Shamanic Snuffs Entheogenic Errhines
Shamanic Snuffs Entheogenic Errhines
Shamanic Snuffs Entheogenic Errhines
Other Books
by Jonathan Ott
Jonathan Ott
Co-edited by Jeremy Bigwood; with A. Hofmann, R.E. Schultes, R.G. Wasson, A'I. Weil [Madrona Publishers, Seattle, WA, 1978; Swan, El Escorial, Espana, 1985)
In collaboration with: R. Gordon Wasson, Stella Kramrisch and Carl A.P. Ruck [Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 1986; Fondo de Cultura Econ6mica, Mexico,
1993, 1996;
1995, 1998;
Phantasrica, Barcelona,
AT Verlag, Aarau,
Copyright Cover:
by Jonathan Ott / All rights reserved Isidro de Galvez, Real Expedici6n Botanica al Reino del Peru
Design by Pablo Moya, typography by Jonathan Ott, binding by Leonardo Cruz Parcero
Kronengasse, II / 4502 Solothurn / SCHWEIZ / TEL. 0041 (0 h2-62I-8949 Post Office Box 1251 / Occidental, Aha California Norte / USA 95465
Lesser-Known Snuff-Sources
Virola calophylla WARBURG [Myristicacese], EW. Smith, source of the yd-kee and yd-to visionary snuffs of the Colombian Vaupes; possibly hakudup'a of the Venezuelan Orinoco.
Banisteriopsis caapi (SPR. ex GRISEB.) MORT. [Malpighiacese], EW Smith, additive to iiopo-, epena- and tobacco-snuffs, tobacco-pastes; chewed as cohort to insufflation of nopo-snuff.
Admiral Columbus himself described a practice of the Taino Indians of the island of Hispaniola, in which shamans catalyzed their divinatory prowess by snuffing the powdered seeds of cohoba, now known to be a species of Anadenanthera. This route to inebriation had hitherto been unknown to Europeans; likewise that practice of swallowing smoke or smoking, also observed by Colon and his mariners on the Caribbean islands. It was tobacco, Nicotiana spp., that the Taino smoked, although their word tabaco (or taboca) apparently referred to the snuff-tube through which cohoba and possibly Nicotiana snuffwas taken, notto the smoked leaves themselves, and a similar tube may have been used for inhaling smoke, both of cohoba and tabaco, In any case, the actual herbs snuffed and smoked received less attention than these curious practices, which in consequence have been confounded. Cohiba is still an important trademark for finest Cuban cigars, and it was not until the present century that the Taino cohoba-snuffwas shown to derive from seeds of An aden anther a, rather than Nicotiana leaves [Reichel- Dolmatoff 1975; Safford 1916; Wassen 1967l. Meanwhile tobacco-Nicotiana snuffed, smoked and chewed-had ravenously become the first truly panga:an inebriant, but mists of Mystery enshrouded cohoba, within which it remained as abstruse as the day Colon's barkentines landed on La Espanola 509 years ago. Although smoking is today the definitive mode of tobaccoconsumption, in fact tobacco-snuffing enjoyed a fabulous vogue for two centuries, and only peaked in 1861 at the outset of the us Civil War-in Sweden and Scandinavia in general, it was not until after World War II that smoked tobacco gained the upper hand. Until sixty years ago, for that nicotian Swede, the only tobacco up to snuff, so to speak, was a fine snuffing-tobacco [Goodman 1993l. Today, in contrast, tobacco-snuffs are all but unknown in some countries, while insufflation of the illicit cocaine is presently definitive of the snuffing-habit, so cast in disrepute thereby (not by me, of course, only a pharmacophobe might explai n thisl). Despite the En-
rheogenic Reformation or contemporary renaissance in use of shamanic inebriants, the venerable intranasal route has received short shrift, and the scientific literature is rife with misleading-some downright false-facts regarding the activity of the snuff-entheogens as errhines (ptarmics), that is, via the intranasal route, or snuffing. This entheogenic renaissance has focused ever more on natural or plant-based inebriants, and as the sun rises on this 21STcentury, Amazonian ayahuasca-potions and anahuasca or ayahuasca-analogues unquestionably rule the roost, although such potions are decidedly artificial, the beliefs of the organophiles notwithstanding [Ort 1997,1999B]. The key to aya/anahuasca is the so-called ayahuasca-effectin which tryptamines such as N,N-niMethyhryptamine (D or DMT) and 5-MEthoxyN,N-DiMethyhryptamine (M, also 5-Meo-DMT), are rendered psychoactive orally by the concomitant administration of MonoAmine-oxidase Inhibitors (MAOI), such as the ~-carbolines from ayahuasca (videcHAPTERONE), which inhibit MAo-metabolism of any tryptamines ingested, to allow their transport to the brain [Ott 1999A]. Leaving aside injection, likewise smoking (that is, inhalation of a free-base vapor), the ayahuasca-effect has come to be seen as definitive of ingestion of natural tryptamines, but a crucial piece of the psychonautic puzzle has thus been discarded or overlooked. We commonly do not remember that it was in the context of the visionary snuffs, not ayahuasca, that Swedish chemists Holmstedt and Lindgren [1967] first proposed the existence of the ayahuasca-effect, which by rights we ought to call the paricdeffect or visionary-snuff-effect, and only later was this extrapolated to encompass also ayahuasca in its purview. As I commented in my book AYAHUASCA ANALOGUES, nearly three decades passed before their hypothesized tryptamine : ~-carboline synergywas put to the test and effectively confirmed in human psychonautic bioassays [Ott 1999A,1999B]. Six years hence, the ineffable infiatus (with apologies to Elizabeth Barrett Browning) of shamanic-snuff PSYCHOPTICA continues to be well-nigh trampled underfoot-yea, beaten to snuff-in the resulting ayahuasca gold-rush. This book aims to address this oversight by giving the visionary snuffs pride of place, with barely a nod to ayahuasca. I shall commence with a look at the cohoba/ yopo/fiopo-complex of the Caribbean, including the vast and possibly more important group of cebi//hatdjlvilca-inebriants of the Andes and Chaco (Anadenanthera species in the Leguminosee). Also receiving detailed attentio~ will be some kindred Amazonian snuffs known as epena/hakudufhalyd-kee, principally prepared from species of Myristic ace a: (or the nutmeg-family), mostly belonging to d\e genus Viro/a. Given the relative importance of tobacco-snuffing in our own cultural history, and the prominence of similar practices in South American shamanism, it is fitting that I should then turn my attention to this still-widespread indulgence, and yet an[12]
other chapter will be devoted to lesser-known snuff-sources, of which there exists a surprisingly large number; this will include a visionary veterinary vademecum of stimulating snuffs for hounds and horses! I hope thus highlighting such recondite snuff-lore will stimulate a renewed interest in novel nepenthic nosegays, mayhap even lead to rhonchisonant changes in the lives of some of our suburban mascotsafter all, if wo[manjs best friend be entitled to organic foods and medicines, might her or his two-legged associates long stint the occasional stimulating snoutful? Indeed, I met a dog named Cocaina in a Bolivian prison, who seemed all too happy to indulge his master's vice, and although puppy-uppers 'and doggie-downers may be a laughing matter for us, 'tain't so for subsistence-level hunting peoples! Of course, it would scarcely be fair of me to approach the subject of the shamanic snuffs whilst religiously keeping my nose clean, so to speak. Accordingly, punctuated by sniting and perfunctory emunctories, I have placed my proboscis at the service of pharmacology, exploiting one area of my anatomy at least, in which I can justifiably claim to be better-en~owed than most! The long and the short of it is that I've embarked yet again upon/an ambitious program of psychonautic bioassays designed to elucidate the human-pharmacology of cohobalcebil, ependlyd-kee and other shamanic snuffs. If the results are not up to snuff for our acad~mic pharmacologists, who prefer sacrificing animals-when not tormenting helpless convicts or mental patients-in some obtusely (or obscenely) objective way, to sacrificing a feigned scientific objectivity (not to say any affectation of pharmacovirginity) to suchlike snivelly sacraments, I can only reply that they are nothing to sneeze at, either. Some pharmacorhinal research, by any analysis, is damned far better than none, which is effectively what the competition has proffered us with respect to these entheogenic errhines, the gist of which might be reviewed in that~noach betwixt a sniffie, and a sigh! Ere any grow snuffy, snuffie in disdain, perchance Hye out in a snuffe, as it might be ... indeed, wish to give me snuff by beating me to snuff, permit me at least to put my nose to the (snuff- )grindstone ... give me but halfa chance to sniffout the sternutatory secrets of snuff! I apologize if my humour be more phlegmatic than sanguine, but promise that in the end we shall all be in high snuff. And who can say?-in our mellifluous meander, nay, sedulous stampede, to the Entheogenic Elysian Fields ... the ineffable inflatus of shamanic snuffs just might win by a nose!
Anandenanthera peregrina (L.) SPEGAZZINI [Leguminosz], 1. Brady, the seeds of which constitute the legendary cohoba- and nopo-snuffs of the Caribbean and northern South America.
Friar Ramon Pane of the order of St. Jerome had resided on the island of Hispaniola from the beginning of 1494 until the end of 1498, assigned by Columbus to study the culture of the Taino-people. Pane learned the Taino-Ianguage and left us a rather detailed account of their use of a seed-based snuff-powder called cohoba, shamanic use of which, together wi rh the practice of smoking tobacco, astonished the Spanish invaders, for both of these routes to inebriation were completely unknown to them [Pane 1974; Torres 1998]. The Taino-culture did not long survive the Conquest, and cohoba, which came to be confused with tobacco, might have died with it, had the use of a kindred leguminous seed-based snuff not still flourished in northern South America, where it was generally known as napa (or yap a),paricd or curupd. Padre Jose Gumilla described the snuffing of yupa, prepared from pods of the tree of the same name, by Otomac Indians in the Venezuelan Orinoco-basin [Gumilla 1741], subsequently Charles Marie de la Condamine mentioned the similar use of curupd-snuff by Omagua Indians at the mouth of the Rio Napo in Amazonian Peru [de la Condamine 1749]. At the outset of the 19TH century, the German naturalist Alexander von Humboldt navigated the Rio Orinoco, and studied the Otornac Indian-use of napa, described as a powder made from baked cakes of the levigated dough of maniocflour, snail-shell lime, and the broken, fermented pods of a legume that he named Acacia Niopo [Reichel-Dolmatoff 1975; Schultes & Hofmann 1980; von Humboldt & Bonpland 1819]. Roughly half a century later, the pioneering British botanist Richard Spruce made a careful study of the use of napa among the Guahibo Indians of the Colombia-Venezuela Orinoco-basin, supported by ample botanical voucherspecimens and a complete Guahibo-kit of napa-snuff paraphernalia [Spruce 1908]. Nevertheless, the unfortunate error that Taino-cohoba had simply been tobacco
persisted until 1916, when the Usan ethnobotanisr William E. Safford conclusively identified Haitian cohoba as Piptadenia peregrina (L.)BENTH.,today more commonly known asAnadenanthera peregrina (L.)SPEGAZZINI ar. peregrina VaN REIS A~TSCHUL, v and claimed its identity with the Otomac-yupa, the Omagua-curupa and the Guahibo-nopo, not to mention a snuff known as paricd, reportedly used by the Maue and Mura Indians in Brasil, as snuff and as enema [von Spix & Martius 1831]. Presciently, Safford referred also to Piptadenia macrocarpa BENTHAM Anadenanthera colubrina (= (VELLOSO) BRENAN var. Cebil (GRISEBACH) REISALTSCHUL) s being also a source VaN a of narcotic [sic] snuff, to wit: the huillca/vilca, likewise cebil/hatdj of the southern Andean region and the Argentinian Chaco [Safford 1916; von Reis Altschul 1964]. There were also early colonial reports of the use of vilca and cebil, at least the latter as a snuff. In 1559,]. Polo de Ondegardo [1916J wrote that the Incans of the south Andean highlands would invoke the devil and inebriate themselves for divinatory purposes with an herb called vilca, adding its juice to chicha [fermented beverage of maize or another carbohydrate-sourceJ or taking it by another route [vide item: Ratsch 1996CJ. Other colonial sources referred to the Incans taking tobacco and coro (vide infra) as snuffs [Perez Gollan & Gordillo 1994; Wassen 1967J, and it has been assumed that this alternate route was therefore insufflation, although it appears more likely that it was rather as enema or clyster, based on the above statement and another by Felipe Cuaman Poma de Ayala. This latter chronicler, however, referred to the taking both by mouth and below, with a medicineand syringe that they call uilcachina, of bilca tauri or vilca tarwi, thought to be either an Erythrina or Lupinus species used as a purgative, notAnadenanthera [de Lucca & Zalles 1992; Poma de Ayala 1969 J. On the other hand, at the southeastern extreme of the Incan sphere, in the province of Tucuman, Argentina, Pedro Sotelo Narvaez remarked in 1583that the Cornechingon Indians: t~ke the sebil by the nose, which is a frui t like vilca; they powder it and drink itthrough the nostrils [Sotelo Narvaez 1885J. Finally, the beautifully-elaborated snuff-tablets and accouterments [Torres 1987A,1987B,1993;Wassen 1965,1967], were known in Incan Quechua as vilcana, and since there is no question of the identity of uilca- and cebil-seeds, the latter having been found in conjunction with the snuff-tablets [Torres et al. 1991J, it follows that the Incans mustlikely have snuffed Anadenanthera seeds as well [Larrain Barros 1976; von Reis Altschul 1967J.
As the Taino-culture did not endure until the modern era of entheobotany, we have only their surviving art and the few colonial sources of information on cohoba [Tor[16J
res 1988,1998; Wassen 1964,1967 J. On the other hand, since the pioneering work of von Humboldt and Spruce, there has been considerable field-study on surviving use of yopolnopo-snuffs, which has been documented in Colombia-where such is decidedlyarchaic [Torres 1981J-Venezuela, the Guyanas, Brasil, Ecuador and Peru [de Almeida Costa 1970; Granier- Doyeux 1965; Pages Larraya 1959;Wassen & Holmstedt 1963J, although owing to possible confusion with Virola and other snuffs, the literature likely gives an exaggerated impression of the range and extent of Ana den anther a seed-snuff utilization, both archaic and contemporary [Schultes & Hofmann 1980]. The Orinoco Valley and adjacent areas of Amazonia would appear to be the focus of the yopoliiopo snuff-complex. The Piaroa Indians of southern Venezuela are said to be avid yopo inhalers, although they have to travel to savannah-regions to obtain their seeds, much like the nearby Colombian Makiritare, Piapoco and Puinave Indians [Wilbert 1958;WUrdackr958J. Piaroa may add ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi (SPR.ex GRISEB.) ORT.)stems to yutoa- or yopo-snuffs, and likewise chew capi M (or ayahuasca) while taking it [Castillo 1997; de Smet & Rivier 1985], also cited for the Pume of Venezuela, the first group documented to chew the roots of ayahuasca [Gragson 1997 J; while Makiritare-shamans put roots of kaahi (B. caapi) and aiuku (Anadenanthera) in their maracas [de Civrieux 1980 J. By the same token, the Waiki of Venezuela and Brasil, obtain seeds of A. peregrina via trade or pilgrimage [Prance 1972J, or else cultivate it near their communal malocas or shapunos. Known to them as hisioma (sisioma, hisiomi, hisiomo) some Waikas greatly prefer their snuffs of Anadenanthera seeds to their habitual snuffs from Virola trees common in their habitat, as it is considerably stronger and keeps better, leading to cultivation of A. peregrina var. peregrina near at least some shapunos [Brewer-Carias & Steyermark 1976; Chagnon et al. 1970,1971; Schultes 1983AJ.Epena appears to be a generic Waika-name for visionary snuffs, although it is more commonly associated with the more abundant (and hence more widely-utilized) Virola snuffs. Indeed, sometimes these two types might be taken contemporaneously. Waiki Virola and Anadenanthera epenas have been mentioned in passing in numerous articles and in a plethora of popular books [Biocca 1996; Chagnon 1968,1992; Donner 1982; Lizot 1985; Plotkin 1993B; Taylor 1979; Yungjohann 1989J. Ordinarily, the Waikas simply powder the toasted hisiomaseeds, betimes with addition of ashes, to comminute an Anadenanthera seoi-epena. We have contemporary documentation of the Guahibo-preparation and -use of yopo, following in the footsteps of that pioneer Richard Spruce. The Cuiva-Guahibo of the Venezuela-Colombia border-region on the Rio Kapanapare make tortillas of the dough of crushed dopa (yopo )-seeds mixed with uiaruro, snail-shell lime, and carefully heat them to dryness. This is rendered into a fine powder and insuffiated [17J
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via a hollow bone, in doses not exceeding 5 grams [Coppens & Care-David 1971]. From 1903-1905, Theodor Koch-Grunberg [1909] documen ted use of a pungent grey snuff by the Bad. Indians of northwestern Brasil, known as paricd and made from dried seeds of a legume he identified as Mimosa acacioides [= A. peregrina; von Reis Altschul 1964]. The Brasilian Maue Indians and their neighbors, such as the Mura and Kapiruna, also employ Anadenanthera snuffs. The Maue's name for the tree as well as snuff is paricd, and they might also employ their paricd in the form of an enema [de Smet & Rivier 1987; Wassen 1981,1995]. The Mundurucu, neighbors of the Maue, have been reported to use parica-snuff from Anadenanthera seeds, but were also said to make a visionary snuff from seeds of Maquira scferophylla (DUCKE) BERG, which is discussed in detail in CHAPTER FOUR [von Reis Altschul 1972]. The Kubeo of northwest Amazonia are reported to employ two types of visionary snuffs [Goldman 1963]. The first, kuria, is made from the bark of the kuri-akii-tree, undoubtedly Virola [Schultes 1954], but the second, dupa, is made from the resin of the amhokiikii-tree-might this possibly be the resin of Anadenanthera? In Andean Bolivia, a poorly-characterized resinous incense is called zumaque or zumuquethese are Chiriguano- and Callawaya-names for A. colubrina var. Cebil [de Lucca & Zalles 1992; Oblitas Poblete 1992], the resin of which is still used ethnomedicinally by the Chiquitano of the Bolivian lowlands, who call this tree nosirr or by its TiipfGuarani-name, curupau [Birk 1995]. Schultes [1954] has also commented on a mysterious, amber resin, called paricd in the Colombian Amazon, supposedly from a large forest-tree, once widely used as a shamanic snuff. It is evident that paricd, like epena, is a generic rather than a specific name for shamanic snuffs, and both names have been used traditionally for Anadenantbera, Virola and numerous other snuffs. Like the Brasilian Maue Indians, the Peruvian Omagua employedAnadenanthera preparations both as snuffs and as enemas. The tree itself is known in their TupiGuarani-idiom by the common name curupd, and they prepared a snuff of the same name from its leaves, which leaf-curupa was also administered as a visionary enema; whereas the seeds of curupd were made into still another snuff, called paricd [de la Condamine 1749; von Reis Altschul 1972]. Moreover, a snuff known as yopa to the Colombian Chibcha Indians was prepared from leaves, possibly of A. peregrina, as also the curupa-snuff of the Amazonian Cocama Indians which, like its Omaguan homologue, was taken as an enema too; finally, the parica-snuff/enema of Arawakan Ipurina Indians was made from leaves [Metraux 1948; von Reis Altschul 1972]. Interestingly, a French traveler documented early in the 19TH century that the Maue made parica-snuff of three ingredients: seeds of the acacia angico (angico is the vulgar Brasilian name for Anadenanthera species); the ashes of a vine (query: might
vin n t b Banisteriopsis caapi?); and the juice of the leaves of the abuta (the Abuta, having numerous species used in dart-poisons, includesA. grandifolia IMAR'C) SANDW., known to be an ayahuasca plant-teacher -admixture [de Lincourt IH~'I; Luna 1984; Ore 1999B] (vide CHAPTERS THREE and FOUR: SHOOTING-UP, and l'lnospora), There exists at least one collection of archseobotanical snuff-powder II urn northern Chile, found in association with archaic snuff-tablets and parapheru.ilia (vide infra), which consisted of pulverized leaves and not of seeds [Pardal 1937]. There are numerous, many poorly-documented, reports of use of supposititious Y()fJo/Anadenanthera snuffs among other indigenous peoples, notably the Panoan Kachinahua of the Peruvian Rio Punis, the Tuyukas of the northwestern Brasilian /\ mazon [Pages Larraya 1959], the Colombian Tariana and related Arawakan tribes, :1 nd the numerous Yekuana-tribes of the Guyana-area. Siri von Reis Altschul [1972] has reviewed and evaluated the many reports which have implicatedAnadenanthera SI ecies in South American visionary snuffs, and her excellent book includes the best bibliography to the subject, botanical, cultural, linguistic, archreological and ethnographic maps, a cross-cultural chart, and chemical and common-name-appendices.
Beyond the scanty colonial documentation of the ethnomedicinal importance of vilcalcebil (A. colubrina Cebil) in the southern Andes-Chaco-region, numerous archaic art-objects bear witness to its numinous nature and antiquity. From the Peruvian Garagay-site, now encompassed by Lima, dating from 1600-900 B.C., is a well-preserved relief-carving which has been interpreted as representing the characteristic nasal discharge following snuff-use. Asimilar motif is found at the posterior Chavin de Huantar-site to the north, which dates from 1000-400 B.C. [Burger 1992], and there is a so-called Chavin-sryle sh~manism textile from the lea Valley south of Lima, conjectured to represent both the San Pedro-cactus (Trichocereus pachanoi BRITT. & ROSE, which contains mescaline, and is also depicted in sculptures at Chavin de Huantar) [Andritzky 1989] and pods ofAna den anther a [Cordy-Collins 1982]. Not far from the lea Valley, at a site called the Paracas Necropolis, there were uncovered exquisite and well-preserved textiles dating from 700-100 B.C., three of which seem clearly also to represent Anadenanthera pods. The best-known depicts so-called flying shamans who appear to be holding mushrooms in one hand and Anadenanthera pods in the other; whereas a similar companion design shows much the same thing, albeit more stylized. The third textile shows dancing shaman/feline transformation-figures, also holding the pods as well as another plant-element, per-
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haps with a pair of mushrooms beside one of the shamans [vide Reid 1986 for excellent color-reproductions]. The so-called Mochica-pottery, from north of Chavin and around 500 A.D., which also graphically and repeatedly depicts the San Pedrocactus, likewise clearly represents pod-laden Anadenanthera trees in relation to San Pedro and the deer also associated with peyotl (Lophophora williamsii CLEM.) COULT.) in Mexico [Furst 1974]. It has been claimed that the Nazca-ceramics from south of the lea Valley and dating to 100-800 A.D. represent neither Anadenanthera nor coca (Erythroxylum coca LAM.) [Dobkin de Rios & Cardenas 1980], which would be surprising if true; whereas a Chimu-textile from the Mochica-area and dating roughly 1000-1460 A.D. seems to me clearly to represent both coca and Anadenanthera pods on platforms elevating deities associated with deer-pairs of anatomically-detailed and correct vilca/cebil-pods flank what appear to be four coca-leaves on a rectangular table or cloth [Reid 1986]. What appear to be cebil-pods are also represented naturallyon a Peruvian Chancay-style pot, dating from ca. 1000-1500A.D. [Gonzalez 1988]. Moreover, we have clearcut and incontrovertible archreological, botanical and chemical evidence for the antiquity of ritual use of uilcalcebil, both as fumatory and snuff, which has been carefully assembled and analyzed by my friend and colleague CM. Torres, who has dedicated nearly two decades to this effort. The oldest archaeobotanical evidence for entheogen-use in the world comes from the Quebrada de Humahuaca in northwestern Argentina, and consists of puma-bone smoking pipes filled with charred remains of Anadenanthera seeds, as well as the seeds themselves, which catalyzed entheognosia in one of our revered ancestors some 4000 years ago! Preliminary analysis of the pipe-material indicated the presence of dimethyltryptamine (vide infra), arguably either anAnadenanthera seed-consti tuent or its pyrolysisproduct [Fernandez Distel 1980]. In the same area there are rupestrian artworks representing anthropomorphic figures smoking these pipes [Schobinger 1997]. Torres has assembled an impressive documentation of the often intricately-carved shell-, whale-bone-, gold-, copper-, stone- and wooden snuff-trays and allied accouterments (which encompass stone-, bone- and gold-snufF-spoons, finely-detailed bone- and wooden snuff-tubes and spatule, and well-preserved leathern pokes of the snuff itself, in many cases all enclosed as kits in exquisitely-woven chuspas such as are used to this day to carry coca-leaves), in an unbroken archreological series from the north in the Mochica/Chimu-area at Huaca Prieta, ca. 1200 B.C., south to northwestern Argentina, ca. 1000-1480 A.D. Geographically, snuff-trays have been found from as of far to the northwest as central Colombia to as far south as La Rioja in northwestern Argentina; excepting, of course, both as to the dates and locations, the numerous collections of contemporary snuff-trays of diverse cultures still inhabiting southern [20]
ni; IT 1'1' I 87A,I987B,1993,1995>I996A,1996B; Torres & Repke 2000]. The h .rnrno t find f snuff-trays more or less coincide with the austral extreme of ill' .xtent of Anadenantbera colubrina, in the Province of Cordoba, just over 300S III itu Ie [Hunziker 1973].As ifall of this weren't sufficient to convince entheophobic Il'Pli s, with Usan chemist D.B. Repke, Torres then analyzed rzoo-year-old snuffIII iwders from a pair of kits found at San Pedro de Atacama in northern Chilewh .re some 612 such have been excavated, dating between 200-900 A.D.-both of wh i h were shown chemically still to contain the principaiAnadenantheravisionary II ptamine, bufotenine, plus two of its psychoptic congeners (vide infra), whereas II I -n tifiableAnadenanthera seeds were excavated nearby in the same stratum [Torres I rd. 1991; vide item Pochettino et al. 1999]; which not merely clinches the case, but "long with the findings of the most archaic of the known snuff-tablets in northern II 'I'LL, lends considerable weight to the above-cited interpretations of Ana den ant hera Illotifs in numerous archaic Peruvian sculptural, textile- and ceramic art-objects. In the Andean regions of Peru and Bolivia, where such does not seem to survive, w ' have no ethnobotanical evidence to support the supposititious archaic use of the /li/ca-seeds as shamanic inebriants, nor any solid historical evidence that they were rv r used as snuffi. As we have seen, the seeds were clearly taken orally in chichas and probably also as enemas, whereas at least tobacco and coro (vide CHAPTERS THREE .1 nd FOUR)were taken as snuffs. Nevertheless, it is reasonable to conjecture the exisI 'nee of a vilca-snuffin the Andean altiplano, based on the strong ancillary evidence. In the Chaco of Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay, however, where Sotelo Narvaez had remarked the snuffing of powdered sebil by the Cornechingon Indians in Ihe era of the conquest, there survives to this day shamanic use of cebil as a fumatory, ;1 nd at least relict usage of cebil as a snuff, and both practices are rather well attested historically. From many archseological remains, we know that the Olongasta Indi:1 ns, neighbors of the Comechingon, were also cebil-snuffers, and Jesuit Padre Pedro l.ozano wrote, early in the 18TH century, that the Lules of northern Argentina likewise snuffed cebil-seeds [Lozano 1941]. The southernmost extreme of known cebiluse is from the so-called Huarpe-culture which inhabited latitudes to the south of Ihe range of Ana den anther a; however, the Allentiac and Millcayac Indians were des.ribed in 1703 as carrying in the mouth an herb called cibil, which alone susIai ns them for several days rather like Andean coca-use, although the chronicler was disgusted by a sort of white spume which appears on the lips, making it doubtful h . had mistaken coca for cebil [de Ovalle 1888]. Farther to the north, and due east of' the Cornechingon-area, at the confluence of the Rio Salado with the Rio Parana, ,I r hseological evidence indicates cebil snuff-use by the Diaguita/Calchaqui-culture
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[von Reis Altschul 1972], and the Rio Salado extending northwest to Salta, together with the Rio Parana/Rio Paraguay-system to the north-northeast, demarcate a vast territory in which we find historical and contemporary ethnobotanical documentation of cebilsnuff-use. Indeed, during the colonial encomienda feudal system, both cebiland corowere tributary items in Santiago del Estero, Comechingon/Lule-territory, and the overseers knew well the value of timely gifts of the former to stay in the good graces of their overexploited slaves or serfs [Perez Gollan & Gordillo 1994]. North of the Calchaqui-area, centered around Corrientes and extending north to Asuncion, was the territory of the Abipon Indians, reported in the 18TH century to have smoked seeds and pods of cebil, in the manner Herodotus tells us the nomadic Scythians did Cannabis: they would burn the pods or beans that sprout in them, and having closed-up tightly their huts, would inhale their smoke with their mouth, nose and entire body [Dobritzhoffer 1822]. Farther upriver, where the Rio Paraguay demarcates the border between Paraguay and Matto Grosso do SuI, Brasil, the Mbaya Indians reportedly snuffed powdered seeds of curupd (cebil) individually, and collectively smoked them [Pages Larraya 1959]. Much farther north, in the Rio Guapore-area, which marks the border between Bolivia and Rondonia, Brasil, but drains into the Rio Amazonas, not the Parana, there is good evidence the Brasilian Macurap-tribes, of'Iiipf-Cuaranl-idiom, snuff a mixture of crushed angico- (Anadenanthera) seeds, tobacco-leaves and bark-ash, while the linguistically-separate Tupari/Yabutf are said to use a snuff of cebil-seeds, that they call aimpd-kid, mixed with a bark-ash also added to tobacco-snuff [von Reis Altschul 1972]. Yet farther north, also in Amazonia, in the Peruvian montana-area (roughly the latitude of Lima and Salvador de Bahia), we find the northernmost extreme of cebil snuff-use, by the Piro Indians, like the Tafno, of Arawakan idiom. Not only did the Piro snuff cebil-seeds, but they were reported also to eatthem, like the Huarpe at the southern geographic extreme of the cebil culture-range, which extends from about ro? to more than 30 south latitude. Moreover, the Piro were known to administer their Anadenanthera snuff to their hunting dogs as well, so to enhance their perceptual abilities [Farabee 1922]! The neighboring Katawishi Indians likewise use an Anadenanthera seed-paricd, in their case both as snuff and enema, and similarly administer the latter also to their fortunate hunting-dogs [Spruce 1908]! Vide CHAPTER FOUR(VISIONARY VETERINARYVADEMECUM) further details on hunting-enhancing for snuffs for hounds. In the Chaco Central of northern Argentina, between the Rio Pilcomayo, which delimits the border with Paraguay, and the Rio Bermejo to the south, is where we have the most extensive ethnobotanical documentation of shamanic use of cebil. Some 70 years ago, the shamans of the Mataco or Wichi Indians (like [Ivaro for
ilrunr, Mata is a p jorarive epithet) were reported to snuff a powder called ha' tttx prepared from a seed of the same name, and since the French authoress used the v -rb priser, we can assume that the powder was simply snuffed from pinched fingers, I> ln mode europeenne (vide CHAPTER THREE) [Dijour 1933]. In the following decade, Mctraux [1946] reported: Lule and Mataco shamans snuff a powder made of the ~.cds of the cebil (Piptadenia macrocarpa) [= A. colubrina var. Cebil] to put thems lves in a state of mild trance, also noting widespread use of tobacco, smoked and hewed, but not snuffed, among chaqueiio Indians, and commented that the Toba and Chunupf as a substitute for tobacco ... chewed or smoked a root called koropa, that is of course coro, which they did not apparently snuff as in Andean Bolivia (vide infta and CHAPTERFOUR). The Maraco of Bazan Coronel and Toba-Pilaga are also reported to have used a similar visionary snuff [Pardal 1936,1937]. Califano [1975], Palevecino [1979] and Dasso [1985] offered much greater details onshamanic Liseof hatdj (which is the most widely-used orthography, although jataj is common also) by the Mataco, noting its evident synonymy with cebtl. In recent years, there have been a spate of additional reports of Wi chi shamanic use of hatdj. The Weenhaye[k], who reside upriver in the Bolivian Chaco of Tarija, and formerly were called the Nocten (Mataco), still both smoke and snuff the hatdj-powder, in the former case mixed with tobacco, as first reported by Califano [Alvarsson 1995]. Torres published an account of his field-work with German anthropologist C. Kitsch in the ,General Mosconi-area near Tartagal, which affords the greatest pharmacognostical detail. The roasted hatdj-seeds are ground to a coarse powder and snuffed as is, although today the Wichi mainly smoke this (nopo seed-powder was also smoked in the Guyanas [Schomburgk 1848]), usually with tobacco. In that case, powder of8ro seeds was mixed with sufficient tobacco for a small cigar, some half of which might be smoked by the shaman in a given session-effects lasting some two hours. The particular shaman studied harvested his hatdj from a tree cultivated beside his home, and seeds are generally harvested in August. The cebil-itee is extremely common and abundant in the Province of Salta, especially around the city of Salta to the southwest [Torres & Repke 1996]. From this research, of which the pharmacological modeling of hatdj-snuff in this book is a component, we also have Ratschs [1996A] psychonautic report of effects of hatdj-snuff, and invaluable phytochemical data, which will be discussed below. A more recent report [Braunstein 1997] provided valuable ethnographic data and photographs of Wi chi-rituals, including use of hatdj, but sans any relevant botanical or pharmacognostical details regarding this. Moving eastward into the Guarani-territory of Paraguay and Brasil, there is imprecise evidence for use of visionary kurupd-snuff from pulverized seeds of the kuru-
Indeed, this area is richest in botanical diversiry for this genus, having both the varieties Cebil and colubrina VON REISALTSCHUL of A. colubrina, along wi th A. peregrina var. folcata (BENTH.)VONREISALTSCHUL [von Reis Altschul I972]. A sketchy review of Paraguayan indigenous hallucinogens in fact refers to three species, attributed to Piptadenia: curupay, curupay-curtc and curupay-rd, said to beA. peregrina, A. colubrina var. Cebil (as P. macrocarpa) and P. rigida BENTH., respectively, and to be employed by Paraguayan Indians in their religious and curative practices [Costantini 1975]. Bertoni [1927] mentioned that there were various kurupd-snuffs known to the Paraguayan Guarani, alike from semi-toasted seeds of Piptadenia, which in turn are known generically as kurupayard. There is also an intriguing reference to kuru pi, said to be a species of Calliandra with an aphrodisiacal, as opposed to a visionarylshamanic use. Whether these three curupay-rypes mentioned by Costantini correspond to the three varieties of Ana den anther a known from Paraguay, include P. rigida or a Calliandra species-or mayhap curupny-curu refers to corolkhuru (vide infta)-can only be answered by further field-research. The aphrodisiacal kurupilCalliandra merits comment, for the obvious linguistic association with the widespread Tupf-Cuaranf-name for Anadenantheraspecies and their snuffs, kurupay (curupai, curupau, curupd). We have also seen that both the Toba and Chunupf smoked and chewed a root called koro-pa, which is obviously coro, used also by Mocovfes and Matacos [Martfnez-Croverto 1968; Serrano I934]. Coro, the inebriant, is roots of Trichocline species (Compositee) discussed in CHAPTER FOUR,which were also snuffed in the Bolivian altiplano, and remain smoked to this day in the Gran Chaco, that indeed was known as the Coro-Fields or the Elysian Fields to the Mapuche coro-adepts farther south, who made annual coro-pilgrimages analogous to the hikurilpiyotl-pilgrimages of Mesoamerican Huichol Indians [Perez Gollan & Gordillo 1994; Zardini 1977]. Indeed, the Quechuan name for cora would appear to be khuru, fairly exalted in a Callawaya Pharmacopoeia as: a magic drug whose use confers wondrous curative power, used as a snuff to dissipate headaches and clarify vision, as well as in the form of root-infusions in wine and liquor, just as has been reported for cora in Gran Chaco (vide CHAPTERFOUR: Trichocline) [Oblitas Poblete 1992]. We have seen that the Incans took their vilca-seeds orally, in alcoholic chichas, and the Wichi also use infusions of hatdj in shamanic initiatory rites [Califano 1975]. Calliandra calothyrsis is called yaje in Guatemala [von Reis Altschul 1973]; C. angustifolia SPR. ex a plant-teacher additive to ayahuasca in Peru [Luna 1984], and probabaly contains visionary tryptamines, since the ShuarsofEcuador use some Calliandra-barkinterchangeablywith DMT-rich leaves of Diplopterys cabrerana (CTJ:ATR.) GATES natem" or ayahuasca [Ort 1999B], and root-infusions of in
angustifoLia arc esteemed as a stimulant by Colombian tribes [Schultes & Raffauf 1990]. Entheobotanical study of cora is a desideratum, studying the curupail khurul toro-complex in Guarani-culture will decidedly be a rich vein of shamanic discovery.
Our trail grows rather colder moving northward into the vast Bolivian Chaco, like the Bolivian Amazon ofBeni, too little studied ethnobotanically. We have seen Lint the name curupau is in common usage for Anadenanthera in Bolivia, and the hiriguano-name is curupai [de Lucca & Zalles 1992]. We know that ayahuasca-use survives among the Ese'ejas of Peru [Desmarchelier et at. 1996], but their Bolivian counterparts of north Beni, the Ese Ejja or Chaman, are apparently unstudied from this perspective. The Ayoreo Indians in the Paraguayan/Bolivian Chaco, of the Zamuco-linguistic family, possess an elaborate shamanic mythology involving neither Leguminosz nor Compositse-s-the only element it seems to have in common with documented shamanic inebriation is the drinking of tobacco-infusions. The primary Ayoreo-inebriant is sienejna, Manihot anomala POHLsubsp. anomala; also caniroja,fatropha grossidentata PAX& HOFFM.,both Euphorbiacee. Interestingly, and in both cases, as in corolkhuru, the dried rootsare smoked. A psychonautic bioassay smoking 4.5 g of caniroja led only to a slight tranquilizing effect [Schmeda-Hirschmann 1993]. In Andean Bolivia as in Amazonian Peru,] macrantha M. ARG.,or buarnapo macho, is a famous aphrodisiac, and they say that even its smoke has aphrodisiacal properties [Duke & Vasquez I994; Oblitas Poblete I992]; while Texan Indians smoked leaves and bulbs of] dioica CER., to induce ecstatic vision [Lipp 1995]. There is at least a citation to the purely symbolic use of two seeds of willka or cebll in Andean Bolivian coca-leaf divination, arrayed with other items on a chiwchi misa (chicken-table), absent any evidence of ingestion [Carter & Mamani 1986], and the seeds, as vilca or vilca vilca, are openly sold with other common accouterments by street-vendors catering to those who read coca-leaves. Moving across Brasil more or less at its broadest point, we encounter perhaps significant references to two species of Anadenanthera near the mouth of the Rio Sao Francisco, which divides the two tiny states ofSergipe and Alagoas at the coast, and inland separates Pernambuco from Bahia. This is terri tory of the famous vinho dajurema, a sort of proto-ayahuasca or liquid snuff, drunk, of simple cold-water infusions of pounded root-bark of jurema preta, Mimosa tenuijlora (WILLD.) om., another leguminous tree superficially r like Anadenanthera, although having smaller pods and seeds. Jurema preta means the black jurema, of which there are at least II juremas brancas, white juremas, all but one Leguminosa, species of Acacia, Mimosa, Piptadenia and Pithecellobium, largely of obscure shamanic pharmacology. Jurema is evidently a Tiipi-word, which at least in non-traditional folklore would appear to be the spirit of the plant-she
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is represented as a beautiful Indian woman in the forest wi rh a spectral jaguar. There has recently been some research of the badly-degenerated remnants ofjurema, once widespread over the caatinga-region, covering perhaps one-fifth of Brasil, a country which now has precious few indigenous people. In a solid ethnobotanical study of the hybrid Karirf-Shoko Indians near the mouth of the Sao Francisco, CN. da Mota [1987,1997 J found at least a faint reflection of the sacred aura of Ana den ant hera. Two species, angico do campo and angico-cebil and an unidentified relative-are used ethnornedicinally, mainly for bronchial problems, as extracts of bark and leaves. In the Kariri-system, angico do campo is female-like jurema preta-whereas angico is male, but with a secret name. Furthermore, as an adjunct to an annual ceremony, parts of which take place in a sacred grove on an island in the river, where there are three Anadenanthera trees, perceived as trees ofgreat science or ofgteat ptestige (italics in the original) [da Mota & de Barros 1990 J, a cold-water bark-infusion of angico is taken during the Ouricuri feast, but for spiritual [instead of medicinal; Desrnarchelier eta!' 1999J purposes, and people gather under [an angico-treeJ for penance and to perform spiritual work . Angico is probably A. colubrina var. colubrina, although this would be at the northernmost extent of its known range, which includes Bahia (var. Cebilhas been collected from this area, and much farther northward, reaching Fortaleza). It is worth noting that Anadenanthera bark-infusions are also used medicinally in the Gran Chaco [Alvarsson 1995, BirkI995L and that, as we shall soon see, Anadenanthera barks in fact contain orally-active visionary tryptamines.
Phytochemical study of Anadenanthera and snuffs began nearly a half-century ago, with the report by Stromberg [1954J of his isolation, in 0.94% yield, of bufotenine or 5-hydroxY-N,N-dimethyltryptamine [Merck Index 12: 1502; Pharmacotheon NO.4; TIHKALNO. 19 (Ott 1996; Shulgin & Shulgin 1997)J from the seeds of A. peregrina (as Piptadenia = var. peregrina) fresh-collected in Puerto Rico. Stromberg cited Safford's review of cohoba, and noted that the seed-pods gave only a slight positive test in a crude alkaloid-screening assay. Bufotenine was first isolated as a minorconstituent of Bufo toad-skins and parotoid glands, but here dimethyl-serotonine was first found in plants (a year before it'd been found in mushrooms, as mappine); it is a positional isomer of psilocine, 4-hydroXY-N,N-dimethyltryptamine, the active principle of psilocybian mushrooms [Merck Index 12: 8IlO; Pharmacotheon NO. 38; TIHKAJ.. NO. 18J, to be isolated by Hofmann three years thence [Schultes & Hofmann 1980 J. The next year, Fish and colleagues [1955,1956J studied seeds and pods ofA. pereg-
(as j iptad,"iff = var. peregrina) from Puerto Rico and Brasil and ofA. colubrina .I~I~macrocarpa-we an only conjecture which variety) from Brasil and la Florida (t h . latter cultivated); and seeds merely of Piptadenia paniculata BENTH.from Bra, iI. Excepting P paniculata, all seed samples gave very strong alkaloid tests, as did t II . pods from two of the three samples of peregrina, and one of the two samples of rolubrina. The pods of both species contained merely one alkaloid, N,N-DiMethyl'I'ryptamine [DMT:Merck Index 12: 33Il; Pbarmacotheon No.8; TIHKALNo.6]; being ri rst definitive evid-ence for DMT,synthesized in 1931, as natural product, that is, in " plant or animal. In seeds of both species were found bufotenine and N-oxides both this and DMT,possibly generated from bufotenine and DMTin the manipulation. Approximately 1.5-2.0% total alkaloids were estimated for the seed-portion (15% by weight) of a 450 g sample of entireA. colubrina seed-pods from Florida; whereas J .6% alkaloid-concentration was estimated for A. peregrina seeds. Raymond-Hamt [1956J may have isolated bufotenine picrate from Fish's A. peregrina seed-extract. In a solid repon from Brasil, Alvares Pereira [1957J isolated and purified 13.82 g fbufotenine from 1.25 kg of seeds of A. peregrina of unknown provenience (as Piptadenia; again, we can only guess which variety), or a yield of 1.10%. Similarly, the group of Pachter [1959J isolated 47 .g of12uotenine from 2.26 kg of seeds of A. colubrina (as Piptadenia; variety obscure), or a yield of 2.1%. The seeds were collected in Rio de Janeiro and the analysis backed by a botanical voucher, so theoretically it can be determined which variety of colubrina was involved. Interestingly, this study also saw the first isolation of 5-Methoxy- N,N-DiMethylTryptamine [5-Meo- DMT:Pharmacotheon NO.9; TIHKALNO. 38J, the third in the triumvirate of visionary-snuff ttyptamines, as we shall see, from bark ofBrasilian Dictyoloma incanescens DC., in the Rutacese (citrus-) family, the first finding of this known artificial compound as a natural product; and first proofof DMTin Mimosa tenuiflora (as M hostilis (MART.) ENTH.), B root ofBrasilian vinho da [urema. Accordingly, Anadenanthera study led directly to the identification of bufotenine, DMTand 5-MeO-DMTas natural alkaloids of plants. One year later in Brasil, bufotenine was detected q uali tarively in extracts of seeds of Piptadenia falcata BENTH.,more than likely representingA. peregrina var.falcata; other unidentified alkaloids were seen in the tests [Giesbrecht 1960 J. In a study of five Argentine species of Piptadenia, bufotenine and DMTwere isolated both from seeds and pods ofA. colubrina var. Cebil (as P macrocarpa-neither the provenience of the samples nor alkaloid-yields were reported), while the N-oxide of bufotenine and another unidentified y-hydroxyindole derivative, were detected in the seeds. Bufotenine was isolated also from seeds of P excelsa (GRISEB.) ILLO,albeit in much L lower yield than from the cebil-seeds, and again its N-oxide was detected in extracts.
From the pods of P excelsa, DMTwas isolated as a picrate salt, suggesting a low concentration, and no other alkaloids could be detected. No alkaloids were detected in the seeds of P rigida, neither in the seeds nor the pods of P paraguayensis (BENTH.) LINDM.; likewise neither in mixed seeds and pods of P viridiflora (KUNTH.)BENTH. [Iacobucci & Ruveda 1964]. Also devoid of alkaloids were seeds of Piptadenia afticana HOOK. F. (= Piptadeniastrum afticanum (HOOK. F.) BREN.,an important African arrow-poison plant, whose barkis used erhnornedicinally much as areAnadenanthera barks in South America [Neuwinger 1996]). However, Haitian seeds of A. peregrina var, peregrina (as Piptadenia) were found to contain bufotenine, as well as the oxides both of that and DMT;traces of indoles were detected in the bark [Paris et aL. 1967]. The same year, bufotenine and DMTwere found in seeds of Puerto RicanA. peregrinavar. peregrina, and 5-Meo-DMTand DMTin seeds from Rio Branco (both as Piptadenia), on the Brasilian frontier with Bolivia, collected among the Tupari Indians. In both cases, DMTwas clearly the minor constituent [Holrnstedt & Lindgren 1967]. Studying the seed-source ofWaikiIndian hisioma-snuff, Chagnon and colleagues [1970,1971] isolated 7-4% bufotenine as the only alkaloid, from a source they called A. peregrina (surely var. peregrina). In indole-metabolism studies of A. peregrina (as Piptadenia), bufotenine was the major alkaloid both in dormant seeds and during germination, and nine other alkaloids (six possibly tryptamines) were also detected' 'though not identified-but DMTand -N-oxide, used as standards, were not present [Fellows & Bell 1971]. Yamasato found bufotenine and DMT in seeds of A. colubrina, A. peregrina, Piptadenia contorta BENTH.and P moniLiformis BENTH.[1972]. Schultes' group [1977B] analyzed seeds from Richard Spruce's 1854 collection in Brasil, as well as seeds from two of Schultes' Puerto Rican collections (seedlings and pods of one), and seeds of three other poorly-characterizedAnadenanthera species collected in the Orinoco in the 1960s. The rzo-year-old seeds had only bufotenine, 0.61%, whereas one fresh collection contained bufotenine, DMTand 5-Meo-DMT (80:19:1; no quantitation made); the other DMT, 5-Meo-DMTand bufotenine (75:19:6), 0.21%. When the first of the fresh collections was reanalyzed two years later, it had only bufotenine, 3.52%-regrettably, no reanalysis of their second collection was made, and the authors speculated that over time the two secondary alkaloids could have transformed into other compounds, that is, decomposed-enzymatic transformation into bufotenine in the dormant but live seeds was unlikely, inasmuch as Fellows & Bell [1971] determined DMTwas not a probable biosynthetic precursor to bufotenine, nor, logically, should be 5-MeO-DMT. Pods of the second of the fresh collections contained. only 0.013% alkaloids, 5~MeO-DMT,DMTand bufotenine (91: 8: I); and the seedlings 0.025% with the same profile (95:4:1). Only trace-levels of DMTwere found in the
,Ill" . de ade-old s .cd- olle tionsfrom the Orinoco, 0.001%, 0.006% and 0.38%;
wit Tea
eedlings from the last yielded 0.029% OfDMT plus 5-MeO-DMT (96:4). De Smct and Rivier [1987] analyzed a yet-older sample of seeds dating to early 19TH cenI my, collected with elaborate paricd snuff-paraphernalia by Johann Natterer from the Brasilian MaU(~Indians [Wassen 1981,1995]. Once again, simply bufotenine was present, albeit in minuscule amounts-no more than 0.015% could be detected. Rendon [1984] isolated 0.5% bufotenine from Bolivian seeds of Ana den anther a rolubrina var. Cebil (as Piptadenia macrocarpa); and in unpublished research, seeds of Anadenanthera peregrina var. folcata (as A. folcata) were found to contain 49% alkaloids, as bufotenine, DMTand 5-Meo-DMT (95.5:3.5:<1); whereas seedsofPgonoacantha (MART.) ACBR.contained 1.2% alkaloids; only DMTand 5-MeO-DMT being M identified (53=11.8)[Savio Nunes et aL.1987]. Pods of the former had 0.28% alkaloids, (bufotenine, DMT, 5-Meo-DMT: 69.5:24.7:2.1); of the latter 0.70% alkaloids, merely DMT (10.3%) identified. Plant origins are unknown, and no vouchers were cited. Finally, Torres and Repke [1996] analyzed seeds and seeds plus pods of two collections of A. colubrina var. Cebil from Salta, Argentina; also hatdj-seeds used by their Wichi-shaman, as reviewed above. These hatdj-seeds contained an astonishing 12-4% bufotenine; 0.57% N-methylserotonine [5-HO-NMT; TIHKALNO. 19]; 0.06% DMT! The Salta-collections had only bufotenine-the first 4-41%; second 3.51%; whereas pods of the latter had trace-amounts of bufotenine and DMT, 0.05% each. Inasmuch as leaves and barks of Ana den anther a are used erhnornedicinally, and could be involved-in some snuffs or oral preparations, a brief review of tryptaminecontent of these 'is in order before proceeding to the phytochemistry of the snuffs themselves. We have merely three reports which give analyses ofleaves, and nine of barks. Stromberg [1954] found leaves alkaloid-negative in a crude spot-test; Agurell's group [1969] found 0.013% alkaloids in leaves from Brasil, as DMTand 5-MeoDMT(49:48); Schultes' study [1977B] found o.n% alkaloids in a fresh Puerto Rican collection, as 5-Meo-DMT and DMT (88:12), while an older Brasilian collection had only 0.013% alkaloids, DMTand 5-MeO-DMT (49:48)-leaves in every case fromA. peregrina var. peregrina. As for stem-bark, Stromberg [1954] also found it to be negative for alkaloids in a spot-test. Legler and Tschesche [1963] isolated relatively high amounts of 5-Meo- DMTand monomethyl and desmethyl homologues (5-xreo- NMT and 5-MeO-T [Mexamine; TIHKALNOS. 42,35]) from bark of A. peregrina, seemingly in that order of concentration. Iaccobucci and Ruveda [1964] isolated 0.01% 5-MeoNMTfrom A, colubrina var. Cebil bark; Paris' group [1967] found traces, apparently of bufotenine and the N-oxides of it and DMT, in bark of A. peregrina var. peregrina. Holrnstedt & Lindgren [1967], in var. peregrina bark from Colombia, found mostly
5-MeO-DMT,with DMT,5-Meo-NMTandNMT [TIHKALNO.50]; Agurell's [1969] Brasilian var. peregrina bark gave 0.042% alkaloids, mostly 5-MeO-DMTand 5-MeO-NMT (59: 36), with only traces of DMTand bufotenine, The Schultes group [1977B] found 0.41% alkaloids in fresh Puerto Rican var. peregrina bark, as 5-MeO-DMT and DMT (95: 5); merely 0.042% in much older Brasilian bark, as 5-MeO-DMTplus 5-MeO-NMT and scant traces of DMT (59:36:1), The roots of the former had 0.70% alkaloids, as 5-MeO-DMT,DMTand bufotenine (97=2:1). Savio Nunes and colleagues [1987] found 1.6% alkaloids in bark of A. peregrina var. Jalcata, of which 56,5% was 5-MeO-DMT, the only one identified, and 0.2% alkaloids in bark of Piptadenia gonoacantha, partlyas 5-Meo-DMTand DMT (36.1: 2.7). Most recently, Torres and Repke [1996] found merely traces of DMT and bufotenine in bark of A. colubrina var. Cebil from Salta. Analyses of actual Anadenanthera snuffs, alas, are meager, and seldom has fresh material been studied in situ. As we shall see in CHAPTERFIVE,the situation is even worse with regard to their pharmacology, or at least that was the case. The first published study of Ana den anther a snuffs was by the group ofFish [1955,1956], as it happens, in a us-government laboratory at National Institutes of Health (my, how times have changed!). In all, five snuff-samples were studied: 1) Venezuelan Piaroa Indiansnuff, 1949; 2) Piptadenia snuff from Llanos area of Colombia; 3) seeds roasted 40 minutes at 175,then ground (probably fresh Puerto Rican collections of A. peregrina var, peregrina also analyzed; vide supra); 4) the same, but with calcium carbonate added prior to roasting; and 5) ground seeds first fermented in emulation of the Otornac- Indian nopo (these last three thus xnr-snuffs). Qualitative analysis showed presence of large quantities of bufotenine in every case, perhaps twice as high in the NIH-snuffs as in the Piaroa-sample, which showed traces of two alkaloids not found in NIH-snuff. Italian scientists analyzed a supposititious sample ofVenezueIan nopo-snuff, but saw only curarine-type dart-poison alkaloids, suggesting some mixing of samples [Stagnod'Alcontres & Cuzzocrea 1957]' Another Italian group [Marini-Bettolo eta!' 1964] found bufotenine, DMT (and their N-oxides) in a seedepena of a Waiki tribal group from the Rio Mavaca. Holmstedt & Lindgren [1967], sans botanical sources, reported analyses of two evidently Anadenanthera snuffs: a Piaroa parica-snuff collected in Venezuela in 1955, and a yopo-snuff collected in Colombia in 1956. The yopo-sample contained principally bufotenine, with lesser amounts of DMT and 5-MeO~DMT,while the Piaroa-parica had roughly equivalent amounts of bufotenine and DMT, almost no 5-MeO-DMT,and significant amounts of harmine [Merck Index 12: 4647; Pharmacotheon NO. 18;TIHKALNO. 14]. We have seen that the Piaroa, like the Guahibo, chew ayahuasca-stems as an adjunct to taking Anadenanthera snuffs, and it is evident ayahuasca may at times also be added to some
a th ir ruent of harmine suggests. A Surara epena-snuff, also analyzed by I lolmstedt and Lindgren and previously by Bernauer [1964], showed none of these II yptamines, just harmine and (+ )-1,2,3A-TetraHydroHarmine (THH or d-leptaflorin ) [Pharmacotheon NO. 19; TIHKALNO. 54], and scant traces of harmaline [Merck Index 12: 4644; Pharmacotheon NO, 17; TIHKALNO. 13], all being signature-alkaloids li)r Banisteriopsis caapi, especially the comparatively-rare harmaline. Bernauer reported 0.38% harmine plus 0.08% THH in the 1956 collection from Brasil. De Smet :1 nd Rivier [1985] analyzed two Piaroa Indian yopo-snuffs from Venezuela, both from .ollections and not fresh. One sample contained 1.0% bufotenine, the second less Ihan 0.1% bufotenine plus a trace of harmine. Moreover, harmine, harmaline and "'HH, known generically as ~-carbolines, were likewise isolated from a piece oflianastem-surely B. caapi or some kindred species of Mal pig hi ace x-used in preparation of a parica-snuffby Brasilian Tukano and Tariana Indians [Biocca et a!. 1964]. This all but substantiates at least occasional use of ayahuasca-stems as a snuff-ingredient. De Budowski's group [1974] analyzed three yopo-snuffs ofWaiki Indians from Rio Mavaca in the upper Orinoco Valley. One was devoid of alkaloids, from one was isolated 2.67% bufotenine, while the other contained 1.44% 5-Meo-DMT, leading the author to suggest that the second had been prepared from seeds of Ana den anther a, the third from bark of Virola in the Myristicacere family (vide CHAPTERTWO). The Schultes-group [1977B] cited analyses of two snuff-samples, one collected in 1964 from the Tupari Indians of Brasil, the other a yopo-sample collected in 1966 near the Rio Miriti-Parana of Amazonian Colombia. Both contained only 0.02% DMTand no other alkaloids. Finally, we possess the sensational analysis of two rzoo-year-old cebil snuff-samples from complete snuff-kits excavated from burials in the tiny oasis of San Pedro de Atacama in the high desert of northern Chile. In both archaic snuffs it was possible to detect bufotenine, DMTand 5-Meo-DMT [Torres eta!' 1991]! SEEDSof var. peregrina thus yielded: 0.0I-7'{% bufotenine [B], 0.04% 5-MeoDMT [M], 0.16% DMT [D); ofvar.Jalcata: 4.7% B, 0.01% M, 0.17% D; ofvar. Cebil (including unknown variety): o. 5-12,{ % B, 0.06% M, traces D. PODS of var. peregrina gave: 0.0001% B, 0.12% M, 0.001% 0; of var. Jalcata: 0.19% B, 0.006% M and 0.07% D; of var. Cebil: 0.05% B, 0.05% D. LEAVES var. peregrina yielded: 0.006% of each M and D; fresh material: 0.10% M and 0.01% D. BARKof var. peregrina showed: traces B, 0.025-0.39% M and 0.02% 0; ofvar.Jalcata: 0.90% M; ofvar. Cebil: traces Band D. ROOTSofvar. peregrina contained 0.68% M, traces Band D. Piptadenia gonoacantha contained no B, but 0.64/0.07/0,005% 0 in the seeds, pods and bark; 0.14/ 0.07% M in seeds and bark. Bufotenine thus is the major seed-alkaloid; 5-Meo-DMT is that of bark, leaves and roots, which are also psychoactive, potential snuff-sources.
VIR9LA:: -t~
(SJ'r. ex BrltJ , Warb~
Virola thei~dora (SPRUCE ex BENTHAM) WARBURG [Myristicacee], , E~ Smith, ba~~-exudate of which is the principal source of vanous epena / ebene vlSlonary snuffs of the Waika of Venezuela and Brasil,
With these words the German ethnographer Theodor Koch-Grunberg made what is apparently the first report of what we now know to be a second major category of South America visionary snuffs. Studying the Rio Ventuari-area of Venezuela between 19II-1913, among Yekuana (Yecuana) Indians (of Carib an idiom; who, as we have seen, are also said to be yopo-snuffers) , he made no reference whatever to the arboreal source of the hakudufta-snuff, but told us unequivocally it was prepared, not from seeds, but from the evaporated residue of boiled , crushed bark of a certain tree, and moreover was used by the Zauberer or shaman for divinatory healing, to manifest extremely stimulating effect [Koch-Grunberg 1923].It has been assumed, albeit not unanimously, that Koch-Grunberg's snuff was prepared from bark of a Virola species in the nutmeg-family or Myristicacee, and 16years later, Brasilian botanistAdolpho Ducke [1938,1939], as footnote to a paper on Leguminosre, commenting on Amazonian snuff-sources, noted: in two localities in the upper Rio Negro, the paricd-powder comes from leaves [my emphasis] of species of Virola of the Myristicacee. Metraux [1948] added that Omaguas took curupd (Anadenanthera) snuff plus: a decoction of the bark of the virola tree. WUrdack [1958] found no evidence Virola bark-exudate was used in the Ventuari drainage, citing one Yekuana name for nopo-snuff as acujd, strangely similar to the ajucd of the unrelated Pancaruni of the Rio Sao Francisco in Brasil, who so designate a potion of Mimosa tenuiflora; generically vinho dafurema (vide supra etinfra). In his 1962 communique to Wassen and Holmstedt [1963], ethnographer H. Fuchs, then studying near the upper Ventuari, commented that the Makiritare (Yekuana) made yopo-snuff from ground bark of the aiyuku (Piptadenia peregrinar) [= aiuku; de Civrieux 1980], which in powdered
fI"A, YA-I
form was called a'ku:duwha [= akuhua; de Civrieux 1980], a snuff also made from fruits of another tree; the former broad-leaved, the latter small-leaved, which seems to fit Virola and Anadenanthera spp. respectively, except for the fact that the bark- and leaf-samples of snuff-material sent by Fuchs were both of an Ana den anther a species. Withal, to me it seems most likely, as most researchers have concluded, that Koch-Griinberg's Yekuana hakuduf~-snuffwas derived from some species ofVirola. Three decades after Koch-Griinberg's pioneering report, the great Usan ethnobotanist Richard Evans Schultes shook up the tidy little world of snuff-ethnography, which had been content to attribute historical and contemporary reports of Amazonian snuffs to Anadenanthera peregrina, when he reported that the Puinave and Kuripako Indians prepared snuffs called yd-kee and yd-to respectively, from resinous bark-exudates of Virola calophyllawARBuRG and V calopbylloidea MARKGR. [Schultes 1954]. With his customary scrupulous attention to linguistic and pharmacognostic detail and especially to the documentation of source-plants with botanical voucherspecimens, Schultes left no room for doubt that there was yet another type of Amazonian snuff, prepared from barks, not seeds, and barks, moreover, of classical Amazonian-rainforest trees, unlike Anadenanthera, which prefers far drier conditions. Schultes also attributed the use of these bark-snuffs to Kubeo (who were subsequently said to make kuria-snufffrom bark of the kuri-dku-tree [Goldman 1963]), Tukano, Barasana, Makuna and Taiwano Indians then residing in the Rio Vaupes (Uaupes) of Colombia and Brasil, noting the Tukano had adopted the snuff-name pa-rce-led, and suggested the Taiwano may also use V eLongata (BENTH.) WARB. as a snuff-source. Schultes carefully detailed the snuff-preparation, which he said was more or less standard throughout the range in which he had documented its existence. The stripped bark was soaked in water for about half an hour, then the inner (cambial) layer was rasped-off and placed in a small quan ti ty of water. Following periodic malaxation and squeezing, the bark-residue was strained-out and more water added to the filtrate. This was boiled and carefully inspissated, with intermittent skimming of a sordid foam, to the consistency of syrup, which was then sun-dried. The dried crust was next ground to powder and mixed about 50:50 with ash of the bark of Theobroma subincanum MART., at which point it was ready to snuff. Schultes noted that the consumption of yd-keewas limited to shamans and that it was prepared in small amounts and frequently, being quite perishable. Schultes' punctilious attention to important details included the requisite bioassay, which will be discussed in CHAPTER FIVE, in which insufflation of IA dose of yd-kee established the narcotic strength of the snuff. There are only a handful of reports in the literature in which pharmacognostical details of entheogen-preparation are accompanied by voucher-
I" I i 1\1.n nd bioa says, and rarer still are those that include also chemical analysis ," I It ' pl: n ts and/or preparations. These are all data of crucial importance in enrheIII HIl.I ny, and worth infinitely more than any number of reports on activities in resII I, an imals, much less in some ghoulish, vivisected slices of their brains or livers. I'our years later, Wurdack [1958] added the detail that the Baniwa (Yekuana) also 111.111 ViroLasnuffcal~ed nopo, .and noted, without ~peculatingas to i~ssou~ce, that ':l illI' ;uaikas (Wailds) were COpIOUSsers of snuff, With some drug addicts [szc];they u .ill .ven barter their few precious machetes ... when their own narcotic [sic] stock I ,'xhausted. Had he perchance deigned to sample their snuffhe might better have 1llllJ'cciated why! He did note the important detail that the Waikas insufflated ebana 1\ :1 two-man operation, using a blowgun-like bamboo-tube packed with the pow,1"1',one blasting it into the nostrils of the other, and that Waika-usewas not limited In shamans, but included all male Guaikas. This novel snuffing-method had alI rndy been reported by Zerries [1955,1960] who published photographs of such, noIi11 ' that the Waikas call Anadenanthera peregrina hisioma, and that they employed I wo other ingredients in their snuffs, a purported Piperacee called masho-hara and I h ' leaves of another plant named bolek-hena, leaves of the death-spirit. Describing 111 'so-called Yanonami Waikas, Becher [1960] also mentioned as snuff-ingredient I supposititious species of Piper ace a: known as maxarahd. An even earlier report by Snlathe [1931] attributed the blowgun-method to the Karime, related to the Waikas, hu t only vaguely characterized the snuff, kok6ime, attributed to Banisteriopsis caapi. Further details on the Waika-snuffs were soon forthcoming, in a superb review hy Wassen and Holmstedt [1963], which noted there were some four types ofWaikasn uffs, all called ebena, of which mishoara is said to give a fighting spirit while hisioma is considered to be the strongest. Citing a 1961 letter from G.]. Seitz, they stated that at least one type consisted of three ingredients: I) the dried, roasted and pulverized bark of the epena-kesi-tsee; 2) ashes, called jupi-uschi, of the outer-bark a leguminous tree named ama-asita; and 3) a small herb called maschi-hiri, dried .ind pulverized. The botanical material of epena-lsesi most probably represented It:' calophylla. In three papers, Seitz [1965>1967,1969] offered excellent photographs preparation and use ofWaika-epena, the bark of which he had at first attributed to V caLophylloidea, and then ascribed to V theiodora (SPR. ex BENTH.) WARB. (which some hold to be synonymous with ViroLa eLongata [Aguirre 1971]), and identified IllfIa-asita-bark, the source of the yupu-ushi <ash, as being from Elizabetha princeps S :IIOMB. ex BENTH., Leguminosse family. He described also preparation of paricdsnuffby a Tukano shaman, which had no ashes nor additives but was said to be very ~Irong, and remarked that the still-unidentified mashi-hiri-Ieaves had no intoxi-
atin~ effect. H~ also made mention of tw~ unseen ingredients to Waik<i-epenas on the Rio Maturaca: both leaves, called poscbi-haue-moscbi-hena and ai-amo-hena. To a bea~tifully-illustrated monograph on South American snuffs and paraphernalia, Wassen [1965] appended a detailed catalogue of visionary snuffs from some 16 different tribal ~roups, about a dozen of which are most probably Virola preparations. Meanwhile, Schultes and Holmstedt [1968] confirmed this Waika-use of Virola snuffs, which they attributed in every case to V.theiodora, adding as detail that some Waika of Rio To to tobf confect epena sans ashes or admixtures, and that the dried Vir~la resin was used both as visionary snuff and as dart-poison! The dart-points were simply smeared with the slime exuding from the exposed trunk of a Virola from which the bark had been stripped, then the exudate was hardened in the smoke of ~ fire, with 20-30 applications being made to each point, which was then set to dry In the ~un. ~enever snuff-supplies were exhausted, the Waikas were seen to scrape the dned resin from the dart-points and use the resulting powder as snuff ... it has the same effect as the snuff made directly from the fresh resin [Schultes & Holmstedt 1971]. G.T. Prance [1970] documented a similar practice among the Sanama Waikas ofAuaris in Brasil. In the Sanama-merho.l, the stripped bark was heated over a fi:e, and the exuding resin scraped onto the dart -points. Although they would occasionally fill a small gourd with the resin for use as snuff, their main method of storage [of the snuff] appears to be on the arrowheads! The source was V.theiodora, and the blowgun-method was used. Unlike other Waika-groups, <<110 casual uses of the snuff were observed; it was restricted to shamanic divination and funereal rites. Schultes and Holmstedt [1968] also observed addition of masha-hara-hanak or mas~i-hir~ leaf-powder to powdered Virola resin among Waikas of the Rio Tototobi, and identified the plan t as[usticia pectoralis JACQ. var. stenophylla LEON. (Acan thaceGE). They were told it was added to aromatize the Virola snuffs, and was not active. Vide infi"a and CHAPTER FOUR (Justicia) for further details on the mashi-hiri-snuffs. In an interesting review of South American medicinal Myristicacea-, Schultes and Holmstedt ~1971] cited, also V. cuspidata (BENTH.) WARB. and V. rufula (MART. ex DC.) being employed to elaborate visionary snuffs. These were reported by E. BIOcca [1965] to be used by the Tariana of the Vaupes and unspecified groups on the Vnipes and Rio Negro, respectively, and Schultes doubted the identification of the former, being based on a bark-sample. In the case of V. elongata, the Bara-Maku not only made huyat-snuff from its resin, but on occasion take the resin into the mouth directly ~rom the bark with no preparation. Although Schultes expressed doubts about this, he reported an annotation to a specimen of V.sebiferaAUBL. from 1944 and the Rio Karuai of Venezuela: inner bark is dried and smoked by witch-
iluc rors [sic]... it is VCIY strong. The late T.C Plowman collected an unidentified \ tmla whose bark was purportedly smoked with tobacco by shamans in Brasil, but I II '111 ical analysis showed this to be devoid of tryptamines [McKenna et al. 1984B]. ( )11 . final detail in Schultes and Holmstedrs review [1971] will prove significant in Illy discussion of Virola and snuff-phytochemistry. According to Brasilian botanist It 'I' ixeira da Fonseca [1922], kino or resin of V. bicuhyba (SCHOTT) WARB. (which I\l,uirre [1971] placed in synonymy with V. oleifera (SCHOTT) A.C. SMITH) was said to h~'a brain stimulant, while its seed possesses, also, the properties of a narcotic! everal further studies ofWaika snuff-use appeared in the 1970S. The group of N.A.. Chagnon [197,1971], working with the Yanornamo, reported that ebenewas ., g .neric term for snuffs, which may include bark, seeds, leaves, and resin from sev-ral different plants, including Virola trees ,yakoana or nyakwdna; or hisioma-trees, nadenanthera peregrina. It was further remarked that the Yanornamo mix several d iHerent. .. [snuff-] powders, irrespective of their composition, and still call the resIII ting mixture ebene, The name ama kit asita ushi was given for the ash of E. prinreps, known as ama, and several cultivars of henako or Justicia were collected. It was Slated in no uncertain terms that these plants: are not merely aromatic additives I ebene but are also used by themselves as ebene to produce intoxication. While noting the phenomenon of cultivation of Anadenanthera by the Yanomamo, it was also stated that they derived seedlings from regions of tropical forest, where they are found in substantial feral groves, also sources of hisioma-seeds for trade, at odds with repeated declarations by Schultes that Anadenanthera is rather foreign to Amazonia. To be sure, as the word feral indicates, these groves likely are relict cultivars. In another study of Yanornarno, of Rio Caburiwe-teri on the Brasil-Venezuelaborder, Brewer-Carias and Steyermark [1976] confirmed the solitary use of cultivated Justicia, mashihiri, as hallucinogenic snuffs, although generally it was used to strengthen the more powerful [Virola] epena. Here the source was V.elongata (bark s rapings dried on potsherds over fire and powdered, with the addition also of ashes of dma-dsita, E. princeps). Much the same preparation of a Virola bark was reported by the group of Prance [1977] among the Arawakan Paumarf of the Rio Punis in Brasil. To make their kawab6-snuff, the outer bark of V. elongata was scraped from a standing tree, shavings of the inner-bark collected, dried and powdered for snuff. Several more recent reports added information to the Virola snuff-story. Taylor I L979] stated that Sanurna Yanoama made a sagona-snuff from: the seeds of a tree, .vidently Anadenanthera; the inner bark of a tree, likely Virola; and the leaves of a small shrub (justicia?)-or palalo, sagona sai and koali nagi, respectively. In his review of Virola entheobotany, Schultes [1979] stated V.peruviana (DC.) WARB. was
deJ1ni t lyemployed as aya-Ieee snuff-source in Colombia. He later [1990] reported on a 1986 study of some Waikas of Plat anal, Venezuela, where three snuffs were found. The first, epena, was from Virola bark; the second, yatowanaa, fromAnadenanthera peregrina (presumably seeds); the last, machohara, being from Justicia pectoralis var. stenophylla. In a study of collections from the Orinoco early in the 195 S, 0 Boom and Moesd [1990] noted that V elongata had been known as akurjua in Yekuana, and the shaman [got] drunk [sic] with the boiled bark of this tree. Various specific ethnomedicinal uses of Virola were reviewed by Plotkin and Schultes [1990] and a recent anthology contained two papers mentioning Virola snuffs. Hill [1992] attributed the dzaato-snuff of the Arawakan Wakuenai of Venezuela to the bark of V calophylla, while Buchillet [1992] vaguely ascribed aparica-snuff of the Tukanoan Desana either to Anadenanthera or Virola. In an earlier work on the Tukano Indians, Reichel-Dolmatoff [1971] had likewise ascribed their viM-snuff to one or the other of these genera, but in posthumous works [1996A] noted itwas from barkofaforest tree (Virola sp.), publishing an excellent photograph of a Bad-shaman using viM [1996B]. In his review of Colombian Amazonian entheognosia [1975], he had cited Virola snuff-use by many Tukano groups of the Vaupes. In his earlier review, Usdtegui [1959J attributed this Desanaparica-snuff to some Virola species. Baer [1995J had collected a snuff-powder of the Matsigenka Indians ofPeni, which was said to be made of tobacco and the crushed bark of a tree, and chemical analysis of which (vide infra) disclosed DMT-content, suggesting Virola spp. as a possible bark-source. Schultes [1988J and Schultes and Raffauf[1992J have published photographs of Virola trees and snuff-preparation, and Reichel- Dolmatoff[1971,1975J has documented in detail Tukanoan viM snuff-related rituals and mythology. Wilbert [1996] noted that Venezuelan Warao Indians (who are not snuff-users), know stingless-bee honey (of Trigonaspp.) from V surinamensi, (ROL.) WARE. o bean inebriant [videOtt1998J. t
EXCURSUS: ORALLY-ACTIVE MYRISTICACEOUS PREPARATIONS I would like briefly to review the use of orally-ingested Virola resins-we've already seen that the nomadic Maku were said to ingest such resins orally, sans preparation. Schultes [1969] then reported that the Wi to to Indians of the Rio Karaparana, had in the past ingested processed Virola resin, from a tree called oo-leoo-na, probably V theiodora. The inner (stripped) bark was rasped and the raspings squeezed to express the resin into a pot of water boiled five to six hours untillevigated to a thick paste. This was made into coffee-bean-sized pellets called oo-koo-he, which were ingested as is or dissolved in water and drunk. For preservation, these were coated in a salt
by evap rati ng the leachings of ashes from the bark of Gustavia poeppigiana 111'1 ex MART.(Brasil-nut family, Lecythidacese). The Muinane and Bora shared I Ii is practice, respectively calling these pellets kutru and kurru. Her:, the strip.ped, (Ill hed bark was boiled in water to make the syrup, and before making the boll, ash (II fruit-husks of a wild Theobroma (cacao-) species was added. While likely no more I han a coincidence, how bizarre it is to encounter here the wor~ kurru for a snuff~ I .lated entheogen, echoing the Quechua khuru for coro-roots (vlde CHAP-:ERONE). In a subsequent paper, Schultes and Swain [1976] indicated that V thezodora.was I he best source of this resin, but that another species, possibly V calophylla, might :II 0 have been used by the Witoto. One year later, Schultes' group [I977A] reported I hat Bora Indians of the Rio Yaguasyacu ofPeni likewise had once made these pellets of Virola resin, (presumably) mainly from Velongata, although V surinamensis and V.loretoensis A.C.SMITHwere indicated by residents ofBrillo Nuevo also to have been so used, whereas V pavonis (DC.)A.C.SMITHwas moreover pointed-out as one so~r~e in Tierra Firme. More interesting was the lead from Puca Urquillo, that the mynst!aceous Iryanthera macrophylla (BENTH.)WARE. ad been a source, w~.ile in an addih tional paper, Schultes [1979] stated that 1uleiwss. and 1tessmannu MARKGR. ad h also been named as ancestral Bora-sources of visionary pastes. In yet another paper [1986], he ascribed memory of ancestral use of V loretoens~st~ the Witot~ as well. Finally, a recent paper cited the ancestral use of oral mynstlcaceou: resins by the Quijos Quichua of Ecuador. Bennett andAlarc6n [1994] learned that m the past the resin of huachig caspi, Osteopblceum platyspermum (DC.)WARE. as tapped from the w scored trunks of the tree and cooked, sometimes wi rh pieces of the bark, whereupon the cooled liquid was drunk. Angus cas Virola duckei A.C.SMITH, had. simila:ly pi, been employed hallucinogenically and both saps were known to be mixed WIth guandu (or huanduj, Brugmansia spp.) and tsicta, Tabernemontana sananho RUIZ & PAv6Nsuch that: a few drops placed on the noses [or rather in the nares?] of dogs ... [would] make them better hunters (vide CHAPTER FOUR:VETERINARYVADEMECUM).
111.,t! '
PHYTOCHEMISTRY OF VIROLA AND KINDRED MYRISTICACEJE Relevant phytochemical studies on Virola species and their derived snuffs commenced in the mid-roeos. I shall deal with the phytochemistry of the plants first, and then proceed to the analyses of probable Virola snuff-po~ders. It was in a us-government Public Health Service Publication (No. 1645), reportmg on a government-sponsored conference held in January 1967 at San Francisco, that the first salient data on Virola were published. In a chemical study which treated four epena- and two yopo-snuffs,
Holmstedt and Lindgren [1967] analyzed a single sample of V. cafophylla bark col~ected in Manaus, Brasil in 1964. They found this sample to contain three tryptarnmes: DMT, 5-MeO-DMT and N-MethylTryptamine [NMT; TIHKALNO. 50], this being apparently the first report of tryptamine-alkaloids in the Myristicacese. No quantitative data were given, but the authors said that DMTwas present in the highest concentration. On the other hand, in a more complete paper two years later, the Swedish chemists, with first author Agurell [1969], citing this pioneering work, noted that 5-MeO-DMThad been found to be the main constituent of bark from Brazil said to be derived from species of Vi~ofa, casting some doubt on their prior assignment of the analyzed material to V. cafophylla (as no voucher-specimens had been cited). . N~netheless, the 1969 paper was thoroughly documented byvoucher-specimens Identified by Schultes, and included data on two snuff-samples and five species of Virola, one collection of one of which had been used to prepare one of the snuffs. Most of the collections were made by Schultes during the 1967 Alpha Helix Amazon Expedition, Phase c. The barks from two collections of V. theiodora were found to contain 0.065% and 0.25% alkaloids; in both cases 5-MeO-DMT and DMT (95:5 and 43:52). The latter also contained 1% of the alkaloids as NMT plus 4% as z-methyl6-methoXY-l,2,3>4-tetrahydro-~-carboline (6-Meo-THc) which, along with its 1,2~imethyl-derivative (6-Meo-DMTHC), both novel /3-carbolines, had been reported m a separate paper the previous year [Agurell et al. 1968]. The leaves of both collect~ons contained low ~evels of alkaloids, 0.021 and 0.044%; 98 and 99% DMTrespectively. Bark from a smgle collection of V. cafophylla from Manaus contained only 0.009% alkaloids, as DMT and 5-MeO-DMT (91:9), while its leaves contained much more, 0.155%, as DMTand NMT(96:4). A Manaus sample of bark ofV. rufola showed 0.20% alkaloids, mainly 5-MeO-DMTand DMT (95:4) and in its leaves 0.098%, DMT and NMT (94:6). Two samples of V. muftinervia DUCKEwere virtually devoid of alkaloids, with only 0.001% DMTin the barks of each, and none in the leaves. Similarly, the bark of a single sample of V. venosa (BENTH.)WARB. ontained no alkaloids, and c merely a total of 0.001% DMTplus 5-Meo-DMT was found in leaves of this speecies. Another group meanwhile studied yet another species. Corothie and Nakano [1969] isolated DMT from a Venezuelan collection of bark of V. sebiftra. From their paper it is difficult to determine the yield, but DMT was the only alkaloidal component of a base fraction which constituted 0.14%, from small aliquots of which DMTwas crystallized as picrate and methiodide salts. In a surprising report the following year, de Almeida Costa [1970], as an aside to an ethnographic review-paper, reported that a colleague of his, on his request, had analyzed the seeds of V.bicuhyba, and the presence of bufotenine was verified. From his remarks, it is apparent that
analysis was employed with authentic bufonin . a reference, but no chemical details were provided. As this is the only report ul'hufotenine in the genus Virola (although, as we shall see, it has been found in the I I' luted genus Osteophlaum), it must be treated with reserve. We do not know the ,I '(ails of the chromatographic assay employed, and in any given solvent-system, it would be quite possible for bufotenine to co-chromatograph with either DMTor 5M' -DMT.I have reviewed a report that the seeds of this species have the properties I) fa narcotic (vide supra), and I think it safe to assume they do contain tryptamines. A study the following year [Cassady etal. 1970] found mainly NMTwith minor amounts of DMT and 6-MeO-THC in the bark of V. theiodora, while its leaves and sterns were devoid of tryptamines. Major alkaloid ofleaves and stems of V. cuspidata was a new ~-carboline, 6-methoxytetrahydroharman [TIHKAL NO. 44], whereas two more minor components, 6-methoxyharmalan and 6-methoxyharman were reported the following year, isolated from the same extract [Cassady et al. 1971]. The bark of Vperuvianawas examined by the group ofLai [1973], and proved to contain 5-MeoDMT,which they isolated as the major bark-tryptamine, but at low levels, less than 0.02%. Small amounts of DMTand 5-MeO-Twere also found. The following year, visionary tryptamines were detected in bark of Brasilian V. theiodora, but I've only an abstract in hand which gives few specifics [Soares Maia & Rodrigues 1974]. The state ofM yristicacee chemistry at the time, covering far more work on lignans, flavonoids and arylpropanes than on tryptamines, was summarized by Gottlieb in 1979. But the next year saw the publication of the most complete phytochemical study of shamanic Myristicacee, again from the Schultes-Holmstedt-collaboration, this time analyzing in situ, fresh, documented, plants during the Alpha Helix Amazon Expedition, Phase VII (theAphaHelix being an oceanographic vessel equipped with chemical laboratories ) [Holmstedt et al. 1980]. In all, 35 collections representing 15 species of Virola were analyzed, along with four related species, two of which enter into the Virola shamanic-inebriant complex. Bark from three collections of V. calophylla showed low alkaloid-levels, 0.009%, typically DMT and 5-Meo-DMT (91:9), and again the leaves were much stronger, 0.II5-0.155% DMTand NMT,with a 96:4 ratio reported for one strain. Bark from one collection of V. calophylloidea contained 0.008% tryptamines, mainly DMTand 5-MeO-DMT (50:45); whereas the leaves from two other collections of this species showed 0.001 and 0.098% alkaloids, all DMT. A single collection of V.carinata (SPR.ex BENTH.)WARB. as virtually devoid of alkalw oids, with traces of DMTin the mixed leaves, bark and twigs, whereas two collections of V.cuspidata leaves were alkaloid-negative; likewise for two collections of V.loretoensis bark, one collection of V.sebiftra leaves and four collections of V.surinamensis
(including bark-samples from each, leaves from two, and resin-paste from ne). In the c~se of V di~ergens DUCKE,a mixed leaf/bark-sample showed only traces of DMT. Five collections of V elongata were studied, only two of which included bark. One was devoid of alkaloids; the other had 0.003% ofNMT and DMT (81:14). Two leaf-samples were alkaloid-negative, while one showed 0.019% DMT.Other alkaloids incl~ding 5-MeO-DMTand DMT,were found in samples of phlcem and resin of this species. Bark from one collection of V melinonnii (BEN.)SMITHhad traces of DMT; leaves of another collection no alkaloids. Bark from two out of three collections of V multi~ervia com.ained merely 0.001% DMT.The bark from a single collection of V peruvzana contained DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, but quantitation was not reported, ~hereas two samples of paste from this species contained alkaloids, up to 0.028%, virtually all j-xreo-nxrr. A single collection of V rufulawas high in alkaloids, 0.20% 5-MeO-DMTand DMT (95:4) in bark, with 0.098% DMTand NMT (94:6) in its leaves. Barks from two collections of V theiodora contained 0.065 and 0.25% alkaloids, as 5-MeO-DMT and DMT (95:5 and 43:52); while two leaf-samples contained 0.021 and 0.044 % tryptamines, virtually all DMT.Finally, barks from two samples of V venosa (BENTH.)WARB. ere alkaloid-negative; and leaves of one contained 0.001% DMT. w It must be noted that this paper recapitulated all of the analyses reported previously [Agurell et al. 1969], and that there are minor errors in transcribing the data for one of the V tbeiodora samples repeated here; together with minor omissions of no consequence for this discussion, in data reported for both V multineruia and V venosa. Two species oflikely importance in the orally-ingested myristicaceous pastes were also analyzed. Bark of Iryanthera macrophylla (reported as 1. ulei in this paper, but Sc~ul~es and Raffauf [rooo] later stated this was a misprint) had traces of 5-MeoDMT:Similarly, th~ bark of Osteophlceum platyspermum (due again to a misprint, the spe~les name was listed as platyphyllum in the report) contained traces of three tryptarrunes, D~T, ~-Meo-~MT and b~fotenine. Besides the poorly-documented report of bufotenine m V bzcuhyba, this be a unique citation in the family Myristicacee, Four years later, the group of McKenna [1984B] reported analyses of three snuffsamples and four species of Virola. A single sample of bark of V sebiftra contained 0.026% alkaloids as 5-MeO-DMT and DMT (70:30), the leaves of which contained only traces of NMT.The bark from one collection of V elongata showed 0.016% NMT and DoMT (62:3.8); w~ereas bark from another c.allection of this species contained 0.023 Yo alkaloids, virtually all 5-MeO-DMT; while the leaves of this latter showed 0.017% DMT..Bark from one collection of V calophylla contained 0.056% DMT; the seeds and fruit of another sample of this species had 0.018% DMT.Although the identification was doubted by the authors, one offour samples of presumed V pavon is
MITHcontained 0.008% DMTand NMT in leaves and twigs. The group of Kaw.lnishi [1985] reported detection of DMT, its N-oxide, NMT and 2-methyl-1,2,3k I 'lrahydro-~-carboline in bark ofBrasilian V. sebiftra, along with N-methyl-N-forIllyltryptamine and N_methyl-N-acetyltryptamine. Interestingly, Jossang .and co 1\'agues [1991] isolated5-MeO-DMTand 6_Meo_THcfromleayeso~aMalays,an~yriSlicacea:, Horsfieldiasuperba (HOOK.F. &TH.)WARE., aid to be used m ethnomedlcme. s With regard to the snuffs, there are ten studies, involving a total of some 15samples, which is a rather extensive database, as shamanic inebriants go. I have al~eady had occasion in CHAPTERONE to mention the report of Bernauer [1964], on Isolalion of 0.38% harmine and 0.08% THH from a Surara epena-snuff, which probably ontained Banisteriopsis caapi and mayor may not have included Virola-to be sure, not one of the above-cited Virola alkaloids were found in this snuff The following year, also working with a poorly-documented Waiki epena-snuff from the Orinoco, Holrnstedt [1965] found the major alkaloid to be 5-Meo-DMT, along with small amounts of DMT and bufotenine. The snuff had been collected in 1961 by Seitz, who apparently observed its preparation, and told Holmstedt that it contained the three classicWaiki-ingredients he had documented in his papers [1965,1967,1969], and which we now know to be ground Virola bark, ashes of Elizabetha princeps and leaves ofJusticia (leafless branches of the source-bark tree were assigned to Virola). Holmstedt accordingly concluded, per his finding of bufotenine inthe snuff, there is no reason whatsoever to believe that the seeds of ... (Anadenanthera] peregrina are contained in the powder. We have seen that the Waikas will sometimes mix snuffs of distinct composition, still calling the product epena, and such a possibility exists in this case-that Seitz was given a mixed Anadenanthera/Virola snuff But we also know now that bufotenine occurs in the Myristicaceee, at least in Osteophlceum, and we have a tentative report of this in Virola. Thus we have another piece of still more tentative evidence for bufotenine in this family, here in the Virola snuff-complex. In their 1967 report which first showed tryptamines in Virola, Holmstedt and Lindgren also analyzed four samples of Virola snuffs, three obtained from Seitz. The fourth, collected by H. Becher in 1956 from the Surara and called epena, evidently is the same sample analyzed by Bernauer [1964], and again harmine and THH were found, but also traces of harmaline, which is a much rarer compound in plants, further strengthening the evidence for B. caapi as the probable source of this powder. One of the Seitz-samples was from Waika Indians of Rio Marauia, another from the Araraibo Indians of Rio Maruraca. the third was made by a Tukano-shaman from Tapuruquara. In every case, 5-Meo-DMT was their major alkaloid, followed by DMT, with NMT being found in the Waika-epena, and 5-Meo-NMT in the Tukano-snuff.
The Agurell-group [1969J analyzed samples of epena- and nyakwdna-snuffs, of the Rio Cauaburi and Tototobi, respectively. The epena-sample had been thoroughly documented by Schultes and Holmstedt [1968], and consisted of V. theiodora bark wit~ E. princeps ash and leaves of Justicia pectoralis. This contained 0.715% alkaloids, mainly 5-MeO-DMT and DMT (72:20), with low levels of known Virola ~-carbolines and NMT.The nyakwdna-snuff contained only resin of V. theiodora, being one of the sampl~s of this species also analyzed in the report. In this case, an astonishing u.o% alkaloids was found, again mainly 5-MeO-DMTand DMT (88:u), with traces of three other compounds, one a Virola ~-carboline. The bark of the tree used to prepare this nyakwdna had contained 0.065% alkaloids, alI5-Meo-DMT and DMT(95: 5), the same profile found in the snuff. Note that these Tototobf shaman-pharmacognosists had thus ~chieved a 170-~0Id enrichment in their dried exudate! As a natural-products chemist-s-and sometime basement-shaman-I admiringly doff my gorro to them! The group of Chagnon [1971J analyzed various samples of Yanomarno yakoanasnuffs, presumably confected of the Virola andJusticia species mentioned in their report. They noted their alkaloidal content varied from 0.15-2.0%, being roughly equal amounts of 5-MeO-DMTand its N-oxide, with traces of simple tryptamine. De Budowski's group [1974J then analyzed three yopo-snuffs from the Pixaasi-teri Indians of the Rio Mavaca in the upper Orinoco, one of which was devoid of alkaloids. One had apparently been made from Anadenanthera, as it contained 2. iYo bufotenine (vide CHAPTERONE). The third was more likely made from Virola, as it yielded 1.44% 5-MeO-DMTby isolation. Grossa and colleagues [1975J then reported their analysis of an epena-snuff, collected also from the Pixaasi-teri (here called Bisashi-teri), of the ~o Ocamo and made probably ofbark-scratchings of V. calophylla. This group Isolated 1.17% 5-Meo-DMT from this epena-snuff; no other alkaloids reported. There was apparently a mistake in reporting of results in the paper by Schultes and colleagues in 1977 [BJ, which involvedAnadenanthera species. The former of the two snuff-samples reported at the end of their tabular results evidently was misidentified. According to Baer [1995J, this is material he collected and should be identified as a Matsigenka-snufffrom eastern Peru, 1969. In this paper on Matsigenka tobaccoshamanism, to which we shall return, he noted that this snuff was made of tobacco and the crushed bark of a tree-which nobody was able to name. Inasmuch as the Schultes-group found low levels of DMTin the snuff, 0.016%, Baer speculated in his paper thatA. peregrina was a probable source of the bark. As we have seen, the bark of its var. peregrina indeed contains DMT,but no more than 0.02% has been found, 5-MeO-DMT predominating (up to 0.39%). On the other hand, we have seen DMT is the sole or major alkaloid in the barks of numerous species of Virola, in far higher
nn ounts in some species, up to 0.13%, and so is also a possible source of the ~rushed
bark in this snuff, although the Piro, culturally related to the Arawakan.Matslgenka, are known to snuff and eatA. peregrina seeds, and to my knowledge .Vzrola snuffing has not been reported among these peoples. Clearly, more research ISwanted here. g Studying dart-poisons, the group of Galeffi [1983J found 8%, or ~~ughly 12,m of 5-Meo-DMT each, in the dart-poison scraped from darts of the BrasilIan Yanoama (Waikas). We have seen that Schultes and Holmstedt.[1968,1971J. and Prance ~1~7~J reported the practice of coating dart-points with resin of V. iheiodora by ~a~kas m this area of Brasil (Roraima). and that the dart-points were scraped to get VISionary snuff, this being the principal snuff-storage method of one tribe. Indeed, the barksample of V. theiodorawhich had been used in preparing the nyakwdna-snuff reported by the group ofAgurell [1969J to contain n.o% p,:eo-~MT and DMT(88:n), was from the very tree the Waikas used to paint the dart-tips. Since Schultes tells us that the snuff was being made while the darts were being loaded, presumably the nyakuidna analyzed had not been scraped from dart-points, b.ut here weosee 8% 5~MeoDMTon dart-point snuff, which compares favorably WIth the 97 Yofound m .the nyakwdna-snuff. We'll see in CHAPTERFl:E t~at 12 m,??er dar: represents an actIve; human intranasal dose-imagine what It might do injected mto a.small monkey. The following year, McKenna and his colleagues [1984BJ srudl~d three snuffs obtained from Venezuelan Yanomamo Indians roughly a decade earlier and labele.d buhenak+mashahara, mashahari and yakuana-sagona. The first twO were aromatic powdered leaves ... almost certainly Justicia p.e~toralis var. stenophylla, as.the names suggest (vide supra and CHAPTERFOUR:Justzcza). The former was devoid of alkaloids, while the latter contained 0.061% 5-Meo-DMT and DMT (85:15). The yakuanasagona was dark reddish powdered bark material whi~h.the a~t~rs ~eemed to be powdered, concentrated Virola resin or ... snuff contammg Vzrol~ r~sm p~us o:her admixtures. This contained 1.97% of 5-Meo-DMT, supporting this identificationRegarding] pectoralis, in CHAPTERFOURI review contradictory c.hemical.evidence on tryptamine-content, but I think it now safe to assume from this analysis and ~he reports that it be used alone as epena-snuff (vide supra), that at least some strains contain low levels of 5-Meo-DMTand/or DMT.Here a sample of caraknak, apparently a carbonized Virola resin, likewise contained 0.038% 5-Meo-DMT and DMT (83.:17). Accordingly, we have seen that 14species of Virola contain psychoptic ~ryptamI.nes, 12 in the barks and 8 in leaves. As they are not likely germane to the subject of Virola snuffs, I have purposely overlooked analyses of other ~lant~parts. Seeds, of course, would be salient, but we have very little evidence on this pomt, other than t.he anomalous report, which requires confirmation, of bufotenine in seeds of V. bicuhyba,
and the findingofo.018% DMTin seeds and fruit 'aves of these Virola species, DMTis clearly the most import.1111 nil nloi I, (OLIn l in ncenrrations as high as 0.149% in V calophylla. Some leaf1>:\l11pls nraincd minor amOuntsofNMT, and only traces of 5-MeO-DMThave been Cound. Up co 0.25% tryptamines have been found in shamanic Virola barks, and 5M' -~MT is decidedly their most important alkaloid, although common secondary alkaloid DMTseems to predominate in species containing very low alkaloid-levels, the exception being that strain of V theiodora with the highest bark alkaloid-levels report~d, whic~ showed slightly more DMTthan 5-MeO-DMT(52=43). Also commonly found 111. barks IS NMT, being even the major alkaloid in some strains of Velongata. Turn1l1g to the snuffs, we have qualitative data on II samples which we can confide~tly ascri~e to Virola source-trees (setting aside the twice-analyzed epena-sample which contained only Banisteriopsis alkaloids, and a Matsigenka tobacco-snuff with crushed ba:k of ~nknown provenience). In every case, 5-MeO-DMTwas the major snuff-al~al~ld, while DMTwas found as a secondary tryptamine in six samples, and bufotenine 111 one. We possess quantitative data on seven of these snuffs, which contained from 0.15-II.0% alkaloids (average: 3.63%), exclusively as 5-MeO-DMTin five cases, and two contained DMT, II:88 and 20:72 in relation co the major compound, 5-MeO-DMT.All snuffs were apparently made from Virola bark or extract/exudate, and their alkaloid-profiles match those of the barks. Only two snuffs were reliably d~cumented a~ to source:-V theiodora in both cases. Seven of the 14 Virola species WIth psy~hoPtJc tryptarrunes had extremely low levels, probably insignificant pharmacologically, Those containing more significant amounts of visionary tryptamines are: V.calophylla, .V c~lophylloidea, Velongata, V peruviana, V rufola, V sebifera and .V thezodo~a. Intngu~ngly, each of these species has been reported to be employed 111 shamanic snuffs (111 case of V sebifera, the bark was said rather to be smoked the by shamans); and the only reported snuff-species which has not yet been shown to produce visionary tryptamines is V cuspidata, bark of which has yet to be studied. Eight samples of oral pastes from three species contained 5-Meo- DMT: Velongata (up to 1.57%); V peruviana (0.017-0.028%) and V sebiflra (1.88% 5-Meo-DMTand DMT, 70:20), but psychonautic data questioned a pharmacological importance for tryptamines [Holmstedt et al. 1980; McKenna et al. 1984B; MacRae & Towers 1984A).
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As we saw at the outset of this chapter, the first to identify the genus Virola as source of shamanic snuffs was Ducke, some 60 years ago, and this reliable source of bora-
nical information stated unequivocally that Rio Negro parica-snuffwas made from Virola LEAVES. CHAPTERONEI reviewed some of the citations to Amazonian leafIn snuffs, such as the Omagua curupa-snuff, made from the tree of that name, the seeds of which yielded parica-snuff; the Cocama-curupa, Ipurina-parica and the Chibcha-yopa-all alike snuffs made from LEAVES. think it is just to conclude that leaves I both of Anadenanthera and Virola species have been used in elaborating shamanic snuffs. As for Anadenanthera, la Condamine's 1749 report that the curupd-uee yielded two Omagua-snuffs-one from leaves and one from seeds-points unequivocally to that genus, and there is no question a shamanic leaf-snuff was once derived from it, along with more common seed-snuffs cohoba/fiopo/yopo. The phytochemical evidence already reviewed demonstrates beyond doubt the visionary potential of Anadenanthera leaves-Schultes-group's [1977B) analysis offresh leaves of var. peregrina disclosed o.n% tryptamines, 5-MeO-DMT and DMT (88:12), which is almost half the highest tryptamine-concentration ever found in any Virola bark (0.25%). By the same token, we can scarcely dismiss as erroneous Ducke's report that Virofa leaves were the source of parica-snuffs in two discrete areas of the Rio Negro, inasmuch as he was an experienced Brasilian field-botanist, well familiar, not only with Anadenanthera and Viro/a, but with Amazonian shamanic inebriants, on which he published some key papers. This was the first time any myristicaceous genus had been associated with PSYCHOPTICA, and his report referred to the area we now know to be the center of a large complex of snuffs and other shamanic inebriants involving at least nine Virola species. We also know that leaves of some eight Virola species do contain visionary tryptamines, up co 0.149% 5-Meo-DMT (2h the highest level found in any Virola bark). Indeed, in that particular strain of V calophylla, the leaves had more than I7-fold the tryptamine-level of the bark, whereas analysis of two distinct strains of V calophylloidea found leaves of one to contain more than I2-fold the tryptamine content of the bark of the other, and analysis of 12 samples from 4 collections of V elongata found the highest alkaloid-levels to be in leaves [Holmsredt et al. 1980). This being the case, it would be rather surprising were Virola leaves not exploited in entheogen-manufacture, and would be rash and unwarranted to eliminate either Virola or Anadenanthera from consideration as possible sources ofleaf-based snuffs. Nor can we assume presence of bufotenine in a snuff automatically points toAnadenanthera as source. Bufotenine was reported in Osteophlaum, in Virola bicuhyba fruits, in a Waika epena-snuff ostensibly based on Virola and devoid of Ana den anther a (to be sure, since the Waikas make snuffs from both trees, cross-contamination from a vessel, mortar or container previously used with Anadenanthera might well have occurred) and twice in Diplopterys cabrerana, conceivably used in shamanic snuffs.
Nicotiana tabacum L. [Solanacea-], M. Bios, petti~ or tabaco, s.ource of most traditional tobacco-snuffing
and -smoking preparations, as well as our modern cigars and cigarettes.
The world's second anthropologist, Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagun, who bequeathed to us-in the Nahuatl words of elderly sabios-by far the most comprehensive and detailed study of any precontact American culture, here described the Mexica- (Aztec-) practice of smoking tobacco in reed-tubes, called acdyetl or tobacco-reeds, mixed with all manner of entheogens, including mushrooms, probably tzontecomanandcatl, Amanita muscaria (L. ex FR.) PERS. ex GR. [vide Ott 1996 for details]. This smoking of tobacco as acdyetl or pocuyetl (cigars) apparently was reserved especially for festive and ceremonial occasions, whereas by far the most common tobacco-use in Mesoamerica at the time of contact was as tenexyetl, limed tobacco, which was sucked like a coca-quid, being one part lime to ten of tobacco, also having an important ritual role. But the Nahuas snuffed tobacco as well, at least as a headache-remedy, and I suggest that the Nahuatl name for tobacco as a snuff was yecoxo, hitherto recondite (fromyetl, tobacco, and coxonqui, dried and ground: Sahagun recorded headache-curing by inhalingyecoxo, by inhaling tobacco; and in his Castillian rendering said: (y}ecuxo, or the green picietl [= Nicotiana rustica L.] herb). They drank tobacco-potions also, surely the itzpactli or obsidian-medicine of Sahagun-s-which may also have been known as tlapacoyetl, washed tobaccoand used small tobacco-pellets designated yiaqualfi [de la Garza 1990; Hernandez 1942; Reko 1919;Sahagun 1950-69; Simeon 1997; Sullivan et al. 1997; Vetancurt 1982]. Furst [1974,1996] summarized abundant archseological evidence for the antiquity and broad distribution of Mesoamerican liquid-snuffing, dating back to 1500 B.C. and extending from Colima and Nayarit, in the north, to the Olmecan area in the southeast: he ptoposed that many Olmecan jade spoons-some graced by avian and feline motifs-were in reality snuff-tablets (vide CHAPTER ONE). I think it more likely they were snuff-mortars, as well as snuffing tablets, and Olmecan shamans' bundles have yielded exquisite jade-pestles carved as immatureA. muscaria mush-
I' ' J-lLIb 's was mrnon, a far north as the contemporary wh ' r .numcrou archaic reedgrass cigarettes are known-tubes Pbrngmites australis ( AY.) TRIN. ex STEUD.containing Nicotiana attenuata (TORR.) WAT . pI 1I other plants [Adams 1990]. This reed, dcatl in Nahuatl, was used by the Azte s to make ornate acdyetl tobacco-tubes, smoking of which extended at least to the Caribbean-basin [Wilbert 1987]. A famous Mayan relief-carving from Palenque shows the jaguar-skinned GOD L smoking a chamdl (or acdyetl) on 20 January 690 (perhaps containing tobaccoand kakuljd, Amanita muscaria) , while an incised fragment of conch-shell depicts a noble smoking a slender cigar [Schele & Miller 1986]; and tobacco-snuffwas known in the Maya-area, for a 1704 Kakchiquel-lexicon gives us may: nose-tobacco. I doubt that it be merely fortuitous that P. australis, at least in its rhizomes, happens to contain DMT, bufotenine and 5-MeO-DMT [Wassel et al. 1985]. I might add that 20TH-century southwestern Tewa Indians were observed to snuff Nicotiana attenuata [Robbins et al. 1916], Apache Indians still smoked acdyetl [Reagan 1929], and the far-distant Mikasuki Seminoles ofla Florida used Phragmites australis stems as medicine tubes or medicine blowing tubes [Sturtevant 1955]. At the outset I noted that the word tobacco apparently derives, not from any fumatory or snuff-plant, but rather from the tube used to ingest these, either by insuffiation, or by buccal or rhinal inhalation. Oviedo y Valdes [1944] was the first to use tabaco in print, and he stated clearly it was a snuff-tube used for rhinal inhalation of smoke from leaves-of the plant we now call tobacco-laid in bundles on a fire inside a hut, adding that paupers unable to afford elaborate, v-shaped tabacos used a cane of Phragmites. The Mura Indians were subsequently said to call their bone snuff-tubes tabocas [von ReisAltschul 1972], whereasvon Spix and Marti us [1831]referring to MuraAnadenanthera snuff-stated the Indians: fill the parica [snuff] from large bamboo pipes (tabocas)>>. Although Torres [1996B] rejected snuff-tube rhinal smoke-inhalation as being uncorroborated, both von Reis Altschul [1972] and Wilbert [1987] accepted it, and I'm inclined to agree with them. Andre Thevet [1558]and Juan de Cardenas [1988] both animadverted to Indians absorbing foetid smoke ... by mouth and nostrils, Hernandez [1942] explicitly described inhalation of acdyeti by the mouth or the nose and burning psychoactive plants on open fires is well known, both in Africa and South America. Panamanian Cuna imbibe blown tobacco-smoke within a special house, while cacao-beans (Theobroma cacao L.) and chile (Capsicum spp.) are burned on open fires, snuffing it up greedily, their hands cupped round their mouths and noses [Wilbert 1987]. Furthermore, we have seen such documented for snuff-plants: I commented in CHAPTERONE that Abip6n In-
sw lJnil . I Slal
f th ha 0 w r reported early in the 19TH century to burn cebil-seeds and I It H Is wi thin closed huts; again, reference was made specifically to inhaling of smoke wi Ih their noses; although only Oviedo y Valdes mentioned such use of snuff-tubes. Tobacco-snuffing seems to have been uncommon in precontact North America, wh .re the ritual pipe or calumet reigned supreme. The Tewa-Indian snuffing of N itttrnuata was described as medicinally specific, as in the yecoxo of the Aztecs, in this I ,IS to treat nasal discharge and in ethnogynecology, evidently as ecbolic. Hartwich IIt II] reported that the Northwest Coast Nootka Indians took tobacco-snuff, which was later documented by Harrington [1932] among the northern California Karok. III southern California, seemingly a center of radiation for the genus Nicotiana, no r -wer than four wild tobaccos were smoked by native peoples, the above-mentioned N. attenuata as well as N bigelovii (TORR.)WATS.,N clevelandii GRAY N trigonand ophylla DUNAL-while N glauca GRAHAM tree-tobacco, and the white man's or tobacco [sic], N tabacum L. (both introduced postcontact), were eagerly adopted. 'I 'he southern California Cahuilla were said to chew, smoke and drink-but not to snuff -theirtobacco [Bean & Saubel 1972], although the Kawaiisu treated headache by snuffing N quadrivalvis PURSH. [Moerman 1998], which was cultivated all along I he Missouri River; and the Crows recognized, and may have cultivated, two species I Lowie 1919]. East of the Mississippi, however, Nicotiana rustica was predominant I ilmore 1919]. Tobacco-growing clearly constituted the first stirrings of incipient :Igriculture among many hunting-gathering peoples [Bean & Saubel 1972; VanAllen Murphy 1990]. Since snuffing of other plants-many of which were common ad111 ixtures to smoking-tobaccos (vide CHAPTER FOUR:Acorus,Arctostaphylos,Artemisia, Fomes, Magnolia, Veratrum) [Turner et al. 1990 ]-was rather general and diffuse, it seems probable that kinnikinnick-snuffs with tobaccos were also very broadly used. As we shall see in CHAPTERFOUR,medicinal and shamanic snuffing of an extensive pharmacopoeia of erhnornedicines is widespread in Africa. Even 'though there i a native African species, N afticana MERX.& BUTT.[Goodspeed 1954], this was not .xploited, and tobacco was introduced to Africa in postcontact times. Nevertheless, I bacco-snuffing rapidly diffused allover the continent, from Morocco to Madagascar I Hambly 1930; Linton 1930]. Although it has been stated that snuffing per sewas a postcontact introduction to Paleogza, this is decidedly not the case. Not only were sneeze-powders an integral part of the classical Egyptian, Greek and Roman pharmacopceias [Ratsch 1995], but we find in Africa such elaborate, highly-developed snuff-related paraphernalia-containers, spoons, mortars and that uniquely African innovation, the nose-clip, to retain liquids or powders once insuffiated-not to overlook the diffuse and eclectic ceremonial use of shamanic snuffs based on clearly
illdil' '11(l11~l.lIl"\, 1\ to mnk . it \I but certain rh t African snuffing is precontact p ,llld illtit,!, 'lid '111 i(~ Smith American development. Neither is it true, as has been oj ."lid, t iI,1ISlIlIll ill ' was unl nown in Palseogsea prior to contact with the Americas. 1',' 'vol'"llbi;l11 '4'1'11- .ruury pipes have been excavated in Ethiopia, and these were shown to ontain residues of Cannabis compounds [de Smet 1998; Van der Merwe , 7 I Wc' have Herodotus' report of the Scythians smoking Cannabis as the AbiP n had cebl/r-on open fires, here within a type of sauna-and the ritual smoking of Cannabis is likewise clearly archaic in the Himalayan area [Ratsch 1996B,1998B]. Several species of Nicotiana are native to Australia, and were exploited by the Aborigines as inebriants and hunting poisons [On 1996], but these were taken as masticatories with ash-admixtures, not as snuffs. Perhaps of greater importance to Aboriginal cultures was their masticatory pituri, prepared from leaves of Duboisia hopwoodiiv. MUEL.(Solanace.e) which are even richer in nicotine than most tobaccos. Again, ashes were added to pituri, the most common source being wirra, Acacia aneura v. MUEL. (Leguminosze), and characteristic of pituri-chewing was passing the quid from mouth to mouth and the storage of a chewed quid behind the ear [Watson 1983A,1983B].Similar storage has been documented with chewed tobaccos in Africa and South America [Linton 1930; Wilbert 1987], and it's been suggested the delicate skin behind the ear may perchance be as good a site for nicotine-absorption as the buccal cavity. Powders may be puffed into the mouth for traditional Chinese therapy [Saint Laurent 1999], Cannabis leaves snuffed in Indian Ayurvedic medicine [Nadkarni 1976]; and identification of thapana, a Nepali Kirati shamanic snuff containing Cannabis, points to the possibility of an archaic Asian shamanic snuff-complex [Miiller-Ebelingetal. 2000]. Wassen [1995] has remarked u-shaped blast pipe snuff-tubes from Thailand, but these are metallic and used to snuff non-traditional tobacco-mixtures. Tobacco-snuffing enjoyed a brief vogue in China in the seventeenth century-the practice was introduced by the Jesuits, so closely associated with this habit that their converts came to be known as snuff-takers. I have mentioned that snuffing as a means to pleasure or to inebriation had been unknown in precontact Europe, and its introduction during the sixteenth century was a sideline of Catholic clergymen, wont to sneak discrete pinches from the altar during Mass-first in Spain, then Portugal and later Italy. There were some Papal Bulls against this indulgence, but with the canonization of St. Joseph in the mid-18TH century (his devils advocate had argued that he had been a snuff-taker), and the ascension of the snufftaking Pope Urban VII, the die was cast, and in 1779 the Vatican began trafficking, by opening its own tobacco-factory [Alcantara 1987; Brooks 1953; Goodman 1993]! Ri tual and Iudible taking of tobacco-snuffs-both dry and Iiq uid-is extensively
tin umented in ou thAmerica. In his excellent and comprehensive survey of ic tobacco-use on that continent, Wilbert [1987] has enumerated 53tribes known t () n uff tobacco, a list extensible to 59 pursuant to subsequent research, making this t he third most common route of tobacco-ingestion, after smoking (233 tribes) and drinking (64); followed by chewing (56), tobacco-paste licking (16) and enemas (2). Moreover, since Wilbert had included under the rubric of drinking, several instances of the insufRation of tobacco-liquids-that I classify as snuffs-snuffing is therefore second only to smoking in South American tobacco-ingestion. Wilbert has delineated five foci of tobacco-snuff use which, not surprisingly, are congruent with those major strongholds of Anadenanthera and Virola snuffing: the Orinoco, northwest Amazonia, the Peruvian montana, the Rio Guapore and the Andes. I refer the reader to his book for specific details of its compass. Schultes and Raffauf[1990] noted that in northwestern Amazonia, tobacco was usually taken as snufffor ludible purposes, whereas smoking was frequently reserved for shamanic use, adding that almost all of the Colombian tribes enjoy tobacco-snuffs. In some cases, viz. the Matses of Peru, tobacco-snuff(in this case, nu-nut is by far the most important shamanic inebriant, besides being the only visionary snuff employed [Gorman 1990,1993]. Preparation of tobacco-snuffs is relatively simple: either the fresh or dried leaves are infused in water for liquid snuffs, or the dried leaves are pulverized then sometimes sifted. Many groups contriturate ashes in snuffs, most commonly of barks or fruit-husks of Sterculiacese, or the cacao-family. The Brasilian Denf, Jarawara and J amamadf employ bark-ashes of Theobromasubincanum [Prance 1972,1978], likewise utilized by the Tukuna, while the Ipurina were said to use ashes from cacao-fruit husks [Wilbert 1987]. The Peruvian Matses make nu-nu tobacco-snuff with barka h of mocambo, a Theobroma, probably T. bicolor HUMB.& BONPL. [Gorman 1990], while in Surinam and French Guyana, African-American mestizos are given to a lit] uid tobacco-snuff, made by moistening tobacco-leaves dusted with ash from burning the trunks of Sterculia species-the leaves are then squeezed, the expressed fluid snuffed out of the palm [Plotkin et al. 1980]. The Brasil-nut family, Lecythidacese, is an important ash-source in tobacco-preparations; that holds for the Virola barkpastes reviewed in CHAPTER TWO,employing cacao-ashes, too. The Tukuna add ash of Eschweilera coriacea (DC.)ART. ex BERG.fruit-rinds to tobacco-snuffs, while the Yaburf add pulverized Brasil-nut shells (Bertholletia excelsa HUMB. & BONPL.), there heing reports that shells of these nuts serve as handy snuff-mortars. The Tukuna are known also to add bark-ashes from a Capirona species (Rubiacese) to tobacco-snuffs I Wilbert 1987]; and the Barasana, Cecropia leaf-ashes (Moracere) [Schultes 1985B]. Plants added to tobacco run the gamut of South American shamanic inebriants.
S F.l
Pill 'I ~Illlfl:'planl ,th r i abundant evidence for the addition Td I owd 'I' co tobacco-snuffs. We saw in CHAPTERONE that tob III II IIII',~llIdl was 'ombin d with cebif-seeds by Indians of the Chaco, and the two 111/1 '''!'('IIN :II" ,~Iillsrnok d together by the Wichi. In the Rio Cuapore-area on th hOI dt'I' h '1W ' '/1 1301 ivia and Brasil, for many tribes, such as the Tupari and Yabud, II" mall i . sn LIfTs are: usually a blend of tobacco, parica, and other materials [WilI '1'[ I (871. Wilbert also noted the admixture of Virofa barks into tobacco-snuffs. Whil .thcrc are some reports of blending tree-barks with tobacco-snuffs, these are n l upported by botanical vouchers. In CHAPTERTWO I reviewed evidence that a I'U hed barb added to a Peruvian Matsigenka tobacco-snuff were likely Virofait is well known that simple crushed barks of Virofa are employed in snuffs, and this snuff contained DMT.Reichel-Dolmatoff [1975] specifically described the blending of a tobacco-snuff with uibo or Virofa bark-snuff by Colombian Tukanoan Indians. Reichel-Dolmatoff[1996A] later noted Colombian Tukano Indians snuffed tobacco combined with pulverized bark of Banisteriopsis (Malpighiace;e) or powdered coca-leaves (Erythroxyfum coca LAM.var. ipadu PLOWMAN),and in CHAPTERFOURI review additional evidence for a use both of ayahuasca-stems and ipadu coca-leaves in shamanic snuffs, as well as a similar use of Piper and Capsicum species (Piperacere and Solanacez) in snuffs, both of which may sometimes be added to tobacco-snuffs. Infusions of the famous Andean San Pedro-cactus, Trichocereus pachanoi, plus wild black tobacco juice [Sharon 1979], may be snuffed intranasally by mestizo Peruvian curanderos as an adj unct to well-documen ted shamanic mesas or healing ceremonies [Calderon et al. 1982; Glass-Coffin 1998; Joralemon & Sharon 1993; Polia Meconi 1996; Sharon 1978]. Finally, in CHAPTERFOURmay be found further details on the Paumari shamanic snuff called koribo-nafuni, compounded of powdered and sifted tobacco wi th similarly-prepared leaves of a bignoniaceous liana, Tanecium nocturnum (BARB.-RODR.) URM.& SCHUM.[Prance 1978; Prance et al. 1977]. Yet another reconB dite shamanic snuff-of the Colombian Makuna and Barasana Indians-consists of the powdered leaves of Pagamea macrophyffa SPR.ex BENTH.(Rubiacese) [Schultes 198oB]-this is undoubtedly combined sometimes with tobacco-snuffs. I would be remiss should I fail to mention in this context the mysterious takini-entheogen of Arawakan Karifias from the Guyanas, the red latex of Heficostyfis tomentosa (POEPP. & ENDL.)MACBR. nd H pedunculata BEN.,from the family Moracese. In conjunction a with oral ingestion of prodigious doses of tobacco-infusions and tobacco-pellets, shamanic initiates inhale thefomesof takini-Iatex, a sort of ethereal errhine [von Rei Altschul & Lipp 1982; Wilbert 1987]. There is an equally abstruse moraceous shamanic snuff, the rapt dos indios from fruits of Maquira sclerophylla, formerly used in the
( llilil" III l,j
1111', Ii wlt
"PP 'I' Ri Xingu fBrasil, presumably by the Mundurucu (vide CHAPTERFOUR). 11'11 be instructive to examine plant- and ash-admixtures to non-snuff tobacco-preI',' rations, as well as to Anadenanthera and Virofa snuffs, ipadu coca and ayahuasca.
,', i Icing for the nonce to tobacco, we find in northwest Amazonia, nearby Andean I' 'gions and the Peruvian/Ecuadorian montafia, use of buccal tobacco pastes an.ilogous to resins of Virofa barks. The Wi toto and Bora of the montafia call these am/J/loryera [Candre 1996; Schultes 1945]; prepared by lengthy boiling and concentraIion to a syrupy consistency of fresh, green leaves of cultivated tobacco, Nicotiana tnbacum, to which are added at the end the same salts derived from evaporating water leached through bark-ashes, as are employed by them also as coatings for their p llets of Virofa bark-pastes-particularly from lecythidaceous trees of the genera Gustauia and Eschioeilera, but including also the wild cacao Theobroma subincanum ( terculiacese). Sionas-the only Tukanoan tribes to prepare ambil-use the ashes of cacao colorado del monte, wild red cacao husks, either T. subincanum (added by 'I ukanoans to Virola bark yd-kee-snuffs) or Herrania breviligulata SCHULT.,but also add ashes from the pods of yoco, Paullinia yoco SCHULT.& KILL., (Sapindaceee; barkinfusions of which are esteemed caffeine-rich Amazonian stimulants) [Calella 1945; Wilbert 1987], while Witoto Indians use gourds oflarge fruits of Theobroma bicolor as ambil-containers, which are reputed to aromatize their tobacco-pastes [Schultes &. Raffauf 1990]. Witotos add mardkio, a malpighiaceous vine, to yera/ambil; probably Banisteriopsis caapi or a related yaje/ayahuasca source-plant, and their name for Virofa, oo-koo-na (or uleuna), means jungle-tobacco [Candre 1996; Urbina 1992]. Witotos also smoke crushed leaves and young barb of Banisteriopsis caapi, at times .vidently mixed with tobacco, inasmuch as they told Schultes [1985c]: the intoxiarion produced would be extremely strong and long-lasting. Arawakan Matsigenka prepare opatsa seri tobacco-paste with powdered Banisteriopsis liana [Shepard 1998]. The Amazonian custom of confecting tobacco-linctuses or lambitive tobaccopastes for buccal absorption is found in the northern Andes, among the Kogi and ocher tribes of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia, who use tobacco traditionally in no other way. TheseArawakan tribes apparently do not add ashes to their ambird tobacco-concentrate, generally taken with hayo or coca, a habit also characteristic of the Witoto, with whom the Kogi share other cultural traits [Uscategui 1959]. Delightfully, the Amazonian ambrosia ambil, which embraced the Andes of northern Colombia, has seduced the urbane mestizo cultures of Venezuela-where
UAS Ill)
toba o-syrup is known as chimo-and of adjoining northeastern I rn ia, wht'!'1' it is called chimu [Kamen- Kaye 1971,1975]. Details of the preparation are r me rkal I similar to those reported from Amazonia, even the use of an ash-leachate-cemtlrlll or strained in Venezuela-as an alkaline additive, although for the levigati nor chime, the ash-imbued water is not evaporated to a solid salt, but filtered and a I ded to the tobacco-extract prior to its final concentration. In this case, the preferr d ashes are from woods of bucare, Erythrina trees (Leguminosse) used to shade coffe . plantations, but as among the Siona, the ashes from banana-skins may also be used. More intriguing still are the various flavorings and other additives to chime, tb ' most important being curia- or caria-leaves,]usticia caracasana and] pectoralis, the Waika masha-biri snuff-plant. Sarrapia or tonka bean, Dipterxy odorata WILLD.(Leguminosse), and nutmeg, Myristica jragransHouTT., also flavor cbimo, and both ar , like] pectoralis, reputed to be psychoactive [Ratsch 1998A; Uphof 1968; Van Gils & Cox 1994; Weil 1967]. Nutmeg, of course, is in the same Myristicacese family of Virola, albeit of postcontact introduction to South America. Moreover, leaves from fiv different species of Rubiacee are added to chime: Cephelis tinctoria, Guettarda sabiceoides, Palicourea chimo, Psychotriaamita andP. aubletiana [Kamen- Kaye 1975; von Reis Altschul 1973; von Reis Altschul & Lipp 1982]. Dried leaves of Cephaelis williamsii STANDL.are likewise added to smoking-tobacco in the Colombian Putumayo [Schultes & Raffauf 1990]; leaves of rubiaceous Hamelia nodosa serve as a smokingtobacco substitute in Honduras, while South Mrican Bushmen smoke leaves of rubiaceousHeinsia benguelensis [von ReisAltschul 1973; von Reis Altschul & Lipp 1982]. The Lecythidacere again loom large in the case of adjuncts to smoking-tobaccos. In this case bark or bark-paper, known as ta[h)uari or tabari, of species of Allan tom a, Courataria, Lecythis and Eschweilera, are widely used as cigar-wrappers. Curiously, a number of species of Eschweilera have cacao in their common-names. A similar bark cigar-wrap is derived from species ofArrabidtRa and Tabebuia of the family Bignoniacere, which includes also Tanecium nocturnurn, leaves of which are combined with tobacco in the Paumari shamanic snuff koribo-naiuni (vide supra and CHAPTER FOUR). The Tehuelche of southern Argentina smoke tobacco with hierba mate, flex paraguariensis ST.-HIL.(Aquifoliace.e), while Yucatecan Mayans combined leaves of Datura innoxia MIL. (Solanacee), and only under special circumstances Peruvian Shipibo add stern-pith of kindred Brugmansia species to tobacco-infusions. Leaves from the moraceous genus Pourouma are also employed as cigar-wraps, while in El Salvador, the leaves of a Dorstenia species are smoked with tobacco to lend it flavor [Ratsch 1998A;von Reis Altschul 1973; von ReisAltschul & Lipp 1982; Wilbert 1987]. Though Pourouma cecropiefolia MART.ex MIQ.leaves are occasionally burned for
mix wi h ipad'll, kindred moraceous Cecropia sciadophylla MART.and other ( :/'cropiaspecies are the preferred ash-source. Cecropia leaves, widely known as guarutun, are smoked as mari juana-substitute in Mexico. Cacao-pods are ash-sources for root, also Theobroma cacao and T speciosum WILLD.barks; fruits of Trichocereus cacti, I )iplotropis and Tachigalia leaves (Leguminosse) and leaves of a Distictella (Bignoni I 'ea:). Lecythidacere again figure-Makunas administer ipad'll-powder via a clever Ii her-bag cum bird-bone spout, made either of Eschweilera or Ficus bark (Moraceee), Ii nd moraceous Brosimum and Tabebuia (Bignoniacez) species may be used as morI ars in pulverizing the ipad'll [DeWalt et al. 1999; Plowman 1981;Rivier 1981;Schultes 1<)81; Schultes & Raffauf 1990]. I might note parenthetically that B. acutijolium HUB. subsp. ovatum (DUCKE)BERGwas recently reponed as an initiatory hallucinogen. Palikur- and Wayapi-tribes [Duke & Vasquez 1994; Rutter 1990]. Of particular interest among numerous coca-additives [for a list: Ratsch 1998A] is chamairo, Mussatia hyacinthina (STAND.) ANDW. Bignoniacese) liana-bark, which S ( rather than flavoring salty quids renders these dulcent, often being chewed neat as toea-substitute; and Bolivian Tacana use Sorocea cf. pileata BURG.(Moracese) as cocasubstitute [Davis 1983; DeWalt et al. 1999; Plowman 1980]. A magical plant used with coca by Colombian Paez-shamans is tache, powerful seeds of Myroxylon balsamum (L.)HARMS.(Leguminosa:) [Antonil 1978]. Another coca-substirute be tabaco rbuncbo or Cordia nodosa L. (Boraginacese), leaves of which are chewed by Campa Indians of Peru [Plowman 1980]. This plant is also known as aya huasco in the Peruvian Amazon [Rutter 1990 ]-suggestive of psychoactivity-whereas the fruit of C. boissieri DC. was cited from Mexico in 1852 as having intoxicating properties [von Reis Altschul 1973], and the dried leaves of C. millennii BAK.are: smoked as tobac'0 in Africa [Andoh 1991]. Strangely, C. stenodada JOHNS. is today known as nopo in Mexico [Lazos Chavero & Alvarez 1988], while the Miskitos of Nicaragua employ infusions of seeds and leaves of C. alliodora (RUIZ& PAY.) a stimulant [Coe O & Anderson 1997]. Finally, two species of Cordia are known by the prefix kurupi(edivine, diviniry) to the (Tupf-Guarani) Ka'apor near the mouth of the Amazon, this root of course being related to Anadenanthera, viz.: kurupai [Balee 1989,1994]. In CHAPTERONEI purposely eschewed discussion of ash-additives to Anadenanthera snuffs, in part because such may not be employed, and we have precious few data. However, in that case where we can identify the source of an ash added to iioposnuff, among Piaroa and other Salivan Indians, it is the bark of a lecythidaceous tree, rocode mono, which we know now either to be Eschweilera tenax (a species also called cacao) or Couroupita guianensis AUBL.,which happens to be an ayahuasca-admixture I Luna 1984; von Reis Altschul 1972; von ReisAltschul & Lipp 1982]. We saw that the
. ~NLJilil~
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I~II'S ora vin . to parica seed-snuff, and unspecified bark-ashes plus Inh Ie' '0 W '1'(' Idd d to /In tdenanthera snuff along the Rio Guapore, whereas Yabutf 1(1(\,,(\ Ilii 1'111 ili xl I ark-ashes both to tobacco- andaimpaseed-snuff[von 1 Reis AltHt hid 117 I. Bio a Il996] seems to describe addition of Elizabetha bark-ash also to \l(th ik! s . d-epena. We have seen three major ash-sources for Virola snuffs: Theobroma ublncanum bark (to Puinave-yd-kee; Sterculiace.e): Elizabetha princeps bark (Waika-pena, Lcguminosse) and Gustavia poeppigiana bark (Witoto-oo-ko6-he; Lecythidac<E-also used for Virola resins are Eschweilera barks and Theobroma fruit-husks). The appositely-named folk pharmacopoeia additives to Amazonian ayahuascapotions has already been examined with some care [Bianchi & Samorini 1993; McKenna et al. 1995; On 1999B]. While referring the interested reader to these publications for details on some 100 plants of 39 families, I wish to mention here additive from 15such families, which encompass over half the plants in this pharmacopoeia. Not only are the bulk of the principal South American plant-inebriants ayahuascaadmixtures, but taking also into consideration those plants important as admixtures and ashen additives to ipadu coca, tobacco, Anadenanthera and Virola snuffs, it will become evident that we are faced herewith a single, archaic, intricately-intercalated, tropical inebriant-complex which is pan-South American, and indeed echoes down the broad and profound corridors of the past, to southern Argentina and Chile, and north through Mesoamerica, encompassing at least the tri bes of northern California, possibly even those of the Northwest Coast. In the plaiting and interweaving of one entheogen with another, we can descry the likely cultural-evolutionary development of visionary shamanic pharmacognosy, which will be the subject of a future work. Tobacco, manifestly, is the fundamental and irrecusable element of American shamanic entheognosia. Virtually no well-known American shamanic inebriant exists independently of some connection with tobacco, and it would seem that tobacco is theoruy shamanic inebriant claimed to stand alone in any culture, although I suspect this has much to do with the partial and incomplete evidence at our disposal. Without question, tobacco is a fundamental additive to ayahuasca-potions, and has a primary role, especially smoked, as animistic <Egisor protective force during its elaboration and consumption, independent of conjectured pharmacological enhancement or synergy [Luna 1984; Luna & Amaringo 1991; Ort 1999B; Wilbert 1987]. Conversely, ayahuasca and a related vine are added to ambillyera/opatsa seri tobacco-pastes. Like tobacco, both Anadenanthera and Virola snuffs are commonly taken in conjunction with imbibing ayahuasca, and Virola bark has been reported to be a specific admixture-plant in Peru [Luna 1984J. While as yet we possess no ~videnceAnadenanthera barks, leaves or seeds are added to ayahuasca-potions, we have
('('II that the tern' of the ayahuasca-liana might be chewed in conjunction with taI I"!' of Anadenanthera nuffs, and all but surely are at times powdered and added I111I to these and to Virola snuffs. Similarly, ipadu coca-powder is not only snuffed h (/lIid chewed) in combination with tobacco, but also with pulverized Banisteriopsis IHI'1<., and likewise is reported to be specific admixture to ayahuasca-brews, besides 1 Iwing taken commonly for buccal absorption with tobacco-pastes [Wilbert 1987J. The Leguminosz family of Anadenanthera, moreover, is more than amply repI('S .n ted among ayahuasca-admixtures, with ten plants in nine genera, and where Wr have specific data on plant-parts used they are barks: of Cesalpinia echinata LAM., ,iilliandra angustifolia, Campsiandra laurifolia BENTH.,and either bark or roots of I wo Erythrina species. Turning for the moment to additive-plants ayahuasca has in r urnrnon with its kindred, we find striking commonalities. AlthoughJusticia leaves II/'ne (common adjunct both to Virola snuffs and tobacco-pastes) haven't been cited 11.~:1I1 ayahuasca-admixture, both likely co-occur in snuffs, particularly Waika-mixI II rc of epenas in which either is found, and the family Acanthacez is represented hy the addition of branches of Teliostachya lanceolata NEESvar. crispa NEESto aya/J/lflsca-potions [Schultes 1972J. Similarly, flex guayusa LOES.of the Aquifoliaceee is lid led to ayahuasca, while its kin I paraguariensis is smoked with tobacco. Tobacco, I(Jlflhuascaand coca share Bignoniace<E bark-additives-Tabebuia species in the forIII '1' two cases, and Mussatia hyacinthina in the last. Even 'though the source-plant lor ayahuasca is itself a Malpighiacese species, the potions may have other malpighia(t JUS admixtures, as do tobacco and Anadenanthera and Virola snuffs-at least the I 'aves of Stigmaphyllon fulgens (LAM.) USS., Diplopterys cabrerana and possibly also J I). involuta (TURCZ.)NIED. may be added [Schultes 1972; Schultes & Raffauf 1990 J. 'I 'here was a report of adding Abuta juice to Anadenanthera snuff, and I noted that II. grandifolia (Menispermacee) is admixed into ayahuasca [LunaI984J. Piper leaves (l'iperacese) are at once added to ayahuascas, to tobaccos and possibly to other shaIIIanic sn uffs. We've seen leaves of five species ofRubiacee iCephaelis, Guettarda, Pallrourea and Psychotria) are added to tobacco-pastes, while leaves of C. williamsii are moked with tobacco in Colombia-leaves of at least a half-dozen species of Psychotria and of Sabicea amazonensis WERN.are added to ayahuascas, and (probably the I ':Ivesof) a Guettardaspecies plus other Rubiacere [McKennaetal. 1995; OttI999BJ. I//'ugmansia (Solanacese) stem-pith is added to Shipibo shamanic tobacco-infusions; lruves are chewed with coca [Ratsch 1998AJ and leaves of two Brugmansia species are limply documented as being ayahuasca-admixtures. Likewise, fruits of chile/aji or (;rlpsicum species may be added to ayahuascas as well as to oral and intranasal tobacC 'os and also coca [Schultes & Raffauf 1990; Wilbert 1987J. I've remarked the curious
case of that coca-substitute Cordia nodosa, known alike as tabaco chuncho and aya huasco in Peru, whereas C. stenodada is called nopo in Veracruz, Mexico; and far away, two Cordia species are similarly associated linguistically with Anadenanthera, at the mouth of the Amazon, via the name-prefix kurupi-, among the Ka'apor, of a TiipiGuaranI-idiom. Their kin, Tournefortia angustifolia ROEM. ex SCHULT. (Boraginacex), is a Siona-Secoya ayahuasca-admixture in Ecuador [Vickers & Plowman 1984]. MagnifYing the optics of our focus to yet finer a level of detail-the species used as ash-admixtures to our three basic types of shamanic snuffs and ipadt; coca-we discover still denser webs of interconnection. Couro up ita guianensis or Eschweilera tenaxof the Lecythidacese are the only known botanical source of ashes-as barksfor Anadenanthera snuffs, and the former is documented as an ayahuasca-admixture in Peru [Luna 1984]. Furthermore, we saw that ta[h}uari bark-papers of four genera from this family-Allantoma, Couratari, Eschweilera and Lecythis-serve widely as cigar- or cigarette-wrappers for tobaccos, and that bark-bags of Eschweilera or Ficus (Moracee) are used as oral syringes to administer ipadu coca, while bark-ashes of Eschweilera and allied Gustavia are key sources of salts combined both with Virola and tobacco-pastes. Arrabidea and Tabebuia species (Bignoniaceax) are called ta[h}uari too and used as bark-paper tobacco-wrappers, while barks of two species of Tabebuia, also known as ta[h}uari, are documented ayahuasca-additives, along with unknown parts of two other Bignoniacex [Luna 1984; McKenna et al. 1995]. Leaves of the related Distictella are ipadu ash-sources, and bignoniaceous Tanecium nocturnum leaves are blended with tobacco in the Paumarf shamanic snuff koribo-natuni. Leaves of a Pourouma species in the Moraceee are also employed as cigar-wraps, and allied Dorstenia leaves smoked with tobacco in El Salvador. Pourouma and especially Cecropia leaves (Moracee) are primary ash-sources for ipadu coca, Cecropia leafash being likewise used in Barasana tobacco-snuff, whereas at least three species of the allied moraceous genera Coussapoa and Ficus are ayahuasca-additives-apparently as latexes [Luna 1984]. The Moracee also includes the obscure Brasilian snuff rape dos indios from Maquira sclerophylla fruits-with likely connections to tobacco and other snuffs-along with the recondite takini-latex of Helicostylis species, a sort of hybrid snuff/potion having an intimate connection to tobacco. We saw that fruits of Trichocereus, the San Pedro-cactus genus, were exploited as ash-source for ipadu, and two likely mescalinic cacti, of the genera Epiphyllum and Opuntia, are Peruvian ayahuasca-additives [Rivier & Lindgren 1972], while tobacco plus San Pedro-infusions be snuffed intranasally by Peruvian mestizo curanderos. By the same token, pods of Paullinia yoco (Sapindacex) provide ashes added to Siona tobacco-pastes, and the / bark of this stimulant is likewise added to Siona-ayahuasca [Langdon 1986]. I noted [60]
the intimate connection between leafen additives of the Rubiacez both to tobaccopastes and ayahuascas, but we also saw that the bark of a Capirona species was used as an ashen additive to Tukuna tobacco-snuffs, and barks of C. decorticans SPR. and Calycophyllum spruceanum (BENTH.) HOOK. F. ex SCHUM. are added to ayahuasca in Peru [Luna 1984] .Ashes from barks or fruit-husks of cacaos (Sterculiacese) are added to snuffs and pastes of both tobacco and Virola-fruit-husk ash to ipadu coca-and a inner-bark of a Herrania species was lately found added to Shuar-natem (ayahuasca) [Bennett 1992]. Finally, returning to the Leguminosz family of Ana den anther a, not only are numerous leguminous barks added to ayahuascas, but bark of the related Elizabetha princeps, ama-asita, is the invariable ash-source for Waiki-epenas, while for chimo tobacco-paste alkalinization, species of Erythrina are used. Erythrine are known comm9nly in Peru by virtually the same name as E. princeps, amasisa, including both species added to ayahuasca, E. glauca W1LLD., and E. poeppigiana (WALP.) COOK. Amasisa likewise refers to E. ulei HARMS., also called vilca tarwi, which we saw at the outset was used likeAnadenanthera (with which it has been confused) in Incan purgative enemas [Duke & Vasquez 1994; Rutter 1990; von Reis Altschul 1967]. Vide Ratsch [1998A] for his detailed discussion of the psychoactivity of Erythrina species. We see thus clearly that every solo instrument in the South American shamanic symphony is represented in nuce in this extant ayahuasca-complex-leaves of tobacco and coca and Virola barks being added directly to the potions; ayahuasca lianastems in turn added to tobacco-preparations and snuffs of Virola andAnadenanthera. All of the major ash source-plants and admixtures for ipadu coca, shamanic snuffs and pastes of Virola, Anadenanthera and tobacco-mainly of families Acanthacese, Bignoniacex, Lecythidacee, Leguminosse, Moracee, Rubiacee and Sterculiacexare either added per se to the potions or are supplanted by close proxies. This is anything but fortuitous or inadvertent, and a marked preference for specific plants as sources for ashen admixtures to snuffs is most decidedly not haphazard. Perhaps it's curious that ashes do not seem to be added to ayahuascas, as they are virtually to all other shamanic inebriants ('though Schultes and Raffauf [1990] noted Brugmansia leaf-ash as a Siena-additive); chemistry can account for this. Inasmuch as ayahuascabrewing entails alkaloid-extraction into water, the presence of basic or alkaline ash would minimize solubility, acidity rather enhance it. Shamans are pharmacognosists and psychonauts, and far from amateurish or chemically unsophisticated. Where ashes are added to Virola snuffs or pastes, or to tobacco-pastes-likewise prepared by an aqueous extraction of the source-plants-these are added afterthe extraction process, during the final concentration-phase. Moreover, it appears probable to me that tobacco-ashes are in fact added to ayahuasca-brews. The constant smoking and [61]
(umigari n of and around the ebullient cauldron could certainly have as consequence orne tobacco-ashes lofting into the lianine elixir [vide photographs: Luna 1986,1992].
Forsaking the comforting physicality of potions and powders, I dare to venture into realms of airy speculation ... smoky, if you will; perchance, in the famous words of Henry Thoreau: mere smoke of opinion, which some had trusted for a cloud that would sprinkle fertilizing rain on their fields. To be sure, for the military or political tactician, smoke-screens perforce suffice camouflage or disguise, dissimulation or deceit. On the other hand, smoke-surely of tobaccos and other shamanic inebriants-has a long and fabled history as a catalyst to divination; destiny descried in its vatic vortices, capnomancy or perchance fomispiry (via analogy to baruspicy, definition of which ICibest leave to a curious reader's further inquiries). In his novel Besuch aufGodenholm (Visit to Godenholm), Ernst ]Unger has beautifully described an ascending plume of incense-smoke as a fumatory ferment of vision, which amounts to much the same thing. By way of example, the northern Venezuelan Chaima burned bundles of tobacco on open fires, divining through interpretation of the curls and spirals of the rising smoke while Venezuelan Caquetio and Jirajara shamans rather divined by examining tobacco-ashes (spodomancy or tephromancy) following three days of smoking [Wilbert 1987]. Lovely classical Mayan lintels from Yaxchilan show graphically a queen descrying a vision-serpent in plumes of smoke arising from a bowl in which she'd apparently burned strips of bark-paper anointed with her blood after drawing a thorned-cord through her tongue [Schele & Miller 1986] ! The most revered divinatrices of the classical world were the Pythia, affectionately known as the Delphic Bees, whose abstruse mantic murmurings gave voice to the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi. While visionary inebriants were doubtless involvedmayhap inebriating honey or apollinaris, Hyoscyamus albus L. (Solanaceas), or both, [On 1998; Ratsch 1987]-their vatic visions were had suspended over a fumarole in a cavern on Mt. Parnassos, whence issued fumes from the wom~f Our Lady G;ca. In the seven vignettes that follow, I'll make repeated reference to six major categories of American shamanic inebriants:Anadenanthera or NOPo-snuffs (Leguminosse): ipadu COCA(Erythroxylace;c);AYAHUAScA-potions (Malpighiacee), Virola or EPENAsnuffs (Myristicacee): Nicotiana OrTOBACCO (Solanacese) and CACAO (Srerculiacese). ASHESTO ASHES, DUSTTO... DUSTED:PLANT-SPIRITS ON GUARD-DUTY-We have seen an irrefrangible consistency in the plants employed as ash-sources in the com-
mingling of shamanic snuffs, which has nothing to do with convenience or oecological abundance in any given place-why not simply, indeed, scoop-up some ashes from the hearth, always at hand and demanding no especial effort? Though we have scant data at our disposal regarding many ill-studied African shamanic snuffs, we can confidently assume that for African shamans, too, not just any old ash will dowith regard to TOBAcco-snuff comminution in Madagascar, Linton [1930] remarked offhandedly: more attention seems to be paid to the ash than to the TOBACCO,wo t or three varieties being added in exact proportions. In American shamanic inebriants, the families Leguminosz, Sterculiacee and Lecythidacere are by far the most important ash-sources, the first associated with all five inebriant-complexes (excluding here CACAO-potions, where no ash is used), the last two with four; the Moracee with two of the five. With regard to plant-additives to these inebriants, Leguminosse, along wi rh MJpighiace;c and Solanacee, is again primary, all three families associated with all six inebriant classes; followed by Myristicacee (5/6), Lecythidacese and Sterculiacese (3/6) then Moracese (2/6). Two important conclusions might be drawn from this: first, that the families most important as ash-sources-especially the Leguminosse-e-are likewise important admixture-sources; second, that there is extensive blurring of boundaries between our six inebriants; the families of NOPo, TOBACCO and AYAHUASCA intermingling with every one, those of EPENAand CACAO but one. all In other words-at least symbolically-the plants chosen as ash-sources are, or bear some relationship to, important shamanic inebriants. I hasten to add, anticipatingwhatwould indeed be a captious objection, that in the plants under consideration, generally speaking of primal mythological import, folk-taxonomies are remarkably congruent with a botanist's. For all intents and purposes, the Quechua cumala and the Tupf-Guaranf kaka[u} or CACAO (and parallels in divers languages) are equivalent to Myristicacese and Sterculiacee. This holds alike for species of Lecythidacere and Moracez germane here, closely associated linguistically with TOBACCO CACAO; s or a for the Malpighiacez, AYAHUASCA itself, Banisteriopsis caapi, intercalates with other inebriants. Key leguminous trees likewise form a distinct folk-taxonomic category, even for us, viz. locust-trees. On the other hand-and equally portentous-there exists a singular and irrefragable linguistic intermingling of these various folk-taxa, to which I have by turns animadverted, and will document in greater detail below. From a die-hard doper perspective (not that I would impute such to any of my readers-here, as always, I speak for myself), having weathered dope-droughts and dearths, it might fairly be asked: how can it be possible that a shaman/pharmacognosist should burn-up scarce and invaluable stash, simply to obtain ashes which are ever-abundant in any hut or maloca? The answer is stark and simple: the tutelary
plant-spirits, rather than assuming their didactic/inspirational role, are here standingwatch. Nepheligenous TOBAcco-smoking during harvesting, infusion, repartition and ingestion of AYAHUASCA, I have said, suffices as an animistic a::gis,as a spiritual as shield protecting the protean elixir, as able to work ill as good. Smoke, which is the visible, manipulable, halituous spirit of the plant made manifest, serves this lustral, protective role worldwide, and leaves behind it the irreducible material essence of a living being, its inorganic ashes-the body of the plant in fact enteringinto the comminution of the snuff, its fumacious spirit protectant, as wonders work in the alchemical alembic. If, as be true for COCAand TOBACCO,the alkalinity of the ash enhances alkaloid-uptake in mouth or nose, then the favillous plant-body materially works its miracles. A consistent and noteworthy feature of the confection of sharnanic snuffs and ipadu COCA,is the fact that the combustion o/the ash-source isfrequently contemporaneous-as opposed to more efficiently preparing a large batch of ashes, to be laid-up and used as needed. This has been documented for Virola preparations [Schultes 1954,1969; Seitz 1967] and ipadt; [Plowman 1981;Schultes 1981]-referring to Tanimuka ipadu, Schultes and Raffauf [1992] added: there seems to be no reason for burning [Cecropia leaves] inside the houses .. , unless this be plant-spiritual! SHOOTING-UP:FROMDART-POISONS TOSHAMANICSNUFFS-it doubtless surprised many to learn that at least for certain groups ofWaika Indians, dart-poison and visionary snuff are one and the same, the poisoned darts indeed being a handy and efficient means of snuff-storage. Attentive readers will recall that I noted the Waika use the blowguns-method of snuffing, in which one person forcefully blows a sn~ff into another's nostril, via a taboca or snuff-tube 1-2 m long, similar to the cerbatana (sumpitan) or blowgun, being shorter and thinner, 'though probably having a wider bore. Dart-poison snuff suddenly seems a great deal less peculiar, especially when we reflect that a favored species for blowgun- manufacture ispucuna caspi, the Virola relative Iryantbera tricorn is DUCKE[Duke & Vasquez 1994]. Significantly, we've two historical reports of apparently inebriating, non-lethal dart-poisons, antecedent to the disgraceful Usan nonconventional chemical warfare fiascos of the MKULTRA! Vietnam-war era. In 1548, near Lake Maracaibo in western Venezuela, conquistador Alonso Perez de Tolosa described cerbatana-darts: dipped in an herb which, wounding someone only slightly, would drop him senseless for two or three hours ... after which he would arise in his five senses, absent other harm. In 1629 and much farther south, in the Rio Caqueta of southern Colombia, a monk named Vazquez de Espinosa [1948] reported kindred cerbatana-darts: on which they put an herb that is not deadly but only inebriates those wounded for 24 hours. I must take excep-
tion to Bisset's [1992] conclusions thereupon, in his excellent historical review of curare, to wit: that these records are consistent with the effects of Amazonian curares, typically based on extracts of the roots and barks of Log ani ace a::(Strychnos spp.) and Menisperrnacee (Abuta, Chondodendron, Curarea spp.) [Schultes & Raffauf 1990], and decidedly lethal. Bisset was apparently unaware of those reports from Roraima (not far from the site of Vazquez de Espinosa's chronicle) of inebriating snuffs/dartpoisons from Virola theiodora resin, which far better fit these citations of non-lethal, inebriating dart-poisons (Bisset rightly noted mistranslation in the English accompanying the first publication of Vazquez [in 1948], where intoxicates was given for embriaga [inebriates], but adds: [this] means no more than drunks, which would be rather bebido, mayhap embeodado in 16TH-century Castillian), In Peruvian Amazonia, Reinburg [1921] cited a shamanic inebriant, besides AYAHUASCA huanto and (Brugmansia), viz.: camalampi, hitherto recondite. Camalampi probably referred to Virola resin, being cumala-ampi, or rnyristicaceous curare, in Quechua (camais found in common-names for V.sebiftra [Aguirre 1971]), although kamarampi is Matsigenka Banisteriopsis [Shepard 1998]. Other shamanic inebriants are combined with curares: as TOBAcco-leaves and Capsicum fruits with Tikuna- and Shuar-curare based on bark of a Chondodendron [von Humboldt & Bonpland 1819]; Brugmansia and Brunfolsia in Peru [Castner et al. 1998]; Colombian AYAHUASCA-source etrapterys T mucronata csv.; Guyanan Piper root-bark [Bancroft 1769; Schultes & Raffaufrooo]. Curare-plant (bark and leaves) Curarea tecunarum BARN.& KRUK.,was reported in Brasil to be combined with parica- snuff by the Maue Indians [von Reis Altschul & Lipp 1982]; annotations to a voucher-sample state: with the leaves of this Menisperrnacee, the Maue Indians toast the parica (1971, from botanist Barbosa-Rodrigues). This came more than a century and a hal f after de Lincourt reported the Maue added leafjuice, of an Abuta or other Menisperrnacese, and ashes of a vine to Anadenanthera seeds to make paricd-snuff (vide CHAPTERONE), a solid confirmation! Intriguingly, menispermaceous curare-plants, of genera Abuta, Chondodendron and Curarea, as well as loganiaceous Strychnos curare-species, are commonly used in ethnogynecology (e,g, Abuta grandifolia root-tea as birth-adjunct in Ecuador; that species andA. ruf treat sterility in Peru [Rutter 1990; Schultes & Raffauf 1990]; Strychnos melinoniana aphrodisiac in Surinam [Uphof 1968]); and these plants figure also as philtres in love-magic (in Venezuela, S.jobertiana BAILL.leaves are macerated in rum for perfume to attract the opposite sex [von Reis Altschul & Lipp 1982]). The species thus used are regarded among the strongest hunting-poison sources, which ought not surprise us-after all, the goal here remains hunting ... love and romance on the one hand, or neonatal souls on the other. In Mesoamerica, women were given
SHAMANIC SNUFFS toy-shields and -spears during parturition, and those that perished were deified, became cihuateteo, and were accorded funereal rites due a warrior fallen in battle; for in both cases, death occurred struggling valiantly to capture souls for the common weal [McKeever-Furst 1995; Ortiz de Montellano 1990]. The snuff-taking shaman, too, is often engaged in a hunt for a lost soul, and it is fitting that s/he be empowered for this task by hunting-poison administered via the weapon of the hunt, the cerbatana. Of course, hunting prey is first and foremost a sacred endeavor, the shaman's power key to its success, and Gorman [1990,1993] attests that for the Matses of Peru, a major purpose for taking nu-nu-snuff, is precisely to seek visions of prey-animals, so to facilitate their capture, or to see whether a remotely-set trap has been sprung. Not only are snuffs taken via cerbatana-like tabocas, but TOBACCOis smoked thus, e.g. among the Shuar-that end of the taboca packed with TOBACCO and a candent coal is placed in the mouth of a fumifugist, who perflates lunt via the fumiduct into or onto another person. Potions (now possibly spiritous), TOBAcco-juice and snuffpowders, like TOBAcco-smoke, may be blown by shamans onto bodies of patients [von Reis Altschul 1972; Wilbert 1987]. Sucking of the patient's body or head by shamans (vide Wasson [1968] fortheory of remote Siberian origin) may be accomplished via a taboca, such as is used for snuff-insufRation or -exsufflation, smoke-inhalation or -perllation, blowing of visionary smokes, snuffs or elixirs onto or about a patient or potion ... not to overlook launching deadly or incapacitating poison-darts at hunted quarry. Amazonian shamanic sucking, of course, is inextricably intercalated with notions of invisible psychic darts called virotes, shot by an evil brujo (sorcerer) into a victim; suction-removal and safe disposal of which is a primary functi~n of curanderos (healing shamans). Both pathogenic and salutary shamanic power is thus mediated by shamanic inspiration and halitus through the taboca/cerbatanaalike alimentary weapon of the hunt and psychic conduit for plant-spirits; whether inhaled or exhaled as smoke, powder or fluid-viaduct of virulent virotes launched with a fnast of mal aire by the brujo; extracted per buccal suction by the curandero. GUMMINGSNUFF:TOBACCO-PASTES, OLID ERRHINESANDVIROLARESIN-In the S EXCURSUS CHAPTERTWO, I reviewed the partial and degenerate evidence for past to shamanic use among the Bora and Wi toto of oral bark-exudate pastes from Vlrola and Iryantbera species; also of Vlrola and Osteophlceum species among the Quijos Quichua. Schultes [1979] has remarked the tragic fact that elderly Bora and Witoto Indians, not having used Virola in shamanism during two generations, recalled how their fathers and grandfathers made the pastes and could demonstrate this, while their knowledge of which species of Vlrola to use ... [was] found to be unclear and
ontused! I suggest that they were also likely unclear and confused as to the route ofingestion, that these pastes were never intended to be swallowed, but either to be absorbed buccally (sub lingually) or placed in the nostrils as solid errhines, a sort of time-release snuff, if not burned as incense. In seventeenth-century European medicine, errhines or intranasal medicines were either powders (a 1634 medical text stated: drie errhines are to be blown into the nose with a pipe or quill) or balls of lint steeped in a medicinal fluid. Paul Reclus' 1903 manual on cocainic local anaesthesia described as errhine: a small plug of cotton saturated with cocaine to arrest nasal hemorrhage, and there is still another type of errhine, bougies-solid nasal suppositories. In I7II, Andre joao Antonil cited a Brasilian use of TOBAcco-pellets inserted into the nostrils, stressing the resulting meldrop: the pellets, being discharged from the nostrils and the drop of snot. .. soil the chin and nauseate the person with whom one is speaking. Mesoamericans likewise made yiaqualli, TOBAcco-pellets which might have been used as errhines. In 19TH-century pharmacies, errhines were compounded of pute compounds, and the u.s. Pharmacopceia of 1893 and the National Formulary of 1895 included PULVIS ANTICATARRHALIS, Catarrh Snuff, a mixN.F., ture of morphine hydrochloride, bismuth subnitrate and Acacia catechu L. F. powder [Remington 1894], whereas W Martindale [1886] compounded cocainic nasal bougies for hay-fever. As for Virola, we also know Virola resins are used in Amazonia buccally, to treat inflamrnations/i nfections, and also rubbed onto the gums to treat childhood teethi ng-pains [Duk & Wsq uez 1994; Schultes & Raffauf 1990]; Wayapi might treat malaria with an ether al IThine of volatile oil of V surinamensis leaves, containingsafrole [Lope etal. 1999]. The Bora and Wi toto still confect ambillyera TOBAcco-pastes, applied to gums wi ih a sti k, often from a CACAo-fruit gourd, and I cited the parallels between TOM - and ViroLa-paste ,down to the fine detail of use in both of an evaporated ash-lea hate salt from specific plants. Only in World War II did TOBAcco-smoking gain th upper hand in these United States, where chewing-t-onxccos had formerly hara tcriz d the habit, and be still of commercial importance, today labeled as snuff: , that are rather taken buccally, which is called snuff-dipping, and there are many a un ts ffa hionable ladies in 19TH-century Virginia rubbing powdered TOBAC n to their gums with brushes, employing elegant snuff-boxes. As for contemporary iti fied chimo TOBAcco-paste in Venezuela, chimo is rendered to a consistency rather like taffy, and for use: an amount ... about the size of a pea is placed in the mouth with the index-finger, to adhere to the inner surface of the lower front teeth, although it may be applied with a spatula yclept paLetica or pajuela. The chimo then dissolves, and a bioassay suggested absorption was essentially sublingual [Kamen-Kaye 1971,1975]. I suspect that the elderly Bora
SHAMANIC SNUFFS and Witoto Indians who informed Schultes about Virola pellets, and knew how to make them but not precisely from which species, had as children seen their fathers and grandfathers put the pellets into their mouths, and so assumed that they had swallowed them, when in reality they were allowing them to dissolve in the mouth, for sublingual absorption of their contained tryptamines (vide CHAPTERFIVE). D. ]. McKenna let al. 1984B] assayed (by oral ingestion) four different Virola paste-samples from Peru and Colombia, two of which were without activiry (one having been alkaloid-free; the other with only traces of DMT). Peruvian Virola sebiftra paste containing 1.32% 5-MeO-DMTand 0.38% DMTshowed only the mildest of activity; while one Peruvian V elongata paste (containing 1.5iYo 5-MeO-DMT): elicited a rapid and profound response ... characterized by considerable physiological distress rather than the perceptual and psychological [effects] rypical of hallucinogens. McKenna ingested 1.5-2.0 g of this ku~ru-ku-sample, corresponding to 23.6-31.4 mg 5-MeoDMT,which would surely have been active sublingually, being thrice the thresholddose (and perhaps subthreshold orally). It apparently hadn't occurred to the paper's authors that ingestion route was also an area in which the informants' memories were unclear and confused, and thus the sublingual route was not investigated psychonautically. They had sought a putative ~-carboline-mediated, AYAHUAScA-type oral activation of tryptamines in the pastes, which their results did not support, indeed more or less disproved, and it seems strange to me that two pages of discussion were devoted to hypotheses of convoluted alternate mechanisms for oral-activity of tryptamines-despite the fact that bioassays had not found such in the pastes-and the qualification at the end of the abstract-if they are, in fact, orallyactive-belongs also at the end of the final sentence of the article. I think the evidence is quite clear that orally-ingested myristicaceous pastes is a misnomer, and that they should be called sublingual rather than oral. I deem as remote the possibility that the Boras and Witotos inserted these pellets intranasally as solid errhines, inasmuch as such a detail would surely have been recalled by their children, even in old age. However, insofar as rhinal use of TOBAcco-pellets is reported from South America, we cannot discard this as a possible route of ingestion of Virola pellets in another time or place. I might animadvert parenthetically to linguistic blurring between these Virola species and the CACAo-species used with them as ashes: V sebiftra and V guatemalensis (HEMSL.) ARB. re known asjungle-cacao and flying cacao (cacao del monte and W a cacao uoladori, Iryanthera juruensis WARB. s wild cacao (sacha cacao); whereas Theoa broma cacao and T subincanum are conversely known as cumala [Aguirre 1971; Bennett & Alarcon 1994; Duke 1981; Rutter 1990]. I already remarked that the Witoto name for Virola, oo-koo-na (ukuna), means jungle-TOBACCO (being at least cons-
istent with my hypothesis that similarly-made Witoto Virola and TOBAcco-pastes were also similarly ingested), and we see these rain-forest denizens also to be known as jungle-cacao. TOBACCO, must add, is not native to Amazonia, its omnipresence I there being strictly as a cultigen [Goodspeed 1954], and this is an aggressive, weedy annual, easily escaping cultivation and frequently agrestal. In this context it is more than salient that the use of Anadenanthera-like TOBACCO exotic in Amazonia-has also penetrated completely the length and breadth of this vast crcosystem, its family that most universally represented, both as admixtures and ash-sources for other inebriants. Finally, I referred early-on to a mysterious resin, grated and used as a shamanic snuff in Colombia. Schultes [1954] thought there were a slight possibility this be V bicuhyba resin, which we saw in CHAPTER TWOis reputed to be a brain stimulant in Brasil; the seed of the tree-tentatively containing bufotenine-a narcotic. THE ENIGMAOFAMAZONIAN JUREMA-In CHAPTERONEI made mention of a once,widespread complex of potions known generically as vinho dajurema, and based on cold-water infusions of pounded root-bark ofjurema preta, Mimosa tenuiflora, plus at least II juremas bran cas, other Leguminosz (Acacia, Mimosa, Piptadenia, Pithecellobium). The territoryofjurema is the caatinga of northeastern Brasil, oecologically as different as can be from Amazonia, so it is more than surprising there were 18THand 19TH-century citations of jurema-use in western Amazonia, climatically and geographically worlds away from its home! Schultes [1978] reviewed these obscure reports, which placed Amazonian jurema among the Arnanajoz Indians of the Rio Negro in 1843 (noting specifically th key detail that the potion was made from the roots ofthejurema-tree) , aJesuit mi i nary having ascribed such use to many tribes. Schultes dismissed these reports ut Fhand, a most certainly erroneous and confused. Although he noted that the Amanaj6z and other peoples had migrated to Amazonia from northeastern Brasil at th end of th 181'1"1 century, he asked rhetorically: where could these Indian have found [urema roots in their new and very different environrnent?. Information n t available co chultes when he wrote this paper suggests at least two convinci ng an w rs to his rhetorical question. Botanical studies [Barneby 1991; Grether 1988] are in a cord that the primary source for vinho dajurema,jurema preta, previously a ribed to Mimosa hostilis, is not endemic to the northeastern Brasilian caatinga, bu t rather occurs in disjunct populations from Bahia, Brasil, north-at least to the Mexican state of Oaxaca, where it is common and abundant. Indeed, the tree was first collected in Venezuela in 1806, as Acacia tenuiflorawILLD., and later in Colombia in 1863, as Mimosa cabrera KARST., fter its coma mon name there, cabrera or cujl cabrera. The first Brasilian collection was in 1823,
as /lCII 'it! hostilis MART.,which Bentham transferred into Mimosa-the correct botani al synonym for all these isM tenuiflora(WILLD.) rom, Since western Amazonian tribes have been able to obtain Anadenanthera seeds also from habitats remote and divergent from theirs, it follows that they could also similarly have obtained roots of jurema preta from interior Venezuela or northern Colombia, where it is not uncommon. As a matter off act, the ranges of M tenuiflora and Anadenanthera peregrina var. peregrina overlap in those countries, as also be the case between the former and both varieties of A. colubrina in northeastern Brasil; habitat and altitude preferences for all four being congruent. Indeed, it would appear that with respect to folk-taxonomy in Brasil, no significant distinction is made between juremas and angicos (the name most commonly associated withAnadenanthera). Inasmuch as there exist angicos brancos (Piptadenia and Pitbecellobium spp.), perhaps there are also angicospretos (eblack), and von Reis Altschul [1972] noted without especial comment that where angico begins to give way to paried, as common-name forAnadenanthera, around the mouth of the Amazon, it is indeed called the blackparicd or false paricd , paricdramd. In Brasil, Mimosa species are called little angicos, angiquinho or angiquin, and where the names overlap, both Acacia and Pithecellobium species are known as paried or paried grande. Taino-cohoba (Guarani-root [Williams 1930]) for Anadenanthera exists in Brasil as cuhuba for Pip tadenia tocantina, while in Colombia, choiba and yap 0 are a likely chimo-additive, Dipteryx panamensis (PITT.)REC. & MEL.; in Panama, choyba is also a Helicostylis species (Moracere: doubtless one of the species yielding visionary takini-latex), and in Peru theAnadenanthera name kurupd can also refer to a Yagua Brugmansia species! We have already seen that the Quechua vilca, closely associated with Anadenanthera, also applies to Erythrina ulei or uilca tarwi, possibly taken jointly with the former in purgative enemas, whereas two species of Banisteriopsis are called huillca bejucos, vilca-lianas, and it has been suggested that wircawei-yek, a Venezuelan name for Virola sebiftra, inner-bark of which was smoked by witch doctors [sic], likewise is related to the vilca-phoneme. Oddly, angico is also a name for Guettarda (Rubiacez, one species of which is added to AYAH CA) UAS in Brasil. I've already remarked the strange parallelism between ajucd as a Pancaruru name for the jurema-potion, and acujd, a Yekuana-snuff on the Rio Ventuari, which could well have been from ViroLasurinamensis, called cajucd in the Caribbean (we saw that a boiled-bark inebriant from V.elongatawas known as akurjua in Yekuana). There are similar significant overlaps in Colombian folk-taxonomy, and cujiwould seem to be equivalent to angico or paricd-I noted Mimosa tenuiflora (jurema preta) is called cuji cabrera, but cuji, cuji cimarron (or wild] and cuji hediondo (<<fretid) apply to various Acacia species, the last also to Piptadenia. Farther north, this word
hanges into cujiniquil in El Salvador, or simply jiniquil in Mexico, for Inga species, snuffed with tobacco by Makunas [vide CHAPTERFOUR,Dimorphandra]. Ta[h}uari, for lecythidaceous/moraceous bark TOBAcco-papers, is also AYAHUAscA-admixture Vitex triflora VAHL(Verbenacea:)-Vitex agnus-castus L. represents the only non-leguminous jurema (branca) in Brasil, where it is known to be used as ethereal errhine [Aguirre 1971; Barneby 1991; Duke 1981;van den Berg 1993; von Reis Altschul 1967, 1972,1973; von Reis Alrschul & Lipp 1982]! These linguistic minutia set the stage for a second answer to Schultes' rhetorical question: where might Rio Negro Arnanajoz have obtained jurema? Mayhap they used jurema for Anadenanthera roots, as opposed to Mimosa/Acacia/Piptadenia/Pithecellobium-after all, unless they had traveled to the interior of Venezuela or northern Colombia, how might they have known that their beloved jurema preta abounded there? There appears to be no sacred aura suffusingMimosa tenuiflora in northern South America, neither in Mesoamerica, where I've looked assiduously for this. In fact,jurema preta, called tepexqudhuitl or ravinetree in Nahuatl, as tepescohuite, is presently perhaps the most famous Mexican ethnomedicine, object ofasignificant export-industry, related to prosaic, not numinous, uses as a topical vulnerary and a base for all manner of shampoos and cosmetics, employing only the stem-bark, which contains merely 0.3-3% the DMT-content of the root-bark used in vinho da jurema [Meckes-Lozoya et al. 1990]. In the light of current knowledge, Schultes' out-of-hand dismissal of Amazonianjurema seems premature, and I see no reason to doubt this, especially considering the word jurema has crossed the breadth of the Amazon, where it is today still used in Peru for one specific jurema branca: Pithecellobium tortum MART.[Rutter 1990] ... which is where I reluctantly must take leave of jurema for the nonce; noting that many seemingly looseends here will be tied-up into a meaningful and beautiful package in a future work. SYNCRETIC AYAHUASCA-COMPLEXAS ETHNOMEDICINALMIDDEN-Much verbiage has been lavished on AYAHUASCA which, as noted at the outset, is the entheogen en vogue in the contemporary shamanic s ne. Lately the preponderance of writing is more mythological than scientific, and there has been a marked exaggeration of syncretic, mestizo AYAHuAscA-folklore of Amazonian Peru (centered around urban Iquitos, Pucallpa and Tarapoto), thanks to extensive ethnographic work in this area by my friend and colleague Luis Eduardo Luna [1984,1986,1991,1992]. Also exaggerated in contemporary AYAHUAscA-consciousness are the practices and ideologies of modern syncretic AYAHuAscA-basedcults from Brasil, notably SANTO DAIMEand the UNIAODOVEGETAL, which are, after all, churches and not scientific academies [MacRae 1992; Ott 1995B,I999B]. Exemplary of modern AYAHuAscA-mythology, publi-
SHAMANI SNUFFS shed doctrine of the UNIAODO VEGETAL [Anon. 1989], while acknowledging founding of the sect on 22 July 1961 by Jose Gabriel da Costa, claims defocto origin in the Isrxlite kingdom of Solomon, 10TH century B.C., then a reappearance in 5TH-6TH century Peru, in the Incan civilization, which the most liberal genealogies of only 13precontact Incas (the word referring to the royal line of descent) extends no earlier than 1021 (Manco Ccapac)-deemed by Prescott [1847] wishful thinking, he fixing a more likely founding of the dynastic civilization about 250 years before the arrival of Pizarro, or late in the 13THcentury-while Solomon is considered a fictional Biblical character by many archxologists. Similar attempts to assign patents of archaic lineage to AYAHUASCA based purely on conjectured uses of ceramic vessels, purare suant to the fallacious assumption: use of the ayahuasca must have come long after the invention of pottery as the plant has to be boiled in a clay pot before use [Naranjo 1979,1986]. In the realm of science but nonetheless redolent of wishful thinkingsome loath to attribute a sophisticated pharmacognostic discovery to bands of bareassed Indians-are theories of Hindu Ayurhuasca, Mesoamerican Mayahuasca, and the like. As we shall see below, there was a Mesoamerican ayahuasca, but based on cACAo-potions and alcoholic chichas (balche/octlilpulque), not Banisteriopsis, and although B. muricata (CAv')CUATR.grows from Argentina to Chiapas, Mexico [Gates 1982], trace alkaloid-content and patent lack of sacred aura illuminating this shrub/ liana in Mesoamerica argue against its use there as an entheogen. Pace Naranjo's assumption that ceramics were a prerequisite to AYAHuAscA-brewing, probably the most archaic method for infusing AYAHUAScA-potionsis by kneading of the crushed liana-stems or bark in cold water, precisely the way vinho dajurema was made traditionally; according to Schultes and Raffauf[1992]' the most common technique of AYAHuAscA-infusion in the Colombian Amazon. Reichel- Dolmatoff'[royo ] likewise described this simple technique among Colombian Tukano Indians, stressing that there was no boiling, just cold-water infused AYAHUASCA: unmixed with the leaves or with other ingredients; Schultes and Raffauf adding that occasionally plantadmixtures were added in Colombia. Reichel- Dolmatoff's extensive studies ofT uk _ anoan mythology [1971,1975>I996A,1996B] make manifest that simple, cold-waterinfused Banisteriopsis potions are indeed archaic, are intimately related both to TOBACCOand COCA,and surely are not called (H)AYAHUASCA (Quechua: coca-liana), but rather gahpi (COCAis ahpi) in Desana (caapi, whence its botanical name; also: capi, cabi, caji, kahi). This term is Tupi, probably most archaic, whence derive cognate names. Naranjo [1983] proposed as the etymology: exhalation-leaf, uiz., that makes one vaporous spirit, noting this points perhaps to primordial use of the leaves by Tupf peoples. I've said Banisteriopsis leaves and bark are still smoked by Witotos;
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leaves are occasionally added to AYAHUAScA-potions,and the only quanti tative analyses we have for Banisteriopsis leaves found five Peruvian samples to have on average 0.72% alkaloids, better than double the average content found in 15stem-samples, including 4 of the strains from which leaves were analyzed [Rivier & Lindgren 1972]. At least for some tribes, the word yaji applies specifically to the Banisteriopsis LEAVES [Pinkley 1969]. Naranjo [1983] determined that AYAHUASCA a neologism, dating was no earlier that the 18THcentlllY, noting that Quechua-speakers never colonized the areas where Banisteriopsis caapi is indigenous, nor did those few attempts of the imperialistic Incans to subdue Amazonian peoples prosper. Luna [1986] enumerated 72 tribes reported as having used Banisteriopsis potions, of which merely 5 (or iYo) are Quechuan. On the other hand, 16 (22%) are Tukanoan while 13 (18%) Arawakanthe major areas of these two linguistic groups being congruent in the northwestern Amazonian interface between Colombia, Venezuela and Brasil. If we add-in the 9 (12.5%) Panoan tribes, we've better than half of the known users of Banisteriopsis potions; % of whom reside in a discrete area where pharmacognostical, mythological and linguistic details suggest such brebajes are most archaic. Just south of this area, in the central-upper Amazon, is the major stronghold ofPanoan tribes that use ayahuasca, interspersed with Arawakan tribes, as well as the only two Tupl-tribes reported to use these potions, the Omagua and Cocama (recall that the commonest name for the potions in northwest Amaze n ia-caapi and derivatives-stems from a Tupfroot). It is no coincidence 58% of AYAHUAscA-usingtribes from these four groups also ingestAnadenanthera and/or Virola snuffs (which ratio is 68% if we include TOBAcco-snuffs, too) nor that major narn s in this area for Banisteriopsis and visionary snuffs are Tupf-Guaranf. I wish to note that Cuaranf-speakers from mid-Amazonian Brasil call ayahuasca jauma, clo er lingu istically to jurema than any other known word for Banisteriopsis (save }uramidam, ante Daime-name for the female spirit of AYAHUASCA [Polari de Alverga 1999]), and that olombian cuji, forjurema, is close to caji for Banisteriopsis. Which strengthen my conviction-which I'll substantiate anon-that archaic Banisteriopsis potion be Tu kanoan-sryle, simple cold-water infusions of liana-bark or -stern sans additives, or with but few, in any given tribe, an Amazonian jurema; that the ayahuasca-effect (tryptamine: ~-carboline synergy) is in fact the paricd-eiiea, having been arrived at quite naturally viaAnadenanthera snuffs (in which Banisteriopsis may still be mixed, else co-ingested) and jurema-potions-confected from like trees, confounded in folk-taxonomies, from the same habitat. Conversely, the prodigious folk pharrnacopceia of metizo/Quechuan (although some of the best Peruvian practitioners I've met are monolingual Castillianspeakers who have no social or linguistic connection to any particular indigenous
1',11IIII') '111111
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I I ohi! hi Y 110 old 'I' han i the word, going back at most three Cdl!lIirlly bas ! on snippet of indigenous entheobotany culled
.llId I hi'l' , 11'0111 I' 'I II rt- 'S of many cultures, some long-extinct. It is, as Luna and AIII:" ill.I"o11\ \ II have Jraphicallyandcarefullydocumented, a syncretic phantasmalu-r
of poly ilot Arnazonian traditions, esoteric Christianity ... travelers' tall-tales, ien e-hction, and not a little experimentation and improvisation, to W hi h I rny cJfhave willingly contributed. Above all, it is a species of ethnomedicinal mild n, in which plait and intertwine truly archaic strands of the vast, portentous and xquisirely-detailed tapestry that is South American shamanic pharmacognosy.
gOII.1 OUI. [1I1d-nUl
acheana D.C. (as Troclilia tucacbeana, Meliaceee) as tentative identifications, settling on Cavanillesia hylogeiton ULB.or C. umbellata RUIZ & PAV. Bornbacacee) forpuka( lupuna or lupuna colorada (ered). I agree with Luna that his evidence points to the Bombacae;c-either a Cavanillesia or Chorisia-and agree that Karsten's report also relates to one of these puka-Iupunas. Unfortunately, Luna's early, tentative assignment of lupuna to Trichilia tocacheana (bearing this common-name in Peru), subsequently retracted (being based on common-name association and not botanical studies), has
been perpetuated in the literature; it appears Schultes and Raffauf [1990] not merely repeated it, but mixed-up Karsten's report in reTOBACCO + lupuna-siu, and Luna's conjecture that the/latter were Trichilia, accreting the detail that tobacco juice with ayahuasca was put into the lupuna-trunk, when both Karsten's account of lupuna, and Luna's of remo caspi, involved only TOBAcco-juice, which Luna says was drunk neat, Karsten citing only suitability for evil magic. As so often happens when a deservedly much-cited authority errs, this mistake has taken wing, and T tocacheana appears in two lists of AYAHUAscA-plants,for which I know no solid evidence. I wish to justify my conviction that Karsten's report refers not to Ceiba but to its relatives Cavanillesia or Chorisia, likewise why I regard the latter to be puka-Iupuna. Chorisia insignis HBKis called both palo borracho <intoxicating tree) [Uphof 1968] and lupuna [Duke & Vasquez 1994]-in Ecuador it's believed to be a repository for virotes or pathogenic shamanic darts, hence parlous and assiduously avoided [Paymal & Sosa 1993]. Chorisia speciosa is known as lupuna to Peruvian Matsigenka [Baer 1992], and although Illius [1992] ascribed Shi pibo-Iupuna to Ceiba pentandra, this was in reference to the evil joshin (yoshin), no ring: the 1upuna tree has one of the mightiest and thus most dangerous spirits known to the Shipibo. Again, this hardly refers to the benevolent white lupuna, C. pentandra, but to one of our puka-lupunas, Chorisia or Cavanillesia. Ceiba samauma (ULB.)BAKH.,Ficus p. and Dipteryx odorata (chim6 sarrapia) cause Tacana soul-loss; Ochroma pyramidale ( AV. x LAM.)URB.(Bombacae cese), Batocarpus costaricensis STANDL.and larisia racemosa RUIZ & PAV.(Morace.e) suffice hunting magic[DeWaltet al. 1999]. A 01 mbian Cavanillesia is called ceiba bruja, bewitching Ceiba; in Peru, puka-Iupuna applies both to C. hylogeiton and C. umbellata, while the latter is called lupuna bruja, the same name we see in Colombia [Duke & Vasquez 1994; Runer rooo]. Wassen [1979] noted C. Levi-Strauss' 1950 mention of a Nambicuara-magical poison which consisted of the resin of a bornbacaceous tree called barrigudo <pot-bellied)-to theXucurujurema-users of Pernambuco, Brasil, the barrigudo-tree is Chorisia speciosa [Hohenthal 1950]. Averring the while there is method to all this madness, I change my subject, noting lastly that Erythrina ulei (both vilca tartoi and amasisa) is known also as ceibo from Bolivia to
BARKING-UPTHE WEIRD TREE: PUKA-LUPUNAAND SAMiKI-I trust it would not be asking for too much indulgence on the part of you long-suffering readers, were I to poke my nose into a decidedly arcane knot-hole in the Tree of Life; one in which, moreover, this literature is in a bit of a muddle, which I can hopefully put to rights. Rafael Karsten [1964], working amongst the Peruvian Shipibo, unearthed some shamanic lore as fascinating as it is bizarre, concerning TOBACCO and a demon in the lu?~na-tree. It s:ems ~vil b~ujos would place crushed TOBAcco-leaves, thoroughly mIxIng them WIth saliva, Into a ronkon-a sort of pot that with the ceremonial tobacco-pipe, forms his mo t important equipment-which in turn was inserted into a deep cavity carved in the trunk of a lupuna-tree, covered with bark, and left overnight, after which the poisonous medicine [was] ready to be used for magical purposes. Evill~agi, it would seem, as an evil demon called joshin is the spirit of the tree, part! ularly a rive in its poisonous sap. It's been assumed that Karsten's lupunawas Ceiba pentandra (L.)GAERT. Bombacace;c) or the kapok-tree, known in( deed by that nam r rn re precisely, lupuna blanca, especially esteemed as a source of kapok used as fl thing for hunting-darts-this is almost certainly a mistake, as e s~lallsoo~ se . But first I must note that Luna [1986] documented a similar practice 10 Peruvian mestizo shamanism, regarding an oar-tree, remo caspi. In this case, a small bowl of'r I3A o-juice was likewise put in a cavity in the trunk, sealed with mud-daubed bad, then left for eight days, following which the shaman would see visions of animal 11 the urface of the contents, that he was obliged to drink, on pain ofcertain d ath, and which draught would cause him to lose consciousness for 1~hours, duri ng whi h the plant-spirit would teach him many things. Luna identified ~emo caspi a Pithecellobium letum BENTH.(but this name could apply to other leguminous trees, viz. Sioartzia, or apocynaceousAspidosperma), and cited Karsten's account of lupuna, which he identified with Chorisiaspeciosa ST.-HIL.(Bombacace;c); adding that in an earlier paper he had suggested Ceiba pentandra and Trichilia toe-
Colombia [de Lucca & Zalles 1992; Duke 1981]. If lupuna ben'c weird n LI h ft r ch more outre of any readers perchance still with me, let's try a few samilei-iir. n for size. Karsten [1920] also recorded that the Shuar (Jivaro [sic]) added to naterr/I. (AYAHUASCA) barks of two trees known as shingidta and sarniki, which he failed to collect or identify botanically, both being 'til now obscure. Samiki-bark was intimately associated with the vision-quest attending the slaying of a victim, whose head was to be shrunk. The particulars, recorded by Karsten [1935], are bizarre indeed. After snuffing TOBAcco-juice, the shaman holding his wrist the while, the slayer crushed with a club a section of Banisteriopsis stem, the shaman guiding his hand to put the resulting pieces into the cauldron, likewise adding water. The shaman then guided the slayer's hand (later that of his wife, then daughter) in placing a TOBAcco-leaf first atop, then into a small pot, to which water was similarly added, before positioning it on a fire separate from that on which the slayer had put the Banisteriopsis to boil. Two strips of samiki-bark and a section of manioc-stem lay beside the cauldron. By turns, the slayer wrapped the strips 'round his index-finger and tied them into rings, each attached to the manioc-stem via a loose-end of the knot. His hand guided by the shaman, the slayer then placed the manioc-stem with two samiki-rings atop the TOBACCO-pot boiling on the fire, later to be poured by the slayer, wrists held by the shaman, into the natema-cauldron, completing the sacred potion to be drunk in the victory feast celebrating the taking of the head. According to Karsten, the samikirings served to transfer to the TOBACCO-potion, thence the natem', the supernatural power with which the slayer was imbued. Whoever desired to partake of the potion could do so, even half-grown children, and it was thought that the samiki-rings also transferred power to the manioc-stem, so that all who dreamed might see flourishing manioc-fields-the objective being augury of the slayer's future. Thanks to assiduous field-research among the Shuar by my friend and colleague, the Catalan ethnographer josep M. Fericgla [1994], we finally know what sarniki is, one of the plants most frequently mixed by the Shuar with natem' ... it has an important neurochemical action in the ecstatic and visionary mental state provoked by the potion. Calliandra pentandra (Leguminosse; it might be C angustifolia, which weve seen in a known AYAHUASCA-additive).Fericgla kindly provided me wi th seeds of Shuar samiki, one of which I was able to germinate-my interest being conservation and bioassay/analysis, not head-hunting! An association of Calliandrawith Banisteriopsis may survive as far north as Guatemala, where I remarked C calotbyrsis is named yaje, and a linguistic association between Calliandra and TOBACCO recorded from the is Dominican Republic in 1940, C bematostoma being called tabacuela there, or little tobacco [von Reis Altschul 1973; von ReisAltschul & Lipp 1982]. Finally, it appears
that Karsten's shingidta bark-additive to natem is yet another species of Calliandra. A 1931 botanical collection of C amazontca from Peru recorded its name: shingata to theAguaruna, a tribe subsumed under Karsten's [Ivaro [von ReisAltschul 1973] CACAO VOLADOR:FROMAMAZONIATO AZTrAN-We have seen that two species of Virola and one of lryanthera might be called CACAOS South America, and it comes in as no surprise that seeds of V guatemalensis or cacao volador (<<flying)are used for flavoring chocolate-potations in Central America [Duke 1981]. Beverages made from seeds of Tbeobroma cacao (secondarily T bicolorand T angustifolia MOC. & SES.) originated in Mesoamerica, whereas in South America, each of these, along with T grandiflorum (WlLLD.ex SPRENG.)SCHUM.and other species, were rather exploited for beverages made from the juicy pulp surrounding the seeds, themselves not used. Surprisingly, T cacao is of western-Amazonian origin, but there is strong evidence it was first cultivated in Mesoamerica more than 3000 years ago, and no evidence for any precontact cultivation of CACAOS seeds anywhere in South America. Some for botanists believe the species T cacao originated only 10-15,000 years ago, as a cross between a brace of Theobrome. Long-distance maritime trade-routes had connected Mesoamerica with coastal South America by the advent of the first millennium B.C., and CACAO apparently brought there, along with other important South Ameriwas can shamanic plants like Brugrnansia, while even COCAwas a precontact cultivar at least as far north as Nicaragua; as hayo or gueyowas common on Cuba and Hispaniola, and as of 1801 was still used in Mesoamerica, possibly even cultivated as far north as Chiapas [Las Casas 1909; Monardes 1990; Navarro 1992; Pane 1974] By woo B.C., CACAO was the primary crop of SEM soamerica; by 400 B.C. central to the economy of the region [Smith et at. 1992; Young 1994]. I wish to note some South American linguistic crossovers involving CA AOS.Pace many books, CACAO appears not to be of Mayan/Mesoamerican derivation, ina much as the root is found in Tupi-Guarani languages for T cacao and T speciosum, alongwith roots for other CACAo-terms (e.g. cupui for T subincanum; cupuassu [or cupuaf1~] for T grandiflorurn) [Balee I994~. The Mesoamerican name for T bicolor,pataxte (pataste; Nahuatl cacaboapadacbtli) exists through Central America to Ecuador-as patasi in the Rio Napo; although in this latter case it is less clear in which direction this phoneme migrated. Inasmuch as T cacao is of SouthAm eric an origin and immemorial association with humankind there, logic dictates the Mesoamericans derived their words icacdhuat] in Nahuatl) from T upi-Guarani, not conversely. We've seen intimate relationships between CACAOS snuff, TOBACCO as and COCAash-sources and that both Virola and Eschweilera (another important ash-source) species are called CACAOS. Significantly, two species
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of Mal pig hi ace a:: Heteropterys longifllia and H platyptera var. martinicensis, are cal, led liane cacao (cAcAo-liana) in the Caribbean [von Reis Altschulr973]. Two Banist~riopsisspecies are named huillca bejuco (<<vilca-liana),while a Colombian Piptadenia ISknown as chocolatillo (<<little chocolate) [Duke 1981]; and theobromine occurs in P leptostachya BENTH. [Yamasato 1972]! Quararibea cacao (TRIA.& PLAN.)BAIL.and Q cordata (H. & B.)VISCH.(Bombacacea::) bear names relating to CACAO Colombia in and Brasil: cacao simarron (ewild) and cupuassu-significant, since Q. fonebris (LA LLAVE) ISCHERis cacabuaxochiil (or cacao-flowen in Mesoamerica, its aromatic V flowers still used as additives to chocolate in Oaxaca [Rutter 1990; Schultes 1957]. I've ?oted in:p~rta~ce of lupuna-.Bombacacea:: both as TOBACCO- nd AYAHUAscA-plants a In AmazonIa-In Mesoamerica, Q fonebris flowers seasoned both acdyetlToBACcoreeds for smoking, and orally-ingested cACAo-potations [Sahagun 1950-1969], and the Central American species, Qfieldii MILLS., madre de cacao--known as maha in Mayan-is also still used as a spice in chocolate. Furthermore, lupuna blanca, Ceiba pentandra (pochotlin Nahuatl), was likewise added to cacdhuatlin Mesoamerica (as perchance to AYAHUASCA Peru), into a potion called chocollatl, whence some think in derived our word chocolate [Hernandez 1942]. An obscure Shipibo-additive to nishi (or AYAHUASCA) Peru, ishpingo or ispincu (espingo), is probably seeds of a spein cres of Quararibea, used like vilca-seeds as Peruvian additives to chichas called yale [Wassen 1979 ] (whence yaji?); Q putumayensis CUATR.s a Kofan curare-plan t; frui ts i ofbombacaceous Patinoa ichthyotoxica SCHULT. CUATR.are a Tukuna fish-poison, & commonly called cupuassu-rana, false cupuassu [Schultes & Raffauf 1990 J. I've noted that in Me~oamerica, cacdbuatloi cAcAo-potions consri tuted a sort ofayahuascaanalogue-hke AYAHUASCA, cacdhuatl was an all-purpose pharmaceutical vehicle for administration of many medicinal plants; both curative specifics and shamanic i~ebriants. Besid~s seeds ofpochotl, Ceiba pentandra, flowers of the related Q fonebrts and seeds of Virolaguatemalensis, Mesoamerican cAcAo-brews at times con tained psilocybian mushrooms (teonandcatl), flowers of Solandra (Solanacea-, tecomaxochitl) or Datura species (as mixitl), Tagetesflowers (yauhtli and zempoalxochitl) and Piper leaves (mecaxoch~tl)-all en.theogens-aswell as some probable entheogens including flowers.of a Callzandra species calledxiloxochitl (asper Shuar - natema), Cymbopetalum penduliflorum (DUN.)BAILL.(Annonacea::; teonacaztli or sacred ear) and Magnolia deafbatazucc. (Magnoliacea::; eloxochitl, maize-flower; elexochit], mayhap ardent des~re-~ower) [Ott 1985; Sahagun 1950-1969]. The epigram introducing this chapter indicates many such flowers (since in Nahuatl, xochit! or flower was a poetic metaphor for entheogen) were also additives to acdyetlToBAcco-reeds: Quararibea, Piper, Cymbopetalum, Tagetesand some species of visionary mushrooms. But Meso-
americans had still another class of ayahuasca-anaIogues, alcoholic chichas known as balche in Mayan and octli in Nahuatl (pulque). In both cases many visionary admixtures were involved, but it is significant that the primary and definitive additive to each was leguminous. The Mayan metheglin (medicated mead) is named for the balche-tiee=Lonchocarpus violaceus (JACQ.)Dc.-whose bark was fermented with water and stingless-bee honey. By the same token, Mesoamericans fermented octli from sweet saps (hidromiel) of Agave (Amaryllidacese: metlin Nahuatl), with ocpatli roots, octli-drug, from leguminous tree Acacia angustissima (MIL.)KUNTZ.(and the roots of Calliandra anomala (KUNTH.)MACBR.)-still called palo depulque, <pulquetree or fiupi- (pulque-: fiopo?) tree in Zapotec, first Mesoamerican entheogen to be proscribedby the Spaniards, by royal decree in 1529, 42 years before the Holy Office of the Inquisition was constituted in New Spain, and 91 years before the more famous peyotl and kindred en theogens were decreed heretical. Balche in the Mayan area, and octli /ocpatli in highland Mesoamerica, were clearly the most common, everyday, working-class entheogens at the time of contact. We've found that in South America species of Acacia were involved in the jurema-complex, while species of Lonchocarpus may be fish-poisons and curare-additives [Ratsch 1998A; Schultes & Raffauf 1990; Uphof 1968]. Not only did CACAO allied shamanic plants spread by trade to Mesand oamerica in precontact times, but we descry strong parallels between Mesoamerican and South American ethnopharmacognosy. In both cases, Leguminosz and StercuIiacez are central elements, TOBACCO intimately intercalated, and the Bombacacese, is especially Quararibea species, are inextricably related to CACAOS. irola is an addiV tive both to AYAHUASCA cACAo-potions, besides being itself a major snuff-plant, and and we see common additives in other fam ilies, including Boraginacese, Composite, Piperacez and Solanacese. Andean an Pedro-cactus has its pharmacognostical equivalent in the Mesoamerican peyotl-cactus, both inseparably interrelated with TOBACCOlike AYAHUASCA cacdhuatl-potions, the last taken during feasts, accompanied and by smoking acdyetl TOBAcco-reeds; potions and reeds containing many of the same entheogenic admixtures, mostly having direct parallels in South American snuff-, ipadu COCA-and TOBAcco-additives; in each of which CACAOSre key. Not only are a we faced with a pan-South American complex of shamanic inebriation, but this includes also Mesoamerica in its prodigious pharmacognostical purview, with roots dating back at least three millennia. Moreover, this shamanic pharmacognosy extends northward-via TOBACCO, eyotl, Datura-far p into North America, where earliest human uses of the first two likely took place; whereas Amanita muscaria, primal entheogen of Beringi an groups who first migrated into Neogsea decades of millennia ago, plaits and interweaves the whole with far more archaic roots in Siberia.
Lesser-Known Snuff-Sources
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Accidentally, we had good proof of the roxie effect of koribO. We collected a large amount of the vine for chemical study and kept it in the room where we were staying. The doctor of our expedition ... sat beside the heap of korib6. Several Indians commented on the smell of korib6 in the room, mentioned its [Oxiceffect and left the room. After half an hour, Dr. Ferraroni ... was so dizzy that he had to crawl out on all fours. Ghillean T. Prance Ethnobotany of the Paumari Indians [1977]
ACORUSCALAMUS The rhizome of this araceous North American stimulant and L.putative visionary drug [On 1996], was pulverized and snuffed by the Chippewa Indians as a cold-remedy [Densmore 1974], and a similar use was reported for the Potowatomi Indians [Motley 1994]. The Chippewa were said also to mix the powdered rhizomes with the roots of Asarum canadense i: [Morgan 1980], and pounded, dried leaves of this plant were also employed as a snuff by the Cherokee Indians [Moerman 1998], reflecting a 19TH-century report of the use of Asarum europtum L. as a stimulating snuff in Europe [Cooke 1860]. Like the calamus-rhizomes, roots ofA. europtum contain asarone, once thought to be the stimulating principle of the former, although this appears to be a constituent only ofPal;eog;ean strains, calamus being a sedative in Asian ethnomedicines. It is now believed that Acorus calamus is a postcontact introduction into North America, and that the indigenous muskratroot represents a distinct species,A. american us (RAF.) AF.[Otr 1996], the stimulating R and possibly psychoptic principle ofwhi h remain to be identified. Paleogzan calamus is still used as a tobacco-snuff Havori ng in Europe [Motley 1994; Uphof 1968]. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS VA-URSl(L.) SPREN .-Thi eri aceous herb, commonly known U as bearberry or kinnikinnick, was widely smoked as an inebriant by North American Indians. At least the Northwest Coast Hesquiat Indians prepared the powdered leaves of this plant as a snuffwith tobacco [Moerman 1998]. Powdered rusty leaves of ericaceous Rhododendron campanulatum D. DON were reportedly used as a snuff in India [Cooke 1860], and still are used there for medicinal purposes, mixed with tobacco-snuff [Nadkarni 1976]. Powdered leaves of the related Kalmia angustifolia L. were likewise used as a medicinal snuff by the Canadian Abnaki Indians [Moerman 1998], and both Kalmia and Rhododendron snuffs were said to have been used
Pagamea macrophyLIa SPRUCE ex BENTHAM [Rubiacez], " M.L. Estey, the leaves of which constitute na-nu-su-ka-ta, divinarory snuff of Barasana shamans of the Colombian Rio Piraparana.
as iobac '0- Lib titute in North America [Cooke 1860]. The inebriating principle r A. uua-ursi remains obscure, but Rhododendron and Kalmia species, like allied ri a eous shamanic inebriants Ledum palustre L. and L. gra:nlandicum OEDER,owe their psychoactivity ro glucosides such as the grayanotoxins and ericolin [On 1996]. ARTEMISIASPECIEs-Leaves of numerous North American species of Artemisia were used as snuffs (in some cases dried leaf-powders; in others crushed, fresh leaves were put in the nostrils), primarily as an analgesic against headache or as a cold-remedy: A. douglasiana BESS.(Miwok of California); A. forcata var. heterophylla (BESS.) ULH TEN (Mendocino of California); A. ludoviciana NUTT. (Cheyenne); A. tridentata NUTT.(Thompson of Northwest) andA. vulgaris L. (Miwok) [Moerman 1998]. The Lahu of Thailand make similar use of snuffed leaves of A. dubia WALL. x BESS.[Ane derson 1986]. Moreover, bruised leaves of A. tridentata were also used as a stimulating snuff by the Thompson Indians; andA. californica LESS.(Cahuilla of Calif ornia) and A. ludoviciana (Sioux) were sometimes smoked with tobacco, while the Kashaya Pomo of California smoked A. douglasiana leaves as a tobacco-substitute [Moerman 1998]. Lodha ofW Bengal, India, similarly smoke leaves of A. nilagirica (CLARKE) PAMP.for hallucination [Pal & Jain 1989], while itzauhyatl or A. mexicana WILLD.was an important inebriant in precontact Mesoamerica [de la Garza 1990], and current use of infusions of leaves and stems of A. copa in Chile was said to be probably hallucinogenic [Aldunate et al. 1983]. It is uncertain whether use of A. afra a snuff in Africa-and other Composite: Aster bakeranus DAVY SM., ex Conyza scabrida DC., Cotula anthemoides L., Euryops evansii SCHLTR.[de Smet 1998; Hutchings & von Staden 1994l-be fundamentally curative or ebrious; as likewise snuffing for headaches by Shuars of Eupatorium macrophyllum t.Teaf [Russo 1992]. Many of these species are known to contain the psychoactive terpenoid thujone, best-known from absinthe liqueur-sourceArtemisiaabsinthium L. [Conrad III 1988]. BANISTERIOPSIS CAAPI(SPR.EXGRISEB.) ORT.-Famous as base-plant for preparation M of Amazonian ayahuasca-brews [On 1999B], Banisteriopsis lianas also enter into the preparation of Amazonian shamanic snuffs, and at times are chewed as an adjunct to their ingestion. We have seen that harmine and d-Ieptaflorine, as likewise traces of harmaline-which are signature alkaloids for Banisteriopsis in South American ethnopharmacognosy-have twice been found in Venezuelan Surara Indian epenasnuff [Bernauer 1964; Holmstedt & Lindgren 1967], as well as in a piece ofliana-stem said to have been used in preparation of paricd-snuffby Tukano and Tanana Indians of the Rio Negro [Biocca etal. 1964], and more recently in Piaroa Indian-snufffrom
Venezuela [de Smet & Rivier rcdy]. Reichel-Dolmatoff[1996A] reported Tukano tobacco-snuff cum Banisteriopsis bark. Spruce [1908] had described itinerant Guahibo Indians near the Maipures Falls of the Orinoco River-basin of Venezuela, chewing dried Banisteriopsis caapi lianas as some people do tobacco, being adjunct to the taking of nopo or Anadenanthera snuff', and recently an anthropologist studying the Piaroa Indians of the Venezuelan Orinoco was given to chew a piece of a liana called capi (surely B. caapi), prior to sampling the Piaroa yuwa-snuff [Castillo 1997]. The neighboring Pume Indians likewise chew cultivated roots and stems of tuipa (B. caapi) without preparation to induce hallucinations. It is typically used in conjunction with snuff made from the seeds of Anadenanthera peregrina [Gragson 1997] Davis and Yost [1983] noted that Ecuadorian Waorani will blow tiny pieces of B. muricata lianas into the lungs of boys, in order that they may grow-up to be great hunters. CANNABIS SPECIEs-Primarily used in fumatories and for potions (bhang), Cannabis also enters into inebriating snuffs. The Zulus of South Africa were said to have made a snuff from dried leaves of dagga (or narcotic hernp) and the ashes of Aloe species [Cooke 1860; de Smet 1998; Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk 1962]. De Smet [1985A,1985B] . has speculated whether Cannabis might have been the African tobacco-pango-said to have served as substitute for genuine paricd-snuff in the paricd-iooeco: of 19TH-century Brasil. Dried Cannabis flowers and leaves are the principal ingredients for thapana, a snuff used in Nepali Kirari-shamanisrn [Muller-Ebeling et al. 2000]. CAPSICUMSPECIEs-De Smet [1985A,1985B]has reviewed evidence for use of Capsicum species (chile or ajl) as srluff-plallts in South America-Cocama Indians snuff tobacco-juice with chile [Merraux 1948]. Recent reports of African initiatory snuffs used by the Kuasi-people of Ghana, likewise refer to red pepper as an ingredient (vide infra: Ipomcea, Piper, Securidaca, Tinospora) [de Smet 1998; Neuwinger 1996]. DATURA SPECIEs-There is an unreliable report that dried Datura or toloache (= toloatzin) leaves were taken assnuffin Guanajuato, Mexico [Reko 1936], while powdered Datura leaves are snuffed with tobacco in Zimbabwe [de Smet 1998]. Datura seeds combine wi th Cannabis in thapana, a Nepali Kirati shamanic snuff [Mtrller-Ebeling et al. 2000]. In South Africa, the dried and pulverized leaves of Solanum mauritianum scor. are snuffed by Xhosas as a headache-remedy [Hutchings & von Staden 1994] DlMORPHANDRAPARVIFLORA BENTH.- Richard Spruce collected a specimen of D. parviflora in April 1851at Barra, Brasil, and noted on his herbarium-sheet: from the
SHAMANIC SNUFFS seeds of this a noted snuff is made. Paricd Ling. Ger., using one generic name for shamanic snuffs, applied alike to Anadenanthera and Virola powders, which must be considered to refer to inebriating snuffs in general-Ii ke the former, Dimorphandra is also a species of Legumin os::c.The related species D. mollis reported to contain alkaloids, but this genus is chemically recondite [de Smet & Lipp 1987]. Roots of the South African legumes R,.hynchosiacaribea CJACQ.) DC., R. harveyi ECKL. & ZEYH.and Tephrosia capensis CJACQ.) PERS.are snuffed to treat headaches [Hutchings & von Staden 1994]. The Amazonian Makuna snuffleaves of lnga lallensis SPR. ex BENTH.with tobacco [Schultes & Raffauf 1990], and bark of the leguminous kasawari is also snuffed as headache-remedy by the Paumarf Indians [Prance et al. 1977]. ERYTHROXYLUM COCALAM.VAR.IPADUPLow.-Much better known as a stimulating masticatory, nonetheless alternate uses of ipadu or Amazonian coca [Plowman 1981] have been reported. The Maku Indians of the upper Rio Uneiuxi of Amazonian Brasil ingest ipadu as a victual, first pulverized and mixed with ash of banana-leaves, and combined with cassava-flout for ingestion, a food called boto [Prance 1972]. As in the Andes, mate or infusion of coca may be taken in the Amazon, as reported by Koch-Grunberg among the Tukanoan Indians, and Schultes cited vague reports to the effect that ipadu is taken as snuffby the Yukuna and Tanimuka Indians of the RIo Miriti-Parana [Schultes 1981], having earlier reported that the former and the Wi toto of the RIo Igaraparana made a snuff of ipadu with tobacco [Schultes 1967]. In this prior report he implied he had actually witnessed such, while in a later paper referred to unconfirmed rurnours of coca-snuffing, noting: I have never witnessed this custom [Schultes 1984]. Here he clarified that his prior report came from one Capuchin Padre Javier who: used coca himself and would hardly have confused coca powder with tobacco snuff. Timothy Plowman [1981] doubted another report from 1937 of Wi to to use ofacoca-snuff, but Reichel-Dolmatoffjrooex] subsequently noted the Colombian Tukano at times snuff tobacco with ipadu coca or ayahuasca. FOMESFOMENTARIUS (FR.)GILL.AND OTHER POLYPORACElE-Wehave reports from Kamchatka, Siberia, of the use of a species ofPolyporace::c-or its ashes-as a snuff, probably Fomesflmentarius or Polyporus sufphureus (BULL.) [Uphof 1968; Wasson FR. 1968]; and there was recently a clinical case of visual hallucinations and ataxia in a child who had consumed P sufphureus [Appleton 1988]. As snoosa, both F. [amentarius and F. igniarius (L.)GILL.are reportedly snuffed and smoked, in combination with tobacco, on Little Diomede Island of Alaska, in the Straits of Bering [Ott 1978]. This apparently points to the survival of a pan-Siberian practice which must predate
the introduction of tobacco (circa 1580, per Yermak), as it has been reported that F. fomentarius, lnonotus obliquus (FR.)PILATand Phellinus nigricans (FR.)KARST., still are used as smokes or incenses associated with funereal rites (the ash of the last as an additive to chewing-tobaccos) among the Khanty or Osryaks of the Ob River Valley in western Siberia [Saar 1991]. Powdered Amanita pantherina (DC. ex FR.)SECR.and Psilocybe species are minor ingredients (ca. 2%) of the Nepali Kirati shamanic snuff thapana [Muller-Ebeling et al. 2000]. The Ojibways or Ahnishinaubeg of the Great Lakes-region mixed powderedF. flmentariuswith tobacco, so to enhance ignition ... the narcotic properties were enhanced by this admixture [Keewaydinoquay 1998]. Ghost bread, Fomitopsis officinalis (VILL.ex FR.)BOND. & SING., is used as a tranceinducing snuff by northwestern North American shamans, and carved specimens were prominent as guardians for sepulchers of shamans of the Haida [Blanchette et al. 1992; Ratsch 1998A]. Canadian Thompson Indians drink decoctions of a willowpolypore as a tonic; also taken as [a] purgative by hunters to increase endurance [Turner et al. 1990]. In Amazonian Ecuador, a Ganoderma species is pulverized and smoked with tobacco, reportedly provoking ayahuasca-like effects [Ratsch 1998A], while an inscribed fruiting-body of G. lobatum (SCHW.) TK.enjoys iconic status in A a church of Chignahuapan, Mexico, Nuestro Senor del Honguito-Our Lord of the Little Mushroom [Guzman et al. 1975]. Of course, G. lucidum (FR.)KARST.s ling i chih (<<divinemushroom of imrnortaliry) to Chinese Taoists [Wasson 1968]. Hispidin, a styrylpyrone akin to the psychoactive kava-pyrones (from Piper methysticum FORST.F.-vide infra, Piper) is known from Polyporus hispidus (BULL.)FR. as well as P schweinitzii FR. [Edwards et al. 1961; Ueno et al. 1964]; and p<Jotl-alkaloids hordenine and tyramine from various polypores, includingP sufphureus [Lee et al. 1975] ILEX GUAYUSA LOEsN.-The high caffeine-content of llex guayusa leaves (Aquifoliacese), like hierba mate or I paraguariensis leaves, accounts for their use in infusions and as ayahuasca-additive [Ort 1999B].We've no ethnographic evidence for historical use of guayusa as a snuff, but the discovery of a ryoo-year-old shaman's tomb in Bolivia suggests such use in the remote past. Well-preserved bundles of guayusa-Ieaves, in which caffeine could still be detected, were found along with a mortar and pestle and containers for the resultingguayusa snuff-powder [Schultes 1984; Wassen 1972]. Nicotine has also been detected in leaf-fragments of Nicotiana glauca (tree-tobacco) recovered from the same sepulcher [Bruhn et al. 1976; Holmstedt & Lindgren 1972]. IPOM<EAsPECIEs-Two different recipes for a Kuasi initiatory snuff from northern Ghana both refer to the use of datin vulin, the roots of Ipomcea digitata L., either en
lJR ;I'.S
lieu of or perhaps in addition to, roots of ba-illa or puung-buur, Tinospora bakis (vide infra). This snuff is used to narcotize initiates, and also contains Securidaca longipedunculata, red pepper, Piper guineense and Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides [de Smet
1998; Neuwinger 1996J. There is also a report of a Sotho-snuff from South Africa, in which leaves of 1. oblongata are mixed with tobacco [de Smet 1998; Watt & BreyerBrandwijk 1962J. We have no chemical data on either of these convolvulaceous species, which are, of course, taxonomically related to the well-known shamanic inebriants 1. violacea L. (tLiltLiltzin) and Turbina corymbosa (L.)RAF.(ololiuhqui/xtabentun) from Mesoamerica, along wi th 1. carnea JACQ. (borrachero) from Ecuador, the seeds of all three of which produce various psychotropic ergoline alkaloids [Ott 1996J. JUSTICIA PECTORALISJACQ.VAR.STENOPHYLLA LEON.-As I have commented, the aromatic leaves of this acanthaceous plant are common additives to visionary epenasnuffs of the Waika Indians of Brasil and Venezuela, who generally know the plant as masha-hiri or mashi-hiri, and also as henaleo [Brewer-Carias & Steyermark 1976; Chagnon et al. 1971; Prance 1972; Schultes 1990; Seitz 1969J. Schultes suggested that earlier reports of snuff-additives kokdime and maxarahd likewise refer to j. pectoralis, as also do the variant names masho-hara, masci-hiri and machobara. Although some users describe this as purely an aromatic additive, others insist it is also psychoactive, and there are at least twO repofts of epena-snuffs being made exclusively of mashahiri [Chagnon et aL. 1971; Schultes 1990 J. Moreover, low levels of psychoptic tryptamines have twice been detected inj. pectoralis [Schultes 1990; Schultes & Holmstedr 1968J. However, subsequent studies have failed to confirm tryptamines in this snuffplant [McKenna et al. 1984A;MacRae 1984; MacRae & Towers 1984BJ; although coumarins and traces of uterotonic quinazoline alkaloid vasicine were found [Schulte 1990 J, plus visionary tryptamines in Waika mashahari-snuff [McKenna et aL. 1984BJ. Acanthaceous Sanchezia sp. leaves are allegedly smoked or made into a tea for hallucinogenic effect near Yarinacocha, Peru [Maxwell 1990; Schultes & Raffauf 1990 J MAQUIRASCLEROPHYLLA (DUCKE) BERG.-Although now apparently obsolet ,th 'I" is strong evidence that the dried fruits of this Amazonian tree, previously cha ra I 'I"i/ x I as Olmedioperebea sclerophylla DUCKE,were the source of the visionary n 1I rrtpl rllII indios ((<Indian-snuff) in the Pari ana-area of southern Brasilian Am:lI.(11li:1 1 S Ii II! tes 1967,1984J, We have no relevant chemical data on these fruits, bUI :1 III 'OIL ,llld ethanolic extracts of the wood of M calophyLLa(POEPP.& ENOL.) nl~1 :, w '1'(' II("vllill of Cannabis-like activity in animal-assays [Schultes & Farnsworth I !)H< I. 'I 'II i~ ' '~II ies was later shown to contain a cardiac glycosid narn .d mnquirosid 'A, ,1\ w 11 ,I~
related compound cymarin [Rovinski et aL. 1987J. Subsequent research was conlucted in Brasil with a supposititious Indian-snuff from !V!. sclerophylla, in reality laboratory-ground bark harvested from trees at the Ducke Reserve in Manaus, where: local information ... indicated that the dried and powdered bark of the trunk is probably the main source of the snuff. However, the scanty ethnographic data regarding rape dos indios places such use especially along the upper Xingu, in Para, which is to say roughly 1000 km southeast ofManaus! It is a mystery to me how local information- in Manaus is germane to the problem of a recondite and distant shamanic inebriant, and these pharmacologists in Sao Paulo provided no other justification for concentrating on the bark and not the dried fruits of M. sclerophyLLa. Perhaps their statement: the occasional seeds are not easily obtained cuts closer to the bone of contention-in no sense can their ground bark be considered Indian-snuff. Nonetheless, both crude and fractionated aqueous extracts of the bark provoked amphetamine-like stimulation following intraperitoneal injection into rats, which was not elicited after oral administration. Lower doses injected intravenously produced dramatic cardiotoxicity-only 4% of the stimulant-dose, i.v. in dogs, caused death from cardiac arrest! Obviously more interested in novel pharmaceuticals than visionary drugs meed for new cardioactive glycosides ... is a good reason to pursue further pharmacological research on this unique indian snuf]), this became the focus of the researchers, who again isolated those two Digitalis-like cardiac glycosides, cymarin and maquiroside A [de Carvalho & Lapa 1990; de Carvalho et aL. 1997 J. In a tangential study of moraceous dart-poison plants, including Maquira and Nauceleopsis species, these compounds were also isolated from seeds of M. scleropbylla, as well as from bark of M. guianensis AUBL.and seeds of M. coriacea (KARST.) BERG[Shrestha et aL. 1992J. Having failed to pursue their intriguing initial finding of amphetamine-like stimulation following intraperitoneal injection into rats of an aqueous extract of M. scleropbylla bark, not to slight eschewing the essential human psychonautic bioassay, and failing to conduct the most minimal field-studies of rape dos indios, the Brasilian pharmacologists went on to cobble-together a specious rationale for their cardiac glycosides as psychoactive agents (eone might think of cardenolides as hallucinogenic drugs)! Far be it from them to sacrifice their scientific objectivity by deigning to sample their supposititious Indian-snuff, much less to put to the test thei~otion that maquiroside A and/or cymarin constitute its hallucinogenic drugs! 0, no, theirs but to deal death to legions of helpless dogs and guinea-pigs-they noted cavalierly that in guinea-pigs and dogs death was frequent. Rather than conduct real research on rape dos indios, perhaps have to rough it in the back country, far better to pursue the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow,
SHAMANIC SNUFFS then to speculate with a taint of condescension (if not racism): it would not be unusual if the Indians tried to sniff the dark poison prepared from plants containing cardenolides! Here's a textbook-example of how not to conductethnopharmacognostical research, and the question of the entheobotany of rape dos indios remains unanswered, as they in the end acknowledged: The different effect produced by cardenolides isolated from Maquira on nerve terminals may support the putative use of this snuff as hallucinogenic in Indian festivities. Nevertheless, more specific and direct tests are necessary to confirm this possibili ty-try field-work and psychonautic bioassays! PAGAMEA MACROPHYLLA SPR.EXBENTH.-The Makuna and Barasana Indians of the Colombian Rio Piraparana elaborate a divinatory snuff called ma-na-shu-ke-ma or na-nu-su-ka-ta, from the pulverized leaves of a small rubiaceous tree, Pagamea macrophylla. Leaf-infusions are also used as a gastric remedy, and the Kubeo Indians of Colombia use bark and fruits of the related P. coriacea SPR.ex ethnornedicine [Schultes 198oB]. We've no solid chemical data on P. macrophylla, which is in the family of ayahuasca-admixture chacruna, Psychotria viridis RUIZ & PAV., source a of DMTfor the visionary potions [Ott 1999B]. Leaves of Cephelis williamsii are sometimes smoked with tobacco in the Colombian Putumayo [Schultes & Raffauf 1990]. SPEcIEs-In northern Ghana, the Kuasis compound a narcotizing snuff for initiations from seeds and root-bark of zurmuri, Piper guineense SCHUM. & THONN., with roots of Ipomoea digitata, Securidaca longipedunculata and Tinospora bakis, as well as red pepper, root -bark of Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides and the head of a bat [de Smet 1998; Neuwinger 1996]. The Kulina Indians of Amazonian Peru prepare as tobacco-substitute a snuff from dried leaves and roots of tetsi, Piper interitum TREAL.ex MACBR.[Schultes 198oA], and holehole be, P. cryptodon DC., is also used as tobacco-substitute by Yanoama Indians [Wilbert 1987], while an unidentified Piper species is employed as admixture to ayahuasca-potions [On 1999B]. The genus Piper is famous for the pyrone-rich P. methysticum or ava/kava, source of inebriating kavabeverages, as well as P. betlet.., or the betle-iesi, wrappedaroundquids of stimulating betel-nuts, Areca catechu L.-many Pipers contain the volatile oil safrole [Otr 1996].
sau, aqueous extracts of the roots of this plant, tchunfki, are employed by the Balanta as a ritual inebriant [Costa et at. 1992], whereas in Malawi, roots, buiazi, are snuffed to induce madzokaor spirit-possession, combined with roots of Annona senegalensis and the leaves both of Asparagus africanus and of Chenopodium ambrosioides (vide i;;fra) [de Smet 1998; Hargreaves 1986; Samorini 1996]. Bwazi/pelig/tchunfki is a veritable pharrnacopceia of toxic compounds, and the roots of 5.longipedunculatawere shown to contain the apparently-psychoactive ergoline alkaloid elymoclavine-already known from seeds of the Mesoamerican shamanic inebriants tliltliltzin (Ipomcea violacea) and ololiuhqui/xtabentun (Turbina corymbosa; both Convolvulacerel-eplus dehydroelymoclavine and an unidentified ergoline alkaloid [Costa et al. 1992]. TANlECIUMNOCTURNUM(BARB.-RODR.) BUR. & SCHUM.-The leaves of this bignoniaceous liana, leoribo, are used by the Paumari Indians of the Rio Pur us in Amazonian Brasil to prepare an inebriating snuff. They are finely powdered and mixed with similarly-prepared tobacco to yield the snuff, koribo-najuni, employed in festivals and as a divinatory inebriant by shamans. Root-bark is also used by women in a sedative infusion [Prance 1978; Prance et at. 1977]. As the epigram at the beginning of this chapter manifests, mere inhation of the effluvium of the fresh plant is sufficient to overcome one, an effect thought to be due to: an extremely high concentration of hydrogen cyanide in the fresh leaves, which probably can account for their pungency and almond-like aroma. Since the leaves are roasted until dry to prepare the fine koribo-nafuni-powder, this would be expected to drive-off all of the Hydrogen cyanide (HCN), which could not then account for the psychoacriviry of koribo, Leafinfusions of Tanecium nocturnum, wi th leaves of an unidentified leguminous plan t, are used by the Kaririana Indians of the Rio Madeira to treat diarrhoea, and Indians of the Colombian Choco regard it to have aphrodisiacal properties [Schultes 1984]. Prance's group [1977] also reported the snuffing of both bark and leaves of obscure bignoniaceous mdnaka by the Paumad Indians, in the treatment of colds and fevers. TINOSPORABAKIS(RICH.)MIERS.-The roots of the menispermaceous Tinospora bakis, as ba-illa or puung-buur, are a component of the inebriating Kuasi-snuff from Ghana, which contains also roots of Ipomoea digitata and Securidaca longipedunculata, with root-barks of Piper guineense and Zanthoxylum zantboxyloides, as well as red pepper and dried bat-head [de Smet 1998; Neuwinger 1996]. Tinospora species are important tonics in Indian medicine [Nadkarni 1976], but no psychoactive compounds are known from the genus, nor indeed the family Menispermace.e, although we have seen that an Abuta species is implicated in parica-snuff [vide CHAPTER ONE].
SECURIDACA LONGIPEDUNCULATA FRESEN.-Roots of this i 111 po rtant African arrowpoison and ordeal-poison plant are the base, as pelig, for the initiatory snuff of the Kuasi-diviners of Ghana, in combination with the roots of Ipomoea digitata and Tinospora bakis, the root-barks of Piper guineense and Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides, red pepper and a dried head of a bat [de met 1998; Neuwinger 1996]. In Guinea Bis-
SHAMANIC SNUFFS TRICHOCEREUSPACHANOIBRITT.& RosE-Although ordinarily taken orally-and neat-infusions of this mescaline-rich San Pedro-cactus (vide CHAPTERONE), plus wild tobacco juice are taken inrranasally during Peruvian mestizo healing-sessions ~Sharon I979~. Furst.[I974] has summarized the archa::ological evidence for snuffing In Mesoamenca, which involved snuff-pipes for rhinal administration ofliquids. One snuff-pipe shows a deer with peyotl-cacti (Lophophora wifLiamsii) in its mouth, suggesting mescalinic cactus-infusions had likewise been snuffed in Mesoamerica. TRICHOCLINE sr-ecms-Five species of TrichocLine-T auricuLata (WEDD.)HIER., T deaLbata (HOOK.&ARN.)GRISEB., T exscapa GRISEB.,T incana GRISEB.and T reptans (WEDD.)ROB.-are called coro in the Chaco of northern Argentina, and have long been used as inebriants, especially the last and most common species. Jesuit Padre Lozano described coro-root as an inebriating additive to alcoholic chicha by the Calchaquf Indians, and such use was reported as far south as Buenos Aires Province, where the Mapuche and Pampa Indians also made a beverage with coro, kore-leore. Today coro may still be used, albeit now it is commonly smoked with tobacco (with which it is confused), by the Wichi, Toba and the Mocovf.Indians [Perez Gollan & Gordillo 1994; Zardini 1977]. Wichi-shamans still use cebil or Anadenanthera snuff, which they call hatdj, although they generally smoke this, also with tobacco [Ratsch I996A; Torres & Repke 1996]. In antiquity, coro-root was also used as a snuff, as reported by Bernabe Cobo in the Province of La Paz, Bolivia [Cobo 1956; Uhle 1898]; ho,;,ever this practice seems to have died-out. In the colonial Relaciones geogrdficas de Indias, Peru, we find: <There is tobacco [-use] also among the Indians, which they call sayre ... and of the root that they call coro, and they purge with this and they take it in powders. We have no chemical nor contemporary ethnographic data on coro, al though several other Composi ta::species are used as visionary drugs, such as Mesoamerican yauhtli, Tagetes Lucida CAY. T erecta L.-both, / alas, recondite (vide infra). ZANTHOXYLUM ZANTHOXYLOIDES (LAM.) ATERM.-The root-bark of this rutaceou W plant, bebung, enters into the composition of the inebriating Kuasi-snufffrom Ghana, along with root-bark or seeds of Piper guineense, red pepper, bat's head and th roots of Ipomcea digitata, Securidaca LongipeduncuLata and Tinospora bakis [d SI11'l 1998; Neuwinger 1996]. In Guinea and Nigeria, Z. zanthoxyLoides is said to b . Il:t r cotic. [Watt 1967], as is also Z. martinicense (LAM.)DC. of the Caribb an, wh i"h iN an ingredient in the Haitian zombi-powder [Davis 1988]. The leaves of Z. (/rllII/"f'\'I'f'lII ROSEand Z. procerum DONN. SM.contain the entheogenic DMT,a trn . 'II pl'!ll \ i III found in some South American visionary snuffs [Grina etal. 1982; S 'hl'm"I"1 II)HIII.
ACOKANTHERA OPPOSITIFOLIA (LAM.) CODDAND ALLIEDSNUFFs-The South African Zulus, Xhosas and Sorhos snuff at least 36 plants as headachelcold-remedies, of . which the best-known is the root of apocynaceous arrow-poison plantAcokanthera oppositifoLia [Neuwinger 1996], and I've already mentioned some headache-snuffs made from other plants. Also used as analgesic snuffs for colds/headaches are: entire Lycopodium clauatum L. (Lycopodiacez}, ALepidia amatymbica ECKL.& ZEYH.roots (Apiacese): leaves of AscLepiasfruticosa L. and A. physocarpa L. and tubers of Pachycarpus concolor MEY.,P vexillaris MEY.andXysmalobium undulatum (L.)AlT.F. (Asclepiadacee), whole Crassula lanceolata (ECKL.& ZEYH.)ENDL.ex WALP. Crassulacez); the ( slightly-burned wood of Spirostachys africana SaND. (Euphorbiacese): bark of Ocotea bullata (BURCH.)BAILL.(Lauracese); bark and roots of Bersama lucens (HOCHST.) SZYSZYL. (Melianthacese); both leaves and roots of PLumbago auricuLata LAM.(Plumbaginacee): roots of Rumex sagittatusTHuNB. (Polygonace.e), and lastly, Gnidia capitata L. F. leaves (Thyrnelzacee) [Hutchings & von Staden 1994; Jager et al. 1996]. ANACYCLUS YRETHRUM(L.)LINK-The root of this African Composite is said to be P a stimulant, and is employed as a snuff to treat lethargy and epilepsy, and also as a cold-remedy [Boulos 1983]. We lack any chemical or other data on this snuff-plant. ANNONASENEGALENSIS PERS.-A Malawian snuffinducing madzoka, spirit-possession, is made from roots of ampoza or A. senegalensis (Annonacee), plus the roots of Securidaca longipeduncuLata and the leaves of Asparagus africanus and Chenopodium ambrosioides [de Smet 1998; Hargreaves 1986]. Kaurene-derived diterpenoids are known from the root-bark of ampoza, and trace amounts of three isoquinoline alkaloids, anonaine, isoboldine and liriodenine, are found in the roots of this arrowpoison plant. Root-macerates are used as an analgesic in Senegal, whereas the Zulus use the roots to treat madness and for dizziness and confusion [Neuwinger 1996]. ASPARAGUS FRICANUSLAM.-In Malawi, leaves of kachachi mkazukwa,A. africanus A (Liliacese), leaves of Chenopodium ambrosioides and the roots both of Annona senegaLensisand Securidaca LongipeduncuLata, yield a snuff taken to induce spirit-possession, madzoka. Both leaves and rhizomes are used in arrow-poisons, while in Benin and Kenya, leaf- and leaf-root-decoctions are used to treat mental illness; in Burundi leaf-decoctions are employed to allay confusion. Preliminary tests showed the leaves to contain alkaloids [de Smet 1998; Hargreaves 1986; Samorini 1996].
SHAMANIC SNUFFS CHENOPODIUMAMBROSIOIDESL.-Chiwanga azimu, the leaves of this well-known condi men t (Chenopodiace;e)-epazote-are compounded with leaves of Asparagus africanus and roots of Annona senegalensis and Securidaca longipedunculata to make a snuff used to provoke madzoka, spirit-possession, in Malawi [de Smet 1998; Hargreaves 1986; Samorini 1996]. In Ghana, this plant is said to be narcotic, poison affecting the brain, and nervine, and likewise employed in unspecified Santeria works [Andoh 1991]. In Bahia, Brasil, C. ambrosioides leaves may be employed for treating internal pain in Afro- Brasilian Candomble-ethnornedicine [Voeks 1997]. CODONANTHOPSISDISSIMULATA (MOORE)WlEHLER-The Kofan and Siona snuff a leaf-infusion of this Cesneriacez for headaches; the stimulating leaves of allied Columnea picta KARST. being: smoked in place of tobacco [Schultes & Raffauf 1990]. CURTIACONFORTA(MART.) KNOBLAucH-The Kubeo Indians pulverize this Centianacese, and snuff it as a treatment for nasal congestion [Schultes & Raffauf 1990]. DIMORPHOCARPAWISLIZENI (ENGELM.) OLLINs-Crushed seeds and leaves of this R brassicaceous plant were used as a snuffby the Western Keres Indians of southwestern North America, apparently as a medicine against colds, although the Zuni were said to use infusions against delirium and also to make people talk like fools & drunken men [Moerman 1998]. We still require chemical and other data on this snuff-plant. ERYTHROPHLEUM SUAVEOLENS (GILL.& PERR.)BREN.-The powdered, dried bark of this Cesalpiniacez ordeal-tree species was employed in Ghana as a snuff to treat faintness, and also as snuff in Central Africa for a headache-remedy [Ayensu 1978]. In South Africa, the barks of E. lasianthum CORBo and Albizia adianthifolia (SCHUM.) WIGHT are likewise snuffed for treating headaches [Hutchings & von Staden 1994]. HELENIUM sr-ecrss-Various species of Helenium-H. autumnalet:., H. microcephalum DC., H. puberulum DC. andH. tenuifolium NUTT.(Cornposice) were snuff, d by divers North American indigenous peoples (powdered leaves, flowers). Th ir motive appears to have been sternutatory or ptarmic-to induce sneezi nand I ':1 n in the nose-for treating colds and headaches and to induce expulsi n 0(','1'1 .rhirrh, and these plants are commonly called sneezeweeds [Moerman '9 8; Upho( It 681. LICHTENSTEINIAINTERRUPTACH. & SCHL.-Thc pi al parts of'rb . umh .llifcrous L. inserruptawete used in manufa turc of a outh Afri mn snull, wh rt::1S roots were
LI'. 'IlR-KN
said to be employed there in confection of narcotic drinks. The Hottentots were likewise said to prepare an intoxicating beverage-gli-from L.pyrethrifolia CAM. & SCHLECHT. deSmetI998; [ Uphofl968; Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk rcez]. In Siberia, the umbelliferous herb Heracleum dulce FISCH.was eaten as an inebriant: the effects were similar to alcoholic intoxication [Brekhman & Sam 1967]; and H. sphondylium L. fruits are used in French liqueurs and a Slavic alcoholic drink called bartsch, while roots of H. wallichii DC. are used in Nepal as a tonic and aphrodisiac [Uphof 1968]. Two Umbelliferse employed in Chinese medicine, Peucedanum japonicum THUNB. and Siler divaricatum BENTH. & HOOK. F., are of suspected psychoactivity [Li 1978]. MAGNOLIA VIRGINIANAL.-The leaves or bark of this Magnoliace;e were insufflated as a mild dope by Rappahannock Indians of northeastern North America [Moerman 1998]. Mexican elox6chitl/elex6chitl, M. dealbata, has been proposed to represent the lost Aztec entheogen, poyomatli [Dfaz 1979]. Sometimes called swamp-sassafras because of its aroma, M. virginiana might contain the psychoactive safrole. MYRICAPUBESCENSH. & B. EXWILLD.VAR. LANDULOSA G cuav.-Leaves of this Myricace;e-fiijni-were snuffed for headaches by Andean Callawayas [Bastien 1983]. PlEONIAOFFICINALISRETZ.-The powdered roots of this Ranunculacese, ud al-salib, are used as a snuff for treating nervous disorders in Pakistan, and the plant is sometimes compounded with others for use as a tonic and aphrodisiac [Ghazanfar 1994] PAULLINIAPINNATAL.-An aphrodisiac-snuff is prepared from the powdered leaves of the sapindaceous alolongo or P. pinnata (= Deinbollia pinnata S~~UM. & THONN.. ) in the Ivory Coast, whereas in Togo its roots are used as an aphrodisiac, In Burundi, the leaf-decoction is used to treat madness. Seeds and roots are used as hunting and fishing poisons, much as P. rugosa BENTH.ex employed in Amazonia [Ayensu 1978; Neuwinger 1996; Schultes & Raffaufrooo]. Wood ofrelatedPtteroxylon obliquum (THUNB.)RADLK.and infusions of Hippobromus pauciflorus (L. F.) RADLK. are snuffed for headaches in South Africa [Hutchings & von Staden 1994] The wellknown caffeine-containing stimulantguarand is made from seeds of P. cupana (HBK) var. sorbilis DUCKE,and yoco-bark, of P. yoco, is still another Amazonian stimulant quite caffeine-rich [Schultes 1987]. Caffeine, however, has never been found in P. pinnata, 'though like P. cupana seeds, its leaves contain saponins [Neuwinger 1996]. PYRENOCARPUS LIcHEN-The Den! Indians of the Rio Cunhua in Amazonian Brasil
SHAMANIC SNUFFS snuff a yellow powder scraped from an unidentified Pyrenocarpus lichen that grows on trees, which they call baduhu-tsifia or deer-snuff. This does not appear to have a narcotic effect but rather to cause extreme irritation and a tingling sensation, so to be rather a simple sternutatory, which would make mysterious that this snuff is taken rather frequently by the Denis [Prance 1972). The Tukuna likewise add a yellow lichen to a tobacco-snuff [Wilbert 1987). Another unidentified lichen, called jievut hiawsik or earth-flower, was said to be smoked as an admixture to tobacco by both Pima and Papago Indians of southwestern North America [Ratsch I998A). SALVIA SPECIES-South African Sotho-snuffs were made from Salvia species which, like the Artemisia species, may contain psychoactive thujone [de Smet 1998; Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk 1962], and the related labiate, Ocimum canum SIMS,is said to be used as a sternutatory in Africa [Ayensu 1978), while Stachys officinalis (L.)TREY. is used in North Africa as a stimulant and tobacco-substitute snuff [Boulos 1983). Ocimum micranthum an ayahuasca-additive [Ott 1999B), and three labiates are snuffed for headaches in South Africa: Leonotis leonurus (L.) R. BR., Mentha longifolia (L.) L. and Rabdosiella calycina (BENTH.)CODD [Hutchings & von Staden 1994) Flower-buds and leaf-exudate of L. leonuruswere smoked as marijuana-substitute by South African Hottentots [Ott 1996). European beer- and wine-fortificanr, clary- or muscatel-sage, S. sclarea L., is sometimes used as a snuff to treat headaches, extracts still flavor tobacco-snuffs [Duke 1985; Uphof 1968). There are many psychoactive Salvia species, of which the best-known is S. divinorum EPL. & JAT.of Mesoamerica, which contains the most potent visionary natural product isolated, salvinorin A-a human activity-threshold near 50 mcg [Ort 1995). Coleus blumei BENTH., associated ethnomedicinallywith Salvia divinorum among the Mesoamerican Mazatec Indians [Wasson 1962), is used as a snuff for colds in New Guinea [Duke 1985). SENECIOSPECIEs-Senecio retrorsus DC. roots and leaves of S. speciosusWILLD. (Compositee) are snuffed for headaches in South Africa [de Smet 1998; Hutchings & von Staden 1994; Van \Xyk et al. 1997); in Mexico, a number of Senecio species are called peyote (= peyotl), suggesting they might be psychoactive [Ott 1996). In Peru, S. elatus HBKis sometimes added to mescaline-rich potions based on San Pedro, Trichocereus pachanoi (vide supra), suggesting likelihood of psychoactivity [Polia Meconi T ,I. SUJEDAJEGYPTIACA (HASSELQ.) OHARy-Stems and leaves of this Arabian :h 'nopoZ diacee are used as asnuffforthe treatment of headaches, dizzin sand hYSI -rin, :111 I also snuffed for calming the nervous system. The ashes of chi plant ar . also add-
LL!' 'L!I -I
ed to tobacco or used simply as a snuff, for unspecified reasons [Ghazanfar 1994). TAGETESsimcsus-Taeeees minuta L. was said to be used as a snuff-plant in South Africa, although this may refer to the use of its ashes as tobacco-snuff admixture [de Smet 1998; Ratsch 1998A). Yauhtli, or T lucida, was an important inebriant in precontact Mesoamerica, where such use survives as a fumatory with tobacco among the Huichol [Siegel et al. 1977), while the Mixe of Oaxaca make visionary infusions from zempoalxocbitl, T erecta [Lipp 199I]. The Mexica (or Aztecs) might have used yauhtli as a sort of snuff, inasmuch as this practice was described: so that sacrificial victims might lose sensibility, [yauhtli) was thrown pulverized in their faces [Sahagun 1950-1969). The visionary principle of these common composites is unknown. Bioassay of infusions of T.lucida provoked a strong stimulating effect. .. [we) became quite happily drunk on the tea, whereas snuffing (presumably) the leaves of this species was merely extremely irritating to the ... nose and throat [Neher 1965). TERMINALIASPLENDIDAENGL.& DIELS.-The powdered bark of this combretaceous tree is used as a snuff by Sudanese women [Uphof 1968], and it was recently reported that the Lodha tribal people ofW Bengal and Orissa, India, sometimes eat the dried kernels of the related T bellirica (GAERT.) ROXB. for hallucination [Pal & Jain 1989). VERATRUMCALIFORNICUMDUR. VAR.CALIFORNICUMDUR.-Blackfoot Indians of Canada and the us made a snuff from powdered, dried roots of V. californicum var. californicum (Liliacee), and sometimes snuffed root-pieces to treat headaches, and may likewise have used dried roots of V. viride AlT. [Moerman 1998). This species is described as an ingredient of kinnikinnick smoking-blends, for which bearberry, Arctostaphylos uua-ursi leaves, is the best-known constituent. The Aztecs also snuffed V.ftigidum roots for headache [Hernandez 1942). Roots of V. album L. are combined with tobacco in flavoring modern European snuffs. Veratrum roots may contain high levels of steroidal alkaloids, such as protoveratrine Aand B [Ratsch 1998A). The bulbs of the liliaceous Eucomis autumnalis (MILL.)CHITT.are snuffed in South Africa to allay the pain from old skull wounds [Hutchings & von Staden 1994).
VISIONARY VETERINARY VADEMECUM: HOUND- AND HORSE-SNUFFS ACORUSCALAMUSL.- We have already seen that North American Indians snuff the rhizomes and leaves of muskrat-root as a cold-remedy [Motley 1994], while in New Guinea, huntsmen spit chewed sweet flag into the nose of their dogs to promote
SHAMANIC SNUFFS their ability to locate game [de Smet 1985AJ,much as Sioux Indians of North America would expectorate chewed A. calamus/americanus rhizomes into the mouths of puppies, that they might grow-up to become ferocious watchdogs [Morgan 1980J! BAISSEAAXILLARIS(BENTH.)HUA-The odoriferous roots of this apocynaceous species are rendered into a liquid with fruits of the rubiaceous Rothmannia urcelliformis (HIERN.)BULL.,to be inserted into the nostrils and into cuts made in the noses of dogs by the Mbuti peoples of Zasre, to enhance hunting ability [Neuwinger 1996J. BANISTERlOPSISMURICATA (CAV.) UATR.-Like its relative, B. caapi, which we have c seen is used both as an adjunct and an additive to human snuffs, sacha (<<wild)ayahuasca apparently is given to dogs in Tocache, Peru as a hunting aid, probably using the customary method of squeezing an infusion into the dogs' nares [Russo 1999J. BRUGMANSIASUAVEOLENS (HUMB. & BONPL. EXWILLD.)BERCHT.& PRESL-As ain vau, Kofan of the Ecuadorian Amazonia stimulate dogs' hunting abilities with this well-known shamanic inebriant and ayahuasca-additive, likely intranareal application [Russo 1999J; put flower-juice of B. X insignis (BARB.-RODR.) OCKWOOD SCHULT. L ex into dogs' nares to enhance hunting, and also give the campanulaceous Centropogon solanifolius their dogs [Schultes & Raffauf 1990 J. The Peruvian Matsigenka make similar use of species of Brugmansia, Brunfelsia and [uanulloa [Shepard 1998J. CALADIUMB1COLOR(ALT.) vENT.-In order to improve their success at hunting peccaries, the Kofan Indians of the Ecuadorian Amazon put a leaf of this species of Aracese into their hunting-dogs' nares-the plant is cultivated by them [Russo 1999J. CLEMATIS HIRSUTISSIMA The North American Nez Perce Indians would stimulate L.horses by placing peeled roots of this Ranunculacese in their nostrils-so provoking. an intense local-irritant effect from contained anemonin [Kern & Cardellina 1983; Morgan 1981J. Stems of C. brachiata THUNB.and roots and leaves of Anemone caJfra ECKL.& ZEYH.are headache-snuffs in South Africa [Hutchings & von Staden 1994 J. Ranunculus acris L. could be the Chinese delirient mao-ken or shui-lang [Li 1978J. CYPERUSSPECIEs-An infusion from piripiri, usually referring to Cyperus spp., may be given to [dogsJ to drink or put into [their] nose or eyes to help them hunt landturtles, among the Amahuaca Indians of the Peruvian Amazonia [Carneiro 1974J. Two Cyperus species have been identified a ayahuasca additive-plants [Ott 1999BJ.
OSTEOPHL<EUMPLATYSPERMUM(DC.)WARB.-QuijosQuichuamixedsapofthis Myrisricacese with Brugmansia and Tabernemontana sananho (vide supra et infra), put into hunting-dogs' nares to make them better hunters [Bennett & Alarcon 1994J. PHYLLOMEDUSA BICOLOR-The Mayoruna and Matses Indians of the Brasilian Amazonia utilize a psychotropic frog-secretion to sharpen their hunting abilities. This is carefully scraped from the skin of a spread-eagled Phyllomedusa bicolor frog, then dried and later mixed with saliva to be rubbed into small burns made by a brand on the hunters' skins. Among the Matses, a dab of the paste may even be placed on the nose of a favored hunting dog to improve its hunting abilities [Milton 1994J. PIPER OBLONGIFOLIUM(KLOTZ.)nc.e-Under the name yemila, the Wayapi Indians put crushed roots of this Piper in hunting-dogs' nares to enhance their olfactory acuity. As kahboye, the Palikur Indians likewise will put drops of a mixture containing this plant into their dogs' nares as part of their training for the hunt [Russo 1999J. PSYCHOTRIAsr-scras-The Peruvian Matsigenka Indians will put an infusion of tsimerishi, a species of Psychotria in the Rubiacese, into their hunting-dogs' snouts, particularlyas an aid to the hunting of the motelo-tortoise, and leaves of the same plant may be snuffed for a headache-treatment [Russo I999J. This is the same genus as chacrunaor P. viridis, the important DMT-rich ayahuasca additive-plant [OttI999BJ. SPIGELIAMULTISPICASTEUD.-The Amazonian Palikur Indians mix this species of Loganiacese, kanahumnaleamun, wi th Piper oblongifolium (vide supra) to yield a canine snuffwhich supposedly improves these animals' hunting-abilities [Russo 1999J. TABERNJEMONTANA SANANHO(RUIZ& PAV.) ARKGR.-Asticky latex from the fruit M of this Apocynacese species, called bai su'u by the Amazonian Siona-Secoya Indians, is placed into the nostrils of hunting-dogs to augment their olfactory range [Russo 1999; Schultes & Raffauf 1990J. Extracts of bark of tsicta, most probably T sananho, are ingested both by human beings and their dogs as hunting-aid in the EcuadorianAmazon. Tabernemontana is related to iboga, Tabernanthe iboga BAILL.,and some of its species contain a variety of the same visionary ibogane alkaloids [On 1996J. VIROLADUCKEIA.C.SMITH-Quijos Quichua mixed sap from this Myristicacese with Brugmansia and Tabernemontana sananho (vide supra and CHAPTERTWO), to place in nares of hunting-dogs to: make them better hunters [Bennett & Alarcon 1994J.
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.2 .
Shamanic-Sruqf Psychonautica
The force seemed to propel the drug from the shaman's rube directly into my bloodstream and then into myvely soul. Although my heart pounded painfully in my chest, a subtle sense of exhilaration accompanied the pain that wracked my body. At the edge of my field of vision, tiny figures began to appear. More, I said to the shaman ... Even so, I was beginning to hallucinate. [... J At the edge of my field of vision, the little figures began to dance ... Mark J. Plotkin Blood of the Moon, Semen of the Sun [I993AJ
Maquira sclerophylla (DUCKE) C.C. BERG [Moracese], ]. Gronim, the fruits of which were used to make rape dos indios, a mysterious visionary snuff from the Rio Xingu of Para, Brasil.
Although there exists a ponderous drugabuseology-establishment cranking-out a well-nigh incessant stream of research on compounds arbitrarily classified as drugs or drugs o[abuse [sic]-under which rubric are subsumed the visionary tryptamines active in the most important shamanic snuffs-nevertheless we know next to nothing about their human pharmacology in general, less still via the intranasal route. To be sure, we possess impressive detail regarding the pharmacology of drugs (including DMTand other tryptarnines) in laboratory-animals, especially rodents, but inasmuch as such animals are not adepts of psychoptic tryptamine-plants, neither live in cages nor frequent mazes, the bulk of this tendentious zoopery is worse than useless, it is cruel and unethical, besides being wasteful of public funds. We've not even a score of studies on visionary tryptarnines in human beings, effectively none as errhines, so the subjacent psychonautic modeling of shamanic snuffs-pharmanopo (intranasal/sublingual bufotenine) and pharmepena (intranasal/sublingual 5Meo-DMT)-all but constitutes the entire literature on this subject. In the course of similarly adumbrating a psychonautic model of ayahuasca (pharmahuasca), I have reviewed and summarized human pharmacology of tryptaminic PSYCHOPTICA [Ott 1999A,I999BJ, and hereunder will merely cite such opportunely; focusing rather on a handful of diffident and inconclusive studies of errhinal tryptamines, and a paucity of field-bioassays of diverse shamanic snuffs by a few diligent entheobotanists, I will also review the controversial research on human pharmacology ofbufotenine, chiefly conducted on captive subjects (convicts and mental patients [sic]), those luckless human succedanea for caged guinea-pigs. Pioneered in ancient times by the Persian king Mirhridates VI, suchlike repugnant and reprehensible research has been repudiated by the scientific world-some German physicians were condemned to the gallows by the Niirnberg war-crimes tribunals for experimenting on
SNUFF PSYCHONAUTICA Merely four reports are published describing bioassays of shamanic inebriants .1 -ri ved from Virola species-three involving snuffs, one sublingual pastes. I anirnudverted at the outset of CHAPTERTWOto Schultes' [1954] pioneering bioassay of a 1)11 inave yd-kee-snuff on the Colombian Rio Inirida, prepared from barks either of virola calophylla or V calophylloidea. Schultes snuffed: about one-third of a level I aspoonful of the drug in two inhalations, which represents about one-quarter the dose usually absorbed. He noted physical symptoms commencing in 15 minutes, building to a strong and constant headache followed at 30 minutes by loss f sensation in his extremities and nausea until the three-hour point when, overorne with a heavy drowsiness ... accompanied by a muscular excitation, he retired to his hammock, falling into a fitful sleep at the 4Y2-hour point. Schultes wrote: In spite of its many and serious shortcomings, the experiment indicates the narcotic strength of the snuff. A decade and ahalflater, Schultes and Holrnstedt [1968,1971; vide Davis 1996] documented the preparation and use of aWaika-snuff/dart-poison from the resin of V theiodora on the Brasilian Rio Tototobf, as we have seen. During subsequent snuffy festivities, Schultes was surprised when scrapings from the dartpoints were blown into his nostrils after the snuff-stash was depleted, and commented of this dart-poison: It has the same effect as the snuff that was made directly from the fresh resin. Recently, Plotkin [1993A,1993B]has chronicled his impromptu bioassay of a Waika epena-snuff, which proved highly visionary (see epigram at the beginning of this chapter), having been combined also with hisiomi (Anadenanthera snuff). In CHAPTER THREE(GUMMING SNUFF)I have already described the McKennagroup's [1984B] bioassays of four Virola oo-koo-he-iesins from Colombia and Peru. There have also been three published reports on human pharmacology of pure 5-MeO-DMT.Shulgin was the first to conduct psychonautic bioassays of this tryptamine, documented via personal correspondence to de Smet [1983]. In all, nine subjects had inhaled the free-base vapor, which was psychotropic in the 6-10 mg doserange. Like inhalation of free-base DMT, onset was rapid (eless than 60 seconds), maximal effects attained in the 2ND TO 3RD minute, withal largely dissipated at 20 minutes. Further data were reported by Shulgin and Shulgin [1997], including intravenous pharmacology. Herein were nine cases of inhalation of vaporized freebase in doses ranging from 6-30 mg. An additional six reports chronicled intravenous injection of doses from 0.25 mg up to 3-I mg, with even the lowest doses being perceptible, although the active dose was stated as 2-3 mg. From the sparing details given, it would seem the onset via intravenous injection is all but immediate, with the duration of the experience compacted to some 10 minutes. A single experiment with 35 mg peroral was described as: <<110 activity, leading to the conclusion that [101]
Nazi rechemical warfare studies for the u.s. Army and clandestine mind-control research for the u.s. CIA,routinely and cavalierly experimented upon captive and unwi tting human subjects in the 1950S and 1960s, with an obsessive fixation on visionary drugs. Such research is perforce unethical, and although animal-experimentation may be justifiable in some fields of biomedical research, conversely it is decidedly unethical in the case of psychoptic and other drugs of abuse, any investigator's primary focus being their use by human beings. Ethics mandate self-experiments or psychonautic bioassays by the researcher her- or himself-the so-called Heffier-Technique. Those hewing to that fictive device of scientific objectivity might snuffie in disdain over the subjective nature of self-experimentation, but our topic is, after all, precisely the subjective human experience ofinebriation, to which no surrogate animal-model can speak clearly nor intelligibly, nor with so much as a pallid simulacrum of authority. Moreover, the scientific community (both bureaucratic and academic) has bestowed its imprimatur on auto-experiments, in the bizarre case of human radiation-studies in the 1950S; rightly deeming unethical, conversely, some entailing dosing of others. achau and other concentration-camps
We saw in CHAPTER TWOthat 5-MethoxY-N,N-DiMethyhryptamine (or 5-~eo-DMT, here abbreviated simply as M) was the sole or primary psychoptic principle in all II Virola snuff-samples studied phytochemically (which contained from 0.15-11.0% ' alkaloids [average 3.63%]' and some six samples also contained minor amounts of DMT). The same pattern holds for the sublingual Virola pastes-eight samples analyzedhad from traces up to 1.88% M, sometimes accompanied by insignificant levels of DMT. Since there is almost no published information on human pharmacology of this important visionary tryptamine, 5-Meo-DMT-and none at all via the intranasal and sublingual routes in any species-I decided to model human pharmacology both of Virola sn uffs (epena) and sublingual pastes (oo-koo-he), using commercial 5-MeO-DMTfree-base (ACROS ORGANICS, eel, Belgie); which I've also isolated from G Peruvian Virola resin (courtesy of BORISCRARY, Tokyo, Japan)-insofar as the precise source and enrichment is recondite, any yield-data would be meaningless. These crystalline snuff-analogues and sublingual powders have been denominated pharmepena [Ort 200IB], and my psychonautic bioassays subdivided according to routes of ingestion: .intraicasal (MN-series); sublingual (r-rs-series), and oral (Mo-series)whereas sublingual bioassays of this Virola paste-source were designated: vs-series,
. SN
I'SY 'flONAU'l'lCA
5-M -DMT i : like DMT... not orally active. As we shall see below, this conclusion was premature. In my AYAHUASCA ANALOGUES [I999B] I had reviewed preliminary bioassays of 5-MeO-DMT combined orally with MAOI13-carbolines (pharmahuasca); these have been greatly extended oflate, and I shall return to them below. However incredible it might seem, this is the extent of published data on human pharmacology of 5-Meo- DMTand Virola, which is why I've not been keeping my nose clean. 5-MeO-DMT-INTRANASALPSYCHONAUTICS [MN]-I conducted in all six bioassays (MN-I-MN-VI) byway of modeling the Virola snuffs. With MN-I, it was established that 10 mg of M free-base was the intranasal threshold-dose, evoking a characteristic pharmacodynamic profile for this compound as errhine: first effects at 3-4 minutes; building to a peak between 30-40 minutes; clearly diminishing by 50 minutes; with termination at about 60-70 minutes. MN-II-MN-V dealt with combinations of 13carbolines with M. The same 10 mg dose was thus combined with 20, 10 and 5 mg (MN-II, MN-III, MN-IV) harmaline hydrochloride dihydrate (HARMALINE; 4.9/7.5/ 1 3.7 mg harmaline free-base; ACROSORGANICS, eel, Belgic). In each case, I had sigG nificant and dramatic potentiation of this threshold-dose of M, irrespective of the diminishing dosage of HARMALINE-that is, even the minimal dose was appreciably as effective as the maximal in this regard. MN-vwas a control-experiment insuffiating simply 10 mg HARMALINE 7.5 mg base), which provoked no noticeable effects. (or For MN-VII insuffiated 5 mg Mwith 5 mg harmine hydrochloride dihydrate (HARMINE; 3.7 mg harmine free-base; ACROS ORGANICS), hich gave effects commensurate w with MN-I (10 mg M nean-v-borh 13-carbolines roughly doubling the potency of M. 5-MeO-DMT-SUBLINGUALPSYCHONAUTICS [MS]-Seven bioassays with sublingual M (MS-I-MS-VII) sufficed for characterizing its buccal pharmacology, which proved for all intents and purposes to be a mirror-image of intranasal M, with respect to dosage, pharmacodynamics and 13-carboline-synergy. In MS-I, 10 mg sublingual Mwas virtually indistinguishable from that quantity intranasally (MN-I); likewise for MSII and MS-III (10 mg M + 10 and 5 mg HARMALINE, espectively). For MS-IVI halved r the dose of M free-base to 5 mg, with 5 mg HARMALINE 3.7 mg base). This gave (or a threshold-level effect essentially on a par with 10 mg M neat, whether sublingually or intranasally, leading me to estimate that addition of small amounts of HARMALINE approximately doubled the potency of a given dose of M, albeit immaterial with respect to the pharmacodynamics, which remain about the same cum or sans HARMALINE.This point was underscored by a control-bioassay (MS-V),in which I absorbed simplY1OmgHARMALINESublingually. UnlikeMN-v (the same quantity intranasally) ,
Ihi inexplicably elicited quite appreciable effects: 12-15 minute incubation; rrippys nsation and acouasm (tinnitus) at 18 minutes; building to peak by 35-40 minutes, neither stimulating nor exactly sedating, a feeling of pharmacological possession; learly diminishing by 45 minutes and fading away just after one hour. Synergy with M being commensurate in both cases, I am at a loss to explain the dramatic disparity between effects perceived after 10 mg intranasal and sublingual HARMALINE neat. It is quite as singular as it is remarkable that sublingual HARMALINE-pharmacokinetics should be thus virtually congruent with those both of sublingual and intranasal M. Finally, for MS-VI, I comminuted 10 mg of M with 5 mg of HARMINE(3.7 mg base) for dosing, harmine being principal alkaloid of Banisteriopsis stems. I could detect no appreciable difference between HARMINEand HARMALINE with regard to potentiation of M, although in this case the experience was stretched-out: visionary effects didn't commence until nigh on 20 minutes, and only at 1:30 was diminution clearly apparent. In MS-VIII bioassayed 10 mg of HARMINEsublingually; no obvious effects. De Smet [I985A] reported neither a notable psychoactive [njor somatic effect following insuffiation of 0.5 mg/kg harmine free-base, nor could the drug be detected via a chemical assay (sensitive to 2 ng/ml) in blood-samples taken 15,30,60,120 and 240 minutes post-ingestion. This was near fivefold my own dose-level of sublingual harmaline (Ms-v)-which had showed incontrovertible psycho activity, albeit as an HCLsalt-although the same 10 mg dose was likewise inactive intranasally (MN-V). Shulgin and Shulgin [1997] reported 300 mg harmine sublingually, the psychonaut: pleasantly relaxed and withdrawn; 750 mg effected dizziness, nausea and ataxia.
5-MeO-DMT-ORAL PSYCHONAUTICS [MO]- We have seen that Shulgin and Shulgin [1997] characterized Mas bei ng not orally active, evidently based on a single bioas: say of 35mg-whether as free-base or salt was not specified-giving only two words to describe the experimen t: no activity. While that datum of course stands unchallenged, as I have said, the conclusion was premature. In the course of extensive bioassays of Pharmahuasca'" (oral M combined with HARMALINE)n Netherlands duri ing November 1998, involving roughly 20 psychonauts, I began to suspect that M showed significant oral activity in its own right. Accordingly, in MO-I, I ingested 30 mg M free-base, encapsulated, to preclude any possibility of contact with my buccal mucosa. By 12 minutes there were signs of activity; fritiniency (tinnitus), euphoria and stimulation at 18 minutes; peaking around 40 minutes, decidedly a thresholdlevel dose; clearly diminishing at 48 minutes; the magical varnish over the world all but evaporated just past one hour. In intensity this was roughly commensurate to 10 mg M sublingually or intranasally (MS-I, MN-I); that is, when exposed to gastric
MAOin my body-as opposed to possible MAOin my buccal or nasal mUCOS<C-M had about 113 the potency. Of course, one facet of biochemical idiosyncrasy is broad variation between individuals with regard to titers of MAO,especially gastric, and I know myself to be a lOW-MAO phenotype, which could explain why 30 mg of Mwas decidedly psychoactive for me; contrariwise 35 mg for another psychonaut was not [vide Ott 1997]. In the Pharmahuasca'" bioassay-series, it was established that ro mg oral M combined with harmaline was the nominal psychoptic dose; 20 mg being potent for many people; 30 mg being too much for some. The highest single dose tested was 50 mg, which proved to be repeatable one hour or so after the first dose had faded. As for harmaline as activator of oral M, 60 mg (expressed as free-base) proved to be the minimal dose which would work for most people-I, however, was able to get activation at the 40 mg-level (with a ro mg dose of M, which per sewas inactive for me), whereas a single test with 20 mgM and 50 mg harmaline in five psychonauts was inactive for all, which suggested I tend toward the low-gastric-xrxo phenotype. For me some tenfold more harmaline (40 mg: 3.7 mg) had been necessalY to activate gastric M via MAo-inhibition, as had sufficed to potentiate M in my mouth or nose, presumably pera parallel mechanism, suggesting dissolution in gastric juices exposes M either to higher titers OfMAO,or for longer periods, or both. On the other hand, tripling the gastric dose of M, absent MAar, was sufficient to overcome gastric MAO. In any case, it would be more conservative (i.e. lower alkaloid-load) simply to ingest more Morally, as opposed to taking lower doses cum MAar, and be more sensible still to ingest combinations of M with these minuscule doses of harmaline sublingually or intranasally. Nevertheless, in the case of Pharmahuasca'" the duration of the experience is prolonged-as opposed to the rapid onset of a 50-60 minute effect, with Pharmahuasca" the incubation-period extends about one hour, at times 1.5 hours, and the effects last some two hours (or longer for some), roughly evenly partitioned into plateau- and descent-phases. In my experience, there is no significant difference in basic pharmacodynamics between Mand DMTin pharmahuasca [vide Ott 1999B]. V1ROLA-RES1N-SUBLINGUAL PSYCHONAUTICS [vs]-I conducted three experiments with a commercially-available Virola resin (courtesy of BORISCRARY, Tokyo, Japan), prepared pursuant to traditional (Bora and Witoto) methods in Peru, from curnalabark (V. calophylloidea, V.calophyllaor V.peruviana). For vs-r, I ingested sublingually a bolus of 1.0 g of this thick paste, coated in wood-ashes. Beginning at 8-10 minutes I detected a definite tryptaminic activity, which alas did not develop much and was evident up to the one- hour point-subthreshold. Accordingly, for vs- II I tri turated 1.0 g of resin with 10 mg HARMALINE and 0.25 g sodium bicarbonate, coating the
bolus in cocoa-powder and, once dissolved, leaving it in my mouth until 45 minutes had elapsed. This elicited a mild, threshold-level effect, much like MS-III (to mg of M + 5mgHARMALINEsublingually). For vs-rn, I doubled that dose, to 2.0 g, two boli prepared as pervs- II. This effected a sensibly-stronger response than VS-II, albeit still mild; decidedly tryptamine-like, but with additional pharmacological grace-notes.
John Marks [1979] has chronicled the shameful history of the clandestine Usan CIA mind-control project MKULTRA and its predecessor ARTICHOKE,with which the company sought to appropriate divers fruits of meretriciously-financed academic research to its own perverse ends-development of pharmacological interrogationtechnology and an arsenal of non-conventional chemical weaponry. Bufotenine was one of more than 800 compounds tested duplicitously under the direction of Harris S. Isbell at the u.s. Public Health Service Addiction Research Center Hospital (officially classified as a penitentiary) in Lexington, Kentucky (of which he was then director) as well as 14 other penal institutions and mental hospitals [Lee & Shlain 1992]. Fabing and Hawkins [1956] first reported on intravenous injection of the creatinine-sulfate salt of bufotenine (received from Upjohn Co.) into four hapless convicts at the Ohio State Penitentiary in 1955. Five experiments were conducted, using doses of I, 2, 4, 8 and 16 mg, injected slowly and steadily over a 3-minute period. These unethical bioassays provoked parlous cardiovascular effects: If the color of an eggplant were diluted, it would approximate the unique purple hue of the faces of these subjects, and even the I mg dose provoked corporeal pain and nausea. Only the subjects receiving 4 and 8 mg seemed in any way to enjoy their experiences, and these doses as well as 16 mg evoked transient visual phenomena: all subjects reported seeing brightly-colored, errant spots, leading the authors to conclude bufotenine was hallucinogenic, being reminiscent of LSD'5and mescaline, with which they were obviously wholly unfamiliar. Duration of these effects increased in proportion as the dose was augmented-from 6 minutes for I mg, to about an hour for 16 mg. Turner and Merlis [1959] then catalogued their own perverse experiments using bufotenine, nxrr and their laboratory-analogue of Anadenanthera snuff, on helpless mental patients [sic] (non-convict prisoners of the Central Islip State Hospital in New York), as well as others by Isbell, employing NUl-snuff (vide CHAPTERONE) and intranasal bufotenine. Isbell had experimented with doses up to 1.0 g of NIHsnuff repeated at intervals of 30 minutes, observing neither subjective nor objective effects. The same negative results followed: spraying with as much as 40 mg. of
"1"1 'A
bu r l '11 in r ann me ulfare (presumably into the nostrils-this would correspond to 14 mg bu fotcnine-base). When bufotenine as free-base or creatinine-sulfate salt was blown into the nares by Turner and Merlis, 6-10 mg doses produced: fear, associated with Bushing of the face, lacrimation [sic], tachycardia, and tachypnea. They were quite unable to induce an intoxication [sicJ by the use of the snuff in doses as high as 560 mg, containing approximately 6 mg. of bufotenine (or I.I%). Bufotenine was then injected intravenously into 14 schizophrenics in doses up to 20 mg, which predictably caused circulatory crises (eplurn-colored face), making the patients: frightened to an extreme degree! Unbelievably, these mad doctors injected bufotenine into five patients as they were coming out of insulin-coma or following EST [Electro-shock Therapy (sic)], and into three others after administration of reserpine or chlorpromazine: Each of these injections almost proved fatal in small amounts (between 2.5 and 5.0 mg.)>>.Following reserpine, one victim: ceased to breathe after but one deep inhalation and resumed breathing only after a minute or so of artificial respiration! Turner and Merlis remarked offha~dedly: Never have we obtained evidence of disturbance of sensation of any modality, particularly no visual or auditory disturbance asidefrom that associated with lossof consciousness (italics mine), although they cited intramuscular injections of bufotenine by Isbell-in doses between 10-12.5 mg-as having provoked hallucinations or psychoptic phenomena: These consisted of a play of colors, lights, and patterns. The group of Bon hour [1967 J experimented upon 14 patients in an Argentine mental hospital, injecting bufotenine (mono-r) oxalate intravenously in doses as high as 16 mg; psychic alterations commencing above 12mg (12-16 mg bufotenine mono-oxalate = 8.4-1I.I mg base; or of bufotenine hi-oxalate = 6-4-8.5 rng). Again, there was profound physical discomfort at doses in excess of 6 mg (4.2 [or 3.2J mg bufotenine-base): nausea, lividity, a feeling of being about to die, and the higher doses provoked an intensification of color-perception, colored hallucinations and other psychoptic phenomena, accompanied by ego-dissolution and depersonalization in five assays, lasting approximately two hours; in some cases up to two days. In the unique published report involving a truly voluntary subject, McLeod and Sitaram [1985Jdocumented intranasal and intravenous administration of bufotenine oxalate to a single subject with previous experience with a number ofhallucinogenic substances. Intense local irritation was the only effect found after solutions of 1, 2,4,8, and 16 mg (apparently expressed as free-base) bufotenine oxalate were placed on the nasal mucosa. The same subject was later given 2, 4 and 8 mg ofbufotenine (as base) per intravenous injections of the oxalate salt. The lower doses provoked but anxiety, whereas 8 mg elicited: profound emotional and perceptual changes ... [106J
xtrerne anxiety, a sense that death was imminent, and a visual disturbance which was associated with colour reversal and distortion. Immersed in the semiotic confusion ever dogging this field, the authors concluded that with bufotenine: frank hallucinations per sewere not present, although it was a psychotomimetic agent. There are a handful of accounts of psychonautic bioassays with Anadenanthera snuffs. Pages Larraya [1959J gave an interesting report of his extensive tests of toasted, crushed seeds of A. colubrina var. Cebil from Argentina. To achieve the maximal effects of cebil-snuff, he always used an amount of the powder that would fill to the brim the depressions in typical snuff-trays, or <<l00g! I assume this be a misprint, and he in fact meant 10 g, which itselfwould be a massive dose to snuff. While he tells us not how many bioassays were conducted, these were spread out over three months, and it is evident led Pages Larraya to plumb the depths of cebil-inebriation. He described depersonalization, stupor and experiences consubstantial with consciousness of the numinous, also noting how his psyche became: saturated anew with unnatural terror due to my certainty Iwas party to some mystery surpassing known limits, in which cases he would always be as though removed from reality for some hours. Wassen and Holrnstedt [1963J animadverted to an early account ofSnethlage [1937J, in wh ich he described insufflation of an Arnniapa-snuff consisting of: angico [Anadenanthera?J seeds, tobacco-powder and the ash of some barb. With snuff-experts C. Manuel Torres and Agustin Llagostera, I assayed cebil seedsnuff in northern Chile [Ott 1995CJ, using seeds we had collected in northern Argentina. Even a pea-sized, unilateral insufflation (AN-I) of the crushed, toasted seeds evoked a mild but distinct effect, following which we diluted the powder with a bit of sodium bicarbonate-both being a base, in emulation of ashen additives, and as a pharmaceutical drying-agent, to facilitate finer pulverization, hence more extensive dispersal over our nasal mucosa. Snuffing a double amount bilaterally (AN-II) provoked distinct visionary effects in us all, commencing in a few minutes and peaking in five, with a to-minute plateau and ry-minute descent in my case. There was only a slight and transient physical discomfort attending the rush, succeeded by tryptamine-like tinnitus and sinuous, multihued, arabesque patterns, first viewed behind closed eyes, then on a stuccoed wall in a darkened hallway, at length even on surfaces in the kitchen-laboratory illuminated via a skylight by the crepuscular, desert sun. The following January, at the ENTHEOBOTANY SEMINARS Palenque, Chiapas, in a subsequent collaborator in our cebil snuff-study, Christian Ratsch [1996AJ, ingested bilaterally approximately 0.5 g of this cebil-snuff, and he gave a superb account of his fantastic visionary experience, including drawings of sinuous art-motifs from Chiapas and from a famous carving at Chavln de Huantar, Peru, which he had lik[107J
n l t his cebtL-visions. The following year, Castillo [1997] published his visionary cxpcrien e from having snuffed a Piaroa yuwa-powder (A. peregrina var. peregrina) in Yen zuela, after he had chewed a piece of cap! liana-stern, doubtless Banisteriopsis caapi; and I have cited Plotkin's [1993A,1993B]bioassayofWaika hisiomi- plus epenasnuffs. Numerous additional bioassays by me and others in my presence have established that cebil seed-powder is even more potent smoked-alone or with tobacco (as be presently the custom among the Wichi ofArgentina)-than it is as an errhine. My bufotenine-bioassays were designated pharmafiopo [Ott 200lA], and again subdivided according to ingestion route: inrraxasal (BN-series); sublingual (ss-series): oral (no-series): vaporized and inhaled (sv-series): finally, intranectal (an-series). ISOLATIONANDPURIFICATIONOF BUFOTENINE-From a mixed collection of seeds of Anadenanthera colubrina var. Cebil gathered in northern Argentina, 125 g were ground in a small blender-jar, then twice extracted by stirring for 8 hours in 500 ml 96% ethanol acidified up to 1% tartaric acid. The combined, filtered extracts were concentrated under reduced pressure and below 50C to 150 ml, which was transferred to a separatory-funnel and diluted with 200 ml water, the pH adjusted to 3-4 by addition of concentrated hydrochloric acid reagent. Considerable fat precipitated from the ethanol on dilution with water. The solution was defatted, extracting 6x with 30 ml chloroform, which was set aside. The defatted extract was basified to pH 8-9 by addition of ammonium hydroxide reagent, then extracted 8x with 200ml chloroform, the combined chloroform-extracts evaporated under reduced pressure to yield a foamy, yellowish oil which dissolved completely in 50 ml hot ethyl acetate. This solution was concentrated to 15ml and left overnight under refrigeration. The following day there were a brace of tiny rosettes of dark-brownish crystals forming at the base of the flask, which was alternated between periods under refrigeration and standing unstoppered at room-temperature, resulting in the formation over 48 hours oflarge masses-some larger than a centimeter-of dark-brownish, prismatic crystals. I decanted the mother-liquor, rinsed this crystalline mass with cold ethyl acetate dried over magnesium sulfate, then dried the crystals under reduced pressure, recovering 4.1 g oflarge, free-flowing, sparkling (albeit brownish) crystals with a melting-point of I25-I26c. These were twice recrystallized from dry ethyl acetate yielding 3.87 g off-white bufotenine free-base crystals (3.10%); despite loss of chromophores on successive recrystallizations, the melting-point remained I24-I26c. Six reports of isolated bufotenine free-base, fromAmanita citrina (SCHAEFFER) GRAY [Wieland & Morzel 1953]andAnadenantheraspecies [Alvares Pereira 1957; Iacobucci & Ruveda 1964; Pachter et at. 1959; Rendon 1985; Stromberg 1954], disclosed a brace [108]
f crystalline isoforms from ethyl acetate: one melting from [I23-]124-I26[-I29]OC and the other 146-147[-I50]OC. Furthermore, two reports of synthetic material gave distinct melting-points from ethyl acetate: 146-147C [Speeter &Anthony 1954] and 138-1400C [Stoll et at. 1955], indicative of yet a third isoform-in all cases involving the lower-melting-point isoforms, repeated recrystallizations and further purifications did not alter the melting-point, as I also observed. On the other hand, Iacobucci and Ruveda [1964] showed that seeding a recrystallization-solution with crystals having a 146-147C melting-point gave only crystals of that type; the lower-melting-point isoform (their initial isolated material melted at 123-124C) could not be regenerated by reversing such operation. By manipulating some conditions of recrystallizations (always from ethyl acetate), I was able to produce crystals melting at 145-147C, and also found seeding a saturated-solution of my lower-melting-point crystals with the higher-melting isoform gave only crystals of the latter type. This phenomenon has been reported for DMTfree-base, which likewise seems to crystallize as three distinct isoforms from hexane; melting-points from 44-74 c having been reported [Shulgin & Shulgin 1997]. As was the case with bufotenine, the Fish-group [1956] synthesized DMTfree-base, which melted at 47-49C from hexane-whereas seeding of solutions with an authentic specimen of m.p. 73-74" gave only crystals melting at 71-73C.
BUFOTENINE-INTRANASAL PSYCHONAUTICS [BN]-Nine bioassays (BN-I-BN-IX: 5, 10, 20, 30,40, 50, 60, 80, 100 mg) enabled me to establish the visionary intranasal threshold-dose of bufotenine. Insufflating 40 mg of bufotenine free-base in BN-V indubitably led me to the visionary threshold, with the followin$pharmacodynarnics: the first signs of activity (tintinnacion) at 5 minutes; clear tryptaminic body-effects at 25 minutes; peak between 35-40 minutes, with unmistakable diminution by 5 minutes; and evanescent after-effects up to 90 minutes. Even 5, 10, 20 and 30 mg of bufotenine free-base (BN-I-BN-IV) were perceptibly psychoactive in every case, there commencing closed-eye luminosity and scintillation at 20 mg (BN-m), whereas 30 mg in BN-IVbrought me tantalizingly close to the threshold: tinnitus commencing at 18 minutes; closed-eye luminosity at 32 minutes; all the characteristic bodily sensations of tryptamines being evident by 36 minutes, albeit sans further psychoptic manifestation; with peak attained at 45 minutes and a clear diminution at 60. Like cebiL-seeds snuffed and smoked, intranasal bufotenine free-base is throughout quite physically relaxing, and in no case was there facial rubescence, nor any scintilla of discomfort; nary a disquieting, disesteeming side-effect. BN-VI-BN-VIII (50, 60, 80 mg bufotenine free-base) gave progressively stronger effects with similar pharmacodynamics. In BN-IX, I snuffed 100 mg bufotenine free-base alone, which departed
SHAMANI SNUFF from lower doses in that colored patterns with eyes closed presented at 15mi nute . Strangely, absent nausea, I vomited thrice at 35 minutes, which didn't happen with the same dose orally (BO-I). For BN-X,I snuffed 25 mg bufotenine comminuted with 12 mg HARMALINE-as with intranasal5-Meo-DMT, this appeared roughly to double the potency, commensurate with 50 mg bufotenine neat; while in BN-XI-5 mg HARMINEinsufflated with 40 mg bufotenine-there may have been too little HARMINE for potentiation-effects were weaker than I had anticipated. Not so BN-XII, 50 mg bufotenine plus 10 mgHARMINE; stronger than BN-VIII(80 mg bufotenine neat). Emulating Piaroa, Pume and Guahibo chewing of Banisteriopsis prior to taking Anadenanthera snuffs, for BN-XIII I took 20 mg HARMALINE sublingually, 20 minutes prior to insufflating 50 mg bufotenine-this seemed sensibly stronger than BN-VI (50 mgB, IN), but I daren't assert a pharmacological rationale for the Indian practice. BUFOTENINE-SUBLINGUALPSYCHONAUTICS [Bs]-In BS-I, I ingested 50 mg bufotenine free-base sublingually, which-again like 5-Meo-DMT-was roughly equivalent both as to intensity and pharmacodynamics, to the same dose applied intranasally (BN-VI). For BS-II, I took 50 mg bufotenine plus 10 mg HARMALINE, hich was apw preciably stronger, roughly comparable to BN-XII (50 mg B + 10 mg HARMINE,IN). BUFOTENINE-ORALPSYCHONAUTICS [BO]- We have seen that in this century Piro Indians of the Peruvian montafiawere reported to ingestAnadenanthera seeds orally, in 1539the Incans were said to add vilca (perhaps Anadenanthera seeds) to divinatory chichas, and in 1703 the Allentiac and Millcayac Indians were described as chewing cibil-seeds like coca, as a stimulant. Based on his personal bioassays, Hofmann [1963] noted 50 mg oral bufotenine had been inactive, while Wassen and Holmstedt [1963] cited a personal communication from Isbell, regarding his cruel research for the CIA, to the effect that: oral ingestion of bufotenine in doses running up to 100 mg (total dose) ... were without effect-from the loose wording ofIsbell's statement, it is unclear whether he meant that 100 mg had been administered orally as a singLe dose, nor did he specify whether this referred to free-base or a creatinine-sulfate salt. I highly doubt he had administered any single dose of 100 mg bufotenine free-base, inasmuch as I ingested that quantity encapsulated in BO-I, anditwas most decidedly active, albeit mild. I felt first activity-tinnitus-at 20 minutes, which developed slowly and lasted a total of roughly two hours. At the peak, around the 1:30 point, there was a subtle, scin tillant strobe-effect thoughout the visual field in low light, lasting about 30 minutes, but absent classic rryptarninic colored patterns. In BO-II, I swallowed a capsule with 20 mg bufotenine plus 53 mg HARMALINE 0 mg base). (4
This was but scant less potent than BO-I (100 mg B)-the
same pharmacodynamics.
BUFOTENINE-VAPORIZEDPSYCHONAUTICS [BV]- When I recovered my first crystals of presumed bufotenine, to aid in characterizing these, I placed a few milligrams on aluminum-foil to ascertain any melting characteristics, whether it would exude a visible vapor, and in which case I could detect the classic tryptamine-like odor to such vapor. This indeed proved to be the case, and instead of merely whiffing a trace of the vapor indirectly, I rather inhaled some through my nose. To my astonished delight, this was surprisingly active-accordingly designated BV-I-Ieading me to interrupt laboratory-work to recline outside in the darkness at the edge of the forest to observe and enjoy the unexpected bioassay. Since I have no idea of the dose, it makes no sense to describe the experience. Thenceforth in my bufotenine-vapor experiments, I carefully vaporized over an alcohol-lamp doses weighed onto a piece of thick aluminum-foil made into a semi-ball, in the opening of which would fit the flared end of a female-ball-joint-tipped glass-tube. I was thus able to capture all of the vapor, and furthermore able to weigh the foil and tube before and after to ensure I had inhaled the entire dose. For BV-II-BV-V, I inhaled and retained for at least 45 seconds the vapors of 2,4,6 and 8 mg of bufotenine free-base. All four doses were psychoactive, increasing in intensity in proportion to dosage, but all showing the same approximate pharmacodynamics, except for the time of onset which, at 45,35, 25 and 18 seconds, decreased as the dose was augmented. By 2 minutes there was the first clear signal, tinnitus, a peak between 4 and 5minutes, unmistakable diminution by 7-9 minutes, with lessening effects evident for a full hour-even the 2 mg dose had perceptible after-effects to the 90-minute point! In BV-II-BV-IV, the psychoptic effects were limited to a shimmering magical varnish over the world in low light, accompanied by psithurisrn, while in BV-V(8 mg), at 7-8 minutes, there were ringlike, swirling colored patterns with eyes closed; visible but fainter, with eyes opened in low light. For BV-VI,I inhaled intranasaLLy the vapor of 2 mg bufotenine, which gave an effect stronger than the same dose in BV-II (inhaled through the mouth), oddly with retarded pharmacodynamics: first effects at 1:20, tinitus at 3 minutes, 56 minute peak, with closed-eye luminosity and scintillation at the 8-minute point. BUFOTENINE-INTRARECTAL PSYCHONAUTICS [BR]-Inasmuch as Katawishi, Maue and Omagua Indians were reported to injectAnadenanthera seed- and leaf-clysters, it seemed apposite to probe intrarectal bufotenine-pharmacology. De Smet [1983] had found up to 125mg DMT(as <185mg bioxalatesalt in 15ml water) to be: without any discernible effect-I suspect such high doses of the free-base would have been [In]
by triturating 30 mg bufotenine with 0.25 g sodium bicarbonate into a gram of cacao-butter. Mild physical, sans psychoptic, effects developed quickly and lasted roughly an hour. For BR-II, I inserted an identical suppository with addition of 10 mg HARMALINE, which proved to be subthreshold. Finally, in BR-III, a 50 mg bufotenine-suppository with 10 mg HARMALINE, threshold-level psychoptic effects resul ted. Ini tial tinni tus commencing at 15 minutes led to closed-eye scintillation and luminosity at the peak, around 45 minutes, followed by the characteristic, shimmery magic varnish over the world.
Nicotrol'" this still effected noisome nasal irritation, a transient burning sensation akin to piquant chile-alkaloid capsaicine [Merck Index 12: I8rr]. Accordingly, for NNv I added the local anresthetic procaine HCL [Merck Index 12: 7937] to nicotine-solutions, so that each spray deliver 10 mg procaine and 2.0 mg nicotine. This largelybut not fully-ameliorated' the burning from nicotine, particularly during repeated applications, and other local ansesrhetics have likewise been tried with great success. The crystalline bitartrate salt of nicotine proved to be all but worthless as a medium of nicotine-delivery, and was only effective ifbasified sufficiently with sodium bicarbonate so as to neutralize the tartaric acid. Procaine is psychoactive in its own right, possibly an MAOI,and prototypical smart drug in the Romanian Gerooital'" (GH-3) [Dean & Morgenthaler 1990]. Given probable neuroprotectivity of nicotine against Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinsonism, we've makings of a nootropic smart snuff; while a new company develops a pulmonary snuff-technology I highlighted in PHARMACOPHILIA [Inhale 1999]. Procaine in high intravenous doses appears to have visionary properties-in 32 human subjects, all had auditory hallucinations and nine reported psychoptic effects. Whereas nine subjects experienced only fear and anxiety, another nine were instead treated to intense euphoria [Perrine I996]! NICOTINE-SUBLINGUALPSYCHONAUTICS [NS]-Again utilizing standard-solutions of nicotine, I commenced modeling sublingual nicotine, pharmambil. In NS-I, 1.0 mg of sublingual nicotine produced negligible results and 2.0 mg (xs-n) was barely perceptible. In NS-III, 4.0 mggave a rapid and satisfYing nicotine-rush, commencing within 25-30 seconds and lasting until 3 minutes. But 8.4 mg sublingual nicotine (NS-IV)first thing in the morning proved excessive, producing dizziness, causing me to rinse-out my mouth at once, although I have easily tolerated doses as high as 15 mg nicotine during repeated ingestion, bespeaking rapid development of tolerance. For NS-Vand NS-VI,I spaced two 8,{ mgdoses by exactly one hour, the second being significantly weaker; I repeated this experiment (NS-VIIand Ns-vm), but left 2 hours and 15minutes between doses-the second dose was nearly as powerful as the first, suggesting nicotine-tolerance lasts some 3hours. Such tolerance as rapidly disappears. In contrast to drugabuseology-doctrine, I've never experienced the slightest nicotinewithdrawal syndrome, even following prolonged ingestion, exceeding 100 mg/ day. I also made preliminary experiments with buccal chimo or ambil, confected by steeping fresh tobacco-leaves from my garden in water, periodically heated to near boiling, for some 24 hours, after which the leaves were expressed, then their filtered juice inspissated, by simmering on low heat. During this process I added wood-ashleachate and flavorings (crushed, dried leaves ofjusticia pectoralis, Vanilla pod and
PHARMANUNU AND PHARMAMBIL: NICOTINE-PSYCHONAUTICS Exemplary of psych on au tic posology is my detailed review of nicotine-pharmacology [Merck Index 12: 66rr; Pharmacotheon NO. 36] in PHARMACOPHILIA ORTHE NATURAL PARADISES1997]; especially comparative pharmacodynamics [ of tobacco and intranasal, buccal and pulmonary nicotine-an interested reader will find relevant bibliographic citations therein [vide item: On 200IC]. I'll merely summarize salient highlights of my comprehensive psychonautic bioassays of tobaccos and nicotine. NICOTINE-INTRANASALPSYCHONAUTICS[NN]-I began modeling pharmanunu employing the pharmaceutical preparation Nicotrol us" (NN-I and NN-II), a pumpsprayer calibrated to deliver a mist of 0.5 mg nicotine into each nostril-this is sold by prescription only, and grossly overpriced, at some US$50 for 100 mg (10 ml @ 10 mg/ml). In these two experiments, I insufflated first single, and then double, sprays into each nostril (1.0 and 2.0 mg nicotine, respectively). Not only is this product no bargain, but the spray is so irritating that it provokes repeated sneezing, and I was never able to absorb enough to enjoy the nicotine-v-I highly commend it as a sternutatory, but as a nicotine-delivery device, it is worthless. Any pharmacist worth her salt could come up with a far better formulation in a single, short afternoon in the apothecary-lab. With a refillable pump-sprayer such as used for dispensing asthmamedications-which one can calibrate simply by adding a known amount ofliquid and counting the number of sprays yielded-I prepared my own stock-solutions of nicotine free-base (which is a light oil miscible with water) for further experiments. In NN-III, I insufflated 1.0 mg nicotine in a single spray into each nostril, which gave barely-perceptible results. Doubling the concentration, in NN-IV I administered 2.0, mg bilaterally, for a total dose of 4.0 mg. This was quite satisfactory, provoking a rapid (25-30 seconds) nicotine-rush, which peaked in 2-3 minutes, with a fine cerebral stimulation perceptible for about an hour. Although far less irritating than the
rushed ginger-rhizome), lastly sweetening with honey prior to the final concentration, to a consistency of hard raflywhen cooled. This cbimo had a delightful taste of caramel, although I had been careful never to burn it, nor to allow boiling during the concentration, inasmuch as nicotine would have steam-distilled off. About a 2 g bolus stuck to my lower front-teeth would dissolve under my tongue and produce a mild sublingual nicotine-effect (I knew from fumatory bioassays my wild tobacco was rather weak, hence I enriched the chimo with nicotine for stronger stimulation). NICOTINE-ORAL PSYCHONAUTICS [NO]- The best-known medicinal nicotine-delivery modality is Nicorette" chewing-gum (squares of gum with 2 and 4 mg doses of nicotine polacrilex), and human pharmacological research suggests it is an inefficient means of nicotine-delivery. In NO-I, I found a 2 mg dose of nicotine-gum to have barely-perceptible effects, even upon rapid and vigorous chewing. A single 4 mg dose (NO-II) of Nicorettef again ruminated rapidly, led to a mild nicotine-stimulation, but such chewing led me to swallow a goodly portion of the nicotine, which quickly produced singultus (yexes or hiccups), lasting a minute or so. Finally, in NOIII, masticating two 4 mg pieces of gum (8 mg nicotine), I was able to achieve a decent stimulation from nicotine, albeit building slowly, absent any pleasurable rush.
SNUFFY MISCELLANEA, BY WAYOF CONCLUSION Based on my intranasal and sublingual bioassays of 5-MeO-DMTand abundant phytochemical data showing this to be the main or sole tryptamine in Virola snuffs and oral pastes, I confidently assert this compound to be the major psychoptic principle of shamanic Virola preparations. Oo-koo-he-snsses likely do not contain enough tryptamines for oral activity-as McKenna's bioassay showed-although as little as 1.0 g of the same sample swallowed (1.5-2.0 g) would represent an active sublingual dose; even less with addition of Banisteriopsis liana-since similar tobacco-pastes at times also contain such, this may point to further degeneracy of this pharmacognosy. By the same token, based on some two dozen bioassays of bufotenine, extensive experience with cebil-seed as snuff and fumatory, and consistent phytochemical data showing bufotenine be by far the principal tryptamine in Anadenanthera seeds, I confidently assert that bufotenine is the major inebriating principle of nopo-snuffs; likewise ofIncan vilca-chichas and Mura/Omagua-potions (taken orally or rectally); Anadenanthera leaf-snuffs (as Omagua-curupd) would owe activity to 5-MeO-DMT. Erroneous statements in re bufotenine-psychoactivity and oral activity (also of 5-Meo-DMT) are legion, and it would be a tedious and invidious exercise to endeavor [114]
'numerate them, other than to note that I can't myself avoid donning that parti.ular dunce-cap, owing to careless statements in first editions of two books, 'though I .ndeavor to correct my mistakes [I996,1999B]. I shouldn't fail, however, to cite one paper outstanding for tendentious and repetitive wrong-headedness. Lyttle's group I (996] assembled an impressive bibliography of 600 sources (citing but 134) on bufotenine, a priori dismissed as an alleged psychedelic, and no fewer than 16 times stated erroneously: bufotenine is not psychedelic (four times); is not hallucinogenio} (five times); is not psychoactive (seven times); etc., etc., ad nauseam. Rather than study (then cite) their valuable bibliography, they relied notably on secondary sources, falling into errors, such as failing to cite Isbell's subjects experiencing a play of colors, lights, and patterns, after 1Mbufotenine [per Davis & Weil 1992; Weil & Davis 1994?]; and although the Bonhour-group's paper [1967] was listed, it was not cited nor apparently read, given its report of: depersonalization ... flow or gushing of colors ... euphori]a] following IVbufotenine! Withal, a big bufotenine-boner ... Given our contemporalY fixation on DMT,many will be surprised by the oral activity of 5-MeO-DMTand bufotenine. They oughtn't be-in this respect, DMTis the exception, not the rule, among tryptamines (of some 30 simple tryptamines reported psychoactive by Shulgin & Shulgin [1997], 28 are so orally, the other exception not having been tried thus). We knowthat N,N-dipropylnyptamine [DPT;PHARMACOTHEON NO. 10; TIHKALNO.9] i active intranasally from 35-200 mg [Case 1999; Gwyllm 1999; Toad 1999J; also N-methyl-N-isopropylrryptamine [MIPT;TIHKALNO. 47 J, 20 mg; and N,N-diethyltryptamine [DET;PHARMACOTHEON NO.5; TIHKALNO. 3J, circa 100 mg [Gartz 1999 J. Migraine-drug Imitrex" or sumatriptan [Merck Index 12: 9172J (y-rnethanesulfonamide-m-rr, a uc inate salt, 45.5% DMT; dosages stated as base, 64% DMT), herald of a veri tab I rriptan gold-rush (= pharmaceutical Drugs peak [Dally 1995J for TRYPTAmiNe)is active both intranasally (20 mg) and orally (50-100 rng), having minor psychoactiviry-s-che prospectus [Cerenex 1993J lists euphoria, intoxication, hyperesthesia among adverse reactions, while claiming the drug be specific to 5-HI;o serotonine-receptors, 'though now known to have affinity for three other subtypes [Kebabian & Neumeyer 1994; Watts & Cohen 1999J. Since bufotenine and LSD(both Schedule I) likewise bind to 5-HI;D[Callaway & McKenna 1998J, sumatripran is a controlled-substance analogue as both to structure and pharmacology. I confess I ignored contraindication of sumatriptan with MAOI,and found harmaline enhanced both oral and sublingual activity-guess I shan'tbe able to sue the manufacturer for my adverse reactions, scarcely worth writing home to mother about, in any case. Mexican prices for Imigran" (100 mg tablets) correspond to DMTat just over $I75/gram, doubtless quite competitive with occasional black-market sources.
1 ()
Junebris (Llave) Vischer
Dime quien eres... y que haces aqui, y que quieres de mf y por que me has hecho Hamar. Dime si quieres que te corte, 0 si quieres venir conmigo, y como quieres que re lleve, que yo te consrruire una casa con una heredad. Enronees aquel arbol 0 ZEMi, heeho Idolo 0 diablo, Ieresponde, diciendole la formaen que quierequelo haga. Y el lo corra, ylo haee del modo que Ie ha ordenado ... Ramon Pane, Relacion acerca de !as antigiiedades de los indios [1496)
Cohoba-copse, portentous sagacity susurrant, lowing limbs windwhispery animated, leafy living language luxuriant; astir, yes, aflame, aglow, dying embers of day glancing 'round the glen, lambent o'er lisping listening leaves. Leafen Logos,istenerlonging, l susurrant, shamansummoning; writhing roots, soothsighingwindwhispers caressing crepuscular calm. Mrighted by cohoba s wriggling roots, holding hostage his homeward haste, in fearful tremulous tones, the wayfarer timidly inquires: who speaks? Susurrant sighs, wan whispers on the wind, a vatic verdant voice volleys: call me a shaman, a buhuitihu-he will tell you who I be. And the buhuitihu made haste to answer her susurrant summons, prostrating himself before the gnarled trunk of the talking tree in abandoned adoration. After a long while, he lifted his head from the ground, 0, and began to intone; with calm authority the buhuitihu started to sing:
The wise BUHUITIHUam I, known to MACOCAEL, Serpent-warrior am, fervent frog-seducer am, Crowned by the stars, herald of the heavens, I am he ... am he, I, he who knows, am. Wise healer am, sly snuffwise doctor am, Mighty ctrsvo-speaking BUHUITIHUam, Breather of COHOBAam, seeing and knowing all am, Inspirer am, 1, he who has no father, am. BAYAMANACO I, of ITIBACAHUBABAorn; am, b The GUANGUAYO COHOBA-Sl1ot flung, of I That sired the Cosmic Turtle of my brother's back, COHOBA-nose am, I, all-healing GUANGUAYO-nOSe am.
(LA LLAVE) VISCHER [Bornbacacese], EW Smith, cacahuax6chitl or poyomatli, flowers of which were added to Aztec cacahuatl-potions and acdyet! tobacco-reeds.
Quararibea fonebris
To Coaybay soa7 soaring spirit-eagle am, Venerable savage am, of CAHUBABAorn, I know, b Know the secret, spectral worlds unseen by men, I Fearless am, I all-seeing am, I BUHUITIHUam. I am who knows what has been; yea, and-what will be, conoax-snuffer am, COHOBA-seer,aye, I soar, ctravo-chewer am, cusvo-sigher am, I speak, aye, Sigh the truth, I, soothsigher am, coaosx-breath sigh I. Sexy seductive seedman am, Cosmic Tree-lover am, Lover of COHOBAam ... COHOBA,she makes love to me, a She penetrates, she pervades me, lofts me on her leafy wings, Soaring o'er celestial, o'er terrestrial realms, see I all. COHOBA-BUHUITIHU am, soothsigher am, he who snuffs, Making COHOBA,making love with thy sensuous seed, Humbled 'neath thy awesome arbor, so beauteous boughs, Sirensweet COHOBA,my sultry savannah-sage, show me now, do! BUHUITIHU am, beseeching thee, 0, beloved COHOBA,thou Beseech I do, speak to me now, show me, 0, do, Be thou not bashful my beauty, let me, 0, let me see! Shaman softly singing, sweet and seductive, urging her vatic verdant velvety voice on the anxious air, tenderly crushing cohoba-seeds, commingling niveous nacreous powder of cohobo-shellcreature, yea, pearly- dust of cohibici-seagems gestated wi thin the aqueous alembic of her wave washed whitewaterywomb. Soothsighsummoning shaman, leafYlanguage listening, boughbreathbeseeching sinuously sways, crooning caritas, sways, hovers, singing and suddenly stops, reverently removing the timeworn taboca from his shaman-stash, coupling bifurcated tips to his nostrils, snorting now sonorously dancing divinatory dust, cosmicatholicon cohoba, gemmy, pulverulent pearly semensnuff sacramental. Snuffing, sneezing, stunned and arboreal awestricken he soars on the wind, on silent susurrant windwhispery wings, lofting leeward leafy limbs oflanguage borne; aloft, alar, aliunde, alchemized alast alone, alofting upon alacritous alary of alkaloidal algarrobo; ambrosialight and aliform he alights on bent knee athwart her arboreal altar, alights, aglow, amaranthine, he, amazed, amatorial:
Reveal thyself to me, a fairest flower mine, So lush and leafy, boughy beauty, thou, Why, a why hast thou summoned me? Be thou not bashful, my blushing, blossomy beauty, Bless me, brave bower of bliss, BUHUITIHUme, Bestow upon me thy most intimate charms, Anoint me with the nepenthic niveous nectar Of thy fragrant, fecund flower ... thou, Whose billowy blossoms, so, a sensuous seeds Sparked and seduced me, entranced me entirely. Bid me behold thy sexquisite secrets, Intimate intrigues of thy enchanting embrace; Reveal to me, 0, thy most intimate charms, Charms I might reify in radiant raiment That other men, having neither eyes nor ears To behold, to hear thee, men who know thee not, May then adore thee as do I... ardently. I shall not fail, my leafen lover, a To honor always, cherish and protect thee, To love thee, yes, ever love thee and do thy bidding, Lissome leafen lover mine, I languish and long for thee! Loose, loose thy verdant veil, show me now, do, I beg thee, my darling, my adorable arboreal angel, Show me thy beauty bare and a so dewbejewelled, 0, Thou nectary nak d nymph, nubile, numinous, 0, so sexy, Bless me, do, with thy sexquisite charms, 0, do! Tell me who thou beest, and what thou doest here, And what thou desireth of ME, And why thou hast called ME. Tell me if thou wisheth I should cut thee, Or whether thou desireth to come with me, And how thou wisheth I should take thee, For I will build thee a house with an estate.
Then again he falls silent, listless, lovelorn listener, lubricous he, lavishing can dent caresses alloer her listenerlonging, leafy loins, embracing her barky bosom, inhaling piquant, pheromonal perfumes of her passion, nectarneeding, fondling her filigree offeathery foliage with ferventfinesse. Listening, he awaits and awaiting, he listens. Then her limbs begin to low, swaying susurrant; lisping languageleafy limbs lowing and whispering ladylush language, loinlush windwhispers; mantic murmur mazing midst nectary mouths and leaf en lingute; treetongues tittering tentatively whispering upon the stillness, listenerlonging lyrical leafy limbs oflanguage. Dewsilky dreamily dulcent, her verdant velvety voice whispers wanton windsong in his waiting ear: GUABANCEX I, sister of COHOBA,I am that; am Iracundious GUABANCEX yes, am she am, Who sighs the wind and weeps the rain. Mighty weaver of tempests I, so, 0, tyrannous strong! Tree-uprooter am, my raging hurricanes Howl and havoc wreak, so houserazing, a horrific! Windsighing rainweeping, resplendent GUABANCEX am; Lightningbolts mine be, Caonao seed I, 0, Spawning gold in cavernous Cazibaxagua, Arnayauna, I Birthing gold and men and CAZABE and COHOBA. All, yea, whatsoever groweth is my offspring, I GUABANCEX tyrannous strong, but tender be, am, To whosoever assuages my anima, placates my puissance, My hurricanes hostage to honor and homage I'll hold. Take me, aye, fell me forthwith and housel me here, Then craft me a temple on the sandy shores of Haiti, A fortress proof of my windwailing wavewanton wrath; Where lesser men than thee may know me ... Graciously garbed in a genial guise to beguile their fear; That they make love to me, suck my fecund feminine flower, I GUABANCEX enigmatic mother of whatsoever living, dies. am, Shape me soft, all sensuous splendor sexquisite, As a languid languorous lady hew me, a loinlush lascivious lass, All concupiscent curves and venereal vortices, yes, To kindle desire in every man's heart, craving me all and every; [120]
To make their loinlimbs hard, like this wooden body. Show them the sensuous spirit 'neath my voraginous visage That they may know my concupiscent charms. So Fashion me for them: a fecund, fair, and fervent, flower, fine. Confer upon me this incarnation I crave, Nourish me ever and anon, make COHOBA-loveto me And I shall show thee secrets sernpiternal surreal; But implore me, and I shall answer thy petitions, Hew me, then harbor me thus winsome and womanly warm, And I shall protect thee from poisons, from perils aplenty And thou shalt be the mightiest BUHUITIHUin all the realms! And then her voice faded into the foliage, breathing a sensuous sigh, sweet sword of an angel queen susurrant, tendering her trenchant trunk to him, trembling at the touch of his axe, trembling, shuddering, then toppling, sighswoon ofleafy boughs rushing to meet the Earth, surrendering her sinewy, sinuous body to this man she had chosen, letting him take her, ravish her, do her bidding and have his way with her, ever and anon. And ever and anon he invoked her healing grace at her seaside sanctuary, besought her mercy when tempests threatened Taino-harvests, when the sultry, savage sea arose angrily against them, breaching her protean littoral limbus. ZEMI GUABANCEX, mighty mistress mine, Hear, a hear my plea, GUABANCEX, 0, Weaver of the wind, tailoress of tempests tyrannous Rainweeper GUABANCEX, hear me now! 0,
BAYAMANACO I, of ITIBACAHUBABA am, born; The GUANGUAYO COHOBA-snot I flung, of That sired the Co mic Turtle of my brother's back, COHOBA-nose am, I, all-healing GUANGUAYO-nOSe am, Humbly make thee COHOBA-love, thy COHOBAmake thee I. Of COHOBAart thou wrought, I COHOBAinspire, I BUHUITIHUam, I with celestial COHOBA-S110t heal, I GUEYOspeak, COHOBAsigh; I crave thy piquant passionperfume! Visionvoice of venery, sirensexy COHOBA,a take, a love me! [121]
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Do you imagine, oh, lean-hearted member of the Anti-Snuffand Tobacco Club, that the dark apostle standing before us will preach with less power, less unction, lesspersuasive eloq uence, because he snuffs over the psalm book, and smokes in the vestry between the forenoon and afternoon service? Does his piety ooze through his pipe, or his earnestness end in smoke? Mordecai Cubitt Cooke The Seven Sisters o/Sleep [1860]
Elizabetha princeps SCHOMB. ex BENTH. [Leguminosas], EW Smith, the Waika ama-asita-tsee, the source of bark-ash for epena teben [Vt"rolaJ visionary snuff-powders.
Abipon Indians of the Gran Chaco-22,50-2 Abnaki Indians of northeastern Canada-Sa Aborigines of Australia, tobacco-use of-52 absinthe [Artemisia absinthium liqueurj-Bz Abutagrandifolia [ayahuasca-plantJ-I9,59,65 Abuta rufescens [Amazon. curare-plantJ-65 Abuta spp. [Am. curare-plantsJ-I9,59,65,89 Acacia aneura [wirra, pituri ash-sourcej-yz acacia angico [Maue Anadenanthera sp.J-I8 Acacia angustissima [ocpatli-entheogenJ-79 Acacia catechu [CATARRH SNUFF ingred.J-67 Acacia hostilis [Mimosa tenuiflora syn.j-yo Acacia Niopo [Anadenanthera peregrinas--i Acacia spp. [wattles J-I5,I8, 25,52,67,69-71,79 Acacia tenuiflora [= Mimosa tenuiflora]-69 Acanthacere fam. Uusticia]-36,59,61,96,122 dcat! [Nahua Phragmites australis reedsj-yo acdyet!/acaiietl[Nah. tabocasJ-49,50,78-9,IJ6 Acokanthera oppositifolia [ nuff-plant]-91 Acorus calamuslamericanus [snuffs]-81,95-6 acujd [Colom. Yekuana Virola nuffl-33,70 Agave spp. [octli/pulque source-planrsl-vo Aguaruna Indians of Peruvian Amazon-77 Ahnishinaubeg [also Ojibwayj lndians-Sy ahpi [Desana ipadti coca; vide: gahpt]-72 ai-amo-hena [a Waika epena-ingredient]-36 aimpa-kid] aimpa-snuff [Of'tlbut(j-22,58 ain uau [Kofan Brugmansia dog-snuff]-96 aiuku [MakiritareAnadenanthera snuffj-rz ai'yuku [the Yekuana snuffbark-sourcej-jj aji[chile, chilli, Capsicum sPP.]-50,59,83,II2
ajucd [or Pancaruru uinho dajurema]-33,70 a'leu.duioha [Yekuana snuff-powdersj -ja aleuhua [Makiritare Virola resiny snuff]-34 aleurjua [a Yekuana Vt"rolainebriant]-38,70 Albizia adianthifolia [Afr. snuff-plantj-oz Alepidia amatymbica [Afr. snuff-plantj-or Allantoma spp.Ibark-paper sources]-56,60 Allentiac Indians [Huarpe cibil-users]-2I,IIO Aloe spp. [Zulu snuff-ash source-plantsj-Bj ama-asita [Elizabetha princeps ]-35,37,61,142 Amahuaca Indians of Peruvian Am azon-96 ama ka asita ushi [= Elizabetha princeps]-37 Amanaj6z Indians ofBr. Rio Negro-69,7I Amanita citrina [bufotenine-mushr.j-uof Amanita muscaria [kakuijd mush.]-49,50,79 Amanita pantherina [in Kirati thapana]-85 amasisa [Peruvian Erythrina speciesj-er.zs ambil [Bora/Wi toto tob.vpaste ]-55, 58,67,II3 ambird [Colombian Kogi tobacco-pastej-ys amhdkukii [Kubeo-snuff resin-sourcej-rf Amniapa Indians of Brasil's Amazonia-rov ampoza [Afr. Annona senegalensis rootsj-or Anacyclus pyrethrum [Afrie. snuff-planrj-or Anndennnthera colubrina-2I,24,27-8,70 Anadenanthera colubrina var. Cebil [P macrocarpa]-I6,I8,I9,23-4,26-7,29-3I,I07-8 Anadenanthera colubrinavzx. colubrina-24,26 Anadenanthera peregrina [nopo or yoposnuffplant]- 14,17,18,24,27-9,34-5,37-8>43-5,83 Anadenanthera peregrina var. folcata [synonymy with Piptadenia folcata]-24,27-3I
Anadenantbera peregrina var. peregrina [or cohoba, iiopo J- 16,17,26-31,44A7, 70,I08 Anadenantheraspp. [cebiL, ohoba, hatdj, nopoJc
II,12,14,1 6-31,33- 5,37,43-7,50,53- 5,57-6 2, 65,69-71,73,83- 4, 90,1 or.r 05 -8,IIO- II,II 4 anahuasca [aytlHUASCAANN.J-12,I9,78-9,I02 Anemone cafra [5. African snuff-plantj-oo anemonin [as horse-snuff consriruentj-oo
angico [BLAnadenantheraJ-18,22,26,7o,I07 angico do campo [or Kariri-Shoko cebiLJ-26 angicos brancos [or Brasilian Piptadenia J-70 angicos pretos [BrasilianAnadenantheraJ-70 oangiquin [or Brasilian Mimosa speciesj-vo angiquinho [Brasilian Mimosa speciesj-o o angus caspi [Quijos Ind. ViroLa duckeiJ-39 Annonasenegalensis [as snuff-plantJ-89,91-2 anonaine [alkaloid from A. senegalensis J-91
Antonil, A.J. [18TH C. Brasilian writerJ-67 Apache Indians, of sw North America-50 aphrodisiacs [philtres, et ceteraJ-24-5,89,93 apoLlinaris [Delphic Hyoscyamus aLbusJ-62 Aquifoliacee family [flex speciesJ-56,59,85 Aracese family [Acorus, Caladium Sp.J-81,96 Araraibo Indians of Brasilian Amazonia-aj Arawakan idioms-18,19,22,37-8A5,54-5,73 Arctostaphylos uva-ursi [ Areca catechu [betel-<<I1ut asticatoryJ-88 m Arrabidea spp. [bark-paper sourcesj-yo.eo arrow-poison [chemical warfareJ-28,88,91 Artemisia absinthium [absinthe sourcej-Sz Artemisia afra [as African snuff-plaruj-Sz Artemisia caLifornica [N. AM.snufl-plantj-Bz Artemisia copa [Chilean inebriant plantj-Sz Artemisia douglasiana [N.A. snuff-planrj-Bz Artemisia dubia [as a Lahu snuff-planrj-Sz Artemisia forcata var. beteropbyllla-sa. Artemisia Ludoviciana [N.A. snuff-plantj-Bz Artemisia mexicana [itzauhyatl inebr.j-Sz Artemisia nilagirica [a Lodha furnatoryj-Bz Artemisia spp. [various snuff-plantsJ-82,94 Artemisia tridentata [N. AM.snufj-plantj-Bz ARTICHOKE[CIAmind-control projectj-ros arylpropanes [Virola spp. constituentsj -ar asarone [as Acorus calamus constiruenrj-Bi
Asarum canadense [N. Amer. snuff-plr.j-Br Asarum europeum [European snuff-plt.j-Br Ascfepius fruticosa [African snuff-plantj-or Ascfepius physocarpa [African snuff-plr.j -or Asparagus africanus [as snuff-plantj-So.or-z Aspidosperma spp. [remo caspi of PeruJ-74 Aster bakeranus [as African snuff-plantj-Bz ava [or [kJava, Piper methysticum rootsJ-88 ayahuasca-Io,12,17,24-5,30-1,54-5,57-65,68,
7-6,78-9,82,84-5,88,94,96-7,99,158 ayahuasca-analogues [DMTJ-12,19, 78-9,102 ayahuasca-effect [rather, paricd-effect J- 12,73 aya huasco [Peruvian Cordia nodosaJ-57,60 Ayoreo Indians, of the Bolivian Chaco-zy Ayurhuasca [or an Ayurvedic anahuasca J-72 Ayurvedic ethnornedicine, from India-52 Aztec Indians ofMesoamerica-49-51,95,II6
badubu-tsiiia [a Deni lichenous snuff]-94 ba-illa [Kuasi Tinospora bakis rootsJ-86,89 Baissea axillaris [a Mburi can ine-snuffJ-96 bai su'u [or Tabernemontana sananhoJ-97
Balanta Africans, from Guinea Bissau-So balche [Lonchocarpus uiolaceus meadj-yz, 79
Bignon iacese/ Catal pa fam. -54, 56-7,59-61,89 bilca tauri [Erythrina or Lupinus spp.J-16 Biocca, E. [the Italian ethnographerj-je.jf Bishasi-reri Indians, ofVenez. Orinoco=aa Bisset, N.G. [the late British chernistj-riy Blackfoot [ffeetJ Indians ofN. America-95 black paricd [or Anadenanthera speciesj-zo blowgun [or cerbatana weaponJ-35-6,64-6 bolek-hena [snuff-plant; [usticia sPP?]-35 Bombacacez [kapok- J farnily-z 4-5, 78-9,n6 Boraginacea [or borage-] familY-57,60,79 Bora Indians ofPeruv. Amazon-39,55,66-8 borrachero [Ecuador's Ipomcea carnea]-86 boto [the Maku ipada coca-foodstuff]-84 bougies [solid intranasal suppositoriesj -Sz Brosimum acutifolium subsp. ovatum-57 Brugmansiax insignis [canine snuff-pl.]-96 Brugmansia sPP.-39, 56, 59,61,65,7,77,96-7 Brugmansia suaveolens [a canine snuff]-96 Brunjelsia spp. [a canine snuff-plantJ-65,96 bucare [Erythrina spp. cbimo ash-sourcej-se Bufo spp. [anuran bufotenine-sourceJ-26 bufotenine [5-HO-DMT/dimethylseroroninJ21,26-31AO-4A7,50,69,99,105-Il2,JI4-15 bufotenine creatinine-sulfate salt- I05-6,IIO bufotenine oxalate [H,o- 01. salcJ-I06,III bufotenine-N-oxide [re . artefa 't?J-27-30 buhenak [or Yanomamo nuff-p wderJ-45 buhuitihu [Tainoshaman ,HaidJ-15,lJ7-21 Bushmen, people from south rn Afri a-56 bwazi [or Securidaca Longipeduncufatal- 89
caffeine [= 1,3,7-trimethylxanthineJ-55,85,93 Cahuilla Indians from Alta California-sr.Sz caji [or visionary Banisteriopsis caapi)-72-3 cajucd [Caribbean Virola surinamcnsisi-no Caladium bicolor [Kofan canine snuffJ-96
Calliandra amazonica [shingata enrh.j-vz Calliandra angustifolia [samiki)-24-5,59,76 Calliandra anomala [the octli-additiveJ-79 Calliandra calothyrsis [Guatem. yaje)-24,76 Calliandra bematostoma [or tabacuelaJ-76 Calliandra pentandra [or Shuar samiki]-76 Calliandra spp. [entheogensJ-24-5,59,76-9 calumet [North American peace-pipe-j-yr Calycophyllum spruceanum [aya.-plant]-61 camalampi [Peruvian Virola enrheogenj-es
Campa Indians of Peruvian Amazonia-yz
caniroja [Jatropha grossidentata rootsj-zs Cannabisspp. [marijuanafum.j-zz.ya.Sj.So capi[BanisteriopsiscaapioryajeJ-17,72,83,I08 Capirona decorticans [ayahuasca-plantJ-61 Capirona spp. [ayahuasca, capsaicine [piquant alkaloid ofchile/ajiJ-II3 Capsicum spp. [chile or aji]-50,54,59,65,83
Caquetio Indians, Venezuelan Orinoco-ria
caraknak [a Yanomamo Virola resinJ-"45 ~-carboJine alkaloids [vide: harmine, harrnaline)-12,30-1,40-1A3-4,68,73,82,I02-5,IIO arden as, J. de [16TH c. Spanish writerj-yo ardioactive glycosides [= glucosidesJ-86-8 carla [the cbimo Justicia leaf-Havoringsj-ye ariban idioms of Caribbean America-33 Catarrh Snuff [nutvts ANT1CATARRHALIS]-67
bebung [Zanthoxylum
Bersama Lucens [5. African snuff-plantj=cr Bertbolletia excelsa [the Brasil-nut rreej-yj betel-etvu:. [Areca catechu masticatoryJ-88 betle-Ieaf [Piper betle masticatory leafJ-88 bhang [Cannabis species Ieaf-porionsj-Bj
-ccaapi [Banisteriopsis caapi enth n 1-'72-3 cab! [a Banisteriopsis caapi enrh g nJ-'72 cabrera [Colombian Mimosa tenuiflorn J cacahoapatlacbtli [or Theobroma bicoLor)-77 cacdhuatl [Nah. Theobroma cacaoJ-77-9,1I6 cacabuaxdchitl [Q,tararibea fonebris )-78,u6 cacao-34,39,50,53,56-7,61-3,67-9,72,77-9,1I2 cacao coLoradodel monte [as amb{L-ashes)-55 cacao del monte [ViroLasebifera name)-68 cacao simarron [Q,tararibea cacao name 1-78 cacao volador [= Virolaguatemalensis)-68,77 Cesalpinia echinata [as ayahuasca-planc)-59
Cavanillesia hylogeiton [= puka-lupunaJ-75 Cavanillesia umbellata [= puka-lupuna J-75 cebil-seed, -snuff [A. colubrina var. Cebif]12,13,16,19-23,25-7,31,51-2, 54,90,I07-9,II4
Cecropia sciadophylLa [ipadu ash-source J-57 Cecropia spp. [ash-source Pls.]-53,57,60,64 ceiba bruja [Colombian Cavanillesiasp.J-75
Ceiba pentandra [tupuna, poChOtl]-74-5,78 Ceiba samauma [Tacana magical plant]-75 ceibo [Erythrina ulei, N South Americaj-vs Centropogon solanifolius [canine stim.]-96 Cepbelis tinctoria [chimo additive-plantj-yo Cephelisioilliamsii [ cerbatana [or blowgun weapon]-35-6,64-6 cernada [chimo Erythrina ash-lcachatej-yo chacruna [Psychotria, ayahuasca-pls.]-88,97 Chagnon, N.A. [Fr. ethnographer]-37>44 Chaima Indians of northern Venezuela-oz chamairo [or Mussatia hyacinthina bark]-57 chamdl [Mayan (tobacco-reed) acdyetl]-50 Chaman [or Ese Ejja] Indians ofBolivia-25 Chancay culture, Peruvian archreology-zo Chavin de Huantar, Peruvian site-I9,20,I07 Chenopodium ambrosioides [snuffj-Ro.or-z Cherokee Indians, of E North America-8r Chibcha Indians of central Colombia- 18>4 7 chichas [wines]-I6,2I,24,72,78-9,90,IIO,II4 chile [chilli, Capsicum spp., aji]-50,59,83,II3 cbimo [or tobacco-paste]-56,6I,67,70,75,II4 cbimu [modern Colom. robacco-pasrej-yo Chirnu culture of Peruvian arch.eology-zo Chippewa Indians, of N North America-8r Chiquitano Indians of Bolivian Chaco-r8 Chiriguano Indians ofBolivian Chaco-rx.zj chiwanga azimu [Chenopodium leavesj-jiz chiwchi misa [divinatory chicken-tablet-as chlorpromazine [Thorazine sedative]- I06 chocolate [Theobroma cacao potarionsj-vf chocolatillo [Colombian Piptadenia SP.]-78 chocollatl [cacdhuatl / pochotl-potation]-78 choiba [Panaman. Dipteryx panamensis ]-70 Chondodendron spp. [as curare-plants]-65 Chorisia insignis [Ecuad. palo borracho ]-75 Chorisia speciosa [as a puka-lupuna]-74-5 choyba [Panamanian Helicostylis species ]-70 Chunupf Indians of Argentine Chaco-23-4 CIA[central Intelligence AgencY]-IOo,I05,IIO cibil [Huarpe Anadenanthera cigars [or tobacco-roll cihuateteo [Nahuatl maternal martyrs]-66 Clarisia racemosa [a Tacana magic plant]-75
clary [or muscatelj-sage [Salvia sclarea]- 94 Clematis bracbiata [African snuff-pl.]-96 Clematis hirsutissima [horse-stirnulanrj=oo Cobo, B. [Spanish chronicler of Peru]-90 coca [Erythroxylum coca & var. ipadu]-20-r, 25,49,54-5,57-62,64,72,77,79,84,IIO,I58 cocaine [Bnz-Me-ecgonine]- II,I3,67,II3,I59 Cocama Indians of Amazcmia-I8>47,73,83 coco de mono [Eschweilera, Couroupita]-57 Codonanthopsis dissimulata [snuff-pl.j=oz Cohiba cigars [Cuba's finest = cohoba?]-II cohoba [Talno snuff]-II-I6,26>47,7o,II7-2I Coleus blumei [New Guinean snuff-pl.]-94 Colon, C [sdiscoverer of Neogreaj-rr.ry Columbus, C [Neogrea discoverer-j=rr.ry Columnea picta [as tobacco-substitutej=oz Cornechingon Indians, Composite family- 25,78-9,82,9-2,94-5 Conyza scabrida [African snuff-planrj-Bz Cordia alliodora [a Nicaraguan stimul.j-xy Cordia boissieri [as Mexican inebriantl=jy Cordia millennii [African robacco-sub.j -yCordia nodosa [or tabaco chuncho]-57,60 Cordia spp. [Ka'apor kurupi-plants]-57,60 Cordia stenodada [or Mexican nopo]-57,60 cora [Trichoclinespecies roots]-I6,2I-5,39,90 Cotula anthemoides [Afrie. snuff-plantj-Bz Courataria spp. [bark-paper plant]-56,60 Couroupita guianensis [coco de mono]- 57,60 Coussapoa spp. [as ayahZ!asca-plants]-60 coxonqui [Nahuatl dried and ground ]-49 Crassula lanceolata [African snuff-plt.j=or Crow Indians, from N-C North America-51 cuhuba [Brasilian Piptadenia tocantina ]-70 Cuiva-Guahibo Indians from Arnazonia-rz cuji[Colombian Leguminosse taxon]-70,73 cuj! cabrera [Col. Mimosa tenuiflora ]-69,70 cuji cimarron [Colombian Acacia SPP.]-70 cuji hediondo [Colombian Acacia SPP.]-70 cujiniquil [EI Salvadoran Leguminos.ej-vr cumala [Peruvian Virola spp.]-63,65,68,I04 cumala-ampi [smy ristica ceo us curare]-65 Cuna Indians of the Panamanian coast-50 cupuafu [Br. Theobroma grandiflorum ]-77
'lIjJllflsullOJ,lam-ribea cordata, Brasil]-77-8 rupuassu-rana [= Patinoa ichthyotoxica]-78 rtcpu] [cacao, Theobroma subincanums-rrr 'urarea spp. [Amazonian cum-re-plts.]-65 urarea tecunarum [a curare, paricd-pl.]-65 curares [Amazonian dart-poisons]-65,78-9 urarine alkaloids [curare-constituents]-30 curia [the cbimo Justicia leaf-Ravorings]-56 Curtia conforta [a Kubeo snuff-planrj=oz curupd [Anaden.]-I5,I6,r8,22,24-5,33>47,II4 curupai [div. Anadenanthera speciesl-za-c curupau [= Anadenanthera species]-I8,24-5 curupay [or Anadenanthera peregrina]-24 curupay-curu [= A. colubrina var. Cebil]-24 curupay-rd [Paraguay Piptadenia rigida]-24 cymarin [a Maquira cardiac glycosidej-Bz Cymbopetalum penduliflorum [nacazio ]-78 Cyperus spp. [or piripiri canine-snuffj=co
Dipiopterys involuta layahut/lSca-plant?)- 59 Diplotropis spp. [ipadu coca ash-sourcej -yDipteryx odorata [chimo flavoring-pl.]- 56,75 Dipteryx panamensis [Pan. choiba, yapo ]-70 Distictella spp. [ipadu cocaash-source ]-57,60 N,N-DMT [<<I1igerine]-I2,20,24,27-3I,38,4047,50,68,7I,88,90,97,99,I02,IOP09,III N,N-oMT-N-oxide [an artefact?j-27-30>43-4 dopa [the Cuiva-Guahibo snuff-seedsj=rz Dorstenia spp. [as tobacco-additive]56,60 N,N-DPT [or N,N-oipropyhryptaminej-II5 drugabuseology [habit. science ]-99,IOO drugs of abuse [(sic) = linguistic abuse]-99 Duboisia hopwoodii [pituri masticatory]- 52 Ducke, A. [late Brasilian botanist]-33,46-7 dupa-snuff [the Kubeo resinous snuff]-I8 dzdato-snuff [a Wakuenai Virola snuff]-38
dagga [South African Cannabis speciesj-Bj da Mota, CN. [Brasil. ethnobotanisrj=zo dart-poisons / snuff- 3,36,45 ,64-6,87-8,IOI datin uulin [or Ipomcea digitata roorsj-By Datura innoxia [Mayan tobac o-addit.j -yo Datura spp. [Pangean drug-pl.]-56,78-9,83 Deinbollia pin nata [alolongo snuff-pl.]-93 de la Condamine, CM. [Fr. ethnog.]-I5>47 Delphic Bees [Pythia, Oracle of Apollo]-62 Dent Indians of Brasil. Amazonia-53,93-4 Desana Indians of Amaz. 010mbia-38,72 N,N-OET [or N,N-oiEthylnyptamine]-II5 Diaguita culture of northern Argentina-2I Dictyoloma incanescens [5-Me -OM'!' pl.]-~ 7 I,2-dimethyl-6-methoxy-r,2,3A-tetrahydro~-carboline [Virola theiodora ~- arb.j-ao dirnerhyl-serotonine [also, buforeninej-co N,N-oiMethyhryptamine [or N,N- MT, nigerina, nigerine]-I2,20,24,27-3I,38>4o47,50,68,7r,88,90,97,99,I02,I05,I09,III Dimorpbandra mollis [alkaloidal planrj-Sa Dimorphandra parviflora [paricd-plant]-83 Dimorphandra spp. [as paricd-plants)-83-4 Dimorphocarpa wislizeni [a snuff-plantj-oz Diplopterys cab(erana [aya. -plant]-24>4 7,59
ebana-snuff [or Waika visionary snuffsj-35 ebena-snuff [or Waika visionary snuffs]-35 ebene-snuff[Waika vision. snuffsj-32,3],I42 Electroshock Therapy [(sic) aka ESTj-I06 elexocbitl [Nahuatl Magnolia dealbata j-78,93 Elizabetha princeps-35,37,43-4,58,6I,I42 Elizabetha spp. [as Waika ash-sourcesj-xx eloxochitl [Nahuatl Magnolia dealbata]-78,93 elymoclavine [as a Securidaca alkaloidj-So encomienda colonial [feudal] system-22 enemas [also c1yscersj-r6,r8,22,53,6r,III,II4 Entheogenic Reformation [sensu On]-II,I2 epazote [or Chenopodium ambrosioidesy-cn. epena-kesi [the Waild Virola snuff-treej=jy epena [ebene]-snuff-IO,I2,I3,r7,r8,30-3,36-9, 43-5,47,58-9,6r-3,82,86,IOO-I,I08,I22,I42 Epiphyllum spp. [as an ayahuasca-plantj-60 rgoline alkaloids [lysergic acid]-89,I05,II5 Ericacese [also named heath-] family-Sr-z ericolin [Ericacez glucoside-entheogen)-82 errhines [snuffs]-II,r3,54,66-8,92,99,I02,I08 Erythrina glauca [as ayahuasca-additive]-6I Erythrina poeppigiana [ayahuasca-plantj-6I Erythrina spp. [ebrious)-I6,56,59,6I,70,75 Erythrina ulei [amasisa, vilca tarwi]-6I, 70, 75 Erytbropbleum lasianthum [snuff-planrj-oz
Erytbrophleum suaveoLens [snuff-plantj-oz ErythroxyLacel-20>49,54-5,57-8,62,84,I58 ErythroxyLum coca [coca leaf-stimulanrj -zo ErythroxyLum coca var. ipadu-54,84,I58 EschweiLera coriacea [tobacco ash-planrj-yj EschweiLeraspp. [ash-sources]-53,55-8,60,77 EschweiLera tenax [or coco de mono]-57,60
Ese Ejja [or Ese'ejas] Indians of Bolivia-zx espingo [ispincu, = Quararibea species?]-78 ethereal errhines [HeLicostyLis,etc.j-54,67,7I ethnogynecology [female erhnomed.j-ey.oa Eucomis autumnalis [anod. snuff-plantj-oy Eupatorium macrophyLLum [snuff-plantj-Bz Euphorbiacea:: [also the spurge-] Iarnily-zy Euryops evansii [SoAfrican snuff-planrj-Bz
guaruma [Cecropia leaf; ash, fllmatory]-57 guayusa [ILexguayusa stimulant-leavesj-Sc Guettarda sabiceoides [a chimo-additive]-56 Guettarda spp. [chimo-additives]-56,59,70 gueyo [hayo/ coca, la Espanola]-77,II7-I8,I2I Cumilla, J. [18TH C. Spanish chroniclerj-c ; Gustauia poeppigiana [ash source-pl.]-39,58 Gustavia spp. [ash source-pls.]-39,55,58,60
In' iomi [Waika Anadenanthera]-17,IOI,I08 hlsiomo [Waika Anadenanthera speciesl-cz hispidin [Ganodermaspp. styrylpyronej-By I lofmann.A, [SWisSLsDchemist]-26,IIO,I59 bolebole be [Piper cryptodon tobac.-sub.]-88
Holmstedt, B. [Swedish snuff-chemist]-8,I2, 30- 1,33,35-7,40- 1>43-5 ,IOI,I 07,IlO,I 59 honey, inebriating [ofvtroLa, etc.]-38,62,79 hordenine [peyotl plus fungal alkaloidl-By HorsfieLdiasuperba [Asian Virola relativej -aj Hottentots, people from South Africa-93-4 Huaca Prieta site, of Peruvian archreol.c-zo huachig caspi [0. pLatyspermum sap-pl.j -j huanduj [guandu, Brugmansia speciesj=jo huanto [or guandu, Brugmansia speciesj-cy
Ipurina Indians of South America-I8,47,53 Iryanthera [uruensis [or sacha cacao]-68 Iryanthera macrophylLa [Wi to to saps]-39>42 Iryantheraspp. [sap-pls.]-39>42,64,66,68,77 Iryanthera tessmannii [Witoto sap-pls.j-jo Iryanthera tricornis [or pucuna caspi]-64 Iryantbera ulei [a Wi to to sap-planrj-jo.aa Isbell, H.S. [us pharrnacoterroristj-roj-o.rro ishpingo / ispincu [Quararibea species?]-78 isoboldine [Annona isoquinoline alkal.j -cr isoquinoline alkaloids [Annona speciesj-or
itzpactli [Nahua obsidian-rnedicines j-qo -JJamamadi Indians, of Amazonian Brasil-53 Jarawara Indians from Amazonian Brasil-53 Jatropha dioica [as a Texan fumatory Pl.]-25 Jatropha grossidentata [Ayoreo canirojay-z Jatropha macrantha [= huarnapo macho ]-25 [auma [Amazonian Guarani ayahuasca]-73 Jesuits [Sociery of Jesus of Ign. Loyolaj-yz jievut hiawsik [tobacco-additive lichenj-oa jiniquil [for Mesoamerican Inga speciesj-yr Jirajara Indians of Venezuelan Orinoco-oz [Ivaro [sic, Shuar] Indians from Ecuador-22 joshin [the evil spirit ofpuka-Lupuna]-74-5 [uanulloa spp. [a Matsigenka snuff-pl.]-96 Ji.inger, E. [the late German writerj-jiz jupi-uscbi snuff-ash [of E. princeps bark]-35 [uramidam [So Daime ayahuasca-spirit]-73 jurema [Br. enrheogens]-25-6,69-7I,73,75,79 jurema brnnca [Br. Leguminosa::]-25,69,71
false paricd [for Anadenanthera speciesj-yo Fericgla, J.M. [Catalan ethnographer]-76 Ficus spp. [as bark source-treesj-yy.oo.p-, fishing poisons [saponin-containing]-93 flavonoids [ViroLa species constiruentsj-qr Fomes flmentarius [snoosa snuff-fung.]-84-5 Fomes igniarius [or snoosa snuff-fungus]-84
hataj-snuff [cebil-seed]-I2,I6,I9,23-4,29,90 ha'tax-snuff [ex A. coLubrina var. CebiL]-23 hayo [coca-leaves, in Caribbean basin]-55,77
Heffter-Technique [or bioassaysj=oo.roo
Gabriel da Costa, J. [the UDV founderj-yr gahpi [Des ana Banisteriopsis; vide: ahpi]-72 Ganoderma lobatum [as religious icon]-85 Ganoderma Lucidum [Ling chih-fungus]-85 Ganoderma spp. [as a robacco-additivej-Sj Garagay site from Peruvian archaology-ro Gerouital" [Romanian GH-3 nootropicj -rrj ghost bread [Fomitopsis officinaLis snuff]-85 gLi [Lichtensteinia pyrethrifoLia porionj-oj glucosides [or glycosides, sugars]-82,86-8 Gnidia capitata [as African snuff-planrj -or grayanotoxins [also andromedotoxinsj-Rr Guahibo Indians of Venez.-I5-17,30,83,IIO Guaika [Waika] Indians, ofS. America=jc guandu [huanduj, Brugmansia species]-39 guarana [PauLLinia cupana var. sorbilis]-93 Guarani Indians of South America-23-5,73
Heinsia bengueLensis [African fumatoryj-yo HeLenium autumnale [or sneezeweed ]-92 Helenium microcephaLum [sneezeweedj-nz HeLenium puberulum [or sneezeweedsj-coz HeLenium tenuifoLium [= sncezeweed-j -oz Helicostylis pedunculata [for takini-Iatex]-54 EfeLicostyLis spp. [takini-Iatex Pls.]-54,60,70 HeLicostylis tomentosa [for takini-latex]-54 he.;m~ij (Justicia snuff-plant species]-37,86 HeracLeum dulce [as Siberian inebrianrj -oj Heracle'um sphondylium [a bartsch planrj -oj Heracleu~waLlichii [Nepalese tonic Pl.]-93 Hernandez, ~ [16TH C. Spanish docrorj-yo Herodotus [famous Greek historianj-za.ya Herrania breviLiguLata [ash source-plr.j-yy Herrania spp. [ash-source cacao SPP.]-55,6I
Hesquiat Indians of NW North America-Br
iboga [or Tabernanthe iboga nrh 0 n 1-97 ibogane alkaloids [from T ibogfl, t?/c.J-97 ILexguayusa [Ecuador. stimulant-l >ar)- 9,85 Ilexparaguariensis [or hierba IrIfltel- ,59,85 Imitrex" / Imigran [or surnarripr n 1-115
Incan Indians ofS. Andes-16,24, 1,72- ,110 ineffable inflarus [Barrett Br wnin 1-11-1 Inga lallensis [as tobacco-snuff addit iv 1-84 Ingaspp. [jiniquil, tobacco-addirivcj-vi.Sa Inonotus obliquus [as furnarory fungusl-85 ipadu [Amaz. coca]-54-5,57-62,64,79,84,158 Ipomea carnea [Ecuadorian borrachero)-86 Ipomcea digitata [datin uulin rt .)-85,88-90 Ipomcea oblongata [tobacco-snuff planr]-86 Ipomcea spp. [Convolvulacea::]-85-6,88-90 Ipomcea uiolacea [Nahua tliltliltzin ]-86,89
preta [Mimosa tenuiflora]-25-6,69-7I [usticin carrtcasana [chimo Havoring-pl.j-yr; [usticia pectoralis [Waika snuff-pl.j=a 5,56,II3 [usticiapectoralisvex. stenopbylla [WaikaAcan[urema
Heteropterys LongifoLia [or Liane cacao]-78 Heteropterys platyptera var. martinicense-as hierba mate [or Ilex paraguariensis]-56,85 hikuri [Mexican Huichol peyotL-cactus]-24 Hippobromus pauciflorus [a snuff-planrj -oj hisioma [Anadenanthera spp.]- 16,17,28,35,37
kachachi mkazukwa [A. africanus leavesj -or Kachinahua Indians of Peru's Rio Punis-ro kahboye [or Palikur PiperoblongifoLium]-97
kahi [or caji, Tupf Banisteriopsis caapiJ-7z kaka[u} [Tupf-Guar. Theobroma cacao J-63
Kakchiquel [a Mayan dialecr] language-50
kakuijd [for Quiche Amanita muscariaJ-50 Kalmiaangustifolia [Abnaki snuff-planrj-Br Kalmia spp. [for tobacco-substituresj-Rr-z kamarampi [Matsigenka Banisteriopsis 1-65 kanafiumnakamwi [Spigelia multispicaJ-97
Karirne Indians of north. SouthAmerica-35 Karifia Indians of the S. Amer. Guyanas-54 Karipuna Indians ofBrasilian Amazonia-I8 Kariri Indians, from northeastern Brasil-z6 Kariri-Shok6 Indians, from NE Brasil-z6 Karitiana Indians ofBrasilian Amazonia-89 Karok Indians, of Aha California Norte-51 Karsten, R. [Swedish ethnographerJ-74-7 kasawari [a Paumari leguminous snuffJ-84 Kashaya Porno Indians ofN. America-8z Katawishi Indians ofPeruvianAmaz.-zz,III kaurene diterpenes [per A. senegalensisv-et kava [or Piper methysticum potionsJ-85,88 kawab6-snuff [a Paumari Virola snuffJ-37 Kawaiisu Indians of sw North America-51 Keres Indians [WesternJ, ofN. America=oz Khanty [also Osryak] people of Siberia-88 khuru [coro, Trichocline spp. rootSJ-Z4-5,39 kinnikinnick [A. uua-ursi fumatotyJ-5I,81,95 Kirati tribe of Nepal, thapana-snuff-5z,83,85 koali nagi [YanoamaJusticia snuff-IeafJ-37 Koch-Grunberg, T [Ger. ethno.J-I8,33-4,84 Kofan Indians of Amazonian Ecuador -9z,9 6 Kogi Indians of northeastern Colombia-55 kokoime [recondite Karirne snuff-pI.J-35,86 k6re-kore [Trichocline sp. (coro)-potionJ-90 koribo [Tantecium nocturnum snuffJ-81,89 korib6-naJuni [Paumari -snuffJ-54, 56,60,89 koro-pa [coro, Trichocline spp. rootsj-zj-a Kuasi, Mrican tribes of Ghana-83,85,88-90 Kubeo Indians, of Amaz. Peru-I8,34,88,9z Kulina Indians, from Amazonian Peru-88 kuria [the Kubeo Virola bark-snuffj-rx.ja leuri-dleu [the Kubeo Virolasnuff-treeJ-I8,34 kurru [Bora Virola species bark-pastesj -jo ku-ru-leu [a Peruvian V elongata pasteJ-68
kurupd [for Guarani seed-snuffsj-aj-a.yo kurupai [= Ka'apor Anadenanthera SPP.J-57 kurupay[Tupi-GuaranfAnadenantheraJ-z4 kurupayard-tree [Anadenanthera spp. J-z3-4 kurupi[Guarani CalliandratonicJ-z4,57,60 kutru [Muinane Virola spp. bark-pastesj=jo
Lahu [or hill-tribal] people ofThailand-8z Lecythidacez familY-39,53,55-8,60-i,63,71 Lecythis spp. [bark-paper source-rreesj=yo.So Ledum grcenlandicum [Kwakiutl inebr.j-Bz Ledum palustre [as a Siberian inebrianrJ-8z Leguminosre [or the pea- J familY-12,I4,Z5,33, 35,yz, 56-9,61-3,67, 69,74,76, 79,83-4,I4z Leonotis leonurus [African snuff-plantj -oa d-Ieptaflorine [( + )-1,z,3A-tetrahydroharmine; a MAar ~-carboline alkaloidJ-31,8z Levi-Strauss, C. [French ethnographerJ-75 liane cacao [Banisteriopsis in CaribbeanJ-78
M J cnna,D.]. [uspharm.J-4zA5,68,101,II4 Ma urap Indians ofBrasilian Arnazonia-zz madre de cacao [C.A. Ouararibea fieldiiJ-78 madzoka [Afr. spirir-possession-j-Bo.or-a Magnolia dealbata [Nahua elexochitIJ-78,93 Magnolia virginiana [N. AM.snuff-plantj=cj maha [for Mayan Ouararibea fieldiiJ-78 Makiritare Indians ofColombianAm.17,33 Makii Indians of Brasil. Amazonia- 36,38,84 Makuna Indians of Brasil-34, 54, 57,71,84,88 Malpighiace;e-Io,3I,54-5,59,6z-3,8z-3,95,I08 miinaka [a Paurnarf Bignoniacere snuffj-Bo rna-na-shu-ke-rna [Pagamea macrophylla J-88
anomala [sienejnaJ-z5
Lichtensteinia interrupta [snuff-plantj-cz-j Lichtensteinia pyrethrifolia [a gli source J-93 lignans [as constituents of Virola species J-4I
Lindgren,].-E. [Swed. chem.J-Iz,30-IAOA3
MAO[or MonoAmine-oxidase enzymej -roa MAar [orMAo-InhibitorsJ-12,1OZ,104,II3,II5 mao-ken [Ranunculus acris, Chin. ineb.j -po mappine [bufotenine, Amanita mappaJ-z6 Mapuche Indians of Chile, Argenrina-za.oo Maquira calophylla [dart-poison plantj-Bri Maquira coriacea [a dart-poison plantj-Bz Maquira guianensis [dart-poison plantj-S>
lingchih [= Ganoderma lucidum fungusJ-85 liquid snuffs [from tobacco, etc.J-49,5z,83,90 liriodenine [Annona senegalensis alkaloidj-or
Llagostera, A. [Chilean cebil-specialistJ-107 local-an.estheric agents-II,I3,67,IIZ-I3,I59 Lodha people of West Bengal, India-8z,95 Loganiacese family [curare-source plts.J-65 Lonchocarpus uiolaceus [as balche-sosuce: J-79
Maquira sclerophylla-I8,54-5,60,86-7,98 Maquira spp. [poisonsJ-rS,54-5,60,S6-S,98 maquiroside A [a Maquira gly osideJ-S6-7 mardkio [a Witoto ambilMalpighia e;eJ-55 marijuana [Cannabis species, bhrlrlgJ-57,94
Marks,]. [a Usan MKULTRA-jollrnalistj-105
Mayoruna Indians of Brasil. Amazonia-yy Mazatec Indians, of NE Oaxaca, Mexicc--oa Mbaya Indians, of S. American Chaco-zz Mbuti people [Pygmies (sic)J of Zaire-oe mecaxochitl [mecasuchio, Piper species J-49, 7S Mendocino Indians, Aha California N.-Sz Mcnisperrnacez family [curaresJ-59,65,89 Mentha longifolia [African snuff-plantJ-94 5-MeO-DMT-12,Z7-3IAO-7,50,68,99,IOO-5,II4 5-MeO-NMT [ 5-MeO-T [or 5-MethoXY-TtyptamineJ-z9AI mescaline [peyot!-alkaloidJ-I9,60,90,94,105 metheglin [a fortified-mead cnrhcogenj-yc 5-MethoXY-N,N-DiMethyITtyptamine [5-MeoDMT]-12,Z7-31,40-7,50,68,99,IOO-5,II4 6-methoxy-harmalan [p-carboline alk.j-zr 6-methoxy-harman [~-carboline alkal.j-ar 6-methoxY-I,Z,3,4-tetrahydroharman-4I N-methyl- N-aceryl tryptamine [V sebifera J-43 N-methyl-N-formylttyptamine [exVirola]-43 z-methyl-6-methoxy-I,z,3A-tetrahydro-~carboline [Virola theiodora alk.J-40-IA3 N-methyl-serotonine [also, 5-HO-NMTJ-z9 z-methyl-I,z,3'4-tetrahydro-~-carboline-4I met! [Nahuatl Agave spp., oct!i-sourcesJ-79 Mexica [Aztec] Indians of Mesoamer.e-ao.oy Mikasuki Seminole Indians ofla Florida-50 Millcayac Indians ofsourh
Lophophora williamsii [famedpryotlJ-Zo,90 Lozano, P. [18TH c. Spanish hisrorianj-ar.oo LSD-Z5 [= d-LysergsaureDiathylamidJ-105,II5 Lule Indians, of northern Argentina=zr-j
Luna, L.E. [Colombian ethnogr.J-7I,73-5
Lupinus spp. [= vilca tarwi/ bilca tauriJ-16 lupuna [Quechuan Bombacace;eJ-74-6,78 lupuna blanca [or Ceiba pentandraJ-74,78 lupuna b-r;tja [or Cavanillesia umbellata J-75 lupuna colorada [Cavanillesia, Chorisia J-75 Lycopodium clauatum [Mr. snuff-plantJ-9I
maschi-hiri (Justicia pectoralis nu ff-I vs .]- 35 masci-hiri (Justicia pectoralis snuff-lv .]-S6 mashabara [ the justicia pectoralis nuffl-45 masha-hara-hanak [ =J pectoralis Ica vc J-36 mashahari [ =Justicia pectoralis snu ffl-45,S6 masha-hiri (Justicia pectoralis snuffl-5 ,S6 mashi-hiri (Just. pectoralissnuff]-7,S6,IZZ masho-hara (Justicia pectoralis leave J-35,S Mataco [sicJ Indians of Argen. ha -ZZ-4
Matses Indians of Per. Amazonia-53,66>97 Matsigenka Indians-3SA4-6,54-5,65,75,96 Maue Indians, Amazonia-I6,IS,z9,5S,65,IIl maxarahd (Justicia pectoralis snuff-lvs.J-S6 may [KakchiqueJ nose-tobacco (a snuff)J-50 Mayahuasca [or Mayan ayahuasca (sic)J-7z Mayan Indians from Mesoameri a-50,56,6z
acacioides [Anadenanthera per.J-I8 cabrera [or Mimosa tenuijloraJ-69 hostilis [= Mimosa tenuijlora]-z7,69 pp. [= juremasJ-IS,z),27,33,69-71 tenuijlora [juremaJ-z5,z7>33,69-71
MIPT[N-Merhyl-N-IoPropyITtypramine]-II5 misboara [Wa ika [usticia pectoralis sn uffJ-3 5 Miski to Afro-Americans, of Nicaragua-57 Mirhridares VI [Pers, pharmacologist-j-oo Miwok Indians of Alca California Sur-8z mixitl [diverse Nahuatl Datura speciesj=yS MKULTRA[CIA mind-control. J-64,100,105 mocambo [= Matses Theobroma bicolorJ-53 Mochica art, of archaic northern Peru-co Mocovi Indians of Argentine MonOAmine-oxidase Inhibitors [or MAar;~-
carbolines, Banisteriopsis caapi)-I2,ro3-4 Moracez fam.-53-7,60- 1,63, 70- I, 75,86-8,98 morphine hydrochloride [opiurn-alkal.j-riy Mui nane Indians of Peruvian Arnazonia-jo Mundurucii Indians ofBL Amazonia- 18,55 Mura Indians ofBr. Amazonia-I6,I8,50,II4 muscatel [or dary)-sage [Salvia sclarea)-94 mushrooms, visionary-I9,20,26A9,50,78 muskrat-root [N. AM. Acorus calamus)-8I85 Mussatia hyacinthina [as coca-additive)-57 ,59 Myrica pubescens [the Callawaya fiijni)-93 Myristicacea:-4,I2,JI,32,33,36,38-43,47,53-6, 62-3,65,68,84,97,IOO-2,I04-5,II4,I22,I42 Myristica fragrans [Asian nutmeg-trees)-56 Myroxylon balsamum [Paez tache enth.)-57
nopo [C01diastenodacla;vtrolasnuff]-35,57,60 nopo/yopo-ro,I2,I4-Q,23,30A7,57,62-3,83,1I4 nosirr [Chiquit. A. colubrina var. Cebil)-I8 Nuestro Senor del Honguito [in Pueblaj-By nu-nu-snuff [Matses iiupi [or ZapotecanAcacia angustissima)-79 nutmeg [Myristica fragrans Asian spicej-yo nyakwdna-snuff [Waika visionalY]-37A4-5
palalo [Yanoarna Anadenanthera seeds)-37 Palicourea cbimo [chimo additive-planrj-ye Palicourea spp. [for chimo-additives)-56,59
Palikur Indians of Peruvian Amazonia-57,97
palo borracho [for Chorisia insignis)-75 palo de pulque [for Acacia angustissima)-79
Pampa Indians of southern Argentina-co Pancaruni Indians of northeast Brasil-jj.zo Pane, R. [Catalonian ethnographerj-as.rrz pango [or African tobacco, Cannabis?)-83 Panoan Indians of Peruvian Amazonia-to, 73 Papago Indians, of sw North America-na Paracas textile-art of archaic coastal Peru-I9 pa-ree-kd-snuff [Tukanoan Virola bark)-34 paricd-effect [the ayahuasca-effect)-I2,73 paricd grande [= Acacia, Pithecellobiumi-oo paricdramd [Bras. Anadenanthera SPp.)-70
Nahua Indians, of central Mesoamerica-49 Nahuatl idiom, of Nahua Indians-49,77-8 Nambicuara Indians of Bras. Arnazonia-y-; nanacaio [teonandcatl, vis. mushroomsj -ac na-nu-su-ka-ta [Pagamea macrophylla]-80,88 Naranjo, P. [Ecuadorian physicianj-vz-j natem" [Shuar Ind. ayahuasca)-24,6r,76-8 Nat'l. rnstitutes of Health [NIH)-snuff-30,ro5 Natterer,]. [19TH c. Austrian zoologisrj=zo Naucleopsis spp. [dart-poison plant sp.)-87 Nazca art, from archaic Peruvian COast-20 Nicorette" [the nicotinic chewing gum)- II4 Nicotiana africana [an African tobaccoj-yr Nicotiana attenuata [N. Am. tobaccoj-yo-r Nicotiana bigelovii [N. Am. tobacco SP.)-5I Nicotiana clevelandii [a N. Am. tobacco )-51 Nicotianaglauca [S.Am. tree-tobacco)-5I,85 Nicotiana quadrivalvis [N. Am. tobacco )-51 Nicotiana rustica [the Nahuatl picietll-49, 51 Nicotiana spp. [tobaccos)-UA8-SZ,55,62,85 Nicotiana tabacum [or quauhyetl)-48,5I,55 Nicotiana trigonophylla [N. Am. tobac.j-yr nicotine [Nicotiana pyridine alk.)-85,1I2-I4 Nicotrol NS [nicotinic nasal sprayj-rrz-tj NIH [xar'l. InstitutesofHealth)-snuff-30,ro5 nijni [CallawayaAh'rica pubescens snuff]-93 nishi oni [Shipibo Banisteriopsis brews)-78 Nocten [Mataco (sic)] Indians of Chaco=aj
odcalsuchio [Nahuatl Philodendron SP.)-49 obsidian-medicine [Nahuatl itzpactli)-49 Ochroma pyramidale [Tacana magic PI.)-75 Ocimum canum [African sternutatoryj=oa Ocimum micrantbum [ayahuasca-plant]-94 Ocotea bullata [a S. African snuff-barkj -cr ocpatli [Acacia angustissima, octli-drug]-79 octli [pulque, fermented Agave saps]-72,79 Ojibway [also Ahnishinaubeg) Indians-Ss
Olmecan Indians from SE Mesoarnerica-ao
Piptadenia macrocarpa [= cebfl]-r6,23-4,27 Piptadenia moniliformis [bufot.-plant)- 28 Piptadenia paniculata [non-alkaloidalj-wr Piptadeniaparaguayensis [non-alkaloidj-of Piptadenia[Anadenan.]peregrina-I6,26-8,33 Piptadenia rigida [Parag. curupay-rd]- 24,28 Piptadenia species-I6,23-31,33,70,7r,78 Piptadeniastrum africanum [arrow-poi.]- 28 Piptadenia tocantina [Brasilian cuhuba]-70 Piptadenia viridiflora [non-alkaloidalj-aS piripiri [for Amazonian Cyperusspecies]-96
Piro Indians ofPeruvianAmazonia-z2A5>lro
Pithecellobium letum [a remo caspi-tree)-74 Pithecelfobiumspp. [asjuremas)-25,69-7I,74 Pithecellobium tortum [= jurema branea)-7I pituri [Duboisia hopwoodii masticatoryj-yz
Pixaasi-teri Indians, ofYenez. Orinoco -aa Pizarro, F. [Spanish conquistador malo )-72 Plotkin, M.]. [us echnoboranisrj-co.ror.rod Plowman, TC. [late Usan botanist]-37,84 Plumbago aurlculata [Afrie. snuff-planrj-or pocboti [for Nahuatl Ceiba pentandra)-78 pocuyetl [for Nahuatl robacco-cigarsj-ao poiomaio [poyomatli, Quararibea sPP.?]-49
Pachycarpus concolor [Afrie. snuff-planrj -cr Pachycarpus vexillaris [Afr. snuff-planrj -oi Paonia officinalis [Pale. ud al-salib-snuff]-93
Paez Indians, from southern Colombia-57
pharmambil[orsublingualni otincj-rrz-rj pharmaiiopo [nopo-analogue]- 9,105,108-J2 pharmanunu [or intranasal nicotin J-JlZ-J3 pharmepena iepena snuff-anal gLlcJ-99-105 Phellinus nigricans [a fumatory fungus]-85
philtres [love-potions; or aphrodisiac )-65
Polo deOndegardo,].
[r6TH c. historianj=rri
Polyporus hispidus [a hispidin polyporej-Ss Polyporus schweinitzii [hispidin polypo.j-Ss Polyporus sulphureus [snuff-polyporej-Sa-y
Poma de Ayala, F.G. [16TH c. hisrorianj-ro poschi-have-moschi-hena [a snuff-plant]-36 Potowarorni Indians, of North America-Sf Pourouma cecropiejolia [cocaash -source J-56 Pourouma species [bark-paper source J-56,60 poyomatli [for Ouararibea fonebris?]-93,u6 Prance, GT [Usan ethnobot.J-36-7>45,81,89 Prescott, WHo [19TH C. Usan historianj-yz procaine HCL [pharrn.Iocal ansesrheticj-rrj protoveratrine A and B [veratrum alks.J-95 psilocine [4-hydroXY-N,N-oMTalkaloidJ-26 psilocybian [PsilorybeJmushrooms-26,78,85 psychonauric bioassays [Heffter Technique, sensu OrrJ-12,13,25,34>46,68,87-8,99-II5 PSYCHOPTrCA[entheogens, (Orr)J-I2>47,99 Psychotria amita [chima additive-plantj-yc Psychotria aubletiana [a chima-additiveJ-56
saponi ns [as guarand seed-constiruenrsj-yj irmpia [Dipteryxodorata, chim6-pl.]-56,75 tlyre [or saire, Andean robacco-speciesj -oo chultes, R.E. [us botanist]-z8-31,34,36-42, 44-5>47,64,66,68-9,71-2,75,84,86,101,159 cythians [Cannabis-smokers of Asia]-22,52 sebil [for Cornechingon snuff-seedsj-uc.zr
Stigmaphylon folgens [ayahuasca-plantJ-59 Strychnos jobertiana [a love-magic plantJ-65 Strychnos melinoniana [aphrodisiac pl.]-65
sryrylpyrones [of Polyp or ace a: speciesj-Bs Sueda tgyptica [Arabian snuff-plantJ-94-5 surnarriptan [for Imitrex'" /ImigranJ-n5 sumpitan [a Malay cerbatana/blowgunJ-64 Surara Indians of N South America-jr.aj.Sz Swartzia spp. [for Peruvian remo caspiJ-74
Senecio elatus [San Pedro additive-plantj-oa Senecio retrorsus [an African snuff-plantj-oa Senecio speciosus [snuff-plant of AfricaJ-94
seroronin]e] [or 5-HTJ-neuroreceptors-II5 shingata [Aguar. Calliandra amazonicas-rrr shingidta [= Shuar Calliandra species]-76-7 Shipibo Indians of Amaz6nia-56,59,74-5,78 Shuar Indians ofEcuad.-z3-4,61,65-6,76,8z shui-Iang [a Ranunculus acris inebriantj-oo Shulgin,AI &A. [psychonaursj-ror.roj.nv sienejna [Manihot anornala ssp. anomalai -zs Siler divaricatum [a Chinese inebrianrj-nj Siona Indians of W Amaz6nia-55-6,60-1,92 Siona-Secoya Indians ofw Amaz6nia-60,97 Sioux Indians, of N-C North Arnerica-Bz.oo sisioma [= WaikaAnadenanthera speciesj=rz sneeze-powders [or sternuraroriesj-yr.oz.oa sneezeweeds [diverse Helenium speciesj-oz snoosa [Alask. Fomes fomentarius snuff]-84 snuff-tablets [also traysJ-16,19-21,31>49,107 snuff-rubes [or tabocas]- II,35>47,50,64-6,n6 Solanacez [or the nighrshade--] family--rr, 48 >49-52,54-6, 59, 6z-3, 78-9,83,85,96-7 Solandra spp. [= Nahuatl tecomax6chitlJ-78 Solanum mauritianum [Mr. snuff-plantj-Sj Sorocea cf. pileata [a Tacana coca-subst.J-57 Sotelo Narvaez, P. [16TH c. historianj=re.zr Sotho tribal people of South Mrica-86,91,94 Spigelia multispica [a Palikur dog-snuffj-oz Spirostachys afticana [Afric. snuff-plantj -cr Spruce, R. [the British botanistJ-15,I7,28,83 Stachys officinalis [robacco-subst, snuffJ-94 Srerculiacez familY-34,39,50, 53,55,58,61-3,79 Sterculia spp. [cacao species ash-sourcesj -vj sternutatories [
tabaco [diverse Nicotiana speciesj tabaco cbuncho [for Cordia nodosa]-57,60 tabacuela [for Calliandra hematostomai-o tabari [or bark-papers (also ta[h]uari)]-56 Tabebuia spp. [bark-papersJ-56-7,59,60,64 Tabernemontana sananho [= tsicta]-39>97 Tabernanthe iboga [Bwiti iboga-rootsJ-97 taboca [or snuff-rubes]-II,35>49,50,6",-6,II6
Tacana Indians, from NW Bolivia-57,75 tache [Paez Myroxylon balsamum seedsj-yz Tachigalia spp. [ipadu ash-source leafJ-57
Psychotriaspp. [ayahuasca-pls.J-56,59,88,97 Psychotria viridis [chacruna-entheo.J-88,97 Pteroxylon obliquus [Afric. snuff-planrj -oj pucuna caspi [for Iryanthera tricornisJ-64
Puinave Indians of Colombia-17>34,58,100
Sabicea amazonensis [ayahuasca-plant]-59 sacha ayahuasca [Banisteriopsis muricata]-96 sacha cacao [for Iryanthera juruensis]-68
Safford, WE. [Usan ethnobotanistj-ue.zo safrole [volatile oil of Piper, Viroltt]-67,88m sagonasai [= Yanoarna Virola snuff-treesj-j-r sagona-snuff [Yanoarna visionary snuffs]-37 Sahagun, B. de [rnonk-ethnographerj-ac.oy St. Joseph, canonization and tob, snuff-52 Salivan Indians of north South America-57 Salvia divinorum [Mexican ska pastora]-94 Salvia sclarea [clary (or rnuscarelj-sagej-na Salvia spp. [psychoptic Labiarse speciesj-oz salvinorin A [a S. divinorum rerpenoidj-oz samiki [Shuar Calliandra enrheogens ]-7 4,76 Sanarna [Sanurna] Indians of Brasil- 36-7 Sanchezia spp. [shallucinogen. of Peruj -So
Tageteserecta [Nahuazempoalx6chitlJ-90,95 Tagetes lucida [the Nahua yauhtliJ-90,95 Tagetes minuta [SoAfrican snuff-plantj-os Tagetes spp. [diverse snuff-plantS]-78,90>95 ta[h]uari [bark-papers (or tabari)J-56,60,71
Taino Indians of La Espanola-II,1),16,22,70 Taiwano Indians, from NW Arnazonia-ja takini-latex [exHelicostylis speciesj-ya.tio, 70 Tanecium nocturnum [korib6J-54,56,60,89 Tanimuka Indians of NW Amaz6nia-64,84 Taoists of China [shaman-philosophersj-Sy Tariana Indians of SEColombia-19,31,36,82
Ouararibea fieldii [madre de cacao/maha]-78 Quararibea fonebris [cacahuax6chitlJ-78,u6 Quararibea putumayensis [curare-plant]-78 Quararibea species [Bornbacacese ]-78-9,116
Quechua idiom, of Andes-24,39,63,70,72-3 Quijos Quichua Indians ofEcuad.-39,66>97 quinazolinealkaloids [from]. pectoralis]-86
Teliostachyalanceolatavzs. crispa [aya.-pI.J-59 tenexyetl [Nahua limed chewing-tobac.j=ao teonacaztli [Cymbopetalum pendulijlorum J-78 teonandcatl [Nahua enth. mushroomsj=yS tepexquahuitl/tepescohuite [M tenuifiora J-71 Tephrosia capensis [African snuff-plantJ-84
Theobroma cacao [cacahuatf]-50,57,68,77 Theobroma grandiflorum [Br. cupuaplJ-77 Theobromaspp. [or cacao-species]-39,53,58 Theobroma speciosum [ipadu ash-pl.]-57,77 Theobroma subincanum-34,53,55,58,68,77 theobromine [cacao-alk. in Piptadenia]-78
Thevet, A. [16TH c. French chroniclerj-xo THH [( + )-1,2,3>4-TetraHydroHarmine]-31>43 Thompson Indians of North America-Sa.Sj Thoreau,H. [19TH C. Usan philosopherl-oz thujone [Artemisia species rerpenoidj-Sz.oa Tikuna Indians, of Colomb. Amazonia-65 Tinospora bakis [ba-iLLasnuff-pl.]-86,88-90 tlapacoyet] [Nahua washed tobacco]]-49
iroln cuspidate [a snuff-species]-36>41>46 irol diver gens [a trace-alkaloidal SP.]-42 irola duckei [the Quijos angus caspi]-39,97 Virola eLongata [snuff-pl.]-34-9>42>46-7,70 s/irola guatemaLensis [cacao volador]-68,77-8 virola loretoensis [Bora paste-speciesj ViroLa mellinonnii [trace-alkaloidal SP.]-42 ViroLa multineruia [trace-alkaloidal SP.]-40 ViroLaoleifera [synonym of V bicuhyba]-37 Virola pavon is [a Bora ViroLaperuviana [ya-kee Pl.]-37>41-2A6,I04 ViroLa rufuLa [snuff-plant sP.]-36AOA2,46 VzroLasebifera [fumat.]-36AO-3A6,65,68,70
ViroLasPP-4,I2,17,18,31,32-47,53-6,58-62,647,73,77-9,84,97,100-2,104-5,II4,122,142 Vzrola surinamensis [paste-pl.]-38-9,41,67,70
Yabuti Indians of Br. Amazonia-22,53-4,57 Yagua Indians from Peruvian Amazonia-yo yaje[Banisteriopsiscaapi, brews]-55,n76,78 ya-kee-snuff-4,I2,13,38AO,42A5,47,55,58,I01 yakoana-snuff [Waika Virola species]-37A4 yakuana-sagona [for Yanornamo-snuffj-as yale [Peruvian chicha of QJtararibea SP.]-78 Yanoarna Indians ofNw Amazonia-37,45,88 Yanornamo Indians NW Amazonia-37A4-5 Yanonami Indians, from NW Amazonia-j-,
Vzrola theiodora-32,35-6,38-42>44-6,65,I01 Vzrola venosa [non-alkaloidal virotes [pathogenic shamanic darrs]-66,75 Vztex agnus-castus [Bras. jurema branca ]-71 Vztex triflora [ta[h]uari ayahuasca-plant]-71
yapo [Dipteryx panamensis chimo-plant]-70 ya-to-snuff [Kuripako ViroLa speciesj-a.ja yatowanaa-snuff [ex WaikaA. peregrina]-38 yauhtfi [= Nahuatl Tagetes lucida]-78,90,95 yecoxo [Mesoamerican tobacco-snuffj-qo, 51
Yekuana [or Yecuana] Indians-19,33-5,38,70
vei nacazio [Cymbopetalum penduliflorum ]-49 Veratrum album [tobacco-snuff Bavor.]-95 Veratrum calijornicum var. californicum-w; Veratrum jhgidum [Nahua snuff-plantj-oy Veratrum viride [Blackfoot snuff-plant]-95
veterinary snuffs [dog, horse]-13,22,39>95-7 viho-snuff [Tukanoan Virola species]-38,54
Toumefortia angustiflLia [ayahuasca-pl.]-60 TrichiLia tocacheana [= Peruvian Lupuna ]-75 Trichocereuspachanoi [San Pedro ]-19,54,9,94 Trichocereusspp. [sanPedro]-19>54,57,60,90,94 TrichocLine auriculata [coro-root inebr.j=oo TrichocLine deaLbata [= coro-root inebr.j-oo TrichocLineexscapa [coro-root inebriantj-oo TrichocLine incana [coro-root inebriantj -oo TrichocLine reptans [coro-root inebriantj-oo
viLcatarwi [Erythrina, Lupinus ]-16,61,70,75 viLca viLca [Inca A. colubrina var. CebiLJ-25 vinho da jurema [Mimosa]-25,27,33,69,71-2 Virola bicuhyba [bufot.?]-37>40>42>45>47,69 VzroLacalophyLLa[Colom. Amaz. yd-kee snuffplant SP.]-4>34-5,38-42,44>46-7,I01,I04
Waika Indians of Amazonia-q,28,30-2>35-8, 43,15,17,56,58-9,61,64,86,101,108,122,142 Wakuenai Indians of Amaz. Venezuela-jf Waorani Indians of Ecuador. Amazonia-Bj Warao Indians of Venezuelan Orinoco=jf waruro [snail-shell lime for nopo-snuff]-17 Wassen, S.H.-33,35-6,52,75,I07,IIO Wasson, R.G. [enrheobotany pioneerj-ryo Wayapi Indians, of NW Amazonia-57,67,97 Weenhaye[k] Indians of Bolivian Chaco-zj white man's [sic] tobacco [N tabacumi-s: Wichi Indians ofArgent.-22-4,29,54,90,I08 Wilbert, J. [Usan willka [for A. coLubrina var. Cebil seedsj-zx wircawei-yek [Vzrola sebifera furnatoryj-yo Wi to to Indians of SA-38-9,55,58,66-9,72,84
yemila [for Wayapi Piper obLongifoLium]-97 yera [for Witoto tobacco-pastes]-55,58,67 Yermak, 16TH c. Siberian conquistador-Ss yetf[for Mesoamerican robacco-speciesj-ao yiaquaLli [= Nahuatl tobacco-pellersj-ao.ev yoco [= Paullinia yoco bark-stimulantj-yy.oj yopa-snuffs [Chibchan leafen snuff]-18,47 yopo/nopo-snUffS-I2,15-q,19,30-1,33,39>44A7 yoshin [= evil demon in puka-Iupuna]-75
Yukuna Indians, from NW Arnazonia-Ba
-xXhosa, tribal people of South Africa-83,91 xiloxochitl [Nahuatl Calliandra speciesj-yS xocbitl [Bower, Nahuatl entheogensj-yx xtabentun [Turbina corymbosa seeds]-86,89 Xucuni Indians, of northeastern Brasil-ys
snuff-table icons]-II,15,II7,I21 [Nahua Tagetes erecta]-78,95 [a Haitian srupefacientj=oo Zulu tribal peoples from South Africa-Bj.or zumaquel zumuque [a resinous incensej-rf Zuni Indians, from sw North Arnerica=oz zurmuri [for Kuasi Piper guineense bark]-88
What can a friar give you However much he loves you, A bit of tobacco-snuff And a eulogy when you die? Anonymous Chuchumbe lyrics, Veracruz [r8TH c.]
I am beholden to Dr. C. Manuel Torres, of Florida International University in Miami (la Florida), for inviting me to collaborate with his long-term investigations on South American shamanic snuffs, for his invaluable bibliographic assistance and for his having kindly reviewed this manuscript. I am likewise indebted to Dr. Robert Montgomery, of BotanicalPreservation Corps in Sebastopol (Alta California Norte), for lending me his considerable expertise as reviewer. I thank Iris van den Hurk and Menno Bergman, of Pharmacophilia, V.O.F. in Amsterdam, for their heroic assistance with bioassays; and Boris Crary of Tokyo, Japan, for the sample of oo-koo-he Virola resin. I also declare my sincere appreciation to Prof. Bo R. Holmstedt, of Karolinska Institutetin Stockholm, for his providing me with numerous recondite bibliographic sources-it is my pleasure to dedicate this, my opuscule, to this great pioneer in the phytochemical analysis of divers shamanic snuffs and kindred visionary inebriants. As always, I acknowledge my continuing debt to my three mentors: the late Dr. R. Gordon Wasson, of Danbury, Connecticut; Dr. Richard Evans Schultes, of Harvard University in Cambridge; and Dr. Albert Hofmann, of Basel, Switzerland. I am ever more inspired by their pioneering research in entheobotany and ethnopharrnacognosy-more constant, true and brilliant cynosures one could not wish to have. I would be remiss should I fail to thank Dr. Felix Martfn, of Coatepec, Veracruz, for his repeated assistance, as mentally stimulating as it proved to be indispensable. My hyperpnean hierobotany I dedicate to HallieM. Greene; she, in halation halcyon; hathoric hamadryad of the tangled tresses and so tender heart ... you, Hallie, of the all-melting beauty bounteous and beatific; so handsome and heart-harbored you, my mellifluous Muse ...
Erythroxylum coca LAM. var. ipadu PLOWMAN [Erythroxylacez'], L.T. Bates, ipadu or Amazonian coca, used as a food, stimulating masticatory, snuff- and ayahuasca-admixture.