Garlock MetalGasket Catalog

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Garlock Sealing Technologies
A century of excellence in fluid sealing technology

The success of nearly every manufacturing and process facility in

the world depends on the reliable operation of countless pumps, valves,
motors and piping systems.
Those vital pieces of equipment operate longer and more efficiently
when running with Garlock Sealing Technologies gaskets, packings,
hydraulic components, mechanical seals, oil seals, bearing protectors,
and expansion joints.
For more than 112 years, Garlock Sealing Technologies has de-
signed, tested and manufactured the most innovative and high quality
fluid sealing products available. As a result, industrial customers around
the globe have come to rely on Garlock products as a key to their
profitability and success.
Garlock Metallic Gaskets, a division of Garlock Sealing Technolo-
gies, manufactures spiral wound, metal clad, solid metal and heat
exchanger gaskets at its facility in Houston, Texas. This facility is regis-
tered to ISO-9001.
In recent years, Garlock Metallic Gaskets has introduced some of
the industry’s most innovative production methods and products. For
example, CONTROLLED DENSITY® winding for spiral wound gaskets
provides a high tightness level with reduced gasket stress. The TAN-
DEM SEAL™ combines chemical resistance and fire safety in a single
gasket, while the Garlock EDGE® gasket eliminates the costly and
potentially catastrophic problem of radial buckling. Garlock Metallic
Gaskets is also known for excellence in material and product quality as
well as its outstanding customer service.
This catalog is provided for customer information and convenience.
However, Garlock Metallic Gaskets applications engineers and cus-
tomer service personnel are also on hand to assist you with your appli-
cation requirements and technical questions. Please give us a call at
800-972-7638. We’re here to serve you.


registered trademarks of Garlock Inc.
TANDEM SEAL, STABL-LOCK and G.E.T. are trademarks of Garlock Inc.
Metallic Gasket Design
Factors Affecting Gasket Performance ........................................................... 2
Gasket Selection Criteria ................................................................................ 3

Spiral Wound Gaskets

Garlock CONTROLLED DENSITY® Gaskets .................................................. 5
The Garlock EDGE® ........................................................................................ 6
TANDEM SEAL™ ........................................................................................... 7
RW, RWI, SW For ASME Flanges ..................................................... 8
MC, MCR For Boiler Manholes ................................................... 9
HH For Boiler Handholes ............................................... 10
RW-RJ For Ring Joint Flanges ............................................. 11
LMF For Large Male/Female Flanges .............................. 12
LTG For Large Tongue and Groove Flanges ................... 12
STG For Small Tongue and Groove Flanges ................... 12

Engineering Data
Material Temperature Limits .......................................................................... 13
Thickness and Tolerances ............................................................................. 13
ASME Flange Data
Flange Types .......................................................................................... 14
Recommended Flange Finish ................................................................. 15
Maximum Bore ........................................................................................ 16
Gasket Dimensions ................................................................................. 17
Gasket Seating Requirements
Effective Gasket Seating Width .............................................................. 26
Gasket Factors M and Y ......................................................................... 27
Calculating Load Requirements .............................................................. 28
Torque Tables .......................................................................................... 29
Flange and Bolt Dimensions ................................................................... 35
Gasket Installation ......................................................................................... 36
Troubleshooting Leaking Joints .................................................................... 37

Metal-Clad and
Heat Exchanger Gaskets
Heat Exchanger Gasket Configurations ........................................................ 39
GRAPHONIC® Metallic Gasket ..................................................................... 40
Garlock Kammprofile Gasket ........................................................................ 41
600 Series Gaskets ....................................................................................... 42

Ordering Guide
Standard Gaskets ......................................................................................... 44
Custom Gaskets ............................................................................................ 44
Application Data Form ................................................................................... 45

Factors Affecting
Gasket Performance
A gasket is any deformable material which, when 2. Joint Design: The force holding the two flanges
clamped between essentially stationary faces, together must be sufficient to prevent flange
prevents the passage of media across the gasketed separation caused by hydrostatic end force,
connection. resulting from the pressure in the entire system.
Compressing the gasket material causes the 3. Proper Bolt Load: If the bolt load is insufficient
material to flow into the imperfections of the sealing to deform the gasket, or is so excessive that it
areas and effect a seal. This bond prevents the crushes the gasket, a leak will occur.
escape of the contained media. In order to maintain 4. Surface Finish: If the surface finish is not
this seal, sufficient load must be applied to the con- suitable for the gasket, a seal will not be ef-
nection to oppose the hydrostatic end force created fected.
by the internal pressure of the system.
Gasket performance depends on a number of
Forces Acting on a Gasket
factors, including:
1. Gasket Metal and Filler Material: The materials
must withstand the effects of:
a. Temperature: Temperature can adversely
affect mechanical and chemical properties of
the gasket, as well as physical characteris-
tics such as oxidation and resilience.
b. Pressure: The media or internal piping
pressure can blow out the gasket across the
flange face.
c. Media: The gasket materials must be
resistant to corrosive attack from the media.

Gasket Selection
Spiral Wound Gaskets The compressibility of flexible graphite makes it
an excellent filler material for metallic gaskets.
One of the best all-around seals, the spiral
Flexible graphite may be used in services with
wound gasket offers a low-cost solution that has the
temperatures up to 950°F (485°C), though it should
ability to handle temperature and pressure fluctua-
not be used with strong oxidizers such as nitric or
tions. Multiple plies of metal and filler in the spiral
sulfuric acid.
create a barrier that reduces the possibility of leaks.
PTFE filler material provides excellent chemical
resistance at temperatures below 500°F (260°C). In
accordance with ASME B16.20, an inner ring is
Heat Exchanger Gaskets required when using conventional PTFE filler materi-
Garlock manufactures a wide variety of double- als, in order to protect the winding from radial buck-
jacketed, spiral-wound, metal-clad and solid metal ling.
gaskets for heat exchanger applications.
See page 13 for the temperature limits of com-
GRAPHONIC® and Kammprofile gaskets are also
mon metals and filler materials.
available in heat exchanger configurations.

Temperature and Chemical Operating Pressure

Considerations Changes in spiral winding construction affects
gasket density. Higher pressure applications require
Be certain that the gasket you order is as resis-
windings with more wraps of thinner filler material.
tant as possible to the media and temperature
This construction withstands higher bolt loads, and
involved. Check the chemical compatibility of the
provides a better seal against high pressures. A
metal as well as the filler material for the media to be
lower pressure gasket has fewer wraps of metal and
sealed. As a general rule, the metal used in either
filler, allowing the gasket to seat under lower bolt
the spiral winding or double-jacketed gasket should
be similar to the flange material.

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Spiral Wound Gaskets
Manufactured in Accordance
with ASME B16.20

Spiral wound gaskets—made with an alternating Resiliency and strength make spiral wound
combination of formed metal wire and soft filler gaskets an ideal choice under a variety of conditions
materials—form a very effective seal when com- and applications. Widely used throughout refineries
pressed between two flanges. A v-shaped crown and chemical processing plants, spiral wound
centered in the metal strip acts as a spring, giving gaskets are also effective for power generation,
gaskets greater resiliency under varying conditions. aerospace, and a variety of valve and specialty
Filler and wire material can be changed to accommo- applications.
date different chemical compatibility requirements. If
The spiral wound gasket industry is currently
the load available to compress a gasket is limited,
adapting to a change in the specification covering
gasket construction and dimensions can be altered to
spiral wound gaskets. Previously API 601, the new
provide an effective seal.
specification is ASME B16.20. These specifications
A spiral wound gasket may include a centering are very similar, and Garlock follows manufacturing
ring, an inner ring or both. The outer centering ring procedures in accordance with the guidelines set
centers the gasket within the flange and acts as a forth in the ASME B16.20 specifications.
compression limiter, while the inner ring provides
additional radial strength. The inner ring also reduces
flange erosion and protects the sealing element.

Gasket Identification Markings

Required by ASME B16.20
(Centering) Manufacturer’s Name
Ring or Trademark

Inner Ring Material Winding Metal

Stamped on Inner Ring and Filler Material
(when other than
Carbon Steel or PTFE)
Outer Ring Material Properties/applications shown throughout
this brochure are typical. Your specific ap-
(when other than plication should not be undertaken with-
Carbon Steel) out independent study and evaluation for
suitability. For specific application recom-
mendations consult Garlock. Failure to se-
Inner lect the proper sealing products could re-
Ring sult in property damage and/or serious
personal injury.
Nominal Pipe Size Performance data published in this bro-
and Pressure Class Manufactured to chure has been developed from field test-
(standard gaskets only) Spiral ASME B16.20
ing, customer field reports and/or in-house
Winding While the utmost care has been used in
compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications sub-
ject to change without notice. This edition
cancels all previous issues. Subject to
change without notice.

Superior performance
■ Computerized manufacturing process ensures
optimum filler density is constant across gasket
winding for consistent compression and superior
■ High tightness level achieved with minimal com-
pressive load, for longer-lasting seal
Unequaled reliability Gasket Gasket
■ All 150 and 300 lb. class flexible graphite-filled Gasket Style and Material Factor Factor
"M" "Y" (psi)
gaskets now incorporate CONTROLLED
Traditional spiral wound gasket—
DENSITY® technology 304 SS and flexible graphite
3.00 10,000

■ Tight tolerance on gasket ID and OD ensures a Garlock CONTROLLED DENSITY®

spiral wound gasket 3.00 7,500
reliable seal

ROTT Test and Results

ROTT Test Test Results
■ Purpose: Determine room temperature sealing ■ When compared with other spiral wound gas-
capabilities, by measuring the sealability of a kets, the CONTROLLED DENSITY® gasket was
gasket at incremental gasket stress values able to achieve equivalent tightness at a lower
■ Sample used: Two 304 SS and flexible graphite- load in all tightness parameter values.
filled 4" Class 150 ASME B16.20 CONTROLLED ■ During stress cycling, the performance of
DENSITY® spiral wound gaskets CONTROLLED DENSITY® gaskets was excel-
■ Procedure: The leak rate is measured during lent, compared with other spiral wound gaskets.
the loading and unloading cycles, and a tight-
ness curve is generated.*

Comparison of Seating Requirements

Gasket Gasket Gasket Stress Req'd Stress Req'd Stress Req'd
Gasket Material Constant Constant Constant for Tightness for Tightness for Tightness
Gb (psi) 'a' Gs (psi) of 100 (psi) of 1000 (psi) of 10,000 (psi)
flexible graphite-filled spiral 627 0.35 6.22 3,140 7,040 11,430
wound gasket (ASME B16.20)
Flexible graphite spiral wound
gasket 2,300 0.237 13 6,851 11,823 20,405

PTFE-filled spiral wound gasket 4,500 0.14 70 8,575 11,836 16,339

Foil-reinforced flexible graphite sheet 816 0.377 0.066 4,631 11,033 26,284
Garlock GRAPHONIC gasket 922 0.248 5.1 2,889 5,114 9,052
"Low stress" spiral wound type 598 0.385 0.03 3,520 8,540 14,570
gasket, flexible graphite filled
Garlock Kammprofile gasket 368 0.4 0.28 2,324 5,838 14,664

* Gb = stress at which seal is initiated; "a" = the slope of the log/log tightness Note: For a 5" OD gasket at 800 psig, Tp100 = 102ml / min. leakage,
curve; Gs = intersection of the unload curve with the vertical axis (Tp1) Tp1,000 = 1.02ml / min. leakage, Tp10,000 = 0.01 ml / min. leakage.

The Garlock EDGE
Benefits Compare
No Radial Buckling Standard spiral wound The patented Garlock
■ STABL-LOCK™ inner wrap construction pre- gasket shows excessive EDGE® spiral wound
vents sealing element from flowing into and radial buckling gasket is designed to
contaminating process stream eliminate radial
■ Garlock CONTROLLED DENSITY® winding
prevents bolt torque loss and requires less
compressive force to seal

Tightest seal
■ Retaining groove grips winding firmly, maintain-
ing symmetrical cross-section for most effective
■ Modified guide ring ensures contact with all
raised face surfaces

Multiple applications
■ Dual flange (DF) design accommodates both
150 and 300 lb flanges—reduces inventory costs
■ Select from a wide variety of metallic and filler
materials with a full range of temperature capa-
Gasket Style "Y" Gb Gs
and Material "M" (psi) (psi) "a" (psi)
* See chart on page 13. Garlock EDGE®
with 304 stainless and 2.00 5,000 793 0.4 0.31
flexible graphite filler

Dual Flange (DF) Design


150 lb. 300 lb.
Chemical-resistant and fire-safe
■ PTFE envelope withstands aggressive chemi-
cals and corrosive media
■ Fire-safe—passed independent fire tests
■ Two sealing elements significantly reduce
corrosion and bacterial contamination of flanges
■ Seals to the ID of the pipe bore
■ Withstands high pressure
* Patent No. 5511797

Seal Comparison
Traditional Design
Standard Construction
Corrosion starts
in blue area Secondary
Sealing Element
1 2


Sealing Element 3 4 5

1. PTFE envelope
TANDEM SEAL™ Design 2. Profiled inner ring
3. Metal windings
Effectively 4. Filler material
seals to 5. Outer guide ring
bore of pipe

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Advantages Ordering Information
■ Durable; easy installation and removal RW / RWI
■ Seals pressures to flange ratings, in accor- When ordering specify:
dance with ASME B16.5 ■ Nominal pipe size and pressure rating
■ Suited to temperatures from cryogenic to ■ Winding and filler materials
2000°F (1093°C) ■ Centering and/or inner compression ring material
■ Guide ring simplifies centering of sealing
element on the flange face
■ Custom-tailored solutions accommodate a When ordering, specify:
variety of conditions by combining various ■ O.D. and I.D. dimensions (and tolerance, if other
metals and filler materials than standard—see page 13)
■ Thickness of gasket
■ Winding and filler material
Style RW ■ Inner ring material, if required (Style SWI)
■ Pressure rating
■ General purpose gasket suitable for flat face and
raised face flanges up to Class 2500
Centering Ring
■ Centering ring accurately locates the gasket on
the flange face, provides additional radial
strength, and acts as a compression limiter
■ Spiral winding (sealing element) consists of
preformed metal and soft filler material
Spiral Winding
NOTE: An inner ring is recommended for applications above (Sealing Element)
Class 600, due to the high available bolt load. See Style RWI.

Style RWI
■ Suitable for flat face and raised face flanges up to
Centering Ring
Class 2500
■ Recommended for higher pressure applications, Spiral Winding
for use with PTFE fillers, and when delineated by
ASME B16.20
■ Inner ring acts as compression limiter and pro- Inner Ring
tects sealing elements from process media attack

Style SW
Winding Only
■ Suitable for tongue and groove, male-female, or
groove-to-flat face flanges
■ Spiral winding only, containing preformed metal
and soft filler material
■ Inner and outer diameters of winding are rein-
forced with several plies of metal without filler to
give greater stability
Note: For M & Y factors, see page 27.
NOTE: Also available with inner rings—Style SWI. For ROTT Test results, see page 5.

MC and MCR Gaskets
For Manhole Cover Assemblies MC and MCR Configurations
Round Obround
MC Gasket (manhole cover)
■ Spiral winding only, containing preformed metal
and soft filler material

Spiral Winding
(Sealing Element)

MCR Gasket (manhole cover with

centering ring)
■ Centering ring accurately locates the gasket on
the flange face, provides additional radial
strength, and acts as a compression limiter Dimensions of MC and MCR Gaskets
■ Spiral winding (sealing element) consists of Nominal I.D. Flange
preformed metal and soft filler material Style Dimensions Thickness Width
(Inches) (Inches) (Inches)
MC Oval 11 x 15 0.175 3/4
Centering Ring MC Oval 11 x 15 0.175 15/16
MC Oval 11 x 15 0.175 1-1/4
MC Oval 12 x 16 0.250 15/16
MCR Oval 12 x 16 0.250 13/16
Spiral Winding MC Oval 12 x 16 0.175 3/4
(Sealing Element) MC Oval 12 x 16 0.175 15/16
MC Oval 12 x 16 0.175 1-1/4
MC Oval 12 x 16 0.250 1-1/4
MC Round 16-1/16 0.175 3/4
Ordering Information
When ordering, specify:
1. For pitted and rough flange surfaces, specify a gasket
■ Make and model of boiler and/or equipment if thickness of 0.250".
available (See chart page 10) 2. Orders for special cover assemblies should be accompanied
■ Gasket style and configuration by a dimensional drawing showing the minimum width of
seating surfaces and other essential dimensions.
■ Dimensions of gasket (thickness, flange seating
3. Style MC oval and obround gaskets are available in 0.175"
width, and shape) and 0.250" thickness and in varying widths as shown above.
■ Maximum operating pressure and temperature 4. Orders for non-standard gaskets should also include a sketch
■ Type of metal and filler materials or drawing of the cover assembly with all dimensions shown.

For Boiler Handhole and Boiler Gasket Dimensions
Tubecap Assemblies Nominal I.D. Flange
Manufacturer Dimensions Width
■ Fits most standard boilers (specify maximum and Model No. Shape (Inches) (Inches)
operating pressure when ordering) Babcock and Wilcox
■ Available in thicknesses of 0.125" (special), #40 (207) Diamond 3-3/8 x 3-3/4 3/16
#48 (208) Oval 3-13/16 x 4-3/4 7/32
0.175" (standard) and 0.250" (special—for pitted #24 (211) Oval 4-1/2 x 5-1/2 7/32
surfaces) #47 Round 2-1/32 3/16
#70 Round 3-9/32 3/16
#28 (212) Rectangle 4-13/16 x 5 7/32
Style HH Configurations (See Riley Stoker)
Cleaver-Brooks Obround 3-9/32 x 4-17/32 3/8
Round Rectangle Combustion Engr.
29N-L839 Diamond 3-3/8 x 4-1/4 1/4
4N-L740 Round 3-1/8 1/4
5N-L902 Round 3-5/8 1/4
Foster Wheeler
2 3/4 (1003) Obround 2-25/32 x 3-13/32 7/32
3 5/16 (1005) Oval 4-3/16 x 5-3/16 5/16
Heine Round 3-5/8 3/8
Keeler Obround 3x4 3/8
Oilfield Oval 3x4 3/8
Oval 3-1/2 x 4-1/2 3/8
Obround Diamond
Riley Stoker W-C2 Obround 3-23/32 x 5-23/32 11/32
Springfield Oval 3-17/32 x 4-17/32 5/16
Union Pear 4-1/4 x 5-1/4 3/8
Vogt Oval 4-1/4 x 5-1/8 7/32 (new)
Pear 4-1/8 x 5-1/8 9/32
D2300 Oval 3x4 5/16
D2301 Oval 3-1/2 x 4-1/2 5/16

Oval Pear

Ordering Information
When ordering, specify:
■ Make and model of boiler and/or equipment, if
■ Gasket style and configuration
■ Dimensions of gasket (thickness, flange seating
width, and shape)
■ Maximum operating pressure and temperature
Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli- ■ Type of metal and filler materials
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

For Replacement of ■ Ideal replacement for solid metal oval or octago-
Ring Joint Gaskets nal API ring joint gaskets
■ Saves cost of flange replacement when gasket
groove is badly worn
■ Fast and easy installation—requires only a 3/16"
flange separation (ring joint gasket may require
as much as 3/4")
■ Wide variety of metal and filler materials have a
full range of temperature and pressure capabili-
■ Not stocked, but can be special-ordered

Nominal 150 psi 300 psi 400 psi

Pipe Size Gasket Ring Gasket Ring Gasket Ring
(Inches) I.D. O.D. O.D. I.D. O.D. O.D. I.D. O.D. O.D.
1/2 — — — 9/16 1-1/16 2-1/8 9/16 1-1/16 2-1/8
3/4 — — — 13/16 1-5/16 2-5/8 13/16 1-5/16 2-5/8
1 1-1/8* 1-5/8* 2-5/8* 1-1/16 1-5/8 2-7/8 1-1/16 1-5/8 2-7/8
1-1/4 1-3/8* 1-7/8* 3* 1-5/16 2 3-1/4 1-5/16 2 3-1/4
1-1/2 1-5/8* 2-1/4* 3-3/8* 1-9/16 2-3/8 3-3/4 1-9/16 2-3/8 3-3/4
2 2-1/8* 2-7/8* 4-1/8* 2-1/8 2-3/4 4-3/8 2-1/8 2-3/4 4-3/8
2-1/2 2-3/4* 3-5/16* 4-7/8* 2-3/4 3-5/16 5-1/8 2-3/4 3-5/16 5-1/8
3 3-5/16* 3-15/16* 5-3/8* 3-5/16 3-15/16 5-7/8 3-5/16 3-15/16 5-7/8
4 4-5/16* 5-3/16* 6-7/8* 4-5/16 5-3/16 7-1/8 4-5/16 5-3/16 7
5 5-5/16* 6-3/16* 7-3/4* 5-5/16 6-7/16 8-1/2 5-5/16 6-7/16 8-3/8
6 6-5/16* 7-3/16* 8-3/4* 6-7/16 7-5/8 9-7/8 6-7/16 7-5/8 9-3/4
8 8-1/4* 9-3/16* 11* 8-1/4 9-15/16 12-1/8 8-1/4 9-15/16 12
10 10-5/16* 11-7/16* 13-3/8* 10-5/16 12 14-1/4 10-5/16 12 14-1/8
12 12-3/16* 13-9/16* 16-1/8* 12-7/8† 14-1/4† 16-5/8† 12-7/8† 14-1/4† 16-1/2†
14 13-7/16* 14-15/16* 17-3/4* 14-1/4† 15-3/4† 19-1/8† 14-1/4† 15-3/4† 19†
16 15-5/16* 16-15/16* 20-1/4* 16-1/4† 17-3/4† 21-1/4† 16-1/4† 17-3/4† 21-1/8†
18 17-1/4* 19* 21-5/8* 18-1/4† 20-1/4† 23-1/2† 18-1/4† 20-1/4† 23-3/8†
20 19-1/8* 21-1/8* 23-7/8* 20-1/4† 22-3/16† 25-3/4† 20-1/4† 22-3/16† 25-1/2†
24 23* 25-1/4* 28-1/4* 24-1/4† 26-5/16† 30-1/2† 24-1/4† 26-5/16† 30-1/4†
Nominal 600 psi 900 psi 1500 psi
Pipe Size Gasket Ring Gasket Ring Gasket Ring
(Inches) I.D. O.D. O.D. I.D. O.D. O.D. I.D. O.D. O.D.
1/2 9/16 1-1/16 2-1/8 9/16* 1-1/16* 2-1/2* 9/16* 1-1/16* 2-1/2*
3/4 13/16 1-5/16 2-5/8 13/16* 1-3/8* 2-3/4* 13/16* 1-3/8* 2-3/4*
1 1-1/16 1-5/8 2-7/8 1-1/16* 1-5/8* 3-1/8* 1-1/16* 1-5/8* 3-1/8*
1-1/4 1-5/16 2 3-1/4 1-5/16* 2* 3-1/2* 1-5/16* 2* 3-1/2*
1-1/2 1-9/16 2-3/8 3-3/4 1-9/16* 2-3/8* 3-7/8* 1-9/16* 2-3/8* 3-7/8*
2 2-1/8 2-3/4 4-3/8 2-1/4* 3-1/4* 5-5/8* 2-1/4* 3-1/4* 5-5/8*
2-1/2 2-3/4 3-5/16 5-1/8 2-9/16* 3-5/8* 6-1/2* 2-9/16* 3-5/8* 6-1/2*
3 3-5/16 3-15/16 5-7/8 3-3/16* 4-3/16* 6-5/8* 3-3/16* 4-11/16* 6-7/8*
4 4-5/16 5-3/16 7-5/8 4-1/16* 5-3/16* 8-1/8* 4-1/16* 5-11/16* 8-1/4*
5 5-5/16 6-7/16 9-1/2 5-5/16 6-7/16 9-3/4 5-1/16* 6-15/16* 10*
6 6-7/16 7-5/8 10-1/2 6-5/16 7-5/8 11-3/8 6* 7-9/16* 11-1/8*
8 8-1/4 9-15/16 12-5/8 8-1/4 9-15/16 14-1/8 7-7/8* 9-3/4* 13-7/8*
10 10-5/16 12 15-3/4 10-5/16 12 17-1/8 9-13/16* 11-7/8* 17-1/8*
12 12-7/8† 14-1/4† 18† 12-7/8 14-1/4 19-5/8 11-15/16* 13-13/16* 20-1/2*
14 14-1/4† 15-3/4† 19-3/8† 13-13/16 15-9/16 20-1/2 13-7/16 15-3/16 22-3/4
16 16-1/4† 17-3/4† 22-1/4† 15-9/16 17-9/16 22-5/8 15 17 25-1/4
18 18-1/4† 20-1/4† 23-3/8† 17-11/16 19-15/16 25-1/8 17-1/4 19-1/2 27-3/4
20 20-1/4† 22-3/16† 26-7/8† 19-11/16 21-15/16 27-1/2 19-3/16 21-7/16 29-3/4
24 24-1/4† 26-5/16† 31-1/8† 23-3/16 25-15/16 33 23 25-1/2 35-1/2

Dimensions for weld neck type flanges having a pipe bore equal to that of * Top chart: for weld neck type flanges having a pipe bore equal to that of
schedule 40 pipe and heavier, but not for slip-on flanges; except: schedule 40 pipe. Not for slip-on flanges.

Both charts: suitable for slip-on and weld neck type flanges * Bottom chart: for schedule 80 pipe and heavier.

For Male-Female,
Tongue and Groove Flanges
■ Spiral winding of preformed metal and soft filler
material—for use where no space is provided for a
compression guide ring
Cross Sectional View of Winding
■ Inner diameter of windings is reinforced with
several plies of metal without filler to give greater
stability Ordering Information
■ Style LMF — large male-female flanges When ordering, specify:
Style LTG — large tongue and groove flanges ■ Nominal pipe size
Style STG — small tongue and groove flanges ■ Pressure rating
■ Winding materials (304 SS is standard, filler
material must be specified)
■ Thickness of winding (0.125" is standard)

Style LTG Style STG

Style LMF Gasket Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions
Nominal 150 - 1500 psi Nominal 2500 psi Nominal 150 - 2500 psi Nominal 150 - 2500 psi
Pipe Size I.D. O.D. Pipe Size I.D. O.D. Pipe Size I.D. O.D. Pipe Size I.D. O.D.
(Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches)
1/4 1/2 1 1/2 13/16 1-3/8 1/2 1 1-3/8 1/2 1 1-3/8
1/2 1 1-3/8 3/4 1-1/16 1-11/16 3/4 1-5/16 1-11/16 3/4 1-5/16 1-11/16
3/4 1-5/16 1-11/16 1 1-1/4 2 1 1-1/2 2 1 1-1/2 1-7/8
1 1-1/2 2 1-1/4 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-1/4 1-7/8 2-1/2 1-1/4 1-7/8 2-1/4
1-1/4 1-7/8 2-1/2 1-1/2 1-7/8 2-7/8 1-1/2 1-1/8 2-7/8 1-1/2 2-1/8 2-1/2
1-1/2 2-1/8 2-7/8 2 2-3/8 3-5/8 2 2-7/8 3-5/8 2 2-7/8 3-1/4
2 2-7/8 3-5/8 2-1/2 3 4-1/8 2-1/2 3-3/8 4-1/8 2-1/2 3-3/8 3-3/4
2-1/2 3-3/8 4-1/8 3 3-3/4 5 3 4-1/4 5 3 4-1/4 4-5/8
3 4-1/4 5 3-1/2 — — 3-1/2 4-3/4 5-1/2 3-1/2 4-3/4 5-1/8
3-1/2 4-3/4 5-1/2 4 4-3/4 6-3/16 4 5-3/16 6-3/16 4 5-3/16 5-11/16
4 5-3/16 6-3/16 5 5-3/4 7-5/16 5 6-5/16 7-5/16 5 6-5/16 6-13/16
4-1/2 5-11/16 6-3/4 6 6-3/4 8-1/2 6 7-1/2 8-1/2 6 7-1/2 8
5 6-5/16 7-5/16 8 8-3/4 10-5/8 8 9-3/8 10-5/8 8 9-3/8 10
6 7-1/2 8-1/2 10 10-3/4 12-3/4 10 11-1/4 12-3/4 10 11-1/4 12
8 9-3/8 10-5/8 12 13 15 12 13-1/2 15 12 13-1/2 14-1/4
10 11-1/4 12-3/4 14 14-3/4 16-1/4 14 14-3/4 15-1/2
12 13-1/2 15 16 17 18-1/2 16 16-3/4 17-5/8
14 14-3/4 16-1/4 18 19-1/4 21 18 19-1/4 20-1/8
16 17 18-1/2 20 21 23 20 21 22
18 19-1/4 21 24 25-1/4 27-1/4 24 25-1/4 26-1/4
20 21 23
24 25-1/4 27-1/4

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Spiral Wound Specifications
Temperature Limits for Common Metals
Minimum Maximum Guide Ring
Material °F °C °F °C Abbreviation Color Code*
304 Stainless Steel -320 -195 1400 760 304 Yellow
316L Stainless Steel -150 -100 1400 760 316L Green
317L Stainless Steel 317L Maroon
321 Stainless Steel -320 -195 1400 760 321 Turquoise
347 Stainless Steel -320 -195 1700 925 347 Blue
Carbon Steel -40 -40 1000 540 CRS Silver
20Cb-3 (Allloy 20) -300 -185 1400 760 A-20 Black
HASTELLOY® B 2 -300 -185 2000 1090 HAST B Brown
HASTELLOY® C 276 -300 -185 2000 1090 HAST C Beige
INCOLOY® 800 -150 -100 1600 870 IN 800 White
INCONEL® 600 -150 -100 2000 1090 INC 600 Gold
INCONEL® X750 -150 -100 2000 1090 INX No Color
MONEL® 400 -200 -130 1500 820 MON Orange
Nickel 200 -320 -195 1400 760 NI Red
Titanium -320 -195 2000 1090 TI Purple

Temperature Limits for Filler Material

Minimum Maximum Stripe
Material °F °C °F °C Abbreviation Color Code*
Ceramic -350 -212 2000 1090 CER Light Green
Flexible Graphite -350 -212 950 510 F.G. Gray
PTFE -400 -240 500 260 PTFE White
Verdicarb (Mica Graphite) -350 -212 550 288 VC Pink

HASTELLOY® is a registered trademark of Haynes International. * ASME B 16.20 standard

INCOLOY® and INCONEL® are registered trademarks of Inco Alloys International, Inc.
MONEL® is a registered trademark of International Nickel.

Available Tolerances
Thicknesses For spiral wound gaskets not otherwise specified.
Ring(s) Gasket Width Limits Compressed
Winding Inner & Outer Thickness Tolerance Minimum Maximum Thickness
0.125" 3/32" 0.125"** ±0.005" 3/16" 1"† 0.090 - 0.100"
0.175" 1/8" 0.175"** ±0.005" 1/4" 1-1/2"† 0.125 - 0.135"
0.250" 3/16" 0.250"** ±0.005" 5/16" 1-1/2" †
0.180 - 0.200"
0.285" 3/16" 0.285"** ±0.005" 5/16" 1-1/2"† 0.200 - 0.220"

** Measured across the metallic portion of the gasket not including the
filler, which may protrude slightly.

Spiral wound gaskets can be made to large maximum widths if
required. Call Garlock for details.

Flange Types
Flat Face Male-Female

Unconfined Gasket Semi-Confined Gasket

■ Mating faces of both flanges are flat ■ Depth of female (recessed) face normally equal to
■ Gasket may be ring type, or full face, which covers or less than height of male (raised) face, to prevent
the entire face both inside and outside the bolts metal-to-metal contact during gasket compression
■ Recessed O.D. normally is not more than 1/16"
larger than the O.D. of the male face
Raised Face ■ Joint must be pried apart for disassembly

Tongue and Groove

Unconfined Gasket
■ Mating face is flat, but the area inside the bolt
holes is raised 1/16" or 1/4"
Fully Confined Gasket
■ Gasket is usually ring type, entirely within bolts
■ Groove depth is equal to or less than tongue height
■ Flanges may be disassembled easily without
springing the flange ■ Groove usually not over 1/16" wider than tongue
■ Gasket dimensions will match tongue dimensions
■ Joint must be pried apart for disassembly

Ring Joint Groove to Flat

Also Called "API Joint"

■ Both flange faces have matching flat-bottomed Fully Confined Gasket
grooves with sides tapered from the vertical at 23° ■ One flange face is flat, the other is recessed
■ Gasket seats on flat section of flange between ■ For applications requiring accurate control of
bore and ring joint groove
gasket compression
■ Garlock spiral wound gaskets can replace solid
■ Only resilient gaskets are recommended—spiral
metal ring gaskets wound, hollow metal O-ring, pressure-actuated,
and metal-jacketed gaskets
Gasket Selection By
Flange Type
Flat Face ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Raised Face ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Ring Joint ■
Male-Female ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
Tongue-&-Groove ■ ■ ■ ■
Groove-to-Flat ■ ■

Flange Surface Finish

The surface finish of a flange is described as Recommended Values
Roughness Spiral Wound Gaskets .......................... 125-250 rms
■ Average of peaks and valleys measured from Jacketed or Metal Clad Gaskets ............... 63-80 rms
midline of flange surface (in millionths of an inch) Solid Metal Gaskets .................................. 63-80 rms
■ Expressed as rms (root mean square) or AA
(arithmetic average) or AARH (arithmetic aver- NOTE:
age roughness height) These values are suggested only and not mandatory; however
they are based upon the best cross-section of successful design
Lay experience currently available.

■ The direction of the predominant surface-rough-

ness pattern
■ Example: multidirectional, phonographic spiral
serrations, etc.
■ The departure from overall flatness
■ Measured in thousandths or fractions of an inch

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Maximum Flange Bore ®
for FLEXSEAL Gaskets

Pressure Class
(NPS) 75 150 300 400 600 900 1 1500 1 2500 1

3/4" Weld-neck only 2 only 2

11/4" Slip-on 3 No flanges. Slip-on 3 No flanges. only 2
Weld-neck 2 Use Class Weld-neck 2 Use Class
11/2" No 600 1500
2" dation Slip-on 3 Slip-on 3
in Weld-neck, Weld-neck,
21/2" 75 lb. any bore any bore
3" Slip-on, Weld- Weld-neck with
neck, any bore
Standard wall bore
4" (includes nozzle 4 but
excludes Slip-on)
6" Weld-neck with
Schedule 10S bore
8" described in ASME B36.19M Weld-neck w/
(includes nozzle 4 but Schedule 60
10" excludes Slip-on) bore
Slip-on, Weld-neck w/
12" Weld-neck, any bore Schedule 80
14" Weld-neck w/
Weld-neck with Standard wall
16" Schedule 10 bore bore
described in ASME B36.10M (excludes No flanges
18" (excludes nozzle 4 nozzle and
and Slip-on 5) Slip-on)
Weld-neck w/
Sched. 40 bore

1. Inner rings should be used for Class 900 gaskets, NPS 24; Class
1500 gaskets, NPS 12 thru NPS 24; and Class 2500 gaskets, NPS 4
thru 12 (see ASME B16.5, 3.2.5). These inner rings may extend into
the pipe bore a maximum of 0.06" (1.5 mm) under the worst
combination or maximum bore, eccentric installation, and additive
tolerances. Purchaser should specify inner ring material.
2. In these sizes the gasket is suitable for a weld-neck flange with a
standard wall bore, if the gasket and the flange are assembled WARNING:
Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
concentrically. This also applies to a nozzle. It is the user’s responsi- cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
bility to determine if the gasket is satisfactory for the flange of any ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
larger bore. sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
3. Gaskets in these sizes are suitable for slip-on flanges only if the Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
gaskets and flanges are assembled concentrically. customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
4. A nozzle is a long welded neck; the bore equals the flange NPS. sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
5. An NPS 24 gasket is suitable for nozzles. cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Styles RW, RWI Dimensions
1/4" to 24" Flanges
ASME B16.20 Gaskets for
ASME B16.5 Flanges


Class 300
A Inner Ring I.D. Inner Outer
B Sealing Element I.D. Sealing Element
Size Ring Ring
C Sealing Element O.D. NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
D Centering (Outer) Ring O.D. Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
1/4* — 0.50 0.88 1.75
Class 150 1/2 0.56 0.75 1.25 2.13
3/4 0.81 1.00 1.56 2.63
Inner Sealing Element Outer
Ring Ring 1 1.06 1.25 1.88 2.88
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D) 1-1/4 1.50 1.88 2.38 3.25
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter 1-1/2 1.75 2.13 2.75 3.75
1/4* — 0.50 0.88 1.75 2 2.19 2.75 3.38 4.38
1/2 0.56 0.75 1.25 1.88 2-1/2 2.62 3.25 3.88 5.13
3/4 0.81 1.00 1.56 2.25 3 3.19 4.00 4.75 5.88
1 1.06 1.25 1.88 2.63 3-1/2* — 4.50 5.25 6.50
1-1/4 1.50 1.88 2.38 3.00 4 4.19 5.00 5.88 7.13
1-1/2 1.75 2.13 2.75 3.38 4-1/2* — 5.50 6.50 7.75
2 2.19 2.75 3.38 4.13 5 5.19 6.13 7.00 8.50
2-1/2 2.62 3.25 3.88 4.88 6 6.19 7.19 8.25 9.88
3 3.19 4.00 4.75 5.38 8 8.50 9.19 10.38 12.13
3-1/2* — 4.50 5.25 6.38 10 10.56 11.31 12.50 14.25
4 4.19 5.00 5.88 6.88 12 12.50 13.38 14.75 16.63
4-1/2* — 5.50 6.50 7.00 14 13.75 14.63 16.00 19.13
5 5.19 6.13 7.00 7.75 16 15.75 16.63 18.25 21.25
6 6.19 7.19 8.25 8.75 18 17.69 18.69 20.75 23.50
8 8.50 9.19 10.38 11.00 20 19.69 20.69 22.75 25.75
10 10.56 11.31 12.50 13.38 24 23.75 24.75 27.00 30.50
12 12.50 13.38 14.75 16.13
14 13.75 14.63 16.00 17.75
16 15.75 16.63 18.25 20.25
18 17.69 18.69 20.75 21.63 Notes:
1. The inner ring thickness shall be 0.117-0.131 inches.
20 19.69 20.69 22.75 23.88
2. For sizes NPS 1-1/4 thru NPS 3, the inside diameter tolerance is ±0.03
24 23.75 24.75 27.00 28.25 inches; for larger sizes, the inside diameter tolerance is ±0.06 inches.
3. There are no Class 400 flanges NPS 1/2 thru NPS 3 (use Class 600),
* ASME B16.20 does not include dimensions for NPS 1/4, 3-1/2 or 4-1/2, Class 900 flanges NPS 1/2 thru NPS 2-1/2 (use Class 1500), or Class
or Class 400 flanges up to NPS 3 and Class 900 flanges up to NPS 2-1/2. 2500 flanges NPS 14 or larger.
Dimensions in inches. 4. The inner ring inside diameters shown for NPS 1-1/4 thru 2-1/2 in
Class 1500 and 2500 will produce inner ring widths of 0.12 inches,
a practical minimum for production purposes.
5. Inner rings are required for Class 900, NPS 24 gaskets, Class 1500
NPS 12 thru NPS 24 gaskets, and Class 2500 NPS 4 thru NPS 12

Styles RW, RWI Dimensions
1/4" to 24" Flanges
Class 400 Class 600
Inner Sealing Element Outer Inner Sealing Element Outer
Size Ring Ring Size Ring Ring
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D) NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
1/4* — 0.50 0.88 1.75 1/4* — 0.50 0.88 1.75
1/2* — 0.75 1.25 2.13 1/2 0.56 0.75 1.25 2.13
3/4* — 1.00 1.56 2.63 3/4 0.81 1.00 1.56 2.63
1* — 1.25 1.88 2.88 1 1.06 1.25 1.88 2.88
1-1/4* — 1.88 2.38 3.25 1-1/4 1.50 1.88 2.38 3.25
1-1/2* — 2.13 2.75 3.75 1-1/2 1.75 2.13 2.75 3.75
2* — 2.75 3.38 4.38 2 2.19 2.75 3.38 4.38
2-1/2* — 3.25 3.88 5.13 2-1/2 2.62 3.25 3.88 5.13
3* — 4.00 4.75 5.88 3 3.19 4.00 4.75 5.88
3-1/2* — 4.13 5.25 6.38 3-1/2* — 4.13 5.25 6.38
4 4.04 4.75 5.88 7.00 4 4.04 4.75 5.88 7.63
4-1/2* — 5.31 6.50 7.63 4-1/2* — 5.31 6.50 8.25
5 5.05 5.81 7.00 8.38 5 5.05 5.81 7.00 9.50
6 6.10 6.88 8.25 9.75 6 6.10 6.88 8.25 10.50
8 8.10 8.88 10.38 12.00 8 8.10 8.88 10.38 12.63
10 10.05 10.81 12.50 14.13 10 10.05 10.81 12.50 15.75
12 12.10 12.88 14.75 16.50 12 12.10 12.88 14.75 18.00
14 13.50 14.25 16.00 19.00 14 13.50 14.25 16.00 19.38
16 15.35 16.25 18.25 21.13 16 15.35 16.25 18.25 22.25
18 17.25 18.50 20.75 23.38 18 17.25 18.50 20.75 24.13
20 19.25 20.50 22.75 25.50 20 19.25 20.50 22.75 26.88
24 23.25 24.75 27.00 30.25 24 23.25 24.75 27.00 31.13

Class 900 * ASME B16.20 does not include dimensions for NPS 1/4, 3-1/2 or 4-1/2,
Inner Sealing Element Outer or Class 400 flanges up to NPS 3 and Class 900 flanges up to NPS 2-1/2.
Size Ring Ring Dimensions in inches.
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Notes:
1/2* — 0.75 1.25 2.50 1. The inner ring thickness shall be 0.117-0.131 inches.
3/4* — 1.00 1.56 2.75 2. For sizes NPS 1-1/4 thru NPS 3, the inside diameter tolerance is ±0.03
1* — 1.25 1.88 3.13 inches; for larger sizes, the inside diameter tolerance is ±0.06 inches.
1-1/4* — 1.56 2.38 3.50 3. There are no Class 400 flanges NPS 1/2 thru NPS 3 (use Class 600),
Class 900 flanges NPS 1/2 thru NPS 2-1/2 (use Class 1500), or Class
1-1/2* — 1.88 2.75 3.88
2500 flanges NPS 14 or larger.
2* — 2.31 3.38 5.63
4. The inner ring inside diameters shown for NPS 1-1/4 thru 2-1/2 in
2-1/2* — 2.75 3.88 6.50 Class 1500 and 2500 will produce inner ring widths of 0.12 inches,
3 3.10 3.75 4.75 6.63 a practical minimum for production purposes.
3-1/2* — 4.13 5.25 7.50 5. Inner rings are required for Class 900, NPS 24 gaskets, Class 1500
4 4.04 4.75 5.88 8.13 NPS 12 thru NPS 24 gaskets, and Class 2500 NPS 4 thru NPS 12
4-1/2* — 5.31 6.50 9.38
5 5.05 5.81 7.00 9.75
6 6.10 6.88 8.25 11.38
8 7.75 8.75 10.13 14.13
10 9.69 10.88 12.25 17.13
12 11.50 12.75 14.50 19.63
14 12.63 14.00 15.75 20.50
16 14.75 16.25 18.00 22.63
18 16.75 18.25 20.50 25.13
20 19.00 20.50 22.50 27.50
24 23.25 (5) 24.75 26.75 33.00

Styles RW, RWI Dimensions
1/4" to 24" Flanges
ASME B16.20 Gaskets for
ASME B16.5 Flanges
Class 1500 Class 2500
Inner Sealing Element Outer Inner Outer
Ring Ring Sealing Element
Size Size Ring Ring
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D) NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
1/2 0.56 0.75 1.25 2.50 1/2 0.56 0.75 1.25 2.75
3/4 0.81 1.00 1.56 2.75 3/4 0.81 1.00 1.56 3.00
1 1.06 1.25 1.88 3.13 1 1.06 1.25 1.88 3.38
1-1/4 1.31 (4) 1.56 2.38 3.50 1-1/4 1.31 (4) 1.56 2.38 4.13
1-1/2 1.63 (4) 1.88 2.75 3.88 1-1/2 1.63 (4) 1.88 2.75 4.63
2 2.06 (4) 2.31 3.38 5.63 2 2.06 (4) 2.31 3.38 5.75
2-1/2 2.50 (4) 2.75 3.88 6.50 2-1/2 2.50 (4) 2.75 3.88 6.63
3 3.10 3.63 4.75 6.88 3 3.10 3.63 4.75 7.75
3-1/2* — 4.13 5.25 7.38 4 3.85 (5) 4.63 5.88 9.25
4 3.85 4.63 5.88 8.25 5 4.90 (5) 5.63 7.00 11.00
4-1/2* — 5.31 6.50 9.13 6 5.80 (5) 6.75 8.25 12.50
5 4.90 5.63 7.00 10.00 8 7.75 (5) 8.50 10.13 15.25
6 5.80 6.75 8.25 11.13 10 9.69 (5) 10.63 12.25 18.75
8 7.75 8.50 10.13 13.88 12 11.50 (5) 12.50 14.50 21.63
10 9.69 10.50 12.25 17.13
12 11.50 (5) 12.75 14.50 20.50
* ASME B16.20 does not include dimensions for NPS 1/4, 3-1/2 or 4-1/2,
14 12.63 (5) 14.25 15.75 22.75
or Class 400 flanges up to NPS 3 and Class 900 flanges up to NPS 2-1/2.
16 14.50 (5) 16.00 18.00 25.25 Dimensions in inches.
18 16.75 (5) 18.25 20.50 27.75
20 18.75 (5) 20.25 22.50 29.75 Notes:
24 22.75 (5) 24.25 26.75 35.50 1. The inner ring thickness shall be 0.117-0.131 inches.
2. For sizes NPS 1-1/4 thru NPS 3, the inside diameter tolerance is ±0.03
inches; for larger sizes, the inside diameter tolerance is ±0.06 inches.
3. There are no Class 400 flanges NPS 1/2 thru NPS 3 (use Class 600),
Class 900 flanges NPS 1/2 thru NPS 2-1/2 (use Class 1500), or Class
2500 flanges NPS 14 or larger.
4. The inner ring inside diameters shown for NPS 1-1/4 thru 2-1/2 in
Class 1500 and 2500 will produce inner ring widths of 0.12 inches,
a practical minimum for production purposes.
5. Inner rings are required for Class 900, NPS 24 gaskets, Class 1500
NPS 12 thru NPS 24 gaskets, and Class 2500 NPS 4 thru NPS 12

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Styles RW, RWI Dimensions
22-60" Series A Flanges
Class 150
ASME B16.20 Gaskets for Inner Sealing Element Outer
ASME B16.47 Series A Flanges Size Ring Ring
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
(MSS SP-44) Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
22* — 22.75 24.00 26.00
26 25.75 26.50 27.75 30.50
28 27.75 28.50 29.75 32.75
30 29.75 30.50 31.75 34.75
32 31.75 32.50 33.88 37.00
34 33.75 34.50 35.88 39.00
36 35.75 36.50 38.13 41.25
38 37.75 38.50 40.13 43.75
40 39.75 40.50 42.13 45.75
42 41.75 42.50 44.25 48.00
44 43.75 44.50 46.38 50.25
A Inner Ring I.D. 46 45.75 46.50 48.38 52.25
B Sealing Element I.D. 48 47.75 48.50 50.38 54.50
C Sealing Element O.D. 50 49.75 50.50 52.50 56.50
D Centering (Outer) Ring O.D. 52 51.75 52.50 54.50 58.75
54 53.50 54.50 56.50 61.00
56 55.50 56.50 58.50 63.25
58 57.50 58.50 60.50 65.50
60 59.50 60.50 62.50 67.50

Class 300 Class 400

Inner Sealing Element Outer Inner Sealing Element Outer
Size Ring Ring Size Ring Ring
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D) NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
22* — 22.75 24.75 27.75 22* — 22.75 24.75 27.63
26 25.75 27.00 29.00 32.88 26 26.00 27.00 29.00 32.75
28 27.75 29.00 31.00 35.38 28 28.00 29.00 31.00 35.13
30 29.75 31.25 33.25 37.50 30 29.75 31.25 33.25 37.25
32 31.75 33.50 35.50 39.63 32 32.00 33.50 35.50 39.50
34 33.75 35.50 37.50 41.63 34 34.00 35.50 37.50 41.50
36 35.75 37.63 39.63 44.00 36 36.13 37.63 39.63 44.00
38 37.50 38.50 40.00 41.50 38 37.50 38.25 40.25 42.25
40 39.50 40.25 42.13 43.88 40 39.38 40.38 42.38 44.38
42 41.50 42.25 44.13 45.88 42 41.38 42.38 44.38 46.38
44 43.50 44.50 46.50 48.00 44 43.50 44.50 46.50 48.50
46 45.38 46.38 48.38 50.13 46 46.00 47.00 49.00 50.75
48 47.63 48.63 50.63 52.13 48 47.50 49.00 51.00 53.00
50 49.00 51.00 53.00 54.25 50 49.50 51.00 53.00 55.25
52 52.00 53.00 55.00 56.25 52 51.50 53.00 55.00 57.25
54 53.25 55.25 57.25 58.75 54 53.25 55.25 57.25 59.75
56 55.25 57.25 59.25 60.75 56 55.25 57.25 59.25 61.75
58 57.00 59.50 61.50 62.75 58 57.25 59.25 61.25 63.75
60 60.00 61.50 63.50 64.75 60 59.75 61.75 63.75 66.25

1. There are no Class 900 flanges in NPS 50 and larger. 4. The gasket outside diameter tolerance for NPS 26 thru NPS 60 is
2. Inner rings are required for Class 900 gaskets, NPS 26 thru NPS 48, ±0.06".
and PTFE. 5. The outer ring outside diameter tolerance is ±0.03".
3. The gasket inside-outside tolerance for NPS 26 thru NPS 34 is ±0.03" 6. The gasket thickness tolerance is ±0.005".
and the tolerance for NPS 36 thru NPS 60 is ±0.06". * Non-ASME sizes
Styles RW, RWI Dimensions
22-60" Series A Flanges
ASME B16.20 Gaskets for
ASME B16.47 Series A Flanges
(MSS SP-44)
Class 600 Class 900
Inner Sealing Element Outer Inner Outer
Ring Ring Sealing Element
Size Size Ring Ring
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D) NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
22* — 22.75 24.75 28.88 22* — 24.25 27.00 33.00
26 25.50 27.00 29.00 34.13 26 26.00 27.00 29.00 34.75 (1)
28 27.50 29.00 31.00 36.00 28 28.00 29.00 31.00 37.25 (1)
30 29.75 31.25 33.25 38.25 30 30.25 31.25 33.25 39.75 (1)
32 32.00 33.50 35.50 40.25 32 32.00 33.50 35.50 42.25 (1)
34 34.00 35.50 37.50 42.25 34 34.00 35.50 37.50 44.75 (1)
36 36.13 37.63 39.63 44.50 36 36.25 37.75 39.75 47.25 (1)
38 37.50 39.00 41.00 43.50 38 39.75 40.75 42.75 47.25 (1)
40 39.75 41.25 43.25 45.50 40 41.75 43.25 45.25 49.25 (1)
42 42.00 43.50 45.50 48.00 42 43.75 45.25 47.25 51.25 (1)
44 43.75 45.75 47.75 50.00 44 45.50 47.50 49.50 53.88 (1)
46 45.75 47.75 49.75 52.25 46 48.00 50.00 52.00 56.50 (1)
48 48.00 50.00 52.00 54.75 48 50.00 52.00 54.00 58.50 (1)
50 50.00 52.00 54.00 57.00
52 52.00 54.00 56.00 59.00
54 54.25 56.25 58.25 61.25
56 56.25 58.25 60.25 63.50
58 58.00 60.50 62.50 65.50
60 60.25 62.75 64.75 68.25
1. Inner rings are required for Class 900 gaskets, NPS 26 thru NPS 48,
and PTFE.
2. There are no Class 900 flanges in NPS 50 and larger.
3. The gasket inside-outside tolerance for NPS 26 thru NPS 34 is ±0.03"
and the tolerance for NPS 36 thru NPS 60 is ±0.06".
4. The gasket outside diameter tolerance for NPS 26 thru NPS 60 is
5. The outer ring outside diameter tolerance is ±0.03".
6. The gasket thickness tolerance is ±0.005".
* Non-ASME sizes

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Styles RW, RWI Dimensions
26-60" Series B Flanges
ASME B16.20 Gaskets for Class 75
ASME B16.47 Series B Flanges Large Diameter Weld Neck Flanges
(API-605) Outer
Sealing Element
Size Ring
NPS Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter
26 26.25 27.00 27.88
28 28.25 29.13 29.88
30 30.25 31.13 31.88
32 32.25 33.13 33.88
34 34.25 35.13 35.88
36 36.25 37.25 38.31
38 38.25 39.31 40.31
A Inner Ring I.D.
40 40.25 41.31 42.31
B Sealing Element I.D.
42 42.25 43.25 44.31
C Sealing Element O.D.
44 44.25 45.50 46.50
D Centering (Outer) Ring O.D.
46 46.25 47.50 48.50
Notes: 48 48.38 49.50 50.50
1. Inner rings are required for Class 900 gaskets, NPS 26 thru NPS 48, 50 50.25 51.50 52.50
and PTFE. 52 52.38 53.63 54.63
2. There are no Class 900 flanges in NPS 50 and larger. 54 54.38 55.63 56.63
3. The gasket inside-outside tolerance for NPS 26 thru NPS 34 is ±0.03" 56 56.50 57.88 58.88
and the tolerance for NPS 36 thru NPS 60 is ±0.06".
4. The gasket outside diameter tolerance for NPS 26 thru NPS 60 is 58 58.50 59.88 60.88
±0.06". 60 60.50 61.75 62.88
5. The outer ring outside diameter tolerance is ±0.03".
6. The gasket thickness tolerance is ±0.005".

Class 150 Class 300

Inner Sealing Element Outer Inner Sealing Element Outer
Size Ring Ring Size Ring Ring
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D) NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
26 25.75 26.50 27.50 28.56 26 25.75 26.50 28.00 30.38
28 27.75 28.50 29.50 30.56 28 27.75 28.50 30.00 32.50
30 29.75 30.50 31.50 32.56 30 29.75 30.50 32.00 34.88
32 31.75 32.50 33.50 34.69 32 31.75 32.50 34.00 37.00
34 33.75 34.50 35.75 36.81 34 33.75 34.50 36.00 39.13
36 35.75 36.50 37.75 38.88 36 35.75 36.50 38.00 41.25
38 37.75 38.37 39.75 41.13 38 38.25 39.75 41.25 43.25
40 39.75 40.25 41.88 43.13 40 40.25 41.75 43.25 45.25
42 41.75 42.50 43.88 45.13 42 42.75 43.75 45.25 47.25
44 43.75 44.25 45.88 47.13 44 44.25 45.75 47.25 49.25
46 45.75 46.50 48.19 49.44 46 46.38 47.88 49.38 51.88
48 47.75 48.50 50.00 51.44 48 48.50 49.75 51.63 53.88
50 49.75 50.50 52.19 53.44 50 49.88 51.88 53.38 55.88
52 51.75 52.50 54.19 55.44 52 51.88 53.88 55.38 57.88
54 53.75 54.50 56.00 57.63 54 53.75 55.25 57.25 60.25
56 56.00 56.88 58.18 59.63 56 56.25 58.25 60.00 62.75
58 58.19 59.07 60.19 62.19 58 58.44 60.44 61.94 65.19
60 60.44 61.31 62.44 64.19 60 61.31 62.56 64.19 67.19

Styles RW, RWI Dimensions
26-60" Series B Flanges
ASME B16.20 Gaskets for
ASME B16.47 Series B Flanges
Class 400 Class 600
Inner Sealing Element Outer Inner Sealing Element Outer
Size Ring Ring Size Ring Ring
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D) NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
26 25.75 26.25 27.50 29.38 26 25.38 26.13 28.13 30.13
28 27.63 28.13 29.50 31.50 28 27.25 27.75 29.75 32.25
30 29.63 30.13 31.75 33.75 30 29.63 30.63 32.63 34.63
32 31.50 32.00 33.88 35.88 32 31.25 32.75 34.75 36.75
34 33.50 34.13 35.88 37.88 34 33.50 35.00 37.00 39.25
36 35.38 36.13 38.00 40.25 36 35.50 37.00 39.00 41.25
38 37.50 38.25 40.25 42.25 38 37.50 39.00 41.00 43.50
40 39.38 40.38 42.38 44.38 40 39.75 41.25 43.25 45.50
42 41.38 42.38 44.38 46.38 42 42.00 43.50 45.50 48.00
44 43.50 44.50 46.50 48.50 44 43.75 45.75 47.75 50.00
46 46.00 47.00 49.00 50.75 46 45.75 47.75 49.75 52.25
48 47.50 49.00 51.00 53.00 48 48.00 50.00 52.00 54.75
50 49.50 51.00 53.00 55.25 50 50.00 52.00 54.00 57.00
52 51.50 53.00 55.00 57.25 52 52.00 54.00 56.00 59.00
54 53.25 55.25 57.25 59.75 54 54.25 56.25 58.25 61.25
56 55.25 57.25 59.25 61.75 56 56.25 58.25 60.25 63.50
58 57.25 59.25 61.25 63.75 58 58.00 60.50 62.50 65.50
60 59.75 61.75 63.75 66.25 60 60.25 62.75 64.75 68.25

Class 900 Notes:

Inner Outer 1. Inner rings are required for Class 900 gaskets, NPS 26 thru NPS 48,
Sealing Element and PTFE.
Size Ring Ring
2. There are no Class 900 flanges in NPS 50 and larger.
NPS Inside (A) Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter 3. The gasket inside-outside tolerance for NPS 26 thru NPS 34 is ±0.03"
and the tolerance for NPS 36 thru NPS 60 is ±0.06".
26 26.25 (1) 27.25 29.50 33.00
4. The gasket outside diameter tolerance for NPS 26 thru NPS 60 is
28 28.25 (1) 29.25 31.50 35.50 ±0.06".
30 30.75 (1) 31.75 33.75 37.75 5. The outer ring outside diameter tolerance is ±0.03".
32 33.00 (1) 34.00 36.00 40.00 6. The gasket thickness tolerance is ±0.005".
34 35.25 (1) 36.25 38.25 42.25
36 36.25 (1) 37.25 39.25 44.25
38 39.75 (1) 40.75 42.75 47.25
40 41.75 (1) 43.25 45.25 49.25
42 43.75 (1) 45.25 47.25 51.25
44 45.50 (1) 47.50 49.50 53.88
46 48.00 (1) 50.00 52.00 56.50 WARNING:
48 50.00 (1) 52.00 54.00 58.50 Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Style RW Dimensions
Other Large Diameter
Flanges, 26-96"
Class 75
Slip-On and Blind
Sealing Element Outer
Size Ring
NPS Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter
26 27.00 28.25 30.13
28 29.00 30.25 32.13
30 31.00 32.25 34.13
32 33.13 34.38 36.38
34 35.13 36.50 38.38
B Sealing Element I.D. 36 37.13 38.50 40.38
C Sealing Element O.D. 42 43.25 44.75 46.63
D Centering (Outer) Ring O.D. 48 49.25 50.88 52.63
54 55.38 57.75 59.13
60 61.38 63.38 65.13
66 67.50 69.50 71.75
72 73.50 75.50 77.75

Class 75
Weld Neck and Blind Class 125
Sealing Element Outer Sealing Element Outer
Size Ring Size Ring
NPS Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D) NPS Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
26 26.50 27.75 28.75 22 22.75 24.00 26.00
28 28.50 29.75 30.75 26 26.50 27.75 30.50
30 30.50 31.75 32.75 28 28.50 29.75 32.75
32 32.50 33.75 35.13 30 30.50 31.75 34.75
34 34.50 35.88 37.13 32 32.50 33.88 37.00
36 36.50 37.88 39.13 34 34.50 35.88 39.00
42 42.50 44.00 45.63 36 36.50 38.13 41.25
48 48.50 50.13 51.63 38 38.50 40.13 43.75
54 54.50 56.38 57.88 40 40.50 42.13 45.75
60 60.50 62.50 63.88 42 42.50 44.25 48.00
66 66.50 68.50 70.25 44 44.50 46.38 50.25
72 72.50 74.50 76.25 46 46.50 48.38 52.25
48 48.50 50.38 54.50
50 50.50 52.50 56.50
52 52.50 54.50 58.75
54 54.50 56.50 61.00
60 60.50 62.50 67.50
66 71.00 72.75 74.25
72 77.50 79.25 80.75
84 90.25 92.00 93.50
96 103.00 104.75 106.25

Style RW Dimensions
Other Large Diameter
Flanges, 26-96"
Class 175 Class 250
Sealing Element Outer Sealing Element Outer
Size Ring Size Ring
NPS Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D) NPS Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter
26 26.50 27.75 29.13 26 26.50 27.75 32.75
28 28.50 29.75 31.13 28 28.50 29.75 35.25
30 30.50 31.75 33.38 30 30.50 31.75 37.50
32 32.50 33.75 35.38 32 32.50 33.88 39.75
34 34.50 35.88 37.50 34 34.50 35.88 41.75
36 36.50 37.88 39.50 36 36.50 38.13 44.00
38 38.50 39.88 41.50 38 38.50 40.13 46.00
40 40.50 42.00 43.50 40 40.50 42.13 48.25
42 42.50 44.00 45.88 42 42.50 44.25 50.75
44 44.50 46.00 47.88 44 44.50 46.38 53.00
46 46.50 48.00 49.88 46 46.50 48.38 55.25
48 48.50 50.13 51.88 48 48.50 50.38 58.75
50 50.50 52.25 53.88
52 52.50 54.38 56.13
54 54.50 56.75 58.13
60 60.50 62.50 64.13 Class 350
66 67.88 68.88 70.13 Sealing Element Outer
72 73.38 75.13 76.63 Size Ring
84 87.00 88.75 90.25 NPS Inside (B) Outside (C) Outside (D)
Diameter Diameter Diameter
96 99.00 100.75 102.25
26 26.50 27.75 29.63
28 28.50 29.75 31.63
30 30.50 31.75 33.88
32 32.50 33.88 35.88
34 34.50 35.88 37.88
36 36.50 38.13 40.38
38 38.50 40.13 42.38
40 40.50 42.13 44.38
42 42.50 44.25 46.63
44 44.50 46.38 49.00
46 46.50 48.38 51.00
48 48.50 50.38 53.00
52 52.50 54.50 57.38
54 54.50 56.50 59.38
60 60.50 62.50 65.38
66 66.50 68.50 72.50
72 72.25 77.00 78.50
84 88.38 90.13 91.63
96 100.75 102.50 104.00
Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Effective Gasket Seating Width
Basic Gasket Seating Width, B0
Flange and Gasket Column 1 Column 2
Diagram (Solid flat metal and (Spiral wound, metal
ring joint gaskets) jacketed, corrugated metal,
grooved metal gaskets)

2. 2.

1c W≤N

2 [
W+T , W+N
4 max. ] W+T ,
2 [ W+N
4 max.]
1d* W≤N

N W+N W+3N
2 W≤
2 4 8

N N 3N
3 W≤
2 4. 8...

4* 3N 7N
8... 16.

N 3N
4. 8...

6 W

N = Width of gasket HG = Gasket load reaction force

W = Width of contact area G = Diameter of gasket load reaction force
(raised face or serrations) hG = Distance from G to bolt circle diameter
T = Thickness of gasket
B0 = Basic seating width of gasket
B1 = Effective seating width of gasket
B1 = B0 if B0 ≤ 1/4";
B1 = (√B0)/ 2 if B0 > 1/4"
* Where serrations do not exceed 1/64" depth and 1/32" spacing,
choose 1b or 1d. For B0 > 1/4" For B0 ≤ 1/4"
Gasket Factors "M" and "Y"
"M" and "Y" data are to be used for flange designs M = (W - A2P) / A1P
only as specified in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Where: W = Total Fastener force (Ib. or N)
Vessel Code Division 1, Section VIII, Appendix 2. They A2 = Inside area of gasket (in.2 or mm2)
are not meant to be used as gasket seating stress P= Test pressure (psig or N/mm2)
values in actual service. Our bolt torque tables give A1 = Gasket area (in.2 or mm2)
that information and should be used as such.
"Y" - Minimum Design Seating Stress
"M" - Maintenance Factor The minimum compressive stress in pounds per
A factor that provides the additional preload square inch (or bar) on the contact area of the gasket
needed in the flange fasteners to maintain the com- that is required to provide a seal at an internal pressure
pressive load on a gasket after internal pressure is of 2 psig (0.14 bar).
applied to a joint.
Y = W / A1
Gasket Min. Design
Gasket Design Gasket Material Factor Seating Stress
"M" "Y" (psi)
Spiral wound metal, Stainless steel or MONEL® 3.00 10,000
non-asbestos filled
DENSITY® flexible graphite- Stainless steel or MONEL® 3.00 7,500
filled spiral wound

Garlock EDGE® Stainless steel or MONEL® 2.00 5,000

Corrugated metal, Soft aluminum 2.50 2,900
non-asbestos Soft copper or brass 2.75 3,700
or Iron or soft steel 3.00 4,500
Corrugated metal-jacketed, MONEL® or 4%-6% chrome 3.25 5,500
non-asbestos filled Stainless steel 3.50 6,500
Soft aluminum 2.75 3,700
Soft copper or brass 3.00 4,500
Corrugated metal Iron or soft steel 3.25 5,500
MONEL® or 4%-6% chrome 3.50 6,500
Stainless steel 3.75 7,600
Soft aluminum 3.25 5,500
Soft copper or brass 3.50 6,500
Flat metal-jacketed, Iron or soft steel 3.75 7,600
non-asbestos filled MONEL® 3.50 8,000
4%-6% chrome 3.75 9,000
Stainless steel 3.75 9,000
Soft aluminum 3.25 5,500
Soft copper or brass 3.50 6,500
Grooved metal Iron or soft steel 3.75 7,600
MONEL® or 4%-6% chrome 3.75 9,000
Stainless steel 4.25 10,100
Soft aluminum 4.00 8,800
Soft copper or brass 4.75 13,000
Solid flat metal Iron or soft steel 5.50 18,000
MONEL® or 4%-6% chrome 6.00 21,800
Stainless steel 6.50 26,000
Iron or soft steel 5.50 18,000
Ring joint MONEL® or 4%-6% chrome 6.00 21,800
Stainless steel 6.50 26,000
This table lists many commonly used gasket materials and contact facings with suggested MONEL® is a registered trademark
design values of "M" and "Y" that generally have proven satisfactory in actual service when of International Nickel.
using effective gasket seating width B1 described in the formula on page 26. The design
values and other details given in this table are suggested only and are not mandatory.

Calculating Load Requirements
Two formulas that define the minimum load Determine if B0 is greater or less than 1/4", then
required to effect a seal on a particular gasket are find B1:
Wm1 and Wm2. When these formulas have been If B0 ≤ 1/4", then B1 = B0;
calculated, the larger load of the two is the load If B0 > 1/4", then B1 = (√ B0)/ 2
necessary to effect a seal.
B1 = _______
Using B1, determine G:
Let: G = OD - [(B1)(2)]
π= 3.14 Now, insert these values in the final equations to
P= Maximum internal pressure determine minimum required load:
M = Gasket factor "M" defined on page 27. Wm1 = [π (P)(G2)/4] + [2(B1 )(π)(G)(M)(P)]
(M = 3 for spiral wound gaskets) Wm2= π (B1)(G)(Y)
Y= Seating stress "Y" defined on page 27.
(Y = 10,000 psi for spiral wound gaskets)
When Wm1 and Wm2 have been calculated, the
N = Basic width of a gasket per chart on page 26. larger of the two numbers is the minimum load
(For raised face flanges see diagram 1a) required to seat a gasket. In most cases the avail-
B0 = Basic seating width of a gasket per chart able bolt load in a connection is greater than the
on page 26. (For raised face flanges, B0 = N/2) minimum load on the gasket. If not, higher bolt
B1 = Effective seating width of a gasket; must stresses or changes in the gasket design are re-
be determined. quired for an effective seal.
ID = Inside diameter of gasket NOTE:
OD = Outside diameter of gasket Flange design code suggestions for low pressure
For gaskets where the raised face is smaller applications calling for minimum seating stress (Y
than the OD of the gasket face, the OD is value) are sometimes inadequate to seat the gasket
equal to the outer diameter of the raised face. because the bolting and flange rigidity are insufficient
Find: to effect a proper seal. Care should be taken to
ID = _______ ensure that flange conditions provide a suitable
seating surface. For internal pressures to be con-
OD = _______
tained, flange rotation and sufficient residual loads
Given the ID and OD, find the value of N. Then must also be considered in the flange design.
define B0 in terms of N (See page 26):
N= _______
B0 = _______

Torque Tables
These tables were developed to be used with Only torque wrenches that have been calibrated
Garlock spiral wound gaskets. They are to be used should be used. The proper bolt tightening pattern
only as a general guide. They should not be consid- must be followed (see installation section on page 36
ered to contain absolute values due to the large for proper bolting pattern) with the desired ultimate
number of uncontrollable variables involved with torque value arrived at in a minimum of three equal
bolted joints. If there is doubt as to the proper torque increments. All bolts in the flange should then be
value to use, we suggest that the maximum value be checked in consecutive order in a counterclockwise
used. direction.
All bolt torque values are based upon the use of The contact dimensions listed are taken from the
new nuts (ASTM A194, GR 2H) and new bolts ID and OD of the windings, which are different from
(ASTM A193, GR B7) of proper design, acceptable the ASME ring gasket dimensions.
quality and approved materials of construction as
No provisions have been made in these tables to
well as metallurgy. It is also required that two hard-
account for vibration effects on the bolts. These
ened steel washers be used under the head of each
tables are are based on ambient conditions, without
nut and that a non-metallic based lubricant (i.e. oil
compensation for elevated temperatures. If condi-
and graphite) be used on the nuts, bolts and
tions different from these exist, we suggest that
further analysis be performed to determine the
The flanges are assumed to be in good condition appropriate torque values.
and in compliance with ASME B16.5 specifications.
Special attention should be given to seating surface
finish and flatness.

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Torque Tables
For Spiral Wound Gaskets, ASME B16.5

Class 150
Max. Torque Max. Gsk. Min. Gsk. Minimum Max. Gsk.
Nom. Gsk. ID Gsk. OD Gsk. Area No. Size of per Bolts @ Comp. per Comp. Comp. Torque Comp. Prefer'd
Pipe Size Contact Contact Contact of Bolts 60 ksi Bolt Bolt @ Available Recomm. per Bolt Recomm. Torque
(inches) (inches) (inches) (Sq. in.) Bolts (inches) Stress (ft lb) 60K (ft lb) (psi) (psi) (ft lb) Avail. (psi) (ft lb)
0.5 0.75 1.25 0.79 4 0.5 60 7560 38503 10000 16 30000 47
0.75 1 1.56 1.13 4 0.5 60 7560 26712 10000 22 26712 60
1 1.25 1.88 1.53 4 0.5 60 7560 19713 10000 30 19713 60
1.25 1.88 2.38 1.67 4 0.5 60 7560 18119 10000 33 18119 60
1.5 2.13 2.75 2.39 4 0.5 60 7560 12637 10000 47 12637 60
2 2.75 3.38 3.01 4 0.63 120 12120 16125 10000 74 16125 120
2.5 3.25 3.88 3.50 4 0.63 120 12120 13861 10000 87 13861 120
3 4 4.75 5.15 4 0.63 120 12120 9406 9406 120 9406 120
4 5 5.88 7.47 8 0.63 120 12120 12974 10000 92 12974 120
5 6.13 7 9.02 8 0.75 200 18120 16071 10000 124 16071 200
6 7.19 8.25 12.88 8 0.75 200 18120 11253 10000 178 11253 200
8 9.19 10.38 18.25 8 0.75 200 18120 7945 7945 200 7945 200
10 11.31 12.5 22.21 12 0.88 320 25140 13584 10000 236 13584 320
12 13.38 14.75 30.37 12 0.88 320 25140 9933 9933 320 9933 320
14 14.63 16 33.07 12 1 490 33060 11995 10000 408 11995 490
16 16.63 18.25 44.51 16 1 490 33060 11884 10000 412 11884 490
18 18.69 20.75 63.88 16 1.13 710 43680 10940 10000 649 10940 710
20 20.69 22.75 70.36 20 1.13 710 43680 12415 10000 572 12415 710
24 24.75 27 91.45 20 1.25 1000 55740 12190 10000 820 12190 1000

Class 300
Max. Torque Max. Gsk. Min. Gsk. Minimum Max. Gsk.
Nom. Gsk. ID Gsk. OD Gsk. Area No. Size of per Bolts @ Comp. per Comp. Comp. Torque Comp. Prefer'd
Pipe Size Contact Contact Contact of Bolts 60 ksi Bolt Bolt @ Available Recomm. per Bolt Recomm. Torque
(inches) (inches) (inches) (Sq. in.) Bolts (inches) Stress (ft lb) 60K (ft lb) (psi) (psi) (ft lb) Avail. (psi) (ft lb)
0.5 0.75 1.25 0.79 4 0.5 60 7560 38522 10000 16 30000 47
0.75 1 1.56 1.13 4 0.63 120 12120 43079 10000 28 30000 84
1 1.25 1.88 1.55 4 0.63 120 12120 31319 10000 38 30000 115
1.25 1.88 2.38 1.67 4 0.63 120 12120 28994 10000 41 28994 120
1.5 2.13 2.75 2.38 4 0.75 200 18120 30517 10000 66 30000 197
2 2.75 3.38 3.03 8 0.63 120 12120 31983 10000 38 30000 113
2.5 3.25 3.88 3.53 8 0.75 200 18120 41110 10000 49 30000 146
3 4 4.75 5.15 8 0.75 200 18120 28139 10000 71 28139 200
4 5 5.88 7.52 8 0.75 200 18120 19287 10000 104 19287 200
5 6.13 7 8.97 8 0.75 200 18120 16166 10000 124 16166 200
6 7.19 8.25 12.85 12 0.75 200 18120 16925 10000 118 16925 200
8 9.19 10.38 18.28 12 0.88 320 25140 16502 10000 194 16502 320
10 11.31 12.5 22.24 16 1 490 33060 23782 10000 206 23782 490
12 13.38 14.75 30.25 16 1.13 710 43680 23102 10000 307 23102 710
14 14.63 16 32.94 20 1.13 710 43680 26520 10000 268 26520 710
16 16.63 18.25 44.36 20 1.25 1000 55740 25133 10000 398 25133 1000
18 18.69 20.75 63.78 24 1.25 1000 55740 20975 10000 477 20975 1000
20 20.69 22.75 70.25 24 1.25 1000 55740 19044 10000 525 19044 1000
24 24.75 27 91.40 24 1.5 1600 84300 22135 10000 723 22135 1600
Tables are based on the use of bolts with a yield strength of 100,000 psi.
Torque Tables
For Spiral Wound Gaskets, ASME B16.5

Class 400
Max. Torque Max. Gsk. Min. Gsk. Minimum Max. Gsk.
Nom. Gsk. ID Gsk. OD Gsk. Area No. Size of per Bolts @ Comp. per Comp. Comp. Torque Comp. Prefer'd
Pipe Size Contact Contact Contact of Bolts 60 ksi Bolt Bolt @ Available Recomm. per Bolt Recomm. Torque
(inches) (inches) (inches) (Sq. in.) Bolts (inches) Stress (ft lb) 60K (ft lb) (psi) (psi) (ft lb) Avail. (psi) (ft lb)
4 4.75 5.88 9.43 8 0.88 320 25140 21329 10000 150 21329 320
5 5.81 7 11.97 8 0.88 320 25140 16807 10000 190 16807 320
6 6.88 8.25 16.27 12 0.88 320 25140 18540 10000 173 18540 320
8 8.88 10.38 22.68 12 1 490 33060 17493 10000 280 17493 490
10 10.81 12.5 30.92 16 1.13 710 43680 22600 10000 314 22600 710
12 12.88 14.75 40.56 16 1.25 1000 55740 21988 10000 455 21988 1000
14 14.25 16 41.56 20 1.25 1000 55740 26826 10000 373 26826 1000
16 16.25 18.25 54.17 20 1.38 1360 69300 25588 10000 531 25588 1360
18 18.5 20.75 69.33 24 1.38 1360 69300 23991 10000 567 23991 1360
20 20.5 22.75 76.39 24 1.5 1600 84300 26485 10000 604 26485 1600
24 24.75 27 91.40 24 1.75 3000 118800 31194 10000 962 30000 2885

Class 600
Max. Torque Max. Gsk. Min. Gsk. Minimum Max. Gsk.
Nom. Gsk. ID Gsk. OD Gsk. Area No. Size of per Bolts @ Comp. per Comp. Comp. Torque Comp. Prefer'd
Pipe Size Contact Contact Contact of Bolts 60 ksi Bolt Bolt @ Available Recomm. per Bolt Recomm. Torque
(inches) (inches) (inches) (Sq. in.) Bolts (inches) Stress (ft lb) 60K (ft lb) (psi) (psi) (ft lb) Avail. (psi) (ft lb)
0.5 0.75 1.25 0.79 4 0.5 60 7560 38522 10000 16 30000 47
0.75 1 1.56 1.13 4 0.63 120 12120 43079 10000 28 30000 84
1 1.25 1.88 1.55 4 0.63 120 12120 31319 10000 38 30000 115
1.25 1.88 2.38 1.67 4 0.63 120 12120 28994 10000 41 28994 120
1.5 2.13 2.75 2.38 4 0.75 200 18120 30517 10000 66 30000 197
2 2.75 3.38 3.03 8 0.63 120 12120 31983 10000 38 30000 113
2.5 3.25 3.88 3.53 8 0.75 200 18120 41110 10000 49 30000 146
3 4 4.75 5.15 8 0.75 200 18120 28139 10000 71 28139 200
4 4.75 5.88 9.43 8 0.88 320 25140 21329 10000 150 21329 320
5 5.81 7 11.97 8 1 490 33060 22102 10000 222 22102 490
6 6.88 8.25 16.27 12 1 490 33060 24381 10000 201 24381 490
8 8.88 10.38 22.68 12 1.13 710 43680 23112 10000 307 23112 710
10 10.81 12.5 30.92 16 1.25 1000 55740 28840 10000 347 28840 1000
12 12.88 14.75 40.56 20 1.25 1000 55740 27486 10000 364 27486 1000
14 14.25 16 41.56 20 1.38 1360 69300 33353 10000 408 30000 1223
16 16.25 18.25 54.17 20 15 1600 84300 31127 10000 514 30000 1542
18 18.5 20.75 69.33 20 1.63 2200 100800 29080 10000 757 29080 2200
20 20.5 22.75 76.39 24 1.63 2200 100800 31669 10000 695 30000 2084
24 24.75 27 91.40 24 1.88 4000 138240 36298 10000 1102 30000 3306
Tables are based on the use of bolts with a yield strength of 100,000 psi.

WARNING: Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli- customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil- While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury. cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Torque Tables
For Spiral Wound Gaskets, ASME B16.5

Class 900
Max. Torque Max. Gsk. Min. Gsk. Minimum Max. Gsk.
Nom. Gsk. ID Gsk. OD Gsk. Area No. Size of per Bolts @ Comp. per Comp. Comp. Torque Comp. Prefer'd
Pipe Size Contact Contact Contact of Bolts 60 ksi Bolt Bolt @ Available Recomm. per Bolt Recomm. Torque
(inches) (inches) (inches) (Sq. in.) Bolts (inches) Stress (ft lb) 60K (ft lb) (psi) (psi) (ft lb) Avail. (psi) (ft lb)
3 3.75 4.75 6.67 8 0.88 320 25140 30142 10000 106 30000 318
4 4.75 5.88 9.43 8 1.13 710 43680 37059 10000 192 30000 575
5 5.81 7 11.97 8 1.25 1000 55740 37264 10000 268 30000 805
6 6.88 8.25 16.27 12 1.13 710 43680 32213 10000 220 30000 661
8 8.75 10.13 20.45 12 1.38 1360 69300 40660 10000 334 30000 1003
10 10.88 12.25 24.88 16 1.38 1360 69300 44575 10000 305 30000 915
12 12.75 14.5 37.43 20 1.38 1360 69300 37024 10000 367 30000 1102
14 14 15.75 40.87 20 1.5 1600 84300 41254 10000 388 30000 1164
16 16.25 18 47.05 20 1.63 2200 100800 42847 10000 513 30000 1540
18 18.25 20.5 68.44 20 1.88 4000 138240 40396 10000 990 30000 2971
20 20.5 22.5 67.51 20 2 4400 159120 47140 10000 933 30000 2800
24 24.75 26.75 80.86 20 2.5 8800 257520 63699 10000 1381 30000 4144

Class 1500
Max. Torque Max. Gsk. Min. Gsk. Minimum Max. Gsk.
Nom. Gsk. ID Gsk. OD Gsk. Area No. Size of per Bolts @ Comp. per Comp. Comp. Torque Comp. Prefer'd
Pipe Size Contact Contact Contact of Bolts 60 ksi Bolt Bolt @ Available Recomm. per Bolt Recomm. Torque
(inches) (inches) (inches) (Sq. in.) Bolts (inches) Stress (ft lb) 60K (ft lb) (psi) (psi) (ft lb) Avail. (psi) (ft lb)
0.5 0.75 1.25 0.79 4 0.75 200 18120 92331 10000 22 30000 65
0.75 1 1.56 1.13 4 0.75 200 18120 64405 10000 31 30000 93
1 1.25 1.88 1.55 4 0.88 320 25140 64964 10000 49 30000 148
1.25 1.56 2.38 2.54 4 0.88 320 25140 39650 10000 81 30000 242
1.5 1.88 2.75 3.16 4 1 490 33060 41821 10000 117 30000 351
2 2.31 3.38 4.78 8 0.88 320 25140 42081 10000 76 30000 228
2.5 2.75 3.88 5.88 8 1 490 33060 44971 10000 109 30000 327
3 3.63 4.75 7.37 8 1.13 710 43680 47429 10000 150 30000 449
4 4.63 5.88 10.31 8 1.25 1000 55740 43239 10000 231 30000 694
5 5.63 7 13.58 8 1.5 1600 84300 49651 10000 322 30000 967
6 6.75 8.25 17.66 12 1.38 1360 69300 47083 10000 289 30000 867
8 8.5 10.13 23.84 12 1.63 2200 100800 50742 10000 434 30000 1301
10 10.5 12.25 31.25 12 1.88 4000 138240 53079 10000 754 30000 2261
12 12.75 14.5 37.43 16 2 4400 159120 68010 10000 647 30000 1941
14 14.25 15.75 35.55 16 2.25 6360 205380 93024 10000 684 30000 2051
16 16 18 53.38 16 2.5 8800 257520 77188 10000 1140 30000 3420
18 18.25 20.5 68.44 16 2.75 11840 315540 73765 10000 1605 30000 4815
20 20.25 22.5 75.51 16 3 15440 379440 80403 10000 1920 30000 5761
24 24.25 26.75 100.09 16 3.5 26000 525000 83927 10000 3098 30000 9294
Tables are based on the use of bolts with a yield strength of 100,000 psi.

Torque Tables
For Spiral Wound Gaskets, ASME B16.5

Class 2500
Max. Torque Max. Gsk. Min. Gsk. Minimum Max. Gsk.
Nom. Gsk. ID Gsk. OD Gsk. Area No. Size of per Bolts @ Comp. per Comp. Comp. Torque Comp. Prefer'd
Pipe Size Contact Contact Contact of Bolts 60 ksi Bolt Bolt @ Available Recomm. per Bolt Recomm. Torque
(inches) (inches) (inches) (Sq. in.) Bolts (inches) Stress (ft lb) 60K (ft lb) (psi) (psi) (ft lb) Avail. (psi) (ft lb)
0.5 0.75 1.25 0.79 4 0.75 200 18120 92331 10000 22 30000 65
0.75 1 1.56 1.13 4 0.75 200 18120 64405 10000 31 30000 93
1 1.25 1.88 1.55 4 0.88 320 25140 64964 10000 49 30000 148
1.25 1.56 2.38 2.54 4 1 490 33060 52141 10000 94 30000 282
1.5 1.88 2.75 3.16 4 1.13 710 43680 55255 10000 128 30000 385
2 2.31 3.38 4.78 8 1 490 33060 55338 10000 89 30000 266
2.5 2.75 3.88 5.88 8 1.13 710 43680 59417 10000 119 30000 358
3 3.63 4.75 7.37 8 1.25 1000 55740 60524 10000 165 30000 496
4 4.63 5.88 10.31 8 1.5 1600 84300 65394 10000 245 30000 734
5 5.63 7 13.58 8 1.75 3000 118800 69970 10000 429 30000 1286
6 6.75 8.25 17.66 8 2 4400 159120 72071 10000 611 30000 1832
8 8.5 10.13 23.84 12 2 4400 159120 80101 10000 549 30000 1648
10 10.63 12.25 29.10 12 2.5 8800 257520 106207 10000 829 30000 2486
12 12.5 14.5 42.39 12 2.75 11840 315540 89325 10000 1325 30000 3976

Tables are based on the use of bolts with a yield strength of 100,000 psi.

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Torque to Stress Bolts
The torque required to produce a certain stress in Values are based on steel bolts that have been well-
bolting is dependent on several conditions, including: lubricated with a heavy graphite and oil mixture.
■ Diameter and number of threads on bolt A non-lubricated bolt has an efficiency of about 50%
■ Condition of nut bearing surfaces of a well-lubricated bolt. Also, different lubricants produce
■ Lubrication of bolt threads and nut bearing surfaces. results that vary from 50% to 100% of the tabulated
The tables below reflect the results of many tests to stress figures.
determine the relation between torque and bolt stress.

For Alloy Steel Stud Bolts (Load in pounds on stud bolts when torque load is applied)
Nominal Number Diameter Stress
Diameter of at Root Area at Root 30,000 psi 45,000 psi 60,000 psi
of Bolt Threads of Thread of Thread Torque Compres- Torque Compres- Torque Compres-
(inches) (per inch) (inches) (sq. inch) (ft lbs) sion (lbs) (ft lbs) sion (lbs) (ft lbs) sion (lbs)
1/4 20 0.185 0.027 4 810 6 1215 8 1620
5/16 18 0.240 0.045 8 1350 12 2025 16 2700
3/8 16 0.294 0.068 12 2040 18 3060 24 4080
7/16 14 0.345 0.093 20 2790 30 4185 40 5580
1/2 13 0.400 0.126 30 3780 45 5670 60 7560
9/16 12 0.454 0.162 45 4860 68 7290 90 9720
5/8 11 0.507 0.202 60 6060 90 9090 120 12120
3/4 10 0.620 0.302 100 9060 150 13590 200 18120
7/8 9 0.731 0.419 160 12570 240 18855 320 25140
1 8 0.838 0.551 245 16530 368 24795 490 33060
1-1/8 8 0.963 0.728 355 21840 533 32760 710 43680
1-1/4 8 1.088 0.929 500 27870 750 41805 1000 55740
1-3/8 8 1.213 1.155 680 34650 1020 51975 1360 69300
1-1/2 8 1.338 1.405 800 42150 1200 63225 1600 84300
1-5/8 8 1.463 1.680 1100 50400 1650 75600 2200 100800
1-3/4 8 1.588 1.980 1500 59400 2250 89100 3000 118800
1-7/8 8 1.713 2.304 2000 69120 3000 103680 4000 138240
2 8 1.838 2.652 2200 79560 3300 119340 4400 159120
2-1/4 8 2.088 3.423 3180 102690 4770 154035 6360 205380
2-1/2 8 2.338 4.292 4400 128760 6600 193140 8800 257520
2-3/4 8 2.588 5.259 5920 157770 8880 236655 11840 315540
3 8 2.838 6.324 7720 189720 11580 264580 15440 379440

For Machine Bolts and Cold Rolled Steel Stud Bolts (Load in pounds on stud bolts when torque load is applied)
Nominal Number Diameter Stress
Diameter of at Root Area at Root 7,500 psi 15,000 psi 30,000 psi
of Bolt Threads of Thread of Thread Torque Compres- Torque Compres- Torque Compres-
(inches) (per inch) (inches) (sq. inch) (ft lbs) sion (lbs) (ft lbs) sion (lbs) (ft lbs) sion (lbs)
1/4 20 0.185 0.027 1 203 2 405 4 810
5/16 18 0.240 0.045 2 338 4 675 8 1350
3/8 16 0.294 0.068 3 510 6 1020 12 2040
7/16 14 0.345 0.093 5 698 10 1395 20 2790
1/2 13 0.400 0.126 8 945 15 1890 30 3780
9/16 12 0.454 0.162 12 1215 23 2340 45 4860
5/8 11 0.507 0.202 15 1515 30 3030 60 6060
3/4 10 0.620 0.302 25 2265 50 4530 100 9060
7/8 9 0.731 0.419 40 3143 80 6285 160 12570
1 8 0.838 0.551 62 4133 123 8265 245 16530
1-1/8 7 0.939 0.693 98 5190 195 10380 390 20760
1-1/4 7 1.064 0.890 137 6675 273 13350 545 26700
1-3/8 6 1.158 1.054 183 7905 365 15810 730 31620
1-1/2 6 1.283 1.294 219 9705 437 19410 875 38820
1-5/8 5-1/2 1.389 1.515 300 11363 600 22725 1200 45450
1-3/4 5 1.490 1.744 390 13080 775 26160 1550 52320
1-7/8 5 1.615 2.049 525 15368 1050 30735 2100 61470
2 4-1/2 1.711 2.300 563 17250 1125 34500 2250 69000
Flange and Bolt Dimensions
For Standard Flanges

150 psi 300 psi 400 psi 600 psi

Dia. of No. Dia. of Bolt Dia. of No. Dia. of Bolt Dia. of No. Dia. of Bolt Dia. of No. Dia. of Bolt
NPS Flange of Bolts Circle Flange of Bolts Circle Flange of Bolts Circle Flange of Bolts Circle
(inches) (inches) Bolts (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Bolts (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Bolts (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Bolts (Inches) (Inches)
1/4 3-3/8 4 1/2 2-1/4 3-3/8 4 1/2 2-1/4 3-3/8 4 1/2 2-1/4 3-3/8 4 1/2 2-1/4
1/2 3-1/2 4 1/2 2-3/8 3-3/4 4 1/2 2-5/8 3-3/4 4 1/2 2-5/8 3-3/4 4 1/2 2-5/8
3/4 3-7/8 4 1/2 2-3/4 4-5/8 4 5/8 3-1/4 4-5/8 4 5/8 3-1/4 4-5/8 4 5/8 3-1/4
1 4-1/4 4 1/2 3-1/8 4-7/8 4 5/8 3-1/2 4-7/8 4 5/8 3-1/2 4-7/8 4 5/8 3-1/2
1-1/4 4-5/8 4 1/2 3-1/2 5-1/4 4 5/8 3-7/8 5-1/4 4 5/8 3-7/8 5-1/4 4 5/8 3-7/8
1-1/2 5 4 1/2 3-7/8 6-1/8 4 3/4 4-1/2 6-1/8 4 3/4 4-1/2 6-1/8 4 3/4 4-1/2
2 6 4 5/8 4-3/4 6-1/2 8 5/8 5 6-1/2 8 5/8 5 6-1/2 8 5/8 5
2-1/2 7 4 5/8 5-1/2 7-1/2 8 3/4 5-7/8 7-1/2 8 3/4 5-7/8 7-1/2 8 3/4 5-7/8
3 7-1/2 4 5/8 6 8-1/4 8 3/4 6-5/8 8-1/4 8 3/4 6-5/8 8-1/4 8 3/4 6-5/8
3-1/2 8-1/2 8 5/8 7 9 8 3/4 7-1/4 9 8 7/8 7-1/4 9 8 7/8 7-1/4
4 9 8 5/8 7-1/2 10 8 3/4 7-7/8 10 8 7/8 7-7/8 10-3/4 8 7/8 8-1/2
5 10 8 3/4 8-1/2 11 8 3/4 9-1/4 11 8 7/8 9-1/4 13 8 1 10-1/2
6 11 8 3/4 9-1/2 12-1/2 12 3/4 10-5/8 12-1/2 12 7/8 10-5/8 14 12 1 11-1/2
8 13-1/2 8 3/4 11-3/4 15 12 7/8 13 15 12 1 13 16-1/2 12 1-1/8 13-3/4
10 16 12 7/8 14-1/4 17-1/2 16 1 15-1/4 17-1/2 16 1-1/8 15-1/4 20 16 1-1/4 17
12 19 12 7/8 17 20-1/2 16 1-1/8 17-3/4 20-1/2 16 1-1/4 17-3/4 22 20 1-1/4 19-1/4
14 21 12 1 18-3/4 23 20 1-1/8 20-1/4 23 20 1-1/4 20-1/4 23-3/4 20 1-3/8 20-3/4
16 23-1/2 16 1 21-1/4 25-1/2 20 1-1/4 22-1/2 25-1/2 20 1-3/8 22-1/2 27 20 1-1/2 23-3/4
18 25 16 1-1/8 22-3/4 28 24 1-1/4 24-3/4 28 24 1-3/8 24-3/4 29-1/4 20 1-5/8 25-3/4
20 27-1/2 20 1-1/8 25 30-1/2 24 1-1/4 27 30-1/2 24 1-1/2 27 32 24 1-5/8 28-1/2
24 32 20 1-1/4 29-1/2 36 24 1-1/2 32 36 24 1-3/4 32 37 24 1-7/8 33

900 psi 1500 psi 2500 psi

Dia. of No. Dia. of Bolt Dia. of No. Dia. of Bolt Dia. of No. Dia. of Bolt
NPS Flange of Bolts Circle Flange of Bolts Circle Flange of Bolts Circle
(inches) (inches) Bolts (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Bolts (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) Bolts (Inches) (Inches)
1/2 4-3/4 4 3/4 3-1/4 4-3/4 4 3/4 3-1/4 5-1/4 4 3/4 3-1/2
3/4 5-1/8 4 3/4 3-1/2 5-1/8 4 3/4 3-1/2 5-1/2 4 3/4 3-3/4
1 5-7/8 4 7/8 4 5-7/8 4 7/8 4 6-1/4 4 7/8 4-1/4
1-1/4 6-1/4 4 7/8 4-3/8 6-1/4 4 7/8 4-3/8 7-1/4 4 1 5-1/8
1-1/2 7 4 1 4-7/8 7 4 1 4-7/8 8 4 1-1/8 5-3/4
2 8-1/2 8 7/8 6-1/2 8-1/2 8 7/8 6-1/2 9-1/4 8 1 6-3/4 WARNING:
2-1/2 9-5/8 8 1 7-1/2 9-5/8 8 1 7-1/2 10-1/2 8 1-1/8 7-3/4 Properties/applications shown
throughout this brochure are typical.
3 9-1/2 8 7/8 7-1/2 10-1/2 8 1-1/8 8 12 8 1-1/4 9 Your specific application should not
4 11-1/2 8 1-1/8 9-1/4 12-1/4 8 1-1/4 9-1/2 14 8 1-1/2 10-3/4 be undertaken without independent
study and evaluation for suitability.
5 13-3/4 8 1-1/4 11 14-3/4 8 1-1/2 11-1/2 16-1/2 8 1-3/4 12-3/4 For specific application recommen-
dations consult Garlock. Failure to
6 15 12 1-1/8 12-1/2 15-1/2 12 1-3/8 12-1/2 19 8 2 14-1/2 select the proper sealing products
8 18-1/2 12 1-3/8 15-1/2 19 12 1-5/8 15-1/2 21-3/4 12 2 17-1/4 could result in property damage and/
or serious personal injury.
10 21-1/2 16 1-3/8 18-1/2 23 12 1-7/8 19 26-1/2 12 2-1/2 21-1/4 Performance data published in this
12 24 20 1-3/8 21 26-1/2 16 2 22-1/2 30 12 2-3/4 24-3/8 brochure has been developed from
field testing, customer field reports
14 25-1/4 20 1-1/2 22 29-1/2 16 2-1/4 25 and/or in-house testing.
16 27-3/4 20 1-5/8 24-1/2 32-1/2 16 2-1/2 27-3/4 While the utmost care has been
used in compiling this brochure, we
18 31 20 1-7/8 27 36 16 2-3/4 30-1/2 assume no responsibility for errors.
Specifications subject to change
20 33-3/4 20 2 29-1/2 38-3/4 16 3 32-3/4 without notice. This edition cancels
24 41 20 2-1/2 35-1/2 46 16 3-1/2 39 all previous issues. Subject to
change without notice.

Gasket Installation
In a flanged connection, all components must be Hydrostatic Testing
correct to achieve a seal. The most common cause
of leaky gasketed joints is improper installation
procedures. ■ If hydrostatic tests are to be performed at pres-
sures higher than those for which the flange was
rated, higher bolt pressures must be applied in
Bolting Procedures order to get a satisfactory seal under the test
■ Use high-strength alloy bolts (ASTM B 193 Grade
B7 is suggested) during the tests. They may be
removed upon completion. Higher stress values
required to seat the gasket during hydrostatic
tests at higher than flange rated pressures may
4-Bolt Flange 8-Bolt Flange 16-Bolt Flange cause the standard bolts to be stressed beyond
their yield points.
■ Place the gasket on the flange surface to be sealed. ■ Upon completion of hydrostatic testing, relieve all
■ Bring the opposing flange into contact with the bolt stress by 50% of the allowable stress.
gasket. ■ Begin replacing the high-strength alloy bolts
■ Clean the bolts and lubricate them with a quality (suggested for test conditions) one by one with
lubricant, such as an oil and graphite mixture. the standard bolts while maintaining stress on the
■ Place the bolts into the bolt holes. gasket.
■ Finger-tighten the nuts. ■ After replacing all the bolts, follow the tightening
procedure recommended in the bolting sequence
■ Follow the bolting sequence in the diagrams above.
■ During the initial tightening sequence, do not tighten
any bolts more than 30% of the recommended bolt
stress. Doing so will cause cocking of the flange Prestressing Bolts for
and the gasket will be crushed. Thermal Expansion
■ Upon reaching the recommended torque require- Bolts should be prestressed to compensate for
ments, do a clockwise bolt-to-bolt torque check to thermal expansion as well as for relaxation, creep,
make certain that the bolts have been stressed hydrostatic end pressure and residual gasket loads.
A difference in the coefficient of thermal expan-
■ Due to creep and stress relaxation, it is essential to
sion between the materials of the flange and the
prestress the bolts to ensure adequate stress load
bolts may change loads. In cases of serious thermal
during operation.
expansion, it may be necessary to apply a minimum
of stress to the bolts and allow the pipe expansion to
complete the compression of the gasket.
A gasket with a centering guide ring should be
Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli- compressed to the guide ring. A gasket without a
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper centering guide ring must be installed with precau-
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
tions taken to prevent thermal expansion from
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing. crushing the gasket beyond its elastic limit.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Leaking Joints
One of the best methods for determining the cause
of joint leakage is the careful examination of the
gasket where the leakage occurred.

Observation Possible Remedies

Gasket badly corroded • Select replacement material with improved corrosion resistance.
Gasket extruded excessively • Select replacement material with better cold flow properties.
• Select replacement material with better load capacity—i.e., more dense.
Gasket grossly crushed • Select replacement material with better load carrying capacity.
• Provide means to prevent crushing the gasket by use of a stop ring
or redesign of flanges.
Gasket mechanically • Review gasket dimensions to insure gaskets are proper size.
damaged due to overhang • Make certain gaskets are properly centered in joint.
of raised face or flange bore.
No apparent gasket • Select softer gasket material.
compression achieved • Select thicker gasket material.
• Reduce gasket area to allow higher unit seating load.
Gasket substantially thinner • Alter gasket dimensions to move gasket reaction closer to bolts to
on OD than ID due to exces- minimize bending movement.
sive flange rotation or bending • Provide stiffness to flange by means of back-up rings.
• Select softer gasket material to lower required seating stresses.
• Reduce gasket area to lower seating stresses.
Gasket unevenly compressed • Make certain proper sequential bolt-up procedures are followed.
around circumference
Gasket thickness varies • Provide reinforcing rings for flanges to better distribute bolt load.
periodically around • Select gasket material with lower seating stress.
circumference • Provide additional bolts if possible to obtain better load distribution.
• If flanges are warped, remachine or use softer gasket material.

Metal-Clad and Heat
Exchanger Gaskets
Garlock manufactures a wide variety of heat
exchanger and metal-clad gaskets. Among the most
requested styles are double-jacketed gaskets,
Kammprofile, corrugated gaskets, and solid gaskets,
all available in a choice of metals and filler materials.
Custom configurations of heat exchanger gas-
kets are also available. Spiral windings can be
designed with or without partitions welded to the
winding, or inner and outer rings with welded parti-
Contact Garlock for all of your heat exchanger
gasket needs.

Tolerances Gasket Widths

Gasket Inside Outside Gasket Minimum Width Maximum
Outside Diameter Diameter Diameter (Gasket and Ribs) Width
Diameter Tolerance Tolerance Up to 12" 3/16" *
Up to 6" +1/32" / -0 +0 / -1/32" Over 12" 1/4" *
6" to 60" +1/16" / -0 +0 / -1/16"
60" and above +3/32" / -0 +0 / -3/32" * Note: There is no maximum width for heat exchanger gaskets.

Thickness: ±1/64" Radii: ±1/16"

Rib Width: ±1/64" Rib Location: ±1/16"

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Heat Exchanger Gasket Configurations








Metallic Gasket
The superior technology of the GRAPHONIC®
family of gaskets ensures excellent sealing perfor-
mance and reliability, even in the most difficult
applications. Each of the three styles combines a
corrugated metal core with a compressible sealing
element of various materials, for resistance to a wide
range of harsh conditions, including extreme tem-
perature, corrosive chemicals, and thermal cycling. Construction
Compressible Sealing
With flexible graphite sealing element
■ Accommodates a wide range of temperatures Metal Core
■ Seals effectively during thermal cycling
■ Fire safe—withstood API and FITT fire tests
■ Chemically resistant Standard Metals Sealing Elements
■ 304 Stainless ■ Flexible graphite
■ Long service life
■ 316L Stainless ■ ePTFE
® ■ INCONEL® 600 ■ Combination graphite
TEPHONIC Gasket ■ INCONEL® 625 and ePTFE
With ePTFE sealing element ■ INCOLOY® 800
■ INCOLOY® 825
■ Chemically inert
■ Forms a tight seal under low bolt load
■ MONEL® 400
■ Conforms to minor sealing surface imperfections
■ Withstands temperatures to 500°F (260°C)
Engineering Data
G.E.T. Gasket ™

With graphite and ePTFE sealing element GRAPHONIC
and G.E.T.™
■ Combines fire safety with chemical resistance Temperature
■ Conforms to minor sealing surface imperfections Minimum: -400°F (-240°C) -350°F (-210°C)
Max. in atmosphere: +850°F (454°C)* +500°F (260°C)
■ Rigid yet compressible Max. in steam: +1200°F (650°C) —
Max. continuous in
reducing or
INCONEL® is a registered trademark of Inco Alloys International, Inc.
INCOLOY® is a registered trademark of Inco Alloys International, Inc.
inert media: +5432°F (3000°C) —
HASTELLOY® is a registered trademark of Haynes International. Pressure, max.: 2000 psig (140 bar)
MONEL® is a registered trademark of International Nickel.
P x T, max.
1/16" thickness: 700,000 (25,000)†
Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
1/8" thickness: 350,000 (12,000)
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper * Maximum temperatures of 975°F (525°C) can be allowed for flexible
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury. graphite with oxidation inhibitors.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing, †
P x T max. = psig x °F (bar x °C)
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
Note: When approaching maximum temperatures, consult the
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can- Garlock Metallic Gasket Engineering Dept. at 1-800-972-7638
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice. or 1-281-459-7200.

Garlock Kammprofile Gasket
Superior Performance
Serrated solid metal core Soft, deformable sealing
■ Serrations concentrate bolt load material
on small area for tight seal at ■ Under compression, fills seat-
lower stress ing surface imperfections to
■ Solid metal core resists cold flow, form a tight, metal-to-metal
overcompression and blowout connection
■ Rigid core provides exceptional ■ Seals under low stress—ideal
stability, even in large sizes, and for weaker flanges
facititates handling and installation ■ Withstands extreme fluctua-
tions in temperatures and
Style Selection Guide
Construction Centering Flange ■ Convex root core compen-
Ring sates for flange weakness and

counteracts flange rotation

Convex Root
Parallel Root


Raised Face
■ Integral centering ring
Flat Face


Kammprofile ensures optimum gasket

Styles positioning
642 A ● ● ● ■ Floating centering ring at-
642 AR ● ● ● ● tached outside sealing area
642 AR2 ● ● ● ● compensates for expansion
642 AC ● ● ● and contraction during thermal
642 ARC ● ● ● ●
642 ARC2 ● ● ● ●

Applications Material Options

■ Accommodates standard ASME Max. Sealing Max.
flanges as well as weaker and Metal Core Temperature Element Temperature
non-circular flanges 304 SS 1400°F 760°C ePTFE 500°F 260°C
316 SS 1400°F 760°C Flex. graphite* 950°F 510°C
■ Economical replacement for
321 SS 1400°F 760°C GYLON® 500°F 260°C
jacketed heat exchanger gaskets
Aluminum 800°F 425°C PTFE 500°F 260°C
■ Seals less-than-perfect flanges Copper 600°F 315°C * Up to 6000°F (3300°C) in reducing atmosphere
■ Handles pressures from vacuum HASTELLOY® 2000°F 1090°C GYLON® is a registered trademark of Garlock Inc.
to Class 2500 INCONEL® 2000°F 1090°C HASTELLOY® is a registered trademark of Haynes
International. INCOLOY® and INCONEL® are
■ Withstands temperatures from INCOLOY® 1600°F 870°C registered trademarks of Inco Alloys International,
cryogenics to 2000°F (1090°C) MONEL® 1500°F 815°C Inc. MONEL® is a registered trademark of Interna-
tional Nickel.
Titanium 2000°F 1090°C
Series 600 Metal-Clad Gaskets
Gasket Styles
Style 600—Corrugated Solid Metal Style 624—Single-Jacketed Overlap
A plain, all-metal corru- Construction of this gas-
gated gasket for use in low ket offers more filler protec-
pressure applications that tion than the standard single-
require a thin line contact because of space or weight jacketed design (Style 620).
limitations. Corrugated gaskets are a versatile sealing It is especially useful for applications where the radial
element where the available bolt loads are low. De- dimensions do not allow space for a double-jacketed
pending on the materials and construction, these gas- gasket.
kets can be very resilient.
Style 626—Double-Jacketed Corrugated
Style 606—Solid Metal with Flexible Garlock Style 626 em-
Graphite Covering ploys a corrugated jacket to
This gasket is identi- increase resilience. Suited
cal to the plain solid metal for circular and non-circular
gasket (Style 640), cov- applications in widths of 3/8" and wider, it is an im-
ered with a layer of flex- provement over the standard double-jacketed Style 623
ible graphite. This covering layer will fill flange face im- gasket. If slight leakage should occur across the pri-
perfections sometimes found in flanges that have not mary seal at the inner edge of the gasket, the concen-
been properly maintained. tric corrugations act as labyrinth seals.

Style 620—Single-Jacketed Style 627—Double Shell

Generally used where The double shell on this
the radial dimensions of the gasket allows greater hoop
equipment sealing surfaces strength and rigidity with the
only allow space for a nar- addition of a completely
row width seal. Single-jacketed gaskets are constructed overlapping inner seal. This gasket will withstand higher
by encasing the soft filler material on one face and compressive loads common in high pressure applica-
both edges. tions.

Style 623—Double-Jacketed
The double-jacketed
gasket has good compress-
ibility and resilience and is
the most popular clad gas-
ket manufactured.

Series 600 Gasket Styles

Style 629—Double-Jacketed Corrugated Style 640—Solid Metal

with Corrugated Metal Filler This plain solid metal gas-
The metal filler in Style ket can be supplied in any de-
629 has greater resilience to sired configuration. Where
problems resulting from tem- bolting force is sufficient, this style gasket is capable of
perature changes. This unique multi-ply construction extremely tight make-ups, giving high mechanical
provides a more resilient gasket that adapts well to tem- strength, good heat conductivity, resistance to tempera-
perature and pressure cycling. The temperature limits ture, corrosion and pressure.
of this gasket are governed only by the metal selected.
Style 641—Solid Metal Profile
Style 631—Two-Piece French-Type Profile gaskets combine
Garlock Style 631 is ideal for narrow circular appli- the desirable qualities of a
cations that require a positive solid metal gasket with the
unbroken metal gasket line advantages of a reduced area
across the full width of the of contact, thereby reducing the bolt load required to
flange. The filler is exposed on the OD. This gasket is effect a seal. This gasket has the same advantages of
also available in one- and three-piece designs. strength, heat conductivity, and resistance to tempera-
ture, pressure and corrosion as Garlock Style 640.
Style 635—Selected Metal and CERAFELT *
This gasket is a modification of the Garlock Style Style 642—Grooved Metal
631 gasket and is designed See Kammprofile, page 41.
for use in lightweight flanges.
A thick compressible layer of
® Styles 644 and 645—Single- and Double-
CERAFELT is shielded on
the ID with two French-type shields welded together.
Jacketed Profile
Metal-jacketed profile gas-
This gasket is commonly used to handle very hot gases
kets employ the same principle
in duct work.
of reduced contact area while
protecting the flange faces from damage due to scor-
ing. This gasket can be manufactured in one of two
designs—either single-jacketed (Style 644) or double-
CERAFELT® is a registered trademark of Thermal Ceramics.
jacketed (Style 645).

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Ordering Guide
RW, RWI Spiral Wound Heat Exchanger
When ordering, specify: The size restrictions for heat exchanger gaskets
■ Nominal pipe size and pressure class depend only on the available sizes of the materials.
■ Winding and filler materials Heat exchanger gaskets are commonly made in
■ Centering and/or inner compression ring material diameters up to 120", with rib widths up to 1-1/4" and
thicknesses up to 1/4".
SW Spiral Wound When ordering, specify:
When ordering, specify: ■ Style number
■ OD and ID dimensions (and tolerance, if other ■ Shape (Give configuration code, page 39)
than standard—see page 13) ■ Thickness
■ Thickness of gasket ■ Material (metal or metal and filler)
■ Winding and filler material
Plus specify (according to diagram below):
■ Inner ring material, if required (Style SWI)
1. Outside diameter
■ Pressure rating
2. Inside diameter
3. Rib width
HH, MC and MCR Manhole 4. Radius of rib
When ordering, specify: 5. Bolt circle radius
■ Make and model of boiler and/or equipment if 6. Distance from center line of gasket to center line
available (See chart page 10) of ribs
■ Gasket style and configuration 7. Radius around bolt
■ Dimensions of gasket (thickness, flange seating 8. Size and number of bolt holes
width, and shape) Note:
■ Maximum operating pressure and temperature In addition to the above information, drawings of your application are
always helpful in proper dimensioning of gaskets.
■ Type of metal and filler materials

Custom Gaskets
A spiral wound gasket can be made to almost
any dimension required. Possible designs include
multiple windings and rings, with combinations of
different fillers or special winding materials and ring
shapes. Describe your application or send us a
drawing and we’ll help you design the appropriate

Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific appli-
cation should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitabil-
ity. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper
sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing,
customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no re-
sponsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition can-
cels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.

Application Data Form
Date _______________ From ____________________________________

For: Garlock Metallic Gasketing Engineering Title ____________________________________

Fax 1-281-458-0502 Company _______________________________
Page: 1 of _________ Address _________________________________
Drawing attached ❑ Yes ❑ No Fax No. _________________________________
Phone No. _______________________________
E-mail Address ___________________________

❑ Pipe Flange ❑ Pumps – centrifugal / horizontal split case
❑ Heat Exchanger ❑ Flue Duct
❑ Manway ❑ Valve Bonnet
❑ Compressor ❑ Other ________________________________

Service Conditions
Maximum Temperature ________________ °F / °C Continuous Operating Temperature ______ °F / °C
Internal Pressure __________________ psig / bar PSIG / bar ❑ Continuous ❑ Intermittent
Thermal Cycling _________________ / 24 hours Vibration ❑ Yes ❑ No
Other (specify) _______________________________________________________________________

Grade _________________________________ Diameter ________________________________
Length _________________________________ Number _________________________________

Chemical Compatibility
Media _________________________________ pH _____________________________________
Concentration ___________________________ Liquid or Gas ____________________________

Standard Non-Standard
Material ________________________________ Material _________________________________
Size ______________ Rating ____________ I.D. / O.D. ________________________________
Surface Finish _______________________ RMS Flange Thickness _________________________
❑ Phonographic ❑ Concentric Bolt Circle Diameter _______________________
Face (raised, flat, tongue & groove, etc.) _______ Surface Finish ________________________ RMS
______________________________________ ❑ Phonographic ❑ Concentric
Face (raised, flat, tongue & groove, etc.) _______

Comments: _________________________________________________________________________

More than just great products…
Beyond offering you the widest available range of products for
packing and sealing, Garlock enhances the value of its products
with technical services and comprehensive training programs:
• ISO 9002-94 registration for Industrial • The most sophisticated and most compre-
Gasketing, KLOZURE® Oil Seals, Bearing hensive test facilities available.
Protectors, Expansion Joints, Hydraulic
• Technical field seminars on all Garlock
Components, Mechanical Seals, and Indus-
trial Rubber Products.
• Factory-sponsored product training pro-
• A global network of stocking Authorized
grams, including hands-on seminars, to
Garlock Distributors.
ensure that Garlock representatives and
• Factory sales representatives and applica- their distributor personnel are the best in the
tions engineers available for problem solv- industry.
ing when and where it is needed.
• Technical Bulletins to keep you up-to-date
• Toll-free 800 telephone and fax numbers for on product enhancements and changes.
immediate product information.
• In-plant surveys of equipment and pro- Customers who specify Garlock
cesses, providing the customer with recom- fluid sealing products get, at no
mendations to identify and eliminate sealing extra cost, the high quality sup-
and packing problems before they start. port needed to run a profitable

AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR Properties/applications shown throughout this brochure are typical. Your specific
application should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation
for suitability. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure
to select the proper sealing products could result in property damage and/or seri-
ous personal injury.
Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field test-
ing, customer field reports and/or in-house testing.
While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no
responsibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edi-
tion cancels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice.
GARLOCK is a registered trademark for packings, seals, gaskets, and other prod-
ucts of Garlock.
© Garlock Inc 2000. All rights reserved worldwide.

Sealing Technologies ®

Garlock Sealing Technologies Other Garlock facilities are located in:

Metallic Gaskets Palmyra, NY, USA 1-315-597-4811 Fax: 1-315-597-3216
1977 Kindred Street Paragould, AR, USA 1-870-239-4051 Fax: 1-870-239-4054
Houston, TX 77049 USA Columbia, SC, USA 1-803-783-1880 Fax: 1-803-783-4279
Phone: 1-281-459-7200 Sydney, Australia 61-2-9793-2511 Fax: 61-2-9793-2544
1-800-972-7638 São Paulo, Brazil 55-11-884-9680 Fax: 55-11-884-9680
Fax: 1-281-458-0502 Oakville, Canada 1-905-829-3200 Fax: 1-905-829-3333
1-800-363-5674 Berkshire, England 44-1635-38509 Fax: 44-1635-569573
Saint-Étienne, France 33-4-7743-5100 Fax: 33-4-7743-5151
Visit the Garlock network: Neuss, Germany 49-2131-3490 Fax: 49-2131-349-222
Seoul, Korea 822-554-6341 Fax: 822-554-6343
Mexico City, Mexico 52-5-567-7011 Fax: 52-5-368-0418
Singapore 65-254-7372 Fax: 65-254-6708
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