Collaboration Rubric
Collaboration Rubric
Collaboration Rubric
Adapted from David Rosss Am I Too Hot for You Project Based Learning Module presented on the Buck Institute for Education and Boise State University PBL website (
Total = /60
Needs Improvement
Student does not contribute to the successful completion of the project Student generates few new ideas
At Standard
Student plays an active role in generating new ideas. Student takes initiative in getting tasks organized. Student delegates responsibilities when required. Student keeps group/class on task and on schedule. Student understands and articulates goals of class/group. Student accepts responsibilities for his or her actions and the actions of the group.
Above Standard
In addition to meeting the criteria for At Standard, the: Student thoughtfully organizes and divides the work between group members. Student monitors progress toward group goal. Student adapts easily to changes in the task or group.
0..5 Student does not willingly consider suggestions proposed by classmates. Student vocalizes intense opposition to group or classroom goals and does not contribute to a safe learning environment. Student does not comply with group, classroom and community rules. 0..5 Student encourages discord. Student does not seek or encourage facilitation or mediation of conflict.
610 Student willingly considers suggestions proposed by classmates. Student expresses the ability in words and deeds to adapt to the goals of the group, even when those goals may be different than their own. Student complies with group, classroom and community rules and contributes to a safe learning environment. 610 Student seeks to resolve conflicts between individuals or groups by listening to both sides. Student encourages peers and adults to listen to each other. Student is willing to accept facilitation or mediation in the event they are involved in a conflict. 610 Student expresses empathy for the feelings of others through words, body language or deeds. Student displays awareness of diversity and the needs of different ethnic/social/religious groups. Student demonstrates ability to look at issues from multiple points of view. 610
1015 In addition to meeting the criteria for At Standard, the: Student encourages cooperation through words and actions. Student creates or initiates procedures (or activities) that encourage cooperation. Student willingly switches roles in group or classroom as required by the situation. 1015 In addition to meeting the criteria for At Standard, the: Student serves as facilitator or mediator between groups or individuals. Student volunteers to find resources or schedule meetings between individuals or groups in conflict. 1015 In addition to meeting the criteria for At Standard, the: Student engages in action that makes the emotional comfort of others a primary concern. Student attempts to broaden group activities to be more inclusive.
0..5 Student does not express empathy for the feelings of others. Student displays a lack of awareness or disregard for diversity. Student is locked into one view of issue(s). 0..5