Guided Vs Unguided Media
Guided Vs Unguided Media
Guided Vs Unguided Media
2. Coaxial cable is the kind of copper cable used by cable TV companies between the community antenna and user homes and businesses. Coaxial cable is sometimes used by telephone companies from their central office to the telephone poles near users. It is also widely installed for use in business and corporation Ethernet and other types of local area network.
Radio waves are used for multicast communications, such as radio and television, and paging systems.
They can penetrate through walls. Highly regulated. Use Omni directional antennas
1. Microwaves are used for unicast communication such as cellular telephones, satellite networks, and wireless LANs. 2. Higher frequency ranges cannot penetrate walls. 3. Use directional antennas - point to point line of sight communications - Unidirectional antennas
Infrared signals can be used for short-range communication in a closed area using line-of-sight