Coiled Tubing Technology Maureer
Coiled Tubing Technology Maureer
Coiled Tubing Technology Maureer
DEA-67 Phase I1
The copyrighted 1998 confidential report is for the use of Participants on the Drilling Engineering Association DEA-67 PHASE II project to Develop and Evaluate Coiled-Tubing and Slim-Hole Technology and their affiliates, and is not to be disclosed to other parties. Participants and their aff~liates free to make copies of this report for their own use. are
.............................................................. BUCKLING ....................................................................2 CEMENTING ................................................................... 3 COILEDWBING ............................................................... 4 DRILLING ..................................................................... 5 FATIGUE ......................................................................6 FISHING ....................................................................... 7 LOGGING ..................................................................... 8 OVERVIEW ....................................................................9 PIPELINES .................................................................... 10 PRODUCTIONSTRINGS ........................................................ 11 RIGS .........................................................................12 STIMULATION ................................................................ 13 TOOLS ....................................................................... 14 WORKOVERS ................................................................. 15
Chapter 1
1. Artificial Lift
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 .
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 16
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-22 .
1. Artificial Lift
Centralift and Shell Expro UK (Watkins and Stewart, 1996) described planning and implementing a successful CT-deployed electric submersible pump (ESP) offshore in the Auk field (North Sea). Several new tools and procedures were developed for this installation. Various methods were analyzed in the search for alternate techniques for deploying ESPs in the field. The first CT-deployed pump was working well one year after installation, and a utilization rate of 96% was reported. The conventional method of artificial lift in the Auk field was wireline-retrievable hydraulic jet pumps installed with a rig. Limited capacity in the hydraulic supply system permitted only three wells to be lifted simultaneously. Shell therefore sought alternate systems for artificial lift. After Shell settled on ESPs, potential deployment methods were investigated. Changing the conventional deployment method would allow a savings of 20% on future workovers, a 50% reduction in installation times, and a savings of 100 man-days in bedding. Deployment methods considered were: 1) hydraulic workover rig, 2) cable suspension, and 3) coiled tubing.
, -
Cable deployment was not suitable due to the well's 74" inclination at depth. CT was determined to be more economic and better suited to operational experience in the field than a hydraulic workover system. New equipment was developed, including high-strength CT connectors to join reels of 2%-in. tubing and to connect completion subassemblies (SSSV etc.). A new packer was designed that could be set and released hydraulically. The tubing spool was modified to permit the power cable to exit the wellhead at a right angle (Figure 1-1). This provided amajor cost savings by maintaining the origmal flow-line height.
Figure 1-1. Modified Tubing Spool (Stewart et al., 1996) The ESP downhole assembly (Figure 1-2) included a 280-HP motor.
Sump p
r u r
Figure 1-2. ESP Assembly for Auk Field (Watkins and Stewart, 1996)
Platform height restrictions required the fabrication of a special tower frame for supporting the gooseneck and extension. Three stack-up tests were performed with the new equipment, including a full trial installation in Aberdeen.
12 .
Halliburton Energy Services (Courville and Clark, 1995) summarized the increased potential of CT for artificial lift applications, particularly with the advent of larger tubing sizes. CT is clearly well suited for use in relatively low-pressure wells in non-hostile environments. ESPs can be deployed on CT, and several gas-lift methods are being developed and refined.
The well-know advantages of CT for production applications include reduced formation damage (underbalanced installation, no pipe dope), improved wellbore integrity (no joints, no leaks), easier operations (pressure tested at factory, rapid run-in speeds), and lower costs (competitive tubing cost, rigless operations). Disadvantages for production applications include the general undesirability of on-site welding, the need to perform hot work outside the well, and the lack of industry experience with large CT with respect to life and corrosive environments. CT is particularly well suited for deploying ESPs because of the absence of connections. Threaded connections slow installation and provide a large number of potential cmsh points for the power cable and leak paths for production. ESPs can be deployed on CT with either side-by-side or concentric methods. For the side-by-side method, the power cable is banded to the CT as it is run in the hole (Figure 1-3). f i s method is more practical and less complex than the concentric method (power cable inside the tubing), except during installation. An advantage of the concentric method is removal of the need to kill the well during the operation.
CT Reel
Wellhead Bands that attach and hold electric power cable to OD of tublng
Earlier operations deploying ESPs on small CT required only mechanical support from the tubing, that is, the tubing was not used as a flow line. High friction losses inside the CT (Table 1-1) required that production be routed through the annulus. With larger CT, acceptable flow rates are now attainable through the CT
TABLE 1-1. Maximum Flow Rates for CT (Courville and Clark, 1995)
Measured Depth (ft)
1Y 4 1# 1%
nitrogen injection through CT for unloading wells. Transient behavior is very important for determining optimum nitrogen volume, injection time, injection depth etc. for unloading a well. They used a CT simulator to investigate these interactions. Tubing OD, workover fluid, nitrogen rate and nitrogen volume were analyzed with respect to sensitivity on job design. Job costs can be minimized by optimizing injection rate and time (i.e., minimize total nitrogen volume). For wells where reservoir pressure is sufficient to lift produced fluids after heavier fluids are removed from the wellbore, a short-term lifting process can be used to unload the well and restore 1-5
production. The composition of the wellbore fluid changes during the unloading operation; steady-state conditions are not reached until the well is unloaded and production restored. Schlumberger Dowel1 ran several test cases to investigate the interactions of various parameters on the success of the unloading operation. One parameter is the composition (i.e., weight) of the fluid in the wellbore. The assumed test conditions included a TD of 12,200 ft, 4-in. casing, no tubing, 4700-psi reservoir, and 15,000 ft of 1%-in. CT. Nitrogen is injected at a rate of 300 scfm during run-in. At 12,000 ft, injection is increased to 600 scfm for 90 r i . Flow rates for this operation are charted in Figure 1-4. nn
Figure 1-4. Nitrogen Injection to Unload Well (Gu, 1995) The operation depicted in Figure 1-4 assumes that the wellbore fluid has an SG of 1.O. For these parameters, the wellbore will be successfully unloaded and begin producing after injection is stopped. However, if the fluid density is assumed to be SG=1.15, not enough fluid will be unloaded to sustain production after injection is halted. More injection time would be needed if a heavier fluid is in the wellbore. Another important variable is the impact of reproduced workover fluids. For this analysis, a TD of 9030 f?, 2%-in. production tubing to 8500 ft, 4%-in.casing to TD, 3500-psi reservoir, and 15,000 ft of 1%in. CT were assumed. Nitrogen is injected at 300 scfm and the CT is parked at 8800 ft. Unloading can be completed in 150 rnin if workover fluid was not lost to the formation. If 50 bbl of workover fluid needs to be produced from the formation, injection time must be increased to about 240 min (Figure 1-5).
An assessment of the volume of workover fluid to be produced back from the formation has to be estimated based on previous experience in the field. Upper and lower bounds should be used to design the unloading operation.
Optimizing injection rate is another important aspect ofjob design. As injection rate is increased, frictional losses in the annulus increase. The drawdown imposed on the formation is a combination of hydrostatic and fiction pressure at the formation. It is desired to minimize nitrogen volume and injection time to minimize job costs. For this analysis, job conditions included a TD of 1 1,050 ft, 27h-in. production tubing to 10,500 ft, 4%-in. casing to TD, 2800-psi reservoir, and 13,000 ft of 1 %-in. CT. A constant total volume of 91,500 scf was injected. Several nitrogen injection rates were used. At higher rates, friction pressure lowers drawdown pressure at the formation, and unloading is not successful (Table 1-2).
1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1
1 I I I
CT size also impacts job success. For the case in Table 1-2, an injection rate of 900 scfin would be successful if CT diameter were decreased to 1% inches. Depth of injection is another important parameter. The model well for this analysis had a TD of 10,000 ft, 2'h-in. tubing to TD, a productivity index of 0.5 BPDIpsi, and 15,000 ft of 1%-in. CT. Liquid return rate for a range of injection rates is shown in Figure 1-6. For 300 scfin, the liquid rate increases only slightly for injection depths greater than 4000 ft. A maximum practical depth can be estimated for any injection rate. Running the CT deeper than this may not provide any added benefits.
This depth analysis is of course impacted by CT OD (and annulus size). For smaller CT (1 % in.) in larger tubing (5-in casing), fiction losses are less important. Higher injection rates can increase unloading rates without creating significant friction losses (Figure 1-7).
Shell Western E&P (Sorrell and Miller, 1997) described the design and evaluation of two CO, gas lift installations in the Denver Unit, a mature field in West Texas. The field is now under tertiary recovery with CO, water-alternating-gas (WAG) injection. Costs of the CT applications ranged between $65,000 and $75,000 (Figure 1-8).
Figure 1-8. Costs for CO, CT Gas Lift (Sorrel1 and Miller, 1997)
TEXACO, McMURRY-MACCO LIFT SYSTEMS, AND DOWELL (CT GAS LIFT) Texaco E&P, McMurry-Macco Lift Systems, and Dowell (Tran et al., 1997) described several
successful installations of CT gas lift. On-location make up of the gas-lift assembly reduced costs. The completion method has been mechanically and economically successful, and will be applied in other fields. The gas-lift mandrels were installed on-site by cutting the CT as the completion is run in (Figure 19). The crew can perform a tensile test for checking connector and string integrity and a pressure test for the valves and connections.
Figure 1-9. Work Window for Installing G s Lift (Tran et al., 1997) a
In one field installation, a 10,000-ft string of 1%-in. CT was run in the Brookeland Field. Bottomhole pressure was too low for conventional gas lift. CT gas lift improved daily production (Figure 1-10) and reduced the initial annual decline from 97% to 20%. Installation cost was $60,000.
Figure 1-1 0. Production of CT Gas-Lifted Well (Tran et al., 1997) Project members found that injection gas requirements were about half that used in conventional gas lift for the same produchon. The cost of the field-fabricated string was less than a manufactured spoolable stnng.
16 .
Trico Industries (Tait, 1995) enumerated the advantages of jet pumps run on CT for artificial-lift applications in horizontal and vertical wells. A primary advantage is the lack of moving parts in the assembly. Energy is provided to the jet pump by pumping power fluid from the surface (Figure 1-1 1). The power fluid may be produced oil or water, treated sea water, diesel , or other fluids. The primary advantages of jet pumps are a wide range of flow rates, deep lifting capacity, and the ability to handle fluids that have high sand concentrations, are corrosive, are at high temperatures or have significant free gas.
I i
Figure 1-1 1. Jet Pump for Unloading Wells (Tait, 1995) Lifting action is provided by energy transfer between the power fluid and the wellbore fluid High potential energy in the pressunzed power fluid is converted to kinetic energy as the fluid passes through a n o d e (Figure 1-12). A low-pressure zone is created in the throat, and the wellbore fluid is drawn into the power stream.
Jet pumps have been used since the 1970s for long-term artificial-lift applications around the globe. These can be sized for production rates ranging from 50 to 15,000 BPD at depths exceeding 15,000 ft.
Trico Industries described the use of a jet pump run on CT for production testing of horizontal wells. The pump can be run as a free pump (Figure 1-13), circulated into and retrieved from the well via the power fluid. This system can be used along with downhole pressure recorders to obtain inflow performance data in a production rate step-test procedure.
Figure 1-13. Free Jet Pump for Horizontal Production Testing (Tait, 1995)
UNOCAL and Schlumberger Dowel1 (Hrachovy et al., 1996) described the design process, installation, and results of a CT recompletion of two wells in Alaska's Cook Inlet fields. Several remedial options were compared for these wells. The most economic approach was to run a ]%-in. jet pump at the bonom of a string of 1%-in. CT. Produced fluids and exhausted power fluids were produced through the annulus between the CT and 3 %-in. production tubing. Total costs for the first two wells were $220,000 and $120,000, significantly lower than other options considered. The most common existing completion in this area of Cook Inlet includes a piston pump in a 3-in. cavity hung from dual 3%-in. production strings inside 96/e-in. casing (Figure 1-14). Piston pumps are generally preferred due to higher efficiencies. Two wells, one on the Anna platform and one on the Baker, had been shut in due to problems with downhole hydraulic power fluid equipment. High costs for conventional workovers made shut-in necessary.
Shon Stvlng: 3-112" Butt 9.3 10'1627' Collad Tubing :OD 10 1.532" QT-700
PMc w-lO.LYS
PBTO. 10.310'
Figure 1-14. Anna 26 Completion~Recompletion (Hrachovy et al., 1996) Inflow performance ratio (IPR)curves were prepared (Figure 1-15) to evaluate the performance of various recompletion options to bring the wells back on line.
Three completion options were considered: 1) a conventional workover including pulling the
completion with a rig or jaclung unit and running a new dual completion, 2) pull the completion and run a single 4%in. production string with a concentric 2'h-in. CT string, or 3) run 1%-in. string of CT inside one of the existing 3%-in. production stnngs. The h t option (anew dual completion) was not pursued due to hlgh estimated costs ($850,000) and lack of availability of a suitable rig. The second option (a new concentric production string) was technically the best because the pump could be placed deeper and improve the drawdown. Cost estimates were even higher for option 2 ($925,000) and the same scheduling problems were pertinent. The thnd option was deemed the best compromise. A jet pump could be run on CT and production taken up the CT by production tubing annulus. The incremental production from options 1 or 2 was not sufficient to ovemde higher costs and greater installation risks. Future workovers with option 3 could also be accomplished with a CT rig, thereby improving overall economics. Costs to recomplete the two wells are summarized in Table 1-3. The pre-job cost estimate was $184,500 for the Baker 20 and $175,000 for the Anna 26. Several problems during field installation increased the cost of the Baker 20. Lessons learned on the first lead to cost savings on the Anna 26 ($54,500 below budget).
$75,000 10.000 45,000
Anna 26
1 $40,000 1
10,000 3 1,000
1 Perforating I Wireline
Logistics I Misc.
1 1
1 Total
Production performance of the Anna 26 is shown in Table 1-4. UNOCAL believes that the difference in production from predicted rates is due to incorrect assumptions in deriving the IPR curve. TABLE 1-4. Recompletion Performance (Hrachovy et al., 1996)
1 1
Power Oil Consumed, BOPD Power Oil Pressure, PSlG Produced Oil, BOPD
Anna26 Predicted
1250 2450
Anna 2 6 Actual
1 1
XL TECHNOLOGY (CT DEPLOYED ESPs) XL Technology Ltd. (Tovar and Head, 1995) described the development and benefits of a new CT-
deployed ESP system. This effort represents a joint-industry project ("Thennie") funded by the European Commission and several operators, service companies and manufacturers. The primary innovation is that the power cable is placed inside the CT, allowing rapid installation and deployment in live wells. Two field tests were conducted to demonstrate the efficiency of thls method. Total estimated cost savings with
this approach are over 40%, including a 20% reduction in equipment costs and 3 to 4 fewer days on site.
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
Basic equipment configuration of the ESP with internal power cable is shown in Figure 1-16. Downhole components include the CTIcable assembly, subs for pressure insolation and circulation, and SSSVs. The number of electrical connections is reduced from four with an external cable to two with an internal power cable. Additionally, the power cable is isolated from pressurization/depressunLation cycles.
51 U n n a m r
C I I POW r m a
CT Un-r
Obmrgl U d
Figure 1-16. ESP Design (Tovar and Head, 1995) Procedures for deploying the system in a live well are illustrated in Figure 1-17. Complete live-well deployment was simulated in the field tests.
Figure 1-17 . Live ESP Deployment (Tovar and Head, 1995) The &st field ma1 (Table 1-5) was onshore in Southern England in the Stockbridge Field to a depth of 3200 ft and deviation of 40". The second well test was to 2900 f and 50" deviation. Based on these t successful operations, it is estimated that deployment speeds of greater than 50 ftimin are achievable TABLE 1-5. ESP Test Summary (Tovar and Head, 1995)
Date of the test Pressure deployment BHA length Riser length BHA deployed with 79 feet
Well No. 10
79 feet
N/A Crane
90 feet
I Operational time
Run in speed
33 hours
24 f t per min
14 hours
29 f t per min
Four primary options were identified for deploying ESPs (Table 1-6): conventional tubing deployment, running on CT with external power cable, cable-deployed pumping systems, and running on CT with internal power cable. Costs are compared based on a deployment depth of 5000 ft
TABLE 1-6. Options for ESPs in North Sea (Tovar and Head, 1995)
FeatureISystem Conventional Tubing Depth L i m ~ t s Deviation Limits Max Tubina Size None None CT External Cable None None Cable Deployed Pumping S y s t e m None CT Internal Cable None N /A
59 degrees
N /A
I 1 1
Min. C a Z S i z e
No None None Yes No No
Flow Path
Internal Tbg.
Internal C s g f l b g
Internal C s g f l b g
ate Limitation
Well Control Capacity Cable Protection Special Pump Reqd. Reservoir Monitoring Corrosive Fluids
Yes Yes No Yes Limited
I 1
1 C o m ~ r e s s i o n ~ D e c o m ~ .1
L a b ~ splicing e
Y es Rig
1 1 I
Yes yes
1 I
Yes Yes
Y es CT Unit
No Special Unit
1 I i
No Y es
Yes CT Unit
66.8 Slft
45.5 S l f t
8 days
1 1
1 1
91.0 Slft
50.0 Slft
31.3 Slft
14.2 S l f t
4 days
1 1 I
6 days
4 days
I Subsea Application
HSE Approved
NO Yes
Yes Yes
Time requirements for a CT deployment with internal power cable are 3 to 4 days less than conventional and 2 days less than CT with external cable. Total estimated job costs are compared in Figure 1-18.
Figure 1-1 8. ESP Costs in North Sea (Tovar and Head, 1995)
XL Technology Ltd. believes that the new ESP deployment system shows great promise. Another area where this technology might be applied is running electric drills. This drilling technique is well established in the FSU, but relatively unknown in the West. Additional study is undeway to investigate the feasibility of this application.
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
XL Technology (Cooper and Head, 1997) presented an update of their work with CT-deployed electric submersible pumps (ESPs). These installations are proving to be well suited for installation in remote areas including offshore and areas with minimum facilities. The system was originally conceived to allow rigless completions that include ESPs. Several months of production experience have shown that the system is a viable completion option. Additional improvements might be added to the system, and it is foreseen that the installation time could be reduced to 14 hrlwell
Three components comprise the complete system: the ESP assembly (Figure 1-19), the CT string with power cable inside, and the tubing hanger. Production is through the CT by production tubing annulus. The power cable is preinstalled in the CT and supported by a series of anchors at regular intervals. During installation, it was discovered that aligning the CT to motor connection was more difficult than anticipated A more versatile connector was designed (Figure 1-20) to allow quick connection on the rig floor.
Coiled tubing
Bunt disc
Motor section
M o l n section
Discharge head
Figure 1-20. Quick Connect for CT to Motor (Cooper and Head, 1997)
Cooper, R and Head, P., 1997: "Coiled Tubing Deployed ESPs Utilizing Internally Installed Power Cable - A Project Update," SPE 38406, presented at 2"*North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Courville, Perry W., and Clark, Thomas R, 1995: "Coiled Tubing Completions: An Economic Discussion of Procedures," SPE 29781, presented at the Middle East Oil Technical Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain, March 1 1-1 4.
Gq H., 1995: "Transient Aspects of Unloading Oil and Gas Wells With Coiled Tubing," SPE 29541,
presented at the Production Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, April 2-4.
Hrachovy, M. J., et al., 1996: "Case History of Successf~~l Coiled Tubing Conveyed Jet Pump Recompletions Through Existing Completions," SPE 35586, presented at the SPE Western Region Meeting held in Anchorage, Alaska, May 22-24 Sorrell, Dean, and Miller, Ron, 1997: "Coiled Tubing CO, Gas Lift Evaluated in West Texas," World Oil, January. Tait, Howard, 1995: "Coiled Tubing Jet Pump for Extended Reach Horizontal Well Cleanups," presented at the Third Annual Conference on Emerging Technology - CT-Horizontal, Aberdeen, Scotland, May 31 - June 2. Tovar, Juan J., and Head Philip F., 1995: 'Technical and Economic Considerations for CT Deployed ESP Completions," presented at the Third h u a l Conference on Emerging Technology - CT-Horizontal, Aberdeen, Scotland, May 31 - June 2. Tran, T.B. et al., 1997: "Field Installed Coiled Tubing Gas Lift Completions," SPE 38404, presented at 2 " d N ~ r tAmerican Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. h Watkins, Paul, and Stewart, David, 1996: "Coiled Tubing Deployed ESP Works Well for Shell in North Sea Field," World Oil, June.
2 Buckling
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
. . . . . 2-1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-6
. . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
. . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
........................................ 2-21
....................................................... 2-25
2. Buckling
BJ Services (Christie and Gavin, 1997) analyzed the feasibility of using titanium CT for routine applications offshore in the North Sea. The driving force behind the study is potential weight savings that might offset increasingly downrated deck and crane capacities on North Sea platforms. BJ Senices performed a series of modeling simulations to analyze the capability of titanium strings to maintain sdticient WOB to push heavy BHAs downhole. Data from actual jobs performed with steel CT were used as the basis for the simulations. Results showed that titanium may have difficulty in these applications due to a lower Young's modulus.
In one horizontal well, the surface weight indication would be significantly less for titanium than was measured for steel (Figure 2-1). Less surface weight means a lower hanging weight and less weight available to push the BHA into the horizontal section. Compounding the problem is the higher hction coefficient obse~ved titanium on steel as compared to steel on steel. fcr
Zm o
s m
- - - -Comm4#orulCT
-+81an1m Frict~on Lock
Depth (feet)
t q a a
rtanlum CT
Fncllon Lock
Figure 2-1. Modeled Surface Weights for Steel and Titanium CT (Christie and Gavin, 1997) More discussion on this comparison is presented in Coiled Tubing.
Conoco Specialty Products and ARCO Alaska (Robberechts and Blount, 1997) reported the development and testing of a new drag-reducing additive for hydrocarbon-based CT applications. High pressures in CT pump operations to achieve high flow rates have the dual disadvantages of exceeding the capacity of surface pumping equipment and of reducing CT fatigue life. Drag reducers for water-base 2-1
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
operations have proven very successful at the North Slope. Prior to this work, a drag reducer for addition to hydrocarbons was not available. A new dispersed-polymer drag reducer was formulated and tested with success. Tests were conducted of a variety of drag reducers (Figure 2-2).
Figure 2-2. Drag Reducer Test Equipment (Robberechts and Blount, 1997) The new Aqueous Suspension Drag Reducing Additive (AS DRA) has been found to be effective in batch-mixed operations (Figure 2-3). The additive is also available in low freeze-point suspensions for harsh areas such as the North Slope.
Measured pressure drop versus AS DRA concentration w s analyzed (Figure 2-4). Field experience a showed that batch-mixed fluids can provide significantly more drag reduction than if treated downstream of the centrifugal pump.
These AS DRA additives have proven to be highly cost-effective for CT operations with hydrocarbon fluids.
Nowsco UK Ltd and Statoil (Engel and Sehnal, 1996) developed and implemented a tool-string deployment system for running 140 m (459 ft) of perforating guns along a horizontal section. The well (B15) was located in the Nonvegan sector of the North Sea. A recompletion was planned to isolate a lower producing interval (due to high GOR) and perforate a higher interval. Rathole for dropping the guns was not available. Drag was a si@cant concern in the well, and friction was reduced by adding rollers to the BHA and using friction reducers. Field operations, including deploying, running and recovering the perforating guns, were completed successfully in 5% days. The deployment system included male and female connectors (Figure 2-5) for quick connection within the surface lubricator. OD is 2.5 inches. Make-up length of the assembly is 972 mrn. Gate valves provide double-barrier isolation.
Figure 2-5. Deployment System Connectors (Engel and Sehnal, 1996) The surface equipment for deploying long BHAs includes the deployment BOP and isolation gate valves. A secondary annular BOP was required below the deployment rams (Figure 2-6).
4 1116 to 7 3 11S' xever ' 4 " quick connect 4 1116"to 7 1116" xevar
Pump in tee 4 1/16" to 7 1116" x-over Upper Gate valve Lower Gate valve
118' to 4 1116" xever 4 1116 t~ 5 118- xsvcr " Guide 1 rack rams No Q O 1 lock rams pip- ram Pipe 1 slip tarns
4 1116" to 7 1116" x-over Safely haad
8 x 1 56 to RX 46 x-over
Figure 2-6. Surface Equipment for Deploying Long BHAs (Engel and Sehnal, 1996) Extensive modeling of drag was conducted prior to the job. The hanging weight of the BHA was over 2500 kg; 2-in. CT was specified. Rollers were to be added at each joint of the guns. These had been found to reduce required pushmg forces by 50%. A drag reducer was also planned to ensure that target depth was reached. Drag predictions and results are compared in Figure 2-7. Nowsco stated that the difference between predictedlmeasured POOH weights is explained by gun debris or by low gun weights used in the model.
Figure 2-7. Weight Indication During Operation (Engel and Sehnal, 1996) Nowsco advised that deployment systems similar to the one described are viable options when more than three separate trips are required to achieve the same objective with conventional deployment methods. Additional information is presented in Tools
Petroleum Englneer Internat~onal (PEI St&, 1996) presented a description and some early results acheved by Schlumberger Dowel1 using a new straightener for CT. The deslgn is based on a three-point bendlng fixture that is mounted between the gooseneck and injector. In one field well, the string locked up at 13,400 ft MD. The same string was then run with a straightener installed. A sleeve at 13,750 was reached and shifted without problem.
Schlumberger Dowel1 (Bhalla, 1996) presented an analysis of the benefits of various methods to increase the reach of CT in horizontal and deviated wells. Methods to reduce CT buckling include increasing buoyancy of the CT, pumping friction reducers, optimum taper designs, larger OD of CT, removing residual bending, using downhole tractors, pumping fluid, and pump-down systems. These methods, either singly or in combination, can be used to substantially increase reach when applied appropriately. Extended-reach technology has seen rapid development in the UK and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea. Some wells (Gullfaks and Statfjord) cannot be serviced with standard CT operations. New techniques and procedures have been refmed for these applications.
Schlumberger Dowel1 simulated the impact of a variety of techniques to reduce buckling and increase penetration in these wells. The example well used in the simulations is shown in Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-8. Example Well used for Buckling Simulation (Bhalla, 1996) One technique used at Wytch Farm is pumping friction reducer. Reductions in friction coefficient of up to 15% have been achieved. The impact of friction reducers on surface loads for R H is shown in I Figure 2-9. Lock-up of the CT is expected at a depth of 10,849 ft. An additional reach of 200 ft is predicted for a 5% reduction in friction factor. Over 2000 additional feet of penetration can be achieved by reducing friction factor by 35%.
- ft
Figure 2-9. Impact of Friction Reduction (Bhalla, 1996) Tapered CT strings can be used for extending penetration. Thicker pipe is placed in areas of maximum compression forces. Taper design 3 (based on 1%-in. tubing) in the example well allows a penetration to 11,600 ft (Figure 2-10). Taper 4 (based on 2%-in. tubing) reaches to 13,800 ft.
- tfl
Figure 2-10. Penetration with Tapered Strings (Bhalla, 1996) Residual bends in CT have an adverse impact on penetration limits. The injector constrains CT to be straight while in the chains, but does not completely unbend the tubing. Schlurnberger Dowel1 measured residual bending radii on new 1W-in. 70-ksi tubing (Table 2-1). The reel radius was 58 in.; gooseneck rahus was 72 inches.
These tests demonstrated that CT enters the well with a bend radius of 21 ft. Since this bend will hasten the onset of helical buckling, removing this bend will increase penetration limits. Calculations for the example well (Figure 2-1 1) show that reach will be increased from 10,849 ft out an additional 2153 ft with straightened CT.
The disadvantage of using a straightener to increase CT reach is an increase in fatigue. The additional bending reduces cycle life (Table 2-2). To enjoy the predicted additional reach of 2153 ft, a reduction in cycle life of 15 to 23% for the coil will be forfeited. Thus, an economic decision is required with respect to the use of a straightener.
) 1
Well tractors are another approach for increasing penetration (see Welltec Section 2.9). The benefit of a tractor was modeled by applylug a range of loads to the BHA. Predicted surface weights are compared in Figure 2-12. A tractor force of 100 lb on the BHA will increase reach by 201 ft. A pull of 2000 Ib will increase reach by 455 1 ft.
Figure 2-12. Increased Reach with Tractor (Bhalla, 1996) Flow in the annulus can push or pull the CT due to hydraulic friction forces. Calculations showed that a additional 200 ft of reach can be attained by pumping water down the annulus in the example well. n Reach is decreased by 100 ft if water is pumped up the annulus. Generally, the benefits from pumping are small (Figure 2-1 3), but may be important in certain critical situations.
A combination of these types of techniques can be used to maximize penetration limits for CT reach. An additional 15,000 ft of reach can be attained by increasing buoyancy, reducing friction, optimizing taper design and straightening the tubing (Figure 2-14).
Figure 2-14. Combined Techniques for Extending Reach (Bhalla, 1996) The additional reach with these combinations is summarized in Table 2-3. It should be noted that the effects of each individual technique are not linearly additive.
2-1 1
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Lockup (ft)
Well 1
Schlumberger Dowell, Amoco EPTG, and Techad (Lelsmg et al., 1997) continued thelr analysis of the potential of various techmques for extending the reach of CT in extended-reach wells. A variety of techmques were considered (Table 2-1) wth respect to problems, costs, risks, and potential benefits.
Field Proven
yes yes yes
high low low
1 Hole optimization
Underbalanced drilling Bumper sub
I Equalizer
1 Tractorllocomotive
Slant well Abrasivelwater jet drilling Rotator Composite CT
A bumper sub (Figure 2-15) provides a WOB that is proportional to differential pressure across the tool. The disadvantages of this type of tool are that 1) WOB is increased as the motor starts to stall, thereby
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aggravating the stall (that is, a positive feedback loop) and 2) open area in the tool and differential pressure must be matched to achieve the desired WOB.
Figure 2-15. Bumper Sub Thruster (Leising et al., 1997) Schlumberger Dowel1 developed and tested a weight-on-bit (WOB) equahzer. It is designed to provide a constant WOB regardless of friction (Figure 2-1 6).
Figure 2-1 6. WOB Equalizer Response (Leising et al., 1997) The tool (Figure 2-17) is not designed to reduce shock, but rather to provide a constant WOB regardless of sticklslip and variations in motor pressure. The primary disadvantage noted by Dowel1 is simply the additional length added to the BHA.
Figure 2-1 9. WOB Equalizer (Leising et al., 1997) The WOB equalizer assembly is essentially a shock sub with a low spring constant. A chamber within the sub is precharged with nitrogen to provide the desired weight. Of the best techniques to increase CT reach (larger CT, smaller liner, thin CT in the horizontal section, mud lubricants, underbalanced drilling, WOB equalizer, and a rotator), the highest ROP performance was obtained with the WOB equalizer. It was also the easiest system to drill with, and
required very little intervention from the surface. While the sub does not in itself extend drilling reach, it increased ROP and resulted in more efficient penetration.
27 .
Schlumberger Dowell (Bhalla and Walton, 1996) analyzed fluid flow inside CT and the annulus to predict its effect on penetration limits. Their analytical model showed that 1) fluid flow doun (or up) the CT itself had no impact on achievable reach, 2) upward flow in the annulus decreases reach, and 3) downward flow in the annulus (i.e., reverse circulation) increases reach. Theory for accounting for fluid hydraulics and shear stresses (Figure 2-18) was developed and incorporated into their tubing forces model. Any fluid rheology can be evaluated in the assumed concentric annulus.
Figure 2-18. Shear Stress from Fluid Flow (Bhalla and Walton, 1996)
In one example case, a commercial well profile was evaluated (Figure 2-19). The ratio of MD to TVD is 2.28. The completion included 4%-in. production tubing. The modeled CT string was 1%- by 0,109-in. wall.
Figure 2-19. Example Well Profile (Bhalla and Walton, 1996) Results for the example well showed that lock-up is expected at a depth of 10,850 ft (Figure 2-20). If water is pumped down the annulus at 2 bpm, an additional 500 ft (4.6%) of reach is expected. If water is pumped up the annulus, reach is decreased by about 400 ft (3.8%). Bhalla and Walton noted that these
results are based on the assumption of an concentric annulus (centered CT). Tubing will most likely be eccentric, leading to a decrease in friction pressure. These results should thus be considered a worst-case prediction.
2-1 7
Fluid rheology can be designed for specific field applications to increase CT reach, or to minimize the impact on reach.
The University of Tulsa, NIPER-BDM, and Petrobras (Miska et al., 1996) described an improved b u c h g model for transmitting axial force through CT in straight inclined wellbores. They considered the stable sinusoidal region above the critical buckling load. Case studies and experimental verification demonstrated the usefulness and limitations of the model. Their anal@cal model is summarized in Table 2-4. They defined a region of unstable sinusoidal buckling immediately prior to the initialization of helical buckling.
TABLE 2-4. Critical Forces for CT Buckling (Miska et al., 1996)
EIw sin a
I (Ref. 3)
2T d 3,7Z\IT -/
2EIw sin a
(Ref 9)
A variety of numerical case studies were performed to gauge the impact of pipe size, wellbore
condition, drilling fluid, CT size, wellbore size, etc. One interesting result was found when considering the impact of increased axial force in an inclined well. As seen in Figure 2-21, force transmitted down sections greater than 6000 ft is not impacted by the pushing force. No more than 6200 Ib will be transmitted to the bit.
Figure 2-21. Transmitted Force in a 30" Wellbore (Miska et al., 1996) Scale tests were also conducted for comparing with the model. The test fixture is shown in Figure
In one series of tests, the importance of considering the impact of residual bending was clearly demonstrated. The difference between Test 1 , 2, and 3 in Figure 2-23 is that Test 1 began with new straight pipe. This pipe was more difficult to buckle and gave a higher load transfer. Effective friction factors were calculated for these tests. The straight pipe produced a friction factor of 0.275. The other two residually bent pipes produced friction factors of 0.365.
Figure 2-23. Impact of Residual Bending (Miska et al., 1996) Experimental results and model predictions are compared in Figure 2-24. Error bars of 16% capture the majority of the experimental results.
1995) developed a well tractor for use on CT in horizontal and deviated wells. Welltec (Hallundb~k, The need for the tool was highhghted within Statoil's operations at StatfJord. The system can pull or push CT horizontally beyond 10,000 ft. When the tractor is run on CT, the impact of drag is reduced and lateral reach is increased considerably. Both hydraulic- and electric-drive versions of the tool have been developed. The fluid-driven tool is 4-6 times more p o w e m than the electric version due to power transfer limits with wireline. Fortunately, less power and less pulling capacity are often not a problem for wireline operations (e.g., logging).
In offshore applications, drilling technology exists to drill wells to large displacements from the surface location and with long horizontal sections. In some cases, CT cannot be used to senice these wells to TD due to drag, buckling and lock-up limits. Alternatives exist, chiefly drill-pipe conveyance, but these options are usually more expensive. A tractor placed behind a CT BHA will extend that system's capabilities and save costs in extreme reach wells.
Another important application for which a tractor will have sigmficant benefit is CT drilling in horizontal holes. Maintaining sufficient weight on bit is often difficult in these operations. An effective tractor would solve this problem.
r "
Welltec has designed three sizes of tractors: 4%-in. tool for 4.9- to 12-in. tubing or open hole 3%-in. tool for 4.9- to 7-in. tubing or open hole 2'/~-in. tool for 2.2- to 4.5-in. tubing The wellbore tractor is modular (Figure 2-25). The number of sections required depends on avadable power and the operation to be performed. The hydraulic version trpically uses five sections; the electric version uses three. Adding sections increases maximum pulling force, but decreases potential running speed.
Tractor Sectlon
m w
rrmllm Camr
Figure 2-25. Tractor Section Schematic (Hallundbrek, 1995) The hydraulically driven tractor (Figure 2-26) can be run on 1- to 2%-in. CT. Conventional fluids including acids can be used to provide power to the tool. An internal positive-displacement motor drives the tractor.
Figure 2-26. Hydraulic-Drive Tractor Assembly (Hallundbrek, 1995) Tractor pulling capacity as related to flow rate and pumping pressure is plotted in Figure 2-27. The contribution of 6000 m (19,700 ft) of both 1%- and 2%-in. CT is included. Running speed is also shown as the numbers above the curves. 2-22
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- CT: 1 314 .
30 F t m g F o r ~ W mm26wlo
RIH [ M n l
Flow Rate
n 0 ke/ms o
- Cr: 2 sh'
w L ~ o i C T dOOOm :
motw she: 3
Z c n b o t w I/=
Tool control is accomplished via an internal wireline. The number of conductors is determined by requirements of tools run in front of the tractor (Table 2-5). The system can be run without wireline for simple operations. This might allow the use of smaller tubing andlor higher flow rates. TABLE 2-5. Hydraulic-Drive Tractor Specifications (Hallundbaek, 1995)
Outer diameter 4%" 3%"
I Max. ID of tubing
Wiring through tool Fluid channel ID Coiled tubing sizes Wireline inside coiled tubing
12" 1 0 wires
1 0 wires
- z7h"
-2 7 ~
The capabilities of the electric-drive tractor (Table 2-6) are less than those of the hydraulic system. The specifications listed in the table are based on the use of heptaconductor wireline. TABLE 2-6. Electric-Drive Tractor Specifications (Hallundbaek, 1995)
3300 ftlhr
Pulling force at 500 ftlhr Min. ID of tubing Max. ID of tubing Wiring through tool
3300 Ibs
3300 Ibs
The performance of the tools are based on a hepta cable. Power and control signals from a power supply box designed especially for this purpose.
The electric-drive system (Figure 2-28) is designed for cased-hole work only. Uses of the system include running production logs, setting and pulling plugs, running perforation guns, cement bond logging, running video cameras etc.
Power SsCttM
Figure 2-28. Electric-Drive Tractor Assembly (Hallundbaek, 1995) Welltec noted that these tractors may be used with smaller CT than normal because the influence of tubing stifiess on penetration is no longer a factor. 2-24
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Cost savings with the well tractor on CT may be considerable. In a study for Statoil, it was determined that the use of the system for operations that currently require a snubbing unit could save 5060% of present costs.
Bhalla, Kenneth, 1995: "Coiled Tubing Extended Reach Technology," SPE 30404, presented at the SPE Offshore Europe Conference held in Aberdeen, September 5-8. Bhalla, K., and Walton, LC., 1996: 'The Effect of Fluid Flow on Coiled Tubing Reach," SPE 36464, presented at the 1996 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition held in Denver, Colorado, October 6-9. Christie, Mike and Gavin, Bill, 1997: "Titanium as an Alternative to Conventional Coiled Tubing: A North Sea Case Study," SPE 38416, presented at the 2ndNorth American CT Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3.
Engel, Steve, and Sehnal, Zdenek, 1996: "Deploymg and Recovering Long and Heavy BHAs in Live High Angle Wells," SPE 36330, presented at the In SPE Gulf Coast SectionlICoTA North Anerican Coiled Tubing Roundtable held in Conroe, Texas, February 26-28 Hallundbzk, Jerrgen, 1995: "Reducing Costs With Well Tractors for Horizontal Wells," OTC 7875, presented at the 27h Annual OTC in Houston, Texas, May 1-4. Leising, L.J. et al., 1997: "Extending the Reach of Coiled Tubing Drilling (Thrusters, Equalizers, and Tractors)," SPE 37656, presented at the SPElIADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, March 4-6. Miska, Stefan, et al., 1996: "An Improved Analysis of Axial Force Along Coiled Tubing in InclinedMorizontal Wellbores," SPE 37056, presented at the 1996 SPE International Conference on Horizontal Well Technology heId in Calgary, Canada, November 18-20.
Robberechts, Hilde and Blount, Curtis, 1997: "A New Generation of Drag Reducer Additives International Conference on Coiled Tubing and Hydrocarbon Based CT Applications," presented at Well Intervention, Houston, February 4-6.
3. Cementing
Page CEMENTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3-1 3.1 ADAMS CT AND NORCEN EXPLORER (FOAM CEMENT PLUGS)
. . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
3.6 CHEVRON USA AND SCHLUMBERGER DOWELL (DUAL CEMENT SYSTEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9 3.7 PREEMINENT ENERGY. SAS INDUSTRIES AND BJ 3-13 (MAGNESIANCEMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.8 SERVICIOS HALLIBURTON DE VENEZUELA AND LAGOVEN (LINER SQUEEZE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13 3.9 REFERENCES
....................................................... 3-15
3. Cementing
Adarns Coiled Tubing and Norcen Explorer Inc. (Noles et al., 1996) developed an improved method to reduce CT cement job fdures in slim holes. Failures had previously occurred in jobs with small annuli and s m d cement volumes. Cement had been found to cure in tubing or the annulus at the wrong position (Figure 3-1). Methods to overcome these shortcomings were sought and developed.
Original PBTD
5 %-in. casing
Initially, it was assumed that these cement placement problems were caused by improper depth measurement and tubing placement. This could be addressed by a separate run with a tubing-end locator. Although an extra trip is required, this was considered to be a worthwhile means to avoid placement errors. 3-1
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Pumping and volumetric control were evaluated through a series of tests. Special small-volume surface tanks (two 10-bbl compartments per tank) were designed. Pumping tests showed that cement volume had increased during the pumping operation, with a typical increase of 21 to 30 gallons. This observation suggested that original problems may not have been attributable to cement placement, but rather to cement contamination during pumping. It was found that friction properties distorted flow (Figure 3-2).
Rush 8.34 ppg
Cement slurry
16.5 P P ~
1 '/*in. colled tublng
Figure 3-2 Cement Mixing/Contamination (Noles et al., 1996) This problem of contamination was first addressed by attempting to design the origmal slurry and to stages at higher densit~es/concentrations compensate for the expected contamination. Tests showed that this approach was probably not viable due to vanations in h a 1 fluid composition (that is, final results were not repeatable).
A mechanical foam plug (pig) was then used to prevent mixing and contamination of the cement during pumping (Figure 3-3). The plugs are 90% compressible, and have an OD twice that of the CT and a length of 6 inches.
Stable test results were achieved with the foam plugs and several field applications were successfully completed placing small cement volumes in slim annuli.
32 .
Bechtel Petroleum and Halliburton Energy Services (Gamer et al., 1995) reported a successful squeeze/reperforation procedure performed in the Elk Nlls field in California Close tolerances in the tubulars and the depth of the well caused concern regarding the feasibility of a through-tubing workover with CT. Simulations showed that a circulation rate of 1 bpm would be possible if friction-reducing 3-2
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additives were employed. The final result was an economical cement squeeze (about 20% less than the conventional approach) that greatly increased the profitability of this deep, hot well. The cement squeeze was pumped to a depth of 9000 f in 1 %-in. CT. Production increased to 550 t BOPD from 260 BOPD, while gas cut was decreased 75%. Design of the s l u q (Table 3-1) was critical for these conditions. A squeeze pressure of 2500 psi was planned. The slurry was contaminated by biopolymer to prevent it from semng up in the casing or CT.
The squeeze procedure (Table 3-2) included a hesitation squeeze pumping schedule. The operation was completed successfully as planned on the first attempt. No underreaming was required prior to reperforating the well.
Job Procedure
1. 2. 3.
Tag sand plug for depth correlation and pull up to 9,240 ft. Kill well by pumping 5 0 bbl water down coiled-tubingltubing annulus. Mix cement slurry (see Table 3-1). Pump at 1 bbllmin: A. 5 bbl water.
/ ( 1
B. C.
15. I
Lay cement plug by continuing to pump polymer water (7bbl total) while moving upward at 3 0 ftlmin. Pull
CT up and circulate with polymer until returns are clean (about 40 bbl total
circulated). Follow hesitation squeeze schedule to bring pressure up to 2,500 psi. While holding 1,500 to 2,000 psi back pressure, make contamination run to bottom of cement ( 1 bbllmin polymer water, while moving
CT downward at 15 ftlmin).
Drop ball and make cleanout run to bottom (top of sand plug)
1 0 . Pull out of hole at 3 0 ftlmin while oumoino ~ o l v m e r water at 1 bbllmin. 11. Shut well in while maintaining 2,000 psi pressure. 12. Re-perforate in new zone
B P E X P L O R A T I O N A N D A R C 0 (FIBER C E M E N T W O R K O V E R S ) BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. and Arco Alaska Inc. (Loveland and Bond, 1996) summarized recent
innovative applications o f CT and CT cementing at Prudhoe Bay. As the field declines, the drive to decrease workover costs has become more critical. Fiber cementing has proved a valuable addition to these operations. Adding fiber to cement has at least three benefits: 1) it provides impact resistance when the plug is milled through, lessening the potential for cracking, 2) it helps hold the cement plug intact even if cracks
n develop, and 3) the fiber acts as a bridging agent, which is desirable i some cases. The primary
applications of fiber cement at Prudhoe Bay are packer repair squeezes, cement sheaths for gaslwater shut offs, and luck-off plugs. Production packer failures have become more common as the field ages. As an alternative to a rig workover, packers have been squeezed with fiber cement. The operation is summarized in Figure 3-4. The CT approach has been hghly successful and an important option.
2. Sandback w r padorsbr.
Figure 3-4. Fiber Cement for Repairing Packer (Loveland and Bond, 1996) Fiber is added to a volume of cement that will fill the annulus from above the packer to the sand plug. The remaining cement is left neat. All nine of these jobs have been successful. Cost is about 20% that of a rig workover. g A second CT application using fiber cement is for c o v e ~ previously squeezed cement nodes for shutting off water or gas. The additional support of an annular sheath has allowed success in several wells where repeated failures of the cement-squeeze nodes were observed. The principal risk in this squeeze operation (Figure 3-5) is that the mill tends toward the bottom of the hole and may drill an off-center hole. However, six of eight jobs of this type have been economically successful.
Figure 3-5. Fiber Cement Sheath for Covering Perforations (Loveland and Bond, 1996)
A more complicated approach to this shut-off problem is to run a scab liner prior to cementing. This procedure (Figure 3-6) adds a steel barrier to the cement barrier across the nodes. Advantages over the previous procedure (without the scab lmer) are less cement must be drilled out, there is no risk of drilling off center, and it is more robust The disadvantages are greater operational difficulty and the permanence of the liner in the wellbore.
Figure 3-6. Scab Liner for Covering Perforations (Loveland and Bond, 1996)
AU of fourteen scab liners have been successful at Prudhoe Bay. Costs for this operation are about
60% above a standard CT squeeze.
BP Exploration and Schlumberger Dowel1 (Hibbert et al., 1995) reported results of laboratory and yard tests of the impact of cement mixing energy on cement properties for batch-mixed slurries (typical of CT operations). Sigmficant differences were observed between laboratory measurements and field-scale properties. They found that mixing energy is a critical parameter in slurry design, and that energy levels above MI laboratory mixing energy may degrade slurry performance. Increasing the mixing energy up to the AIJI laboratory value has been found to be beneficial. Four different slurry types were tested in the yard in 20- or 50-bbl tanks. A lignosulphate-derivative compound was used as a retarder. Three fluid loss additives were used: latex (FL), polymer (FP), and cellulose (FC). Compositions are summarized in Table 3-3. TABLE 3-3. Slurry Composition (Hibbert et a]., 1995)
Slurry Compositions
Slurry 1 Density, ppg Retarder R Fluid Loss FL Fluid Loss FC, % 0.02 0.02 0.25 0.25 2.0 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Slurry 2 Slurry 3 Slurry 4
Mixing energy for the laboratory test and yard test are compared in Table 3-4 for slurry 1 TABLE 3-4. Thickening Times for Slurry 1 (Hibbert et a]., 1995)
Volume Mixing time Slurry 10 bbl 2 0 minutes 16.0 ppg, 0.02 gallsk Retarder R Temperature Sample Lab Yard (deg. F) 150 150 Thickening Time (hrs:min) 3:42 2:OO Mixing Energy (kJ1kg) 5.9 30
A variety of slurries were tested by Hibbert et al. Readers are referred to their paper for further details. Tests showed that when mixing energy from the laboratory and yard batches are both close to the
API value, both show similar properties. They point out that mixing energy must be considered in slurry
design in the same light as temperature and pressure.
CHEVRON USA AND DOWELL (PLACING CEMENT PACKERS) Chevron USA Production and Dowel1 (Nowak and Patout, 1997) described the design and execution
of cement-packer placement for recompleting multiple zones. This successful operation is believed to represent the largest cement packer placed through CT. A variety of problems are associated with placing cement packers conventionally (Figure 3-7). Sluny density may vary 0.5 ppg if a continuous mix process is used. Inadequate slurry displacement may cause poor sweeping in the tubing.
Figure 3-7. Problems with Cement Packers (Nowak and Patout, 1997) Cement was placed through CT across a 1275-ft interval below 8380 ft MD (Figure 3-8).
Figure 3-8. CT Placement of Cement Packer (Nowak and Patout, 1997) Cement-packer recompletions with CT proved to be a cost-effective method to recover additional reserves from stacked sands previous not economical to recover. Larger cement slurries can be placed through CT than was previously considered feasible. 3.6 CHEVRON USA AND SCHLUMBERGER DOWELL (DUAL CEMENT SYSTEM)
Chevron USA Production Company, Chevron Petroleum Technology Company and Schlumberger Dowel1 (Nowak et al., 1995) presented results from a successful field operation using CT to shut off a geopressured water channel behind casing (Figure 3-9). A CT operation was the only viable option to work over the well and restore production. A unique dual cement system using a hesitation squeeze with limited thickening time was required to repair the well. Slurry with a high fluid loss and reduced thickening time was successfully pumped through CT.
Figure 3-9. Geopressured Water Channeling (Nowak et al., 1995) The well completion (offshore Louisiana) is illustrated in Figure 3-10. A previous rig workover consisted of two stacked gravel packs in the 10,800 and 10,600 ft sands and a primary completion in the 10,900 fi sand. Perforations inadvertently opened a geopressured channel. No hydrocarbons were produced during several weeks of observation.
Figure 3-10. Offshore Well Completion (Nowak et al., 1995) Chevron's analysis of options for squeezing the cement channel included three techniques: 1) a concentric (through-tubing) workover to isolate the water source and recomplete the 10,800 ft sand; 2) plug the well back to the 10,800 ft sand and hope the cement bond would not break down while producing that sand; and 3) perform a major rig workover to squeeze the zones. Economic and risk considerations led to the choice of a concentric workover to block the pressure communication with the geopressured water source. Slurry placement was a major concern, with effective diversion paramount. The lead slurry would need to bridge the productive formation so that the tail slurry could be diverted toward the water source. The lead slurry would be designed with low thickening time and high fluid loss.
Concerns for job design included high friction pressures typically associated with high fluid-loss slurries; the need to model thickening time and test at conditions close to the field conditions; and that pressures needed to carefully maintained below fracture pressures for the 10,900 ft sand. Typical CT strings used in workovers in the Gulf of Mexico are 1%-in. OD. A 1%-in. string was specified for this job, primarily to allow higher pumping rates and lower friction pressures, resulting in less potential for fracturing damage. The lead slurry was designed with a density of 16.2 ppg, a thickening time of 3 hr 55 min, a fluid loss of 707 m1130 min, and a viscosity of 38 cp. The tail slurry was designed to be squeezed against the dehydrated lead slurry. Tail slurry specifications included a thickening time of 4 hr 14 min and a fluid loss of 27 mV30 min. The volume of the CT spool was measured by pigging on location. A 17-ppg mud was spotted up to the perforations to keep cement out of the rathole. Injection pressures (Figure 3-1 1) were estimated based on surface pressures in the annulus and corrected for temperature
The slurries were placed successfully and allowed to cure for 48 hours prior to perforating the 10,800
ft sand. h t i a l production rates were 177 BOPD with no water cut, compared to only water prior to the squeeze. An acid stimulation increased production to 1103 BOPD and 16 B W D .
Preeminent Energy Services, SAS Industries and BJ Services (Coats et al., 1996) described the benefits and applications of magnesian cement placed with CT. This unique cementing material can be placed downhole, form a mechanical seal, and later be completely dissolved by acid and removed. These properties make the cement ideal for a variety of operations such as setting temporary plugs across productive zones to work over lower zones, squeezing and blocking zones that are expected to the produced later in the well's productive life, and as an effective lost-circulation material. General benefits for using CT for placing cement downhole include faster trip times, improved accuracy in fluid placement, and effective well control during the entire operation. Conventional cements are not appropriate for jobs where complete removal of the cement is required after the job is completed. Magnesian cement is a recent development for these applications. This cement is a mixture of magnesium and calcium oxides, carbonates and sulfates. While a high compressive-strength material in the presence of water, magnesian cement is completely soluble in hydrochloric acid.
Typical densities range from 12.5 to 14 ppg, although weighting up to 21 ppg is possible with common weighting agents. Temperatures for use are from 60 to 230F. Magnesian cement is highly resistant to contamination from other fluids. As a benefit, expensive flushes or spacers are not necessary. Another benefit is its tendency to expand while curing, thereby reducing the potential for small channels. Magnesian cement is removed by a focused acid-wash program using CT and special wash nozzles. Adequate wash time is required for removing the cement from perforation tunnels. Prior to running a cementing job in CT, several planning steps using computer models are prudent. The well's directional survey is used to model drag to ascertain that the tubing can be run to depth with the equipment available. Fatigue cycle life models are used to confirm safety of the proposed operations. Hydraulics models are run to verify injection pressures, pressure drops, etc. Buckling models are also necessary for many applications.
Servicios Halliburton de Venezuela and Lagoven SA (Lizak et al., 1996) described the planning and implementation of procedures to successfully complete a problem horizontal well in the Bolivar Coastal field in Lake Maracaibo. The slotted liner became stuck during completion operations, leaving a waterbearing zone in the curve exposed. CT was used to log the well, isolate the productive zone, squeeze the 3-13
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liner, and stimulate the well to bring on production. Careful planning saved this well. CT operations were paid out in 33 days. The subject well was originally completed in 1956 as a vertical producer. By 1989, the well was nonproductive and awaiting repair. A horizontal re-entry was performed in 1995. During completion t operations, the slotted liner became stuck 267 f from TD. The inflatable packer to be used to isolate the water zone was stranded above the zone. Four primary options were considered for completing the well with CT equipment. These included: 1) circulation squeeze with inflatable packer (place a high-viscosity pill in the productive interval, set an inflatable packer in 4%-in. casing, squeeze he-particle cement, and drill cement from inside the liner), 2) perforate and circulate squeeze with Inflatable packer (log the well, perforate below the top of the slotted liner, and use option 1 with conventional cement), 3) squeeze without a packer (run CT in with nozzle, place a plug of he-particle cement across the top of the liner and squeeze, then drill out cement), and 4) perforate and squeeze without a packer (log the well, perforate below the top of the slotted liner, and use option'3 with conventional cement). The project team decided that it was critical to know the precise location of the packers and liner top. This narrowed the options to two (number 2 or 4). The two types of cement available are described in Table 3-5. Fine-particle cement is able to be squeezed through the liner slots, with less chance for bridging than conventional cement.
Halliburton and Lagoven chose a fine-particle cement and placed it using a hesitation squeeze. Cement was displaced fiom the string with welan biopolymer and the well shut in for 24 hours. Nitrogen was used to bring the well back on production. Initial production was 900 BOPD without sand or water. It was considered too high a risk to acidize and increase production further, since the acid may have broken down the cement.
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Coats, Alan, et al., 1996: "Magnesian Cement, CT Offer Benefits," The American Oil & Gas
Reporter, March. Garner, Ted, and Fleckenstein, Will, and Shelley, Bob, 1995: "Recomplete Deep, Hot Wells Successfully with Coiled Tubing," Petroleum Engineer Int ' , I June. Hibbert, A. P., et al., 1995: "Effect of Mixing Energy Levels During Batch Mixing of Cement Slurries", SPE 25147, presented at the 1992 Offshore Technology Conference, May 4-7. Lizak, et al., 1996: "Coiled Tubing Workover Saves Horizontal Well in Lake Maracaibo," OTC 8224, presented at the Offshore Technology Conference held in Houston, Texas, May 6-9. Loveland, K.R., and Bond, A.J., 1995: "Recent Applications of Coiled Tubing in Remedial Wellwork at Prudhoe Bay," SPE 35586, presented at the SPE Western Regonal Meeting held in Anchorage, Alaska, May 22-24.
Noles, Jerry, et al., 1996: "Small-capacity Cement Procedure Reduces Failure Potential," World Oil May. Nowak, T.W., et al., 1995: "Shut-off of a Geopressured Water Channel Behind Casing via Coiled Tubing Utilizing a Dual Sluny Cement System," SPE 29474, presented at the Production Operations Symposium held in Oklahoma City, OK, 1995. Nowak, T.W., and Patout, T.S., 1996: "kgless Mutlizone Recompletion Using a Cement Packer Placed With Coiled Tubing: A Case History," SPE 35613, presented at the 1996 SPE Gas Technology Conference held in Calgary, 28 April - 1 May.
4 Coiled Tubing
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page COILEDTUBING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-7
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
. . . . . . . . . 4-14
4.8 4.9
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-17
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22
4. Coiled Tubing
BJ Services (Reaper, 1997) developed in-line CT connectors for use in weight-restricted offshore operations in the North Sea. Tubing is the heaviest single component that platform cranes must have the
capacity to lift. As platforms have aged, cranes have been derated. At the same time, tubing OD (and consequently weight) has been increased for greater pump rates and load capacities. Previously, welding strings together and radiographic inspection was the only option for joining spools offshore. In-line connectors have since been developed for 1%- and 1%-in. CT. These allow strings to be screwed together on site and are suitable for use with conventional fluids, gases, and stiff wireline operations. Full-scale testing was conducted on the connectors, and safe operational ranges were developed (Table 14-1). TABLE 14-1. Operational Limits for CT Connectors (Reaper, 1997)
3000 psi
2000 psi
1500 psi
1500 psi
4000 psi
4000 psi
Maximum running speed onloff reel and over gooseneck
50 ftlmin.
50 ftlmin
40000 Ibs
Maximum allowable tensile pull (The effect of pressure on the Axial Tension rating has NOT been applied to this figure) Maximum allowable toraue
33000 Ibs
200 ftllbs
200 ftllbs
Extensive fatigue tests were conducted with the 1%-in. connector (Figure 14-1). The connector fatigue life, though limited, was above the average life of field welds.
Figure 14-1. Fatigue Life of CT Connectors (Reaper, 1997) These in-line connectors have been successfully applied in the field. Limited fatigue life is a problem with these connectors, and future improvements are needed.
BJ Services (Crabtree et al., 1997) summarized testing results designed to investigate the impact of plastic strain on CT yield strength and Young's modulus. Field experience has demonstrated that performance is degraded when, for example, the measured yield stress in a failed sample of CT is much less than the rule-of-thumb 80% of nominal yield. A series of tests measuring principal stresses (Figure 4-2) and strains was designed and conducted. Their tests showed, however, that the 80% safety factor provides an adequate margm of safety to account for dimensional uncertainty, varying material properties, and inaccuracies of field instrumentation. Work softening may occur due to bending fatigue, but the reduction in load carrying capacity at yield is estimated as only about
Hoop strain properties were investigated for straight CT (never bent) (Figure 4-3) and CT that had been bent. Yield point for the straight tube was 78,000 psi and Young's modulus was 35,000,000 psi.
Hoop strain in the straight tube and bent tube at the neutral axis are compared in Figure 4-4. There is little observable effect on elastic properties by CT condition.
BJ Services (Chnstie and Gavin, 1997) analyzed the feasibility of using titanium CT for routine applications offshore in the North Sea. The driving force behind the study is potential weight savings that might offset down-rated deck and crane capacities on North Sea platforms. BJ Services performed a series of modeling simulations to analyze the capability of titanium strings to maintain sufficient WOB to push CT BHAs downhole. Data from actual jobs performed with steel CT were used for as the basis for the simulations. Results showed that titanium may have difficulty in these applications due to a lower Young's modulus. In one horizontal well, the surface weight indication would be sigmficantly less for titanium than was measured for steel (Figure 4-5). Less surface weight means a Iower hanging weight and less weight available to push the BHA into the horizontal section. Compounding the problem is the hlgher friction coefficient observed for titanium on steel as compared to steel on steel.
Welght gauge comparison (Example A)
m o
a m
i m
-t0nmttonrl CT
Depth (feeQ
Fnctlon Lock
Fnclnon Lock
Figure 4-5. Modeled Surface Weights for Steel and Titanium CT (Christie and Gavin, 1997) The maximum pull available for a titanium string with the same dimensions as steel is shown for the same well in Figure 4-6. This is a parameter where titanium excels due to its lower density for a similar yield strength.
compression as the steel string (Table 4-2). It was necessary to increase the OD and wall thickness. Unfortunately,~~IIS equivalent titanium string weighs 75% as much as the steel string, so a good percentage of the weight advantage is lost due to the change in Young's modulus.
TABLE 4-2. Equivalent Steel and Titanium CT Strings (Christie and Gavin, 1997)
Length (feet)
Outer Diameter (inches) Wall Thickness (inches)
Outer Diameter (inches) Wall Thickness (inches)
Titanium is a superior solution in applications where light weight and high tensile strength are of primary importance. Operations where compressive strength is important are more likely suited for steel. Tractors at the BHA would make titanium more attractive.
CTES and Drexel (Newman et al., 1995) described the design of a CT wireline cable-installation system that will install wireline inside CT while still on the reel. The new fixture greatly reduces the cost
4-5 OMaurer Engineering Inc.
of cable installation as compared to previous methods, whlch include: 1) hanging off CT in a vertical well and lowering the wireline inside, 2) laying the CT out horizontally and pumping the cable through;-and 3) installing a steel pull line inside the CT during manufacture, laying the CT out horizontally and pulling the cable and wireline through. Each of these methods is expensive ($15,000 to $25,000). It has long been known that cable can be pumped out of CT by pumping water at high rates. Turbulence causes the cable to vibrate and so removes the friction element, allowing the cable to advance with the flow. However, pumping cable into CT (Figure 4-7) is much more difficult due to the high pump pressure at the point the cable enters the system. injection force (analogous to snubbing a string into a high-pressure well) is required to introduce the cable.
to Storags Tank
Returned Fluid
A cable injector was required for this design. Several concepts were devised and considered (Figure 4-8). The approach adopted for the final design was a capstan wheel inside a pressure housing.
Roller Injector
very long
Snubbing Injector
Tnctor Injector
Capstan Injector
Figure 4-8. Potential Concepts for Injecting Cable (Newman et al., 1995) The cable injection system design is shown in Figure 4-9. The wireline spool can be rotated about a vertical axis due to the need to remove torque from used cable. A storage tank is used so that the water can cool between pump trips through the CT. 4-6
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Fiberspar, Conoco, and SAS Industries (Quigley et al., 1997 and Fowler, 1997) provided a status report on the development of commercial composite CT. The concept has been pursued for several years due to the promises of extremely high fatigue life (tens of thousands of cycles in and out of the well, as compared to hundreds of cycles (or less) for steel), very light weight (about 113 the weight of steel), and high pressure capability (up to 20,000+ psi internal pressure). Samples of 1%-(Figure 4-1 0) and 23h-in. composite CT have been fabricated and tested extensively. The first commercial strings are expected to be manufactured during 1998.
Performance specifications for the product are summarized in Table 4-3. TABLE 4 3 . Composite CT Specifications (Quigley et al., 1997)
A special bending test kxtue (Figure 4-1 1) was fabricated for the composite CT. A full 2% bending
strain was achievable while holding the CT internal pressure at 7500 psi. Cycling was normally halted after5500 bending cycles with pressure. Fatigue performance of the material is more than an order of magnitude better than steel CT.
A 36-ft length of composite CT was cycled through an injector to study effects of snubbing and cychg. The average stripper loads were nearly independent of CT internal pressure. During trip no. 525 (Figure 4-12) injector loads are compressive both running in and pulling out due to a 2000-psi annulus pressure.
m C E i - c ~ .
-2500 3000
Final full-scale testing was conducted with an 880-ft length of CT. Snubbinglcycling testing were performed at a test well (Figure 4-13) using a 30k injector. The absence of residual bending can be seen even even though reel tension was less than 300 lb.
Another exciting development being pursued with composite CT is embedding fiber-optic or electric
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cables within the tube body during manufacture. This would allow communication with the BHA without any interference in the flow path. Even though potential performance of composite CT is enticing to operators and service companies alike, high material costs may hinder it from having a significant impact on the CT market. It will more likely be used in niche applications that are impossible or impractical with steel CT.
Halliburton Energy Services (Avakov and Fowler, 1996) presented an analysis of collapse pressure of CT when ovality, internal pressure and axial loads are present. They found that test data are in good agreement with the analflcal solutions they developed. Collapse pressure for 70-ksi and 80-ksi CT are shown in Figures 4-14 and 4-15. Internal pressure is zero for these data.
Figure 4-14. Collapse Pressure and Ovality for 70-ksi CT (Avakov and Fowler, 1996)
Figure 4-15. Collapse Pressure and Ovality for 80-ksi CT (Avakov and Fowler, 1996)
An example of the use of these charts was presented. Assuming 80-ksi, 1%- by 0.109-in. CT with major and minor diameters of 1.56 and 1.44 inches, ovality is (1.56-1.44)/1.50 = 0.08 and Dlt = 13.8. Collapse pressure in the absence of internal pressure can be read from Figure 4-15 as 3.6 ksi or 25 MPa.
If internal pressure and axial load are present, collapse pressure can be calculated with equations presented in Avakov and Fowler's paper. Readers are directed to the paper for a detailed presentation of the analybcal model for predicting collapse pressure with ovality, internal pressure and axial load.
HALLIBURTON ENERGY SERVICES (TAPERED-OD CT) Halliburton Energy Services (Love et al., 1997) presented results from a case history where tapered-
OD CT was used to clean out 31 restricted wells in a West Texas water-and-gas injector field. These wells have a 1.12-in. restriction near the bottom. One-inch CT was not feasible due to flow requirements for
il circulating fl through the annulus. The final CT design for the operation included 8000 ft of 1%-in., 250
ft of I -in. and 500 ft of %-in. tubing.
Hydradcs considerations were critical to the success of the project. The pressure loss through the tapered-OD string (Figure 4-16) was significantly less than through a %-in. string. Potential flow rates were 350% greater with the tapered string.
Pump F k w Raw
Figure 4-1 6. Pressure Loss Through Tapered-OD String (Love et al., 1997)
By comparison, pressure losses through a full string of 1%-in. CT of the same length were only slightly improved (about 5000 psi pressure drop at a pump rate of 2 bpm).
Transition areas at OD changes were significantly worn and fatigued after a field operation. These regions could withstand 3-4 workovers before repair. More information is presented in Workovers
of full-scale flow experiments to measure pressure drops in CT on the reel. Increases in pressure loss due to the tubing being in a coiled geometry may be of serious concern for spools with multiple thousands of feet. Tests were conducted with several fluids pumped through I%-, 2-, and 23/8-in. tubes on a 98-m. spool. Turbulent flow was considered p r i d y . Published formulas for water agreed well with measured data. A formula was found and modified that closely described results with non-Newtonian fluids. The experimental set-up is depicted in Figure 4-17. Three sizes of tubing were installed on the spool. Flow was established at 20, 30,40,50 and 60 gpm for these tests.
.- .
. -
Figure 4-17. Flow Loop for Pressure-Drop Measurements (McCann and Islas, 1996)
A range of power-law flids were tested (Table 4-4). "n" and "K" were calculated with all flow-rate data and again with the highest flow rate deleted due to difficulties with these data.
TABLE 4-4. Properties of Experimental Fluids (McCann and Islas, 1996)
Fluid Density (Iblgal) water n
(lbf-secnllOO ftn)
1.OOO 0.971
0.00153 0.00158 0.00262 0.001 96 0.00234 0.01839 0.00640 0.05008 0.02035 0.05401 0.00520 0.04068 0.00259
fluid 1
0.916 0.948
fluid 2
0.979 0.759
fluid 3
0.888 0.668
fluid 4
0.775 0.673
fluid 5
0.949 0.727
None None
fluid 6
1 .OOO
The Srinivasan et al. correlation fit the data very well for water. This equation was generalized and used for the six power-law fluids. Good agreement war; observed (Figure 4-1 8), except at the highest flow rates (50+ gpm) in the 1%-in. tubing. The research team had believed these high-rate data to be suspect (due to problems with the apparatus) prior to the correlations.
Figure 4-1 8. Pressure Drops in Coiled Tubes (McCann and Islas, 1996)
Precision Tube Technology (Yang, 1996) presented an analysis of models for collapse pressure, burst pressure and strain energy for spooling CT. He reviewed several theories for collapse and burst of round CT. He developed an analflcal model for collapse pressure of oval tubing based on elastic instability theory and the von Mises criterion. Ovality can significantly decrease collapse pressure rating. A set of formulas was derived for torque and strain energy for spooling CT. These show that only a small part of total strain energy is recovered. Only 5-15% of total strain energy for spooling is stored and recovered as elastic strain energy.
The burst and collapse pressure envelope for a 2-in. by 0.109-in. tube with material yield rating of 70 ksi is shown in Figure 4-19. A safety factor of 80% is typically added to this curve for field operating limits
Figure 4-19. Collapse/Burst for Round Tubing (Yang, 1996) Collapse pressure is severely impacted when the tubing becomes oval. Figure 4-20 shows the collapse rating of a 3 %-in. by 0.190-in. tubing with increasing ovality.
Elastic and plastic energies for spooled CT are compared for several sizes in Table 4-6. Recoverable bending strain amounts to 8-15% of total energy for these geometries.
TABLE 4-6. Elastic and Plastic Spooling Energy (Yang, 1996)
Dimension 1.5" x 0.109" 2.375" x 0.19" 2.875" x 0.19" 3.5" x 0.19" 'Spool
Dissipated Energy
Total Energy
13% 14.5% 10% 8.6%
2.13 x loeJ
120" spool
flange = 180".
Precision Tube Technology and BJ Services (Smith and Misselbrook, 1997) overviewed CT inspection technologes that are available and might be applied in the field or during manufacturing. Five general technologies were considered: visuaVmanual methods, electronic caliper, magnetic flux, eddy 4-16
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current, and ultrasonic measurement techniques (Figure 4-21). Figure 4-21. C T Inspection Methods (Smith and Misselbrook, 1997)
Inspeclion Merhod
( g*ic/
;; x e ;E pd
VisuaVManual Caliper
Six categories of incidents can occur in the field: mechanical, CT fatigue, CT corrosion, operator error, material defects, and manufacturing defects. They found that there is no single inspection technology that can identifl all potential problems with CT. Consequently, preventing problems should remain a priority.
They concluded that several areas could yield an effective reduction in operational incidents. These include 1) expanded training of personnel, 2) better monitoring of acid pumping, 3 ) more effective flushing and inhibition, 4) accurate recording of fatigue history, 5) better inspection methods at the wellsite, and 6) better inspection methods at the manufacturing mills.
4.11 QUALITY TUBING (FAILURES IN CT) Quality Tubing (Stanley, 1998) presented an analysis of the causes of failure in steel CT along with methods and gudehes for derating CT after field use. Potential imperfections (including defects) include a wide range of conditions resulting from service life or occuning during manufacture (Table 4-7)
Results from standardized fatigue testing show that fatigue life increases with CT strength and decreases with internal pressure. Cycle lives are shown in Figure 4-22 for three grades of CT cycled at 3000,4000, and 5000 psi (back to front, respectively). These results are for 1%-by 0.109-in. CT.
Figure 4-22. CT Strength and Fatigue Life (Stanley, 1998) Although fatigue is a critical concern, field experience has shown that other failure modes (such as corrosion) are often the dominate cause of failure. Data reported from the field from 1994 to 1997 are summarized in Figure 4-23. It is likely that some of the failures attributed to corrosion could have been assigned to fatigue. Quality Tubing presented a summary of several case histories of CT failures in the field. See Stanley
A list of three suggestions for derating CT was presented. These include: I ) assign 2% ovality to all CT strings after the first use in the field, 2) use CT in less stringent service after 10% of wall thickness has been removed by erosion or pitting, and 3) inspect the OD for mechanical damage and grind (file) away faults to a depth no deeper than 90% of specified wall thickness.
RMI Titanium Company (Klink, 1995) reported on the ongoing improvements m manufacture and performance of titanium CT. New alloys and grades have increased the range of applications of these products. A new Grade 9 alloy including ruthenium has improved resistance to corrosion at high temperatures
Grade 12 titanium was the first alloy developed for use as CT. Grade 9 came later to raise the material yield to 90 ksi. Other benefits to Grade 9 include higher tolerance to hydrogen absorption and better fatigue life. Specifications for Grade 9 tubing are summarized in Table 4-8.
Adding ruthenium to Grade 9 alloy has increased the corrosion resistance in hot sour brines up to
SAS Industries (Sas-Jaworsky, 1996) summarized concerns for CT fatigue life and presented example data for tube with a range of yield strengths. A comparison of fatigue life for 70-, 80-, and 100ksi material for 1%-in. CT is presented in Figure 4-24. Test results show that cycle life is relatively unaffected by material strength when internal pressure is low (less than about 3000 psi). At higher pressures, the life of 100-ksi material can be considerably greater than lower strength materials.
Fatigue Testing Colled Tubing 1.75 Inches bv .I09 Inches
Figure 4-24. Fatigue Life for 1%-in. CT (Sas-Jaworsky, 1996) The effects of tubing welds on fatigue life are another issue of investigation. Quality Tubing performed a series of tests comparing virgin tube, a section with a bias weld, and a section with a steptapered bias weld. The results (Figure 4-25) show that a normal bias weld causes almost no penalty (9% less than virgin tube). A tapered bias weld (0.109 welded to 0.125 in this case) averaged 57% reduction in cycle Me. Other studies showed that butt welds have lower lives, that is, from 25-30% that of the tube body.
No Weld
Taper Bias
Friction factors (Figure 4-27) for laminar flow are only dependent on Reynolds number. In turbulent flow, relative roughness is an important aspect for determining friction factor.
" PI-
928 -
p I' 1 )
Figure 4-27. Friction Factor with Roughness (Sas-Jaworsky and Reed, 1997) Sas-Jaworshy and Reed considered the impact of CT eccentricity (Figure 4-28) on frictional pressure losses. CT is always decentralized to some degree. Guidelines for initial calculations are eccentricities of 0.5 to 0.75 in vertical sections and 0.75 to 0.95 in horizontal sections.
An eccentricity friction factor (Figure 4-29) is introduced in the pressure-drop calculation to account
for these effects. These results show how pressure losses decrease with increasing eccentricity, and that eccentricity impacts laminar flow more than turbulent flow.
1.2 1
I 0.4 1
Turbulent flow
Eccentricity Fraction
Figure 4-29. Eccentricity Factors for Laminar and Turbulent Flow (Sas-Jaworsky and Reed, 1997)
The University of Oklahoma and Halliburton Energy Services (Azouz et al., 1996) reported on a series of laboratory measurements investigating frictional pressure loss in coiled and straight sections of CT. Tests were conducted on CT with and without the internal weld bead. Fluids were tested that are commonly used in fracture stimulation operations: water, linear guar gum and hydroxypropyl guar, and borate-crosslinked guar gum and hydroxypropyl guar. Coiling the tubing and the weld bead were both found to have an important effect on pressure loss, although the magnitude of the impact of curvature was greater. For borate-crosslinked HPG, pressure loss per foot depends on fluid pH and the total length of CT. Azouz et al. sought to investigate flow behavior of non-Newtonian fluids in curved tubing, especially fluids typical of hydraulic fracturing operations. The impact of tubing curvature on Newtonian fluids has been investigated by others. The experimental set-up (Figure 4-30) included three tubing spools that can be connected to provide paths of 1000,2000,3000,4000,and 5000 f . t
The impact of the internal weld bead was first investigated. Friction factor is compared to Reynolds number for standard tubing (seamed) and that without the weld bead (seamless) for water in turbulent flow in Figure 4-3 1. Pressure losses were less in standard tubing with the weld bead. Azouz et al. surmised that the weld bead changes the turbulence spectrum and damps high frequencies, leading to a decrease in pressure drop.
Figure 4-31. Friction for Water in Straight Tube without Weld Bead (Azouz et al., 1996)
For CT on a spool, pressure drop is significantly greater than in straight tubing (Figure 4-32). The relative increase due to curvature ranges from 3 1 to 44%.
Figure 4-32. Friction for Water in CT (Azouz et a l . 3 996) Typical non-Newtonian fracturing fluids were tested, including borate-crosslmked guar gel. The results (Figure 4-33) show that pH (an indication of the level of cross Imking) strongly impacts pressure drop per unit length. This quantity is relatively unaffected by the length of the spool of CT over which pressure drop is measured.
0 0 0
. a
a a
+ ow.
800 700
-0- rn.
O w l e d Sdulk.4
a a
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Figure 4-33. Pressure Drop for Borate-Crosslinked Guar Gel (Azouz et al., 1996) This length consistency was not observed with borate-crosslinked HPG gel (Figure 4-34). These data may reach an asymptotic value at longer tubing lengths, although it is possible that only a local 4-26
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Figure 4-34. Pressure Drop for Borate-Crosslinked HPG Gel (Azouz et al., 1996)
Avakov, V. and Fowler, H., 1996: "Computing Collapse Pressure for Coiled Tubing," SPE 36340, presented at 1'' SPEACoTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, February 26-28. Azovz, I., et al., 1996" "Experimental Investigation of Frictional Pressure Losses in Coiled Tubing," SPE 37328, presented at Eastern Regional Meeting, Columbus, Ohlo, October 23-25. Christie, Mike and Gavin, Bill, 1997: "Titanium as an Alternative to Conventional Coiled Tubing: A North Sea Case Study," SPE 38416, presented at the 2ndNorth American CT Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Crabtree, A. et al., 1997: "Determining the Mechanical Properties of Coiled Tubing," SPE 38412, presented at the Znd North American CT Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Fowler, Hampton, 1997: "Update on Advanced Composite Spoolable Pipe Developments," SPE 38414, presented at 2ndNorth American CT Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Klink, Dale R., 1995: "Development of Titanium Coiled Tubing Extends of the Scope of CT Applications," presented at the 3" Annual International Management Conference on CT, Dallas, February 6-8. Love, Douglas, et al., 1997: "Coiled Tubing Injection-Well Cleanouts with Tapered-OD Strings," 4-27
SPE 38420, presented at 2Pd Annual SPEACoTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. McCann, R C . and Islas, C.G., 1996: "Frictional Pressure Loss During Turbulant Flow in Coiled Tubing," SPE 36345, presented at the 1'' SPEIICoTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, February 26-28. Newman, K.R., and Fowler, H., 1996: "Computing Collapse Pressure for Coiled Tubing," SPE 36340, presented at the Annual Technical Conference, Dallas, Texas, October 22-25. Quigley, P.A. et al., 1997: "Development and Application of a Novel Coiled Tubing String for Concentric Workover Services," OTC 8456, presented at Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, May 5-8. Reaper, Alan, 1997: "Development and Application of Inline Connectors for Weight Restricted Offshore Operations," SPE 38424, presented at 2nd North American CT Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Sas-Jaworsky, Alex and Reed, Troy, 1997: "Fluid Hydraulics Behavior in Coiled Tubing Operations - A Nodal Analysis Approach," presented at the World Oil Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference, Houston, February 4-6. Sas-Jaworsky, Alex, 1996: "High-Pressure Applications Enabled by CT Advances," The American Ol & Gas Reporter, January. i Smith, Larry, and Misselbrook, John, 1997: "An Overview of Injection Technology and Criteria for Inspecting Coiled Tubmg," SPE 38423, presented at the 2dNorth American CT Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Stanley, Roderic, 1998: "An Analysis of Failures in Coiled Tubing," IADCISPE 39352, presented at IADCISPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, March 3-6. Stanley, Roderic, 1997: "Failures in Coiled Tubing," presented at 5" International Conference on Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention, Houston, February 4-6. Yang, Yong, 1996: "Collapsed and Burst Pressure of Coiled Tubing Under Axial Load, and Bending Torque and Strain Energy in Spooling CT," SPE 36338, presented at the 1'' SPEACoTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, February 26-28.
5. Drilling
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1 .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
. . . . . . . . . 5-2
5.3 BAKER INTEQ. NORSK HYDRO AND NOWSCO (EXPLORATION CONCEPT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-4 5.4 BAKER OIL TOOLS (EXITING CASING WITH CT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8 5.5 CAMCO AND BPX (REAL-TIME MWD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-9 5.6 CANADIAN FRACMASTER (WINDOW MILLS FOR CT)
1 " ~
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-12
. . . . . . . . . . . 5-20
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-23
5.13 SCHLUMBERGER DOWELL (DESIGNING UNDERBALANCED 5-26 DRILLING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.14 SHELL RESEARCH. PDO AND BEB (COMPREHENSIVE DRILLING SYSTEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-28 5.15 SPERRY.SUN. ARC0 AND THUMS (CT DRILLING BHA ELEMENTS) 5.16 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY (WELL-CONTROL MODEL)
. . . . . . . . 5-30
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-31
5.17 TRANSOCEAN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY (DUAL CAPILLARY DRILLING BHA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-34 . 5 1 8 UNIVERSITY OF TULSA (SLIM MOTORS FOR CT DRILLING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-38 .
5.19 SCHLUMBERGER DOWELL (TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-41 5.20 SCHLUMBERGER DOWELL (CUTTMGS TRANSPORT PROBLEMS)
. . . . . . . . . 5-44
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-46
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-48
5.23 APACHE CANADA AND FRACMASTER (DEEP UNDERPRESSURED GAS WELL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-50 . 5.24 BP NORGE AND SCHLUMBERGER DOWELL (ULA FIELD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-52 5.25 CANADIAN FRACMASTER (CT DRILLMG FOR UNDERBALANCED GAS 5-54 WELLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.26 CANADIAN FRACMASTER (CT DRILLING SOUR GAS CARBONATE) . . . . . . . . 5-57 5.27 CRESTAR ENERGY AND FRACMASTER (CT UNDERBALANCED COSTS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-58 5.28 FLEXTUBE (CT DRILLMG WITH AIR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-60 5.29 MOBIL OIL CANADA AND FRACMASTER (DRILLMG WITH LARGECT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-61 5.30 MOBIL OIL CANADA AND FRACMASTER (HIGH ROP DRILLING) . . . . . . . . . . 5-63 5 3 1 NAM (SIDETRACK OF DALEN 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-65 .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-67
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-75
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-78
5.37 HALLIBURTON AND AMOCO (SHALLOW GAS WELLS IN . SAN JUAN BASIN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-81 5.38 IMPERIAL OIL RESOURCES (CT DRILLING EXPERIENCE)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-82
5.39 NAM. HALLIBURTON. AND SPERRY-SUN (AME-203 RE-ENTRY) . . . . . . . . . . . 5-84 5.40 SAGA PETROLEUM (MULTIBRANCH CT DRILLING AT SNORRE FIELD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-87 5.41 SHELL EXPRO (CORMORANT NORTH WELL) 5.42 SHELL UK E&P (CT WELL AT BRENT)
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-88
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-90
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-90
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-92
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-92
5. Drilling
AMOCO TECHNOLOGY (TESTS O F C T WHIPSTOCKS) Amoco Tulsa Technology Center (Townsend et al., 1997) conducted a series of tests of whipstock
and milling systems for cutting windows with CT. They evaluated window-cutting systems for a candidate re-entry that would include milling through both 7- and 9%-in. casing at an inclination of 60" (Figure 5-1). As far as could be determined, this would be an industry first using CT through-tubing technology.
Full-scale milling tests were conducted at Amoco's facility at Catoosa, Oklahoma. Three commercial systems were tested. Each test was conducted in a test piece consisting of 7-in. casing cemented eccentrically in 9%-in. casing, in t r cemented eccentrically inside 16-in. casing. un An example of one of the window-cutting tests is summarized in Figure 5-2. One commercial systems would not enter the 95/0-in. casing within an acceptable window length. With the second system, an exit through both casings was achieved across a length of 12 ft and required 26 hours of milling. With the third system, an exit through both casings was achieved across 12 ft and required 3 1 hours of milling.
system B ROP and WOB V . MilHng Depth s
m 1 I DI ) D
ARCO Alaska and Hughes Christensen (Heam et al., 1996) described the development of CT cement window-milling technology for sidetracking at Prudhoe Bay. A comparison of sidetracking techniques and results from yard tests are described in Section 5.11 SCHLUMBERGER DOWELL (CT SIDETRACKING TECHNOLOGY) below. At the time of their paper, 14 wells had been sidetracked with CT, with the last eight successful. The technique involves cutting a window off of a specially formulated cement plug. No whipstock is used. Sidetracking costs have been reduced about 40% compared to conventional rig methods.
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cement sidetracking techniques and tools. A rough transition was observed in the milled window (Figure 5-3). When the central axis of the mill is inside the casing, the reaction force pushes the mill to the left. When the mill axis is outside the casing, the force from contact with the casing wall moves to the right. Mills used in cement sidetracking with CT (Figure 5-4) have been significantly improved throughout this development. Yard tests, field tests, and field operations have led to ongoing improvements.
........ ---..
~" ,. < ,
N h h p 31M
ARC0 has had good success with cement sidetracking (no whipstock). Other operators are using whipstocks for window cutting with CT. Whipstocks may be a better choice if production needs to be maintained during the operation. The overall performance of CT cement sidetracking has had fewer problems than anticipated. The cement ramp has been more durable than was originally assumed, with the reinforcing fibers in the cement credited with improving durability. Short windows have not caused significant problems either. Drilling BHAs and completions have been run through windows less than 5 ft long.
53 .
BAKER INTEQ, NORSK HYDRO AND NOWSCO (EXPLORATION CONCEPT) Baker Hughes INTEQ, Norsk Hydro and Nowsco UK (Ehret et al., 1995) described results of field
trialsbofelements and procedures which would be required as part of a fit-for-purpose slim-hole floating vessel. The first step in this investigation was to determine whether high-quality cores and electric logs could be obtained using slim-hole technology on a floating vessel, and to drilucore with CT from a floating vessel. Cores were taken with CT and with drill pipe. Although several problems were encountered, the technological feasibility of this approach for exploration was demonstrated. An integrated slim-hole exploration system (including subsea BOPS, risers and small floating vessels) showed significant promise as an economically attractive system for exploration in deep water andlor remote locations. Rising costs in the North Sea have led to serious consideration of alternate exploration paradigms. A test site was selected off Norway in over 400 ft of water. A semisubmersible rig would be used to drill to 5570 ft with drill pipe and to set 7-in. casing. CT and drill pipe would be used to drill and core with 4l/'-in. BHAs. Additional equipment required for the offshore operation included an extra S1/s-in. pipe ram between the standard triple BOP and 4-in. stuffing box. A drillstring lifting frame (Figure 5-5) was also devised. This connects the rig heave-compensation system to the injector. The frame had to be extended for planned operations.
39 ft 36 R 34 n
Injector head
Pipe ram Fbw cross
2" ID
23 R 21 fl
Figure 5-5. Drillstring Lifting Frame for CT Operations (Ehret et al., 1995)
Subsea well control was maintained with a standard 18%-in., 15,000-psi BOP. A 7-in. riser was run inside the existing 21-in. riser for CT operations. The smaller riser increased annular velocities and decreased the tendency for buckling. CT fatigue was a concern with respect to rig heave. Continuous small-scale pay-out and reel-in of the tubing might dramatically shorten fatigue life. This potential was addressed by reducing the operational pressure of the hydraulic motor on the tubing reel. This decreased tension on the reel and introduced slack (about 9 ft) into the tubing wraps.
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Two-inch CT was selected for the operation based on fatigue and pressure-loss estimates. Pressure-loss modeling was inconclusive based on the ether-based drilling fluid. A full-scale test was performed for pumping fluid through the spool. Results suggested that the fluid should be maintained at a temperature of about 50C (122F). A jetting assembly was added to the circulating system for pumping and shearing the fluid to increase its temperature. Pressure losses within the CT dictated that maximum flow rates be maintained at about 80 gpm. This was much less than the 185-gpm allowable flow rate for the 3%-in. mud motor. The motor was tested at a range of flow rates (Figure 5-6). Results showed that the motor could deliver 1000 ft-lb at 80 gpm and 1050 psi. This was determined to be sufficient for this operation.
2. w
A 3%-in. core barrel was selected (delivers a 1%-in. core). Aluminum was chosen for the inner tubes for its reduced friction and ease of handling on the rig floor. Three different core bits were used, including ballaset and PDC bits. The CT coring BHA is shown in Figure 5-7. Drill pipe and drill collars were placed above the
BHA to add weight, reduce stress on the CT, and keep the disconnect sub inside casing.
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w i l l d Tubing
Crnuarer Sub
C m u a m r Sub
3 x 1.711.
O.D. D.P
4 . r ~
After the 7-in. casing shoe was drilled out at 5525 ft, two coring runs were made on drill pipe to establish an operational reference for CT runs. Several coring runs were completed (Table 5-1). Recovery was generally low due to junk, fissile shales, unconsolidated sands, core jamming, washing of the core, and plugged nozzles. Recovery efficiency did not increase until the final runs, where the improvement was largely attributed to increasing hardness of the formations.
Project members found that core quality was generally high even though recovery efficiency was low. Lower flow rates (about 66 gpm) provided the best recoveries. The average coring rate was 15 fthr compared to an average drilling rate of 40 ft/hr. Performance of the mud motor was better than expected. Baker Hughes INTEQ, Norsk Hydro and Nowsco UK found that the effectiveness of the CT operations would be greatly improved by a built-for-purpose heave-compensation system.
whipstocks. Two basic approaches are being used: 1) monobore (unrestricted) completions are exited by setting a packer and oriented whipstock, then running a conventional starting mill and window mill; and 2) through tubing (restricted) completions are exited using a through-tubing whipstock without packer that hinges into position in the casing. The through-tubing system is typically run through 4%-in. casing and set in 7-in. casing. Readers are directed to their paper for details of case histories with these systems.
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BPX (Alaska) (Leismer et al., 1996) described a real-time MWD CT Drilling System. MWD and control of the BHA is enabled through a combination hydraulic/electric umbilical (Figure 5-8) run inside the CT string. This allows
orientation of the BHA in 10" J,B,, 0.65,, increments, applies WOB, operates a Hydraulic Tubing .. reusable circulating valve, and monitors W,OB,:@temal and external circulating . ... . . . -- . pressures, bottom pressure, downhole temperature, and survey data.
A thruster was also developed as part of the system to provide consistent WOB and anchor the BHA against reactive torque while drilling. Hydraulic force is applied to anchor the jaws or thrust the assembly forward via the umbilical. Modeling and testing of core samples were used to design the thruster
. C
jaw (Figure 5-9) to avoid fracturing the formation. The thruster had not yet been required at the time their paper was written.
A special deployment tower (Figure 5-10) was designed to allow lubricating the entire BHA (50 ft+) above the master valve. Five tower sections are stacked to a total height of 93 ft.
Canadian Fracmaster Limited (Turley and Bogic, 1997) presented the design and test results with a new window milling tool system for use on CT. An evaluation of conventional window-milling tools showed that several obstacles existed for applying these tools to CT drilling. They decided that a fresh approach was warranted for tools designed specifically for CT operations. Systems for 4%- and 5%-in. casing were developed. Field trials have been successfully conducted with the 5%-in. system. 5-10
The mill design was based on a two-trip system that consists of a combination whipstock landing/starter mill followed by a window milling/reaming run. The starter milling string (Figure 5-1 1) consists of : a starter mill that can carry and seat the whipstock a short drill collar a stabilizer a heavy-weight pup joint a mud motor
Figure 5-1 1. CT Window Mill Assembly for 5%-in. Casing (Turley and Bogic, 1997)
The window milling tool string (Figure 5-12) includes: a full-gauge window mill
a reamer a short drill collar a stabilizer a heavy-weight pup joint a mud motor
, i
Figure 5-12. CT Starter Mill Assembly for 5%-in. Casing (Turley and Bogic, 1997) 5-1 1
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The 5%-in. milling system has been proven with laboratory and field trails. Milling operations have been completed in a time comparable to conventional rotary operations. The system for 4%-in. casing has been bench tested and found ready for field trials. Future improvements will be sought with higher speed motors, which are hoped to increase ROP and decrease milling costs.
CANADIAN FRACMASTER (CT THRUSTER) Canadian Fracmaster Limited (Smith, 1995) was granted a patent from the European Patent Ofice
(publication no. 0 681 089 A l ) for a CT thruster for providing weight on bit for drilling operations in deviated wells. The device (Figure 5-13) can be used to compensate for string weight lost to drag. Thrust is based on the pressure differential between the inside of the string at the tool to that in the annulus outside the assembly.
Figure 5-13. CT Thruster (Smith, 1995) Splines (no. 46 and 27) are included within the assembly (Figure 5-14) for carrying reactive torque during drilling and similar operations. Typical placement for the tool is between the Monel collar and motor. System capability can exceed 12,000 psi at the bithock interface.
CTES AND G R I (ELECTRIC MOTOR FOR C T DRILLING) C E S (Newman et al., 1996) performed a GRI-sponsored study of the feasibiIity of using electric
motors for drilling on CT. They reviewed the historical usage of electric motors for drilling, developed a conceptual design for a CT electric motor, and analyzed the potential market for this type of drilling
system. SeveraI advantages may be possible with an electric drilling motor as compared to a conventional Moineau mud motor, including: Longer time between failures Mud type does not impact motor operation or wear Mud flow not as restricted through motor (greater flow rates, better hole cleaning) Higher operating temperatures (up to 400F) Fits well with telemetry systems Motor performance easily monitored from speed controller Auto-drilling systems easy to implement High voltages now available at the BHA could be used for other beneficial functions (tractors, rotation anchors, orienting, etc.) Disadvantages of electric motors on CT are more surface equipment, more specialized subs and connectors, a reduction of flow inside the CT due to larger cable, higher capital costs, and added safety concerns.
It is foreseen that original applications of electric motors on CT would likely be in niche applications. These might include areas with high operating costs where an increase in time between motor failures would offset added cost of the electric system; high-temperature environments; formations where lost-circulation material is required; and operations with special drilling fluids that might damage mud motors. More information is presented in Tools.
Halliburton Energy Services and IRI International (Selby et al., 1998) described the design of a hybrid CT drilling rig that includes a mast for pulling tubulars. In offshore operations, a jack-up pulling unit or-independent mast has normally been required before CT services could be performed. The new rig (Figure 5-15) integrates the injector, the power unit, and reel into a transportable rig with a mast. This new system was designed for use servicing shallow to moderate depth wells in the Gulf of Mexico. Increased $efficiencyand safety are provided in rig upidown and tripping.
Figure 5-15. Hybrid CT Rig for Shallow Offshore Operations (Selby et al., 1998)
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The rig was first used in a shallow inland field in the Gulf of Mexico. The operation was to drill a new horizontal well for Rozel Energy. Large 2'/a-in. CT (80 ksi) was used for drilling and for the completion. More information is presented in Rigs.
developed for underbalanced drilling with CT. The program is designed for transient one-dimensional multiphase flow, and includes a complete system of component models including a lift-gas system model, multiphase hydraulics model, resewoir/wellbore interaction model, drilling model, and a range of models for multiphase fluids. Rommetveit et al. (1995) presented several example calculations of drilling parameters and wellbore production of underbalanced drilling simulations using CT. Field experience has proved the need for increased understanding of multiphase hydraulics in underbalanced drilling. CT is well suited for these operations. The advantages have been enumerated in later in this chapter.) A schematic several publications. (See of underbalanced drilling with CT is shown in Figure 5-16.
Q, -Gasillad Fluid
Rommetveit et al. derived eight governing equations based on conservation of mass and momentum. Twelve additional relationships were developed and incorporated into various submodels, some based on published results and some developed theoretically and empirically. Based on these sets of equations, the twenty unknowns can be calculated.
A horizontal well with a TD of 950 m (3 1 17 ft) was assumed for a series of representative and
Figure 5-17. Example Wellbore Geometry (Rommetveit et al., 1995) Reservoir properties assumed for the example calculations are summarized in Table 5-2.
TABLE 5-2. Example Reservoir Properties (Rommetveit et al., 1995)
Four reservoir/drilling scenarios were developed. These included using annular gas lift (e.g., a parasite string) or aerated fluid (gas injected at the standpipe) in both high-GOR and low-GOR reservoirs. BHP (bottom-hole pressure) due to the hydrostatic load was 77 bar ( I 117 psi). Representative results for one of these cases (parasite-string gas lift in a reservoir with a low GOR) are presented below. Significantly greater detail and other cases are provided in Rommetveit et al. (1995). Predicted pressure responses for several drilling operations during the parasite-string drilling operations are shown in Figure 5-18. BHP begins to decrease soon after gas injection is begun (300 scfm). Since no production from the reservoir is observed at the original rate, the injection rate is increased to 350 scfm.
1-1.11 mln, C M w l to 37% t - 247 mln, S u t l O(IS I m l o n a1 300 acllmln I= 822 mln, Chdu w l to 31 U t mlS.44 mln. lnwamw gas nw lra 3OQlo 310 r c W n c .10 d , n Inusan gas rum I r a 350 lo 450 mcUnun I. 4722 ndn. g u fa* *0m 450 lo l50 aeVmln t I 60.84 mln. Olok4 w t 10 15%
Time (min)
Figure 5-1 8. Pressure Response for CT Drilling Model (Rommetveit et al., 1995)
The higher injection rate should cause production to begin. The oil fraction at 28 min verifies the onset of production (Figure 5-19).
o 10
Figure 5-1 9. Oil Fraction for CT Drilling Model (Rommetveit et a]., 1995) Pressure profiles along the wellbore at discreet times are compared in Figure 5-20. Early production is observed to originate near the heel of the horizontal well.
Gas fractions (Figure 5-21) show the impact of increasing gas injection rates, e.g., increasing to 450 scfin at 28 min. The effect of increased injection on BHP is minor. Consequently, injection rate was reduced to 350 scfin at 47 min.
Figure 5-21. Gas Fraction for CT Drilling Model (Rommetveit et al., 1995)
These simulations and observations from the field have shown that a lower injection rate is required with aerated drilling fluid than with annular gas lift. A greater vertical head of gas is achieved with aerated fluid. Frictional pressure losses are also less at lower flow rates required with aerated fluid.
Flow out of the wellbore is also different with the two injection options. For the simulations based on a high-GOR reservoir, the liquid rate out of a well using annular gas injection increases rapidly as the first gas approaches the surface (Figure 5-22). This peak production may overload surface processing equipment. Peak production is much less with aerated fluid drilling.
30 0
Tnno (man)
Figure 5-22. Liquid Production After Starting Gas Injection (Rommetveit et al., 1995)
RF-Rogaland Research and Shell Research B.V. believe that models of this type are an important tool for planning underbalanced drilling projects using CT.
Schlumberger Dowell, ARC0 Alaska and Techaid Corporation (Leising et al., 1995) investigated techniques for performing sidetracks through existing casing. Window-cutting and sidetracking are key technologies that will enable rigless drilling. Three sidetracking technologies were investigated: I ) cement sidetracking (CS), 2) whipstock in cement (WIC), 3) through-tubing whipstock (TTW). These are compared in Table 5-3 with respect to success and other mechanical factors.
6 5 lo 85
65 to 85
Possible Short Pwr
Window length
Yes Possible
Whipstock intregrlty
Iron in well
Oriented with
3' hole
The advantages of cement sidetracking are that no iron (whipstock) is left in the well, the cement can be drilled out easily later, and few mechanical malfunctions are possible. Disadvantages are relatively short windows, higher sensitivity to drilling technique, and a fragile cement ramp into the sidetrack.
The project team developed a model of sidetracking forces, ROPs, and torques for window milling while cement sidetracking. Bit intrusion into the casing was modeled (Figure 5-23). These results correspond to a Z7/e-in. bit in a 3'10-in. hole.
(1 -
Several yard tests were conducted to test tools, cements, procedures, etc. Results of five yard tests are summarized in Table 5-4.
42 Sluck, l&aea
4 -
R~ulls sent houolng, degrees Banl sub. degrees Devisllm, deare.=3 Exif side
CSSDtSMImFa.ZPDnMWW. '11 0 m 11b. 1 MI: Run llRm a.
53 Low
Bits used to yard-test CT sidetracking techniques are shown in Figure 5-24. The tests were conducted in 4 0 4 joints of 7-in. casing. Cements were 6000-psi Class A or 3500-psi Class G with latex.
Figure 5-24. Bits for Sidetracking Yard Tests (Leising et al., 1995)
Cement sidetracking is the most popular approach. Windows cut with this approach are relatively short but cannot be lengthened by reducing the angle of the bent assembly. If the bend angle is too low, the side force will not be sufficient to hold onto the casing lip. Field experience has shown that a 3" bend works well for 3%-in. windows and 2" for 4%-in. windows.
Schlumberger Anadrill has developed an innovative CT drilling BHA and has begun marketing the system under the name "Viper." The multifunctional system integrates MWD, downhole motor, orienter and safety devices for use with CT as well as underbalanced drilling operations with rotary equipment. Viper is powered and controlled via wireline cable. Therefore, mud type does not influence system operation. The entire system consists of four assemblies (Figure 5-25): CT head module Logging assembly Orienting tool Mud motor
Pr, a.
c,rsu!.O"g Vd".
Figure 5-25. Viper CT Drilling BHA (Schlumberger, 1996) 'The physical specifications and measurement capabilities of the sensors are summarized in Table 5-5. The real-time display, log presentation and data base of all measurements are supported by Schlumberger Anadrill's standard surface directional equipment (e.g., the IDEAL system). All downhole measurements are transmitted on the 7-conductor wireline integral to the CT.
I Pressure Rating / Temperature Rating 1 FIOW I Drilling Fluid
18,000psi absolute. 5,000psi differential 150C 130 gpm
I 1 1 I
I I '
1 Ma? Overpull
Inclination Azimuth
0-18.000psi, accuracy: *45 psi, res.: i 1 psi 0-18,000 accuracv: i45 psi, res.: psi,
* 1 psi
I i
The Viper system is rated for operations in temperatures up to 150C (300F). Gamma (gross, i.e., non-spectral) is measured continuously while drilling. The gamma measurement point is about 24.5
ft behind the bit (Figure 5-26).
The orienting tool is the most innovative element of Viper. It consists of an electric motor geared down to turn at 1 rpm and powered via wireline. Orientation can be in either a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. The torque rating is 900 ft-lb, allowing orientation with weight on bit. Unlike other orienters, the Viper orienter can rotate continuously in either direction. Continuous rotation is of benefit when drilling a straight section of the borehole, thereby decreasing hole rugosity and CT drag.
Current status of the Viper project is that prototype development and laboratory and field testing are complete. Six complete systems have been fabricated. Pairs of Viper systems (a back-up system is sent to each job) are scheduled to be used at three locations in the near future. In August 1996, one well will be drilled in the North Sea and one in Brazil. The third pair will be used in Oman in September. Several other customers (including some within the U.S.) are also requesting the system.
Schlumberger Dowell (Gu and Walton, 1996) presented a summary analysis of various aspects of design for underbalanced drilling operations with CT using foam or gas injection. Computer model results show that specific underbalances can only be achieved by certain combinations of liquid and gas rates. They investigated the impacts of cuttings loading, depth of injection point and reservoir pressure. For an example case, underbalanced fluid systems were designed for drilling a 3%-in. hole through 3.96-in. production tubing using 2-in. CT. Liquid and gas injection rates for foam drilling (Figure 5-27) show that the desired bottom-hole pressure of 2600 psi can be achieved by more than one combination of rates. The intersections on the left side of the plot are probably desirable due to lower gas rates and gas consumption. For this case, reservoir underbalance can be increased on site if necessary by increasing gas rate.
3 m
1.6 bpm
20 bpm .
a m
2 m
am T
500 1 m
15m 2MO Oes mle ( d m ]
2m 5
3 m
Figure 5-27. Gas Rate for Foam Drilling (Gu and Walton, 1996)
The additional loads due to cuttings create additional pressure downhole. The effect in a 3%-in. hole is not significant (Figure 5-28) for the modeled ROPs. However, in a 6-in. hole downhole pressures can increase 100-200 psi due to cuttings.
Figure 5-28. Impact of Cuttings Load in 3%-in. Hole (Gu and Walton, 1996)
Instead of foam drilling, gas can be injected through a parasite string or gas mandrels to induce an underbalance. The depth of the injection point strongly impacts downhole pressures (Figure 5-29). Additionally, there is a limiting injection rate above which downhole pressure is unaffected by increasing gas flow.
SHELL RESEARCH, PDO AND BEB (COMPREHENSIVE DRILLING SYSTEM) Shell Research B.V., Petroleum Development Oman and BEB Erdol Erdgas GrnBH (Faure et al.,
1995) described a visionary drilling system based on reeled components, including umbilicals, casing, tubing and pipelines (Figure 5-30). They see this approach as the next quantum step forward to improve the economics of hydrocarbon development. At present, CT drilling comes closest to the envisioned technologies. While many of the enabling reeled technologies are only at the concept stage, development of the required components could reduce costs and broaden technical abilities.
c* -
n n a a bmob ~
Numerous field trials using CT systems to drill horizontal laterals have been successfully
completed. Several of these are described by Faure et al. (1995). There exist. however, a number of technical challenges to be addressed before CT drilling could fulfil its potential within a comprehensive reeled drilling system. Most of these challenges are listed in the flow chart in Figure 5-3 1.
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Figure 5-31. Limitations and Solutions for CT Systems (Faure et al., 1995)
SPERRY-SUN, ARCO AND THUMS (CT DRILLING BHA ELEMENTS) Speny-Sun Drilling Services, ARCO E&P Technology, ARCO Alaska, THUMS Long Beach, and
ARCO Long Beach (Gleitman et al., 1996) described the design of new components for CT drilling, specifically a hydraulic orienter and MWD system. Case histories in Alaska and California were also described. The orienter is a simple hydraulically-actuated system that forms a critical element of the complete CT drilling BHA (Figure 5-32). The orienter indexes the BHA 20" clockwise with every pump cycle. No weight on or off bottom is required for indexing, and the system does not telescope.
OimctionaVGamma MWO
The MWD assembly (Figure 5-33) was based on a standard directionaVgamma system. New 3-in. collars were built for the assembly to provide adequate clearance in the 3%-in. hole.
Texas A&M University (Choe and Juvkam-Wold, 1996) presented an analysis of well-control procedures based on their simplified two-phase model that analyzes kick and pressure responses in directional/horizontal slim holes and wells drilled with CT. They compared theoretical kill sheets to conventionally devised procedures. Conventional kill sheets overestimated kill pumping pressures. For directional/horizontal wells with high build rates, choke pressure is predicted to change quickly without much kick expansion due to TVD change as the kick migrates through the curve. Their study results suggested that a theoretically based kill sheet should be used for kill procedures in slim directional/horizontal wells, along with a small safety overpressure. Choe and Juvkam-Wold's model is based on unsteady two-phase flow, one-dimensional flow along the wellbore, water-base mud, negligible gas solubility, incompressible mud, known mud temperature with depth, and the kick enters the well at current TD. Eight parameters are used to describe the system: pressure, temperature, and gas and liquid fractions, densities and velocities. In conventional operations, frictional pressure losses at low kill rates are normally minor. However, frictional pressure losses are often critical for slim holes, for CT drilling, and in chokekill lines for offshore wells. Specifications for the slim-hole well analyzed in the well-control study are shown in Table 5-6. TABLE 5-6. Well Specifications for Well-Control Study (Choe and Juvkam-Wold, 1996) Initial kick volume, bbls Mud density, ppg Plastic viscosity, c p Yield point, lbf1100 ft2 Bit nozzle diameter. 1/32 in. Well true vertical depth. ft Depth o casing seat, ft f Inner diameter o last casing, in. f Open hole diameter, in. OD 8 ID of drill pipe, in. Pump capacity, bbls/stroke Pump rate while drilling, gpm Kill mud pump rate, gpm Kick intensity, ppg G a s specific gravity (air 5 1.O) Surface temperature, O F Mud temperature gradient,FllOO ft Formation permeability, md Final hold length, ft Depth o kickoff point, ft f Build-up rate, deg.llOO ft
Choke pressures for a well with a 2000-ft horizontal section are shown in Figure 5-34 based on both the engineer's and driller's methods. No hydrostatic pressure reduction occurs in the annulus while the 2-bbl kick remains in the horizontal section. Therefore, the SICP and SIDPP are equal (520 psi) until the influx begins to rise. The reduction in choke pressure due to the kill mud (engineer's method) is not large because the effect of gas expansion near the surface dominates.
. 1 ' .
Figure 5-34. Choke Pressures in Horizontal Well (Choe and Juvkam-Wold, 1996)
kill sheets based on model predictions and conventional field procedures were compared. Kill sheets map the choke pressure required to maintain constant bottom-hole pressure. In the field, detailed hydrostatic and frictional pressure data are not readily available. Kill sheets are often constructed by calculating initial and final circulating pressures and assuming a linear path between them.
A comparison of modeled and field kill sheets for a vertical slim-hole well is shown in Figure 5-35. The conventional kill sheet maintains bottom-hole pressure above formation pressure by an
amount equal to annular pressure losses. This overpressure may be too large in slim annuli, leading to fracturing, lost circulation etc.
. 1
theomaal mventimal
Figure 5-35.Kill Sheets for Vertical Slim Hole (Choe and Juvkam-Wold, 1996)
Kill sheets for a slim horizontal well with a 4000-ft lateral are compared in Figure 5-36.Pump pressure is minimum when the kill mud first arrives at the lateral TVD. With the conventional sheet, bottom-hole pressure may be too high, resulting in failure of the casing shoe.
. .
kill mud at targetVD kill mud
horizontal well
4,000 %'loosection R el hold RBUR
1 . 1 . 1 . 1 ' , .
0 0
1 0 0 m 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 D 6 a 0
The same 4000-ft horizontal well was assumed for another case, this time drilled with CT (Figure 5-37). Pressure is constant until kill mud fills the entire spool on the rig (4000 ft assumed). For higher kill rates, pump pressure will increase due to frictional pressure drop in the spool.
kill mud
kill mud fills all reeled tubing
coiled tubing drilling 4,000 h reeled string in a spool 2,000 h fn hold section id
1 . 1 ' 1 ~ 1 . 1 ' 1 .
1 0 D m m 4 0 0 m m m
BHA for drilling with CT. The most significant innovation with their system is the use of two internal control lines installed inside the CT string along with the wireline. These provide effective real-time control of directional characteristics of the assembly. The CT directional drilling assembly developed by Transocean provides steering, standard MWD sensors (inclination and azimuth) and gamma ray. The system uses two hydraulic control lines installed internally in the coiled tubing for orienting the bent housing on the motor. Data from the MWD and gamma-ray sensors are transmitted to surface via a monocable wireline. The directional tools are available either as traditional magnetic tools or a gyro. This system has been used to drill five underbalanced wells with more planned in the UK. During these drilling operations, build rates of up to 43O1100 ft and penetrations rates of up to 95 ft/hr have been achieved in sandstone and limestone. The Transocean system has also be used for re-entry drilling in Argentina.
The Transocean CT directional assembly consists of the following components starting from the top: "Dual Capillary" CT CT Connector Orienting Tool Double Check Valves Emergency Release Tool Steering Tool Monel Flow Sub Motor with Bent Housing Bit The drillstring for the Transocean CT drilling system is named the "Dual Capillary System" (Figure 5-38) and consists of 80,000 psi or 100,000 psi minimum yield strength CT with two %-in. stainless-steel hydraulic control lines and a standard '/,,-in. mono conductor wireline cable installed internally in the CT. For drilling, the two hydraulic control lines are used to operate the orienting tool, and the monocable is used to transmit the signals from the MWDLWD sensors. Figure 5-38. Dual-Capillary System (Transocean, 1996)
VO 0ri.ntstionTO@
The BHA is attached to the CT with a special connector. The connector (Figure 5-39) provides a mechanical connection which will resist tension, compression, and torsion. With the connector installed, a thread is available on the lower end of the CT for connection of other tools. Both of the control lines and the mono-conductor wireline pass through the CT connector.
The orienting tool is used to rotate the steering tool, motor and bit. This rotation ability is essential to controlled directional drilling. The orienting tool is hydraulically operated. This tool achieves rotation through linear motion of a helical floating piston engaged with a helical key (Figure 5-40). The tool will orient 360" clockwise by hydraulic fluid flow down one control line, and 360" counter-clockwise by hydraulic fluid flow down the other control line. The movement is infinite, i.e., not limited to indexing slots as is the case for previously developed orienters. The torque generated is sufficient to orient while drilling. The tool is hydraulically locked into position by isolating both control lines. The Transocean orienter is placed directly below the connector to allow termination of the hydraulic lines high in the assembly.
,,,,,,,,,, I
Figure 5-40. Transocean Orienting Tool (Transocean, 1996)
is installed in the string to allow controlled release of the downhole tool string in the event of hole collapse or other problems causing the BHA to stick. The release is operated by She overpull. Should the bit, motor, or steering tool become stuck in the hole, overpull will shear the shear in pins in the release tool, allowing retrieval of the ELoctrtc Line (To Steering f 4 orienting tool and CT drillstring. The release is ) placed below the check valves to maintain safety at the surface if release is required. When Stee Tool the tool is released, the wireline pulls loose at the wireline head in the steering tool. Figure 5-4 1 . Emergency Release Tool (Transocean, 1996)
The steering tool is used to measure the direction of the borehole and to guide the directional
, -
driller in properly orienting the bent housing on the motor to achieve the desired wellpath. Because magnetic surveying tools rely on sensing the Earth's magnetic field and are sensitive to magnetic interference, the survey tools are housed in a nonmagnetic collar (Figure 5-42).
m Unc
sprlw culbalzar
Elecbonk Magrdk
Won MagneticColbr
The signals from the survey tool are transmitted to the surface through the mono-conductor wireline cable. The wireline cable terminates at the top of the tool using a standard wireline head. The weak point on this head is where the wireline cable parts in the event of an emergency release of the BHA. The Scientific Drilling survey and gamma-ray tools used in the Transocean steering system are standard wireline tools modified for use in a drilling environment. The modifications include addition of a shock-absorbing sub to reduce the shock loading to the electronics of the tools, and a heat shield to allow extended temperature operating range of the tools (up to 600F). Directional information is usually acquired using inclination and magnetic azimuth sensors. For operations in areas where magnetic interference renders the azimuth readings unusable, a gyro survey tool can be used. Pressure and temperature sensing devices are also available with this system. Pressure measurement can be take from the inside of the string above the motor or in the annulus. Both pressure measurements can be combined.
on the torque and flow-rate requirements for slim-hole CT motor drilling, including PDMs, turbines and electric motors. They addressed the potential minimum diameter for slim motors while still satisfying drilling power requirements. Modeling results demonstrated that currently available motors are capable of producing more torque than is required for drilling horizontal sections. Sanchez et al. considered torque, horsepower and required flow rate for selecting motors for shortradius re-entries. The basic wellbore schematic is shown in Figure 5-43.
cn * .m
,.ow*. 1.m"
C1 = 1.9 C2 = 8.1
ROP lftlhr) = 3 0
N (rprn) = 5 0 0
, -
Results suggested that fluid flow rates of 500-1000 s c h are required for drilling these re-entries. For muds, the critical velocity ranges between 90 and 120 ft/min in vertical wells, with a safety factor of 2 to 4 required in horizontal wells. Flow rates to meet these criteria are shown in Table 5-8. About 160 gpm is needed to clean the horizontal annulus, which is not sufficient to clean the larger vertical section. Almost 220 gpm is required.
TABLE 5-8. Mud Flow Rates for Hole Cleaning (Sanchez et al., 1996)
Vertical Section
Hole OD (in) = 7 2 7 2 7 2
String OD (in) =
90 165
105 193
120 220
90 77
105 90
120 103
Horizontal Section
Hole OD (in) = String OD (in) = Annular area (in2)= Assumed Vmin (fpm) = Flowrate(GPM)= 5
2 13 120 139
5 2 13 240 159
4 2 6 180 61
4 2 6 210 71
4 2 6
13 180 119
Hole OD (in) = 5 3 9 5 3 9 5 3 9 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 4
Flow ratefGPM)=
Several parametric studies were conducted for turbine design in slim-hole applications. The relationship between turbine speed and required rotor radius (Figure 5-44) shows that a 150-stage motor running at 150 rpm requires a rotor radius of less than 1 inch. Even smaller motors could be designed with higher flow rates or more stages.
3.9) .
a1 x
Figure 5-44. Turbine Speed and Rotor Radius (Sanchez et al., 1996)
The constraints of short-radius drilling dictate that the lowest possible number of stages be used so that the assembly can pass through the curve. Sanchez et al.'s analyses suggested that a slim turbine motor could have between 50 and 300 stages and could be run at speeds ranging from 200 to 500 rpm. PDM design would probably focus on a 1:2 lobe configuration to maximize rotary speed for the assumed low WOB for slim-hole drilling, particularly with CT. The relationship between shaft diameter and speed is shown in Figure 5-45.
Figure 5-45. PDM Speed and Rotor Diameter (Sanchez et a]., 1996)
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
The results of a recent study on the feasibility of electric motors for CT drilling (conducted by CTES and sponsored by GRI) suggested that electric motors as small as 4% in. are feasible, running at 1200 to 3600 rpm. A gear box would probably be needed to lower bit rpm. Power output can be as great as 80 HP and torque as high as 160 ft-lb.
Schlumberger Dowell (Gary and Doremus, 1995) summarized the technical and economic factors involved in evaluating prospects for drilling with CT. Parameters that limit the feasibility include CT tension, buckling, collapse pressure, fatigue and standard hydraulic parameters. A procedure for assessing technical-feasibility was mapped out (Figure 5-46). Other limitations may exist only because the required tools have not yet been developed.
Figure 5-46. Flow Chart for Technical Feasibility (Gary and Doremus, 1995)
CT drilling has been found to be suitable for several specific applications. Capabilities within each of these application types are summarized in Table 5-9.
UR up lo 1511W R.
Economic feasibility is strongly impacted by the volume of CT drilling in a specific geographic area (Figure 5-47). Experience can significantly reduce personnel costs and equipment costs (perhaps through equipment purchase instead of rental).
3 wls el
15 w l s el
Continuous activlty
SCHLUMBERGER DOWELL (CUTTZNGS TRANSPORT PROBLEMS) Schlumberger Dowell (Leising and Walton, 1998) evaluated cuttings-transport problems and
solutions for CT drilling. Cuttings transport is among the most significant problems remaining for CT drilling. Current solutions include fluid selection, flow rates, and special operational techniques (wiper trips and pumping viscous slugs). They presented two novel approaches to understanding hole-cleaning problems. The first is applicable to laminar flow and involves considers the distance a cutting will travel up the annulus (the transport length) before it falls to the low side. The second approach is for turbulent flow, for which simple annular velocity is shown to be insufficient for characterizing hole cleaning. A parameter that includes the hydraulic diameter is developed and shown to be a more accurate predictor in turbulent flow. C T drilling has undergone consistent growth (Figure 5-48). About one-fourth of these wells are drilled directionally (mostly horizontal). Cuttings transport remains a special problem in these applications.
, -
Horizontal well
3 aJ 0
a L
Laminar flow
Figure 5-49. Cuttings Transport Length and Viscosity (Leising and Walton, 1998)
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
Wiper trips can be an effective means to aid hole cleaning, if optimized. Typical trips for CT drilling are performed after 50-100 ft of drilling. The CT is normally POOH to just below the window. After the cuttings are stirred, they will fall back to the low side within some number of transport lengths (Figure 5-50). Once in a bed, only mechanical action of the BHA or turbulent flow can move the cuttings again.
Figure 5-50. Cuttings Mixing When POOH (Leising and Walton, 1998) Schlumberger Dowell recommends turbulent flow as the best solution for hole-cleaning problems. As a second line of defense, wiper trips can be designed and optimized. This often means using fewer short trips and muds with lower viscosity. In addition to detailed theoretical analyses, Schlumberger Dowell also presented three case histories illustrating different techniques to solving hole-cleaning problems. Readers are directed to their paper for more details.
HYCALOG (SLIM BIT SELECTION) Hycalog (Feiner, 1995) summarized major concerns for bit selection with respect to slim-hole operations on drill pipe and CT. PDC, TSP, natural diamond, and roller-cone bits are all used in slim-hole drilling. Technical constraints at smaller diameters have lead to design modifications and adjustments to operating practices. Lithological description is key in the initial steps of bit selection. After this type of data is analyzed, other constraints guide bit selection. Due to larger proportions of hydraulic horsepower being consumed by frictional pressure losses, less power is generally available to drive the bit, with correspondingly smaller ratios of HHP/inch2. Torque may also need to be carefully limited due to relative weaknesses in drillstring elements.
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
Identifying the best bit type is the next step. Natural- and synthetic-diamond bits, roller cone, and combination bits have each proven the best choice in particular situations. Basic advantages of these bit types are compared in Table 5-10.
Lowest torque requirements. Can drill most formation types. Can drill out shoes. Adjustable hydraulics.
Moving parts can fail.
High weight on bit. Limited sizes available. Long lead times for new sizes.
Natural diamond
Low torque. Can be manufactured to any size quickly. Drill harder, more abrasive
soft ROP.
natural diamonds. Require less WOB than natural diamonds. Can be manufactured t o any size quickly. Lower torque response than PDC bits.
I natural
greater variety of formations than natural diamonds or TSP alone. Can be manufactured t o any size.
balling potential.
I least
Can produce high ROPs. Needs weight for drilling. Design Shorter
1 out
I manufacturing time.
Slim PDC bits require the least WOB and can typically drill faster and longer than other bit types. Their design parameters are also quite flexible. Reliability of slim PDC bits is also good. Disadvantages of PDCs for slim applications include the highest torque generated of any bit type. 5-47
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
Natural-diamond bits generate low torque. These bits have been used in build sections drilled on CT as a conservative approach to maintain directional control. However, if hydraulics change following a trip, diamond bits cannot be reconfigured at the rig. TSP (thermally stable) bits allow a compromise between PDC and natural diamonds. ROP with TSP bits is faster than with natural diamonds, and less torque is generated than with PDC bits. As another approach to decrease limitations, combination TSPInatural-diamond bits have been successfully used in slim holes (Figure 5-5 1).
In one application in the Austin Chalk, the formation was first identified as able to be drilled with a PDC bit. A 4%-in. lateral section was drilled with a PDC bit with 8-mm cutters. The bit drilled 4584 ft at over 25 fthr, amounting to a world-record run.
Smith International Inc. (Mensa-Wilmot, 1995) summarized considerations for using PDC bits for CT drilling. The usage of CT equipment for drilling operations is still relatively small (Figure 5-52), but the percentage continues to increase slowly. PDC bits have an inherent advantage for CT drilling in that they operate effectively with lower bit weights. Their primary disadvantage is that high torque is generally generated. However, improved designs have gone a great distance toward resolving this problem for CT operations.
I / 1
/ -
Drilling 5%
Proper bit selection is based on understanding the energy requirements and formation removal mechanisms for specific drilling applications. The general limitations of CT drilling are also key in establishing component compatibility. These limitations include the requirement for efficient ROP response to limited WOB, low torque response to increasing WOB, consistent torque response over time, and suitable TFA match to hydraulic limitations of CT. Energy supplied to rotate a PDC bit falls into two general categories: drilling and vibratory. CT drilling efficiency can be greatly improved by reducing vibration tendency. Several features can be incorporated into a bit to reduce vibration (whirl). A stable PDC bit can exhibit a linear relationship between ROP and WOB, and be very effective for CT drilling. In general, motor manufacturers specify operating torque be about half stall torque (safety factor of 2). Stable bits can be operated with a lower safety factor closer to the stall torque than might otherwise be feasible. TFA (total flow area of bit nozzles) is considered differently with CT drilling. Total system pressure drop does not increase as significantly as the hole is deepened because the fluid always travels through the entire length of tubing. The pressure drops of various components are linked to the maximum standpipe pressure from the start of the operation.
APACHE CANADA AND FRACMASTER (DEEP UNDERPRESSURED GAS WELL) Apache Canada and Canadian Fracmaster (McGregor et al., 1997) described results drilling a gas
well with CT in a deep underpressured reservoir. This well was the deepest CT well in Canada at 2572 m TVD (8440 ft). A rotary rig drilled the curve to 90". CT underbalanced drilling was used to drill 368 m of 4%-in. hole including two sidetracks. Production from the formation averaged 5-6 MMscfd during drilling operations. Underbalanced conditions were maintained once productive reservoir was encountered (Figure 5-53). Downhole remained relatively constant without pressure cycling that is more characteristic of underbalanced drilling with conventional jointed pipe.
In three of the wells, pressure deployment was required. Times to deploy improved throughout the campaign (Figure 5-54). Faster times were due to drilling and wireline crews becoming more familiar with procedures and equipment. Deployment times of 6-8 hours are expected for future operations.
Two spools of CT were available for drilling: one 2% and one 27/a inches. The larger string was preferred due to more WOB, stiffness, higher annular velocity, and lower pump pressure. WOB is compared in Figure 5-55 for the two strings. Significantly more WOB is predicted for the 2%-in. string, which should result in improved ROP.
Figure 5-55. Available WOB with 2%- and 2%-in. CT (McGregor et al., 1997)
Apache Canada found that results for this well established CT drilling as an excellent option for
e -
BP Norge and Schlumberger Dowell (Weighill et al., 1996) used CT to deepen a well underbalanced in the Ula Field in the central North Sea. The deepening operation was performed simultaneously with other platform activity, and the drilling returns were routed to platform facilities.
A 7-in. liner was across the Jurassic reservoir. The drilling plan was to clean debris from the well,
drill through the cement, and deepen the well by 100 m. The well flow would provide the underbalance and lift the cuttings (Figure 5-56). Commingled returns would be sent to the platform test separator.
2 ' W I M 111BlH3
The drilling BHA was 50 m in length, and included a 37h-in. bit, motor, double check valves, 2%in. drill collars, bleed-off sub and connector to the 2-in. CT string. A pressure-deployment system was needed due to height limitations. The injector and riser (Figure 5-57) were removed and a wireline lubricator used to deploy the BHA.
The successful attempt at CT drilling was completed in 30 days (24 days planned). Extra days were due to clean-up runs and waiting while other work on the platform was completed. Drilling was 7% of the total time (Figure 5-58). Tripping and deployment consumed about 50% of the time.
Despite the problems, cost savings for the operation were about 25%, as compared to pulling the tubing and drilling conventionally. Additional cost savings are expected on future operations.
Canadian Fracmaster (Graham, 1995) described the successes of underbalanced drilling with CT. Costs and times were analyzed and operational procedures summariied for many wells. Most applications have been limited to 5%- and 4%-in. casing using 2-in. CT. The effective cost for drilling with CT and hanging production tubing in these wells is compared to conventional in Figure 5-59.
Depth (m)
Figure 5-59. Costs for Drilling and Hanging Tubing (Graham, 1995)
The effective time for drilling with CT and hanging production tubing in these wells is compared to conventional in Figure 5-60.
Figure 5-60. Times for Drilling and Hanging Tubing (Graham, 1995)
Most layouts have taken the form of nitrogen with a blooie line, nitrogen with a test separator (Figure 5-61), or air with a blooie line.
60 bbl tank
Over 90% of the CT underbalanced drilling operations have been completed without downhole or drillstring failures.
CANADIAN FRACMASTER (CT DRILLING SOUR GAS CARBONATE) Canadian Fracmaster (Cox, 1996) reviewed the underbalanced CT drilling operation of a 2300-m
TVD sour gas carbonate formation in Central Alberta. This well was a horizontal extension of a new well in the Crossfield formation. They analyzed problems and concerns with hole cleaning, wellbore stability, motor performance at low liquid rates, and recirculation of sour liquids as part of the drilling fluid. The CT BHA (Figure 5-62) included a downhole pressure sub. Wireline was used for the steering tool and dual capillary tubes controlled the bidirectional orienting tool.
1 C.T. Connector
Orienting Tool
Safety Disconnect
Pressure Sub
Stalling occurred frequently early in the drilling operation. Peaks in tubing pressure may be used as indicators of stalling, but are not effective with high N, ratios. An effective indicator was found to be vibration amplitude (peak g readings). Peak g's with various fluid rates are shown in Figure 5-63. Increased liquid rates controlled vibration to a large extent. Vibration was most stable for an overbalanced drilling phase (at 2515 m MD) and least stable during mist drilling (distillate at 1 limin).
Figure 5-63. Liquid Injection Rate and BHA Vibrations (Cox, 1997)
Canadian Fracmaster found that drilling with high gas ratio fluids or mist can result in excessive vibration and potential damage to the steering tool. Vibrations can be minimized by increasing liquid ratios in the drilling fluid. Monitoring peak-g vibration readings can help optimize drilling performance by indicating when the BHA is between the stall point and the damage threshold for downhole tools. Hole cleaning was found to be difficult with mist drilling in a horizontal well, requiring more frequent wiper trips.
Crestar Energy and Canadian Fracmaster (Borbely et al., 1997) summarized results of an analysis of costs and effectiveness of drilling underbalanced with CT for five horizontal wells in Southeast Alberta. Operational factors and costs were compared across the project. All drilling objectives were met. Two of the wells (in the Jenner pool) were drilled on budget; the other three (Majorvilie pool) were drilled 15% under budget. Rotary rigs were used to drill the curves and set casing to 90". CT rigs were then used to drill the horizontal sections underbalanced. ROPs for CT drilling are compared in Figure 5-64.
The time distribution for the entire five-well project (Figure 5-65) illustrates that equipment reliability needs to be improved (15% total time for repairs), although this was not unexpected with new and still-developing technology.
The timeldepth curves (Figure 5-66) shows nonproductive repair time for several of the wells. At the other end of the spectrum, well 11-3 1 was rigged up, drilled 119 m horizontally, and rigged down in less than 48 hrs.
If00 1200
. .~ . . ~ . .
1400 1500
1600 . .
1100 0
100 120
T i e (hours)
FLEXTUBE (CT DRILLING WITH AIR) Flextube (Groves, 1995) discussed the evolution of CT drilling with air. Over 50 wells were
deepened with CT and air in 1994 by MatrixFlextube and Canadian Fracmaster. Depths ranged from 220 to 640 m. Generally, 27/a-in. motors were run with 37/a-in. tricone bits. A typical well-control BOP rig-up is shown in Figure 5-67 for air drilling.
Wellhead Pressure Lcrs Than 7000 kPa m d H2S Content ofGas Lcrs Than 10 ppm aek-off or Stripper
, -
Air rates used in these jobs ranged from 320 to 775 scfm. Waterlsoap rates ranged from 5 to 40 llmin. The best performance with respect to hole cleaning and ROP seemed to be achieved with 17-19 m3/min air and 5-10 Ilmin liquid. ROP ranged from 1 to 120 m/hr.
of larger CT (2% and 2% inches) for drilling larger holes (up to 6% inches). CT and underbalanced drilling have proven of great benefit in the Glauconite "A"Field in southern Alberta. A significant reduction in formation damage is enjoyed by maintaining underbalanced conditions 100% of the time while drilling. Differential sticking is also reduced. Two case studies were analyzed. Large CT (2% in.) was used to drill 6l/e-in. hole out of 7-in. casing. The BHA (Figure 5-68) included non-magnetic collars and a bidirectional orienting tool.
, I - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - _
C.T. Connector
Orienting Tool
LJEaEE3izsEi3~m-1 I
Pressure Sub
h i Float Sub
Figure 5-68. CT Drilling BHA (Elsborg et al., 1996) Pressure data recorded by a downhole sub (Figure 5-69) showed that the entire horizontal section was drilled underbalanced with a BHP of near 5600 kPa (812 psi) as compared to an estimated wellbore pressure of 6000 kPa (870 psi). Over 100 m3 of oil was produced while drilling the 235-m (770 ft) horizontal section.
Two 6l/s-in. wells (one underbalanced and one overbalanced) and two 4%-in. wells from an adjacent field were compared with respect to costs (Figure 5-70). It was noted that Taber N 16-2, the most costly case, was drilled during winter conditions; the other three were under more favorable summer conditions.
TaberlJ 9-6
CT Horiz
Aug 95
TaberN 11-6
CT Horir Sep 95
TaberN 16-2
CT Horiz Dec 95
TaberN 8-2
Conventional 0.6. Jun 93
Mobil Canada found that, while there is room for much optimization in equipment and procedures, applying underbalanced drilling to the Glauconite pool yielded excellent results.
field with an objective of determining the highest ROP that can be attained with underbalanced CT drilling. Four wells were drilled with CT in the Glauconite formation in Alberta. ROPs up to 60 mihr (197 ftlhr) were attained for sustained periods of drilling. Although high-rate drilling has obvious economic advantages, other complexities must be dealt with, such as directional steering capability and hole-cleaning effectiveness.
CT drilling costs are highly impacted by ROP (Figure 5-71). These data are for a typical Glauconite oil well in Southeast Alberta. The most important variable costs are rig day rate and nitrogen volumes, both of which are highly dependent on ROP.
ROP (mlhr)
Figure 5-71. CT Underbalanced Drilling Costs and ROP (Elsborg et al., 1996) Hole-cleaning concerns can greatly decrease ROP. Wiper trips are a common strategy to assist hole cleaning. Typical wiper trips take 30 to 90 minutes, thereby slowing ROP and increasing day costs. True and effective ROPs for these four CT underbalanced wells are compared in Figure 5-72. Only well 15-2 was drilled without wiper trips, so that true and effective ROP are equal for this case.
Effective ROP
14-1 3
The long-term trend in ROP and costs for CT underbalanced wells in this area shows an overall decrease in costs and an increase in ROP (Figure 5-73). The impact of technological developments and optimization in drilling practices is evident in this graph.
Figure 5-73. Trends in ROP and Drilling Costs (Elsborg et a]., 1996)
High-ROP drilling with CT was found to be feasible. They also concluded that build rates should be as tight as possible (15-20130 r ) n.
planning, contracting, and field operations for drilling an underbalanced CT sidetrack in the Dalen sour gas field in the Netherlands. Underbalanced drilling with CT was shown to be an attractive approach for avoiding probelms with previously standard overbalanced drilling. There were a variety of problems with this first effort with CT, but great potential was demonstrated for this application. The drilling plan (Figure 5-74) called for abandoning the lower section of the original vertical well, sidetracking to the top of the reservoir, cementing a liner (both with a workover rig), and finally drilling a 3%-in. hole through the reservoir (underbalanced with CT).
Lower Trlaaaic
9.518' 2428 m AH
7' 2468 rn AH
Zechstein Salt
5' 2985 m AH
Zechstein Carbonate
Figure 5-74. Planned Sidetrack of Dalen 2 (Adam and Beny, 1995)
Qas to ~ r o d u c ~ c n ~
Wellhead ESD Hydraulic Safety Valve Sand Filters and Catchers Heat Exchanger Choke Manlfold Separator Knockout Vessel Gas Manifold Drllling fluid Surge Tank
10 Condensate Surge Tank 11 Vlscoue Plll Surge Tank 12 Cuttings Tank 13 Transfer Pumps 14 Settlement IDegassing Tank 15 Drilling Fluid Suction Tank 16 Mud Pumps 17 Drllllng Fluld Storage & Mixing 18 Coiled Tubing Unlt
NAM provided a long discussion on the problems of the project and the valuable lessons for future efforts. Problems with the orienting tool were significant and the well was terminated far short of the planned length. The level of underbalance was easily controlled. High ROPs were demonstrated under underbalanced conditions (18 rnhr as compared to 2-3 rnhr for conventional overbalanced conditions).
Petroleum Development Oman (Surewaard et al., 1997) summarized results from a 15-well CT drilling campaign conducted in several Oman fields. About 800 of Oman's 2000 wells had been identified as candidates for re-entry with CT. PDO originally conducted a three-well campaign in 1994 to demonstrate basic technical feasibility of CT drilling. The second larger campaign was conducted in 1996 and 1997 (Figure 5-76) to demonstrate economic competitiveness with a conventional rig for sidetracking, and to demonstrate technical feasibility of short-radius, through-tubing, multilateral, and underbalanced drilling. They concluded that conventional sidetracks do not yet present an attractive application for CT drilling in PDO. Underbalanced through-tubing applications, however, were very successful and will be the focus in the future.
,!::;:; , ! , ! .,..,..,...,.
:., .i . ' .
Overbalanced drilling was performed in five wells in the Fahud Field. The costs of these mediumradius horizontal re-entries was about 45% above conventional. The primary reasons for the higher costs were cited: 1) lack of commitment and skills of contractor, 2) specialized equipment not fit for purpose, and 3) poor selection of well candidates. Another six CT wells were drilled in the Yibal Field. Four of the six were drilled underbalanced to demonstrate the improvements with this approach. Sidetracks were drilled out of existing horizontal liners. All CT holes were 3% in. out of 4%-in. completions. A full package of test equipment was added to the CT underbalanced surface equipment (Figure 5-77). In addition to the normal closed-loop three-phase separator, a main solids filtration unit was included and found essential for solids removal to protect the BHA components.
Figure 5-77. Surface Equipment for Underbalanced Drilling (Surewaard et al., 1997)
A telling comparison is shown in Figure 5-78 between Yibal well Y-437 (which was drilled overbalanced) and well Y-199 (which was drilled underbalanced). Both are multilateral wells which were
drilled through tubing. Significantly higher ROP for the underbalanced well (between 25 to 75 mlhr) reduced times dramatically for that case, as compared to a CT overbalanced drilling operation.
Figure 5-78. Time Distribution for CT OverNnderbalanced Wells (Surewaard et al., 1997)
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Early production results suggests that production rate is improved in the underbalanced wells, but has not yet been fully quantified based on offset data.
SHELL CANADA, DOWELL, NORTHLAND (HOUSE MT. SIDETRACK) Shell Canada, Schlumberger Dowell, and Northland (Milligan et al., 1996) drilled the first
horizontal section with CT in the House Mountain Field in Alberta. Large 23/e-in. CT was used to drill underbalanced with nitrified water. ROPs were up to three times faster with underbalanced drilling. The project used a combination rig approach, with a conventional rig used for window milling out of the existing 4%-in. casing and drilIing the curve. CT was then rigged up to drill the horizontal section underbalanced.
A closed production control system was used to handle cuttings for underbalanced drilling (Figure 5-79). A special separator was used that could handle a gas flow rate of 45 MMscfd and a liquid rate of 25,000 BPD.
The drilling BHA for the horizontal section is shown in Figure 5-80.
CT connector NR joint
Drilling Connector Flowby hsg Orienting tool
nw vatve
XO sub
Slim 1 top (wlpulser)
Slim 1 - bottom
The team found that no unusual problems were associated with underbalanced drilling. However, careful planning was a necessity. Bit orientation using mud-pulse telemetry was also effective. Circulating pressures were kept low, saving fatigue life of the CT string.
Fast trip times with CT contributed to the overall cost reduction. The time distribution for the 290m (950-ft) horizontal section is shown in Figure 5-81.
ARCO ALASKA AND DOWELL (CT DRILLING PRACTICES AT PRUDHOE BAY) ARCO Alaska and Schlumberger Dowell (Goodrich et al., 1996) summarized general practices
for CT drilling operations at Prudhoe Bay. Drilling with CT has included simple extensions through liners
t to horizontal sidetracks through tubing (Figure 5-82). MDs greater than 13.000 f have been achieved with 3%-in. bits on 2-in. CT. Less aggressive PDC bits are used to reduce stalling. ROPs average 10-20 Whr in shale and 30-70 fthr in sand. Weight transfer and hole cleaning have been improved through the use
of low-solids polymer drilling mud to drill overbalanced.
. . ,
, ,
Gas Lift Mandrel Production Packer PBR With Fluted NoGo XN Nipple Milled to 3.80 inches
3.80 Casing Exit
17 PPG Fiber Cement Mipstock Plug
CT drilling operations at Pmdhoe Bay combine a well service rig and a CT rig (Figure 5-83). This approach provides an effective all-weather platform for re-entries and completion operations.
Cutlings Box
Pi!, Pi,
Gen Set
Prime Mover!
Uprlght Tanks
A typical CT drilling BHA (Figure 5-84) is about 50 tin length. These components may be combined in various ways for different operations.
Hydraulic Diwnnecl
Circulating Sub
Non Rotating Joint Top Half Non Rotating Joint Bottom Half Float Sub
Flow Tube
Figure 5-84. Typical CT Drilling BHA
CT drilling of new hole is performed overbalanced with a solids-free premium grade xanthan biopolymer system. Sidetracking with CT costs about 40% less than rotary sidetracks. The economic advantage is in eliminating the cost of pullinglrunning or purchasing production tubing and completion equipment.
ARCO Exploration & Production Technology (Hightower, 1997) summarized their experience drilling wells with CT in Texas, California, New Mexico and Alaska. ARCO has drilled about 70 wells, and has enjoyed overall success rates of 90% (mechanical) and 85% (economic). Significant CT drilling activity has been ongoing and will continue into the foreseeable future at Prudhoe Bay (Figure 5-85).
Both major operators at Prudhoe Bay (ARC0 and BPX) are using hybrid rigs that combine small arctic workover units with CT rigs (Figure 5-86). These hybrid systems can readily run jointed pipe as required. A third hybrid unit should be fabricated in 1998.
Figure 5-86. Hybrid Rig for Arctic Operations (Hightower, 1997) Most CT drilling jobs have run 27/e-in. BHAs on 2- or 2%-in. CT. A low-solids, low shear-rate polymer drilling fluid is normally used at an overbalance of 200-300 psi. Windows have been cut through 7 and 9%-in. casing. Sidetracks with horizontal sections of up to 2300 ft have been drilled (Figure 5-87).
Figure 5-87. Typical CT Sidetrack at Prudhoe Bay (Hightower, 1997) Tools and techniques have improved significantly since the CT drilling program was begun. A current cost distribution is shown in Figure 5-88 for Prudhoe Bay. ARC0 noted that well costs have decreased despite the fact that re-entry candidates have become progressively more difficult.
Drill Curve Mill Window
pe.orate II /o O
Postrig 1 4%
Figure 5-88. Cost Distribution for CT Drilling at Prudhoe Bay (Hightower, 1997)
About 60% of the CT wells are sidetracks; 40% are extensions (deepenings). 5-77
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BEB, INTEQ AND NOWSCO (BARENBURG RE-ENTRY) BEB Erdgas & Erdol GmbH, Baker Hughes INTEQ and Nowsco UK Ltd. (Eide et al., 1995)
performed a successful horizontal re-entry in a shallow, depleted, water-flooded reservoir in Northern Germany. The entire project was completed using a CT rig and without intervention from a conventional drilling rig or workover rig. CT systems were used to mill the window, drill the curve, run the curve liner, fish for a lost BHA, drill the horizontal section at balanced conditions, log the hole, and run production tubulars. The capabilities of CT drilling were extended significantly through developments made during this project. These developments included a special support structure positioned over the well to support the injector and serve as a work platform. The support structure (Figure 5-89) constructed for use with the CT drilling system has a design load capacity of 55 tonnes (61 tons). The platform is large enough to allow the CT injector to be slid off to one side of the wellhead. A successful horizontal re-entry was drilled in the low-pressure Barenburg field. A 5'/8-in. window was cut through both 65/0- and 9%-in. casing (Figure 5-90). Hole-cleaning problems slowed ROP in the curve. The BHA was lost during one wiper trip. Fortunately, the fish was successfully recovered.
Nevi-Drill Navl-Drill
Starting Mill
Window Mlii
Whipstock Assembty
DW1 Packer
The lateral was drilled with a 4%-in. assembly. Increasing fluid losses were combated by injecting nitrogen with the drilling fluid. ROP also slowed due to motor stalling. Finally, nitrogen was injected through a parasitic string, allowing maintenance of a slight underbalance with only small losses. The lateral reached TD at 1050 m (Figure 5-91). ROP averaged 10.5 m/hr (34 ftrhr) in the lateral. Small influxes and losses were safely handled.
, .
The Barenburg well was completed with 3%-in. slotted liner run on CT out to 946 m. The toe of the well was left open-hole. 4%-in. production tubing, which had been prepared for later installation of a beam pump, was run to complete the well (Figure 5-92).
4%. Tublng
1722HAH 1804MH
1B50WH -
Wlndav 189819121lAH
Top Wlndow
5 H Cmpleled R e e v c i r Seciian %
wells to shallow gas targets in the San Juan Basin in Northwestern New Mexico. An initial three-well pilot project was completed first. Results were analyzed for several months, and then an additional six wells were drilled with the system. CT drilling was found to be an economical option for drilling shallow gas wells.
A standard workover rig was used to drill surface hole and run surface casing. After CT drilling of the production hole, the workover rig was used to install production casing.
A polymer water-base mud system was used for CT drilling. Mud weights of 9.2 ppg were sufficient to prevent water and gas flow. A 3000-ft string of 2- by 0.188-in. CT was used. Following the three-well pilot project, job procedures were revised and a six-well development project was performed. ROP for these wells (Figure 5-93) shows that the first and last three wells had different ranges of ROP (40-60 f a r versus 60-80 ftlhr). These groups of wells were in different areas, so geologic differences are the probable cause.
Figure 5-93. ROP for the Six-Well Project (Moon et al., 1996)
A cost comparison for the three-well pilot project (Figure 5-94) shows that costs were less than those of an offset well drilled with a conventional rig.
Well U I
Well tl2
Well W3
Imperial Oil Resources (Rice, 1995) described their early experiences with CT drilling of two vertical wells. The first well was drilled from a depth of 145 m to 1450 m using 2%-in. CT and overbalanced conditions. The second case was an underbalanced deepening. They found that costs were not competitive with conventional drilling systems for overbalanced grass-roots wells. They concluded that underbalanced operations, however, could be more safely and economically drilled with CT. The first well operation was designed to assess the performance of CT drilling in a conventional overbalanced drilling application. The well was completed successfully, but costs for this operation (Figure 5-95) were high-about 16% over budget and 78% more than an offset conventional well. Mechanical failures with the early-generation drilling tools were a primary cause of cost overage.
a a 10 a em a a a
Trip times with CT were faster than conventional operations (Figure 5-96). However, the higher day rates for CT equipment consumed the cost savings from faster trips.
ROPs for this new well drilled overbalanced with CT are summarized in Figure 5-97.
m FTD -
a -
Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij, Halliburton Energy Services, and Sperry-Sun Drilling Services (Gunningham et al., 1997) presented a case history from a well drilled in the Dutch Sector of the North Sea from a jack-up drilling unit. The rig was used to start the sidetrack and recomplete the well. CT was then mobilized to drill the new hole (230 fi of 3%-in. hole). The operation was completed to 12.486 ft MD in 33.5 hours with one BHA and bit.
In the first completion of the well, incompatibility of the drilling fluid (much of which was stored in fractures) and the fracturing fluid resulted in the formation of gunk that plugged the well. A new sidetrack was planned with CT so that lost-circulation material would not need to be pumped.
A series of tests was conducted onshore prior to drilling. Fatigue life of the 2-in. string was tested,
deployment of the 3-in. drilling BHA was demonstrated, and hydraulics models were validated. The site lay-out on the jack-up rig is shown in Figure 5-98. Injector capacity was 100 kips pull; 2-in. CT was used.
Spacing from the swab valve above the Christmas tree to the hydraulic connector was over 60 ft (Figure 5-99). The BHA could be deployed into the riser and pressure tested with the swab valve closed.
5.9 M t r .
4 lH6"
SERIES JUA4 4 1H6" 10M WDRACON WIW U T M UNlMl - 10M BX 155 Flanged
Average ROP was 6.3 ft/hr through the Rotliegendes Upper Slochteren Sandstone. Short holecleaning trips were made to the casing shoe every 50 ft.
Saga Petroleum ASA, Schlumberger Anadrill, The Red Baron, and Texas Iron Works (Pedersen et al., 1997) provided a highly detailed account of planning and qualification operations for a multilateral CT re-entry in the Snorre Field in the Norwegian North Sea. They outlined the reservoir development strategy, the plan for the re-entry, results from equipment qualification testing, and lessons learned from full-scale testing. The overall project was broken into three phases. Phase I was a CT drilling feasibility study. Saga was in close contact with ARC0 for consultation during this effort. Results showed that CT drilling was viable and that cost savings of up to 70% might be possible for drilling lateral branches through tubing rather than conventionally. Phase I1 involved planning and qualification testing. The well candidate was selected. Surface equipment were identified for both underbalanced and overbalanced drilling. New purpose-built equipment was manufactured based on qualification tests. A full-scale drilling test was conducted onshore as a final part of Phase 11. Phase I11 efforts were to drill the well offshore, and was scheduled for summer 1997.
, -
A two-branch multilateral completion was planned (Figure 5-100). TVD for the two horizontal branches is the same as their respective KOPs. Azimuthal separation between the horizontal sections is almost 180"
Branch 1 is relatively simple with minimal azimuth changes. Branch 2 requires a change in azimuth of over 150". The windows for the two branches are almost in the same azimuthal orientation (Figure 5-101). As a result, only limited WOB will be available at TD.
Figure 5- 10 1. KOPs for two Windows (Pedersen et al., 1997) Readers are directed to Pedersen et al.'s paper for a wide variety of design details and testing results.
Shell Expro UK (Lord et al., 1997) summarized the planning, yard tests, and CT drilling of a well (CN3 1) in the L K North Sea. An important feature of this operation was that the platform rig was drilling T a conventional sidetrack nearby at the same time. CT operations included milling a window, drilling a 3%in. wellbore, and completing the section with 27/s-in. predrilled liner.
The platform rig is scheduled for full utilization until the platform is to be abandoned. New drilling techniques were needed to access an additional 40 MMBO. CT drilling was tested as a potential concurrent drilling operation (Figure 5-102).
Figure 5-102. CT and Platform Rig Drilling Concurrently (Lord et al., 1997)
Remedial work was required on CN3 1. After completion in December 1994, two of the target reservoirs were found to be missing. The KOP for the new section was chosen to avoid contacting shale layers while CT drilling, due to previous problems. Four field trials were conducted prior to going offshore. The first was a pumping trial to ensure that 2 bbl/min could be pumped (to run the MWD system) while staying below the CT pressure limit of 4000 psi. A window milling trial was performed. Components of the drilling BHA were handled without a crane. Critical components were drifted in the existing completion with a drill bit. The window milling procedure is shown in Figure 5-103. During the final milling run, the BHA became stuck, had to be disconnected, and was recovered after three attempts.
SHELL UK E&P (CT WELL AT BRENT) ell UK E&P (Donald et al., 1997) described planning and successful field operations for the first well in the Brent Field in the UK Sector of the North Sea. Another publication describing the as presented by the CT contractor, Transocean ASA, whose perspective is summarized in
Sjonberg (1997). An alternative to conventional rigs is needed for through-tubing re-entries at Brent. About 40 wells are candidates for these sidetracks. CT was tested in well BD38 with a 3%-in. bit through 5%-in. tubing. An open-hole section of almost 1500 ft was planned, with reservoir pressures of 5000+ psi, and the potential to cross as many as ten fluid contacts. Zonal isolation was vital. The well was drilled, logged, lined, cemented, and perforated successfully. Major lessons learned were summarized by Shell. CT drilling was able to be performed concurrently while the main rig drilled. Differential sticking could be overcome by flowing the well and underbalancing the annulus. ROPs greater than 35 fthr were observed along with good hole cleaning. CT maintenance was an important concern due to the abnormal duration of drilling operations as compared to normal CT operations.
Statoil Norway (Gaasn et a]., 1998) presented results from the first CT sidetrack on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The AIOA well was drilled from the Gullfaks A platform out 254 m to drain a small reservoir pocket. The operation was designed to qualify CT drilling for the field. After the tail-pipe assembly was removed from the well, a window was milled through 7-in. liner, a 3%-in. hole drilled to TD, a 2%-in. liner run and cemented, and the well perforated under balanced.
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The platform rig was out of service during the operation. The CT injector and strippers were placed over the drill floor and the BOPS below the floor (Figure 5-104).
C o i l 4 Tubing Drilling Smviws NORWAY
Figure 5-104. Surface Stack for AlOA Sidetrack (Gaasra et al., 1998) The build section was relatively problem free. Schlumberger Dowell's Viper BHA was used to drill a straight tangent by continuously rotating the BHA at 1 rpm. Differential sticking was a problem. TD was declared 15 m short of planned TD after sliding became impossible. Statoil learned that the drilling fluid needs to be optimized with respect to differential sticking. They suggested that underbalanced drilling is the natural direction for CT drilling.
Statoil plans to sidetrack another two wells in the field in late 1998.
5-9 1
Sultan Qaboos University (Al-Harthy and Kalam, 1997) summarized experiences and lessons learned drilling with CT in Oman. Six horizontal sidetracks have been drilled in North Oman to analyze the feasibility of the technique. Three drilling problem areas they encountered on these wells were described in their paper:
2. Hole-cleaning problems. They calculated lifting capacity for 1-, 2%- and 4%-in. tubing, cuttings diameters up to 1 inch, and drilling fluids of 2 and 14 cP. Under these conditions, 4%-in. CT was preferred for hole cleaning, but considered inappropriate due to tubing handling difficulties. Installing liners to reduce the annulus diameter while drilling was another option considered; however, tubing handling with the CT rig is still an issue. 3. Difficulties handling jointed tubing. In the future, a hybrid CT rig may be deployed that can easily handle jointed and coiled tubing. Another viable option is to have a part-time workover rig available. Based on analysis of these problems and potential solutions, Sultan Qaboos University concluded that C T drilling is not feasible for sidetracks out of relatively large vertical completions unless tie-back liners cantbe run efficiently. A hybrid rig was seen as a solution for many of the field problems observed.
Adam, J. and Beny, M., 1995: "Through Completion Underbalanced Coiled Tubing Side Track of Well Dalen-2," presented at the IADC Well Control Conference for Europe, Milan, June 9. Al-Harthy, S.S. and Kalarn, M.Z., 1997: "Coiled Tubing Applications in the Sultanate of Oman," SPE 38396, presented at 2ndNorth American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Borbely, L. et al., 1997: "Coiled Tubing Horizontal Underbalanced Drilling Project; Costs and Operational Analyses," SPE 38399, presented at 2nd North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Cox, R. 1996: "Horizontal Underbalanced Drilling in a Sour Gas Carbonate Using Coiled Tubing: A Case Study," SPE 37075, presented at the SPE International Conference on Horizontal Well Technology, Calgary, November 18-20.
Donald, D. et al., 1997: "Brent's First Coiled Tubing Drilled Well," JPT, June. Elsborg, C. et al., 1996: "High Penetration Rate Drilling with Coiled Tubing," SPE 37074, presented at International Conference on Horizontal Well Technology, Calgary, November 18-20 Elsborg, C.C. et al., 1996: "Large Diameter Coiled Tubing Drilling," SPE 37053, presented at the SPE International Conference on Horizontal Well Technology, Calgary, November 18-20. Gaasnr, R. et al., 1998: "The First Coiled Tubing Sidetrack in Norway, Gullfaks Field," IADCISPE 39305, presented at IADCISPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, March 3-6. Gary, S.C. and Doremus, D.M., 1995: "Technical and Economical Feasibility of Coiled Tubing Drilling," SPE 30490, presented at Annual Technical Conference, Dallas, October 22-25. Gleitrnan, D.D. et al., 1996: "Newly Applied BHA Elements Contribute Towards Mainstreaming of Coiled Tubing Drilling Applications," IADCISPE 35 130, presented at IADCISPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans, March 12-15. Goodrich, G.T. et al., 1996: "Coiled Tubing Drilling Practices at Prudhoe Bay," IADCISPE 35 128, presented at IADCISPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans, March 12-15.
Graham, R., 1995: "Underbalanced Drilling with Coiled Tubing: A Safe, Economical Method for Drilling and Completing Gas Wells," paper 95-16, presented at the 46h Annual Technical Meeting of the Petroleum Society of CIM, Banff, Alberta, May 14-17. Groves, W.G., 1995: "Drilling Using Coiled Tubing and Air," presented at the 3rdAnnual North American Conference on Emerging Technologies and Application, Calgary, May 15-16. Gu, H. and Walton, I.C., 1996: "Designing Under and Near Balanced Coiled Tubing Drilling Using Computer Simulations," SPE 35665, presented at Western Regional Meeting, Anchorage, May 22-24. Gunningham, M.C. et al., 1997: "Coiled Tubing Drilling case History, Offshore The Netherlands," SPE 38395, presented at 2ndNorth American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Hearn, D.D. et al., 1996: "Coiled Tubing Window Milling," IADCISPE 35126, presented at IADCISPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans, March 12-15. Hightower, C.M. 1997: "Operator's Coiled Tubing Drilling Program Gets Good Results," World Oil, October. Leising, L.J. et al., 1995: "Sidetracking Technology for Coiled Tubing Drilling," SPE 30486, presented at Annual Technical Conference, Dallas, October 22-25. 5-93
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Leising, L.J. et al., 1998: "Cuttings Transport Problems and Solutions in Coiled Tubing Drilling," IADCISPE 39300, IADCISPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, March 3-6. Leismer, Dwayne et al., 1996: "Coiled Tubing Drilling: Real Time MWD with Dedicated Powers to the BHA," OTC 8227, presented at Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, May 6-9. Lord, David et al., 1997: "Shell Expro's First Application of Coiled Tubing Drilling," presented at 5" International Conference on Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention, Houston, February 4-6. McGregor, B. et al., 1997: "Application of Coiled Tubing Drilling Technology on a Deep Underpressured Gas Reservoir," SPE 38397, presented at 2nd North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Milligan, M. et al., 1996: "Coiled Tubing Drilling of Horizontal Sidetrack in House Mountain Field, Alberta," IADCISPE 35 127, presented at IADCISPE Drilling Conference, New Orleans, March 1215. Moon, R.G. et al., 1996: "Shallow Gas Well Drilling with Coiled Tubing in the San Juan Basin," SPE 36463, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, October 6-9. Newman, K.R. et al., 1996: "The Feasibility of Using and Electric Downhole Motor to Drill with Coiled Tubing," SPE 36343, presented at 1" North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Conroe, Texas, February 26-28. Pedersen, Knut et al., 1997: "Multilateral Branch Drilling Through Tubing, with Coiled Tubing Drilling, Planned for Snorre Field, Snorred TLP (Tension Leg Platform) In North Sea, Norway," presented at 5" International Conference on Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention, Houston, February 4-6. Pitman, Malcolm et al., 1997: "Casing Exit Techniques Using Coiled Tubing: Worldwide Case Histories," SPE 38428, presented at 2nd North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Rice, Bill, 1995: "Imperial Oil Resources Limited Coiled Tubing Drilling Experience," paper 95903, presented at CADEICAODC Spring Drilling Conference, April 19-21. Rommetveit, Rolv et al., 1995: "A Dynamic Model for Underbalanced Drilling with Coiled Tubing," SPE/IADC 29363, presented at SPE/IADC Drilling Conference, Amsterdam, February 28March 2. Selby, Bruce et al., 1998: "Hybrid Coiled Tubing System for Offshore Re-entry Drilling and Workover," IADC/SPE 39374, presented at IADCISPE Drilling Conference, Dallas, March 3-6.
Sjonberg, Geir, 1997: "Coiled Tubing Drilling: Successful Drilling Offshore in the IVorth Sea," presented at 5" International Conference on Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention, Houston, February 4-6. Surewaard, J. et al., 1997: "One Year Experience with Coiled Tubing Drilling," SPE/IADC 39260, presented at Middle East Drilling Technology Conference, Bahrain, November 23-25. Thorby, Helge, 1995: "Underbalanced Drilling with Coiled Tubing-A Reference of Work to Date," presented at 31d Annual Conference on Emerging Technology, Aberdeen, May 3 1-June 2. Townsend, Steve et al., 1997: "Evaluation of Through Tubing Whipstock System to Exit Both 7-in. and 9%-in. Casing Strings Using Coiled Tubing," presented at 5" International Conference on Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention, Houston, February 4-6. Weighill, Geoff and Thoreby, Helge, 1996: "Underbalanced CT Drilling Success on Ula," BP Downhole Talk, Issue 55, February. Weighill, G. et al., 1996: "Underbalanced Coiled Tubing Drilling Experience on the Ula Field," SPE 35544, presented at European Production Operations Conference, Stavanger, Norway, April 16-17.
6 . Fatigue
6. Page FATIGUE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7
. . . . . . . . . . . 6-3
. . . . 6-6 . . . . . 6-7
CTES (CT WELDING TECHNIQUES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-10 CTES (MODEL FOR DIAMETRAL GROWTH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-11 CTES. ARCO. AND GRI (CT ELONGATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-13 DREXELREXAS OIL TOOLS. CTES AND NOWSCO (BOPRAMDESIGN) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-15
6.8 6.9
6.10 HALLIBURTON AND QUALITY TUBING (FATIGUE OF LARGE CT) . . . . . . . . 6-16 6.1 1 JNOC AND SUMITOMO METAL TECH (AMORPHOUS DIFFUSION BONDING) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-18 6.12 NAM. HALLIBURTON. AND ROSEN (CT INSPECTION SYSTEM) . . . . . . . . . . 6-19 6.13 NOWSCO UK (FATIGUE MODEL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-21
6.14 QUALITY TUBING (FAILURES IN CT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-23 6.15 RIT (CT INTEGRITY MONITOR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-24 6.16 SAS INDUSTRIES (FATIGUE LIFE AND CT STRENGTH) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-25 6.1 7 SCHLUMBERGER DOWELL (CT STRAIGHTENING AND FATIGUE) . . . . . . . . 6-26
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-30
6.20 REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 . Fatigue
Agip S.p.A. and Nowsco Well Service (Maroli et al., 1996) presented results from a study of the feasibility of modifying a conventional CT unit for use in workovers in deep HTHP oil wells. Prior to the study, maximum allowable wellhead pressure was set as 5000 psi, maximum depth 17,000 ft, and maximum pick-up 25,000 Ib. Conditions in the Villafortuna/Trecate field in Italy required wellhead pressures of 8500 psi and downhole operations at temperatures of 330F. Laboratory tests were performed to evaluate tubing and stripper life. The impact of tubing ovality and ballooning was also investigated for high-pressure operations. --;A&es --.<.* of fatigue tests was conducted for surface equipment using a special full-scale fixture
(Figure 6 4 . Failure was defined as either a loss of internal pressure or of ballooning of the tubing beyond the limit for passing through the stuffing box.
Figure 6-1. Test Fixture for High-pressure Tests (Maroli et al., 1996)
6- 1
New material for stripper rubbers was tested at 8000 psi. No benefits with respect to element wear were observed for the use of lubricant on the exterior of the tubing. A gooseneck radius of 98 in. and reel core diameter of 100 in. were selected. The work spool was sized to hold 24,000 ft of 1%-in. CT. Well-control equipment (Figure 6-2) was rated to operations at 10,000 psi. The most likely tubing failure mode was collapse. An annular BOP was included below the quad BOP to preserve well control in the event of collapse of the CT.
,f$, 1
Figure 6-2. Surface Equipment for HPHT Operations (Maroli et al., 1996) In high-pressure operations, tubing ovality and ballooning are major concerns. An ovality monitor was installed on the level wind. The modified system was successfully mobilized in the HTHP field. In the first application, an asphaltene plug was removed. Maximum internal pressure was 7000 psi. About 9% of the string cycle life was consumed for the operation. The remaining cycles after the job are shown in Figure 6-3. Locations where wall thickness of this tapered string changes are clearly indicated.
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6-3. Available Fatigue Cycles for HTHP Work String (Maroli et al., 1996) An
- ,Tbremaining capacity of the same string with respect to ballooning is shown in Figure 6-4.
" A -
in&makg&esaureof 6500 psi is assumed. About 30 cycles are available until the diametral growth limit " of 0.050 inches is surpassed.
$ 0
1 ,
[?n Pressure
6500.00 psi
1 I1
Figure 6-4. Available Cycles for Ballooning Limit (Maroli et al., 1996) An economic evaluation of the first field application was performed. Results showed that the CT unit saved $500,000 compared to a snubbing unit for this HTHP application.
BJ SERVICES AND BP EXPLORATION (EFFECT OF RIG HEAVE) BJ Services Company UK and BP Exploration (Engel and Monro, 1997) analyzed the impact of rig
heave on CT reel motion and fatigue life. Reel placement on a floating vessel has a critical effect on the amount of reel movement resulting from rig heave. If the reel were at the same elevation as the gooseneck and positioned very far away, rig heave would have no impact on fatigue. The gooseneck is normally, however, at least 20 m above the level wind and offset no more than 40 m. This corresponds to a 26" inclination of the CT, and about 10% of rig heave is translated into reel rotation. BJ and BP analyzed techniques to minimize these effects. An animation simulator was developed (Figure 6-5) for analyzing vertical working-window requirements under various rig-up configurations and heave conditions. The most common problem is that the superstructure of the derrick immediately above the V door is almost always lower than the top of the gooseneck. A critical limit is that the reel must be close enough to the well so that, during low tide at the trough of a heave, the CT cannot hit the top of the V door.
Input Data:
~ C S M
3.4 m
L S ~mna o h c t I Lee1 whd hcght Reel dnmltar G001*t1eck he19hl Goorcmcck radius VD. door heipht v*. door orset RIH rate Hign tide rnnl>mum
12 1 28 m -2 5 m 2.8 m 29 m I 83 m
24.6 m
5 r m
40 n
2.3 m
----------.--------------Level r\ind o f l x t
Figure 6-5. Rig Heave Simulator (Engel and Monro, 1997) An example offshore CT working life graph (Figure 6-6) shows that the predicted working cycles of a spool are reduced on the order of 2530% when rig heave is accounted for.
\ \
s aI 0
\ \
E :
. - - - - - -\
', \
- - - - - --%
I i n 1 DO0 f a l i g u r life
-. ......
Figure 6-6. Example CT Working Life Chart (Engel and Monro, 1997) 2u -m CT running rates can be calculated (Figure 6-7) so that counter rotation of the reel during heave is avoided. CT is often run in at 15 rnlmin (50 Wmin). If the inclination of the string is 45" and the heaveperiod is 12 sec, a running rate of 11 m/min (36 Wrnin) or greater will avoid the need to counter
r- 0 . a0 1
< ''
per 1 m heave
Heave penod (s
Figure 6-7. Running Rates to Offset Rig Heave (Engel and Monro, 1997) Among methods to avoid problems with rig heave and CT life are optimized reel placement, maintaining minimum running rates, and introducing slack into the CT between the gooseneck and spool.
welding CT strings. Since this operation adversely impacts fatigue life and strength, butt welds are to be avoided as much as possible. However, banning the use of butt welds in the field is foreseen as presenting logistical and financial impacts that are too severe. Among the recommendations BP instated are the following: 1. The maximum diameter of CT to be welded is 1% inches. 2. Welds should only be performed on pipes of similar thickness. 3. Butt welds should be positioned so that they are deep in the well, that is, in areas of lowest stress. 4. The maximum allowable fatigue life for a section oftubing with a butt weld is 40%.
%c0 -
Specialty Products and ARCO Alaska (Robberechts and Blount, 1997) reported the development and testing of a new drag reducing additive for hydrocarbon-based CT applications. High . -- " p r ~ ~ w w -CT pumping operations to achieve high flow rates have the dual disadvantages of exceeding in t h e u t y a f surface pumping equipment and of reducing CT fatigue life. Drag reducers for water-base operations have proven to be very successful at the North Slope. Prior to this work, a drag reducer for h f l d s was not available. A new dispersed-polymer drag reducer was formulated and tested with
Aqueous Suspension Drag Reducing Additive (AS DRA) has been found to be effective in b-ixed operations (Figure 6-8). The additive is also available in low freeze-point suspensions for harsfi areas such as the North Slope.
3 m
0.5 0.75 I
I 1 3
2. r
cl h W.iDPMl ,
CTES and Camco Coiled Tubing Services (Brown et al., 1996) discussed and compared various methods to track fatigue life in individual CT strings. They showed that analytical methods, while the most costly to implement and utilize, typically allow more complete usage of available safe string life, as well as the ability to foresee and avoid costly failures due to localized high wear andlor damaged zones. Trends within the CT industry include less usage of job-count or running-feet methods, using shorter increments along the string for tracking fatigue life, accounting for factors other than plastic fatigue (ballooning, ovality, welds, corrosion), and the increased use of data acquisition systems for real-time fatigue modeling. The four methods employed for tracking fatigue life are: count-setting a maximum number of jobs for an individual string based on historical data imilar operations
ning feet-tracking the cumulative linear feet run over the gooseneck with an upper limit 4my, 400,000 ft) based on historical data for similar operations rc--
a manual log of the number of passes over the gooseneck for each section of the tubing (500-ft sections are a typical increment) with fatigue passes weighted for pressure,
alytical methods-a data-acquisition system is used to track pipe movement, pressure, etc. hort sections (5-1 0 ft) and predict fatigue life based on sophisticated theoreticaI/statistical models
" *T
' h e first two methods are clearly the simplest and least expensive techniques to implement. Brown et al. analyzed an example field operation to compare outcomes of these approaches with respect to string economics and overall safety. The example string was 12,000 ft of 1% by 0.095-in. 70-ksi tubing. This type of string is used to perform 50 cleanout jobs at depths from 6000 to 8000 ft. In the example life tracking, a field weld is assumed after 20 jobs. If this string's life were tracked using the job-count method, the entire string is retired after the 50 job series (Figure 6-9). High-wear zones and welds are not considered.
Figure 6-9. Example Fatigue Life Using Job Count (Brown et at., 1996)
" 71
*The Nnning feet may be based on a total of 400,000 ft, with lower values used for higher risk
e such as offshore. After the example 50 jobs are complete, about 395,000 running feet were trackemigure 6-10). This method also indicates that the string is ready to be retired.
=: -..-
.. ..-"
..A ^ . &
Figure 6-1 0. Example Fatigue Life Using Running Feet (Brown et al., 1996) String-fatigue tracking results with the trip method based on 500-ft sections (Figure 6-1 1) show variation in consumed life along the string. The highest worn interval (two adjacent 500-ft sections) had wear of about 74%.
Jobs , ; . '
$ f.
- -ti
t _I I P -X~
Figure 6-1 1 . Example Fatigue Life Using Trip Method (Brown et al., 1996)
..T& analytical model based on 5-ft sections (Figure 6-12) shows important variations along the sqing, m b u t t weld at 7100 ft was derated to 25% of pipe life and is clearly visible in the string history.
Figure 6-12. Example Fatigue Life Using Analytical Model (Brown et a]., 1996) The manual methods are shown to be typically very conservative and to therefore waste fatigue life. Analytical methods can foresee problems such as repetitive usage of the same section from job to job, and allow additional savings by changing procedures to more evenly distribute wear. An example comparison of fatigue methods for field data from 18 workovers in shallow wells in California is shown in Figure 6-13. This comparison again demonstrates that manual methods can be overly conservative with regard to string life.
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
" "' 9
gure 6-13. Comparison of Fatigue Methods for Field Data (Brown et al., 1996) ,-.
Basdxk?lie results of the project, an ICOTA standards committee was to develop an industry standard ... * .// fqfMW:welding.
elding procedures for manual field welding were developed based on interviews with a erts. These include 1) square butt welding (Figure 6-14), 2) V-groove weld with land (Figure V-groove weld without land.
Root Face and Groove Face
Centerline of CT
\ r,Depmo
Face Reinforcement
Centerline of CT
Figure 6-15. V-Groove Butt Weld with Land (Newman et al., 1996)
1997) presented results from a study of CT diametral growth (ballooning). They compared modeled and observed results with respect to the impact of fatigue and b- '"" 8 working life of the string. Common limits call for retiring a string of CT when the fatigue r e a c",' e w % of predicted failure or when the OD is 6% greater than the nominal value. h , , "
.i i:
d ' <-
'-TT%&llooning with pressure is a well known phenomenon. An example of the growth of ballooning is s--i~ Figure 6-16 for 1%- by 0.109-in. CT (80-ksi yield strength). CT ballooning per bending cycle depekds on pipe geometry, pipe material, bending radius, and internal pressure. The most important diffeerWk between fatigue and ballooning is that internal pressure during bending is required for ballod$ng; pressure is not required for fatigue to occur.
Figure 6-16. CT Ballooning with Pressure (Brown and Dickerson, 1997) ?-teraction of fatigue accumulation and CT ballooning as they affect working life is shown in At pressures up to 2000 psi, ballooning does not impact CT working life. At higher ballooning is often surpassed long before the fatigue cycle limit has been approached.
P r e d i c t e d Fatigue Life
\ -
- - --Predicted
Working Life
Pressure (psi)
Figure 6-17. Fatigue Life and Overall Working Life (Brown and Dickerson, 1997) A comparison of the build up of fatigue and ballooning in a CT string in the field is shown in Figure 6-1 8, which is based on a 1 %-in. string after 2 1 jobs. Fatigue and ballooning are well correlated, but important differences can be seen. For example, an average increase in fatigue occurs above 3500 ft, whereas ballooning is relatively constant. This is caused by several trips performed without pressure to 3500 ft (during a fishing job).
g so..
: m - 40..
Figure 6- 18. Example CT Damage after 2 1 Jobs (Brown and Dickerson, 1997)
< ARCO and GRI (Newman et al., 1997) investigated CT elongation while undergoing bending B +
w e a x i a l 'roilding. They found that elongation is permanent when the axial load is above a transition load. n be removed by bending when the axial load is less than the transition. The investigation ntify CT elongation via finite-element analysis, numerical modeling, analytical modeling,
an&,tg$tigg, +Some of the more complicated scenarios could not be investigated experimentally. New test w --v-eqilqment was to be designed for these cases.
- */'
--%odeling results (Figure 6-19) show that a bending cycle will remove most elongation due to axial ----.-x
Axially Loaded
Load Released
Several series of tests were conducted on a standard fatigue test machine. One set of tests is shown in Figure 6-20. The existence of a transition load was confirmed by test results.
.. ...
..-- --
Figure 6-20. Example Test Results (Newman et al., 1997) y other more complicated scenarios, a new test machine was designed (Figure 6-21). This llow applying a constant axial load while bending, and rotating the CT while in the straight posit@oth of these conditions have been indicated as leading to significant elongation based on .*'+ m 6 6 d ~ p ~ u ~ t Testing is needed to confirm this behavior. s.
DrexeVTexas Oil Tools, CTES and Nowsco Well Services Limited (Palmer et al., 1995) investigated the performance of conventional and improved BOP rams for CT operations. The introduction of larger CT and improvements in fatigue-life modeling have made necessary the evaluation and improvement of standard shear and slip rams. They found that new designs for both shear and slip ram blades demonstrated superior performance. Slip rams have been suspected as a source of damage that reduces fatigue life. Common practice has been to test the slip rams prior to every job, resulting in damage to the string. Nowsco commissioned a series of tests to gauge slip-ram damage. Several samples of CT were gripped by various slip rams and placed in a fatigue fixture and bent to failure. Predictions for undamaged
TIie greatest loss of fatigue life was observed for a knife-edge slip mark, with about a 70% reduction
in cycle life (Table 6-2).
TABLE 6-2. Fatigue Life Lost by Slip Damage (Palmer et a]., 1995)
Slip Mark Type CT Wall Thickness (in) Hoop Stress (psi) Predicted Life for Unmarked (cycles) Actual Life (cycles) Life Reduction Due t o Slip Mark (%) Uninterrupted Teeth, Solid Slip Uninterrupted Teeth, Solid Slip
0.1 56 10,097 871 270 69.0% 0.109 1 1,360
Interrupted Teeth, Solid Slip Interrupted Teeth, Solid Slip Interrupted Teeth, Segmented Slip Interrupted Teeth, Segmented Slip
0 156 .
9 2 1
0 156 .
An improved slip ram with interrupted teeth was found to have the least impact on fatigue life. These slips (Figure 6-22) reduce stress concentration and marking of the CT.
Halliburton Energy Services and Quality Tubing (Avakov and Martin, 1997) presented results of a new phase of fatigue tests and modeling for larger CT. Tests were conducted on CT from 1'/4 to 3% inches OD. Full-scale and standardized test-stand tests were performed on 70-, SO-, and 100-ksi material. Measured results for field-test data (shown in Figure 6-23) were correlated with the model with a correlation coefficient of 0.94.
CT b f e - S t r e R i a b i Function
MedianS N Line
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Figure 6-23. Fatigue Test Data (Avakov and Martin, 1997) ed and recorded life for 28 individual samples (Figure 6-24) demonstrates good agreement.
- - _ _---
Figure 6-24. Predicted and Measured Fatigue (Avakov and Martin, 1997) Results showed that 100-ksi CT does not have a significant fatigue-life improvement over 80-ksi unless the internal pressure is relatively high (Figure 6-25). 6-17
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
I n l e d Pressure. DS
Figure 6-25. Fatigue and CT Strength (Avakov and Martin, 1997) n the modeling efforts, a life safety factor was introduced into Halliburton's model to reflect quirements of each type of field operation. C AND SUMITOMO METAL TECH (AMORPHOUS DIFFUSION BONDING) -TipKWational Oil Corporation and Sumitomo Metal Technology (Cameron et a]., 1997) performed tests of fatigue life of welded CT. Diffusion welding was found to have several advantages only used CT butt-welding process of TIG (tungstenlinert gas). These advantages include cture of welded joints is very similar to the base metal, and dissimilar alloys can be joined that are difficult to weld by fusion processes. Several samples of CT were prepared that included welds of various types, as well as samples without welds. Fatigue test results (Table 6-3) show that the control sample lasted 502 cycles before fatigue failure. TIG-welded samples survived 92 to 157 cycles (18-3 1% of control). Amorphous diffusion bonded (ADF) samples survived 372 to 4 17 cycles (74-83% of control) before failure. TABLE 6-3. Fatigue of CT Samples with Welds (Cameron et al., 1997) .Material Category New Joint Configuration Conventional Joint Configuration Base Pipe Mark Joint Process ADB ADB ADB TIG TIG TIG TIG Not Applied PWHT Applied Applied Applied Not Applied Not Applied Not Applied Applied Not Applied Resut of L i e Cyde Bend Test Life Cycle (number of cycles)
380 417 372 152 92 137 157 502
Crack Site Parent Material Parent Material Parent Malerial Vicinity of Weld Vicinity of Weld Vicinity of Weld Vicinity of Weld Parent Material
6-1 8
JNOC found that ADB welding may be an improved technique for CT field welding. It was found to have superior resistance to fatigue. It is also a semi-automatic process, is controllable and repeatable.
Figure 6-26. Fatigue Test Setup (Koper et al., 1997) OD growth on the major axis (Figure 6-27) exceeded the 6% limit when the accumulated fatigue was about 50% of predicted total life. OD growth on the minor axis exceeded 6% at 65% of total fatigue life.
-- %&&spection and monitoring device (Figure 6-28) includes three major units which can be used
independently. The system can be used for inspection during manufacturing, inspection after delivery, i n s P ~ i i b e f o r e / a f t e r CT operation, or inspection/monitoring during field operations. a ' ---"----.
Figure 6-28. CT Inspection and Monitoring Device (ACIM) (Koper et al., 1997)
1 - 1
Fatigue Failure 12% Figure 6-29. Causes of CT Field Failures (Campbell, 1996)
Before the CYCLE model was introduced into Nowsco's field operations, the decision to retire a string of CT was largely subjective and based on the opinion of the local manager. The CYCLE model (Figure 6-30) greatly extended the service life of strings as compared to previous procedures.
Figure 6-30. Design of CYCLE Fatigue Model (Campbell, 1996) co's fatigue model is based on in-house testing using a special fixture (Figure 6-3 1).
Figure 6-3 1 . Nowsco's Fatigue Test Fixture (Campbell, 1996) Fatigue data typically exhibit a broad scatter. Nowsco adopted a definition of safe working life based on the probability of failure of 1 in 1000. This corresponds to about 3 standard deviations below the mean, or a field service life of about 64% of the mean failure life (Figure 6-32).
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
hequency of Failure
Figure 6-32. Definition of Safe Working Life (Campbell, 1996) Abnormalities in the string are derated below the working life of normal tube. Butt welds with s i m i w thickness are rated at 40% of standard life; at differing wall thickness, the rating is 20% of * the thinner thbe life.
, . ,
Gl e d
"%Mowsco compared field experience from several areas around the world with model predictions. life is greater than modeled life. An even greater disagreement was observed between the
balloonino behavior of field and test samples. Field ballooning was much less than that for the test data. " & FA"*" >: :; ~oT%Iieves that the high contact forces on the rollers on the test fixture significantly increase ballw~jng.Additional refinements to tests and the model should further improve predictions based on
Results from standardized fatigue testing show that fatigue life increases with CT strength and decreases with internal pressure. Cycle lives are shown in Figure 6-33 for three grades of CT cycled at 3000,4000, and 5000 psi (back to front, respectively). These results are for 1%- by 0.109-in. CT.
Figure 6-33. CT Strength and Fatigue Life (Stanley, 1998) nal information is presented in Coiled Tubing.
P l s u u n . Pk 8
The effects of tubing welds on fatigue life are another area of investigation. Quality Tubing performed a series of tests comparing virgin tube, a section with a bias weld, and a section with a steptapered bias weld. The results (Figure 6-36) show that a normal bias weld causes almost no penalty (9% less than virgin tube). A tapered bias weld (0.109 welded to 0.125 for this test) averaged 57% reduction in cycle life. Other studies showed that butt welds had lower lives, that is, from only 25-30% that of the tube body.
FatigueTesting Coiled Tubing
1.75 inches by .I09 Inches 80 ksi Meld at 3.000 psi
No Weld
Taper Bias
a r
++^ -
berger Dowell (Bhalla, 1995) presented an analysis of the benefits of various methods to reach of CT in horizontal and deviated wells. Methods to reduce buckling include increasing buoyancy of the CT, friction reducers, optimum taper designs, OD of CT, removing residual bending, using downhole tractors, pumping fluid, and pump-down systems. These methods, either singly or in combination, can be used to substantially increase reach when applied appropriately. Extended-reach technologies have seen rapid development in the UK and Norwegian sectors of the North Sea. Some wells (Gullfaks and Statfjord fields) cannot be serviced with standard CT operations. New techniques and procedures have been refined for these applications. Schlumberger Dowell simulated the impact of a variety of techniques to reduce buckling and increase penetration in these wells. The example well used in the simulations is shown in Figure 6-37.
, -
Figure 6-36. Fatigue Life for Welds (Sas-Jaworsky, 1996) MBERGER DOWELL (CT STRAIGHTENING AND FATIGUE)
* ". %.
Figure 6-37. Example Well used for Buckling Simulation (Bhalla, 1995)
1 bends have an adverse impact on penetration limits. The injector constrains the CT to be in the gripper blocks, but does not completely unbend the tubing. Schlumberger Dowell sidual bending radii on new 1%-in. 70-ksi tubing (Table 6-5). The reel radius was 58 in.; gooseneck radius was 72 inches.
These tests demonstrated that CT enters the well with a bend radius of 21 feet. Since this bend will hasten the onset of helical buckling, removing this bend will increase penetration limits. Calculations for the example well (Figure 6-38) indicate that reach will be increased from 10,849 ft out an additional 2153 ft with straight CT.
Figure 6-38. Surface Weight with Straight CT (Bhalla, 1995) The disadvantage of using a straightener to increase CT reach is an accompanying increase in fatigue lik-<.,.TkWitional bending reduces cycle life (Table 6-6). To enjoy the predicted additional reach of
> %.?. ' -
2 153 ft, cycle life of 15 to 23% for the coil will be consumed. Thus, an economic decision is required with (** r G $ a ~ t h kuse of a straightener.
: Maximum
g size selected for these operations was narrowed to the range of 1 to 1 % inches. One-inch d not atlow sufficient pump rates. Good burst and collapse ratings highlighted 1'/4 x 0.156-in. as a . Safety factors with 1%-in. tubing were not as favorable.
test of the equipment was conducted at high pressure to investigate the impact of ballooning a n ~ @ s lIt: was found that ballooning (Figure 6-39) was the limiting factor. A limit for diametral grow& BES% was established for field operations.
*, a
Economic analysis showed that several cleanouts could be performed with a single string of CT before the ballooning limit was exceeded.
6.19 UNIVERSITY OF TULSA (CT SURFACE CHARACTERISTICS AND FATIGUE) Steven Tipton (1997) of the University of Tulsa reported preliminary results of a study of CT surface morphology and localized defects. It was demonstrated that there is an inherent tendency for fatigue cracks to initiate on the inner surface of CT. He tested about 90 coupon samples of three grades of CT, and cracks initiated on the inner surface for all samples. There are distinct differences in the inner and outer surface profiles of CT after it is rolled during manufacture (Figure 6-40). Metal roughness is well known to have an important impact on fatigue. However, almost all previous investigations had been centered on high-cycle fatigue.
i C
a -
3 '3 L
Outer Surface
Figure 6-40. CT Surface Profiles (Tipton, 1997) s of CT were polished to more than an order of magnitude smoother than as-rolled CT. The urface roughness was found to increase fatigue life. For 1.6% strain, fatigue life was nearly le 6-8). (This level of strain is typical for CT field operations.) Primary cracks that led to fracture still initiated at the inner surface. TABLE 6-8. Fatigue of Polished CT (Tipton, 1997)
TABLE 6-9. Fatigue with Sharp Notches (Tipton, 1997) Notch Depth / Type Life (cycles) % of Base Life 5% I EDM 243 43% 10% / EDM 172 I 31% - . I 12%/ Flaw Reoaired I 5 15 91, / O
Other tests were conducted with U- and V-notched samples (Figure 6-41). Higher strength 100-ksi material was observed to be less sensitive to notches than was lower strength material. Deep notches (12% wall) reduced fatigue life in all grades (although more impact was observed in lower strength material).
Figure 6-4 1. U and V Notches (Tipton, 1997) Tpton found that tube rolling causes differences in surface roughness between the inner and outer walls. His testing results suggested that a threshold exists for surface-defect severity. It may be that this threshold must be exceeded before an external defect (notch) will have an important impact on fatigue life. 6.20 REFERENCES Avakov, Vladimir A. and Martin, John, 1997: "Large Coiled Tubing Fatigue Life," SPE 38407, presented at 2ndAnnual SPE/ICOTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Bhalla, K., 1995: "Coiled Tubing Extended Reach Technology," SPE 30404, presented at Offshore Europe Conference, Aberdeen, September 5-8. Brown, Paul A. and Dickerson, J.L., 1997: "Development and Use of an Analytical Model to Predict Coiled Tubing Diameter Growth," SPE 38409, presented at 2ndAnnual SPEIICOTA North American
6-3 1
Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Brown, P., et al., 1995: "Economic Benefits of Advanced CT Life Monitoring," SPE 36337, presented at 1" SPEACoTA North American CT Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, February 26-28. Cameron, G. et al., 1997: "Amorphous Difision Bonding: New Technology Toward a SeamlessReeled-Tubing System," JPT, May. Cayard, M.S. and Kane, R.D., 1997: "Serviceability of Coiled Tubing for Sour Oil and Gas Wells," SPE 38410, presented at 2nd Annual SPEACOTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Cizek, Art, 1997: "Corrosion Effects of Hydrogen Sulfide on Coiled Tubing and Carbon Steel in Acid," JPT, September. .P. and Monro, C., 1997: "Coiled Tubing Operations From a Floating Vessel," SPE 38400, p ~ & 2T2"' d @ Annual SPEACOTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas,
April 1 - 2 ,
> 1 "' 1 2,
Kopeb Mark G.M. et al., 1997: "Full-Scale, Low-Cycle Fatigue Tests with 2-in. Coiled Tubing and Anr"~%t!oiled Tubing Inspection and Monitoring System," SPE 38415, presented at 2ndAnnual SPE@&A North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3.
% . .
Charlie, 1996: "Coiled Tubing Butt Weld Recommendations," The BrieA February. R. et al., 1996: "Development of HPHT Coiled Tubing Unit," SPE 35561, presented at European Production Operations Conference, Stavanger, April 16-17.
Newman, K.R. et al., 1996: "Analysis of Coiled Tubing Welding Techniques," ICOTA 96007, presented at 1" Annual SPEACOTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Conroe, Texas, February 26-28. Newman, K.R. et al., 1997: "Elongation of Coiled Tubing During Its Life," SPE 38408, presented at 2"dAnnual SPEIICOTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3. Palmer, R. et al., 1995: "Developments in Coiled Tubing BOP Ram Design," OTC 7876, presented at 27'h Annual OTC, Houston, Texas, May 1-4.
i, Rosen, P.M.A., 1997: "Coiled Tubing Integrity Monitoring During Operations," World O l December.
Robberechts, Hilde and Blount, Curtis, 1997: "A New Generation of Drag Reducer Additives Hydrocarbon Based CT Applications," presented at 5thInternational Conference on Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention, Houston, February 4-6. Sas-Jaworsky, A., 1996: "High-Pressure Applications Enabled by CT Advances," The American Oil & Gas Reporter, January. Stanley, R.K. 1997: "Failures in Coiled Tubing," presented at 5h International Conference on Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention, Houston, Texas, February 4-6. Tipton, Steven M., 1997: "Surface Characteristics of Coiled Tubing and Effects on Fatigue Behavior," SPE 3841 1, presented at 2"* Annual SPEOCOTA North American Coiled Tubing Roundtable, Montgomery, Texas, April 1-3.
i2.T@hb2 Steven M. 1997: "Low-Cycle Fatigue Testing of Coiled Tubing," presented at 5'h
onference on Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention, Houston, February 4-6. richem, W.P. et al., 1995: "Development and Utilization of a Coiled Tubing Equipment package for"Work in High Pressure Wells," OTC 7874, presented at 27"' Annual OTC, Houston, May 1-4.
7. Fishing
TABLE O F CONTENTS Page 7. FISHING 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7- 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-8
7. Fishing
Amoco Trinidad Oil Company (Forgenie et al., 1995) used CT to perform a strip-over operation of a slickline fish. The modified approach eliminated the risk of recovering the wire piecemeal using conventional wireline methods. Cost savings were considerable, if it is assumed that wireline operations would not have been successful. The subject well is located in the Samaan field offshore Trinidad. Slickline operations were being used to recomplete the well. A problem arose when a shifting tool became stuck in a nipple profile. After unsuccesshl jarring, efforts were made to unlatch from the shifting tool. Two cutting devices (go-devils) were attached to the stuck wire and dropped in the hole. Neither reached the tool. Later, the slickline parted near the surface and fell in the hole (Figure 7-1).
Isolation packer
Mechanical Relear
u PBTD 10583
The operator decided to avoid multiple wireline runs to retrieve the wire fish. A CT strip-over operation was designed that would allow constant well control throughout the recovery operations. The first step was to fish the end of the slickline with wireline. Then, a guide shoe was fabricated for stripping over the wire with CT (Figure 7-2).
Side View
0.108' Wire
Top View
The wire was threaded through the shoe, out into the wellbore annulus and out through a special "Y" on the surface (Figure 7-3).
The CT was tripped in at 30 ft/min while pushing the go-devils to the rope socket (Figure 7-4). The wire was cut when the CT weight was set on the fish.
7 @ 10465' '
PBTD 10383'
Figure 7-4. Pushing Go-Devils to Stuck Shifting Tool (Forgenie et al., 1995) The operator then attempted to fish the go-devils and shifting tool with wireline. The top go-devil was retrieved; the other fish were not. CT was then deployed to attempt the fishing job. However, rather than retrieving the fish, the CT pushed the tools into the tailpipe. Operations were halted since the tools were now out of the way. Fishing operations were completed in 1% days; costs totaled about $25,000. Had a rig workover been necessary to retrieve the tool and save the well, costs would have exceeded $500,000.
72 .
British Petroleum successfully unstuck a string of CT with a new fishing tool (PEI Staff, 1996). The operator was evaluating a logging bypass plug when the plug became stuck on the adjustable spacer sub union below the packer (Figure 7-5, number 1). Several conventional approaches were tried without success.
Figure 7-5. Fishing Tool to Unstick Bypass Plug (PEI staff, 1996)
The new solution was to run a sleeve down the outside of the CT to centralize the top of the plug and direct it around the obstruction. A wrap-around sleeve was devised and pumped down using a wiper dart on top of the assembly (Figure 7-5, number 3). The CT string was run 50 ft past the hang-up point and placed in tension. The assembly was then pumped downhole. The string and bypass plug were retrieved successfully on the first attempt.
73 .
Vibration Technology LLC (Bemat, 1998) described a resonant vibration system for unsticking CT and other tubulars. Three components form the resonating system (Figure 7-6): 1) a mechanical oscillator, 2) a tubing string for transmitting vibration, and 3) a stuck fish to be freed.
Vibration is generated by an eccentric-weight mechanical oscillator that produces axial sinusoidal forces that can be tuned to specific frequencies. At resonance, energy developed by the oscillator is efficiently transmitted to the stuck CT.
The pipe oscillator (Figure 7-7) is attached to the CT above the injector by friction clamps. The injector remains in place to immediately recover the CT when it is freed.
Figure 7-7. CT Oscillator (Bernat, 1998) Typical job duration for freeing CT is 1 day. Several case histories of freeing CT are summarized in Table 7-1.
74 .
Bernat, Henry, 1998: "Coil Tubing Recovery Using Pipe Vibration Technology," published by Vibration Technology LLC, Shreveport, Louisiana. Forgenie, V.H. et al., 1995: "Coiled Tubing Fishing Operations Utilize a First Time Technique to Strip Over and Recover 9500 Feet of Stuck Slickline Wire," SPE 30678, presented at the Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, October 22-25.
PEI Staff, 1996: "Stuck Coiled Tubing Spawns New Fishing Tool," Petroleum Engineer International, March.
8. Logging
Page 8. LOGGING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-1 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 BPB WIRELINE SERVICES (CT-CONVEYED SLIM LOGGING TOOLS) BP EXPLORATION (MEMORY LOGGING ON CT)
. . . . . . . . . 8-1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5
CTES AND DREXEL (CT CABLE INSTALLATION) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-5 HALLIBURTON ENERGY SERVICES (VIDEO SERVICES) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7 NOWSCO, ANDERSON, AND DOWNHOLE SYSTEMS (CONCENTRIC CT SYSTEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9 TRICO INDUSTRIES (JET PUMP FOR PRODUCTION LOGGING) REFERENCES
. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8- 10
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12
8. Logging
BPB Wireline Services (Houpe, 1996) summarized the benefits and availability of slim logging tools suited for use in horizontal wellbores. CT conveyance has been proven as generally superior to jointed-pipe methods. Lateral penetration limits resulting from buckling have been extended with larger CT and through various methods, including temporarily hanging small tubing or casing to the lowest vertical section of the well. A reduced diameter in the vertical section effectively reduces friction and extends horizontal penetration. BPB Wireline Services' slim-hole logging tool line is based on the following general specifications: 2%-in. OD, 255F rating, and 12,500 psi rating. Oil-field slim tools include: RESISTIVITY: Array Induction Sonde Dual Laterolog Sonde Dual Density/GR/Caliper Dual-Neutron Sonde Multichannel Sonic CT Adaptor Tension/Compression Sub Slim Repeat Formation Tester Four-Arm Dipmeter
Negotiating the curve with the logging string can be a significant obstacle/limitation for logging horizontal wells. The rigid tool length for 2%-in. tools is plotted in the upper graph in Figure 8-1. The lower graph is for conventional 3%-tools. A slim short logging tool string is preferred in most cases. Swivels, knuckles and cranks are also used to minimize effective string length.
RQld Tool Length (m) Note: For a given tool diameter, maxlmum build tool length (L) that will traverse a well of diameter (d) and bed radius (R) is given by: k2[(R+d)2-(R+t)2]1/2. Angular build rate (degreed30 meters)=171&a
BPB Wireline provided example logs from a job in Germany to illustrate the benefits of logging in horizontal holes, even when significant offset vertical well data are available. In one case, a re-entry was drilled on CT and logged with the same rig. Coil size was 23/8 inches. The logging tools were slightly smaller than the tubing, resulting in an ideal situation with respect to buckling and lateral penetration.
The dual-densitylgamma-raylcaliper traces from a slim horizontal sidetrack are shown in Figure 8-2. Several tight lens were found between 1792 and 1865 m. These barriers were blamed for previously observed pressure variations across the field.
nuc m:
~m O(
I ~ U * T - I P P ~ AT IS:U
. .
Significant hydrocarbon deposits were revealed in the shaly sand analysis (Figure 8-3). The welldefined permeability barriers and faults were revealed in greater detail than expected.
Battery Holder
Significant cost savings have been reported from Prudhoe Bay by using memory logging tools on CT (Sas-Jaworsky and Bell, 1996) (Figure 8-4). Average costs were reportedly reduced almost 50% for running logs in horizontal wells (from $38,500 to $1 9,800). Since no wireline is required, CT spool and surface equipment requirements are greatly reduced. A standard string with five sensors can record data up to 22 hours at a sampling rate of l/sec. The principal disadvantage is lack of feedback on tool function and/or damage. BP has tried to minimize the potential for damage by performing dummy runs with tool strings of similar dimensions prior to running the logging string.
17.1 f t (1.69 in. OD)
Memory Sub Quarh Pressure Temperature Casing Collar Locator Knuckle Joints Roller Centralizer Gamma Ray
Roller Centralizer
Figure 8-4. CT Memory Logging BHA (Sas-Jaworsky and Bell, 1996) 8.3 CTES AND DREXEL (CT CABLE INSTALLATION) CTES and Drexel (Newman et al., 1995) described the design of a CT wireline cable installation system that will install wireline inside CT while still on the reel. The new fixture greatly reduces the cost of cable installation as compared to previous methods, which include: 1) hanging off CT in a vertical well and lowering the wireline inside, 2) laying the CT out horizontally and pumping the cable through, and 3) installing a steel pull line inside the CT during manufacture, laying the CT out horizontally and pulling the cable through. Each of these methods is expensive ($15,000 to $25,000). It has long been known that cable can be pumped out of CT by pumping water at high rates. Turbulence causes the cable to vibrate and so removes the friction element, allowing the cable to advance with the flow. However, pumping cable into CT (Figure 8-5) is much more difficult due to the high pump pressure at the point the cable enters the system. Injection force (analogous to snubbing a string into a high-pressure well) is required to introduce the cable.
Fullbore Flowmeter
"Stuffing Box" Wireline Spool Figure 1 Pumping Cable into CT
A cable injector was required for this design. Several concepts were devised and considered
(Figure 8-6). The approach adopted for the final design was a capstan wheel inside a pressure housing.
Pressure Housing
Powered Rollers
very long
Roller Injector
Stationary Slips
Snubbing Injector
Tractor Injector
Capstan injector
Figure 8-6. Potential Concepts for Injecting Cable (Newman et al., 1995)
The cable injection system design is shown in Figure 8-7. The wireline spool can be rotated about a vertical axis due to the need to remove torque from used cable. A storage tank is used so that the water can be cooled between pump trips through the CT.
Spoollng Skid
Halliburton Energy Services (Maddox and Gibling, 1995) described several applications for downhole video services that allow planning conformance technology treatments, monitoring the treatment in progress, and confirming success after the treatment is complete. A video survey is especially usehl for observing casing integrity and finding holes, cracks or corroded areas. Fluid entry or exit can also be observed at these areas (Figure 8-8).
Figure 8-8. Video Log Showing Casing Condition (Maddox and Gibling, 1995)
Video logs can also be used for types of production profiles. Video can be analyzed along with spinner data to estimate relative contributions of each section of the wellbore. Plotting observed influxes versus depth produces a video production profile (Figure 8-9).
Confirmation of suspected problems and the appropriateness of planned remedial treatments prior to treatment application is another useful area for video. In one case, fractures in a gas-storage well were observed and confirmed prior to treatment (Figure 8-10).
Nowsco Well Service Ltd., Anderson Exploration Ltd. and Downhole Systems Technology Inc. (Fried et al., 1997) described a new concentric CT logging tool to achieve optimum stimulation and production in long horizontal wellbores along with lower costs. An inflatable straddle packer is used for drill-stem testing and selective stimulation, all without resetting the packer. The inner string of CT is used for all well flow and stimulation operations. The annulus between the inner and outer strings is used for circulation and inflating the packers.
lnjectlm I Flow Valve Elgtronics I Signal Pmesslng Spacer Sub (5 to 25m) Packer Inflate Line
The straddle packers (Figure 8-1 1) can be set at a separation of 12 to 150 ft of open-hole zone. If skin is indicated, the formation can be selectively stimulated without unsetting the packer. The flow test can be repeated afterwards. In this way, production of long horizontal wells can be optimized in a more effective way. Formation damage is often a key issue in horizontal wells due to the extended exposure time of the formation to drill fluids and cuttings. It is usually more challenging to recover the well deliverability. Underbalanced drilling has been applied in many environments to improve this situation by avoiding or minimizing formation damage during drilling. Fried et al. believe that some operators might prefer to drill horizontal wells overbalanced if more effective stimulation technology were available. The new DST tool based on concentric CT includes a wireline for data telemetry and tool control. e equipment is similar to conventional CT logging operations. The spool must be equipped with g joints, one for each string of CT (2% and 1?4inches). Corrosive fluids flow only in the inner string. The outer string is used for inflating the packers and gas lifting the well as required. Pressures can be monitored continuously. Sensors are available for measuring surface pressures in both strings, formation pressure between the packers, wellbore hydrostatic pressure, inflation pressure in the packers, recovery pressure, and pressure outside the inner string. Downhole temperatures are also recorded. Nowsco Well Service Ltd., Anderson Exploration Ltd. and Downhole Systems Technology Inc. believe that this new CT system for measuring and removing formation damage has several benefits. These include safety, sour-service rating, circulation control, multiple-setting inflatable equipment, testltreatltest capability, gas-lift capability, and real-time data and interpretation.
applications in horizontal and vertical wells. A primary advantage is the lack of moving parts in the assembly. Energy is provided to the jet pump by pumping from surface. The power fluid may be produced oil or water, treated sea water, diesel , or other fluids. Lifting action is provided by energy transfer between the power fluid and the wellbore fluid. High potential energy in the pressurized power fluid is converted to kinetic energy as the fluid passes through the nozzle (Figure 8-12). A low-pressure zone is created in the throat, and the wellbore fluid is drawn into the power stream.
Jet pumps have been used since the 1970s for long-term artificial-lift applications around the globe. These can be sized for production rates ranging from 50 to 15,000 BPD at depths exceeding 15,000 ft.
Trice Industries described the use of a jet pump run on CT for production testing of horizontal wells. The pump can be run as a free pump (Figure 8-13), circulated into and retrieved from the well by
the power fluid. This system can be used along with downhole pressure recorders to obtain inflow performance data in a production rate step-test procedure.
Figure 8- 13. Free Jet Pump for Horizontal Production Testing (Tait, 1995)
8-1 1
Houpe, Mark W., 1996: "CT-Conveyed Slim Tools Deliver Critical Data In Horizontal Well Bores," The American Oil & Gas Reporter, September. Maddox, Steve and Gibling, Glen R., 1995: "Downhole Video Services Enhance Conformance Technology," OTC 7872, presented at 27thAnnual OTC, Houston, Texas, May 1-4. Newman, K.R. et al., 1995: "Development of a Coiled Tubing Cable Installation System," SPE 30679, presented at SPE Annual Technical Conference & Exhibition, Dallas, Texas, October 22-25. Sas-Jaworsky, Alex and Bell, Steve, 1996: "Innovative Applications Stimulate CT Development," World Oil, June. it, Howard, 1995: "Coiled Tubing Jet Pump for Extended Reach Horizontal Well Cleanups," at 3rd Annual Conference on Emerging Technology - CT-Horizontal, Aberdeen, Scotland, May 3 1-June 2.
9. Overview
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-4
9. Overview
Sas-Jaworsky (1997) summarized the safety guidelines for CT well-control components and procedures. A complete standard has been published in the API RP 5C7, Recommended Practice for Coiled Tubing Operations in Oil and Gas Well Services (December 1, 1996). These recommended practices serve to further define the mechanical capability and limitations of CT equipment components, thereby enhancing the safety of wellsite operations. These practices were devised as the minimum safety requirements of onshore and offshore CT operations. The minimum requirements for a CT well-control stack (Figure 9-1) call for: A stripper or annular-type component One blind ram One shear ram A flanged kill line outlet with isolation valves One slip ram One pipe ram
Additional rams may be required for different OD strings that may be run or for tapered-OD CT strings.
A flow tee should be installed immediately below the well-control stack to provide an outlet for fluid returns. One full-bore valve must be installed (Figure 9-2), with a pressure rating as great as the well-
control stack.
Stripper Assembly
Returns tank
Stripper Assembly
Slip Pipe
Pressure Gauge
Check Valve
Figure 9-3. Dedicated Kill Line for CT Operations (Sas-Jaworsky, 1997) For conditions when a kill line is required, API recommends that the kill line be equipped with two in-line valves (Figure 9-3) with the same pressure rating as the stack. Another set of pipe rams should be installed below the flow tee as a secondary annular pressure isolation barrier. It is emphasized that the killline outlet should not be used for taking returns from the well.
API describes recommended practices and procedures for other well-control elements including the stripper, construction of the various rams, downhole check valves, well-control tests and drills, and performance of the accumulator. See Sas-Jaworsky (1997) or API RP 5C7 for additional details.
The circulation system (Figure 9-4) boundary conditions can be specified for each node. Hydraulic parameters common to all are fluid velocity, Reynolds number, absolute roughness and friction factor.
High pressure PD pump Multi-compartment tank Flow tee Adjustable choke Bottomhole Assembly includes check valve& wash nozzle
The storage-well design (Figure 9-5) included 5%-in. tubing inside 85/s-in. casing. Tubing was hung within 100 ft of the bottom of the cavern. Production was directed by pumping water down the production tubing to force propane up the tubinglcasing annulus.
LPG (propane)
S1kin. tubing O 2,400 ft
TD O 2,500 ft
A leak developed in the casing, allowing propane to escape through the surface soils. Thirteen million gallons of propane were in the well when the leaking fuel ignited. Two factors led to the conclusion that conventional wellhead removal and capping were not the optimum procedure for this case. One concern was that pipelines and the water pit restricted access for building ramps down to the new cellar that would be required for access to competent casing. Another was that unrestricted blowing after removing the wellhead would create fires as tall as 300 ft, endangering other components of the storage facilities. A novel approach using CT was devised. The damaged tree was removed first. A string of CT was stung into the 5%-in. production tubing with a cutter and packer. An 80-ft lubricator was used to keep the injector well above the flames. A 500-ton crane with a 238-ft jib was used to support the 100-ft injectorllubricator assembly. Control lines were routed out the jib.
Cooling water was pumped to keep equipment cool, but extinguishing the fire completely was avoided. The production tubing was cut. Calculations indicated that the dropped tubing would buckle and be out of the way (Figure 9-6). An inflatable packer was installed with the CT string at 1450 ft. The flow was thereby shut off, and eventually died as propane bled off.
80 fl lubricator
P m Propane a i
l3lo-in.colled tubing
Figure 9-6. Well After Production Tubing Cut (Gebhardt et al., 1996)
Gebhardt, Freddy et al., 1996: "Novel Coiled Tubing Application Controls Large LPG Storage Well Fire," World Oil, June. Sas-Jaworsky, Alex, 1997: "New Guidelines Should Enhance Coiled Tubing Well Control Security," World Oil, December. Sas-Jaworsky, Alex and Reed, Troy, 1997: "Fluid Hydraulics Behavior in Coiled Tubing Operations - A Nodal Analysis Approach," presented at the World Oil Coiled Tubing & Well Intervention Conference, Houston, February 4-6.
10. Pipelines
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-1
. . . . . . 10-3
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-6
10. Pipelines
Gulf of Suez Petroleum Company and Precision Tube Technology (Hoffman et al., 1996 and Laithy, 1997) reported on the successfbl application of coiled pipelines in the Gulf of Suez. GUPCO is a joint venture between Amoco Production and Egyptian General Petroleum. The first international lay of 3%-in. coiled pipeline was conducted here. Cost savings from the first two jobs were estimated at 70% as compared to conventional lay-vessel costs. In 1996, three pipelines of 4%-in. coiled pipe were installed, with cost savings of 55% over conventional lays. Job size for GUPCO's coiled pipeline projects is summarized in Figure 10-1.
Figure 10-1. Coiled Pipeline Projects at Gulf of Suez (Hoffman et al., 1996) After initial success with 3%-in. coiled pipeline projects, three candidates for 4%-in. pipeline were identified. These included: 1) Morgan 36 production platform to GS 347 platform for waterflood water supply of 12,000 BPD at 2000 psi, 2) October H platform to October B for waterflood water of 4000 BPD at 100 psi, and 3) Morgan 50 platform to Morgan 190 platform for waterflood water at 2500 BPD at 1200 psi.
Coiled pipe was delivered on nineteen shipping spools (Figure 10-2) with an average of about 4000 ft of pipe. Flange diameter was 17 ft; width was 105 inches. Maximum strain of the piping was designed as 3%.
Figure 10-2. Coiled Pipeline at Gulf of Suez (Hoffman et al., 1996) Basic surface equipment for deploying coiled pipeline is shown in Figure 10-3.
Lay Equipment
1 Lay ramp support 2 Powered reel support 3 Coiled Tubing reel { Laying position ) 4 - Coiled Tubing reels { storage ) 5 - Tensionner 6 - Straightener
A comparison of pipe-laying methods (materials and installation costs) is shown in Figure 10-4. Coiled pipeline has been deployed from a workboat, small barge and a dynamically-positioned vessel. In each case, costs have been significantly less than conventional methods.
loo90 -
70 60-
30 40
2 0
Figure 10-4. Cost Savings of Coiled Pipeline Projects (Hoffman et al., 1996)
Gulf of Suez Petroleum stated that they are planning to install 6-in. coiled pipeline in the future.
Radoil Tool Company (Baugh, 1997) presented a summary of analysis and test results for using CT for extended-reach pipeline blockage removal. They performed scale-model testing, full-scale testing, technical surveys, and computer analysis. The project is funded by the DeepStar consortium. The goal is to extend CT capability out to 5 miles for cleaning blockages from a typical pipeline (Figure 10-5). These pipelines include frequent and severe bending that restricts CT penetration.
Scale-model tests were conducted early in the project. Mechanical tubing of 3/' inch was placed in 1-in. seamless line pipe and bent into the representative configuration. Results are shown in Figure 10-6 with the model flooded with oil.
y j
One of the important goals of the project was to define the characteristics of a test pipeline that will simulate conditions in a 5-mile subsea pipeline. The configuration for the test loop (Figure 10-7) includes several bends.
-.-- -*C4
~ r ;
_ _ _ _-
Figure 10-7. Test Loop for Extended-Reach Clean Outs (Baugh, 1997)
SAS Industries (Sas-Jaworsky, 1996) summarized the growth in the application of CT for pipelines and highlighted the cost-saving potential especially in the offshore environment. Greatly improved quality control of welding operations is a primary advantage. Coiled pipelines can be shipped in spools ranging from about 3500 to 6000 ft, depending on tubing OD. These pipes can be externally coated with a variety of corrosion-resistant coatings. Over 1.2 million feet of coiled pipelines and flow lines have been shipped in sizes as large as 4% inches. A spool of 4%-in. pipeline is shown in Figure 10-8.
One manufacturer has the capability of milling pipe as large as 5 inches. A significant quantity
ugh, Benton R., 1997: "Extended Reach Pipeline Blockage Remediation," presented at 5"
1 Conference On: Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention, Houston, Texas, February 4-6, 1997.
Hoffman, John G. et al., 1996: "Coiled Pipeline Technology: A Gulf of Suez Case History," SPE 36942, presented at European Petroleum Conference, Milan, October 22-24. Laithy, W.F.El, 1997: "World's First 4.5" Coiled Tubing Pipeline," SPE 37769, presented at Middle East Oil Show, Bahrain, March 15-18. Sas-Jaworsky, Alex, 1996: "New Offshore Applications Offer Value-Adding Utility," The American Ol & Gas Reporter, February. i
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .
11-2 11-6
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-9 ....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-12
1 1- 16
SAGD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-18
11-2 1
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-23
AMOCO UK EXPLORATION (CT INSERT STRADDLE) Amoco UK Exploration Company (Kinnear and John, 1996) described the selection, design and
installation of a CT insert straddle for repairing a failed gas-lift completion in the Arbroath Field in the North Sea. The well had ceased production due to holes in the tubing. Various through-tubing repair techniques were considered prior to selecting a CT straddle. These included a wireline-deployed straddle, CT straddle hung off the SSSV nipple, and a CT straddle suspended between two packers. The third option was selected after considering all advantagesldisadvantages. The final design of the repair (Figure 11-1) included 1500 fi of 3%-in. CT (70 ksi yield) with hydraulic-set packers at the top and bottom. The straddle was set about 500 ft below the holes in the tubing. u r e e 1 1 1 '
r e ,
r u b u a o r
B e t o
5 l - S 1 b m
I t
I 7 = 4-11a-
S 4 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 12 a
Q r r d e 11)s
0 '
.SO' 4110' S 4 * l a 0.
J o i n t
This CT insert staddle was successful at returning the well to production (3500 BOPD). Job cost was about 90% less than a full rig workover using a jack-up (250,000 versus 3,000,000). More information is presented in Workovers.
BP Exploration (Alaska) and Orbis Engineering (Stephens et al., 1996) summarized experiences on Alaska's North Slope using large-diameter CT for production applications. Working with larger CT has proven to require thorough evaluation of equipment needs and a review of procedures, safety, and training. Experience has shown that large CT can be effective in a variety of remedial operations and initial completions. The earliest use of CT in production applications was to straddle a bad section of production tubing. The next technological leap was to use 23/'-in. CT equipped with spoolable gas-lift valves to straddle the entire production string (Figure 11-2).
jb Figure 11-2. Large CT Recompletion with Gas Lift (Stephens et al., 1996)
Remedial applications of large-diameter CT at Prudhoe Bay have been of three general types: 1) straddles to core damage pipe, 2) perforation straddles for gaslwater shut offs, and 3) scab liners of flushjoint pipe RIH on CT. CT gas-lift completions were run in the Endicott field. Completion depths were near 12,000 ft. A special injector, reel stand, and two-level work window (Figure 11-3) had to be developed. Extra working height was found to be required for installing the gas-lift mandrels.
Figure 11-3. Special Two-Level Work Window (Stephens et al., 1996) Six or seven 3%-in. mandrels were required for each completion (Figure 11-4). A slip-type connector was used to connect the mandrels into the CT string. The same connectors were also used on the SSSV and to splice the two spools of 3%-in. tubing required for each well. 11-3
OMaurer Engineering Inc.
, -