Appendix: RF Transient Simulator
Appendix: RF Transient Simulator
Appendix: RF Transient Simulator
RF Transient Simulator
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RF Transient/Convolution Simulation
This simulator can be used to solve problems associated with circuit simulation, when the signal and waveforms involved are modulated with complex signals. Such signals represent the primary types of signals found in modern RF communication systems. The most traditional simulation solutions are based on SPICE or SPICE-like time domain algorithms. The Transient and convolution simulators are SPICE-like in their operation. They solve a set of integro-differential equations that express the time dependence of the currents and voltages of the circuit under analysis. The result is a nonlinear analysis with respect to time and, possibly, a swept variable. These simulation techniques assume that the input stimulus can be an arbitrary baseband signal so the solution v(t) must also be assumed to be a baseband signal. This means that any high frequency carrier must be represented as baseband signals and must therefore be sampled at rates significantly higher than the most significant harmonic frequency. For example, assume a 5GHz signal rd with significant 3 harmonic. To satisfy the basic Nyquist criteria, the sampling frequency must be greater than 30GHz. To obtain reasonable accuracy from the integration algorithm, a sampling frequency of 100GHz is a more realistic value. Now assume that the carrier is modulated with a symbol rate of 100 kHz, and that we want to simulate the circuit for 500 symbols. This means that we desire a total simulation time of 5 ms. However, the high carrier frequency dictates the step size that must be at least 10 ps or smaller. This means then that the circuit simulator must solve the circuit equations and outputs solutions at over 500 million time points. Features of Transient Analysis Analyze low and high frequencies, linear and non-linear large circuits in the time domain Verify transient behavior like start-up time in oscillators, step-function responses in filters, pulsed RF network responses, high speed digital and switching circuits and more. Improved convergence for large and highly non-linear circuits. Time-to-frequency domain transformation allows RF designers to view the output results (such as IP3) in the frequency domain.
The main difference between the transient and convolution option lies in how each analysis characterizes the distributed and frequency-dependent elements of a circuit.
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Convolution Analysis
A convolution analysis, on the other hand, represents all the distributed elements in the frequency domain and hence accounts for their frequency dependent behavior. The characterization of many distributed elements is best accomplished in the frequency domain, because the exact time-domain equivalents for these elements cannot always be obtained. Convolution converts the frequency-domain information from all the distributed elements to the time-domain, effectively resulting in the impulse response of those elements. The timedomain-input signals at the elements terminals are convolved with the impulse-response of the element to yield the output signals. Elements that have exact lumped equivalent models including nonlinear elements are characterized entirely in the time domain without using the impulse responses. Features of Convolution Simulation For more accurate analysis of the discontinuities and for more accurate frequency-domain models with dispersion effects and high frequency loss. Convolution simulator results in accurate high frequency results at the expense of longer simulation times. Handles circuits that contain distributed elements and S-Parameter data used for components. It can accurately analyze circuit startup and transient conditions at low- and high frequencies, where the effects of dispersion and discontinuities are significant (for electrically big components on PCB-boards). Extension of High-Frequency-SPICE. Basic time step and convergence algorithms and non-linear models are the same; only modeling of Frequency-dependent linear devices is enhanced.
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Tolerances and iteration limits: 2. A DC analysis is performed to determine the system solution at time zero. 3. Inside the simulator, a breakpoint table is constructed to deal with frequency-domaindevices and data. Independent source waveforms frequently have sharp transitions that may not normally coincide with the time step calculated by the program. Such is the case with the piecewise linear sources. The breakpoint table contains a sorted list of all the transition points of the independent sources. During the simulation, whenever the next time point is sufficiently close to one of the breakpoints, the time step is adjusted to land exactly at the breakpoint. This prevents unnecessary time-step reductions in the vicinity of the transitions.
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4. An internal control variable updates the current time and the value of the independent sources are calculated at that time. 5. An attempt is made to solve the system of equations through numerical integration and a finite number of Newton-Raphson iterations. If the number of iterations exceeds Max iterations per time point, then the time step is reduced by a factor of Integration coefficient mu divided by 8. If the new time step is acceptable, the analysis is repeated from step 4. If the Integration coefficient mu =0, backward-Euler numerical integration is used. Otherwise, trapezoidal integration is used. 6. Following convergence, the local truncation error is calculated. The default trapezoidal integration method is used to estimate the error, unless Gears method is selected. 7. The time step interval is calculated. By default, the time step is computed for transient analysis by means of the truncation error estimate method. 8. The error tolerance is compared with the value in the Local truncation over-est factor. If the error is within acceptable limits, the results are stored and analysis continues at the next time point. Otherwise, the analysis is repeated at a smaller time step. 9. Steps 3 through 9 are repeated until the user-specified time-sweep range has been analyzed.
Integration Method
Like SPICE, this simulator uses the trapezoidal integration method as the default method for calculating derivatives at each time step t in the simulation. For most circuits, this method will succeed. Trapezoidal integrates between time points by assuming line segments connect them. The local truncation error is then related to the difference between the areas determined by the present and previous time point.
. For those few that do not, the simulator also supports Gears backward difference method.
In this equation, the index k is called the order of the integration.
k + 1
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Gears integrates by assuming that the time points are connected by a polynomial curve. The order of the polynomial is controlled by the Max Gear order parameter. Lower-order polynomials tend to create greater truncation error, while higher-order polynomials can become unstable. For most circuits, Gears method is no more accurate then the trapezoidal integration technique. However, if a circuit analysis fails to converge, Gears method may succeed where trapezoidal integration fails. If Max Gear order is set to a number between 2 and 6, the simulator will use Gears method along with an adaptive step size algorithm that picks the largest possible step size at each point in the simulation. For each time step, the order of Gears method will be chosen (up to the value of Max Gear order) to maintain accuracy with the largest possible time step. This potentially speeds up simulations with no loss in accuracy.
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NOTE on Noncausal Frequency Responses: In ADS 2008, the simulator produces warnings when non-causality is detected and it also attempts to eliminate the problem. In general, the supports user-defined models that can have any impedance, including nonphysical or noncausal components for which there is no correct answer. If a component has a constant reactance that does not vary with frequency (or has a nonzero reactance at DC), then the component is mathematically nonphysical. In these cases, the simulator may produce an answer that may not be physically realistic. To eliminate this problem, change the component's definition. Refer to the documentation (manuals) for more details Transient analysis and settings.
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