Xbracing - Analysis of Bents With Tension-Only X-Bracing

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Program Description:
"XBRACING" is a spreadsheet program written in MS-Excel for the purpose of analyzing X-braced bents with tension-only systems. From 1-story up to 10-story bents may be analyzed. Specifically, given the bent width, the story heights, and the lateral story loads, all the member (segment) forces are determined, as well as the horizontal and vertical reactions at the supports, and the individual story drifts (horizontal deflections). This program is a workbook consisting of eleven (11) worksheets, described as follows:

Worksheet Name
Doc X(1) X(2) X(3) X(4) X(5) X(6) X(7) X(8) X(9) X(10)

This documentation sheet Analysis of 1-story bent with tension-only X-bracing Analysis of 2-story bent with tension-only X-bracing Analysis of 3-story bent with tension-only X-bracing Analysis of 4-story bent with tension-only X-bracing Analysis of 5-story bent with tension-only X-bracing Analysis of 6-story bent with tension-only X-bracing Analysis of 7-story bent with tension-only X-bracing Analysis of 8-story bent with tension-only X-bracing Analysis of 9-story bent with tension-only X-bracing Analysis of 10-story bent with tension-only X-bracing

Program Assumptions and Limitations:

1. This program assumes that the vertical bent is fully braced, between every story, utilizing a tension-only X-bracing system. 2. In a tension-only bracing system, one brace is assumed effective in tension while the other brace is assumed to buckle (in compression), requiring the tension brace to take all of the load. 3. This program uses the "Method of Virtual Work" to determine the horizontal deflections at each of the story levels. The horizontal deflection at a particular story level is determined by first applying a "dummy" unit load at that level. Then, the member forces from the unit load are determined. With the member forces due to the applied lateral loads already having been calculated, the horizontal deflection at that story level is: Dn = S F*u*L/(A*E) where: Dn = horizontal deflection at particular story level number considered (inches) F = force in each member due to all applied lateral story loads (kips) u = force in each member due to unit load applied at paricular story, 'n' L = length of each member in bent (inches) A = area of each member in bent (in.^2) E = modulus of elasticity of members in bent, all assumed equal (ksi) The horizontal deflections (story drifts) determined are for the joints at the left side of the bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends. 4. This program contains comment boxes which contain information including explanations of input or output items, equations used, etc. (Note: presence of a comment box is denoted by a red triangle in the upper right-hand corner of a cell. Merely move the mouse pointer to the desired cell to view the contents of that particular "comment box".)

"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P1 = 4.75 k 0.00 k Story Height h1 = 19.00 ft. For 1-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


4.75 k 4.51 k -6.55 k

L1=27.59 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

Ht = 19.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

P(bot) =
Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

4.75 k

9.50 k

= VL

20.00 ft.

RL = 4.51 k Bent Elevation

RR = 4.51 k

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 19.00 RC1 19.00 HB1 20.00 DB1 27.59 Mod. of Elasticity, E = Results: Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from ksi bottom to top, same as stories.

Designation Left Col. Right Col. Beam Brace


7.08 7.08 5.62 1.44 29000

Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 1

Drift Analysis Total Drift Drift Ratio Dt (in.) (Total) 0.0834 Ht / 2734

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P2 = 4.50 k 0.00 k Story Heights h2 = 18.00 ft. For 2-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


4.50 k 4.05 k -6.05 k

L2=26.91 ft.

Brace Angle2=41.99

P1 =

9.25 k -4.05 k

13.75 k -18.97 k
L1=27.59 ft.

Ht = 37.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

h1 = 19.00 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

P(bot) =
Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

4.75 k

18.50 k

= VL

20.00 ft.

RL = 17.11 k Bent Elevation

RR = 17.11 k

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 19.00 LC2 18.00 RC1 19.00 RC2 18.00 HB1 20.00 HB2 20.00 DB1 27.59 DB2 26.91 Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from bottom to top, same as stories.

Designation Left Column Right Column Beams Braces


7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 5.62 5.62 1.44 1.44

Mod. of Elasticity, E =

17.11 k 29000



Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 2 Story 1

Total Drift Dt (in.) 0.3403 0.2457

Drift Analysis Drift Ratio Story Drift Ds (in.) (Total) Ht / 1305 0.0946 Hs / 928 0.2457

Drift Ratio (per Story) h2 / 2284 h1 / 928

Note: Ht = total height of bent (base to top story). Hs = total height from base to story considered.

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P3 = 4.25 k 0.00 k Story Heights h3 = 17.00 ft. For 3-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


4.25 k 3.61 k 15.31 k -5.58 k

L3=26.25 ft.

Brace Angle3=40.36

P2 =

8.75 k -3.61 k

13.00 k -17.49 k
L2=26.91 ft.

h2 = 18.00 ft.

Brace Angle2=41.99

Ht = 54.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

P1 =

9.25 k -15.31 k

22.25 k -30.69 k
L1=27.59 ft.

h1 = 19.00 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

P(bot) =
Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

4.75 k

27.00 k

= VL

20.00 ft.

RL = 36.45 k Bent Elevation

RR = 36.45 k

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36.45 k

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 19.00 LC2 18.00 LC3 17.00 RC1 19.00 RC2 18.00 RC3 17.00 HB1 20.00 HB2 20.00 HB3 20.00 DB1 27.59 DB2 26.91 DB3 26.25



Left Col.

Right Col.



7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 5.62 5.62 5.62 1.44 1.44 1.44

Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from bottom to top, same as stories.

Mod. of Elasticity, E =




Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 3 Story 2 Story 1

Total Drift Dt (in.) 0.8044 0.6741 0.4068

Drift Analysis Drift Ratio Story Drift Ds (in.) (Total) Ht / 806 0.1303 Hs / 659 0.2673 Hs / 561 0.4068

Drift Ratio (per Story) h3 / 1566 h2 / 808 h1 / 561

Note: Ht = total height of bent (base to top story). Hs = total height from base to story considered.

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P4 = 4.00 k 0.00 k Story Heights h4 = 16.00 ft. For 4-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


4.00 k 3.20 k 13.61 k -5.12 k

L4=25.61 ft.

Brace Angle4=38.66

P3 =

8.25 k -3.20 k

12.25 k -16.08 k
L3=26.25 ft.

h3 = 17.00 ft.

Brace Angle3=40.36

P2 =

8.75 k -13.61 k

21.00 k 32.51 k -28.25 k

L2=26.91 ft.

Ht = 70.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

h2 = 18.00 ft.

Brace Angle2=41.99

P1 =

9.25 k -32.51 k

30.25 k -41.72 k
L1=27.59 ft.

h1 = 19.00 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

P(bot) =
Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

4.75 k

35.00 k

= VL

20.00 ft.

RL = 61.25 k Bent Elevation

RR = 61.25 k

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61.25 k

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 18.00 LC2 17.00 LC3 16.00 LC4 16.00 RC1 18.00 RC2 17.00 RC3 16.00 RC4 16.00 HB1 20.00 HB2 20.00 HB3 20.00 HB4 20.00 DB1 27.59 DB2 26.91 DB3 26.25 DB4 25.61



Left Column

Right Column



7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44

Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from bottom to top, same as stories.

Mod. of Elasticity, E =




Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 4 Story 3 Story 2 Story 1

Total Drift Dt (in.) 1.5252 1.3331 1.0147 0.5654

Drift Analysis Drift Ratio Story Drift Ds (in.) (Total) Ht / 551 0.1920 Hs / 486 0.3184 Hs / 438 0.4493 Hs / 403 0.5654

Drift Ratio (per Story) h4 / 1000 h3 / 641 h2 / 481 h1 / 403

Note: Ht = total height of bent (base to top story). Hs = total height from base to story considered.

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P5 = 3.75 k 0.00 k Story Heights h5 = 15.00 ft. For 5-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


3.75 k 2.81 k 28.80 k 12.01 k -4.69 k

L5=25 ft.

Brace Angle5=36.87

P4 =

7.75 k -2.81 k

11.50 k -14.73 k
L4=25.61 ft.

h4 = 16.00 ft.

Brace Angle4=38.66

P3 =

8.25 k -12.01 k

19.75 k -25.92 k
L3=26.25 ft.

h3 = 17.00 ft.

Brace Angle3=40.36

Ht = 85.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

P2 =

8.75 k -28.80 k

28.50 k 54.45 k 90.31 k -38.34 k

L2=26.91 ft.

h2 = 18.00 ft.

Brace Angle2=41.99

P1 =

9.25 k -54.45 k

37.75 k -52.07 k
L1=27.59 ft.

h1 = 19.00 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

P(bot) =
Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

4.75 k

42.50 k

= VL

20.00 ft.

RL = 90.31 k Bent Elevation

RR = 90.31 k

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 19.00 LC2 18.00 LC3 17.00 LC4 16.00 LC5 15.00 RC1 19.00 RC2 18.00 RC3 17.00 RC4 16.00 RC5 15.00 HB1 20.00 HB2 20.00 HB3 20.00 HB4 20.00 HB5 20.00 DB1 27.59 DB2 26.91 DB3 26.25 DB4 25.61 DB5 25.00



Left Column

Right Column



7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44

Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from bottom to top, same as stories.

Mod. of Elasticity, E =




Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 5 Story 4 Story 3 Story 2 Story 1

Total Drift Dt (in.) 2.5507 2.2742 1.8783 1.3572 0.7202

Drift Analysis Drift Ratio Story Drift Ds (in.) (Total) Ht / 400 0.2765 Hs / 369 0.3958 Hs / 345 0.5211 Hs / 327 0.6371 Hs / 317 0.7202

Drift Ratio (per Story) h5 / 651 h4 / 485 h3 / 391 h2 / 339 h1 / 317

Note: Ht = total height of bent (base to top story). Hs = total height from base to story considered.

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P6 = 3.50 k 0.00 k Story Heights h6 = 14.00 ft. For 6-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


3.50 k 2.45 k 25.31 k 10.51 k -4.27 k

L6=24.41 ft.

Brace Angle6=34.99

P5 =

7.25 k -2.45 k

10.75 k -13.44 k
L5=25 ft.

h5 = 15.00 ft.

Brace Angle5=36.87

P4 =

7.75 k -10.51 k

18.50 k -23.69 k
L4=25.61 ft.

h4 = 16.00 ft.

Brace Angle4=38.66

P3 =

8.25 k -25.31 k

26.75 k 48.05 k -35.11 k

L3=26.25 ft.

Ht = 99.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

h3 = 17.00 ft.

Brace Angle3=40.36

P2 =

8.75 k -48.05 k

35.50 k 80.00 k 122.51 k -47.76 k

L2=26.91 ft.

h2 = 18.00 ft.

Brace Angle2=41.99

P1 =

9.25 k -80.00 k

44.75 k -61.72 k
L1=27.59 ft.

h1 = 19.00 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

P(bot) =
Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

4.75 k

49.50 k

= VL

20.00 ft.

RL = 122.51 k Bent Elevation

RR = 122.51 k

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 19.00 LC2 18.00 LC3 17.00 LC4 16.00 LC5 15.00 LC6 14.00 RC1 19.00 RC2 18.00 RC3 17.00 RC4 16.00 RC5 15.00 RC6 14.00 HB1 20.00 HB2 20.00 HB3 20.00 HB4 20.00 HB5 20.00 HB6 20.00 DB1 27.59 DB2 26.91 DB3 26.25 DB4 25.61 DB5 25.00 DB6 24.41



Left Column

Right Column



7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44

Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from bottom to top, same as stories.

Mod. of Elasticity, E =




Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 6 Story 5 Story 4 Story 3 Story 2 Story 1

Total Drift Dt (in.) 3.9161 3.5388 3.0459 2.4304 1.6973 0.8700

Drift Analysis Drift Ratio Story Drift Ds (in.) (Total) Ht / 303 0.3773 Hs / 288 0.4929 Hs / 276 0.6155 Hs / 267 0.7332 Hs / 262 0.8272 Hs / 262 0.8700

Drift Ratio (per Story) h6 / 445 h5 / 365 h4 / 312 h3 / 278 h2 / 261 h1 / 262

Note: Ht = total height of bent (base to top story). Hs = total height from base to story considered.

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P7 = 3.25 k 0.00 k Story Heights h7 = 13.00 ft. For 7-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


3.25 k 2.11 k 42.05 k 22.05 k 9.11 k -3.88 k

L7=23.85 ft.

Brace Angle7=33.02

P6 =

6.75 k -2.11 k

10.00 k -12.21 k
L6=24.41 ft.

h6 = 14.00 ft.

Brace Angle6=34.99

P5 =

7.25 k -9.11 k

17.25 k -21.56 k
L5=25 ft.

h5 = 15.00 ft.

Brace Angle5=36.87

P4 =

7.75 k -22.05 k

25.00 k -32.02 k
L4=25.61 ft.

h4 = 16.00 ft.

Brace Angle4=38.66

Ht = 112.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

P3 =

8.25 k -42.05 k

33.25 k 70.31 k 156.80 k 108.11 k -43.64 k

L3=26.25 ft.

h3 = 17.00 ft.

Brace Angle3=40.36

P2 =

8.75 k -70.31 k

42.00 k -56.51 k
L2=26.91 ft.

h2 = 18.00 ft.

Brace Angle2=41.99

P1 =

9.25 k -108.11 k

51.25 k -70.69 k
L1=27.59 ft.

h1 = 19.00 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

P(bot) =
Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

4.75 k

56.00 k

= VL

20.00 ft.

RL = 156.80 k Bent Elevation

RR = 156.80 k

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 18.00 LC2 17.00 LC3 16.00 LC4 15.00 LC5 14.00 LC6 13.00 LC7 13.00 RC1 18.00 RC2 17.00 RC3 16.00 RC4 15.00 RC5 14.00 RC6 13.00 RC7 13.00 HB1 20.00 HB2 20.00 HB3 20.00 HB4 20.00 HB5 20.00 HB6 20.00 HB7 20.00 DB1 26.91 DB2 26.25 DB3 25.61 DB4 25.00 DB5 24.41 DB6 23.85 DB7 23.85



Left Column

Right Column



7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44

Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from bottom to top, same as stories.

Mod. of Elasticity, E =




Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 7 Story 6 Story 5 Story 4 Story 3 Story 2 Story 1

Total Drift Dt (in.) 5.6360 5.1500 4.5490 3.8253 2.9805 2.0306 1.0138

Drift Analysis Drift Ratio Story Drift Ds (in.) (Total) Ht / 238 0.4860 Hs / 231 0.6010 Hs / 224 0.7236 Hs / 220 0.8448 Hs / 217 0.9499 Hs / 219 1.0168 Hs / 225 1.0138

Drift Ratio (per Story) h7 / 321 h6 / 280 h5 / 249 h4 / 227 h3 / 215 h2 / 212 h1 / 225

Note: Ht = total height of bent (base to top story). Hs = total height from base to story considered.

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P8 = 3.00 k 0.00 k Story Heights h8 = 12.00 ft. For 8-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


3.00 k 1.80 k 36.45 k 19.01 k 7.81 k -3.50 k

L8=23.32 ft.

Brace Angle8=30.96

P7 =

6.25 k -1.80 k

9.25 k -11.03 k
L7=23.85 ft.

h7 = 13.00 ft.

Brace Angle7=33.02

P6 =

6.75 k -7.81 k

16.00 k -19.53 k
L6=24.41 ft.

h6 = 14.00 ft.

Brace Angle6=34.99

P5 =

7.25 k -19.01 k

23.25 k -29.06 k
L5=25 ft.

h5 = 15.00 ft.

Brace Angle5=36.87

P4 =

7.75 k -36.45 k

31.00 k -39.70 k
L4=25.61 ft.

Ht = 124.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

h4 = 16.00 ft.

Brace Angle4=38.66

P3 =

8.25 k -61.25 k

39.25 k -51.51 k
L3=26.25 ft.

h3 = 17.00 ft.

Brace Angle3=40.36

P2 =

8.75 k -94.61 k

48.00 k -64.58 k
L2=26.91 ft.

h2 = 18.00 ft.

Brace Angle2=41.99

P1 =

9.25 k -137.81 k

57.25 k -78.97 k
L1=27.59 ft.

h1 = 19.00 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

P(bot) =

4.75 k

62.00 k

= VL

Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

20.00 ft.

RL = 192.20 k Bent Elevation

RR = 192.20 k

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192.20 k

137.81 k

94.61 k

61.25 k

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 19.00 LC2 18.00 LC3 17.00 LC4 16.00 LC5 15.00 LC6 14.00 LC7 13.00 LC8 12.00 RC1 19.00 RC2 18.00 RC3 17.00 RC4 16.00 RC5 15.00 RC6 14.00 RC7 13.00 RC8 12.00 HB1 20.00 HB2 20.00 HB3 20.00 HB4 20.00 HB5 20.00 HB6 20.00 HB7 20.00 HB8 20.00 DB1 27.59 DB2 26.91 DB3 26.25 DB4 25.61 DB5 25.00 DB6 24.41 DB7 23.85 DB8 23.32



Left Column

Right Column



7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44

Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from bottom to top, same as stories.

Mod. of Elasticity, E =




Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 8 Story 7 Story 6 Story 5 Story 4 Story 3 Story 2 Story 1

Total Drift Dt (in.) 7.7007 7.1071 6.3964 5.5606 4.5985 3.5202 2.3532 1.1505

Drift Analysis Drift Ratio Story Drift Ds (in.) (Total) Ht / 193 0.5936 Hs / 189 0.7107 Hs / 186 0.8358 Hs / 183 0.9621 Hs / 183 1.0783 Hs / 184 1.1670 Hs / 189 1.2027 Hs / 198 1.1505

Drift Ratio (per Story) h8 / 243 h7 / 219 h6 / 201 h5 / 187 h4 / 178 h3 / 175 h2 / 180 h1 / 198

Note: Ht = total height of bent (base to top story). Hs = total height from base to story considered.

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"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P9 = 2.75 k 0.00 k Story Heights h9 = 11.00 ft. For 9-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


2.75 k 1.51 k 52.81 k 31.25 k 16.20 k 6.61 k -3.14 k

L9=22.83 ft.

Brace Angle9=28.81

P8 =

5.75 k -1.51 k

8.50 k -9.91 k
L8=23.32 ft.

h8 = 12.00 ft.

Brace Angle8=30.96

P7 =

6.25 k -6.61 k

14.75 k -17.59 k
L7=23.85 ft.

h7 = 13.00 ft.

Brace Angle7=33.02

P6 =

6.75 k -16.20 k

21.50 k -26.24 k
L6=24.41 ft.

h6 = 14.00 ft.

Brace Angle6=34.99

P5 =

7.25 k -31.25 k

28.75 k -35.94 k
L5=25 ft.

h5 = 15.00 ft.

Brace Angle5=36.87

Ht = 135.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

P4 =

7.75 k -52.81 k

36.50 k 82.01 k 227.81 k 168.20 k 120.05 k -46.74 k

L4=25.61 ft.

h4 = 16.00 ft.

Brace Angle4=38.66

P3 =

8.25 k -82.01 k

44.75 k -58.73 k
L3=26.25 ft.

h3 = 17.00 ft.

Brace Angle3=40.36

P2 =

8.75 k -120.05 k

53.50 k -71.98 k
L2=26.91 ft.

h2 = 18.00 ft.

Brace Angle2=41.99

P1 =

9.25 k

62.75 k -86.55 k
L1=27.59 ft.

h1 = 19.00 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

P(bot) =

-168.20 k

4.75 k

67.50 k

= VL

Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

20.00 ft.

RL = 227.81 k Bent Elevation

RR = 227.81 k

16 of 19

6/5/2012 9:10 PM

"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 19.00 LC2 18.00 LC3 17.00 LC4 16.00 LC5 15.00 LC6 14.00 LC7 13.00 LC8 12.00 LC9 11.00 RC1 19.00 RC2 18.00 RC3 17.00 RC4 16.00 RC5 15.00 RC6 14.00 RC7 13.00 RC8 12.00 RC9 11.00 HB1 20.00 HB2 20.00 HB3 20.00 HB4 20.00 HB5 20.00 HB6 20.00 HB7 20.00 HB8 20.00 HB9 20.00 DB1 27.59 DB2 26.91 DB3 26.25 DB4 25.61 DB5 25.00 DB6 24.41 DB7 23.85 DB8 23.32 DB9 22.83



Left Column

Right Column



7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44

Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from bottom to top, same as stories.

Mod. of Elasticity, E =




Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 9 Story 8 Story 7 Story 6 Story 5 Story 4 Story 3 Story 2 Story 1

Total Drift Dt (in.) 10.0752 9.3841 8.5716 7.6295 6.5547 5.3525 4.0419 2.6616 1.2791

Drift Analysis Drift Ratio Story Drift Ds (in.) (Total) Ht / 161 0.6910 Hs / 159 0.8126 Hs / 157 0.9421 Hs / 156 1.0748 Hs / 156 1.2022 Hs / 157 1.3107 Hs / 160 1.3802 Hs / 167 1.3825 Hs / 178 1.2791

Drift Ratio (per Story) h9 / 191 h8 / 177 h7 / 166 h6 / 156 h5 / 150 h4 / 146 h3 / 148 h2 / 156 h1 / 178

Note: Ht = total height of bent (base to top story). Hs = total height from base to story considered.

17 of 19

6/5/2012 9:10 PM

"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

X-Braced Bent Analysis for Lateral Loads

Job Name: Job Number: Forces and Reactions: Lateral Story Loads P10 = 2.50 k 0.00 k Story Heights h10 = 10.00 ft. For 10-Story Bent Assuming Fully Braced, Tension-Only System Subject: Originator: L = 20.00 ft.
(Bent Width)


2.50 k 1.25 k 45.00 k 26.45 k 13.61 k 5.51 k -2.80 k

L10=22.36 ft.

Brace Angle10=26.57

P9 =

5.25 k -1.25 k

7.75 k -8.84 k
L9=22.83 ft.

h9 = 11.00 ft.

Brace Angle9=28.81

P8 =

5.75 k -5.51 k

13.50 k -15.74 k
L8=23.32 ft.

h8 = 12.00 ft.

Brace Angle8=30.96

P7 =

6.25 k -13.61 k

19.75 k -23.56 k
L7=23.85 ft.

h7 = 13.00 ft.

Brace Angle7=33.02

P6 =

6.75 k -26.45 k

26.50 k -32.35 k
L6=24.41 ft.

h6 = 14.00 ft.

Brace Angle6=34.99

P5 =

7.25 k -45.00 k

33.75 k 70.31 k -42.19 k

L5=25 ft.

Ht = 145.00 ft.
(Total Bent Height)

h5 = 15.00 ft.

Brace Angle5=36.87

P4 =

7.75 k -70.31 k

41.50 k -53.15 k
L4=25.61 ft.

h4 = 16.00 ft.

Brace Angle4=38.66

P3 =

8.25 k -103.51 k

49.75 k -65.29 k
L3=26.25 ft.

h3 = 17.00 ft.

Brace Angle3=40.36

P2 =

8.75 k

58.50 k -78.70 k
L2=26.91 ft.

-145.80 k

h2 = 18.00 ft.

Brace Angle2=41.99

P1 =

9.25 k

67.75 k -93.45 k
L1=27.59 ft.

-198.45 k

h1 = 19.00 ft.

Brace Angle1=43.53

P(bot) =

4.75 k

72.50 k

= VL

Member Force Sign Convention: + = Compression - = Tension Vertical Reaction Sign Convention: Upward = Compression Downward = Tension (Uplift)

20.00 ft.

RL = 262.81 k Bent Elevation

RR = 262.81 k

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262.81 k

198.45 k

145.80 k

103.51 k

6/5/2012 9:10 PM

"XBRACING.xls" Program Version 1.0

Input Data for Drift Analysis: Member Data Length (ft.) LC1 18.00 LC2 17.00 LC3 16.00 LC4 15.00 LC5 14.00 LC6 13.00 LC7 12.00 LC8 11.00 LC9 10.00 LC10 10.00 RC1 18.00 RC2 17.00 RC3 16.00 RC4 15.00 RC5 14.00 RC6 13.00 RC7 12.00 RC8 11.00 RC9 10.00 RC10 10.00 HB1 20.00 HB2 20.00 HB3 20.00 HB4 20.00 HB5 20.00 HB6 20.00 HB7 20.00 HB8 20.00 HB9 20.00 HB10 20.00 DB1 26.91 DB2 26.25 DB3 25.61 DB4 25.00 DB5 24.41 DB6 23.85 DB7 23.32 DB8 22.83 DB9 22.36 DB10 22.36



Left Column

Right Column



7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 7.08 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 5.62 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44 1.44

Nomenclature: LC = Left Column Segment RC = Right Column Segment HB = Horizontal Beam DB = Diagonal Brace
Note: Column segments, beams, and braces are numbered from bottom to top, same as stories.

Mod. of Elasticity, E =




Note: Results are for joints at left side of bent, with all members (segments) assumed pinned at both ends.

Story Number Story 10 Story 9 Story 8 Story 7 Story 6 Story 5 Story 4 Story 3 Story 2 Story 1

Total Drift Dt (in.) 12.7008 11.9305 11.0325 9.9991 8.8257 7.5139 6.0756 4.5385 2.9525 1.3988

Drift Analysis Drift Ratio Story Drift Ds (in.) (Total) Ht / 137 0.7703 Hs / 136 0.8980 Hs / 135 1.0334 Hs / 134 1.1734 Hs / 135 1.3118 Hs / 136 1.4382 Hs / 138 1.5371 Hs / 143 1.5860 Hs / 150 1.5537 Hs / 163 1.3988

Drift Ratio (per Story) h10 / 156 h9 / 147 h8 / 139 h7 / 133 h6 / 128 h5 / 125 h4 / 125 h3 / 129 h2 / 139 h1 / 163

Note: Ht = total height of bent (base to top story). Hs = total height from base to story considered.

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