The Department of Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering and Petroleum at Kuwait University invites applications for faculty positions for the Academic Year 2012/2013 in the following specified areas: 1. Distributed Systems 2. Algorithms 3. Software Engineering or Computer Graphics Fields Required Qualifications Ph.D. degree in the area of specialization from a reputable University in the area of specialization. The applicant's GPA in first university degree should be 3 points out of 4 or equivalent. Research experience and a strong publication records in refereed International Journals. Full command of teaching in English with demonstrated evidence of quality teaching. University teaching experience in the specified field. The successful candidates are expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, conducting scholarly research supervising graduate students, and carrying some administrative duties.
Kuwait University provides highly competitive salaries and a generous benefits package including free childrens education and yearly roundtrip tickets to the county of residence among others. To be considered for one of the above mentioned positions, please send by express mail/courier the following: i) a completed application form and the required documents as stated in the application form (the application form can be downloaded from the website:, ii) a detailed CV, iii) a copy of the passport, iv) three reference letters, v) a copy of this advertisement that indicates the date and the issue of publication. These documents should be sent to the following address: Administration for Academic Staff Affairs, Academic Staff Appointment Department, University of Kuwait, Khaldiya Campus, Block 3, Al Firdous Street, Building No.3, Khaldiya, State of Kuwait. Tel: +(965) 24844189 Fax: +(965) 24849562 In addition, electronic copies of the above mentioned documents should be emailed to the following email address: [email protected] Please note that online applications will be considered. To apply online, follow the link: CAREERS @ KU Note that this advertisement is valid till February 15, 2012.