GATP Configuration

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GATP Configuration 20.

59) Maintaining Delivery Priorities (R/3) R/3 Configuration Delivery Priorities are used during back order processing to prioritize orders. Default values are maintained on the Customer Master and they can be changed on a Sales Order line. Menu Tcode SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Sales and Distribution aster Data M Business Partners Customers Shipping Define Delivery Priorities OVSD No No CTS Cross Client Created a new delivery priority of 3. This will be put on orders which need to be put on highest priority in exception situations. Delivery Priorities 10,20 & 30 will be used as before. Same as D. Same as D. 130 60) Maintaining Customer Group 5 (R/3) Customer Group 5 is being used to group customer sold-to from an allocation perspective. Allocation quantities are maintained at a Material, Sales Organization and Customer Group 5 level. Menu Tcode SAP Customizing Implementation Guide Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partners Customers Sales Maintain Reserve Fields in Customer Master Customer Group 5 SPRO No No CTS Cross Client A value of 999 is used as a wildcard value. This should not be assigned to any customer master record. 131 Same as D. (Values in D changed before migration). . Same as D. 132 21. 61) Maintaining Calendars (APO) General Settings Use calendar maintenance to maintain and display the components of the calendar system. These include public holidays and factory calendars. Maintain Source Systems in APO BW * (APO) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide General Settings Maintain Calendar SCAL No Yes CTS Cross Client All Calendars will be copied over from R/3 using the BW function. R/3 must be set up as a Source system in order to use this functionality. Batch job defined for report RSIMPCUST. All Calendars copied over from R/3 using BW function All Calendars copied over from R/3 using BW function. All Calendars copied over from R/3 using BW function. 133 62) Maintaining Planning Calendars (Time Stream) (APO) Time Stream Calendars are assigned to Locations in APO. Time Streams Calendars can reference R/3 Calendars (brought over into APO). If there are any changes to the R/3 calendars the same should be done in APO. Maintain Calendars (APO) Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Current Settings Maintain Planning Calendar (Time Stream) /SAPAPO/CALENDAR No No CTS Cross Client Time Stream Calendars to have the same value as the R/ 3 calendars. Calculation defined with Working Time Calendar (With Gaps) and Calendar field should have the R/3 Calendar value. Setup Calculation rule with TB Profile of Week (Weekdays) and calculate periods. Each weekday defined as available. Hoidays and Workdays automatically identified based on R/3 Calendar. We will be setting up all R/3 calendars into APO since it was not possible to identify which calendars will be used. 134 Done for all Factory Calendars. Did not require Live Cache to be set up. Same as D. Same as D. Post Live need to try to automate the process of updating APO Time Streams when R/3 calendars change. [TBD] 135 63) Maintaining Parameters for ATP Application Log (APO) We maintain the parameters for the ATP application log. We also switch on the ATP application log here. Switching on the log has a negative impact on the performance of the availability check. Each user needs to be added individually for setting up the log (* user does not work). Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Tools Maintain Parameters for ATP Application Log. /SAPAPO/ATPLOG Yes No CTS Cross Client The functionality was tested in the D/Q environment but since it required a CTS for every user, it was decided not to implement this at go-live. The SAP Consultant had set this up for his Login. Log not reviewed. Migrated from Q for * user. Will not be used. 136 64) Maintaining ATP Categories (APO) ATP Categories are used by the Order and ATP Time Series Live Cache in a manner similar to MRP Elements in R/3 They identify demand and supply elements such as Purchase Orders, Stock, Sales Orders, etc. Activating Integration Models for ATP Customizing (R/3) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise General Settings Maintain Category. /SAPAPO/ATPC03 Yes No CTS Cross Client SAP Categories are pre-defined and should not ideally be modified. No need to add Non-SAP Categories. Default SAP Categories not modified. Default SAP Categories not modified. Default SAP Categories not modified. 137 65) Maintaining Business Event (APO) The business event describes an operation within a business. Business Events are copied over from R/3 when the Integration Model for ATP Customizing is activated. Activating Integration Models for ATP Customizing (R/3) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise General Settings Maintain Business Event /SAPAPO/ATPC02 Yes No CTS Cross Client ATP Check will be done for Sales Orders (Business Event A) Rush Sales Orders (Business Event B) Inventory Transactions (Business Event 03) Only availability. The basic design principle was to do whatever was being done earlier in R/3 but with the addition of Allocation for Sales Orders. R/3 values copied over to APO. R/3 values copied over to APO. No new Business Events defined. R/3 values copied over to APO. No new Business Events defined. R/3 values copied over to APO through customizing import. No new Business Events defined. 138 66) Maintaining Check Mode (APO) The check mode corresponds to the requirements type with requirements class in R/3. The requirements type with requirements class is transferred from SD at runtime. All other applications do not transfer a requirements class. In this case the check mode is read in the APO product master. This also applies in a rules-based ATP check for the subsequent requirements (substitutions). We should therefore have entered the check mode in the location-specific product master. Check Modes are copied over from R/3 when the Integration Model for ATP Customizing is activated. Activating Integration Models for ATP Customizing (R/3) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise General Settings Maintain Check Mode /SAPAPO/ATPC06 Yes No CTS Cross Client Check Modes will be based on Requirements Class from R/3. No new Check Modes required. R/3 values copied over to APO. No new Check Modes defined. R/3 values copied over to APO. No new Check Modes defined. R/3 values copied over to APO through customizing import. No new Check mode defined. 139 67) Maintaining Check Instructions (APO) Check instructions are used to determine which basic methods are to be executed. Check Instructions are maintained for a combination of Check Mode and Business Event. Check Instructions should be migrated only after ATP Customizing has been imported from R/3. For the configuration made, to find the check date for the allocation check, the system uses the Requested MAD date i.e., MAD calculated based on Requested MAD date. Maintaining Business Event (APO) Maintaining Check Mode *(APO) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise General Settings Maintain Check Instructions /SAPAPO/ATPC07 Yes No CTS Cross Client Following guidelines were used to modify Check Instrctions after Customizing Import from R/3 1. Business Event A* is Sales Order Entry (The main scope of GATP) so define check instructions for all check modes since it is not possible to identify the requirement class that may come over on an order. For Business Event A* if availability check was being done in R3, then define check instructions with Allocation as first step, then Availability check as second step. Else if no availablity check in R3 then define check instructions with no availability and no allocation checks. 2. Business Event B* is normally for deliveries but is also required for Rush Sales Orders. An R/3 configuration showed that 041 is the only requirement class that will come across for this business event. Hence defined only for 041 check mode. For Business Event B* if availability check was being done in R3, then define check instructions with Allocation as first step, then Availability check as second step. Else if no availablity check in R3 then define check instructions with no availability and no allocation checks. 3. Business Event 03 required for Inventory Transaction availability check such as MB1C. For such transactions, the APO Product Master Check Mode is used. Hence check instructions for all Check Modes are maintained. For Business Event 03 if availability check was being done in R3, then define check instructions with Availability check as first step. Else if no availablity check in R3 then define check instructions with no availability checks. 140 As mentioned in Design Note above. Same as D. Same as D. 141 22. 68) Manage Display Profiles for Master Data Maintenance (APO) This option allows providing selective access to users to view/ modify Master Data tabs. To use this option refer to OSS Note 810386 No applications are displayed in the transaction for managing display profiles of the master data maintenance on the initial screen. You cannot maintain the display profiles. Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Master Data Location Manage Display Profiles for Master Data Maintenance. /SAPAPO/MNTPROF01 No No CTS Cross Client It was decided not to use this functionality since the master data team will be fully responsible for these transactions Planners do not need to maintain any GATP data. This may be required later for the SNP project. Some testing done. Not Done. Not Done. Not Done. 142 23. 69) Maintain ATP Groups (APO) Product Availability Check The ATP group is read from the product master for the run time. The ATP group is equivalent to the checking group in R/3. Scope of Check (Check Control) is maintained for a combination of ATP Group and Business Event. Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Product Availability Check Maintain ATP Group /SAPAPO/ATPC01 Yes No CTS Cross Client Use existing Checking Groups from R/3. Created by copying ATP Customizing. No additional checking groups created. No modifications to copied over values. Through ATP Customizing CIF. No additional checking groups created. No modifications to copied over values. Through ATP Customizing CIF. No additional checking groups created. No modifications to copied over values. 143 70) Maintain Check Control (APO) The ATP group is read from the product master for the run time. The ATP group is equivalent to the checking group in R/3. Scope of Check (Check Control) is maintained for a combination of ATP Group and Business Event. Maintaining Business Event (APO) Maintaining ATP Groups (APO) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Product Availability Check Maintain Check Control /SAPAPO/ATPC04_05 Yes No CTS Cross Client Use existing Checking Groups from R/3. Created by copying ATP Customizing. Validate that for all existing Checking Groups in R/3 (for APO-relevant materials) Check Control is maintained with values No Subloc Check : Not ticked No Version Check: Not ticked Consider Checking Horizon: Based on R/3 Receipts from Past: Consider Past Receipts 144 No additional check control maintained. No modifications done to R/3 customizing bought over. No additional check control maintained. No modifications done to R/3 customizing bought over. Through ATP Customizing CIF. No additional check control created. No modifications to copied over values. 145 24. 25. 71) Maintain Source Systems (APO) Source systems represent external sources of data. Setting up RFC destination for R/3 in APO (APO) APO BW Configuration Menu Tcode Demand Planning Environment Administrator Workbench RSA1 Yes No CTS Cross Client R/3 for Calendars/ Units of Measure BW for BW Master Data, Sales Order History Excel is not defined as a Source System. Same as D through Transport. No access to verify. Done by BW team. 146 72) Maintain InfoObjects and InfoAreas (APO) In this step we maintain characteristics and key figures (Collectively called InfoObjects Categorized into InfoAreas). Menu Tcode Demand Planning Environment Administrator Workbench RSA1 Yes No CTS Cross Client New Characteristics required for Material and Location (Copies of 9AMATNR and 9ALOCNO) which have following Navigational Attributes Material LOB, BU, PAC1, PAC23 Location did not need to a new characteristic but defined so that in future a nav attribute may be used. Sales Org has a Nav. Attribute of Country. 0SALESORG used instead of 9A to retain what was used in the Prototyoing environment. Sales Org is set up as authorization relevant. New Key Figures required Allocation Quantity Weekly Allocation Quantities Incoming Sales Order Quantity Allocation consumption. Monthly Allocation Goal (Defined initially in D and so will migrate but due to difficulty in loading weekly/ monthly in same file, will not be used for Project Go-Live.) Forecast Qty Not for GATP. Defined for Demantra-SNP interface. Disaggregation Proportion - Not for GATP. Defined for Demantra-SNP interface. 147 Same as D through Transport. Same as D through Transport. No access to verify. 148 73) Setting up InfoSources and Application Components (APO) InfoSources are BW structures that enable you to transfer data between Source Sources and InfoCubes. In this activity, you also define the communication structure, assign the source system and define the transfer rules. The Communication Structure represents the structure of an InfoSource. It contains all InfoObjects that belong to an InfoSource. The Transfer Structure is the framework in which data from the source system is transferred to the SAP APO system. Transfer rules enable you to specify how the fields in the transfer structure are assigned to the InfoObjects in the communication structure. This is normally a 1:1 assignment, although InfoObjects can also be filled via routines or constants. Application Components can be used to catalog InfoSources. Maintain InfoObjects and InfoAreas (APO) Menu Tcode Demand Planning Environment Administrator Workbench RSA1 Yes No CTS Cross Client 149 Same as D through Transport. Same as D through Transport. 150 74) Maintain InfoCubes (APO) InfoCubes are the Multidimensional structures optimized for storing reporting data. InfoCubes are made up of characteristics (organized into dimensions) and key figures. Update rules define how InfoCubes are updated from InfoSources. Activation of Planning Object Structures creates APO InfoCubes. These InfoCubes contain CVCs. When creating new InfoCubes, they must always be type BW and not APO. Maintain InfoObjects and InfoAreas (APO) Menu Tcode Demand Planning Environment Administrator Workbench RSA1 Yes No CTS Cross Client Infocubes required for following purposes Sales Order History InfoCube - (For creation of CVCs One Time). While this was part of the initial design, it will not be used for CVC creation as it is not sure if all CVCs will be created if Historical data is used. Allocation quantities loading from Excel (This will later be received from Demantra instead of Excel.) Allocation Backup from LiveCache Sales Order History InfoCube: Characteristics Product, Sales Org, Customer Grp 5, Product Allocation Object, Plant Key Figures Sales Order History (Not used for CVC buildout) Allocation Quantities from Excel: Characteristics Product, Planning Version, Sales Org, Customer Grp 5, Product Allocation Object Key Figures Allocation Quantity/ Monthly Goal Allocation Backup from LiveCache: Characteristics Product, Planning Version, Sales Org, Customer Grp 5, Product Allocation Object, Location Key Figures Allocation Quantity/ Monthly Goal/ Allocation Consumption The Monthly Goal Key Figure will not be used for GATP Go-Live due to difficulties in loading the weekly and monthly key figures at the same time. Defined batch job for Allocation Uploads from Excel & Time Series Live Cache Backups. 151 152 Same as D through Transport. 153 26. 27. Time Series Live Cache Configuration 75) Maintain Periodicities for Planning Area (APO) Periodicities for a planning area (also called storage buckets profile) define the time buckets in which data based on a given planning area is saved in Demand Planning or Supply Network Planning. The periodicity for Demand Planning is usually divided in weeks and months whereas the periodicities for SNP are usually made up of days or weeks. You need to define a storage buckets profile before you can create a planning area. Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Current Settings Periodicities for Planning Area /SAPAPO/TR32 No No CTS Cross Client Allocation data will be maintained in weekly as well as monthly buckets. We require one periodicity with both weeks and months. Decided not to use Time Stream Ids This implies that for weeks that are split across months, allocation quantities will be propotioned on the basis of calendar days and not working days. Note that for P1288 Go-Live monthly allocation goals will not be maintained. 154 Same as D. Same as D. 155

76) Create and Activate Planning Object Structures (APO) Planning Object Structures define groups of characteristics (and related navigational attributes). The Planning Object Structure will determine the characteristic value combinations (CVCs) and, for GATP, determines the CVC level at which allocation quantities will be controlled. APO Infocubes are generated in the background when a POS is activated. These can be seen in APO BW. Required Characteristics and Navigational Attributes must be defined in APO BW before this step. Once used, characteristics in the POS must not ideally be modified. Also Navigational Attributes related to these characteristics must not be added/ modified/ deleted. If not using standard characteristics for Material/ Location then assign the newly defined InfoObjects for Material/ Location. This is required to use Validate against SCM data during CVC creation. Creation of Planning Object Structures creates programs in the background and so requires certain namespaces (global settings) to be changeable. Activation of Planning Object Structures requires access to create InfoCubes. Maintain InfoObjects and InfoAreas (APO) Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Administration of Demand Planning and Supply Network Planning /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN No No CTS Cross Client Allocation quantities will be maintained at Product, Sales Org, Customer Grp5 level. Plant is required in the POS for future SNP use. Allocation Object is mandatory in the POS. It is being assumed that we will have a common Plannning Object Structure in DP. This Planning Object Structure will be used for GATP, for getting Forecast quantities from Demantra and will get time-phased supply from SNP. Planning Object Structures/ Planning Areas and related areas can be migrated across D/Q/P. However, we have chosen to go do that and instead build out each environment. The SAP consultant confirmed that both methods are acceptable. 156 Only one Planning Object Structure will be defined. 157 Assigned Product and Location characteristics since we are not using the default characteristics for Product and Location. Same as D. Same as D. 158 77) Setting up Planning Areas (APO) Planning Areas identify groups of Key Figures and are associated with a Planning Object Structure. Planning Books can only display/ update data in one Planning Area. Maintain InfoObjects and InfoAreas (APO) Create and Activate Planning Object Structures (APO) Maintain Periodicities for Planning Area (APO) Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Administration of Demand Planning and Supply Network Planning /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN No No CTS Cross Client Only one Planning Area required. Key Figures required are Allocation Qty Weekly Allocation Quantities (manually maintained by Allocation Planner or updated from Allocation Upload InfoCube). Order Qty Weekly Allocation Consumption (Read only). Updated when Sales Orders consume allocation. Monthly Estimate Monthly Allocation Quantity (manually maintained by Allocation Planner or updated from Allocation Upload InfoCube). Note that the monthly estimate quantity will not be used at go-live due to diffculty in loading weekly and monthly allocation quantities from same file. Planning Object Structures/ Planning Areas and related areas can be migrated using transaction /SAPAPO/TSOBJ. However, we have chosen to go do that and instead build out each environment. The SAP consultant confirmed that both methods are acceptable. 159 Disaggregation Propotion and Forecast Qty added for getting Forecasts from Demantra into SNP. Same as D. ZALLOCREM removed in D and Q as we will use an Auxillary Key Figure in the Planning Book. Same as Q. 160 78) Initialize Planning Areas (APO) In this step we activate Planning Areas in Live Cache. At least one CVC and related Time Series Object must exist before Planning Areas can be initialized. Setting up Planning Areas (APO) Backup Allocation Time Series Live Cache to APO BW (APO) [For Re-Initialization Only] Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Administration of Demand Planning and Supply Network Planning /SAPAPO/MSDP_ADMIN No No CTS Cross Client Live Cache will be maintained for 24 weeks for GATP. 10 weeks in the past and 14 weeks in the future. The SNP projects may need to change this based on DP interface requirements. Batch job defined for update every week report /SAPAPO/TS_PAREA_INITIALIZE. This report will delete data from older periods. This can cause allocation inconsistencies to be seen in transaction /SAPAPO/OM17. Require a method to avoid seeing these inconsistencies. [TBD] Was done for default start and end dates (based on validity period of Storage Bucket Profile). 161 Have not set up variants. Planning Area initialized for 10 Weeks to + 14 Weeks. Same as D. One CVC defined specifically for Planning Area initialization. Deleted later. BW master data validation was done but SCM master data validation was not done at this time. Used variant defined for initializing Planning Area. Created Time Series Object. 162 79) Create Data Sources for Planning Areas (APO) Backup of Live Cache Time Series into an InfoCube in BW requires generation of a Data Source. The InfoCubes are migrated across environments and if the Planning Area was migrated, this data sources would also automatically get created and this step would not be necessary. However, since we are creating the Planning manually in each environment, we need to manually create data sources in each environment. APO BW will be used as a secondary Backup of Live Cache Time Series. Primary backups will be part of routine backups taken by the BASIS team. After generation of data sources, data sources need to be replicated and the Transfer rules will need to be updated because BW expects the time stamp on InfoSources and transfer rules needs to be after that of the datasource. Initialize Planning Areas (APO) Tcode /SAPAPO/SDP_EXTR No No CTS Cross Client Data Source to be created for Planning Area. To reduce the number of records extracted the No extraction of Data Records without Key Fig Value is ticked. This means that if the key figure value for a time bucket is 0, it will not be extracted. Not Done Not required since InfoCube built out and not migrated. Generated Data Sources for Planning Area 163 164 28. 80) Maintain BW Authorization Objects (APO) BW Authorizations Here we setup authorization objects for InfoObjects defined as authorization relevant. Can also be used to activate Check Logs for users for Authorization Trace. The report PFCG_ORGFIELD_CREATE needs to be run to make this authorization object Organizational relevant. Create and Activate Planning Object Structures (APO) Menu Tcode Demand Planning Environment Maintain BW Authorization Objects RSSM Yes No CTS Cross Client Decided to implement authorization at a Sales Org level. Check for CVC InfoCube (same name as the Planning Object Structure). Not done. 165 166 ZSLSORG has been activated for ZPOSATP (CVC InfoCube) and authorizations tested. Same as Q. 167 29. 81) Maintaining Time Bucket Profile (APO) Planning Book Design Time Bucket Profiles are assigned to Data Views and are used to control the way data is seen (not stored). Buckets (Days, Weeks, etc) must be consistent with (same or higher) buckets defined in storage bucket profiles. Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Current settings Maintain Time Buckets profile for Demand Planning and Supply Network Planning /SAPAPO/TR30 No No CTS Cross Client Two Profiles required for Weekly Data View (10 Weeks past and 14 Weeks future). Two profiles required required for Monthly Data View (2 Months past and 3 Months future). Same as D. Same as D. 168 82) Maintaining Planning Books & Data Views (APO) Planning Books and Data Views are Interfaces with which users can interact with Live Cache Time Series. Planning Books can display data from one Planning Area only. Auxiliary Key figures can be defined for a Planning Book. Such key figures exist in Live Cache only for the duration of the transaction. SAP strongly recommends stepping through the Planning Book/ Data View creation by using the Continue buttons and not navigating through the tabs directly. This option can be invoked through Interactive Planning. Authorization should be used to restrict this. Planning Books creation requires certain Software Component to be Modifiable. Verify using transaction SE06. When creating the Planning Book system should display All authorizations exist and not Authorization to Execute in the left window. Initialize Planning Areas (APO) Maintaining Time Bucket Profile (APO) Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Current settings Define Planning Book /SAPAPO/SDP8B No No CTS Cross Client Only one Planning Book required. Two Data Views required One for Weekly and the other for Monthly. Allocation Planners would have the planning book default to the current bucket. They can scroll back if they want to see previous buckets. We are not going infor the development object that would default bucket to current 1. Input is allowed for current 1 bucket. Planning Books and Data Views can be migrated using transaction /SAPAPO/TSOBJ. However, we have chosen to go do that and instead build out each environment. The SAP consultant confirmed that both methods are acceptable. Remaining allocation is added as an auxillary key figure and must be set to Read only. Incoming Order Qty must be set to read only. The Shuffler should be designed to show Products and medium description. 169 170 171 172 Same as D. Same as D 173 83) Maintaining Macros for Planning Books (APO) In this step we create macros for updating calculated key figures in the Planning Book. Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Current settings Macro Workbench /SAPAPO/ADVM No No CTS Cross Client Remaining Allocation is an auxillay key figure which is calculated as the difference between Allocation Quantity and Incoming Orders Quantity through a default type macro. Many macros tried for prototyping. 174 Same as Q. A macro for moving remaining allocation quantity across buckets was tested in D environment. Will need to see if it is required in Production post-live [TBD] 175 84) Assigning Planning Books to Users (APO) This step is required to assign default Planning Books to Users. It is also updated automatically every time a planning book/ data view is accessed by a user. It can also be used as a basis for limiting planning books/ data views that can be accessed by a user (instead of using Authorization Objects/ Profiles). The limitation being that, with this approach, only one Planning Book/ Data View can be assigned to a user per Transaction. If this default value is not maintained, users get a message when they try to access the Planning book for the first time. Maintaining Planning Books & Data Views * (APO) Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Current Settings Assign Users to Planning Book /SAPAPO/SDPPLBK Yes No CTS Cross Client Decided that Authorization would be used to restrict access. Initially we decided that this option would be used only to assign default Planning Books/ Data Views to new users and not for authorization. For produciton it was decided that we will not be assigning users to planning books. Users will be trained to say No when accessing SDP94 for the first time. Even if they dont and say Yes by mistake, system will try to initialize Planning area 9ADP1 which will not have any linked characteristics. We tried to see if process suggested in OSS Note 410325 can be used to avoid CTS for the transaction, but decided against testing that option. 176 Through CTS initially. Updated as users access /SAPAPO/SDP94. Not done. Transport cancelled. 177 85) Maintaining Selection IDs (APO) Selection Ids can be used to filter the data and reduce the data displayed at a time in the Planning Book. Note that during Interactive Planning the selection ids not just limit the data displayed but also the set of data worked upon if a change is made in a key figure value at an aggregate level, then that change is propagated down only to CVCs limited by the selection id. This option can be invoked through Interactive Planning. Authorization may be used to restrict this to selected users. Only Navigational Attributes that are part of a Planning Book can be used as filter criteria in selection IDs. Selection IDs are essentially defined for a Planning Book. Maintaining Planning Books & Data Views * (APO) Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Planning Interactive Demand Planning /SAPAPO/SDP94 No No CTS Cross Client LOB was added as a navigational attribute to restrict the sub-set of mateials that a planner will work with. MRP Controller was considered but not adopted since it might have led to inconsistent data selections (allocation is not done at Plant level and MRP Controllers are at a Plant level). LOBs are not being added in Selection defintion for this project. Future pojects may bring the need for selections based on LOBs. Selection IDs will be defined on the basis of Source-Destination (Supply-Demand) combination. Source/ Supply represented by Sales Org and destination/ demand represented by Customer Groups. Two Selections are being defined for each such combination user settings for one would be by keyfigure and the other by customer group 5. Sales Org has been authorization relevant. Authorization does not depend on the data but the definition of the selection. For example if there is no data for Sales Org 0110 but there is data only for Sales Org 0103 and say the selection does not have sales org as a selection criteria then a user who has access to Sales Org 0103 but not to Sales Org 0110 will NOT be able to use this selection. This means that Sales Org should be part of ALL Selection IDs. Selections can be migrated using transaction /SAPAPO/TSOBJ but we are not using this functionality. Will be built out. Standard Selections will be defined and grouped under a Master Selection Org. Users are being provided authorization to create their own Selections. Users have access to create and modify selections through Interactive Demand Planning. There is a risk that selections can be modified and saved by mistake. Random selections created for prototyping. Random selections created for prototyping. 178 179 86) Maintaining Selection Profiles and Master Selection Organization (APO) Use this transaction to maintain selection profiles (including the Master Selection Profile) to group selection IDs together. In Interactive Demand Planning the user can (if authorized) maintain their respective selection profiles. Selection profiles can have different selection IDs for different Planning Book. When maintaining selection profiles for a Planning Book you can choose to pull across selections only for the planning book or all selections (selections defined for Planning Books linked to the same Planning Object Structure). In SDP94 the user can only modify their respective selection profiles. In MC77 you can create new profiles and maintain Master selection organization. Selection profiles must be defined users. Maintaining Selection IDs * (APO) Menu Tcode Or Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Current Settings Maintain Selection Assignments /SAPAPO/MC77 Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Planning Interactive Demand Planning /SAPAPO/SDP94 No No CTS Cross Client Master Selection Org will be maintained using /SAPAPO/MC77. Users are expected to define their own selection profiles in Interactive Demand Planning /SAPAPO/SDP94. They can pull across selections from the Master Selection or others in the Planning Book/ related planning books. Users with Display Only in Interactive Planning will need to have their profiles set up by a business super-user. Not Done 180 Master Selection org defined. Profiles for Display only users created. 181 87) Maintaining User Settings for Interactive Planning (APO) These settings can be used to define pivot sorting, navigational paths, etc for navigation in Interactive Demand Planning. Maintaining Selection IDs * (APO) Menu Tcode Advanced Planning and Optimization Demand Planning Environment Current Settings User Settings for Interactive Planning /SAPAPO/SDPUSET No No CTS Cross Client User Settings will be defined for all standard selections at a Planning Book/ Data View / Selection level. Individual users modify these settings for their selections. Not done Not Done 182 183 30. 88) Maintain Field Catalog (APO) Product Allocation Check In this step, we define the fields that we can choose when creating or maintaining a Product Allocation Group. These fields are filled at runtime with the values from the sales order in the connected (calling) OLTP system. You can also enter the data manually when simulating the rules-based availability check in APO. In case these values are not sufficient, refer to OSS Note 174969 on how to extend the list of possible values in the field catalog. Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Product Allocation Maintain Field Catalog SPRO Yes Yes CTS Cross Client Add Product Allocation Object, Customer Group5, Product and Sales Organization. Same as D through Transport. Same as D through Transport. 184 89) Maintain Product Allocation Object (APO) In this step, we define the product allocations objects - product allocations are saved per object for a characteristics combination in the product allocation group. Product Allocation Procedures can be used to maintain different Product Allocation Objects for different time validity periods. Generally Product Allocation Objects are used to model the different reasons for the need for allocation material shortage, capacity constraint, etc. Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Product Allocation Maintain Product Allocation Object /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_OBJ Yes No CTS Cross Client Only one Product Allocation Object is sufficient. Only one set of allocated quantities will be maintained in APO based on allocation determination in Demantra. Same as D through Transport. Same as D through Transport. 185 90) Maintain Product Allocation Group (APO) A product allocation group defines a group of characteristics against which allocation checking is done. Creating a Product Allocation Group creates a characteristics directory in the APO database and an area in Live Cache where the key figures are maintained. If Check Planning Area is set to No then allocation and incoming order quantitiy data can be seen in table /SAPAPO/QTTAB. If the Check Planning Area is set to Yes then no data is stored in this table and the allocation check is done directly against the data in the Planning area. Detials of allocationconsumption by sales orders are maintained in table /SAPAPO/QTVB in APO and in QTVB in R/3. If Check Planning Area is set to Yes and if there are users are in the change mode in the Planning Book, Sales Order Entry can get locked out. If Check Planning Area is initially set to yes and then deactivated later you will no longer see data in /SAPAPO/AC42. Maintain Field Catalog * (APO) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Product Allocation Maintain Product Allocation Group /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_GRP One Product Allocation Group is sufficient for our requirements. Check Planning Area Yes. The reason being that users are not expected to lock planning books as they would be defaulted into the display mode (through a development object). Also most allocation uploads will be through batch jobs. Setting it to Yes reduces one step of moving data between the planning area and the allocation group. Check Date - Material Availability Date. Consumption of allocation quantity and checking of available allocation quantities is determined by the check date.There was some debate and testing to decide whether to use Material Availablity Dates or Delivery Date. Time Bucket Profile Week Characteristics Product Allocation Object (1), Product (2), Sales Org (3) and Customer Grp5 (4) Consumption Period Bwd Consumption 1 The characteristics combinations are for the Product Allocation Group are stored in generated tables. In our example - /SAPAPO/PAGZE001 186 Same as D through Transport. Same as D through Transport. 187 91) Maintain Product Allocation Procedure (APO) In this step, we define the product allocations procedure used to check for product allocations. Product allocation procedures are maintained against the product location combinations for which allocation checks are required. If a special character is to be used as a wildcard, then it must be maintained in transaction RSKC in APO. Maintain Product Allocation Group * (APO) Maintain Product Allocation Object * (APO) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Product Allocation Maintain Product Allocation Procedure /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_PRO Yes No CTS Cross Client One Procedure defined for all product location combinations where allocation check is rerquired. Cumulative Yes based on SAP recommended practice. Step Sequence One step with previously defined common product allocation group. Wild Card set to 9. Control Enter long validity period, common Product Allocation Object defined previously. Active as Yes and Factor = 1. 188 Same as D through Transport. Same as D through Transport. 189 92) Maintain Connection to Planning Area (APO) In this step, we maintain the assignment of the planning area to the product allocation group. We must make this assignment because characteristics of the product allocation group have different names from the info objects of the planning area. All characteristics of a product allocation group must be assigned to an info object. But multiple info objects can be assigned to one info object. It is not always necessary to assign every info object to a characteristic. It is possible for aggregation and disaggregation (depending on the direction of transfer) to take place with info objects that are not assigned. Maintain Product Allocation Group * (APO) Initialize Planning Areas (APO) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Product Allocation Maintain Connection to Planning Area /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_AREA Yes No CTS Cross Client The Plant characteristic is included in the Planning Object Structure for furture use by the SNP project. It is not required to maintain allocation quantities at the plant level. Hence,, the plant characteristic is not assigned to any Infoobject. 190 Same as D through Transport. Same as D through Transport. 191 93) Check the Product Allocation Settings (APO) In this step, we can check the consistency of the settings that we have made for each product allocations procedure (determined in the product allocations control). If at least one CVC is not maintained and the Planning area is not initialized you will get a warning Product Allocation Object xxxx is not contained in the heirarchy. Maintain Connection to Planning Area * (APO) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Product Allocation Maintain Connection to Planning Area /SAPAPO/ATPCQ_CHECK No No CTS Cross Client Checked Ok. Checked Ok. 192 31. 32. 94) Define Filter Type (APO) In a filter type, you define which characteristics can be used in a filter for backorder processing. Back Order Processing Menu Tcode OR Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Tools Maintain Filter Type SPRO SAP Easy Access Menu Global ATP Environment Current Settings Filter Type S_AP9_75000212 Yes No CTS Cross Client Two filter types defined. One for materials when BOP would be run by allocation planners for a small subset of materials. The other for Plants where BOP would be run in batch across plants. It was decided to run BOP across plants (inspite of the fact that R/3 rescheduling is run by plant) so as to re-prioritize allocation (which is not by plant). BOP filter criteria does not allow for MRP Controller as the basis. This will need a development object so that SNP materials are not included [TBD] 33. Same as D through transport. Same as D through transport. 193 95) Define Sort Profiles (APO) You define the processing sequence for order items in backorder processing with specifications in the sort profile. You specify characteristics, their sequence (or weighting), and the sort order in this profile. Menu Tcode OR Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Tools Define Sort Profile SPRO SAP Easy Access Menu Global ATP Environment Current Settings Sort Profile S_AP9_75000206 Yes No CTS Cross Client Orders are to be prioritized on Delivery Priority and then on Created Date. Delivery Priorities are maintained in the Customer Master and the Customer Material Info Records. They can be modified on the order. The order priority will be used for prioritization. 34. Same as D through transport. Same as D through transport. 194 96) Define Variants for Back Order Processing (APO) In this step we set up variants for Back Order Processing. Define Filter Type * (APO) Define Sort Profiles * (APO) Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Global ATP Backorder Processing Backorder Processing in the Background /SAPAPO/BOP No No CTS Cross Client BOP Variants defined for every filter type (by Plant, combination of plants, by materials). The Sort profiles are the same for all BOP variants. Read Check Mode should not be selected We will use Check Mode from SD documents and not from APO Product Location Master. Note that the Check Mode on the Product Location Master will be maintained manually as a standard value in most cases. Read Procedure should be selected We will use the Allocation procedure from the APO Product Location Master and not from SD documents. Note that when an item is to be taken off allocation, the procedure will be blanked out. BOP does not use the ATP Check Integration model - As long as it is in an active integration model (not sure if it is Materials/ Shipment/ etc or combination) BOP will run on the material plant. This means that if SNP has materials that are not required in GATP then we will need to change the selection criteria in BOP and limit this to GATP materials only. Note that currently the BOP variant does not support the MRP controller as selection criteria. BOP runs as a batch process for the BOP-US-DC-PLTS variant for program /SAPAPO/BOP. BOP caused a number of queues in SMQ2 to be in RETRY status. These queues were accompanied by tRFC errors in SM58 and temporary quantity assignments in /SAPAPO/AC06. Setting the RETRY attempts to 30 in SMQR for the Inbound queues seems to have resolved the issue. 195 Same as Q. 196 Same as Q. Might need development object for SNP project. Refer to design note above. 197 35. 36. Transportation & Shipment Scheduling 97) Define Field Catalog for Condition Table (APO) The field catalog is a list of fields that can be used to build condition tables. Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Transportation & Shipment Scheduling Define Condition Table for Scheduling (Choose Activity Create Field Catalog /SAPCND/AU01 Yes Yes CTS Cross Client Require Plant and Route defined here. Same as D through Transport. Same as D through Transport. 198 98) Define Condition Table for Scheduling (APO) A condition table defines the combination of fields (keys) which identify an individual condition record. The system stores specific condition data in a condition record which you enter in the system. Define Field Catalog for Condition Table for Scheduling * (APO) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Transportation & Shipment Scheduling Define Condition Table for Scheduling (Choose Activity Create Field Catalog /SAPCND/AU03 Yes Yes CTS Cross Client Two Tables defined 901 - Pick Time based on Route with key as Route 902 Pick Time based on Plant with key as Plant Same as D through Transport. 199 Same as D through Transport. 200 99) Maintain Access for Scheduling (APO) In this step, you define access to the condition tables for transportation and delivery scheduling. The access sequence controls the priority of the individual condition records. When the system is accessed, it is informed where it should look for a valid condition record first and where it should look subsequently. There is a defined access sequence for each condition type for which you create condition records. Define Condition Table for Scheduling * (APO) Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Transportation and Shipment Scheduling Maintain Access for Scheduling /SAPCND/AU07 Yes Yes CTS Cross Client Kodaks R/3 configuration uses only Pick Times and Transit times. It was decided that Transit times would be detemined using Routes from the R/3 master data based on routes determined on the R/3 order (using a development object user exit). Hence, APO configuration does not require defintion for Transit times. Default Pick Times in R/3 configuration are based on Plant but in case of exports the Pick Times are based on the Routes. Hence two access sequences are maintained in APO configuration based on Routes and based on Plants. 201 Same as D through Transport. Same as D through Transport. APO considers time zones during shipment scheduling wheras R/3 does not. This causes the MAD dates and GI gates to be pushed one day ahead. SAP responded to an OSS note raised and said this is expected system behaviour. Development object to avoid Time Zone consideration is being evaluated. However, this approach may not work with Precision Scheduling in R/3. [TBD] 202 100) Maintain Control for Scheduling (APO) You maintain scheduling control in this IMG activity. Because the scheduling procedure is firmly configured, you can only exclude individual condition types before accessing the condition records. If you exclude the condition type TRAN by selecting the condition (100), transportation scheduling takes place based on transportation lanes and locations Menu Tcode mySAP SCM - Implementation Guide Advanced Planning and Optimization Global Available-to-Promise Transportation and Shipment Scheduling Maintain Control for Scheduling SPRO No change made to standard. 203 37. 101) Create Alert Profiles (APO) Alert Monitor Configuration In this step we create definitions for alert profiles. Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Supply Chain Monitoring Alert Monitor /SAPAPO/AMON1 One common alert profile define since alerts cannot be identified against an MRP Controller. ATP Alerts are determined only if the ATP Alert Indicator is active in the Check Instructions. 204 GATP Master Data 38. 102) Maintain Customer Master Data (R/3) Customer In this step we maintain customer related master data. Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Business Partner Customer Change Sales and Distribution VD02 Customer Sold-Tos are grouped together from an allocation perspective in the Customer Group 5 field on the customer master (Additional Data). This value defaults to the sales order. This field was selected because it was the one field that was not being used for any other purpose and is part of the APO field catalog. The delivery priority defaults to the Customer Material Info Record (if maintained). During Sales Order entry, the Delivery priority is defaulted from the CMIR (if maintained) or the Customer Master. The delivery priority on the order is the first sort criteria during Back order processing in APO. Delivery priority is already maintained and used for R/3 rescheduling. The Customer Group 5 field though part of Sales Area data (and can be defined for a division) is assigned to a order header. This means that the Allocation grouping is the same for all lines on a header. No customer sold-to is must be assigned the 999 (wild-card) Customer Group 5. If the Customer Group 5 is modified on an existing order, the Availability check must be done for it to be recognized by APO and during BOP. 205 Post-live the Business found that in some cases, if the CG5 on an order was blank, it was not possible to release a sngle line item at a time. If the CG5 was changed, it would affect all APO order lines. To meet this requirement, a development object may be used that transfers the CG5 to a field on the line level and then uses this line level CG5 during allocation checking [TBD]. 206 103) Maintain Customer Material Info Records (R/3) In this step we maintain delivery priorities for a Customer/ material combination. If Delivery priority is maintained at Customer-Material level then this is given preference over value in Customer master. Menu Tcode Logistics Sales and Distribution Master Data Agreements Customer Material Information Change VD52 Delivery priority is maintained for as required by existing R/3 design. 207 39. 104) Maintain Location Master Data (APO) Location In this step we maintain Location master data. Maintaining Planning Calendars (Time Stream) (APO) Manage Display Profiles for Master Data Maintenance (APO) Activating Change Documents for Location (APO) Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Master Data Location Location /SAPAPO/LOC3 The Receiving Time Stream calendar is maintained. This is used to find Purchase Order availability dates based on Goods Receipt Processing Time and Receiving Calendar. Create authorization is not given to any users since it is expected that the CIF will create new records. The SNP project might change this because of their need to create non-R3 locations. 208 40. 105) Maintain Material Master Data (R/3) Product Data In this step we maintain master data for materials. Maintain MRP Controllers (R/3) Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Logistics Materials Management Material Master Material Change Immediately MM02 The following fields are relevant for GATP MRP1 Tab - MRP Controller is used to identify if a material is GATP relevant MRP2 Tab - The Procurement Type determines the method used to find the Checking horizon in APO. The GR Processing Time determines the GR Processing Time on the GR/GI Tab in APO. The Safety Stock determines the Safety Stock in the Lot Size Tab in APO. If the Procurement Type in R/3 is F (External Procurement), the Checking Horizon in APO is determined by the Planned Delivery Time. If the Procurement Type is E (In House Production) then the Checking Horizon is set to the Total Replinishment Lead Time in R/3. If the Total Repleishment lead time is not maintained then the In-House Production time is used. MRP3 Tab The Requirements Class determined from the value in the Strategy Group field is used to populate the Check Mode in APO. The Availability Check is used to populate the ATP Group in APO. 209 210 106) Maintain Product Data (APO) In this step we maintain product master data that is APO specific. Activating Change Documents for Product (APO) Manage Display Profiles for Master Data Maintenance (APO) Maintaining Check Mode (APO) Maintain ATP Groups (APO) Maintain Product Allocation Procedure (APO) Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Master Data Product Product /SAPAPO/MAT1 The following fields are relevant for GATP The location dependent procedure is manually maintained. Since the allocation quantities are location independent, it was debated whether to instead use the cross-location procedure. However, this was not done because the requirement was that for orders on some plants it was possible not to do an allocation check. The Procurement Type in R/3 determines the method used to find the Checking horizon in APO. The GR Processing Time in R/3 determines the GR Processing Time on the GR/GI Tab in APO. The Safety Stock determines the Safety Stock in the Lot Size Tab in APO. If the Procurement Type in R/3 is F (External Procurement), the Checking Horizon in APO is determined by the Planned Delivery Time. If the Procurement Type is E (In House Production) then the Checking Horizon is set to the Total Replinishment Lead Time in R/3. If the Total Repleishment lead time is not maintained then the In-House Production time is used. The Requirements Class determined from the value in the Strategy Group field in R/3 is used to populate the Check Mode in APO. The Availability Check field in R/3 is used to populate the ATP Group in APO. The strategy group in R/3 is usually not maintained as per Kodak design. This means that the Check Mode is usually left blank during CIF. This does not cause any problems during sales order entry as a different process is used to identify the Requirements class based on R/3 data. However, for some inventory transactions (Business Event = 3) the availability check looks up the APO Product Master Check mode to find check instructions. To avoid an error, a default value of 041 is populated in Check Mode field by master data if the CIF left it blank. 211 212 41. 107) Maintain Characteristic Values (APO) Demand Planning In this step the individual characteristic values are maintained. Maintain InfoObjects and InfoAreas (APO) Maintain MRP Controllers for APO BW Material Master (APO) Maintaining Customer Group 5 (R/3) Selecting Materials for Integration Models (R/3) Tcode Or Menu Tcode RSDMD Demand Planning Environment Administrator Workbench RSA1 The Product, Customer Group 5, Saled Org and Location values are popultated from a feed from BW.(BW gets it from R/3). The Product and Customer Group5 are updated through batch jobs. The Sales Org and Location are updated as required (typically during a scale project). The Product Allocation Object has only one value and was maintained directly in APO. Related navigational attributes are also copied from BW. These characteristic values are used for validation during CVC creation. Display of charateristic descriptions in the Planning Book is also based on this step. The MRP Controllers maintained in custom table ZBW_APO_MRP is used as a selction criteria for identfying materials to be sent to APO BW. This logic will need to be changed for the SNP project as they require SNP materials also in the APO BW Master Data [TBD]. Also some values of characteristics that are not SNP-relevant will be required for SNP only CVCs since they share the same Planning Object Structure [TBD]. Defined batch jobs to update characteristic values. 213 108) Maintain Characteristic Value Combinations & Time Series Objects (APO) In this step we maintain Characteristic Value Combinations and Time Series Objects. If CVCs have been created without Time Series Objects, you can run report /SAPAPO/TS_LCM_PLOB_DELTA_SYNC to create time series objects. CVC creation and deletion is logged.The log can be reviewed and deleted using Manage Logs in this transaction. CVCs created are stored in the InfoCube ZPOSATP created when the Planning Object Structure is activated. We can use transaction LISTCUBE to display CVCs. Create and Activate Planning Object Structures (APO) Maintain Characteristic Values (APO) Activating Integration Models (R/3) Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Master Data Demand Planning Master Data Maintain Characteristic Values /SAPAPO/MC62 CVCs are loaded from a Excel Template using a batch job. SCM and BW Master Data is validated. Development object defined to validate material-plant combination during CVC creation. The Excel template used to create CVCs proliferates CVCs without consideration of validity. If incorrect material plants are created these would cause problems during reporting from BW since the BW report will not be able to identify the relevant MRP Controller. Also created custom transaction ZMC62 for read-only access to display CVCs. This development object is always activated if the Switch on Implemented Badi switch is activated. This means that if a single CVC is created at a time the Badi annot be de-activated. The file upload can often fail if there are existing records in the database or if the number of records is very large. In such cases split the file and try again. There are some other as-yet-unknown reasons why the load can fail [TBD]. Defined batch jobs to create CVCs using variant MC62-CVCLOAD of program /SAPAPO/TS_PLOB_MAINTAIN. Require batch job to delete older logs created using program /SAPAPO/TS_PSTRU_LOG_MANAGE. Alternatively use generic transaction /SAPAPO/C6. [TBD] 214 215 42. 109) Allocation Move Characteristic Values Combination to Allocation Group (APO) In this step we move the CVCs to the Allocation Group. The Allocation CVCs are stored in table /SAPAPO/PAGZE001 generated when Allocation Group was created. Use transaction /SAPAPO/ATPQ_CHKCHAR to display CVCs in the Allocation Group. Maintain Characteristic Value Combinations & Time Series Objects (APO) Maintain Connection to Planning Area (APO) Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Global ATP Environment Product Allocations Connection Characteristic Combination from Planning Area /SAPAPO/ATPQ_PAREA_K Defined batch jobs for variant CONNECTION_PA for program /SAPAPO/RMQUOT_PAREA_CR The allocation check is carried out against the Allocation Group. If the CVCs are not copied over to the allocation group or if they are Inactive, there can be Characteristics not found errors during order entry. 216 43. 110) Transportation and Shipment Scheduling Create Scheduling Step (APO) In this step we maintain condition records for transportation and shipment scheduling. Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Master Data Master Data for Transportation and Shipment Scheduling Create Scheduling Step /SAPCND/AU11 Condition records are maintained for Condition Type PICK for Plants only. A standard of 1 day is maintained for all plants. 217 Administration 44. 111) Batch Routines Generate Safety Stock Requirements (APO) 45. Safety stocks are by default not seen as requirements in Live Cache for Availability purposes. This option looks at the safety stock in the Product-Location Master (which is updated from R/3 through the CIF) and updates Live Cache This transaction works only with static safety stock methods (non-time phased). Creating Active Model and Planning Version (APO) Activating Integration Models (R/3) Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Global ATP Environment Product Availability Generate Safety Stock Requirement /SAPAPO/AC08 Safety stock was not a business requirement for GATP. The CDG business do not use safety stock in the R/3 material master for the materials under allocation. However, it was decided to setup the configuration and run the transaction daily. The SNP project is planning to use time phased safety stock methods that this transaction does not support. Batch job required with frequency daily. Variant for program /SAPAPO/RRP_SR_ATP_GENERATE. Variant defined Same as D. Same as D. Need to decide if transaction is not to be used based on SNP requirements. [TBD]. Variant has been incorrectly defined for delete. [TBD] 218 112) Move APO BW Allocation Time Series to Live Cache (APO) 46. This step is to upload allocation quantities from BW to Live Cache (DP Planning Area). Allocation quantities are uploaded from either Excel or Demantra into APO BW. Refer to the BW documentation for the project for details on loading into APO BW. Maintain Connection to Planning Area * (APO) Initialize Planning Areas (APO) Maintain InfoCubes * (APO) Menu Tcode SAP Easy Access Menu Demand Planning Environment Data Administration Load Data from Infocube /SAPAPO/TSCUBE Batch job required. Variant for program /SAPAPO/RTSINPUT_CUBE. 219 Same as D Same as D 220 113) 47. Backup Allocation Time Series Live Cache to APO BW (APO) 48. In this step we backup the Allocation Time Series Live Cache to APO BW. This step must be done prior to Re-Initializing the Planning Area (This Maintain InfoCubes * (APO) Create Data Sources for Planning Areas (APO) Menu Tcode Demand Planning Environment Administrator Workbench RSA1 Allocation Time Series Live Cache is backed up to APO BW daily. This backup is sent to BW on a weekly basis for versioning. This step must be done prior to Re-Initializing the Planning Area. Requires batch jobs (for InfoPackages) Same as D. Same as D. 221 49. 222

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