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Research Proposal Cats Eye

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Assistant Professor of Marketing Faculty of Business Administration Premier University of Chittagong SUBMIT BY: MD SAIFUL ISLAM ID: 0920113642 MD SHADAT HOSSEN 0920113681 MD AHMEDUL KARIM 0920113706 MD AMJAD HOSSAIN 0920113667 MD YOUSUF HERO 0920113666 MD TAWFIQUL ISLAM 0818112722






Date of Submission: 09th May, 2012



The executive summary is usually no longer than 10% of the original document. It can be anywhere from 1-10 pages long, depending on the report's length. Executive summaries are written literally for an executive who most likely DOES NOT have the time to read the original. Executive summaries make a recommendation Accuracy is essential because decisions will be made based on your summary by people who have not read the original Executive summaries frequently summarize more than one document

Mens fashion in Bangladesh has still not reached the heights of international standards. We are still very much behind the trends that the world follows. In the dynamic world of fashion, very few brands can claim domination for years. However, we do have a few success stories. Some of the brands of our country have managed to keep up with the expectations of the market through their goodwill, brand loyalty and a vision to be even better. One name that can be easily related to the Bangladeshi mens fashion industry is Cats Eye. One name that can be easily related to the Bangladeshi mens fashion industry is Cats Eye. The pioneer of Bangladeshi mens fashion industry began their journey in 1980. Since then we have seen the emergence of several other fashion houses in this industry but Cats Eye continues to be the trendsetters of mens fashion in Bangladesh. The growing influence of globalization has assured this highly populated country to be a big market for mens fashion wear. In present situation competitive environment and with the growing importance of services, provide high quality services has become the basic retailing

strategy. The present proposal studies the impact of service quality on apparel retail customer satisfaction .The sample consists of 80 respondents from CATS EYE which is a collective effort of local design houses to promote local fashion and design a structured questionnaire Retail Service Quality Scale was administered for data collection. Secondary data was collected from research databases, reports, journal articles etc. The study identifies the critical of factors of Apparel Retail Service Quality and estimates the impact of service quality on Retail Customer Satisfaction.


The purpose of the study is to meet the essential part of our course BUSINESS RESEARCH MANAGEMENT. It is also an important part of total practical project. This research also attempts to study the impact of service quality on RETAIL SERVICE QUALITY INSTRUMENT IN APPAREL SPECIALTY STORES

Objective of Research/ Problem Definition

Primary aims of CATS EYE To examine the applicability of the RETAIL SERVICE QUALITY INSTRUMENT IN APPAREL SPECIALTY STORES. To identify the critical factors of Apparel Retail Service Quality. To study the impact of service quality on Apparel Retail Customer Satisfaction.

Retail service quality on the basis of five dimensions, such as: PHYSICAL ASPECTS - includes functional elements like layout, comfort and privacy and also aesthetic elements such as the architecture, color, materials and style of the store. RELIABILITY - a combination of keeping promises and performing services right. PERSONAL INTERACTION the service personnel being courteous, helpful, inspiring confidence and trust in customers.

PROBLEM SOLVING- the handling of returns and exchanges as well as complaints. POLICY a set of strategies, procedures and guiding principles which the store operates under such as high quality merchandise, convenient operating hours, availability of parking spaces and payment options.

Therefore, we hope that the findings of this research will also contribute to the somewhat limited studies on RETAIL SERVICE QUALITY INSTRUMENT IN APPAREL SPECIALTY STORES

The increasing research attention to the concept of relationship marketing (Sin et al. 2005) has been expanded to the various dimensions of the field. Despite the academic recognition, researches on relationship marketing uncover a wide variety of aspects. Adamson et al. (2003) find a positive correlation between firms marketing strategy and commitment and trust in relationship for corporate banking business sector. Gounariss (2005) study addresses trust and commitment that have impact on perceived quality of service and customer bonding. This study also argues how customers affective commitment towards relationship builds customers motivated to retain in relationship and also invest in relationship. A similar study is conducted by Wong & Sohal (2002) where the authors investigate the concepts of trust and Commitment on relationship and their impact on relationship quality. They find significant role of trust and commitment on the relationship quality. The study of Sin et al. (2005) identifies six components (trust, bonding, communication, shared value, empathy and reciprocity) of the relationship marketing orientation between the businesses of whole Bangladesh.

Fontenot & Hyman (2004) focus on the development, enhancement, and maintenance of enduring relationships among exchange partners where the authors examine the role of antitrust in relationship marketing. Palmer (2002) attempts on buyer-supplier relationships where the impact of selfishness on relationship marketing is investigated. Palmers study makes a comparison between individualism and collectivism (Hofstede 1980), and he finds

relationship marketing represents a dynamic tension between the forces of individualism and collectivism and selfishness may be crucial to successful relationship.

Sample A well-known retail clothing stores were selected for this study. Descriptive Research method was used, with a total of 80 responses collected from customers of CATS EYE clothing stores. Measures There are altogether 27 items in the questionnaire originated from pre-coded scale. Responses to all the statements in the questionnaire were measured on a five-point regarding scale, ranging from 1 = highly disagree to 5 = highly agree. Demographic information such as gender, age, marital status, education level and family income.

Data Collection
Customers of CATS EYE retail stores in Chittagong were involved in this study. The method of purposive sampling was employed whereby the respondents had to fulfill the criteria of having visited the stores before even if they had not made any purchases. The questionnaires were personally hand-delivered & filled up via face to face conversation in the stores premises, relatives of the researchers and educational institution (Students of Premier University, Chittagong). Data was collected over a period of five working days in a week. First three days we have collected data from the store premises in a day, total time of 8 hours .And in another two days we have collected data from our relatives and friends in the month of April, 2012. A total of 80 responses were obtained, with female & male respondents.

We have analyses the on the basis of Frequency Analysis, Central Tendency Analysis, Dispersion & Correlation Analysis.


Preparation of proposal Preparation of questionnaire & test of questionnaire Data collection Data preparation & submission Report preparation & presentation

7days 7days 5 days 7days 7 days



Instructions: The estimated time to complete this questionnaire is about 15 minutes. Please be as honest as possible with your answers. Please be known that there is no right or wrong answer. Your participation in this study is confidential and your responses will remain secret. Thank you for your participation. Respondent Name Address Interviewer Student ID Contact Number Name of the Brand Gender Marital Status Lives in Age : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : ______________________________________Code: ____________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : _______________________________________________________________ : 1. Male : 1. Married : 1. Urban Area : 1. Less than 20 years 2. 20 years to less than 30 years 3. 30 years to less than 40 years 4. 40 years to less than 50 years 5. 50 years or above Education : 1. Illiterate 2. Female 2. Single 2. Rural Area

2. Can Read and Write 3. Primary School Completed 4. Junior High School Completed 5. SSC Completed 6. HSC Completed 7. Under Graduation Completed (BA, BSc, BBA, MBBS etc.) 8. Graduation Completed (MA, MSc, MBA, MDS etc.) 9. Post Graduation Completed (MPhil, PhD etc.) 10. Other (Please Specify: ___________________________________)

Family Income:

1. Less than taka 15,000 2. Taka 15,000 to less than taka 25,000 3. Taka 25,000 to less than taka 35,000 4. Taka 35,000 to less than taka 45,000 5. Taka 45,000 to less than taka 55,000 6. Taka55,000 or above

Following is a list of different questions related to the brand name given at the top. Chose any number from 1 to 5 by Circling the appropriate one that applies to you for each statement.

Physical Aspects:(Scaling from Highly disagreed to Highly agreed on a 5-point


1 = Highly Disagreed, 5= Highly Agreed Code

Items 1 1 1 2 2 2

Scale 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5

SQ_PS_01 SQ_PS_02 SQ_PS_03

This store has modern-looking equipment and fixtures. The physical facilities at this store are visually appealing Materials associated with this stores service (such as shopping bags, catalogs or statements) are visually appealing. This store has clean, attractive and convenient public areas (restrooms, food corner). The store layout at this store makes it easy for customers to find what they need. The store layout at this store makes it easy for customers to move around in the store

SQ_PS_04 SQ_PS_05 SQ_PS_06

1 1 1

2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 4

5 5 5


(Scaling from Highly disagreed to Highly agreed on a 5-point scale):

1 = Highly Disagreed, 5= Highly Agreed Code Items

When this store promises to do something by a certain time, it will do so. This store provides its services at the time it promises to do so. This store performs the service right the first time. This store has merchandise available when the customers want it. This store insists on error-free sales transactions and records.

Scale 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5

SQ_R_07 SQ_R_08 SQ_R_09 SQ_R_10 SQ_R_11

Personal Interaction:
a 5-point scale):

(Scaling from Highly disagreed to Highly agreed on

1 = Highly Disagreed, 5= Highly Agreed Code Items 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Scale 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

SQ_PI_12 SQ_PI_13 SQ_PI_14 SQ_PI_15 SQ_PI_16 SQ_PI_17 SQ_PI_18 SQ_PI_19 SQ_PI_20

Employees in this store have the knowledge to answer customers questions. The behavior of employees in this store in still confidence in customers. Customers feel safe in their transactions with this store. Employees in this store give prompt service to customers. Employees in this store tell the customers exactly when services will be performed. Employees in this store are never too busy to respond to customers requests. This store gives customers individual attention. Employees in this store are consistently courteous with customers. Employees in this store treat customers courteously on the telephone

1 2 1 2


(Scaling from Highly disagreed to Highly agreed on a 5-point

1 = Highly Disagreed, 5= Highly Agreed Code Items 1 2 Scale 3 4 5


This store willingly handles returns and exchanges.

SQ_PS_22 SQ_PS_23

When a customer has a problem, this store shows a sincere interest in solving it. Employees of this store are able to handle customer complaints directly and immediately.

1 1

2 2

3 3

4 4

5 5


(Scaling from Highly disagreed to Highly agreed on a 5-point scale):

1 = Highly Disagreed, 5= Highly Agreed Code

Items 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

Scale 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5

SQ_P_24 SQ_P_25 SQ_P_26 SQ_P_27

This store offers high quality merchandise. This store provides plenty of convenient parking for customers This store has operating hours convenient to all their customers This store accepts most major credit cards.

Satisfaction: (scaling from strongly disagree to strongly agree on a 9-point scale):

1 = Strongly Disagree, 9= Strongly Agree. Code Items 1 2 3 4 Scale 5 6 7 8 9

BI_SAT2_0 My choice to purchase this service was a wise one. 1 BI_SAT2_0 I think that I did the right thing when I purchased this service. 2 BI_SAT2_0 This facility is exactly what is needed for this service. 3

Behavioral Intentions: (scaling from very low to very high on a 9-point scale):

Code 1 = Very Low, 9= Very High. Items 1 2 3 4 Scale 5 6 7 8 9

BI_INT_0 The probability that I will use this facilitys services again is 1 BI_INT_0 The likelihood that I would recommend this facilitys services to a friend is 2 BI_INT_0 If I had to do it over again, I would make the same choice. 3

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