but she still had a lovely time. At the end of an exciting and entertaining day the children gathered for the end prize giving ceremony.
Barcombe school ,gathered in the sports hall, ready for the start of the opening ceremony.